#i'll boost it after the holidays if need be
junipers-archive · 1 year
And They Were Roommates
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Word Count: 1k
Includes: Fluff, fluff, some more fluff and a kiss? You confront Spencer about your relationship status after Penelope informs you of everyone's belief of you being more than roommates :)
(Prompt from this challenged by @imagining-in-the-margins)
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You were at the coffee shop nearest to the apartment, desperately trying to find a pick me up. It was 6:30am...a new record for you. Seeing as your roommate and best-friend Spencer hadn't alerted you that you guys ran out of coffee at home, you were now standing in what you deem the longest line in the world you'd ever seen for coffee.
Then again it was one of the first times you'd been up this early to see people who actually got up early. It'd only been 10 minutes but you swore if you didn't get your daily caffeine boost soon you'd start to shut down.
The line was moving at snail pace so you decided to see what the problem was, only to catch a Penelope Garcia with 8 coffees in her arms, trying to balance her way out of the crowd.
Fortunately for her, Spencer had introduced you to the team a few months ago after they'd wanted to see where he lived and he was essentially peer-pressured in showing them by Derek. You'd been given a 5-minute notice at the late hour of 11pm and to this day are still making him pay on movie-nights where you got to choose the film.
You were torn between helping Penelope and staying in your spot in line, but seeing as you remembered how kind she had been and she was about to drop all that coffee, you took pity. Rushing over and calling her name,
"Penelope, you need some help there?"
"ah!-oh hi Y/n, sorry you scared me for a moment! And yes please."
You took one of the trays of coffee from her, holding her purse around your other arm. "Not that I mind helping, but why all the coffee?"
"Well" She was now wobbling over to a table that was just freed up by a couple, talking to you while placing her many belongings on it,
"Sometimes, I like to get up really early and get coffee for the team, cause you know the coffee at work sucks and I'm sure Spencer's already alerted you, but someone's been stealing the curate cups from the kitchen!"
You now placed the tray you had been carrying on the table as well,
"No...uh Spencer doesn't exactly talk about his job much, we usually just talk about other stuff"
She looked surprised at this, "Really? I thought he'd be more open about what he does with his girlfriend. But I guess thats just Spencer."
Now it was your turn to be surprised. "I-I'm sorry, did you say girlfriend?"
"Well, I mean yeah, you live together, he talks about you all the time, and when we went over you two just had so much chemistry we all just assumed-" she stopped talking as she saw the growing disbelief on your face, "I-I just- I'm sorry are you not dating?"
You were speechless. Absolutely speechless.
I mean sure you liked Spencer, he was one of your best-friends and you did live together and yea maybe you had feelings for him. But could other people see it too?
I mean, it made sense, now that you thought about it, you two were practically never seen apart, having roomate-movie-nights, going on consistent 'friend-dates', eating almost every meal together and getting each other gifts for holidays, even sometimes falling asleep in each others beds when you both got black-out drunk on occasion...
Were you dating?
Penelope had taken your silence as her cue to leave, gathering her things, but you had another idea, one that wouldn't leave you overthinking for the rest of the day.
"Wait- I- I'll help you! I mean you can't carry this all yourself!"
"Thank you" she smiled " but you're sure you don't have anywhere to be?"
"Not a place in the world." You would just call in sick today, you thought.
On the drive to the BAU as you talked to Penelope who you found was alluringly talkative, you also realized you might not even be able to get into the building. When you asked she waved her hand, shooing away your worries it seemed as she explained that as long as you weren't a spy you'd be fine for staying a couple minutes since she had clearence.
The topic of Spencer didn't come up again.
Once you got there and helped Penelope up to the office you caught sight of your roommate sitting at his desk. Excusing yourself, you began walking over, It was more decorated than you assumed, containing his adorable action figure favorites and small trinkets you'd given him over the years. And as you got closer you even found he had a picture of the two of you posing at a theme park you'd forced him to go to with you.
He saw you before you were closer, standing himself up as well.
"Y/n? What-What're you doing here?"
"Are we dating?"god you needed to get a filter, but you were really curious.
He sputtered at that, which admittedly made you smile, "I-uh-Who-did Garcia?-What?"
By pure instinct you grabbed his face so he had to look at you now, as he had a habit of looking down when nervous.
You asked him once more,
"Doctor Spencer Reid Are you dating me?"
You could feel him blush against your palms as he answered,
"Uhm...do you want me to be dating you?"
You don't know what had gotten into you that morning, but the next thing you did surprised both of you, pulling him closer as his hands circled your waist hesitantly and you kissed him.
It was soft at first, almost gentle in the way the both of you were nervous, but eventually he deepened it, grabbing one side of your face, the other circling your waist completely now as you arms came to rest around his shoulders.
When you both had to finally come up for air you breathed out your more than obvious response, "yes."
And while you both grinning like idiots at one another, Penelope was adamantly taking photos of the two of you for your wedding which she had already informed Spencer was to be on October 31 of next year.
You never even noticed you didn't get your coffee, knowing you were now with the Dr.Spencer Reid was enough of a pick-me-up to last you a lifetime.
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Reblogs and Comments appreciated!!
Update: Part 2
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figgrrr0 · 2 years
Hii im new here! Found your blog by chance and I love how you write! Would you be able to write wanderer x jealous!reader on valentines day? Lets say Wanderer has got a lot of admirers from the akademiya and reader is just silently furious abt it but doesnt say anything. When Wanderer finds out he fucks them nicely and praise them/ reassures them <333
Apparently I struggle to do angry jealousy, I just make it sad... but it's light this time! And soft.
Also it feels so weird writing Wanderer as a name??
Want to skip the lead up? Look for the NSFW sign that marks the smut!
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Valentine's with Wanderer
Character: Top!Wanderer/Scaramouche
Reader: Bottom!Gn // Genre: Smut, angst
Cw: Classic Scara misunderstandings, praise/reassurance, fingering, soft sex, slight angst(?) it's more hinted I guess
Plot: A little // Word count: 1.9k
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Valentine's Day: a day of love, gifts, and showing appreciation for your partner.
Usually, everyone tries to take the day off, freeing up their schedule so that they can focus entirely on the occasion, however it may be that they want to spend it. Which is why you were quite surprised to find yourself alone in bed when you woke up in the morning.
Now, that's not when you started feeling doubt. After all, maybe Wanderer, your boyfriend of the past few months, was in the kitchen. Breakfast in bed is a traditional start to Valentine's Day, and an easy way to get in anyone's good books. But, when you heard nothing after a few minutes of waiting, – no clanking of cutlery or slamming of cabinets – you just had to go see where he was.
Unluckily for you, all you could find was a little note, hastily sprawled and left waiting on the counter:
"I'll be gone for a while, don't wait up for me. I left you some breakfast in the cupboard, it might need heating up if you stay in bed too long, but that's not my fault...
–Happy Valentine's Day."
As usual, his handwriting is kind of hard to read; quick and messy. But, at least he did technically make you breakfast, even if he also alluded to you being lazy.
However, what most takes your attention, is the blotch of ink that splattered right at the end of "fault". It was as if he were hesitating to let go, to pick up the pen and leave it at that.
Which is why you felt oddly warm at the fact that the last part was perfectly legible and obviously had been written slower than the rest.
Even though you know Wanderer isn't particularly fond of outright expressing his feelings, you thought that surely, today of all days, he could push aside his own pride for you. Even just a little. Maybe that was too high of an expectation. His ambitions never let him take a break, so why would he take one for a made-up holiday?
