#i'm so excited i was so anxious for nothing lol so happy to have him back man holy shit
rhynehoward · 2 years
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© nathaniel s. butler
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spncrscasey · 2 months
Workaholic (j.w.)
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Fandom/Characters: House M.D. - James Wilson x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Children either bring couples together, or push them apart. Unfortunately in your case, it was the latter.
Warnings: baby talk, miscarriage, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, unhealthy coping mechanisms, tumor/cancer mention, happy ending don't worry, and a BUNCH of pet names (these people are sickly in love- its insane)
a/n: almost finished with season 1 of house and i love wilson so so much, he’s such a cutie patootie. anyway i don’t know how accurate this is because i haven’t seen much of the show yet so im going off spoilers and random reasearch lol but hopefully it makes sense and yall enjoy it <3
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You were currently sitting in the bathroom of your office staring at the test in front of you. You couldn’t believe it. Two lines. You were pregnant.
You were elated. As the Head of Pediatrics, you had ample experience working with children, which made you even more excited about the chance of being a mom since starting a family has always been a dream of yours.
However, you were unsure about how your husband would react to the news. Although you had discussed having kids with James on a few occasions, you never officially agreed to start trying. So it would be an understatement to say that you felt nervous about telling him.
You let out a sigh, carefully sliding the test into your pocket before hesitantly rising to your feet. Despite your concerns, you had to tell him, he has the right to know. Leaving your office, you made your way to the Oncology Department to seek out your husband.
Once you approached his office, you noticed the door slightly ajar, letting you know he was inside. You took a deep breath before gently pushing the door open.
“Hey, dear,” you said smiling at him when he looked up from his files to meet your eyes.
“Hi there sweetheart, how's my favorite girl doing?” He rose from his chair and sauntered around his desk to reach you, where he wrapped his arms around your waist, placing a chaste kiss on your cheek.
You didn't respond right away opting to look at your shoes and avoid his eyes, anxious about the news you were about to deliver. He was instantly worried, furrowing his brows in confusion. “Is everything okay?”
“James, honey, I have something I need to tell you.” You whispered but he heard it anyway.
“Of course Y/N, anything.” His voice dripped with fear as he anticipated what you were about to tell him. Considering you were wife number four, he was bracing himself for you to finally tell him you were leaving. Preparing for the worst, almost expecting the divorce papers even though your marriage had been nothing but perfect.
Yet his thoughts were cut short when you blurted out the information you'd been keeping in for the last twenty minutes. “I’m pregnant.”
You gazed into his eyes, trying to decipher his emotions, but they revealed nothing. His expression was unreadable, leaving you feeling even more uneasy.
“We're going to have a baby?” He questioned, shocked. You nodded and pulled out the pregnancy test to show him. He held it, staring at it, bewildered. It was clear he was processing the information, but his thoughts were kept hidden. Yet, you felt optimistic, hopeful that he wasn't showing signs of being upset.
“We’re having a baby!” He repeated with an enormous grin on his face, instantly enveloping you in a tight embrace.
As you hugged him back, a yelp of excitement escaped your lips. He lifted you off the ground, spinning you around as your laughter filled the air. You gently caressed his cheeks, planting quick and tender kisses all over his face. Joy radiating off of the both of you.
He slowly placed you back on the floor, eliciting a giggle from your lips at the way he was suddenly handling you with caution. “Relax, Jamie, I won't break. You don't have to be so careful, you know.” You reassure him, fingers tangling in his hair.
“You're carrying our baby! Some might say I'm not being careful enough!” He exclaimed back, resting his hands on your hips.
There's a comfortable silence for a moment while you both hold each other as everything sinks in.
“I'm glad you're okay with this.” You admit, leaning your forehead against his.
“Okay? Baby, I've never been happier! This is the best day of my life— well, besides the day I met you obviously.” He clarifies, earning a chuckle from you.
“You’re going to be a great dad, James.”
“And you're going to be an even greater mom, sweetheart.” He responds before delicately pressing his lips against yours.
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You were eleven weeks pregnant. Your OB mentioned you'd be able to find out the baby's gender at your next appointment. Which you were on the way to right now. James couldn't make it due to a consult House had dragged him to but you reassured him that it was fine. You'd surprise him with a mini gender reveal celebration later.
You already had it planned. You'd go to the baby store and buy an article of clothing corresponding to the gender and wrap it in white to keep it concealed. It would be a special moment between you that you'd cherish for the rest of your life. Just the simple thought of it brought a smile to your face as you walked into the exam room, waiting to be checked out.
The nurse finally entered the room and began the procedure. She squeezed the gel onto your stomach and started the ultrasound. You watched intently, still struggling to comprehend the fact that there was an actual baby growing inside of you. The baby you and James had created, the baby your love had created. Your eyes twinkled in happiness at the idea of the family you'd soon become, the corners of your lips turning upwards.
Your smile faltered though when you noticed a momentary expression on the nurse's face that made you apprehensive. Before you were able to analyze it further, she left, informing you that the doctor would see you shortly.
Your heart began racing. What could that mean? Was the baby okay? Were you okay? What was wrong? Yes, you were a doctor, but suddenly all medical knowledge had left your brain. It's like you couldn't focus on anything but the notion that something was clearly not alright.
Your obstetrician stepped into the room, stopping you from spiraling further. A solemn expression on her face.
“Dr. Montgomery- How’s the baby? Is everything okay? Can we know the sex?” You hurriedly asked, letting it all out at once.
“Y/N, I'm sorry. You've had a miscarriage.” She said, looking at you sympathetically.
The world around you suddenly froze in place. Doctor Montgomery’s lips continued to move, providing information, but no sound reached your ears. It was as if her voice was distant and muffled, and all you could concentrate on was the fact that your baby was gone.
Your surroundings suddenly became blurry, hands trembled uncontrollably. How could this have happened? Both you and James had been incredibly careful and wary throughout the pregnancy. What went wrong?
You didn't even realize when she exited the room, leaving you in solitude with your thoughts. You felt numb, detached from the world that kept on spinning as if the devastating news didn't matter. Why was everyone going about their day as if nothing had happened when you had just received such heartbreaking news about not being able to have your baby? You hated it. You were mad at the world, mad at the doctor, mad at yourself.
You got to your feet and made your way to your husband's office, almost as if on autopilot. It felt surreal like your body was being guided by some invisible force through the busy corridors. It was as though your legs were moving of their own accord, taking you where you needed to be, letting your mind wander.
You suddenly found yourself standing in front of the glass doors, unsure of how you had ended up there in the first place. You hesitantly pushed the door open and entered.
As if you hadn't been through enough today, James’ office was found to be empty. The one person you needed at the moment wasn't here, which frustrated you even more. Logically, you knew it wasn't his fault. He's a doctor too. He probably got stuck with House’s consult, yet you were too distraught to think clearly, your distress clouding your judgment. So instead, you took a seat on the couch, waiting for his eventual return.
You sat there, lost in thought, staring into space, unaware of how much time had passed. Not even the sound of the office door being pulled and James entering could draw your attention.
He, however, saw you. Face instantly beaming. “Hey hun, how was the appointment?” He inquired, clueless to your expression since you had your back turned.
Noticing your lack of acknowledgment, he swiftly rushed over to you. Kneeling in front of your seated body, taking your hands in his. “Y/N, sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
His touch finally snapped you out of your thoughts, causing you to meet his concerned gaze. Tears filled your eyes as you whispered, barely audible, “I lost it.”
“Lost what angel? What's going on?” He questioned further, slowly moving his hands to cup your face.
“The baby, James. I lost our baby,” You explained, letting out a sob while falling forward.
He quickly caught you, putting his hands around you to hold you tightly, unable to believe the news himself. He clutched onto you, not only in a way to comfort you but himself as well. Tears kept streaming down your face, and the reality of the situation finally sank in. It felt like you hadn't come to terms with it until just now. You nuzzled your face into his chest, no doubt soaking his dress shirt, but you were too overwhelmed to care.
You could hear a few sniffles coming from him too, which only added to the heartbreak you were feeling. Knowing that you were the cause of his pain, the reason behind his tears. It made it all the more unbearable. The realization that you were the one who had resulted in the end of the life of the baby you both had hoped to raise was finally getting through to you, and it was crushing.
If you had communicated your feelings, he would have immediately reassured you that he would never hold you responsible for this. And he would have been right. No matter how upsetting it may be, these things happen, it wasn't your fault. But your brain wasn't functioning right presently, and all it could see was the pain you believed you were causing the both of you.
You lost track of how long the two of you held each other like that. Time was spent with you mostly crying, and him trying to hold himself together while whispering sweet nothings into your ear. It was supposed to be comforting, but it wasn't. Nothing he said would bring your baby back. You let him try regardless, knowing it was his way of coping with the loss.
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It had been two weeks since you found out. Two weeks since your life changed for the worse.
There were many ways to deal with a loss. Attend grief support groups, see a therapist, journal, meditate— yet here you were, ignoring all of those and overworking yourself to death instead.
In your head, if you couldn't save and care for your own baby, you were determined to do it for others.
As a result, over the past two weeks, you've thrown yourself into your work. You'd been getting home late while leaving early in the mornings, picking up extra shifts, and spending more time at the clinic— all to avoid confronting the event that occurred.
Was it healthy? No. Was it working? Yes.
You found yourself isolating from everyone and everything. Even your own husband. You didn't mean to avoid him, it just happened that way because you were hardly ever at home anymore. Cuddy had even asked you to go home and rest up on multiple occasions but you refused each time, insisting that you were fine.
You were currently at the clinic, examining a patient who had an unknown mass in her stomach. It was likely a tumor so you were forced to page your husband, Dr. Wilson, Head of Oncology.
You didn't want to do it, knowing that if you paged him here, the conversation would end with him forcing you to open up. As it would be the first time you two would have an actual exchange in the last two weeks. But for your patient's sake, you were ready to set aside your personal issues and focus on her well-being. So you did what you had to do, and hesitantly paged him.
He was inside the exam room within five minutes.
Unbeknownst to you, seeing your name on his pager spiked his heart rate. He hadn't truly spoken to his wife in what felt like forever and seeing that she needed him was a relief. This was finally his opportunity to talk to you.
“You paged me, Dr. Y/L/N?” He asked as he stepped inside.
“Yes actually, Dr. Wilson, could you check what that mass is on the left side of her abdomen?” You pointed toward where the mass was.
“May I?” He asked the patient, motioning towards her body to which she nodded.
Upon receiving the woman's permission, he proceeded to examine the mass. He assessed that there was a high likelihood of it being a tumor, but a biopsy should be scheduled to confirm the diagnosis and see whether it is cancerous or not.
You thank him and turn back to the lady. “You're free to go, ma'am. I'll schedule the biopsy and the hospital will call to let you know when it is.” You inform her as she leaves.
After she leaves the room, you tidy up and restore everything to its original state before attempting to turn toward the door when you feel a tug at your wrist.
“That's it?”
“Is what it? I thanked you for your assistance now I'm going to order the biopsy you mentioned. Did I do something wrong Dr. Wilson?”
“You realize we're alone right? You don't have to be so formal.” He replies, tone filled with something you couldn't put your finger on.
Before you had a chance to reply he continued, “Why haven't you been coming home?” This time you understood his tone, accusatory.
“I have been.”
“Oh that's right, you get home every day past midnight and leave before sunrise. So you're home about what? 4-5 hours?” He summarizes.
“What do you want me to say, James?” You sigh.
“I want you to talk to me! Talk to your husband. Let me in! Stop avoiding me Y/N!” He raises his hands in the air, exasperated.
“I'm not avoiding you, I've just been busy with work.” You reply, purposefully ignoring the first part of his statement.
“Believe me, we've all realized how much of a workaholic you are.” He rolled his eyes.
