#i'm tired af but i want that shiny A
bryce-bucher · 1 year
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.50 Caliber 3D Platformer Post #8
More Environment Art? Crazy... :
I have been doing even more environment art wowee. The first level is almost mostly kinda p much done now, so that's cool. Environment art takes so fuckin long and it gets p tedious. P dang satisfying to see it come together though. Rather than going over what I did in the last post, I'll talk a bit about how I sourced a couple of textures from tha real world around me instead of textures.com on the online internet.
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Here is a photo of a dasani soda machine and a whatever you call it on the side of a donut shop. I brought these bad boys into affinity photo and crunched um up. The soda machine obviously took a bit more work because I had to replace the branding with my own. I've made a few soda machines for games (which I always get excited about texturing), so this wasn't my first rodeo.
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I took this cool image I generated with jwildfire and slapped it onto the soda machine to create the background. From there I just slapped some text on it and this is how it came out:
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Usually the soda machines I make have a y2k aqua type vibe to them, but I wanted to try something different with this one and ended up with this sort of bright bubblegummy vibe that I really like. It stands out a lot in the drab factory environment and hurts your eyes as any good advertisement should. This drink brand machine is a brief horrible nightmare respite for the overworked factory employees.
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I put that little fucker orbo in my game. Ty 2 johnny for letting me do so. As I said in the last post, I'll be periodically making new skins for the main character and showing them off here. Making orbo was kinda challenging. Johnny was in call with me while I did it and we both kinda laughed at how hard it was to get his head not to look stupid. He is what you might call a deceptively difficult character to replicate. Also I made him shiny. He looks like a rare variant toy or something. Love him <3. Orbo is gonna be staring in his own 3D platformer soon (Orbo's Odyssey), so keep your eyes peeled 4 that.
If this post reads weirder than the others it is because I am tired af. I'm doing a few commissions rn so work on this game might be slow the next few days. I hope to get a lil trailer made soon, so maybe I'll talk about that if/when it is completed. Ty 4 stopping by.
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pseudonymphomania · 11 months
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The Seven Apples
I've wanted this card since NB came out and I traded in my HDD tickets for it even though Diavolo's birthday banner is coming up... AND.
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It starts off normal enough. I'm invited to hang with Diavolo and pick apples so that Barbatos can make apple pie.
1) You already know that the Glory Days Lucifer card is my favourite card from OG, so this continuation of that storyline is squeezing my heart. This card implies that Lucifer visits Diavolo often and that Diavolo had not been to the Celestial Realm himself at this point. Diavolo enjoys Lucifers company and talks about him enough that Barbatos comments on it.
2) Lucifer simply telling him a story about golden apples in the Celestial Realm is enough for Diavolo to want to plant his own tree and in his memories, he toils hard, digging a giant hole, tired and sweaty, just to show Lucifer what apples in the Devildom are like (and guys, apple trees dont grow overnight. This is a LONGTERM Plan. He intends to see this angel far, far into the future). This man can summon meteors. He doesn't have to work hard. He chooses to work hard.
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3) Reading about Diavolo's childhood in this context means that Diavolo is the metaphorical tree, especially from Barbatos's eyes. He's growing himself, learning, finding a new vision, and being the best of himself that he can be. He himself seems to regard this tree as his toiling efforts and we are supposed to clue into the fact that he will build the school, have the exchange program and work hard toward his goals, but his "All good things" comment doesn't FIT. Because it doesn't rely on his actions but seems to toss the happening into the hands of luck and the universe. Barbatos calls him out on it and he responds almost evasively, reminiscent of the way he does when he doesn't want to lie but he doesn't want to tell the truth. It's an interesting choice, but you know where it could fit?
It could fit if we understand it in context, where he's planting this tree for Lucifer's sake, someone apart from Diavolo who has his own intentions, but whom Diavolo cannot compel. It's not a coincidence that he needs exactly seven apples for his pie and that he compares a particularly shiny apple to MC.
The man is growing relationships to people, something he's always wanted despite the traps and pitfalls that his Demon King father inflicted on him.
But the real Subtext: all that^^^ is really to impress Lucifer at the heart of it. I'm choosing to take this metaphor to the ends of the earth. Diavolos character is just so interesting and they can take him so many places but his interpersonal character development is so intrinsically entwined in his relationship to Lucifer that I can't write fanfic fast enough.
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pianocat939 · 4 months
I'm mostly done with finals now, so I get to finally post my idea aha- I'm still thinking of giving the planets names, but until then, we'll just stick with planets.
I'm not sure how this scene is interacting, but we'll just say they can kind of free willingly walk around the space without having to stay on their respective planets.
Background information.
Devious Plans 1/?
Tw: earth and mars are shady af, nothing too bad except Jupiter wanting to murder people, MC is stressed
It was another typical hour in the solar system: the planets revolving around the Sun. That is until Earth and Mars tried to talk to Saturn. But blocked by the most ginormous of them all, Jupiter.
"What are you guys up to now? Leave Saturn alone! They don't need you to make their stressful environment even worse!" The overseer of Jupiter held Saturn to his side protectively, glaring at the rock planets.
"Jupiter, I'm sure we can just figure it out-" Saturn tried to whisper to Jupiter, but a tight squeeze on their arm made them pause. They knew not to make him upset.
"Hey now, me and Mars just want to talk about exploring their planet! Just some research to understand them better. There's no harm in that, is there?" Earth tried to coax, wearing their usual grin. Saturn almost wanted to believe they were safe and harmless. But the horrors Earth had done to their own moon was something Saturn couldn't forget.
"Yeah right. Your filthy humans are always sending random bullshit to us gaseous planets!" Jupiter hissed, his grip on you getting ever so tighter.
"Hey man, it isn't that bad. Earth sent some rovers over to my planet and they kind of just roam around." Mars said, a lazy smirk on his face. He was testing Jupiter, which made Saturn feel uneasy.
"Mars don't-"
"Oh? Well, I'll have you know we're made out of gas! We don't want any more satellites hangin' around!" Jupiter suddenly lunged to push Mars, knocking the red planet into Earth. But before Jupiter could start pulverizing them, a flaming red glare blinded the room.
"Woah, what do we have going on here? No matter. We have a meeting today! So head down to the center." It was the Sun. He wore his typical bright and colourful attire, matching his colours. The sunglasses were hooked over his forehead, making his hair look like it was slicked back. His gaze turned to you, and he made a smile. "Hey cutie. Make sure your rings are bright and shiny!" He then left in a burst of a small flame, flamboyant.
You held back Jupiter before he went into another raging blast.
That's just a rough little idea of how things are going to go I guess. I'm still tired from having 2 precalc exams, so this obviously isn't my best work.
I'm probably going to dump more lore before I move onto the next part just to clear some things up.
- Celina
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t00nyah · 2 years
this is my coroika-inspired team of ocs - team family :] i wanted to post them when i make more info 'bout bucket hat and vintage but i don't wanna draw rn and i'm inpatientttttt
there's one of my cool attempts to draw in ikabook style too i love it :]
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she's the one who started it all. i saw purple sea slugs and thought hey i could make a coroika oc out of this so i did. she's the leader of family and she's the smuggiest bitch ever. she just. laughs at your quote "poor gameplay" when you've got her cornered. she's just like that honestly. even tho she's very annoying at times 'cause of her very unbearable attitude she somehow made it to be that one 15 y.o. internet mom friend to her team. she just listens to her teammates arguing at the side and then goes like 'so we decided then?' and just . doesn't care. she's funny and isn't dependable at all but she's the mom one. (just like me fr)
nylon vintage (who usually goes by just vintage)
oh well idk. he's 16 and is the oldest one of their team but still smh is purble's son. he's like those cold characters who don't really smile not before they kill splat someone, but his smile is so unnoticable that you won't even know it. he just has that kind of a face. he's tired. and his big hobby is engineering. and oh did i mention that he might be a criminal since he's stealing lots of stuff such as weapons from grizzco and golden eggs. he's just like that. he's my little kleptomanic boy who sees a shiny thing and can't help but steal it and do funny things with it. that's all.
bucket hat doesn't have that much of info and i'm pissed that i can't give him much background!!!!! might brainstorm him later :( you can try and give me any ideas if you want to i'm very open to help
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and finally my sweet stripes who's an idiot but a lovely one!
she's 14 and she's cheerful and just enjoys the atmosphere. it's like. nylon and purble are toxic af to other players but she somehow feels at home with them. maybe cause she knows they will actually threaten someone if they hurt her. she would cry over a dropped ice cream and even if purble seems like she REALLY doesn't give a fuck she'll buy her another one to cheer her up, nylon would too and would go like 'fuck it' and buy each member of his team one cause why not.
she miiiight have a whole arc going on... where she takes one of vintage's golden egg and grows it into a salmonid cause she's one of those kids who's very into playing mother with baby dolls. shit could go wrong a lot, but stripes found a little support in my other ocs i posted here before: iwashi is just a designer who loves wild clothing ideas and oh boy making clothes for a salmonid? that sounds interesting. she's making simple clothes for now, but maybe she'll get into it and make more(not like it's really that needed...). oshizushi is an octarian from octo valley who has some expirience with salmonids, she can tell some very funny salmonid biology facts (the ones that no-one in her class wanted to hear lol) and she can definitely tell if something's wrong with stripes' daughter...bubbles! (stripes is a dumb child i remind you.)
oshizushi doesn't approve it much and views it as wrong, though she does wonder if you can actually grow a salmonid child in inkling society. she does what she can to make it as safe to bubbles as possible. she would actually take the responsibility if anything went wrong, because she doubts stripes means it when she says that she'll do the same, cause...child.
bubbles does grow into a slightly weird form of salmonid, but she's kinda healthy? and fresh?
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myenemystolvrs · 2 years
November 2021
completed fics that i read this month.
