#i’ve had someone tell me to kms
sevikasenby · 3 months
wow the words you say to people can, in fact, have an impact on them…who would’ve thought. i can’t quit thinking about that asshat saying “sevika don’t want your sped ass” to me 😭 like yeah she’s a fictional character (unfortunately) but…damn.
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stinkypeanutbutter · 4 months
honestly I have nothing much to say about the canvas ( because I skimmed through it out of lack of interest even tho I was fixated on sbg for idk how long before you all saw DONT even lie ) but I lowkey love Ashlyn’s little dancer costume it’s very silly !!! Also kinda hoping their silly little homeless children costumes ( hopefully that’s not offensive ) come into play at one point . Like . . a school play . I’m screwing around with ideas here .
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
I’ve been having a bit of a hay shortage lately—January was very cold and snowy so the animals ate a lot, plus I have an extra mouth to feed this year, and I hadn’t realised Poldine would eat so much in her first year! Next summer I’ll make sure to buy enough hay for 4 animals rather than 3 and a half.
In the meantime I’ve been offering various hay substitutes, such as brambles, or my Christmas tree. It was waiting on the pile of green waste I intend to burn in early spring, until I remembered seeing someone’s ad in the local paper that went “if you want to recycle your Christmas trees, give them to me, my goats will love them!” I figured well, llamas are tall goats, maybe they’ll enjoy a bit of Christmas tree, and they did !
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(Baby Poldine is always very circumspect about new foods, but she did end up tasting it.)
Pirlouit was also pleased with this unexpected breakfast. They all took turns nibbling at the tree until only the trunk was left :)
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Still, I was trying to contact nearby farmers to ask if they have some hay to spare (it’s not that I’ve run out, I just want to be prepared in case of another cold spell), and I also moved the animals to my other pasture down the road, as there’s still some dry grass there. It’s not well-fenced though, and I wasn’t very confident in this pasture’s ability to contain Pampe, but I figured—there’s no grass to be found in any nearby pasture, so why would she try to leave this one?
(Because Pampe.)
I left the llamas & donkey frolicking in this exciting new place (Poldine looked enchanted to explore a new pasture, she was bounding around like a baby goat!), and I went skiing today, as a (late) birthday gift to myself. The skiing station is just half an hour away and this has become a very anticipated birthday ritual since I moved here! This year I waited until I had found some way to keep the animals busy before taking a day off, so there would be no llama leaks in my absence.
So of course I got a text from a neighbour in the afternoon, telling me my llamas had been spotted on the road, going towards the village. (“Pampe looked determined. She was going to the grocery shop to get muesli.”) (Pampe is so famous, people even know her favourite snacks 😭)
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Since I was literally on a ski slope I decided to turn my conscience off and pretend I hadn’t seen the text. I thought, if the llamas do end up in the village I’ll get more texts updating me on their position and I’ll be a responsible llama owner and go home (promise), but they’ll probably get off the road and into the woods somewhere between my house and the village and they’ll spend the afternoon eating communal shrubs and they’ll be fine.
When I went home a few hours later, I found my donkey alone in the pasture where I’d left him in the morning—we both had to wrestle with a moral dilemma today, and Pirlouit’s was “do I loyally follow my friends and potentially starve to death, or do I stay by myself in this place with very adequate dry grass to munch on?” He really hates being alone, yet he chose food over friendship.
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I brought Pirou back to his normal pasture (he wouldn’t have liked to find himself alone after sunset) and went looking for the girls. I’d had a neighbour on the phone who had talked to someone who’d talked to someone who had seen the llamas and had “shooed them in the general direction of your house.” That was some very helpful shooing, because I found them just a couple of kilometres away, and indeed going in the right direction.
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Pampelune leading the way, determined to go home before night; Pampérigouste last, internally grumbling that it was still early and they could have explored the world some more.
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I usually jog with the llamas when I bring them home so we don’t spend too much time in the middle of the road, but there aren’t many cars when the road is icy and also after a day of skiing, you don’t really feel like jogging a few km at a brisk pace in heavy snow boots. So we went home in a slow and solemn procession.
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I called the people who had told me about the llamas’ whereabouts to thank them, and explained that this escape was the result of a failed attempt to move the animals to my poorly-fenced second pasture because I don’t have a lot of hay left—and one of them told me he could spare a bale and he’d bring it to me tomorrow!
“So I’ve done everyone a favour” (is probably Pampe’s conclusion.)
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I gave them hay as I figured they hadn’t had time to graze much in the other pasture, but only Pampe was hungry. Well, Pirlouit is always hungry, but Pampe indignantly rebuffed him. “You chose food over adventure. You don’t get to eat the food I’m getting as a reward for a successful adventure.”