You both stayed silent for a moment before he spoke up, voice softer this time, “Honey I know losing the baby was hard but-”
You cut him off before he could finish the sentence. The sudden mention of your baby made you see red.
“Don't you dare mention my baby.” You spoke, voice sharper than a thousand knives.
“That was my baby too, Y/N! This loss has been difficult for me too!” He yelled back, making you flinch yet you didn't back down.
“Really? Because I don't recall you being there that appointment.” It was a low blow and you were aware of it. You didn't truly blame him but you were being put on the defensive and you were willing to say anything that would get him to drop the topic.
“That's not fair and you know it,” He shook his head in disbelief.
“What's not fair is that our child is gone, James. Gone.” You let out, voice shaking at the last word.
“I know sweetheart, I know.” He pulled you in and you let him, willingly giving into the embrace you'd missed so much. He held you with one arm while using the other hand to stroke up and down your back like he'd done many times before. The comforting touch, so familiar yet so longed for, enveloped you, evoking a profound sense of solace. In that fleeting moment, serenity washed over you, bringing a deep sense of peace, even if it was temporary.
“I don't deserve this.” You mumble into his chest.
He moves his hands to your shoulders, pushing you aside to get a better look at your face, “What do you mean?”
“I don't deserve your kindness. I killed our baby and here you are- comforting me.”
He looked at you dumbfounded. Like you had just said the most idiotic statement known to man. You were blaming yourself for this? He grabbed your chin, bringing your face up so you could look at him.
“Y/N, you know I never blamed you for any of this right?” He asked rhetorically. Knowing you wouldn't answer, he continued, “You didn't kill anyone. You're not responsible for what happened. It's not your fault. I need you to understand that.” He said firmly.
“I just feel so empty James, like a part of me is missing. A part that I'll never be able to get back- and I just don't know what to do with myself anymore.” You confess, eyes shutting in exhaustion.
He moves one hand to the back of your head, absentmindedly playing with your hair, soothing you while you speak.
“It feels like this emptiness is going to last forever and I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with that Jamie.”
Oh, how he had missed hearing that nickname leaving your lips. It made him feel at home.
Perhaps things were slowly getting better.
“It's going to take time, but we’ll get through it Y/N. I promise. Let's just take it one day at a time, alright?”
You nodded, lips slightly quirking up.
“I'm sorry for pushing you away and avoiding you for two weeks.” You look down, embarrassed. “I also apologize for not being there for you. I know you've been dealing with this too and it wasn't right of me to abandon you in a time of need where I should've been by your side instead.”
“That’s okay,” he says drawing you in closer once more, wrapping his arms around you making you sway back and forth. “Just promise me that you'll come home with me tonight, so we can enjoy a nice and relaxing bath together.” He adds.
“Oh, I definitely promise that.” You reply, smirking at him before adding, “I love you.”
“And I love you, angel.”
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yeowangies · 3 months
mutual understanding
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | CHAPTER IV: Moon and stars | V
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PAIRING: Kenpachi/AFAB!Reader CONTENTS: AU - Fantasy, Medieval, Royalty, Arranged Marriage, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication, Pining, Explicit Sexual Content, Virginity Loss. WARNING FOR THIS CHAPTER: Explicit sexual content, Loss of virginity. WORDCOUNT: 4013
Your heart was beating fast, too fast too quickly, your body suddenly burning with every touch from him; you were worried you might be sick if you got like this every time you were intimate with your husband. Was this how it was supposed to feel every single time?
I have a lot of doubts about this, but at the same time, i'm pleased with how everything turned out. Enjoy 🤭
Let me know if you wanna be tagged!
header by me, divider by @/saradika
taglist: @actuallysaiyan @lol-ktr @vrgelivvvv @pennameyoruichiii
@hikariandptakchleb @thebestgirlever2 @tequila-coffee-things
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Kenpachi was gone that same day. Goblins and other small creatures proliferated in the forest around the castle and had been traveling towards the King’s palace, so most of the soldiers had gone with him to eliminate them. Only a handful of soldiers and Yumichika stayed behind, much to his chagrin, to protect the castle and you, or so he told you. 
It had been five days, and you had been disappointed and annoyed the first couple of days, but then you wondered when he was even going to come back. 
The cold was unbearable, even with the warmest coat you had, it was difficult to stay still, so you sat, fidgeting in your seat by the gallery, watching Yachiru play around in the snow. She had taken the opportunity to sleep some nights with you since Kenpachi left, clearly bored without him. She occasionally sparred with Yumichika, but she must have gotten bored about that at that moment, much more entertained with running around the castle yards to build snowmen.
“You must be impatient, Your Highness.” Yumichika commented casually as he approached you to sit by your side. 
“It’s alright, I do wish my husband would get home safely though.” He only hummed in response, and you noticed the smile on his face when you turned to look at him. “What?”
“The Captain looked pretty pissed when he left that day.”
“He was.” You chuckled. 
“But you look different since then. Radiant , if I might add.”
You gape at him when you saw the mischievous gleam in his eyes, before quickly averting your gaze.
“I do not know what you mean.” You replied with blush on your cheeks. 
“I take it that you two are getting along now?”
You flushed deeper, remembering that day when you yelled at Kenpachi in front of his men. Yumichika was obviously prying while simultaneously teasing you, and you smiled, despite your embarrassment. 
“We had the time to get to know each other.”
“I’m happy for you, Your Highness.”
His company had been soothing in those days, no matter how much he teased you, and you had been grateful. 
By the next day, you were more anxious than anything. Even though Yumichika had told you a thousand times not to worry, you couldn’t help it. Albeit, you knew nothing about how long it could take to exterminate magical creatures, but it couldn’t be so difficult, could it?
It was getting darker as you tapped your foot against the main room’s floor while skimming through the pages of a book you had attempted to read several times that day but couldn’t find it in you to focus. You were on edge, concerned and desperate, when you heard the horn outside the castle being blown, the announcement of Kenpachi’s arrival. 
You dashed out at once, catching a quick glimpse through the window of the soldiers riding their horses as they entered the castle. You had never run so fast, and you were at the entrance just in time to see Kenpachi jumping off his horse, your heart jumping in your chest from excitement at the sight.
He had seen you running towards him as soon as you stepped outside, but his expression showed his surprise when you jumped into his arms. His cold armor gave you goosebumps, you didn’t even grab your coat when you ran out, but you only clung to him harder, smiling wide when you felt his arms wrapped around your frame. 
“Why did my husband take so long to return?” You asked him, straining your neck to look up at him after you pulled away. 
“I would have burned the forest down to get here faster if I could have.” Kenpachi replied with a smirk, patting your head. 
When he kissed you, you froze for a split second. It wasn’t common practice to kiss your spouse in public, much less sticking their tongue in their mouth, but it was what your husband was doing at that moment. While you were surrounded by his soldiers. 
“Ken!” You said between kisses while pushing at his shoulders. “Your men are watching us!”
“Who the fuck cares?” 
Kenpachi kept his lips on yours until it was obvious that you wouldn’t return it. You were faced with the cheers and applause of the soldiers surrounding you, which only mortified you more as you buried your face in your hands. 
“Shut up!” Kenpachi hollered, making all the men flinch. “You have the day off tomorrow, now get lost!”
You gasped when he suddenly picked you up in his arms before he strolled into the castle, carrying you up the stairs as if you weighed nothing. 
“What are you doing?!” You yelled, clinging to his neck as firmly as you could. That might as well be the highest you had ever been without your feet touching the ground and it made your blood run cold. 
“It’s been six fucking days. Can you even imagine the state that I’m in?”
“I-I do not understand what you mean…”
Kenpachi had taken you to your bedroom faster than you could have imagined, and he let you down on the floor before closing the door.
“It means I thought of nothing else but you when I was freezing my ass off in the forest.” 
You recognized the look in his eyes as soon as he turned to you, and it ignited a fire within you that you had only experienced once in your life. 
You had been too excited to have him back that you didn’t even notice how dirty he was until he kissed you again.
“Ken, please wait a second…” You pleaded, pushing at his shoulders. 
“I can’t wait another second!”
“You’re filthy!”
“ I’m what? ”
He looked at you, bewildered and obviously angry, and it took all your willpower not to smile even a little bit. A silly thing to find amusing, but you were thrilled that he desired you so much he couldn’t wait. You didn’t want to wait either, quickly feeling that tingle between your legs as soon as he had kissed you. 
But you wouldn’t do it with the smell he was exuding at the moment. 
You ordered one of the maids to bring hot water for a bath as fast as she could before you helped Kenpachi get rid of his clothes. Difficult task considering how handsy he was; tugging at your hand, wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. As if he was trying to coax you into giving in. It was all the more complicated to stick to the simple resolve of just waiting for him to bathe. His actions were exciting and made your heart jump happily inside your chest.
“Can you wait just a few moments until the bath is ready?” You half heartedly chastised him after pushing his hand away from your waist. 
“You wouldn’t be asking me that if you knew how hard it’s been since I left.” Kenpachi replied, once again sliding his hands up your waist, dangerously close to your chest. 
Whatever protest you could have had died in your throat when he pressed you firmly to his body, head leaning down to lick up your neck. You didn’t even attempt to fight him off then, shuddering at the contact of his lips to your skin, making you gasp. Your feeble resolution was quickly discarded, but you didn’t care. 
Your dress was ripped easily, and you gaped at him, in disbelief that Kenpachi had simply pulled at the fabric and that was all it took to leave you in your undergarments. 
“My dress! Why did you-”
“I’ll buy you more dresses.”
His lips clashing against yours prevented any further complaints, and your mind turned to mush when his hands started grabbing and kneading at you, a flimsy camisole and his pants the only pieces of clothing between the two of you. Though it didn’t matter much; when he embraced you firmly against his body, you could feel his erection as it pressed against your stomach, making you gasp against his lips. 
Kenpachi got rid of your camisole in the blink of an eye, leaving you completely bare for him. You yelped when he picked you up and unceremoniously threw you on the bed, crawling on top of you and attaching his lips to your neck, nibbling and licking while his hands roamed your body. 
Your heart was beating fast, too fast too quickly, your body suddenly burning with every touch from him; you were worried you might be sick if you got like this every time you were intimate with your husband. Was this how it was supposed to feel every single time?
The heat in your abdomen surged when his fingers traced the inside of your thighs, all the way until they slid past your wet folds. You jolted and gasped, thick fingers prodding and pressing against your walls. Kenpachi stared at your face, gauging your reaction, grinning salaciously when he grazed a sweet spot inside you, making you moan. 
He pumped his fingers with obvious intent, every word in your mind casted out in the process. You stuttered breathlessly, clinging to his arms and moving your hips against his hand. It was like your body had a mind of its own and you couldn’t control yourself. 
“That’s it,” Kenpachi groaned, licking his lips as he eyed you intensely. “Fuck, I’m going to have you all for myself.”
He crashed his lips against yours, swallowing down all the noises you made. Groping your chest with one hand, his fingers never slowed down, sliding in and out at a fast pace, creating one of the most sinfully wet sounds you’ve ever heard. It only made the knot in your abdomen grow tighter. 
The knock on the door brought you back to earth, much to your embarrassment. You pushed at Kenpachi’s shoulders, trying to get him off you, but he didn’t budge until the maids announced in a very quiet and awkward tone that they had prepared the bath. 
You gasped when you realized they must have known what you were doing. 
When Kenpachi finally pulled away, it was due to your flailing as you tried to cover yourself with the blankets. 
“Hurry the fuck up.” He grumbled to the maids, irritated, as he opened the door.
The maids hurriedly walked in with the wooden bathtub and hot water, arranging the towels and clean clothes before they were practically kicked out of the room by Kenpachi’s impatient orders while you had cocooned yourself with the covers. When he tugged at the fabric, you whined like a child throwing a fit. 
“What is it? I can’t read your mind.” He complained, still pulling at the sheets. 
“The maids heard us!” 
“So? Who gives a crap?”
