#i’ll give me smthn to look forward to!!
skycleft · 5 years
send 🤠 & byleth will critique your muse
send 🥺 & they will console your muse
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years
baby scarab || 50
anon - hiii!!! Could you do one where y/n reacts to a cat call and she's kinda like "I'd rather drown and die." And walks home and tells the boys and they're kinda just silently wishing death upon the person you cat called her? You can just ignore/delete!!!
anon - what would happen if anyone were to say something about y/n and made her feel uncomfortable?
anon - what if there's a new trainee at the cafe that y/n has to train and she makes her first... AGE APPROPRIATE FEMALE FRIEND *cue air horns*
anon - hear me out: layla has like a niece or smthn or it’s literally anyone else age appropriate and y/n makes her very first 🥁🥁🥁 healthy female freindship 🍾🍾
anon - what if y/n has to train someone at the cafe and it’s a girl who is around her age and now she has a freind that is a girl
anon - I’ve got an idea for your baby scarab series!
Could you do something where the readers schizophrenia is really bad and the boys help her? Like maybe she keeps seeing and hearing things
Thank you, I love your series it’s so good btw :))
A/N : thank you for the amazing requests :) also some of these took a dark turn, and ik evie aint a new friend but whatever
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : IM RUNNING OUT OF MK GIFS :( also happy early post :))
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), spidey stuff, mentions of violence, language, like two sex jokes, new friend :), panic attack, nightmares, protective dads, pedophilia(?), let me know if i missed anything.
you were woken up by steven.
he decided it would be a good idea to take your blankets off of you, making you cold and grumpy.
all that got him was webs in his eyes.
he did get you up though, with promises of pop tarts.
you felt.. off as you got up, and you couldn’t even think of a reason why.
you groggily get dressed for work, while glaring at your phone that read 8:48 am.
“steven! i’m going to call in sick!” you exclaim.
“no you are not!” he yells back and you groan.
“worth a shot” you mumble, getting the last bit of your uniform on before finishing getting ready in the bathroom.
you came out while yawning, seeing your promised pop tarts on the counter waiting for you while steven made himself some tea.
“steven i’m sick” you fake cough and he turns around to give you a look.
“no you’re not” he starts, chuckling as you hop up on the counter and lean down to hold your face in your hands. “you need to go to work, y/n” he says sternly and you pick your head up to glare at him.
“but i don’t wanna” you whine and steven just shakes his head.
“you need to earn money” he begins, letting marc explain the rest.
“plus if you want to get into a good college in a couple years. or you can even get your own car”
“a car? i cant even ride a bike” you scoff and it goes silent.
“..you don’t know how to-“
“do you need a reminder of what you saw in my memories? no. you do not” you say to marc quickly and he hums.
“exactly. stay quiet” marc scoffs at your comment while jake snickers at him.
“putting that aside, if you ever need to talk about it, i-“
“okay i’m going to work now bye” you say quickly, picking up your one remaining pop tart and heading for your shoes.
“hey now, not so fast” steven says and you turn around to face him after getting your shoes on.
“you’re forgetting something” he tells you with a smile and you squint your eyes at him.
“i don’t think i am” you challenge and he raises an eyebrow.
you roll your eyes and move forward to catch steven in a hug, to which he follows your lead while you press your face into his neck.
“i’ll be home before dinner” you pull back. “i love you guys” you head to the door, steven reluctantly letting go of you so you could do so.
“we love you too” he responds, watching as you smile and shut the door behind you while you leave for work.
“you should have let her take a sick day, we could’ve spent more time together before she has to go back to school” jake complains and steven goes back to his tea.
“dammit, you have a point” marc groans and steven chuckles while pouring his tea.
“if she really wanted to stay she would’ve” steven begins. “besides it’s only six hours” he shrugs, making marc and jake groan in annoyance.
“we’re bored already” marc complains.
steven just sighs, wanting nothing more than for you to come home and entertain the two nuisances in his head.
“y/n! i have a special job for you!” your boss, natalie sings out while coming towards you.
it was the middle of your shift, the lunch rush being over by now.
“what is it?” you ask, and then notice the familiar face standing behind her.
“i believe you two have met, so i thought i’d give you the opportunity to train her” natalie starts. “evie applied a few days ago, and it’s been too busy to train her before hand, so i was hoping you could do so now” she says and you smile, wiping off the counter.
“of course, welcome to the team, evie” you say jokingly and she chuckles, natalie patting her shoulder and turning back towards the rooms behind her.
“how have you been?” she starts and you smile.
“the best i can be, you?” you reply and she smiles back.
“me too, now how can you memorize all of those drinks?” she asks dramatically, turning back to the menu and pointing to it.
you chuckle. “don’t worry about it, it’s not as hard as it looks” you assure her, and immediately get started.
you and evie spent all your free time at work to get her used to where everything was and how to make some of the drinks.
she did very well for her first day, so you even let her take some of the orders herself while you supervised.
“you’re a natural” you tell her, wiping off the counter after closing.
“oh stop it” she smiles, washing some of the dirty utensils and dishes.
“no really, the last time i had to train someone they broke the blender and spilled chocolate syrup all over the floor” you shudder at the memory of staying an extra hour to clean all that up.
you also bought a brand new blender without natalie knowing. 
it was a very expensive blender too, and it came right out of your rent money.
you’re glad you don’t have to worry about that anymore.
but you can’t help but wonder how steven, marc, and jake are keeping the rent up.
maybe khonshu had something to do with it, you still had no idea how his magic worked.
“that sounds terrible, i’m glad i didn’t do that” evie says, causing you to snap back to reality and finish cleaning the counters.
“yeah i’m glad too, because i’d make you clean it” you joke, making her laugh.
“if you want i can finish cleaning tomorrow and we can leave early” you offer, and she frowns at you.
“but that’s extra work for you”
“so? it just means i get paid more” you shrug and that brings a smile back to her face.
“thank you, really” she says and you nod.
“it’s no problem, just get your stuff and we can lock up” you tell her, making sure your phone and your key was in your pocket.
you grabbed your bag from under the counter and waited as evie did the same, waiting for you to lead the way.
you do so, leading evie through the back and outside before locking the door behind you two.
“which way are you going?” you ask her, and she points in the opposite direction of the way you go to get home.
“oh” you sigh. “well i’ll see you later then” you wave, backing up slowly in case she had anything else to say.
“yeah, i’ll see you” she turns around and begins walking.
it was almost 5, meaning steven was already cooking, or was going to start soon.
you debated on summoning the suit and following evie home to make sure she didn’t get mugged or something, but thinking about it makes it sound creepy so you decided against it and started on your way home.
it was a very cloudy day, the sun no where to be seen. that meant all the tourists were sight seeing indoors, so the sidewalks were almost empty.
you were about halfway home when a group of guys passes you, and you paid no mind to it until your spidey senses tingled so you stopped and turned around to see them staring at you.
there were three of them, looking maybe a little older than 30.
you just furrow your brows and turn back around when you hear their loud footsteps getting closer, so you turn around again, making them stop.
they seemed to notice your glare and laugh. “what’s your problem? we’re just looking at you” one of them says and you feel your eye twitch.
“yeah, and we like what we’re seein’” one of the other ones adds on and you feel your stomach churn.
you began to feel sick.
you had no idea what to say so you swiftly turned around and ran behind the next corner, hoping they would get the hint and leave you alone.
they didn’t. they kept following you.
“can you leave me alone?” you grit out, whipping around to see their smug faces.
“aw come on, we just want to have a little fun” one of them says in a baby voice towards you.
“well i don’t want to, so stop following me” you say in your most stern voice you can.
on the inside you were freaking out, you just wanted to get home and relax.
yet here you were. being followed by three creepy men.
“don’t be like that, you’re what? 19? 18? good enough for us” he chuckles and you take in a shaky breath, slowly backing up and wondering how nobody is seeing this.
“i’m 17..” you mutter and he groans.
“well, the younger the better”
now that made you want to vomit. you held it back and just stared forward, not knowing what to do.
“you’re disgusting” you frown and back up in larger steps, with them coming towards you at the same time.
“don’t be like that, we just want to-“
“you just want to what?” a deep voice says from behind you, making you turn around to see a familiar face.
“we- we just-“
“you what?! say it!” he yells at the men, stepping in front of you with an arm out.
you were surprised to see frank again, considering you’ve only met him a couple times before  now.
and he always happened to find you when you were in some kind of trouble.
“you think it’s okay to harass kids?!” he shouts at them, gaining the attention of some people across the street.
“hey man chill out we were joking-“
“it didn’t look like you were joking when you were undressing her with your eyes” frank grits out at them, getting in their faces.
“now you’re all going to turn around, and never bother anybody again or i’ll find you, you hear me?” he threatens and they all nod, backing up and running past the corner.
frank turns around and when he sees your shaken form his eyes soften, hesitant to reach out to you but does so anyways.
he puts a hand on your shoulder, but you just end up throwing your arms around him and hanging onto the back of his shirt for dear life.
you felt tears in your eyes, and your hands were shaking, frank patting your back to try and comfort you.
franks eyes darted around at the few people watching, so he gently pried your hands off his back to put an arm around your shoulder and lead you towards the way you were originally going.
you felt yourself shaking as you picked at your fingers while letting frank quickly lead you home.
he stopped and turned you so that you were facing him right in front of your building.
“hey, are you alright?” he starts and rolls his eyes at himself. “dumb question. can i do anything to help you?” he rephrases and you just stare ahead.
he sighs and waves a hand in front of your face to grab your attention.
“it wasn’t your fault, stop thinking that” he says as if he can read your mind.
“but they said-“
“no, it’s on them. it’s not right for them to prey after anybody, especially not young girls” he tells you and you nod.
“but what if you didn’t show up? i cant just- they would’ve seen my face” you almost out yourself, when he gives you a knowing nod.
“hey, red told me about your.. powers so don’t you worry about it” he starts. “i’m positive you could’ve beat all their asses” frank feels proud of himself when you crack a small smile.
“you want me to walk you the rest of the way?” he asks and you nod.
frank leads you up the elevator and you lead him to your door, fumbling with your key as frank makes sure nobody had followed you.
you unlock the door, and marc ends up approaching to greet you like he usually does.
“hey how was- woah what happened?” he asks, and he tenses up a bit until he sees how out of it you were.
you just purse your lips and look down at your shoes.
“it’s frank right? we’ve met before” marc turns to frank eh nods.
marc moves aside you let both you and frank in, you taking off your shoes and tossing your bag on the ground to go sit on the couch, knees to your chest.
marc looks back at you worriedly. “what happened? is she okay?” he asks frank in a hushed voice and frank shakes his head.
“three guys were following her home, and saying.. some nasty things to her” he answers hesitantly and marc scoffs.
“are you kidding me?” he runs a hand through his hair in stress.
“did they touch her? what did they say?”
“no, they didn’t touch her they just.. told her they wanted to have some fun with her” he begins and marc looks to you in concern.
“i stopped it before it could go too far, but she.. she froze up a couple times” he finishes and marc nods.
“well.. thank you for making sure she got home safe. we owe you” he says and frank nods.
“it’s no problem-“
“no really, if anything happened to her i-“ marc stops himself and frank just nods.
“i get it. both of you stay safe” frank turns to leave and marc doesn’t stop him, until he turns around right before he walks out of the door.
“when she’s back in the right mindset, tell her i said bye and.. if she ever needs me she can get my number from red” and that’s all he says before leaving and shutting the door behind him.
marc just stares at the door for a second before turning to you, who was just staring at the wall.
“kid?” he starts, going to sit down next to you.
“can you talk to us please?” he asks softly and waves a hand in front of your face, making you look at him and come back to reality.
“there you are” he starts. “do you need anything?” he asks and you shake your head.
“my head feels funny” you mumble, and your eyes dart around the room for a couple seconds before looking back at marc as if nothing happened.
he hums and tilts his head. “when was the last time you took your medication?” he asks carefully and watches as you count out two days off your fingers.
“these many days” you nod to yourself, sticking your fingers up in his face.
panic courses through all three of them, steven being the worst.
“oh my god- y/n! that is not healthy i’ve told you this- it could make you sick!” he exclaims and you just nod.
“i’m sorry” you apologize as marc gets up to go find your pills.
“don’t be sorry- it’s- you just forgot right? you’re not trying to hurt yourself?” steven asks and you shake your head.
“okay, good” he lets out a breath.
“take these” marc says, handing you two of your usual pills.
you take them and the cup of water he brought you, and toss them in your mouth, swallowing them with the water.
“good job, now do you need anything else?” he asks and this time you nod.
“what is it?” jake asks and you just look to marc with a small frown.
“jus’ wanna sit here with you guys” you say quietly and they all verbally agree to stay there with you.
“just.. if you want to talk about it we’ll listen” steven tells you and you let a small smile form on your face.
“there’s that smile” marc grins at you and you smile even wider.
“i love you guys”
“i love you too”
“si, nosotros siempre tenemos”
“and we always will, love”
you and your dads all just relaxed that evening, clinging to steven the whole time he made dinner.
beating marc’s ass in uno again once you were in the right mindset.
and falling asleep with the cats and jake. on the floor. quite comfortable actually.
and it was all because you had your dads, and they would always be there for you.
always and forever, until the day they physically can’t anymore.
and let’s just say that’s not anytime soon. 
A/N : hope you guys liked it, kinda running out of motivation lately UNTIL- i saw the little blue bubble in my inbox and reminded me of how happy it makes me to write for all of you :) see you all in a few days
taglist ---
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @valiantphantomangel @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil @scarabgrant @luvxxee @certainchildmentality @yikesitskennawrites
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thrndlngs · 3 years
accidentally deleted this so, anon this one’s 4 u !!
holding hands with mha boys includes,
ft. deku, bakugou, iida, kaminari, kirishima and todoroki!
doesn’t like holding hands at first bc of the scars that decorate them. he thinks ur gonna like ??? have a reaction to the texture of the scars so he just opts out completely.
so for awhile it’s just holding pinkies for you to hold until one day the two of you are in the mall and you have no choice but to grab his hand so you don’t lose him.
he freaks out for a minute but the second your fingers trace the scar that is sprawled across his palm, he knows that you don’t see him differently.
so after that little incident - the two of you settle for interlocked fingers from then. sometimes when the two of you are alone, you’ll trace his scars and even pepper little kisses on them to remind that he’s still beautiful.
and it’s shit like that that keeps him going.
so he’s for sure a waffles kinda holder, likes to trace his fingers against ur knuckles.
sometimes u have to pull on his hands to get his attention when he’s going on those rambles when math formulas start form so he doesn’t overload both you and himself.
bonus: the first time he says i love u, he traces it on the inside of ur hand. <3
hates the idea of holding hands at first.
walks close to you with his hands in his pockets while you just kind of fiddle with your fingers.
he thinks it’s normal until kirishima pointed it out the time the three of you went down to the beach. and that’s when everything takes a turn.
at first - when the two of you are like sunbathing or smthn he’ll just randomly grab it but like… firmly and not let go. his hands are sweaty and he’s cursing to himself how this is stupid and you’re like trying to not laugh in his face.
he’s just awkward with it for a while until one day you decide to take action and stop the walk home from patrol with the infamous question, “pancake or waffle?”
and our fiery pomeranian goes, “what the fuck are you talking about now?”
and ur like “here let me show you.” so you interlace your fingers with his and go, “waffles,” and then with your other hand you show him pancakes and man.
this boy is red and immediately starts grumbling like an old man but settles with pancakes.
so he’s a pancakes kind of guy just because he’s able to get a firm grip on your hand.
is a gentleman. ok downright GENTLEMAN.
will always ask if it’s okay to hold ur hand.
will also hold your hand in crowded places without second thought so the two of you don’t get separated but apologizes for three hours after.
bakugou’s hands are hot because you know … quirk reasons but iida’s are just sweaty because you make him nervous. but a good nervous. he just doesn’t want to overstep because he wants to take things at your pace. some people are comfortable with PDA and touchy affection and some are not, if you’re cool with it, cool and if you’re not, that’s cool too!!!
but i do think that once things start working out the two of you are like the pancake holding couple just bc like bakugou, he wants a firm grip in case smthn happens and he likes to think it makes you feel ‘secure’.
okay so from the jump i think the two are you are VERY comfortable with each other. either you’re a carbon copy of his personality or the exact opposite, either way you guys fit each other.
when the two of you are holding hands, he likes to drum his fingers against your knuckles to the beat of whatever tune he’s got stuck in his head.
actually i’d like to think that kaminari is actually very active in the sense that he’s got all these thoughts, jokes or just things he either wants to express or say so whenever he finds you and tries to get your attention by grabbing your hands, he tends to shock you a bit. you know, like when you touch metal at a store? like that.
sometimes he likes to be an ass and give you a little shock when you’re daydreamin’ on one of your night strolls.
definitely the type of couple to listen to music and dance around to the music the two of you are listening to.
i don’t think there’s anything special about the way you two hold hands - if you look past the little shocks he gives off, i think you two just kinda go with the flow.
like one day it’s a pancake hold, one day it’s an elbow and the other is just finger interlocking.
but he DEFINITELY loves holding ur hand.
much like iida, he’s a bit of a gentleman. will definitely ask the first time if you’re cool with holding hands and then after that, it kind of takes off.
i think that, he’s a bit more forward in PDA so he’ll usually be the one to initiate the hand holding just because he gives me that vibe but not in the bad way u feel?
but if ur not cool with it, that’s fine, he’s cool with walking shoulder to shoulder with you.
i don’t think that there’s ever been a situation where he’s used his quirk on accident while the two of you were holding hands and he REFUSES to acknowledge the idea of using it. despite your curiosity.
though he’ll keep a couple of bandaids in his pocket just in case one day he does and the thought of it makes him sick so when those thoughts are heavy (usually on the days after patrol or after he’s heard some people talking shit) he’ll switch to walking with hands stuffed in his pockets.
and you’re all like “???” and he’s like, “are you scared that i’ll accidently active my quirk while we’re holding hands?”
and i think it’s that moment there that’ll be the turning point for y’all cause now YOU are going to try initiate the hand holding so you can show him that you’re not bothered by it.
y’all are definitely the couple to hold hands and then you kinda like wrap the other one around his arm and lean in, ugh so fucking CUTE.
will always opt out of holding your hand and instead wrapping an arm around you when it’s cold or crowded.
chile… if you don’t initiate the handholding, have fun sticking your hands in your pockets. LMFAOJHFK
no seriously i don’t think he’s like clueless but.. he won’t really pick up on the cues u know. i’m not saying you have to walk him through it but it’s gonna take him a little while.
and even if you tell him like, “hey shoto you can like grab my hand whenever you want i don’t care.” he’s still gonna be hesitant and just.. stare at your hand.
majority of the time i think he’ll grab your hand out of instinct ie: during fights he’ll pull you behind him or if you guys need to like take off for whatever reason
and you bring it up because ??? why the fuck can he hold your hand for that but can’t hold your hand for like mundane shit u know??
once all the shit blows over, i think he catches on quickly. depending on the weather or where you’re walking he’ll alternate sides and grips.
ice side, is usually a pancake hold. i think that it being the side he’s more experienced in he’s more comfortable with you on that side. but of course, on the night that it’s really cold, you go to the other side and he’s gonna have a looser grip because u know
he’s really good at picking up on your moods so depending on it he’ll offer a quick little hand holding session, bringing your knuckles to his lips and offering endless rubbing against said knuckles in order to ease your mind
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seita · 4 years
— haikyuu squirting.
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includes: kuroo, kenma, yaku, bokuto, akaashi, + konoha.
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p a r t   t h r e e ;;
⤸ last: two ⤿ next: four (coming soon!)
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-ˋˏ nekoma ˎˊ-
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— tetsurou kuroo.
≻ making you squirt is one of his all time favorite things tbh.
≻ he makes you squirt every chance he gets
≻ he loves how hard you cum, the way you tremble and the way your eyes roll back in your head
≻ it fills him with a sense of power and euphoria
≻ he’s simply a man who lives for your pleasure
he can’t fight the grin on his face as he watches the way your head falls forward, burying your face in your pillow. you can’t hold yourself up on your hands properly.
he doesn’t mind, he prefers this position more anyway. he grips your hips, angling them a bit to make it easier for him to his that sweet spot deep inside you.
