#i'm not usually much of a graphics person when it comes to my blogs but fairly satisfied with how these came out!
eddapoetic · 2 years
.//. did manage to get a round of updated graphics / promos in at least! feels like a spring clean ffgh
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notfinancialadvice · 7 days
Shopify has a blog problem, this creates a really simple and straightforward opportunity for freelance designers/programmers
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Earlier this year I settled the editorial decisions I needed for a lot of blogging going forward, and recently I've experimented (repeatedly) with the idea of having a blog on a separate platform, or using Shopify's system.
Having two sites would allow me to blog on a WordPress site, but creates... two sites, therefore complicates everything more. More maintenance, design, etc. etc.
I am actively seeking to make my life easier so I am foregoing two sites and learning to live with the limitations.
A personal struggle to the surprise of no one.
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You can use WordPress and thread Shopify through it via the "buy" button, which is a shortcut for small stores and/or larger stores where you are very comfortable in WordPress.
You cannot use Shopify and thread WordPress through it.
Which is a shame.
Because Shopify's native blog platform is fucking horrible.
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An independent graphic designer who can program, or a programmer who can design, cannot solve Shopify's problems.
They are inherent to the system and likely built on legacy code Shopify doesn't want to update because it'll cost a fortune.
I'll just be mad about this until the market forces them to address this opportunity and they revamp their blogging platform. That's fine.
Or maybe decades will pass and they won't. That's... fine too. I guess.
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I am rambling this out because if I were in the business of freelance graphic design and/or programming I would jump on this immediately. I used to be and always shared opportunities with friends and it was fun and I kinda miss that aspect of the life.
I'm not in that business, and I have in-house programming, please don't pitch me, but do consider pitching... pretty much everyone with a Shopify site and a blog as Phase 01 of your plan, and everyone who has a Shopify site and does not have a blog as Phase 02 of your plan.
Here is what I would tackle:
Shopify blogs have two structures: "blog" and "blog post".
A blog in Shopify is essentially a category in WordPress, with more limitations, such as, a blog post can only be in a single "blog". That sucks but it means your life as a designer/developer gets more interesting.
Most Shopify themes come out of the box with 1 "blog" and 1 "blog post" template. They are exceptionally simple, usually. I would build a few test templates and offer them to clients "these will be modified to fit your direct style."
For some reason -- I'm guessing focus -- most blogs in Shopify have the image on top. If you structure "image on the left, image on the right" as options you can offer clients, you've just tripled their layout capabilities.
For another reason, I don't know why, but almost all shopify blog post templates I've seen do not have sidebars. Which is insane?! You can control that from the fucking "blog post" template so it would be an easy win.
You could work around the "a post can only be in one blog on Shopify" issue by having a sidebar that pulls the latest 3 (or 5 or whatever) posts as links for other blogs on the site: TEST SITE has 3 blogs. When you're looking at a post on BLOG 01, in the sidebar, you see a link to the latest post on BLOG 02 and BLOG 03. Similarly, when you're looking at a post on BLOG 02, the sidebar has the latest post from BLOG 01 and BLOG 03 (and so on)
The template I use, off the shelf, uses the Shopify's user name and details for the author of the blog. Once a blog post is created, in Shopify, you cannot alter the author. This is dumb as fucking rock salt on slug popcorn. But, again, systematic, I'm pitching ideas on ways around it -- exclude this and just use a CUSTOM DATA field to allow the Shopify owner to pick the relevant author. This cuts down on the need for extra Shopify users, tremendously, and builds in the opportunity for WordPress-style author footers on blog posts.
Emulate the very common filtering on products -- dropdowns, sorting mechanisms -- with tags on a sidebar on BLOG templates. This will be tricky because you cannot hook into the Search & Discovery function, but it's absolutely no where near impossible. And would be amazingly useful.
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Overall Shopify is a decent platform with significant advantages.
There blogger apps but holy shit that is so unnecessary. If they were a one-time-fee, it would be fine, but they aren't, they're generally $20+/month.
I'm not interested in paying for a service that ties me into another tech system that I am fucked if they go out of business, jack up their prices, introduce a feature I don't like, or remove a feature I do like.
For something like a blog system.
Which relies HEAVILY on very structured, single-built, near-infinitely-reused templates.
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A low effort, high yield opportunity exists for independent designer/programmers to come up with a suite of designs and say "hey with some very simple modifications, we can take 1 of the following, apply it to your store, and dramatically increase your in-site blogging opportunities."
You start with a base "blog post" template and a base "blog" template and then every time someone hires you to add a feature to theirs, using Shopify's core tech -- you're just applying paint -- you now have a second set of templates.
Recycle forward.
One time fee per client -- likely low, but again effort is low since 90% of the code is re-used -- and each time you secure a client, you have opened a networking door.
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Just make sure you include instructions and/or a premium service for when the customer upgrades their theme version -- "occasionally your theme author will upgrade, and this may get lost... so do the following to bring it back and/or we'll handle it for you for $X and Y-days notice."
Business opportunities are everywhere.
Good luck!
I repeat don't add me to your pitch list, I have a programmer in-house, but use this idea to make a business or extend yours!
This isn't financial advice, it is annoyed rambling!
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emoxxzombie · 5 months
Winx Club Character Essays: Musa
Quick disclaimer: this is basically me just rambling (so be warned.) While I will present already known canon information, I will also be sharing my own hcs. So pretty much how I see Musa based on canon. Please keep that in mind as you read through, as I'm sure many of your guys' views on Musa are different from mine. Another thing that I'd like to add is that this "essay" specifically discusses Musa in the earlier seasons of Winx, since the writers did change her personality up a lot in the later seasons. Anyways, with that out of the way, let's get into the actual "essay"
So, let's start off with what we already know about Musa, shall we?
Musa is the fairy of music, and was born on the planet Melody. Her birthday is May 30th, and she is 16 years old during the first season of Winx. She is the daughter of Matlin and Ho-Boe, and her on-and off boyfriend being Riven. She is an aspiring singer and musician. Among her friends, Musa scores the best grades in her schoolwork. She's a bit of a loner and is one of the most tomboyish among the other Winx. Musa is very emotionally vulnerable, and offsets this by appearing strong and resilient, often times putting up a strong front.
Now, let's look a bit more into her personality. At times Musa can be quite a snide, as seen with Stella and even Flora in the earlier seasons. She is also short tempered and moody. We see her get quite defensive over herself (as well as her friends.) She's not afraid to get in people's faces if it comes down to it. Musa is a good listener too though. For instance, in s2 when Aisha/Layla had just transferred to Alphea, and felt like she didn't fit in, Musa was right there for her and comforted her when she needed it most.
I want to go over Musa's appearance now. She has a light skin complexion (close to pale), dark blue hair, and dark blue eyes. Clothing wise, in s1 her main civilian outfit consists of a single strapped red tank top, a purple bicep bracelet (that usually appears on her right bicep but you'll sometimes see it on the left), sagged baggy blue jeans that expose her pink underwear slightly, and red sneakers with white soles. I personally, think that Musa likes to dress for herself and doesn't give a shit about what others think of the way she dresses. She dresses for herself, not for the approval of others. Her clothing is another way she expresses herself freely, besides music. Non canonically, I think that Musa also likes to wear a lot of alternative leaning clothes. She mixes components of mall goth, punk, and skater into a sort of streetwear look. She's not that into makeup, and when she does decide to wear some it'll usually just be basic black eyeliner.
