#i'm sooo unoriginal
cherryxkoch · 1 year
who: @pcrditawhere: pit stop garage (also).
Cherry had been working and saving like a dog to pay for the regular repairs her vintage car needed. A new commission plus some art lessons (and moving in with a new roommate) had meant that all her scrimping had paid off. She pulled into the garage, jingling keys in hand as she exited the vehicle and skulked up to the front desk. "Hello," she announce herself politely, a little sing-song in her voice. "I had a booking for Cherry. 1967 Mustang in desperate need of a tune up."
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GunnTech AU Character's Favorite Animal Headcanon to Little to None Explanation
or it's 2024, my current hyperfixation is @elmushterri 's GunnTech AU and I don't care anymore
Connor: Cats in general (for obvious reasons), but Stray and Feral cats have his whole heart. Almost every time he goes out for a run or whatever he'd bring a backpack with cat food, treats, maybe even cheap water bowls and leave them where he knows there's a ton of strays.
Greg: Geckos, it's Lizards in general but geckos are his obvious Top 1
Amaya: Everyone thinks is Owls (for obvious reasons), they were when she younger, but is currently Moths.
Nori: Crickets since they were young and Maine Coons, he thinks they match his own glamourous style sooo perfectly. They also do the 'leave food for strays' thing with the ninjalinos but incluing dogs, also he swears there's someone else feeding a specific Cat colony and reallyyy wants to meet them. (Of course it's Connor, I'm a sucker for this kind of thing)
Romeo: Ants. His mom definitely helped him do an ant colony in a bottle or a jar and he still has It, upgraded of course, but he keept the original jar.
Luna: Ferrets. Tiny, but mighty. When she was younger it was Moths and Owls.
Cartoka: Rabbits. Will correct anyone who calls them Roddents, they're Lagomorphoes.
Carly: Turtles. Everybody thinks she and Greg bonded at some point because they think their favorites are very similar, but they actually have regular arguments about the topic because Carly thinks 'Amphibians are superior' and has gotten on Greg's nerves once or twice.
Isabella "Octobella": Absolutely loved Octopous prior to GunnTech, because of its intellegence; then in GunnTech she got bullied for that, got the nickname then the transformation happened and started to dispite them (and herself). Later in life she started to redirect that anger towards GunnTech and work on her self-steem, but currently if you ask her she'll respond Shrimps. A Ninjalino asked her and agreed with the Shrimp answer saying they were cool, so she's a little more confident about that liking.
Dylan: He reallyyy wants to say Triceratops, but thinks is too childish so he says Rhinos
An Yu Guō: It's a tie between Iguanas and Dragonflies
Badriya "Bastet": She really thinks any type of feline would be unoriginal, so she goes with Bettles. Except if it's Connor asking, then it's Cheetahs
Rhiannon "Ripp": Wolfs. When she was younger she adored the whole 'Wolfs are solitary, cool and edgy' type of media; but now she's more leaned towards the 'being a pack' idea.
Hywel "Howler": Deers, oddly enough.
Kevin: Pigeons. He really resonates the whole 'all the Pigeons in the US are the decendants of old Messenger Pigeons and were abandon after they were no longer of use and became feral' thing, so he has a lot of respect for them and feeds them seeds, not bread.
Ivan: Polar Bears. He knows it's basic but doesn't care.
Newton: Fireflies.
Lily "Lilyfay": Buterflies and Sea Angels, just because Newton show her a picture and she thought it was super cool and pretty.
Daisy (Ninjalino): Hamsters
Eloide Mecano (Romeo's mom): Frogs and Toads. Not in a 'I want to dissect them' way, in a 'I have large specialized terrariums for each species that I have' and 'I love their skin's texture' kind of way.
