#i’m assuming you mean the dynamic from that new batman movie right? …perhaps i will have to give it a watch
davidmann95 · 4 years
JJ Abrams Superman Movie officially announced, with Ta-Nahisi Coates writing
Anonymous said: Just a few days after you said you were happy with DC taking a break from Superman movies and just focusing on him being on tv again, they go and announce a new Superman movie. How do you feel? Coates is an exciting choice, I think
Caught me red-handed! But to be fair a couple times I said that I left a caveat of ‘barring extraordinary circumstances’, which I’d say this qualifies as.
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There’s only so much to go off of at this point, but even these tidbits open up a lot to think about.
* As out of left field as Coates feels at first blush - he’s a Marvel man! - it’s not entirely shocking that he’d be on WB’s shortlist to be their ‘how to fix Superman’ guy: he got a MacArthur Genius Grant the same year as his #1 bestselling book about what the American Way actually means, after which he got into superhero writing with a run that ended up having elements incorporated into a cultural moment in Black Panther, and then Between The World And Me was cited as the inspiration for the Watchmen show that substantially drew on Superman iconography and won 11 Emmys. People are already talking about him admittedly not being a DC or Superman guy (though in that same interview he notes his love for the DCAU, specifically including STAS), but if he’s here he’s got something to say and, y’know, probably read a decent amount of Superman stuff either since then/prior to this or to get ready for the gig, so can’t say I’m worried.
* Related note: I’m seeing folks concerned about how much control he’ll really have over the project, which is fair. But that it’s his involvement that’s being touted over JJ Abrams’ (the guy who, like him or not, rebirthed Star Wars as a going concern to the tune of over $2 billion), and that they’re formally announcing and hyping it up as TA-NEHISI COATES’ SUPERMAN MOVIE™, COMING 202X before even having a director or lead actor attached, says to me that whatever his vision is it’s one WB’s going all-in on for the time being.
* I’ve seen plenty of discussion already about the appropriateness of this potentially starring a black Superman given both the dynamics/thematics of Superman as a character, and more significantly the implications of Coates maybe only being brought onboard to do ‘the black version’. That is a conversation I have precisely zero qualifications to wade in on with my own takes, but given that he is a dude with enough options that he could probably even turn down an opportunity on this scale, and the aforementioned weight being given to his role in this, I think it’s safe to say whatever we’re going to get is something he’s onboard with.
* Also seen concerns re: his pedigree as a fiction writer - another one I’m not that qualified to weigh in on, I’ve only read the first year or so of his Black Panther and Captain America runs (though I got the rest of his BP on Comixology while it was free, gotta check it out sometime), which were solid if a bit more workmanlike than you’d hope, along with the (other category altogether) Between The World And Me some time ago, which was...considerably more than solid. I know however his fiction novel debut in The Water Dancer was well-received, his Marvel work rather than staying ‘grounded’ hasn’t shied away from the sort of outré high concepts you’d want to see in a Superman movie, and the main criticism of his runs of ‘they’re too slow’ wouldn’t likely have the space to apply in a 2-3 hour Hollywood blockbuster, so again, not too concerned.
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* Perhaps time will make me eat my words, but hot take: there is a basically 0% chance this is about Calvin Ellis or Val-Zod. Yes, yes, the DC movies are reportedly embracing the multiverse an excuse to do standalone stuff, but the two examples of that thus far in Joker and The Batman are still broadly rooted in the conventional trappings of those characters even if they’re separated from the ‘main universe’. Maybe someday the options might go further afield, but right now, when Superman hasn’t had an unambiguous silver screen hit in over 40 years? They’re not going to pour a quarter-billion dollars into a movie with the premise of “last son of the doomed planet Krypton, imbued beneath Earth’s yellow sun with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men and raised with the noblest ideals of truth and justice, Some Other Guy Most Of You Don’t Know protects the world...as Superman!” Not even getting into Val-Zod being just one member of an ensemble cast from a largely overlooked book and having the baggage of being Zod’s kid, and the EVERYTHING of making a four-quadrant tentpole film about Super-Obama (when you haven’t even been able to make your regular Super work) - this is either going to be Clark, or if they do make Superman black or brown but still want some distance it’ll be a Jon movie so it’s still got the direct connection to the original and the ‘son of Superman’ pitch in its corner too.
* Abrams is an interesting partner. He’s Hollywood’s big nostalgia guy, and that’s...probably not what Coates is going to be going for here. I assume he’s basically there to keep things familiar enough for WB’s tastes, which itself raises questions about the nature of Coates’ pitch and how it was internally received even if they’re clearly very publicly committed to it.
