#i'm not leaving until they send me an eviction notice
chumbie · 11 months
is it time for the biyearly "tumblr is shutting down" rumor again
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AITA for lying to my friends due to a psychological disorder?
Ever since I (21F, american) was quite young (I would say around my 9 or 10 years) my mother noticed I had a tendency for lying, sometimes even for no reason at all. Some years after that I started going through therapy and psychiatric sessions and was diagnosed as bipolar and, more specifically, mythomania (compulsive/pathological lying, the diagnostic changed depending on which psychiatrist I went through). My manic episodes usually last longer than the depressive ones and, when those happen, I usually just lock myself from everyone in my bedroom (I rarely leave home even during manic episodes due to my own fear of anything bad that could happen outside)
And I'd say it's during those manic episodes that the bad things start to happen. Ever since my early 17s I started fabricating my own life to online friends since I have extreme difficulty making friends on real life. This ranged from stuff such as me saying that I'm disabled and that's why I don't leave my house (not true, I can do it when necessary but otherwise I am able bodied) and other simple, white lies to stuff like my relationship with my family and living condition.
It was in 2021 I think it started to go downhill. I still don't think I was in the wrong for it since, again, it is a mental disorder but I decided to come ask others too since the one friend I have that knows about it thinks I might be an asshole about this in specific.
Around 2021 I started playing a specific game with gacha mechanics. To this point, the image I had painted to most online friends (with the exception of that one friend) was of a girl on her 20s with a good relationship with her mother but a bad one with both her dad and brother (a lie, as our dad left us when we were children and I have a pretty good relationship with my brother), disabled and in bad living conditions. Because of that, it had been some time (since the beginning of the lockdown) since some of these friends started sending me money whenever I said I needed it for one reason or another (usually to buy food or necessities like hygiene products) and, since I didn't need it at all, I would just end up using it on stuff I enjoy like art supplies or makeup.
The moment I started playing that game though (which none of my friends knew about since they still thought I didn't have my own computer), I started spending all of that money on the game to pull for characters. It wasn't a constant thing but it got specifically bad on 2022, when a character I really enjoy was released.
I still think it's not that bad since none of them gave me a lot of money anyways, but after what I already had was spent on the game and I didn't have any money to buy the currency, I went to the discord servers venting channel and started writing by impulse stuff like how my dad had evicted me and me alone from the house after I stood up to him and now I was living in my cramped old car on the streets with no food, clothes etc. Some of those friends got extremely worried or something like that and ended up sending me more money than usual so I could 'pay for a hotel' until I had time to get government support etc (I don't really know how that works anyways, but I said I'd try and thanked them a lot for it and said that as soon as I was safe I'd draw something for them as payback but I never did because it wasn't really like it was a commission anyways) and I spent it on the game to get the character and I did!
I had to keep the lie about being homeless and then getting government support ever since and last month me and my "real life partner" (not real but i made it up a few months before this so i just used it as a excuse that he was working to get us both a place to stay) were finally in a safe apartment. However, one of those online friends knew about my condition and started to suspect about it all and got angry at me for no reason, saying that I was stealing from my friends and being unfair on even denying that to her. After that she blocked me but I was able to lie to the server that she had threatened me and implied I was lying about it all which wasn't true because that was my real living situation.
I still don't think I am in the wrong, they all did offer it to me on their own after all and I already spent it so there's nothing I can do. Am I the asshole for lying due to a mental health condition?
What are these acronyms?
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mrsaltieri-real · 1 year
Wasting Time (Todd Gaines x Fem!AFAB!Reader)
Words: 3.5k
Warnings: NSFW, langauge, smut, p in v, riding, dirty talk, slight degradation, clit play, spanking, unprotected sex, creampie, teasing, mention of drugs, smoking, alcohol consumption, Todd being an asshole, etc
I lost the request for this, but Anon if you see this here she is! I love Todd so much, he’s PAINFULLY slept on so this was so much fun to write. Took me a while to get into it which is why it took so long but I seem to be on a roll tonight, so here it is! I hope you enjoy <3
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“Fuck you, Ronna. No fucking way.” You snapped immediately with a shake of your head.