Maria Martinez (Connor's mom): Fancy Cat Breeds like Ragdolls, Persians, Bengalis, etc. but NOT Maine coons because She thinks they're 'too much like dogs', she also goes to Cat Shows but doesn't participate. As well as thinking Strays are dirty and dangerous, so Connor has to hides the 'feeding strays and feral' thing (Shut up, I like RomComs)
Kimiko Kobayashi (Amaya's Aunt): Poodles. She grew up with standard poodles, currently has toy poodles and She reallyyy wants to have a Royal-Size at some point. Plus, She participates in Dog Shows; if it's one of 'the Big ones' there's usually a Cat Shows happening in the same place so I imagine Maria and her having coffee together and talking trash about EVERYONE
Grayson Gunn (Greg's Uncle): Gigant Scolopendra
Phinneas Gunn: He denied this multiple times trough his life for various reason, but Koalas
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f-oighear · 5 months
Weird ask, ignore it if you want 😅 But what do do you think would be the favorite Disney animated of each Silva plus their soulmates?
Ohhhh it's going to be a fun one... There are so many Disney classics I haven't seen yet (I have, however, watched Mulan about a hundred times— I know it by heart). I will be so tempted to just drop Mulan on everyone, but I'll refrain!
Asta... aaaaaand I'll start with Mulan. The whole "You can't", "You shouldn't" "You're not fit for this" vs "I'm gonna do it anyway" is quite inspiring for a boy with no magic attempting to become Wizard King.
Noelle! I was about to say Mulan again, but then I remembered Hercules exist. Unsure if I should swap Mulan and Hercules between Asta and Noelle. Hercules has this whole "I can do something, I know I can" attitude. Maybe Noelle would like Mulan more because it also focuses on upholding your family's honor... Asta can have Hercules for the literal physical transformation fhjdkhd. Let's swap.
Nebra! fgfdshsfk. Nebra is the kind of person who would keep dunking on her favorite movie (also speaks during the movie). Nebra: *keeps criticizing everything* Anyone: Isn't this your favorite movie? Nebra: Doesn't mean I can't point out its flaws. I have no idea what her favorite would be but why not 1001 Dalmatians and Nebra siding with Cruella the entire time? fhjkds (I also haven't seen 1001 Dalmatians sooo yep, this is based on vibes)
Zora... very unoriginal, but Robin Hood? I haven't seen it but yep I could see it. Unrelated, but he would definitely show Nebra The Emperor's New Groove for shits and giggles.
Nozel... it's a difficult one because I feel like he'd often be like I'm in this picture and I don't like it. My initial thought was Frozen for, yk, obvious reasons, and I haven't seen Brother Bear yet but from what I know about it, I could see it here too. But ultimately I think — and that is just based on vibes — that his favorite would be Beauty and the Beast. At least SAU Nozel.
Vanessa... Okay, Vanessa is complicated because she is literally Rapunzel but I don't think Tangled would be her favorite Disney. Same thing with The Little Mermaid. Cases of i'm in this picture etc etc. ("Part of your world" would get to her, though). Maybe she'd like something with more of an ensemble cast... a fun little one... Nothing comes to mind. Lilo & Stitch is a nice pick. Tarzan also exists. I really don't know what to settled for.
Thanks for the ask! That was fun!
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redlyriumidol · 7 months
my top dragon age spells based on vibes:
crushing prison (da2): as a society we don't talk about crushing prison enough so that's why it's going first. it's so visceral it's so violent. a cage of magical energy that is slowly collapsing inwards. in the "fake prologue" of da2 we see a mage hawke use it and I love it for them, quintessential Hawke spell. it's symbolic, imo, of the situation in kirkwall- a crushing prison slowly imploding, collapsing inwards on everyone inside.
stonefist (dai): god the satisfaction. the solidity of it. there's nothing like whacking the guard out of people with a righteous fist of dirt. It's good in DA2 as well but I normally don't take it for Hawke.
fade step (dai): unoriginal choice but it's just so fun. it makes playing a mage so fast-paced and dynamic, whirling around the place. especially with the upgrade that damages enemies when you pass through. it makes you go from stationary artillery to vanguard, it's the biotic charge of dragon age. The whirlwind sprint.
Sort of in the same vein, upgraded grave robber (da2): the upgrade where you can rob health from living enemies totally redefines the playstyle for a mage. In conjunction with haemmorhage (also iconic) it means you can get right up in there into a group of enemies, deal massive damage by stabbing yourself thru the stomach and then steal everyone's life force while they're still reeling. high risk, high reward. DA2 blood magic owns me.