~read the tags~
▶ more than 1 chap
1. In Good Company by weialala [M, 200K, 15ch]
“This will sound a little ridiculous, no matter how Sasuke phrases it. I see dead people is embarrassingly tacky, and I'm half-spirit seems like something Sakura might say when she's stoned sky high. So he settles for a shrug.“
2. homesick for a mountain's song by kintou [M, 51K, 8ch]
“Sasuke tries to get away from the world by buying an abandoned house on a mountain. Naruto, tired from his long days in Konoha, gets a little too excited about growing vegetables in Sasuke's garden.“
3. lassitude by annie_dot [M, 11K, 3ch]
“lassitude (n.): weariness of body or mind; lack of energy, interest or spirit
For a few seconds, Naruto thought the ball of something that had been constantly growing in the middle of his chest would suffocate him, but he dug his nails in the palms of his hands and learned to breathe around it.
He went home and crawled into bed.
They win the war, but somehow Naruto still feels like he's fighting something.”
4. Leaning Towards the Sun by shherie [M, 28K, 6ch]
“After the death of his parents, Sasuke thought that nothing would ever feel bright again. But then he takes a risk and accepts a job at his old kindergarten, and finds himself quickly developing a crush on the warm, sun-shiny Naruto-sensei.“
“Naruto calls Sasuke bro because that’s what they are. They’re best bros, and best roommates, and best Mario Party partners. And really, if Naruto sometimes lies awake at night thinking about how much it sucks that Sasuke’s straight and not interested, that’s his business.“
5. show me the way that’s home by sosgay [T, 22K, 4ch]
▶ one shots
1. After The World Fell Down by zephyras13 [M, 35K]
“Naruto has been fighting a war for the life of his neighborhood for the past four years, with no end in sight. His world is violent, arbitrary, and ruthless, but it is simple. It makes sense. And then Uchiha Sasuke fucks everything up.”
2. Familiar by KinomiAkai [T, 6K]
“Sasuke's late for his bus. A bookstore's a pretty convenient place to wait, right?”
“Naruto and Sasuke met months ago—online. Naruto's stupid and funny and Sasuke just can't stop talking to him...”
3. Online by KinomiAkai [M, 3K]
4. before today is over by oshit [T, 12K]
“Above him, Sasuke leans over the edge of the pier to watch. Naruto hears him laugh and even with his face draped in shadow, he can imagine Sasuke’s cheshire grin, eyes crinkling with mirth.
He feels Sasuke smiling at him. Naruto would pluck every star from the heavens to keep that feeling.”
5. Sasuke's "Not a Birthday Party" Birthday Party by KinomiAkai [T, 3K]
“Naruto insists it's not a party. Naruto insists that it's going to be great. Sasuke knows better.“
6. Childhood promise by fangirlandiknowit  [T, 3K]
“What?” Naruto asks, making a face at him. “Is there something on my face?”
Sasuke hums, considering him.
“Alright,” he says, pushing his plate away to be dealt with later. “Give me your best pitch. Why should we get married?”
Naruto sucks in a breath, and then coughs as it gets stuck in his throat. His face turns an interesting shade of red, and he rubs at his neck once the coughing is under control.
“Oh man,” he mutters, fake scowling at Sasuke. “I was going to wait until dessert at least.”
7. Your Ass Might Be Outta This World But Your Name Still Isn't Superman by Miasen  [T, 4K]
“Where Sasuke questions the life choices that lead him to take up work in a coffee shop (talk about bad idea), and there's a (hot AF) blond guy who refuses to give up his real name when ordering (not that Sasuke wants to know him or anything, it would just be nice with a name to go with his daydreams. Not that he daydreams about certain blonds. Not at all).“
8. Wedding Tradition by SasuNarufan13 [M, 1K]
“At Naori's wedding, little Naruto decides he wants to join one of the wedding traditions: the bouquet throwing.“
9. eglantine (it's just you and me) by vultuers [M, 11K]
“There's a whole sea of unsaid words between them, etched into their palms, hiding in the back of their minds for years and years. The fate has been woven for each of them beforehand; for Sasuke to find his way out of the lies, for Naruto to finally follow the Moon leading his way, for both of them to find the middle ground.”
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ilovehotnights · 3 months
so basically does anyone even fucking like me
time to whine time to shine time to rhyme. I love my brain because of the stuff that comes out of it, and I also hate it in equal measure for the very same reason. I always leave the hang or sign off the group chat and wonder if anyone even fucking likes me. My therapist says I'm codependent and I have toxic shame. But my life is honestly fab so idk where that even comes from, would like for it to crust up and fall off like a scab—revealing the true and awesome me that lies underneath. Is that my problem? That I believe that under the shit there lies a great, shiny person, a person who cannot be embraced until they can reach their true and beautiful potential? I'm so bored of the way I think. I just want it to go away and I can choose from a list of all quality traits that a person can have and live the rest of my life with those traits, rather than having to learn from that ones I have and evolve naturally. Can AI do that? My kids won't have toxic shame that I pass down to them because by the time I have my test-tube baby in 20 years I'll be able to choose for them to have no mental illness or hang ups and they will be smart and not have trouble focusing their energy into the things they care about, it will come so naturally to them. And there will be no toxic shame that talks them down for pursuing their passions on a daily basis. I know I am capable of change though for god sakes my whole life has changed in a year. Crazy is last year I didn't want a boyfriend and now I want one so fucking bad. That means I will have to wait another year to get one if the universe is doing what I think it's gonna do. Which again, it never does. Anyways, my ex has a girlfriend. Boooooo. Lame af. But hope they're happy and I mean it. I want to keep doing my thing though. As much as a boyfriend sounds nice, I'm not fully cooked yet. And tbh, when I have a BF I become so focused on what they think of me there is no room for me to pursue what I care about. What I care about is another topic that confounds me. When I think about what I want to be there is currently 2 camps. 1 is song writer. The other is writer. The other is singer songwriter.
Idk if this stuff is out of reach, I fear that it is and that's why I have never tried. I used to write poetry in HS and then I took a hiatus for 10 years to focus on being a codependent girlfriend and then slut for a few months. Being both of those things should have given me fuel artistically but my heads so far up my ass, and so deep in my instagram feed that I don't do anything creatively for pleasure now. I have been saying this for years. Part of me truly believes living with my parents and being alone for awhile will open me up artistically. I don't hope that I'm sad, but I hope that if I do get sad, instead of scrolling hinge while listening to tiktoks about how men are ruining the world, I could write a creative story or a poem or draw my cat doing something cute. Or plan a trip. And instead of listening to how all men suck I should go up to the guy I can't take my eyes off of at the grocery store instead of pretending I don't see him every time he looks up at me. I should probably also just have fun. and stop being so hard on my every move and others, because I think I want to have fun for awhile and. want to welcome that into my life more and want to welcome new kinds of people into my life.
Online dating is such a trap. It's a numbers game ad you have to participate to get dates. I am so tired. I just want to meet him inn real life. i would like a slow burn exciting fun amazing beautiful relationship with someone who is really inspiring to me.
But anyways, probs won't happen. I just DO NOT want to meet someone in Houston. I am not getting stuck there again. If I was to meet someone there he would have to be there impermanently and have plans to move somewhere badass after.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 5 months
AFS Chapter 8: First Big Event Together
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"You sure you're okay with this?"
"I've told you at least a hundred times," Joe chuckled. "I've been to premieres before. Not as arm candy, but it shouldn't be hard. I just have to stand next to you and be handsome. Done and done."
"Ha-ha," she said sarcastically.
Joe's breath got stuck in his throat when Evelyn walked out of her bathroom.
"Can you help me with this? I can't reach the button at the back of my neck."
"Sure," he said, clearing his throat.
He stood up and wiped his suddenly sweaty hands on his suit pants. Evelyn had turned so she didn't see him shake his hands before reaching up and buttoning up the top of her dress. Joe tried to ignore the fact that his heart started beating faster as Evelyn turned around and smiled up at him.
"Evelyn! Joe! The limo's here!" Jane called from downstairs.
Joe laughed when Evelyn rolled her eyes. "What?" He asked.
"She always does this," she mumbled as she got her bag ready. "She has me wear the most expensive and extravagant dress she can find. Then she gets me private security and a big shiny limousine. It's ridiculous."
"No, it's not," Joe said, trying to make her feel better.
"She thinks I need to keep up some big facade and it's. . . Tiring."
Joe's heart sank into his stomach as Evelyn sat on the edge of her bed. He walked over and sat next to her. He didn't hesitate to reach over and grab her hand.
"I understand," he whispered. "Sometimes it's exhausting keeping up with our own facade. But you're better at it than I am."
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"You've kept your head above water," Joe explained. "I'm drowning in booze and parties."
Joe's heart jumped into his throat when Evelyn squeezed his hand. When he looked into her eyes, he saw just how tired she was.
"Joe," she whispered, his name getting caught in her throat.
"You okay?"
Joe hated that that was the only thing he could think to say to her. He knew she wasn't okay. He just didn't know how to help her. And he wanted to. Desperately.
"I hate this," she said under her breath. "The cameras. The questions. The attention. I'm so tired of having to put on a smile when all I want is a break."
"Why can't you take one?" Joe asked softly.
"Because Jane. . . There's always something new for me to work on. A new movie I'm being cast in. A new TV show they want me to guest star in. Another interview. Another surprise appearance. Another something. It never ends."
"Couldn't you tell Jane you want some time off?"
"Whenever I try, she has another job for me."
Evelyn got up and started to walk away, but Joe jumped up and grabbed her arm, stopping her.
"Evelyn, that's not healthy," Joe said. "You've been acting since you were a teenager. And without a break? You're going to either work yourself into the hospital or work yourself crazy. You have to take a break."
The way Joe was looking at her made Evelyn's heart rate speed up. His eyes were soft and full of concern.
"Promise me you'll take a break," Joe whispered.
"I can't," Evelyn started to say before he cut her off.
"Promise me," he said a little more sternly. "This job is mentally and physically exhausting. You can't keep going without a break, Evelyn. You deserve a vacation. Promise me you'll take one. Please, Evelyn."
"I promise," Evelyn whispered.
"You two coming?" Jane yelled. "You're going to be late, Evelyn."
Joe sent Evelyn a cheezy smile as he intertwined their fingers. He turned and started leading her downstairs right as her face started to burn.
They rode to the theater in comfortable silence. Joe was thinking about making sure he was by Evelyn's side all night and Evelyn was thinking about how hard Joe insisted she take a break from Hollywood.
