#i'm still on my post-eurovision depression
hologram-puppet · 1 year
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as a way to celebrate my last week of school AND as per request by @/suddenlights, i present sudden lights in the style of taylor swift’s eras tour posters | + an extra one that i did a little before (all pictures are from pinterest)
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anxious-witch · 9 months
What a year, huh? We all know I have to be emotional on tumblr.com whenever the opportunity arises because that's one way I allow myself to have an emotional catharsis (for legal reasons this a joke)
In all seriousness though, this year has been a lot for me. Both in a good and bad sense, but Käärijä and Joker Out improved it significantly. And more importantly, their fandoms. (More inder the cut bc this is long af)
I have never really been someone who knows anything about the artists' whose music I listened to. Before this, I don't think I ever listened to a full album of someone, just random songs that I liked. Finding stuff from personal life of bands/musicians I liked usually made me depressed so I didn't bother.
Then, ESC 2023. happened. I frankly have no idea what flipped the switch in my head. Bojere interactions? The way people on tumblr were so welcoming even back when I was mostly posting about Let 3 and Käärijä only? I don't know, I only know that we are here now, regardless.
Another thing about me is that I used to be very pessimistic person. Likez genuinely. I have been "unofficially"(long story) diagnosed with depression and anxiety since I was 11, which is over a decade now. I always had a lot of bad experiences with people and really awful trust issues. I have been doing better for some time now, but it is very hard to let go of the feeling of pessimism and helplessness. In a world where awful things happen every second, what can I possibly do that would change anything?
Then ESC happened. Käärijä lost and I thought "another injustice that will never be corrected". Except, instead of feeling defeated, everyone just loved him more. In those weeks after and later on months, all I have seen had been unrelenting love and acceptance of Jere. Reminding him that despite not winning Eurovision, he is our winner and we'll forever think of him as such. Jere who has a wonderfully belly and strong thighs and is short and by no means is he conventional in any sense. And people loved him not despite all that but because all that. Because we all found ways to relate to him, or to what he went through.
His story of almost dying and still getting where he did only served to highlight that more. Because of he did it, why can't we get to what we want? Why can't I? It shifted my whole perspective.
Then, Joker Out. It is so, so funny to me how I barely paid any attention to them during ESC, except for bojere interactions and was dragged in it by the shared fandom, when now I post most about them.
But yes, JO. A band from Slovenia that while tehnically isn't Balkan, felt so close to me. Like they could understand all the things I kept to myself because of where I was. And then they showed me there is still hope.
I have never seen a band from around here take a pride flag on the stage. Never. I know it's a thing, especially abroad, but God I have never seen that happen here. And with how much love they always took it! That's...wow. It gave me hope that not only is it possible for injustices to be corrected, but that ot's possible to do it even in the environment I'm in.
And then...the Virtual Letters Project happened. Or well positive confessions that @spockowhales turned into Virtual Letters Project.
That's when I knew it's truly possible. I have seen tumblr posts, yes. But getting stuff so directly addressed about or to JO made me realize how much of a "wave" they all created. So many people said they helped them with their depression, with viewing their world differentky with meeting new peoplez with daring to do something new.
I have no words to describe how much that meant to me and I really hope that when they read those letters, they understood the impact they had.
But even that aside, I want to thank everyone in this fandom. People I have talked to, people I have interacted with it any way, through replies, reblogs, likes, anon asks. I appreciate every single one of you for helping create such a wonderful space. We had our ups and downs in the fandom, but we are all here because we love these fandoms, these people so much to keep talking about it even months after.
Thank you and I wish everyone here a wonderful New Year with even more laugh, love and positivity ❤️ have a good one
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borisbubbles · 5 months
Eurovision 2024: #36
36. FINLAND Windows95Man - "No Rules!" 19th place
Decade ranking: 143/153 [Above Nadir, below Let3]
Okay so, I promised in Saturday's post that I would try to be positive, but I may already have to rescind on that promise lol. (the "lol" is for punctuation because I definitely did not laugh.) "No rules!" stinks and has very few redeeming qualities. 🙂 Natalia was right, she WAS robbed by a Nudist Demon!
For real, does anyone over the age of twenty-five enjoy this dumpster fire? If so, fukk meee. LOVE YOURSELVES.
As I noted in my UMK review back in Feb:
I have difficulty buying into this hyperactive ball of bad taste. “Fuck The System” always feels like the go-to message of individuals that fail to fit into social structures that aren’t fully of their own shaping. For an entry that’s all “live as you like, there’s no rules!” in its messaging, these two look like they conform to just about every styling and behavioural rule associated with Zoomer culture: A total disregard for general aesthetics over a dumbed-down drone of a beat because everything is ironic and nothing is to be taken seriously.  It is a depressing take on life. Yeah sure, a bit of camp levity is welcome in this loathesome world, but any happy song that weaponizes irony like this one trends towards encouraging irresponsibility, cynicism and nihilism. Some things DO matter in life, you know? You need to afford your bills and groceries, charge your social batteries, cultivate your friendships, or else you’ll wind up living alone in a van, down by the river. But if the latter life appeals to you, then this is the entry for you, I guess. For me though; this contest is already has one Joost Klein. Let’s not add a second one from Finland.
Funny how I nailed that even before knowing the full extent of it. I ofc vastly underestimated how bad the live would be, and as soon as I'd seen it my scepsis immediately supernova'd into intense HATRED. If ONLY "Paskana" hadn't been weak as piss. Yes, the cringe in "No Rules!" is deliberate, obviously, I have a sense of humour. Having a sense of humour is why I hate it? How much "deliberated cringe" can one tolerate before concluding "nope, this is r o t t e n." Does it start with
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screaming "SEE ME SLAYYYY" :proceeds to not slay: ?
It definitely ends in whatever this shot is supposed to be.
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Humour is subjective sure enough, and Windowsninetycringeman's jokes fall flatter than a pancake á moi. Why is everything denim? Why is this THIRTY-NINE YEAR OLD MAN still engaging in toilet humour and internet speak? Grow the f up? The art lies in the execution and Finland showed neither. I do NOT like Europapa much, but having Finland and not Netherlands in the final vibes wrong on so many levels. Europapa at least had a clear plan and delivered its nonsense in contained, piecemeal doses? It was COMPETENT in what it attempted to be (A Televote Winner), not a lazy amalgation of simple-minded drunk jokes strung together over a Planet of The Bass megamix as some sort of a Hail Mary. Joost and Teemu represent the Expectations/Reality divide of Zoomer Nonsense and it was darksided that only the latter got to compete for points. But on top of that, Teemu was generally just full of shit? Hooray, an Old Millennial engaging in Zoomer Cringe who lets an actual zoomer do all the vocal heavy lifting, without giving him a single featuring credit. Yay! It's a painfully accurate depiction of what being a zoomer is like, but not an intentional one.
Also remember when Teemu said he would "try to discreetly approach the other contestants to find ways to show support for Palestine" (remember that this contest was supposed to be 'not political'?) Hm yes discreet. So discreet he declared his intentions to interviewers so that everyone would know it was HIS idea. "Discreet", human please. And the result of all that talk was...
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(lol I'm SO making it sound like I care about what political standpoints any of these acts took, and I don't. But I do call out a fraud when I spot one.)
Yeah well thanks for trying, but I'd rather you hadn't. A statement you can apply to my feelings of the entry overall. Okay, we've reached full circle, time to move on to our designated palate cleanser because THIS page is a safe zone for people of good taste.