“ Who gives- ” 
Kenpachi removed the blankets from your face with one harsh tug, and you were forced to see his still lustful eyes and an amused grin. 
“Join me.” He said, signaling to the bathtub behind him.
“I-I mustn’t, you’re the one who needs to wash up…” You stuttered, blushing when he undid his pants, muscles bulging with every little move. 
Propriety aside, you stared wide eyed when he stood naked in front of you. Your fingers flinched, eager to reach out; his cock was long, thick and standing at attention, and you were curious about what it’d be like to touch it. Was it normal to be so big? It was the first time you saw a man completely bare, and you had nothing to compare him to, but the palpitations you were having and the sudden increase of the heat in your abdomen was all you needed to know how attracted you were to him. No matter how nervous you felt, you couldn’t wait to touch him. 
Kenpachi’s devious smirk was too alluring and only enticed you more. As soon as you pulled the blankets off, he grabbed you, easily picking you up in his arms to carry you to the bathtub. You yelped, clinging to his neck until he eased you into the tub, getting in with you soon after. 
“I thought you’d complain more.” He teased you, taking your hand and pulling you closer. 
You couldn’t reply, too nervous and excited to speak, only licking your lips as you scooted closer to him, settling between his legs. With a hand on the back of your neck, Kenpachi wasted no time and kissed you fervently. All his kisses had been insistent and greedy, but you knew the difference then. Everything was burning hot and you were dying to be smoldered. 
Curiosity and desire got the better of you, and you reached for his erection, wrapping your hand around it and feeling the heated skin on your fingers. The deep groan that came out of Kenpachi’s lips made your heart stop as you experimentally moved your hand, eliciting more sounds from him. 
Though you didn’t really know what to do, the few reactions you got from him so far were enough to keep you going. Kenpachi grunted, tugged at your hair, shuddered with every twist from your hand. It was exhilarating, a new passionate thrill; you had power over this strong, big man, even if it was just for a moment. Why did you let him go for a week in the first place if just a small touch made you feel like this? And why couldn’t he come back sooner?
“Why did you take so long to come back?” You asked against his lips.
“I got lost.” Kenpachi groaned, frowning as if he was in pain.
“You got lost?” Your eyes opened wide and a smile tugged at your lips. 
Pulling at your hair, he kissed you forcefully once more as he wrapped his fingers around your hand, guiding your strokes on his cock. He moved urgently, grunting into the kiss, jerking his hips into your fist. 
For a fleeting instant, Kenpachi seemed cute , so desperate to keep touching you, making your heart flutter. Maybe you were more enamored than you initially thought. 
Pushing your hand away after a few pleasant moments, he tugged at your arm, urging you to sit on his lap, water sloshing around as you straddled him. 
“Come here, princess,” Kenpachi smirked, licking his lips as he eyed you up and down, taking in the sight of your wet naked body. “I’ve been dying to see you.”
You inevitably blushed, but didn’t recoil. His hands slid up and down your sides, gripping your flesh, squeezing every inch of you. You wanted him, needed more of his hands, his touch on your body, like the moon needed the stars to make a night complete. 
His fingers slid between your legs, easily gliding two digits inside you in one swift move, and you moaned, clinging to him when your thighs trembled. Your arousal had reached its boiling point moments ago, but you could feel it rapidly growing again as he pumped his fingers.
When Kenpachi took them out, he guided your hips towards his erection, stroking his cock in his hand before gliding the head over your slicked folds. You breathed in deeply, bracing yourself with a tight grip on his shoulders. 
As he slowly slipped inside you, you were left breathless. Being stretched beyond what you imagined, you felt a tang of pain, but the pleasure of being filled overtook you. You panted until he was fully sheathed inside you, digging your nails into his skin as he planted open mouth kisses on your neck. 
“Fuck, your pussy is so tight,” Kenpachi murmured, surprisingly sweet, against your damp skin. “Relax…”
You wrapped your arms tightly around his neck, burying your face in his shoulder, taking in his scent. His natural musk mixed in with an earthy smell, it must have been due to all the days he spent in the open field. But it was so his , you loved it. 
Your walls clenched around his erection, and he groaned, long and loud, against your neck. 
“ Shit , what are you doing?” Kenpachi asked in a shaky voice, holding you tightly. “I’m trying to hold back here…”
“Why are you doing that?” 
“What kind of question is that? I’m not some brute who will just fuck you without consideration when it’s your first time.”
You pulled away to look him in the eye, brushing your nose against his as you threaded your fingers through his hair. 
“Maybe a little bit of that is what I want… it already feels good…”
The air was knocked out of you when his cock slid out promptly before thrusting back inside you in one swift move. Your mouth hung open, taken aback by the new sensation of having something so big promptly filling you so harshly. 
“You gave me permission,” Kenpachi smirked, licking your lips. “Don’t complain later.”
He abandoned any delicacy he might have had, and his hips jerked into you at a hard, rough pace. Water sloshed around, spilling onto the floor, as he held onto you, keeping you in place, his cock sliding in and out swiftly.
Sounds left your lips, though you could barely recognize them. All you could focus on was that warm sensation in your abdomen growing again, and the throbbing of your skin between your legs, like it was on fire. Even his hands felt like they were burning, gripping at your hips and ass, digging his fingers in, marking you as his. 
Kenpachi was grunting into your neck, occasionally licking and biting the skin there, and you had no idea how insanely hot his voice could be until then. Low and deep and hoarse, lost in the pleasure and God, you wanted to hear more of that. 
His grip on you was making it hard for you to move, but you attempted to roll your hips just in time with his thrusts, and a low growl rumbled from his chest when your hips met. 
“ Fuck , you’re gonna make me lose it…”
“Stop treating me like a porcelain doll,” You tugged hard at his hair, making him face you. “Show me how much you desire me!”
His eyes were already clouded by lust the minute you looked at them, but something shifted when those words left your mouth.
You were taken off guard when his hips promptly jerked up, his cock hitting so deep you saw stars behind your lids. 
Kenpachi crashed his lips against yours, devouring them and swallowing down all the noises you were making. It was impossible not to be loud; every sensitive nerve was being stroked by his wonderful cock, even places you had no idea could feel so good. He held you firmly with an arm around your waist, and you tried to grind down to meet his thrusts, but it was clear that you couldn’t match his moves.
He fucked into you like an animal driven by pure instinct; like he had been waiting for this for the years. The tub creaked with every slap of his hips against your ass, and you were afraid it might collapse underneath the both of you, while simultaneously hoping he wouldn’t stop. Curses left his lips with every push of his dick, adding to your arousal, the heat inside your tummy burning, close to snapping. 
You couldn’t believe how close to the edge you were already, panting and whimpering every time his cock hit inside you just so, making your legs shiver. You dug your nails into the skin of his back, drawing blood, coaxing a guttural groan from Kenpachi, music to your ears. 
“You’re gonna come, aren’t you?” Kenpachi growled, staring at you with dark eyes and the widest smirk you’ve seen on his face. 
You opened your mouth to try and utter an answer, but his thumb suddenly rubbing your clit left you breathless. Every stroke was precise, with the right pressure to push you over the edge. You wanted to warn him you were bound to tip over soon, but you couldn’t articulate any words, too far gone to think straight. 
“Come on, baby, I wanna feel you.” He instructed you, licking at your mouth as you stuttered out a moan. “Come on my cock.”
His words were all you needed, and you shuddered as you came, completely overwhelmed. Jaw hanging open, you held tightly onto him as sparkles danced in your mind, pleasure flooding your veins as he fucked you through your orgasm, making your toes curl. 
“ Fuck , that’s it.” Kenpachi growled, keeping his eyes fixed on your face as he rammed into you. “I’m the only man who will make you come.”
His rhythm wasn’t fazed by your insides clenching around his length; if anything they spurred him on. Increasing the speed, he chased his own release, grabbing your hips in a firm grip as you shook with aftershocks, whimpering every time his cock slid in and out.
“You’re mine and only mine!”
With a hard thrust, Kenpachi buried his cock inside you, throbbing as it spilled his cum, filling you to the brim. You sobbed, the sensation of being even fuller than earlier making tears well up in your eyes. The skin between your legs tingled pleasantly as your thighs quivered, tired from the strain.
It felt like ages until you came down from your high. You were floating in the sky, but his hands brought you back with a smoldering touch. Nothing compared to the ground shaking orgasm you just experienced, and you finally understood what the fuss was about when your maids gossiped about sex. Though you doubted people even knew how good sex with Kenpachi was. 
Both of your skins were wet and sticky with sweat and bodily fluids, but you didn’t mind, choosing to keep your arms firmly wrapped around him as you regained your composure. Half of the water had spilled onto the floor, and what was still in the tub had turned lukewarm, but Kenpachi’s body was hot enough to keep you warm. 
Was it possible to feel this way in the arms of a man like him? 
His cock was still inside you when he stood up with you in his arms, and you let out a shriek, clinging tightly to him as he got out of the tub. 
“I’m not done with you.” Kenpachi said, spilling water onto the floor as he walked to the mattress to lay you down.
The cool air hit your damp skin, creating goosebumps, and you gasped when he shifted his weight, his erection moving slightly, making you shudder. Still sensitive after such an intense orgasm, every little move sent jolts of pleasure through your veins. 
As Kenpachi loomed over you, your heart skipped several beats. The image was oddly familiar, but the feeling blooming in your chest was quite different than that night he had saved you in the forest. His aura was just as heavy, but it only made the warmth in your abdomen burn anew, and you couldn’t wait for him to start fucking you again . 
“I’ve been waiting for this for way too long,” Kenpachi grinned salaciously, eying you as if you were a piece of meat and licking his lips. “I’m gonna take my time now.”
With a hand on the back of his neck, you brought him down to meet your lips, kissing him fervently. He grunted, surprised but just as eager, sliding his tongue into your mouth while he gripped your waist. 
Pulling his hips back, Kenpachi thrust into you sharply, making you moan into the kiss, stars beaming behind your lids when he started a steady pace. As he trailed his tongue down your neck, you submerged yourself in every sensation, every touch, every sound, letting go of any inhibition that might have still been lingering in your mind. You just wanted to focus on this man, who just happened to desire you so, and wanted to please you while he satiated himself simultaneously. 
And everything felt so heavenly, you moaned over and over, unashamed, as you got closer to the edge for the second time that night.
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st-eve-barnes · 10 months
How are we all feeling the day after??
I wanted to make a post and maybe nobody cares but there's just a few things I want to get off my chest after yesterday.
First of all I LOVED the sense of community on here, how we all anticipated this new content as if it was Christmas coming early, how we freaked out over every new photo and clip together, feeling anxious and overly excited, this is what fangirling is all about for me. A HUGE thank you to everyone who shared videos, took the time to make gifs and edits. I'm not going to name blogs or tag people in this post but you all know who you are. This fandom is blessed with all of you❤️
Next up: Ewan❤️❤️ I had some concerns beforehand knowing he's so introverted but I feel so proud of how he handled this whole thing, so happy to see him happy and see how warm the fans accepted him and made him feel loved. Brazil, you did an amazing job! You could tell it really helped him feel comfortable as well, and while he was clearly very nervous I could see the joy and how proud he was whenever he gave a great answer. Prepared or not, that doesn't matter, it was wonderful to hear him talk so thoughtfully about Aemond. I also loved how open and sweet he seemed, hugging everyone, engaging with fans and even taking selfies afterwards. I had NOT expected that part and it makes me so hopeful for the future.
But...you know I was getting to the bad stuff, right?
I also got severe flashbacks from previous fandoms yesterday and I did not like it one bit.
The more content there is the more people have opinions. They don't like what he's wearing or how he/his hair looks, they analyze his every move in the panels, question his answers or worse question his entire personality and sexuality.
Even if some comments feel harmless it's all a lot of negative energy that gets put out there. And it opens doors we should not open.
