#i'll add more hashtags later..
pharawee · 4 months
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Last year I made a (very random) post about QL actors celebrating Bangkok Pride so this year I decided camp the socials again to find familiar faces because it was a lot of fun to do and it made me incredibly happy. 🌈
There's a lot of different parades and events today with more to come in the following weeks. Some actors might have to work today or won't post pictures until later. They might be attending in a different city or voice their support in other ways. Please remember that celebrating Pride is fun and not an obligation.
That being said, let's start with the kings, Porsch Apiwat and Arm Sappanyoo (who are already dressed up to marry asap)
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Followed by Earth Katsamonnat/Cooheart in beautiful traditional Thai dress:
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City of Stars' Job Krisz & Porsche Sitha (and if they want to kiss on the mouth again they should totally do that because gtfo toxic fandom) along with some more of their Star Hunter friends.
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(Some of) the Playboyys: Shell Thakrit, Dech Narongdet, Vivit Pharunrit, Boat Pakorn, Fay Chintub & KaowOat Supasin waving their own banner.
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LYKN (who have their own float)
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And hey look, I found Emi Thasorn looking cute as heck:
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Ohm Thitiwat & Atom Nathapop on a jetski.
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Frame Ritchanon, Ryan Panya & Kong Kooppong looking way better in motion.
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Kun Kittikkun alongside Sprite Patteerat looking absolutely stunning.
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No pics of the Bad Guy My Boss boys but here we have Kad Ploysupa, James Hayward Prescott, Nick Steiner Gaksch, Fam Thanupat, Kin Anakin & Perth Napat celebrating (source).
Earth Teerapat (who went from Earth to Din and back to Earth), Double Tubthep (House of Stars) & First Kantapon representing Bibbidii Entertainment.
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Tong Thanayut looking v cute as usual. 🥰
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Yoshi Rinrada being the most beautiful girl around.
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Top Piyawat (Every You, Every Me) celebrating with a hashtag that tumblr won't let me share (but if you click on the pic you can find it because he's right 🌈).
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Nef Rattanan & Bix Tagon looking v sweet and colourful (so the exact opposite of their characters in Love Syndrome: The Beginning):
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Big Thanakorn, Seng Wichai and Pan Bhumintr promoting safe sex:
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Turbo Chanokchon and his brother Fourwheels Chayanond celebrating together:
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Silvy leading the marching band (make sure to click on the source because it's a whole video and it's perfect):
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Ending this post with the Playboyys because I can:
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(It's 11pm in Bangkok now and today's parades have ended. If I find more stragglers I'll add them here but I'll probably make a separate post for actors joining other Pride events. Happy pride month everyone! ILU💜💙💚💛🧡❤️🩷)
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martyrsex · 8 months
Jason Todd x Singer reader (fem)
Author's note: I posted about this idea SUCH a long time ago. But it never really vanished from my mind, thankfully. Also, this is just a preview. If you guys like it, I can rewrite it and add more chapters.
Warnings: Terrible writting probably (I'll fix it later) also english is not my first language so sorry about any mistakes
Dick Grayson was laughing too damn hard. And he was looking at Jason. Which, obviously, made Jason worry. It's always like that with Dick. He starts to laugh like a maniac suddenly, and the reason always turns out to be something bad.
"What is it this time?" Jason asks, feeling already tired of this bullshit. It all got worse when Stephanie bursts into one of the TV rooms of the Manor, laughing just as much as his older brother. And also looking at Jason. He frowns.
"Check out twitter! Or X. What a terrible name, X." Stephanie says, suddenly contemplative. Jason ignores it and grabs his phone inside his pocket, going straight up to the trending topics. It wouldn't be the first time his persona, Red Hood, appeared on them. Or hell, even his actual name. Being a child of Bruce Wayne was just as bad.
Right on the first trending topic.
The second trending topic was a ship of his persona with a name he never heard of before. He sighs and looks back at Dick, that has an amusing grin on his face.
"Who is this chick?" He asks, clicking on the ship hashtag and scrolling through the tweets.
"You don't know her? She's like, ultra famous." Steph says, arching a blond brow. "I love her. She's super funny and-"
"I don't care. Why are people shipping me with her?" Jason asks, not finding this as funny as his siblings.
Dick laughs again and turns the TV on, putting a video from his cellphone on the large screen. The video is five minutes long. It was an interview of the singer at the Kurt's show, a famous journalist.
"So, I heard the repercussions of your last album were nothing but great. How does it feel to ascend on your career that fastly?" Kurt asked.
"It's great, Kurt. It makes me feel a little nervous. There is a lot of pressure and expectations from my fans, but I'm happy to do my best to satisfy them."
Jason notices the woman is young and well, gorgeous. She wears a black dress and a collar full of diamonds, her hair done perfectly.
"I heard you're a huge fun of... vigilantes. Is that truth?" Kurt asked once more, leaning closer to the woman. She giggles.
"What can I say? I guess they have a lot of fans, and that includes me." She answers. She has a polite smile on her face.
"Tell me, do you have any favorite?" She chuckles at that, the smile never fading. She was clearly having fun talking about this.