The universe where YLE overrules the results and sends THEM to ESC is the one where we head to Helsinki twice in a row.
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kirasworldofwords · 2 months
I don't think I ever really introduced myself here so here goes!
First of all, hi! My name is Kira, but you may call me Kiki if you'd like. On AO3, I'm known as "chiquita_chequito", I'm often there just lingering and reading or writing, lol. I'm 21 years old, German with Polish roots and live in a small German town where nothing ever really happens, lol. I have many interests, like certain anime and F1 (especially that as of late) and consider myself a decent writer at least. You're free to quote and/or correct me on that though, lol.
A few random facts about me:
✨️ I'm neurodivergent! I have OCD, ADD and Autism paired with hyperesthesia and ARFID (I know, I know... I should pick a struggle, but alas).
✨️ I also happen to be queer - bisexual as well as somewhere on the aro-ace gradient plus bigender, to be exact. My pronouns are they/she, meaning I prefer "they/them" but am also okay with "she/her". Anything but "he/him" and "it/its".
✨️ My hyperfixation has been cars (as in the vehicles, not the movie) ever since I was a baby. After my first two words, "Mama" and "No", my third word was "Car" in German - the fourth was "Skodda", as per my mom's telling. Surprise surprise, I still love Škodas. 😂
✨️ I play in a sort of marching band that we call Schalmeienzug, there's no direct translation though. It's really fun! Been there for five years now and still love it. 🫶🏻
✨️ Don't ask me how or why but for whatever reason, I can get any song I want stuck in someone else's brain. It works every damn time with just about anyone and yes, I am quite shameless about it. If I have to suffer through having Spongebob music stuck in my brain, then so do you. I have spoken.
✨️ My sense of humor is... skewed at best, fucking dark at worst. That's it. I refuse to elaborate.
✨️ In my free time, I also study Finnish. Thanks, Käärijä, lmao.
✨️ And yes, I love Eurovision. As a queer European girlie, that's a must, lol.
✨️ Regarding F1, my favorite drivers of the current grid are Oscar Piastri, Daniel Ricciardo (noooo, I don't have a thing for Aussies, wdym [also RIP, I am not okay]), Nico Hülkenberg and Sergio "Checo" Pérez. Of the old grid I still somewhat remember (I've been watching F1 since childhood days), my favorites used to be Sebastian Vettel, Kimi Räikkönen and the Nicobergs - aka Nico Rosberg and Nico Hülkenberg. My heart has a special place reserved for Michael Schumacher, though, and it's shaped specifically like his stature. ❤️
✨️ I swear a lot. Like, a lot. I'm not kidding. So... proceed with caution if you're sensitive to that.
✨️ My free time is mainly spent playing video games - I don't have many friends and those I do have don't always have time for me so this is what I revert back to if I don't have somewhere else to be like a performance, lol.
✨️ I drive a black Opel Corsa ecoflex from 2016 and it is my pride and joy. 🫶🏻 Already jokingly told my mom that, if she wants grandkids, she already has one. My car. 😭
✨️ Last but not least, my writing style is quite distinct in the way that I usually write melancholic, if not downright depressing stuff. I guess it's a reflection of my life thus far - again, I will not elaborate.
That should be it from my side for now. If anything else comes into my messy little pea-sized brain, I shall let you know through editing this post - or just completely rewriting it, lmao.
Which means, for now, have a nice one and don't let the bedbugs bite!
- 🍸
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Here's my Käärijä appreciation post. I will post in Japanese (because I post a lot in Japanese. I am not Japanese. -Well, maybe at heart.- I'm actually an American that lives in Japan and the US half the time. Japan is very special to me and I've studied Japanese for going on four years and still studying. I post in Japanese because I know Käärijä has fans in Japan too, but had not seen a Japanese fan page for him. ) and also same in inglis (as English is my native language.)
イェレちゃんはとても大切人です。彼はいつでも私を幸せにしてくれます。今年は私にとって良いことも悪いこともたくさんありました。私は深い鬱病に陥り、人生が大嫌いでした。 ベッドから起き上がることもできず、死にたいと思いました。イェレちゃんが私を救ってくれた。 チャチャチャを聞いて久しぶりに幸せな気持ちになりました。 彼のパフォーマンスを見て、彼の音楽とユーロビジョンの旅を追い、彼の話しを聞いた後、私は彼から前進し続けるようインスピレーションを受けました。他のみんなと同じように、私も文字通りイェレちゃんに愛います笑笑。 彼には何かがある。 彼の謙虚さ、優しさ、人柄、ユーモア、そしてその間のすべてが彼を美しいものにしています。悲しいときはいつも彼の曲を聴くと嬉しいになります。 彼は私に再び笑顔になる方法を教えてくれました。 彼にはとても感謝しています。 彼はまさに神から世界への贈り物です。
イェレちゃんは誰もが友達になりたいと思う男です。 彼を知っている人は幸運です! 😊 彼が���たちを幸せにしてくれるのと同じように、私たちも彼を幸せにできることを願っています。
And same in Inglis: Jere is very special and means a lot to me. He always makes me feel happy. This year was filled with ups and downs for me and I sank into a heavy depression. This depression was so bad that I didn't even wanna get out of bed and wanted to die. When I first heard CCC, I felt happy for the first time in a long time. Once I heard Jere's music, saw his Eurovision journey, watched his interviews, and heard his story, I saw what an amazing man he is! He inspired me to keep going and to follow my dreams. Like everybody else, I fell in love with him. His charisma, humor, humility, kindness, and the fact that he's too sweet did it for me. He has the most beautiful personality ever. He's someone you'd like to be friends with. Everyone that knows him is very lucky. He truly is God's gift to the world and I am thankful for him! Whenever I'm sad, I listen to his music and smile again. He taught me how to smile again. I hope one day we can make him just as happy as he makes us happy.
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beta-lactam-allergic · 8 months
you are not welcome with the rest of the queers. you are a class traitor. kill yourself or never speak again.
Yeah, I need context to know what you are even angry about, Anonymous person of unspecified everything. Is it the fact I still haven't posted about the ice cream I ate when I was in Aotearoa? Trust me, that post is coming soon.
Maybe you need me to post about Eurovision. I like Eurovision, but I haven't decided yet whether to post about it or not. My choice won't be affected by this ask one way or the other.
Other than that, I can't figure out what could possibly elicit such a strong response. The class traitor line is especially baffling. I haven't sided with any transphobic or queerphobic organisations or negatively impacted our rights. I don't see anything else where me being queer (trans pride, guess what Peter Dutton, you can't erase us, no matter how hard you try) is relevant. You never explained why you hate me, or who you even are.
In any event I'm not killing myself. You might have being able to push me over the edge when I was still closeted if you knew what buttons to push. But any suicidal tendencies I use to have (along with my depression in general) were so heavily linked to my bottom dysphoria that my vaginoplasty basically fixed that. You are far too late to try. I literally don't have the depression or low self-esteem for those tactics to work anymore.
In future, please explain your disagreement with someone when sending an ask & perhaps refrain from asking people to kill themselves in future.
Kind Regards
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totaldramafan-lauri · 6 months
Well.....the time is now! It's time for Eurovision season to start on my blog! Y-yeah, I've been...VERY busy, to be blunt, but this is one thing that can take me away from that for a while....and even then, it was a struggle to find the time. XD
So.....a-about what I said about this being different than usual....uh....
