#i’ll kill everyone and then myself if something happens to that man (i know what happens)
norfkid · 13 days
that scene in ep #9 when they’ve set up camp temporarily. the way Jopson’s face involuntarily breaks out into a smile, the pure relief & hope i felt in him for that brief moment, when Cozier says he will not leave any man behind, regardless of their illness or suffering or slowing of pace. that it is Not Their Way. that he doesn’t mean this only for Fitzjames but that it includes the lieutenants—includes Jopson—sat before him. and i can't imagine how much it means to him to hear that from Cozier. the man he dedicated so much time, effort, kindness, patience & affection to so that he would see through Cozier's withdrawals & recovery in the earlier episode, knowing he tried in the past to do the same for his mother & yet still lost her to addiction. he shared that vulnerability with his captain & implicitly swore to him he would save him the way he could not save his mother. and he Succeeded. the poor man has lost so much & wants so Desperately not to be abandoned. he clings this crew, you can read it in his face so clearly. no matter how hard he tries to hide it he finds comfort & belonging & companionship with these men. despite the hardships, despite the struggle, he’ll brave it all knowing he is not Alone… and that breaks my heart just a little. to go on in spite of it all… not for yourself, but for the men around you. to find purpose in that even in the darkest of hours…
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starstruckmiraclekitty · 11 months
“I think we should break up.” Simons words were like a ton of bricks, nearly taking the wind out of you. He stated it so plainly, without any hesitation that it had your entire world spinning.
“Wait, what?” You asked, struggling to blink away the hot tears that were threatening to fall. “Simon, you don’t mean that.”
“I do.” His eyes landed anywhere but you, a trick you knew he had in order to keep his composure. There was something more he wasn’t telling you.
“But why? What’s changed?” Your voice was quivering now, praying the man you loved so dearly would just look at you. “Simon, what’s going on?”
Simon said nothing, his eyes glued to the floor as he tried to steady his breathing. He couldn’t look at you. He knew if he did, he’d go back on his word.
“Simon Riley, you answer me right now.” Tears were flowing freely down your cheeks now as you were no longer able to keep your composure. “Simon!”
“I don’t deserve you alright?” Simon finally looked up at you, the harshness in his tone causing you to flinch. “For fuck sakes, I don’t. You are everything I’m not. You’re gentle, you’re kind. You care about everyone so selflessly, and you deserve someone who can be on that level with you.”
“No.” Simon cut you off before you could speak, his eyes flickering back to the floor. “I’m a broken shell of a man, Y/N. You deserve someone who can take you on dates. Someone who can bring you home to their family. Someone who you’re not waiting months on end for, wondering if they are even alive. You deserve anyone but me.”
You choked back a sob, the words of your lover causing your heart to shatter. Is this truly how he felt? Had you failed as a partner to make him feel that he is worthy of love?
“I got my family killed. My best friend died because I wasn’t there fast enough. Everywhere I go, death follows me.” Simon continued. “I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you.
“Look at me.” You spoke, your voice stern as you blinked away some of the tears. “Simon, look at me.”
Simon’s gaze lifted, and the sight of him caused your tears to flow down your cheeks once more. He was crying. His cheeks were blotched red, something you’d never once seen on him in the years you’d been together.
You took a step forward, slowly moving your hand to cup his cheek, breathing a sigh of relief when he didn’t pull away. “I don’t want, nor need anyone that’s not you.”
Simon blinked, clearing his throat to speak, but you cut him off. “You are the man that I want. You think you’re a broken shell of a man, but every single person on this planet is broken, in their own way. I want every part of you.
I want the late night phone calls when you’re on the other side of the world. I want the reunions when you come home, the feeling that I’ve finally got you back. I want the corny at home movie dates. I want the burnt dinners, the late night fast food runs. I want the man who so deeply cares about everyone but tries so hard to deny it. I want the man that would put his life on the line for anyone who he considers a friend. I want the dry humor, I want the witty remarks. Simon, I want you. Always.”
Simon’s tears now flowed freely down his cheeks, his lips quivering as he struggled with what to say. His arms wrapped around your torso, holding you tightly to him as a sob wracked his body. “I fucking love you, Y/N. I don’t deserve you but gods I’ll fucking try to.”
Little did he know, he never had to. You’ve loved him from the moment you met him.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 6 months
The Nickname Runs in the Family || CL16
Summary: When you end up crying on your father’s shoulder over a boy, Kimi enlists the help of Charles to teach him a lesson. Charles Leclerc x Raikkonen!Reader Warnings: nsfw, fighting, mentions of sex, WC: 2.9k
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To the outside world Kimi was known as ‘The Iceman’, garnered for his cold personality in the media and how he never let anything bother him, at home however he was just called isä or dad. You really could have done with more of The Iceman persona because when it came to his family your father was anything but cool and collected.
“Tell me what happened,” Kimi demanded, your tears only streaming faster down your cheeks.
“Nothing happened, dad.”
“Something happened, tytär, don’t lie to me.”
It was stupid to go there after what happened. You should have just returned to your student accommodation at the college but you needed the comfort of home and someone you trusted. Now all of Monaco was going to hear just how hotheaded The Iceman got while your step-mother tried to put your baby half-sister back to sleep.
“Nothing happened!” you sobbed, burying your face in your hands as embarrassment flamed across your cheeks. “I said no, okay. I said no and he called me a frigid bitch before dumping me and leaving me at the party.”
You expected to hear something break, or at least his heavy stomps storming towards the front door. You didn’t expect your dad to throw his head back and laugh, a deep belly laugh that echoed around the quiet living room. 
“Ah, that’s my girl,” he laughed as he bundled you into a hug. “I like that, Frigid Bitch. It’s good.”
You snorted a laugh despite the hurt and wiped your tears on his shoulder. “I thought you would be angry.”
“Oh, I am,” he admitted somberly. He placed a kiss on your head before standing up and pulling his phone out of his pocket. You didn’t see who he was calling so late at night but groaned when it was answered. “Hello, Charles. You know everyone in Monaco, where does Devereux Laurent live?”
“Isä! No!”
Your father ignored you as he grabbed his car keys and his jacket, his phone shoved between his shoulder and his ear. “I’m not going to kill the little bastard, fuck, Charles, I just want to have a chat.”
The door slammed shut behind him and you collapsed back onto the sofa with a groan about keeping your mouth shut next time. You were still ruminating over your life choices when the doorbell rang an hour later. 
“Charles?” You frowned at the man panting in your doorway like he sprinted across the city before your eyes widened at the split lip he sported. “What are you doing here? What happened?”
You grabbed your purse that had been discarded on the kitchen table when you arrived. “Where is he?” 
“The police station.”
“Shit, he didn’t do that to you, did he?”
Charles reeled back, clearly offended. “No, you’re asshole boyfriend hit me.”
“I don’t have a boyfriend,” you clarified as you dragged him inside and grabbed a tea towel to wrap a bag of peas from the freezer. Charles flinched as you gently pressed the ice pack to his lips and you sighed. “I’m sorry my dad got you involved in this.”
“It’s okay,” he murmured, taking the pack from your hand to place it on his swollen knuckles that you hadn’t noticed. “I got myself involved when I heard what Dev did. Are you okay?”
“I didn’t get punched in the face,” you said as you playfully rolled your eyes, however you soon sobered. “It's nothing a few drinks and a bad romcom can’t fix, after I’ve bailed dad out first. It’s not like we were together long enough to get heartbroken. Do you want me to drop you off on the way?”
“I’ll drive.” He snatched a set of keys from the hook by the door, but you caught his wrist and took them back.
“That’s Minttu’s minivan.” You hung the keys back on the hook and grabbed a set for your dad’s Rolls Royce Wraith instead. The empty hook beside it was where the keys to his Ferrari Pista usually hung. “She wouldn’t be happy if you crashed her car again.”
“I didn’t crash her car,” he argued as he pocketed the keys and opened the door. “You were driving!”
“I had a shit instructor. You were too busy checking yourself out in the mirror to teach me.”
His finger jabbed the call button for the elevator as he scoffed. “You only know that because you were too busy checking me out to watch the road.”
The elevator arrived but you held a hand out to block him as you stepped into the small space. “Sorry, your inflated ego is too big to fit in here.” 
“That wasn’t a denial.”
You ignored him and jutted your head to the fireproof door. “Try the stairs.”
“But we’re on the top floor.”
You smirked as the doors started to close but he darted inside before they sealed shut.
“You’re still not denying it.”
“So you really went swinging for my honour?” you deflected as he hit the button for the garage level, exposing his swollen fist again.
“You sound surprised.” He leaned back against the wall and looked at his hand, massaging the tender bruises. “When I saw he was still at the party…”
You frowned, first at the fact that Dev went back after leaving you there, asshole, then at the fact Charles knew where he was. Charles was definitely not at the party, if he was then you would have heard the women going feral for him. “How did you know he was there? You don’t follow him on Instagram.”
“Not on my main account,” he said with a shrug. Anyone that Charles followed on social media made sure to announce the news like it was an instant ticket to ViP treatment, and Dev would have been no different. It was also the exact reason you went by Y/L/N, your mother’s surname, instead of Raikkonen. You didn’t want to be used by people for the name you carried. 
“You hate him, why would you follow him?”
“It doesn’t matter why.”
“It does to me.” 
Unfortunately the doors opened and he pushed off from the wall to stride past without an answer. A flash of lights responded to the click of the button on the keys and Charles slowed his steps for you as he led the way to the sedan parked in a secluded corner, the space beside it empty of your fathers red Pista. Charles stopped at your door and opened it for you, his eyes scanning the open space that was empty and quiet save for the whine of the elevator leaving the level. 
“For you,” he admitted as you slipped into the leather seat. “I followed him to keep an eye on you.”
The door closed and you watched him walk around the car, dropping into the driver’s seat before pushing it back to suit his longer legs. He then silently adjusted the mirrors and turned down the heavy rock music that blasted when the engine started. You didn’t know what to say, all you had were more questions that could only lead to more confusion.
“You deserve better,” Charles said, breaking the awkward silence as he pulled out into the street. 
“He was just drunk.” 
“That’s not an excuse. You deserve someone who will wait until you are ready to have sex, not try it on drunk and at a party.” His words were seething by the time he finished and his knuckles turned white from the tight grasp he had on the steering wheel.
“Uh, Charles, I was joking about my honour…I’m not a virgin.”
“Wait, what?” The car slammed to a halt and he earned a toot from the Lamborghini behind before it drove around when Charles didn’t move. “Since when?” he asked as he turned in his seat to face you.
“I didn’t realise it was such a big deal. Was I meant to stand at the corner and hold a sign that said ‘deflowered’ in Times New Roman or Comic Sans?”
He didn’t even blink at your icy tone and heavy sarcasm. “But Dev said he dumped you because you didn’t want to have sex. He didn’t force himself on you, did he?”
“Oh my god, no! I can’t believe we are having this conversation, Charles.” You figured it couldn't get any more awkward as you looked out the window into the sleeping city. “Sex wasn’t the problem, he was upset because I didn’t want to have sex with him.”
“Oh…oh.” He cleared his throat and put the car back into drive before continuing his way to the police station. “So, uh, is there anyone you do want to, um, have sex with at the moment?” 
“Why? Are you offering?” It was meant to sound teasing but there was too much curiosity in it.
His face flushed pink and his lips parted two twice before his voice worked. “I don’t do casual.”
It wasn’t a no, and that somehow made things both better and worse as a new possibility began to worm its way into your mind. You didn’t like the hope that fluttered in your stomach. Charles was a friend. Charles was someone your father trusted after Seb vouched for him. Charles was off limits. 
By the time you had filtered through the thoughts he had induced, Charles was pulling into the police station and you hoped your dad was fairing well behind bars. It turned out you had no reason to worry as you walked inside and heard his voice from behind the glass wall. 
Kimi was being well taken care of by the officers. He had a coffee in one hand, a pastry in the other and was answering questions that had nothing to do with Dev. You cringed as he recounted why he missed meeting Pelé years ago, but Charles chuckled along with the policemen as you knocked on the door.
The Monégasques fawned over their hometown hero while you watched Kimi pull himself to his feet, cracking his back that had stiffen while he was sat down. 
“I thought you would be in maximum security by now,” you said as he pulled you into a hug. “What did you do?”
He patted your cheek and smiled mischievously. “I like Charles even more now.”
He gave you nothing else but that was expected. Whatever happened was obviously not on the record and you wanted to keep it that way, especially since he didn’t have a single scratch on him - like he hadn’t been in a fight at all. You were quietly contemplating that knowledge when you climbed into the backseat of the Wraith and your father readjusted everything on the driver's side back to how he had it.
“You took the fall for Charles, didn’t you?”
They both swivelled back to look at you. Charles’ eyes widened, while your father’s narrowed. 
“Fucking hell, I’m not going to tell anyone,” you growled as you threw your arms up in exasperation. “I just want to know what actually happened tonight.”
Charles waited to see if your dad wasn’t going to explain as the car pulled out of the station car park. After a moment of hesitation he took a breath and started to rattle off the truth.
“I called Kimi when I realised Dev was still at the party. It was only a block away so I thought I would meet him there to point him out.”
“I was just about at the address he gave me when he called. I got there as fast as I could but Charles was already inside,” Kimi said with a proud chortle. “Got a few good hits on the little bastard too.”
“Iså,” you warned as he enjoyed the violence just a bit too much and Charles looked sheepishly down at his hands. “Why did you fight?”
“You know why. I couldn’t stand by and let him talk about you that way.”
“Good man,” Kimi said with a stern nod. 
“And you, what did you do, dad?”
“What I had to do,” he said with a shrug. “I’m retired, Charles has a career.”
You stretched the seatbelt and leaned forward to hug your dad and kiss his cheek before doing the same to Charles. “Thank you.” Your eyes lingered on Charles as his eyes said everything he couldn’t with your father in the car. 
“He’s not pressing charges but there may be some questions if anyone caught the fight on camera. You might want to give your PR team a heads up.”
It took a moment to realise where you were and why the car had stopped outside the venue where the party was still in full swing. Drunken revellers could be heard behind the velvet curtain hanging over the door and your father handed his keys over to Charles with a shake. “Make sure she gets home safe. I’ll pick it up in the morning, no scratches.”
“Yes, sir,” Charles promised with a nod before getting out.
“You’re trusting him with your Pista?”
“I trust him with you, the car I can replace.”
You surprised him with another hug as your door opened, your voice thick with emotion as you said, “thank you.”
“Do you want to come home?” he asked quietly. “I can make up the sofa bed.”
“No, it’s fine. I don’t think I’ll want to get out of my bed tomorrow.”
“Fair enough. Love you.”
“Love you too.” You stepped out and Charles closed the door, placing his hand on the small of your back and guiding you to your father’s favourite car. “He doesn’t even let me drive this, you know.”
“Maybe that’s because you don’t support Ferrari,” Charles teased as you buckled yourself in.
“I support it now.”
“What changed your mind?”
You dared to look at him and met his green eyes. “You.”
“Awww, she called her little puppy,” Dev taunted as he spotted Charles walking towards him.
Charles chuckled, but it held no humour and his smile was dark. You had never seen that look in his eye and your thighs clenched in response. “At least she will still call me. You just lost the best thing you never deserved.”
“Well you can have the frigid bitch, good luck getting her to put out though. Fucking cocktease.” The snort Dev made was cut off by the fist that crashed into his nose and then the both of them were going to the floor, grappling and twisting until Kimi darted into the fray and grabbed Charles.
“Go, she’s at home,” Kimi ordered as he pushed Charles back the way he came. “I’ve got it from here, kid.”
The video looped back to the start and you watched it twice more before determining you were fucked. It hit you like a train, the pressure slamming into your chest as you realised you were in love with Charles. No one had ever stood up for you like that, or taken a punch for you or risked their career. But he had.
You stayed cocooned in your blankets for most of the morning, watching the video footage from the night before and it became your new favourite binge worthy entertainment. It would probably be classed as insanity if anyone knew you had become addicted to it, but it was only the fact someone knocked at your door that you placed your phone down.