Hard to decide on a fav spell for origins, I honestly don't love most of them EXCEPT I'm absolutely weak for the entropy tree. the vibes are immaculate. My Surana takes every single spell from it. It has to be, for me, Entropic Death, the combination of death hex + death cloud. It's utter murder on the dancefloor and sooo satisfying
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personallysunny · 6 months
I know a lot of people don't like the Helpless Maiden trope on Dreams anymore because he should be strong and all that...... But also he went through sooo much so I think. He should get to be the helpless Maiden every once in a while :(
OH YEAH a fun fact I've been telling all my friends and family lately! Making a damsel in distress in a movie or show or smth is much more original than not making a damsel in distress nowadays! It will still be called unoriginal because it's done so many times but honestly it'd be kinda refreshing
And I'm honestly a little unhappy with how people decided Dream didn't need so much help because mf went through it ALL. He can't be all strong and confident.. man.....
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sicklystraypup · 2 months
I'm unsure of why I'm writing an introductory post, if I do not plan for anybody to see this blog.
Hello. If you are seeing this, it is entirely against my will. I will not use my name here for aforementioned reasons, but you may call me B for now.
They/He, 35 years old, puppy, switch (I believe that's what it is called nowadays) recently separated from my partners (my owner and his (our?) other puppy) due to...complicated circumstances. In fact, this blog exists as an attempt to cheer myself up and get my mind off all of that– which is ironic, as what I post here is likely to do nothing but remind me of them, but I cannot bring myself to care at this point.
Oh well. Besides puppyplay, you will mostly see me reblog posts on the topic of painplay here, so violent content is to be expected, even if it will be tagged accordingly.
And that seems to be all, there isn't much more to say, for now. Anybody below the appropriate age is obviously discouraged from interacting with this blog in any way, but you already know that.
Oh, I should make a proper system for tagging posts, should I not? So the reason I'm reblogging something might be known. Right.
For now, each post shall simply be tagged #flutter or #sting, depending on whether I would like to be the sub or the dom in the situation presented respectively, and #whining, in the rare case I post something of my own.
This post will likely be edited in time, if any changes are necessary.
ooc: I ask my friends not to enable me and what do they do? terrible influences, the lot of you (ily guys)
third blog of these made, you love an unoriginal king.
this is basically if @betonbennett had a kinky sideblog, so everything reposted here and any comment made in the tags is in character. mod itself is 19. you are welcome to bully this guything both here and on the main rp blog whenever you please. sooo yea :D
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fff777 · 3 months
reaction part 2 to dream x dream as jisung wishes
jeno said jisung can't talk when he's busy eating sooo. anyway this one has sunchips on it lol.
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jisung: you all have to try this ssam with sunchips jisung: chenle, try it chenle: i don't want to jisung: you have to chenle: i don't want to so much for "as jisung wishes" because NONE of these guys are letting him win lol
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he ended up trying it lol
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jaemin got a coupon to eat food with jisung which is easy peasy :3
throwback to 7llin' in our youth. wait but didn't they agree they would only write real people? is this a reference to haechan or pikachu? guess i'll find out
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does jeno watch soccer?
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both chenle and jaemin got jisung lol. so unoriginal, these guys.
this is the worst game of who am i ever, these guys are just straight up lying 😂
THANK YOU this man is the only one who is actually playing the game 🤣
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i'm just so confused about what they're doing about jisung's answer, they're soooo vague
lol jisung addressing his people very casually and nomin being like WHAT?? and then very formally. this would definitely be funnier if i understood korean
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boy is finally getting a hint lol
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this game is sooo messy lol. chenle's the only person who was able to guess his answer.
he hates this so much lol
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jeno ended up getting edinson cavani. i guess he is a soccer fan
jaemin answer reveal
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LOL chenle's coupon
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LOL in post credits it looks like jisung was goading chenle into doing pushups
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while chenle and jisung were arguing about whether making ramyeon was cooking
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edalynn · 11 months
I hate to say it but 9 times out of 10 the toh fankids are some of the most unoriginal and bland fankids I’ve ever seen especially when it goes to naming them.
The h/l ones in particular have been so bad it hurts, but nothing will ever top the lum ity fankids I found whose names were Azura and Mittens.
No creativity whatsoever 😭
That same person had the h/l fankid be a grimwalker btw.