For interests, we obviously know that she loves to sing and play instruments, her favorite being a concert flute. She also likes to dance and party. But, let's look into some of my personal interest hcs for her. She likes to skateboard and can do numerous tricks. She may not be as good as Layla might be, but she's definitely good. She loves to watch horror and romance movies. Psychological horror is her favorite but she'll watch almost anything horror. She isn't much into reading and prefers to avoid it (unless it's for studying purposes.) But, she does enjoy graphic novels and comics. She likes to go on late night walks, which help her clear her head and think clearly. When she's not able to go out at night for a walk (for whatever reason), she'll usually stay up until 3 AM playing videogames with Tecna. I have more interest/hobby hcs but I'll stop there.
Now let's talk relationships. We already know who Musa's father and mother are. Her mother, Matlin, died when Musa was a very young child. I've already talked about her relationship with Riven before and have shared a brief bit of my thoughts and views on that so I'm not going to delve into that here (but I'd love to make a separate blog post about it sometime!) When she first met Bloom, she didn't really like her, but not too long after, she started to be able to tolerate her, and then they became friends. In s2, she grew very close to Layla, and they quickly befriended each other. They're best friends (and I will forever be mad about the writers deciding to randomly cut off their friendship in the later seasons.. but I'm going to completely ignore that rn.) Musa is also close to Tecna, but not as much as she is to Layla. She doesn't have many friends outside of the Winx, but that doesn't bother her, she's very happy with the friend group she has.
I could write so much more about Musa, but I think that this post is already long enough as is. To anyone and everyone who actually read all way the way up to this point I literally love you sm omg 😭. Winx is something that I'm really passionate about and it's been one of my biggest hyperfixtations for as long as I can remember.
I plan to write more character essays on some of the other characters from Winx, not sure when, but I'll get to it eventually :).
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ghostsandmirrors · 28 days
Questions for the mun - all Basics please? Don't hate me lol
Questions for the mun.
pfft, I could never. I am going to miss one question because someone else sent it, too.
(under read more because that's 12 questions)
When did you first start writing? 2008. I was on Mibba (writing site) and someone's journal post was an advert for a Proboards Potter forum.
In what language did you start writing? English. It was only like 2019 that I started trying to learn another language och jag är så dålig på talar svenska x.x (and I'm so bad at talking Swedish)
If your mother tongue is not the language you write now, what caused you to switch languages? N/A - one day I'll get good enough at Swedish to RP in it but that ain't today.
What was the first muse that you’ve written? Her name was Judy Lewis on that Proboards site in 2008. I also wrote her twin brother (Jesse Lewis). She was a Slytherin half-blood, he was a Hufflepuff half-blood.
I once answered an ask about her on the Bringer's blog so here's the link.
Do you still write your first muse? Nope. I consider remaking her sometimes--especially when memes ask about first muses--but I think she belongs in 2008 and in the fanfic I was writing at the time.
What is the muse that you write for the longest? This is answered here. The answer is Bam (first made 2009 on a Potter site I made); 2009 Gerard Way had that vibe and then they dyed their hair red and Danger Days came out and I was like 👀👀👀
Also because of Bam, and me being so specific when it came to making graphics (avatars and signatures), I can tell you which year a Gerard Way picture came from between the years of 2003 and 2013 based entirely on their hair.
I used to think I was neurotypical btw. Teenage me making a Notepad document of Gerard Way GIFs organised by hair style and year ('long black, 2005') like, 'yeah, this is a normal level of interest in a subject.' It is not, but it is a fun fact I get to whip out now.
In what style did you start to write (First person, third person, *-style or novel-style?) I have always written in third person, past tense, I guess novel-style? Used to do a lot of one-liners but--and I actually mentioned this to someone the other day--I ended up on a lot of sites with minimum word counts (usually only like 100 words, which sounds like a lot but is surprisingly small).
My longest post pre-Tumblr was like 2k words because me and a thread partner were just seeing how long we could make our posts in that specific thread. We also tried to go back to one-liners only for a thread (for fun) and we were struggling.
What caused you to start writing? What was your key point? General writing was probably this one book series about a man who lived with a family that made clay dragon statues and the dragon statues came to life. I looked it up; The Last Dragon Chronicles. I did not read all of them.
RP specifically was the site advert coming when I had like just started writing a Potter fanfic of Goblet of Fire from the point of view of Random OC (Judy Lewis, who was a Gryffindor in the fic).
Do you regret starting writing? No. It taught me how to spell, for starters. I was dogshit at spelling and grammar back in the day and I've gotten so much better just through practice and actually learning what things are used for. Also like... you get the best reactions. Even if I ever managed to quit RP--which I don't think I will--I would never be able to fully stop writing because of those reactions. One way or another, I will inflict fictional suffering on people.
As a kid, I wanted to be an author. Making characters and worlds is way too fun.
Is there anything you would have changed when you started writing now that you have more experience? RP specific; no. Writing in general; I'd have started writing proper English from the beginning and not spent years deciding that full stops are only used for the end of a paragraph, actually.
Also some of the older characters don't have their apps saved at all and I'm still mad about it. I struggled making Arnulf because his old app and all his old information is gone. I'm gonna die mad at past me about like 17 different things and it's fine because they deserve it.
How do you describe writing / rp to others? Generally I don't, but if I had to, I would describe it as 'y'know writing a story? It's like that but you only control one character.' It's not accurate--NPCs exist--but like it's the closest I can get considering I'm genuinely trash at describing anything lmao
On what platform did you start to write? Accidentally answered this in the first answer. Oops. Proboards. I actually refused to go to other forum sites for the longest time because I didn't understand the coding for posts. On Proboards it was like [b]bold[/b], on InvisionFree it was <b>bold</b>, I think Jcink was [b]bold[/b]?
I did eventually also go on InvisionFree (one site, a Buffy/The Vampire Diaries crossover site) and Jcink (multiple sites, mostly Marvel/DC crossover sites, a couple of panfandom sites, a town site?, and at least one Potter site). Jcink might be my favourite of the three.
There was also 'Boards' which was to Proboards what Jcink was to InvisionFree (Jcink sites have 'powered by InvisionFree' at the bottom, Boards sites had 'powered by Proboards').
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lunaetis · 29 days
𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐎𝐓𝐏 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒? — all of the ships i'm writing with my partners and mutuals are my OTPs. of course, i have some ship biases for some fandoms that i'm in, however, they don't become OTP until i actually get to write them out with my partners and get to explore the depth of those dynamics. also, i'm very much into rare pairs and crossover ships, so most of the time, my OTPs do not align with popular ships one sees from the fandoms. some of them might not even make sense to others bc the dynamics are specific to the ones i write with my partners, but they're my OTPs because they're unique only to my muses.
𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐑𝐏 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆? — other than the usual no-no ( incest, non-con, pedophilia, torture, etc etc ), i'm pretty much open to anything ! i like to delve deep into ships' dynamics and how feelings like love and affection affect their thoughts, their core values, and themselves. i like fluff, feels, angst, and smut. i'd write and explore almost any sort of dynamics as long as it's agreed by both parties. i tend to be more selective and averse of toxic relationships that it'd require extensive plotting and chemistry between muses and muns given the sensitivity of the topic and how easy it could go into unpleasant and dangerous territory emotional and physical-wise.
to add on to that, extreme or graphic violence is also something i'm pretty cautious of. i'm not a big fan of degradation or when one is making their lover / partner feel worthless / beneath them. that sort of treatment tends to damage my muses' feelings and emotions in a negative way. or when you have to work to earn their love / attention ( please don't confuse this with them proving their love / feeling, i'm talking about when you make someone work / beg for attention from their lover or working hard just to get a sliver of their interest. ) that's not a very pleasant experience for me or my muses so i want to stay away from it.
i'm very passionate and connected to my muses, so any emotional stress or turmoil they're experiencing, i do too. that's why i'd only engage in toxic / problematic ships with those i trust. angst just for the sake of pain & sadness is also a no. for development purpose ? i'm all for it. just for it to hurt ? nope. other than that, i'm open to anything !
𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐆𝐀𝐏 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐘? — as someone who write many supernatural and immortal muses, i'm pretty open when it comes to age gap. as long as the muses are mature adults, age gaps aren't much of a problem with me. not to mention, immortal x mortal ships are chef kiss.
𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆? — yes and no. yes as in i don't jump right into ships with strangers without seeing any chemistry or having plotted them out beforehand. then again, there are times where my muses just click with another that extensive plotting isn't required. which is why i said yes and no. it depends on the chemistry, dynamics, development, and communication ( both ic and ooc. ) some muses of mine are also more selective than others and tend to only be drawn to specific types of muses or personalities, so just because i ship them with someone that doesn't mean they'd be easy to ship with another. of course, there are exceptions for my close mutuals and friends who could literally point to any of my muses and go i want that one and i'd serve them on silver platter, no questions asked.
𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐅𝐀𝐑 𝐃𝐎 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐘 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐆𝐎 𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘'𝐑𝐄 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖? — i'd say when the clothes start to come off and they venture below the waist then it's definitely n.sfw. i mean i usually write my replies at work ( i'm a hard-working employee i promise ) so if things start to get to the point that i have to be careful so my colleagues won't look over to my screen then that's the line for me.
𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇? — gosh, if i list every muses that i'm shipping with it's going to be so long. you could also refer to my mains & exclusives page for some ships & dynamic i have formed ( ship exclusive only applied to canon muses, ofc ! but i also LOVE all the OCs i'm shipping with as well bc canon x OCs are DELICIOUS FOOD. ) i love & adore every single one of them and bless all my wonderful mutuals for giving me such beautiful ships & dynamics for me to scream about !
𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐀𝐒𝐊 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔? — yes please ! i'd like to be asked or at least nudged about it ( bc i'm pretty dense tbh & i'm shy to actually reach out to confirm it unless we know each other well. ) i mean i would also ask if i feel like our muses' dynamic is veering towards romance.
𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐎𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏? — all the time. sorry not sorry but i'm a ship trash. i love shipping. platonic, romantic, familial, enemies, tension, give me all of it. i love writing my muses in love, i love writing them harboring such strong emotions that would change their whole path and thinking process. i love seeing them being affected by feeling something so intensely that they'd do something they normally wouldn't.
𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐌𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏? — yup ! i love seeing my muses having different dynamics with their partners too much to put a limit on them. however, i'm also willing to make my muses single-ship provided a few conditions; they don't have any existing ships going on, the chemistry between the two muses are really good, and my partner is willing to also commit their muse to be single-ship as well. also, i'm ship-exclusive, meaning if i ship one of my muse with a character, i won't ship them with another portrayal of the same character !
𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 - 𝐎𝐑 - 𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒? — i'd say it's between more and obsessed because i get really invested in my ships. i dive into how my partner's muses mean to mine, how far they're willing to go for them, and i'd SCREAM IN ALL CAPS over ships no matter how many we might have. while i don't expect my partners to be as loud ( read : insane ) as i am about the ships, i'd like them to at least be invested and for interest to be mutual. if i'm the only one getting excited over it, then that's not going to work. i don't have expiration date for my ships, however. even if our muses might not interact constantly or even if it had been a while, i'd be more than ready to dive back into it as long as my partners & mutuals are still interested !
𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌? — i can't possibly pick just one or two out of all the wonderful dynamics i've had the pleasure to explore with all my mutuals ! ofc, i have a bit of a fixation over eden and yínyuè ( and lately, changli as well ) so those who have blessed me with amazing ships for them, you have my heart & soul. they're all my favorite ! i'm also finding it really interesting that most ships i have with eden are crossovers ( told you i love myself some rarepairs & crossover ships. ) thank you for letting my space raccoon love your muses across time & space !
𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘, 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔? — poke me, interact with my shipping call, yank me by the scruff & yell at me ? LITERALLY ANYTHING GOES. just interact with me ic or ooc or both ! throw your muses at mine in random ic posts i made, my opens, memes, or even unprompted ! really, i'm a shipping trash, i love forming new dynamics. you can come at me ic or ooc & i'd shower you with all my love ! whether our muses have interacted before or not, you can always drop in on me if you think our muses might work well together & we can see how it goes from there ! let's have fun ! i don't bite, i promise ! ( my muses do, however. )
tagged by : @everlastiingiimmortals & @minban ( thank you sm ! smooches u both ! ) tagging : anyone who wanted to do this, steal it from me !
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lepurcinus · 9 months
You guys may be tired of seeing me say the same thing all the time, but what the heck, WD is basically the second main topic of this blog.
I really can't stand to see the tag and find people always talking about the movie as the main medium, ignoring the existence of the original book and referring to other adaptations as "remakes" or similar (I saw someone referring to the Graphic Novel as "Novelization" as if it was adapting the movie lmao).
And maybe it wouldn't bother me if it wasn't the same movie that gave this story that reputation of being about "bloody bunnies". I read an analysis someone did a while back that I strongly agree with. Saying how the movie preferred to go for the basics of horror by adapting the scary/gory scenes concentrating on pure shock instead of trying to go deeper into why those moments are distressing to the characters. While it's true that explaining something with words is not the same as seeing it directly represented, the animated format at least gives more depth to the characters. For example, something this person mentioned is that the scene of Fiver falling in anguish during Efrafa's attack does not give the same feeling as in the book. In the book the scene is really scary because of how Fiver to talk nonsense and not to mention how he manages to practically traumatize several soldiers to the point of making them run away and/or surrender to him.
While in the movie you only have a rabbit in a state of epilepsy emitting strange moans that manage to half disconcert a couple of soldiers only for them to immediately ignore the issue and go on with their own thing.
Or the famous dog chase scene where the angst and tension on the part of the rabbits in charge of guiding him is left aside to concentrate on animating the massacre of soldiers in detail.
It may also have to do with the practical lack of personality and background of most of the characters except Bigwig, Hazel and Fiver (and with these two I still have my doubts). Woundwort has no backstory so here he's just a bad, wild rabbit only because yes, for example.
They always come out with this "bloody bunnies killing each other" thing when, ok. It's true that in the book the rabbits seem to have the option to kill as something relatively normal, at the same time in the novel it's shown how it's not really the first thing they think of when faced with a threat. Usually before thinking about killing (except for particularly aggressive rabbits) they always go to dialogue. More aside most deaths of one rabbit to another, if not incidental/provoked by a third party (ahem, the fox, the wire, the dog, the train), are executed by a rabbit seen as "bad" and not something that is particularly praised.
Does it sound like I hate the movie? Not really, I appreciate it even with everything. But I do hate that the vision it gave to this story was not the best. You can justify to me in a hundred ways why the movie is fine the way it is or that you like it, but I'm sorry, my opinion on this is going to remain the same.
By the way, if you want to read the analysis I mentioned above here it is.