Can we as a fandom please stay out of Ewan's love life/sexuality? It has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with us or why we all adore him so much. It changes nothing about who he is, it does not affect your own life at all. Literally not at all.
You don't like his outfit? Cool, that's fair, it was a bold choice, I understand it's not everyone's cup of tea. But is it really necessary to point that out and make several posts about it?
I know this is the internet generation's right to state their opinion on everything, and maybe this is my age showing, but sometimes there is truth in "If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all."
I don't want this to be a call out post because it's not and I'm the last person to call people out, I've made comments in previous fandoms as well that I'm not proud of, I think we all have esp in the heat of the moment. And maybe I'm too sensitive because I've seen it happen in other fandoms, how quickly the negativity and gossip can take over and ruin a good thing.
I don't want this to happen to this fandom cause despite some petty drama it's been such a fun, amazing space for me over this past year and I'd like that to continue.
I guess this a general soft request to all of us to be a little kinder next time we get new content, maybe don't be so critical and just enjoy what we're getting?
(Because lord knows chances are he's going back into his cave for months now lol)
Anyway, I don't want to end on a negative, yesterday was amazing and I'm still shaking. I feel so proud to support Ewan, he's really something special, I feel that even more after yesterday. And despite the negative I'm also proud to be part of this fandom and this little community on here and I'd love to freak out with all of you a lot more often in the future ;)
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scribefindegil · 1 year
ok i'm soooo happy you talked about the mind control thing with the divine tree arc. it rubbed me the wrong way a lot and is the reason why i still don't really like dimple, even though i know it's an important story point and all, i feel like brainwashing is a huge violation and it was never really talked about afterwards. it also rubbed me the wrong way when mob wondered if he did something wrong by stopping the brainwashing even though it made peopl happy, like i feel like that's so disrespectful to autonomy and such (even though, it is a fictional story)
i really like what you're doing with the brassica heresy, with tsubomi taking center stage bc she is one of my faves, i'm really excited where it will go!
Okay. It is possible that you will not like what I have to say. That's fine; you don't have to agree with me and you certainly don't have to like a fictional character who has done fucked-up stuff.
That said.
I feel like you're approaching this with framing that's pretty at odds with the themes of the show. Everyone agrees that the brainwashing was bad. A lot of Mob Psycho characters have done things that are bad. Pretty much everyone I know spent most of the Divine Tree confrontation absolutely furious with Dimple. But the question is: Okay, a character has done something awful. Now what? A lot of people would say that the only solution is punishment and rejection, that Dimple has done something too terrible for him to remain a sympathetic character, and he needs to be exiled or killed or imprisoned or otherwise removed from the show.
But Mob Psycho 100 believes, completely and utterly, with its whole chest, with every arc and with every character, that there is nothing you can do that is so terrible that you are undeserving of human connection, that you are incapable of changing for the better. It believes that there is no fundamental, ontological difference between the people you hate and the people you love, between a terrorist trying to take over the world and a kid who lashed out once and accidentally hurt his brother. Which isn't to say that actions don't matter; obviously they do, and they have consequences. But regardless of what they've done, everyone is just a person. Everyone can grow.
And, crucially, it isn't interested in punishment. Did the character realize their mistake and begin to change? That's what matters. The show doesn't have people constantly rehash the bad things they've done; it just gives them the chance to stop and choose a different path. And Dimple does. Dimple realizes that his goal of godhood wasn't going to make him happy, but his friendship with Mob was.
And people can have boundaries; people can decide that they don't want to be associated with someone any more; forgiveness, in Mob Psycho, is always a choice. But it's a choice that the characters continue to make because the show values kindness and transformation.
So like, yeah, the brainwashing was truly, deeply horrifying. And Mob loves Dimple anyway. And I do too.
(Also, to your point about the LOL cult: Mob is extremely anxious about doing the right thing and specifically about following social rules. And those people did seem to be happy, so of course it makes sense that the fear that he made their lives worse is going to eat at him. That's why Reigen's there, to reassure him, to tell him "You saved some people that only you could have saved," to listen to him tell his story and say that no, those people weren't really happy, and he did something good and important and necessary by breaking the spell.)
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bigoltrashpile · 1 year
Hi! I'm the one who asked about how the skellys lost their virginity. Thank you for answering and omg, poor Hound :( !! Would you mind answering how the other boys felt/the situation when they lost their virginity to the reader please (i saw your tag lol)? This includes Hound too, if that's alright, the boy deserves to feel good for his actual first time! (I believe you're still a virgin until you pick your partner on your own free and excited will). Thank you so much, you're wonderful!
Of course! And you're wonderful too UwU This is gonna be under a cut again just to be safe, even though there's not any real smut
Papyrus was incredibly nervous his first time. He was no child, he knew exactly what he was supposed to do, he was just afraid you would...lose interest in him. If he does something embarrassing, or if he doesn't satisfy you, then you might leave him. Of course, that's ridiculous in hindsight! He knows now that you love him, and he loves you back. He feels a bit silly even thinking it now! You would have to be the one to make the first move. Even though he was clearly scared, you were sure to make it special. Plenty of praise and sweet nothings, taking it slow and making sure he was comfortable the whole time, Papyrus is more than happy that you were the one to pop his cherry!
Noir was a bit nervous, like Papyrus, but mostly excited. He was always embarrassed to admit that he was a virgin, and definitely pretended that it wasn't his first time when the two of you got down and dirty. When you first asked if he wanted to go do some "adult activities" he almost spit out his drink. Him? Sleep with you? I mean, of course! He is very good at sex! And very experienced!!! You obviously saw through this, and were sure to make his first time very special~
Like Noir, Scar refused to admit that he was a virgin. Of course, when would he have had time? Juggling raising a brother, being captain of the royal guard, and just being generally unapproachable. But when you finally broached the topic, he was more than a bit anxious. Excited, of course, but with a fair amount of "Oh god what if I fuck it up" thrown in. Naturally, the two of you had an amazing time, quickly getting more adventurous as the two of you got more comfortable. Scar is more than happy that he let you be his first.
Hound is the outlier on this list, since he has had sex before, just...not in a very healthy context. After his first time, he had quite a few one night stands, mostly in order to bargain for safety or resources, or just to feel a little less hollow. But his first time with you changed everything. At first he kept trying to please you, to put your comfort and pleasure over him, but you quickly put a stop to it. You showed him what sex between equals was like, and he's more than thankful. He has a much healthier relationship with sex now, and he would never dream of going back.
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Neurodivergent headcanons! (long post?)
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Skid and Pump
Both of them are autistic, Skid also has ADHD
They share the same hyperfixation on Spooky Month
While Pump doesn't stims, Skid stims mostly all of the time (flailing his arms and legs) since he's always happy and joyful
Skid's mom is pretty aware and always help him if needed
Meanwhile... Pump's parents has literal NO idea
BUT his sister does autistic and autistic protector basically
Both not that worried about it
"Why do you do that with your arms, little one?" "Mom said I'm autism!" "Autistic..." "Mom said I'm autistic!"
Skid's ADHD is definitely a problem tho, that boy gets distracted very easily
So that's why Pump is always there to remember things for him
"...and then visit the park!" "And buy the cheese for miss Lila!!" "AND BUY CHEESE!" "YAAAAY!"
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Ross and Robert
Both autistic aswell + Ross with dyscalculia
Ross absolutely hates school because
1 - His mom already told the school about his difficulties and they did absolutely nothing
2 - The math teacher is as annoying as math is
Both Roy and Robert always help him with that or just give him the answers if they're lazy
He's normally quieter because he's the non-verbal type, which could also make him kinda rude by accident
"But why should I say something when I leave a store? I just don't want anything." "But that's rude!" "It is???"
Now with Robert: he's completely fine, sometimes his mother is afraid to offend him and he's just
"Uhh mom I'm just standing there"
Stims everytime he gets excited or happy
Constantly changes hyperfixations
*Infodumps* *Listens*
Ross has a little of trouble with emotions but he tries
Tried, he eventually gave up lol
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This man has some serious problems understanding sarcasm
Never told John or anyone besides his family about his autism
"You're autistic?! Why didn't you said anything??" "Uh... why should I?"
Jack don't have many troubles hurting criminals if needed because he has lower empathy than others do
Once Mayor Evermore find out he got even more annoying, he's that type of people who treat autistic people like another species or something
Jack gets absolutely furious
*sigh* "Sir, I can still deal with that."
"Speci... ugh, nevermind." "...yes, I know you're lying..."
John is just... yeah, okay.
It's still Jack, no need to turn it into a big thing
Jack is GREAT with cats because it's easier to interact with them than actual humans
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Autistic who don't give two shits about it anymore
Yeah, it kinda affected him when he was a teenager but now he got used to it
Stims whenever he's bored and feels the need to move whenever he's angry or anxious
"Sir, why are you doing that with your hands?" "Uh... seizure."
Got into CandyClub because "oh, it's just a candy store, I guess it can maintain my calm routine"
And no. It didn't.
Learned Skid a safer way to stim since he used to just jump around like crazy, always ended up hurting himself
Takes some pills to calm down some of the symptoms
Already hyperfixated on baseball, space and candy, currently he doesn't have any hyperfixations
Has trouble understanding kids because they're way too unpredictable
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alj4890 · 2 years
Love Drabble
(Liam x Riley) along with their daughters from this drabble
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A/N Yes, I couldn't stay away from this story. I thought it would be a good time to return to this to show how Liam and Riley are doing along with Charlotte and Hope. Romance is in the air for not just our main couple, but for their daughters too 🥰 On a side note, I started this before Valentine's Day, then writer's block struck in the middle, LOL! Hopefully I can finish up this two to three part miniseries soon.
@gkittylove99 @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @yourmajesty09 @mom2000aggie @ofpixelsandscribbles @twinkleallnight @lodberg  @amandablink @neotericthemis  @mm2305 @sfb123 @tessa-liam @thesvnsins @krsnlove @choicesficwriterscreations
Rating: G for major Fluff ☺️
Song inspiration:
L-O-V-E (part 1)
"Purple is Hope's favorite color." Charlotte explained. "So I think we should change some of these landscape paintings to highlight the new bedspread and chaise lounge."
Liam watched with a smile upon his face as the servants eagerly began to do as the princess suggested.
He wrapped his arm around his daughter and squeezed her in a side hug.
"Hope's going to love all the ways you are trying to make her first visit here special."
Charlotte bit down on her bottom lip. "I hope she does. I want her to feel at home here."
"So do I." He led her out of the bedroom towards their informal den. "How are the ball preparations coming along?"
"Everything is set." Charlotte scrolled through her tablet for her to-do list. "I went with a red theme since it is so close to Valentine's Day"
"Perfect." He replied. "That should put everyone in a more romantic mood."
Charlotte nearly tripped over that observation.
"Dearest?" He stopped her. "What is wrong?"
"Nothing's truly wrong." She sighed. "I've been so focused on discovering I have a sister that I forgot about choosing a suitor."
"You know I'm not going to pressure you into naming someone." Liam pointed out.
"I know." She slipped her hand in his to gently squeeze. "But the public is anxious for me to do so." Her nose crinkled. "As are some of our nobles."
"I see." He could very well remember all the pressures of that nature. "Perhaps this ball will be the one to eliminate that worry."
Charlotte began to smile. No one could be more optimistic about her uncertain future than her father.
"You come from a long line of Rhys who have found their significant other at a ball." He wrapped his arm around her as they continued down the hallway. "I have no doubt you'll continue that tradition."
"I'm so nervous." Hope quickly buckled her seatbelt. "I don't know if I'm ready to meet a whole country."
Riley laughed as she buckled her own. "You're not having to meet everyone in Cordonia. Just most of them."
"Not helping, Mom." Hope grumbled.
"Do we have to stay by your side while you greet everyone or can we go on to the palace?" Her best friend, Sean, teased.