“Charles? I’m getting a little déjà-vu here,” you commented as you opened the door and found him sweating.
“Will you go on a date with me?” he blurted out. “Please.”
Your brows shot up at the outburst and you checked the student halls were empty before pulling him into your room. “Uh, you do realise who my father is, right?”
“I do, thank you for your concern,” he chuckled. “I was actually just with him. I wanted his permission to ask you on a date.”
“Well that explains why it looks like you’ve been running for your life.” You looked at your door expecting to see it kicked in. “Was he chasing you?”
“What? No, I wasn’t running. Fuck,” he groaned as he ran his hands over his jeans to dry his clammy palms. “I was just nervous about asking you out. You still haven’t answered my question.”
“I will.”
“Answer the question or go out with me?”
“I will go out with you,” you clarified with a laugh.
Relieved, he took a seat at the edge of your bed and sighed happily. “I have been waiting years to ask.”
He nodded before flopping himself down comfortably and you dropped down beside him. “Your dad scared me,” he admitted as he took your hand in his.
“But not anymore.”
Charles smiled and it was one so similar to the video that was still playing on loop. He seemed to recognise the muffled sound coming from the blanket at the same time you remembered it was there and fished it out. “You’ve seen it.”
“Once or twice,” you lied. “I see why you’re not afraid anymore. That’s one hell of a right hook.”
“Oh no I am definitely still afraid of Kimi,” he corrected as he rolled on his side to face you. “But I am done watching you date assholes when I know exactly how you deserve to be treated. I want to give you the world, if you’ll let me.”
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butch-bf · 2 months
yeah we all know (and love <3) all the butches with masculine personality; and let me make it clear that you’re all loved and valid!! but let’s talk about butches that cannot or simply don’t want to get rid of their “feminine” traits and energy.
like seriously i could never kill a spider without screaming or change your car’s tire but i’ll definitely cook you the best dinner when you get home from work and i’ll be more than happy to stitch the holes of your favorite shirt, with all the patience in the world; because that’s how my mother and my grandmother used to show their love to me. i could never ever ever imagine being affectionate to someone in any other way.
something that always bothered me as a transmasc butch was the fact that everyone would clock me the moment i opened my mouth, which is already something that causes me waaaay too much dysphoria. so, i would try to “compensate” that by being the most masculine being that i could ever be. but deep down, i knew that i wasn’t being fully me, you know?
not being “masculine enough” would often make me feel like i wasn’t butch enough, that i wasn’t doing the “job” correctly or something. at least where i’m from, people expect me to fill that role and pretty much just act like a man 24/7.
but as i was cooking some dinner for myself and my mom tonight, something hit me; i’ll never be 100% masculine when it comes to my traits, my energy or even the way i speak. i’ll protect you, i’ll be there for you and i’ll try my best to intimidate whoever tries something bad with you. but sometimes, maybe i’d wanna be protected too; maybe i’d wanna be the little spoon every now and then; maybe i’ll cry in front of you and expect you to dry my tears. and that won’t ever make me less masculine or less butch.
i hope that my future partner understands that, no matter what happens; at the end of the day, i’ll still be your guy. i’ll just be a sensitive guy, you know? it’s kinda scary to admit this out loud but i feel like someone out there would like to know that they’re not alone. butches come in all shapes and forms, and it may be scary to be this kind of butch in a world where masculinity is praised, but i think we’ll be fine.
and also my dinner was so delicious what the fuckkk 🤤🤤🤤 i’m such a good cook like i genuinely believe i’m the butch version of guy fieri
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lani-heart · 10 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously ||
genre(s) -> angst, fluff, non-idol, hybrid au, poly au paring(s) -> choi san x reader warning(s) -> abuse, mentions of physical health, cursing, etc. words -> 3.2K
abstract -> after a messy break up, eunchae encourages the reader to adopt a hybrid. however, this hybrid comes from a dangerous past that might be dangerous for reader.
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y/n's perspective
“Eunchae, I really don’t think I could take care of a hybrid” I sulked imagining her car and she sighed.
“After your breakup, you’ve been down. Hybrids can give you company, a platonic relationship.” She begged as she was now trying to convince me to get out of the car and into the hybrid facility.
“Everyone is worried for you. You’re at writer's block, that bastard broke up with you, and you’re alone. Yuta and Shotaro are especially worried about you please?” She begged and I decided to follow her.
I wandered away from her to look at the different hybrids. I missed the cute little fox hybrid I used to know.
I guess foxes are similar to cats… despite being canines.
I saw the feline hybrids… I didn’t even know how far I wandered until I saw a black tail tucked behind a bush.
Were they hiding?
I suddenly saw the black cat's ears go up and I saw it was a man. He was older than what most people go for… but he was so pretty.
“Hello?” I said in awe of the male who turned to me. I now saw his face… he was such a pretty hybrid.
He looked at me indifferently. “His name is San. He is not available for adoption” I heard as I saw behind me. “Why?” I asked and the employee looked annoyed. 
“You’re at the red code hybrids miss,” they said and I didn’t notice. “What will happen to him?” I asked and they sighed. 
“It’s being decided. San has good genes so maybe a farm but he’s far too aggressive to be considered so he might be seeing a euthanizing” they said and I felt my heart break.
How could a hybrid as pretty as he ever be considered to die?
“I heard you can get a red hybrid if you have a hybrid facilitation seal?” I said and they nodded.
I pulled out my license to approach such coded hybrids up to red. The only ones I can’t see are black-coded hybrids.
“Miss, you should know he came from the illegal hybrid fights that were caught a few weeks ago,” they said and that made me feel worse.
I could help him… but why did I want to?
“I’ll take him,” I said and they nodded. 
“I’ll get you the paperwork if you’d like to get to know each other,” they said as they were now home leaving me alone with the hybrid who looked at me confused.
“I’m y/n… they told me your name is San?” I asked as I encouraged him to get near the glass. 
He looked confused and nervous. “You’re a very pretty hybrid,” I said and he looked flustered as he looked away from me.
His pitch-black ears twitched.
“You’ll be coming home with me” I said and he scoffed. “That won’t last, '' he muttered. 
I sighed, illegal hybrid ring.
“I’ll make sure you’re safe. You’ll never have to fight anyone ever again” I said and he looked at me with widened eyes. Almost hopeful…
“Why would you want me? I’ve killed hybrids, I’m too old, I’m not the cute little cat hybrid you could have” he said it rated with me? It sounded almost like he was irritated with himself.
“I’ll dedicate myself to making you happy” 
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San didn’t know how to react to what I said. As I was finishing up the documents I heard an enraged voice.
“Yah! You left me when we’re here for you!” Eunchae yelled and I nodded. “I didn’t think I could find any hybrid that interested me,” I said and she scoffed. “You need to give it… that’s a hybrid application” she said, cutting herself off in a confused voice.
“He’s really pretty, Eunchae. I didn’t know hybrids were so pretty” I said.
“You’ve worked with hybrids before,” she said and I nodded. “I don’t know… something about him pulled me in,” I said completely entranced with him.
“I’m happy you found a hybrid y/n”
Eunchae left as I was now waiting for San…. He was a panther hybrid. Exotic and really rare.
But I also was given the police file of his past for a safety measure. 
“Here he is” I heard as I saw him. They asked me if I had any clothes ready for him and I didn’t but they had some extra clothes.
He was in a simple white shirt and blue jeans.
They don’t give hybrid collars anymore. It wasn’t mandatory. Hybrids were now given collars for safety measures or dome areas in Korea to enforce the collar policy.
It wasn’t necessary though. 
I did custom order a collar, however. It was a collar quite popular for its pretty design. It was also one of the collars more expensive for its comfortable design.
I wanted to give it to him when I felt like I could without offending him.
It was controversial as I knew some hybrids didn’t like the thought of being given a collar.
I wanted to talk to him but he seemed anxious. I wanted to instead let him get used to my presence… he was a hybrid who must’ve held a lot of trauma. 
Maybe I should get an appointment with Kun…
“Oh, San we’re here,” I said as I stopped to enter the apartment complex when San didn’t notice.
“I know it looks intimidating but it’s really pretty and spacious,” I said and he nodded.
He stood close to me… almost as if he was scared to get lost.
“San?” I said and he looked at me almost nervously as he snapped out of his trance.
“Yes?” He asked and I smiled softly. “Are you okay?” I asked and he didn’t answer for a while… before nodding but I doubt he was sure of his answer.
I led him to the elevator. 
“Oh! Y/n!!”I heard as I saw Wonyoung. “You’re finally out of that apartment!!” She celebrated and I smiled meekly.
“Please tell me you’re done with the depressing break-up and grieving?” She asked and I looked down not knowing what to answer. 
“Oh? Who are you?” She asked, looking at San who hid behind me.
“This is San… Eunchae took me to get a hybrid” I said and she looked shocked. “I’m surprised you actually got one? You always said you never thought you could take care of a hybrid of your own!” She said and I chuckled awkwardly.
“Hmm. Can you look strong enough, protect her okay? And if a bastard named Hend—""Okay bye Wonnie!!” I yelled as I grabbed San’s wrist and dragged him to the open elevator.
“Sorry for grabbing you like that,” I said and he shook his head. It was only the two of us in the awkward elevator ride.
“You know her?” He asked and I smiled and nodded. “Our parents are family friends” I answered and he nodded.
“Did you get me to protect you?” He asked without looking at me.
“No… I got you… I actually didn’t want a hybrid but something about you made me adopt you. If anything while being with me you’ll live without worrying about anything ever again”
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san’s perspective
Without worrying about anything again?
I didn’t want to believe that… Everyone had something to worry about. She couldn’t make that promise.
She wasn’t dressed like her friend was. Her friend was dressed in designer and looked like the typical rich kid. I was guessing she was the same… 
The elevator finally opened to a gate. She took out a card and she scanned it when it opened. 
She walked in and I followed her to what looked like a penthouse?
“I have five extra rooms, you can choose either one. Though the one closest to my room is the biggest. The others are the same size but that one has its own bathroom.” She explained as she led me to the room. 
It was huge that two, maybe even four hybrids could live here. It was a lot bigger than my kennel…
“Are you hungry?” She asked and I shook my head despite it. 
“Hmm okay. We’ll eat breakfast tomorrow then, oh do you have any favorite foods?” She asked and I shook my head. 
She looked so animated in her expressions. I could see her pity when I told her no.
“You’ll find some and we’ll stock up on them okay?” She said and I nodded.
We’ll see how long I last here… “oh! we need to get you some clothes… do you want to go tomorrow?” She asked and I didn’t… this was temporary. She wanted me for something I just needed to figure out what for.
“You don’t have to go… I can go with Wonyoung. I’ll just size your current clothes” she said and I nodded.
“I’ll let you get used to it… my room is literally down the hall. You can ask for anything” she said as she left.
“What do you want from me?”
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I hate to admit that this was the best sleep I felt I’m my entire life.
The bed was so soft and warm because of the blankets and added pillows.
Maybe today I should sleep on the floor like I’m used to…
I left the room… I had to face her eventually and maybe it’ll make her take me back sooner?
“Oh! San, Good morning !!” She said so brightly. She was dressed for the day… she looked like how much money she had. 
Yesterday she wasn’t dressed like this… she is another trust fund kid.
“I’m not the best cook… but I can cook simple things!! I wanted to wait for you when you came out, but I need to go with Wonnie to shop for your clothes” she said and I nodded.
“Do you wanna stay or come with me?” she asked and I instead put my attention on the food.
I heard her chuckle softly.
“It’s okay… if you need anything, call my number with the department's phone. We should get you one soon okay?” She said as she waved at me and went inside the elevator.
I clicked my tongue… that had to be a facade.
The food she made was clearly made by her. If she can afford this place maybe she should buy a chef…
I still ate… it was actually good.
I didn’t expect her to actually make me edible food… I was alone with my thoughts when I ate all the food. 
I went to my room and slept a bit. I didn’t want to touch anything so I did the only thing I could do.
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I suddenly heard the ding of the elevator and I went over to greet her cause I thought that’s what I should do but instead…
“Y/nnie!! I need help with— AHH” a guy who looked younger than her came in the elevator. 
Was this her boyfriend? 
“Dude why are— WHO ARE YOU?!” another guy appeared. “Woah… you’re a panther hybrid right ?!” I heard and I scoffed.
“No way… y/n never wanted a hybrid though” the other guy said and I scoffed.
“Uh- not that she doesn’t want you! I mean you’re here!” He tried saving it awkwardly.
“Isn’t it weird though… she never wanted a hybrid” he said and was punched by his friend.
“He can hear you!” The other one yelled. 
“What’s your name, I’m Haechan!” He said… “San” I answered and he nodded. “I’m Mark,” the other said.
There was a weird silence after. 
“You’re the hybrid behavior specialist,” Mark whispered. “I’m a receptionist,” Haechan corrected. 
“When will she be back?” Mark asked me and I shook my head. “She said she’d be back by now?” Haechan said when we heard another ding.
“Thank you!” I heard her voice enthusiastically say to the employees who held so many bags. “Wahhhh,” the two boys said.
Why were there so many bags?
“Huh? What are you two doing here?” Her friend from yesterday said. “We need help with an essay,” Mark said and she scoffed. 
“School,” she said she then looked at me with a happy expression… “You are gonna look amazing! Okay let’s see—“She grabbed my face and I had to control my discomfort
“Wonyoung! You can't manhandle him!” y/n scolded. “I’m not! I just need to see what face type he has for a haircut. He needs it and some trims for his fur…” she continued muttering.
“Did the two of you go shopping?” Haechan asked her and she nodded.
“Everything is for San,” she said and I was shocked. All of this?
I suddenly felt the other girl grab my tail causing me to growl at her.
“Wonyoung! I told you to stop” she whined. I couldn’t control it so I thought she’d scold me... not her friend?
“You need to explain a few things,” she said, now looking skeptical. “Just be careful and don’t touch him,” she said. Was she scared of me? Of course, she was…
Second day here and she might already be regretting it…
“Mark, Haechan I think I’ll have to reschedule. Wonnie thanks for helping me” she said and they nodded.
“We’re going out for lunch tomorrow. No excuses this time!” She said and y/n nodded. “Oh, can we come?” Mark asked and she laughed. “Don’t you have a case to study?”
The elevator soon went down…
“You can choose anything you like! If it doesn’t fit or you don’t like it we can always return…” I stopped listening to her voice.
What makes a trust fund kid qualified to handle a code red hybrid? “San?” She said and I looked at her and she was close. 
I could attack her… it would be easy to kill her.
“I’m tired”
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y/n’s perspective
San didn't seem like he was adjusting well…
Something about his behavior seemed…agitated. I really wanted to take him to Kun but he would only get even more agitated.
I moved all the bags to a separate room. I wanted him to look through them. I don’t think he’ll want to though. So I would give him some clothes every day hoping he’ll tell me his opinion.
I did keep a specific bag. His collar.
It was a pretty black jeweled collar with black leather. I think this would offend him…
Yesterday he slept… all day and even now. I knocked on his door until he opened it. “I’m going out for a bit,” I said and he nodded.
“Try not to sleep so much okay? There’s also food in the kitchen so remember to eat” I said and he nodded.
Did he hate it here?
I went towards the elevator and I heard him close his door. The elevator stopped and Wonyoung came in.
“So… you adopted a traumatized hybrid,” she said and I knew she’d catch it easily. “Yeah…” I confessed and she sighed.
“He doesn’t like to be touched… So what else?” She asked and I sighed. “He isn’t good with other hybrids… with commands, bell-like noises, or screams,” I said and she sighed.
“How are you gonna handle a hybrid like that? Just because you have a behaviorist seal doesn’t make you a professional. You’re a writer, not Kun '' she said and I nodded.
“They were gonna kill him,” I said and her eyes widened. “Is he a red code?” She asked and you nodded.
She looked frustrated with me.
“He’s dangerous y/n!” She scolded and sighed.
“I already promised to make him happy”
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After lunch with  Wonyoung, Eunchae, NingNing, and Karina I bought some food for San. I wanted him to get comfortable… but it wasn’t gonna happen in two days…
I walked in and didn’t notice anything different… I went to his room and knocked. 