"I do! I'm a big fan of Red Hood." She says. Kurt's eyes go wide.
"That's an interesting choice. Why's that?"
"I like how he completes his job and actually ends the bad guys he deal with." She says. It's a bold statement to be done in public, even more considering she's famous. She doesn't seem to care.
"If you could say anything to him, what would you say?"
"I'd ask him to take me to a ride on his bike. Oh, and to get some hobbies out of the vigilantism stuff. I think he needs it. Also, maybe get a girlfriend. It also seems like he needs it."
And then the video ends. Dick and Steph are laughing loudly, and Jason just stares at the television. Get hobbies? Get a girlfriend?
He can hardly believe his ears. But at the same time, it is quite amusing. He goes back to reading the tweets in the hashtag.
Omgggg they'd make such a cute couple!
I'd let both of them punch my face
He can't help but laugh at some the tweets. People don't seem to hate him like the other times he was a trending topic. But it was a bit irritating that he was being shipped with a singer he knows nothing about. But that's just how internet works, anyway.
This can't become much of a problem for him, really. It's just a stupid ship. Nothing too serious. Nothing serious, at all.
Little did he know.
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ojamayellow · 4 months
Earthspark spoilers. It's time for my opinions and theories.
Before I start, I am aware of the writers changing. I will put that into consideration in this. And for the record, I did enjoy Season 2 so far, but I admit it has nothing on S1 for now.
First two episodes were really good, I loved the Breakdad moments, I love Aftermath and we get a glimpse on how the Decepticons have been operating. 2nd episode with the Quintesson gave us some lore and suspense, and I always love a Mo and Thrash tag team. These episodes felt... right for Earthspark, but not as Season 2 starters? If that makes sense.
Hashtag's alt mode is neat, but I miss her chunkiness in robot mode. Made her feel more distinct you know? But I'm with the others saying VAL being an AI in Hashtag's mind is really weird considering what Mandroid did. Maybe she's coping? I have a theory that this VAL might be manipulated in a future episode to control Hashtag, but for the sake of Hashtag's well-being, I HOPE this doesn't happen. (Also, hi Shockwave).
Carnival episode. Is Schloder reduced to an incidental now? I hope not and that he becomes important as well. But also, I figure its a traveling carnival/circus, which makes sense to why we haven't seen this Fairemaestro before, and the little interaction with Swindle shows up 'oh yeah he's a bad guy' already. But you can't just tease a GIANT COSMOS-LOOKING RIDE AND THEN 'OH BTW ITS COSMOS' LAST FEW MINUTES. If Cosmos doesn't show up in later episodes I'll be so disappointed, like...it's freakin' Cosmos! <-Perfect design though. *chef kiss*
I do think the Robby crush on Izzy was cute, but it being involved with the plot felt....eh? It was like, nothingburger to me.
JBAM episode. I LOVED THEM. Jawbreaker has clearly gotten more comfortable with himself and such since Grimlock, but him not taking a hint from Aftermath (who was being direct) reminds me of my younger self. <-Was an insane chatterbox and would not shut up no matter what was said to me.
But the contaminated energon stuff like, yeah callback to that weird bear. Sorry if I forgot, but back in S1, was there a reason GHOST was just leaving it around? I don't remember. And what's with the horrific energon mushrooms, and those poor animals? I know people who are going to be turned off from this show just from that alone, but at least it's 'off screen'? But also Aftermath betraying Jawbreaker hurts, I was hoping he'd like, impress Breakdown with the stolen water BUT NOPE, NO MORE AFTERMATH AND BREAKDAD STUFF. (I know Aftermath was like, not 'what did you just call me' when he was called Son but, cmon!!)
Spitfire episode. I personally think this episode went hard. Gave me Sonic VS Metal Sonic vibes. The fight scenes were really done well, and the tension was so good! To me, Spitfire wanted to be superior but felt inferior when not chosen for the mission, so that desire to be the best consumed her. I'm personally a big fan of this episode, and Alex is awesome. And so was Spitfire, I'm kinda obsessed with her.
Bodyswap episode. Always love a good bodyswap scenario, but somehow this felt... weak. It's plausible for the others to believe Spitfire (as Twitch) had a scrambled processor from the previous episode BUT the fact Wheeljack was the first to catch on? Before a Malto? I'm SO GLAD they referred to Dad2 again but, IDK, feels... strange to me.
Trailer episode. Was kinda nothingburger again? It felt like they needed to add SOMETHING before the horrors of the final two episodes, but maybe I just need to re-watch it because I didn't feel much from it. Optimus was clearly getting aggravated and uncomfortable, which was making me uncomfortable. But also, OPLITA? COMPLICATED? If they don't ever bring this up again I might be a bit...bitter.
And finally, the Witwicky 2-Parter. My anxiety was through the roof here, but I also kinda figured it out early that a Titan was involved. Was still surprised though, and her design is awesome?! But what was making me panic more than anything was Hashtag was going to see Starscream. Yes I know, a one-episode bond may not mean much, but we all had hopes, yeah? Anyway, I love nasty bitch Starscream. It's what makes him Starscream. And I do think what he did was in-character. But it would feel off if Earthspark was someone's introduction to Starscream, you know? This specific one, who's attitude told the audience 'I hate Megatron he abused me so I'd be a better leader than him'. But also...
