#i've been listening to way too much Revolutions by Mike Duncan
friendlylifecherry · 2 years
Made up game called Vive L'Roi, where you are Louis XVI (very much not the man for the job and you know it) sent back in time after his execution to the marriage to Marie Antoinette in 1770 and sort your ass out of the French Revolution, keep the kingdom solvent, your neighbors not attacking, your people happy, and not have your family get killed on the way. You win if you make it to 1800 still alive and the monarchy isn't abolished. Will you be the iron-fisted absolutist the royalists want, a constitutional monarch like the 1789-ers want, will you stop that stupid fucking Civic Oath of the clergy? That's all up to you! You got this champ, maybe, probably. You're very likely to die or get exiled but that is the French Revolution for you
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