#i'm getting all these deities from exactly one (1) site that i've found with any information about the mythology
cynocephaliiar-blog · 6 years
The gods and goddesses that Armazi absorbed are as follows:
Barbale: goddess of harvest
Bedis Mtserlebi: one or several deities that recorded and decided human fate
Dali: goddess of nature, animals and hunting
Kopala: god of lightning, a mighty hero and demon killer
Mamberi: lord of wolves
Mindort-Batoni: god of valleys, fields and wild flowers
Michpa: god that protects cattle and other domestic animals
Samdzimari: female spirit of womanhood and childbirth
Tevedore: god of agriculture and horses
Tskarishdida: a half-fish goddess of rivers and fish
Zaden: god of fertility
As such, Wolfin carries some of their abilities and attributes.
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