* Michael B. Jordan probably won’t really be the guy - he apparently talked about it, reasonably concluded he didn’t want to face that inevitable scale of backlash after what he already went through just playing the Human Torch, and the tradition is to cast an unknown in the part - but I guess never say never. Heck, while I sure wouldn’t bet on it I don’t think Ryan Coogler ending up involved is out of the question either; Coates’ previous screenwriting experience was working on a project with Coogler and Jordan that evidently didn’t come to fruition (Wrong Answer, a drama about a 2006 Atlanta public school cheating scandal), and they seem to have maintained a relationship as they had a public discussion regarding The Water Dancer in 2019.
* Ok I know making fun of Snyder people is passé at this point and usually more “NO SUPERMAN MOVIES MAY BE PERMITTED UNTIL THE CIVILIZATION-REDEFINING FIVE-FILM SAGA IS COMPLETE” howling into the void is barely worth notice, and “this is solely WB retaliating against us for bending them to our will!” in response to a Superman reboot would normally be just an amusing side-note too. But trying to get #HenryCavillSuperman/#HenryCavillIsOurSuperman trending in response to the possibility of a black Superman...I mean obviously so fucking many of them are fully aware they’re just not saying the quiet part loud, but what’re the percentages here?
So that’s what I’ve got so far. How do I feel about it all? It’s odd; given that there are basically no actual details beyond a name attached I’d never thought about in this context, and that this came with no forewarning just as the prospect of Superman in movies for the next long while seemed as dead as it ever had been, it’s so ill-defined and seems so unreal that I don’t feel much of anything about it yet? Plus I’m no longer driven on a day-by-day basis by a savage, all-consuming desire to slake a thirst for quality Superman stuff long left unquenched the way I was even a couple years ago, which likely also plays its part. But objectively? This is a guy formally, nationally recognized for being smart who’s also a journalist and comics fan being given Superman, with what sure feels like a lot of leeway and presumably a blank slate, which is basically the abstract concept of a perfect pick. So yes: I formally rescind my “please no Superman movies in the 2020s” plea.
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furederiko · 8 years
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It's the 1st post for March, so let's march it up with a Random-News-Digest!
Disney Live Action
As marketing promotion for "Beauty and the Beast" continues to ramp up to herald its imminent premiere, another live action adaptation title is moving along nicely. No, not "Mulan" or others, but this time it's "The Lion King".
Eventhough the movie will likely not go into production until the sequel for "The Jungle Book" is completed (or is it? Hmmm...), Disney has assembled two of its core cast. Donald Glover, who is currently in production for "Han Solo: A Star Wars Story" has been cast to play Simba, the titular lion king himself. And he will be joined by a legend. James Earl Jones, a.k.a Darth Vader, is set to reprise his role as Simba's beloved father, the wise Mufasa. Yes, he's reprising this role, because he was the original voice actor in the original 1994 animated movie. Don't bother doubting these reports, because it's director Jon Favreau himself who announced them via Twitter. He revealed that he first met Glover back in December, and that the director's teenage son is a fan of Glover's music.
This is a fantastic news, and I can already see how the movie is shaping for greatness. I'm crossing my fingers that Nathan Lane and Bernie Sabella will return to reprise their roles as Timon and Pumbaa too. I doubt other actors would be able to bring justice nor the same levity to their iconic "Hakuna Matata" number. Here's hoping Favreau read this (though the chance of that happening is close to zero LOL). As I said, the movie might not begin production until perhaps later this year, so we still have plenty of time to get more cast confirmation. I wonder who will be cast to play Nala, and others like Zazu, or Scar? Hmmmm....
DC Films
You're one of the few who is expecting Warner Bros to get their act right when it comes to DC Films? Well, don't get your hopes too high too soon. Remember the news that Matt Reeves was in talks to direct "The Batman", taking over Ben Affleck's prior role? Well... said news has been followed by a tsunami of strong waves, that surged both high and low, giving a rather concerning sign. Not long after the news went buzzing, The Hollywood Reporter revealed that talks have ceased between Reeves and WB. It's unclear what went wrong, but it's possible there was a major creative difference happening between the director and the studio. Looks like the damage done by both Zack Snyder and David Ayer is too much to fix, eh?