Ronna tapped on the roof of the car impatiently, her eyes pleading and wide. “Please? It’ll only be for 45 minutes, an hour, tops.” She begged.
“No. I don’t know this fucking guy. You wanna send me in to be collateral damage for a drug dealer for over 20 hits, are you kidding me?” You spat the words back at her, shaking your head again. Typical fucking Ronna.
“He’s Simon’s dealer, Todd. Don’t be such a square, he’s not gonna do anything to you. I promise I’ll owe you big. Whatever I make, I'll give you a cut. You hear that? A cut for sitting in a fucking apartment and doing fuck all.”
You scoffed at her, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms tightly across your chest.
Ronna sighed a little, closing her eyes. “Okay, no bullshit okay? I don’t get this money, I'm evicted, my ass is on the street.”
You hesitated just slightly but that was enough for Ronna to push harder and harder until you finally muttered, “God, fuck. Fine. Forty five minutes, Ronna. I’m serious,” as you walked toward the door.
“That’s all I’m asking.” Ronna said, relieved as she pushed the door back open and ushered you inside.
The elevator in the shitty building was broken so the two of you walked up what felt like endless flights of stairs before finally stopping in front of a door. You noticed Ronna hesitate for a second, eyes quickly flickering to you.
“Jesus, what?” You snapped.
Ronna said nothing, before lightly tapping on the door with her knuckles.
“Yeah come in, Ronna.” An almost bored sounding male voice shouted.
“You ready?” She asked, glancing back at you with her hand on the door knob. You just glared at her, refusing to reply.
The apartment smelled of cigarettes and cheap perfume as you walked in, wrinkling your nose a little. It wasn’t dirty or messy, just very unorganised. A huge speaker system was set up against the wall behind a large television and on the couch, a cigarette between his fingers and a stupid Santa hat on his head is when you saw him for the first time.
Ronna gave a brief introduction before saying something quietly to Todd and leaving without giving you so much as a second glance.
Absolute bitch. You couldn’t remember why you were friends with her.
Todd glanced at you, gesturing loosely toward the armchair across from him. Hesitating, you slowly walked toward the seat, refusing to look at him as you slowly sat down.
“So, you’re a friend of Ronna’s?” He asked you, leaning back on his sofa and taking a long drag of his cigarette. You nodded your head once, still not looking at him.
“You fuckin’ mute or something?” He looked at you, head slightly cocked to the side as he leaned forward, stumping out his cigarette in the crowded ashtray on the table. “Ronna the chatty one?”
“No, I’m not mute.” You muttered, eyes flickering up to meet him slightly. God, he was fucking hot. In the kind of way you’d expect a drug dealer to look but a lot better. Your eyes fell down to his bare, toned chest and torso and you diverted your gaze back down to your hands.
You heard him scoff a little and stand up, walking into his kitchen. You let out a small breath, moving to rest your hand on your forehead. Fuck, what were you doing here?
“You wanna drink or something?” Todd called from his kitchen.
“Oh, uh yeah some water would be great.”
You heard him laugh a little and he poked his head around the door. “Fucking water? You’re stuck here till Ronna comes back with my money. Live a little.”
“She won’t take long.” You said back sharply.
“Oh, wow. You really think it’s going to take her only 45 minutes to sell 20 hits of fucking E?”
Fuck he was right.
“Fine, I’ll have whatever it is you’re having.” You gave in.
“Yeah, bet you can handle straight fucking whiskey.” He said sarcastically, his tone immediately starting to piss you off as you scowled in the direction of his voice.