Usually, this is when I'd listen to all the songs for the first time, all at once, and I'd do this thing where I'd type out my reactions as I'm listening to them. My First Impressions series. It's a thing I have fun with, but is REALLY time-consuming due to listening to all the songs in a row....but....
I-I can't do that this year.
And it's cuz.....I.....I already listened to them this time.
L-lemme explain! So....last year, after the 2023 season ended, I was VERY far deep into post-season depression, like...it was worse that it usually was. I was still thinking about Eurovision WEEKS later. I was having a hard time moving on. So....wh-what'd I do? I....found myself watching videos by reactors on YouTube (which was also something I started doing during the week of the contest), and....I-I found myself a fan of a couple of those people, so...I followed them. One guy in particular does analysis videos that I really like, and watch a lot. He helped keep me satiated on Eurovision during the off-season....
...and then the season began. And...he did reaction videos to the songs....and....y'know where this is going, right?
I was weak. I couldn't stop myself. For the first time ever, I listened to the songs as they were released, completely RUINING my tradition of only listening to them once they were all out. For a bit, I-I was planning on keeping this a secret, and, like....trying to pretend I'm listening for the first time? Faking it, and thinking it'd be convincing if I acted like I did WHEN I listened for the first time? But....in the end, that just didn't sound fun. It sounded like work. I didn't wanna lie about this kinda thing.
It felt like it wouldn't be too bad at the time, but....looking back, I should've stayed away. I LIKE doing my first impressions series! I like documenting those, so I can look back at them later and see how my opinions had changed! I like calling out "potential growers" and seeing if I'm right! I like having proof of major Love At First Listen moments and just getting to express my joy as it's happening! I like saying whatever comes to my mind when listening to a song for the first time!
And I just...can't do that this year. Cuz I was weak, and couldn't stay away from a YouTuber's content. Ugh....
So....yeah, that's why things are different this year. I already know the songs. I already know what each song is ABOUT, for that matter, and I already know things about the artists (so, yeah, I know that the Swiss and Irish artists are non-binary, so I won't be misgendering either of them, thankfully). And I already know about the reception each one's gotten, and about the betting odds (so I know that Croatia, Switzerland, and Italy are the hot favorites to win, altho let's be honest, when is Italy NOT, pffff). I've been keeping up with ALL OF THIS while keeping it hidden for months.
The only things I can say to my credit are that I didn't overlisten to many of the songs, so there are a few I've been sitting on so they wouldn't get old, and also, there's one song I haven't listened to, due to having no interest in doing so at the moment. So, this post will only be talking about 36 of the 37 songs.
So....instead of first impressions, this is my current thoughts on each song. They're gonna be pretty abridged though, not just to make it quick, but cuz I wanna save any detailed thoughts for my final ranking post. And cuz they're short, I'm fitting them ALL in this post, rather than doing five at a time like usual.
I PROMISE that I'll have a better control of myself, and things'll be back to normal next year.
So...yeah, I AM in a position to say that I love this year's lineup. This has the potential to be one of my favorite Eurovisions. Heck, if the right song wins, maybe my ABSOLUTE favorite, finally dethroning 2016. We'll have to wait and see~
Final thing before I dive in: Cuz I've been trying not to overlisten, I still don't have a concrete top 7. I DO know my top 4, but the last spots are still being fought over. So...not everything's set in stone yet. XD
So.....here goes! Eurovision 2024 abridged thoughts!
-Energetic BANGER with a great chorus! -Great dance break potential. Staging could be fun -Was originally one of my favorites, but it's been shoved down. Could still be a candidate for 6th or 7th -A lot of people seem to think this song's too generic, so this is just a me thing -I will concede that it's pretty standard for Cyprus, but I still really like it -Except the rhyming of "Ooh-la-la" with "Truth, la-la" XD -She's 17, BTW. The song is a great opener, but her? Hope she doesn't get nervous... Better than last year? Yup!
-I love the lyrics to this song, but since I gotta keep it short, I can't talk about them right now -The token "atmospheric" song this year -Serbia keeping on their trend of sending interesting songs, but since this one's a ballad, it's a different breed of interesting -Has a VERY dedicated fanbase, so qualification shouldn't be an issue -Me personally? I think it's good, but nothing for me to really get EXCITED over. My favorite ballads this year will come later -Pretty vocals Better than last year? Gonna say no, sorry. XD
-My number 3!! -LUKTELK LUKTELK -OH be still my electro-loving heart -New favorite Lithuanian entry of all time -Nothing really to say, I just LOVE how this sounds! -The "DUN DUNS" in the pre-chorus? Catchy as heck -THE BREAK IS BEAUTIFUL -I feel cooler listening to this, but I know I'm not, pfffff Better than last year? Yessssssss!
-Grower -I respect it more than I like it, but I came around to liking it anyway -I like the soft parts more than the hard parts, but the contrast is great -Staging has the potential to be a TREAT -Here's hoping they can get Ireland to the final, cuz I REALLY want a risk like this, by a country that normally never takes risks, to be rewarded Better than last year? Oooooooh yes! (Don't get me wrong, there ARE "no"s later, trust me XD)
-Catchy in a different way -Candidate for my 6th/7th along with Cyprus -To put it bluntly, this song starts VERY strongly and then kinda ends with a whimper -I LOVE the beginning of this song. It gave me goosebumps on first listen (specifically that first big note) -The rap is pretty good too -I really really like this song, I think it's gorgeous, I just wish it burst more at the end! -Please stop making songs about Mother Teresa Better than last year? Another yes Poland
-Pretty dang solid -I haven't listened to this one a lot, but I really should now! It's better than I remember -No one else this year has a voice like hers, which makes it stand out -Melody is great -It's not trying to be groundbreaking, it's just there to be a pleasant listen, and I think it succeeds Better than last year? For me and me alone, no ("Solo" was in my top five last year....oof)
-WARNING: THIS SONG IS ADDICTIVE -HOLY FREAKING HECK, HIDING MY LOVE FOR THIS SONG WAS THE HARDEST OF ALL -I'm OBSESSED with this -I heard it ONCE and I was like...."I think I'm about to have another "Jezebel" moment just two years later" (AKA: runaway favorite I obsess over all season) -The only song I've LOOPED this year so far -Croatia, please don't mess this up. This song is INCREDIBLE! It's catchy, it's quotable, it's unique, and it goes HARD! -Bye mom, bye dad, meow cat, please meow back! -It's like the first half of "Cha Cha Cha" as a full song! That's a good thing BTW -I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to see this win! But the juries will be a hurdle... -Three years in a row, my favorite song of the year is a rock song. Rock songs in Eurovision just always seem to hit the spot for me for some reason.... Better than last year? OBVIOUSLY, YES!!!
-Didn't live up to expectations, sadly -Same lady who sang "Je ne sais quoi" in 2010, and that song was SOOOO much more powerful. You go from a good slice of Eurodance cheese, to....this? -It's a grower, tho, I'll give it that. I'd still say I like this -It's not horrible, just kinda average Better than last year? Nope!