"Ready?" Joe asked sincerely, finally breaking their silence.
Evelyn nodded, her face burning as Joe grabbed her hand. He got out of the car and helped her out. The second they stepped out, lights started flashing like crazy.
Joe wrapped his arm around Evelyn's waist and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry. I'm right here. If it gets you too much for you, squeeze my arm and I'll escort you off the red carpet."
"Promise?" Evelyn whispered, shakily.
Joe leaned back and grabbed Evelyn's hand. She smiled when he looped her arm through his. They started walking down the red carpet, pausing at all the right spots. People shouted questions that the two ignored.
They were three photo spots away when Joe realized that Evelyn slowly started to shake. He glanced over at her but she had on her perfect Hollywood smile. Without saying anything, Joe put his hand on the small of Evelyn's back and led her off the red carpet–just like he promised.
The second Evelyn's heels were off the carpet, she let out a sigh of relief. She couldn't find her voice, so she whispered.
"Thank you."
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
my sergeant
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© credits to the author, i found it on pinterest. if you are the author, please send me a message to add your @.
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Bucky breaks into your house to make you keep remember one thing.
word count: 1.352 words.
warnings/tags: nsfw, +18!!! clothes on, unprotected sex, hair pulling, language, cursing, sergeant!kink, praise!kink, mention of bodily fluids, a little possessive!bucky, and i don't know what else.
author notes: i'm not sorry for this scene turning me on af every time i watch it. reposted because it didn't show in the tags. none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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Your eyes snapped open, sitting up on your bed barely breathing. You were agitated after having another nightmare you couldn't remember once you were awake. At least this time, you weren't covered in sweat, but your whole body was on fire. Tossing the sheets away, you got up bare feet to head to the kitchen and drink a very much needed glass of freshwater. You drank it in one gulp, gasping while leaving it inside the sink. With both hands on the edge of the counter, you inclined your head back, putting your eyes on the ceiling. Those bad dreams would be the death for you one day, you knew it.
As you felt more calmed and recomforted, you turned around with the intention of going to your bed again. But that was left in the background at the moment you glimpsed Bucky sitting at the dinner table. He didn't scare you, not at all. You were starting to get used to find him there, waiting for you, in the middle of the gloom. He looked exhausted too. Deadly tired. He was reclined against the chair, legs slightly spread and his arm made of vibranium over the table. The soldier didn't utter a word, following your steps walking closer to him with his shiny blue eyes. He didn't even move a muscle when you sat on his lap and placed both hands on the sides of his neck.
Leaning ahead, you pecked his rough and dry lips slowly, taking your time with no rush. Bucky just closed his eyes, slipping his hands down to your hips, nailing his fingers there. He couldn't help but growl quietly the second your mouth trailed a path of short, ephemeral kisses to his jawline till reaching his throat, forcing him to toss his head back. Unconsciously, he urged you to swing your body on top of his. You dragged your incisors on his Adam's apple, causing him to swallow a soft gasp, feeling his digits grabbing your hips strongly —probably, that gesture would leave some marks on your skin.
“I've missed you”. You purred coming back your attention to his lips, as the bulge under the rigid fabric of his pants became bigger and harder because of your dance. You were aware that he looked for you whenever he wanted to put his feet on the ground, feel loved, desired. “My Sergeant…”
Bucky didn't open his eyes, sliding his cold palm to your lower waist and landing the warm one on the back of your head to tangle it in your hair. You groaned against his lips before they were hungrily devoured. The heat in your core grew by leaps and bounds when he repositioned you on his legs and his solid erection was placed under your weakest spot. You couldn't hold back a delicate, sweet moan. One of these that used to drive him insane. With his left hand, Bucky continued encouraging you to rock your hips against his crotch, rubbing it concretely among your folds covered by the soaked fabric of your panties.
You hated sometimes the control he had over you, over your body, over your mind. He could put you to beg with just one look. And he knew it. You were his, that was the absolute truth. And he wanted something else from you, as soon as you increased the pace. Bucky didn't care about your t-shirt, using both of his hands to rip it off from your body. Ruining it like he was going to ruin you. His hand of vibranium went straight to your breasts, giving you goosebumps because of the contrast of his cold fingers pinching them as he caught one of your nipples between his warm lips. You whined his name, securing your hands on his shoulders, out of the world while the sensitivity of your wet and needed cunt became more sensible to the firm rubbing against your panties.
“You want to cum, don't you, babydoll?” He hummed squeezing the nipple covered in his saliva using his thumb and his forefinger, bringing his lips closer to yours.
“Yes… Yes, Sergeant”. You pouted at him, nodding with your chin and looking at him through your eyelids.
“I knew you needed me… I knew my sweet girl needed her Sergeant to make her feel good, am I wrong?” Bucky's hoarse tone was pushing you to the seventh heaven, feeling the tickles borning within your lower belly, swinging your body faster over his rock-hard dick.
“No… No, you're… you're not”. You babbled this time, seeing him curling up the corner of his lips in that charming and breathtaking smirk of him. “I ne— need you inside me… I need you to… fuck me like you me— mean it, my Sergeant, please, I beg you”.
“I will, babydoll, I will… 'Cause you're a good, good girl”. Bucky affirmed unhurriedly, peppering your swollen lips, remembering how good they looked around his cock —sucking his soul out of his body— the last time he appeared in your house. “Open your mouth”.
You obeyed instantly, swallowing a loud whining, letting him tuck his cold thumb between your lips. You licked it using your tongue, giving him a whole show and noticing how a storm of darkness covered his pale blue orbs. When he decided it was well covered in your saliva, Bucky directed it to your panties, not pulling them aside. And he drew circles on your throbbing clit, pressing his fingertip enough to stroke it.
“Oh, f— fuck, Sergeant”. You sobbed arching your back, very close to being thrown above the edge of your limits.
“C'mon, babydoll… cum for me… Show me what only I can make you feel”. He whispered into your ear. A raspy voice that gave you shivers down your backbone. “You're so damn soaked I can feel it under my clothes… Good lord… what a dirty girl you are…”
“Only fo— for you”.
Your response came an instant before the fireworks exploded inside your belly, not being able to stop when the orgasm hit your soul crying his name, dancing your cunt onto his hard cock needed of him. Your thighs strained, your legs were shaking, hanging above the floor and you were panting nonsense words about your Sergeant.
Bucky stormed his tongue into your mouth, invading it with no mercy to dominate yours. Placing his hands back to your hips, he forced you to keep moving, stealing the less air inside your lungs. He was about to cum too, but it'd be a waste if he did it in his boxers; stopping you at the precise moment to push you back enough to undo his belt and zip. Bucky didn't let you time to react. As his cock covered in his own arousal broke free and he removed your ruined panties to the side, he lifted you sufficiently to impale your pussy down.
“Fuck!” You both hissed at the same time, closing strongly your eyelids.
Bucky made you bounce onto his rigid erection, once and once, keen to fill you up with his heated seed. You were a bundle of moans, sobs, and pleas, feeling his most sensible skin stretching your soaked walls and twitching between them. He didn't give you prior notice. Bucky just cum inside your cunt, pushing you down harder till his dick was balls-deep beyond your limits. He growled against your throat, pulling back your hair and your head, to nail his teeth in your sweaty skin.
“Oh, god, my Sergeant…” You gasped with a wrecked tone of voice, finding balance by gripping his jacket in two fists.
“You look like Heaven, babydoll… But you feel like Hell”. Bucky rumbled, making your whole anatomy shake again. “What a shame 'm gonna destroy you tonight…”
And by destroying you he meant you wouldn't be able to walk the next morning, not even to talk because what he has planned for you was to fuck every sweet, warm hole of you —your mouth, your ass, your pussy. Or rather, his mouth, his ass, his pussy. Bucky would make you keep remembering who you belonged to.
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it.
and REBLOG!!! 🤍
TAG LIST: @mystic-232 @homesicam @theresnoplatypus @i-love-scott-mccall @slutfornat @goldielocks2004 @whatrambles @multiyfandomgirl40 @spidergirla5 @fanofalltheficsx @nocturnalherb16 @valenquei @golden-hoax @hunter-of-baker-street @missusstark @vhscherry @warm-sensations @addictedtofictionalcharacters @sarahsmcu @tinylumpiaa @amelia-song-pond @heartislubbingdubbing @stolenxkissess @clean-and-claire @winchestersgirl222 @virgoroses @marvel-ousnesss @me-a-hopeless-romantic @rvgrsbrns @maccasbeard @haileygarciasunshine @lewd-alien @kait-is-always-late @mckenna @weenersoldierr @mxltifaves @soldierstucky @theboldandthebootyful @arkofblake @isabellamur @kiwisa @spider-man-lover @rosiebrands @stealapizzamyheart @koressecretidentity @asemistablehundredyearoldman @mayans-sauce @petlaufeyson @megapeacelovemusic-blog @phoenixhalliwell
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imagineredwood · 3 years
Can we send in d d l g esque requests? I just read that story BB rebloged with EZ so If I can, can I make an SDOD inspired HC for EZ where his girl and him got into a fight so they're not really speaking but he can tell that she had a rough day and just needs him to be that caretaker for her so he does. It's totally cool if you don't write stuff like that anymore, I was just wondering. Either way, love your writing. Not common to find work that latinas can fully submerge themselves in❤️
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You can absolutely send in SDOD inspired requests! I have a soft spot for them actually lol Thanks for the request and I'm glad I could create content for you that you can identify with. Also, this got long af because it made me too soft and put me in a ✨mood ✨ 🥺
The fight was simple, nothing that was a deal-breaker or anything
Even still, you were both irritated with each other, neither able to see where the other was coming from
So rather than get to the point where either said something they couldn't take back, you decided to get some space
EZ stayed in the house of course, never one to leave you alone and unprotected no matter how upset he may be
But the two of you kept your distance from each other
EZ gone before you woke up
You leaving his dinner in the microwave and eating before he came home
It was slightly petty, something you both knew, but neither of you wanted to be the first to cave
So when you came home from work tired, aching, and needing comfort, you didn't go to him like you usually would
You stayed to yourself, just planning to work through it alone
EZ could tell as soon as he saw you though
He watched silently as you walked into the house, tossing your favorite purse over onto the counter carelessly
Your keys and phone getting dropped into the dish that you usually so gently placed them in
He watched as you took off your shoes and put down the rest of your stuff, wordlessly taking yourself to the bathroom to take a shower
The Mayan sighed, giving you some time while he contemplated following you in
He was your protector, your guardian, the one that you always depended on
He was the one that looked after you and babied you when you needed it and even when you didn't
But tonight you really needed it, that much was obvious, and he put down the TV remote, following after you
He found you standing at the edge of the bathtub silently, the water full but plain as you stripped down
No bubbles or scents like usual
Just plain clear water, and he ended the 3-day mutual silent treatment
"Don't get in yet. I have your bubbles here."