It explains the whole thing much better than I ever could:
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Hey there, my name(or more so an internet alias currently at the very least)is Emanuel Marco aka Daniel, Julian or Edgar and welcome to my official alternative and somewhat not-exactly-secretive more diary-type internet journal space known as my blog on my brand new Tumblr Dot Com blog(aka where you are right now). I am a teenager and soon to be adult in my real physical life that's not on the interwebs, but I feel more as if I am some sort of childish adult, or atleast have felt grown up for awhile now due to stress. I guess you could say I'm "mature for my age" but that's barely the case to be honest with you and besides, I've sort of come to associate that term with creepy older men attempting to chat inappropriately in private direct messaging or whatever. Lmfao anyways, while I do want to keep my age a little vague for the reasoning being of an attempt at interweb safety(despite how far too late it seems considering other stuff at the moment), what I can say more in depth is that I am a neurodivergent person who is professionally diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum along with ADHD. I am considering that I may have other neurological conditions/disorders but I don't really know or care too much at the moment, by the way, I am also a white-latino who is bilingual in both English and Latin-American Spanish despite how I may struggle with the language along with attempting to reconnect with apart of my culture. I am an LGBTQIAPlus/Queer community member and supporter of other identities that I may not even fall under completly, though specifically I am a genderfluid bisexual aceflux person who uses both he/she pronouns(please don't use they for me unless I specifically asked to, thank you). I used to identify as a transgender male(ftm)but due to realizing the amount of harm being inflicted on women of both cis and trans due to violence and misogyny, I thought the most correct thing to do morally would be to stop being such and to instead just lean into more masculine types of gendernonconformity(I am still pretty feminine though so it's just an idea I guess lol(Please know that there's nothing inherently wrong with transitioning from female to male or something male-ajacent or whatever, I know it's probably more complex than just "all men are bad" like no duh but still, it's been really hurting my heart that I could possibly be giving off the idea that misandry is real or something roflmao. Sorry if that explanation is stupid, but I'm not the best at phrasing stuff sometimes♡).
For what I am going to be posting on here, it's probably gonna be different from my main page and other social media platforms but at the very least I wanna keep my alternative/side-blog more clean and organized when it comes to my interests and other stuff relating to my thoughts and ideas for different types of subject matters. While I am am an admittedly mostly digital artist and animator who intends to make more stuff involving my inspirations such as making more gay yuri anime and bara yaoi manga style graphic novels/comics, I want to use my alternative page/side blog to write not only fictional stories involving my original characters and even fanfiction, but also stuff about my life almost as if they were written storytime videos that would usually he formatted visually on my YouTube Channel. To be honest with you, I've been looking more into stuff involving the subjects of alterhumanity, soulbonding, therianthropy, fictionkin and just otherkin over all on here atleast. I don't know how much more I can possibly explain without falling asleep since it's night where I am on the planet Earth at the moment, so this is probably just gonna remain as a temporary pin but please keep in mind that updates are probably going to come soon♡.
I know nowadays on the interwebs and most public mainstream social media platforms, users usually put some sort of "before you follow" and "do not interact" criteria as a set of boundaries specific for those who want to support their account and become mutuals with them. Since I want to avoid any sort of needless drama situations or scenarios involving meaningless discourse, I am just going to leave my simple requests here for those who care enough to read through my little ideas of what I consider to call my own boundaries♡:
•Obviously, first and foremost, please just be normal as you would not using the computer or phone infront of you which means...use basic common sense and maybe possibly even kindness perhaps I don't even know anymore. This specifically means no racism, xenophobia, ableism, queerphobia/LGBTQIAPhobia and so on. If I do something that's considered any of the above, I can assure you that it was an accident and to please educate me on whatever I have done that may be offensive or wrong since I recognize I do have certain privilege♡.
•Secondly, please do not come to me if you support problematic fictional media or internet communities such as lolicons/shotacons/kodocons, radqueers, pro-paraphiles, fujoshis/fudanshis or himejoshis/himedanshis, proshippers/comshippers/profiction/darkshippers or whatever other name these groups go by nowadays atleast or enjoyers/condoners of feral nsfw content. I am against these groups due to the harrassment, sexualization/fetishization and grooming that runs rampant in these specific internet spaces though please don't attack any minor users in these communities. Many of the younger ones are traumatized children who don't have many healthy coping mechanisms and while these habits should absolutely not be encouraged, they still should be guided and helped into the right direction by others who know better atleast♡.
•Thirdly, If you are apart of other insensitive and hurtful groups such as endogenic/non-traumagenic "systems"(that's not how being a system works dummy), if you support mspec lesbians or male-lesbians aka "lesboys"(you literally cannot be attracted to men while being a lesbian or be a man and also identify as a lesbian so please stop making non-men loving women and the rest of the LGBTQIAPlus community look bad because you're literally just scared to admit you're straight or bisexual or something I don't know???) and others who use marginalized communities in order to hurt others by disregarding their concerns♡.
•Fourth, my last but not least important request, is for you to leave my alternative/side-blog(and other social media platforms if you know who I am yet somehow)if you support the unneeded cyberbullying towards those who may seem "cringeworthy" but in reality are harmless and at worst cheesy on their own(Examples being neopronoun/xenogender users, alterhumans/therians/fictionkin/otherkin/soulbonders etc or furries and cosplayers). Humanity can be very beautiful when using all of our differences for good and not for evil, otherwise we end up creating a very ugly and nasty pathetic excuse of a community for us all to reside in. We all have a story to tell, whether we're comfortable sharing or not and at the very least we should attempt to be understanding of others despite how cheesy such a thing sounds I know. Just please bare with me here)♡.
So it seems I've gotten atleast almost all thw words of what my brain wanted me to pour out onto the screen as I sometimes carry concepts that are hard to explain with me even through textpost lol. For those who care, my DMs are open 24/7 though sometimes I may not be motivated to reply exactly on time(again, please bare with me here. I know it sounds dumb but still-), now I'm gonna be signing off until something pops into my mind and makes me attempt to come up with a coherent post again, yours truly ~AHopelessPrincessReincarnation.
(P.S:Thank you to the kind internet strangers on here who have happened to wander onto my post somehow[maybe through the tags listed below]and were able to read through my whole, long and crushed up pinned introductory textpost. It means a lot to me that certain people on here are interested in what I have to say, so your support is very much not only appreciated but cherished! You all really do rock)♡.
Have a great day or night wherever you may be in the world right now and please never be afraid to check in and stay tuned for more>:]♡.
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fleamontsoleil · 1 year
Hello people!
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My name's Kordian.
I'm a guy who fell in love with stories at a young age, and decided to make their life about them.
I’m a genderqueer, bisexual mess born on april 15th, which makes me:
an aries
using they/he pronouns,
coming from poland, 
speak polish, english and basic german, spanish, french and danish, which means i can wish you a happy birthday and order coffee, and also talk about the weather and describe my outfit, but i will not get into the depths of quantum physics. 
i’m also autistic.
more info lower!
Other random things about me:
i love writing
lemons, ginger, cinnamon, pears, pasta
i have a sweet tooth
i’m getting back into drawing and watercolour painting
i love flowers, my favourite one being a carnation
i’m basically 24/7 in headphones, music always on
i like learning new languages (if you haven’t figured that out yet)
i enjoy reading, watching movies and tv shows
i can play on ukulele and i’m getting better at guitar and bass
i love stickers and pins
kinda obsessed with angels and religious symbolism while being an atheist, idk how i did that
i can trauma dump without realising, sorry for that
i love sticking things to my walls
and also telling stories
robin williams
On this blog, I reblog/post things related to writing and relatable things I see. Sometimes share a snippet of my writing or freak about an idea I'm having. I’m thinking about separating this side blog into two, one for fanfic (this one), and one for my original work (with my pen name) but idk. Maybe when I have more time.
What do I write?
I write mostly fiction and fantasy, usually gory.
I write things that are inspired by things I know. I have a great imagination, which sometimes is not so fun, but when I write it's really useful. I can sit in any place and make it into a story.
All my works include queer representation.
Some of my works might be graphic, but I will put trigger warnings before any of them.
My current works:
If it comes to longer WIPs, I am used to working on one/two at once, but giving it my whole attention for the time of writing. Even though I can read seven books at once, I can't write them at once.
I also write a lot of short stories, but I will not be listing them here.
