#i wrote this while listening to merry go round from howl's moving castle
dxughterofpluto · 1 year
In a candle-lit hallway, with intricate and old-fashioned wallpaper stood a girl, looking frazzled and as if she'd just woken up; well at least that's how it felt for her. With a pounding head, she rubbed her temples. Heaving a sigh, she darted her eyes and became one with her surroundings; or rather not because she couldn't recognize this place at all.
' How did I get here?' The thought echoed her mind, like how as minor as her movement was, it still echoed through the vacant hallway. She squinted, staring aimlessly ahead into a dimly-lit uncertainty. She felt shivers go up her spine, despite being inside…somewhere, she felt a sudden cold. The girl glanced over her shoulder; again another candle-lit, seemingly endless hallway." Well I can't just stand here forever, can I?” She concluded aloud, although in actuality she was unsure. Trying to keep calm in a situation of possible danger was difficult, but panicking would just make this all the more real to her.
So, the girl stepped forward with perseverance. She was clutching her elbows, it was still cold and beginning to get colder. As she walked, the only sounds were from herself; steady breaths and the shuffling from the bunny slippers she was wearing. Stopping in her tracks, she looked down at them and let out a noise of confusion." Hm…Why am I wearing these..?" She asked herself, searching her mind for any possible clue but to no avail; as another startling realisation hit her over the head. Holding her arms up in front of her slightly; the girl saw she was wearing a long-sleeved, flowy nightgown." It's not like I was asleep standing up in the hallway, was I?" She whispered. Her vision was becoming less blurry and so was the situation.
Nevertheless; she pressed forward. As she did so, she began to notice slight changes to her surroundings. The narrow, dimly-lit hallway was a lot wider than she'd initially thought. As she walked, the girl drifted her hand across the wall to her right to guide herself." Whoever lives here's probably a hermit," she mumbled, " could use more light, this place." Not only that, but the eerie hallway was starting to become repetitive. The candle sticks stuck to the wall illuminated her path of otherwise never-ending. Not only was this journey through the unknown tedious, the girl was starting to feel a pressure against her chest, more anxiety was consuming her by the second.
It was interrupted by the sudden feeling of not the rough-textured wallpaper, but a hard, wooden feeling. She stopped in her tracks for the second time, and although hesitant, she stepped back slightly in an attempt to get a better view of what she'd just come across. From what she could tell, it was a wooden frame, but it was too dark to tell what was being framed. Her eyes drifted over to the candlestick on the wall to her left; she gripped its handle and held it towards the frame.
The candle illuminated a painting; a portrait of a woman holding a baby. She was sitting in a rocking chair, hair pinned back and wearing a royal blue robe, as her baby seemed to be sleeping in the woman's arms who was wrapped in white, crochet blanket. The pressure on the girl's chest hadn't gone away. No. it was shifting now, becoming suddenly painful. A lump in her throat she didn't realise was there gave out and salty tears streamed down her face.
The girl sniffled, before quickly wiping her cheeks. A burning question was present in her watery eyes." Why am I crying?"
It was ridiculous, it wasn't like she knew who this mother and child were; so what had she suddenly become so upset over? She furrowed her eyebrows in not only confusion but agitation. Before she could ask herself more unanswerable questions, there was an interjection.
Music. It was faint, but she still managed to pick up on it as distant as it was. After a few months, she concluded that it was a soft piano ballad, as gentle as a lullaby." Music..? Does that mean I'm not alone?" She wondered, not knowing whether to feel relieved or terrified at the thought. Glancing at the strange yet solemn painting once more; she forced herself to continue down the gloomy hallway. The girl listened intently to the piano ballad as she did." This house must be huge." She thought aloud. Surprisingly, the music that had started playing out of nowhere didn't really startle her; of course the situation was scary to her but she couldn't help but feel soothed at the soft ballad that echoed across the walls. It felt strangely familiar.
As the girl guided herself with the candlestick, she could hear the music slowly quickening and becoming louder. Closer. With a pounding heart, and free hand clutching the fabric over her chest, the girl couldn't help but quicken the paces of her steps.