You turned toward him but said nothing, too tired to even be bratty enough to argue or deny him
He poured from the bottle and then sloshed his hand in the water, bubbles forming from the movement until the top was covered
He looked at you and then motioned to the water, his voice soft
"Get in."
Once again, you did not argue, simply climbing into the warm water and settling in, eyes tired as they looked up at EZ
EZ nodded and then sat down on the edge of the tub, reaching over to hit the speaker that sat on the shelf, soothing sounds of nature flowing out
"Bad day?"
You only nodded at first, eyes downcast as you played around with the bubbles
Your voice trembled slightly when you spoke and the sound of it had all traces of irritation leaving EZ's body, his only focus now being to take care of you
He reached for your face and took it in his hand, bringing you to look up at him, cheeks and lips squished
Your eyes were shiny and doe-like as they looked up at him, unable to hide your need for comfort, and just like that he was kneeling down beside the tub, reaching for your soap and your washcloth
"Come closer. Let me clean you up."
You leaned toward him and then sat there motionless, letting him lather you up
By the time he was done, you were nearly asleep, the water now cold and he gently stroked your chin to wake you up
"Let's get you out, baby. Come on."
You nodded and stood, words not coming easily to you in your state
EZ rinsed you off and then helped you climb out, wrapping you in your favorite fluffy towel and walking with you to the bedroom
Holding out your new panties for you to step into, sliding your pjs onto your body, slipping your cozy socks onto your bare feet
With you ready, his hands made their way down to rest on your hips, his eyes full of the warmth and tenderness you were used to
"Let's go make something quick for dinner. Whatever you want. Just no sweets; you need something balanced."
You laughed softly as your idea of french toast was shot down immediately and nodded, following EZ into the kitchen feeling much better already
General taglist
@piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl​ @elcococruz @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast @iambabyharry @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114 @saturnsaree @multiyfandomgirl40 @destynelseclipsa @sadeyesgf @queenbeered @iamthegraham @emoengelfurleben @all-the-boys-to-the-yard @otomefromtheheart @rosieposie0624 @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @beeroses @weirdosandhopelessromantics @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @xonickibaby @cruzwalters
Mayans MC taglist
@dazzledamazon @abunnykisses @briana-mishell24 @angelreyesgirl @wrcn9fvlcver @peaches009 @capt-canadian @thesandbeneathmytoes @krysiewithak @darklingveracruz @appropriate-writers-name @cind-in-real-life @blessedboo @montanaraed @kkim120 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @emoengelfurleben @blowmymbackout @abby-splace @kola95 @black-repunzel99 @redpoodlern @xonickibaby @cruzwalters
EZ taglist
@justazzie @xonickibaby
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86-was-his-year · 5 years
Burn (Wong Yukhei) Smut
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Requested: No but requests are open! I think?
Warnings: smut, a dash of dom/ sub dynamics, yukhei being hot af, drinking (not underage), I couldn't find the kink name but he's fully dressed and you're not ( if anyone knows what that's called lemme know), oral (female receiving), public teasing (oh goodness me), dumbification, orgasm control/denial, overstimulation, that one crying kink, and so many cute petnames cause we need that in our lives.
Summary: Yukhei notices you at the bar and he knew that he needed to have you.
A/N: this toon two months and is probably one of my longest fics I've ever written. Please excuse spelling errors cause I'm tired and too lazy to go through the whole thing again :))
I couldn't tell whether it was hot in this bar because it was the middle of July or if it was hot because he had been staring at me for most of the night. To celebrate my friend turning 21 the girls and I took her to a big club and planned for her to get wasted. We kept giving her drinks and kept ordering food to satisfy our craving as the drunken hunger began to set in.
We quickly figured out that she was a lightweight after getting drunk in only three drinks. It was the quickest I'd seen someone get drunk but it was worth it because she fed into our mood and boosted us up until the affects of the alcohol took hold of us. Five drinks in and I no longer needed her to keep me going as the drinks made my brain cloudy.
I was out on the dance floor when I noticed him staring. You know that feeling when someone is watching and all the hair on your hair decides to stand on end, kind of like the spidey sense? That's when I decided to take a look around, finding his dark peircong eyes among the crowd of dancing people. He was casually sitting down, holding an amber colored drink in one hand while the other rested on the top of his booth. He was gorgeous to say the least, dirty blonde hair that complemented his bronze complexion, white shirt, and grey pants. The whole outfit seemed to be working for him, even though it would probably look atrocious on someone else. I looked away, not wanting to be caught staring for longer than I already was.
"Hey, that guy over there keeps looking at you." One of my friends screamed in my ear. Even then it was hard to hear her over the blasting music.
"I know. What should I do?" She held out her drink for me and I took a sip, trying to get more of that liquid courage to flow through my veins.
"Go over there, talk to him. Get that dick!" She slapped my behind and danced away, probably to find our other friends. I took a deep breath and turned back to the booth only to find him gone. My heart broke as I figured I missed my chance for a hot date until two arms draped around my waist.
"Well, looky what we have here." His voice was deep and raspy, just the combination to put my belly aflame. I turned my head and found the man I was looking for.
"You're taller up close." My mouth moved before my brain and I immediately blushed, putting my hand up to my mouth. He laughed and it sounded like heaven to me. It was so genuine and beautiful that it almost brought tears to my eyes.
"I hear that a lot, believe it or not." He chuckled and put his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him as he swayed back and forth. Move by Taemin played through the speaker in the club and I couldn't help but love the way his hips were pushing into mine, swaying with the beat of the song.
"I bet you do, handsome stranger." I turned my face to the front to avoid him seeing how flushed it was. Although the club was dark and crowded I didn't want to look like a school girl with a crush on her teacher. I was 22 years old and I shouldn't be feeling like this anymore. Those days are over, or they were.
"Got a name, Sweatheart?" His low drawl and the pet name had me squeezing my thighs together, a spine tingling blast of heat going through my body.
"Y-Y/N. And yours?" My voice shook and I felt the rumble of a laugh in his chest. My stutter only made me sound more vulnerable than I sounded previously, causing my neck and face to burn even more.
"What a pretty name there, Sweatheart. Mines Yukhei." His hand lifted from my hip to rub my cheek tenderly, causing me to let out a slight whimper.
"Yours is p-pretty too." I leaned into his soft hand finding that his fingers were almost as long as my whole face. That was a huge turn on and I whimpered some more.
"You're so sensitive baby, what would happen if I just," he brought his hand up my crop top and under my bra, finding my nipple easily. "Rolled my fingers like this, hm? What then." I leaned back against him and arched my chest out reveling in the pleasure his soft fingers gave me. The pads of fingers pinched my nipple ever so slightly before swirling it in circles.
The pebbled skin reacted way too quickly for my liking but it seemed to please Yukhei a whole lot because he gave it one last pinch before moving to the other one, having the same effect on that one as he did the previous. He pulled my bra back down to its normal position and took his hand from under my shirt. By now I was a panting mess, not sure what do do with myself as I swayed my hips back into his as a sort of reward for the pleasure he gave me.
"Yukhei?" I put my hand on his neck and grabbed the hair by the nape of his neck, pulling slightly only to receive a moan from his lips.
"Yes, baby?" The song had changed to a new one, I could only recognise it as my number one sex song. Singularity by Kim Taehyung. His deep baritone voice began to float in the air and we swayed our hips in sync.
"Can you touch me?" I grabbed the hand on my hip and tried to lead it under my skirt, thank God I wore it today. He resisted, tapping his fingers against my hip almost as if he was impatient.
"Right here? In front of all these people? What if they see, Y/N." He had a teasing lift to his tone and I knew he was just doing it to be an ass.
"I don't care, please, Yukhei." I felt his hand ease up and he chuckled, pulling my shirt up before putting his hand under the soft fabric.
"So, if I were to bend you ever right now and fuck you, you wouldn't care? Is that right Sweetheart?" He set his handd on my stomach rubbing small circles with hus sift fingers earning a small moan from me. He was testing the waters, seeing what reaction I would give if he did this or that.
"Yes, you're right. I wouldn't care, please." My voice had a pleading tone to it and I never thought that I would have to beg for someone to touch me. Usually guys are all over me wanting to touch me, sometimes without even asking but here Yukhei was, making me beg for him to touch me.
"Well," he tilted his hand down and softly made his way into my panties, "you sound so pretty when you beg. Don't see why I should keep you waiting." He was light and soft with his touches. Making his way down to my panties he found that I was already soaked, making a damp patch that he could probably feel through the thin fabric. He pulled them to the side and began to do whatever he pleased.
He collected the wetness on his finger and slowly made his way up to my clit, circling it lightly driving me absolutely mad. When he finally put the littlest bit of pressure on it I felt myself buckle. My knees wobbled and my thighs began to shake. Never in all my life have I had a man make me shake and quiver just by touching my clit. It was almost embarrassing but I found myself enjoying the new sensation, the exhilaration of knowing that I was in public and he was going to make me cum.
"Well, baby. I think that's enough for right now." He slipped his hand out of my panties and popped then in his mouth. I began to protest at the lack of his touching but when I turned my head to see him sucking on the tips of his fingers all words fell out of my mouth in the form of a moan.
"Fuck." I laid my head against his shoulder once more and tried to steady my breathing, trying to match my erratic breaths with his calm ones. It seemed almost impossible after watching him do what he did.
"Can I take you home, baby?" Yukhei moved my hair to the side and nibbled on my earlobe. I sighed and smiled.