"The Tangled Sun" (working title) - a fantasy novel (1st dratf) tag: wip : tts queer, pirates, magic
"Darksun" (working title) - a post apocalyptic novel(1st draft) tag: wip : darksun angels, queer, gore, horror
you can find me under cowboymorpheus on ao3
All of Us, Strangers - an AOUS deancas AU 24,095 words “How do you cope?” he asks. “With what?” “Listen?” he says, almost asks, and sticks the hand with the bottle up, one finger pointing at the ceiling. Dean doesn’t hear anything. The silence fills the entire space. “It’s so quiet,” he says, and his voice is slightly broken up, as if he’s mourning the sound that isn’t present. “The city’s out there, but we can’t hear a fucking thing.” Castiel leans even closer, as if he was about to tell Dean his deepest, darkest secret, and Dean backs away. His hand tightens on the doorknob. “I play music, but it’s worse when it ends. I even bought one of those white-noise machines. It’s like someone’s in the corner of the room, whispering about me. We can’t even open the windows, but I guess they don’t want us to jump.” he pauses for a while. “Bad for business. Broken bodies on the concrete. Who’s gonna move in then?” he asks, but he doesn’t expect an answer.
Dean Cas Big Bang fic - estimated word count 27k
on the road - WHICH IS A WORKING TITLE - estimated word count is 60k After John dies, Dean has no more reasons to be trapped in his hometown. With the encouragement of his friends and family, he hits the road, where he meets new people and learns new things about himself, finally being able to explore himself as much as he always wanted to. Not having to hide, being able to just be his own person is something he didn't know he would ever be able to do. Little does he know, it's only the beginning of the good things to happen.
stained white roses - a darkfic basically
My other account is @cowboymorpheus. you'll probably find out some more on the intro post there. It's where I reblog and sometimes post fandom stuff, here it's just, I don't know. Writing, ao3 and the rest of random stuff like that.
That's pretty much all. Like I said, I'm open to new conversations, so don't hesitate to message me or send asks anytime. And I'm ask/tag game friendly!
Have a nice one!
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compressednerve · 3 months
thank you anaon for the ask 😎🌻🌞🌆 <- emoji spell of "sun" for the anon
📺 - Favourite show? a few to list:.
Mr. Robot
Kill la Kill
White Collar
Trailer Park Boys
Breaking Bad but I was watching it as it aired and I never finished Season 5 because by that point they'd killed all my favorite characters >:(
this list was going to be longer but I realized as I was typing it, I don't actually like that much TV. I spent most of my time in the Virtual World mainly playing video games and listening to music, and drawing yaoi. I don't really have the patience for TV... the episodes take too long, the camera work is usually very boring or agitating/flashy which causes seizures, the sound/dialogue does not captivate me... and not to sound too much like a wimp, but as I've gotten older and become more in touch with all parts of my self and my past, I realize that most subject matter on television shows is purposefully graphic for the sake of shock value, and indeed most forms of violence triggers me into panic attacks. It's not to say that I'm incapable of watching hardcore movies or shows, but at the end of the day... I guess I'm more of a movies person, if I want to watch anything at all... orrrr? extremely niche interest youtube videos, though my interest in watching youtube severely went down somewhere in 2014, when The Great Monetization Wave was really rolling,. Anyways. Most of the TV shows I do like have been shown to me by @parasitefun over the past 7 years, with great patience on its' part because I can't tolerate a lot of stuff. I'm a very sensitive boy :(
🤓 - How did you get your name? My current online name "Osman" comes from my full system member's name "Osman the Magician", who is an introject of the real life occultist, Austin Osman Spare. This alter formed around September 2022 when the Fiend Folio mod for The Binding of Isaac: Repentance dropped the fucking smash hit Scarred Womb boss, Cacophobia. Her many statue forms of endured abuse resonated with my greatly, and one of her forms/statues is of her in a "Death Posture". Learning about this terminology intrigued me deeply, as it's a concept of meditation that was discovered by Austin Osman Spare. The idea of putting yourself into a stress position, and purposefully causing pain, is something that many doctors, therapists, and other health professionals have talked about for forms of recovering from cPTSD... and it's no wonder that it would overlap with Occultism, as well, as all forms of spirituality can be crossed over with scientific interpretation of the world.
I found Austin's body of work and life as a laborer, an artist, and eventually a cripple who relied on other people to take care of him and sponser him so he could continue his passion, to be very inspiring, and from there, an alter formed. How could it not, with myself a cripple, relying on Parasite to take care of my every need for the past 6 years and indeed for the rest of my life? I actually go by a few different names in my IRL, none of which are featured on my blog, because a combination of my trauma, complex DID, and ASPD all combine into a severe allergy of "sticking to one single identity"
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naryrising · 2 years
Hi there! I'm sorry if you've answered this before, but how did you get involved volunteering with AO3, and what's it like? I'm a current MLIS student and it's something I'm interested in doing in the future. Love your blog!!
I got involved in volunteering with AO3 in 2010, when you could get involved by saying "Hi, I'm interested in helping out" to the people you probably already knew from other fandom spaces, and they would give you some work to do. It was much a smaller team then and there was enough of everything to do that basically anyone who wanted to help out could do what they felt like working on. So I can't really recommend my way of getting involved, as it doesn't exist anymore.
But if you do want to get involved, keep an eye on when recruitment opens up for various teams. This will always be posted in multiple places: the news page, AO3's official twitter and tumblr accounts, and the Transformative Works volunteer page. Pick whichever one appeals to you/is easiest for you to keep up with, and keep watch on that. Pretty much every month there will be some team that's recruiting (other than in December, we don't recruit in December). Some large teams (like tag wrangling and translation) typically recruit about 3 to 4 times a year, but they often have specific things they're looking for, such as particular language skills, familiarity with specific fandoms, etc. Smaller teams may only recruit once a year.
If you see a position you would be interested in, jump on it and apply quickly. Applications are almost always capped (for instance, will close after 50 applications are received, or whatever number the committee is able to review), so if you take a few days to think about it, you may miss your chance.
The first secret I'll tell you is, once you're involved, it's much easier to find other ways to be involved. So if you really want to be, idk, on the Open Doors team, but they aren't currently recruiting or you don't manage to apply in time, try applying for Support. If you want to do graphic design but what's open is tag wrangling, apply for tag wrangling. Now, I'm not suggesting you apply for something just because you want to jump ship to another team as soon as possible, or for something you're going to dislike doing - that will just make people annoyed, and won't be a good experience for you either. But what I mean is, internal movement around various committees can happen much more easily than external recruitment, and often outside of regular recruitment rounds. For my part, the Support team recruits externally once a year, usually in spring, but if someone who's already gone through training as a tag wrangler and has been successfully doing that for a few months comes and talks to me about their interest in also trying Support, I'll likely be willing to take them on outside of regular recruitment season. Familiarity with one team's processes and procedures helps make you a better deal for another team, if you've already proven you can do the type of work we do, and other chairs are willing to vouch for your reliability/enthusiasm/ability to get along with others.
The second secret I'll tell you is that the most important characteristic for a volunteer, and the most impossible to train for, is time/energy/willingness to sit down and do the (sometimes unfun, often unrecognized and unrewarded) work. In my position as Support chair, I can look for people who have, say, previous tech support experience, and that's great, they probably have useful knowledge they would bring to the role. But knowing whether they have the right temperament to do a part-time job without extrinsic motivation (no pay; no boss standing over your shoulder to make you work) is more important. I can teach people the technical knowledge they need to have. I can't give more time, motivation, or energy to someone who doesn't have the personal headspace necessary to come home after work/school and sit down and do more work. So if you are interviewing for a volunteer position, the thing you most need to convince them on is your willingness and enthusiasm to do the work. Some things I look for include: does the person reply promptly to emails? Do they follow instructions well? Do they show up on time for interviews/training, or do they communicate with me if they need to reschedule to another time? Do they complete requested tasks in the requested time? All of those tend to be promising signs that someone is likely enthusiastic and responsible enough for a position like this.