-POWERFUL vocals -Definitely a grower, but I still don't listen to it often. I should change that -I like it, but just how much DO I like it right now? Can't answer -Don't really have much else to say, tho -The story is interesting, but how will it do on stage? Dunno... Better than last year? No
-Another candidate for my top 7 cuz I DON'T CARE what you think -People who don't like this cuz it's a "joke entry" need to sit down and let us have our fun -Besides, the chorus of this song is unironically great, and so are the vocals -Does it sound like the 90s? Yes, but is that a problem? -Finland, keep being your delightful selves -The fact that this'll be the first time in FIVE YEARS where they aren't in my top 3, and they still will be in my top 10- Yeah, I'm definitely pro-Finland being Finland -NO RULES! Better than last year? No, but that's a very high bar. They weren't gonna do that twice in a row
-I normally love Moldova in Eurovision, but this was underwhelming, sorry.... -It's not bad, it's just an off year for them -Why did they not bother writing a second verse and just repeated the first one -It did grow on me, so maybe I'll like it more once I give it more listens Better than last year? No
-Kudos to them for finally using their language in a song -Pretty good vocals -My first thought was "this is more of a vibe song than a Eurovision entry". Nothing wrong with vibes, it's just not competitive -Still, I wouldn't say this is my type of music -It was the last song released, so I should give it more time Better than last year? Actually, yes
Australia -This is looking more and more like it's gonna be my number 5. I REALLY like this -Vocals are great, instrumentation is great, and it has some of my fav lyrics of the year easily -It's just a very feel-good song! What can I say? -Kudos for the aboriginal language rep -Definitely one of my underdogs, cuz the reception toward it has been mostly lukewarm, but...eh, gotta have at least a couple underdogs a year -Genuinely glad to see them still here. Safe to say that observing the Eurovision fandom over the year has completely made me get over my old disapproval of them being here. I saw multiple people worrying about them not coming back. It's pretty clear that they're part of the Eurovision family now. I no longer have any issues with them ^^ Better than last year? NAAAAHHHHH, sorry, not even close. XD
-I'm realizing that I tend to prefer powerful ballads like this over quieter ones like Serbia's -Still not one of my favorites, but it's been a major grower -That's...about it Better than last year? Yes, but not by a lot
-I know, you're a grower~ -Um...yeah, nothing really special here. It's catchy, but gets overshadowed by other songs like it, sadly -I really wanted Luxembourg to send a great song, cuz I REALLY don't want this to be an anticlimax for them....TT__TT
-The most mid song of the year -Poor woman's "SloMo" -Whenever I listen to it, I think "I wish I was listening to Cyprus or Georgia's entries instead" -I don't like her voice very much -Malta....c'mon. You got two measly points and came last in your semi last year with a much MUCH more fun song. You gotta try harder! Better than last year? NO. I never forget the absolute robbery-
-I prefer the original -(Yeah, in case you didn't know, this song is a revamp. The original song was called "Zemrën n’dorë" and it was in Albanian) -They didn't just change the language, they changed the music, too, and....yeah, I like the original more -That being said, I've actually listened to this song a LOT to get me used to it, and now I like it -One of the better standard Albanian ballads we've had in a few years -The lyrics are SO generic tho.... Better than last year? Yes
-Is this the first reggae song we've ever had in Eurovision? Cuz I can't think of any other -This is prolly gonna be the take I'd get burned for if I was more popular....uh, I haven't really gotten into this, sorry -Probably gonna be in my bottom five -I respect it's uniqueness and riskiness, but it's just not my music -In other words, it's this year's "EAEA" -The first time I heard it, I praised it for being "unapologetically Greek", but apparently some Greek people insist their music doesn't actually sound like this, so...blegh -Again, I know this song is very loved, so no hard feelings Better than last year? Gonna actually say yes to this, tho
-"How many genres do you wanna mix in this?" "Yes" -Drum and bass + rap + opera?? I heard this the first time and I was VERY confused XD -I COMPLETELY see why this song could win -Their voice is incredible and downright angelic -Not one of MY favs, but its VERY memorable and is pretty much a work of art -Oh, and I like the lyrics -Would be a VERY worthy winner Better than last year? Oh yes, thank god
-Another one that's been around for a while and I've avoided listening to too much -I like its energy, but yeah, there's another female-led rock song I love more than this -Can't really say much about it. It's another one I just find kinda there -I'll give it time Better than last year? Nooooo
-An absolute joy to listen to -Nothing like a song about turning your brain off and partying -That instrumental break is GREAT -Sadly overshadowed by Lithuania's song to me in terms of club music, but I still like it -Why wasn't this the semi opener? It would've been perfect Better than last year? About the same
-SAAAAAAND -Yeah, another grower. Thought it was mid at first, but now I enjoy it -Still nothing special, and it's kinda overshadowed by the stuff around it, but it's a good song for belting along to -SAAAAND, SAAAAAAAND Better than last year? About the same...but maybe yes
-The first word that came to mind was "cute" -Very happy, very bouncy, and very Armenian -Nothing amazing, but hey, they're just happy to be here -I heard this compared to "Trenuletul" and I can see it Better than last year? About the same
-Now THIS is a ballad this year I REALLY like -Seriously might be in my top 7 -SUCH a good chorus! It gets lodged into my head! -And the sheer power in his voice? Perfection -SUPER underrated, but hey, it's Latvia, I gotta expect that -Will they finally make it with this? They just BARELY missed out last year....I hope it happens, but it's sadly unclear Better than last year? Yes!
San Marino
-SPEAKING OF UNDERRATED -HOLY CRAP, I LOVE THIS SO MUCH -It's my number 4. DEAD SERIOUS -Better Spanish entry than the one actually from Spain -I CANNOT get enough of this, and it's easily my fav song they've ever sent -We don't get enough female-led rock in Eurovision -This song is SO INTENSE -Seriously, I love every single thing about this. It hits my brain perfectly. AND IT'S THE SONG FROM SAN MARINO -THAT BREAK WITH THE FLAMENCO INSTRUMENTATION MIXED IN GIVES ME LIFE, WHY DOES THAT WORK SO FLIPPING WELL -When this inevitably doesn't qualify, I'm gonna be playing it on loop for the rest of that day Better than last year? YES YES YES
-Basically a more adult version of the Cypriot entry -Seriously, they're SO alike -....So why do I prefer the Cypriot entry? I dunno, I couldn't tell you. I just proved right above this that my taste is weird sometimes XD -Still hope they catch a break Better than last year? About the same, I guess....?
-MY SECOND-FAVORITE! YAAAAAAYYYY! -This song is a masterpiece, simply put -The buildup. The BUILDUP. I CANT -This is EVERYTHING I love in a song like this -It builds and builds and builds and then BURSTS -THE LAST MINUTE IS SOOOOOO FLIPPING GOOD!! Still gives me goosebumps sometimes. That ending is what makes this my second-fav -Easily my favorite ballad of the year, and my fav ballad in recent years combined -Oh, and my fav Belgian entry of all time. That too. I've been WAITING for Belgium to send a song I love this much, cuz the highest they've been with me before this was 8th Better than last year? Yup!!