She came to a halt. A double door was illuminated by the candlestick; it was a dark, moody brown and seemingly opened slightly, a small creek. This wasn't a dead end however; to her right the hallway continued. Upon further notice she realised that the music wasn't coming from inside the ominous room begging to be peaked into; but instead from further down the hallway. She furrowed her brows and frowned in confliction." Maybe following the music isn't a good idea after all…" She concluded, although for some reason she felt a slight twinge at her heart. Someone could very well be trying to lure her into a trap; and besides, maybe she could find some answers.
So, the girl stepped forward and peaked through the crack of the door, her eye meeting a peculiar sight; her own. From the small crack in the door, the girl could see her own reflection, which from what she could tell was a floor length mirror with its own back stand. Her eyes darted around the room; but it was otherwise covered in darkness and couldn't make out anything else. Although she couldn't see any figures inside…so maybe it was safe.
Holding her breath, the girl hesitantly stepped into the unknown yet again. The room was seemingly empty besides the mirror; even if it was dark she could tell there was no other furniture present. That wasn't what struck the girl though. No, something had caught her eye. Her reflection…again, but this time she had realised something about it. As she etched towards it, she squinted her eyes at the girl that squinted back at her; one that knotted, greasy slimy hair, dark and deep circles under her eyes and flaky skin. The girl in her reflection, or otherwise known as a stranger.
" Who…" She began but couldn't finish her sentence, unable to comprehend the fact that this was in fact not her. With shaky hands, she felt her hair, attempting to run her hands through it but to no avail; she let out a whimper as they got stuck and tangled. Next was her face, which she clutched and rubbed, only to then wretch them off to see dead skin coating her hands. Her breath quickened." Ho…How-"
She cut herself off as another realisation had struck her like an arrow. Suppose this wasn't just some mass hallucination, if not, then just who was she? She stared at the stranger in the mirror again pleadingly, seeing that her eyes were welling with tears. Who was she? Now that she thought about it, she couldn't recall what she was supposed to look like either, nor even her name. She began to feel nauseated, as if her heart pounding wasn't enough, she started to hyperventilate and the pounding sensation from her head from earlier had returned. Falling to her knees, she sobbed and screamed, blocking out the piano ballad that was still playing.
She jolted her head out of her hands." But of course…", the girl got to her feet, "...That's it…" She concluded. The music had been the only thing so far that hadn't felt jarring to her, the only thing that made sense. The girl couldn't explain it, but for some reason she felt it was the only thing keeping her sane at the moment. She needed the music.
Bolting out of the room, slamming the door open in the process, she turned to her left and started running. The act might've been incredibly reckless, but her instincts were telling her otherwise. The ballad was much louder now, and being played at a quicker pace too. Her heart thumping at the same. She ran for what felt like hours, down different hallways that all looked the same. At some point she felt like she was going in circles, like some cruel merry go round. Her sprinting eventually ceased though as she'd reached a dead end. A door stood there, waiting in anticipation to be opened. At this point the music was through the walls. Yet it still gave her the same, soft and easy feeling it did when she'd first heard it.
With fists clenched, she marched towards the door and gripped its handle." Am I crazy?" She wondered, looking down at it." Or am I just lost…?" She continued. Another unanswerable question, but she could get answers if she just opened the door, couldn't she?
Holding her breath again, she turned the handle and burst into the room. The girl was immediately hit with body-shocking warmth. The room overall had a cosy look to it, with its fireplace, crochet blankets and cushions. However, what caught her immediate eye about it was the piano that was in the centre of the room, and the person that was playing it.
Another version of herself; but this one was well groomed and much healthier looking, her porcelain skin seemed to glisten in the firelight, her silky and soft hair rested on her shoulders. The girl stood there for a few moments, panting and staring, watching the other play, waiting for something to happen. Until, the other girl halted her playing and slowly turned around to face her. A warm smile formed from the piano player's lips, eyes lighting up.
"You found me."
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caramwlflan · 8 months
i wrote this while listening to merry go round from howls moving castle ok bye i love my space husband uueeueue
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Snowglobe Planet wasn't exactly known for being extremely populated. Puppycat knew this. So why was his crew here?
Violet kept insisting about some weird music box that was worth a bunch of candy's.
It was an easy mision. Find the rare music box, leave and get candy. Easy. So what was different?
That melody…
Ever since he arrived on the planet he has been in-tranced with the melody of what appeared to be a violin. Where was it coming from? It was soft and gentle, almost like it was calling him.
Could it be?