I knowwww. I'm kind of undecided on how I feel about lumity kids being named Azura, because on one hand it's the thing that kinda brought them together so it's cute, but on the other hand Luz used Azura/Luzura as a pseudo-name the whole series & it's written into the plot as being important so like??? You know? But I agree wholeheartedly, the designs and the names,,, just say you only like the ship for one character/to make a mini-me from one of the characters that you can do whatever you want with story-wise. It's sooo bland and uncreative.
Also the grimwalker kids ones make me,, almost sick. Like what the fuck is wrong with you? You think Hunter would be okay doing that? Or want to do that? You think that wouldn't be traumatizing? I actually used to even follow the person you're talking about because they're someone that admitted to drawing hunt//low just bc it was popular and they wanted notes on art/popularity and didn't actually like the ship even, but the grimwalker kid after not looking at their blog for a while is what made me block them. I had to go recheck their blog to make sure we were thinking about the same artist and. Yeah. Their fankid and art makes me like. Physically nauseous now bc of it akshfkajshf
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It's you! I'm sooo funny
unoriginal and overdone. i will boil you.
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sillysadduck · 2 years
What do you personally headcanon the names of the trio? Personally I always hated people giving Duck the name Robin since thats a red bird clearly the color swap trio's Duck replacement is Robin
Ohhh, hard decision here, you've got a point with the red version of duck being Robin tho😅 I'm a super old fan so I used to call them Manny, Harry and Robin bc I didn't want to call them their "canon" names I guess? Mostly bc "Red Guy" "Yellow Guy" Felt too aggressive for me☹ like yeah he's just A GUY just some dude not my little special fave/j
So you may have noticed I never call Red and Yellow "Red Guy" and "Yellow Guy" unless its needed, I feel like calling them Red and Yellow feels nicer/closer ig😭 Duck is just Duck, still. I don't really use names for them atm unless I'm talking about my human versions of them
HOWEVER I do believe in the Yellow is David theory, so that's my headcanon name for him when I humanize him. The other two have stayed Harry and Robin bc I'm sooo unoriginal and used to those names I can't let them go </3 it hurts me to let go of "Manny" too but rn I feel like he's David so I stick with that (with Doi as a nickname, I forgot to say) (Also giving him two names is also an option)
So TLDR: David, Harry and Robin for now
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one-strugling-bean · 1 year
About the Mario Bros Movie (particularly the ending):
(this is all my opinion, feel free to disagree and share your own thoughts, id love to discuss them)
1. Is anyone else upset that the final battle took place in the Real World?
Like... Idk, it just reminded me of the ending of SVTFOE in the worst ways, which, if you know you know.
I guess I just overall hate the concept of merging the Real World with a fantastical world of any kind. Mostly because I can't believe that if the Real World got a hold of a Fantastic World, it would leave it be. That Fantastic World would be abused sooooo much.
I shudder just trying to imagine what sort of crap our World would do if we ever got access to the Mushroom Power-Ups.
But also because it doesn't feel necessary? There was nothing for the brothers in the Real World, the beginning of the movie was supposed to show the viewer that. So much so, that in the end, after the battle, they return to the Game World and start living in the Mushroom Kingdom.
The only thing that did tether them to the Real World was their family.
The only reason I can think of why they chose to make the climax in Brooklyn is that B plot Mario had with his father, wanting to prove to him - and by extension, everyone else that looked down on him - that he could be great and achieve something.
And I found that particular plot point sooo unoriginal and unnecessary.
(How many times will movies have to do the "I wanna prove I can be great, I wanna do my father proud!" plot shtick until they get tired??)
But yeah, in conclusion, having the climax in Brooklyn was dumb and mostly unnecessary, except for the family plot line.
Which brings me to my 2nd question:
2. Am I the only one who thinks the movie would've been better if the brothers were orphans? Or simply, by themselves?
I feel kinda mean writing this....
But like, the family is just needless???
I honestly believe being orphans could have made their characters more interesting. (this sounds so insensitive, I'm sorry....)
It would give Luigi and Mario's powerful bond a deeper connotation, for one. It would make even more sense for Mario to be so protective of Luigi and for Luigi to be so dependent on Mario if they only had each other - they are the only ones left for the other.