"Don't make me regret forcing you to come." Hope playfully pushed him. "If you do, I won't introduce you to my sister."
"Just as I thought." He settled back in the plush leather seat of the private plane. "Already acting like a spoiled princess."
He clucked his tongue in disapproval.
"Ms. Brooks, what are we going to do with Hope?"
Riley studied her daughter for a moment. "Only one thing to do, Sean."
Hope's eyes widened. "No! Please! Not that! Anything but--"
They both began to belt out Don't Worry, Be Happy.
Hope covered her ears to the song she'd always despised.
"Alright!" She yelled out when they got to the chorus. "I'll introduce you to Charlotte!"
"Thank you." Sean's unrepentant grin appeared on his face. "I can't believe I missed all the excitement of a king and princess appearing on your doorstep."
"It was crazy there for a while." Hope motioned towards her mom. "She was speechless for a good ten minutes."
"In my defense," Riley softly smiled over the memory of seeing Liam again, "I'd had a very hard day and was not suspecting to see any former flames of mine."
"Former flames?" Hope chuckled. "I don't think my father really fits in that category anymore."
"Hope." Riley shook her head.
"He calls you, my love." Hope reminded her. "I think he is still in love with you."
Riley tried to dismiss that.
"He did fly all the way to New York for you." Sean added.
"He came to see the child he'd unknowingly fathered." Riley reminded them.
"He came for you first though." Hope argued. "You were the one he went to first to explain everything."
"It doesn't matter." Riley ended the conversation. "He's a king and I'm still that same girl I was twenty years ago who was nowhere near a part of his world."
She closed her eyes and tried to stop her own butterflies in her stomach from fluttering too much. Too much time had gone by for her to begin to hope for another chance with Liam.
He and Charlotte remained in New York over the holidays. For nearly two weeks, she'd had daily contact with the man she'd thought she had gotten over. Seeing him be so open and happy over finding out he now had two daughters made her want to melt.
Deep down, he was still that shy prince who only wished for a family of his own.
Why was he the one man she could fall in love with each time she saw him?
"I have to hurry!" Charlotte held up two dresses. "I don't want their plane to land and not be there to greet them."
Lord Bartie Beaumont sat on the edge of her bed, head tilted in thought over her choice of clothing.
"Maybe you shouldn't go with a dress. How about something a bit more casual?"
She dropped the dresses on her floor and rushed back into her closet.
"I can't wait to meet your sister." Bartie said a bit louder so she could hear him. "After all that Uncle Max told me about Riley, I bet Hope will be just as much fun as her mom."
"She is!" Charlotte responded excitedly. "You're going to love her!"
His dimple grin appeared when she came back out to talk about her sister, forgetting the need for the perfect outfit.
"Lottie?" He interrupted her descriptions of Hope. "Aren't you forgetting something?"
He motioned toward the pile of clothes she'd yet to choose from.
He laughed when she squealed and ran back into her closet to find just the right outfit.
"They're here!" Charlotte nearly bounced in excitement. "Hurry, Father!"
Liam chuckled as he followed his daughter out to the tarmac. He couldn't help but feel excited himself. He'd been just as anxious in welcoming Hope to Cordonia. He was also just as nervous to welcome Riley back.
The time he spent with her in New York was perfect. He loved every moment being with the ladies who held special places in his heart. Seeing his two daughters grow close and his former love embrace Charlotte as a member of her family made him, for the first time in his life, wish he didn't have to return to Cordonia.
He'd wanted to remain in Riley's small apartment forever.
He couldn't stop his imagination from thinking that this is how it would have been. The two of them watching their children enjoy the holidays together, sharing a bond he knew so well. That bond had been what had made his marriage to Madeleine more easy to endure.
Yet, he felt so much more for Riley than his late wife. He always had.
Liam wondered if this could be his chance at the love he'd lost twenty years ago.
"Hope!" Charlotte hurried over and hugged her sister the moment she stepped off the plane.
Hope hugged her just as tight.
The two began to talk over the other, laughing and answering each other's questions.
Liam looked up at Riley standing on the next to the last step of the plane. Her delighted smile over the girls' greeting made his own appear.
He edged his way around them to offer his hand to her.
Riley's fingers fluttered in his hand at the contact.
"How was your flight?" He asked.
"Perfect." She responded. "You didn't have to send a private plane for us."
"Nonsense." He glanced up at the young man who followed after her.
"Oh!" Hope exclaimed. "Sorry. This is my best friend, Sean Yeoh." She waved towards Liam. "That's my dad and this," she kept her arm around Charlotte, "is my sister."
Sean chuckled as he held his hand out towards Liam to shake. "Hope hasn't stopped talking about either of you. I feel like I know you already."
Liam shook his hand with a welcoming smile. "She did the same with you while we were in New York."
Sean turned towards Charlotte to shake her hand and stilled for two heartbeats.
A slight blush covered her cheeks from the way he stared at her as she held her hand out.
"Welcome to Cordonia." She managed to get out.
"Tha--thanks." He stuttered.
Hope only smiled over the way they were reacting to one another.
She'd planned for just this reaction to the two finally meeting.
"This is my room?"
Hope's jaw dropped over the immense size of her bedroom and bathroom. The closet alone was bigger than her bedroom back home in New York.
"And this is your sitting room."
Charlotte opened a hidden door to reveal a room filled with plush furniture, a large flat screen, and a wall covered with bookcases.
"Holy crap!" Hope exclaimed.
Riley snorted in amusement.
"If you want to change anything," Charlotte said quickly, "please let me know and I will have it done at once."
"Change anything?" Hope's eyes widened. "I wouldn't change a thing! These rooms are gorgeous!"
Charlotte visibly relaxed in hearing her sister gush about how much she loved it.
"Charlotte's been working ever since we returned to make sure you felt at home here." Liam gently placed his arm around Hope's shoulders. "We both want you to feel like you belong here."
Hope hugged him before pulling Charlotte into the hug.
"Thank you." Tears of joy sparkled in her eyes. "Both of you."
"We'll let you get settled." Liam pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Once you've recovered from the flight, I would like to introduce you to Regina and a few other close friends." His smile was warm. "I managed to keep the other nobles away until the ball, to give you time to adjust."
"Right." Hope paled some. "I'm still not sure how to act as a princess."
"Just be yourself." Charlotte told her.
Liam nodded. "I only want everyone to meet my daughter. Nothing else is expected of you."
Hope tried to smile at that.
"We'll be right by your side the whole time." Charlotte promised.
"And you've got us in your corner too." Sean reminded her.
Riley slipped her hand in her daughter's. "You'll do great."
They all filed out, leaving the new princess alone with her thoughts.
"Charlotte, would you mind showing Sean his room?" Liam asked. "I need to have a word with Riley."
"Of course." She smiled at them both before leading Sean away.
"What's wrong?" Riley asked once they were alone in the hallway.
"Nothing at all." He opened the door to her room, following her inside.
She paused at the sight of the room she'd been given her first visit to Cordonia.
A reminiscent smile graced her lips as she thought back. The flood of emotions swept over her. Excitement over being in a palace and being a suitor for a handsome prince. Delight in making new friends. Hopefulness in a future with the man she'd fallen in love with.
And then sadness when he chose another.
"Riley?" Liam cleared his throat. "There will be a ball while you are here."
"Yes, I heard about that." She turned towards him. "I hope Drake, Hana, and Maxwell will be there."
"They will be." He chuckled. "The moment I told them about Hope, they insisted I allow them to visit you both first."
"Good." She sat down and motioned for him to do the same. "I take it no one has objected to Hope once you received the paternity test results."
"You were right to make me go ahead and have that performed before I left New York." Liam sighed. "I suppose it was naive on my part to assume they would accept Hope without question like I did."
Riley felt her heart she had tried to protect from him grow softer with remembering how he didn't see a reason for a test. He'd accepted her explanation without a shadow of a doubt. After all these years, he still believed the best in her.
"Then again," she smiled at him, "perhaps that simply makes you a good man."
"I hope so." He dropped his gaze to his clasped hands. "I have a request."
"You do?"
He nodded. "Would, would you allow me to escort you to the ball?"
Liam's bashfulness flashed making Riley melt even more.
"I'd always wanted to escort you to one when you were last here."
He swallowed a touch nervously.
"Are you sure you can be seen with such a scandalous woman?" Riley halfheartedly teased.
"You aren't a scandalous woman." He argued.
"I am." She pushed out of the chair to stand at the window. "I was caught with another man and managed to have your child." She snorted. "If that isn't scandalous with a capital S then nothing is."
"Riley," he got to his feet, "I know you were innocent with Tariq." He rubbed the back of his neck when she remained silent. "And I am just as guilty for Hope's creation."
When Riley remained silent, he took another step towards her. He wanted to hold her in his arms and take her mind off the past. If he could only redirect her thoughts to the possibilities the future held for them.
Liam instead reached for her hand.
"I won't pressure you into allowing me to be your date for the evening." He lifted her hand to his lips. "But I do hope you allow me the pleasure of your company."
He bowed to her and left.
Riley softly groaned as she sank down onto her bed.
It might as well be twenty-one years ago. She was more than ready to be with Liam as much as he wanted her to.
"Thank you, Charlotte." Sean said. "Er, I mean, your highness." He flushed when she smiled at him. "Your majesty?"
"Just Charlotte." She insisted. "If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call the staff or myself."
She waved towards a phone on his nightstand.
He walked over to it, reading the various extensions to the kitchens, housekeeping, and stables.
"What's your number?" He asked.
Charlotte brushed past him to reach for the notepad and pen.
He stilled at her being so near.
She quickly wrote her number down.
"Here." She looked up at him with a shy smile. "Just in case."
"Just in case." He repeated with a grin, trying to summon his usual confidence around beautiful women.
"I'll see you soon, I hope." Charlotte said on her way out.
"I'll make sure of it." Sean promised.
The moment she shut his door, he collapsed face first on the bed.
"I'll make sure of it?" He groaned into the mattress. "Brain, you failed me again."
An hour later, Hope peeped outside her room. She'd been unable to get ahold of Charlotte. She knew her mom was probably napping. Sean most likely was too since he didn't respond to any of her texts.
Her curiosity over the palace had grown to the point where she didn't think she could wait any longer without doing a bit of exploring.
Once she saw that the coast was clear, she slipped her tennis shoes off and padded silently down the hallway.
Bartie Beaumont was walking past a connecting hallway and saw her creeping further away from where he was, holding her shoes. Grinning, he took his own shoes off and tiptoed quickly until he caught up with her.
Hope didn't notice him behind her as she paused before stepping out in the open area of the second floor. Glancing right and left, she softly huffed over not knowing which way she should go.
Bartie was about to whisper a suggestion when she suddenly threw one of her shoes in the air.
When it landed the toe pointed towards a little to the left. Swiping it back up, she dashed over toward that hallway.
The young lord covered his mouth. Tears of laughter filled his dark brown eyes as he realized she'd used her shoe as a substitute coin. Shaking his head in wonder, he followed her on to see what other mischief she'd get into.
Voices could be heard further down, causing Hope to freeze in uncertainty. She spun around and crashed into Bartie.
Her eyes widened as she looked up at his smiling face.
"Hide me!" She pleaded in a breathless whisper.
He quickly unlocked his bedroom door and shoved her through, closing her in there.
"There you are." His father, Bertrand, grumbled. "Your mother and I were wondering if--why the devil are you not wearing your shoes?!"
Bartie dropped the objects and did his best to appear innocent.
"Your uncle perfected that expression." Bertrand softly groaned. "I don't believe I have the stomach to hear what you've truly been up to."
Savannah laughed, looping her arm through her husband's. "Knowing Bartie, he's probably helping Princess Charlotte entertain her sister."
His dimpled smile appeared. Bartie could always count on his mother believing he was doing something worthwhile. Even if he occasionally, on a regular basis, got up to trouble with the crown princess.