The scene with him killing the Chaos Terrans was a fucking horror movie. It does a lot when I am SCARED OF STARSCREAM. I wish he didn't do it, but he also needed the shards. If the Autobots/Maltos needed the shards from the Terrans, how would they do it? Would they hesitate to find a safer way to keep the Chaos Terrans alive? Or would there be some sort of urgency? It really makes me think, but Starscream wanted those shards ASAP, he does what he need to do to get what he wants, he's Starscream. A manipulative, traitorous bitch who almost never gets his way in the end.
But you might be wondering, "Kit did you feel like the character development was thrown away for Starscream?" Well, yes and no.
It's really upsetting how Starscream twisted his advice to Hashtag. Truly upsetting. But it also does feel like something a Starscream would do. I keep flip-flopping between "yeah this makes sense" and "um what the FUCK writers". See what I mean by "yes and no?" And Hashtag calling Starscream worse than Megatron AND Screamer taking it as a compliment? Again, very Starscream thing to do, but I think ES! Starscream should've been at least a bit offended?! And out of all bots to call him the worst... Why did it have to be Hashtag? I guess it has more 'meaning', but still...
My theory (or moreso, hopeful thinking) is that Starscream re-invented his advice to Hashtag so he could get detached from her. Starscream had a mission, a personal selfish goal, and he needed to take care of HIMSELF, no friendship. Only comrades willing to follow him, and the Maltos were not those comrades.
My other theory (which I gained from seeing someone on twitter saying this) is that the Chaos Terrans DIDN'T GREY OUT FROM DEATH. Therefore, there is a chance they can return. Maybe something from the Allspark or Matrix or some kinda macguffin will help?! And I sure hope they come back, because they could learn to be good (but still cheeky) and we can bring back the messages and theming from Season 1! Right, right?
As for 'Starscream the child killer'...look, it's upsetting I know. But like I said, selfish goals. And while I am not familiar with every Starscream from different canons, I've met enough versions. Other Starscreams have have committed war crimes, blew up a human hospital, threatened to kill innocents, committed war crimes, wanted to kill everyone to end a war, squished humans in his servos... (yes I know Skybound is more for an adult audience than kids but I'm just saying). War crimes. I am not excusing Starscream's actions here, but when he needs something, he'll do what it takes to get it, for his own selfish goals. It makes sense but I also feel its wrong and I agree with other fans who were quite upset with this scenario. If the Chaos Terrans don't come back I'll be really sad.
Again, I've considered the fact this show has new writers, which is unfortunate. I saw someone on here say that Season 2 (so far) feels like a bootlegged version of S1, which is how I feel about it. I did enjoy the episodes, but they were a bit messy. Also, the lack of Nightshade and honorary family member Bumblebee really made me sad. Was it a script decision, or could they not afford Danny Pudi enough because they used the money on the new cast like Flea? (Don't quote me on like, celebrity net worth here). The lack of Nightshade though is very suspicious though, considering how big of a deal it was for them to exist as a non-binary character.
Side note, Shockwave. I'm glad he finds Cybertron itself more important than creating a New Cybertron, it feels right for him to not care about Earth. But if he going to attempt to lead now? Or something?
If you read this, thanks! If you have any responses feel free to reply or reblog. Feel free to reblog in general, I love hearing opinions and such.
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cinamun · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: How long does it take you to make one of your simblr posts?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
I got this one before, however the first time that I answered it, it was more technical (putting the post in the drafts, etc). But I noticed people outlining their whole process. So, since I update on Thursdays and tomorrow is Thursday last I checked, I'll tell you what is going on in my brain and what has been going on in my brain since the last story update (yesterday).
I have taken ZERO pics for tomorrow's update.
The game is open and and I have what I need.
Haven't decided which scene comes next.
I have all characters in updated fits
Sets are ready, brain is not.
I will likely decide later tonight which OCs take the stage, take a bunch of pics and narrow down to 25 before I pass out and edit, add dialogue and adjust before posting in the morning.
Fun Fact: Starting out new chapters is difficult for me. Ending them, not so much. I had everything ready and in the drafts a day before posting towards the end of chapter 24. It takes awhile for me to start processing and transitioning into the next iteration of things. Once I get into tho, we into it.
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thefundiedata · 25 days
Jason Duggar and Maddie Jones are engaged!
On Friday 30th August 2024, Maddie Jones shared on her new Instagram (maddiegraceduggar) that Jason Duggar proposed to her on 24th August.
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Jason and Maddie went Insta official on 29th May 2024. They haven't announced when they first started courting/dating, though I imagine it was before this point!
Early? Late? Etc. Etc. Honestly, it depends when they started dating. The average Duggar courtship to this point (excluding Jana's unknown data) is 141 days long (122 excluding Jessa's extremely long courtship). The engagement happened 87 days after they went Insta official so it depends on how long they had been dating before that point. Anything between 60 and 223 days would be an average courtship length, though, so they are definitely within that range.