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Pirlouit is completely resigned to the fundamental unfairness of a dutiful donkey’s life.
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last-blue-hours · 1 month
Taekookers and Jungkook solos seem to be under this misconception that Jikookers are all Jimin-biased lol. I've realized this being so long in the fandom. But when I was new and getting to know BTS, Jungkook was the first one I gravitated towards and soon I became a Jungkook biased ARMY. And it was through focusing on JK and watching non-edited content + little clips that revolved around him that I picked up on something between him and Jimin.
I didn't stumble upon shipping spaces or videos that could have altered my perception, it was all authentic. And mind you that time every little BTS content had Taekook at the forefront of the things I used to see and was recommended the most. But whenever I'd watch him with Jimin, the way Jungkook himself would behave towards Jimin (whom I didn't even like then), I'd feel so weird, like I'm watching moments between two people that I'm not supposed to witness. Even the moments when he'd push him away, I saw only myself when I was in love with my ex-girlfriend who wasn't my girlfriend but just a close friend then. Everything that JK is, his personality, is so much like myself, I feel. And that's a major reason why he's my bias, other than the fact that he's so talented.
Definitely not every Jikooker is Jimin biased, in fact from my perspective I'd say quite a number of them are Jungkook biased. And I think the Jm biased Jikookers have gotten even less now because of what happened with Face and Seven (people feeling the company sabotaged Jimin while JK got heavy promotion). A lot of the people who became PJMs in 2023 are ex-jikookers.
I’ve known bts and somewhat witnessed the inner workings of their fandom for a very long time. Although for some time, I have seen myself in the category of a lurker. I didn’t have the time to actively be a part of it. Now, I have crawled out of the woodworks, on time for the travel show.
It was jimin who caught my eye but it was jungkook, whose introversion, so similar to mine that I saw a sort of fondness growing and settling deep within me. I was there when km’s relationship began to take shape, something very undefinable still since we’re just spectators but I can pinpoint the exact moment when a lot of people could just tell. We just knew. Jungkook was the more obvious one, his face shows a map of his heart. We didn’t have jeonlus or satellite jeon for no reason, they were exaggerated but it was fun while it lasted. And what you said about your experience with your ex-girlfriend (I hope what you had with her was good for however long it lasted), the more you feel for someone, the more overwhelming it is to be around that person. Often times people misinterpret it as something malicious, which is what happened with Jungkook. And the kid was also going through a very sensitive developmental and transitional phase of his life. People are still unkind to that Jungkook.
I don’t like saying this but so many are in some ways living vicariously through km’s relationship while having an internal struggle as they project their own insecurities onto it. It’s such a shame how misery is thriving in these spaces on both sides. And why many jm biased jjkers have become solo stans. Another reason being, as you pointed out, how hybe handled jimin and jungkook’s solo debut. Hybe proved to be very incompetent while handling jimin. And the resources they did give Jungkook, it was to push an idea of a certain image, a regurgitated image of a popstar we have seen being already exhausted in the music industry. They didnt get the memo of what made Jungkook golden. That’s just what was off about the whole album. I’d like a better creative team for him.
And I do think a lot of jjkers are just people who are equally interested in jungkook and jimin as individuals. But yes there are a lot of jungkook biased jjkers. Us.
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moneymartin · 4 months
I appreciate you being honest with your rant and I agree with you 10000 percent. The main thing that bothers me is that Caitlin sees the hate that Kate has gotten from her cult like fans for speaking the truth about A’ja, yet she’s not doing anything to clear the air and defend her best friend of FOUR YEARS from her crazy fans when she has the platform to do so. If it was the other way around, Kate would have said something by now.
Her fans getting pissed at the rankings and demeaning Kate’s hard work is BS. I’ve seen tweets where her fans also say it’s because of CC that KM even got drafted and is popular. Like wtf. Why does it always have to come back to CC when it’s got nothing to do with her? Kate got drafted because Hammon and her staff saw something in Kate none of the other 11 teams did. Kate made the roster because she worked her ass off, and she gained her teammates and her coaches trust. Kate is playing meaningful minutes because she’s earned it in practice and not because people are hurt. Kate is liked by everyone because she has good energy and a good person. Her teammates will ride for her.