Bertrand merely humphed in response. "Do try and keep the Beaumont name free of ridicule this time."
"Yes, father." Bartie promised.
Once the couple disappeared, he collapsed back against the door in relief.
Bartie tried to catch his balance when his door popped open. With arms flailing he crashed back into his room, landing on a soft, definitely feminine figure.
Hope's muffled cry of surprise turned to a painful laugh.
Bartie quickly rolled off. Worry clouded his features when she flopped her arms weakly over her face. Hope's entire body trembled violently.
"Where are you hurt?" He pleaded. "Did you break or--"
She lowered her arms to reveal how hard she was silently laughing. Unable to hold it in any longer, she released the biggest guffaw Bartie had ever heard.
He joined in, delighted to finally meet a lady able to truly ugly laugh without worry over how it appeared.
He got to his feet and offered his hands to help her stand.
She grasped them with one more giggle and allowed him to pull her upright.
She slid in her socks, crashing against his chest.
Bartie's arms instinctively wrapped around her to keep her standing.
"Thank you." She smiled up at him.
"My pleasure." He smiled back. "I'm Bartie, by the way."
"I'm Hope." She responded.
"I guessed as much." He chuckled. "My uncles were friends with your mom."
"They were?"
"Drake Walker and Maxwell Beaumont." He added. "Given how much they spoke of her, I believe we are destined to be friends too."
"My first friend in Cordonia." Hope said with a great deal of relief. "I can't tell you how grateful I am that you aren't pompous."
She realized she was still in his arms.
Breaking away with a blush, she held her hand out.
Bartie took it. Instead of shaking it like she intended, he swept an elegant bow before her and kissed her hand.
Her lips parted in a delighted surprise.
He winked at her. "Shall I escort you around the palace? Or would you rather continue to sneak about?"
Another giggle escaped her.
"Sneaking is more fun." She pointed out.
"I couldn't agree more."
Bartie kept her hand in his, and tiptoed the two of them further into the castle.
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bellysoupset · 10 months
hii have i mentioned how much I ADORE jonah being out of his element?? he’s soooo baby sometimes. leo is the best bf ever omg. also this fic was so hot, every time he said something like im gonna throw up or im gonna puke again I was Combusting lmao. and!! jon crying!!! at the end!!! loml fr i just wanna hug him and give him a blanket😭
also i also get a really nervous stomach every time im anxious and you’ve written that SO perfectly. i feel so bad for jon because i know exactly how it feels rip.
and wen!! my girl!! calling jon up all excited :) she’s so <3333 also!??? leo saying bye love you to her?? he’s definitely gonna be thinking about that later going wtf was that. but oh well. it’s out there now, nothing he can do about it. god i love how affectionate their group is with each other. it’s so healing to read fr.
ps. JD i would die for you, you cuddle bug.
sorry this ask is soooo long btw but also:
in re irl story: it was a terrible one, he was trying really hard not to cry when he threw up, which was only making things worse tbh. but he did feel better after that and was finally able to sleep the rest of it off. he woke up soo grumpy it was so cute 🍄
OH forgot to yell about jonah having a whole Moment about his dad and his parents’ interacting!! truly a Child of Divorced Parents TM. never thought he cared that much about what his dad thought? but like. it makes sense. he’s his dad, and more significantly, it’s his dad who’s a doctor who’s image in the medical field is something jonah would obviously expect to live up to? like not literally, but being the son of a successful doctor has to have had some effect on jonah, especially as a med student himself. i think it’s wonderful that you write your ocs with so much thought behind them! gives us so many little easter eggs and makes them seem so real. 🍄
Hi 🍄! I'm so happy to hear I wrote a nervous stomach well, because I'm very much Bella-coded in this regard, I've never been queasy over nerves and it sounds pretty "fictional" to me lol.
I looove writing Jonah in full baby state, he's such a cat! No wonders he vibes with JD, who's also such a little diva.
LMAO Leo definitely laid awake in bed that night wondering if Wendy realized the slip up and Wendy definitely noticed it too.
Jon is very much a divorce child, down to his parents ping ponging him around and using him as leverage against each other. But like you said, I specifically think Jon holds his dad's opinion in high regard only about medicine. The man did build an incredibly successful career that kinda looms over Jonah, kinda inspires him too. If it was anything else, Jonah wouldn't have cared at all about him.
That's only 70% me projecting 😂😂
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m34gs · 1 year
I have a question!!
If you haven’t answered it somehow already, what was Idia and Kalim’s first date like?? What’d they do? How’d it go?
And if you have answered something like that before, what’s they’re most awkward moment together that they can laugh about now??
Or you can even answer both if you wanted :o
oh thank you for this ask! I'm really excited to answer :D I haven't answered either of these in an ask before, so I'm going to do both! hehehe!
Kalim x Idia First Date:
So, they would have hung out extensively up to this point. Idia is not very trusting and is a Firm Introvert. He's not just gonna be able to go out with someone he doesn't know very well.
Kalim is thoughtful in the sense of he loves to make other people happy. I'd like to think he listened to Idia babbling about this new movie coming out, an anime movie, and he would rush out afterward to buy them tickets to go together. Except! Idia, the superfan that he is, waited up for the moment the tickets released, even though it was midnight. So when Kalim goes to suggest they go to the movie together, and produces the two tickets...Idia sheepishly also pulls out a pair of tickets. See, he was so excited to have someone who listened to his anime rants other than Ortho, and someone who seemed interested, that he went and bought two tickets for them to go together too...(Ortho reassured him that he thought it would be a good thing, and that Ortho would rather not go this time). So, their first date starts off with a bit of comedy. Luckily, they are able to sell the extra tickets, and Idia uses that money to cover snacks.
It's a very sweet first date, wholesome and full of whispered comments and laughter as they enjoy the movie. Kalim even sneaks a hand-holding moment in when they get to the dramatic and tearful part of the anime. It's very cute.
On their way out of the movie, Kalim suggests they stop at an ice cream shop and so they do. They each get a small dessert and then they sit and talk about their favourite parts of the movie. Idia has lit up the way he only does when he talks about something he really really likes, and Kalim can't help but feed off the enthusiasm as well. He also keeps dropping compliments about Idia, and each time it flusters Idia so much...Kalim loves it. He loves watching Idia's hair change colour (it turns pink when he's flustered/embarrassed! Orange when he's in a rage...according to his SSR cards lol) and he wants to see how pink he can make it. Idia is a blushing and stammering mess, but he can't deny that the compliments are nice. He tries to get his own in, too, about Kalim, but Kalim is much harder to fluster. Idia's gonna work on it though. He's nothing if not prepared for a Challenge.
They stay out talking way past finishing their ice cream. They don't leave until the store closes and Jamil (Kalim's childhood bestie) is blowing up his phone wondering where Kalim is because it is most definitely past curfew and Ortho is tracking Idia's phone to make sure he's not in danger somewhere. LOL.
Embarrassing Moment They Can Laugh About:
Ok ok, I've gotta say it's when they decided to make their relationship Official. Like, decided to call each other boyfriends!
Idia would be nervous. Of course he would. He doesn't want to ask because he's got that low self-esteem and he's terrified he'll get an answer he doesn't want to hear. But he's also super anxious not knowing. So, he practices. He asks the question over and over and over in the mirror, in roleplay situations with his computer or Ortho, and even just to the ceiling. Anything to get that wording right. "Will you be my boyfriend".
Then, the time comes. It's now or never. (Also Ortho may have threatened his computer if he doesn't ask the question today. Brotherly love~). So, he turns to Kalim, after they finish a race on a video game, and goes "Will I be your boyfriend?" It takes him a second to realize he said it the wrong way around, but he can't react. The fear freezes him.
Kalim blinks at him for a second, thinks about the question, and then goes "Uh, Well, will you?"
And Idia, mind overloading and spinning out, just opens his mouth and goes "yes."
And then his brain catches up to his mouth and his eyes just widen incredibly wide...and he pulls up his hood, draws the strings tight and curls up in a ball on his side on the floor.
Kalim starts to giggle. "Stoooop," Idia begs. "Just let me diiiiiie."
Kalim laughs a little more and he drapes himself over his boyfriend (excited to use that title for the first time) and just goes "No, you're so cute." and tries to kiss him through the hoodie.
Poor Idia still blushes and his hair turns a flaming hot pink whenever the story comes up, but he can laugh, as long as Kalim is laughing with him and holding onto him, looking up at him with that adoring gaze.
They're in LOVE, Your Honour.
Thank you so so much for this ask, this definitely helped make my day better! 💜💜
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seafoamchild · 2 years
it's not that cold for january. it's been drizzly and foggy and grey. i don't mind winter when it's mild. the darkness feels cozy and the air feels fresh. it feels so relieving that 2022 is over. it was a really hard year for me - so much happened. i have no idea what 2023 will be like, but i'm just glad to lay 2022 to rest.
i'll start with some good things. i got to feel the excitement of dating someone new, of strong mutual attraction, of going on fun adventures and falling in love. i went on a lot of trips - to new mexico at the beginning of the year, which was enchanting and joyful, and to the desert with my mom in april, where we saw another desert moonrise and a sunset over the joshua trees in the mojave. i went to idaho by myself, which was a special and deeply personal trip. i went to banff with lora, where we went on amazing hikes and walked on a glacier. and i went to mexico city for NYE with some of my oldest and best friends, and we had the most wonderful time laughing and partying and exploring.
so there was a lot of camping and laughing and tripping on the beach and going on dates and trying new restaurants and dancing at the club. a lot of new music and new friends.
i guess luke was the bane of my existence this year. seriously, the entirety of 2022 was spent totally preoccupied about him in one way or another. we had plenty of happy moments together - tripping on the beach and swimming in the lake together, going on winter hikes, seeing war on drugs in concert, watching birds together, laughing and spending time together. but he didn't support me in the way that i deserved. he judged me too harshly and didn't know how to love me. everything had to be on his terms all the time. i deserve so much better than someone who tells me i should be trying harder to help myself out of depression, while at the same time offering no support or words of comfort. what a fuckhead honestly. lol. i still love him on some level, but i'm resolving to not waste any more energy this year worrying about what he thinks of me. it just doesn't matter. i showed him more grace and kindness than he ever deserved from me.
my mental health was fucking terrible this year - from being constantly anxious while dating luke, to falling into a deep and scary depression that i think had something to do with the amount of wellbutrin i was taking. i could barely keep it together at work and i had no appetite for weeks and i felt like a zombie. it was horrible. and luke invalidated my feelings and did nothing to help me, so i dumped him. and then i missed him so much for such a long time. it was so fucking confusing and intense, the amount of time i spent thinking about him and wanting to be wanted.
i quit my serving job, thinking i could get a web design job really easily like everyone told me i would. fucking lies. the job search was excruciating and demoralizing. spending hours editing my resume. spending hours submitting job applications that i knew no one would probably even read. cover letters. constantly seeing job postings for entry level positions that wanted 3 years of experience. trying to network and hitting dead ends every time. i felt so isolated and detached from reality - not having a purpose or a reason to leave the house. i couldn't take it - my depression got worse and my anxiety woke me up way too early every morning with racing thoughts. i felt like i was losing my damn mind.
i started taking lexapro at the same time that i got my serving job back - so i think both have helped me significantly. i feel so much better now. things don't feel so dire. i don't feel like i have to figure out my entire life by tomorrow. i feel like i can breathe. i like seeing people at work and being social and feeling like i'm good at my job. i like making money and going on trips. i like feeling at home.
i'm trying not to be so consumed with What i'm gonna do with my life, and trying to just be present. i have so much. i have a good income for my lifestyle, i have really good friends, i have a good living situation, i have hobbies, and i have money to go on trips. things are okay for now. and i think this past year has made me kinder and more generous.