He entered the building in the middle of the planet, there, surrounded by what lookef like a million music boxes, a pink haired person playing the violin appeared. They were so in trance that he didn't notice him come inside.
He payed attention to the music. It was a beautiful melody. Something Snow had never hear before in all his adventures across space. He was glad Violet was inside the ship, or else she would've laughed at him for staring so hard at this strange person.
Suddenly, the music stopped and the mysterious person locked eyes with him, leaving their violin to the side.
“Shall we dance?”
The rare music box started to sound. The melody started again.
How could he refuse.
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ruggiethethuggie · 1 year
🍷 & 🎶 for the fanfic asks 💕
In reference to this post.
🍷 Do you drink and write?
Oh my god, I am so boring. No, and it’s only because I don’t drink. I will say that I have (for legal purposes this is a joke lmao) smoked before writing something before, but that was only once or twice.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I do like listening to music while writing, and it usually has to be whatever vibe the fic is. For most of my fluff stuff, I just listen to my basic playlist since it has such a variety. But if there’s anything .. more than fluff, then I have a playlist titled “A Letter to My Baby Daddies” and it really helps set the mood y’know? Lol. For the fic I wrote about taking Sebek to prom, I think I listened to Merry Go Round of Life from Howl’s Moving Castle for almost 3 hours straight when I was finishing it up. Mostly because I was imagining that was the song Sebek/Reader were dancing to, and the dancing and part with Vil were the last two things I had to write for it. In general though, a song on loop right now is Bad by Christopher.
Thank you for ask, Aya !
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writeforfandoms · 3 years
Merry Go Round of Life 2
Find my masterlist
Part two of the Howl’s Moving Castle AU! There will still be a blend of movie and book in this chapter. Still no Din, but we do meet a couple others! (I’m very curious to see your guesses about the as-of-yet unnamed certain scarecrow.) 
This will eventually be a Din Djarin x f!reader.
Warnings: Nothing much. A little unspecified swearing. 
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Chapter two: In which we meet a fire demon
You stood there for a moment, stunned into silence. What had just happened? Curse? What curse?
Shaking your head, you moved from behind the counter to go lock the door, only you couldn’t seem to walk as quickly. Indeed, you were almost… hobbling? Concerned now, you looked down at yourself. Was the ground closer or was it just you? 
And then you froze at the sight of your hands. Your hands were thick-knuckled, knobbly, wrinkly, with prominent veins. You blinked down at your own skin, confused for a moment, and then you rushed (as well as you could) towards the floor-length mirror you had set up for customers.
A little old lady stood in the mirror, in your blue dress, with white hair. She looked about ninety - a little hunched, knobbly all over, with wrinkles everywhere. You blinked, and the reflection blinked.
“Is that me?” you murmured out loud, and then jolted. Your voice didn’t sound right - a little more scratchy, something. It sounded off. You touched your fingers to the mirror and stared. The reflection was wearing your dress, so unless the mirror had been enchanted…
But no. She’d specifically said that you were under a curse.
“That’s really me, isn’t it?” you asked yourself. As the realization faded a bit, you felt oddly calm. Almost detached. With a low groan and a series of creaks and cracks, you hobbled over to the door to flip the sign to closed and lock the door. 
Well. This was… something.
You creaked and cracked and groaned your way up the stairs to your apartment. There were no wizards or witches in Kalevala, you knew this. So there would be no one to help you here. Which meant there was no point staying, honestly. Wizards were notoriously unreliable, from what you’d heard. You had no guarantee one would come even if you sent a letter begging them. 
So, clearly, the best choice was your next one: go find one. Surely if you found a wizard (or witch, you weren’t going to picky) one would help you, right? And of course there was still the mysterious wizard of the moving castle around, not far from Kalevala at all. Surely you could convince him to help. 
So you wrote a letter to Omera (in shaky handwriting that you had trouble reconciling as yours). As promised, you couldn’t write anything about the curse, and ended up wasting a few pieces of paper because of that. Finally, you gave up on that and simply wrote that you were taking a few weeks to travel for inspiration. 
Inspiration. Sure. Omera was going to read that and get half the town in an uproar. But it was the best you could do on such short notice.
That done, you gathered up some food and your favorite cloak. You locked your apartment, and sealed a spare key in with the letter to Omera, which you left on the shop counter. Omera had a key to the shop - she’d let herself in once someone realized you were gone.