"Please?" He chuckled and moved away from me. Spinning me around before giving me a light peck on my lips.
"Go tell your friends that you're leaving, I'll be outside." He made his way to the bar and I went to find my friends. My thoughts ran wild as I moved through the throng of people dancing. They were all having a good time and I smiled, knowing that my friends would still be having fun even if I left.
"Hey, Y/N! How was it?" The friends in question all seemed to throw questions at me.
"Did you fuck in the bathroom?"
"Did you get his number?"
"If you don't want him can I have him?" That one was a little weird but I laughed anyway.
"I've come to tell you that has taking me home. Have fun and don't wait up for me. If I don't text you by noon tomorrow call the police!" I waved to my friends and they laughed going back to dancing and drinking.
I was honestly afraid that Yukhei had left without me when I couldn't find him at the front of the building. I was just beginning to lose hope when a motorcycle pulled up right next to the curb. They took off their helmet and Yukheis face smiled back at mine. He put his kickstand down and swung his long leg over the bikes seat.
"You looked a little worried there, Sweetheart. Thought I left you?" He chuckled and put the helmet on my head, clipping the underside for me. He also walked back to his bike and unclipped something from the back, producing a shiny leather jacket that he probably kept there for an emergency.
"Wouldn't be the first time." He helped me put the leather jack on and zipped it up to my neck, lightly grazing my chest on the way up.
"Trust me, I'm not leaving you behind. Not tonight." He flicked the plastic around the eye area shut and led me to the bike, swinging his leg back over the bikes before holding a hand out, helping me get on. It was so much harder than he made it look and the bike wobbled a bit as I sat down on it. He waited for me to get comfortable before revving the loud engine.
I clasped into his torso and held on tight, afriad that if I let go I would fall and end up dying. I felt a deep vibration in his chest and I could tell he was laughing at my fear. The rumbling had caught the attention of some bystanders who began to whistle and marvel at the bikes clear sound.
"First time on a motorcycle?" Yukhei asked before revving up the engine one more time.
"Yeah, you could say that." I had been on a bike once before but I was too young to even remember who I rode on it with. It was probably my grandpa or someone who had long since given up their motorcycle days.
"Just hold on and relax." He put up the kickstand and slowly took off, pulling out of the small curb space with ease. That's when I knew if was safe, he knew what he was doing and I just had to trust him. That's also when I felt the small vibration on my lower half. Without the protection of pants and my thin panties not doing a thing to help, I felt the low rumbles directly on my clit. Yukhei must have noticed my whining and squirming because at the next red light he turned around and flicked up the plastic cover.
"What's the matter, baby?" His voice had a teasing edge to it, almost like he knew what was going on.
"T-the bike." My voice squeaked as the vibration hit just the right place. My face becoming hot in the helmet.
"Are you going to cum on my motorcycle? Does it feel good, baby?" He looked forward before looking back once more.
"Yes." I let out a tiny moan and he chuckled.
"Hold it." His voice turned serious and held a small threat in the undertone. He flicked the helmet down and took off without another word. I grabbed onto his torso again and squeezed. The vibrations had become even stronger than before and with the bike being so loud I knew it would be okay to just let myself be as loud as I wanted. I held my head against his back and moaned, panting as the vibration from the bike traveled to my clit. I knew that I wouldn't be able to last much longer like this and began to embrace it, rolling my hips against the smooth leather of the bike. I felt the warm knot in my stomach began to tie itself together, white hot pleasure filling my veins. Then, the bike stopped. I whined and felt him tap my hands, a signal to let me know that we were here and I had to get off.
I grabbed his shoulders and lifted my leg off the bike, getting off proving easier than getting on. I stood and waited as he swung his leg off and looked to me, taking in what a mess I was. He unclipped the helmet from my head and took in my appearance. The helmet hair rivaled what my sex hair would look like and the deep blush on my neck and face showed my desperation and want.
"My baby was just about to cum, wasn't she?" He grabbed my chin gently and made me look at him.
"No, I held it. I held it, please." I felt tears enter my eyes and he smiled.
"Good girl." He let go of my chin and took my hand instead, which was previously laying by my side unsure of what to do. For the first time since he stopped the bike I looked at my surrondings. I had never been here before but it looked familiar. One of those apartments you drive by and envy the people who live there, wishing that you could make as much money as they do. It was truly as pretty on the inside as it was in the outside. Cream colored walls paired with dark wood floors and a shiny elevator all the way at the end.
"Hello, Yukhei!" A man at the front desk said cheerfully. For it being so late he sure had a lot of energy.
"Hey, Bob. How are you tonight?" Yukhei made his way over to the desk and I found myself becoming impatient, slightly pulling in his arm trying to tell him to go.
"I'm great! Who's this lovely lady?" Bob turned to me and smiled. I returned the nice gesture and looked back down at the ground not wanting to have any other integration with him.
"This is Y/N, she's coming into my place. Speaking of, could you unlock the elevator for us?" Yukhei sounded so pleasant with this guy, you could almost say they were friends.
"Sure thing! Enjoy your night guys!" He waved us off as Yukhei pulled me away toward the elevator at the end of the hall. By now I was jumping out of my skin every little touch sending me into overdrive. So, when he grabbed my hand and took me away I nearly moaned at the skin ship. It was just us in the elevator and I could feel my stomach sink, not wanting any other company in this elevator.
"Are you alright?" His voice didn't have the usual teasing edge to it. He was asking a genuine question and that showed he cared, that I wasn't just some fuck that he wouldn't ever see again. Or at least that's what I hoped.
"I-I," taking a deep breath I calmed myself and gave him a response. " I need you so bad please. Fuck me." My thighs were already pushed together, trying to alleviate some of the tension on them but it became too little after a while. All I could think of was traveling my hands into my pants and getting myself off right now.
"Patience my pretty little girl." He came closer and cupped my cheek, forcing his thighs between my legs. I gripped onto his thigh and began to roll my hips slightly, I didn't want to do too much as I knew he would take it away so I started light. He put his hand around my neck and pulled me closer, just barely touching my lips but it gave me something and I whined. At this point I was jumping his thigh and we were just breathing into each other's mouths, it was more than enough though because infelt my orgasm build for the second time that night.
"Fuck, Yukhei." I gripped his shoulder in one hand and is thigh in the other, thinking that I could hold him there somehow.
"You're not going to cum are you?" He didn't take his thigh away so I assumed that he was asking me for real and I shook my head, blatantly lying to him. "Because if you are and you're lying to me I won't give you anything." He came close and whispered his threat in my ear making my hips stutter and stop.
"W-What? No, please I wanna cum so bad. Please, please!" I pushed his thigh down and closed my eyes, trying not to cry. I had no idea what I would do if he didn't let me cum tonight. I know my hand wouldn't even come close to what he could probably do to me and with that thought in mind I tried to be as good as I could.
"It's okay, baby. Don't cry." He grabbed my cheek and liked me towards him, giving me the real first kiss of the night. His lips were soft and plumb, like tiny silk pillows atop his face. I decided that I could make out with Yukhei forever, proving easy enough for me. He was soft given the gravity of the situation and my heart began picking up an unusual pattern something that should definitely not be healthy. He licked my bottom lip before biting my lip and grabbing it in his teeth, pulling away and letting it fall back into his natural place. He smiled and put his hand on my face running his thumb over my bottom lip.
"Look at you," he turned me around to face the mirror that I hadn't noticed before and I took myself in for the first time since I left the house. My hair was wild from the helmet and my face was almost as red as a bad sunburn. My lips were swollen and red against my face and my breathing was uneven. He took his place behind me and just looked at me. "What a pretty baby."
The elevator dinged but the doors didn't open and I turned to Yukhei. He smiled and took a small key out of his pocket, putting it in the slot to assure it was him before the elevator doors opened. The walls were a light grey and all the appliances were white, dark hardwood flooring covering the expanse of the house. My arousal was forgotten for a quick second as he welcomed me in to the large house. I took my shoes off at the door and hung the jacket up in a little peg near the door. The aura to the house just emitted the sense of power that he must have.
"This is your house?" I walked into the living room and looked at the beautiful red furniture that was settled around the television, which was huge by the way.
"Yep, but just wait till you see the bedroom." He grabbed my hand and it just reminded me of my touch starved nature. I felt his finger rub against my hand and I immediately slipped back into the headspace I had been in the elevator. Just something about the way he touched me had me wanting more.
The bedroom had the same theme of the living room. The color of the walls being a darker grey and the floorboards being the same as the rest of the house. But the thing that mattered most was the four poster bejd the sat in the middle of the room, a mesh material falling from the top of the bed posts. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before.
"It's beautiful." My voice was light and barely there, still ready for him to fuck me into next week.
"I see something more beautiful right in front of me." His comment made me blush heavily, making my face heat up once more. "Let's get these clothes off shall we?"
"Yes." I sighed and let him put his hands on my stomach rubbing them against my soft skin. He trailed his hands up my sides gripping the crop top lightly.
"Arms up for me babe." I let my arms reach for the sky and I my side's tickled as he brought fabric up and over my head, throwing it somewhere in the room. His fingers gently caressed my skin on my back grabbing the clasps of my bra pulling the together before they pulled themselves apart, falling down my arms easily. I let it fall to my feet and I kicked it away I didn't even think about covering up with him, I really just wanted him to touch me.
He brought his hands around and trailed them up my stomach to my brests. He grasped them lightly and flicked my sensitive nipple with his fingers, I arched out into his touch wanted to receive more from him. He began to push me closer to the bed wanting to continue his work over there. He spun me around and grabbed my hips before lowering himself onto his knees.
"Oh my fucking god, Yukhei." My knees buckled and he gripped my hips tighter.
"Stand up straight." His voice was strong and commanding causing me to lock my knees and look ahead. He slapped my high lightly making my eyes fly open and down to him. "Eyes on me." He grabbed my skirt and panties in one go and slowly pulled them down my legs, knuckled brushing against my smooth naked legs.
I was completely naked I'm front of him and usually I would care about covering up but as I looked in his eyes I really didn't care. He pushed against my stomach and I fell back into the bed, quickly getting on my elbows to look at him.