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sambalbilis77 · 11 months
weekly entry 26/10
This week I started slow and fresh. I had Monday and Tuesday off as I was working nights over the weekend, so took my own sweet time to relax and reset. I was quite nervous going into work but all was fine. At least for now.
Nothing exciting happened as I only worked for 2 days this weekm but I'm picking up my car tomorrow, yay! Yay until my bank account suffers lol.
Today we had a teaching on mental health awareness and one thing that I think I want to start doing and hopefully make it a habit is 3 things that make me happy daily. Just try and say it out loud of the 3 things, anything at all that are positive instead of negatives. Maybe then I will be less anxious.
They also talked about gratitude and taking time to sort of like meditating - having a quiet 20 mins time to gather your thoughts daily which made me think , when I'm very low I usually try to get closer to God because I don't know who else and what else to do. It is a similar concept but for me I relate it with faith. Realistically, other than relaxing etc what can you do? You can't do anything other than just try to pull yourself out of it or you slowly try to accept it.
This brings me to my next point which is about how short life is. Technically whoever that are in their 20s now have approx an average of 60 years to live, give or take. Working as a doctor I see so many people approach their end of life and death itself. When one gets to that stage there is literally nothing they can do apart from having hope and most of the time it is so easy to fall into the dark hole and give up and that's it. This is where I think having something , a higher power to believe in is essential because when you approach the end of life you want something to hold on to, to believe that it's ok instead of just give up and fall into depression. Of course, different people have different views on this but I know that if I am at that stage , when I am hopeless I want something to rely to. We don't know who will we have when we're old because no one can predict anyone's lives or whether or not we will still have any family at all by then. So I want to be able to believe in something even if it just for the sake of not falling into the dark pit. I think it is better than just giving up in life.
Every time I have to verify death it makes me think about God and how life is so so short and you have to live your life but have something to rely on. I am nowhere near religious, in fact there is so much more that I need to learn about my own religion but I believe whatever I choose to do in life I know He knows that I have faith in him and that I have a good heart. I rely on Him when everything else seems to be so wrong and not going my way and I wouldn't know what I would do without this faith in my heart. It keeps me sane. I'm just thinking about this whole thing again today because today I had to verify one and sometimes it feels weird when you saw them a couple of weeks ago and now they are gone.
Until then.
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sharksa-shivers · 1 year
Kristy, why would you ask Sharky this tho??? fdhjfkhfjdshfdjhjfd
It is Sharksty time my dudes uwu ----------- (We see Kristy is sitting at Lady's make up desk they have in the main bunkroom. Kristy has her phone propped up as well as having a manga book opened up on her other side. We see she's trying to style her hair without alot of success, feeling conflicted and confused with some of the steps with the video tutorial…And then Sharky comes into the room and notices her doing that.)
Sharky:(seeing Kristy struggling, cheery)Whatcha doin? Trying a new style?
Kristy:(dropping her hair, lights up)Kinda!! Well it's me wanting to see if i can do this more then anything cuz i got some cosplay ideas and stuff heheheh…(shows him the manga book and we see it's like a Sailor Moon esc knockoff Kristy's looking at. The manga girl in the book has her hair very curled up and styled a certain way, Kristy speaking excited)The hair styles from The Solar Scouts!! I really really love how her hair is and i love her character sooooooo yeah heh…
Sharky:(amused, looking through the book)Surprised you're thinking about cosplaying something that isn't from Spirit Drifter honestly…
Kristy:(trying to pin her hair again)Well yeah, what else am i supposed to hyperfixate on while Spirit Drifter is on hiatus? But Solar Scouts is really cool in it's own ways!!! This is the manga i was kinda thinking about when i got the amulet actually!! So this one means alot to me too, i just…Don't talk about it as much cuz…….Spirit Drifter hehe…
Sharky:(flipping back to Kristy's reference page and propping the book back up for her, going to go back to his own stuff)Welp, you're gonna have to show me your hair whenever you're done heh, I'm excited to see how it looks!
Kristy:(lighting up, getting an idea)Hey wait!! You wanna maybe help me style it?? This is a pretty busy hairstyle so…Getting some help would be really cool!! Sharky:(just stares, awkward)Uhhhhh…I dunno Kris…Like…I don't really have any experience with any of that stuff…Maybe you should just ask Lady, she'd know alot more then i ever would…
Kristy:(anxious, awkward)…Pretty sure she's busy right now anddddddd i don't want to bother her if she is…That'd be kinda rude…That's why i was asking you, cuz you're just kinda vibing right now…
Sharky:(awkward)I mean…Fair enough but like…I know like nothing at all about hair, i don't…Think i'd do a good job, gonna be honest…
Kristy:(coaxing him into it)Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee? Please please?? How do you know you'd be that bad at it??? You could surprise yourself!! And it's always cool to learn new stuff so???
Sharky:(sighs, knowing Kristy ain't gonna let him go, thinking before caving, wanting to make his gf happy)…….Ok, fine…BUT if i mess up something, you're the one that was begging me to do this ok? So you can't be mad at me.
Kristy:(not thinking about that, just excited about the hairstyle as Sharky moves back over and looks at all the stuff Kristy has out, him grabbing at a curling wand as Kristy's just excited)That's fine, i get it!! Ahhhhhh, this is gonna look so fucking cool!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!
Sharky:(hesitant but trying to make his gf happy, opening the curling wand and grabbing a clump of Kristy's hair, looking at the tutorial)…..Let's give this a whirl i guess… [CUTS TO A BIT LATER]
(We go from Kristy eagerly bouncing up and down in the chair to Kristy just staring in horror at the messy wad of hair Sharky's managed to style…Kristy and Sharky are both…Very not happy)
Kristy:(just staring)……How the fucking-
Sharky:(defensive)You asked and asked and i told you i don't know about this stuff Kris, i'm sorry, i tried…
Kristy:(upset)It looks so fucking bad and it honestly hurts, what the hell??
Sharky:(feeling bad)…….I think i'm just…Gonna go get Lady now, this is like a hair emergency thing and i don't wanna make things worse…(speedwalking out to go find Lady) _________ Lady defs would be able to fix that inb4 lol…And would probs style Kristy's hair like that herself also and make Kristy feel better fdhfdjfhdshfdj…Kristy wouldn't be upset with Sharky either, she'd probably be laughing about it with him later once the problem was fixed of a just "the hell did you do though??? fdjhfdjfdshsfdhj" Legit tho Kristy, ik he's your bf but like fkhjfdslkjfhdkjhfd there are some things Sharky cannot do oof...Hair is absolutely one of those things, f...
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fangirlies · 2 years
wait u live near the ocean ? 👀 i'm excited to see how you're going to talk to him🤭
as for me im doing rlly good i spent such a good time w my friends but im sooo behind homework 😭 university is hard 💔 i'm also anxious of turning 20 soon... #🍓
I doo! I’m down in florida! Even I’m excited to see how it plays out, I’m going to wing it tbh.
Sooo happy you made some cute memories with friends! Memories are what you will take with you throughout your life. As for homework… 😬 I know how stressful it can get and sometimes you contemplate dropping out, but don’t stress yourself out too much. Do what you can, at your pace, if not you’ll burnout. I wish there was a “how to not burnout in college” manual bc 😅 can’t count the many times I’ve had a mental breakdown lol. But you got this! I believe in you! About turning 20; I can’t begin to tell you how much my life had changed at 20. I’ve grown so much gradually, it didn’t happen over night. I’ve gained so much independence, so much freedom (although it was scary at first) I sometimes look back and wish I was a kid again or sometimes I wish I was a little older because your early 20s is a very confusing yet beautiful stage. Gosh, I can go on about it lol but trust me you have nothing to worry about! Enjoy every second of it because you’ll someday wish you can redo it again!
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kitashousewife · 2 years
something small
Tumblr media
an: this idea randomly popped in my head earlier when i was coming home from the gym so enjoy lol
pairings: timeskip!sakusa x fem!reader
warnings: little teeny bit of anxiety from sakusa, fluff, pet names (pretty girl), lowercase intentional
sakusa thinks this is stupid.
the entire drive home, he has been second-guessing his purchase. not because of the price, but because he feels almost childish.
would she even want something like this?
he sighs as he turns onto your street.
all this fuss over a stupid high school memory.
during his third year, sakusa had a math class that was rather boring. the lack of friends and seemingly easy material left him with a lot of opportunities to get distracted.
one day, one of of the girls in his class came skipping in, taking the seat with her friends. shortly after, the group of girls began to squeal. he rolled his eyes, huffing in annoyance at their antics. but, curiosity got the best of him. when he looked over, he realized what the girls were fussing over.
one of them was wearing a necklace, which must have been new. the necklace was plain, but when he looked closer, he noticed that there was a small letter dangling from the chain. the necklace was a gift from her significant other, and everyone was excited about it.
for some reason, that memory stuck with him after all these years. which is the reason he is walking up to the door of your apartment with a velvet box in his hand.
he didn't even mean to get the necklace. he was just browsing, looking for a birthday gift for his sister, when the sparkling of diamonds and polished metal caught his eye. a small jewelry store, filled with precious materials and large price tags was not where sakusa thought he would end up, but after spotting the necklace in the display case, he couldn't stop himself.
the shop owner was extremely patient as he waited for sakusa to debate between gold and silver for the chain and the charm, finally deciding on gold after a good 10 minutes. that wait was nothing, compared to the debate in his mind over if he should get an s charm or a k charm.
while he liked the look of the s charm, he couldn't stop his heart from racing at the intimacy of you wearing a necklace with his first initial on it. while the thought made him a bit nervous, wondering if he was being too forward, he decided on the dainty, simple letter k to go on the gold chain.
sakusa thinks he will save a gift involving his last name, for when he is ready to share it with you.
knocking on the door of your apartment, he holds the small box in his left hand, fingers almost turning white from the grip he has on it.
"hi omi," you smile, welcoming him inside after a few short seconds. toeing off his shoes, sakusa follows you into the kitchen. he can't help the nerves that wash over him as he watches you, dancing around the island as you fix him a cup of tea.
is she too old for something like this?
"how was your day? did you find anything for your sister?" you ask, placing the drink in front of your very anxious looking boyfriend.
he nods, wrapping his fingers around the mug. "yeah, pretty quickly actually, which i'm happy about."
you laugh, and he gives you a small smile. "i know how much you hate shopping."
humming, he walks over to your spot next to the kitchen sink, wrapping his arms around you from behind. kissing the top of your head, he tries to calm himself down a little bit.
"do you like necklaces?" sakusa is glad you can't see his face right now after that stupid line.
you turn to face him, sensing the nerves in his tone. motioning him to follow you towards the living room, you nod. "yes, why do you ask?"
he stops walking and digs around in his pocket, fishing out a small blue box. examining it in his hand for a few seconds, he lets out a sigh and looks at you.
"back in high school, there was a girl who got something like this from her-" he shakes his head and starts over. "i saw a jewelry store today, and this made me think of you," he mumbles, opening the small box to reveal the daintiest, prettiest necklace you've ever seen. a thin, gold chain, and hanging from it is a shiny, curved letter k.
you gasp and look up into his eyes. the worry leaves them when he realizes how happy you are, how excited you look at what he got you. he carefully takes it out of the box, and undoes the clasp.
"turn around, then i can put it on you."
you turn around, and he steps behind you. his hands come around the side of your head, the metal glimmering in the dim light of the room. your heart thuds as you feel the letter sitting flush against your skin, right above your heart.
"it's beautiful, kiyoomi. i really love this," you spin around to face him, beaming from ear to ear. sakusa looks down at the necklace, and he is positive that you were made to wear it.
"it's so pretty," you mumble, looking at yourself in the reflection of your window. moving slightly to watch it glint in the glass.
"then it's perfect for you," he says, coming to stand right behind you once more. "pretty necklace for a pretty girl."
he kisses your cheek, then turns your chin to place a soft kiss on your lips. his heart swells in his chest and fills with pride as he stares at the necklace, his initial on his girl.
maybe next time he goes into the city, he will check out that same store again.
and maybe, he will look at the rings instead.