But even that has become an old news so quickly. Yes, in just a week passed, WB announced (via the same outlet) that Reeves has finally closed the deal to not only direct, but also produce the solo Batman movie. Hooray for DC Fans! But should we even rejoice? I dare say, don't. Not yet. Judging from the quick come and go in DC Films, things can still easily turn for the worse along the way. Sure, Reeves stated that he's a fan of the character, and WB's President and Chief Content Officer Toby Emmerich is singing praises for him right now. But dejavu much, haven't we been in the exact same situation before? After all, if "The Flash" is any indication, Reeves might still simply pull a last minute surprise and walk out during the pre-production process. Look no further, because Ben Affleck is the living proof to such uncertainty. Speaking of Affleck, while his brother just won an Oscar for an exceptional acting performance in "Manchester by the Sea" (something he hasn't achieved), Ben's fate in the DC Films might be in a dangerous flux. Why? Because his name was mysteriously NOT mentioned in the report. Suspicious, huh? WB commented that they only wanted to focus on Reeves in this recent press release. But that felt too much like mere sweet-talking to me. It has become, pretty much a troubling question in everyone's head for now. But you know what? I totally won't be surprised if "The Batman" turns out be another soft reboot that introduces a new actor to take over Affleck's shoes.
Interestingly, whether with or without proper confidence, WB is still moving forward with their superhero adaptations. Until the well runs dry, right? Since both Flash and Batman, their most popular characters, have been quite troubling lately, it seemed WB finally turned their head to secondary characters. And by secondary, that means one prominent member of the Bat family. Who else, but the ever charming butt-tastic Dick Grayson, a.k.a Nightwing! Following the success of "The LEGO Batman Movie" that many critics are praising for its strong understanding of, and respect to the source material (looking at you Zack Snyder!), WB has approached its director Chris McKay to convince him to helm "Nightwing". Bill Dubuque who wrote "The Accountant" is also in negotiation to write the script.
My reaction to this? Took them LONG ENOUGH. Even as Robin, Dick Grayson has been gypped a lot in the live action adaptations, subtly showing that WB simply couldn't care less about this fan-favorite character. Yes, the character Robin (Grayson version) did show up in "Batman Forever" and "Batman & Robin" as played by Chris O'Donnel, but he has been treated poorly ever since. Don't forget, a Robin's (presumably the Jason Todd version) mysterious DEATH was one of the most annoying and unnecessary plot in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice". Assuming you still remember that ugly movie, of course. If, and only IF WB manage to get this movie right, this is possibly the first DC Films title that I'm interested to see. After all, Dick Grayson is a character with massive potentials to be more than just great. His relationship with Bruce Wayne would be vital, as it was the catalyst that evolved him from a mere orphan circus boy, to half of the dynamic duo Robin, into the all mature crime fighter Nightwing. It's a movie that can assure fans that WB knows their shit and won't be disappointing audience any further. Nevertheless, for me personally, it all depends on the casting as well. WB had already failed me big time with "Aquaman", and they can always do the same with this one. I sincerely hope that's not the case, but you know what? I'm not getting my hopes up too much. I don't want to be fooled twice. Let's just see what happens next, okay?
X-Men Universe
Looks like FOX is doing much better than WB in the superhero department. "Logan" is getting rave reviews, despite being out of sync in its own universe, and "X-Force" is moving along nicely. According to Collider, Joe Carnahan, who is working on the script for Shawn Levy's adaptation of "Uncharted", has been revealed to be writing this ensemble movie as well. If the movie follows the continuity of "Deadpool", then we will likely see Wade Wilson himself, alongside Domino and Cable to be part of the roster. Right now, it is said that he's only serving as a writer, but there's a possibility he might continue in a directorial role. IF the script is deemed worthy by FOX.
As for the not-much-anticipated "X-Men: Supernova", there's a buzzing rumor that producer and long-time writer (a.k.a the person to blame for the continuity errors) Simon Kinberg is looking to make this his directorial debut project. As I said before, I couldn't care less about this movie. And the fact that Kinberg will not only be writing and producing, but might also direct is totally my last straw. Those who enjoyed his work however, can be excited. Why? Actress Sophie Turner recently revealed that production for this title would commence very soon. So it IS happening folks. Eventhough nobody asked for it.
A new writer apparently has joined the gang of "Deadpool 2" as well. Unlike the director that had been replaced, writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have long been confirmed to be returning. The new name joining him would make comic books geeks and nerds everywhere happy though. Yep, Drew Goddard, the guy that wrote "The Martian", the acclaimed "Daredevil" TV series, and almost did "Sinister Six" for SONY, is onboard this project as a consultant for the screenplay. According to the report on Collider, the script is close to finish, so we can expect to hear an official release date for the movie. As always, let's just be patient and wait for it to come...