The Duggars are a bit all over the place in total pre-engagement relationship length but a relationship of only 90ish days would be very short, even by their standards. This does suggest they were together before late-May unless they're really going against Duggar-typical dating standards.
I had been tentatively predicting an engagement in October if the couple got together literally as the Instagram post went live and in August or September if they had been together before the post, which seemed likely!
Without definite dates, I unfortunately can't do the data on how they have affected average Duggar pre-courtship and courtship lengths.
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When Will They Get Married? Now, this is where the couple are clearly not following the Duggar tradition. The average Duggar engagement following Jana's wedding is 91 days long. With an engagement date of 24th August, that would place a wedding on 23rd November 2024.
However, Maddie hashtagged the post with Spring2025 which heavily implies that's when the wedding will happen. Taking spring to mean March, April or May, that means a wedding sometime between 1st March and 31st May. That means an engagement of at least 189 days and at most 280 days. In the Bates family, an engagement of 189 days wouldn't be too out of place, though 280 days is outside even their engagement time frame. However, in the Duggar family, these engagement lengths are unheard of. The longest Duggar engagement to date has been Josiah's 127 day engagement. We're way outside that here!
I honestly have no idea where to place their wedding date. 1st March is a Saturday so it could be right at the start or it could be closer to Easter (Easter Sunday is 20th April next year) or even later than that, especially if the couple are holding off so Maddie can see out the end of the academic year.
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Babies? If the couple marry at the beginning of March, they are then expected to announce a first pregnancy in September for a birth the following March. Add or subtract months based on when the wedding actually happens!
Should more information become obvious, I'll update in a separate post. Right now it's all a bit intriguing.
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tikay21 · 8 days
🐺How to use hashtags on tumblr to organize a story!
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It was like paddling in an open sea .... Ok, it really took me 4 years to figure out the thing with the internal hashtags on Tumblr and realize that there is an advantageous sense in them initially only working within your own blog. If you don’t really need them, the benefit isn’t immediately obvious.
Plus, the display of the most commonly used hashtags leads you to assume they are more universally intended. The advantage of internal blog hashtags didn’t click for me - until the moment I actually needed them to bring order to my blog chaos and understood that you can easily sort everything with them, especially when it comes to storytelling.
I originally thought: “I'll make sideblogs for the stories, so I can have everything neatly gathered, with matching colors and background images." However, the hashtags from the main blog don’t work in the sideblogs anymore unless I link them and unless I’ve missed something again. Now I’m wondering if I even need the sideblogs anymore. Probably not. So, new plan:
I’ll post everything on my main blog
tag it with both specific and general tags
using intern unique tags for different supposes
and that’s pretty much it. At the top of a pinned post, I’ll provide an overview of what you can find under which hashtag, and they’ll automatically function as a sorter for an entire internal storyline. Done.
Btw, thanks for the right hints, which made me take a closer look, test things out, and understand how it works by answering my question on it here ...
@figure-it-out-later and @tenyrasims - which made me think about it and especially @satureja13 for the needed key to my head to unlock this blind point🥰. from @satureja13 : ... I just make sure to tag every post properly so I can add new stuff to my pinned post. You can also keep your pinned post clean by making sub posts, like I do for my chapters, for example. ... I can find every event, character, location… within seconds. That’s what I really love about tumblr.
So, what can I do now to satisfy my need for beeing over organization🙈? Technically, I could delete the sideblogs, but I can also use them in parallel, reblogging the respective content there, and thus have everything in a separate place, visually appealing with the story-appropriate colors - for my own peace of mind or for anyone who prefers to read there. But I’ll only reblog, not post the original, so following the sideblogs isn’t really necessary - though of course, you can if you prefer the color-coordinated layout there. If I ever decide it’s all too much, I can delete the sideblogs without losing my original content, as long as I only reblog from the mainblog to the sideblogs.
Is anyone still following? Probably not,😂 but I think this works for me.
Long story short: I’m going to rearrange things once more and adjust the pinned post accordingly... and bring any duplicate content back to the main blog. My old stuff from before the long break will stay here, and maybe I’ll update broken links if I ever get bored - not that I know the meaning of the word, lol. Otherwise, it’ll just stay as it is, since there’s barely anything left in my EA gallery, except for the stuff that can’t be deleted.
Ok, here we go ...
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cat-loves-music · 1 year
Blogs I Love
Harry Styles Blogs:
♡ @avatar-anna — writes really amazing Harry Styles fanfics and one of my favorite Harry blogs <3
♡ @harrysfolklore — also one of my favorite Harry blogs that I fell in love with early on in my Tumblr days <3
♡ @freedomfireflies — I found her blog while searching through the Harry Styles hastags and fell in love ever since <3
♡ @grapejuicestyless — The way I SQUEAL with happiness inside everytime I read their fics omg. I followed you immediately after reading just one of them. So talented 👏🏻
Wednesday Blogs:
♡ @zoeysdamn — fell in love with her "Bloodied Petals" series with Xavier since the writing was immaculate and now that I think about it I'm gonna go read it again <3
♡ @d1amorph1n3 / @man11c — I love their Xavier fics and they're writing is *chef's kiss*
Scream Blogs:
♡ @lilac-fangirl — I love her Scream fics, I recently found her when I went on a Scream kick 😅
Sturniolo Triplets
♡ @oneirophobic — I found their blog while searching for works about the triplets and I put in a request–since their blog was fairly new– so I've loved their writing ever since.