-"We swear we don't have anything to do with these drugs, guys" -SO flipping fun, and SO flipping CATCHY -Not something I listen to a LOT, but when it comes on, I have a blast -When it comes to the fun songs, I like this more than Netherlands, but not as much as Finland -This is probably the biggest grower for me so far. Could possibly end as a borderline fav at this point. Better than last year? Yes
-HECK YEEEEEEEEEES NORWAY! GO OFF! -Folk metal? Sign me UP -This song is SO cool! First time I heard it, I was speechless and needed a second listen. This song FLOORED me -Other songs I love more have pushed it down, but it's definitely still gonna rank high -And it's in Norwegian! Better than last year? No, but it's CLOSE
-The viral hit of the year -Potential televote winner, but juries are gonna tank this. It's not gonna win, it's too silly -....At least, it SEEMS silly -I love how this fun, catchy song completely deconstructs the idea of a "joke entry". It seems silly when you listen to it, and you're having a good time, but then you look up what the song's about and....yup, it's about his dead dad, can't call it a joke -Very heartwarming story behind it, but it's still fun -You hear that chorus once, and it doesn't leave you alone -The gabber part is great -Also EXTREMELY Dutch, from what I've heard -Sadly not a favorite of mine, but I hear the appeal here, like with the Swiss entry Better than last year? Yes!
-This song is very....Swedish -(And they're Norwegian-) -....Seriously, it sounds like exactly what I expected from Sweden. They weren't gonna do "Tattoo" again, and so many of their entries have been like this -That's not a bad thing for me, since I like this kinda music. The big-sounding pop -Great buildup -Great ending -Screams "We wanna do well, but we're not trying to win" (and it WILL do well, since it's Sweden-) -Will be a good opener of the final. Good hype song Better than last year? PFFFFFF NO
-Jury bait (which is something auto-qualifiers can still get away with) -It's just him flexing his vocals for three minutes -I know that ballads ARE vocal flexes, but I love ballads that have more....TO them than this? I guess? -I can't listen to this one too often before getting bored of it -His voice IS impressive tho Better than last year? No
-People have been really mean to this song, but....I like it? I'm sorry? XD -Could honestly be a borderline fav. I guess I'm the "some" that his "nothing but the average" is special to -Seriously, even if it's generic, it's GOOD generic -His voice is great -Lyrics are pretty good -Chorus is catchy -Bridge is unironically AWESOME, sorry not sorry -RUN FROM THE SILENCE, SCREAMING FOR GUIDANCE, WHO AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOR? -Seriously, guys, chill out, it's a good song Better than last year? Nah (they were still robbed)
-Italy are incapable of sending a song that is even AVERAGE at this point -Seriously, listen to this! It's perfect! -Not a FAVORITE favorite, but still one I like and respect a LOT -The melody is SO good, and so is her flow -The circus-esque instrumentals are FUN -I could go into why I think this is my prediction for the winner, but I'll save it (I have my reasons, trust me) Better than last year? Yes
-80s -Seriously, that's all I can take away from this XD -Except that the message of the song is pretty good -Don't get me wrong, I love me some 80s cheese, even if it's dated. It's a good chunk of what I listen to XD -This one's just....kinda losing some punch to make me really love it. As it is.....I find this song kinda forgettable, actually... Better than last year? For me, yes
-Pretty cool! -Lyrics are good -I can see why some people are underwhelmed, cuz it doesn't really burst at all. It's kinda understated. But....I dunno, I like that about it -This is one I definitely need more time with Better than last year? Gonna say about the same
Final thoughts
So.....yup, that's it for now! That's my current thoughts! Overall, like I said, this year COULD be one of my favs if the chips fall correctly. The ending to this contest matters a LOT
But for now, I'm really excited to listen to the playlist more now that I've made this post. Even if I've HEARD the songs, there are quite a few I haven't listened to a TON, so listening to them all together is definitely gonna help flesh out my final verdicts on them
What I know right now is that I have a solid top four: Croatia, Belgium, Lithuania, and San Marino. Only thing I can see changing there is that MAYBE San Marino might overtake Lithuania for third, but yeah, these are easily my fav songs.
And I'm SUPER happy these four are my favs, cuz all four of them are countries I have NEVER rooted for as hard as this before since I started watching live. I LOVE when that happens, like with Albania in 2018. Rooting for unlikely countries for the first time gives me life! Like I said, the highest Belgium have been with me before this was 8th! Same with San Marino. Lithuania's record before this was 4th (altho that was with "We Are The Winners"), and Croatia....well, yeah, they've been second with me before, but a LONG time ago, in a year I didn't watch live (flipping 1999). I'm SO hyped to give my energy to these guys.
Seriously, I NEVER expected to be blown away by Croatia and SAN MARINO- what even is this XD
Um....a-anyway.....5th is probably gonna go to Australia, and 6th and 7th are being fought over by Ukraine, Finland, Cyprus, Latvia, Norway, and maaaaaaybe Estonia
Least-fav out of these......I wanna say Malta, cuz I gave Greece respect points. And Malta's entry isn't BAD, it's just painfully mid. I don't think I outright dislike any of these, to be honest....?
That's all for now! ^^
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umazane-muesli · 8 months
Jukebox January: Day 19
(Queuing for the next morning again, sorry it's very late)
Today: songs starting with S:
Oh my God there are so many songs starting with S. SO MANY. Why are there so many. What the fuck. My notes app is a bloodbath right now I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. Artists make more songs starting with X instead challenge
Anyway I've tried my best to wrangle them but this is going to be an incoherent mess at best. Let's go:
Sata vuotta - BEHM
I don't know why it took me so long to start listening to BEHM, but her latest album has been a constant in my December and January. This song is my favourite on it, I love the violin melody, and I think she has a beautiful voice :)
Senida - Senidah ft. Žene
Continuing my Slovenian music propaganda with Senidah this time.
Sédè - N3
I have to shout this one out because Jan played the guitar on it ^^
Stand by - Extremoduro
I love this song so much. I first heard about it (and this band) when I went on a language exchange in Spain when I was in high school. My exchange partner listened to this song, and even though we haven't kept in touch, it still makes me think of her sometimes. It's been one of my absolute favourites for 10+ years now.
Si te vas - Extremoduro
I normally try not to put too many songs by the same artist in the same post, but i swear to god all the best Extremoduro songs start with S. What's the deal with that.
Salir - Extremoduro
Teenage me listening to this song: hehehe swear words in spanish >:)
Adult me listening to this song: hehehe swear words in spanish >:)
San Francisco - Maxime Le Forestier
San Francisco - Scott McKenzie
Grouping these 2 together because they're sort of about the same thing really, San Francisco during the flower power movement. But I like the vibe of both. Thank you Kuesli for including the other San Francisco I was thinking of, because I somehow had THREE. Madness.
Short Film - Ethan Gruska
This is my favourite song from a very soft, calm album. I love the sort of muted sound from the piano and the slightly mysterious atmosphere.
Le Sud - Nino Ferrer
This song is like. Weirdly depressing at the end and also a bit dated let's be honest, but I think it still has its charm, I learned it in choir as a child and I'm a bit attached to it.
Stay - ČIUTŌ TUTŌ - Monika Linkyte
I have to admit this was not among my favourites on first impression, but I really warmed up to it and it is definitely one of the songs that stayed with me the longest after eurovision, I still very happily listen to it.
Somma Time Man - Salt-N-Pepa
This song is so fun and sounds SO 90's. It's a bit silly and puts me in a good mood.
Something in the Air - Pegasus
I discovered this band as a small festival in Switzerland around the time this album came out, and it was so fun to hear from a band for the first time as they're playing live. I haven't done that much (haven't been to many festivals) but yeah, Pegasus kind of stuck with me since.
Some Things Have to Be Said - Florent Dorin
Yeah I know this song is 9 minutes long and the french accent (and probably questionable English) is uuh discernible, to say the least (though miles better than his earlier songs) but listen, I love this guy so much and this song is such a journey, his music has gotten so much richer as time went on and this is the best example I think.