Marvel Studios
After being teased on social media, the latest and likely final trailer for "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2" has been released. It debuted several hours ago (or last night in PST time) via Jimmy Kimmel's Live. If that's not enough, it came alongside one very flashy but cool-looking poster. The trailer includes one important bit: the long awaited official look of Kurt Russel's Ego the Living Planet. 'Official' because it HAS already been revealed several days ago, via Hasbro's figure line during the New York Toy Fair. Even Marvel had shown it too in their coverage video!
As you can see on the trailer, the design of the toy figure looks exactly like the way he is in the movie. To be frank, it doesn't look groundbreaking or anything. It basically looks like Kurt Russel in a thick beard, who wears a space cowboy suit. That's all. LOL. Intriguingly, while the trailer showed many new footages, it didn't spoil any key moments or any surprises from the movie itself. Everything that was shown is inline with what Kevin Feige, director James Gunn, and many of its actors had revealed during the set visit interviews. Obviously, there's something that meets the eye here, and that Gunn is deliberately making sure that nothing crucial or important is revealed too soon. Hey, this is a guy who spoiled Peter Quill's father's identity in advance, right? I'm positive there's something more he's hiding.
Meanwhile, nothing much is happening on the other movies. Everyone's focused on the Oscars, so it's a slow news week for Marvel movies. "Avengers: Infinity War" is still in production, and is set to head out to film in Scotland for several months. The same goes for "Black Panther", that's still filming in Atlanta. There aren't any rumors, or announcement regarding both. Everything is being tightly wrapped from the press. There is however, a news surrounding a movie that hasn't even found its director: "Captain Marvel".
Because Brie Larson is currently on a press tour to promote "Kong: Skull Island", of course members of the press would start asking question about her upcoming superhero project. IGN specifically asked her opinion of the character Carol Danvers, and Larson sort of hinted what to expect in the movie. She said that she liked Danvers because she serves as "a bridge between two worlds, that she can go to Earth and go to Space and that her own personal place is in the littlest place in between where Earth ends and space begins". Naturally, that IS the key component of the character, enabling her to be both a member of the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy. Of course, that doesn't necessarily means that she will be the same in the movie. Perhaps, she might have a different origin story? It's still too early to tell. But Marvel Studios is known to be faithful to source material, so I don't think we can expect a drastic change. As for the looks, Larson can't share anything about how Danvers would be. Whether she will have the long hair like before, or short like the most recent version, either she knew about it but chose to stay silent, or she's simply clueless is the question. She just pointed out that some folks aren't going to get what they want, which once again can mean anything.
Could we be hearing more tidbits about the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movies during similar press tour? After all, Larson is travelling from one country to another alongside other MCU actors like Tom Hiddleston and Samuel L. Jackson. Surely a reporter or two would ask their involvement in the upcoming movies too. Let's just wait and see, okay...
Marvel TV
At long last, we finally have a cast announcement for Marvel's "The Inhumans"! It's high time for it to happen, I mean, duh... it's starting production REALLY soon, right? Took them long enough. For now, we get two of the core characters confirmed: the King, and the Big Bad.
Let's start with the big bad, as his actor was the first to be revealed. Playing Maximus Boltagon, is "Game of Thrones" alumn Iwan Rheon. Maximus the Mad, as he's commonly called in the comics, is a despicable character whose inner desire is to usurp and dethrone his older brother as the Inhuman King. He has a non-visual ability to manipulate others via speech, sort of similar to Kilgrave in Marvel's "Jessica Jones", thus can be really scary. I'm not familiar with GoT, because I haven't seen the show (Don't ask. It won't even legally gain access to this country, due to its full frontal adult nature), but I'm not at all surprised with Rheon's casting. Why? Scott Buck is the showrunner of this 8-episodes mini series, and if Marvel's "Iron Fist" is any indication, then obviously the guy favors GoT's alumni. Remember, both Finn Jones and Jessica Henwick who are playing lead characters in "Iron Fist" ARE indeed GoT's grads. According to those who are fans of GoT however, casting Rheon (who played Ramsay Bolton) as the manipulative and villainous Marvel character is nothing more than pitch perfect. So I guess I'll just have to take their words on this. At the very least, he already nails it looks-wise.