He walked back in, bottle tucked under his arm and two glasses between his fingers, setting it all down on the table and settling back down in his seat. His eyes met yours for the briefest of moments, and you think you saw a small smile tug on the corners of his lips before disappearing just as quickly as it came.
He poured you a drink, sliding the glass over to you with a flick of his fingers before returning to make his own. You tentatively picked it up, sniffing it a little cautiously. You didn’t know this guy, what if he spiked it?
“I didn’t spike it.” He said, snapping you away from your thoughts. “Only fucking idiots do shit like that. I sell, I don’t give for free.”
He made a good point. You took a small sip of the straight whiskey, enjoying the burn as you swallowed it. He raised an eyebrow at you a little, leaning back on the couch again.
“So, you let Ronna leave you here as collateral, huh? Why’d you let her do that?”
You finally plucked up the courage to look at him dead on, your hand circling the glass in your hand. “She’s my friend.” You stated with a shrug.
“Yeah, great friend she is. Leaving you here with a guy she hardly fuckin’ knows.”
Again, he made a good point but you simply shrugged again. “Fine, I guess you could say I’m doing her a favour.”
“A favour?” He rolled his eyes slightly, reaching forward for his packet of cigarettes and offering you one to which you declined with a shake of your head before he took one out, placing it between his lips as he spoke, “You give favours easily?”
“What do you mean?” You asked with a furrow of your brow.
“I mean, no one gives a favour without expecting something in return and like I said to Ronna I give head before I give favours. So what are you getting for doing her this ‘favour?’” He stuck his fingers up in air quotations before picking up his lighter, sparking up his cigarette.
You hesitated for a second before replying, deciding to just lie, “Haven’t decided just yet.”
He was quiet for a while, eyes never once leaving you as he smoked, scanning you over and over again.
“What?” You finally said with a sigh, raising the glass to your lips again. You fucking hated people staring at you, especially like that.
“Are you a virgin?”
You couldn’t help the surprised gasp you let out, almost choking on the whiskey. “I’m sorry?” You spluttered.
“You seem like one. Letting people walk all over you like that. Haven’t quite got the confidence fucked into you yet.” He turned his shoulders up slightly, holding the smoke in his lungs for a second before exhaling.
“Okay, not to be rude but you don’t even know me.” You retorted in a slightly clipped tone.
“Let’s just say I’m fucking intuitive.” He said back sharply.
You fought the urge to roll your eyes at him as you took another long sip, desperately needing the alcohol to numb you even just a little bit.
“So? Are you?”
You couldn’t stop your head falling back in frustration as you groaned, “Oh my god, no. I’m not. Not that it's any of your business,” Before looking back at him.
“Fuck buddies?”
“You want one?”
You looked at him, slightly confused and he just turned up his shoulders a little, the cigarette dancing between his fingers.
“Gonna be here a while.” He said again, gesturing toward the clock on his wall. It had hardly been fifteen minutes. “You wanna get laid?”
“No you don’t wanna get laid or no you do but, you don’t wanna get laid with me?”
You were quiet for a second, feeling the rush of blood in your cheeks from the way he was looking at you. His eyes continued to roam your body, almost hungry and enjoying the challenge of your incoming rejection instead of having his ego bruised by it.
“I don’t know you.”
You were getting really sick of his questions. You wanted to walk out, fuck Ronna and fuck her money. But instead you remained in the arm chair, engaging in conversation with an annoyingly attractive drug dealer wearing a fucking Santa hat.
“So, I don’t fuck guys I don’t know.”
“Well, aren’t you a fun one?” He scoffed a little, rolling his eyes as he flicked some ash from the end of his cigarette into the ashtray beside him.
“Yeah, I’m sure you get a lot of girls come in here and ride you to oblivion in return for drugs but I’m not interested.” You finished your drink, leaning forward and placing the glass on his table a little harder than was probably necessary. He didn’t miss a beat, leaning forward and grabbing the bottle to pour more of the amber liquid into your glass whilst saying, “Well look at that. Maybe you’re more interesting than I gave you credit for,” With a smile toying on the edge of his lips.