“t-tetsu!” you sob, muffled by the pillow you’re crying into.
“what is it, baby? my cock too much for you?” he coos, “you gonna cum for me?”
you nod, lifting your head up to gasp when he reaches beneath you to circle your sensitive little clit. the bud had been completely neglected and feeling his rough fingers circling had you squealing, “please, i’m so close!!”
“oh yeah?” he grunts, “you gonna make a mess for me like i want, baby?”
you nod, your nails digging into the pillow case until the fabric creaks in protests. your mouth falls open but no sound breaks free as you dangle so precariously over that intense edge, ready to fall.
it builds and builds until you’re trembling and waiting for the coil to snap.
when it did, you choked on a sob and fell forward, only being supported by your boyfriends grip. he grunts as you gush around his cock and hand, soaking your thighs, his fingers, and the bed beneath you.
laughing, he pats your clit, forcing a few more squirts of your cum out before he backs off and lets you breathe, “that’s a good girl. givin’ me just what i want.”
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— kenma kozume.
≻ honestly makes you squirt by accident 99% of the time
≻ it’s not that he doesn’t like when you do it
≻ he just doesn’t really like the mess
≻ but if you do squirt
≻ it’s fine
≻ no big deal
≻ he just carries on as usual. he’ll deal with the mess later
≻ all he cares about rn is making you cum again and again
“k-ken wait!” you suddenly cry out, making him frown.
he slows his movements, still holding onto your hips, “what?”
“i-i’m gonna make a mess...” you bashfully admit, covering your face with your hands.
he rolls his eyes, resuming his harsh thrusts. you squeal, grabbing onto the blankets beneath you, “k-ken! i-if you don’t s-stop i’ll--”
“squirt?” he scoffs, eyes locked onto your cunt, watching the way you cream around him -- coating him in milky white every time he pulls out. you’re close. he can tell. you’re spasming deliciously around him, “go ahead then.”
you shake your head, “b-but the mess!”
“we’ll clean it up later, just cum,” he snaps, bringing his hand between your legs to work your clit, “stop holding back.”
“k-ken!” you cry, wrapping your hand around his wrist.
you stare at him with wide eyes, your mouth falling open as you dangle enticingly over the edge. it’s so close. your whole body is tense. it’s building...and building...and building.
until you finally explode with a breathless cry of his name.
you gush at first, your cum dripping down his balls before your squirt, drenching his cock and abdomen as he fucks you through your orgasm. your back is arched and you crying out sweet love confessions as you cum nice and hard for him.
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— morisuke yaku.
≻ another one who loves to make you squirt
≻ but.......it’s usually a punishment
≻ you look so cute when you get embarrassed
≻ the way you cover your face shyly after he holds up his dripping hand for you to see ≻ makes you watch him lick his fingers clean of your cum
≻ he rlly only does it if you’ve been a brat or done something to tick him off
≻ so if u want to squirt, just send him some nudes while he’s work or smthn
“you think you’re cute, don’t you?” he snarls, giving your sensitive cunt a sharp slap, making you cry out in shock. it leaves a buzzing sensation in your clit that ran all the way down to your toes, “sending me pictures of your slutty little cunt while i’m in a meeting?”
“i-i’m sorry!” you gasp, eyes rolling back when he stuffs three fingers unforgivably into your pussy, giving you a sudden, burning stretch that had you panting, “i-i just needed you so...bad!”
he scoffs, angling his fingers upwards, pummeling that tender little spot in your upper wall, “oh yeah? if you’re really sorry then you’ll make a pretty mess all over my hand. then maybe i’ll forgive you and you can have my cock.”
you nod, squealing when he uses his other hand to thumb at your swollen clit, making your thighs tremble, “fuck! mori! ‘m gonna cum!”
he doesn’t say anything, just grins. his eyes are fixzated on your cunt, watching the way your hole swallows his fingers desperately. it’s almost as good a sight as watching you stretch to take his cock.
the thought of you being stuffed full of his cock has him throbbing in his shorts, “cum. right now. make a mess all over me or you get nothing.”
the threat is enough to send you over the edge, mouth falling open as you cry out his name. he groans through your orgasm, watching the way your juices splatter all the way up his forearm.
“messy girl!” he laughs, pulling his fingers out. he continues to play with your clit, encouraging a few more gushes of cum from your spasming little cunt, “i guess you deserve a reward for that, huh?”
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-ˋˏ fukurodani ˎˊ-
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— koutarou bokuto.
≻ makes you squirt constantly
≻ but not by choice
≻ he loves it but
≻ tbh he doesn’t actually know how he does it
≻ he just fucks you or fingers you and...you end up gushing around his fingers
≻ who is he to ruin what is such a great thing
you love sitting in his lap. he feels so big and strong when he holds you, keeping your legs spread so he can fuck two fingers into your cunt. your head is resting back on his shoulder as he whispers filth in your ear.
he tells you how you’re such a good girl, that you’re so tight around his fingers, you’re absolutely dripping. you’re his filthy baby and he loves you so much. he adores to make you feel good, how he wants you to cum.
your eyes roll back and cling to his arm, your legs trembling endlessly as you keep them completely spread for him.
“kou,” you pant, your tongue feeling heavy in your mouth as you call out to him.
“i know, puppy,” he whispers, kissing your temple, “i can feel you squeezing. you’re creaming all over my fingers, see?”
you look down and feel your cheeks burn at the mess you’re making on his hand. his cock is impossibly hard and pressing into your back.
“want you to cum for me, puppy,” he coos, hooking his chin over your shoulder to watch your cunt swallow his digits, “go on, give it to me, please?”
who are you to deny him? especially when he angles his fingertips expertly as he grinds his palm against your hard clit.
you spasm in his lap, crying out as you sob and gush all over his hand. he grins, fucking his fingers into you as fast as he can, deft flicks of his wrist that only serve to make you squirt even more until you’re positive there is a puddle on the floor beneath you.
you’re panting and twitching in aftershocks as he pulls out, popping his fingers in his mouth with a groan. your cum is sweet and savory on his tongue as he swallows it down.
he doesn’t know how he does it but he loves when you squirt like that for him.
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— keiji akaashi.
≻ only makes you squirt by request
≻ he LOVES when you do
≻ but he never wants to make you squirt if you don’t outright want to
≻ he’s a gentleman after all
≻ sometimes he’ll ask you if it’s okay
≻ other time he waits for you to beg him, in that cute breathy voice if he can make you make a mess
≻ and what’s he gonna do? say no???
≻ as if.
you were so sweet, so pretty as you bashfully asking him if he can make you cum extra hard today. he knew what you meant, having learned your little looks and vague requests.
still, he asks, just to watch you squeak in embarrassment and hide your face in his chest if “you want me to make you squirt?”
but you nod, and he feels his cock get hard immediately.
having you on your back, your knees pressed against your cheek as he slowly rocks his cock into your tight little hole is how he loves you. you become a babbling, drooling mess for him so quickly all while gushing and creaming on his cock.
you drip down his balls, already such making a such a mess despite the fact he hasn’t even made you cum yet.
“what’s got you so worked up today?” he inquires, thumbing your clit, making you arch and gasp desperately, “you’re so wet. i’ve barely even done anything.”
you whimper, “i-i’ve been thinking about you all day.”
your confession comes easily and it makes his heart flutter. he smiles, pressing his lips against your calf, “yeah? my sweet girl.”
you keen, biting back a smile that promptly vanishes when he hits your sweet spot. you arch, trembling beneath him.
“y-you’re gonna make me cum!” you announce, “please keiji.”
he nods, finally speeding up his thrusts. he continues to thumb your swollen little bud, watching your cunt eagerly swallow him balls deep as you spasm and clench desperately around him. he works you to your high, teeth clenched.
when you finally fall over the edge, you squirt, forcing his cock from your hole. he rubs your clit with four fingers, forcing out every drop of cum your eager little cunt has to offer him until you reach down and stop him, muttering soft thanks and ‘i love you’s.
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— akinori konoha.
≻ another one who loves to make you squirt
≻ some days he can do it some days he can’t
≻ it doesn’t matter if you don’t squirt tho, bc you still cum no worries
≻ he just loves the mess of when you do gush for him
≻ the way your moans change ever so slightly, getting embarrassed as you announce that you’re gonna make a mess for him
≻ truly, he could cum from that alone
“work your hips, just like that,” he orders, gripping your hips as he forces you to grind on him exactly how he wants.
you let him, knowing there’s no reason for you to fight him. he’s the one who can make you cum, he knows your body better than you. and you’re proven right when you feel him nail your sweet spot, making your whole body twitch at the stimulation.
you’re not bouncing, it’s a slow grind that stirs his cock against your tender walls. this isn’t about him, he’s working to get you off.
the squeezing of your cunt is enough to stimulate him but not nearly enough to make him cum. perfect.
especially for what he has in mind.
you’ve already caught onto his plan so you let him control your movements. your nails pinch into his bare chest but he doesn’t mind. you’re dripping down his balls, making a mess but he wants an even bigger one.
“c’mon, pretty girl,” he grunts, the way you clench around him at the pet name making his cock throb, “cum for me. i know you want to. go ahead and squirt for me.”
“m-my clit, please, aki,” you beg pathetically.
he grins and finds the hard, neglected little bud with his thumb. a few quick clicks to the button sends you flying over the edge. you push yourself onto your knees, his cock popping free as he continues to thumb your clit, watching as you squirt all over his cock.
he smiles, “i love when you do that.“
he pulls you into his arms and presses his lips against yours, reaching down to stuff his cock back into your oversensitive cunt.
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© all content belongs to seita 2020. do not modify or repost.
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a-kaash-me-outside · 3 years
Hiya! I am definitely on the writing block train with ya, I’m sending all the positive writer vibes your way tori!
You’re writing is always something I look forward to reading- I just- *chef’s kiss*
In the event of overcoming this writing slump I would love to req. some nsfw bokuto x reader with the lovely smut prompt of either #55 or #99?
Thank you and I truly believe that you can ko this writing block’s ass😉.
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but I’m hungry
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// nsfw (minors dni!!), f!reader, oral f!receiving, no seriously some good good pussy eating thanks, domestic smut mmm
ty for the posi vibes, but more so, thank u for req bokuto because i have been on a bokuto brainrot for like,,, mmm ~~ weeks thanks ,, srsly one of the best things I’ve written I think so this is a part of my 3k event ! ~ go request smthn or send me hcs
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“You know, there wasn’t a single thing to eat in the kitchen until you walked in.” His head is still in the refrigerator when you enter the kitchen. Either he is disgustingly aware of your morning routine or your footsteps aren't as light as you thought.
"It is 7 in the morning, don't you think it's a little early for stupid pickup lines?" Your eyes are half-lidded, still contemplating going back to sleep instead of starting your day as a blurry Bokuto takes 3 strides to meet you where you stand.
He wastes no time wrapping his arms tightly around you. "Who said it was a stupid pickup line? Maybe I'm just hungry for something in particular this morning."
"Don't you have practice in like an hour?" you ask, rubbing your eyes with one hand so you can actually focus on your boyfriend.
"But I'm hungry," he whines, pressing his forehead to yours, pleading eyes waiting for any bit of approval that you'll give him. You lock your arms together around his neck as you nod. What were you supposed to do? Turn him down?
The pleas in his eyes are replaced with excitement and a more unapologetic hunger as he lifts you, quickly making his way to the counter. You can't help your laugh, "What? No bedroom?"
His fingers are already hooked into the waistband of your shorts and underwear when he looks up at you, joking confusion all over his face that almost immediately turns into a grin. "I'm eating in the kitchen where I'm supposed to."
He pulls them off in one motion, nudging your legs apart with his own before lowering himself and hooking his arms under your knees, locking his fingers together on your lower back.
It's always a gamble when Bo gets in between your legs. Some days he takes his time, teases you for hours using only the tip of his tongue until you're so sensitive that his breath could make you come if he asked you to. Some days he savors it, letting you come whenever you feel it approaching, but staying buried between your legs for as long as he can hold his breath so he doesn't have to be away from you.
Some days he wants to make you come as many times as you can handle just to prove to himself and you how much power he has. Some days he goes as hard as he can, using whatever he can to hear those unbelievable noises you make, making a huge mess of you and wherever you are.
Today... Today your boyfriend is hungry, starving actually from the looks of it as he stares between your legs, mouth watering as he just takes in how fucking pretty you are.
He looks up at you, not for permission, but so that you can see the gratitude that's taking over every single one of his features. His eyes are locked on yours, focus resting on the golden color as he inches closer to you, mouth open and tongue out.
Your jaw relaxes, mouth opening slightly as your tongue rests against your bottom lip, waiting with bated breath as you feel yourself growing wetter.
He licks a long strip between your lips, dipping into your hole before running the flat of his tongue against your clit. It's the most control that he exhibits all morning. Tasting you on his tongue, feeling your juices coat his tongue, all of his restraint is gone.
He buries himself as deep between your legs as is physically possible, his nose pressed up against your clit as he slurps whatever wetness he can, using his bottom lip to make sure that he doesn't miss any of it.
"mmm taste so fucking good," he mumbles against your pussy, the vibrations making your thighs clench. "fuck, baby, baby, you taste so fucking good." You're already coming, lacing your fingers into his hair as he moans into you, tongue diving so deep into your cunt, scooping out all of the cum that he can.
But he wants more. He needs more. It's not enough. He pulls you closer to him and you're convinced that he can't breathe. Your thighs are engulfing him and your pussy is suffocating him and he has never looked happier. You've lost his eye contact from how submerged he is between your legs. You know that they're probably shut in concentration and appreciation, but your fingers are digging into his shoulders and you're whimpering and you just want to see how much he's enjoying it. "Bo, mm, please look at me."
He pulls back only enough for you to watch his eyelid flutter open and see the drunk-like look in his eyes, but it doesn't last for long because you're coming on his tongue again and he needs every drop.
Time doesn't exist in this moment. You've lost track of how many times you've came and how many breathes he's taken. Your legs are tired from tensing so hard and you're sure that Bo's back is raw at this point and you have absolutely no thoughts in your head other than how in love with him you are and he shows zero signs of stopping.
Despite his best efforts, between his spit and how many times he's made you come, you're dripping onto the counter beneath you so much so that you are so grateful for the hold that Bo has on you because otherwise you would be sliding all over the counter. Your fingers are gripped onto the edge of the counter now, no longer clawing down Bo's back.
You're coming down from what you're quite positive is your 15th orgasm when you hear a vibration against the counter. You're out of breath and your mind is foggy, but you can see Bo's phone buzzing, the screen lighting up with Atsumu's face and a time that is most definitely later than you thought.
"Baby," you murmur, but it's like he doesn't even hear you. "Bokuto," you say, louder his time, reaching to grab his phone, sitting upright as you unclench your thighs from around him.
At the absence of you completely surrounding him, he looks up at you. The entire lower half of his face is sheened with you and no matter how many times he swallows, it's not enough. It's catching up to him now being buried between your legs, taking deep breaths to compose himself.
"'s Atsumu," you say, offering his phone to him. "You are very late for practice."
By the time Bokuto finally composes himself, the phone stops ringing, but he doesn't make any moves to get up. He licks his lips, savoring the lingering taste of you and you swear to God if his phone didn't start ringing as soon as it stopped, he would've kept going.
You can barely hear Atsumu from the other side of the line, angrily asking where he's at and if he slept passed his alarm. Your eyes are trained on Bo as he looks up at you and then between your legs once again. "Yeah, I'm actually not feeling good this morning. I thought I texted Meian, but the text must not have sent. I'll be there Thursday though."
You can't focus on whatever response Atsumu gives, but it sounds apologetic enough, all you can focus on is the way that the corner's of Bo's lips upturn into a smile as he nods with fake concern. "Yeah, right, I will. Thanks, 'Tsumu."
And then he hangs up the phone.
"Sorry, where were we?" he asks, wasting no time before closing the gap and picking up right where he left off.
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♡ leave a tip ! ♡ ♡ reblogs & likes appreciated ♡
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atzsslut · 3 years
requested by @let-this-be-a-lesson from this, and this list.
chosen prompt(s) : 
#1 - “Is that my sweater?”
#11 - “If you were my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner, I’d probably never stop staring at you.”
pairing : bang chan x fem ! reader
genre : fluff 
warnings : long time best friends, very obvious crushing, kind of more than friends (unidentified relationship) to lovers, implied slow burn 
word count : 2.4k words
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You promised to meet Chan almost an hour ago. 
The adrenaline coursed through your body as you ran out of the bathroom after a shower, which was relatively dangerous but you didn’t care, sprinting back to your room to get into some decent clothing. 
As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you almost punched it from the frustration. But you didn’t, of course, as if you didn’t have enough bad luck already.  
Are you that stupid to have fallen asleep on the couch? You thought to yourself. You were much too thankful that you already washed your hair in the morning, so it looked good enough now. 
As you dropped your towel, you swore that you’ve never grabbed such a mismatched set of underwear and bra before, but it didn’t matter. You’d opt yourself to become quicksilver if it was for Chan. 
Your hands let themselves skim through until your phone lit up on top of your cupboard and showed three notifications from the man himself. You froze in your spot reading the following messages. 
chan: okay :( if u insist [5:02 PM]
chan: but since u seem tired [5:03 PM]
chan: i’ll pick u up since i’m only 10 mins away [5:03 PM]
Your mind went back to when you had woken up to three missed calls from Chan, various texts asking if you were alright since you never missed a ‘hangout’. At least, that’s what you two always called your frequent meets. 
Your first instinct was to call him back, your voice rather nasally from the blocked nose you always got after sleeping. His kind voice kept replaying in your head;
“Chan, I’m so so sorry-”
“Oh, did you just wake up?”
“I.. yes. Yes I did. I’m so sorry, I fell asleep because I ran a million errands up until 3pm.”
“Hey, no. It’s okay. It’s not your fault. Do you want to move our hangout to some other day? I think I’m quite free this week.”
“No, no. I need to see you, honestly. My stress has piled up and it’ll be great to see you. You always cheer me up.”
“I try my best, Y/N. I’ll wait for you as long as you’d like. Go get ready!”
“Will do, Mr. Bang. Thank you so so much!”
The last thing you heard after the call ended was his farewell that was mixed in with his infectious laugh, and that was when you ran towards the shower to get the thin layer of sweat that always came after a nap in the living room.
Your fingers quickly typed away a ‘did god send u down to me as my angel or smthn THANK U BANG CHAN’ before going back to rushing to pick out a nicer outfit. 
Because of him willing to pick you up, you had an extra ten minutes to get ready but your mind was still blank from the adrenaline rush. You had picked yourself out a cream-coloured pleated skirt, but you had no idea what to pair it with until you saw a familiar black sweater pushed to the back of the drawer. 
You weren’t too sure why it was familiar to you, but it was nice enough for you to use with the skirt. For a reason you couldn’t pinpoint, it hugged your body well enough, but the area where you could see the stitch of the shoulders were clearly too broad for you, falling around the middle of your upper arms. 
Strange, you thought, I don’t remember buying this but it’s so comfortable. 
And just like he said, Chan was there in ten minutes, voice heard through your apartment intercom, asking you to come downstairs. Although you tried to ignore it, you were excited just from hearing his voice through that old system speaker. 
Taking the elevator down to the lobby, you smiled seeing the boy standing around, clearly waiting for you to come down, as he kept shifting his feet. 
It was music to his ears as well when he heard you call out his name. Although he would never admit it, or so he thinks, he swore that he heard a hymn whenever ‘Chan’ spilled from your lips. But he shook that away when he reached in for a side hug. 
“Hey you.” he said, “You look awfully fresh for someone who just woke up.”
“I work my magic.” you boasted, not wanting to admit the fuss you made for him. Since Chan was a bit taller than you, not by too much (which you teased him about, but he only let it be because it was you), you held onto him as well by slinging your arm around his waist. 