He didn’t answer… maybe I shouldn’t have opened the door. To see the trashed room… claw marks and San staring at me I’m almost a feral state. 
“San?” I whimpered a little scared of the hybrid. A code red hybrid in a feral state could be lethal.
I could only do a frantic quick text to Haechan who I knew would get the message to Kun.
“Why?” He asked and I was confused. “Why adopt me? For pleasure? A trophy maybe? Your pet?” He asked and I shook my head.
“I wanted to help you” I said and he laughed at me now getting closer. “You’re scared… you offered your home to a predator” he taunted and I shook my head.
I wasn’t a professional… I was a book writer.
I accidentally tripped and I was now on the floor as he was in front of me. Leering over me in a predatory gaze.
“What do you want from me?” He asked and I shook my head. “Nothing,” I said and he scoffed.
“A trust fund kid… you don’t adopt an older and stronger hybrid for no reason. Is it because I was pretty? You wanted some fun with me? I know to your little friends a panther is something to brag about” he said and I shook my head.
He thought that?
“Just cause I lived in a cage doesn’t mean I don’t know about people like you,” he said and he grabbed my jaw. It was gentle at first and then he brought out his claws.
They stung a lot but they weren’t a big thing.
“I could kill you,” he said. “You could… but all I wanted was to offer you a better life,” I said and he scoffed. 
“You? What do you want in exchange? You weren’t offering anything for free” he scoffed and I shook my head. 
“Trust me,” I said and he suddenly gripped my jaw a little stronger making me wince in pain. He then punched the nearby bookshelf which had a glass vase.
I moved him out of the way of getting hit by a vase. Luckily it didn’t hit him… but it did hit me. I felt the fragile glass shatter all over my back.
The sudden impact made my vision go dark. 
“I’m sorry you think that way of me” 
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san’s perspective
Was this girl an idiot?! I didn’t even notice that the big bookshelf had a vase on the top of it.
But why would she push me away from it? She was in danger, not me… “y/n?!” I heard someone yell out for her. It was someone I didn’t recognize… actually it was kind of familiar
Suddenly I see the appearance of a man… I didn’t recognize him. “Kun, she’s here!” he yelled as he got closer. He had a nurse's uniform… he was gonna help her. 
I didn’t interfere… he picked her up and took her away. She should be okay… it didn’t hurt her head, only her back. Suddenly another man appeared… the doctor that treated me weeks ago. 
“San…? Of course she would adopt you” he muttered clearly knowing her better to say that. “Is she gonna be okay?” I don't know why I asked… Maybe guilt? “I don't know… but you’ll be taken away from here and won’t be given the life you could have had,” he said and I laughed. 
“The life I could have had?” I scoffed out and he nodded. “She told me she adopted a traumatized hybrid. I just didn’t think she would have adopted a red code hybrid like you” he said and I didn’t know her. 
Every human uses everything around them… I would have suffered that with her. 
“Just get me away from here”
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intoxicated-chan · 1 year
Your Sweet Neck
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✿ฺ Paring ➳❥ Miguel O’Hara x GN!Reader
✿ฺ Summary ➳❥ Miguel wasn’t going to lie, your neck drives him crazy.
✿ฺ (A/n) ➳❥ Inspired by “Your Sweet Neck” by the Moog. I have little information about Miguel but I love this man! I praise everyone writing fics when the trailer for the movie only came out.
✿ฺ Word Count ➳❥ 963
✿ฺ Content Warnings ➳❥ Gender neutral reader, smut, p in v, biting, blood, wounds, overstimulation, mentions of paralyzation, mentions of death, bruising…
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Miguel loves your neck.
He loves it when he’s able to trail his fingers over your neck. Maybe even when his claws are out, drag them over your skin. But there was one thing he would like to do but was too scared.
Bite your neck.
His hands were firmly planted on the sides of your head, careful that if his claws were to suddenly emerge. His head nuzzled into your neck, but his mouth remains shut as he fights the temptation to attach his mouth to your neck.
All he could let out are heavy breaths and hisses as he thrusts into you. One of your hands comes to his back and the other to his hair. He could feel your nails dig into his back as your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to your sweaty body.
He can feel his claw begin to come out, tugging on the new pair of sheets when he tries to pull his hand away.
Miguel growls as he moves faster, nearly pulling his entire body away when he realizes his mouth nearly clamps down on your neck.
But you knew that he was holding back, you knew that no matter what, he was always careful when touching you. Wherever his hands were placed, he was paranoid that something bad would happen.
Your hands moved to the sides of his face, and pulling his head back made him freeze, his eyes were wide as he stared into your lust-filled ones.
“Is something wrong?” Miguel asks, searching all over your body for claw marks or bruises.
“Bite me.” You sternly spoke, “Please.”
He chokes on his saliva, “W… What?”
“I know you heard me, Miguel. I want you to bite me.”
“You do understand how dangerous my fangs are, right?”
You nod.
“And you know that I could paralyze you.”
You nod.
“Do you know what I could do to you?”
And again you nod, “It’s not like you killed anyone with it.”
(Side note: I’m unsure if this is true or not! I have only done research but probably not enough! Which also means I don’t know if he can control his venom or not, so for now let’s say he can. Apologies!)
Worry filled his mind as all of the possibilities filled his mind and you can tell they were all bad ones.
“I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.”
“But this can.”
Your hands move to cup his face, running a thumb over his cheek, “I trust you with my life, I trust you everything.”
Yet his face remains the same, “We don’t have to do this.” You engulf him, “I’m so sorry that I brought it up.”
One of his hands comes up to take one of yours onto his, closing his eyes. Then his eyes slowly open up, revealing his red eyes.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asks, his eyes staring into yours, “I don’t think I’ll be able to hold myself back.”
You smile, “You can never hurt me, Miguel.”
Miguel takes a few deep breaths, then his hands grab your wrists and pin them to the side of your head, “Remember our safe word?” You nod.
Slowly, he moves his hips, remaining at the same speed as he reaches down to your neck. You shudder, your hands flying to his hair. You wait for him, feeling his eyes stare right into your neck. Then you feel him puncture your neck.
You choke on your moans as you feel his hands let go of your wrists, one gripping the back on your head and the other tightly holding onto your waists. Its then when he starts slamming into you, “Fuck!” You moan out.
You try to move your hips but Miguel doesn’t let you move, letting out another growl as he pulls his mouth back, licking over the bleeding wounds. But he’s back attached onto the other side of your neck.
Your eyes roll back and mouth wide open, he continues thrusting into you way past your orgasm, already getting to your next.
You don’t know how long you’ve been moaning for, it was until you felt something hot spill inside you and a loud grunt coming from him. You could barely see from your half lidded eyes. Miguel seems to get up and look over your body, seeing bits of blood spur from the bite marks.
“I love you, (Y/n).”
You awoke with your head pounding, you hiss at the dim light. Your arm was heavy when you lifted it up to try to turn off the lamp.
Miguel grabs your open hand, “Careful now.” He warns, a bowl in his hand, “You’ve lost… A lot of blood. I’m sorry.” He sets the bowl down on the bed cabinet and helps you sit up.
“Don’t be sorry, Miguel. I’m fine, I’m alright.” You lay your head on his shoulder when he sits next to you, the bed sheets seem to be changed.
“I went too far.”
“I was the one who insisted.” As an effort to sooth him, you reach for his cheek, feeling him flinch slightly before nuzzling into your hand, “Even though I am not your spouse, I will remain by your side, loving you, cherishing you. I’ll always trust you no matter what you do because I love you, Miguel O’Hara. So no matter how bruised up I get, it’s worth it seeing you happy.”
“Well…” Miguel looks into your eyes, “I think it’s about time I make you mine, completely.” He chuckles, “I would propose now but I think you should recover first before I let myself lose again.”
You smile widely when you realize, “I trust you, you know.”
“After you recover!” He laughs, grabbing the bowl, “Eat up, the sooner you recover…”
“The sooner I become an O’Hara.”
“I love you, (Y/n).”
“I love you too, Miguel.”
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© 2023 Intoxicated-Chan, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without permission.
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awoogayanderes · 1 year
a letter from the dead
➪ sypnosis : a simple letter
➪ pairing : beast ! dazai x reader
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dear y/n,
i’m sorry i didn’t tell you what happened the night i went to bar lupin for the final time. you would have convinced me to not kill myself and i would have listened. you are the only person to see the lone parts of myself, the ones I hoped no one would be able to see.
there were many nights where i wanted to put a bullet through your head and kill you because loving you was something i didn’t deserve. it was something so sacred i couldn’t ruin, and yet i never brought myself to kill you. it was the look on your face, it was always so peaceful, so gentle. i became selfish instead.
i forced you to choose me over everyone else, i forced you to pledge your loyalty to me despite knowing you were already loyal. you tore down my walls and always held me tight every single night no matter the circumstance. your embrace is something i will miss in the afterlife, whether it be purgatory, hell, or maybe an abyss of darkness.
i don’t think i ever want you to move on, but i don’t want you to grieve me. you always said i was a confusing man, in a way, you were always right. i’m confused myself, i didn’t think i’d be writing anything like this, but i can’t allow casualties i care about go on.
this is the only place where you and him can exist and live on. please forgive me, for everything, i never meant to hurt you. don’t try to kill yourself just to see me, if i wanted that i would have made you commit double suicide with me. so please, keep living, i’ll rest calmly and quietly in your soul.
I love you.
sincerely, osamu dazai, your husband
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beeswearpants · 16 days
so i watched the venom 3 trailer, freaked out like a schoolgirl, and god, how on earth will i be able to watch this in a theatre- in public- I’ll want to scream… ill want to squeal… i can’t watch this in the theater man!!!! its genuinely a concern I have to have its so funny to me cause god
little fun fact about myself I already made someone leave a theater from a venom-related reaction
i went to see spiderman with my friends, the last one. And i know nothing about marvel i’ve never seen any of it, I was just sitting there the whole movie, mildly confused but okay, but then… ending credits….
in a wave of pure shock and adrenaline, i screamed to the top of my lungs (APPARENTLY) “VENOM????!?!?!?” upon seeing them. so much so that it made a woman angrily storm out complaining cause she got so fed up with it. and this was the last spiderman movie!! the one where everyone is screaming and clapping and yapping all the time- so it must’ve been baad–
And I didn’t see no woman i didn’t notice i had screamed, my friends told me about it later cause I was LOCKED IN, i did NOT notice any of that!!! i felt so bad but i was STUNNED
my guys??? my gays??? on the big screen??? without warning?????? a surprise from MY guys??????????? HUH?????? OUT OF NOWHERE????? on the fuck ass marvel spiderman movie?????????? MY GUYS???? i was on the edge of my sit!!!! adrenaline!! pumping on my veins!! i was SHOCKED!!! hands over my mouth!!! made a lady leave the room!!
oh oh!!! and watching venom 2? i fell down my chair and scraped my knee-
every 5 minutes i had to pause it and run away from my computer, literally sprint away around my house giggling jumping-
the night club-coming out of the closet-sorry you’re not my type- scene? hit me so hard i fell down my chair, scraped my knee.. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED, when i came to i was on the floor, i had such a visceral reaction I FELL
watching venom 2 in the safety and comfort of my own home made me fall down and scrap my knee-
I’m gonna die a venom related death I just know it
it’s gonna kill me someday
so it’s genuinely something i have to worry about and its so funny to me, APPARENTLY i cannot conceal my reactions when it comes to venom and i am tone deaf about it
god ill be on that movie theater squirming foaming out of my mouth in a straitjacket trying to contain my reactions
im scared. im not gonna make it. they'll have to take me out back the mall and shoot me😦😦
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edenmemes · 2 years
resident evil: 4 remake starters
❝ man, that stinks. ❞ ❝ this just keeps getting worse. ❞ ❝ you’re still a kid holding onto fantasies of what’s right and wrong. ❞ ❝ i’m gonna let you in on a little secret. just between us. ❞ ❝ the hell is going on? ❞ ❝ hey, we’re a team, right? ❞ ❝ where’s everyone going? bingo? ❞ ❝ you and me are two sides of the same coin. ❞ ❝ that’s just like you. you always had poor judgement. ❞ ❝ ah, so you aren’t heartless after all. ❞ ❝ like i told you, i’m gonna get you home safe. ❞ ❝ i’m not falling for your mind games. ❞ ❝ you proved you can handle yourself. ❞ ❝ you haven’t changed a damn bit. ❞ ❝ you look like you’ve got something to say. ❞ ❝ gotta fix everything myself. ❞ ❝ you can’t run. you got to keep moving forward. ❞ ❝ you’re nothing but an extra in my script. ❞ ❝ i thought you were gonna die. ❞ ❝ i don’t pay you to ask questions. ❞ ❝ there’s no time for resting. ❞ ❝ revenge? you think i’m doing all this...for revenge? ❞ ❝ i need you to trust me, and do exactly as i say. ❞ ❝ you’re too soft to do what’s necessary. ❞ ❝ i know your potential better than anyone. ❞ ❝ you’ve made it all this way, but you haven’t learned a thing. ❞ ❝ maybe you’ll live to meet me again. ❞ ❝ the most important thing in this world is pure, unadulterated power. ❞ ❝ i’ve something to ask you...but i don’t think i’ll get a straight answer. ❞ ❝ you didn’t answer my question. what’re you after? ❞ ❝ you know, you were always an asshole. ❞ ❝ you have a strange sense of humor. ❞ ❝ you are nothing if not unyielding. ❞ ❝ i just wanna feel good about myself. make amends. or something like that. ❞ ❝ just give me a heads-up before you stab me next time, okay? ❞ ❝ it’s okay to be afraid, you know. ❞ ❝ what do you think? people can change, right? ❞ ❝ not looking good, eh, my friend? ❞ ❝ you try to save one person; a hundred others die. ❞ ❝ was that an act of defiance? against me? ❞ ❝ a well-tuned weapon can make up for a lack of skill. ❞ ❝ i’ll let myself out. ❞ ❝ you won’t get away with this. ❞ ❝ be a shame to live the rest of your life wondering ‘what if’ - am i right? ❞ ❝ you have the stench of battle on you. ❞ ❝ so, tell me, why did you come to this horrible place? ❞ ❝ you wanna help? cause i could use it. ❞ ❝ if i could just forget what happened that night, the pain - even for a second... ❞ ❝ i knew i could count on you. ❞ ❝ i think you’d be pretty dashing in it. ❞ ❝ i’m not used to having such good company. ❞ ❝ hey. it’s dangerous outside. ❞ ❝ god damn...i was almost a pancake. ❞ ❝ a lot of people have gone missing around here. and it’s been like that for a while now. ❞ ❝ sorry. i, uh, screwed up. ❞ ❝ i’m so scared. when that happened...i wasn’t myself any more. ❞ ❝ well done. you’ve proven yourself reliable. ❞ ❝ won’t be going anywhere in this thing. ❞ ❝ sorry, didn’t realize that was yours. ❞ ❝ this time, it can be different. it has to. ❞ ❝ everything will work out just fine. ❞ ❝ you missed. that’s not like you. ❞ ❝ come to my rescue, prince charming! ❞ ❝ sometimes it’s more fun not knowing. ❞ ❝ if you do well, i’ll make it worth your while. ❞ ❝ that hurts, you know. ❞ ❝ this is one hell of a gloomy place. ❞ ❝ why help me, though? what’s in it for you? ❞ ❝ oh, well, maybe just untie me then? ❞ ❝ knowledge is power. remember that. ❞ ❝ i can’t tell if that’s meant to be a compliment. ❞ ❝ i’m sure you’ll do your best to help me. ❞ ❝ bill me for the repairs later. ❞ ❝ it seemed like you really wanted to talk. ❞ ❝ you know, those things will kill you. ❞ ❝ you haven’t changed. you just think you have. ❞ ❝ don’t let the smallfry distract you from the big fish. ❞ ❝ quiet type, eh? ❞ ❝ guess you picked the wrong spot to vacation. ❞ ❝ a most warm welcome to my castle. ❞ ❝ bet you’ve been in spots like this before. ❞ ❝ to think you could be this foolish. ❞ ❝ give me a break already. ❞ ❝ i’m sorry. i wish i could do more to help. ❞ ❝ i don’t want to recall what happened down there. ❞ ❝ years haven’t been kind to us, i suppose. ❞ ❝ finally, some peace and quiet. ❞ ❝ who are you? and what are you doing here? ❞ ❝ i’m just an average guy who happens to be quite the ladies’ man. ❞ ❝ you should really be telling me what a good job i did. ❞ ❝ is this the first time you coughed up blood like this? ❞ ❝ so much for helping me. ❞ ❝ so, who are you working for this time? ❞ ❝ you think i’m gonna give up that easily? ❞ ❝ hey, are you sure you’re good? ❞ ❝ i’m gonna get you home safe. ❞ ❝ i have a plan. but you’re going to have to trust me. ❞ ❝ gimme some space. ❞ ❝ i don’t get you. why risk your life like this? ❞ ❝ it’s a little over-the-top, don’t you think? ❞ ❝ they’re coming! get behind me. ❞ ❝ does that hurt? are you in pain? distressed? ❞ ❝ you are really starting to become a giant pain in my ass. ❞ ❝ you know i don’t work and tell. ❞ ❝ you’ve done well to make it this far. ❞ ❝ tell someone who gives a shit. ❞ ❝ happy to help. now you owe me. ❞ ❝ are you just trying to use me again? ❞ ❝ what’re you, my mother? ❞ ❝ i’m definitely gonna catch a cold. ❞ ❝ this artwork...doesn’t it look like it’s telling some kind of story? ❞ ❝ what do we do? there’s no way out. ❞ ❝ what’s wrong with wanting the same for myself? ❞ ❝ it’s a little old fashioned for my taste. ❞ ❝ you’re losing your cool. making mistakes. ❞ ❝ don’t scare me like that. ❞ ❝ you’re slow. and so goddamn weak. ❞ ❝ wow, you’ve really gone all out for me! you shouldn’t have. ❞ ❝ i will send you back to the hell you came from. ❞ ❝ heheh, having a rough day? ❞ ❝ the reaper comes for cowards and the careless alike. which are you? ❞ ❝ i’ve got to think. need to get my head straight. ❞ ❝ i shall leave tomorrow. go far away. ❞ ❝ here’s my question...have you changed? ❞ ❝ we will beat this. together. ❞ ❝ what’s wrong? show no mercy! ❞ ❝ i admit - you’ve done well to stay alive this long. ❞ ❝ this means death. a slow, miserable death. ❞
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“As The Crow Flies” (Alfie Solomons x fem!Reader) — PART 2
SUMMARY — By all accounts Anna Gray died in Australia and had no business standing in Alfie’s living room, nor calling the man “darling” for that matter. But there you were, identical to the picture they took when they shipped you off to the colonies.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — Thank you to everyone for words of encouragement and for waiting for the update 💗💗💗💗💗 Goodness, that was one hefty break. I hope the next part won't take me as much, but I can't exactly promise it will be fast, sorry about that. I think this is a part 2 out of 3 and then I'll do an epilogue, but that is still more of a draft than a plan.
