#i'm sorry i deleted A LOT of the girls scenes. i just dont want to get my blog flagged
paramorefold · 2 years
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sereniv · 3 years
Any tips on getting a legit sugar daddy
I'm not and never been a sugar baby, so I can't directly give you advice
Only thing I can say is to spend some time with some sugar babies. You'll have to do research into forums and finding other sec workers/SBs, but good places to find sex workers in general I would say are cam sites. Chaturbate is what I'm familiar with. Because I mean you can clearly see them working Get their social medias etc. And eventually you'll be within the community and be able to ask whatever u need
Anyway, Message the mods of some of the workers, or type in the chat that you're new to sex work and for the mods to message you and to go from there with asking questions like "is there a sex worker discord/does she know any sugar babies/etc". But ask the Mods if it's during a show don't distract the worker.
And this is all if you can't just directly message the worker. I forget how Chaturbate works it's been years
best thing is not to have the convo during the show bc ofc mods gotta do their job but yeah
Other then that there's gotta be forums. And if anything, you might be able to just contact babies on Seeking.com (seeking arrangement) but I forget how the system works in that
Sorry I'm not much help its been a long time since I've known sex workers or even mod'd
But yeah before becoming a baby, please take the time to learn about it.
I was friends with someone who was a semi SB (no sex, only dates, only cash) and they told me for the most part its a performance, you're acting the whole time but also analyzing the guy
Obviously it depends on who you are with, but if you don't find someone who just so happens to be your other half AND a SD (which happens, some SBs marry their SDs bc they legit fall in love),,, then the whole time you're supposed to be what they want you to be.
A likely scenario:
Shave your legs everytime you meet. Do your hair and your makeup. Buy new clothing they like even if it makes you uncomfortable (depends on rules agreed upon). Have to laugh at their jokes, have to pretend to be interested. Have to pay attention to the guys mood, determine if he wants you to lead or be submissive.
Obviously usually have to have sex (again rules).
And its all a life style you live this life when you're with them
it all depends on the arrangement you set up, so you're allowed to set boundaries ahead of time and during.
But it reminds me of my mom who stripped when she was younger.
She would get some money in tips from dancing, but where the real money was was going in the back and having sex with the patrons. She only danced, and she would also talk, like a therapist, with the men. She made the least amount of all the girls
So she chose to stay comfortable and made less. If she chose to not talk to the guys as friends and be more professional which was less fun, or even go out of her comfort zone and have sex, she would have earned probably double
So you can choose what you want to do but also don't let yourself do something that can destroy you emotionally. A lot of ppl think being a baby is easy and they just have to have sex
but I've heard from other SBs that when you're in the moment in the job it feels very different
Again all of this can be different experience for everyone. If you love sex and acting then you'll have a bigger pool of men to choose from. if you dont, you'll have a smaller pool but that doesn't mean you won't find someone
This isn't meant to scare you, and again take with a grain of salt bc I havnt been in the scene for years and I'm just relaying what I've been told and experiences.
But this is why I say take time to know what you're getting into. Talk with some SBs, and sex workers in general. Find the forums and whatever social media
Really hope the best for u. Hope u get some good cash and find a SD where you can just be yourself!
Also anyone who wants to give info in comments pls do. PLEASE PREFACE WITH (INFO FOR ANON)
ANYTHING ELSE WILL BE DELETED (more so anything that's a bot. if you accidentally forget to say info for anon I'm sure I'll be able to tell you're a human lol but just to make it easier)
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There’s Always a Loophole
(Part 2)
Warnings - kinda sad and angsty
a/n - part 2 obv. um there is one scene that has a a lot of dialogue so the blue is ric and the green is Hope. but ya enjoy
(Part 1 Here)
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"Any brilliant ideas because i think we're running out of time." you said, pointing to the black goo.
She looked at it and looked back at you. "Just one" she sighed. "But your gonna hate it." she paused for a second. "Kiss me".
So of course you obeyed. There was a lot of emotion in it. "I didnt hate that at all."
"Not that". she said, her hand snaking from your face to your neck. "This".
And she snapped your neck.
She looked down at your body as it fell to the floor. She took a second to think, and then called Alaric.
"Hope, did you find y/n?"
"Okay, well tell me where you are"
"Fort Valley, Georgia. Y/N's gonna need you when i'm done. You have to write it down."
"Wait, youre at Triad Headquarters?"
"Yeah. Uh, dont worry though everyone here is dead."
"Okay, listen you're not making any sense. Just put y/n on the phone."
"I can't. Uh, she would have tried to stop me, so i had to kill her too."
"She'll come back, don't worry. Even if i dont."
"Hope, tell me what the hell you're about to do right now before you do it."
"Clarke won. He found the final artifact, and he tossed it into the pit, which is y/n's father, by the way. And now Malivore's gonna rise unless i stop him."
"Stop him how"
"y/n's got all the answers but basically, Malivore was created by the blood of a werewolf, a witch, and a vampire. It used to be that only they could destroy what they created, but nature found a loophole. By making me. The tribrid. Im the loophole."
"Hope you listen to me. Now, this is a theory, okay, and you dont even know if this is gonna work so you just sit tight, and wait for me to get there."