Well... at least he's aware enough of your excitement for the day to acknowledge it first thing in the morning, even if he wasn't there to actually say it.
But, you knew that with Wanderer, everything would be awkward and touchy the first time around. You had to move slowly. Baby steps, you remind yourself, as you head back to your shared room to start getting ready.
It's only the start of the day.
You wish it weren't Valentine's Day.
Every street was lined with couples, each and every one of them holding hands, carrying flowers... things that you should be doing with your boyfriend right now.
And it didn't help that you felt like everyone was judging you for being alone, especially when most of them likely knew who you were dating. It's not like you hadn't seen them staring before now.
You couldn't blame them, really. Wanderer had shown up in Sumeru suddenly and didn't feel especially inclined to explain himself, so of course people would be curious. You just didn't like the way that their eyes would... linger after him. Even when you were there! And on the rare day that Wanderer was comfortable enough to let you hold onto him in public, the admiring stares turned to full-blown jealousy.
Now, what was wrong with that? Shouldn't that be an ego boost for you? You'd thought so too, at first. But then you realised that just meant they'd want to try and steal him from you.
You thought you could put up with it at first. After all, you knew that Wanderer wouldn't stand for anyone else touching him or getting in his way other than you. You trusted him just fine. You didn't trust the average Akademiya goer, though. They all seemed to think they were entitled to have whatever – or whoever – they wanted, just because they'd gotten into the prestigious school at all.
You'd tried to bring up your concerns to Wanderer about the whispers going around and the jealous looks you'd get when walking through the streets or halls of the Akademiya. Almost instantaneously, he shut down your complaints, finding the words so easily that it almost felt as though he hadn't even tried.
"Tch... they're annoying and only want to waste our time. Just ignore them like I do."
That response was actually exactly what you'd expected to hear, and while you were grateful for his straightforward answer, you'd wanted a more... passionate outcome. Something to show he cared.
That definitely isn't what you got, considering he didn't even look at you when he said it.
After that, you didn't want to bring up the same problem again. Especially not on Valentines Day, even though he'll probably come home having been confessed to over twenty times in the past hour alone. Okay, maybe you were over-exaggerating a little, but it really didn't feel like it to you. Plus, it's the day of love! You're allowed a little leeway for feeling paranoid, right?
Maybe this evening will be better, when Wanderer finally comes come.
As you walk through the door, you're instantly met with a faint smell that you recognised to be the lavender lemongrass scented candles that you kept around the house. Of course, this clued you in to the fact that Wanderer must already be home. But what solidified this, was that when you walked through the doorway, there he was, waiting for you standing next to a vase of beautifully arranged flowers. It was mainly made up of your favourite flower, along with some of the famous Valentine's flowers as well, such as roses, carnations, and even some daisies.
Most likely, it was thought up by the florist that he went to. But at least he knew your favourite flower, as well as followed the tradition of buying them for you at all.
Often times, it was unusual for him to initiate physical touch with you; even though he was comfortable with you, he still just wasn't used to it yet. Tonight, however, he seemed to have no trouble in walking right up to you, taking your hand to guide you into the living room, where you could both just relax in each other's company. The calming lavender lemongrass candles eased your mood quite well, and you were happy that your Wanderer had really tried for Valentine's day.
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You had a lovely evening with your boyfriend, cuddling on the couch as you spoke in hushed voices about anything and everything (even if he was slightly apprehensive to start), the lovely atmosphere of romantic music quietly flooding through from the street.
And even though it had felt perfect, as you get ready to retire for the night, the candles having gone out a while ago, you can't help but feel the uncertainty from before start to overtake your thoughts again.
Resigning yourself to forget about it, you get into your side of the bed, your Wanderer already having been waiting for you to return. But he can tell that something in your mood has changed almost as soon as he lays his eyes on you again.
"What's wrong?"
"... Nothing."
He leans forward, showing his engagement. "Bullshit. If you don't tell me, there's nothing I can do to help you get over it."
"I just... those people from the Akademiya... they're still bothering me." You look down at your hands.
He sighs, closing his eyes for a second, "I've told you to just ignore them. There's nothing I can do to control how people think of you, or me, or us."
"I can't just ignore them!" You whine, "They're always looking at us when we're together... it's making me worried..."
At that, he looks over at you, his eyes scrunching as he thinks your words over. "Worried about what?"
Not sure how to say it, you move yourself to lay against him. Your back is pressed to his chest now, and the feeling of his warm breath on your neck helps to soothe your thoughts just enough for you to find the words:
"...I don't want them to take you from me..."
Now, it's Wanderer's turn to be silent. Now, he realises the mistake he'd made in telling you to just ignore those insignificant people; by ignoring the problem himself, he'd made you focus on it more. Of course you'd be feeling worried about this, he'd shut it down the first time you'd tried bringing it up.
You didn't need to just forget about it. You needed to work through it so that you could forget about it.
After almost a minute of tense silence, you're surprised when you feel his lips press gently to the back of your neck, accompanied moments later by his arm curling around you, pulling you ever closer against him. His hand rests over the place where your heart rests, while the other intertwines your fingers with his against your stomach, as if caging in the butterflies that start to flutter.
"Allow me to try again..." He presses a kiss to your ear before speaking again, "you don't need to think about them, or what I think about them." The hand on your heart shifts to cup your chest, your breath wavering when his hand brushes over your hardening nipples. "Because I'll never want anyone but you."
Then, the night is almost a blur.
Wanderer sneakily pulls a bottle of rose scented lube from under the pillow, liberally gathering some as he starts to stretch you out on his fingers. The scent slowly fills the room, intoxicating you on the heady fragrance, allowing it to pull you deeper into the moment.
He steadily pushes his fingers against the sensitive bundle of nerves inside of you, never slowing until after you've cum around his lubed up digits. Your hand finds purchase with the one on your chest, tightening your grip around him as you come down from the residual high.
He's whispering short encouragements to you while you collect your breath, the moans you'd been letting out dying on your tongue. Wanderer slowly lifts your leg, allowing him to guide his hard cock to finally, finally press against your hole, not making you wait to feel him as the slowly pushes in.
You don't need to adjust much, the lube and his attentive fingers having done the work well enough that only the comforting sensation of being full registers in your core. He starts thrusting when you signal that you're ready, his pace is easy and the power behind his hips is controlled enough to pull a soft moan from you with each stroke. It's different from what you're used to, but it's good. So good. And what makes it better is the hushed and stuttered, "I love you," and, "You're the only one that matters," that gets breathed into your shoulder as you both approach your shared climax.
The next morning, you wake up to find your Wanderer exactly where he ended last night; right next to you in your bed. You close your eyes contentedly, knowing you'll never have to worry about him being taken from you.
He's your Wanderer.
Want to send a request/brainrot with me? Check my rules!
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Thank you for reading! 🩷
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bloodhoundluke · 11 months
i like thursdays
pairing: luke hemmings x booktuber! reader (fc: steph bohrer) description: y/n is a booktuber and and y/n starts to fangirl over luke. things take an unexpected turn and luke starts to become a regular visitor in y/n's youtube channel.
a/n: thank u so much @alonetimelover for the inspo! i really loved your harry styles x booktuber! reader smau, so i wanted to do a luke one myself 🫶 and special thanks to @gladexmuses for always supporting my work! i appreciate it immensely 🤍
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Liked by ynfan945, ynfan103 and 48,963 others
yourinstagram you'll never catch me without a book… swipe to the next slide for a sneak peek of whose book recommendations i am reading atm...
and the last slide is my mood currently bc one of those books keeps breaking my SOUL 🥲 i'll upload it on thursday as usual. so take a guess who the celebrity is in question! here's a few hints: blonde, singer... 🤫
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ynfan95 thursdays are my fave bc of u 💞
ynfan304 A LITTLE LIFE?? is that someone okay??
yourinstagram 🥹🥲
ynfan241 TAYLOR SWIFT???
ynfan382 sabrina carpenter??! or niall horan???