WORD COUNT — 2,708
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Tommy sat beside Polly in utter silence, watching the cigarette slowly burn between her fingers to the point where the heat nearly touched the skin. Tommy observed it with morbid fascination because it was something other to do than to stay with his own thoughts. And he would not dare to speak to Polly first—not after the news he had brought her this evening.
The clock chiming in the hall let them know it was nearly three o’clock in the morning, but still neither of them moved. The fire went out long ago and Tommy wondered in his solemn silence if Polly would accept a blanket.
“How could you tell me she was dead?” Polly suddenly asked the question Tommy had been dreading for the past hour and then she flicked the cigarette butt straight on the carpet. 
Tommy dared to look her in the eye then and immediately regretted that decision when he was met with nothing but hurt and steel-like anger.
“They told me she was, Pol. I went to the parish myself, saw the documents myself,” Tommy replied calmly.
That signature state of calm didn’t come to him as quickly as it used to, he noticed. These days it required more and more effort; or perhaps the things he chose to do got worse with time.
“Fucking nuns,” Polly hissed and shook her head. “You should have pressed them harder! Should’ve made them talk!”
“Then what, hm? Threaten them? Put a gun to their head, eh? There was nothing else they would have told me, Pol, they didn’t know.”
“I don’t care what! We shouldn’t have just abandoned her like that. Now look what happened, she’s a hostage with another fucking monster, just ready to put his paws on her whenever he pleases!” Polly stood up abruptly and Tommy wondered for a moment if perhaps he shouldn’t slip some laudanum in her drink. She looked frenzied, her hair in disarray and eyes bloodshot. The way Tommy saw it, she was half-ready to walk to Margate on foot and kill Alfie herself.
“Polly,” Tommy moved to stand in front of her just in case she had any ideas. He put both hands on her shoulders to reassure her. “Polly, look at me. Alfie Solomons, yeah? Alfie Solomons is just about the last man you’d find putting his hands on anybody that didn’t ask for it, all right? I swear this much.”
“Jesus, I don’t care what you swear anymore, Tommy!” Polly scoffed and tore herself away. “The man is insane, you said so yourself—many times in fact! We all remember what he did to Arthur! Or have you forgotten?!”
“No,” Tommy replied stiffly. “Perhaps he’s insane, but he’s not cruel to women, Polly, never has been. He doesn’t have the reputation.”
“Well, neither do you, that doesn’t mean one wife’s not buried, the other’s escaped!”
Though Tommy would never admit it, that hurt immensely. That was the problem with people who loved him, he supposed. They knew exactly where to hit to draw the most blood. He willed his face to return to the stony mask it was before.
“But your daughter is not buried and she isn’t gone,” he said. “She’s alive, Pol, I saw her with my own two eyes. She’s alive and we can get her back.”
“Well, that’s not exactly possible now, is it?” she scoffed and turned her gaze back to the fireplace as if some ghostly apparition beckoned her to it. “You said she didn’t know you, I bet that fucking animal has her caged.”
“That’s not true. I saw her, Pol, she looked well.” Tommy felt like stressing that might help. “She has your eyes and your wit and I swear she cooks somethin’ awful, but she’s no prisoner. Alfie is…” He hesitated then, because it wasn’t exactly a comfortable thought to consider. “She’s got him wrapped around her little finger, Pol. You can’t say no to her, eh? Just like I can’t exactly argue with you neither.”
That brought Polly back, even if just to glare at her nephew with fury.
“Pol, I swore to you once I’d bring your children home and I haven’t changed my mind.” Tommy took her hand in his and to his relief this time Polly didn’t pull away. 
“I don’t think Alfie harmed her,” he insisted. “I don’t think she’d let him. Polly, she looked tough. Hardened by life. She’s a woman grown, Pol, and I know she can take care of herself. You said so yourself, eh? It’s grandfather’s gift, reading people. Well, I read her tonight and I know Alfie, too. Something happened to her, that much’s clear, but there’s nothin’ evil happenin’ to her in that house.”
That seemed to satisfy his aunt because she finally took a deep breath that actually made Tommy feel like he could breath himself.
“Why would he tell you to lie to me, Tommy?”
“How do you mean?”
“Why would he think you wouldn’t tell me? That you’d play his game.”
“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “But I know what he wants in return and to be honest his plan wasn’t as delirious as I’d take him for.”
“I don’t care what you discussed with that man, that’s of little consequence,” Polly scoffed. “We are going to get her and we are going to get rid of him once and for all, Thomas, because no one fucks with the Peaky fuckin’ Blinders and no one fucks with the family! Do you hear me?!”
“I hear you.”
“Good. Now get up!”
“So we’re goin’ today?”
Tommy nodded and gently navigated her back into the armchair. He rang the bell for the maid. In the agitated state Polly’s house was currently in, Tommy was sure the servants weren’t really sleeping.
“And get Michael,” she ordered. “I don’t care what that peroxide tramp says about it, he’s coming with us.”
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Alfie stood on the porch and smoked his pipe. He let you squeeze his arm in anger while trying to sneak concerned glances in your general direction. Tired of being treated like a spooked horse, you glared at him until he stopped with all the concern. You were tougher than you looked and you would very much appreciate it if Alfie finally admitted it.
“You alright?” Alfie asked you for what must have been the twentieth time and you nodded stiffly instead of a reply.
“Darlin’, I mean it, all right, ‘cause if you ain’t tryin’ to make me bloody worried then you’re doin’ a splendid job regardless, yeah?”
“Shut up.”
“Right, that’s just fuckin’ uncalled for, that…”
“No. Someone’s coming.”
You pointed then to the faint shapes on the horizon, which, judging by the noise, must have been the Shelby Bentleys.
“Get the binoculars, Alfie.” 
“I’ll get the fuckin’ shotgun is what I’ll get.”
“I’ll do as I damn well please in my own house, woman!”
“So your brilliant means of operation is just bullets, is that it? What the hell did you expect, that Tommy would just listen to you?”
There was a clear measure of challenge in your words and all you two did then was just size each other up, trying to see who would call the bluff first. Finally, your husband grumbled his best catalogue of swear words and brought you the binoculars you asked for. 
“It’s the Shelbys,” you confirmed.
“Like clockwork, that lot,” Alfie scoffed. “You tell them one thing, they go the opposite fuckin’ direction.”
“Some clock that’d be,” you chuckled. “We knew they’d come. That’s why we’re here.”
“Don’t get smart with me.”
The pipe now abandoned, Alfie checked the barrel of his favourite handgun and reassured himself with the number. The only problem was the Shelby threat looming on the horizon and what looked like three cars, no doubt packed to the brim with Tommy’s henchmen.
“And you’re certain he will help us?” you asked.
“‘Course. Like I said before, right, Tommy’s nothin’ if not reliable.”
“That’s quite generous coming from you.”
“Just ‘cause he shot me doesn’t mean we ain’t kin now.”
“I am many things, dearest, but a Shelby isn’t one of them.”
“Ah, well, too bad. And too late to call the cavalry off, I reckon. If ya changed your mind…”
“That’s not what I meant.” It was your time to scoff. “These people are not my family. You are.”
On a rare occasion when Alfie Solomons found himself something close to emotional, three black Bentleys finally arrived at the quaint Margate cottage. You instinctively grabbed your husband’s arm again. He didn’t flinch, not even when you dug your nails into the skin, hard enough to draw blood.
“Right, gentlemen! And lady. What a lovely surprise, innit.” Alfie beckoned with his other hand, waving the gun about and leaving very little doubt as to the quickness of change in his intentions were the Shelbys not to play along. “Let me simply say: shalom… All right. Welcome. Yeah, that is the message for today, or so one might hope.”
What would undoubtedly be another inspired monologue had to wait, however. As soon as Tommy escorted Polly out of the car and her eyes met her daughter’s, Polly’s knees gave out. Tommy and Arthur caught her just in time and held her up on both sides.
“Anna!” Polly cried. “Oh dear God, it’s really you! Anna!”
You stood still like a statue, at which point even your husband turned to look at you with a mix of concern and fascination. You let go of his arm and focused on Tommy.
“Mr. Shelby. You brought an army this time. Am I to expect a shootout?”
As cold and unmoved as Tommy tried to be, it proved to be hard with a sobbing woman on his arm.
“Or am I to understand you’re here to kidnap me?” you pressed. “Please don’t say my chicken was that spectacular, I won’t believe it.”
“Anna.” Polly squeezed Tommy’s arm and took a step forward. Alfie uncocked his gun. You sighed and wished he hadn’t, since the entire Shelby ensemble now followed with the same.
“What the fuck is the matter with you, you fools! Put the bloody guns down!” Polly seethed and marched towards the house with a newfound purpose in her step. “Anna. Come down from there. You’re coming home with us.”
You looked at the woman you knew was your mother, though now only by name. Your heart didn’t know her and your head was too preoccupied to care.
“That might pose an issue,” you answered. “Because I am home.”
The next person that got out of the car, however, seemed to finally make you shake off your stony demeanour. You couldn’t quite help it, because his face was the first you could actually say was known to you.
“Michael!” you whispered and then rushed down from the porch before anyone could stop you. “Oh dear God, you’re alive!”
You fell into your brother’s steady embrace and though the force of it nearly made him stumble, he held you firmly and wouldn’t let go—not even if the devil himself tried to claim you both again. 
The tearful reunion was so quiet that no one apart from you and Michael could know what words were exchanged. While the Shelbys weren’t exactly the type to interrupt, you could tell that Alfie was out of patience. 
“Are we just about finished, then?” he inquired. “Forgive the interruption, yeah, but it’s gettin’ li’l too chilly for my taste.”
Polly took that opportunity to point her gun directly at Alfie’s head.
“Now then, madam,” Alfie chuckled and stood his ground, though he didn’t raise the gun he was holding. “I’d only ask ya to aim better than your nephew, all right, ‘cause I can’t exactly take no more of this.” He pointed to the injured side of his face. “Once was enough, yeah, so if you’re certain that’s what ya wanna do, I won’t stop ya.”
“Shut your mouth,” Polly hissed. “You shut your mouth!”
“Polly.” Tommy took a step towards them. His voice was full of warning and he ordered his men to stand down with a single wave of his hand. “Polly, think about what we’re doin’ here, all right? We came to get your daughter,” he turned to point at you, who now looked toward her husband with a horrified expression. “She’s safe now, Polly, we can take her home. There’s no need for violence, Pol, not today.”
“Like hell you will!” you protested. “Can you stop talking about me like I’m not even here?! No one’s taking me anywhere.”
“Now then, Tommy,” Alfie sighed. “There I was, mate, thinkin’ we had an understandin’, you an’ I. After all these years of friendship, right, you come to my house, guns blazin’, and with your lovely aunt no less, all in pursuit of justice I can’t exactly give, mate, ‘cause I ain’t the one who took Anna away in the first place. So…”
To everyone’s surprise Alfie turned his back to Polly and opened the front door as casually as one might when having a gun pointed at you turns into something of a daily occurrence. 
“Might I offer you a drink then, uh, Polly, is it? Right, lemme just say that, yeah, I ain’t exactly one for close family ties, you see, that’s just not somethin’ I was brought up with…”
Alfie’s voice disappeared somewhat as he walked further into the house, completely ignoring the chaos on the porch. You tried to rush back towards the house and stomped on Michael’s foot with all your might when he wouldn’t let you go. Michael roared with pain and you took your chance to run, but this time it was Arthur who stopped you and who, all things considered, presented a much sturdier guard than your brother.
“You let me through,” you hissed. 
“Nah, I don’t think so, luv. You’re comin’ with us.”
“Like hell I am!”
Polly, still stunned, turned towards her children and lowered her gun, creating an opportunity for Tommy to catch up with her and take it out of her hands.
“Not today,” he repeated softly. “There’ll be time for vengeance and there’ll be time for justice. But not here, Pol, not now. Arthur, let Anna pass.”
Polly shook her head and spat on the bluish tiles of the porch, thoroughly worn out and bleached by the seaside air. Only then did she notice the curious mosaic right before the front door and the gentle arch forming the words “lethe”. 
“I’m not leaving without her, Tommy,” she warned.
“I know you’re not.”
Out of options and out of bullets, Polly crossed the threshold and she hoped the choice would truly erase the anguish from her memory—if only for a moment.
Alfie’s gambit must have been exactly that from the start, Tommy mused, because as soon as the rest of the Shelby clan entered the house, they were welcomed by the maid with a tea tray. Alfie, now comfortable in his usual armchair, gestured for his guests to sit. 
Judging by his calm and calculated demeanour, Tommy doubted him and his family had been so unexpected. In fact, he just about acknowledged he had let himself be manipulated not once but twice in what was perhaps the strangest forty-eight hours in a long time.
“Right, now, we don’t know each other well so I don’t know exactly what everyone drinks…” Alfie waved at the maid dismissively and she started to serve the tea as if it was any other ordinary occasion. “Feel free to peruse the bar if you so prefer, Tommy, right, but not you.” Alfie settled his only seeing eye on Arthur, though the elder Shelby brother didn’t seem as prone to anger as Alfie remembered. That was almost disappointing. 