"There's no time! Ive always thought that i was a cosmic mistake, someone who should never have been born. But after all this time, i mean, my purpose is finally clear. Think about it. Im the answer to all of this. I can remember things about Malivore that no one else can. That Triad weapon didnt affect me. Did my blood heal Josie?"
"I am not okay with this."
"I know. But you will be because once i toss myself into that pit, no one at school will remember me. Including you."
"Hope you listen to me."
"Ive spent years torturing myself, asking myself why my father sacrificed himself for me, to get to this point where, i mean i totally understand it. And i dont want you to have to go through that pain Dr. Saltzman. You've been through enough. And i dont want anyone at school to miss me, because they're my friends. Maybe i would've seen that sooner if i hadnt been beating myself up all this time.". She pauses, sighing, and thinking this through. "This is the point where you tell em that you wish i could change my mind even though im doing the right thing." she pauses again, eyes watering, tears threatening to spill over. "This is the part you tell me youre proud of me."
"You know im proud of you. You know it." Ric replies, voice breaking. "What is it you need me to do?"
"Call maintenance. Have em pack my room. Take my files, all those notes i know you keep about me, and burn them. Even y/n's journal."
"Listen, if you wanna erase yourself, thats on you, okay. But you cant ask me to do it too."
"Im sorry Dr. Saltzman." both of them have tears running down their face. "But i trust you more than i trust anyone. I wish i wouldve figured that out sooner, too.". She looked down at the pit as it roared, a faint shape of malivore's face tearing through. "I gotta go."
"Hope! Listen to me, wait."
"Not an option. Uh-uh. Promise your gonna do what i said." she waited for Ric to answer. "Promise me!"
"Alright, fine. I promise."
With that, Hope hung up. She deleted the call history of her and Ric. Walking towards the railing looking down at Malivore, she saw movement in the corner of her eye. She turned her head quickly as Clarke started stirring around, standing up quickly and snapping his neck back in place.
"Ooh, sorry. I was eavesdropping." he looked at hope. "What are you waiting for?"
"I assumed you were gonna try and stop me."
"Hell no. I was only trying to raise my father because im terrified of him, and i knew he'd find a way out someday." Clarke said, walking around the platform hovering the pit. "But if youre right about this loop hole-- can actually kill the bastard once and for all." he stopped. Standing by the lower part of the railing. "Be my guest. And if youre wrong, no harm done because you'll be dead. So go on. I'll be rooting for you." He smiled at Hope, who was now standing across from him.
"Thats not all you'll be doing." Hope said, raising her hands. "Imitantor Pupulus".
Clarke just smirked at her, thinking she failed. "Whatever you think you just did, it didnt wo-". He was cut off by his handing flying to cover his mouth, the same as Hope. She removed her hand from her mouth slowly, same as him. "How'd you do that? Why did i do that?"
"Its a basic mimic spell. We learned it in second grade." she started walking closer to him, making him walk closer to her. "Also in second grade..." she stopped. "Follow the leader"
"You dont have to do this" Clarke begged.
"I know. But its the only part im actually enjoying.". Hope put one foot on the bar and grabbed his throat, Clarke following her actions. "Too bad youre so clumsy". She put her other foot up and jumped off.
They both went over the edge, falling into the malivore pit.
Any memory of them now ceased to exist.
Just like them.
a/n - JUST LIKE THEM BITCH AAAHHHH. This is basically jus that whole scene but with Landons name and pro-nouns replaced w ur name and girl pro nouns so ya. BUT STILL TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK
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chrliekclly · 6 years
do you think charlei and dee had sex because they mistook their genuine platonic bonding as attraction? (serious question, steming from thatlesbian dee post). I never thought of it that way, and I'm interested to hear that side !
YES that’s actully smthn i lose my sht abt !! iv blown up ppls mssgs with this kinda talk like, im a mess. ok lemme type right nd lemme type A Lot Again Anyways cz thos 2 giv me Way too many feelings (im spposd to b working on a final rn christ…)
okay…i scrolled back up after finishing nd turns out i went…literally insane…aka Much too far…so i need to under-the-cut it. mobile…viewers…i’m rly so sorry. swipe hard to leap ahead…hell im sorry fr computer viewers too. my theme is rough.
to start, my HCs surrounding chardee are rooted in charlie being on the ace spectrum and dee being gay (or like @ least bi, but imo all the men stuff is straight up compulsory heterosexuality).
i will always cling tight to the deleted scene wherein charlie says he thinks sex is gross and will genuinely get sick when he thinks about it unless he thinks about it with one specific woman. i know he shows sexual interest a decent amount of times throughout the show and has canonically had sex (on camera too, yeesh) but i see each time as very out of the blue moments (coming onto dee @ multiple points while worked up, agreeing to bang tatiana cuz she says to, that kinda thing) or relating to his long standing and delusional obsession with the waitress. in that vein, he’s also canonically enjoyed sex, and I don’t try and blind-eye any of it, because ace doesn’t always mean sex can’t be enjoyed in the moment. charlie definitely has a libido, and bodies be bodies. hell, sex-repulsed can sometimes even flip 180 in the right conditions. shit is one fun spectrum i’ll tell you that…but either way, to start with him, i think him going forward with banging dee was very much a misjudgment of what feelings are and being extremely caught up in a moment where he felt real, genuine, closeness with someone else who he was having a damn good time making terrible poetry with.