You didn’t hold back your eye roll at him this time, picking the glass back up as soon as he finished pouring and drinking a few mouthfuls.
“How much longer do you think I’ll have to be here?” You asked, glancing at the clock again.
“However long it takes.” He finished his own drink, refilling it quickly. “You sure you don’t wanna fuck the time away?”
You paused for a second. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was that looking at Todd again he was genuinely painfully attractive. It was possible it was a combination of the two and why not?
You weren’t boring, but you also never did anything on a whim. You were a little tipsy and he wasn’t wrong, who knows how long Ronna would be gone for? You could either sit here and listen to this asshole poke fun and ramble on about shit you couldn’t give less of a fuck about, or you could just fuck him.
Why not the latter?
Todd watched your face the whole time you were thinking with almost curious amusement. Sure, he’d just slept with another girl less than two hours ago but he found something oddly endearing about you. Your initial rejection enticed him further, he wasn’t used to being rejected by anyone. He knew he was attractive and was almost cocky about it, staring at you in a way he knew you’d struggle to say no to.
“Sorry, what was that?”
You stood up from the chair, placing your once again empty glass on the coffee table before walking over to him.
“Let’s fuck.”
He looked slightly doubtful, looking up at you with his eyebrows raised. “What?“ you asked, crossing your arms across your chest. “You all talk or something?”
He didn’t like that. His sceptical look turned demeaning as he watched as you got to your feet, a little nervous as you approached him. Everything about him screamed intimidating but the whiskey had filled you with an odd feeling of courageous intent as you halted in front of him.
Todd’s expression turned amused as his eyebrows raised and he leaned past you with a shake of his head, stubbing out his cigarette in the ashtray before settling back into the sofa, hands resting on the couch cushions.
His hands suddenly grabbed your hips as he moved forward, eyes looking up at you as his fingers caressed the soft flesh of your slightly exposed skin making you shiver a little, an action that only made him smile widely, “Jesus, calm down. I’ve hardly done anything yet.”
You scowled down at him, already becoming irritated again. Fuck this guy.
You didn’t hesitate before moving his hands off of you in favour of pushing him back by his shoulders and straddling him, knees either side of his thighs as you leaned forward to press your lips against his before you changed your mind, and also to finally shut Todd up. The taste of whiskey and tobacco danced on your tongue, the flavour oddly delicious and endearing, making you eager for more as you let out a soft moan into his mouth, feeling his large hands move to knead the flesh of your ass through your jeans.
You gasped a little as you felt his grip tighten as he stood up, locking your legs around his waist as he moved you onto your back, finally breaking the kiss to quickly unbutton and tug your jeans along with your panties down your legs, discarding them quickly on the floor.
It almost seemed as though he was afraid you’d change your mind too.
His hands smoothed up the length of your legs, up the curve of your back until he was hovering over you, one of his hands moving back between your legs, letting his finger run up your slit and to your clit as he revelled in the small whimper that fell from your lips.
“Jesus, your fucking soaked and all we did was make out a little.” He didn’t say it in a teasing or joking way, he sounded incredibly turned on by the fact as he asked, “You sure you’re not a virgin?”
“Not a virgin, just very inexperienced. Can you just shut up and fuck me, Todd?” You wanted to sound irritated but it instead came out as pleading much to your temporary dismay.
A small laugh as he responded, “What, no foreplay?”
You rolled your eyes, arching your hips so your bare cunt moved against his clothed, hard cock through the thin material of his light blue sweats, the action making him suck in a harsh breath.
“Doesn’t seem like you need it that much either.” You pointed out, repeating the action again promoting him to lean back from you, pulling his sweats off and sitting back down on the couch. You sat up, not missing a beat as you returned to straddle him as before. His hands reached to his head to pull off the Santa hat but you stopped him by grabbing his hand, pushing it down. He gave you a look, eyes deeply amused but said nothing, simply dropping his hand to his side.