You entered the house last, holding your brother’s hand. Michael smiled down at you fondly as if you hadn’t just caused him severe bodily harm. Tommy and Alfie both noted the scene, though neither exactly for the same reasons. Alfie looked just about done tolerating all that whispering between you and your brother and it seemed so was Tommy.
Though neither, exactly, for the same reasons.
“Right then,” Alfie announced. “Should we discuss the terms?”
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
tae: y/n i’m coming for a sleepover tn
y/n: are you sad or something?
tae: no?
y/n: ok good
no thanks then ❤️
tae: um wtf
y/n: ???
tae: the disrespect i face on a daily is not right and should be studied
jimin: don’t care
yoongi: didn’t ask
jin: L
namjoon: 10 years…
of this
jk: time flies when ur having fun
hobi: i want to blow my brains out tbh
jk: oh
tae: jungkook do you want to see a magic trick?
jk: YES
jin: do pretzels make you fat?
jimin: have you been eating them?
jin: yeah
jimin: yeah they make you fat as fuck
jin: somebody push him off a cliff before i do
jk: show me the magic trick before i kill myself
y/n: this really is my safe space ❤️
namjoon: guys we should all go to therapy
tae: i won’t
i tried therapy and the lady laughed at me
yoongi: real
y/n: icon tbh
jimin: my therapist tried to fuck me 😞
jin: why is he lying like omg get a life…
jimin: 30 years of age and still bothering young men like me LEAVE ME ALONE FREAK
yoongi: here they go
namjoon: one day we will all laugh and hold hands
y/n: i got 50 on jin
hobi: 50 on jimin
jin: namjoon pls don’t let him come in here and lie like that it’s actually heartbreaking watching the people closest to me be so fucking delusional and deranged think about the bystanders joon
jimin: END UR LIFE
jin: you first 🤭
jimin: ignoring you
y/n: i win
hobi: aw man
namjoon: are you guys all coming to the party later?
jk: what happened to the magic trick??
yoongi: 👍🏻
hobi: yes yesss
y/n: YES
tae: yup
jin: yes
jimin: NO
jin: don’t care 🥱
jimin: i’m leaving this group and leaving this country
yoongi: k?
hobi: when something is a foot long whose foot are we measuring it off?
y/n: if it’s by yoongi’s then a foot long as hell
jk: tae can you show me now?
namjoon: kook pls let it go…
jimin: i’m jumping of a bridge
hobi: how many of yoongi’s feet tall is the bridge?
jin: one foot could honestly kill him
tae: feet?
jk: there is no magic trick is there
y/n: it’s okay you’ll get over it my love
jk: i don’t think i will
tae: that was a life lesson
learn from it and become stronger
jk: how about you die.
hobi: WOAH
namjoon: no fighting i’m literally begging you guys
jin: didn’t know you were submissive like that
jimin: fr it’s gross as hell
he’s gonna tell us he kisses men next
jk: are you a homophone?????
jimin: are you fr rn
yoongi: wow
namjoon: don’t say anything
y/n: at least his heart was in the right place!
tae: namjoon likes men?
namjoon: no
jimin: yeah
hobi: like a stickerrrrr
jk: congratulations
tae: let’s make a song with drake
y/n: ew
yoongi: no thanks
hobi: pushing p
jimin: pussy
jk: where
y/n: ew again
jk: bts 4th gen leaders!
namjoon: ?
hobi: we are not 4th gen
jk: what?
jimin: we are 3rd gen
jk: oh my god
we are old as hell
y/n: that is actually so gross
jin: ur both being dramatic
jimin: he’s only saying that because he’s been old since birth
like how you 84 out the womb???
hobi: jimin ur going to hell
jimin: we were all thinking it
jin: everyone deny that rn
y/n: bts 4th gen leaders i agree with jk!!!
yoongi: this does not change the reality
tae: can i be 4th gen it boy
jimin: LMAO
tae: what’s funny?
jimin: nothing
jk: i would like to be best 4th gen rapper
hobi: i’ll be best 4th gen singer
y/n: fair
ig i’ll be the 4th gen it girl
jimin: i’ll be THEE 4th gen visual
y/n: yoongi for 4th gen it boy
yoongi: :3
tae: i wanted to be 4th gen it boy wtf
jk: joon the father of 4th gen
y/n: and jin the 4th gen ace
namjoon: u guys actually delusional
tae: i agree
namjoon: pls don’t agree with me ur making me uncomfortable
tae: sorry father
namjoon: don’t be mad u didn’t get a title
y/n: tea the girls are fighting
tae: i’m not mad
i don’t even care fr
namjoon: sure
tae: sUrE
namjoon: you seem mad
tae: if you died i wouldn’t care
hobi: 4th gen loser
tae: hoseok wtf
hobi: who said that?
y/n: 4th gen furry
tae: ummm?
jimin: 4th gen broke boy
tae: i asked for money ONCE
yoongi: 4th gen bitch
jk: i’m glad we all have titles now
4th gen is not ready for us
y/n: FR!!!!
kinda short pls forgive me
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supercap2319 · 1 year
Y/N rubbed his horse’s face in comfort, trying not to attract attention to himself from the other past winners of the Hunger Games. It doesn’t work so well. “Y/N.” The young man turned his head and was met with Finnick Odair’s sea green eyes. They’re possibly the greenest eyes that Y/N has ever seen. Greener than grass or the leaves in the trees. “Hello, Finnick. Or is it Mr. Odair?”
He chuckles and gets closer to him, tossing a sugar cube from his left hand and into his right. “Do you want a sugar cube?” He has his hand sticking out in offering, but Y/N doesn’t take it. It’s then that he notices that Finnick’s outfit left little to the imagination. “I mean it’s supposed to be for the horses, but I mean who cares about them, right? They got years to eat sugar, whereas you and I… Well, if we see something sweet, we better grab it quickly.” He licks it in a slow manner and tries to pretend like he’s not seducing Y/N with sugar.
Finnick Odair was as close to a living legend as you could get. He won the sixty-fifth Hungers Games when he was only fourteen years old. That already put him at a higher advantage than Y/N. His beauty was also the key to his success. Tall, athletic, with bronze skin and golden hair, Finnick Odair was a force to be reckoned with, despite his flirting attitude. He won the games with a silver trident that was given to him by sponsors. In a matter of days, the crown was his and the whole Capitol was drooling over him and his success.
Whatever the case, Y/N wasn’t going to allow Finnick to charm him like he had everyone else in his life. He was beautiful. Stunning. And if Y/N would admit it out aloud; he might even have fallen for him as well. But it doesn’t change the fact that he was the enemy and wouldn’t hesitate to kill or hurt Y/N the second he got the chance.
Y/N shook his head. “No, thanks. But I would love to borrow that outfit someday.” He looks down at Finnick’s outfit. If you could call it that. He was draped in a golden net that was knotted at his groin so he couldn’t technically be called naked, but he was as close to it as you could get. With a pretty ocean blue necklace and a shark’s tooth that hung for a cord. Finnick smiles and looks him up and down. “You look pretty terrifying in that getup. What happened to the handsome little boy suits?” He licks his lips, which probably drives most people crazy.
“I outgrew them.”
“You certainly did.” Finnick agrees. He steps closer and runs a hand over Y/N’s outfit. “Shame about this Quell thing. Now, you… you could have made out like a bandit in the Capitol. Jewels, money, anything you wanted.”
“Well, I don’t like jewels. Though, I wouldn’t mind a necklace as pretty as that one you’re wearing. And I have more money than I need, so… what did you do with all your wealth anyway?”
“I haven’t dealt in anything as common as money for years.” Finnick tells him.
“Well, then how do people pay for the pleasure of your company?” Y/N asked him.
“With secrets.” He told him softly. His lips were so close to Y/N’s, that could kiss him if he wanted. And he did. As shameful as that was to admit. “What about you, boy on fire? Any secrets worth my time?” His voice was smooth and husky and Y/N was sure this was how Finnick entrapped all those men and women into his bed. Y/N blushed, but tried to hold his ground.
“None that you would be interested in. Besides, everyone seems to know my secrets before I know them myself.”
“Unfortunately, I think that’s true.” He smiled sadly as he looked to his side."Though, Peeta and Katniss are coming.” He pops another sugar cube in his mouth and smiles charmingly. "Have a good day, Y/N. I’ll definitely be… catching you later.” He winks and saunters off, but not before he bends down to pick up an imaginary object that he dropped and shows off his muscle toned ass in his net outfit. All other Tributes look on in awe. Y/N looks away with a blushing face.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
This is what gets me when people write in depth analysis about how dumb they would be to not go there with queer Eddie and with Buddie. Like yes, I agree it would be incredibly stupid and bad writing - unfortunately as much as I want that to reassure me(and I’ll admit some days when I’m sad and need to not be I pretend to let it), it doesn’t. Just because it would be stupid and bad writing doesn’t mean they won’t do it. We’ve seen this show repeatedly make bad writing choices before. I’ve watched TV shows time and time again screw things up in the eleventh hour, I’ve seen so many shows set things up and then take a hard left turn into the dumbest plots in existence. And they get backlash for it but still do it. So as much as I want to believe that because logic and basic literary analysis says Eddie is queer and Buck and Eddie are each others’ best match - that isn’t a guarantee of anything. I’m also preparing myself that if we actually do get a queer Eddie storyline and buddie canon - there is a high possibility that they stumble through it in a ridiculous and poorly written way. I want more than anything for that not to be true but it is still a very distinct possibility.
this is exactly my feelings- like one of my biggest pet peeves are people making posts as if buddie is 10000% happening and there is absolutely zero possibility of it not going that way which i’m sorry to be a debbie downer once again but that’s just not true
what kills me is everyone in the fandom keeps talking about “it’d be so ooc for _______”, seemingly forgetting the fact that s7 was ooc for so many of the main characters to the point that we were all ragging on the writers about it… like if they were able to write a season so sloppy and terribly ooc what makes you think they won’t continue to do so, especially after tim just said “i don’t like to plan out seasons”
ooc writing happens in tv shows all the time. just because something wouldn’t make sense for a character/plotline doesn’t mean they won’t just do it anyway. like I’ve said before, tim has shown us that he only cares about shock value and drama- telling us himself in a interview that “i can’t just let them be happy, then no one would watch” (which is such total bullshit but this is the man who decided to make eddie have an emotional affair with a doppelgänger of his dead wife rather than just, yk, confirm his queerness)
i get it. it’s disappointing. you don’t want your favorite shows/characters to tank and go off the rails. but unfortunately, it has happened time and time and time again in network tv, and 9-1-1 is not immune to this.
i fully agree with the posts and analyses that detail how the show has set up buddie being the only satisfactory endgame relationship between them, and how it would be foolish and bad writing for them not to, but unfortunately (as you said in your ask) this show has made god awful writing choices frequently (literally the entirety of s7 is proof of that) and they have jumped through hoops to avoid buddie canon countless times— there is nothing stopping them from doing it again.
and this idea that just because they’re talking about buddie openly must mean they’re going canon is ridiculous. the short is reaching the end if it’s run; if it even gets renewed past s8, it’s very unlikely that they’ll go past s10 at the longest. they just moved to a new network, baited the fuck out of buddie pre-s7 and then didn’t give us anything and people are still watching. they know that as long as people think there’s a possibility of buddie canon that they’ll watch the show— it’s textbook queer/shipbaiting. 9-1-1 is not immune to this just because they’ve said “we don’t want to be accused of queerbaiting” in the past. we’ve reached a point where the network queerbaiting won’t cause enough backlash to warrant them being cautious anymore. it’s a dick move, yeah, but these creators are in this job for one thing: money. they have proven they don’t actually give a fuck about meaningful storytelling. it’s why they rely on cheap drama and shock value to get by bc they know people will tune in anyway.
i completely understand wanting to be hopeful and optimistic. i will forever be hopeful for the day that buddie finally go canon (although i hope they ditch the mustache before then because i don’t want to think of my alcoholic uncle when i see eddie kiss buck for the first time) and when it does i will be so fucking happy after waiting for 6 years.
but that’s the thing. i have waited for 6 years. i’m tired of getting my hopes up each season bc “guys this is literally the closest we’ve ever been there is no way they aren’t going to go there now” just to get slapped in the face by the showrunners and writers. i’m not going to get my hopes up about it just to be let the fuck down once again. and frankly, i don’t wanna see the fallout when we are let down again because people decided to convince themselves that it was 100% for sure set in stone happening when in reality it’s really not.
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lafaiette · 7 months
I finally found Pen's Chinese romance lines :')
(You can find more comparisons here and here by the way)
First, something sweet to start with: Jasmine calls Pen, Burgess, and Miguel "uncle"! (叔叔)
Jasmine to Andy: Uncle Peng Hu thinks he's the most beautiful man in the world. We can secretly put a mirror in his room, so he'll look at it all day long and we can sneak out to play!
And now, I'll start with the Romance Quest - I included only the Chinese version of the dialogue happening after giving him the Heart Knot, because the post is already pretty long!
Chinese: Well... little weakling, you gave me this Heart Knot. I thought about it seriously... You have always been nice to me. You often praise me, give me gifts, and help me run errands everywhere. Maybe I have really found the one, the most special person to me. Someone who loves me as much as I love myself! Oh, this is so surprising to me... Little weakling, before we go further with our current relationship, I have to speak with you. I have to make sure you are sincere to me! Everyone knows that I am a golden bachelor. If you are with me just to show off and make yourself look good at some workshop awards ceremony, I will not allow it! What I want is true love... And I still have to understand if my fascination with you is not just for your body, but also for your personality… Yes, that's right. All this time, I called you "little weakling", not because of contempt for your figure, but because I couldn't take my eyes away when I saw your small body without muscles. It’s like seeing an uncultivated land with unlimited room for exercise. It’s so charming! There is only one way to test whether there is love between us... and that is - Fighting! An adrenaline-filled battle! Drenched in sweat, bloody, and bare-knuckled! Yes, the fastest way to get to know someone is to fight with them! Builder: 1) Then let’s go! -> Pen: Good! Let's meet tomorrow at the gate of the Paradise Lost ruins. Let's fight side by side to destroy those robots from the corrupt era and beat fierce drumbeats on their remains with our fists! I’ll go first! Remember to wear protective gear and be prepared. All for romance! Builder: 2) After falling in love... shouldn't you go on a date? -> Pen: Haha, that's what ordinary people do. I don't care for those old-fashioned ways of falling in love. Only when fighting can I feel truly alive! Builder: 3) But we have already fought many times... -> Pen: Many times?! It's never enough! I'm a fighting expert! For me, this is true love, nothing else but pure fighting and strong love!
Meeting Pen in front of Paradise Lost: Here you are, little weakling! I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I'm a little bored... Let's not waste time, let's hurry in and kill everyone! Get ready, little weakling! Let's show those robots real fighting skills and send them all the way back to their corrupt era! Not bad, little weakling, you have been exercising recently! Robot, take my blow! Punch! Fighting with you... makes my heart surge! That move is awesome, little weakling! Don't let them escape, leave no one behind! Haha, fighting with you is more exciting than I imagined! The thought of being able to "seal love" with you and fight these robots to confirm our relationship... my heart is beating fast! Let the battle become more intense! Come on, let's go in! Awesome, little weakling! It's been a blast all the way. Now there's only one last step left to make our date today even more perfect - Yes! That's it! A powerful elite monster! Come on, little weakling! Show your fists and give the big robot in this corrupt era the coolest blow! Haha... so refreshing... This feels so right... Little weakling, what do you think? I’m having too much fun today... ha, wait! I got it, the most important step is missing!
English: I'm afraid this moment cannot last forever… We must return to the hustle and bustle of city life… But let us always remember this place. Our lovers cocoon where, for one brief evening, the world was ours... Outside Paradise Lost: Goodbye, my love! Expect to see me again soon… I'll swing by your place later for a major make-out sesh!
Chinese: I really want to stay with you for a while longer! But I have to go protect Sandrock. Let us remember this moment and this feeling. No one can take away the energy of this love... … Goodbye then, my dear! I'm looking forward to seeing you next time …… I will definitely have a more exciting date with you!