♡ @stxrniqlo — I also found her blog while searching through the hashtags and I noticed she followed me so I was curious. I've loved her writing ever since.
♡ @stvrni0lo — I found her blog as I was on my for you page on here and oh. my. GOSH! Her fics are sooo good. And I noticed that my other fav Sturniolo Triplets writers follow her too, so yes. I had to follow her. <3
Harry Potter
♡ @0luv9 — I LOVE their fics so much. They're so good! I mainly read their Mattheo fics cuz I love Mattheo but their writing is IMMACULATE!!!
♡ @doremimosasol — I love her fics so much and I recently found her character ai stuff and OMG I am obsessed. Like actually.
I'll probably add more later as I read more but here's who I have loved for a while and wanted to show the writers some love :)
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undeaddollz · 3 months
omg I loved the request for older! Sibling! Reader, it’s very rare in the fandom unfortunately.
could you possibly add to that trope with this prompt: One day the bowers gang are hanging at (depend’s on who the sibling is) and Reader just walks into the kitchen in a top and they just have scars. Just scars on their back or front of arms, just a scar that certainly wasn’t by being reckless or self inflicted.
wether it be they used to be bullied heavily, they got into fights a lot, (if Henry then maybe their dad’s abuse), maybe even a rare occasion where Reader might’ve been in a deadly situation and somehow survived.
I just need older sibling reader to be loved more than younger, and always female, reader.
ok im gonna do how each guy would react if it was their sibling! idk if you want it like a fanfiction or something! (i might make a hashtag for older sibling bowers gang cause i honestly love writing this...) if you guys love older sibling reader PLEASE request prompts i love writing prompts
HENRY BOWERS - the scars are likely from butch - henry knows that butch obviously beats on you too but you never let him know the extent cause c'mon, thats your little brother, you don't want him to see that. - when he sees deep scars like that he freaks out and starts yelling - he really does care about you more than everything, he's yelling saying shit like "i'll kill him" "what the hell did he do" - although he knows he can't really go against butch - he makes you sit still while he basically covers you in scar cream, glaring if you move while breathing - he cancels any plans he had and you guys spend the day together, you don't really talk about it but henry keeps his eye on you all day VICTOR CRISS - probably some sort of bullying scars
- he's shocked when he see's them, cause he had never heard of any bullying issues from you or your guy's parents
- a little upset you didnt tell him even though he was probably young when it occurred
- he tries to get you to talk to him about it
- when he finds out its a bullying situation he starts to feel guilty..maybe he should stop bullying the losers...no no. that's different. they're freaks, you're his older sibling, you're cool.
- later in the day he barges into your room with your favorite snacks, drinks and candy, actually paid for by him..for once, since he usually bugs you for money
- you guys watch a movie together and he tries to not stare or bring up the scars
- scars are either from bullying or some sort of fight
- freaks the hell out.
- even though you aren't bleeding he acts like you are
- goes to get some scar cream and says you HAVE to use it
- silently thinks the scars are badass but he wont tell you that
- you guys go on a silent drive, minus the radio playing, you just listen to music and don't talk
- he treats you like glass that whole day
- tries to cook for you since your guy's mom is working, emphasis on tries. its horrible but you try to eat it anyways. ...you guys end up ordering pizza.
- the scars could literally be from anything
- he doesn't exactly care.. but he wants to know how you got them
- probably the first time he really has a conversation with you, in a long time at least.
- he had stopped making drawings for you when he turned 10 but this day he comes into your room with a drawing, its just with brown and black and its mostly scribbles but you can make out two people who look like you and him
- he doesn't love or care for you but you're a part of his routine so he doesn't want you gone, he doesn't want his routine disrupted so he tries to keep you around.
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anamazingangie · 1 year
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This is mostly for my discord server but i'll post it here too, I guess! I'm hosting my first ever ‘event’ called Summer Snippets & Stories that will run through July. 
Every weekday, starting Monday, July 3rd and ending Friday, July 28th, I’ll be posting a word prompt a day. You can use any tense or participle of the day's word — so if the prompt is cloud, cloudy, or clouded would be perfectly acceptable, too.
That’s all you really need to know. The word will hopefully serve as a source of inspiration for a sentence or snippet that can be posted on whatever platform you prefer.
I love the flexibility of single word prompts, but I know that isn’t always enough to inspire someone — so I’ll also be posting sentence starters and story prompts that utilize that day's word that can hopefully provide you with more ideas or something to build off of. 
The goal with this is to get people in the writing spirit and provide something motivating enough to follow along with, but flexible enough that you can adapt it to your routine and the time you have available. If you write a sentence, or a paragraph, that’s perfectly fine —you still wrote something! 