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Ahoy Steph 🙌, I was wondering if you could tell us a little bit about yourself and what kind of tropes and stories you enjoy? Wanna get to know a little more about who is behind the blog if you don't mind🤸
Hey Nonny!
Sorry for the delay in a reply... just haven't "felt it" the past couple months, and after a nice 2 week break (and now a slow day at work), I feel more up to answering a long-form ask today, LOL.
So, I won't reveal too much about myself that isn't already public, since I try to keep my online and personal lives separate (and I come from an age where people usually DID do this because no one needs to know every little bit about you). The basics are that I'm a 41-year-old Canadian dork who loves video games, animation, movies, drawing, writing, and making music. I'm a graphic designer by trade, and have been for nearly 20 years, and I love it (if you need something designed or laid out, hit me up, I freelance on the side for extra spending money). I love dragons and puppies and kitties. I've been in fandom spaces for as long as I can remember, even before the internet. First major fandom I was a part of was Sonic the Hedgehog in my teen years, used to be a pretty popular writer back then. I moved on to Darkwing Duck in my 20s, then TMNT and then Sherlock (I'm a fan of a TONNE more things, but these were the active fanbases I had a presence in). These days I'm more of a lurker than actively participating, though Sherlock has been the longest one I haven't really moved on from. I like the casualness of what I've built here, and I think that's been a huge benefit for my mental health.
Hmm... my fave food is mac and cheese, but had to cut back on it a lot, so these days it's mostly chicken, lol. Fave dessert is cheesecake. Again, not supposed to eat it because of the dairy and sugar, so if I make it, I use lactose-free cheese. I treat myself once-a-year on my birthday, usually.
My current dream is to own a home. I've been trying to make it happen for almost 10 years now, and every time I get close, the goal-post gets shifted as housing prices skyrocket. It makes me very sad.
My dream holiday is a Disney cruise OR somewhere tropical; wanted to do these since I was 20. Secondary dream WAS going back to Disney World for my 40th, but now it's for my 45th or 50th, hopefully with SOMEONE (no one wants to go with me, hence the back-burner on this one). Listen, I know how awful Disney is. I just... really loved being there. It's easy to forget a lot of things when you're there. Third dream is a cross-country LITERAL nostalgia road trip with my sister. We used to go on 2-week-long, cross-Canada road trips when we were kids, and I just... want to kind of relive those, y'know? Lots of fond memories. Again, something that's just a dream because while my sister wants to do it, she doesn't want to be an alternate driver, so. Yeah, I can't do the driving alone.
Uh... Hmm. Not sure what else I should talk about here, if there's something specific y'all want to know, just ask :)
As for fave tropes, I love fake relationship fics the most, I think, followed by pining and movie rewrites with characters... I'm actually pretty easy-going when it comes to tropes, really. Willing to read any trope at least once to see if I like it.
Oddly, though, I prefer stories that are SUPER in-character (to how I read them, anyway) AND focus a lot on character studies and relationships with other characters. Novel-length stories are usually the best for it, but shorter ones can be too. I prefer fanfics more these days because I don't have to think about how these characters SHOULD be and focus more on the world that the author created. When I do read published novels, though, they're usually fantasy books. One of my fave series ever is the Inkheart Trilogy. Just an easy read from book one.
Yeah, so that's a little bit about me, to start off 2023 AND for any newbies that have just recently found me.
Thanks again for your curiosity :) Again, if you have anything you want more elaboration on, I can at my discretion.
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kaddyssammlung · 4 months
I've been thinking a lot about the rituals that I had when it comes to SH.
Let me just type a little...
So yes TW: SH, graphic with words
(to anyone who is new here...so I do post everything into this blog that's on my mind right now but I hide certain topics so you can just scroll and look for ST content when you feel like it. I like having everything in one blog. But also I don't anyone to read something that they are not in the mood for. )
Self-harm or, even when it came to my drinking, my routine always was very ritualistic. I don't even know why that is. It just was like that. When I was still in school I usually got the school early and made a few cuts while no one was around, I usually went to the toilet to do that, and then I was good for that day.
When I got older that changed. I liked just sitting at my desk.
When I had my little slip-ups last year I noticed that I still do it the same way.
I take out my blades and choose one. You know the typical razor blades the ones with two sharp edges on each side. You know what I mean and no I won't post a picture.
I sit down a choose a spot. There is not much left. The scars on my wrist are placed in a way so that I can hide them under my watch and one or two bracelets. The ones on my thighs are placed so that I can hide them under my shorts, especially my running shorts. If I were to add another “line” then they will show and I don't want that. That contradiction of wanting to hurt yourself but still having that need to hide everything because of all the shame that I feel when it comes to it.
Anyway, so I choose a spot and then I start. Depending on how I feel I will either make one deep wound or many small ones that have the same length and are evenly spaced. Symmetry does matter so much and no I don't why that is.
When I'm done then it's time to “clean up”. Which I won't share because it feels to personal. It's scared.
I had to write this down. I'm fine btw. Just tired. I guess I will just go to bed now and yes it's only 6:30 pm here but who cares. Right?!
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liz-allyn · 2 years
how can I get my fics to get attention like yours do? working your ass off and then getting 20 notes sucks. and I’m trying to become a better writer and honestly crave the validation like you get from your followers. hopefully you’ll see this! Obsessed with S&V
Hi my fellow 🖋️!
Thank you so much for your comment, and thank you for thinking so highly of me!
answers for fic writers after the cut
So honestly? I don't know how to get followers. This blog has been running since 2021, and I only started writing fic < 1 year ago. I've become so much more well known (ha) in the TASM fandom because I've hung out here a long time. I don't have a secret to engagement or understand how tumblr 'works' that well (ie the algorithm that social media sites use to decide what to put in front of you). There are still people I freakin' worship on this site who don't interact with my fics at all, haha. AND flip side, some of the best writers I've ever seen are on here and their fics have less than 100 notes. I have learned that persistently I'll look over into other peoples' yards and be like "fuck. how did they get 4K followers?" or like "wow, she just posted this yesterday and it has over 1k notes."
as for working your ass off and getting 20 notes—CAN CONFIRM: that sucks. some fics I wrote for fun. some fics I wrote for the creative challenge. but pretty much on all of them I've left a little piece of me, of my soul and the lessons i've learned in my meandering partial journey. blood on the keyboard. and those fics? the really great ones (or ones just as good as sugar and vice)? they still don't have many notes.
But I will acknowledge that my following dramatically increased when I started posting S&V. I think I had ~900 and that blew up to 1.5k. There are a few factors in this:
Always post fics with fic art (with gifs! if possible) - This is the number one thing that draws me to read fic. I like art that looks cool. I also have been playing around with Canva Pro for 3-4 years (it's my fav) and I'm animation-adjacent as a day job, so pushing myself to think about graphic design has been really good for me. I find it fun to come up with a whole aesthetic for your story, whether it's a mood board or a color scheme (I usually have 'branding' on the brain). If you don't want to play with fic art, at least find an appropriate gif. Use the actor's face. I also think the gif search on Tumblr sucks balls but it's really worth it to have the right gif.