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tbyfandoms · 3 years
Here For You | Luke Hemmings x Reader
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Pairing: luke hemmings x f!reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: when y/n notices luke drifting away from her, she decides to confront him on it. luke’s response leads to shock and a whole lot of heartache
Warnings: angst, mild swearing (like one word)
Masterlist | Ask/Tell/Request
A/N: hi everyone! here's my first ever luke hemmings fic! I wrote this in honor of @goldensonlyangel 's 1k celebration! (congrats again on hitting 1k!) I've loved luke for so long and when i saw him as an option for the fic challenge, i just had to write about him! it’s not the greatest fic i’ve written, but it is kind of a heavy one so sorry if it gets you emotional lol. nonetheless, it was so fun to write and i'm glad i was able to finish it before the challenge ended. i hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think! :)
It’s probably been a few days since you started to notice the differences. The way Luke would now be up out of bed and gone from the house before you woke up. The way you could barely hold a conversation with him at dinner given his short responses and only excuse being that he was tired. The way every night when you two went to bed, he seemed to create as much distance from you as possible, leaving you feeling hurt and confused.
This sudden display of distance took you by complete surprise. Before a couple days ago things were going wonderful between you both. The two of you have only been dating for half a year, but you felt such a deep connection with Luke and you assumed he felt the same considering how he treated you and handled your relationship.
When Luke asked you to move in with him and Petunia a month ago you never felt so happy and excited. Considering his busy schedule and constant traveling, Luke thought it would be best if you moved in with him so he could spend as much time with you as possible, both of you hating how far from him you were in your old apartment. With moving in you’d both never have to worry about planning times for you to go to his house or for him to go to yours. Luke could go to sleep and wake up with his two favorite girls every day. It was the perfect situation and you both seemed so happy with how the relationship was going, never before having felt something like it.
But now you don’t know what to think. Everything feels weird and you can tell something has shifted in your relationship, you just can’t figure out what it is. Luke’s opened up to you before but you can tell there’s something he’s holding back. You’ve reached out to Ashton, knowing Luke’s got a strong bond with him and tells Ash almost everything, but it was no use. All Ashton told you was that Luke was going through some things he thought he moved on from and that you should just give him some time and he’ll come around. You didn’t understand how that was supposed to help. You know everyone needs their space to deal with personal things sometimes, but when it comes to your relationship you figured Luke would be open and honest with you, not shut you out. You don’t know whether to be worried about this or not.
So here you are now, racking your brain for any sign you might have looked over from the past week that could clue you in on what’s going on inside Luke’s head, as you sit and wait for him to come home.
There’s nothing you can think of, no arguments have happened between you both and nothing’s changed in anyone’s routine. It’s been business as usual in the best possible way, and that’s what’s got you so confused and anxious.
Whatever it is you just hope it’s nothing awful and that maybe Luke does just need some alone time. But what you don’t want to do is waste anymore time. Even if it’s the easiest route, shutting people out is never the option, especially when it’s your partner. You’ll get to the bottom of this, and hopefully it’ll do more good than harm.
Petunia wiggles her way off the couch beside you and you watch as she scurries over to the front door. She can always tell when Luke’s arrived home.
You take a deep breath and brace yourself for the confrontation you know is about to go down. You just want to make sure Luke’s okay, but you don’t know if he’ll take your questioning that way.
Luke opens the door and you can’t help but smile as you watch him laugh and bend down to pet Petunia, always happy to see how excited she gets when he comes home.
“Hey, love,” you say timidly, not knowing if he’s still going to be cold towards you.
Luke glances up at you and then looks back down at Petunia before slowly standing back up. “Hey.”
Short, no use of a pet name or even just your name, not exactly cold but definitely not warm.
You feel yourself deflate instantly.
Luke starts to move towards the kitchen but before he can go very far you call out to him. “Luke, can we talk? Please?”
You swear you see him tense for a second before he turns back around to face you.
“Yeah, sure.” He won’t meet your gaze and you can feel your anxiety raising by the second. What’s going on with him?
The two of you make your way over to the couch and sit down. There’s probably three feet between you and Luke but you try not to think about it.
“Is everything okay? These past few days I’ve noticed you’ve been really distant. You’re gone every morning before I wake up, you barely say more than a full sentence to me when you’re home, and when we go to sleep it’s like you can’t stand to touch me. I’m worried, Luke. What’s going on, are you alright?”
Luke takes a breath and looks over at you. It’s the first time he’s looked you in the eyes in days and the guilt and remorse is evident in them.
“I think we should break up,” he replies, and instantly your breath is caught in your throat. Tears begin to prick in your eyes and suddenly your mission to figure out what’s wrong has turned into your heart being shattered.
A beat of silence and then, “What?” It comes out like a whisper, your voice not strong enough for anything more as you try to refill your lungs with air.
“I-It would be best for both of us if we just ended things now before..." Luke trails off and doesn't finish his sentence. His internal struggle is obvious and it kills you that even during a moment like this, he's still holding back and shutting you out.
"Before what, Luke? Why won't you tell me what's going on inside your head?" Your voice begins to waver and you wish you could control your emotions right now but it's so hard when the man you've fallen in love with is breaking your heart right before your eyes.
"Before we inevitably break up anyways!" He rushes out his response and your left even more sad and confused.
"Why would we inevitably break up? I know I can't predict the future but I don't plan on us breaking up any time soon. I don't know about you but I'm pretty in love with you, Luke!"
Luke stands up from the couch and runs a hand through his hair, becoming frustrated. "And what you think I'm not in love with you?"
You feel your chest tighten for a moment, regretting making him feel that's what you thought, but then feel defensive because who wouldn't think that after how he's been this past week? "I don't know! I thought you were but actions speak louder than words and this week all you've done is make me believe you're anything but in love with me!"
"Y/N I'm doing this because I'm in love with you!"
"How the hell does that even make sense!?" You get up from the couch and move to stand in front of Luke as your mind reels with everything happening. You can't at all grasp the concept on how Luke breaking up with you correlates to him still being in love with you.
"It just does, okay? I'm sorry I know I'm hurting you right now but I'm only doing it to save you from being hurt worse in the future. I just- I can't-" You look up into Luke's eyes and you can see how glossy they are, tears threatening to spill at any moment. He looks broken and even amidst the current chaos, all you want to do is hold him close.
"Why would I be hurt worse in the future? What's going to happen?" Your voice lowers, becomes more gentle. You reach out and place your hands on Luke's chest and you watch as he melts into them. "Why can't you just let me all the way in?"
Luke closes his eyes as tears begin to fall down his face. This is one of the only times you've ever seen Luke cry and the sight of it breaks your heart even more.
"It's just-that's how it always is with me. Every relationship I've ever been in has ended so horribly and has been so toxic. I don't want that to happen to us, I don't want that to happen to you. You don't deserve it and in all honesty I don't deserve you."
"Luke..." You whisper, reaching up and cupping his face within your hands.
"Every time I think I've found someone good it gets twisted so fast. All my relationships turn into disasters filled with arguments and heartache, and whenever I tried to fix them it always felt like I was taking all the blame and holding on to something not worth it. Everyone I've been with has drained me and made me feel like that's how love always ends up, and I'm not trying to play victim because I know I've made horrible choices that have hurt other people but it's like nothing good ever happens. And I'm not saying that I feel this way with you, God I feel the exact opposite. Everything feels right and good with you and I know we've moved fast but I promise you I don't regret any of it. I'm just terrified of it ending like the rest of my relationships and I won't be able to handle that, not again."
More tears fall down Luke's face and you do your best to try and wipe them away, hating the fact he's felt like this and has dealt with so much to the point he's willing to give up love before it can hurt him again.
"It's all I've been able to think about this past week. After my last relationship I thought I had processed everything and grown and was able to realize love is complicated at times but at the end of the day is so good and pure, but I just can't get the idea of it crumbling again out of my head. Maybe I'm overreacting but I just don't want to ruin everything more than I already am right now."
Luke leans his head down and presses his forehead against yours as he tries to even out his breathing. Your heart hurts but now for completely different reasons than when this conversation started.
"I want to be the type of man you deserve so badly. I don't want to hurt you or breakup because I truly believe you are the love of my life, I have never felt anything like this before, but I just don't know what to do."
You're so extremely shocked at everything Luke has just told you. You knew he had some trouble with his past relationships, but not to this extent. You figured they ended just due to differences and typical relationship struggles, but this is so much more than that. A lot of the heartbreaking songs Luke wrote and told you were about his friend's relationships, start to seem to be more about his relationships and feelings.
"Luke, look at me," You say softly, guiding his head up so you can look him in the eyes. "You are the most wonderful man I've ever had the pleasure of being with. I have fallen so deeply in love with you, I don't even think you realize it. I am so incredibly sorry that you've had to deal with all of that in your past relationships. It's so insanely heartbreaking and I completely understand where you're coming from."
Luke looks at you with so much adoration and he can't believe how kind and caring you're being right now, but also he can because that's how you've always been. He can't understand how such a wonderful person has come into his life.
"I wish you wouldn't put that all on your shoulders because not everything is your fault. The way you were treated is disgusting and I know you've made mistakes too, but no one is perfect. The blame should never be put on one person if both people involved have done wrong. I want you to know that you deserve so much more in love than you've gotten and that I am willing to be that person to show you that. I get that you need to deal with these things though, so If you think breaking up so you can have time to really heal is what you need then I understand and respect that. But no matter what happens I want you to know that I'm here for you, Luke Hemmings, always."
By this time tears are streaming down both yours and Luke's faces. There is so much emotion between the two of you right now that it's indescribable. You've both been vulnerable with each other before but this is something so unique and raw.
Reaching up and placing his hands over yours on his face, Luke gives you a small smile and leans into your hand. "You know you're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
A similar smile spreads across your face and hearing Luke say those words somehow has your heart piecing back together.
"And you're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
Luke's smile widens but then falters instantly. He removes your hands from his face and holds them between you both.
"I'm sorry I worried you and was so cold to you this week. I wanted to save you from being hurt and in the end I hurt you anyways. And I shouldn't have started this whole conversation off with saying we should break up. I'm an idiot and should've just been honest with you from the beginning. Breaking up with you is the last thing I want. All I need is to continue to talk through all of this and move forwards and I was wrong to think I should do that without you."
"Hey, it's okay. You opened up and let me know what was going on. It's really hard to do that and sometimes we don't go about it the right way, but what matters is that you did it and now I can help you."
"Okay, but I'm still sorry and I'm extremely grateful for you." Luke ponders for a moment before he smirks and says, "If you'll still have me, I'd love to continue to be your boyfriend."
"Hmm, I don't know, it depends. Do you have a really cute dog that likes to cuddle?" Luke let's out a loud, genuine laugh and the sound makes your heart flutter. You've always adored his laugh.
"I do have a really cute dog that likes to cuddle," he replies.
"Alright, I guess you can be my boyfriend then," you shrug and let out a giggle as you see Luke playfully roll his eyes.
"Gee, thanks I guess." He lets out a small laugh before letting go of your hands and reaching up to bring your face closer to his. Luke lightly brushes his nose up against yours before closing the gap between you and planting a soft kiss on your lips.
You stay like that for a moment, just enjoying each other's touch and closeness. There's something about your relationship that makes each of you feel like home to the other, and neither of you would change that for the world.
Suddenly you feel a nudge against your leg and you break apart from Luke to look down and see Petunia sat between the two of you, looking up at both of you wondering what just happened.
The two of you laugh before bending down and embracing Petunia. Just as you did earlier, you sit and watch as Luke greets Petunia with a fond smile, but this time feeling much lighter and at ease.
Although there's lots of things to be worked through, you know you'll both be just fine. After all, you'll be there for Luke just like you know he'll be there for you.
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