"What a good girl. Look at you spread out on my bed, so pretty." His praise had me reeling from a kink I didn't even know I had. He was also fully clothed and I bare, the contrast spiking my arousal heavily.
He said his hands down my thighs and to my ankles and back up again to rest at my hips. I bucked into his hands slightly and he chuckled tapping his fingers teasingly. I almost lost it when he began to kiss my calves. They began to shake as I threatened to close my legs around his head. Thankfully he held them open and made sure that they stayed that way. He nipped and planted soft kissed on my calves and thighs until he was so close to where I wanted him.
"Yukhei, p-please." I was panting by now and my thighs were shaking. I had broken out in a hot sweat long ago and I could feel my own fluids leaking down onto his soft bed covers.
"You're glistening for me sweetheart. All fucked out and I havent even done anything yet." He finally spread my lips and I moaned at the contact, my eyes almost rolling in the back of my head. I babbled and pushed my hips toward his hand, trying to get the friction that I wanted.
"Yukhei I can't-" I let out a moan as he dipped the tip of his finger into my entrance.
"Yes you can, and you will. Now, if you want me to stop at anytime say red. Do you understand?" He took the tip of his finger out and ran my wetness up to my throbbing clit.
"I understand." I nodded and let my jaw go slack confirming my understanding but also nodding at the pleasure he was giving me.
"Good girl. If you want me to slow down say yellow and I'll tone it down. Understand?" He spread my lips again and I felt another glob on wetness roll down to his sheets.
"Yes." I arched back and squeezed my eyes tight, this time he let me. He pulled me closer to the end of the bed and wrapped his arms around my thighs keeping my legs still and in place. He put his flat tongue onto me and pulled it upwards giving my whole pussy something pleasurable. I gasped and tried to pull my legs up, unable to handle the pleasure he was giving me.
"Stay still." He mumbled harshly before going back to what he was doing. Moving his head back and forth to give me some sort of stimulation, just enough for me to feel something but not enough to get me off. After waiting for so long I knew that it wouldn't take much for me to cum and I guess he knew it too because his touches were feather light and teasing.
He let the tip of his tongue move around my throbbing clit I held my breath before gasping wildly. My hands were gripping the sheets, not wanting to grip his hair in case he decided to stop because I did that si, I kept my hand at my side's and sometimes I pinched my thighs to keep myself sane. I could feel myself building up, the big crescendo before the ending of the piece and I got louder and high pitched. I couldn't hear myself but I knew that I wasn't saying anything that made sense. Right as I was about to tip over the edge he pulled his lips back and I found myself writhing around trying to get that pleasure back.
"Hold it, don't you dare cum." His voice was stern and I could feel him watching my erratic movements.
"What? Yukhei no, please don't do this to me I wanna cum so back I can't please." I shot up and tried to pull him closer. Tears leaked down my cheeks and I couldn't bring it in myself to feel embarrassed about it.
"Awe my pretty baby. You cum when I say you can. Be patient, now lay back down and just enjoy it." He pushed on my stomach once more and I followed his lead, letting the tears roll down my cheeks and the sobs leave my mouth, sounding like a child who got their candy taken away.
"Fuck." I stared up and the ceiling and I felt him rub up and down my thighs.
"Relax, Y/N." His tone was serious and he wasn't commanding or teasing. He gave me a second and I took a deep breath. I hadn't said red or yellow yet but I was greatly for the small break. Hs kissed back up my thighs easing me back into his delicious torture. He kissed my clit and I felt that lost fore reignite, after 30 minutes of wanting to cum I felt that anything too much would send me completely over the edge.
His tongue was still soft and light, not giving me much but it still felt amazing. I didn't have to work so hard to cum and I kinda felt thankful that he was holding it back from me. I was able to feel everything like how good his tongue felt on my clit, or how his strong fingers held my thighs in place when I tried to close them around his head. This continued for so long I lost count of how many times I held back from cumming.
"Do you want to cum?" Yukhei pulled away and rubbed my thighs as a distraction. I arched up and let more tears fall so close to the last one, feeling it like a ghost in the wind.
"Yes please I want to cum so bad. Please I've been so good I can't hold it anymore." I let out a sob and he shushed me gently. Kissing my thighs sweetly.
"Okay baby, okay you can cum this time." He rubbed my thighs a bit more before going back into it. His movement were more vigorous this time, licking and kissing my clit with calculated movements unlike his lazy movements that he was using previoisly.
"Can I cum, please." The knot in my stomach was tying itself up again and with the promise of cumming this time I let it all go, whining and moaning and crying all at the same time.
"You can cum sweetheart." He pulled his mouth away and went back to it even before I felt he left. I tried to toll my pussy of his lips but he was having none of it, gripping my thighs tighter whole growling into my clit. It really just helped me along and I was arching and twisting my body needing just something to get me there.
"I'm gonna cum!" I yelled a warning to him and I really had no idea why.
"Go ahead. You can do it for me. Be a good girl and cum." Yukheis voice was soft and light being the exact thing I need to push myself off the edge. My eyes went into the back of my head and I arched my back my vision going bright white. I could feel my arms move around the bed, not knowing what to do with themselves. When I gained my vision back Yukhei was still licking and sucking on my clit, the sensitivity making my thighs shake and my hips buck.
"Yukhei, fuck please stop." I grabbed his hair for the first time that night, attempting to gain control of the situation. He stopped and looked up at me, a threatening look in his eyes.
"You will take one more." I took my hand from his hair and nodded, tears pricking my eyes at the sensitivity. He ate my pussy like a starved man desperate to make me cum on his tongue again. It didn't take that long and the white hot pleasure exploded in my stomach once more. My breath stopped and I rolled my hips into his mouth, riding out my second orgasm of the night. He cleaned me up and pulled away rubbing my thighs as I shook, my orgasm taking hold of me in the best way possible.
"Yukhei fuck thank you so much. Thank you, thank you." I out my hands on my thighs feeling them shake under my hands.
"Wow, she's pretty and she has manners. You're such a good girl." He stood up and both his knees cracked after bending them for so long.
"It's your turn." I smiled and sat up with a small groan. My thighs pushing together creating friction that I didn't want at the moment making my hips spasm and buck against the mattress.
"Not tonight baby. I just want to be inside of you right now." He quickly pulled on the hem oh his white shirt discarding it by throwing it across the room. There was no earthy way to describe how beautiful his toned skin was, he wasn't deck out with a 12 pack but he was a spaghetti noodle either. It was a happy medium that made me well, happy. When he pulled his pants down it made it even better his black Calvin Kleins sticking to his meaty thighs like glue. But the best part by far was the outline of his fuck that was just begging to be let out.
If I looked close enough I could see it jumping slightly, ready to be let out of his cage and touched. I watched instantly and he hooked his fingers around the thick elastic band and pulled, slightly pulling his cock with it. I almost let out a moan or maybe I did, but as soon as those boxers were off of his cock and around his ankles I felt drool pool inside my mouth. It was the most delicious looking cock I had ever seen in my life. Yeah, some guys can be packing but they always look funny but his was the whole deal.
The head was a dark and the same color as his lips, a thick vein running down the bottom and side of it. It was at least 8 inches and it tempted me to go grab a ruler from his drawers, just to see how long it actually was. He was cleanly shaven and the vein on his cock sparingly went up to his pubic area. Like I said, it was the most delicious looking cock I've ever seen.
"It's so pretty." I almost wanted to reach out and touch it, to make sure it was real that this whole thing was a real sand I wasn't about to wake up in a cold sweat with a puddle in my panties.
"It would look even prettier inside you baby." He stroked his cock and walked over to the nightstand and was about to pull the drawer open when I stopped him.
"Can you fuck me raw?" He let out a small groan and looked at me from the side of his eye. "I'm clean and I'm on birth control please, fuck me raw." I watched as he took his hand off the handle and smiled.
"I can fuck you raw but," he put his finger up and smiled at me, "I want you to ride me tonught." He climbed into the bed and leaned against the headboard spreading his legs, letting his cock stand proud and tall.
"Okay I can do that." I climbed over in his lap and he reached below me, prodding his fingers at my entrance.
"I'm gonna open you a bit, it won't hurt as much that way." He slipped two fingers into my easily and began to scissor them.
"Have you h-hurt other girls?" I said before letting out a loud moan, his long fingers reaching all the right places.
"Only a little bit. You'll be okay sweetheart." He put in a third finger and I felt the familiar stretch. The pain almost non-existent as he scissored his fingers again before curling them up hitting the certain spot that had me shuddering.
"Okay I'm ready." At this point I was just eager to have him in me.
"No, you're not. Patience pretty girl. I'm give you what you want." He took his fingers out of my pussy and rubbed my juices onto the bed sheets, not caring about how good or unhygentic he was being. He reached over to the drawer again and I was going to whine about fucking me are when he pulled out a small bottle of lube.
"Will we need that?" I said looking at the clear liquid slowly sloshing around as he fumbled with it.
"I just don't want to hurt you." He followed a generous glob on his fingers and gathered it onto his cock, groaning slightly as the pleasure he was giving himself. He wiped the rest of it on my pussy and I gasped at how cold it was. He held my hip in one hand and held his sick up with the other, making sure it was lined up properly.
As soon as I felt it on my entrance I silently thanked him for stretching me open and applying lube. He pushed in slightly and I felt like I was hit by a truck, the stretch being painful but so good at the same time. I held onto his shoulders for support and I could feel my nails digging into the skin, trying to gain some leverage over the pleasure I was feeling.
"Fuck, Y/N. Relax for me, you're so fucking tight." He gripped my hips almost tight as I was gripping his shoulders. I took a deep breath and tried to influence myself, making it easier to slip in. I could feel the heat in my belly and all I wanted was for him to fuck me to next week. I took a deep breath and slid down until my hips were flush with his.
"Oh my fucking god, Yukhei. You feel so good." I could already feel my eyes roll into the back of my head and my ears began to ring. I didn't care if I was ready or not, I began to slowly rock back and forth testing my limits. He hit all the right spots in me and I couldn't hold back the babbles and moans that fell from my lips.
"Y/N stay with me babe." He grabbed my hips and helped me rock back and forth. I opened my eyes and shuffled my knees a bit, giving myself good leverage before I slowly moved up and down his length. The small curve that his cock had curves just enough to hit that little sweet spot in me and had me moving up trying to handle the feeling of it. He grabbed my hips and pulled me back down.