And as you both walked to the parking lot at the front, stuck together like two pieces of paper with a hefty amount of glue in the middle, that was when Chan stopped right in front of his car. 
You looked at him with concern, thinking that he’d probably left something inside, “Did you forget something?”  
He paused, looking at you with the face he’d make whenever Felix did something strange. That wasn’t new, but you felt flustered when he let you go and stood in front of you, arms crossed, eyes checking out your whole body. 
You looked at him strange, not understanding what he was doing. Your hand only clutched your bag strap harder, not understanding the situation. But before you could say anything, he cut you off. 
“Is that my sweater?”
And the realization hit you. 
A few months ago, Chan had gone to your place to spend some time with you after not getting to meet you for three weeks. But of course, the two of you did not look at the weather forecast when a rainstorm dawned over the whole of Seoul. 
You insisted that Chan should not be driving in this weather in fear of a accident, but he did have to get his car to the indoor parking lot incase it began to hail. However, once he had gotten back, the umbrella you had given him was soaked and so was he, the two of you getting into a hysterical laughing fit at the state he was in. 
In all seriousness, you did quickly get him out of the clothes he was wearing and washed them, shyly looking away when he directly began to take his shirt off in the living room until you yelled “Chan! I have a bathroom!”
However, as the night passed, after he slept in the same bed as you, finding his arm around your waist in the morning to which he quickly pulled away in surprise— he left with only his jeans and socks that had been dry cleaned. 
“Oh shit, this is your sweater!” you swore, the event having replayed itself in your forgetful mind, “I’ll clean it after this and give it back to you.”
“Oh, no. You look better in it than I do.” he complimented. 
In between your reminiscing, he had clicked the car key, making the vehicle make the familiar unlocking sound and flashing lights. Running over to your side, he opened the door for you. 
“M’lady.” he offered, 
“M’Chan.” you joked, only to laugh for a bit then go in with a murmured, “Sorry that was cheesy.” 
“It was!” he admitted, yelling so you could hear him through the car glass since you closed the door already. He did his little jog over to the drivers seat and went it rather smoothly, not that you were impressed by that. 
“So, arcade?” he asked, smiling when you nodded and tapped excitedly on his dashboard. 
Once again, in ten minutes, the two of you had reached the destination, quickly running out as if the both of you were six, and not in your early 20s. 
As you ran into building, fluorescent hitting your eyes with a familiar nostalgia coming alongside them, much too familiar from the high school days of you and Chan going to another arcade that was already closed down now. 
“So, what do you want to do first?” you asked, as if you didn’t guess the answer already. 
Chan looked forward, scanning the place more and finally seeing a row of big,  bulky, metal boxes that couldn’t be missed. He pointed at them, rather cutely to add, smiling down at you. 
You gave him an excited grin back, happy that you guessed right in your head. You walked ahead, pleased to hear him tread behind you at a faster pace to catch up with you.
Drawing back the curtain, the two of you went inside and swiped the arcade card that you had because of several trips that were forced by your auntie with your little cousins. Luckily, there was still money inside. 
The recognizable ‘twinkling’ sound of the photo booth rang in both your ears, opting you to choose the frame decor, etc. 
And as the screen showed both your faces, a robotic voice was heard through the same speakers at the sides of the booth, stating ‘please move more towards the centre, thank you’ 
But if anyone were to look inside, you and Chan were already considerably close, especially since the bench space wasn’t wide at all. But you side-eyed the boy, scooting closer to him as he did the same to you. 
You felt his arm squish against yours, feeling flustered at the sudden contact. 
“Can..uh..” he trailed, “Can I put my arm around you? I.. I think it’ll make the pictures look less awkward, don’t you think?”
“Y-yeah!” you responded a bit too enthusiastically. Clearing your throat, you gave him the gentle smile that he could never hate, “Yeah. Go ahead, Chan.”
He did as he asked. Unlike the playful hug that you two had shared in your apartment lobby, this one felt more intimate, especially when you saw the screen reflecting the two of you. 
You could feel his rings dig against his cotton sweater on your body, assuming now that it was yours, comfortable enough for you to feel secure— at home. Nevertheless, you always felt that Chan was your home. 
Your eyes fixated on the screen as you moved forward to press the red button that would soon make you both take simultaneous pictures together. 
We look good together, you thought to yourself, Wait what? Shut up. 
But why did this feel different? You two had taken hundreds of photos together, varied with ridiculous, attractive, and unnecessary ones. But you swallowed that wondering lump in your throat, quickly dismissing it as you posed with Chan for each one, your vision rather blurry for a reason you couldn’t pinpoint. 
And as the twelve clicks ended, Chan stood up first. You were quite upset about the absence of his embrace, but didn’t mind it when he smiled at you like he always did,
“Let’s see the pictures.” he held his hand out for you to take, which you graciously did, feeling the pit of your stomach drop as you, as per usual, questioned what your relationship with him was at this point. 
The two pairs of feet, albeit the both of you were wearing matching shoes on accident, met their way towards the printing area. Looking at the screen which read 99% complete, Chan heard the sound of the photo paper hit the stopper that avoided the prints from falling on the ground. 
He bent down and took it, showing it to you. Naturally, your arms went around his left bicep, hugging it to look closer. Chan sucked in his breath, knowing that if he was in a cartoon right now, his brown head of hair would be sticking up in all places as a silhouette of his heart pumped dramatically out of his chest. 
It was ironic, as most of your friends would say; it was ironic how you two hugged often but got shy whenever your hands would simpy graze, it was ironic how you two were so affectionate yet were so resistant, and it was very ironic that your ‘hangouts’ weren’t dates at this point. 
He watched as you pointed at his face from top to bottom, questioning, 
“You’re not even facing the camera in most of these! Stop looking at me and look at the lens next time. Do you want to retake these?”
Your question wasn’t too hard, but you didn’t understand why Chan looked at you with such solemn eyes, his eyebrows knitted together as if he was frustrated. But the look was soon replaced with one that held adoration, but that only increased your confusion. 
“I mean.. we don’t have to retake these, Chan. What do you want to do?” 
“If you were my girlfriend, I’d probably never stop staring at you.”
He didn’t know why he said that. Not a bone in his body was willing to let that out but his mind decided to play a little game of “thinking out loud”. The impulsivity of the statement made the two of your freeze in front of the photo booth.
But there was something that the both of you knew, something that neither of you wanted to admit. You had been friends for too long, had been too close for too long, but what was different now?
Why, after more than ten years of being best friends, was now the best time for you two to be together? 
But something resided within you, and in Chan as well. This was to atone for all the pain you two had experienced without one another. You and Chan always wondered why you’ve always loved, but never been in love truly. All this time, the person that was it from the start was right in front of your faces, but pent up denial never allowed it to happen. 
Until now. 
Somewhere, somehow, this was the universe’s way of telling you that today was that day. You woke up late, wore his sweater, and Chan had slipped up with his thoughts aloud. It made sense. 
So, you took a small step forward. 
It felt as if the gravity between your feet and floor was much heavier than before, especially watching Chan’s jaw clench out of nervousness, but you knew it was just you mustering up a ton of courage to finally ask, 
“Who’s stopping you from asking?” 
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simplaertes · 4 years
OKAY here it is breakdown/rant over the rh apology.
 bright side is looking up the waste of a tweet led me to see SEVERAL ah members reactions (presumably, they were pretty understandably vague tweeting) and they were so funny fdksal;fa; 
anyways. back to the angry and depressing stuff. (under a read more ofc)
tl;dr: it was incredibly narcissistic and had some pretty clear hallmarks of complete manipulation. but like, i cannot stress enough. the narcisissm
these past few days have been a difficult time
okay, starting off strong, basic, and lame. pretty usual call to sympathy (boo hoo things have been hard for me) 
but also, a little hidden here and VERY manipulative, is that he’s starting off with a relatable statement. “difficult time” yeah they sure fucking have been. anyone else saying that, we would all agree! it’s a textbook way to start off manipulation
without knowing exactly where to start...
ooooh here is where it starts getting interesting: this is what i like to call “anti-ethos” so in argumentative stuff, ethos is basically the plea to respect/authority/competence/etc. but this right here is the OPPOSITE of that... so what does THAT mean?
basically, it’s there as both a cop-out and another, subtler plea for understanding. “please be nice to me” it begs “i don’t know what i’m doing.” it’s a simple, one sentence way to buy yourself some leeway when you know what you’re abt to say isn’t the best. it’s like having to present in class and starting with a “well, i’m not entirely sure this is what was wanted....” it gains allowance from your audience in a sneaky kind of way
i want to say that i know i let a lot of people down, including those that i am closest too
textbook. it’s all so textbook it’s almost boring. the move here is he’s made himself look like he’s taking accountability and apologizing without doing EITHER of those things. also, look at those fantastic i-statements. “i want, i know, i let, i am” it’s just all about him, like always
also, great shoutout to the general language there: who did he let down? who is he closest too? it’s so incredibly vague. ALSO the way he says “let people down” is textbook downplay-- he doesn’t say what he did and phrases it to sound small, like a mistake rather than... what it is.
this is what i regret the most.
i think this was SUPPOSED to be a like, nice short statement that would hit hard. usually you only do short sentences like that when you’re sure they’re going to affect your audience? but like. this doesn’t work AT ALL which is why i’m prettyyyyyy sure there’s some narcisissm or smthn like that at play here
seriously, it just falls INCREDIBLY flat. letting down ppl you know is what you regret the most? not, y’know, DOING it? like jesus CHRIST. notice how he doesn’t apologize or say he regrets the actions once in this entire thing?? he just focuses on how the consequences have affected him. disgusting.
i take full accountability for the way i’ve conducted myself over these past years.
once again, he REFUSES to say what he’s done!! just talking himself around it. and using “conducted” there...... it’s written as though it’s all abt him, like, being a little creepy. it’s not abt how he “conducted” himself it’s abt how he GROOMED AND RAPED PPL!! 
it was unfair to those i have hurt, unfair to my friends in the community, and most importantly -- unfair to my family
“unfair” is once again downplaying it, my friend. but i do think there’s a little bit of an attempt at ethos here..... by throwing in his “friends in the community” where he doesn’t have to, he’s reminding everyone who he is -- that he was, as of a couple days ago, revered. loved. looked up to. 
also, bringing up his family to illicit sympathy for it. he’s STILL pushing this image of a “family man” and it’s DISGUSTING bc after all this, he’s made it very clear he doesn’t really care abt them at all
[stop harassing ppl paragraphs]
i agreed with this on first read and wasn’t going to comment on it but then i realized��that’s what this part was meant for. it gives a break in talking abt things most ppl dislike him for, and makes you (the reader) AGREE with him, briefly. therefore, you form a comradery. this is argumentative essay 101: don’t start with the hard stuff, start somewhere everyone agrees and work from there. 
as for providing clarity to my mistakes, i would like to state: i never set out to hurt anyone
calling them mistakes again, you know how i feel about that. also, the “providing clarity” part is so strange. once again he’s framing it like he’s getting ready to write an excuse, like he’s exonerating himself by saying he never “set out” to hurt ppl
i flirted with and had sexual relations with members of the community
notice how he doesn’t address anything other than that. all he owns up to is flirting and sex. he doesn’t address the age gaps, the money, the rape -- nothing. and look at what he calls them: members of the community. that he makes it so general and broad means it’s CERTAIN there’s far more victims than have come forward. 
i am continually saddened to learn that my actions have contributed to anyone’s pain, especially as my interactions, as inappropriate as they were, always came from a place of what i thought was a shared connection
this is just. So Much. in one sentence. first things first: this sounds like a robot wrote it?? or someone who never experienced human emotions?? like seriously. saddened??? saddened was the best word you could come up with for that??? like. try horrified, floored, distraught, but SADDENED?? it just goes to show how UTTERLY disconnected he is 
and then!!! we get to the meat!!!!!! he says “contributed” instead of “caused,” alleviating himself of some responsibility and throwing subtle shadows on the girls who have come forward -- basically “well. they’re all a bit off in the head” in fewer words. also, using “interactions” there is just so fucking strange as well. you weren’t “interacting” with them. he said what he was doing (at least loosely) earlier in the paragraph, so once again he’s DOWNPLAYING IT
THEN there comes the SHARED CONNECTION. HOOOOOBOY. i have a theory on what this shared connection could be.................. love of fucking ryan haywood. bc it’s becoming more and more clear that ryan really, really loves himself. wtf else could he have possibly believed he shared with these victims??? i cannot see it. 
i apologize for all the hurt i’ve caused... i may never redeem myself, but i am taking steps to be a better person
okay sorry most of that paragraph was pointless so i’ve cut it. here, in the final statements, we get down to it.... the real kicker... have you seen it yet? well, i’ll tell you: he didn’t fucking apologize for what he did. TEXTBOOK, TEXTBOOK, TEXTBOOK NON-APOLOGY. HOLY SHIT. he apologizes for the “HURT HE’S CAUSED” like waaaa baby }i’m so sorry you got hurt. not sorry i did it tho lol”
AND THEN: the one, final appeal to sympathy. the pledge to do better. doesn’t matter if it’s true, EVERYONE wants to better themselves in some way, so EVERYONE can relate to this!! everyone wants to do better and be better and he’s playing on those basic human emotions to illicit sympathy. GROSS.
basically, this was one of the most narcissistic, stupid things i’ve had to read in a while and I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS GUY IS STILL ON TWITTER HOLY SHIT. 
at it’s most basic form:
he mentions himself (says i, my, etc): 37 times
mentions mistakes/accountability/unfair: 13 times
mentions his family/friends/community: 11 times
mentions the other victims: 3 times
...see the problem?
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justauthoring · 4 years
no one else.
Request: carlos request ok ok so some angst?? Like the reader getting or being insecure and a lil jelly about jill and carlos working together at the station like he spends so much time with her even when he’s off and him forgetting about anniversary or smthn and reader always comparing herself to Jill
Pairing: Carlos Oliveira x Reader Word Count: 1,264 Please don’t plagiarize my work!
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It was obvious they had a connection of something you couldn’t understand.
And honestly, in the grand picture of it all, you were glad. You felt blessed and grateful that you hadn’t had to experience the Raccoon City outbreak. That you had been home safe while thousands of people had died. 
You were happy Carlos had made it home safe too, of course. You’re not sure what you would’ve done if you’d lost him. You were happy that Jill had made it out alive as well, even if you hadn’t known her beforehand. Because Carlos had saved her life as much as she had saved his and you knew you owed her for bringing Carlos home to you.
But you couldn’t help the way you felt.
You especially couldn’t help it as you sit at home now, it dark now, never having seen Carlos even once despite the fact that it was your two year anniversary. You’d known you wouldn’t see him until after work, because it was very rare he could get a day off, but as the hours passed and you failed to even get a single text from him saying he’d be home late or that they needed him at the station...
You were beginning to wonder if he’d even remembered.
When the clock struck eleven, an hour before the day was completely over, you knew he had.
And it didn’t take a genius to realize he was with Jill, doing whatever it was the two of them did that Carlos refused to tell you. He said it was for your own protection but the secrecy was beginning to make you question a man you had never once not trusted.
Until now, obviously.
You give up when it hits eleven. You’re tired, beyond so, and honestly you just want to fall into bed and cry until you fall asleep. You were too exhausted to care anymore.
You’d given up caring with how long this had gone on for.
But as you’re in the kitchen, placing your empty glass of water in the sink, the familiar sound of the front door opening echoes. Your heart sinks with the realization that you won’t be going to bed like you’d hoped, because you knew yourself and you knew the second you saw Carlos, you wouldn’t be able to hold it back anymore. You were at your absolute wits end and you were tired of the wondering, questioning and loneliness.
You couldn’t handle it anymore.
“I’m home, babe! Where are you?”
“In the kitchen.” Your voice is clearly softer then his own, raspy because of the crying you’d practically been doing all night. You know, even before you turn to face him, that Carlos is concerned. And normally you’d find his doting over you endearing. But not tonight.
“Y/N?” He asks softly, and you meet his concerned eyes as you press your back up against the edge of the counter. “What’s wrong? You look like you’ve been crying.”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you shrug your shoulders; “you should know already.”
And his brows furrow, in absolute bafflement, lips parting for a moment, gaping, before he speaks. “What?”
“Do you know what day it is, Carlos?” His silence gives you the answer you need. “Look at the calendar and you’ll find out.”
You storm past him them, brushing harshly past his shoulder as his head turns. You don’t stop, even when you hear him softly curse to himself, making your way hastily up the stairs to your bedroom. Your intent is to shut him out, slamming the door behind you, but he catches it, much quicker then you, before it shuts and his lips instantly part.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry, babe. I completely forgot. Me and--”
“Jill.” you cut, whirling to face him. “I know. She’s the only one you ever see anymore.”
And he pauses, briefly, blinking at your words. “Is that why you’re mad?”
“Are you dense!” You snap, shaking your head angrily. “I’m mad because today was our two year anniversary and you fucking forgot because you were too busy doing whatever the hell it is you do with Jill. Because it’s always about Jill. Whenever I do manage to see you, get a moment with you, it somehow always comes back to her! But you won’t tell me what it is you two are doing for my safety,” you scoff, “so now i’m just confused. And hurt.”
Carlos frowns, guilty flooding his eyes as his eyes lower. Then, he takes a small step forward, reaching out for you; “Y/N--” but you pull back before he can touch you, shaking your head.
“I mean!” You start, throwing your hands in exasperation. “I was fine with it. I was trying to be fine with how much time you’re spending with her. But forgetting our anniversary? That’s... that’s where I draw the line, Carlos.”
And his eyes widen, hurt bleeding into his gaze; “what does that mean?”
You hesitate a moment, breath halting. “I think... I think maybe we should take a bre--”
But he’s crossing the distance over to you before you can finish your sentence. His hands fall on your arms, pulling you close as he adamantly shakes his head. And at first his words just sound like mumbles, all mixed together, before he starts making sense. “--I really am sorry, Y/N. But please... please, I can make this better. I... I didn’t know you were upset, and that’s my fault. I should’ve realized. I’ll... I’ll take the day off tomorrow. It can just be you and me.”
You scoff, shaking your head; “no,” you say simply, “I know how strict work is. You don’t have--”
“I will,” he says, firmly, nodding his head don’t at you as you blink up at him in surprise. “I’ll take it off and it’ll be you and me. No one else. Not Jill. Not work. You’ll have all of me tomorrow and i’ll make up for forgetting our anniversary. I promise.”
You hesitate on replying, letting his words sink in. Your heart still hurts and you’re still mad, of course you are, but you also know Carlos is speaking the truth. That in a dumb, naive way he probably just hadn’t realized how badly he was hurting you. 
And he deserved a second chance. Of course he did.
Before this, before all of this, you had never met a man as devoted and caring as Carlos. So, of course, he deserved a second chance.
Even if he didn’t, you know you would’ve given him one. You may be mad, but you still loved him.
His hands move, cupping your cheeks, the action pulling you from your thoughts as you blink up at him, in a daze. Never wavering his gaze from your own, Carlos nods at you, his gaze pleading.
“I love you, Y/N.” He whispers, “you’re the only one for me.”
“Okay,” you say finally, voice faint. “Okay.”
“Yeah?” Carlos’ eyes widen with hope, bringing a soft smile to your lips at the goofy grin on his lips.
“Yeah, of course,” you shrug lightly. “I love you too much to stay mad at you for forever.”
And he chuckles, lightly, still testing the waters, at that, pulling you in for an embrace. You let your head fall into the crook of his neck and shoulder with ease, pulling him close as your eyes flutter shut, the pounding of your heart calming at the feeling of him so close again.
“There really is no one else for me but you, Y/N...”
Let me know what you thought?
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
can i request something where the reader is a higher vampire who lives with regis like as his assistant or smthn and has a crush on dettlaff?
A/N: oof this took in a mind of its own. I may or may not do another installment of this... the reader in this is a younger vampire that Regis sort of took under his wing and mentors. Also vampires get headaches??? And they blush??? Let’s say yes 😂
You kicked your feet back and forth, watching Regis as he mixed two foamy substances together. 