You sighed blissfully as your pussy ground over the length of his hard dick, before arching your hips up and allowing him to reach behind you, guiding himself to your soaked hole and hearing him cuss loudly as your warm, wet tightness enveloped him entirely, fingers moving to spread your cheeks open as you sunk down onto his length, smiling a little when he muttered, “God damn, you’re fucking tight.”
Your head fell back at the satisfying stretch, wanting to enjoy it for a second as you moaned softly. Todd didn’t allow that, falling against the sofa as he began to slowly thrust up into you.
Fuck, he was big, bigger that you were used to. You didn’t even realise it till his slow thrusts began to touch parts of you that you didn’t think you had even managed to discover by yourself.
“Fuck, Todd,” you gasped out, rolling your hips to meet his increasingly hard thrusts, your hands resting on his chest and your nails digging into the his soft skin and leaving cresent shaped marks on the creamy surface. It wasn’t fast, just hard and somehow that made it completely fucking perfect. You found yourself really being able to focus on how good he was making you feel rather than having all your thoughts scattered by too much stimulation at once.
One of his hands ran up the length of your body as your grinds began to increase with speed, marvelling at how your tits bounced in front of him as your wetness was so much it managed to drip out of you, down his cock and stain the couch beneath the two of you.
“You always this fucking wet?” He commented, hand falling to toy with your clit as you bounced on him, a breathy laugh escaping your as you responded, “Yeah, that a problem?”
He rolled his eyes, not even bothering to dignify such a question with a response as he focused on his fingers playing with your clit, the noises you were making for him and the feeling of your pussy squeezing him with every stroke sending him closer and closer to the edge.
He wanted to be gentle with you, he wanted to, but that simply wasn’t going to happen. You just felt too fucking good, too tight, too wet.
It almost knocked the air out of you when he flipped positions, pushing you onto your back whilst he remained buried deep inside of you, his thrusts becoming stronger, more determined and calculated as one hand pushed you down into the couch as he fucked you into it and the other slid into your hair, gripping it tightly. You could feel his skin slapping against your clit whilst he hit that sweet spot at this new angle, the combination making you let out a loud gasping moan.
“You like this, don’t you?“ he whispered in your ear, nothing amused about his tone. Your legs tightened around his waist as he spoke, eager to feel more, “Getting fucked by a guy you hardly know, by a drug dealer. Nasty little slut, acting like she’s too good for me when all it took was a few drinks.” All you could do was moan in response, a weak, pathetic sound that made him grin. He pulled back, still not leaving your desperately leaking cunt as he flipped you onto your stomach, dragging you up by your hips so you were face down, ass up for him. He marvelled at the view for a moment, his cock stuffing your dripping pussy as he slowly pulled out, smiling at your small whimper as he did so before he quickly slammed all the way back in, making your body jolt and your face bury into your arm as he did so, teeth biting down to stop yourself from screaming.
“P-please don’t stop!” You begged him when you finally lifted your head, pushing yourself against him and earning a sharp slap of your ass as you did so, making you yell loudly.
“Think I’m gonna be able to? Nah, this slutty little cunt is milking me so.” Thrust, “Fucking,” Thrust, “Good.” Every word was bookended with a sharp snap of his hips, the sensation almost making you sob in pleasure then and there, “Fucking play with your clit, want to feel your pretty pussy squeeze me.”
You obliged, a shaky hand moving between your legs from under you and rubbed at your clit eagerly. You heard him suck his teeth sharply as your cunt clenched around him desperately, his need to cum inside of you taking over anything else, any care that you were potentially not on the pill and in that moment, Todd stuffing your leaking cunt you didn’t care either.