For CC to say one thing to the media about not being picked for the Olympics, only to tell Sides “Coach, they woke a monster,” in private?! Really?! How about you wake up and work on your defense, turning the ball over less and actually work on building relationships with your team.
you couldn’t have said that any better anon thank you ❤️
whew the thing abt kate getting drafted is the whole reason why its my favorite draft story. its not just bc shes my favorite player, but its the reason that she had hopes of getting drafted in the shadow of cc and she did. now she’s out there in vegas enjoying herself like she should be while also doing what she loves.
ppl shit all over others and their achievements when they’re 100% doing something they can’t do. cough kate cough. she didn’t get drafted cause of cc or cc’s popularity. its cause she earned that spot and hammon trusted it. that’s why hammon’s coaching a team that cares about one another and one that’ll probably win another damn championship this yr. (if they work on their offense LOL) if hammon trusts kate enough to start over her vets then she’s obviously doing something right.
not relevant but the team is wayyy too focused on defense. i think that its already good. the offense is shaky but we’ll bounce back 🥶
everyone saying kate’s only popular because of cc are not real fans… kate was extremely relevant in her college days with her. mfs out there will find sooo many different ways to make it about caitlin when it’s about someone else.
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random-fandom-chaos · 2 months
The minor on this blog is being groomed - kid, if you're reading this, please tell a trusted adult.
There is NO reason an adult should be sharing a blog with you, a child under 13, where they access and interact with and follow nsfw content. Even saying "ask me for smut".
This isn't okay or appropriate. Please tell a trusted adult, and cut contact with this person ASAP. I know it's difficult and I've been in your position before, I know you probably think of them as your friend - but please ask yourself why a 23 year old wants to share a blog with and be friends with a presumably 10-11 year old child, when they can easily do this with people their own age. They could even run their own blog, by themselves, without risking a child seeing nsfw content.
Please hear me out and think carefully about this, because I wish someone had sent me a message like this when I was your age.
okay so. Hello. Serious talk, im Kai No no no no, yes we used to like say those rules.
trust me please km not grooming them, im their older cousin, ik what grooming is
The thug s we out in the bio we use to think cpuld work out, trust me I realized it sounded like grooming, both us being lazy as fuck to change it though, but trust me we dont do that anymore I literally unfollowed nsfw stuff
trust me, we both know what grooming is and what and who we can trust
they’ve been through SA before, they know. So have i.
So whoever you are
please understand that if you think thats the issue its not we just havent changed out bio so sorry
and if you want you can privately message me kn this issue I could get Chaos
also, I would kill to get my own blog, they are so much better at hiding things cuz even if im a damn adult my fucking parents still search throguh everything on my damn phone and take it away EVEN THOUGH EVEN THOGUH IM AN ADULT ITS SO FUCKING STUPID- so I will be getting my own blog soon, once I move out of my parents house since im still in college, I promise i wont share with them, its just that we find tumblr a safe space to be in so they offered to share their blog with me, please, grooming is something that should be taken seriously! I assure you this is a serious matter. Especially when you accuse someone of it, I understand the misunderstanding but I was in an actually horrible state of mind too, I’ve gotten therapy and meds and im almost finishing college and looking for my own place to live,
again apologies for the misunderstanding
(please if you would like to talk to Chaos you could Privately chat or smth.)
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sammy-hammy · 2 years
hey hopefully requests are open :)
can you write angst with Xavier where the reader likes Wednesday but he likes the reader who’s his best friend :)
tysm I love your work
xavier thorpe is your best friend who wishes it was more
but it’s too late
“DUDE! DUDE! DUDE!” xavier felt himself get shoved from behind. he was careful not to get stray paint on his mural.
“ow what the heck??” xavier turned around and gave you a confused look. you smirked before grabbing his face and turning his head towards enid. his eyes widened when he saw the person next to her.
her monochrome outfit made her stand out in the sea of purple uniforms. her braids moved slightly with a turn of her head. xavier’s heart tightened when glanced at you.
a gentle smile laid upon your face as you gazed at the new girl.
she glanced towards you. “oh shit oh shit oh shit.” you quickly turned around, pretending to help xavier.
“oh and those two are yn and xavier. the taller one, xavier, used to date bianca, the ‘queen bee’ siren, but they broke up 3 months ago. i heard that they ended on good terms but no one knows why.” enid stands with wednesday and tilts her head.
“interesting. what about the other one?” wednesday asked curiously while staring at the pair. “oh! that’s xavier’s best friend. they’ve been friends for a while.” enid answered.
they watched as you and xavier shoved each other and laughed. wednesday stared at you with the tiniest smile before completely wiping it off her face.
“come on, new roomie. i’ve got other stuff to show you.”
“NAHHH!! that would be so embarrassing. i would kms on the spot.” you shook your head at your best friend.