“Can you hand me the vial to your left, Y/N?” He asked without looking in your direction. 
You looked to your left, clicking your tongue absentmindedly. You picked up the vial and passed it to him. 
“Thank you, my dear.”
“When are you going to let me do the fun stuff?” You sighed. You leaned back on your hands, still kicking your legs. 
“Can you tell me what these two ingredients are?” He stood up, placing the vial down on to the table you sat on. He held up the jar with the combined foamy substances. 
You looked at them, scrunching your nose up. 
“No. But they have a horrible stench.”
“They do. It’s buckthorn and skunk cabbage.”
“How was I supposed to know what they are?”
“If you studied like you should, you’d know what they were.”
You groaned, letting your head fall back. 
“Regis! Not everyone can sit and read a book in one hour.”
“Ever the dramatic, you are.” Regis smiled a little, shaking his head. “I don’t sit and read one book in an hour.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. 
“Regis, you sit and read three books in an hour when you have nothing else to do.”
“To expand my field of knowledge.”
You groaned again. 
The door to the crypt creaked open. 
You sat up a little straighter and leaned forward, peering around the corner to see if you could see who it was. But you heard his heartbeat, inhaled his scent before you ever saw him. 
“It’s Dettlaff.” You smiled.
“Pass me the bowl next to you, Y/N.” 
You picked up the bowl and handed it to Regis. 
As Dettlaff came around the corner into the main room of the crypt, you slid down from the table. You hadn’t paid attention to the tablecloth being under you. When you moved, you pulled the cloth and the contents of the table down into the floor. 
“Oh, damn it!” You cursed, looking down at the mess. 
“No need to fuss over it, dear.” Regis told you, sighing softly. “We will just have to try this again tomorrow.”
You groaned. 
“Having fun, I see.” Dettlaff spoke, his deep voice making goosebumps rise across your skin. 
“Regis is having all of the fun.” You frowned. “He won’t let me mix anything together.”
“The last time you tried to mix ingredients, you nearly blew the crypt up.” Regis reminded you as he began to clean up the mess of broken glass on the floor. 
You brought your eyes to Dettlaff. 
“It’s been a while since I last saw you.” You tried to hide the excitement you felt just from seeing him, from being in the same room as him. You didn’t want to creep him out.
“I’ve been.... busy.” He nodded, blue eyes lingering on you for a few moments. You swore you could feel your heart racing against your chest. “I came to speak with Regis, but it can wait. I don’t want to interfere with your learning.”
“I think we were about due for a break anyways.” Regis said. “Once I get this cleaned up, we can chat.”
“I’ll be outside.”
You watched the vampire leave, your chest tightening. 
“Of course you came to see him.” You muttered once you were sure Dettlaff was out of hearing range. 
“You should tell him how you feel, Y/N.”
“You are an absolutely brilliant man, Regis. But that is a very stupid idea.” You moved to grab a cloth to help him clean the foam off of the floor. 
“I think it’s rather foolish to keep your feelings to yourself. Our lives are long and can be rather lonesome if you don’t have someone to share it with.”
You got down on the floor on your knees, wiping the foam up. 
“From the way this is going, I’m going to be your apprentice forever. We’ll have each other.” You chuckled a little. You sat back on your knees, looking at the cloth in your hand. “After what happened with that human, the Duchess’s sister, I doubt he’d ever want to be with anyone ever again. I don’t blame him. I want to gut the whore for what she did to him.”
“But we won’t lay a hand on her, will we, Y/N?” Regis raised his brows at you. 
“No.” You muttered, standing to your feet. “Because we don’t like to mess with garbage. It makes us stink.”
Regis chuckled softly at you. 
“I’m going to go out and talk to him. Will you clean the rest of this up for me?”
“Yes, sir.”
You spun a vial around on the table, trying to amuse yourself until Regis returned. 
You were a little frustrated. Why couldn’t Dettlaff pay at least a little bit of attention to you? Maybe you were annoying to him. Maybe it was because you weren’t as sophisticated and elegant as most vampires. Your sense of balance was absent and you always managed to break anything you touched. 
You picked the vial up, sighing heavily, and turned to move across the room. 
You jolted, sucking in a breath at the sight of Dettlaff standing in the doorway to the room. The vial fell from your fingers and hit the floor, shattering into a billion pieces.
“Oh dear.” Regis spoke, walking out from behind Dettlaff.
“You scared me.” You told them, kneeling down to pick up the broken glass. 
“No worries, dear. I shall go fetch some more vials. I think we could use them, especially with so many breaking this evening.”
“I’m sorry, Regis. I’ll pay for them.”
“Nonsense.” Regis shook his head at you. He held onto the strap of his satchel that crossed over his chest. “I believe there was something you had to speak with Y/N about, Dettlaff. Isn’t that right?”
The dark haired vampire kept his eyes on Regis. 
“I’ll be back later.” Regis looked at you and nodded his head once before disappearing in a cloud of gray smoke. 
You glanced up at Dettlaff momentarily, cursing in your head when your eyes met. 
“What can I do for you, Dettlaff?” You asked, placing the chunks of broken glass on the table. You’d need to fetch a broom from the other room to clean the rest of it up, but you didn’t want to move. Right now, he was standing in the only doorway leading out of the room and you couldn’t bring yourself to move any closer to him. You didn’t want to scare him away anymore than what you probably already did. 
“I just…. There’s a matter I need to discuss with you.” He spoke, his deep baritone losing a bit of its confidence. “Perhaps we should go outside. There’s so many fumes in here, it’s beginning to give me a headache.”
You would probably have agreed with him had you not been so used to alchemy. 
“Okay.” You quietly agreed. 
He stepped out of the doorway and motioned for you to go first. 
You smoothed out your blouse before moving to exit the crypt. 
You concentrated on each step, not wanting to miss one and embarrass yourself in front of Dettlaff. You thought you were in the clear, that you had- for once -made it up those old and deteriorating steps without tripping. But on the last step, the toe of your boot caught the stone. You started to fall forward, hands flying out to catch yourself. 
Strong hands found your hips, catching you before you could hit the stone. You didn’t realize he had been following you so closely, or perhaps he had just moved so quickly you didn’t notice it. But his body was close to you. You could feel his body heat, smell his scent, hear his breathing. 
“I must say, I’ve never met a vampire so….”
“Clumsy?” You guessed, stepping out of his grasp and out of the crypt entirely. 
“Less than graceful.” He nodded. He was trying to be polite, to not point out how ungainly you were. 
“I’ve been told our kind shouldn’t have balance issues. We shouldn’t break everything we touch.” You started to move away from him, feeling anxious. Now that he’d pointed out how clumsy you were, you knew that was all he thought of you. A graceless, foolish child. “But I have been cursed with the ability to never know how to walk properly. Nor can I seem to hold anything properly in my hands without fucking dropping it.”
“You’re young, Y/N. You’ll learn.”
“I’m seven decades old.” You glanced over your shoulder to him.
“Still young.” He said. 
He clasped his hands behind his back as he moved towards you. 
“Have you…. Do you…. You don’t have anyone.”
Dettlaff’s words caught you off guard. You furrowed your brows together. 
“Romantically speaking. You don’t have anyone. Do you?” He was so blunt that you weren’t sure you had heard him correctly.
“I-I don’t.” You sputtered out. “No.”
He nodded, as if fascinated by your answer.
“Why not?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat and looked back to the ground to watch where you were going. 
“It’s probably my personality.” You muttered sarcastically, a little irritated. You came to a stop, the irritation festering beneath your skin, and turned to face him. “I just finished explaining to you what is wrong with me, Dettlaff. That’s the reason I have no one.”
He tilted his head to the side a little, brows drawn together. 
“I don’t think that’s what’s wrong with you. Your clumsiness isn’t a flaw.”
“Then you are the only one to think that.” You turned to start walking again. “You and Regis. That saint of a man never loses his patience with me.”
“Do you…. fancy him?”
“Gods no.” You crinkled your nose, shaking your head softly. “He’s like a father to me, one that I never had. What did you want to talk about besides my lack of a romantic partner and my oh so graceful nature?”
He chuckled softly, a noise you rarely heard. It was deep and in his chest, he didn’t part his lips, but an amused grin came to his lips. 
“I wanted to…. I asked Regis if it would be appropriate for me to ask you to join me for dinner sometime.”
You came to a sudden stop and spun around to face him. Your eyes were wide, panicked. Was he joking? Was this some sort of cruel prank? Had he overheard you and Regis talking earlier? Of course this was a joke! He’s witnessed first hand the destruction you can cause! How could an elegant, sophisticated man like Dettlaff ever want to go out to dinner with you?
“I-I- With me?” You pointed at yourself.
He nodded his head. 
You licked your lips and tucked a few pieces of hair behind your ear.
“Yes. I’d-I think that would be lovely.”
A little smile seemed to tug at the corner of his lips. 
“You think so?”
You turned to take a few steps away from him, full of so much excitement you thought you’d explode. But your boot caught on a tree root sticking out of the ground. You had just a split second to fall towards the ground, then Dettlaff was there catching you again. 
“Damn it.” You cursed, one hand on his bicep and the other on his forearm. 
He chuckled softly. 
“Sorry.” You murmured, cheeks blazing red. You couldn’t meet his gaze. Your eyes were stuck on a buckle on his coat. 
“Don’t apologize.” Dettlaff spoke. He hooked two fingers beneath your chin, tilting your head up. “I think it’s quite adorable.”
You wanted to scoff, to roll your eyes and tell him it’s cute when a toddler has trouble walking, but not a seventy year old Higher Vampire. 
But you lost your voice. It was caught somewhere in your throat. Your heart pounded in your chest, threatening to jump out of your ribs. 
Dettlaff leaned in, icy blue eyes flickering down to your lips. 
Your hand came up to the side of his neck, fingertips just barely brushing into his dark hair. 
Your lips met in a tender, gentle kiss. He was hesitant, not wanting to force himself upon you in any way. You appreciated this. You didn’t want your first kiss with him to be fast paced and clumsy. 
Your hand trailed around to the nape of his neck, ebony hair sliding through your fingers like silk. You pulled him a little closer to you, your hand on his arm drawing him in. 
He broke the kiss first, breathing heavily. Your noses brushed and his arm slipped around you. 
“I’m afraid you’re holding on to my arm too tightly.” He chuckled softly. 
You didn’t even realize your grip on him had tightened. Immediately, you released him. 
“I-I’m sorry-,”
“Don’t apologize. It’s okay. It’s easy for one to forget their strength.”
You looked down to where you had been holding him, afraid you’d left a bruise or something. 
Dettlaff took your attention away from the mark, turning your head back to him. 
“I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time.” He admitted a little quietly. 
You smiled, happy that he was interested in you. 
“Me too.” You nodded. 
He smiled softly. It was foreign, something you knew the man very rarely did. 
“Come on. I believe you have a mess to finish picking up.”
You sighed, nodding your head. Dettlaff turned, taking your hand in his. Together, you walked back to the crypt.
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an--actual--human--disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @maan24
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floatservices · 4 years
wrong numbers/right answers
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iwaizumi hajime/reader wc: 3.9k 
When Hajime had started catching feelings for the mystery number, he'd rationalised that it could never be you. Slowly but surely, his mystery texter had been getting him out the slump Iwaizumi had been feeling over his unrequited feelings, and instead of wondering about you, he was wondering when the next mystery number text would come.
But now you're her and she's you and his brain is going to explode. He doesn't have enough brain cells for this.
Curse this stupid, stinking crush.
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“You've been on that damn phone for, what, 30 minutes now?” Iwaizumi growls, waving Oikawa's less than impressive test score across said boy’s face. “What are you, texting a new girlfriend?”
“Iwa-chan, I'm flattered you think I have a new girlfriend!” Oikawa’s ecstatic, typing with one hand and snatching away the sheet away with the other. “But no, I'm just trying to have a good time with our favorite classmate,” Oikawa metaphorically dangles you in front of him, and smirks as his friend’s eyes widen. “Oho, I’ve got your attention now, have I?”
Iwaizumi wrinkles his nose, trying to get the test back. “Shut up, shittykawa. If I knew her better, I'd apologize to her because she has to deal with the likes of you.”
The spiker makes a wild lunge for the test paper, because they came to his house to study, not so his disgraceful excuse of a best friend could tease him about a girl, but Oikawa leans just out of reach, his long arms stretching as far as they could.
“You wound me, Iwa-chan.” Oikawa chuckles, shuffling the paper under the cushion he was sitting on. “My test score wasn’t that bad, anyways-“
“You call a 52% a good grade?!”
“Well, it's a pass, isn’t it? I have more important things on my mind, anyways, like beating Ushiwaka, texting my favorite girl in class, don’t you have something to do? Oh, wait! I forgot that you were-”
“Shittykawa," Iwaizumi cuts in, a seething expression on his face, but Oikawa pays no mind. "If you finish that sentence-“
“-Socially awkward! You can’t even talk to her without blushing! But funny how that doesn’t happen when you talk to anyone else like that, hmm, Iwa-chan?”
Hajime gets up and launches himself across the chabudai, tackling Oikawa, a fist raised.
It’s 8am when Iwaizumi gets a text.
From: ??? To: You rinrin this is you right!?? buddy???!! pls send me ur jpnese lit hw I NEED HELP otherwise tatsuya-sensei will have me impaled bro my entrails will be sacrificed to whoever the hell Yamada Kai was, helpppp!
There’s a string of different crying emojis after that, which Iwaizumi finds adorable. He doesn’t know who this is, but it’s obvious that the poor guy went to Aoba Johsai. The woman who taught Japanese Literature was famous around the school for being a harsh marker and a harsher teacher style. They’d been studying Yamada’s works so far, and Iwaizumi expects whoever sent it was panicking- it was 8, school started 8:30, and English was their second lesson of the day (or it was for tomorrow, because Classes 3-4 didn’t have Literature today, but Iwaizumi assumes it’s today, otherwise they wouldn’t be this distraught.)
He glances at his watch- he had a few minutes to spare. He fishes his work out his bag, and he thanks God he's used his best handwriting (Tatsuya-sensei had caused quite the scene photocopying his work last time, showing off to the entire Class-2 how “insufferably illegible” his print was,) hoping whoever was behind the screen could read it. He takes a quick picture of it, making sure it’s not blurry and the script is clear before sending it off and hurrying out of his house.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You [sent: IMG20151219] you’ve got the wrong number but i’m from seijou too. this is the worksheet you mean?
From: Crying Emoji lmao To: You aaa i’m so sorry for sending it to the wrong number!
but yes, it is the right one! thank you so much, i owe you one, mystery man!
Oikawa’s waiting for him outside as always, and Iwaizumi deliberately speeds up so he can walk past. Behind him, Oikawa makes a sort of whine from the back of his throat, quickening his pace to fall in next to him.
“What’s gotten you so cheery?” Oikawa asks, and Iwaizumi realizes he’s been smiling. He replaces it with a scowl, quickly shoving his phone in his pocket so Oikawa can’t get anymore curious.
“It’s no thanks to you.” Iwaizumi quips, and Oikawa pouts.
Iwaizumi only risks a reply when he gets to school, because Oikawa Tooru will never shut up if he sees him texting someone that is so obviously a girl.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You how do you know it's a guy..? for all you know i could be a girl, you know.
He gets a reply soon after.
From: Crying Emoji lmao To: You well, if you are a girl, i'm sorry!! i didn't mean anything  by it... also i kinda assumed you were a guy because of your handwriting.
He should be offended by that, right? Right. He’s offended by it. He's about to defend himself when his phone buzzes with another message.
He blinks, an ungraciously amused smile making it's way onto his face. He leaves his phone alone for the school day, because his teacher has just walked in. He figured he'd reply to you after school, just before volleyball.
It's kind of a mistake, because he comes back to 12 more messages, each message reading a variant of "I'm sorry," the amount of sincerity in each message growing as the hours passed by. He figures it's time to ease the stranger out her misery, and begins typing his reply.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You no need to get worked up on it, lmao   you planned on talking to me again?
While waiting, he has enough time to go to the clubroom early and change out of his school uniform to his jersey. He's halfway through fixing one half of his laces when his phone pings.
From: Crying Emoji lmao To: You it's because i thought i owed you one.... but i guess if you don't want to talk it's okay lol
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You i hope it's not me that offended you this time. i do want to talk. you seem... cool?
He hits the send button, rereads it, and recoils. That sounds awkward.
Iwaizumi starts typing more.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You besides, you don't know me. how are you gonna give back (whatever. i don't know how! you're the  one that wants to owe me.) if you don't even know me?
From: Crying Emoji lmao To: You won't it be funner if it's a mystery?
i guess... we could help each other out! anytime we need hw help we just call each other, like a private help line.
(also, why the question mark? of course i'm cool!)
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You i think that sounded less creepy in your head.  
(sure, you're cool. [heavy sarcasm, if you can't tell.])
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao
is that a no?
Iwaizumi stares at the screen. Well, he didn't really mind. And whoever this was sounded pretty trustworthy, and not a random creep that pretended to be a Seijou student in their free time. His time to deliberate is cut short, because Oikawa slams the clubroom doors open, singing a Christmas carol Iwaizumi didn't recognise, along with Hanamaki and Matsukawa, who were discussing what kind of forfeit Oikawa had to pay today if he didn't set as well as he should; ramen or oden?
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You fuck why not
i'll be looking forward to... being helped out? bye.. i'll talk later.  
my best friend is here and i'm not ready for him to annoy me straight to satan's asscrack.
Iwaizumi whips the phone away from Oikawa's line of vision, only letting him see his asscrack remark. (It backfired, because Oikawa spends all of the time from putting his shoes on to the start of practice whinging.) The boys slowly file out of the clubroom, Kunimi shutting off the lights as the door softly clicks closed.
Iwaizumi's phone lights up in his blazer pocket, a simple "see you later!" on the screen that brightens the whole room up.
It's two weeks later when Iwaizumi needs the help he's been promised. He opens up his chat- they'd just been talking last night about Seijou's annual fair, and what they each were going to do.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You hey english is kicking my ass
can you help a me out please
To: You From Crying Emoji lmao ofc !! what do you need help with
i would let u copy my answers but i feel like you actually have to learn english at some point phone-chan lol
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You the english were on crack when they
made up their language i swear
does the sentence "the star shine brightly" work
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao
weh that's a trick question
"shone" is for no object and "shined" is for when here's no object. so like shone works for 'light' and shined can be for like
a car headlight
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You what the hell
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao ikr english is crazy
you also forgot the "d" at the end lol
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You that one is on me that's simple
but the other thing isn't. aren't the both shining anyway? what's the point in having two. i hate this devil language i swear
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao
if it helps no one really cares and i think
you could get away with either english has a lot of rules and no one follows them sooooo... it's whatever!!
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You
try telling that to fukuoda-sensei i swear that guy has a grudge against me or smthn
To: You
From: Crying Emoji lmao WAHAHAHA i had him last year.... he literally hates fun i don't think i've ever seen him smile
good luck with that phone-chan :P
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You
one last question btw
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao
ooh okay shoot!
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You what's 好きな食べ物は揚げ出し豆腐 in english
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao ...
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You don't tell me you don't know :(
To: You From Crying Emoji lmao phone-chan, if i say i'll make your agedashi tofu for the festival tmrw will you please stop making vague hints  towards it for the rest of the night?
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You :)
To: You From Crying Emoji lmao the things i do for you, phone chan!
"Iwa-chan, don't eat too much." Oikawa says, blinking as he tries to process the sheer amount of beancurd his friend is wolfing down.
"Says the person who hogged all the milk bread once." Iwaizumi retorts, rolling his eyes. "This is one plate of tofu, unlike when you once wasted 2000 yen to buy the school's entire daily stock of milk bread so you could eat it." He pauses to finish another cube of his favourite food. "And school milk bread doesn't even taste that great."
"It was cheap, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa tries to defend himself. "Makki, Matssun, help me out here!"
Matsukawa only shrugs, and when prompted by Oikawa to give a 'real' answer, he sides with Iwaizumi, apologizing sheepishly.