(Not to say that siblings that live in a big, happy family can't have powerful bonds. That's not the case. I'm just trying to argue what I think would've been more impactful from a narrative standpoint.)
Also, it would still be able to fit with Mario's wishes of being something great.
As I said before, the only reason as to why the final showdown was in the Real World was so Mario could have closure with his family and past life - so he could have that moment of greatness for everyone (especially his dad) to see.
But for me, returning to the Real World was so unsatisfying (see 1.), that the family plot line becomes useless.
I feel like I would've liked the movie a lot more if
A) the brothers didn't have more family, growing up alone together, resulting in them having kind of a tough life when the movie starts
B) Bullet Bill destroyed the pipe instead of travelling through it, severing the connection between the worlds,
C) because the pipe that lead to the Real World had been destroyed, the final showdown happened in the Mushroom Kingdom (or the nearby forest)
D) in the aftermath of the battle, the brothers would confirm that indeed the pipe wasn't working anymore, but they wouldn't be that broken up about it, because even though they did grow up there, the Real World hadn't been very kind to them in the past, and the only thing they ever needed was each other.
And then yeah, final scene with Mario and Luigi waking up and going to work in the Mushroom Kingdom
And uh, yeah... Ta-daaaaaaaa!
That's my personal take about this movie :p
Please please pleaaaaaase if you don't agree with what I've written above feel free to counter with your own thoughts, id love to discuss (as long as it's all in good fun)
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cherrycreamsicle · 1 year
Anyway now that I'm thinking of it it's sooo unfair that aitsf establishes this relationship between mizuki and date and then just does fuck all with it. Least unoriginal thought in the world but its true!!! Why why why establish whatever between date and mizuki and then throw it all away with the canon ending!!!!
I love Iris I really do she's great and I love Hitomi and everything but it feels like. Kind of shit to establish that mizuki is what's in dates future with the mizuki ending like with him not getting his memories back or whatever. And having iris and hitomi be his past to kind of tie together his two states of being (past and future) and then just. Toss it out in the canon ending and have that whole side of the timeline be all about iris when literally to get to that side and get those endings you HAVE to do all of the stuff with and for mizuki.
And even still I know that the sagans and the dates are all like. Idk kind of a weird family unit in nirvana initiative I just. The only thing I don't love about the first game is how it handled everything on the b side.
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whipplefilter · 1 year
LMP2 drivers this weekend:
Why do I hear "Free Bird," and why is it getting louder?
People are being sooo obnoxious about it! You know, everyone and their exceptionally clever "hope it figures out how to turn right" jokes. Holy hell, people, do you ever get tired of being unoriginal and inaccurate? I didn't suffer Chase Elliott dominating on all the road courses for a whole year just to suffer outdated right turn jokes!
This isn't related to the Garage 56 car, but last weekend I had lunch with a friend of mine who's an F1 fan. And he reiterated something he'd already told me but I guess doesn't remember telling me, because it's his one experience of NASCAR. He was criticizing NASCAR's use of the Indy road course and the way the cars cut corners instead of avoiding the rumble strips, and didn't race it like an F1 car.
And I'm like, of course they didn't???? An F1 car and a Cup car are nothing alike? Of course they're going to race differently and their intention will be to race differently because both cars are purpose-built and those purposes are different? Racing the course differently feels like a critical part of understanding what car you are driving, and where. Sir, you are an automotive engineer!! Why wouldn't this be a natural viewpoint to have? To me it's like complaining that your semi doesn't stop on a dime like your Prius does. Or that a Jeep is taking a corner slower than a Ford Focus. I hope so???
Anyway, back to the Garage 56 car. Apparently it's putting down extremely respectable numbers! If anyone even cares XD (They don't. These jokesters are not the ones who are paying attention lol)
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Okay just finished watching all of Downton Abbey!! here are some thoughts. sorry for the length but I need to get this out of my system this has no particular order or reason I am just wringing out my mind like a dirty washcloth.
