#i'm surprised he didn't canonically have like 3 different types of a.ddiction to cope
honorhearted · 2 years
Headcanon: Ben is more afraid of disappointing his dads (either Nathaniel or Washing.ton) than he is of being injured or killed by the British.
Send me a headcanon you have for my muse and I will agree/disagree and explain why. / @therapardalis
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//Definitely agree! As a s.oldier, Ben is prepared to d.ie and in many ways, even welcomes the idea since he would be giving his life for the glory of God and f.reedom. In his mind, you can't get a more noble send-off. But to disappoint the people he cares for and admires? To fail? Yeah. That would be more m.urderous to his heart than a legitimate d.eath since to let them down means so much more than injured vanity. It means potentially screwing up the entire outlook of the w.ar and thus, the chances of his friends' survival and f.reedom. To fail W.ashington (and in some ways his father) means to fail the entire c.ountry.
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