“come ooon, yn. if you don’t talk to her you’ll never get anywhere with her.” xavier rolled his eyes.
why am i saying this?
i don’t want them to get with someone else
but they seem so happy…
“ughhh. fine! i’ll talk to her.” you felt your cheeks heat up at the thought of talking to her.
“ok good mx lover.” he feigned a smile. “just don’t forget our weekly movie night.”
“yep yep! by 6 at your studio!” you have him a thumbs up. “cya later!!” you ran after enid and her new roommate.
he watched you run after the two opposites. he didn’t fail to miss the giddy smile on your face. his heart hurt.
he stared at where you once were with a droopy expression. he should’ve told you the real reason he had broken up with bianca.
he spaced out, the only thing on his mind was you. oh you. so oblivious.
he snapped out of his thoughts when a hand touched his shoulder. “you ok?” bianca’s face was written with concern.
“i couldn’t tell them, and now they’re leaving me. gods, i’m such an idiot.” xavier covered his face.
he sat alone in his studio once again. the warmth of your company was as if it never existed. he glanced at a portrait he had made of you while setting down the stale popcorn.
the film went black as he stared at the door.
they forgot again
he clutched his heart as tears weld up in his eyes.
i guess it wasn’t really forevermore like they promised
𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒𝖾𝖽!!! 𝗂'𝗆 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝗐𝗈𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗂𝖿 𝗂 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖺 𝗉𝗍 2...
wednesday ✌︎︎ masterlist
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3cremepie3 · 2 years
Twisted confession pt 1.
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Twisted wonderland text fic 16+ idia x reader
Warnings- cuss words, flirting, suicide (joking way), offensive joking
A/n - I’m new to twisted wonderland sorry if this is non-cannon. But Idia is comfortable with the reader keep that in mind.
Idia 🔥
Idia - Y/n… 🫣
Y/n - Yes Idia?
Idia - I got your letter that shocked me /gen
Y/n - letter?!
Y/n - don’t tell me… 😵‍💫
Idia - Yeah your kitty handed it to me
Idia - He’s so cute I wanted to pet him so badly but he burned me 🥹 *deleted text*
Y/n - I saw that before you deleted it, you sly man! 😏
Y/n - Anyways he wasn’t supposed to hand that to you! You were supposed to get the essay we worked on. 😳
Idia - oh it not meant for me then. BRB gonna go cry under the covers 😟.
Y/n - No idia!
Y/n- it was meant for you… I was just too scared to bring it. Especially in magical history class I know you would hate the attention from all our classmates.
Idia - Yay then I don’t gotta Kms anymore!
Y/n - wait what?! 😦
Idia - I was jk.
Y/n - Okay then 😰
Idia - at least someone is worried about me. Orthro is busy updating and even I king of no social interaction ever needs to talk to someone.
Y/n - none of your gamer friends are online? Or are you just making excuses to talk to me? 🤭
Idia - They're all begging me to get on but you’re more important.
Y/n - aww stop I’m gonna blush ☺️
Idia - I would like to see that
Y/n - wanna FaceTime?
Idia - sure give me a minute
A/n - He definitely tried his best to clean his mess of a room aka stuffing everything in his closet. Then he fixed himself up brushing through his tangled hair.
Y/n - Idia it’s been 20 minutes. You said it would take 1 😡!
Idia - sorry you can call me now
Call accepted ✔️
“Idia why is it pitch black I can’t see a thing,” you asked. “Wait I gotta take the tape off my camera.” It's still black Idia,” you scoffed. “Let’s me turn on my lights then.” You heard him hiss as the lights turned on.
“When’s the last time you went outside Idia.” I haven’t since Friday.” So it’s been 2 whole days?” Yup, that’s pretty normal for me,” he stated. “I’m fine here in my room don’t worry.”
“No, I'm worrying Idia you need to get out and touch some grass.” Take a shower do something.” I’ll only touch one thing and it’s not grass,” he smirked. “You better not say me,” you blushed. “Nope, I was gonna say DEEZ NUTZ!” He let out a loud cackle at his joke.
He stopped laughing after realizing your reaction. “I’m sorry I couldn’t help it, dude!” I’m about to hang up Idia!” No don’t leave me Y/n,” he whined. “Fine, I’ll stay only cause you begged me.”
“That was so corny.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s was Y/n but seriously can’t we meet up it’s not like your hours away.” Your right want to meet in the courtyard?” The courtyard,” he gasped?!
“No there are way too many people!” Then how about the hall of mirrors?” Not that place either I always get a strange feeling someone is behind me. Then I turn around and there was no one there.”