I feel like everybody here looooves Thomas. Probably like 90% of the Downton Abbey fanfiction on Ao3 are about Thomas. Um you guys know there are other characters in this show right? So I know it's unoriginal. But. I have to admit it. Thomas is my favourite and i love him <3
like they would be talking at dinner about Important Plot Things and Thomas is in the background serving appetizers and I'm like lol. there's Thomas. Then I'd have to rewind cuz I wasn't paying attention
but man he is so nasty at the beginning haha I think people forget that sometimes
I told my (blissfully offline) friend that I like him and she's like, why??? He's so mean???
IDK I like him BECAUSE he is mean! He's terrible and nasty and I like him for it!!
because like why should he be nice anyways? Should he be GRATEFUL to have the immense privilege of holding the door open for someone?? he's been handed an unfair lot in life and why should he be happy about it? poor little meow meow <3 <3
the costumes are sooo pretty. So glamourous! So beautiful! A real feast for the eyes. But like, it does seem all rather silly sometimes lol. Do you really need to wear a special outfit just to dinner. Do you really need so many staff to wait on five people XD
So I actually quite liked Tom's relationship with the family by the end of the series (especially him and Mary) their friendship is very sweet but Tom's arc still frustrates me soooooo much. Like oh yeah suuuure you're all about socialism and equality when you have to drive people around for a living but then you happen to marry a lady and suddenly you're all about upholding the same classist structures that once held you down. 🙄 What ever happened to your PRINCIPLES man?!! He has all the political backbone of a jellyfish. 
And like, Miss Bunting and even Miss Braithwaithe were RIGHT about Tom but they were made out to be SOOO obnoxious, like they were unreasonably painted as villains but at the core of it they were RIGHT. He WAS getting uppity. He WAS forgetting his roots.
Lord Grantham’s like "ooooh it's so sad those terrible brutal communists have been killing those poor innocent Russian aristocrats, oooh how horrifying i do not condone violence and killing" Yeah, but like... it's not as if the Russian peasants weren’t dying brutally at the hands of the rich and powerful for centuries. You weren't crying about it then.
Vera and Lavinia were like the same character to me. The same except so far the opposite it swung around to being the same. Vera was absurdly evil and Lavinia absurdly good and they both served no purpose except to be the obstacle to the One True Pairing 🙄
also Mr. Gregson's wife! Do we even learn her name? Poor lady is having a terrible time of it imprisoned in a mental hospital and literally nobody cares. :/ So much for those wedding vows, "in sickness and in health"
I think! Thomas and O'Brien's friendship is cute! so under-rated. partners in crime. they're in cahoots. >:3c Too bad it had to end like it did :(((
I think the plot with Jimmy would have been more interesting if Jimmy actually HAD led Thomas to believe he had a chance. Like if Jimmy's maybe having some weird feelings he doesn't know how to deal with. But then when push comes to shove Jimmy decides he just doesn't want to risk it and acts all offended to save his own reputation. Because as it is it felt like... a little too sudden. Or maybe I just feel too embarrassed on Thomas's behalf that he made such a mistake.
Anna and Mr. Bates. Ugh. I found their romance SO boring and tedious, so many obstacles were thrown in their way I forgot why they even wanted to be together in the first place. one of the worst subplots and they NEVER let it go
 Daisy was saying a lot of nasty things too by the end of the show honestly. But nooo Thomas is the mean one
 I feel like there is some sort of parallel that could be drawn between Ethel and Thomas. Or I'm not sure if it's a parallel but... how do I put this. If you think that Thomas's lot is unfair, then what happened to Ethel was also unfair. Because what did she do, really? The same thing I bet everyone on here wants Thomas to do. We all love Thomas but nobody really cares about Ethel. :/ idk I thought she had spunk and ambition and it's a shame they had to reduce her to a "fallen woman" subplot
it's so stupid that everyone had to get paired off at the end. Personally I don't see why Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes had to get married. oh the amatonormativity
on the other hand I think Mary and Carlisle should have married lol. XD Yeah they'd be unhappy. but they are suited for each other and it would certainly be INTERESTING haha (dunno how serious i am about this)
Edith’s outfits were always the nicest in my opinion. loved her colour scheme!
everyone's always like "oooohh noo our way of life is dying this is so sad" :((( I mean I guess?? It's sort of sad??? But ultimately. I Do Not Care about the lives of the British Aristocracy.
fun show all round
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
This might be an unpopular opinion, but while I like Taemin and I think he is very talented there isn’t anything in his music and performences that he invented. And I say this because of course every kpop dude who makes something a little bit gender non-comforming is considered a “Taemin son” or whatever like with Jimin now. The way Jimin presented his concept is amazing and obviously he took inspiration from others, but it’s irritating to see peolpe dropping supposed sources of inspiration artist from the 90 and then insert Taemin there too like his inspiration isn’t the same?! He isn’t the og for anything.