"Sorry to admit it Captain," He chuckles, "But I don't really like school food anyways."
Iwaizumi shoots Oikawa a teasing smirk, and Oikawa's just about to say something when Hanamaki pipes up.
"I like it," Makki makes a non-committal gesture, and Oikawa looks happy with that. "I mean, sure, school food isn't that great but I think the milk bread is the only good thing about it."
"Like striking gold in a coalmine!" Oikawa nods his approval, and Iwaizumi just sighs. Looking around, he spots you out of the corner of his eye, looking as good as usual and serving a few parents and students. He knows he can't call you because he'd end up sweating through his blazer, so he asks another classmate instead.
"Okuhara-kun," He calls, waving to a boy in his class. "Do you know who made the tofu?"
The boy shakes his head. "Whoever it was came early to drop it off. It had a note with it though."
This gets Iwaizumi's attention. She'd left something for him? "Oh? What did it say?"
"Uh- this is an exact quote, by the way- 'Phone-chan, don't you dare!'" Okuhara replies, drawing out quotation marks in the air. When Iwaizumi lets out a loud laugh, he takes it for disbelief.
"Is it... really that funny?" He questions, looking bemused.
Hajime grins. "Not really."
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You you didn't even drop any hints!
all you gave me was a note that told me to go away
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao i knew you'd go looking, phone-chan! my intuition is as good as ever!
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You unfair. that was like, my best friend's level of unfair.
so unfair that i'm thinking about moving my best friend back to the top of my favourites list :/
That was a bold faced lie. Oikawa had never been on the top of his favourites list: that was reserved solely for Makki.
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao you wound me!
who is this best friend?
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You
not telling lol
you'd know who i was then
To: You
From: Crying Emoji lmao spare hint ma’am?
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You you didn't give me any!
and you're the one who wanted to keep it a secret in the first place :/
...but fine.
he's on the volleyball team
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao oikawa!!??
To: Crying Emoji lmao
From: You ... :( yeah
see i told you!
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao actually, i don't know the vb team that well. oikawa's one of the only guys i know  because he's popular. and loud 
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You oh so i’m not popular?
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao aww phone-chan it’s not like that <3 ur popular in my heart :)
Iwaizumi curses at the blush that follows reading that. He will not allow himself to get flustered over that, it was a joke!
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You gee thanks 
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao besides i still know the third years! i'm just saying i don't know them that well!!
hanamaki, matsukawa and iwaizumi. they're a close friend group, so i expect one of then is you
When he reads his name, he doesn't know whether to deny it completely, or confirm that it's him. Hajime puts his phone down and paces for a bit, wondering if he's fucked up. When he checks his phone again, chewing on his lip, he guffaws at the message they've left.
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao ...judging from how you're not replying, you are.
but since i don't know which one, i'll decide on calling you phone-chan, yeah?
When Iwaizumi met whoever they were, he was gonna give them a lecture of a lifetime about not being a smartass.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You fine, yeah. i am one of them. but now you owe me a hint too!
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao
well, i suppose i do!
i'm one of the girls in the class that actually has oikawa's number. he half forced me to give it to him, actually, but it's still been fun talking with him.
(not as much as talking with you, phone-chan!)
and i also totally get why he's annoying.
Iwaizumi feels a tiny bit of jealously bubbling up- irrational, because he's only been texting them for about half a month. His friend's statement about liking talking with him more than Oikawa makes him a little pleased, because people didn't usually pick his pretty best friend over him (selfish, yeah, but he's tired of girls asking him to deliver chocolates to the setter and befriending him in hopes of getting closer to Tooru.)
But girls who had his number? Only the ones Oikawa actually had an interest in.
The grand total of the people in his class with the brunet's number was three, because as courteous and as flirtatiously he acts, he accepts and turns down people normally, and doesn't like hurting girls as much as his playboy rep boasts (Iwaizumi's always liked that about him.) The three girls he knew of consisted of Aoi, his ex, Reina, who unbeknownst to Oikawa at the time, swang the other way, and...
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao i know that aoi, reina and (name) has his number...
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao well, one of them is certainly me!
we're both down to three, phone-chan. even ground!
Iwaizumi feels the world cave in on himself, reading the message over and over. Aoi was a nice guy, but he was also the same brand of pompous that Hajime disliked and Oikawa had found cute. They’d ended it horribly, so Hajime was decidedly not looking forward to the possible outcome that it was him, so he casts away the thought before it can solidify in his mind’s eye. Reina didn’t even like guys, so if you were you…
Huh. His mouth’s gone dry suddenly.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You cool cool
 hey i'm gonna head to bed i gotta emotionally prepare for voluntarily walking into japanese lit class with tatsuya sensei on my ass
sorry to cut it short
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao aw don't worry about it phone-chan <3
good night! and see you tmrw, whether we know it or not!!
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You sleep well
Iwaizumi curses during the 5th hour of trying to sleep. Curse this stupid, stinking crush.
He wishes he hadn't asked. He's fine with his favorite crying emoji user knowing who he is, but knowing that it's you sort of struck a pang in his heart that couldn't be undone. He can't concentrate in class, and though he fights it because Oikawa's caught on to this habit, he finds himself staring at you instead of listening to the teacher. The whole situation was annoying!
First he thinks you're cute but he'd chalked it up to never working out because Oikawa had managed to snag your number. Then Oikawa assures him that it's platonic and they only talk about school work which is, to say the least, bullshit, because Oikawa can't actually text without getting distracted. His best friend has a tendency to rant about volleyball or start gossiping when his phone is within reach, and it's why his study sessions happen with Hajime next to him (and even with him, Oikawa still manages to get his grubby hands on his phone.) His best friend was absolutely up to something, and it had been killing Iwaizumi that he didn't know what it was.
And then he'd gotten that cute, fated, statistically impossible text from a wrong number, and fallen into a cute flirting-but-not-really routine. They were kind, sweet, and willing to help him with trivial things like homework and make him his favorite food.
It was easier not really knowing who it was! That was mean to admit, sure, but even when Hajime had started catching feelings for the mystery number, he'd rationalised that it could never be you. Slowly but surely, his mystery texter had been getting him out the slump he had been feeling over his unrequited feelings, and instead of wondering about you, he was wondering when the next mystery number text would come.
But now you're her and she's you and his brain is going to explode. He doesn't have enough brain cells for this.
Hajime sighs, looking away from you and back to his worksheet. Algebra stares back at him with no mercy. "I have no brain cells." He mutters, amending his thoughts. In the seat next to him, Oikawa chuckles lightly.
"You've got enough to stare at her, though." He whispers, and Hajime feels his blood boiling. "I swear, when the bell rings, I'm going to-"
The teacher clears her throat loudly. "Iwaizumi-san, if you could refrain from speaking until I've finished..."
Iwaizumi feels his hot rage flood into his cheeks as embarrassment instead. "Of course, sorry sensei."
You catch his eye as he averts his eyes from the teacher, and you smile encouragingly. Hajime thinks the knot in his forehead gets worse. He feels himself go hotter, somehow, and quickly goes back to looking at his math equations. Oikawa's still fucking smirking.
"Denial, Iwa-chan."
There's something fishy in the way that Oikawa texted the group chat about getting lunch. Firstly, Oikawa liked western food for whatever reason, and whenever he asked to go out, he would picked a pricey French place. The rest of the team would debate for about 8 minutes before usually settling on a cheap soba place near the town centre. He'd claimed it was for a post-midterms celebration, and since the Christmas holidays had started, they might as well go somewhere altogether, as a team.
But Oikawa's suggested this expensive ramen place (which... alright, it's not like Oikawa never eats Japanese. But he doesn't prefer it, and Hajime is paranoid about whatever plan his best friend has hatched) and instead of shouting at him to lower the price, Makki and Mattsun agree immediately. Iwaizumi knows Makki is broke this week, after having to buy a replacement volleyball for the one they popped while roughhousing, so he doesn't understand why he'd agree to blowing 2000 yen on a single bowl of ramen.
The rest of the third years decline or agree. Iwaizumi thinks this is for plausible deniability, to make him think it's all alright. But when Oikawa @'s him in chat to confirm for the coming Thursday, he grudgingly agrees. He's wanted to try that ramen place for a while, anyway, and he's putting too much thought into this. It was just lunch with the team. It's fine.
Then the coming Thursday rolls around, and he's been standing outside the ramen place for 5 minutes and no-one is here and he's going to kill Oikawa-
To: [crying baby noises] From: You oikawa i swear to god where the fuck is everyone. i'm going to aim every spike in practice to you i swear. yahaba would help me
To: You From: [crying baby noises] WAHAHAHA it's okay iwa-chan, someone else you like much better than our sweaty volleyball team is coming ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)
To: [crying baby noises] From: You die in a ditch
To: You From: [crying baby noises] you won't be saying that after ur first date! (☆ω☆)
here's her number, since ur gonna need it!
Iwaizumi grumbles the entire time he's punching in the number, intending to tell you that you've been set up and you don't need to bother coming, but his phone shows up with an error that he's already got the number saved. He stares at the notification, blinking once, twice, before the elation sets in and-
"Ah, Iwaizumi?" You call his name, walking quickly towards him and giving him a bashful smile. "Sorry I'm late. I wasn't worried because I thought it was just going to be Oikawa talking my ear off, but he texted me to say... well."
He just says your name, blushing but still grinning. You chuckle, and the little display of happiness pushes him to at least try and say something, "Oikawa gave me your number, but..." Iwaizumi trails off.
"He sent yours too." You explain, pulling your phone out and, at last, he's given proof that you're the mystery number and his grin manages to get wider. The cool winter air bites less than it did before. "But I already had it saved."
"Me too." Hajime says, taking a step closer to you and taking a hand tentatively. Your fingers slip between his, and your cheeks are pink from more than just the cold.
"I had a feeling it was you." You admit, still looking at him the way you do in his dreams. "It's nice to finally meet you properly, Phone-chan."
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ijustwant2write · 5 years
‘You knew I was going to ask you out?’-Peter Parker x Powers!Reader
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(GIF credit to @marvelheroes)
Requested by: @annoyinglyobsessive)
Can I request a peter Parker x reader where the reader has the same powers as Wanda like it’s her lil sister or smthn and Peter is in awe and thinks your powers are so cool and just constantly fawns over you and you. You’re both always together and being the cutest couple EVER (p.s. if you can include it the avengers are your biggest shippers and love you guys together) it’s totally cool if you don’t wanna do it💕💕
Characters: Peter Parker x Powers!Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: just pure fluff
"Come on Wanda, you really think you can beat me now? The student has become the master!" I teased my older sister as we partnered up to practice fighting.
"Seriously (Y/N)?" she chuckled."Don't hurt yourself now."
We stood opposite each other on the sparring mats, waiting in silence for someone to strike first. Being the inpatient person I was, I quickly thrust my arms forward, hands glowing an amber colour; Wanda defended herself, our powers colliding between us. The gym was alight with colours as we continued to fight, though we matched each other, meaning it was getting tedious.
"Truce!" Wanda shouted, out of breath.
We immediately stopped, but I kept my senses about me, just in case she was bluffing. Trying to catch our breaths, Wanda started walking away, suddenly turning around to attack, however, I was prepared, deflecting her powers back to her. It wasn't harsh, only making her tumble down to the floor.
"OK. I deserved that." Wanda admitted.
"Need some help?"
After getting her back on her feet, Wanda looked over my shoulder, a smug smile reaching her face; I went to look but she caught my chin in her hand, keeping it facing her. I furrowed my eyebrows until my mind filled with someone else's thoughts.
'Shit, I didn't realise she would be here too!'
It was Peter.
'OK, just play it cool, don't make yourself-'
I heard the clang of weights falling to the floor and couldn't help but glance back. Peter stood there, a variety of weights spilled a his feet, two of them still spinning. I held back a laugh, smiling at him when he looked at me. He nervously laughed, scratching his head before scurrying away from the mess he created.
Wanda leaned in to whisper to me."I think you may have a secret crush. Well, not so secret seeing as we can hear him but-"
"I wish I couldn't hear his thoughts. I wish that it was a surprise you know? Like one day we would be talking, and suddenly he asks me out."
"Why's that?"
"I don't know. Maybe because it's...normal?"
My sister sent me a sympathetic smile, changing the topic back to training. But I couldn't let that thought leave my mind, well, Peter’s thoughts that is; it didn’t help that they were so loud. After another hour of training (and desperately putting my focus into my powers, blocking out Peter’s thoughts), I decided that I was done, gathering up my things before leaving.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” Peter called out behind me.
I stopped to turn around, blushing as my eyes instinctively roamed over his toned arms after his workout. God, he was so cute.
“Hi, what’s up?” I smiled, wishing I hadn’t sweat so much earlier.
“Uh, nothing really. I-I-I was just wondering, if uh, if you would like to go out sometime?”
If I wasn’t blushing already, I certainly would have done after that.“Really?”
He took my word the wrong way.“Oh, if you don’t want to then I understand-”
“No, Peter, I was just shocked.”
“Shocked? Why would you be shocked?”
“Because you’re asking me out! I’m a girl with these weird powers that doesn’t even know how to use them. Wouldn’t you rather ask out a normal girl?”
“Normal? You do realise I’m Spider-Man right?”
“Oh, you have a point.”
“Oh! Yes, my answer is yes!”
It only seemed like yesterday we started dating, even if a couple of months had passed by. I had never been in a relationship before. Most of my life was spent caged up, being experimented on, forced to fight people I didn’t want to fight. But now with Peter, he was finally making me feel normal, even when we went on missions together.
“You OK?” He asked out of breath, slumping into the seat next to me as we flew back to the Avengers HQ.
I nodded.“Yeah, you?”
He copied my actions, his hand finding mine. I leaned my head on his shoulder, exhausted from the mission. It had been harder than we thought, but it was part of our training.
“You staying with me tonight?” I suggested.
“Course, it’s the weekend.”
“I hope May doesn’t mind. I feel like I’m spending more time with you than she does.”
He kissed my forehead.“Nah, she doesn’t mind.”
“Look,” Sam spoke up as he walked past us,“this is cute and all, but could you keep the PDA to a minimum? My stomach hurts enough after being beaten to a pulp.”
Peter and I chuckled.“Sorry Sam. But I hardly see Peter as it is.”
“Yeah, lay off them. It’s nice to see something so sweet after a mission.” Natasha defended us.
As they walked away, I glanced up at Peter, feeling at peace in that moment. We used to be so awkward and embarrassed around each other, even when we got comfortable with the idea of being in a relationship, it was strange being together around the others. After some sort of epiphany, I realised that it really didn’t matter, everyone was supportive and I finally felt like a normal girl. Wanda had been so happy when she found out, for the first week of our relationship, all she ever talked about was how cute we were.
“You were amazing out there.” Peter said to me as we tucked into the pizza we ordered. Everyone sat at the table, fully engrossed in their own conversations.
I crossed my legs on the chair, picking up a slice.“Thanks, you too.”
“No, I was nothing compared to you. I don’t think I’ll ever get over how cool your powers are, you just wave your hands around and attack! It’s just...I have an amazing girlfriend.”
I went to speak before realising that it was suddenly silent. Looking around, everyone seemed to be listening in on the conversation, all with sweet smiles on their faces. I closed my gaping mouth, covering my face with my hands, awkwardly laughing.
“No, no, keep going. I wanna hear more about how amazing (Y/N) is.” Tony teased, leaning back in his chair.
“Come on guys, let’s not embarrass them.” Steve smiled.
“I agree with Tony, go on about my amazing sister.” Wanda smugly smiled, winking at me.
“OK, you’ve had your fun, now stop.” I lightly said, trying to stop myself from blushing.
“Why would we stop?” Tony shrugged.“I hardly see you kids as it is, let me have this moment to play the embarrassing father.”
After dinner, Peter and I headed up to my room, our steps sluggish as we walked. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, mine around his waist, holding us close to one another. Just as I thought we were safe from the others, my sister shouted from behind us, and I rolled my eyes, inwardly groaning. Could we not have a moment together?
“Hey, sorry to interrupt, but can I have a quick word with Peter?” Wanda motioned to him, and I felt him tense up.
“Uh, yeah, sure.” He nervously said, following her down the hallway. They stopped at the end, thinking they were out of reach of earshot, but I knew what Wanda was thinking about saying.
“You’re good for her you know. I’m glad you finally asked her out. She’s definitely happier because of you, doesn’t stop talking about you actually. And I’ve always liked you anyway Peter. Though, what I’m really trying to say is, Pietro would have liked you too, he was a very protective brother. Since....since he passed, (Y/N) never really got over it, neither did I actually, and although she’s always put on a happy face, it’s never been genuine. Until you that is. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”
I felt myself getting emotional at her words. I missed Pietro so much, wishing desperately that he was still here and that he could have met Peter. He walked back to me, Wanda disappearing into the elevator. Grabbing his hand, I pulled him into me, giving him an unexpected kiss. 
“Hey, Wanda just said-”
“I know what she said. And I agree with her one hundred percent, Pietro would have loved you...just not like I love you.”
When we first climbed into bed, I had thought that we would have fallen asleep straight away. However, we were wide awake, somehow talking nonstop for hours on end. It was all random things too; past missions, the team, TV shows, his school. I laid my head on his chest, his hand stroking my hair, we were silent for only a few moments before he spoke.
“Could you...could you maybe make your hands glow? I really like watching your powers.”
Reaching my arms up, I made the amber colour of my powers appear, swirling my fingers around in a graceful fashion. It illuminated the pitch black room in the gentle amber colour. Instead of watching my hands, I watched my boyfriend, his eyes reflecting the amber, making him even more beautiful. He looked like a child in a toy shop, full of amazement and wonder. And I was the one causing this. My powers, which I had hated at one time, thinking that they were the worst things in the world, were a wonder to him.
“Hey, so, I have to write an essay on a strong individual in my life, like how amazing they are and how they’ve impacted me. I already wrote about Tony for a science essay, and May in another social studies class, so I was wondering if I could write about you?”
I kept my powers swirling above us.“Me? What would you write about?”
“About you in general, your powers, training, how you save lives...perhaps about your past if you let me. Only to display how it has shaped you into the person you are today.”
“Would you really want to write about me? Talk about me to your peers?”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t be able to talk about you like I do now, like you’re my girlfriend, but I could make up an excuse that I met you through Tony one day.”
“Peter, that’s so sweet of you. I’ll tell you everything. You’ve made me feel the happiest I’ve ever been in my life.”
“And I always will.”
I lowered my hands, the room slowly going back to darkness.“Did you know that I knew you were going to ask me out?”
“You knew I was going to ask you out? But you were so shocked when I asked?”
“I knew you were thinking about it, but the fact that you did was surprising. Especially since I’m a weirdo.”
“Stop that. Even if you are a weirdo, you’re my weirdo.” He pulled me in closer, squeezing me closer to him.
I giggled at him, holding him just as close.“Oh my god, you’re so cringey. It’s a good thing I love you.”
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The Taste of Love (lost part 2)
(I made this blog because I lost my old phone and didnt want to abandon this idea, BUT despite all odds I found my old phone and recovered my old notes! This is NOT CANON to the blog because I had forgotten my prior story idea and the asks diverted it, but I thought it would be interesting for you to see anyway, and it may give you some ideas for what to ask or smthn)
Patton had never seen a human in person before, not so close. Every time he searched stores and streets for extra non-forest-obtainable resources he went at night so nobody would catch him. Not because he would be put in danger but because he didn’t want to be a bother, and he knew that if he was forced to exercise self defense it wouldn’t be pretty, and he’d have to waste potential food as well. He refused to eat fear and pain. He wasn’t incredibly picky, but when it came to negative emotions those were the worst and barely provided any nutrition. Fear tasted bitter, like juicing dandelions onto your tongue, and pain tasted like cold rusty metal.
He narrowed his eyes and sank onto his haunches. The human was smaller than its steps suggested, malnourished and tired. It looked sickly. It looked surprisingly like Patton, save for its absence of fur and its small ears, and hair the color of blackberry juice. There were a few more subtle differences but nothing severe enough that Patton couldn’t replicate. He felt sorry for it. It was so cute, feeble. And at that point not very appetizing. He watched it stumble over to his bait spread. It seemed confused, which was understandable. But it was too hungry to care. It spoke. More shouted than spoke:
"Logan! Grab Princey and get over here! There’s food!”