If you get a one shot out of it, or a multi-chapter story, or something you want to expand on later when you have more time, that’s also great! You can share links in the appropriate channels on the discord server (where this is being primarily being hosted) and/or add your story to the Ao3 collection if it’s House of the Dragon related. 
The collection will be open until the end of August. ALL HotD pairings are welcome. There is no word minimum or maximum required to be added to the collection. 
Collection link.
I’ll likely be posting my own snippets here using the hashtag #HotDaemyraSummer in case anyone else would like to do the same. 
Also feel free to use these prompts for any fandom or pairing on any platform, I certainly don’t own them, but if you’d toss a bit of credit in the notes if they serve as inspiration that would be nice! :)
My ask box is open if you have questions or would like an invite to my server! 
The written prompt list is below the cut for ease of copy pasting and clarity.  
Week One: 
Tension / Related Post
Reflection / Related Post
Storm / Related Post
Sparkle / Related Post
Cloud / Related Post
Week Two:
Shield / Related Post
Stitch / Related Post
Burn / Related Post
Blood / Related Post
Haunt / Related Post
Week Three: 
Rough / Related Post
Silk / Related Post
Wing / Related Post
Gift / Related Post
Ink / Related Post
Week Four: 
Signature / Related Post
Investment / Related Post
Squeeze / Related Post
Swallow / Related Post
Peak / Related Post
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
To add on to the opinion on 'fanservice' you shared (I totally agree with the points made btw):
Not just when it's about fanservice but this narrative of 'BTS don't have autonomy' is such a toxic and reoccuring argument in this fandom, with so many different topics
It's used by mantis and solo stans to defend their opinions bc then they can argue that they're only doing it for BTS, as if they're not grown men and have not shown time and time again that they have a lot of influence in hybe (recently with the story about nj arguing against the n*f*t plans)
I also think it plays into said mantis' saviour complex, like they have to protect the tanies bc they can't protect themselves and they're trapped in sl*ve contracts eventhough it's wellknown that this is not true
Do they really think jm is too scared to ask for a solo debut and they have to demand it for him? Do they really think taejin couldn't argue for more lines if they thought they were treated unequally? Do they really think jin couldn't have starred in dramas if he had really wanted to? "Oh, but they don't know that they deserve more! They're just too humble!" what a terrible way to show you think your fave is a doormat without any autonomy, self-confidence and self-worth
All the mantis who hated on proof and jitb, criticising hybe for choices we later found out were 100% made by the tanies
How did BTS feel when they saw manti hashtags hating on the choices they themselves made? And mantis don't even care, they just want to fight hybe on everything, with no regard to BTS's feelings and opinions
I feel like this kind of derailed but I hope I got some of my points across alslsks
Is the company perfect? No, I wouldn't even say its great. Have they made mistakes? Yes. Are the members without any choice or autonomy in what they do? Not even close. Lol another example, JK going would they REALLY scold me? You know how much WORK I've put in over the years at that company? Lmfao I'll go live AND drink whenever I want, I'm Jungkook
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Mahoyo was released in English before anything else because they were already making the port for JP and realized they have less to lose by experimenting with it, as the technical work for the JP side isn't as intensive as a new game. The game underperformed on PC in 2012, so giving it a second wind on consoles with voice acting and HD visuals made sense as a lower budget in-between game. I doubt they have some roadmap for international releases. It's still very much an afterthought. Since Glass Moon made back its money and Mahoyo's loc did well, they can justify the resources needed for localizing it so that they could localize Red Garden later too. Creating a Fate port seems less feasible to me for the JP side. There's nothing they could add to it to entice JP players. Most of them have already either played the game on watched the anime. If they haven't, they can play it whenever they want on their phone, as Realta Nua is fully available on the App and Play Stores. The people who played Mahoyo on PC picked up the console version for the new voice acting and HD visuals. Those are both available in the latest release of Realta Nua as well. I'll believe Type Moon sees the international audience as a priority when we see a Steam version of Mahoyo and Glass Moon (which Nasu said he wanted in that 4gamer interview). It's not impossible that they localize Fate, but I doubt it's a shoe-in since it's a release that would only really target the western and Chinese audience.
Why the fuck do you call Tsukihime that Blue Blue Glass Moon Under the Crimson Air doesn't actually mean anything in the title
Also while you're right that the International audience has always been an afterthought for, the success of Mahoyo's loc DESPITE Aniplex's barebones effort to market it is why I believe things will change. Through sheer power of word of mouth and a catchy hashtag they were like the 3rd best selling Switch game on Amazon in the middle of December, that's fucking nuts.
But I don't need to talk about Mahoyo OR Tsukihime's successes to argue for why a FSN English and Simplified Chinese release is viable, I only have to point out FGO
People were already playing FGO in Japanese and reading translations online. By the time FGO Global was launched, the Japanese version was ahead by a gargantuan two years. And still, not only has FGO's international versions survived for over half a decade, they've started making official releases for other Fate spinoffs with English and Simplified Chinese announced at the same time as the Japanese announcement (Samurai Remnant and Extra Record), once unthinkable.