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Liked by ynfan39, ynfan23 and 56,594 others
yourinstagram it's thursday & u know what that means...i uploaded a new video ❤️‍🩹 some of you guessed but...i read books that Luke Hemmings has recommended and that man has definitely faced the things he turned away from...the link is in bio <3
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yourinstagram and hey remember that i won't upload new videos for the next two thursdays since i am on a holiday! see u soon though 🫶
twilightmomentswithlu 'that man has definitely faced the things he turned away from...' LMAOOOO
iknowitwellcal Did you listen to WFTTWTAF?
yourinstagram yes. and it broke my heart in pieces. it was everything.
iknowitwellcal Favorite song?
yourinstagram bloodline or saigon 💔
lukesredline23 the taste is IMMACULATE
ynfan405 You sobbing to every book was a mood honestly
yourinstagram i mean...how could you not???
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Liked by calumsshoes, ynfan934 and 2,963 others
5sos.updates Luke talked about the user readwithyn's YouTube video in Zach Sang show which 5sos attended. In case you did not know, Y/N did a YouTube video where she read every single book Luke has ever recommended. Luke revealed that he now has the 'reading bug'.
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pookieluke poor lu got so flustered :( <3
tooyoungtoodumb5sos "I mean, why would anyone read what I've recommended?" I AM CRYING 😭😭
paintedheartonthesidewalk the man needs a confidence boost for real
disconnected!5sos i absolutely died when zach asked if luke had slid into her dm's and he looked so CONFUSED poor man!!!
redlinelrh I need to know if he slid into her dm's or not 🤯
pookieluke i mean it's luke, if he did, he would have reread the message 10000x times and then sent it :(
redlinelrh Or another option is that the boys encouraged him to send the message???
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan23 and 62,495 others
yourinstagram i've found my sweet escape when i'm alone with you
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ynfan29 You're so beautiful 😭❤️
ynfan203 Someone has been listening to 5sos I see 👀
yourinstagram yeaahh, i'm obsessed with their entire discography 😮‍💨🫶
lukehemmings A good taste in books and music. Also sorry for ruining your life
yourinstagram you're forgiven if you keep releasing bangers after bangers
lukehemmings We're doing our best!
ynfan45 what is THE luke hemmings doing here????
yourinstagram 🥹🥹💞
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Liked by yourinstagram, ashtonirwin and 390,384 others
lukehemmings On the road
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emotionalblenderluke i'm living for the converse content king
tears!5sos Luke reading Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo was not in my 2023 bingo cards 😳
yourinstagram you're the prettiest man i've ever seen
lukehemmings Any tips to make me prettier?
yourinstagram nope...just do you!
liked by lukehemmings and 240 others
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan203, and 71,483 others
yourinstagram i traveled all the way to LA see 5sos play. and it was so worth it 🥳🌹💖
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lukehemmings Glad you enjoyed it 🤘🖤
yourinstagram i mean...how could i not?? thanks for the entertainment 🥰
lukehemmings Of course! Did you have a favorite song?
yourinstagram oh gosh....i loved caramel and vapor!! and ofc ghost of you 🥺🫶 and teeth!! u have too many amazing songs just to pick one
liked by lukehemmings and 204 others
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan986, and 89,213 others
yourinstagram i woke up. and went back to bed. this is 3 hrs later. and now i'm late
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ynfan304 you are such a mood honestly
lukehemmings 😳😍🔥
yourinstagram 🥹🙌🏼
ynfan875 You're so gorgeous it's unfair
jbhtilthedayidie Luke is simping and I can't blame him 😮‍💨
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Liked by calumsshoes, ynfan934 and 2,963 others
5sos.updates Luke seen before tonight's show!
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bloodlinelrh who is that with him?
5sos.updates We're trying our hardest to seek information, but at the moment we have no clue. Might be a friend, cousin, whomever who we don't know! The options are endless.
besideash such a cutie ☹️💞
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Liked by yourinstagram, ashtonirwin and 359,421 others
lukehemmings I like thursdays
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calumhood Cool
ashtonirwin Thanks for the information Luke, I really needed it
michaelclifford i swear you didn't like thursdays before, what changed?
lukehemmings 🫣
yourinstagram 🤩🦋💖
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan203 and 94,297 others
yourinstagram i had the holiday of my dreams <3 since it's over, it means that i'll upload a new video on thursday ☺️ see u then loves!
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ynfan64 THIS!!!!!
ynfan575 y/n in her lover era 🌟❤️❤️
yourinstagram this is actually the cutest thing ever ☹️💞
ynfan293 Can't wait for the new video <33
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Liked by yourinstagram, caramelcal and 345,843 others
lukehemmings So rad
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ynfan92 There is no way that isn't Y/N???
visceralfeelings I mean Luke’s caption on his last pic would make sense if it was Y/N?
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan126, and 102,963 others
yourinstagram 🔉🔉 it's thursday! my 2nd ever day in my life vlog is now up! hope you like it :)
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ashtonirwin Had such a fun night! Let me know when you're hosting a wine night again 😎
yourinstagram of course! loved having you :)
lukehemmings I watched it. And liked it 🤩
yourinstagram yay 🥳
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Liked by mikeysguitar, ynfan201, and 2,963 others
5sos.updates A screenshot of Luke and Ashton in readwithyn's vlog!
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ashtonsunshine Fanfiction brought to life
ynfan39 oh my god i think y/n and luke are together???
oscodefender i hope they are :((( y/n seems like such a sweetheart
hemmingscinema It was so weird to see them just casually hanging out with people and giggling in some vlog?? ughh I just love them?? I hope we see more of them in Y/N's vlogs 🤭
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan203, and 155,451 others
yourinstagram u guys have been bombing me with questions. so here's an q&a for u little munchkins (with a very special quest) 🧸❤️‍🩹 the link is in my bio!
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nitswmike You picking Lover of Mine as one of your fav 5sos songs is the reason I trust you
yourinstagram hehe thankss!!
babylonluke You should rank 5sos songs next
yourinstagram omg yes!! lover of mine defo didn't belong in the B tier???!
y/s/nownsmyheart I love you and Luke 🥺❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
yourinstagram 🥺❤️
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Liked by yourinstagram, 5sos and 469,467 others
lukehemmings The secret's out. Please go and watch Y/N's newest YouTube video 🥰❤️
View all 2,677 comments
ynfan309 You need to film a video of you reading together PLEASE
lukehemmings Sounds like a plan? @ yourinstagram
yourinstagram i'd love that!
ynfan12 couple goals 😍
crystalleigh oh god you are adorable!! 💖🫶🏼
ynfan395 i'm coming for your girlfriend 🥵
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Liked by lukehemmings, y/s/n.islife, and 199,535 others
yourinstagram my fav everything 🧸🌟🎸❤️
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caramelcal Y'ALL I NEED AIR
ynfan23 too cute 😭😭😭
ashtonirwin You two beautiful souls
lukehemmings And my favorite everything ❤️
yourinstagram ily 🫶
lizhemmings Wow, a beautiful picture
yourinstagram thank you ❤️
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan203, and 194,435 others
yourinstagram A SURPRISE VLOG! 🌟 we read 6 books that ultimately shattered our hope in the humankind. there's not enough words in the world to describe the journey we went through...i hope you enjoy our rants though, the link is in the bio as always <3
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lukehemmings Never reading those books ever again
yourinstagram preach 🙌🏼
karma5sos i need someone to read books with too :( even if they are horrible ones
almondmilkhunni literally i have never giggled as much to a youtube video than i did to this lmaooo, love u 2
yourinstagram thank u so much, i'm glad u enjoyed it lol 🥹🥰
michaelclifford i've never heard luke being so passionate about books wth??
lukehemmings I'm a changed man, pal
yourinstagram @ michaelclifford just wait until he starts to analyze books when the tour continues 😉
calumhood Oh jeez, can't wait for that one
© 2023 bloodhoundluke.