It must have been signaling its pack. More of them? In a moment another human trudged out of the brush, dragging another unconscious one on a large tarp. Patton ran through a list of the best ways to approach the situation. It may be less suspicious to them if he approached in a friendly manner? They were obviously in no condition to refuse assistance. He nodded to himself.
In a matter of seconds his fur had shed and his ears had morphed into passable human ones. His claws retracted and were replaced with fingernails and his knees popped as they reversed their bend to a forward position like his prey. He pulled his fur clothing around himself and his eyes dimmed their glow, now simply glinting a brilliant blue. He crept out slowly as to not startle them too much.
"Hello?” He felt a bit bad when the two creatures jumped, but he knew however he came out would startle them this deep in the woods. They looked at him in fear and confusion. "Don’t be afraid. Are you lost?” He said it gently and with a warm undertone, calculated by his body into the least threatening voice to this particular species.
"Who are you?!” The first one he’d seen stepped in front of the other two. The action was endearing and very cute, especially considering it would take little more than a gust of wind to topple the feeble creature.
"I live out here. I’m as surprised as you to find someone this deep in the woods. Or rather you found me.” Patton chuckled. “You seem tired and hungry.”
“Um... yeah. We were hiking and one of us-“ he flashed a quick glance at the unconscious body, “decided to go off trail on an adventure. We’ve been lost about a week now. We need food and shelter... if it’s not too much trouble.”
Patton smiled warmly. “Of course not! I was just about to have some of this but you seem to need it more.” He gestured to the spread.
"Thank you!” The blackberry human sat on the picnic blanket and grabbed an orange. The other conscious human stepped forward and extended a hand. Patton took it.
"Thank you for your hospitality. I’m Logan, this is Virgil, and this,” he motioned to the one on the tarp whom he had been dragging, “Is Roman. We’re not sure what’s wrong with him, but I assume it’s it’s dehydration. Do you have any? Is there a river?”
Patton smiled. “One moment!” He ran back to the cave and pulled the makeshift lid off his rainwater barrel. He took a cup and filled it, then made his way back. “Here you are!”
"Thank you.” The human named Logan took the cup and kneeled next to his pack member, patting his face rapidly until the human named Roman groaned and blinked awake.
"What...?” His throat sounded dry and rough and his voice was soft and weak. Logan held the water to his lips.
"Water. Drink.” The weakened creature obeyed almost instantly as his mind cleared, finishing the water in seconds.
"More?” He looked up desperately. Logan looked to Patton.
"May we have another?” Patton nodded and compliantly refilled the cup, bringing as many as the parched man could drink. Once he was finished, he seemed to become more aware of his surroundings.
"Who is this?”
“He lives around here. He has food and shelter. And water.” Logan informed his pack member. Roman looked from his friend to Patton.
“Thanks... do you have a name?”
“Patton!” Patton grinned. He made sure his razor edged teeth were concealed.
"Well thank you Patton.” He looked at Logan. “Does this mean we got to civilization?!”
"No. He lives out here.”
"But there’s food?” Patton nodded and motioned to where Virgil was stuffing his face in response. Romans eyes brightened and he shakily stood, wobbling over to the the spread before collapsing to his knees in front of it. Logan joined them.
"Be carful Virgil! If you eat too much too fast you might puke and waste it all.” Patton blinked down at him with concern. Virgil looked up and sheepishly slowed his eating. Patton smiled and sat criss cross with his three guests.
"So how do you live out here? You must get your resources somewhere.” Logan inquired as he nibbled on some sourdough and blueberries.
"I garden, and hunt, and collect rainwater. It’s a little inconvenient but I love the forest so it’s worth it.” He decided to leave out the fact he’d probably be cast out as a monster and wouldn’t be able to control his animal urges to hunt while in a human civilization. He thought it might spook them.
"I see. Where’s your house? Is it nearby?” Logan continued to interrogate further. Patton pointed to his cave forty feet behind them.
"I live in that cave right there! It’s real cozy you’ll love it!”
Logan’s brows rose, impressed. “Resourceful...”
"I know! You gotta be at least a little bit sharp to get by out here.”
"Cool...” The blackberry haired Virgil mumbled to himself. Patton looked over to find him listening intently, alongside Roman who was doing the same. Patton felt his face warm. He’d never considered his lifestyle to be impressive and this sort of validation was new to him. He enjoyed it. He giggled.
“Are you done eating? I can show you around!”
"Yes! It’s so cool you live in a cave! Are you some sort of dragon?” Roman beamed at the thought, a teasing glint in his eye. Patton’s blood chilled at the accusation.
"Nah. Just a regular old person like you!” His fangs retracted further into his gums as if they were shy, and he felt his knees strain to return to their position. He wasn’t used to changing form this long and with Romans question he felt it all weigh on him at once. His voice hitched, but he felt like he managed to act casual as he continued. "How... how about I pack this all up and you three can come see where you’ll be for the night? You must be super tired.”
"Thanks again.” Virgil stood shakily and Logan helped him. “We shouldn’t be here long, just enough to get back on our feet. Maybe a couple nights at most.”
"Nonsense, stay as long as you want! You seem like lovely company.” Patton smiled. He needed them to stay long enough to lift their spirits.
“Thank you,” Logan spoke up, “But if you could show us toward any sort of civilization, as I’m sure you know where we are, we should be out by tomorrow at noon.” Patton chewed his lip.
“No need to move so fast, you’re too weak to make it all the way out tomorrow. I can make you some of my Patton-Pending Patton Pasta tomorrow night!”
“Really, we’d rather get home as soon as we can if you don’t mind, we have people who are most definitely worried and responsibilities to fulfill.” Logan wasn’t going to budge. Patton groaned internally. He plastered a smile on his face.
"Okay then! I’ll be sure you all enjoy your stay no matter its length!”
"You are our savior, if there’s anything we can do-“ Roman took Patton’s hand.
“No, no, nothing. Your company is payment enough.” Patton had never lied before, which may have been the reason he wasn’t the best at it. Usually he was just hunting, baiting, pouncing, but something about this prey made him feel a little bad deceiving them.
"You’re an angel.” Roman kissed Patton’s hand, to Patton's surprise.
"Roman! Stop being weird!” Virgil shoved his pack member.
“I’m not!”
"You just kissed a stranger!”
"He was being NICE!”
“You can’t just kiss nice people!” They began to shove and prod each other back and forth. Patton began to reach out to stop them. After all, if they got into a fight they’d be angry, and he’d have to start the happiness all over again. But he paused. He didn’t catch the scent of any anger. This was different. Play fighting, like cougar siblings, the batting of little cubs paws. Teasing. Logan interjected, attempting to break them up. Patton chuckled.
"Cut it out you two, I’m flattered.” He gave a lopsided smile, his fall-chilled, rosy cheeks lifting his eyes into glimmering blue crescents. The three stopped, their cheeks tinting a similar pink through their already wind bitten faces. The cold must have been really getting to them. "Cmon, you look like you’re freezing, let’s get you all by a fire.”
Patton gathered the corners of the picnic blanket and slung it over his shoulder, motioning his guests to follow him toward his cave. They complied, trudging through the leaves and pine needles. The air was rich with the sweet aroma of sap and wet leaves. He would have liked to have stayed out a bit longer to enjoy it, but all three of his prey were shivering, pulling their respective hoodies and jackets tight around their shoulders. He quickened his pace.
They approached the mouth of the cave and Patton hurried them in, gathering three blankets and one large quilt from his chest of nesting materials and distributing one of the fleeces to each. He took the quilt and wrapped them all in a heavy second layer before scampering over to the firewood pile. He lit a match to the stone pit and the fire roared to life on a pile of dry grass and the previous night's wood.
"You should take this chance to sleep as long as you need.”
"But the sun’s still up.” Virgil looked out the cave’s opening. He was right, the sun was low in the west but it had yet to brush the horizon.
“Don’t let the sun boss you around, you’re tired all the same aren’t you? Don’t worry, I’ll use the time to hunt and get us all something fresh for breakfast.” Patton smiled with difficulty. His teeth were strained and sore. They couldn’t hold their dull form much longer. He willed his prey to shut their eyes. His poorly bent knees, his tiny useless ears, his bare skin screamed to show their true selves.
"Guess so. Thanks again.” Virgil sighed and pulled the quilt tighter, breathing in its calming scent of bread and baked goods.
"It means the world.” Roman leaned into Virgil, his eyes heavy. Logan joined the pile, mumbling a noise Patton interpreted as gratefulness.
"Really, the pleasure is all mine.” Patton took three cups from his cabinet and filled them with water to place next to the pack. “For if you wake up thirsty.”
"Thanks...” Virgil smiled. His cheeks flushed pink, though Patton was sure he’d warmed them all up adequately. He noticed the same blush plaguing the whole pack. Maybe humans warm slower than Pattons.
"I’ll go hunt as soon as I know you’re sleeping. You’d better.” He teased sternness.
"We won’t have any problems with that.” Logan yawned. “You’d better go before it gets too dark.” Patton nodded. He had night vision, but he wouldn’t need it. He had all he needed right in his cave. Right in front of him. He breathed in the gratefulness and content swirling around him. Their aura was mouthwatering. But he had to wait. They were thin; he needed healthy, plump prey. He wanted these three at their full potential. They would be his last meal before hibernation after all. They needed to be hearty. Pun intended.
He took a seat in his wooden armchair and curled up to watch them drift off. They were so cute. Like baby bunnies, huddled for warmth, twitching and readjusting ever so often, like fragile little blind kits. Finally, they were settled into sleep.
Patton stood, loosening his fall clothing to accommodate his fuller form. He shifted, his ears morphing outward and filling out with fur. His knees reversed with a satisfying pop and his claws burst from his digits. His lithe frame filled out with all sorts of muscles humans didn’t have, ligaments, tendons, even bone, his dull teeth sharpening and extending, the rows further back pulling up into his gums for later use. His eyes were last, pupils lengthening and iris filling its whites, flaring with a brilliant blue glow. He was a Patton again. He sighed with relief before turning to his prey. He sat next to them and studied, them closely, brainstorming his options.
Logan seemed persistent on leaving the next day at noon. That wasn’t nearly enough time to nurse them all back to health and harvest what he needed from them. But if he tried to keep them they’d be suspicious and may leave anyway. He sighed. There was really only one option, and it would really just be harder for everyone. But it was the only way to keep them indefinitely.
Patton scavenged through a box of materials with which he used to set traps for his prey. He pulled out a coil of nylon rope he’d reinforced with natural fibers. For larger prey, deer and the like. He got to work carefully maneuvering around his houseguests, securing the rope to metal hooks used to dry clothes in front of the fireplace. He looped and cut it an a way that he had three ends, and six short spare pieces. He first bound each of their ankles, then their wrists. He surveyed his work. He felt a pang of guilt for securing them in such an uncomfortable way, but he couldn’t risk them escaping. He finished by tying a simple slipknot around each of their necks. That way he wouldn’t have to worry about his materials being weak. They’d tighten at the slightest struggle, far before being pulled tight enough to break.
Once he was finished, he sat cross-legged in front of them, watching. He blinked in curiosity. They were embracing one another, even in their sleep, ever so often shifting to hold one another tighter, the corners of their mouths twitching upward slightly. They were content, comforted, by one another’s presence. A foreign aroma enveloped Patton, something he’d never once smelled before. He’d definitely know if he had before. It was like happiness but... richer. Fuller. His fangs dripped saliva. It was something he never knew he needed until then. His new goal, he needed them healthy, and he needed them feeling that. The goal; that’s what he’d call this new emotion.
Patton awoke the next morning to a shout. He lifted his head from his spot curled on his mattress.
"What’s going on?! Logan!” Virgil was awake. Patton gasped and shifted quickly, hiding his inhuman extremities.
"Hm...?” Logan blinked awake. Patton peered around the thick rock wall between his living and sleeping areas.
“What...? What is this?!” Roman was up now. “Hey! What happened? Why can’t I-“ He yanked at the ropes. “Where are... who...” He looked around. The others yanked at their restraints, panicked. Patton took a breath. They wouldn’t really care to see him at the moment, that he knew, but he couldn’t allow the confusion and panic to continue at the rate it was.
"Shhh, calm down, calm down, everything is fine.” He crept out from his hiding spot. Three heads swiveled to face him, a mixture of fear, panic, and anger. He had to hold back from gagging at the putrid, sour aroma.
"Who are you?! Let us go!” Virgil kicked and snarled.
"Well that’s a funny question... I’m Patton! I could’ve sworn I told you.”
"Who are you really you psychopath?! Why are we tied up?!”
"Oh! Oh. Don’t worry, it’s just because Logan had said you three were leaving at noon and that wasn’t enough time.”
“Enough time for what? You’re insane!” He wouldn’t calm down. Patton could taste his bitter, rotten rage on the back of his tongue.
"Shh, it’s okay, I promise I’m not insane. Just hungry.” Logan blinked, his mouth twisting into an uneasy expression.
"Aren’t you excited?” Patton smiled warmly. “It’s your turn to join the circle!”
"The circle...? You’re making no sense.” Logan squinted. Patton took his guest's glasses off the coffee table and pushed them gingerly onto his nose. Logan blinked in surprise.
"There. You can see.” Patton sat in front off the three cross legged, placing his hands in his lap. “Do humans not know the circle?”
"Humans...? What are you?” Roman raised a brow.
"Or what does his crazy mind THINK he is...” Virgil mumbled, eyeing Patton with a seething hatred.
"I’m a Patton! Not quite human. Actually pretty far from it. But I feel like I think like you do. Which is why I think you may be able to understand. To get where I’m coming from.”
"Bullshit! Cut the jokes! Why do you really want us?” Virgil wasn’t having it. Patton sighed.
"I can show you I’m not lying. If you promise not to be afraid.”
"Yes! Show us!” Roman was interested. Patton liked him.
"Yes, let’s see.” Logan was skeptical, but intrigued. Virgil didn’t speak, but he didn’t have to. Patton could sense his aura of fear, rage, skepticism. He began shifting.
As he did, he felt his guests fear and disbelief curl his tongue and dry his saliva. Screams, shouts, gasps. But this was just another step. Finished, he looked down at the three. He smiled at them with his carnivorous teeth.
"See? I wouldn’t lie to you.” He let the three finish their little freak out.
"What are you?! How?!” Logan looked him up and down.
"Woah...” Roman was staring blankly, unsure of how to react.
"You said you were hungry...?” The softest voice came from Virgil. Where there was once rage, there was now a cold, rigid fear. Patton refused to spit, though he felt like he was chewing batteries.
"Yep. I needed something sustainable before my hibernation and wouldn’t you know it, you three came along at just the right time. I’ve never had human. You seem so emotionally intelligent and mature... I’m so excited! Aren’t you?! You’ll be joining the circle!” Virgil had his face hidden in his hood. Logan was rubbing his back. The latter spoke:
“What is this ‘circle’ you keep mentioning?”
"The circle of life! It’s so so beautiful.” Virgil whimpered and the others gulped.
"So we should be excited to die?” A deep worry line appeared between romans well groomed brows.
“No.” Patton chuckled. “You should be excited to contribute.”
“So you want to eat us?” Logan seemed collected but Patton could sense his fear.
"Not all of you don’t worry! Just your hearts. It won’t hurt even a little bit and you’ll look just fine after, I promise, I’m real good at it.” He gave a toothy smile, but the reassurances didn’t seem to have done much. Virgil was breathing quickly like he’d just finished chasing something though he hadn’t moved in hours. Patton tipped his head as Logan struggled to normalize his pack member’s breathing.
"Are you okay? Do you need water?” Logan looked up. He was afraid but Patton could sense that if his trust had been more developed he would say yes. Patton rose to his seven foot stature, drawing some yelps from his prey, and went to fetch a cup at the rain barrel.
He sighed while collecting his thoughts. He knew he had to lie to build initial trust, but it made him feel lousy when he had to then be honest, and the shock of the reveal shattered a large portion of the already formed trust. This task was proving to be more difficult than he’d initially expected. He’d expected them to have similar values to him. If he’d been selected to feed another creature he’d be accepting and grateful for the opportunity. They’d been raised in the wrong mindset. The wrong environment. He’d have to teach them.
Patton returned to the three with a large glass of water. He held it out to the trembling Virgil. He flinched back, staring in horror at the lengthy claws wrapping the cup. Patton retracted his arm slightly. His claws drew in and his fingers squirmed against the glass until they were harmless human paws. Virgil seemed disgusted, but at least not as fearful, as he took the glass quickly.
Patton sat silently as Logan assisted his friend in calming himself, counting in unusual intervals as he took in breaths. Roman held his friend’s hand and gently petted it with his thumb as his breathing evened. Patton’s ears twitched as he tracked Virgil’s breaths until they slowly became regular. The whole scene was incredibly endearing, like a mother bear caring for her young. And it was there again.
The unknown emotion enveloped Patton, warming him and holding him and coercing drool down his fangs. But he caught himself. The fear was still there. They weren’t enough yet.
"Don’t worry.” He kept his voice empathetic and even. “I’ll prepare you far ahead of time, I won’t take you by any sort of surprise. You have days at least. I’ll make sure you’re happy by the time you go. That’s my mission! To teach you my thoughts about all of this! Of course, of course you’re scared, and I’m very very sorry. I’d be scared too, but the point isn’t that you’re going away, it’s that you’re staying, and you’re staying as something big, and beautiful, and warm, and happy... You’re feeding into something great and something magical. Doesn’t that sound breathtaking?” Patton’s eyes were bright and full of wonder as he scanned his guests faces for any form of realization or excitement. They were looking back at him with fear and confusion.
"We’re in our late twenties. We’re not near old enough to be excited to die.” Logan spoke clearly and objectively. Patton tipped his head curiously.
"How old do you have to be? The best prey is perfect when it’s in its prime. Just like you. Everything is vibrant and strong and exciting.” Virgil chewed his lip and spoke.
“Exactly. And we won’t have time to experience it all.” Patton blinked.
“What do you mean? Emotion isn’t complicated. Most bunnies have felt them all by the time they’re grown up.”
"People emotions are different.”
“Like how?”
“Like how we can learn, and form relationships, and care, and hate, and love... instincts are different from emotions. People have emotions.” Patton was surprised by Virgil’s sudden participation, and with such energy. Though he could hardly understand what he was getting at.
"Animals can be happy and have mates and care about their young an-“
"But did they form those thoughts themselves?” Roman joined. “Or were they born with them? Are they true love and hate and happiness and sadness or are they just for survival?” Patton huffed at the foreign words and concepts.
“I would know. I know what they taste like. Each different emotion. And they’re emotions.” He didn’t like being confused. He wanted so badly to stop talking about it. For some reason the ideas were making him feel nasty, and he wasn’t nasty. He knew that. “What would you like to eat for breakfast?”
“No buts! I want to stop talking please.” He smiled, blinking the ickiness away. “I have berries, eggs, veggies of all sorts, I could hunt for you if you want meat... do humans eat meat?”
"I don’t want to die!!!” Virgil pounded his bound feet on the stone floor. “If you cared you’d listen!”
The muscles in Patton’s neck tensed and he felt his hackles rise. He didn’t like that. He didn’t like getting yelled at. At all. He turned to the pack, reflexively pursing his lips at the fearful look they gave him, his hackles, and as he then realized, his now-splayed claws.
He gulped, slowly pulling them back into his fingertips. His hackles laid flat and he felt dampness in his eyes.
"Please don’t stay that... stay with me. Please.”
"We don’t really have a choice do we...?” Virgil mumbled.
"You’re making me feel gross... Please stop...” Patton spoke softly, pleading. He didn’t like the squeezing in his chest.
"Maybe you deserve it then.” It was matter-of-fact. Virgil held Patton’s gaze, strong but apprehensive, as if he were expecting an attack, which only made Patton feel worse.