“Stop that’s so scary,” you shivered. “Kidding,” he laughed. “Good I go there all the time I don’t need any more ghosts around me,” you sighed. “We’ll I'm okay with meeting there in like 10 y/n if I see another human then I’m out” Okay see you in 10 Idia!
10 minutes later
“Idia!” You rushed towards him your arms out for a hug. But he stepped away at the last second causing you to plop on the ground. “Owwie,” you winced. “Sorry.” He helped you back up. “It’s just I’ve never hugged a person I li-liked before.” I'm scared.” He spoke while backing away from you.
“We’ll there’s always time for something new.” Come on you need to touch something other than that keyboard.” And you need to hug something other than that body pillow.”
“How did you know I had a body pillow Y/n?!” I snuck into your room one night to collect a strand of your hair.” And you laid there hugging it as you slept.” I should’ve been in the place of that pillow!” I’m gonna burn it right in front of you.”
“No not my precious pillow.” Fine, I’ll hug you bring it in.” He held his arms out closing his eyes as you approached. You hugged him tightly lifting him a bit off your ground then snuggled your head into his chest. He melted into your warmness untensing his body.
“Maybe this is better than hugging my pillow.” You smell a lot better too.” Aww, thanks but when you go home you need to take a shower babe.” Fine ill touch some water,” he sighed.
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emmily-xo · 1 month
I saw the consultant psych today Finally for a meds review (haven’t had one in 3 years, not even when I tried to kms) and it was so exhausting. She asked loads about my life, why I felt so bad, trying to work out where all my anxiety was coming from. I had to tell her about the voice in my head. The one that argues all the time, the one that makes me think everyone hates me and undermines all my social interactions and tells me lies.
I’ve got a new med to take. On top of all the ones I’m on already. A new one.
Like I’m so glad she didn’t just say “none of these meds have the desired effect so let’s get rid” because I was so anxious about coming off everything. But now there’s a new one in the mix, and it’s scary bc it’s another heavy duty medication but like she’s starting me on a low dose of it. Ive been reading all the leaflets and info about it. Still looking it up. I’m anxious cause of possible side effects and interactions with my other meds but at least I feel like someone has fucking listened to me for once.
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circular-bircular · 11 months
Why the FUCK did you support LITERAL TRANSPHOBIA AND FAKECLAIMING? I fucking trusted you but no matter what someone posts you shouldn’t support that. Going through fucking months of posts just to explain away someone’s transphobia is disgusting and I hope you experience far worse.
…. Sigh.
I don’t typically publish these. But I’m so goddamn tired of this.
Remember how I stood up for Sophie’s pronouns and gender identity when she said a slur? Remember how I owned up to my own (completely accidental mistake) fakeclaiming of her? Remember how the space I helped cultivate for months and months and months, the space people have cited as being “so much more pro-endo with me there,” the place that started allowing more and more diversity of systemhood because I fought for it, got harassed for months on end due to multiple users posting intense amounts of misinformation about us, including people who weren’t ever in the server to begin with?
Remember how that document I wrote while triggered, while losing a huge chunk of friends at the time in SN due to how stressed we all were, while so dissociated that I forgot months, said that the transphobia of the admin was absolutely fucking inexcusable? Remember how I condemned admin for this? Remember how admin fucking got rid of the post when he even realized it was there, because he hadn’t even known it was words he’d said, because he has a goddamn disorder that causes that???
Remember how I wrote, in the same goddamn document that is STILL being used to somehow attack me today, that none of this excuses the behavior? Remember how I was trying to explain just the posts that had contributed to triggering the admin? Remember how I explained that this was to explain WHY the behavior happened, not to excuse it, because the document was ONLY a detailing of every single accusation and source of accusation that had, at the time, been levied against my home?
Remember how I wrote an entire response at the bottom about how I lost my safe spaces because of this?
Remember how I wrote about how disgusted I was with the sheer amount of people who blindly believed the word of someone else, rather than coming to me to fucking ask?
Remember how I’m not even in SN anymore?
I don’t support transphobia. I don’t support fakeclaiming. I never have, and never will. There are times I slip up, because my language usage is off and even if I try my best to be clear, I muddle things because I guess I’m just stupid sometimes. It happens. I’m human.
But at least I tried to put an end to the drama, rather than prolonging a string of hatred for months on end about a CDD recovery server that had around 120 members. At least I offer a place to recover for those willing to change their minds and be better.
I’ve done my part. Anon — do yours.
I haven’t blocked you. Go ahead. Tell me to kms or how I’m a stupid moron who is clearly an anti endo TERF cause they’re the same thing and that I deserve all the harassment I get.