The other character, is none other than Maximus older brother, the Inhuman King himself, Black Bolt. And who's the lucky actor that has been trusted to bring this generally mute character to life? "Hell on Wheels" lead, Anson Mount. Based on the official announcement, this character already sounds very much faithful to the comics. As for the actor, interestingly, it has been rumored that a "Lost" alumn would be part of the core cast, and looks that rumor is referring to Mount. I personally haven't seen much about his acting, so I can't really give any solid opinion. But just like Rheon, looks-wise, Mount and his stern eyes, chiseled jawline, and athletic physique can be considered spot on.
To be honest, I initially didn't remember about him, despite feeling that his name rang a bell somehow. It wasn't until a fansite frequent member commented about his past work: Britney Spears' "Crossroads", as well as his inclusion in Liam Neeson's "Non-Stop". Yep, that's when I finally remembered him. Not just that, thanks to Wikipedia, apparently he's also the lead actor for ABC's new series "Conviction" (playing Jim Steele), that had Peggy Carter's Hayley Atwell as its lead actress. Does this mean "Conviction" has been officially cancelled? That's anyone's guess. Then again, if that's the case then I really don't mind. After all, Atwell can now return into Marvel's "Agent Carter" and ABC can now hire Shawn Ashmore to play Karnak. That would be AWESOME!
Power Rangers
The currently airing Power Rangers season "Power Rangers Ninja Steel" has only reached episode 5 so far (and honestly? ...NOT doing great *sigh*). But that doesn't stop Saban and Bandai America to start planning ahead. Talking on the 2017 Bandai Toy Fair, Bandai of America revealed that highly likely they will skip "Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger" and go straight to adapting "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" for the 2019's Power Rangers season. It's not yet set in stone, but the representative did say that the Zyuohger's rubic-cube gimmick is just not workable. This statement was rather unclear, whether that is meant for US taste or something else, but I won't be surprised if they choose to go ahead with Kyuranger instead. After all, it has been widely reported that Kyuranger had direct inputs from Bandai of America regarding its designs. So eventhough the company will need to create different molds for each Kyuranger (since everyone's unique), clearly they are going for the space theme.
This is... a little disappointing IMHO. Yes, I can understand the limitation of Zyuohger. But plot-wise, that show has a great potential to explore discrimination, equality, and all kinds of important social issues that the US are dealing with right now. Then again, story has NEVER been Saban's forte, especially if we're talking about weak seasons like "Megaforce" or "Ninja Steel". So highly likely they will ditch the theme of connection if they ever decide to adapt Zyuohger. That's how I feel, so what do you think? By the way, assuming they ARE taking Kyuranger directly, I wonder what will the US title would be? "Power Rangers... Space Rebeliions"? "Power Rangers Global Defense Force"? "Power Rangers Star Wars" or "Power Rangers Guardians of the Galaxy"? Let those last two sink in your head... XD
The King of Fighters
Huge updates are coming to "The King of Fighters XIV". At the end of the "KOF XIV World Championship", SNK greeted its devoted fans and also other attendees with this pleasant surprise. I don't think it's available officially yet, but the announcement can be seen through this candid video filmed by fans.
Several new costumes were announced as DLCs. As previously announced back in November, Classic Iori Yagami costume that would give a nostalgic kick especially when paired with Classic Kyo Kusanagi, has been made available on February 23 JST. Kula Diamond's Sundress, Meitenkun's Pajamas, Sylvia Paula Paula's Little Red Riding Hood (that made her look like "Masha and the Bear"), and Angel's Diabolo costumes will be available in Spring. Which can mean this month, if not the next. After all, Spring starts in April in the country of Japan. 2 new stages will available for free as well. One of it came from the "Fatal Fury" or "GARO" series, while the other came from KOF classic.
More importantly, there will be new DLC characters coming to the game! The silhouette didn't look quite clear (this one is a lot more difficult to decipher than "Street Fighter V"), but I think it's showing 3 to 4 characters. As for who they are, it's anyone's guess. But I won't be surprised if these are the Orochi characters like the trio of Yashiro Nanakase, Shermie, Chris, and probably Chizuru Kagura. Considering the way the story mode plays out, their return should feel organic. Beside, even Mature and Vice have both been revived from the death due to the dimensional rift. SNK promised to reveal more details this month, so let's just wait and see whether my theory is sound or not. Would be dope to get fan-favorite characters like Blue Mary, Ryuji Yamazaki, and others though...
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