"Fuck." I let my head fall back and I picked up my pace, trying to reach my own high once again. The feeling of being stuffed just right had my brain going to other places, leaving my subconious white and blank. I could feel my mouth movkng but u couldn't understand what I was saying and I really didn't care. His raw cock felt so good against my fluttering walls that I couldn't think of anything, I was just caught up in the feeling.
"Look at my pretty baby, fucked stupid. I bet nobody has made you feel this ood, have they?" He moved one hand from my hip to my clit and I let out a silent scream, my throat feeling the pressure but I couldn't hear a thing.
"No, you're the only one. You're the only one." I rocked a few more times and my eyes rolled back once more, this time my vision going black the feeling of my orgasm going from my head to my toes.
"Come back to me baby. Come on, you did so good." I blinked a few times and I found my head buried in Yukheis neck. He had already pulled out of me and was rocking me back and forth softly.
"Did I just pass out?" I rubbed my head and the pain of everything set it.
"I think you did but look," he ran his hands up my thighs, "You're shaking so hard." He helped me move my legs from around him and went to the bathroom, leaving me lying there until he came back with a warm wash cloth. He cleaned me up, hitting my clit a couple times causing me to spasm and close my legs which then he pried them open and scolded me. He pulled back the covers and tucked me in, rubbing my back until I fell asleep to the sound of him lightly humming.
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
Three’s A Crowd - Doug Kinney/#2/#3 (Multiplicity) x Reader
Synopsis: You never thought you’d have a threesome with twin brothers. Of course, you don’t know they’re really clones. 
Notes: Watch Multiplicity! Michael is hilarious in it!! Also #2 is daddy af. Sooo daddy. Also, there will be no sex with #4 in this. Lol. 
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The clock ticks on the wall behind you. Five minutes til your shift is over, and you’re counting down the seconds. You wipe down the counter, straightening up some packs of gum, and start to lock up the till.
It gets lonely around here sometimes as night. You sometimes fantasize about someone coming in, hitting on you, doing anything to take your mind off the monotony of the job. You laugh to yourself. Wishing for that was probably a bad thing.
The bell on the door rings, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes. Two minutes before closing? People honestly are the worst.
But as you glance up from the till and get a good look at the customer, you hesitate. He’s an attractive guy, probably in his thirties or forties, with jeans and a red shirt on. Not bad looking... someone you probably wouldn't refuse a night with.
Shut up, (y/n). He's buying shit and leaving.
“Hi,” he mutters, plunking a couple twinkies and a day old breakfast roll down on the counter and squinting, “Fetch me a pack of smokes, will you honey?”
You nod, turning to grab them, and the guy watches you, eyes falling down to your ass. He moves his fingers up to graze his chin, contemplating.
You turn again, waiting to see if he wanted anything else.
“...I’m, uh. Lance."
"I'm (y/n)." You ring his stuff up. "You look tired."
"I am. Been working hard all day, y'know?"
You laugh. "I know the feeling."
"Feel like I got no me time, which is fucking ironic, but... anyway." You look down to his muscular arms, which are shiny and a little bit dirty. Trying not to look too thirsty, you nod.
"What do you do?"
"Contracting." He answers the question distracted, eyes mapping you out. You can't say you mind. "(y/n). Nice name. You got anything going for you tonight, (y/n)?” You shake your head, and he sticks his hands in his pockets. “When’re you off, babe?”
“I’d already be off, if you hadn’t walked in,” you smirk, leaning forward against the counter. You slide him his pack of cigarettes, and your fingers brush as he exchanges them for cash.
“What’dya say I make that up to you?” he asks, giving you a devilish half smile. You don’t know what it is—this guy just exudes sex appeal. “I can show you a real good time.”
“I’m sure you can,” you play along, punching the cost into the till and getting his change, “So is this your nightly routine? Picking up chicks at local convenience stores as a last ditch effort to get laid on a Saturday night?”
His eyes drop to your lips, and he leans forward too. “Nah. You’re just beautiful.” He cocks his head a little. “And, I haven’t gotten laid in a month. I’m fuckin’ dying for some pussy. But I’d do a handstand to have yours, honey.”
You bite your bottom lip, and before he can even think about kissing you, you stand back, locking the till and grabbing your jacket. You hop the counter, and walk out on his arm.
You two drive back to his place in his car, and approach the house.
“Ah,” he points, “Over here. I live in the garage, this is my... brother’s place.”
You saunter closer to him. “Is he out?”
“Yeah. He’s out. So is his wife. So we can make all the noise we want.”
“Great,” you moan, and drag him in for a kiss. He growls against your lips, and grabs a handful of your ass, squeezing and massaging it. You two kiss all the way up the stairs, and he lets you both in.
“Let’s get some music going, huh?” he grins, and you take your jacket off. He turns on the stereo to some raunchy party music, and returns to you.
You fall down over top of him on the bed by the window, making out heavily as you rub a hand between his legs, feeling his cock fill out. He brings a hand down to reach into your panties, and when his fingers make contact with your pussy, he groans. You can tell it's been a while for him, which is probably not what he's used to. You gasp against his lips, and kiss him again, and again, as he slides one finger deep—
“Two, I didn’t hear you come back, silly! What’d you get us over at—”
You yelp as the man below you rolls his eyes and looks over your shoulder. You turn, and cover up.
“Lance! Who’s this?!” you squeak. The other man looks exactly like the one beneath you, only... his posture is different.  
“This is my brother... Rico,” Lance waves off, “Rico, I'm about to get my dick wet. Fuck off.”
“Don’t make me come over there, Two.”
“Why does he keep calling you Two?”
“Who is this?” the man (Rico?) demands, crossing his arms, “You know what Doug said.”
“Doug said not to sleep with his wife, so I’ve discovered alternatives,” Lance supplies, “What? Jerking it isn't as fun after a month, man’s got urges. Specially when he sees a pair of tits like these, Christ...” He goes in and starts to nibble playfully on them, but when you look at him in alarm and confusion, he puts a hand up. “Long story baby. Doug’s another brother. Sorta.”
“I’ve got one foot out that door,” you warn, “What’s going on, and what the hell is this brother doing here?”
“Yeah. What the hell are you doing here?” Lance asks. The other one swallows, staring at you. You tilt your head. He’s a little different from Lance mannerism wise, but he’s just as attractive... maybe you could...
“Scram Three,” Lance shoos him away, “I mean, Rico.”
“Okay,” Rico mutters, still standing there and staring at you in a daze. You bite your lip, and turn back to Lance.
“He doesn’t... have to leave.”
“You want him to watch, honey?” Lance raises his eyebrows, hands rubbing your hips. You look down coyly, and his eyebrows raise even higher. “You want him to join in?!”
You nod, and you hear a noise behind you—no doubt from Rico.
“Oh, well I'm flattered, but, but I can't. I have a... something to attend to... in the kitchen, I really--” Rico starts to say, but Lance starts to smirk.
“Get your ass back here. You heard the lady. She wants us both.” He turns back to you, eyes raking over your hungrily. “After all, sweetheart. Two’s better ‘n one.”
You feel cautious hands on your shoulders from behind as the twin brother takes his place. You lean back into his chest, and get to work on Lance’s belt buckle as he leans back and grins.
“Oh yeah. Take it out honey, see what you do to me.”
“Have you ever done this with two people before?” Rico asks softly from behind, kissing your neck. You moan, brushing your hair aside for him.
“First time for that.”
“No kidding,” Lance says, “Well, same for us.”
“Yeah. This whole... double thing is a bit new for us too. Who's gonna do what?" Rico asks.
"I wanna ride Lance," you smirk, "Will you give my tits some attention, Rico?"
"Ohohoho, did I pick up the right chick tonight," Lance grins. You straddle him, lifting up, and sink down over his big cock, letting it stretch you. Behind you, Rico's hands close over your breasts, and he slowly begins massaging them together. He's surprisingly good at it, and you feel his lips once again attach to the back of your neck, sending tingles down your spine. You let out a moan, and Lance gets handsy. He sits up, and wraps his arms around you, kissing you hard as he fucks you like this. Rico doesn't mind the change in position, continuing his massage and grinding against your lower back. You can feel how hard he is. Lance's noises are lower in pitch, grunting and growling as he fucks you good and chases his relief. Rico has higher moans, but he's much calmer, taking his time with it. Lance lets out a little grunt.
"Hell baby, this is great. This is fantastic, jesus."
"Harder, daddy," you breathe.
"You want daddy to give it to ya harder?" Lance mumbles, voice low and gravelly. Your pussy clenches around him, and Rico leans forward, resting his chin on your naked shoulder.
"Where'd you say you found this girl, Two?"
"Convenience store."
"Very lucky."
"I'll fuckin say," Lance groans, "Damn babe, you're riding me like a goddamn rodeo!" He bites his lip, and you rock down onto his cock as Rico rolls your nipples, whining a little.
"I'm close," Rico stutters, "I need to c-come..."
"Join the club, pal," Lance gasps out, and you giggle, on top of the world between two hot twins.
Just then, the door bangs open, startling you all.
"What is all this racket I'm coming home to?!"
You all turn, and Lance looks over your shoulder. "Oh, 's you. Our music too loud, grandpa?"
The visitor's eyes come to rest on the sitting pile that is the threesome taking place on the bed, and his eyes widen, before he turns around and smashes his head on the door.
"Get a clone, he said. It'll be fun, he said! Oh yeah. Watch my clones fuck anything that moves-- no offense, sweetheart."
"She's actually a very nice young woman, Doug," Rico points out, blushing hard. Lance remains indifferent to the man, rolling his eyes.
"So this is the famous Doug," you smirk, and run a hand through your hair with a laboured breath. "Care to make it four?"
"Wow," Lance mutters.  
Doug blanches. "Do... do I... what-- is this-- I have a... I have a wife!"
"Yeah, he has a wife," Rico confirms softly.
Doug's voice keeps climbing in pitch as he gets more and more desperate.
"She's... she's in my bed sleeping! I have to-- she's--"
"It's not cheating if you just watch," you blink innocently, staring pointedly down at Doug's prominent bulge. He covers his erection fast.