They would have to hate money even more than they already do. They already tried burying Mahoyo and that didn't work, no way in hell is Fate/Stay goddamn Night an unviable project.
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ana40ratenjoyer · 4 months
Time to stop procrastinating and finally do this lmao
Introduction post ig
Idk how to make text colorful, I'll fix this later (':
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Hi hello! You can call me Ana! I'm from Brazil and I go by any pronouns!
I mostly enjoy supporting others content (like my fren here @idk-kraftfahrkorps psst check out his very cool blog or Im taking your very cool metatarsals :3) but I will likely post my drawings and Vulture Culture taxidermy here as well!
I'm pretty new to the open web so I don't know any social media "etiquette", sorry if I sound weird or dumb sometimes, for example idk if I should add a bunch of hashtags, or if I should compliment people's art on the comments or their "ask boxes", so yeah aksbakab sorry if I am of nuisance at any moment.
- I'm here just for fun
My whimsical little self just enjoys frolicking around this place, I'm not trying to get my ideas out there, so I will likely not post often, but I'll be around!
- I don't function properly lmao
I struggle interpreting an expressing tones a LOT, I also get a bit anxious when replying to people, sorry if at any moment I sound dry, weird or rude, it is most likely not my intention, and please let me know if that happens. I tend to use tone tags sometimes
- Brain fog and co.
I have constant episodes of brain fog/dissociation, along with other personal issues, so I may accidentally forget to respond, if I have pending messages with you for too long, feel free to send me a "hey", I'll appreciate!
- Sensitive content
As said on the beginning, I do VC taxidermy, my main focus is on bug pinning, bone cleaning and mummification, I will add hashtags so people who are uncomfortable can block this content, but feel free to block/unfollow me if that makes you overall uncomfortable
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That's all ig! It is nice to meet you anonymous person reading this post!
Oh also, if you have ocs I will very likely get hyped and ask questions (when requested), feel free to dump lore on my dms, I love reading oc lore
For more info or access to my other socials feel free to check the carrd link on my desc!
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wheezersphere · 7 months
You are such a good artist I wish one day I'll be as good as you, any tips?
Also just started my career a few months ago well weeks ago are there any tips to gaining more friends and people that love your art?
waaa thank you so much !! i appreciate this a lot !! <33
this is quite a long post so please bear with mee . . . also this may be a bit all over the place because i just do whatever T^T my first tip is to just keep practicing ! try to challenge yourself with stuff you want to improve on. i struggle the most with drawing hands, hence why in all the recent art i've posted all the poses have hands in them :') you'd find yourself discouraged sometimes, when you try to venture out of your usual drawing practice, because (1) it's difficult, and (2) it feels time-consuming – but never ever let that knock you off of the progress/goal you're working towards on ! you'll thank yourself in the future when you can finally draw anything you want with minimal struggles.
second tip is to use references ! it's ok to use references to practice how to draw a full body (and to familiarize yourself with how to proportion like how long should the arms be? how long should the neck be? did i place the legs correctly? is this perspective right?) i've recently been taking my own reference pictures (for my traditional art which i haven't really posted...) since sometimes there aren't many reference pictures on the internet that encapsulates what i want ! it's actually quite fun to do, and can be another way to challenge yourself to draw difficult perspectives/angles. in terms of fanart, i base off of the picture that i want to draw ! like in my recent HAN drawing, that was actually based off of his recent picture from bubble !
i've also recently been trying "blocking" which is where i do a rough "paint" or coloring of a piece, kind of like mapping out how i want it to look like, then later on refining the details ! (u can do this as well if you want another challenge for urself!)
third tip is to watch drawing tutorials/draw with me's on youtube ! that's what i did growing up ! they inspired me a lot, and eventually led me to finding my own art style ^^
here are some of the artists i've watched/currently watching on youtube:
Jillee Arts
Fran Meneses
Jordan Clark
fourth tip in growing your community or finding people who love your art? welp i truly don't feel like i'm there yet ! but if you want to find people who have the same interest as you using hashtags can do a lot ! like for me, i'm trying to find people who are also fans of stray kids, hence the tags relating to the drawing (of any member) i made !
just always keep the tags accurate ! add a tag that describes your art, is it digital? is it traditional? did you use color pencils? did you use paint? adding the tag "artists on tumblr" helps you find your fellow artists as well <3 you can also create your own art tag to help people browse through your art easily !
LASTLY, PLEASE HAVE FUN ! i find it's best to truly be interested in what you want to draw. it shouldn't feel like a chore, it should make you happy !! :)) i hope this long post helps, and i wish you the best on your art journey !!
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zer0carrds · 9 months
hello! i know you replied to my last message a month ago, so sorry for my delayed response!
i was wondering if you knew how to get the buttons to expand into info? right now i just have section breaks on mine so it doesn’t expand into the info, it just takes me to a new “page”
gotcha gotcha. i hope you don't mind me answering this publicly, i've had this question come up a few times before! bee tee dubs this thing is gonna be image heavy, so you have been warned. also ignore my tabs i was too lazy to crop everything properly. just avert your gaze.
you can do this in a number of ways, but i'm going to use the basic "buttons" option to start!!!