Sorry - dodie
Speaking of people who's music has gotten much richer with time, this is one of my favourite songs from dodie, I love the strings and the harmonies. At the end it blends into the next song (called When) and I will neveeer not lose my mind when artists do that.
Show me the way - Styx
Still loving you - Scorpions
Yes I have a power ballads playlist and yes I will use it against you >:)
Salut les amoureux - Joe Dassin
I love how perfectly bittersweet this song is, it's about a couple who breaks up on good terms, without any drama, they just go their separate ways. Just a little bit sad but not in a way a typical break up song is.
Satama - KUUMAA
The latest single from Kuumaa, exactly the kind of song they do best, I love it.
Somewhere out there - Donald Glover and Danny Pudi
Yeah this was in my playlist so i'm including it lol, even though it's not a "proper" song. Community is one of my comfort shows and this is from one of the best moments in it :)
Spirit in the Sky - KEiiNO
I'm going to admit a dirty little secret: even though I do like Eurovision, I haven't watched it religiously every year. And so I didn't even know this was a eurovision song until very recently; I only had it in my library because someone on a discord server had made (very good, might I add) playlists for completely unrelated little blorbos. Anyway, very funny that I'm coming back to this song now.
For S I also want to include 2 non-songs:
Starmania: it's a French and Canadian (Québec) musical from the 80s (well, '79 technically, but it feels extremely 80s). It's such an odd thing, it has the camp and flamboyance of the 80s, but a surprisingly dark dystopian plot. It's weirdly dated and not dated at the same time. The original cast had several singers who were or would become big stars in France (and french speaking countries)(including a eurovision winner lol). There's a robot waitress, and a gang, and a guy who's totally not David Bowie. It's pretty weird. The plot is kind of impossible to explain, but you can go listen to the songs, they're really good :)
There's a new version on tour now I think, and honestly I would love to go see it, because I've only ever heard the songs. (Seems pretty expensive though lol)
Single Handed Sailor - Dire Straits
The second thing I want to include is the album Strangeland by Keane. It came out around when I went on a school trip to Spain and I listened to it a lot during the long bus rides. I just have very fond memories associated with it.
And now frankly way too many bonus songs:
The Story - Brandi Carlile
Sinnerman - Nina Simone
Seven Wonders - Fleetwood Mac
Sad Song - Oasis
Sutra - Lollobrigida
Si Tú Me Quieres - Alex Cuba, Gian Marco
Stille Før Du Kom - Oh Land
Sunday Morning - The Velvet Underground and Nico
Someday - City of the Sun
Surrender - Birdy
Statues - Amy Macdonald
Sunset Lover - Petit Biscuit
Samara - Blanco White
Sve Još Miriše Na Nju - Parni Valjak
Sweet Woman - Cris Williamson
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
Sausalito - Lydia Luce
Shut Up and Dance - WALK THE MOON
Strah me je - Jet Black Diamonds
Stranger - Bec Sandridge
Would you believe me if I said I did actually try to cut as many songs as possible? Anyway, if you've read until the end, thank you (what a mess) 💛
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thelogicalghost · 1 year
A rundown of the Eurovision finalists from the official Youtube playlist
Apologies for lack of above-letter marks in non-English words/names.
("Peace Peace" is a reference to "Love Love Peace Peace," a legendary Eurovision host song throwing shade at common entry tropes. Highly recommend googling it. Somewhat equivalent to calling a movie Oscar-bait.)
ARMENIA: "Future Lover" - Brunette
Weird little pop song that starts out slow and then gets rap-adjacent. Rumor is that all the lyrics were lifted verbatim from viral social media posts.
ISRAEL: "Unicorn" - Noa Kirel
Bog-standard "I'm special" pop song. Rumor/joke/possible reality: Israel picked a mediocre song to ensure zero chance of hosting next year.
SWEDEN: "Tattoo" - Loreen
A pop song that would be better if the singer wasn't trying to do a weird vocal thing. Hoping the final performance is better than the music video.
FRANCE: "Evidemment" - La Zarra
Techno-pop song that absolutely slaps and has undeniable style. Extremely French. Got stuck in my head. Makes my top 5.
UK: "I Wrote A Song" - Mae Muller
Solid breakup pop song that definitely got stuck in my head. Upper tier but not top tier. Would love to see it do well in on US charts.
AUSTRIA: "Who The Hell Is Edgar?" - Teya & Salena
Quality techno-dance song elevated to Eurovision levels by lyrics about being possessed by E.A. Poe. Music video is perfection. Makes my top 5.
CZECHIA: "My Sister's Crown" - Vesna
Strong women-empowerment song elevated to Eurovision levels by a bizarre music video. Looking forward to how it'll translate to the stage.
SERBIA: "Samo Mi Se Spava" - Luke Black
Classic Eurovision goth vampire, this year trapped in a video game boss fight. Only downside is the singer's weird breathy almost-singing.
NETHERLANDS: "Burning Daylight" - Mia Nicolai & Dion Cooper
Sad ballad about depression. Uncomfortably accurate feels, but too slow and sad for Eurovision.
ITALY: "Due Vite" - Marco Mengoni
Solo ballad in Italian, nothing visually interesting, very meh.
FINLAND: "Cha Cha Cha" - Kaarija
Frantic rock song about getting drunk in a club with epic music video of singer in a WWE-style fight. Very Eurovision, strong contender.
CROATIA: "Mama SC!" - Let 3
100% BONKERS rock song that never mentions names but is undeniably a "f*** Putin" anthem. Includes middle-aged men in drag. A must-watch. Makes my top 5.
PORTUGAL: "Ai Coracao" - Mimicat
Peppy fun little pop song with a peppy fun little dance number.
AUSTRALIA: "Promise" - Voyager
Australia still hasn't quite figured out what Eurovision is about. Decent alt-rock song but way too mainstream and polished for this rodeo.
SPAIN: "EAEA" - Blanca Paloma
Poignant Middle-Eastern style song about a mother's pain. Not sure what to make of this one, but recommend giving it a try.
GEORGIA: "Echo" - Iru
Standard pop song with standard "big fans and lots of flowy fabric" music video. Meh.
LITHUANIA: "Stay" - Monika Linkyte
Might've been a decent ballad about … trauma, maybe? … but performance is uninteresting and music sounds a little off.
SLOVENIA: "Carpe Diem" - Joker Out
Boilerplate party anthem with a music video about a party in a hotel.
UKRAINE: "Heart of Steel" - TVORCHI
Male duo aims for that specific "I'm a boss" style (I personally associate with US rappers) and falls short IMO. Feels disjointed.
SWITZERLAND: "Watergun" - Remo Forrer
"Peace Peace" ballad morning boys fighting in wars. Meh.
ROMANIA: "D.G.T (Off And On)" - Theodor Andrei
A song that can't seem to decide what genre it wants to be or what it wants to say, but it definitely wants to sing it in bondage/fetish clothing.
AZERBAIJAN: "Tell Me More" - TuralTuranX
Low-key pop/ballad that feels out of place in Eurovision, with an awkward hipster boy feel.
GREECE: "What They Say" - Victor Vernicos
Another meh ballad with a sad boy singing in the increasingly intense rain.
POLAND: "Solo" - Blanka
Boilerplate Instagram-girl pop song. Nomination caused outcries of corruption, and if you watch her performance in the Poland national finals you'll agree.