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amitieos · 24 days
toa anniversary munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Nic
Pronouns: they/them
Birthday (no year): 14th July
Where are you from? What is your time zone? UK, GMT (or BST but don't get me started on daylight savings I'll explode)
How long is your roleplay experience? Does playing A Bug's Life on the playground when I was 5 count? If not, I started with rping HP characters with my friends when I was like 11-12 over MSN after school and whilst there have been breaks it's something I've always found myself coming back to.
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? As above, I made a couple of friends on (unrelated) forums and we all just thought it'd be fun.
How were you introduced to TOA? I thought I missed rp and looked for an FE based rp.
Do you have any pets? Yes, all hail Catcat the Great.
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) Summer. I hate the heat and humiditiy but once there's no daylight the seasonal affective disorder bass boosts my chronic mental health issues and it's just a bad time really.
What is your IRL occupation? I've gone back to uni to study Law :)
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? I love reading, I'm fascinated by linguistics and astrophysics, enjoy DnD and playing video games in my spare time. I'm a particular sucker for the Sims franchise.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Recently I've been playing BG3, Stardew Valley, The Sims & Fields of Mistria but I'm a big fan of the Persona series and really, really excited about Dragon Age The Veilguard
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: I don't really play Pokemon much anymore but I'll just say Sylveon I guess
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! I met the fourth Doctor when I was 11 and he complemented my vocabulary lmao. I once got published in a poetry anthology with a poem about Shadow the Hedgehog and my parents we so proud of me.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I think I saw a review on TV
What Fire Emblem games have you played? I've attempted to play every game except 1/2/3/5/11, although I've really wanted to play Thracia I just *need* some QoL updates and controls. I haven't finished every single one because of lost/deleted saves and stuff but I've watched playthroughs and read up on scripts on everything I haven't actually played myself.
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: My first was Fates but Jugdral, Magvel and 3 Houses are my favourite
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Elincia, Mercedes, Franz, Myrrh and ughhhh I can't choose between Chole/Yunaka/Sylvain so I'm cheating
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! I saw Ryoma in all that red armour and it grabbed my attention.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Miss Mercedes if you're free Thursday night
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Chrom, originally be accident but now on purpose :D - Fates: My first was Takumi and I didn't know what an S support was and was very confused. Nowadays usually Kaze or Laslow if playing F!Corrin and Orochi, Nyx or Charlotte if playing M!Corrin. Niles for either. - Three Houses: Mercedes. She's still my go to ofc but I'm also fond of Dorothea, Dimitri and Sylvain. If I'm playing M!Byleth Yuri or Ingrid - Engage: Yunaka was my first and now it's either Yunaka, Diamant or Chloe. Or Mauvier maybe hahfsdgfsd
Favorite Fire Emblem class? I love Pegasus Knights!!!!!!!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? Probably a reluctant recruit who accidentally gets involved. Weirdly magic based armoured character.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) Either unaffiliated civilian or Blue Lions probably
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boons: Lance, Reason, Heavy Armour Banes: Bow, Faith Budding Talent: idk Axes or Flying?
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) No idea! Probably Elusia or Firene. The Solm heat would literally kill me.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) TOA ;) (like Noah)
Current TOA muses: Elincia & Mercedes
Past TOA muses? A lot but most memorable to me are Sylvain and Julia, though I'm so excited to see Sylvain in good hands <3
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Elincia and I still have her.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? White magic girlies though I'm trying to change things up.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Hm, I wish I felt I could write more of the male characters I enjoy effectively. In most other fandoms I've written in most of my muses have been men but it's just not so in FE. I'd also love to write a villain okay I once genuinely considered Hilda FE4 lmao
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I like writing dialogue and characters bonding but I'm starting to like more action oriented scenes too.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? For Mercedes in particular I get excited to write her steel and strength, especially when it's combined with her gentleness rather than opposed to it.
Favorite TOA-related memories? Every thread I've writen with Elincia and Rua's Byleth <3
Present or past tense? I tend to default to present in TOA but usually past tense. I'm flexible though and will try and match my partner.
Normal size text, small text, no preference? I actually find small text easier to focus in on and read (I can find normal a bit too cluttered and it can send my eyes wandering lmao) but I'm perfectly happy to use normal text, it just takes me a bit longer to comb through.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 I can't see a shake up happening soon but... Zephia or Chloe are probably forerunners. I've thought about Palla and Astrid too but I'm not sure if I can see the longevity. Also Neimi, Myrrh and Rodrigue have sparked.... ideas. For muses I've written before, Julia is the most likely but I think she's having a nice break right now :)
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spahhzy · 10 months
Holiday Ads.
Jaune/Pyrrha/Ren/Nora: Good evening, we're Team JNPR.
Pyrrha: And the holiday seasons are upon us, and Team JNPR understands that it could be a stressful time.
Jaune: It can be stressful pyr, which is why we, team JNPR, have two words for ya...are you ready?
Ren: Actually, that's three words...
Jaune: Just go with it, Ren, because nobody is ready. People have tons of so-called "loved ones" they have to buy gifts for Christmas and Team JNPR. Well, we got ideas for you such as...
Pyrrha then picks up a basketball jersey.
Jaune: Team JNPR basketball jersey... available now at Roosterteethshop.com/JNPR.
Nora: Hey, Fearless leader, I thought you were gonna model the jersey?
Pyrrha: Yeah, Jaune, what happened? (Show me those muscles you!)
Jaune smirked.
Jaune: You're right, girls. I was going to model, but you know what? I went the extra mile and hired a model!
Jaune whistles, and suddenly, in the basketball jersey, steps in one Yang Xiao Long.
Pyrrha's eye twitched.
Nora: Good thinking leader! We're bound to boost sales now!
Yang: As long as I get my cut and extra lover boy promised me~ I'll be happy to help.
Pyrrha: Jaaaaune, I could have modeled! Why did we need her anyways!
Jaune: im sorry I ran into her after finishing the commercial shoot for the video game!
Ren: You don't mean...
Nora holds up an upside down copy of Team JNPR's video game.
Ren: JNPR chronicles vol 2?
Jaune nods in satisfaction.
Jaune: I do!
Yang: Uh Nora...your kinda...
Yang flips the game to its correct orientation, unaware of the concerned looks Jaune, Ren, and Pyrrha were giving.
Nora had a miffed look.
Nora: ... Thanks....available on your favorite video game systems... Playstation 575, Zbox Series F, and Nintneo Switchblade.
Yang: Uh, actually, it's Playatation 5, Xbox, and Nintendo switch.
Nora gritted her teeth.
Yang: And it's available at Roosterteethshop.com/JNPR
Pyrrha: Yeah go go!