English: You fell from a cliff and survived? Did someone help you? Or did you simply claw your way back to safety, and crawl to my feet just to see me again. You truly do love me, don't you? Chinese: You fell off a cliff and came back alive? Could it be that someone more powerful than me saved you? Alas, I missed an opportunity to protect you.
English: Knight, Protector, Enforcer, Big Daddy Love Sponge… I go by many names. Chinese: Besides, Knight is just a title. Guardian, Big Brother, Heart-throb... these are my titles!
English: Alright… fine. You want the truth? You can't handle the truth! But… here it is anyway: Miguel totally brainwashed me! Yeah, that's it… He told me, uh, Duvos rules and stuff, and… I was in a bind! I have multiple obligations! Do you have any idea how expensive the holidays are when you're shopping for twelve separate lovers who all think they're my one and only? Plus with Sandrock failing… I had no choice, I needed the money from his scheme… He said if I protect him, he'd give me a portion of his dirty money. Now that I think about it… say, do you think he could be some kind of high level Duvos operative? Certainly seems like it. Not trying to do your job for you or anything, though…
Chinese: Okay, okay, let me tell you... [Player's Name], your pal Peng Hu didn't know anything before he met that bad guy Miguel! Just eat, sleep, and protect the town every day. Until one day he told me that he was working for Duvos, trying to win me over, and saying a lot of things that made sense... I was short of money at that time, so I fell into his trap. Anyway, I am also a part-time worker. What is the difference between working for Sandrock and working for Duvos? Besides, with Sandrock being the way it is, I was saving myself. He asked me to protect him. As long as I did it, I would get a share of the embezzlement money. So I got involved in all this. Could that guy Miguel be a senior member of Duvos? An agent? Maybe he really is! Of course, that's the job of your militia group [Civil Corps], so I won’t say more.
Builder: "How could you do this to me?" Pen: "What can I say, sometimes country trumps love…" Builder: "Please stop…" Pen: "I'm sorry, gotta fulfill my KPI, you understand!" Builder: "I still love you." Pen: "I know." Builder: "You were ugly anyway!" Pen: "Ooph, that might have hurt a mere mortal, but I know you know deep down in your heart that it's not true!" "Hm… to finally face you as my true self… it's invigorating! Now quit playing hard to get, Skinny, and take your place at my side!"
Builder: "How could you do this to me?" Pen: "What else can I do? The Empire is more important than love." Builder: "Don't do this to me..." Pen: "Sorry, [Player's Name]. This is my job, and I have to earn enough performance [points]!" Builder: "I never stopped loving you." Pen: "I know." Builder: "I stopped loving you a long time ago anyway!" Pen: "Haha, that doesn't hurt me. ["That sentence has no deadly effect on me."] Don't deceive your heart, you must still love me deep inside!" "Today I can finally face you with my true identity, and I'm actually very happy. Who doesn't want to be honest with his lover, little weakling? Why don't you come to my side, eh?"
English: I heard from someone in the capital that they experimented on him to make him stronger. Chinese: I heard that someone in the capital specifically conducted experiments on him, that's why he is so strong.
English: Ha! Know one thing about me, Skinny: any declarations I made on behalf of us was true. I make no mistakes, neither in war nor in love. You want proof? Well, it's not like I go around giving everyone nicknames! No… you were special in that regard. Perhaps it was always our destiny to be together… But I'm afraid that thread of fate has been cut short. I have chosen my country over love. Such is the duty of a Duvos Knight. …That's what you wanted to hear, isn't it��?
Chinese: Haha, one good thing about me is that I put real feelings into every relationship. I don't like to give people random nicknames either! Perhaps, ever since the moment I called you little weakling [Skinny Arms], you were destined to be my one and only love. It's just that we're different, and I had to sacrifice our relationship for the greater good of my country. Are you satisfied with this answer?
English: "Goodbye, [Player's Name]. It was... fun. Chinese: Farewell, [Player's Name]. This time it's for real. You're free.
The Protector's description, called "Guardian of Love" in Chinese:
A very delicate bracelet that protects the wearer's wrist. Wearing it gives the wearer a feeling of being emotionally confined. Perhaps this feeling is similar to what Peng Hu often said, "Marriage is a boring bondage".
Pen's letter in Chinese:
Dear [name], I've had a little more time to think lately in this so-called Atara Maximum Prison, and I'm more than a little sorry that I couldn't bring you along to accompany me. Well, it's my fault. Anyway, you are still the most beloved lover I have ever been with, and one of the few that I continue to miss even after a breakup. So, I'm going to forgive you. Yeah - I forgive you.I don't think there's a chance we'll ever be together again. You're just doing what you're supposed to do in your position, so there's nothing to complain about. I should have tried my best to recruit you from the beginning, and it would have been the best way to keep you with me. Of course I don't blame you, you're indeed excellent. I also left you a final challenge. In some ruins, there are a few of my most valuable things, and if you can get them, they're yours. It should be easy to get there, using the tricks I've taught you. My dear little weakling, this is the last time I'll call you that, I believe in your abilities. Remember, don't slack off on your training. We won't meet again. (but 后会无期 can also mean "meeting at an unspecified/unclear date")
WELP, what more can I say :'D
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gyupinkys · 1 year
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A/N- This is not edited, I was too excited to upload. I really outdid myself with the smut, I hope you enjoy
WARNINGS- MURDER, GORE, GUNS, KNIVES, smut, angst, unprotected sex, choking, spanking, breeding kink, daddy kink, restraints, voyuerism, exhobitionism, mutual masturbation, oral (m&f receiving) and a lot more, but these are the main ones :)
The next morning you limp down the stairs to find Mingyu and Vernon in the kitchen. Vernon looks at you and instantly blushes while Mingyu takes this as an opportunity to tease you. 
“Did chan actually make you cum or were you faking it” he asks as he slides a plate of fruit towards you. 
“He definitely made me cum, multiple times” you say looking him in the eyes. 
“I’m sure I could do better” he says and you roll your eyes. 
“Keep this up and you won’t get to” you say with a smile. 
Mingyu gives you your phone back and says he thinks he found something but he’ll tell you at the group meeting that it should be happening soon. You say ok and take your phone back, unlocking it to see a picture of you in pink lingerie staring back at you. You look at Mingyu and he’s scrambling for words. 
“Did you at least enjoy yourself?”
“I did,” he said in shame.
“I’ll punish you later Gyu Gyu”
Cheol texted everyone to come to his office and you follow Mingyu and Vernon there. Everyone else is already in there and all eyes are on you when you step in. 
“I’m guessing you and Chan had fun last night.” Cheol says with a blank look on his face.
“We sure did” you say and look at Chan who has a mug smile on his face.
“ANYWAYS, Mingyu you said you found something on Y/N’s phone?” Cheol says in annoyance.
“Yea, the messages were sent from the building across the street, I'm assuming the person took it with a camera  from a spot in the building. They probably broke the phone after sending it but I checked the security cameras of the surrounding area and this is the only guy to leave the building after the pictures were sent.” 
“Wow, good shit mingyu” Jeonghan says and looks at the picture on his computer.
“Smart, talented, and hot” you keep impressing me Gyu Gyu” you say.
“Hey, why don’t I have a nickname?” Chan says. 
“Chan leave her alone, let's just focus on this” Mingyu says despite him relishing in your compliment. 
Mingyu puts the picture of the man on the projector and asks if anyone recognizes him. 
Everyone in SVT is at a loss but you know exactly who this man is. 
“Guys, this is really awkward, but that’s my ex boyfriend” you say.
They all give you questioning looks.
“I have no idea why he would do this? We haven’t seen each other in two years, so i'm equally as confused.”
“What's his name? I’ll check our files for him”  DK says, pulling out his laptop.
“Choi San” you say nervously.
They all turn their heads toward you in shock. 
“You're telling me YOU were dating Choi San?” Seungkwan says in disbelief. 
“Hey! What's that supposed to mean?”
“He’s like the most lethal assassin in the game! How did you meet him?”
“We trained together and you know one thing led to another. But we broke up ages ago”
“Cheol i'm glad to not be you, he’s probably gonna kill you” Jun says.
“Jun, don’t say that Seungkwan says and he smacks Jun across the head.
He holds his hand up in defeat.
“Mingyu, can you check where he went after?”
“I already did, he went to this office building. “ATEEZ” corps.”
You’ve never heard of it let alone know what his association to it is. 
“Why don’t we send someone to camp out in front and see if he shows up?” Joshua suggest.
“I can go” you say.
“You should probably go with someone” Joshua says.
Everyone's hands but Jun’s shoot up and you let out a laugh.
“Wow so many options to choose from” you say with a smile. “Hmmmm, Hao we have some of our own problems to sort out why don't we go”
Mingyu, Chan, and Cheol all pout while the others brush it off. Hao can’t even look you in the eye for some reason but says “Sure, I’ll drop you off at your place so you can change”
From the moment you and Minghao parked the black inconspicuous van a few feet from the “ATEEZ” building you’ve wanted to
pull your gun out and shoot him.
Hao can feel his patience wearing thin. He takes pride in his mediation and ability to control his temper, but you’re testing him. 
“Y/N, please shut up”
“Admit I win and I’ll shut up. You just refuse-”
Hao pulls your lips to his and kisses you with passion. 
“You were so good for Chan last night, why are you being so bad with me?”
“Maybe you don’t deserve a good girl”
“I think, I know what i deserve, but now i know you don’t deserve to cum” he says as he pulls you to the back of the van. He attempts to straddle you but you flip him over, pinning his hands to the floor and tying them together with rope you found on the floor. 
“No, I think it’s you who doesn’t deserve to
cum.” you say as you begin gliding your hands over his chest. You unbutton his pants and pull out his hardening cock making him gasp. “Hao, I have a confession” you say as you spit in your hand and begin stroking him. “I’ve found you attractive from the moment I saw you throw yourself through that window. I didn’t know if you found me attractive as well, but last night I think i overhead something I shouldn’t have.” you say as you increase the speed of your strokes. 
Hao sucks in a deep breath, hoping you’re referring to something other than him being a perv. “what did you hear?” he says with gritted teeth, struggling with his restraints.
“I heard moaning and groaning that didn’t belong to Chan or I. At first I was confused, but when Chan said your room is next to his it clicked. Now babe, do you want to tell
me what you were doing last night?”  
He looks you in the eye and the smug look on your face infuriates him. He takes a deep
breath and you hear a snap. You look up to see the rope you tied his hands with are now gone and his left hand is flying to your neck. He throws you to the floor and pins your hands to the floor, pulling handcuffs from his back pocket and cuffing your hands to the roof of the car. You now sit on your knees with your hands attached to the ceiling, helpless. 
“You really wanna know what I was doing? He whispers in your ear pressing himself to your back. “I was thinking of how much better I would fuck you then Chan” he says as he picks up some more rope and begins wrapping your body in it, tying it around your thighs so they remain open. “I was thinking about all the things I would do to you, the way I would edge you, make you beg to cum like a bitch in heat” he says as he slides his hand into your pants to your core. You’re embarrassingly wet and hang your head in shame. He slides two fingers into you; fingering you slowly, mesmerized by your pussy sucking him in. While he’s occupied you’ve been toying with your handcuffs. 
“Hao, the ropes are a little too tight” he immediately goes to untie the knot and adjust them and you pounce. You dislocate your thumb with a pop and slide your wrists through the handcuffs, shocking him. 
“I’ll show you how much of a psycho crazy bitch i can be” you say with smile and pull him to you for a heated kiss. You’re fighting for dominance, hands everywhere, tongues clashing and hair pulling. You put your hands down his pants and he does the same to you. As you grab his now hard dick, he slips his fingers into you. This begins the challenge of who could make the other cum first. You begin stroking him with the perfect pressure and pace, making sure to pay attention to his tip. Meanwhile he begins searching for your g-spot and plants his thumb on your clit drawing tight circles. You’re both slowly cracking but neither wants to give up control. You know you won’t last much longer so you pass your fingers faster over the tip of his dick, squeezing. “Please cum for me hao, I want it so bad” you say with a pout; watching him crumble. He cums in your hand with the cutest moan. Seeing his face scrunch up in pleasure sends you over the edge. Once you both come down you look at him on triumph.
“I never lose” 
“Fuck you Y/N”
“I know you want to” you say and get up to clean your hands.
Once you both clean up you settle back in the front seat. 
“Wait what if we missed something” you say.
“I doubt it” 
You see a black car drive down the street, and five minutes later the same kind but with a different number plate drives past.
“Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” You say.
“Yea” Hao says and picks up his phone to call vernon. “Nonnie run these plates and see who they belong to” 
“They’re all registered under Kim LeeSeok”
he says after a few minutes.
You and Hao look at each other and he immediately turns the car on and speeds off. Behind you at least six cars pull off behind you ans begin following you.
“Here we fucking go” you say to yourself.
A bullet pierces the back windshield and lands in the center console ending the call with vernon. You pull out your pink gun and hao rolls his eyes. You roll down the window and shoot, the first bullet landing straight in the left eye of the driver in the car directly behind you, causing the car the swerve and hit the one to its left. 
“HOLY SHIT YOU SAW THAT? IT WAS CALCULATED, TRUST” you scream as a bullet flies right by your head. You pull your body back in the car and Hao takes several turns in an attempt to lose them. 
More bullets fly into your car and you guys duck. You start blindly shooting back. Another car pull up and you assume this is hao’s security since they begin shooting Mr. parks car. This single driver takes out the remaining four cars and pulls up to drive next to you. You look through your window and your met with San looking at you then Hao then back to you. He tilts his head and you nod at him. This was always your code for asking if you were ok. This is weird. He’s stalking you but wants to know if you’re ok?  You give him a question look and he nods his head no and speeds off. You look at hao who looks very stressed and ask him if he’s ok.  You drives back to the dorm in silence.
“I send you guys to do one thing and you come back with my car full of bullet holes?” Cheol says outraged.
“Your acting like its our fault! We didn’t ask to be shot at!” you say back.
“Did you at least see anything? And what happened to your hands!”
You both look down at your hands to see bruises from the ropes, and your thumb is swollen.
“Don’t worry about it, anyways we did see san” hao says
“He pulled up out of nowhere and killed all the drivers and then he pulled up by us. y/n had some kind of silent conversation with him and then he drove off.”
Everyone looks at you. 
“I don't know why he’s doing this. I’m sure he’ll make it his mission to run into me so
maybe we can talk then”
“Are you not scared of him?” Jihoon asks.
“He would never hurt me. He always had a soft spot for me even since we were young.”
“Why did you guys break up?” Jun asks.
“We wanted different things. We used to be a duo, “Venom”. “  The whole room gasps. 
“No way” seungkwan says
“Yea, he wanted to expand but I wanted to stop, do other things besides killing. But he loves this and I didn’t want to stop him.”
“Do you love him?” Cheol asks.
“I’ll always love him but I’m not in love with him.” you say with a sigh.
“Wait, so you guys grew up doing this together?”
“Yea, our parents were involved in shady shit and gave us up to pay off their debts. We trained to become assassins and worked for different employers until we branched out on our own.”
“Was it a messy break up?” Jeonghan asks, all 13 of them are very intrigued. 
"No, it wasn’t but he changed his number one day and I never heard from him again until now.”
“Can someone check the street security cameras to see where he went?”
“I’ll go check” Wonwoo says and gets up.
“Well that's all for now you guys can go” Cheol says but only a few people get up.
“You guys wanna play Mario Kart?” Jeonghan asks.
Jeonghan, Jihoon, Joshua are on one team and Mingyu, Vernon and DK are on the other. 
Cheol and Hoshi watch from their place on the couch. The game starts and Mingyu is surprisingly winning to everyone's disappointment. You get the feeling Mingyu and Dino suffer the same fate around here. Jeonghan groans because it's the last lap and he’s stuck in second place. He makes eye contact with you and raises his eyebrows. You smirk and nod and reach over to Mingyu who is sitting directly next to you. You put your hand on his thigh and glances over to you. You slide your hand up his thigh and lean into his ear to whisper “I think I want to kiss it better now”. He shudders and swerves off the road letting Jeonghan get first place. He groans as you slide your hand over his hardening cock. They queue up another game and you slide your hand into his pants. By now everyone knows what you're doing but they all just stare. You begin to stroke Mingyu, spitting in your hand as lube.  