ALBANIA: "Duje" - Albenia & Familja Kalmendi
Haunting lament, I think about losing children. Solid music, really hope the final performance is visually interesting.
CYPRUS: "Break A Broken Heart" - Andrew Lambrou
Another sad rock ballad, very meh.
MALTA: "Dance (Our Own Party)" - The Busker
Party anthem for people who don't like parties. Fantastic music video and a saxophone riff cherry on top. Makes my top 5.
BELGIUM: "Because Of You" - Gustaph
Great homage to 90's hip-hop with fun dancing. Unfortunately song is a little too forgettable. Bonus points for Supremes-esque choir.
GERMANY: "Blood & Glitter" - Lord of the Lost
German heavy metal in glittery carnival outfits. No idea what's going on here but it's very Eurovision.
IRELAND: "We Are One" - Wild Youth
Beatles-style throwback "Peace Peace" song. Would be unremarkable except for weird glitter masks.
SAN MARINO: "Like An Animal" - Piqued Jacks
Very off-putting rock song meant to evoke animalistic attraction, but the weird lyrics and creepy singer just make it uncomfortable.
MOLDOVA: "Soarele si Luna" - Pasha Parfeni
Rock-style Druid chanting, a Eurovision staple, including a distinctive wooden flute (possibly aping last year's winners?)
ICELAND: "Power" - Dilja
Another girl ballad. Very unmemorable.
DENMARK: "Breaking My Heart" - Reiley
Extreme teen/YA pop star vibes and the music video makes him look even younger. Standard sad breakup pop song.
NORWAY: "Queen Of Kings" - Alessandra
Girl wrote a rock anthem about her YA dystopia self-insert heroine and I'm here for it. Makes my top 5.
ESTONIA: "Bridges" - Alika
I can only describe this as Baby Adele singing not quite "Rolling in the Deep." Solid talent, hope she makes it in the industry.
LATVIA: "Sudden Lights" - Aija
Can't focus on or care about the song when it's playing over a music video that seems to include a cult, an empty pool, and a forced baptism.
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ne-spivay-ranenko · 1 year
Shiny, new intro post, with less swearing this time, so maybe more welcoming.
I'm Anna, and if you were in the ESC fandom on here back in 2016 or so, you might know me already. This is just a new account. Otherwise, you're meeting me for the first time, so here's some stuff about me!
Besides the basics from my bio--I love music (funky bass lines and genre mixing!), cute animals, all things glitter, picking up every possible new hobby, and fighting my triplet demons (by that I mean the depression, GAD, and ADHD...)
You'll mostly see me blog about music stuff and things I find funny in general. This is my main blog, so it's just whatever I'm interested in! Probably including:
-Eurovision (though I don't know how closely I will follow it this next year yet...) -Joker Out (ever since Jan Peteh and his cat stole my heart) -Muse (still missing the Glitterati all these years later) -any and all Kateryna Pavlenko content that exists (guess where I got my URL) -perhaps a bit of my MCR era returning too (13 year old me would be so proud)
My SO is also Latvian (hi @sorrelink!) and I love Latvia dearly so you should expect Latvia-related things too.
I am known to be a bit shy and also a bit of a space cadet but I promise I am friendly, so if you ask/message/tag/reply to me I am so very appreciative even if I forget to say anything right away!
Avatar is from this ig post! Sadly I don't remember where I got the sad Andrejs banner but I'll add a link if I find it.
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demi-eurovision · 1 year
Welcome! For the first time, I'm trying to keep this side blog somewhat organised by tag. I'm adding tags to this index list (under the cut) when there's at least maybe five posts in it, or if I know it will be recurring in the future.
Let me know if there's a missing tag on a post or you'd like image ID or something else! I'm trying to be vigilant with tagging flashing images but I'm still learning, so let me know how to improve if you can. 🩵
Tag index
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grand final
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i love eurovision
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Käärijä / Joker Out
käärijä (I mostly put this one on my own posts, not every single reblog from the fandom)
jukka sorsa
jaakko jokela
matti myllyaho
jere pöyhönen
joker out
joker out art
jan peteh
kris gustin
jure maček
nace jordan
bojan cvjetićanin
käärijä and bojan
käärijä and bojan twinning masterlist
käärijä x bojan
jere x tommy
tommy cash
jere polycule
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käärijä gifs
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käärijä live video
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käärijä translated
käärijä meme
käärijä hats
käärijä outfit
käärijä cinematic universe
käärijä interviews
käärijä quotes
käärijä covers
cha cha cha
learning finnish
finnish language
frank the flamingo
the pikachu incident
emo jere
nail polish
hyvät kääryleet
käärijä fandom
tavastia (gig 9 june 2023)
kaivohuone (gig 2 aug 2023)
"raven reblog 🐦‍⬛" (reblogging old posts from my main @demi-raven)
and other colours matching the theme of the post,
also other years, other countries, full names of persons, song titles, band names,
and many many rambling, unorganised tags beyond these - explore at own risk and have fun!
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Here's a bunch of random questions for you, no pressure to do them all, I just had a bunch on my mind:
What is your favourite type of bird?
What song is stuck in your head/has been on repeat lately?
What show(s)/movie have you been watching?
Have you seen anything cool in nature lately? Pretty sunsets?
Top 5 favourite characters?
Favourite beverage? Does it change with the seasons?
Would you rather explore the deep oceans or space?
What's your dream vacation?
What's something that made you laugh today?
Hehe 🤠💛
Awww thanks for sending me so many questions!!! You're so sweet 🥰 I love doing these so i will answer them all LOL
That's hard! One of my favourite animals are peacocks, but if we're talking about more "normal" birds I would definitely say cardinals/blue jays/robins! I love those. And also black-capped chickadees now since for some reason they remind me of J!
Cha Cha Cha XD And also a whole bunch of Eurovision songs from this year. Still in ESC mode! And now suffering from post-Eurovision depression 😆
Not much lately, but I'm watching TASM for the first time! It's actually really good :)
Yes!!! I went on a small trip recently, and we stayed in a little cottage out in the middle of nowhere and it just felt like i was in a movie! There were like endless fields, and so many buttercups, AND! The owners had a horse! So we went down to pet her and stuff :) It was super nice.
RAO HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME 😭 Ahhhh okay let me see. Also these are just some <3 In no particular order! 1. Morpheus (Sandman) 2. Aziraphale and Crowley <333 (Good Omens) 3. All the Dead Poets Society boys :) 4. Howl Pendragon (Howl's Moving Castle) 5. Eddie Munson (Stranger Things)
Since it's warmer weather and more summery now, lemonade is lovely! My favourite way to have it is, you take the lemonade concentrate and then instead of plain water use sparkling. It's so good! I don't have this often, but I also like grapefruit soda. And for coffee iced mochas! I make those at home. And yeah it does!! In winter it's hot chocolate <333
Personally? Neither 😂 But if you mean in general lol I would say the ocean! I absolutely love space, but I think it would be really interesting to learn more about the ocean considering how little we know about our own planet!
Okay so you know the fields and mountains and gorgeous places in Howl's Moving Castle? That :)))
Doing karaoke with my sibling and them trying to sing high and having a TREMENDOUS voice crack 😂
I loved answering these! You're a delight 🥰 Have a wonderful day!!!
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I posted 7 628 times in 2022
That's 3 431 more posts than 2021 !