"I-I.... I don’t... I just need to eat... and I just...” water built in his eyes. Was he sick? His eyes watered sometimes but not nearly this much, and normally from the wind. The air was still.
“Please stop saying those things... please just be happy and understand...it would be easier for everyone if you did.” His breath hitched and he tasted sadness. He looked across his prey. It wasn’t any of them... who was sad? He licked at his lips to get rid of the taste, a salty taste, with a hint of rotting blueberries and raw eggs. The taste of wilted, slimy things. He felt tears roll down his cheeks and onto his lips, making the sadness even saltier. He felt weak. He let himself fall to his knees as he frantically attempted to dry his face with the balls of his palms.
"Please... it’s never been this hard before...” He didn’t dare look up. He knew he’d be met with expressions that would make him feel even worse. His prey was quiet. From what he could tell they had little emotion about the situation. Maybe shock. Or maybe the sadness was drowning them out.
"Shhh...” Patton blinked. He looked up. Roman was watching him, some sort of sympathy in the way he held his expression. “Hush. You’re okay.”
"Roman?” Logan squinted at him. “What are you doing?”
"Helping I think.” He didn’t look away from Patton, continuing to hush him. Virgil watched him with an unreadable expression.
"I’m sorry.” It was quiet, and slightly grudging. Virgil sighed. “Deep breaths. Count it out. I’ll shut up.” Patton filled his lungs and let it out again, continuing the pattern until he could dry his face without more tears wetting it again. The pack watched, unsure of how to react. Patton lifted his head.
“Don’t be sorry... you’re scared. You think a different way. It’s okay.”
“You seem like you have good intentions. You seem nice, just... terrifying.” Virgil grimaced. “You see, where we come from, and as people, we don’t...”
Logan joined in. “In general we don’t romanticize death. It’s overall very negative. As you have survival instincts, we have much more emotion in relation to dying it seems.”
“Its the abrupt end to life, not what life builds to.” Roman nodded as he joined, “it’s the definite rock bottom to any situation.”
Patton furrowed his brows. “But that’s all wrong!”
"Why would it be wrong? Everything you’ve built to ceases and the next step is unknown, and the most scientific situation would be a total and sudden nothingness. It’s terrifying.” Virgil seemed to project his own current emotion into his words, pale and shaking in his delivery.
“That’s not at all what I see in it! We as ourselves aren’t really important. We pass our time growing our minds to emotional maturity until we’re ripe, that’s why life feels so good, but those feelings aren’t for us. They’re for the universe! And when something uses us for energy, some transfers to them and some goes into the bigger picture. That’s why we have to have good lives, so all that good stuff can feed the circle!”
The three seemed confused, but this time they seemed to be trying to understand, which made Patton quite happy.
“Would you be willing to accept...” Roman worked to choose his words carefully. “That we don’t want to be eaten? And leave us be? We’ll work to understand where you’re coming from but as of now, none of us are keen on going just yet.”
Patton gulped slightly. “I suppose... if you’re really so opposed... but I still need something to eat. You three would have been perfect to finish off my haul for hibernation but if I don’t have you, I’ve wasted this time for nothing and I need a whole lot more for my last meal before winter.”
Virgil blinked. “You’d really let us go?”
Patton sighed. “If you really would be so unhappy to be my prey, you won’t do me a lot of good. Besides, I’m starting to like your companionship. Though I’m still not sure if I can afford to let you go.”
"What if,” Logan spoke up, “We helped you? We could help hunt, make ourselves useful. In return you can free us and show us the way to civilization.” Patton smiled.
“Would you really? That would be amazing! Are you sure you can hunt though...? You have no claws or teeth for it...”
"We can learn. And I can use a sword if that’s at all useful.” Romans voice was filled with a sudden determination. Almost excitement.
“A sword?”
"A long sharp stick. For stabbing. A spear would be easier to craft with these resources.” Logan clarified.
“Now... can you let us go? We can’t very well hunt tied up like this.” Virgil quirked an eyebrow. Patton could still taste a dull fear on him. Maybe he was always like that. But he silently expressed his gratitude, considering the bitter aftertaste in his mouth allowed him to curb his temptation to break the deal. He nodded.
"I really am sorry... if Id known it would make you so uncomfortable I wouldn’t have done all this. Please don’t be afraid of me. I won’t eat you, I’m not dangerous, not when I don’t want to be. And I promise I don’t want to be.”
“I don’t know if I can really not be afraid. But I’m not, objectively. Emotionally it’s a bit different.” Virgil raised a brow. “You were planning to eat us a couple minutes ago. But you seem nice. Just different, as a terrifying predator should be. But I can tell you, I’m the least scared of you than I ever thought I'd be being faced with a man eating eldritch beast. So take that as you may.” One corner of his mouth upturned in a way Patton could assume was teasing. He smiled.
"I’ll take it.” He reached for Virgil’s bound wrists with a harmless, sheathed hand and gently untied the rope. He wanted to save it for trap making.
“Can you untie the rest on your own now? It would be faster to help all four then help anyone struggling with a knot.”
"Go ahead.” Virgil rubbed his wrists and hissed. They were a painful red and imprinted with the marks of fibers. Patton grimaced with guilt.
“Here.” He filled a bowl with water and set it by Virgil. “It should help soothe the pain. Nice and cold.” Virgil looked up from the knot on his ankles.
“Thanks.” Patton nodded and proceeded to help the other two pack members.
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portraitsofivy · 7 years
things i noticed whilst watching newsies live again today
- during seize the day when Jeremy Jordan and Ben Fankhauser run offstage bc they can’t dance
- how during king of new york ben f. is shoved to the back where you cant see him and when you do see him he is very visibly counting along to the music
- at the end of Watch What Happens (Reprise) when Les says ‘and I gotta date!’ and Davey steals his hat, Jack hits Les with his own hat, Les steals back his hat and promptly hits Jack on the chest with it
- I want to applaud the costume department for giving Katherine’s dress a little hook so she could hook the skirt to her belt for the dance solo
- how Ethan (Les) is also shoved to the back during king of new york
- when Tommy Boy is doing the pirouettes at the end of the song he does the focusing thing where you keep your eyes on one spot as long as you can and then spin your head real quick and get sight of the spot again to avoid getting dizzy and its really cool to watch because you wouldn’t notice unless you knew the trick and the above shot shows that his head is turning much slower than his body
- when jack says ‘keep your shirt on!’ to the kid in front of him just before the world will know and the kid starts pulling at his shirt as if saying something like ‘oh you want me to keep my shirt on, eh? what if I just take it off?’
- the same kid leaping clear to the other side of the stage when Les yells “LET THE MAN WORK IT OUT!”
- at the end of the world will know when they get thrown out of Pulitzer’s office and Davey is lying on the ground holding his hip like an old man
- on a similar note; Les yelling at that guard dude? inspirational? i love one (1) boy??
- at the end, during the Finale, Ben Fankhauser is visibly counting again so that he gets all the moves right
- Les sitting on Katherine’s lap during King of New York and she grabs his hands and shakes them around like you do when teaching a little kid how to do the pattycake rhyme
- when Katherine first walks into Jacobi’s to ask for an interview watch Ben Cook’s eyes bc they are all over her butt and whenever she turns to face his direction his eyes snap up to her’s but when she turns away he almost immediately goes back to staring at her butt
- during Brooklyn’ Here when Spot takes his hat off Romeo looks at him out of the corner of his eye for a second before snapping back forward like he suddenly remembers he’s not supposed to be looking
- at the beginning when Jack asks to be selling partners and Les goes ‘50/50 are you trying to pull something on a little kid” or smthn like that if you see Specs over Jack’s shoulder he’s making the ‘ooooooooooo’ face
- right after Race says ‘can’t you smell smoke?’JoJo ?? takes off his hat and hits Race with it but it isn’t onscreen so all you see is JoJo take off the hat and if you listen carefully there’s a smack and when it pans back out Race rubs his arm and JoJo puts his hat back on
- harmonies? more like I’m dead from the absolute beauty of it
- right after the kid says ‘why do old people talk?’ Elmer looks at Race, realizes he’s not supposed to know Race speaks next, looks at the floor, and looks back at Race when he says ‘to prove they’s still alive’
- Race is a never-ending optimist
- I have a rant later about King of New York don’t let me forget it
- right before Santa Fe when Jack is rolling on the ground you can vaguely see a black bowler hat and he kicks it offstage
- anyways
- when Davey says ‘there’s no escaping us pal, we’re inevitable’ he smacks Jack on the butt with the newspaper and Jeremy’s head snapped up so fast
- what self-respecting theatre technician let him take a bucket of water onstage?
- even when sick and having literally thrown up thirty minutes before I can’t not sing/scream “POoR GuY’S hEaD iS sPiNNiNg!”
- poor Jeremy Jordan can’t dance either
- remind me to also post a rant about the color schemes
- when Snyder shows up if you look in the top right corner Race is selling/reading the pape and when he sees Snyder he swiftly walks away (he does not run, running calls attention and that is one thing he doesn’t want at that time)
- Right before watch what happens reprise all the newsies run over the set looking for Jack
- right before once and for all when everyone has candles to show that they’re walking in the dark to get to Pulitzer’s house
- during that’s rich jack sees Katherine and starts waving to her across the theatre but she either doesn’t see him or ignores him (he stands up halfway through the song to grab her attention)
- why in the world is there some Disney smoking commercial that starts this thing?
- sometimes the light shines just right and I usually don’t like blue eyes but then I see Ben Cook’s and DANG 
- before Watch What Happens Reprise when Les is talking about a girl and Katherine just stares at Davey the whole time and he looks up and asks “what?’ with his eyes and she replies ‘I don’t know’ with her eyes
- Katherine’s little ‘yeeeah, okee’ after Jack says ‘can’t you see it, in my eyes?’
- how long was Jack’s ‘old man’ in his life? how recent was his death? was he a good dad? I have so many questions
- ‘do you wanna bust up your other leg?!?’ ‘no, I wanna go down.’
- the overacting in that scene kills me every time
- I pulled up newsies in a different tab bc I forgot some stuff I was gonna say abt King of New York and it started playing and it confused the heck out of me bc I could’ve sworn my Spotify wasn’t on
- #LetCrutchieSayFuck2k18
- why is Elmer the only one who puts on more clothes for Act 2
- Davey, babe, who taught you the word ‘hoedown’ (I actually have a hc I’m working on abt this) I’m literally from south and the only time I have ever said hoedown was when I was mocking my fellow southerners or when singing along to an old Hannah Montanna song
- Elmer, Romeo, why do you have a roll of cotton on your hairline like you just got a perm? That thing will not stop the blood, ok, it just makes it look like you left the hair salon early
- Albert, what is with the stick
- ‘Jack don’t run from no fight!’ ‘take it down shortstop, I’m just reportin’ the news’
- the way BTC spreads his legs just before his opening solo
- Davey looks more than confused at ‘erster.’ Les is used to hearing words he doesn’t understand, Davey is his older brother
- Romeo’s sarcastic clap when Race finishes his little solo
- why do everyone’s socks match?
- hey @ Albert and Tommy Boy, what it the purpose of your sticks with rubber stops at the bottom? they’re too short to be walking sticks and also you are a teenager why would you need a walking stick
- how many of them played spoons before they joined the cast?
- why does Jacobi have so many spoons in a box in the dining room
- Davey, why do you yell “katHERINE” during the spoon fight? was she in imminent danger? was she about to get spooned? was a boy trying to spoon out her eyeball?
- ?? Henry’s ?? face during the entire thing
- all the boy’s grabbing their crotches after Katherine picks up her leg as if they didn’t just do something harder than that a few minutes earlier
- the Katherine/Les dance battle
- when all the newsies start in on the dance battle thing? amazing? I love?
- Ben F. breathing v hard after Seize the Day while the kids next to him look barely winded
okay I think that’s all for now I’m sure I’ll come up with more later tho
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trash-the-tozier · 6 years
Dog Days (1/7)
Title: Dog Days
Length: ~36.6k words (5k for this part)
Summary: Richie Tozier is twenty years old, over halfway through a Chemistry degree at the University of Maine, and in love with his best friend and roommate, Stanley Uris. And he figures that it's fine, with no cause for change, until he finds an injured puppy near his apartment.
Warnings: Explicit language, small amounts of smoking/drinking, vague description of a dead animal, mentions of animal abuse (the animal stuff is all about the injured puppy, it’s not like... a recurring theme or smthn) and like... one punch is thrown (it's a cute fic I promise)
Pairings: Stan/Richie, background Ben/Beverly
A/N: I have a bunch of losers club x dogs headcanons, so I finally wrote one! this fic was originally written for the @itbigbang, and while the exchange ended up falling through, I did have a wonderful time writing this fic ♡ also posted to ao3 here
"Oh, here." Richie pulled Stan's phone from his hands, who let out a dissenting breath from his nose, but didn't attempt to stop him. "Beverly just sent me the mix she made. I'll put it on while we study."
"What's it called?"
"Uh..." Richie plugged Stan's phone into the speakers he'd left on the coffee table, opening up Spotify. Beverly's playlists usually had hilarious names long enough to rival Fall Out Boy themselves, but this one was unexpected. "It just says 'idiots'. No capitalization."
"Sweet, isn't she?" Stan asked, amused, pulling a notebook and a pencil from his backpack, tucking the writing utensil behind his ear so he could use both hands to pick up his Statistics textbook. That thing was heavy, Richie knew; Stan had dropped it on his head once. He frowned, scrolling through the tracklist.
"These songs are weird."
"Yeah?" Stan slid the textbook to the edge of his knees, beginning to open it.
"Yeah." Richie frowned, reading out the first song. "This Guy's In Love With You."
Stan dropped his book on his foot, cursing loudly as Richie laughed.
"...excuse me?" He finally asked.
"Do you know that song?" Richie asked back, instead of repeating himself. "It came out in 1968! Justify My Love? What is all this stuff?"
"Isn't Justify My Love that really risque Madonna song?" Stan asked, and Richie gave an incredulous little laugh, pressing play on the playlist and laying back against the couch. He nudged Stan lightly with his elbow.
"You're so gay, Stanley."
"Right." Stan raised an amused eyebrow, nudging Richie back. "You kissed four different guys at a party last week, and I'm the gay one."
"That was just for spin the bottle! Besides, I didn't say I wasn't the other gay one."
Stan rolled his eyes, turning to his Statistics homework. Richie was supposed to be working on an English essay but he felt painfully distracted, staring at his laptop screen every couple of minutes before picking up his phone. Justify My Love was, in fact, an incredibly risque Madonna song, and Richie ended up leaning forwards and skipping it because Stan was turning so red that Richie worried he might explode. Thankfully, Richie knew the next song inside and out.
"Def Leppard!" He exclaimed, as the opening guitar notes from the iconic 'Pour Some Sugar On Me' began. Stan glanced over at him.
"Don't pretend you're some classic rock fan." He said. Richie opened his mouth in offense.
"But I am!"
Stan tried to go back to his books but Richie interrupted almost immediately, splaying himself across Stan's lap and singing along in a terrible, dramatic voice, his face screwed up in a way he probably thought was 'punk rock'.
"I'm hot, sticky sweet! From my head, to my feet."
Stan glanced down at him, pursing his lips, but he did look amused.
"You're not hot, Richie. Especially if you're sticky."
Richie pouted at him.
"But I'm sweet!"
A huge grin spread across Richie's face, catching Stan's eye and sticking his tongue out.
"Why don't you give me a taste and find out?"
Richie expected an eye roll, already imagining the dramatic position he wanted to land in on the floor when Stan inevitably shoved him off his lap. Instead Stan leaned in close, a nervous jolt racing up Richie's chest when his eyes began to close. His lips were mere centimeters away, Richie's heart hammering, when Stan stopped.
"Shut up, Richie." He murmured. And then he shoved Richie off his lap, but Richie was caught so off guard that he didn't manage to stick his landing, letting out in undignified yelp as he hit the coffee table on his way down. That had Stan laughing, laughing so hard that he leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes, and in spite of the dull throb Richie now felt in his shoulder, he had to grin. He crawled back up onto the couch, staring hard at his computer screen, trying to use the assignment as a distraction to get his heart rate back to normal. He got about a paragraph of something barely intelligible written, his fingers freezing when he heard Stan murmur a curse under his breath. Richie wasn't sure if he should say something or not, but it quickly became too much to handle.
"Fuck!" Stan finally growled, Richie trying to ignore the way his breath hitched and be a sympathetic friend instead. He'd been doing that a lot lately, when it came to Stanley.
"I've tried this problem three times." Stan said in frustration, stabbing at the paper with his pencil tip. "And I've gotten a different wrong answer all three times. I swear I'm using the formula correctly, but..."
Richie leaned over Stan's lap, glancing over his work. He pointed at the third step of his most recent attempt.
"There. You forgot to carry the one."
"Carry the one?" Stan asked in slight disbelief, and when he realized Richie was right, he let out a groan and collapsed onto Richie's shoulder in defeat.
"I hate it when you make me feel stupid." Stan mumbled, his voice slightly muffled.
"Yeah. Because you're stupid."
In spite of himself, Richie chuckled.
"Why are you majoring in Accounting if you suck at math?" Richie asked. "You're so much better at other stuff."
Stan sighed, pulling himself upright. He turned back to his homework, twirling his pencil between his fingers. Richie watched his hands.
"A stable job, Richie."
"A stable job? In this economy?" The question was more of a joke than anything, and thankfully Stan laughed. Richie got to his feet, his shoes already on by the time Stan spoke up.
"Isn't that essay due by midnight tonight?"
"Yeah. I'll get it done." Richie waved a dismissive hand. "I can't focus right now, anyway."
"Going on a walk?" Stan asked, but it wasn't really a question, the answer already obvious. Richie took walks off campus when he needed to de-stress, or exhaust himself enough to get his brain to calm down and focus on an uninteresting task. This essay definitely qualified as uninteresting. Richie nodded.
"I'll probably be at work then, when you get back." Stan told him, Richie nodding a little when he realized Stan was right.
"Good luck during your shift! Don't die, or whatever." Richie said, pulling on a jacket. He took his cell phone from his pocket, showing it to Stan. "Feel free to text me if you want."
Stan nodded, Richie giving him a salute, checking his pocket for his keys and his cigarettes before stepping out the door. He kept his phone in his hand, and when he'd made it down the apartment complex steps, he called Beverly's number.
"Hey, punk." She greeted, and he grinned. "What's up?"
"Not much. Just on a walk."
"And you missed the sound of my voice?"
"C'mon sis. I always miss you." Richie told her, and she laughed a little.
"Ben and I live on the other side of campus. You can come over any time, you know that. I gave you a key to our apartment for a reason."
"Yeah yeah, I know." Richie held his phone to his ear with his shoulder, pulling out a cigarette and lighting up. "Bev, about that playlist..."
"Did you like it? Did you and Stan make out or something?"
"That's what that was about?" He asked, amused by the excitement in her voice. “I threw myself in his lap, and but he didn't go for it.”
“Oh, damn.”
Richie laughed. “C’mon Beverly, how many times do I have to tell you that I don’t like Stan?”
“You can’t fool me, Richie.” She sounded slightly reprimanding. “You want him to stick his tongue in your mouth so badly it’s insane.”
“No!” Richie insisted. “I don’t. I don’t like Stan, and I have to keep telling myself that. I have to, because if I don’t then I will definitely kiss him, and it will definitely ruin everything.”
The line was silent for a few moments, Richie watching his feet as he walked. He veered off the sidewalk and the pavement turned to drying grass underfoot, taking himself in the direct opposite direction of campus and towards a distant patch of trees.
“It might not, you know.” Beverly said quietly. “Ruin everything, I mean.”
“Yeah, but it could. We’re roommates, and we’re friends, and that has to be good enough for me.”
Richie heard Ben’s voice in the background, sounding like he was asking some sort of question, and decided he didn’t want to interrupt their afternoon any further.