Yang confused just left.
Nora: Steal my thunder sister!
Jaune: Uhm I'm going to need the shirt back Yang! (Jaune gets hit with the jersey in the face)
Jaune looked at the shirt and then back to Yang.
Jaune: J-Jingle bells!
Pyrrha: Cover your eyes Jaune!
Pulls Jaune into her chest as Nora does the same for Ren.
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 3 months
Reasons for Gratitude...
A week ago, I posted regarding my financial challenge in keeping myself in shelter this week, and at the time, I'd been faced with losing my room for several days. I also made clear that I understand that the economy has most people pretty tapped out, and I just asked for prayers and positive thoughts sent my way.
Well, not only did friends here come through for me as they have many times before, but one of them signal boosted on another platform (X), where it was also picked up by another long-absent tumblr user. And as a result, I am safe in a room through Sunday. The kindness and generosity of this community continues to be one of the greatest blessings of my lifetime!
Hope on the horizon...
Just found out that the cost of the places I've been staying is going up between 20-25% at the end of August, which is incredibly scary, but not at all surprising given how much the cost of living here in the US had been skyrocketing. However, it appears that I may have the opportunity to rent a room in a condo about an hour from my hometown, as a family member is having health issues and may have to go on disability (she's on short-term disability right now, and insists she's going to return to work, but very sadly and realistically, she's got bone-on-bone osteoarthritis and her job is the reason for it to begin with). So my rent would enable her to cover her mortgage, and my presence would provide someone to do the cleaning and whatever 'heavy lifting' needs doing around the place.
Several issues remain. We still have to discuss serious details. Relocating means finding a new job or transferring to another Walmart in the area; reestablishing myself in a position elsewhere after half my life at the same job, is extremely daunting! And of course, it means leaving the town where I've lived my whole life (except my college years). All my best memories are here and what friends I have that Covid didn't drive to other states. I keep thinking of all the places dear to me here, and I find I'll miss my church the most; a place of comfort and harmony that I shared with my long gone parents. Even though I'm not there every week, I can't yet imagine not being there through the holiday season. But as things are, it may soon be a must.
But as I said, this is a better hope for me than the life I've been living, my car packed with my most necessary possessions, moving back and forth between motels and rooms as my finances allow. The State has never once been able to give me assistance (a story I've heard over and over from other homeless folks I know from work). Hopefully, my posts soliciting financial aid will be coming to an end by September or so. However things go in the coming months, I hold my dear friends and benefactors here close as ever in my heart, in love and gratitude.
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hornystiel · 4 months
I am so obsessed with both the fridge talk and dancing moves universes omg 💜 I need to know more of what's going on there 🙏🏾
okay idk whether you wanted a long-ish answer but you WILL get it
because i've actually been thinking about both those aus. and i said it before and i stick to it - that i will write more of the dancing moves verse. BUT. i didn't think i would want to write more of the fridge talk. and yet i've got quite a few comments about people wanting more of it and also ida and you were so enthusiastic about getting more that now i'm Considering It.
i'll tell you some bits under the cut because they are kinda spoilery
dancing moves. it will be another big holiday when they'll meet again. and so far neither of them talked about their cheating to their partners but cas is real close to having a talk. this time it's daytime and sam and others are Present. but that doesn't stop dean from sneaking into the kitchen to Help cas. and cas is very 'dean no' but dean tells him about what he was doing with his shirt and how he's been thinking about him (even more than usual). and cas is stoic but not That stoic. won't tell more. will only add that nothing nasty happens at the holiday but then cas will call dean and well :)
fridge talk. i want dean to go to cas' workplace to meet up after the shift and he of course runs into crowley. and they have A TALK heheheheheheheheeh. also dean visits cas' and staff's tiny break room in search of him where there is a fridge and he sees that there are his (dean's) post-it notes there (like a couple. and one from before the fight) in cas' designated corner and well :) also i think there will be an unoccupied storage room there :))
anyway THANK YOU SO MUCH for boosting my writing ego and fueling my ideas i love uuuuuuuuuuu 💛
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what a time to be a twst fan
oh boy, I know I'm late but that's because I unfortunately have responsibilities, but like. what the fuck, I can't not say something about this
they announced March sched a day before the last day of the month . huh. and Japan doesn't have Feb 28 as a holiday so Hm
but anyway
what the fuck, dorm Malleus on early March????
they're not gonna wazowski him on anniv dorm banner???????? you can actually get him???????????
or will they pull what EN did for bday Malleus and run dorm Malleus banner the same time as the anniv banner and not add his card into the anniv banner WWWWWWWW
but also anniv banner is just a glorified standard banner, and all dorm cards are automatically added to standard SOOO huh. that's funky.
anyway. HELLO???????? MAGIC 3??????? FOR LIMIT BROKEN SSR CARDS?????????????????
oughhhhhhhhh this is so fucking exciting how is it gonna be like. are there new effects the card can do??? can you do more duo magic????? can you deal 4 hits in total??? rn I'm just so excited about doing magic 3 with my lv110 dorm Azul because HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOW STRONG WILL YOU BE YOU SEXY BITCH
what. is boost in HP/ATK for LB though. like. is it like a buddy boost thing ??? guess we'll find out soon huh
OK GUEST ROOM FINALLY WILL HAVE VOICED LINES???? THANK YOU????????? suddenly I am playing the guest room with volume every day
I wonder if only friends can visit. It would make sense
ok but hello??????? SPARK SYSTEM IN TWST?????????? 200 PULLS GUARANTEED SSR
I am fully believing that the spark system is here because Yana Toboso had to throw 300 rolls for Masquerade Azul and she didn't like that at all. Everyone say thank you to Azul Ashengrotto.
900 pulls silk Jamil JP player must be malding in their seat right now though
Also I have known people who threw 400-500 rolls for Halloween Jade. Rip to them too
ngl I will miss the gacha horror stories of needing to throw more than 200 rolls to get one single copy. there's a kind of thrill those give.
anyway at least I'll still kinda get the EN gacha horror stories. I'm sorry guys but .. I like hearing about others suffering in gacha .......
the fact that there are still going to be more updates.... like. what Else are they gonna do
actually, unified exams being late March is so sudden??? We just had them. BUt I'm not complaining, I got 109k in the last one. this time. this time I'm getting SSS.
course, can't forget about the latest update ramblings, but that's gonna be in a separate post after I go through 19080980180481209850128042190 messages worth of people screeching and links to tl summaries but it's like. 1am. and I need to sleep.
haha how fitting, right? absentmindedly hums Once Upon A Dream
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k-s-morgan · 1 year
Hello Katrin! The last chapter of ATLWETD was breathtaking! I am your big fan and I wish you lots of motivation and inspiration. I wanted to ask if you have sort of a schedule when you write a specific work? Like 1 chapter of ATLWETD, then the turn goes to another work and so on? Is it mostly about inspiration that you write specific work when it comes and there is no certain order, or is there any?
I know we just had the new chapter updated but maybe you could tell when we will be able to see the next one? Maybe approximately? (NO pressure!) Thank you!
Hi! Oh, thank you so much for your lovely ask, it certainly gave me a boost of energy for tonight :D I'm really glad you liked the new chapter. I was so impatient to share it.
I'm doing one chapter of ATLWETD and then one chapter of my other story, so yeah, they always take turns. At this specific moment, I'm also writing a short Batman fic, but I'm doing it specifically in my free hours, so it doesn't interfere with my HP and Black Butler writing. (For those who're interested, I'll post the first chapter tomorrow.)