(Someone would realize, right? Right. Of course.) 
With a faint wistfulness, you patted the shop door, and set off to find a wizard. Fortunately, though you’d aged quite a bit, you still seemed hale - your legs worked fine (after a few more cracks), and though you were slower than usual, you were able to get around just fine. 
The walk out of town to the hills was… something. It was odd. You’d left the town exactly once before, to visit your other sister Cara in the capitol once. But even then, you’d had transportation, and Omera beside you. Leaving on your own with nothing but your pack? It was frightening, and new, but somehow liberating. There was no expectation here. No inherited dress shop to run. No expectant clients to appease. No gossip to listen in on, or ignore. 
It was quiet.
Once out of town proper, you started climbing the hills. There were dirt roads up here for the farmers that lived out this way, and for now you just continued along those. You took a couple breaks, sitting on the side of the road to take a drink or eat a nibble, always turning to look back at Kalevala. 
“It doesn’t look so far away,” you muttered to yourself. “I could probably throw a stone into the nearest chimney!” 
Heaving yourself upright again, you started on again, until you spotted what looked like a stick. A walking stick, maybe. You could use one of those. 
Hobbling over, you grabbed the stick and managed to wrestle it free from the hedge along the road. Only it wasn’t a walking stick. It was some kind of scarecrow. You hefted it upright (with perhaps a muttered swear or two) and then squinted up at the scarecrow.
“Why is your head a turnip?” you asked, rhetorically. “Ah, well. Not a walking stick after all. Too bad, my friend. May you find a better field to stand in.” 
You continued on your way, grumbling a bit to yourself. It was getting late - the sun had not yet set, but it was low in the sky. Your daylight was limited, and you had no idea where you would bed down for the night. 
You stopped for supper on a low rock, sitting and stretching out your legs with a low groan. You could still see the town quite clearly. 
“All this walking and I’ve barely left home,” you grumbled. “This wizard had better be able to help me.” 
You gnawed on your food, stuck somewhere between melancholy, anger, and resignation. But you were far too stubborn to turn back now. After all, what did you have left to lose? Certainly not your good looks. You chortled at yourself for that. 
You had just gotten to your feet again when you spotted a likely-looking stick. Hobbling carefully over to it in the dimming light, you pulled a nice walking stick out of the hedge. It was a bit tall for you, but smooth and sturdy. 
“Now this is a fine find!” you muttered. “This will be a great help.” 
And with that you marched on. You were panting as you reached the top of the hill and you paused to look around. The land out here really was beautiful - rolling hills dotted with farms. Although you could see something moving towards you. Something big. Something big and grey and oddly bulbous, not very like a castle at all, actually. 
The wizard’s castle ground to a stop not far from you. It was odd, round where it shouldn’t be, not as tall as you expected, and an odd color. It was almost metallic, although surely it wasn’t actually made of metal. That would be preposterous. 
“Well, I wanted the wizard,” you told your stick. “I suppose I should go knock.” You started towards the castle, searching for a way in. There wasn’t one immediately apparent. It wasn’t until you hobbled around to the back that you found a door, and eagerly started towards it. 
The castle started moving.
“Will you slow down?” you gasped at the castle, hobbling as fast as you could. You managed to tap on the door with your stick, stumbling a bit and falling behind momentarily. With one desperate hop, you managed to grab the doorknob. Another hop and a skip got one foot on the doorframe, and you pushed the door open. Two more skipping steps got you in the castle, and the door slammed shut after you. 
Your first impression of the inside of the castle was… not favorable. While it wasn’t a total mess, it was cluttered. The large table in the center of the main room had objects strewn across it. More things lay on the floor, largely shoved into corners out of the way. (You didn’t quite dare to look too closely at these items.) A large fireplace dominated one wall, with a cushy armchair in front of it. Troubles momentarily forgotten, you made straight for the chair, sinking into it with a grateful groan. These old bones hurt more than you thought possible, but the warmth of the fire was slowly helping. 
“What a curious fire,” you mused to your walking stick. “Why, it’s almost got a face. Curious indeed what these wizards can do.”
“No wizard did this,” the fire snapped back at you. 
You blinked. The fire blinked back. There was a riot of bright red flames atop the face, and the face itself was vaguely feminine, all in yellow and orange with a touch of blue at the eyes. 