“Pay attention to the game” you say out loud and slide down to your knees. Cheol is fuming, his eyes are boring into you and he’s cursing Mingyu in his head out of jealousy. It’s like you want to fuck everyone but him and her you go fucking Mingyu right in front of him.
You pull Mingyu’s hard cock out of his boxers and lick a long stripe up his shaft making him let out a quiet moan. No ones focusing on the game at this point as you take him in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down. You can’t even say you're surprised at how long and thich he is, because c'mon look at his size. You struggle to breathe as you take more of him down your throat. You pull up for a breath of air to see everyone is looking at you. Vernon shifts in his seat to adjust his bulge and you laugh. You bring your free hand to his balls and begin to massage them, lowering yourself back on his cock and pushing yourself as far as you can go. He begins to whine and buck his hips into your mouth, pushing himself all the way down your throat making you gag. You pull up and stroke him again, turning to look at the guys.
You sit back on the couch still stroking him.
“Gyu, tell the guys how you feel” you whisper loud enough for everyone to hear.
He whines in response, making you slow down your strokes and tightening your grip. 
“If you dont listen to me I wont let you cum baby.” This makes him groan and force words out of his mouth.
“It feels so good,” he says between whimpers. He looks over to you, “Please let me cum Y/N, oh God I need it so bad”
“I don’t think you deserve to cum.”
“This was supposed to be you kissing it better, not punishing me”
You spit on his tip making him let out a feral groan and you look at the guys. Vernon now has his dick out and is stroking it to match your pace while joshua looks like he’s about to cumin his pants. 
“Does he deserve to cum?”
“Yes absolutely, oh my god please” Vernon says. You assume he’ll only let himself cum when you let Mingyu cum. You look at Cheol whose eyes have been on you the whole time. 
“Let him cum.” he says and you give him a challenging look. “Now, Y/N” he says in a deep authoritative voice and you listen. “Cum, Mingyu”.
On command he cums letting out a loud moan and throwing his head back. Vernon cums at the same time whimpering into his hand. You stroke Mingyu until his orgasm finishes and say “I hope it feels better now.”
You decide you’ve stayed with the guys for too long. It’s been three weeks of trying to figure out who's trying to get you all killed. You’ve been crashing at your place which you must admit has been the most fun three weeks of your life. You’ve gotten close with all the guys, but you and Cheol have been working together the most. You must admit you're beginning to develop a crush on him. You love the way he gets pouty and jealous when you pay more attention to the other guys and the way you guys banter. 
Hoshi lets you borrow his car to drive back to your place. Yeji and Lia aren’t here for some reason which is weird. You walk in and turn on your lights to see San sitting on your couch. 
“You’ve always been so fucking dramatic” you deadpan.
“It’s nice to see you too, love.”
“Why are you trying to kill me?” you ask as you take a seat next to him.
“I’m not trying to kill you idiot, but someone is.”
“Well spill the beans, mountain”
“Did you kill Kim LeeSeok?” he asks.
“It’s complicated.”
“Me and this dude shot him at the same time.” you say making sure to leave Hao’s name out of it.
“The red head?” he asks with a smirk.
“San, get to the point.”
“He was my boss, and a lot of people are mad that you and your little friend killed him.”
“Oh” he mocks.
“So why did you let your boss die so easily?”
“Doll, you’ve gotten sloppy since we parted ways. You don’t think it was a little suspicious that the guards just happened to change when you and your friends showed up? It was a set up Y/N, someone higher up wanted him dead but didn’t want to take the blame so they hired a bunch of irresponsible assassins to take the blame. Now you’ve got enemies after you.”
“Fuck. Wait, why were you taking pictures of me at dinner?”
“JinYoung Park wants Cheol dead. He sent me to track him, but he wasn’t alone. You were there and now everyone knows who you are.”
“Sannie why did you send them the picture of me you could have lied” you pout.
“It was a live feed, once I saw you it was too late.”
“So what now?”
“I don’t know Y/N. Either you fake your death or you somehow kill JYP and his entourage.”
“Sannieeeeeeee I don’t want to do either” you say and throw your head on his lap.
“I know doll” he says as he massages your scalp.  You should tell Cheol what I told you, he should move his guys and the people he cares about somewhere safe.”
You both get up and run next door, San bangs on her door. 
“Mrs. Choi?” you yell. There's no answer. For the first time in years you feel fear. If Cheol loses his mom it will crush him, for the past few days you spent with the guys he’s always talking about his mom and how he’s glad she has a friend in you.
You pull a masterkey you stole from your mailman out of your pocket and unlock her door. The whole room is dark and you look at san. You both pull you guns out and walk into the room.
“Mrs. Choi?” Nothing.
Your phone begins to ring in your back pocket. It’s Cheol.
“Y/N, you need to leave your apartment right now. I already have my mom with me, but the building is surrounded.”
“San we gotta go” You say to san.
“YOUR WITH SAN?” Cheol says.
“I'll talk to you later Cheol” you say and hang up. 
“The building’s surrounded, we gotta go.”
He pulls out his phone and calls someone while you guys head to the back door of the building.
“Wooyoung, find out how many people are surrounding Y/N’s building.”
“Y/N?? Are you guys back together? You guys should just get married at this point, I’m waiting for my nephew-”
“Ok damn, one sec”
You guys are on the second floor when you hear commotion. Both of you come to a halt and the door in front of you flies open. Two men in skull mask emerge and begin shooting at you. Both of you duck and shoot back. San hitting the first man twice in both sockets of his eyes and you hitting the second man directly in the throat. They both fall to the floor and you begin running to the door.
“There's six people at the backdoor, it's your best bet. They probably messed with your cars, Yeosang is on his way, meet him at the corner of 6th avenue.”
San counts you down and opens the door. Bullets immediately begin to fly as you catch the men by surprise. San takes down two and you get tackled by another. You press your stiletto nails into his eye sockets, leaving him wailing in agony. You turn around and shoot the man sneaking up on San as he finishes the man in front of him with a bullet to the head. You guys don;t even take a second to catch your breath as you run to 6th ave, on the lookout for Yeosang. You spot him in a black suburban and run over. 
“Yeonsangie, It's been ages” you say as you round the car to the passenger seat leaving San to sit in the back. As you're about to get in you hear a car pull up behind you. You look over your shoulder to see Cheol driving and Mingyu in the passenger seat. Cheol runs out the car over to you in a panic checking you for injuries.
“What the fuck happened?”
“You tell me! I have no Idea who those guys were.”
He looks over at San and back at you. 
“Why were you with him?”
“Oh, you're patrolling me now?”
“No,” he says with a pout.
“Wait how did you even know there were people outside?”
“I have security on my mom but when they went quiet I got worried. Wonwoo patrolled the security cameras around and I saw you enter and cars pull up five minutes after so I knew something was up. My mom was at our place for lunch, so I only had to worry about you.”
“You were worrying about me?” you say in a slightly mocking tone.
“Jesus Christ, I should've just let you get shot.”
“And they say romance is dead.”
The whole time San has been looking on. He can tell by the look in your eyes there's no love left for him; it's all for cheol. He sighs and looks at yeosang. 
“It’s ok dude” yeosang whispers.
“Y/N if you're coming with us we gotta get out of here.” san says.
“You're going with them?” Cheol says in a slightly hurt voice. 
“Um” you say as you look between them. 
You already know your answer, but the longer you take to say it the more Cheol’s heart breaks. 
“I’m gonna go with them” you say to san.
He nods and gets in the car. 
“Tell the guys Hi for me ok?”
“Sure” he says and Yeosang drives off.
Cheol throws his hand over your shoulder and leans to speak in your ear. “I got a little worried there”. You roll your eyes at him.
“I told you, I’m over him”
“So does that mean you're into me?” He says with a cocky smile.
“Yea that’s what it means” 
He looks at you dumbfounded while you slide into the back seat giving Mingyu a kiss on the cheek.
“You mean to tell me JYP is trying to kill you?”
“Ok” Seungkwan says with a disbelieving look on his face.
“I have a plan though” you say.
“I’m listening,” Cheol says.
“My friend Yeji, she trained with him. They called her his “secret weapon”, but she always hated him. I’m certain we can get her to help us catch him off guard.” 
“Will she want to help us?”
“That's not even a question, but the issue is, JYP is a huge group, we can’t take them down on our own. I can ask san to help us and call in some favors.”
“No to San.”
“Cheol, stop being Jealous.” Jeonghan says. “I think that's a good idea, but who are you gonna call?”
“BTS” they all stare at you with your mouth agape. “You know BTS?” Cheol asks.
“Oh we go wayyyyy back, Joonnie will say yes don;t worry.”
“Namjoon, what do you mean no? You never tell me no!”
“Y/N, you don’t even know what you're getting yourself into, I can’t send my men into an unknown situation.”
“Just send the men you hate, easy. Joonie, the alternative is me dying.”
“Y/N, you're not gonna die.”
He sighs. “Ok fine, i'll ask around and see what I can find out. In the meantime you figure out a plan.”
“Ok, thank you koya.”
“Don’t call me that.”
You hang up and go to find Jeonghan and Joshua since they plan all of the team's missions. 
“Oh, Y/N perfect. Tell your friend to come here so we can brief her. And what did Namjoon say”
“He said he’ll see what he can do which means yes.”
“Ok, perfect. My plan is to let Yeji seem like she’s betraying you. We can bullshit some reason as to why later, but she can lead his men to the wrong place and we can corner them. Kill, JYP and problem solved.”
“I feel like it’ll be more complicated than this.”
“We can just make it up as we go,” Jeonghan says with a smile.
“Jeonghan, Once I don’t die It's all good.”
You call Yeji. “Look who decides to call me. You know, if I haven't been tracking your phone, I would have thought you were dead.”
“Hello to you too Yeji.”
“Where have you been?”
“I’ve been living with 13 insanely hot men.”
“Girl, what?”
“Just come to this address, make sure you aren't being followed. Bring Lia too.”
“Well Ok”
As the elevator opens Yeji and Lia step out and look around in shock. “Damn these guys are balling,” Lia says.
“I’m assuming you're Yeji and Lia” Joshua, who now has freshly dyed red hair. “I’m Joshua, It’s nice to meet you beautiful ladies.”
“So you're the one Y/N warned us about. Im yeji” 
“Wow, I see she’s been telling tales” he says.
“Well hello Lia '' he says looking at her.
“I’ll leave you two to speak with Y/N” he says and walks to his room.
Chan comes from the gym bathroom, with a towel low on his waist. He stands in front of the pair with red cheeks, shocked to see they arrived so early. 
“And who are you?” Lia says.
“Hi, I’m chan” he says with a dashing smile.
“Hi Chan” Lia says with a blush.
“I’ll go get changed.” he says. 
“Or don’t” she says with a smirk and he shakes his head with a smile and walks away. 
“I call dibs,” she says to Yeji.
Yeji rolls her eyes as you walk downstairs in nothing but an oversized T-shirt. 
“Where are your clothes?” Yeji asks.
“I have on clothes you deadpan.”
“That's definitely not your shirt.”
“It’s mine” Cheol says coming down the stairs.
“So I haven’t heard from her in three weeks because of you?”
“I’m not to blame here, anyways, I’m SeungCheol, nice to meet you”
“I’m Yeji and this is Lia, but she seems more interested in wherever Chan went.”
“What is with Chan suddenly pulling all these girls?” Jeonghan says walking out of the kitchen.
“Up the stairs, third room to the left”
She smiles at you and dashes up the stairs. 
“Ok so why am I here?” Yeji asks.
You and Cheol explain everything that has happened so far, and Joenghan explains his plan in depth.
“Oh wow. JYP wants to kill, you?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“He just doesn't seem like the type to be vengeful.”
“Well apparently he is.”
“Wait, lets back track. The infamous San returns to the plot and you decide not to tell me?”
“You don’t even know the man,It wouldnt make a difference.”
“Three years of friendship and I’ve never seen a picture of this man.”
“Thats because there are none. Yeji focus on the plan. Call JYP and tell him you need to talk to him.”
“Ok mom” she says and gets up to follow Jeonghan so he can try to track the call.
You and Cheol head back up to his room, hearing giggling coming from Chan’s room. You smile to yourself, He deserves someone like Lia. You and Cheol settle back into bed where you previously laid. You haven’t had sex with him, but you feel connected in a deeper way. He’s the first person to see you as more than a killer besides Yeji and Lia. He asks about your life, your aspirations, what you would want to do besides killing. You feel like you could talk to him for hours.
“Can you tell me about your childhood?”
“Oh. Rough subject.”
“You don’t have to if you're not comfortable.”
“No, I am, it’s just a lot.”
He leaves space for you to talk which is appreciated. You start from the beginning, your father sending you to become a killer to pay off their debts without a care in the world.  Your mother tried to take you back, but he killed her. He didn’t think someone as weak as her belonged with someone like him. You met San at the training facility. He was the best and you were the worst. Instead of making fun of you he helped you train and you became the best killers in the field.When you were almost done with your training your father brought you back home. Instead of being nice to his daughter who is now a lethal killer, he was the same. He beat on you and called you names relentlessly, knowing the fear you have for him is still embedded in you. One night you had enough. While you were trying to sleep, he came into your room drunk with his belt. Before he could even swing you grabbed him and snapped his neck. You didn't want to waste time torturing him when you were finally ready to move on. You went incognito, only speaking to San and eventually moving in with him when he completed his training.  You two started killing with each other to build a name for yourselves, but eventually you wanted out but he wanted more. There was no resolution so you two split, You’ve been working on the low, here and there but trying to do other things with your life and leave the killing behind.
“What do you want to do instead?”
“I want to open a flower shop. I want to fall in love, get married, have kids, die from old age with the love of my life.”
“Me too” he whispers.
You stare at each other for a while. One second you blink and the next his lips are on yours. The kiss is gentle and innocent but still passionate. The bedroom is full of blushes and giggles, the beginning of a young love blooming.
The next morning Yeji tells everyone that JYP answered her call and told her to meet him in Los Angeles. 
“Are we all gonna go? What if it's set up?”
At the same time Chan asks, you get a text from Namjoon:
Joonie: He’s staying in the JYP building 40 minutes from your apartment. Minimal security, I’ve got a guy undercover already who says this is his hideout and he won’t be leaving until the end of the month.I’ll give you 40 men, make due. Don’t text me again big head”
Y/N: Thank you joonie. I owe u one.
Joonie: Whatever.
“Damn It, I kinda wanted to go home” Joshua says. 
“I say we head out there tonight, and attack tomorrow night. We should scope out the area first.” Jeonghan says.
“You heard the man, everyone pack a bag.” Cheol says.
“Cheol, I’m gonna call San, he should come with us.” you say.
This puts a pout on his face. “Fine”
You roll your eyes and give him a kiss on the lips making the whole room explode. You walk to Cheols room leaving him to clean up the mess.
All 15 of you pile into the vans and head to the hotel Cheol rented out for the night. Lia says she’ll watch the house when we all know she’s just too lazy to tag along. You couldn’t stop by your place to get clothes because it was too dangerous and Cheol says he’ll just buy you a new wardrobe anyways. 
The hotel is incredible for being in the middle of nowhere. Cheol made sure the two of you were in a room together and you made sure Seungkwan and Chan were forced to share a bed just to hear them bicker. It's only 9pm but you and Cheol are in bed watching a movie, but neither of you are paying attention. You don’t know if it's the adrenaline about tomorrow, but youre feeling extremely horny. It’s like Cheol can sense it because he offers to give you a massage to “relieve you from your stress”, but you both know where this is going. You lay on the bed in just your bra and panties. He starts with your back, actually massaging out the kinks, and moves to your things. His hands run a bit too close to your core but move down to your calves and then feet. He drags his hands across your whole body to your neck and down to your shoulders. 