Ideally, the new ATLWETD chapter should be ready in two months: I need about a month to complete the BB chapter and then another month for ATLWETD. Realistically, it'll be probably no less than three months because these chapters have a tendency to get really long, and the ATLWETD update will cover the period from January to the start of summer holidays. Lots of events to cover and set up, so I'm not sure how long it'll be! Plus Russian missile attacks and my migraines sometimes render me completely exhausted, and I spend some days doing nothing.
Thank you again <3 I'll start posting snippets from ATLWETD after I'm done with Black Butler update - if you read them, I hope they'll make the wait feel shorter!
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sardonic-sprite · 11 months
Its November fucking first, Halloween is over, the ground is covered in snow and I've been rehearsing for the christmas show for a month so there will no longer be any stopping me
Ok so best laid plans of mice and men yadda yadda I did not in fact complete whumptober in time, but fear not, I'm still filling all the requests, I've got a lot written, just be patient and it'll all come hopefully by the end of November.
Related to that, I promised that since whumptober was to be all batman related, I'd run something with similar rules for all the non-batman fandoms I'm in when I had time to refamiliarize with those source materials. Originally I said December, with Winter Whumpterland in mind, but as much as I love everyone's ideas, I need to return to my own creative roots for a while after this batch, so instead I'm looking at taking those requests for either Januwhump or Trop-A-Thon (run by amonthofwhump), based on my school schedule. Januwhump would have 15 days of prompts + Alt, Trop-A-Thon is one week with 4 optional prompts per day. If y'all want something more like whumptober, 30 days with a theme and 3 options per day, you'll have to wait for June of Doom. Please drop me a line here or on AYW 31 to say which option you'd like best
Between now and whenever that is however comes my favorite holiday (like literally 10% of my fics are christmas themed... oops) along with HOLIDAY BREAK FROM SCHOOL WHICH MEANS WRITING TIME! Now I usually dabble in some amount of Winter Whumpterland bc I can't help myself when it comes to hurting the batboys it seems, BUT.
Last year (and the year before, only I chickened out lol) I sort of tried to make my own start up event for Christmas called Christmas Countdown Playlist, because music is my favorite thing about my favorite holiday. This time I wanted to reach out (since I... know people? Am tumblring?) And ask whether anyone would be interested in me making an annual Thing of this event. The gist would be
12 days of prompts all based on christmas songs or lyrics
Still open to any faith or nonfaith, just that xmas songs are what inspire my generalized prompts
Fluff whump angst anything goes
Any type of created content
Open from Thanksgiving to new years to participate as much or as little as desired
Thanks so much for reading and I hope to hear from ya soon!
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beringandwells13 · 2 years
A Bering and Wells Round Robin, you say?
Yep, here I am with the next idea! I even made a photo manip:
Tumblr media
(this is a starling to represent Helena Wells - because of @roadien60 s wonderful Murmuration fic, which if you haven't read it yet, stop everything and read it, right now! - and a (very round) pink robin, to represent Myka in her pretty pink shirt in Time Will Tell. Can't you just hear the starling say "darling, I'm too fabulous to read the manual" and the robin say "reading the manual isn't optional, Helena" ? Anyway, this manip is totally @anandabrat s fault! Enabler that she is. :D)
So, back to topic.
A Round Robin is an endeavor in which people collaborate by taking turns. Here, it'd be writing a fic together, one chapter per author, then it gets passed on to the next author who writes the next chapter, and so on - so you're both building on what the authors before you have written, and adding on what you want to bring to the story.
For a topic, I propose a 13 chapter story, for 13 years of Bering and Wells: 1 chapter for a scene or story from each of their 13 years together. Can be as long or as short as you like!
For a time frame, I propose starting the weekend after Valentine's Day, so as not to overlap with the Bering and Wells Holiday Gift Exchange. This would give us a bit more than two months time until April 23rd.
I'm gonna put some more ideas (and a poll!) under the readmore:
Starting after Valentine's Day, say on February 18, would give each writer five days to work on a chapter before passing it on, if we want to publish on Bering and Wells Day (April 23rd). You can also start writing in advance as soon as you know which year you're writing for; just be mindful that you might need to adapt your work to what the authors before you have written.
As for knowing which year you'd be writing for, I had the idea of making a timeline of what happens in canon in year 1 and 2 and so on, and also roughly what happened in real life; things that we can incorporate or not (such as the 2016 US election, or the queen dying). And then when you sign up as writer, you can say "hey, I have this amazing idea for year 4, so I'd really love to write for that", or, "I'll tackle whatever year is left over," or "I want to write how they get together after Giselle*; so roughly year 5 or 6?" - this is a collaboration; we'll figure out who goes where. If we have fewer than 13 authors signing up, we can take several turns, even - though in that case I think it's more fun if no one writes more than one chapter before passing it on. So writer A might write year 4 and 8, but not 4 and 5.
*Some questions we're gonna have to agree upon in advance, such as, how much of canon do we stick with (Boone? Giselle?), where do we see their relationship going (marriage or living together without paperwork, or the question of kids for example), and are we gonna include the pandemic or not. We could even make a poll out of this - use Tumblr's shiny new feature!
There will be no minimum word count for this; just write the scene you feel fits in that specific year. Can be a drabble, can be 5000 words, whatever you feel like! Just don't keep the authors behind you in line waiting; make sure you can get it on the page in time.
Those are the ideas I had for this - now I'm asking you:
If you have questions or ideas, put them in the replies or reblogs! Signal boost reblogs are also very welcome!
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shuttershocky · 2 years
since you answered about good 4*s to raise, what about 5*s? mainly for is2 but im also wondering about which 5* can still be strong in general content too
There's a LOT more of these than I can properly mention, so I'll be going with some favorites
La Pluma - Currently the only Reaper Guard in EN (Highmore coming soon) and one of the most unique units in the game. Her attack range differs from most melee: rather than just attack the tile directly in front of her, she swipes her scythe in an arc, giving her a much wider range. She also gains bonus ASPD the more enemies are inside her range, making her a premiere trashsweeper, while spinach-type collectibles have great synergy with her powerful S1. Her only drawback is that she can't be healed and that she can't deal with elites on her own, but her sweeping attack lets you position her out of the way while still attacking enemies. A very powerful operator for both normal gameplay and IS.
Lappland - Lord Guards are busted in IS because versatility is king and Lords reign supreme with their powerful skills and ranged attacks while being melee units, but Lappland in particular has the ability to cast silence on attacks, which prevent spiders from exploding. Extremely useful for hard countering specific stages in IS, and in normal. Well.
People will tell you Lappland fell off. That she's situational. That you don't need her anymore. I will tell you that we just had 2 events in a row where Lappland's silence hard countered the game mechanics, and a 3rd one (Dossoles Holiday) coming up. You don't need her every time, but by god when you do need her you WILL be glad to have her. I cannot stress this enough, don't listen to the guides telling you she's not good. I am grabbing your shoulders and staring at you directly in the eyes to make sure you understand. Raise. Lappland. You are not going to regret this.
Elysium - Busted for the same reason Myrtle is, though weaker in IS because he costs 3 hope vs Myrtle's 2 and you only need one flagbearer. In regular stages, Myrtle + Bagpipe + Elysium can have you at 50+ DP in the blink of an eye, and if you're looking into their support abilities, Elysium trades out Myrtle's heal for lowering the DP cost of Sniper units and increasing their ASPD whenever he casts a skill. Busted fucking operator.