Pay attention to the hashtags of other popular fics in your fandom - when I started paying attention to notes, this was the best advice. I was using all kinds of tags that made sense to me, but weren't effective. In the web version of Tumblr, I can search for a tag and see how many followers it has. It's significant if #peter parker x reader has way more followers than #tasm!peter x reader. Also trends come and go, tumblr has their hotboy of the month and it rotates. there have been months were TASM Peter was non-existent in the last year, and months where we're getting *fed*. Pro tip with tags: I have a separate Google Doc with a list of hashtags that I copy and paste to save time. After a while, you should try reblogging with different hashtags
Use a spelling or grammar checker - I'm not a grammar fac*st but if I open a fic and everything is misspelled, almost no punctuation is used, and I have to work really hard to understand your story, then it's not going to go far. (With respect to writers who post work in English, and it's their second language). I never pay much attention to the occasional misspelling or grammar mistake, but when it looks like you sent your fic via text message or tinder chat, I just can't. I personally use Grammarly, but I also hate it and think it's buggy and overpriced. If anyone else has a better option that works with Google Docs, let me know!
Never write your fics in Tumblr's post editor. That has nothing to do with engagement but that shit is buggy as hell.
Avoid putting too much text up front before the fic. I put author's notes at the end. I try to keep summaries short. I try to focus on what someone absolutely needs to know to understand this fic, and I *mostly* try to avoid apologizing to the reader ahead of time for what they're about to read, for it being too long, for it being weird, bleh bleh bleh
If you're writing a series, make people reblog to be tagged. I've seen lots of people do taglists and then they give up because it's a pain to manage (and it is), plus you have a bunch of people that go "add me to the taglist!" or "next part, when?" and they didn't even reblog what you've already written. I think that's been one of the really big factors behind S&V's success
Make navigation as easy as possible - this is web design 101 (which I flunked repeatedly), but a masterlist is good to have. If you're in a series, a link back to the previous chapter + next chapter is good to have, I've also recently started putting a link back to the masterlist. people that know more things about stuff than me told me that you want to make things as simple as possible for viewers to get from one page to another. (that's why youtube links are shit on tumblr, even videos are meh, but GIFs work so well and attract so much attention). this is a visual site, so big images or headings or links with color help to draw the eye's attention.
Write what you want to write. Because you really need to gain enjoyment from writing, and it should never feel like you're a content factory. Do this 9 out of 10 times. The 10th time, write what people want to read. My first mob fic was These Violet Delights which I thought was so smart, and I was so proud of, and I planned this whole series out for. But also I tag things accurately, and some people (even my moots) are uncomfortable reading about those topics. Then when I started S&V I was extremely self-critical because I didn't want to write something filled with tropes and cliches. And then I sort of got off my soapbox and let S&V be its own thing, full of tropes and cliches, because they're popular for a reason, and they're fun to read, and it's okay to have candy for dinner every once in a while. And I've been able to pivot my plans and create something I'm pretty proud of.
It does help to stay consistent in the fandom you're writing for. Either by writing or reblogging other writers. Just don't make yourself feel like you're a slave to Tumblr and you must stay active at all times f o r e n g a g e m e n t. Everyone should take breaks when they need to.
Don't listen to my advice because no one knows how to hack tumblr. There are some posts that have sooooo many notes and I'm like 'why?' Meanwhile, my heart's been ripped open in LED pixels on screen and sometimes it passes by.
I hope that this was useful! And if not, I'm sorry for the long post. I look forward to reading your fic (whoever you are), and feel free to tag me when you write your next thing!
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heghoul · 5 months
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PSA: due to the nature of the show this blog includes topics that touch on radiation, war, cannibalism, body horror, questionable morals, blood, gore, loss of one self, code of honor but easily broken.
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temp rules under the cut:
01ㅤ| ㅤㅤintroductionㅤ : ㅤmy name is CALI (SHE/HER, CST+3) born in 1994, 21+ .welcome to my COOPER HOWARD/THE GHOUL from FALLOUT TV muse blog. this blog is private, selective and mutually exclusive. meaning i won't interact with blogs that are not mutuals with me. [this blog is open to plotting both on discord via tupperbox and tumblr].
02.ㅤ| ㅤㅤactivityㅤ : activity on this blog will be medium to low through the week days. i'm mostly active at nights and from fridays to sundays activity will be higher through the weekends and through tupperbox on discord .best way to reach me will be through discord that can be asked upon request to create a 1x1 server or just to talk. [please don't pressure me for replies or asks. as well, communication is key, i'm not a mind reader so if something is bothering you, asking me is okay.].
03.ㅤ| ㅤthreadsㅤ : ㅤthreads will be dropped and asks will be cleared. we are always welcome to do multi threads at the same time. if i get overwhelmed i will usually drop things to start over. i have a generalized anxiety disorder so that affects my productivity too asks are always welcome to be turned into threads . do not reblog memes from me unless we are mutuals. [and if you want to unfollow me, please softblock. as well, if we are friends, always reach out if you are uncomfortable, i will do my best to improve]
04.ㅤ| ㅤㅤformattingㅤ : ㅤfrom january, 2023 , this blog is forced to have only the BETA EDITOR + TRIM. please keep this in mind while roleplaying with me if you are still using the legacy editor. I no longer use small text as my go-to formatting but i might use it at times. i am still available to use legacy when required but do keep this in mind ㅤ[BETA EDITOR + REGULAR TEXT + DOUBLE SPACE. WILL USE ICONS IRREGULARY.]
05.ㅤ| BANNED FACECLAIMS. elizabeth olsen, scarlett johansson, jeremy renner, amber heard, allison mack, gal gadot, johnny depp.
06.ㅤ| ㅤㅤcreditsㅤ : psd, graphics, promo are all done made by me through my resource blog. some days i will be iconless and others i will use them, mostly when i'm at home. [i write novella, multi-para and single line as well text roleplay via discord/tupperbox and tumblr as well].
07.ㅤ| ㅤㅤshippingㅤ : ㅤ it can be hard to ship with the ghoul considering who he is and what he is. at one point in timeline he was married but we learn he was paying alimony, meaning they were divorced. he has been with men and women through the wastelands and can come out as very sexual in his comments. just let me know if you want to ship. i might ship it already.
08.ㅤ| ㅤㅤDNIㅤ : ㅤ due to personal reasons, i won't be roleplaying with characters from the following fandoms. DC'S STARGIRL, PEACEMAKER, MUSES FROM THE BATMAN (2022) AND HORROR MUSES BASED (SELECTIVE), WRESTLING FACECLAIMS. unless we are friends. on my other non ck related muses i don't mind but i have had some bad experiences in the past [personal DNI can be given in privacy, however no name drops will be given here as none of the people are bad and DNI worthy, just uncomfortable].
09.ㅤ| ㅤㅤetiquetteㅤ : ㅤ don't godmod my muse. small things are welcomed. if your muse wants to hurt her psychically, you need to let me know i just want to be given a heads up if you will ever do a thing to hurt them. i assure you, i will not mind if plotted. bare in mind, the ghoul is very much hard to kill and is over 200+ years old. [as well, don't assume ships with me unless we are friends].
10.ㅤ| triggering topics : ㅤ mentions of body horror, radiation, images of body horror, gore, radiation, war, are all topics that will be seen on this blog, please beware of this.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
For Confession Corner Sunday
I, for one, feel it's disrespectful to discuss TZ's sex life. What they do in public or what is shared on a public forum is fair game for discussion, but their private intimate moments are off limits imo. Other than simple public affectionate gestures and the pap pics of passionate kisses in their vehicle, we are not privy to their intimate life. And rightfully so. Knowing how TZ felt about those pap pics, and knowing they keep their relationship sacred, I feel extremely uncomfortable discussing and/or speculating about their more intimate moments.
Unpopular opinion?