as for dee, i, first of all, just agree with everything in that post. in the context of chardee, as much as i will lose my mind in tags about how hard i ride or die the ship, it’s mostly my obsession with their dynamic. i don’t think chardee is meant to be endgame. i absolutely 100% believe that dee, too, is misinterpreting her feelings. i think part of it is her consistent comp het, and the other is she’s never been close with someone the way she has been with charlie, and she doesn’t know what she’s meant to do with it. i think she was similarly caught up in a moment in which she showed her own vulnerability, opening herself up to someone who could easily just ridicule her as she’s used to (”right now? i’m scared”), and she receives support from him instead (”you’re not gunna bomb, you’re gunna do great”). we’ve seen how much dee craves validation, thats her entire thing. i’m not shocked she dropped her pants in this moment lmao. she probably felt her damn heart flutter cuz she got told by someone who she at least somewhat trusts that she really is good, even if she doesn’t think so. the only rational explanation for the feeling associated with that person is that he’s The One right? pretty big leap
just…basically i dont think either of them know what a relationship is.
charlie’s lived nearly his entire life deluding himself into thinking that, 1. he and the waitress have a relationship that is anything other than creepy, and 2. that the warped-ass mess of an image he’s created in his brain for what he and the waitress are to each other is what love is. he thinks he’s making progress in getting close to her when the only thing she’s Ever done pre-s12 is ask him to leave her the fuck alone. he’s never even attempted to look past the waitress before, and the only time he shows interest in other people it’s purely his libido talking. he doesn’t pursue romance, and the one time we’ve seen him do so he was using her to get to, who else?, the damn waitress. 
dee’s lived her entire life having to prove herself to every single person she interacts with, and its familiar to her to getting ahead by using men, usually as sexual objects. i’m hesitant to bring this up on a post wherein i speak on dee’s sexuality because i don’t want to link this trait to it in any way as if its related, but to be fair, dee is as much a serial rapist as dennis is in that regard. the gang are shitty people, we know that. she will get men drunk to have sex with them, or pressure them into it, or trick them into it. she’s not having sex with these men for pleasure, she’s literally doing it for power. it’s absolutely fucked up, but so is she.
when she Is romantically involved, she’s shown to leap headfirst into those relationships and blow them out of proportion on 0 grounds for it. she buys a promise ring for a guy who didn’t think they were dating, it’s implied she’s going to actually go ahead with the brad fisher marriage thing after the episode ends, she gloats about how important she is to a stripper who was literally shame-crying during sex (also? she says “we BOTH wept,” and she can say that’s because it was that good, but i really doubt it). i mean the woman GAGS when talking to men she’s “nervous” around, something she takes as meaning she’s attracted to them? lmao uh???
at this point i’ve probably repeated myself over and over, my brain is on backwards and my train of thought went off the rails years ago. but i’m still gunna retype an old set of tags i found:
i hc that neither of them end up together but they do go through a relationship-ish phase, but dee’s gay and charlie’s okay with that (and always ace in my mind) because they finally move on from their own irrational drives to adhere to what they think is expected of them. i dont think either of them have any idea what a relationship is meant to be and they pathetically grasp at each other because they’re kind-ish to one another and that feels safe for once. chardee may be my main ship but i purposefully backtrack on myself because i know they’re two people who barely know love and have found each other, both as underdogs in their environments, and feel an electrifying Something that they Cant Name wen theyre together, and that something just so happens to be friendship and they don’t realize it cuz they’re doofuses who’ve led really unfortunate lives where friendship and hatred are always intermingling.
i’ve never brought it up here, but i often imagine a timeline of their relationship, because i enjoy the idea of them figuring themselves out through each other, just because they are genuinely amazing (platonically) together, and they get into some of my favorite shit. the thought of late night talks and confessions about their worries and confusion about their feelings while lying in bed, just close because they feel comfortable that way, realizing they can keep loving each other and not force it to mean something it doesn’t, the relief that comes with that, a final kiss that really doesn’t mean anything but thank you, not losing what they had but rather gaining a whole new kind of intimacy, and still getting into absolutely ridiculous situations. maybe dee realizes shes, ironically, found herself with a crush on the waitress and it cracks charlie up. he doesnt mind. he’s finally learned that if he Is going to be with someone it should definitely be with someone who makes him feel at Least half as comfortable as the way being around dee does, and knowing he doesn’t have to make himself look for that, but when he knows he will know. plus, he cant imagine dee pulling that one off. but maybe one day she does. dees gentler around the edges, and she gets butterflies when talking to women, but she never gags. charlie’s a terrible wingman but he keeps convincing dee to let him try. she brings a girl home for the first time and charlie all but backflips in an empty pool that day. they’re still shithats but they’re learning to let that go. people can get better. AA would probably help.
iv gone too far goodbye
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