Specter - There are two versions of Specter. The original 5 star Centurion Guard, and the 6 star Dollkeeper Specter the Unchained. They're both incredible units for the same reason: they won't die. Centurion Specter's S2 comes with a large ATK boost and locks her minimum HP at 1, meaning that as long as it's activated, she cannot be killed by damage, only by moves that forcibly remove units from the field, at the cost of stunning herself when the skill ends. At E2, her talent upgrades to include natural HP regeneration based on her max HP. Combined with a few HP regen collectibles, she can outregen poison maps in IS while being a Block 3 (at E2) unit with a ton of damage and an emergency immortality button. A powerful force on her own, and the funny thing is she can get even stronger by running Abyssal Hunter team comps (as all the other members of her faction buff each other via talents)
Meteorite - Artilleryman Sniper Meteorite has my favorite talent+skill combination for IS: A crit talent with a crit skill. If the crit talent procs at the same time her skill activates, you can stack both crit buffs to get funny damage numbers. Now, if you have any spinach type collectible that increases ATK for 1 second after skill activation, you can get very funny damage numbers. Her module upgrades improves her crit chance from 30% to 50%, which lets her really go over the top when buffed by IS collectibles.
Bibeak - A control-oriented Swordmaster Guard. Stuns are quite good for crowd control, and Bibeak's Skill 2 rains down stunning swords on her position, letting her stall dangerous enemies by locking them down.
In normal gameplay, she's overshadowed by DPS Swordmasters who simply nuke the enemy instead. She's only really used on difficult content where blowing the enemy up immediately isn't an option (such as during Contingency Contract).
In IS however... Certain Collectibles can give Guard operators + SP on attack, and others can give +SP per second to skills with offensive recovery. Stack enough of these and Bibeak can get much, much stronger than Hypergryph intended, breaking stages by going full Unlimited Bibeak Works
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sadoalicesims · 2 years
In need of help
Whoo. Okay, so.
I'm in a bit of a pickle. I'm a small artist since I'm unable to work at the moment, and I take commissions on and off. I was desperate, and took some from a man who turned out to be absolutely insufferable.
He sexually harassed me, asked me questions about my sexuality and body unprovoked, and I put up with it because I needed the money. He was also a rabid perfectionist, and would often make me go back to change significant details AFTER telling me they looked fine. He would become impatient if I did not immediately respond to his messages, constantly undercut my prices because he knew I was desperate for anything, and tried to haggle free extra art out of me as 'thanks' for commissioning me.
I'm not here to run a smear campaign, which is why I'm not naming names. Unfortunately, he IS. I offered to refund him half of the amount of the last comission I was working on, as I decided to cut ties with him after his last message broke the camel's back. I wanted to be nice, since it's the holidays, and a lot of artists do NOT offer refunds at all! Especially if they've already started on the labor.
Anyway, he's now threatening to report me to DeviantArt, Paypal, and not only that but put me on an Artists Beware forum somwhere.
My girlfriend missed work twice this week because of a snowstorm. I don't have an entire 120 dollars to my name to refund this man, I don't even have the original HALF I offered to refund. I'm going to counter his reports obviously, but I doubt I'll be taken very seriously by anyone. Christmastime is already super stressful and triggering to my ptsd to me thanks to an assault that happened one year, so this is not good for my health in the slightest.
If anyone would be willing to help, I'd be forever thankful. The paypal we use is [email protected]
I'll take on any art request or CC request you have if you donate. All I ask is that if you can't donate that you boost this, please please PLEASE. I don't want to lose my only source of income because I stood up to unwanted sexual advances.
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leftdestiny-posts · 10 months
you and your f/o(s) are decorating a tree this holiday season! what kind of decorations are you putting on the tree? 🎄
no pressure in answering, and please take your time! <3
(I got swept up in the moment and wrote some self indulgent Dottiro content TuT I wanted to include Shiirina (shiro/furina) and maybe Shiiao/Xiiro (shiro/xiao) but,,, *eyes the post length* another time? XDD ANYWAYS!!! Thank you SO much for stopping by and sending me an ask ;; I think I needed this)
Somewhere in the early days of December when Snezhnayan streets are flooded with Christmas decorations and Christmas spirit, Dottore would notice my steps slowing as I stop to gaze at the lights. He isn't one to decorate, especially not his lab, so the first few weeks he'd stay silent--only ever observing my reactions and actions. He'd be content with my longing stares until it turns into one of despair. Then, he'd take action and intercept any possible declines in health (as a good doctor would /getsho-)
Of course, if I do ask for a tree before that, a few segments (the ones on break) would be lucky enough to build the faux Christmas tree in the corner of the lab (or get a really small real one, but ever since Omega brought back a tree twice his size, we got stuck with the fake one [Zandik was fuming because the tree kept shedding pine needles]). If I have enough energy though, I'll help set everything up. If not, I'll untangle the lights as much as possible in the meantime (buuuuuuuut,,, Dottore probably made an invention that made it easier to store without tangle hazards).
When the tree is set, the lights will be placed. From top to bottom (I claim bottom side from where I can comfortably reach the lights), around the tree--spiraling down. Once the lights are in, I'll take the navy Christmas garland and stubbornly try to get it in by myself, but I won't reach the top without going on a ladder and they really don't want to risk that with my wonky balance so a responsible segment will jump in and take it from me TuT (booooo)
Then, at last, Zandik shows up for the fun part. Right after the Christmas garland is in the tree, the segments dissappear and he magically shows up. He will appear all smug and nonchalant, saying he had free time and was merely "checking up on the segements" (but they're all gone...?). While he wouldn't take part in hanging the decorations (he prefers to observe and psycho analyse every little choice I make), he is aware of how much his presence is valued (ego boost). He might not like the holiday itself, but he knows how to take care of his favorite patient. (If anyone were to ask him why a blue-silver decorated Christmas tree stood in the middle of his horror filled lab, he'd tell it improved his patient's morale and wellbeing--which technically wasn't a lie)
When I was a teenager, I was hospitalised for a few years. In that time period I lost a loved one and a friend. For me, the holidays are always a bit harder to endure. I sit with guilt, wondering why I would be the one to sit here while they're gone. I'm not sure if I feel guilt for surviving or for them leaving me, but it's hard each year. Last year I was indirectly kicked out (bullied away) by my less-than-good stepdad and I had to celebrate Christmas in an empty home (which destroyed me). I don't find joy in a lot of things, but Christmas was the one time of the year where I'd feel loved because you aren't supposed to be alone. I guess,, over the years this too was taken from me. This year I haven't had the physical energy to set up anything (tree, decoration), so thank you for giving me the chance to do so. Even if it's imaginary and temporary, for a moment I felt like someone could see and be with me. For a moment I felt like I too deserved Christmas and a day of solidarity.
If he were out on a mission during Christmas, he'd send a box with a new (blue) decoration. It wouldn't have a letter attached to it, long letters and love declarations aren't his style in this form, but his signature and the fact that he spent time to get it at all is enough to realize that he cares. And that's more than enough.
> the decorations itself would be blue, silver, or white, with a few made out of glass. Delicate but pretty things, though, unfortunately they tend to get broken more often then not.
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changingplumbob · 11 months
Foster Household: Chapter 6, Part 2
Reece is trying to practice football as much as he can before he actually has a practice to attend.
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Happy to report I clocked both Paris and Deanna still crushing on each other despite it being several in game weeks since I played Deanna's household. They are so adorable. Fingers crossed the sentiments stick around for when I next get back to the Yorks.