His thrusts began to stutter, his pants becoming more and more erratic as he gasped out, “Gonna fucking cum,” and go to pull out of you, but you whimpered loudly, using your feet to lock his knees in place and taking him by a short lived surprised before he released inside of you, his throbbing cock and hot cum sending you over the edge into your own intense orgasm, rolling your hips against your hand and his leaking, softening cock as you rode out your high against him with loud curses and moans falling from your lips as he muttered, “Holy shit,” as you used him to ride out your high.
He pulled out of you after a couple of seconds with a soft, “Fuck,” as he did so, already missing the warm hot feeling of your cunt.
You were still bent over, trying to catch your breath when you felt his hand on your lower back, patting it gently as he breathed out, “You alright?”
You finally moved to sit back on the couch. Now your orgasm was gone, you suddenly felt self conscious, your hands moving to cover you bare tits. The action just made him roll his eyes, leaning forward and grabbing his packet of cigarettes from the table.
“Now you're shy again? Thought I managed to fuck that outta you.” He said as he placed the cigarette between his teeth.
“Guess not. Might need to do it a few more times. ” You shrugged, leaning forward to grab your previously discarded clothes and glancing up at the clock as he let out a small chuckle.
Ronna’s forty five minutes were up, where the fuck was she?
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((Quick OOC post, and hopefully the last one I need to say about this recent drama in my personal life for a while. In the aftermath of this stupid fucking adventure, we still have to find a place to live long-term and get unpacked.
((Once I'm good and used to working 7AM to 3:30PM again, and this emotional bullshit's smoothed over, I can get back to having fun hobbies and put some more time into RP again!
((SO! What's happening to Mick! Bullet-points edition, as little word-salad as possible (I'm a prosy kinda fruitcake):
In April we found out mom had been "robbing Peter to pay Paul," and in doing so had racked-up a 16,000 dollah electric bill.
That happened at the same time the landlady wanted to send an appraiser to the house to assess value and damage, because she and her siblings want to sell it so they can pay to put their mother in a retirement home (I have strong opinions on that).
They never communicated with us, never even offered to transfer all the money we'd already paid in rent towards, you know, buying it ourselves.
They actually were kinda dickheads about it, but it's also fine because that house is a money-pit and they deserve each-other.
Mom bullshits the electric company, the landlady doesn't immediately kick us out, but we keep slowly packing anyway.
Eviction Notice in June, extended until the 28th of August.
Things keep getting heated, blame keeps getting thrown around.
The tension keeps rising to a boil. Lots of things get left behind in the move, personal items, valuable items. My plants had to be packed into a blue-box, likely dead by now.
Dad's work puts us up in Air B&B's until we can get into a house he's trying to buy. Dad gets a loan and a realtor, and finds out that Florida is a "Spousal State," meaning he can't get a house without his wife signing for it. Their marriage is on the fritz and has been for fifteen years (at this state, this thing was fucked as soon as they said "I Do.") but he was willing to sign a contract for the next 30 years with her anyway.
Things keep getting heated and mom's grip on everyone keeps fraying further. Moving five animals and four humans (one of whom is borderline immobile and infirm) takes two trips to Gettysburg, and then two trips to Florida.
The tension rises again, mom calls dad's job to try and cow him. She'd tried that once before, fifteen years ago when they almost divorced before, and back then dad told her that, "if you ever do that again, I'm getting a divorce."
I get a job super fucking fast and already put in eightish hours
Dad and I have to take off yesterday in order for him to finally drive mom back north. She takes the smallest dog, leaving her other dog with me and dad and jay (sibling), because she can barely take care of the small baby let alone both babies.
Dad will be driving back down to florida soon,
And the rest of our lives will, I guess, start.
He also asked his realtor to help us find a rental that'll take two medium-sized dogs and two small cats.
TL;DR- Mom and dad have been fighting in a flawed marriage from the minute they put rings on, their kids have been caught in the middle and it derailed our adult lives, but the (failed) move provided the final straw that broke the camel's back, and now mom is gone and we have to get on with our lives,
and I'm too numb about it to really feel happy or sad.