I’m kinda fucking used to it.
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deathbirby · 7 months
I think you should be cancelled and harassed for that bald rhea post period tbh.
Ok jokes aside- man these people really do suck, huh. I can’t tell you the number of times over the years I’ve made posts about not liking Edelgard/analyzing the text in ways her fans don’t like/etc and got swarmed by her stans arguing in bad faith at best and telling me to kms or threatening me at worst. Over video game discourse.
Meanwhile all I’ve seen you do is personally complain on your own blog about takes you see that you disagree with? And when you bring people up it’s always because they were doing some wack shit like sharing screenshots with uncensored usernames or block evading? Again I just don’t know what reality these people live in but it’s so fucking annoying and the reason why I stay on anon lol.
(Rant time) There’s just no winning with these folks seeing as they’re pretty much just bullies at this point deflecting their own (or at least people in their circle’s) behavior back on the people just trying to talk about the game and mind their own damn business. It’s really not that hard to see a take you disagree with and just block and move on, it’s so easy and I do it all the time. It’s hard to want to genuinely interact with ANYONE pro-cf/Edelgard/etc when I’ve been burned so many times by people jumping to call me vile things because I dared share a reading of the text different than the ones they personally project onto the game. Even just saying “I like Rhea and don’t think she’s nearly as bad as people make her out to be” is some sort of cause for freaking the fuck out and harassing people which just. *Head in hands* UGH. Anyway rant over. I know you just laugh at them at this point (and good on you for that) but I’m still so sorry you have to deal with these ppl, truly could not be me.
My notifications only showed the "I think you should be harassed for..." and I had my hazmat suit ready.
Bald Rhea is beautiful wdym?
Jesus christ. You were told to kill yourself?? And getting threats? Dude I am so sorry you had to go through that. I said it before but don't worry about sending asks if this is the only way you can get it out of your system.
At best I've clowned on people who reblogged my posts to start shit. Or someone who tried to start shit with a mutual and I was out of fucks to give at that point. But they don't specify who and what we're talking about, so I'm left guessing.
I believe a certain person had previously stated that tumblr is public and that they have the right to correct any misunderstanding and set things straight or whatever. Which is fucking pathetic. I have come across people who fucking gutted canon and I just blocked them. Like you said, it is not that hard.
Then again, they also said that any attack on Edelgard is a personal attack (unironically), so there really is no winning. Nothing you say will change anything because they will keep seeing it as an attack on their character.
Thanks anon. It's kinda tiring at this point. I want to have an honest discussion with people, but I was banned from the edelgard server, and now people are deleting their accounts (lol why) instead of talking to me directly.
Still funny tho when they get mad and call me toxic or sexist or whatever because I respond with shitposts to their serious "debates."
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r0ttnzmbie · 7 months
you ever js let anger get the best of you? But it’s hard to feel bad for the person because they’ve ruined you in so many ways.
Here’s the ☕️
It wasn’t only like once, it’s been several times that this person has made me feel like scum on the bottom of a shoe, to the point where I’ve attempted to km$ several times because of how they treated me, throughout our entire relationship I felt as if they were using me for s3ggz which I know probably wasn’t the case, but that’s what it would feel like. Everytime they would come over to my house they would continuously make flirty comments and then one thing would lead to another, and it really made me feel shitty. About myself, and the relationship. We would constantly get into arguments because they would be very sensitive and take offense to anything as much as asking what they wanted to eat. There would be periods of time where I would ignore them because I had to piece together myself, because they didn’t like it when I seemed su1c1d4l or upset, then they would be mad at me for ignoring them for 3 or more days, but what I was actually doing was trying not to km$ because I wanted to be the best for them. But nothing was good enough for them, then eventually I sent them a long message about how I hated them and never wanted to talk to this person again. And then within 2 months I’m back and talking to them. I don’t blame them on that part, but I do blame them for treating me like sh1t when all I have been trying to do is fix our relationship, which they keep messing up.
I was outside for 3+ hours last night on the phone with them, being completely honest, and all they did the entire time was yell at me and tell me to “be calm” when they were the one yelling, so yes, there were a few times where I yelled back. But it only takes a little bit to tip a scale, and yesterday I was already questioning existence in itself but it only got worse. I ended up fvck1ng myself up even more that night, by completely mutilating not only my b0di but my entire mood.
Currently, all I regret saying/doing is putting myself through all of that again. Which I know I’ll probably end up doing again. It’s so self-d3structing but something about it is so addicting. I currently am not on speaking terms with this person and idk about in the future.