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*Taking a deep breath so that I can fully prepare myself to answer this ask without ruffling any feathers*
First of all, thank you so much Anon for your confession. 🙂 As you know, today is a judgment-free zone when you send things in for confession corner lol. I actually appreciate you bringing this topic up, because I don't think this really gets talked about enough in the Tomdaya fandom tbh. 👀
Before I dive in, I'll just put out a ***disclaimer*** and say that my opinions and feelings on this topic are just MY personal feelings, so you all don't have to agree. 🤷🏾‍♀️
With that said, I'll just say that I actually agree with you 100% on this. 👏🏾 I think maybe in years past I didn't really see the "big deal" about speculating about, or openly discussing assumptions about Tom and Z's sex life (just harmless fun, right?), but as time went on, I started noticing that SOME fans in the fandom seemed to have a bit of a fixation about what Tom and Z's sex like must be like in the bedroom (even being graphic about it 🥴), and I just started to get a bit creeped out by that... no offense. 🥴😬👀
I agree that there's definitely a very fine line btwn fans finding a couple adorable and cute 🥰, vs fans conjuring up multiple wattpad-level fanfics about Tom and Zendaya's bedroom behavior, and no offense, but to me, the latter is just kind weird. 😵‍💫
I don't really like speculating about ANY celebrity's sex life (obviously, we KNOW they ALL have sex 😅) in great detail like that. Even small jokes can be a bit weird. It's like, you don't know them!
Plus, I find ppl to be a little WEIRD just in general when it comes to Tom and Z and sex just period. From the fans/trolls who think Z is "cheating" on Tom anytime she interacts in a romantic scene with any of her male co-stars🙄, to male fans making weird, sexually-explicit gay manips of Tom in his Spider-man/Peter Parker character (or just Tom himself).... idk... it's just really gross and weird to me, I'm sorry. 😞 They've been doing this stuff for years! Even when Tom was like 21. 🥴
Believe me, after 6 years in this fandom, I've definitely seen some things lol. 😵‍💫
I can't police what other ppl discuss or choose to post on THEIR blogs (nor would I ever want to 🥴), but I just know that for me on my blog, I usually try to be relatively respectful of TZ and their rlshp, and I think we pretty much keep it fairly PG-13 in here when it comes to stuff like that lol. They seem like such a sweet couple 🥰 that just wants to be private, and so I usually try not to go down the rabbit hole of their "intimate" life, or make any assumptions, cuz the truth of the matter is, we just don't know a SINGLE THING! 🤷🏾‍♀️
All we can say is that they seem extremely happy, and just leave it at that lol 😅
But anything beyond that is just speculation, and I guarantee you, their real life intimate details are probably not even as "exciting" as fans make it out to be anyway rofl 🤣 That's the problem with fanfics lol... They put out this idea about a person that might not even be true! 👀
Idk, maybe it's just me, but I agree with you.... speculating about anyone's (celebrity or NOT) intimate sex life is just kinda gross to me, and is kind of crossing a very fine line imo. 👀😬
I just love TZ together, and I think that over the years (especially after they got outed) I've just gained so much more RESPECT for them, and I just feel kind of protective over them in a way, ykwim? ❤️
Idk... Maybe you and I are the ONLY ones who feel this way lol 😆, but I'm actually glad you brought this topic up! Because I have secretly felt for a long time that there are some in the fandom who may go a bit too far in their sexualization of TZ, and it just starts to become a little ick. 🥴
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realmythsmoved · 7 months
What caused you to start writing? What was your key point? How do you describe writing / rp to others? What is your favorite canon muse? Who is your favorite OC? How do you create an OC? What are your steps for developing an OC? FC or story first when you develop an OC? What’s something you find weird on here? What are things that you don’t wish to see on here?
I've liked writing since a young age, and I think it was my love of reading which spurred my love of writing. But for RPing, someone was looking for someone to write Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter in an RP group on a seperate site (not Tumblr) when I was like 13. Seeing as she was my favorite character, I decided to do it. I went on to RP many many more muses on other sites before moving to Tumblr.
My favorite canon muse that I RP now is a tie between Ciri, The Thirteenth Doctor, Dany, and Arya. As for favorite muses I've RPed ever, I'd also add Clara Oswald, Luna, and Cinna from The Hunger Games to the list. I might just bring Clara back one day heheh. <3
My favorite OC is super hard to choose and changes all the time but at the moment, I'd say it's a tie between Persephone, Victoria, Alex, Hope, Farryn, and Esme. Also Aphrodite, she's just fun to play for some reason. LOL.
How I create an OC varies from muse to muse. Usually I'll think of a backstory and personality for them first, and then choose a FC. But sometimes I have a vague concept and pick a FC and then further develop the muse.
I'd say I develop my OCs just through RPing them. The more I RP them, the more I get to know them as a person. And hopefully that comes across. <3
Usually story first, or at least a vague idea of one. Then FC. But it depends on the muse TBH.
I find the focus on graphics for promos and icons weird. Like no hate to anyone who enjoys making pretty promos and icons. But it shouldn't be a requirement or that important, in my opinion. I think the writing is what really matters. And everything else is extra, you know? I also find some callouts (not the serious ones) weird, in that people will put like "ships thing I dislike" or "likes character I hate" as a serious offense, almost like it's bigotry. And I find that strange as well. If someone's being offensive in how they write a muse, by all means call that out. But just someone shipping a ship or liking a character, I don't think needs to be mentioned most of the time. (Unpopular opinion, maybe? IDK. LOL)
I don't really mind most things. But I have to say, I get somewhat annoyed when there are people who spend their time in OOC posts getting upset at other people for liking XYZ thing they don't like. I get the need to rant. I get it. There are plenty of things I dislike. But I feel like as a RPC, if someone plays a muse you dislike or ships something you don't like, just do your best to ignore it. Blacklist tags, unfollow/block people as needed. But making tons of posts about it won't change other people's minds. And might upset some RP partners who don't feel the same way. So I feel like, if someone likes something you dislike, feel free to vent about it if you need to. I'm not going to tell people what to do. But maybe keep it to a minimum, if you can.
Also, any callouts that are pretty much just the same thing. Like "don't follow this person they ship XYZ thing." or "they write this muse" or "they write XYZ problematic topic". And for the last one, I get it. There are topics I won't write. But I feel like it's each RPers job to curate their own blog. And like just don't follow people who write things you don't want to, ya know? Or if you do follow, make your boundaries clear in your rules. And if someone doesn't respect those boundaries? Block them. That, to me seems a lot healthier than calling people out for writing XYZ thing that you dislike or think is wrong. Obviously, if someone writes a muse in a way that's offensive to a marginalized group or something, and they don't listen to feedback, a callout would make sense. But let's say someone writes a ship someone thinks is unhealthy, or a muse someone thinks is a bad person (depending on what that entails, etc. Like if someone's writing a bigoted muse, it might be worth looking into etc. But it really depends on the muse and their story. At least for me.), or even writes a topic that would be wrong if it was IRL. As long as that person is not forcing anyone to write XYZ with them, I don't personally see the need for a callout in that case. But this might be an unpopular opinion as well. Personally, I prefer to focus on callouts where someone is being prejudiced or disrespecting people's boundaries, etc. rather than "they wrote icky things or things I dislike." Now if someone tries to force someone else to write things they don't want to, in that case a callout would be warranted. Like if someone made me write incest or abuse or rape in a thread. Now if I agreed to write such topics that would be a different story, but since it's in my rules that I don't, due to how triggering they can be to others, I would expect that to be respected. But if someone else WANTS to write a thread about any of those topics, while I would not personally do so, I do respect their right to write about it if and only if, everyone who's writing it with them genuinely wants to explore such dark things. In my opinion, writing should be a safe place to explore everything and anything without any people being harmed. But if people are forced to write topics they don't want to, then real people are being harmed, and I would support any callouts of that nature. I hope I'm making some kind of sense. LOL. And if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. <3
Oh, and I forgot you on the other ask, but I also get happy when I see you on my dash, @uncxntrxllable ! <3 <3 <3
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