I'm so sorry. I need to stop.
1 916 posts created (25%)
5 712 posts reblogged (75%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@ dingdongyouarewrong
@ jadyjads
@ the-sprock
@ inthetags
@ arollingriver
(Two of those are myself.)
I tagged 3 482 of my posts 2022
#danganronpa - 219 billets
#ace attorney - 167 billets
#low effort - 161 billets
#akudama drive - 135 billets
#mp100 - 118 billets
#eurovision - 113 billets
#sdr2 - 110 billets
#tgaa - 106 billets
#aa5 - 102 billets
#esc 2022 - 93 billets
Absolutely depressed that danganronpa is still my main tag.
My Top Posts in 2022:
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155 notes - publié le 12 mars 2022
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I didn't know this game could be self-aware like that
196 notes - publié le 9 mars 2022
I'm sorry but Spain wasn't that good?? What the fuck. Where are Norway's points
609 notes - publié le 15 mai 2022
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why are they like th- why are they like thi-- pffffttt ---
757 notes - publié le 1 décembre 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
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This one SHOULD be for the tumblr users. We invented blorbos.
Don't let Twitter users be the only ones to participate to this lovely person's survey!
EDIT: (NOV. 17) As announced on their project's tumblr, the survey is now closed! I'm glad to have helped it spread to so many communities. I found it from one specific community and making more fandoms see it was my goal all along (ʘᴥʘ)
3 408 notes - publié le 31 octobre 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
Incredible that mp100, which I literally just started watching, made it to my top tags. Really goes to show I didn't start watching a lot of new stuff this year. And where's SynthV? How did I tag more mp100 posts than tgaa???
Also heinous that my second most reblogged post was that one I eventually closed off lol
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kethsi · 3 years
If Gielinor held a Eurovision (Gielivision!!!) song contest, Armadyl would win. I mean I don’t even know if people will listen to the song itself but hearing his voice for 3 minutes will be enough to get everyone to vote for him.
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totaldramafan-lauri · 9 months
The year that kept on giving and giving.
While not everything was great, I can confidently say that this year was overall positive for me, and thank god, since the last few months of 2022 left me so depressed and exhausted that I was legit pessimistic about recovering from it.
And I did.
Despite some lingering feelings, I'm happy to say that I'm mostly over it. I've chosen not to dwell on it anymore, and I accepted that I can't influence the thoughts of other people I have no control over. All I can do is...improve.....and I have. I've improved a lot this year. Which....actually, that WAS my new year's resolution for 2023, wasn't it? Just to get better? In that regard....can I be proud of myself....? I know it isn't much, but...
I have a lot to thank for making this a good year for me. My interests were VERY kind to me, from Eurovision being great this year, Helluva Boss releasing a LOTTA episodes including three that I absolutely adored, getting to fight on Team Shiver in Splatoon 3 and winning, ushering in the Era Of Shiver, and finally.....CRK continuing to not only be my comfort game all year, but then not only topping itself, but BLOWING MY MIND with releasing Golden Cheese and me reacting SO STRONGLY to her that I'm STILL r-reeling from it....o/////o
Not only that, but....I'm still writing. I can be proud of that, too.
I know things will never quite be the same as they were, but....that's fine. I'm still in a pretty good place.
Three characters that made my life better in 2023 (if you're reading this, did you have any?):
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As for 2024....I have two goals for this year, but technically, one isn't all up to me right now, and it's more personal, so I'll save it for (hopefully) later when I'm ready to share.
And the other one is pretty simple, and that's just Finish The Damn Fic.
---You can stop reading here if you don't care about this topic---
Seriously, this thing has been an undertaking, and working on it DAILY since October has been both tiring and fun at the same time. At this point, even if no one reads it, it's gonna feel SO GOOD when it's all done. SOOOOO GOOD! >.< Like I said before: I don't think this'll be my fav fic I've written (Naivete is just so special to me), but it'll be the biggest project I've EVER put my name on. I don't wanna rush any part of it.......I wanna get it as good as I can.
Cuz....H-Her Radiance, she....d-deserves it....
Regarding the fic, for those who care, I have two bits of good news! One is that, according to the outline of the chapters I have yet to write and the number of scenes in each one.....I think- I THINK- I'm near the halfway point of the story. That, or I JUUUUUST reached it. I'm working on the longest chapter. Once I finish chapter 3, I have three more full chapters, and I think 4 and 5 are gonna be shorter chapters than 3, with 6 being definitely the shortest.
Which leads me to the other point: I'm coming up on a good stopping point for chapter 3. It isn't the ending I WANTED, but the chapter is just so big that I'm gonna have to stuff all my leftover ideas into chapter 4.
This means that, yes....in the next few days, you guys are getting the next chapters.
P-part of me is nervous about this, since....again, it isn't the ending I wanted....b-but I don't wanna wait to post until I finish the WHOLE NEW CHAPTER 4 I didn't plan for. I dunno how long that's gonna take, and....
Well, something I'm looking forward to is coming in a couple weeks, and I wanna enjoy that thing and give it my attention without stressing about the fic too much. I wanna post on AO3 sometime in January, then release the rest of the chapters as I finish them.
It's looking like 2024's gonna be starting out on a good note....I'm nervous, but excited at the same time.....>__<
I really hope that I'm ready for this.....
0 notes
radley-writes · 2 years
French aside, i don't see anything wrong with translating words instead of adopting them, it's not like "streaming" is part of an english speaking country' culture, like for example mochi is a japanese food and then it's silly to translate it. i can no longer fully express myself in my mother tongue because words like "brainstorm" don't exist there, so talking to my own parents and grandparents is difficult. idk it's just a little depressing that the internet is so usa-centric that full languages are dissolving into english
That's valid, but I think that post was specifically talking about the French, rather than the concept of Anglicisation and Anglocentricism, which is another issue that absolutely should be discussed.
As far as I've seen, the French have a worrying tendency towards 'language purity' that involves trying to minimise minority languages like Breton in education, regardless of what they presented at Eurovision.
Don't get me wrong - the English track record is no better. Look at how we treated the Welsh, Irish and Scots languages historically and today. But though I'm no expert, it looks like this is a very contentious issue today in France.
I'm not the right person to speak in depth on this issue, as I'm not French. But just from the wiki page about language policy in France, we have this: 'In April 2021, France approved the "Molac" law (8 April 2021) which aims to protect and promote regional languages across the country.[17] The law allows for schools to offer teaching in the medium of a regional minority language for the majority of the school day. However, the French Minister of Education, opposed to the teaching in minority languages, asked the Conseil Constitutionnel to declare it unconstitutional. This led to the law being constitutionally struck down on 21 May 2021.'
Languages naturally evolve and absorb words from other languages. The fact that America has such a monopoly on entertainment and media - and the history of the British Empire - means that English is propagated far more widely than other languages. That absolutely is something that needs critical discussion.
But I think we can criticise a country’s moves towards 'language purity' - which almost always wind up harming minority languages far more than the English language - and still make the point that Anglocentricism is the legacy of colonial history, and just one example of many colonial power structures that still exist today!
EDIT: SORRY THAT ALL CAME ACROSS AS KINDA DISMISSIVE AND MEAN READING BACK but tl;dr - you are 100% right, but I do think that post had a point in specifically criticising the French. Saying that though, the English are absolutely not above criticism in their treatment of minority languages either. Thankfully, there’s plenty of that on this site!
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