This person has not only shown me their true colors, but also how they respond when someone is handing out straight facts about them, and they do not like it to say the LEAST.
I don’t expect anyone to read all of this, I just needed to get it off of my chest 🖤
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neoarchipelago · 9 months
Genuine question. Not hate
Tw//mentions of hyper-sexuality/sa/r*pe/kms
I’ve highlighted main points
I fully believe that people who are hypersexual are entitled to write about sa/r*pe because it’s a way to cope with trauma.Although writing about sa/r*pe when nothing has happened to you is an entirely different thing especially when you don’t tag non-con/dub-con.
Because you aren’t writing to cope with anything,you’re writing because you find a literal crime that affects millions of people kinky.
It’s not kinky it’s weird.
I understand that consent may not be mentioned in their writing because sometimes it’s hard to write consent in,but they make it clear that it is consensual,but when the reader/oc is saying things like “stop.” “Get off.” Etc. it’s fucking weird especially when you haven’t had the trauma.
I understand that maybe just a little that telling someone to k themselves maybe isn’t the best response but what else can you do? I understand that you can block them but it just makes no sense to write about it full stop.
It’s not a kink,it’s a crime and traumatic to the victim especially considering that barely any r*pists are jailed.
So again as a genuine question,why do you think it’s okay to write about sa/r*pe if you don’t have the trauma and therefore aren’t using it to cope.
Hi! First of all thank you for being respectful and having a civilized conversation with me! (It's apparently rare)
You are entitled to your opinion, to think that this kink is weird, or these writings are horrible! And it's totally ok to voice it out! You are doing so, somewhat respectfully!
Writing is a hard activity. Especially in the beginning. It might be hard to write consent or you may simply want to write non-con or dub-con for the plot or not.
I'd like to specify this kink: it's actually called CNC (consensual non consensual) which is the fantasy of being r@ped. Now the mind itself doesn't agree with it in general and people who have this kink find it absolutely horrible and are against it! It's a sexual play between parties. Works of Fiction are a way to roll with the kink! Just like being kidnapped, or tied up! Obviously you'd find it horrible in an actual threatening setting to anyone! But in a sexual, safe environment it can be thrilling.
Now it's not for everyone! Can be very triggering! And I fully agree with you that not putting the Right tags, the right warnings is actually pretty harmful!! It can trigger victims or even traumatize readers!
Writers be very careful about it please!!
That being said, if these warnings are well there, and you're triggered by it, DO NOT READ IT! No one's forcing you to read and these are here to make sure you avoid doing so!!
The part I don't agree with you is "well what can you do?". I think it's quite a very light response to possible suicide as an answer to a work of fiction. Block the Tag, voice your opinion through points and without hate towards people! I avoid reading many things I find triggering, especially works with suicide in them because I'm heavily triggered. But just like people who write murder or horror fics, they're writing fiction and I can't blame them for work!
I protect myself above all. The Internet is wild but it's a free virtual world where saying things isn't light. You'll see things you don't like, you hate or find triggering. And unfortunately you'll seem people pushing others to suicide. Unfortunately... When it works, there's only nothing left behind but grief and words typed.
Please, make the difference between reality and fiction! Writers are writing fictional things! They do not agree with r@pe or murder! No one should kill themselves because of a work of fiction!
And If you're struggling with depression, or these kind of hateful comments please, PLEASE speak out!!! There are people who can help you! You are worth so much!
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Probably weird for an update after not having posted for some time, but since I’m becoming active in Ronance content again with the end of a stressful few months, I will make a tiny warning for followers.
If I post fursuit content on here, it’s because it’s my fursuit and my fursona. It feels super childish to post about this, but since on other platforms I’ve gotten quite a few comments telling me to “kms” or to throw myself off a cliff, I figured I’d mention it.
If you don’t like it, don’t follow me or unfollow me if you already do. That’s your preference and I respect it. Just don’t tell someone to take their own life, that’s truthfully very cruel. Also, not going to lie, it wouldn’t surprise me if Robin or Eddie had fursonas. You never know.
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andvys · 10 months
hi andy 🤭 how are you my dear? i just finished reading the new chapters and im soo excited for the next ones 👀
She chuckles when she notices how embarrassed he looks, she walks into the kitchen, shaking her head in amusement. 
i would die from embarrassment if my mom found a half naked man i brought home in her kitchen
“O-Oh and Eddie, I really don’t want to have to tell you this but, please use protection, my daughter is too young to have a baby.” 
omg i'd do so much for pancakes rn 😔
“It’s fine, you finish that later, you’ve been stacking them up all morning, go eat something, kid.” 
omg our boss is so nice
“I’m so excited to see Steve and Robin in their uniforms.”