“I’ve gotta go, alright? I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Bye Bev!” Richie hung up before Beverly could protest, slipping his cell phone into his pocket and taking a long drag on his cigarette. He appreciated Beverly trying to help him in her own, playful way, but he needed to be deterred from kissing Stan, not encouraged. Beverly just didn’t understand the complications of love, Richie supposed. She’d met her Prince Charming when they were all thirteen, and while the two of them had taken a while to get together, they’d always liked each other. It hadn’t been that way with Stan.
Richie had thought for years that Stan didn't like him at all. Stan tolerated him, maybe, but didn’t prefer his company. They never hung out one-on-one. Stan was transparent about Bill being his Loser of choice, always next to him, always close to him. Stan liked Eddie too though, connecting with him over things like calling Richie an idiot, or being clean and neat (though Richie knew that truly Stan was the neat one; Eddie was a germaphobe, sure, but he was still a chaotic teenage boy with a unorganized room and backpack full of loose papers. Stan grew up creating alphabetized binders of bird polaroids.)
Richie made an effort, though. When he learned that Stan wore that little circle thing on his head because he was Jewish--and that Jewish people spoke a different language, which was so cool--he studied up to make puns in Hebrew, made probably too many jokes about birds, and learned that poking Stan on the cheek made him blush. Despite all this though, they didn’t hang out independent of the others when they were fifteen, and the rest of the Losers (a group which now included Mike, Ben, and Beverly Marsh) weren’t able to make Richie’s impromptu sleepover. The two of them had stayed up until nearly four in the morning, half watching the Die Hard movies and half talking about nothing and everything all at once. Stan confided in Richie that night that he was gay, not telling him until later that he was the first person he’d come out to.
“Do you like me?” Richie had asked, almost immediately after. He didn’t realize the terrible timing of his question until Stan had turned red and punched him in the shoulder.
“I didn’t mean it like that! I mean… I meant as friends.”
Stan looked incredibly surprised.
“Of course I do. I always have.”
Richie’s cigarette burnt itself out between his fingers, a cold gust of wind bringing him back to the present. It was chilly for March, even by Maine standards, Richie bringing his jacket in closer around himself, fumbling with the zipper. He closed the jacket up to his chin, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He didn't remember when his crush on Stan had developed, if he was being honest. Stan was just… Different. Different from all the other Losers. Different from anyone else Richie had ever known.
If Richie was in the mood to go out and save the world, he went to Bill. If Richie wanted to recline on a couch and laugh his ass off, he went to Mike. But Stan made him feel balanced. He was just deadpan enough to take in Richie's chaotic energy, just sarcastic enough to be amused when Richie made a joke, but still bite back with a retort of his own. Stan made him feel happy, made him feel right. He couldn't explain it really, but he knew it was a feeling he couldn't lose, and if all he could be to feel like that was Stan's friend, then so be it. Friend could be agonizing at times, but it was infinitely better than nothing at all.
The sound of rushing water registered in Richie's ears a second before his shoe landed in the creek. He cursed and jumped back, losing his footing and pinwheeling his arms in a desperate attempt not to fall entirely into the water. The creek was a familiar route in his walks, the body of water a full mile from campus, and Richie turned to follow along the bank. He kept a safe distance, stepping carefully. He already had one soggy shoe; he didn't need another.
Richie forced his mind to focus as he lit a second cigarette, trying to stop daydreaming about Stan and start planning out his essay, which was much less enjoyable, but much more productive. He didn't know why he needed a literature class, being a Chemistry major and all, but he had to take it, so he was at least going to try to pass. Good grades would help him keep his scholarships, and he needed those; his job at the pizza place he and Stan worked at was barely enough to cover his share of the rent for their tiny apartment.
There was a dark pack of birds up ahead. They looked large, all having landed by the creek bed, huddled close together. Richie had to get a little closer to them to see what kind of birds they were, but once he did, they were easy to identify. Vultures. A group of them, with their wide, dark wings and ugly bald heads. Richie didn’t realize until too late what a committee of vultures must mean, the unmistakable stench of rotting meat hitting him full in the face only a few paces later. He staggered back, his face scrunching instinctively, trying not to gag. But curiosity got the better of him, approaching slowly, wanting to see what it was the vultures were all crowded around.
He couldn’t tell what animal the carcass used to be. It was decomposed, waterlogged, and in the process of being ripped apart, but he still squinted at it in confusion. The bits of fur that remained were fuzzy, dark brown and black, the creature roughly the size of a dodgeball. A rabbit, he supposed. Something like that. It was too round to be a cat, and too dark to be a raccoon, and he couldn’t think of any other animal that would find its way to the creek to drown. Feeling unsettled, and unwilling to get between a pack of vultures and their prey, Richie turned tail and headed back home.
As he said he would be, Stan was gone to work by the time Richie returned. He kicked off his shoes and peeled off his socks, both feet freezing--though the wet one much more so--tucking them under his body as he pulled his laptop into his lap. He'd left it open with the screen on, and there was a little message at the bottom of his essay that Richie realized must be from Stan.
Man, you have to analyze Grapes of Wrath? Sucks to suck, that book is terrible. I’m like 99.9% sure you didn’t read it, seeing as I never saw you holding it, so make sure to talk about the multiplying effects of selfishness and altruism, and the symbolism of the dead dog. You’re welcome. And also... good luck! c;
Richie couldn’t stop smiling and he didn’t even care, taking a picture of the message with his phone, and attaching it in a text to Stan.
To: S(a)tan You flirty little bastard
From: S(a)tan ;)
To: S(a)tan ;D
From: S(a)tan If you send me the eggplant emoji I will block you istg.
Richie bit his lip to try to stop grinning but it was futile, leaning back on the couch.
To: S(a)tan What’s wrong with a harmless vegetable? I hear they’re quite NUTritious
He could almost hear the eye roll.
From: S(a)tan I hate you. Also, since you’re only looking at theme and motif for that essay, you probably don’t have to mention that part in the book where the teenage girl breastfeeds the dying old man in a barn
To: S(a)tan Excuse me the WHAT
From: S(a)tan I told you the book was terrible. But you have an essay to write. I’m not texting you back until it’s done.
To: S(a)tan But stanleyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Richie didn’t get a response. He sent a few more whiny messages (and even the eggplant emoji for good measure) but true to his word, Stan didn’t text him. So Richie turned to Beverly instead.
To: Lavagirl Bevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv im lonely and bored
From: Lavagirl What, your other half went to work?
To: Lavagirl ***Stan. My Stan went to work. And I have a stupid essay to write
From: Lavagirl I know. He told me. He also told me not to text you until you finish it. Bye!
“Fucking Stanley.” Richie grumbled, when after a few attempts, Beverly didn’t respond either. Out of distractions, Richie stared down the word document for a few moments, sighed, and got to work. But Stan didn’t text him back even after he’d finished and submitted the paper, so Richie assumed he was simply busy, taking Beverly up on her offer from earlier and making the trek to her and Ben’s apartment, picking up a pizza on the way.
He knocked when he arrived--he’d walked in on too many compromising situations not to knock at their door--beaming brightly when Ben answered.
“I didn't want to only invite myself over, so I invited myself and a pizza.” He explained, Ben laughing a little as he stepped back to let Richie in.  
“I was literally just about to text you.” Beverly said when she saw him, getting up from the couch in greeting, her cell phone extended in his direction. Sure enough, an in-progress message To: Sharkboy shone on the screen. “You got that Steinbeck essay finished?”
“Yep!” Richie set the box of pizza down on the small table in the kitchen. “Didn't read the book and submitted the first draft without revising it, just like my momma taught me.”
Beverly slapped him a high five, while Ben looked disapproving. Richie caught the expression.
“C’mon, Ben! It was Grapes of Wrath. That book is terrible. It doesn't deserve a good essay.”
“How do you know it's terrible? You just said you didn't read it.”
“I was told that it was bad by one very reliable source, thank you.”
“But it's Steinbeck!” Ben sat down at the table next to him. “He’s an award winning author. The way he puts prose together--”
“Steinbeck is a dweeb.” Richie said flippantly. Then, when Ben opened his mouth to protest, he continued. “And so are you, Ben.”
“Yeah, but he's my dweeb.” Beverly interjected, walking up behind Ben to come to the table. Ben looked back at her.
“You think I'm a dweeb?” He asked, Beverly grinning and looping her arms around his shoulders, kissing his cheek. He turned pink and the conversation was effectively closed, Richie grinning and moving to open the pizza box.
“We already ate.” Beverly interrupted. “Ben made dinner. It’s just chicken and pasta, but you can have some if you--”
“Thank god.” Richie closed the box again, getting up with it in hand and walking to the trash can. After working at a place that made pizza, he didn't enjoy the pseudo-Italian food as much as he used to. He would still eat it if there was no alternative though, unlike Stan, who would rather starve. “I really--”
“Woah, hey! What are you doing?” Beverly intercepted his path, taking the pizza box from him. “Not everyone here works at a pizza place. I still enjoy eating one of the greatest food inventions of the century.”
“Good for you then.” Richie helped himself to the aforementioned leftovers, the healthy food causing him to frown and turn back. He’d just remembered something, how Ben had slowly but surely been slimming himself down. “Wait, are you sure you want that, though? Isn't there some diet thing you guys are doing?”
“It's not a diet.” Ben said quickly. “It's just… I'm just making my own food, instead of eating that processed, high sodium crap I was fed all the time when I lived at home.”
“Well, it's working for you, buddy.” Richie put the plate in the microwave, turning to give Ben a wink. “You're looking good.”
“He's getting really good at cooking, too.” Beverly said in excitement, sliding the pizza box into the fridge. All of the praise had Ben's face slightly pink again. “That is the best way to a person's heart, you know.”
“I've heard that between the fourth and fifth rib is a pretty good way, too.”
Ben frowned at his pessimism, Richie sitting down. Beverly sat down across from him.
“You're just jealous because you don't have a dweeb.” She declared.
“Stan isn't a dweeb.” Richie said quickly. A grin grew on Beverly face.
“I didn't say anything about Stan.”
“Sure, but you were thinking it, and he was thinking it--” Richie pointed his fork at Ben with a sigh-- “and I was thinking it, so…”
“Why don't you just tell him?” Ben asked. “What's the worst that could happen?”
Richie stroked an invisible beard, pretending to think.
“Let's see. I confess my feelings--probably by kissing him because let's face it, I'm hopelessly in love and rash action is very much my style--and he's so freaked out by his roommate having a big gay crush on him that he changes his name, moves to Yemen, and I never see him again.”
“Don't give yourself so much credit. You're not so bad of a kisser that it drives people to move to another country.”
“Bev, I kissed Cynthia Anderson in ninth grade, and a week later she moved to Canada.”
“That was a coincidence!” Beverly exclaimed, as Ben laughed. “Just be charming! You could… I don't know, write him cute notes or something.”
Richie rolled his eyes.
“I'm not Ben.”
“Hey, it worked.” Ben pointed out, Beverly nodding.
“If I leave him love notes like Ben did, then he'll probably just think the notes are from Bill, like Beverly did!” Richie pointed out. He frowned. “Bill is cool. Stan would probably go out with Bill.”
The following silence lasted a little longer than Richie liked, neither one of them rushing to his defense.
“C’mon, guys!”
“You won't know until you try, and that's all I'm going to say.” Beverly said. “Speaking of Bill though, I talked to him today. We talked about possible tourist stops for The Road Trip.”
“Oh, tell me.” Richie said excitedly, stuffing a bite of chicken in his mouth in preparation to listen without interrupting. The Road Trip was a dream hatched up by Mike, an idea to get a van after graduation and drive around the country, fueled purely by nothing more than the desire to get the hell out of Maine. None of the Losers, aside from Ben and Eddie, had ever left the state before. But Ben had simply moved in from a different state in middle school, and Eddie was out of the state now, at a pharmacology school in New York with his tuition, housing, and meal plan all controlled by his mother's money. He claimed to like the freedom of the city, though.
They spent the next couple of hours brainstorming about things they could do, and places they could go. Most of it was simply amusing and unrealistic (in truth, the whole trip was unrealistic, but they tried not to think about that) Richie in the middle of explaining just how they would get away with stealing the world's largest boot out of Minnesota when his phone began to ring. It was Stan.
“King Stanrick the Third!” He answered grandly, putting on a rather bad British accent. “How was your shift at the pizza palace?”
“Monotonous.” Stan answered. “You finished that essay, then?”
“All done with time to spare, thanks to you!” Richie told him.
“Yeah, you're welcome. Hey, have you had dinner yet?”
“Yeah.” Richie said apologetically. “Ben and Beverly took pity on me and gave me their table scraps.”
Ben looked a bit disgruntled at his home cooked meal being called table scraps.
“That's awesome, actually.” There was a smile in Stan's voice now. “I am craving sushi, and now I can get some without you complaining.”
“You disgust me.” Sushi was about as abhorrent as asparagus, which Richie lovingly referred to as 'the green stalks from hell’. Stan laughed.
“Anything we need from the store while I'm out?” He asked. Richie thought for a moment.
“We are out of ice cream.” He said. The line was quiet for a moment, Richie able to hear the background noise of the road as Stan drove.
“...anything essential we need from the store?” Stan tried again.
“Ice cream is essential, Stanley! It shaped me into the man I am today!”
“Really? Then maybe you should never eat it again.”
“Fuck off.”
Stan laughed again, a quieter and more private kind of laugh that had Richie grinning, holding the phone a bit closer to his ear.
“Alright.” Stan allotted. “We're broke as hell, but I'll see what I can do.”
“See you soon?”
Then Stan hung up, Richie slowly lowering his phone. He'd all but forgotten about his friends, and Bev had a shit-eating grin on her face.
“Oh, fuck both of you.” He said, the words made infinitely less menacing by the light blush on his cheeks. “Also, thank you for having me over, the food was delicious, I love you both so so much, and I'm going home.”
He said it all quickly, rushing around the table to give both Ben and Beverly tight hugs, then made his way out the door. Richie showered and put on comfy clothes, and about thirty minutes later Stan was home, a half-eaten roll of sushi in one hand and a small grocery bag in the other.
“Hey.” He greeted, but Richie made a show of scrunching his nose up.
“You smell like raw fish.” He said. He couldn’t actually smell the sushi, but knowing it was there was bad enough. Stan rolled his eyes.
“No I don't. I smell like pizza grease, and I need a shower.”
Stan was right, and soon disappeared into the bathroom. When he re-emerged he was clean and warm, soft in a loose t-shirt and old pajama pants as he sat next to Richie on the couch, his curly hair a little damp and slightly frizzed from drying.
“Well Stanley, it's nearly nine-thirty on a Sunday evening. Ready to get crazy?” Richie asked.
“Crazy. Right.” Stan gave him an amused look. “I have class tomorrow, so no. And you have work.”
“I do?” Richie didn't remember being put on the schedule. Stan nodded.
“The manager asked me if you were free to cover an opening shift tomorrow, and I said yes, because you are.”
“Opening shift? Those are so early though!”
“Ten-thirty is not early, Rich. Just because you only have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays doesn't mean you can spend Monday doing nothing.”
“I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it means, actually.” Richie countered. “Real talk though, anything you want to do?”
Stan thought for a moment.
“I still am only on season three of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.” He said, and Richie gasped.
“Yes, that, we’re doing that right now.” He quickly pulled up a streaming site on his computer--prompting a “we really need a TV” comment from Stan--hurrying off to get his laptop's charger cord. When he returned Stan was holding a half pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and two spoons.
“You said you wanted ice cream. Want to share?” He offered, and Richie felt his heart melt into a puddle of goo on the floor. The episode started and they settled in in front of the computer screen, Richie remembering something almost at once. He pointed his spoon at Stanley in excitement.
“Stan! Can I spoil something from season five?”
“What? No.”
“It’s really important! Please? Please?” Richie repeated the word eleven more times, and finally Stan relented.
“Fine! What is it?”
“Rosa is bi! She’s bisexual.”
“Oh.” Stan smiled. “Cool.”
“Yep.” Richie winked. “Me and Rosa Diaz, two badass bisexuals.”
Stan laughed, shaking his head.
“No, you cannot compare yourself to Rosa. You’re more of a Scully than a Rosa.”
“Hey!” Richie protested, eventually convincing Stan that he was much more like Jake, the show’s main protagonist. After some hilarious back and forth Stan was likened to Amy, the character Jake just happened to be in a relationship with. If Stan noticed the comparison he didn't let on, and Richie sure as hell wasn't going to say anything about it.
“That was fun, but let’s not do the other Losers.” Stan requested.
“Oh! That Was Fun But Let’s Not Do The Other Losers: title of your sex tape.” Richie exclaimed, knocking his spoon against Stan’s. Stan laughed at the reference, leaning back into the couch cushions and resting his head on Richie’s shoulder. Richie’s breath caught in his throat, and he tried to slowly ease into the contact, Stan staying cuddled close to him for the entirety of the episode, even after the ice cream ran out. This was Richie’s third rewatch of the comedy, but for those thirty minutes, he couldn’t have said a single thing the episode was about.
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Who wants to hear a song that made me cry until like 3 am? Because Buy the Stars by Marina and the Diamonds made me think of Canon* STRQ (*mostly canon, at least, because I will ship Flown North/Hummingbird until my dying breath. So canon in a loose sense tbh). You can blame @dawnstar13 for how much angst and feels-wrenching stuff I'm handing y'all. It's absolutely her fault.
I wish that my artistic abilities matched the idea I have for a storyboard, or that I had enough free time to seriously practice, but I'm better at words than art so picture this:
With the idea of Flown North, this first part would be a quick flash of Qrow and Summer falling for each other...
You bought a star in the sky tonight Because your life is dark and it needs some light You named it after me, but I’m not yours to keep Because you’ll never see, that the stars are free
...but fast-forward on "but I'm not yours to keep" to Summer being killed. Shift to Qrow trying to cope with Summer being gone...
Oh we don’t own our heavens now We only own our hell And if you don’t know that by now Then you don’t know me that well
...perhaps Qrow giving Ruby to Tai before taking off on endless missions/self-destructive binges.
All my life I’ve been so lonely All in the name of being holy Still, you’d like to think you know me You keep buyin’ stars And you could buy up all of the stars, But it wouldn’t change who you are You’re still living life in the dark It’s just who you are It’s just who you are
Now, switch to Raven and Tai, happy and bright for this first line...
You bought a star in the sky tonight
...but then Raevn growing dark and distant for the second line...
And in your man-made dark
...and Raven all by herself and angry for the third.
The light inside you died
Raven with the bandits...
Oh we don’t own our heavens now We only own our hell And if you don’t know that by now Then you don’t know me that well
...and switch to Tai raising Yang all by himself.
All my life I’ve been so lonely All in the name of being holy Still, you’d like to think you own me You keep buyin’ stars And you could buy up all of the stars, But it wouldn’t change who you are You’re still living life in the dark It’s just who you are It’s just who you are
At the first "It's just who you are" Tai is looking up at a stary sky and at the second it fades to Raven looking up at the same stars (or smthn, idk).
Next two lines are maybe Qrow at Summer's grave and then Raven alone in her huge chief's tent?
You know only how to own me You know only how to own me
Then Qrow is noticing how much Ruby looks like Summer...
You’re buying stars to shut out the light We come alone and then we die And no matter how hard you try I’ll always belong in the sky
...and then maybe Raven's confrontation with Yang at Haven? And when the lyrics pick back up it would be Raven looking at Tai's house from the edge of the forest?
And you could buy up all of the stars, But it wouldn’t change who you are You’re still living life in the dark
And then Raven turns away and walks to Summer's grave...
It’s just who you are It’s just who you are
...and after a bit Taiyang walks up and stands next to her, and overlayed is a bunch of memories of STRQ when they were still one big happy family.
It’s who you are It’s who you are It’s who you are It’s who you are It’s who you are It’s who you are It’s who you are It’s who you are
...and then Raven takes Taiyang's hand (or vice-versa) and the whole thing fades to black I guess?
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denimchicken · 4 years
i am sooo not looking forward to grocery shopping for my family later, i know my bitch ass is gonna panic and forget like 90% of what we need, or i’ll panic and forget the one way rule or smthn dumb. grocery stores give me sensory overload as it is, without having to remember rules and shit too damn
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