#i'm not mad about it his arms look good 🧐
papa-evershed · 2 years
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Rob James-Collier || The Ritual
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
Last one was adorable, but what if the roles were switched and it was the Monkey King boys with the Monkey Queen y/n? 🧐
Do you mildly hate the monkey queen or something🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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(LMK Wukong) You are a celestial female monkey whose territory is a jungle island. You lived in solitude for many years Until a certain monkey literally crash landed into your life. I'm mad, he was annoying He would Talk your ear off,flirt with you and Serenade you with a bunch of songs that will make you cover your ears. And he keeps coming back no matter how much you kick him off your jungle island. It probably doesn't help that he can just fly on his nimbus cloud back. Finally having enough you decided to throw the man a bone And go on at least one date with him. Of course one thing left to another and now you're pregnant. Of course he's not aware and you want to keep it that way. You finally gave birth to your cub until he showed up again. You try to remain calm and hide until he goes away. But your baby seem to be aware that that's his father and zipped right out of your arms and right dead smack into his. After He came back to his senses and got his balance back. You told him exactly what happened hopeing maybe this would scare him off for good. Wait why is he smiling??? And why is he asking you to be his girlfriend?!?!?
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(NR Wukong) Goddamn you really considered getting a restraining order with this guy. By no means, were you interested? He was attractive looking, but that's all you felt he's got for going for him. And you Can't win with him because no matter how many times you kicked him off your island he just keeps bouncing right back just to do the same thing he was doing. Originally it was so annoying. One night he came to your house with a bottle of wine And was once again flooded in with you. When asking you on a date, finally throwing a man a bone. You agreed because well you happen to like Angry orchid apple Wine. The next morning you woke up to him inside your Bed. Already knowing what's going on and what's happening? You kicked him out your house once again. A few months later, you were busy handling your new born. Calm, you'll love the little guy very much. But he is quite a handful invite. He seems to be just as clinging to you as his father is and speaking of his father. A certain young man named lee had dragged them by his many years to your home as an apology and for him to take responsibility for what happened. Unfortunately for you, he has no problem dealing with that. And you're gonna have to see more of his face great.
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(HIB Wukong) He was really cool with you. You had a lot in common. So you had no problem with him coming over to your territory. To hang out or even talk to you. He then introduced you to Liuer Who was the sweetest happiest boy you ever met These two were the best company you had in a long time. One day Wukong Came by himself because you had Some things to ask of him. You quickly told them that your heat was coming up and that he was the only one you felt can help you with it. Despite being shocked and the massive blush on his face. He agreed to help you since he started liking you over the time you spent together and vice versa. A few months later He finally confessed about how He felt about you and you felt the same And surprised them with the baby cub you had with you that looks a lot like him. It would have been a nice surprise if he didn't pass out.
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) This guy just irks your nerve. Apparently he wasn't too happy at the fact that you got your own place and all your own stuff so to win.All that stuff you have. He challenged you to a battle which didn't even last long. Because you beat his ass what a bat that you found in your home. This became the beginning to a bloody rivalry. Because every time he shows app, you gonna have to fight him. Fist or with a weapon in was just not Goin anywhere and it became a battle of back-and-forth. Push and pull all that stuff. One time he was more aggressive than usual and so were you? And I hope you understood why until you had Performed impulsive But pleasurable action against each other And seemingly horrified by what he just did with you. He took off your island hopefully never to be seen again. Well it would have been if that same dumb ass with The attitude problem of a fire cracker didn't knock you up. You weren't too upset though. You were gifted with a beautiful cub and you wouldn't trade her for the world. A bunch of months later, a monk named tang was dragging monkey king by the ear towards you. Apparently he found out what the Wukong did and is now making him take responsibility. He could grumble and growl. All he wants, but the second he sees you with a Cub That looks like you to blend together he realized what he needs to do.
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(Netflix Wukong) You Guys were already friends in the beginning. You found him to be quirky, energetic cheerful and well a bit innocent too. He was also fairly naive to the world around him. But that's because he's brand new and you super cute. You To experience a lot of things together and go to a lot of places. You were even there when he found that talking stick. And you gave him support with the whole jade palace and the Dragon king war going on and you were even sealed under the mountain with him. You guys been through a lot and when you got out, you addressed that you had feelings for one another celebrated. A few months later, you guys have 2 cute little cups. Who knows what the future holds for your little family.
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