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Cannot emphasize enough how less creepy the teddy is than the doll.
Bob: What about you Charlie? Giving Harvey any grandkids soon?
Harvey: Bob she's only 24
Charlie: I don't think I want to be pregnant so only time will tell
Harvey: Don't feel like you have to have kids
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Carson: Hey mum
Kayleigh: Yes
Carson: The other day at recess I was all by myself and I wasn't sure what I should do when that happens
Kayleigh: Go ask some other kids if you can play with them, bravery has its rewards
Carson: Okay
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Reece: You're a professional athlete, you must be able to throw a football with me
Charlie: Toss it
*Charlie ducks*
Reece: What was that?
Charlie: Sorry! I am clumsy, maybe that's why I couldn't catch it
Reece: Why do these interactions keep failing
Charlie: No clue bro
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Reece: Thanks for trying
Charlie: What can I say, I'm more soccer than football
Charlie: Come on, I'll race ya
Carson: And then, then, the scout leader said to throw it in the trash. Cardboard, in the trash!
Reece: That's basic of him
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Kayleigh: Not everyone understands recycling
Harvey: I mean the only proper recycling bins are cc
Carson: So we should just keep throwing everything away into bins that never get collected and never get full
Reece: Ummm
Charlie: There are recycling machines though, right?
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Carson: Machines, not bins. The recycling happens too late
Kayleigh: I'm pretty sure the eco footprint doesn't get impacted, no matter how much rubbish we produce
Carson: Ridiculous
Reece: I mean why should our environment be negatively affected because our plumbing breaks
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Carson: Because that's life, the more waste we produce the worse the world gets
Charlie: Dam when did you get so heavy
Carson: I just don't want the global boiling to get us
Harvey: Son, we're sims, global boiling will not get us
Reece: But how do you know
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Kayleigh: That's not helpful Reece
Reece: Excuse me for thinking
Kayleigh: Carson, we do what we can, and hopefully if other families do the same then the world will get better
Carson: You're right, at scouts we should get the message to other families to try help
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After dinner Reece goes for a run because despite playing football with 4 people today he has a tense moodlet from not having enough exercise? Doesn't make sense to me either.
(Me from the future. It was a glitch. I forgot Reece doesn't actually have the active trait so definitely shouldn't have got that)
Harvey does a spot of night fishing and these views always take my breath away.
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Kayleigh: Where's Kaori?
Charlie: Spending time with her grandparents. They're getting old and she's worried about how much longer they'll be here
Kayleigh: After losing her parents who can blame her for that
Charlie: I know, thanks for not being dead mum
Kayleigh: I do my best
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This week's holiday is named Is It Spring Yet. Occurring on the last Sunday of winter, goals include healthy cooking, fasting and exercising. It's meant to be the opposite side of the coin to Food Coma day, and I was hard pressed to think of 16 legit holidays.
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Kayleigh tries to sunbathe. I loved getting the massive skintone update. It does mean my sims tans have unpredictable outcomes though which can be good or hilarious. Carson has also entered a Clingy phase. And the tan is... not the worst one I've ever seen I guess. I might need to darken her hair though...
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Football captain Lilith has accepted Reece's invitation to hang out. After some less than stellar practice Reece takes a selfie to try boost friendship, alas that feature doesn't work anymore, sorry mate. Try a conversation instead.
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Lilith: I hope you improve before practice
Reece: Fitness is a weakness of mine but I love wellness so
Lilith: Different ball game kid. Is that your mum running in this heat?
Reece: Yeah, we're a fitness centric family
Lilith: That's good, it'll help
Reece: Any other tips
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Lilith: Spend some time at lunches practicing with Samir, you need to get better aim
Reece: Right, I guess I'll do that then
Lilith: Smile kid, none of us start out perfect at anything
Reece: True
Lilith: I can tell you want to give this a proper go so keep practicing
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Carson: Reece! Reece! Help me ride a bike
Reece: Scouts over already?
Carson: Yes. I achieved my aspiration this morning with level 10 motor skill but I still can't ride a bike
Reece: How embarrassing for you
Carson: Huh?
Reece has begun a mean phase, fingers crossed it's short
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Lilith: Is this fish burnt?
Harvey: It's intentional
Kayleigh: We have other food if that's no good
Lilith: Oh no Mrs Foster, it'll be fine. Reece you didn't say your mum was a celebrity, this artwork is amazing
Kayleigh: Thank you dear, feel free to visit anytime
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Charlie decided to visit after dinner so we invited Keira over and the siblings all had some catch up time. Charlie and Reece have the "childhood buds" status while Keira and Reece are "super siblings". #Parenthood has so much detail, definitely my favourite game pack!
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Reece: Hey Samir, Lilith said I should talk to you about football practice
Samir: Why
Reece: I'm on the football team now
Samir: Oh
Reece: I think she was hoping you would teach me some skills
Samir: Lunch, club room
Reece: Huh?
Samir: Practice
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Reece: No, I meant to say I didn't realise we had a football club room
Samir: Football and cheer. Technically.
Reece: So it's bi-purpose
Samir: Umm, yeah, sure
Reece: Did you say at lunch?
Samir: Problem?
Reece: I normally use it to eat, you know, lunch
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Reece: Do you not eat lunch?
Samir: Big breakfasts
Reece: Will I fit in food
Samir: Probably
Reece: So there's no don't eat for an hour before football rule
Samir: What?
Reece: You know, like don't eat an hour before swimming
Samir: I gotta... go do stuff, see you then
Reece: Bye
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If you're thinking why is this conversation so awkward, Reece developed a crush on Samir after literally saying ONE thing to him today. Samir is a loner so is pretty much constantly tense at high school. Reece saw my plan for a quick week and said nah I'm the star
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somethinglikelife · 2 years
The holiday season has been upon us for a while, and I'm frantically working on trying to get so many things done, like a video which I hope will be up soon with my planner / spell book.
I'm also working frantically on getting some other things done, like scripts for my podcast, so I can get that started, I know, I'm planning way too much right now and I really need to focus on one thing alone. But...
That isn't how my brain works. I've always joked about having my brain wired wrong, and while I'm sitting here working on this (I'm actually scheduling it so that I have the post on time), I'm thinking it might not be a joke anymore.
Right now I have four stories I'm working on, the podcast, this blog, I need to work on some last minute Christmas presents, and trying to work on some design work for business cards and setting up a craft shop. Mostly so I can work on getting rid of some stuff I've had for a bit, though selling it, means I'll have to make more. I need to get a large box to start filling up with the stuffed bears I make. I may have to actually start working on my amigurumi patterns again and start posting those as well...
And this, is why I say my brain is wired weirdly. I have to multitask, and unfortunately I can't control what to focus on most of the time....
Which is why I tend to ramble a lot here, so I'm sorry about that. I do try to keep my ramblings mostly to my TikToks. which I'm debating if I want to link here. I'm really looking at adding a page for my social media and adding some other links giving some creators I like a small boost. We'll see about that soon, after I get all the other stuff I need to get done first. Like a podcast, some chapters of fanfiction, some other writing which isn't fan related, a video for my crafting....
Yeah, I know I'm seeing my issue, but right now I don't care I have so much I want to get done and I am going to try to get it done as well as look for a new job that's remote so I don't have to deal with a 3 hour commute around this town for a job that doesn't pay the bills because it's only a few hours at work (Might still be salty about the last job I had that actually cost me money to work there).
And yeah I'm going before I get on that rant. May 2023 be a good year!
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