“Flip over for me” he whispers in your ear. You flip onto your back and look up at him. He looks so good in the dim yellow light coming from your bedside lamp. “Can I take your bra off?” he asks. You raise your chest and he takes off your bra, eyes zoning in on your chest and he groans. He pours more oil into his hands and massages your chest, gripping your nipples and twisting them. He moves down to your thighs and takes off your panties, running his hands across your thighs. His breathing picks up and he slides his hand over your core. He pushes your legs against your chest and rubs your thighs “accidentally” sliding his fingers across your core and eventually dipping in just to pull them right back out.
“Cheol give me more” you whine.
“Take what I give you baby” he says with a stern face.
“Yes, Daddy” you say and roll your eyes. He pulls you into a sitting position with a grip on your neck.
“Be careful with that word baby.” he says with a growl.
Of course he has a daddy kink you think to yourself as he pulls off his shirt.  You deny that you also have one and Cheol’s energy just makes you want to call him it.
He shoves you back down and hovers over you looking you in your eyes before kissing you. He has one hand holding him up and slides the other one straight into your core feeling no resistance. He begins to move his fingers in and out of you and leans down to whisper in your ear.
“You know, Having to see and hear you fuck the other guys killed me. You knew you were mine from the moment we met yet you wanted to play with me. Now it's my turn to play with you.”
He speeds up his  thrust and gathers both of your hands in his free one sitting up on his knees. 
“For everytime you fucked someone else since we met, and everytime they made you cum is how many times I’ll deny you. I want you crying and begging like a bitch in heat. So who did you fuck Y/N?” 
You gulp, knowing you're in for a wild ride. “Only Chan and I technically didn’t fuck Mingyu.”
“Doesn’t matter, he still counts. But baby, is that it?” 
“Yes” you lie trying to save yourself. He gives you a sweet smile and flips you over, spanking you hard.
“Try again”
“It was just them”
He spanks you twice. “Don’t lie to me baby, I hate liars.”
“Cheollll” you whine.
He spanks you three times even harder.
“Y/N, my patience is running thin.”
“I fucked hao” you whimper.
“There you go” he says and rubs your sore ass.
“Do you think you deserve a punishment for lying” he asks in a mocking tone.
“Yes, Daddy” He smiles hearing this and pulls you over his lap. 
“Count to ten.” 
After each spank you're getting wetter but tears are running down your face. He’s so strong each spank feels worse than the last and his hand is so big it covers almost all of your ass. 
Once you get to ten he pulls you to sit in your lap and you bury your face into his neck, whimpering out a sweet “I’m sorry Daddy” making him chuckle.
“You did well, my good girl”
He tells you to slide up the bed and he lays down, pulling your legs so you're sitting on his face. He wastes no time diving in, sticking his tongue as deep as it can go inside of you while massaging your burning ass. You let out a loud moa, certain the other guys heard. Cheol wants you to moan more and moan louder, he wants everyone to know you and they can’t touch you anymore.  He moves to your clit and sucks hard, spelling his name out on it, making you clench around nothing. He holds your hips in a tight grip, so you can’t move. You're so close to the edge and you start begging him to cum.
“Daddy, please let me cum,I’m sorry for fucking them, Please”
He throws you off your face and onto the bed. “This is for Chan.” he says. He pulls your legs open and takes out his cock. He doesn’t bother with a condom, already asking if you were clean a few days ago, and it’s not like he would be against getting you pregnant. He wants to claim you in every way he possibly can, the possessiveness leaking out of him. He thrusts into you all at once making you moan, he pins you down and begins thrusting at an inhuman rate, hitting your G-spot with every thrust. The stolen orgasm is quickly rebuilding and he can feel it. He speeds up until you start clenching and pulls out. You look at him with puppy dog eyes “Cheol please” you say as you start crying.
“You need to learn that you're mine, baby.”
He flips you over onto your knees and pulls your hips up aligning his dick with you and thrusting inside. He’s pounding you into the mattress and you can’t even speak. All you can do is moan and whimper a combination of his name and daddy. You feel like cumming again, but of course he knows and pulls out. Cheol is edging himself too but his pride won't let him break his word. “For your beloved Gyu Gyu” He flips you over and rubs your clit so slowly you feel like fighting back, but you know that will end worse for you. He slows down his pace and you start crying hysterically. You're so close all you need is a little more pressure, and he gives it to you. He rubs faster and faster and right as you're about to tip over his hand is gone. “For Hao” You snap, and sit up only to be pinned down by his hand. “Don’t try me baby, for your own sake I suggest you behave.”
He slides in between your legs and fucks you slowly in missionary. He intertwines your hands and looks into your eyes, giving you slow deep strokes. 
“Say your mine” he pleads.
“I’m yours Cheol” you say looking him in the eye.
“I want you to mean it. I want you to be mine in every sense. I want it to only be me” 
“I promise Cheol, I’m yours”
He kisses you and breaks it to whisper “Cum for me Y/N”
You cum and see stars. You feel like there are oceans flowing through you and there's nothing but white noise in your ears. You open your eyes to catch him mid orgasm, his face scrunched up in pleasure as he moans. You stare at your face and engrave this memory in your mind, cherishing it forever. 
The next morning you all gather in your room. San must've got in last night and apparently stayed with Chan, because they seem to be getting along well. Yeji already left early to meet with JYP, bringing Jun and Minghao along with her. You all go over the plan and head out to wait for your signal to attack. You're hearing Yeji and JYP’s conversation through a live feed and they just seem to be catching up. “Yeji, speed this up” Jeonghan says into her earpiece. 
“Mr. Park, I’ve heard you're trying to find Y/N and kill her. I want to help you.” 
“I’ve been waiting for my opportunity to get rid of her for ages. She's too much of a burden and I’ll make better money working with other clients.”
“Hmm. So where is she?”
“She’s hiding out with cheol here.” She gives him the location of one of the guy’s old houses in the forest. 
“Is that so?”
‘Yes” Yeji says wearily.
“So why is she outside, waiting for you to cough into your elbow?”
“What the fuck.” you say in awe. “There's a traitor.” Everyone immediately looks at san who takes great offense to this.
“What the fuck? Guys I don’t need to betray anyone if I wanted to kill you guys you would already be dead.”
“That's fair, Vernon says.”
“Hao, Jun, where are you guys?”
Meanwhile, Yeji begins to yell.
“Get off of me, what the fuck. LIA? What is going on?”
Her earpiece is plucked from her ear and crushed. You all begin to panic knowing there must be guards surrounding you. Hoshi begins to drive like a mad man and bullets fly towards the car. One by one you jump out of the car in an attempt to spread out and lose their trail, hoshi jamming the gas pedal so the car will remain driving and jumping out last. You all run in different directions through the thick forest, being chased by guards. You see Jeonghan trying to fight off two guards at once and you run over to help him, snapping one man’s neck while Joenghan shoots the other. You pull him to his feet and continue running. 
“We need to go get them”
“We need to regroup and form a plan” Joshua says suddenly appearing to your right.
“I’m not leaving them there to die.”
“He won't kill them, they're our leverage.”
“I’m not taking the chance” you say, and run towards the building seeing San, already making his way there. You all somehow meet in the middle of the forest, deciding it’s best to save your guns for the guards on the inside and just distract the ones outside. Apparently Jeonghan thinks of everything and presses a button on his phone that detonates one of the vans,drawing the guards attention,. Namjoons men show up at the perfect time, taking out all the guards on the outside letting you, san, cheol,wonwoo, hoshi, and seungkwan  head inside while the rest stay out and keep watch. You begin to ascend the stairs with your guns out. You, hoshi and cheol got to the right while the others go the the left. It’s suspiciously quiet. You open a door and see Jun and Hao tied up and bloody, most likely beaten for information. Wonwoo quickly unties them and he and hoshi decide to bring them back outside. You and Cheol continue down the hallway hearing muffled yelling, presumably Yeji. You rush through the door without checking your surroundings and feeling the cool barrel of a gun pressed to your head. 
“Lia, I always knew you were a fucking bitch.” you say. 
Cheol didn’t enter the room, presumably trying to keep the element of surprise.
“I’m surprised your little boy toy cheol didn't come with you.”
“Don't talk about him” you grit out.
“Or what?” she says, cocking her gun.
You look at Yeji who already pulled her pocket knife out of her long sleeve. She’s always prepared for these kinds of things. No one thinks the nerdy computer girl would be almost as good of a killer as you. You keep Lia occupied while Yeji slowly cuts through her binds.
“Lia, I’ll actually kill your for breaking Chan’s heart”
“Oh please, he was just an easy fuck”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Y/N you’ve always been too trusting you know. You never thought it was weird I just randomly appeared in your life? I’ve been planning this for a long time; since we were trainees”
“You never noticed me, always enticed with San. I wanted San to notice me. I deserved him and you only held him back, trying to make him settle down, stop killing when that's who he is. If he was with me we would be unstoppable.”
“San would never want a two faced cunt like you.”
“SHUT  UP” she yells and presses the gun harder into you. 
“I knew I had to get rid of you. I came running back to dear JYP with a plan. I help him kill Mr.Kim, he gains all his assets and he helps me get rid of you. But, you always manage to avoid death, but I’ve got you now.”
As she goes to pull the trigger, Yeji pounces knocking her to the floor and bashing her head into it. She was never one for clean deaths, so she keeps bashing her head until Lia’s skull cracks. For good measure she shoots her in the head.
“You can never be too safe” she shrugs, looking up to see San and Seungkwan at the doorway staring at her. 
Seungkwan looks deeply disturbed, while san is giving her “Fuck me eyes”.
“This is San?” she asks and looks at you.
“No wonder he had you wrapped around your finger” she says with a smile and he smirks.
“I’m Yeji, as you probably know”
“San” he says with a nod.
You look at them and smile, they already look half in love, but your smile quickly drops when you realize Cheol is missing. You dart out the room yelling for him but hear nothing. You begin to panic and tears fill your eyes. You should've focused on him more, You shouldn't have left him by himself. You hear muffled yelling down the hall and approach the room. The others are right behind you and you enter first, Instantly shooting the first guard you see and Seungkwan shoots the other two. You look at him with a proud smile, “I knew it” you say and he smiles. You all walk deeper into the room, seeing a small closet with cheol handcuffed to a chair and JYP holding a gun to his head. Your heart stops and you look at Cheol and he knows exactly what youre thinking. He’s not letting you die for him, He doesn;t care if he barely knows you, what he feels for you is incomparable to his feelings for any one else and he’ll be damnedif he loses you.
“Y/N, how nice of you to join us. The tasks is simple. I’ll take you, and they get their Leader back.”
“Ok” you say without hesitation and step forward but Yeji yanks you back.
“How about we get both of them and you fuck off” Yeji says making him aim his gun and shoot at her, completely missing. Seungkwan laughs, making him glare at him.” 
“How about we talk this through?” San says.
What JYP doesn't see is Hoshi climbing through the window behind him like a spider, quietly dropping to his feet.
“Mr. Park, you know I always thought you were a ugly piece of shit, who deserves nothing. I hope your company burns” you say in contempt. He laughs and looks at you. “You know what? Deals off. I know this will hurt you more than I ever can” He pulls the trigger as soon as Hoshi pounces knocking his arm but the bullet still flies straight into Cheol’s chest. Your heart stops as you run to him, ignoring the chaos happening behind you. You pull his head up to see his eyes closed and his black shirt begin to get damp with his blood.You press your hand over the wound and begin to cry. The rage and sorrow you feel is unfathomable as Yeji, presses her hands over the wound with a cloth and you turn to jyp. San has him in a chokehold. You pull out a knife from your harness and look him in the eyes as you carve them out. He screams in agony and you stuff them down his throat, killing him. Behind you, you hear Cheol call for you.  You drop the knife and run to him cradling his face in your hands. He looks at you and speaks, breaking your heart in the process.
“Baby, I don’t want to die. I want a life with you” he says as a tear runs down his cheek. You begin sobbing as Seungkwan and Hoshi lift Cheol and quickly carry him to the vans. As you drive you feel Cheol’s pulse weakening, you feel yourself falling with him’ knowing if anything happens to him, you might as well have died too. “I love you Cheol” you whisper to him, feeling his heart stop beating.
You look at the tombstone in front of you. You can’t find the words to speak. “I fucking hate you, I trusted you and you do this to me?” you say with nothing but hatred in your heart. 
It's been a year and a half since you killed jyp but it still feels like yesterday. Everyday is a challenge for you, but you keep pushing for Cheol. You know he wouldn’t want you to give up. 
Hao and Jun were fine after a few weeks, the bruises and cracked ribs healing perfeclty. You lay down and look up at the sky.
“Sometimes I miss you, but sometimes I remember you would always lie and say I looked good when I clearly didn’t and I should’ve known from then you were a raging bitch-”
“Baby, we didn't come here for this,” Cheol says with a laugh.
“Your right”
“Anyways, Fuck you Lia, I hope you burn in hell” you say and get up, Cheol pulling you to stand up. He’s still recovering from the bullet, but he’s doing better than ever, except he’s missing a kidney but he’s fine. He throws his hand over your shoulder and begins walking back to the car, seeing Yeji and San making out like teenagers by the car. You both roll your eyes, but you stop when you feel water run down your legs. You both look down at your pregnant belly and back at Cheol. “It’s happening you say to him” and his eyes widened. “HOLY FUCK ITS HAPPENIJG” he yells. You waddle back to the car and he helps you in. Yeji and San get in behind you as Cheol speeds to the hospital. Yeji texting in the group chat with the other guys “LITTLE CHEOL IS COMING THIS IS NOT A DRILL”. Text messages flood in as the guys say they're dropping everything and coming to the hospital. Your little boy is already so lucky to have 12 uncles full of love for him. You look at Cheol and feel nothing but happiness. He’s been life's greatest gift to you, and everyday you love him more and more. He was the venom that seeped through your veins and paralyzed you, yet you can’t quite seem to find the will to receive an antidote. 
Tag list: @hooniewnderland , @nctiris
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gx-gameon · 5 months
Oh man like I mentioned I have major brainrot for your au and a billion scenarios have been running through my head constantly.
I have no idea what the plan is for the second half of season three and I'm so excited to see what you come up with but my angst riddled brain just is going wild so scenario be upon thee
Upon the DM cast entering the Dark Dimension, Yubel realizes they have to do something to wear them down cause there's no way they can handle all then at once.
We know that Yubel can make copies of people, we see a copy of Jesse in the dark world that Yubel has killed in order to torment Jaden, and that's exactly what they would do to the DM cast. Make a copy of Jaden and shatter it in front of them.
Atem would be able to tell it's not actually Jaden due to his connections with spirits and the shadow releam but that wouldn't make it any less disturbing to have watched. I imagine Yugi would still freak and Seto would be down right murderous.
Ahhh I'm always nervous to share angst cause I know not everyone likes it so Imma stop myself from delving furth into that one but I can't stop thinking about these dark world scenarios things ever since I asked about the school being gone 😭🤣
Oh oh I love this. I love angst
Oh this works well with some of the ideas I already have going on.
Oh this is very evil. But I love it.
I’m a big Zelda nerd and this is basically part of the plot of the new Zelda game TOTK. Where the chase after what they think is the Princess but it turns out the be an illusion by the enemy. Oh I love this a lot.
Yes Atem would know the difference but the others wouldn’t. Not until he says something. And if they are all separated when this first happens…. Oh this could be so good
Because Yugi would be devastated at having to watch even an illusion of Jaden die.
Seto would be murderous, after he knows it’s a fake. But if he saw it and thought it was real I think it could break him.
Joey would absolutely fly into a rage.
Téa would be sobbing
Tristian is forgoing dueling and just physically beating whoever killed fake Jaden
And Atem might know it’s a fake but the moment fake Jaden dies his heart stops because what if he’s wrong? What if that was Jaden?
And it works very well with my first two ideas for what to do in the dark world arc which you can find over here.
Oh I will be thinking about this. This could very well become cannon but I make no promises.
Thank you for the food. I’ll be chewing on this for a while. I’ll get back to you once I rewatch season three.
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