"Hey. Stop that. Both of you, she's gotta go..." He begins to trail off.
You turn to kiss Rico over your shoulder, and he happily obliges, lips fitting over yours and sliding his tongue over your bottom lip. As he kisses you, your arms go back to run through his hair, still wiggling your hips. You then go back to making out with Lance, grinding down on his cock as the kissing gets sloppy.
"Fuck," you whisper, and Lance puts his forehead to yours.
"What is it? Talk to me babygirl, gimme something to work with."
"Need you to choke me daddy."
"We've never done that before," Rico mentions in your ear, kissing your jaw line, "Maaaybe I should, I'm typically trusted with the duties that require more responsibility."
"Hey, get your own neck to squeeze, asshole," Lance scowls at him, and kisses your cheek. "Tell me stop, I stop. No questions asked. Kay babygirl?"
"Yeah," you moan. He wraps his hands around your throat, and Rico gets even harder listening to your moans. He looks down as himself, and takes a deep breath; meanwhile, Lance fucks you faster.
"You are insatiable, babygirl," the man beneath you groans, rocking his hips up.
You drag your hands through Lance's chest hair, then reach behind you, and take Rico's cock in your hand, pumping him as he archs up and chases his climax. Lance is doing a good job beneath you, and you feel your orgasm build.
"Holy shit," you hear, and turn to see Doug standing there still, palming himself. You smirk, putting on a show for him by turning up the volume. Doug bites his bottom lip hard, and can't help but reach into his pants and provide himself a little relief.
"Mmm, yeah Doug," you say, watching his jerking motions, "Faster." He jerks himself faster, as Lance also picks up the pace. Rico tugs your hair from behind.
"Can't believe this," Doug whispers, dragging his thumb over the head of his cock. You just look so good there, getting fucked by... well, him, your hair tossed back, your ass getting slapped every now and then by Two. Maybe it's the fact that it's like watching porn starring him, or the fact that you're so fucking hot and it's been too long, but he can't deny himself. He rocks forward on his toes as you let out a slutty moan.
"Lance... R-Rico," you whine, feeling utterly taken care of in their arms. Lance looks absolutely gone, biting his bottom lip hard as sweat covers his body in a thin sheen. Rico's not much different, lips parted and muscles flexing as he keeps tugging your hair.
"So pretty for daddy," Rico whispers in your ear with a little stroke.
"Damn right," Lance huffs out.
You come hard over on the bed, feeling four hands all over your body, making you feel good. With a quiet gasp, Doug finishes, watching you three in awe. You lean back in between the guys, and sigh.
"Never thought I'd get to try this."
"You can say that again," Doug mutters, and his two clones grin at him, Three giving a thumbs up and Two putting his hands behind his head in smug satisfaction.
Rico suddenly looks at you, and purses his lips. "Go like this." He makes a hair flipping motion. Not satisfied with the result, he reaches forward and moves a piece of hair back into place. Lance and Doug roll their eyes.
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luffysmeat · 7 years
How would mihawk, zoro, ace, sabo and law react with a gf whom likes(FUCKING LOVE AND COULDN'T LIVE WITHOUT) touch their butts 7u7 since i'm that type of girlfriend and i never regret nothing xDD
think if i had a boyfriend i woukd be that time of girlfriend who love pinch or squeeze their butt xDD How tje asl bros and the swordman duo( mihawk and shank) would react with a gf like me xDDDDD I love you blog btw :D
I’m glad you enjoy my blog thank you! I’m not sure if this is the same person, but I’m posting the two asks because they look alike! I hope you enjoy it (this is a bit looong)
Slightly flustered but he would definitely grab your butt back
And you know that smirk? Oh yes he does it and is like “two can play this game”, or something like that
He usually chuckles when you grab or touch his butt, I mean he knows he has a nice butt?? He does a lot of exercising so he’s actually quite proud of having you touching him there
“Not touching too much, you can’t damage the merch”
*hard squeeze* “Good thing it’s only my merchandise”
He’s totally into it, tbh, even in sexy times but we’re not going to talk about that
He gets 1000% embarrassed when you do it in public. Like he wants to die when you do it around the rest of the crew and they’re like
“Woah! Get a room you two”, or “Swordman-san, your face is getting an unhealthy shade of red” or “that’s groooossss!”
That’s probably the only time he doesn’t enjoy it, but he does not get too angry either
He’d gasp if you slap him and then squeeze him
His first reaction is probably squeak and squirm away, he’s way surprised
But then you do it a few more times and he just giggles it away, he’s curious though, why do you do that?
“You’ve got a nice bubble butt, Luffy. I can’t help it”, he loves that you love his butt
He grows to like it and he gets quite used to it that he just chuckles when you do it
However one day he’s like, oh can I do it back? He does and he’s very surprised when you squeak and blush
“Shishishi! You have a nice butt too, [Name]! It’s really soft and it feels nice in my palm!”
You both make this some kind of competition? Like who can squeeze the other’s bum more time through the day or something?
And the rest of the crew is tired of you both tbh, but that’s okay
“What are you doing?”
“S-Sorry Mihawk, you’ve got a nice butt and I couldn’t help myself”
He narrows his eyes and lets go of your hand, he sighs and kisses your forehead He goes like “fine, you can touch my butt, but don’t do it outside the castle”, he warns and you just chuckle and nod. “And…”, he grabs you and pulls you close to him, “I will touch yours back”
You squeak when you feel him grab your butt with both hands, but you look up at him and smirk “It’s a deal”
He’s very pleased
He laughs when he’s passing by and you just pinch his bum, “Well, well, well, [Name]-chan~ You can see but not touch”, He winks and you just roll your eyes.
“And why exactly I can’t touch?”, you ask, crossing your arms and grinning at him
“Because i will want to touch yours back”, he sneaks in and tries to pinch your butt, but you dodge him and laugh, backing away
It’s a game for you two, you both try to avoid the squeezes from each other, and it’s usually unfair because Shanks can use Haki and you’re still developing it
The one who gets to squeeze the other’s butt three times is the winner and gets the right to make the loser do whatever the winner wants
That’s how you and Shanks work
Flustered af
“Wha-what are you doing??”
“I’m sorry, Ace. I couldn’t help myself, you’ve got a pretty hot butt I want to touch it all the time!”
You like his butt? Like??? Are you a perv???
You do it a few more times, but you notice how still he gets and he looks a bit uncomfy so you just stop, you don’t want to make your lover feel uncomfy
But then Ace is like “Why- why don’t you touch my butt anymore?”
“Oh, I noticed you didn’t like it so I stopped!”, you say with a smile, but then he’s blushing and like averting your eyes and all. “It’s something wrong, Ace?”
“I don’t… dislike it when you touch my butt, though. I just don’t know what to do”
You’re melting in the spot, he’s too precious. “I see, well you can touch mine back if you’d like! I will not get mad as long as it’s you”, he looks at you with big shiny eyes. He’s so excited
He grows to like pinching your butt and he’s the one who does it the most, you don’t mind of course
Please don’t do it
You feel really bad when you pinch his butt and he gets really embarrassed, “Sabo I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable”
He’s not used to it. He doesn’t exactly dislike it, but he feels a bit too shy when you touched him like that
“It’s fine, I don’t dislike it, just… felt weird”
“I’m sorry. I won’t do it again”
He freaks out, “no no no! Please do it! I mean… you can do it, but maybe when we’re alone?”, you’re totally fine with that
So you do it every time you are at your quaters or just walking alone in the hallways
He’s too shy to do it to you, so he probably just lays his hand on your butt, you really love how soft he is
You are helping him to clean up the room and you see him bending over to pick up something, you can’t help yourself, can you? (I can’t)
He gasps, straightening and turning around to look at you
“Don’t you ever do that in front of anyone”, it’s what he says as soon as he looks at your eyes, you smirk
“Oh, so I can keep doing it, Captain?”
“Shut it”, he tries to come back to his chores, but every time your too close to him he can’t help but flinch away, much to your amusement
“I’m not going to touch you if you don’t want me to, Law! You can relax!”, you laugh a little and he just makes his perpetual angry expression
You’re surprised, though, when you’re trying to pick up a box and his hand is suddenly cupping your buttcheek and giving it a soft squeeze
“I do want you to, just don’t do it in public”, he says before letting your butt go and keep doing his work
You chuckle and nod. “Roger that, Captain”
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aleksandermorozovaa · 6 years
I really just want to rant about Nesta really quick. For me I don't hate her but I don't like her either. I'm very neutral about her. I do think in the next books she has potential to be interesting and possibly, with lots of work, liked but until then I just don't care for her. But lately I've become very irritated with the way people treat her as if she's done nothing wrong. I really just want to see her own up and apologize for everything she did to feyre and the way she treats others
The only way Sarah could get me to care about Nesta is to do a complete 180 on her character or full out making her a villain which I feel would be very interesting and has a lot of potential, and I really think that was her original storyline. 
At this point, Nesta owning up and admitting she’s horrible, abusive and toxic af is very out of character. She’s completely ignorant to the way her behaviour actually affects people , or worse, she is aware and just doesn’t give a shit.
As for the way the fandom treats her? As if she’s a delicate snowflake who deserves a throne for just breathing? It’s tiring, and annoying. Like don’t get me wrong, I love a strong female character that is independent and bitch, some of my favourites are this trope exactly, like Aelin. Who, honestly the fandom sleep on in my opinion. But Nesta. Nesta is just toxic and horrible and I need her to stay 20000 feet away from everyone at all times. But don’t worry, this isn’t the only fandom that puts a mean toxic female character on a pedestal under the pretence of them being “strong independent confident badass women”.   
Personally, I myself am not looking forward to the next set of books. Mainly because it’s Nesta centric, but also because I had a few other issues with the way ACOFAS left the series. But that’s an entirely different discussion, and not what you asked. 
I’m undecided on whether or not I’ll read. I’m leaning more to violently ignore they exist at the minute, but it people if trust tell me its good I could be swayed into reading them.    
Sorry this got long, I love a good rant… and reading others, I welcome all of them greedily, like Armen hoarding shiny things. Give me them.
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