“The fire speaks?” you asked, sitting up straighter.
“Yes, the fire speaks,” the fire spoke. “The fire also has a name. You can call me Peli.” The fire puffed up a bit.
“Peli,” you repeated dutifully. You were still not convinced you were somehow hallucinating this. 
“So what brings you out here? Not many are willing to wander out so far away from the town, or so close to Tattooine.” Peli leaned forward a bit. 
“I’m seeking a wizard,” you told Peli. You noticed the logs in the grate were almost burned up, and leaned over to heft a new log into the fire.
“Oh that’s nice,” Peli hummed, settling in on the new log. “Why do you need a wizard? Oh, wait.” The fire looked you up and down, very obviously. “Aha! You’re under a curse, too!”
“I am,” you agreed. “What do you mean, too?”
“I am also under a curse,” Peli told you, lowering her voice. “But I can help you, if you help me.” 
“You can break my curse?” you asked, caught between eagerness and suspicion.
“‘Course I can!” Peli boasted. “I wasn’t always stuck to this grate, you know. I’m a very powerful fire demon.” 
“So I see.” You yawned. You couldn’t help it. You’d been traveling all day, the fire was warm and felt good on your old bones, the chair was comfortable enough.
“Hey. Hey! Will you help me or not?” Peli hissed.
“Alright,” you agreed, half-asleep. “I’ll help you, if you promise you’ll help me.”
You missed whatever Peli’s response was. Your head tipped back against the chair and you were out like a light.
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thesideantagonist · 3 years
I wrote this a few months ago for my partner who is obsessed with Steve Rogers/Chris Evans. I just switched their name out with Y/N. this is my first published fic (unless we talk about my mcyt one shots on wattpad) so i’m excited to see what y’all think!!
What I listened to while rewriting this
I shut the door to my bedroom as I walked into the kitchen to find breakfast. I wake up rather early, so I was not expecting a few of the other Avengers to be using the kitchen. I was startled when Clint fell out of the vents in front of me.
“Clint, what the hell did I tell you about traveling through the vents?!” Tony asks him.
“Just a habit, Tony, ever-growing” Clint replies as he smooths out his clothes once he’s off the ground.
I chuckle as I make my way to the refrigerator. Unfortunately, it was empty.
“Tony, can I have some of your waffles? We have no more food.” I ask him.
“No way sweetheart. This is my breakfast.” Tony replies.
I groan as I fall onto the couch upset. I’m hungry as hell and there is nothing to eat.
“Here’s, an idea, Y/N. Go grocery shopping and take Steve with you.” Tony proposes “He’s great at making lists and that stuff”
That didn’t seem like a bad idea. I didn’t know Steve that well but I knew him enough to know I have a small crush on him. Being alone for a few hours would be great.
“Fine Tony, I’ll do your grocery shopping”, I say as I walk to Steve’s room.
“You’re the one who wants food!” He shouts down the hall.
I reach Steve’s door and become nervous. I hesitate to knock. What if he doesn’t like me?
I reach my hand to knock when the door opens and I look up and see Steve Rodgers. I admire his blond hair and blue eyes before he starts to speak.
“Good morning Y/N, can I help you?” Steve asks.
I blush before responding “Actually yes, I was wondering if you would like to go grocery shopping with me, Tony suggested it."
“That sounds great, would you mind coming into my room before I get ready?”
I stand stunned for a few seconds before replying “Oh, okay”
We walk into his room and he shuts the door behind me. I’m heavily confused.
“Y/N , I know we aren’t that close but I want to admit something. I’m fine if you ignore me after this. It’s okay”
I stare at him as I prepare for what he’s going to say. Ohh my god.
“Y/N, I like you. You’re extremely pretty and I love your personality. I love everything about you”
“I like you too, Steve,” I say as I look into his eyes.
He leans in for a kiss before he asks “is this okay?”
I feel his lips connect with mine and I immediately melt into the kiss. It was short and gentle.
“Thank you, Y/N, I’m going to get ready now.” He says with his hands on my arms.
I leave his room while taking a glance back and we smile at each other.
I close his door and I see Tony at the end of the hallway sipping some coffee.
“He’s a pretty boy, Isn’t he?” Tony says with a smirk.
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