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resmarted · 1 year
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my internet has been out all day. i thought it would just work itself out but apparently there is a new cafe coming downstairs and their internet got set up today and they unplugged me and the neighbor. he got his fixed but mines is still ded :(
they can't send a technician downstairs and won't make a call to the new renter so now they want me to contact my landlord? no thank u i would rather die. i asked for a knob to be installed on my gate so ppl would stop doing drugs on my stoop (not a big deal calm down it's just a lot of trash left behind) and i'm pretty sure she takes one look at my request farts on it and goes about her day.
honestly tho girlboss
everyone who rents knows it's too scary to ask your landlord to do anything bc it's cheaper to evict and raise the rent than to fix stuff for current tenants and they always win out in court. wahhh
omg my mcfricken keyboard is finally smashed to bits i kept meaning to upgrade it when i was making huge tips every day and now i am like please sir can i have some more gruel
also my sweet little baby is about to leave me forever and i will have no thighs to squeeze or sing songs to until further notice
i wish you would just kill me
plus side is omg a cafe downstairs! i was hoping it would at least be that. i BEEN wanting to stumble no further than downstairs for espresso snd to wake up to the smell of it and have it as a full time aroma
downside what if i get kicked out for asking for a door knob on my gate to keep the crackheads out
also should i not be making weird sex noises during the day anymore? or walking around naked etc
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enter-fandom · 5 years
Vodka and Gummy Bears
Fandom: The Hobbit Pairing: Fili x Male!Reader Rating: General Warnings: alcohol use, loss of pants, mentions of attempted theft Theme: Roommates AU, Modern AU Request: N/A Words: 1255 Status: Fin? Notes: This was written for @lostinaseaoffictionalbliss and her 250 Follower Challenge.
The pair of jeans strewn haphazardly across the foyer was Fili's first clue that something was amiss. While you would have normally texted him at some point - drunk or not - when something went wrong, you hadn't tonight,  and he frowned, checking his phone again. No missed texts. He moved quietly through the apartment in case you had passed out, resolving to ask you about it tomorrow after you'd slept off the hangover.
Your friendship had been an interesting one, that confounded his family. You'd met at a bar,  when you'd seen him sulking into a beer for reasons still unknown to you, and challenged him to a game of darts. The friendship that followed had not been entirely intentional, but it had happened,  and had been good, until he'd caught you with your bag open,  a few of his belongings shoved inside, and his fiddle in your hands in quiet contemplation.  
You'd dropped the instrument immediately,  stammering out excuses, before you ran. You knew the city like the back of your hand, and managed to evade him, heart hammering in your chest.
He'd had to go through your bag, to get his things, and had found the past due notice there, the threat of eviction over your head. You'd talked briefly of your past,  of having stolen for survival as a child and between jobs. You knew it wasn't right,  but you were too stubborn to ask for help. So he didn't give you the chance to ask. He'd shown up on your doorstep unannounced, family in tow, on a day your brother was around.
You couldn't really believe it when he'd pulled you into a one armed hug and told you that you were forgiven,  and he was moving you in with him - just until you get on your feet. That had been months ago, and he hadn't pushed you to leave, letting you find your footing, and a new job.
His phone chimed, and he glanced down, surprised when he saw a text from you.
My brother thinks we're dating...or should be. He thinks we're cute.
He stared at the message, frowning. He knew you'd never been serious about anyone in the past, for various reasons, and made to reply when he got another text.
I told him no. Even if...you wouldn't. You're not like that and I'm gonna shut up now.  
Sighing, Fili shook his head,  not bothering to text back. This was what had you upset enough to get so drunk your pants were in the floor? Shaking his head, he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge,  and then your pants as he passed, knocking on your door with no response. Assuming you'd passed out, he peeked in, frowning at your empty bed. Placing the pants in your hamper, he moved to his own door, knocking, “Y/N?”