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here's my stinky example page. so impossible to navigate. i put my sections, so i have my things. idk i think i'm silly sometimes.
we're going to click the plus sign, and click 'button'.
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when you do so, it'll put your standard button on your screen and it'll expand your customization bar (i'm going to assume you're familiar with that already!!!!) where you can first add how many buttons you want.
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each button has it's own drop down where you can change your title/label, add your link, change colors and all of that. you can go ahead and change your label to whatever you want. i'll be calling mine "about me" for funsies.
second, when linking your pages in any format, you do NOT have to type the whole url of your carrd site; all you need to do is [hashtag]sectiontitle. so mine will be #page1. if you're linking to other websites, you'll need to use the full https://domain url or else it may not work. but to reiterate, you just need to link the exact section name.
my button options will look something like this!
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once that's done, you can continue adding your buttons and changing the labels and URLs. to do that, all you need to do is collapse your button's options, selecting "add", and adding as many buttons as you'd like. rinse and repeat.
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ta da!
since i have three pages i want to link to, i'll make two more buttons this way. so my buttons tab is gonna look like this:
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so yippee!!!! these will link to their respective pages. if i could do a demo video of it, i would but my quicktime is broken :prayer hands. emoji:
you can make buttons using different features:
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but in order to link in text, all you have to do is [link title](link here) in your text box.
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you can to that method anywhere you use text, so you can sprinkle it in wherever you want.
you don't have to use the full carrd url to link your pages. just use only your section title, #page1 for example.
have fun with customizing the colors. you can adjust the width of buttons as you feel, resize them, etc. you can make some rlly cute navigation with your different button options! i'll most likely make a guide about customization later on!!!
you can make as many of these as you want. you can stack 'em or keep them in a default row. up 2 u.
lmao i hope this was helpful! sorry it's image heavy i just wanted to make sure i covered as much as i could <33333 if you need clarification, please don't hesitate to let me know (^:
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Wicked Games
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A Dark Fairy Tale Collaboration Event
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Welcome to my event. I decided to host this collaboration because who doesn't love dark fairy tales featuring our favorite characters? It's angsty, dark, and sexy. 
Now this event is special because it centers on anime and video games in general; there is no specified fandom. Writers or artists who enjoy canon x canon, self-ships, or original characters in their stories/pieces can participate and spread their passion.
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The Fairy Tale List: (if there is one you want to add please let me know).
Hansel and Gretel
The Little Mermaid
Little Red Riding Hood
Beauty and the Beast
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White
The Snow Queen
The Frog Prince
Alice in Wonderland
The Goose Girl
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
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The Rules:
Must be 18+ to enter.
The piece or story can be centered around any anime or video game character as long as it incorporates one of the fairy tales listed above. (Check out the Fairy Tale List). They don't have to 100% follow the chosen fairy tale; you can throw in your own unique spin.
You can write or draw: dark content, NSFW, crossovers, reader inserts, original characters, self-ships, canon x canon, SFW, etc.
(Everything has to be tagged appropriately).
There is a 500-word minimum.
Participants have to send me a message or comment on this post with the character they want to draw or write for and which of the fairy tales they have chosen to center the piece or fic around. 
You can submit more than 1 story or art piece.
The deadline is February 29th. Participants can submit their work a day late, but no later, because I will be putting up the Masterlist soon after the deadline. However, if you need more time please let me know.
DM the link to the piece once you have it written, so I can add it to the Masterlist.
Use the hashtag: #Disenchanted’sfairytaleevent, or #Wickedgamesevent
If there are any questions, please let me know.
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Entries: (I'll fix the order of these once I get more).
Beauty and the Beast
Vaas Montenegro x Female Reader by @mydisenchantedeulogy
Reblog and share, please.
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sunsetpeachyy · 2 years
✩°⋆⸜ 🎧 What's up there! ଓ
It's the one and only, Sunsetpeachyy!,, Or technically Raz since that's well my name, also tend to use MK from time to time៸៸
Let's get started!!,,
I'm a Mexican American, Self-taught Artist and wannabe writer [all side hobbies I guess], Going to start collage during the fall semester, so let's make the best of it while we have time!
Preferred pronouns? Gender?
He/Him and They/Them [But I sometimes use some neo-pronouns]; In the AroAce spectrum and TransMasc Genderfluid
Art Programs?
I really don't have a tablet or pc, so I technically I draw on my phone and the programs that I use it's mostly Ibispaint X, but trying to engage on other programs
Well,, Since I have and draw on ibis paint, I tend to make my brushes and all that, or try to replicate brushes that tend to see.
This will be some of my hashtags that I'll use on my Drawings, Sketches or Some other stuff. I'm gonna add more stuff the more I upload!
Art Tag - 🌇; #Raz!Art | 🍁; #Raz!Sketches
I'll add more later since this is sort of like my first "Blog" and as I'm writing this started to have a headache, but will get back to it when I feel better!! <33
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