I really don't get what's the big deal about Taemin either.. I don't dislike him, at all. But he's never caught my attention like that. He's a very good dancer and I've watched all his MVs AND dance practices, but his music doesn't do anything for me. Neither his aesthetic or his personality, I don't know. I got familiar with shinee discography and I started watching their group MVs and stages pretty much as soon as I got into BTS, and I was always more of a Jonghyun fan than anyone else in shinee. I really enjoyed and listened to Taemin's move sooo many times just like everyone and their grandmas, because it's really good. Great song, great choreo, great vibes overall, he did an excellent delivery. But after that he hasn't done anything that I actually liked.
People get too hang up on who invented what and who's following whose footsteps and etc etc. I think it's extremely hard to actually invent something or create a new concept from scratch nowadays. Especially in music, most times it feels like everything has been done before. Whenever I'm listening to new music, I always think "this song reminds me of this other song", and I can still enjoy it without thinking it's plagiarism or unoriginal. Artists take ideas or vibes from stuff other artists have done before them, and they even re-use their own ideas that they've worked with before. Being original is the ideal, but you also need a ton of personality for that. You need to be completely, unapologetically yourself, and it's not an easy feat to achieve for most people. And even being all of that, everyone always takes something from people who've done it before. Even beyonce's latest album samples some of the most famous songs in the world.
When it comes to kpop and idols being "gender non-conforming" which-- I better don't get started on that; kpop has been this way since early 2000s. A kpop idol "embracing" his "masculine and femenine sides" or his "androgyny" (I use "" because you would never catch me using this words in real life lmao), it's not really groundbreaking and it's been getting done for more than 20 years already. Maybe Taemin fans, people who know him more can associate his aesthetic to something personal about Taemin, and that's why it could mean something more spectacular or original for them, but seeing it from the outside to be honest, I'm unimpressed.
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llycaons · 4 months
sorry to randomly rant in your inbox but after reading so many fics with bad wwx and jc characterization with the exhausting 'jc is mean to me bc he loves me' trope, im just like tbh i think more fics should let wwx be meaner to jc actually asdhfldf
sooo true anon that is genuinely my no. 1 hated trope I just think its so unoriginal and ooc and disgusting/tragic in its implications 🔪🔪🔪 wwx is not really mean to jc in canon but like...he has the right to be ahshdjdnk. and even tho he's not being mean, you can tell when he's fed up and sick of him
I'm trying to finish this jl pov fic that's still boring but has a somewhat more engaging ch7 and it's spin on it is, wwx and lwj are super injured and unconscious so lxc is bringing lwj to safety while jc is bringing wwx, and jc is helping but isn't being nice about it so lsz is getting uncomfortable and angry at jc even tho jl can tell jc is actually taking perfectly good care of wwx. and lsz apologizes later but like...he's completely valid
the thing is, this fic never established their postcanon relationship so lxc and lsz, AND me, the reader, none of us have any reason to trust that jc is going to take great care of an extremely vulnerable wwx, and we have very good reason to he nervous about that given their history. I AM uncomfortable watching jc care for an unconscious wwx. I DON'T trust him to take the best care of him in that state, and not take out his anger on him in even little ways that overall won't actually kill him. I DON'T want jc in the room when wwx needs a caretaker. he just hasn't earned that trust back.
and jl reassures us it's fine but 1. he's a teenager and 2. it's more that wwx himself would probably not feel safe with this situation, and lxc and lsz are looking out for what he himself would choose if he was awake. this situation in the fic was a bit of an emergency so there was no helping it, but it isn't unfair or unreasonable to distrust jc w wwx's safety or ask him to leave while trusted caretakers step in. like...he has NOT earned the benefit of the doubt
so yeah...wish fic authors that mention jc and wwx's rocky relationship explore the consequences for that in ways that negatively impact jc
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