No answer.  Hoping you hadn't left the apartment without pants again,  he opened the door slowly,  finding you sprawled across his bed, passed out, and phone in hand. Shaking his head,  he quietly put his violin away,  changing and sliding into bed with you and gently placing your phone on the nightstand.  Drunk or no, you rolled into him,  grumbling under your breath and snuggling into his chest - something he had always quietly enjoyed.  You were tactile,  but often seemed tense around him.  It was usually only when you were drunk or upset that he got to enjoy this,  and that was,  frankly, something he wanted to change.
You woke the next morning confused by the warm body beneath your cheek, the arm around you. Eyes opening, you tensed at the sight of Fili sleeping peacefully, mind fuzzy. You remembered the conversation with your brother,  drinking until he was taking you stumbling home. Where were your pants? And how did you end up in bed with the very man your brother had been teasing you about?
He stirred, and you made to move away,  but his arm tightened, voice sleep-soft,  “Y/N.”
“I don't...I was just going. I'm…” Abort mission. Abort. Abort.
He sighed, shifting some to watch you, releasing you from his hold,“You're wrong, you know.”
Your eyes darted from the streets to his face,  brows furrowing, “I'm wrong.” Fili had never really shown any signs of attraction to anyone, but if he was attracted to other men,  surely you weren't on the list, not after the incident.  
With a nod, he hesitated, before leaning in, brushing his lips over yours.
You were still asleep - had to be,  still dreaming and this was some cruel joke of the cosmos - but his skin felt warm under your touch and your face flushed when he pressed his forehead to yours in a gesture you'd only seen him share with family.  “Fee.”
“Yeah, Y/N?”
You weren't sure what else to say. There were a lot of questions,  why,  how long,  but they didn't seem to matter much when you blinked at him,  nerves settling in your gut before you stole a slow, lingering kiss, “Breakfast.”
He laughed, breaking the kiss and shifting away,  “How hungover are you?”
Why did he have to mention it? The moment he did,  it drew your attention to the quiet protests of your body from last night's dinner of vodka and gummy bears. Slumping back into bed with a groan,  he nodded,  leaving you to your misery while he made breakfast.  
A few hours later found you curled up with him on the couch, back to his chest as you read. Glancing up from your book, you brushed a kiss to his jaw, drawing his face toward you, “Thank you.” His brow rose,  and you gestured between you, “For this.”
With another soft kiss,  he murmured against your lips,  “No need to thank me.” Setting your book aside with his own,  his arms wrapped around you more securely,  “You… do have to tell your brother he was right,  though.”
Groaning, you slumped into the embrace,  “Don't wanna.” The thought, however, brought another forward, and you shifted to better see him, “Fee… how's your family going to take it?” They weren’t exactly the happiest with your situation - the continued friendship, moving in together, and everything else. His Uncle especially, had raised concerns about the fact that you’d tried to rob him, but Fee had quickly shut him down.
The only reason you’d even thought about robbing him was the fact that you were being evicted. With a secure roof over your head, and food to eat, you didn’t need the money. Once you’d found a job, it had been even easier. Of course, they might just think you were doing this because you didn’t want to lose the security that Fee’s own money brought, but that wasn’t it. Your feelings had been the main reason you’d hesitated at all with stealing from him, why guilt ate at your guts even after he’d forgiven you. With a sigh, he tightened his grip, “They’ll get over it.”
Pulling out your phone, you opened a text to your brother, hesitating, before typing out, You were right. After sending it, you quickly snapped a picture of you with Fee, and sent it as well, before settling back and closing your eyes. Your phone chirruped, but you ignored it, content to just enjoy the closeness before you finally shot up, glancing over, “What did I do with my pants!?” Fili laughed, shaking his head some, and pulling you into a slow kiss, and your pants didn’t matter at all.
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