“Are you really ready to see them? I bet Steve is wearing booty shorts.” 
“Out of the way, lovebirds.”
You only see half of his outfit as he is still behind the counter, yet, you can’t help but giggle, not because of the shirt but because of the pink cheeks, he is embarrassed. 
Eddie snorts, “damn Harrington, turn around, show us the booty shorts from the back.”
“I don’t know, the shorts are kinda doing it for me.”
It’s something he had done before, hell, it’s something that you have done before. Yet, it feels different. His touch feels different. It makes your heart flutter. 
oh? 🤨
“Is that enough flavor for you, Munson?” 
“I’m not taking flirting advice from someone that blushes when he gets fed. Jesus christ..”
gagged him (literally)
You belong with him. 
damn okay taylor swift
“Dinner and a movie night?” You suggest, “Heather is throwing a party but I don’t feel like going.” 
me everyday cause i hate parties
“Sounds perfect to me, bab– s-sweetheart,” he clears his throat. 
eddie 🤨
‘Maybe next time’ sounds like a nicer version of ‘no, thank you.’
oooh BURN
His brows knit together. He watches the way you look at him. His breathing stutters when your eyes continue to stare at his lips. But you are confused and completely lost. Why? What are you thinking about?
“I’m trying new things,” he shrugs. 
honestly y/n is so real for telling him to keep his body hair because i get it girl... 🤭
“M-My stupid bikini – the knot–”
“There’s only one girl for me,” he whispers as he puts his hand on your shoulder, turning you around carefully so he can see you, so he can look into your eyes. 
There is still a chance, right?
idk steve you tell me ......
i really like the way this is going... a bit messy, a bit drama, just a perfect mix 🤭🤭🤭 - honey anon ♡
HIII!!! i’m so happy you like the new chapters!!
scoops ahoy, the uniforms and stobin is what i’ve been waiting for, i was so excited to finally add this lmao. steve and his little booty shorts made me so happy (reader too)
steve really gagged eddie😭 (i need more steve x eddie in this actually)
“damn okay taylor swift” LMAO he’s the taylor swift from the 80s
i’m so happy you’re still here and loving this chaotic story🩷😭
i’m doing okay!! i did some christmas shopping yesterday!! how are you doing, love?
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fuck-customers · 2 years
i transferred to a new location of my store and this one has a drive thru. at my old location, i was always on register and i hated it, but i got us particularly good tips for whatever reason, despite honestly never making an effort to be particularly nice to customers because there were so many and the vast majority were so obnoxious i’d be standing there with a smile wishing i could kms, and i made the mistake of telling that detail about getting good tips to my new manager. so now i get put on drive thru a lot, which honestly is a step above regular register because idk there’s a bit more to do than just Talk To The Customers and talking to the customers is still generally my least fav part of my job but one thing about drive thru is that it provides an extremely repetitive example of why i hate customers that doesn’t happen at the regular register. working the drive thru window has multiple working parts: i have to organise the orders to make sure i’m giving each person their correct order, i have to take payment from each person and hand their drinks/food out, i have to check in with my coworkers on the progress towards people’s orders and sometimes i have to help them if our drive thru wait times start to hit 10+ minutes honestly, and lastly, i obviously have to actually take the orders through the speaker. i can always be reminded of how different other people’s lives are that they must’ve never had to work this kind of job because they roll up to the window and before ten seconds have passed they’re already rude and entitled with their tone when they go “HELLO??” which would be obnoxious even if their tone wasn’t as grating as it ALWAYS is, or when i say “hi, thank you for choosing *$, i’ll be with you in a moment” and they just start their order and make me repeat myself. it takes all my willpower to say “sorry, i’ll be with you in a moment” instead of “oh my god, shut up, did you even listen to what i just said?” 😭 my entire job is not to just stand there idly at the POS and take your order the SECOND you pull up to the speaker! sometimes i’m handing someone’s order out, taking their payment, helping out my coworkers when we’re extra swamped or extra understaffed (both to take pressure off of them and to shave down our drive thru wait times as much as i can), or i just need a second to myself to go drink water! and i have to deal with this so many times in a single shift. today was particularly bad, and i was only there for a little less than 5 hours. i’ve had full 8-hour shifts and even OT shifts where people have done this to me less than they did today!! something must be in the air to make every single customer interaction today be so terrible, honestly. i’m hitting the point that every customer is annoying no matter how they respond to me telling them to hold on a second, but i do still appreciate the customers who respond like “okay, take your time!” just because that small relief of pressure even for a second just feels so good.
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