#i would like to replay to get the other endings/routes that i missed but also. i was playing for 2 hours straight so i should probably take
possessable · 3 months
Slay the princess narrator is Jon Sims and that has had the entire tma Fandom pointing at the game exitedly
You see i haven't listened to Tma before this so now if i ever listen to it i'm gonna have the reverse experience where i go "WOAH IS THAT The Narrator FROM Slay The Princess" instead
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saurongorthaur9 · 1 month
Right now, I'm decently sure that Galadriel is somehow going to succumb to Sauron's temptation at the end of Season 2.
I've been listening to the Season 2 track on repeat for pretty much the last 24 hours (and loving it) and the Last Temptation track has me thinking thoughts.
First, we know that there is going to be a confrontation between Galadriel and Sauron in the S2 finale, and Charlie has indicated in interviews that Sauron still thinks he can win Galadriel over and he hasn't given up on pitching his King and Queen idea to her. So, there's definitely going to be some sort of Temptation 2.0.
Second, I think whatever Galadriel is going to face is going to be ten times harder for her to resist than the S1 finale. I think this for two reasons. Firstly, in S1, Galadriel in a way had surprise and rage on her side. The fresh feeling of betrayal, the horror of the realization of what she's done, and her long-festering pure hatred for Sauron were all present and, in a way, I think made it easier for her to turn him down in the moment (though I still think she was tempted). This season however, she's going to have the entire season to marinate in all her feelings and the memories of how Halbrand made her feel seen and appreciated and her connection with him. She's going to have the whole season to miss it (and him) and yearn for it (and him).
The other reason is that Sauron will have more time to prepare to make his pitch Even Better. It's very obvious that he had already been planning his S1 finale pitch to her as Halbrand, but I think she figured him out sooner than he'd planned, and while he went along with it, he wasn't as prepared as he could have been. This time, however, he's going to have more time to prepare and he's seen what DIDN'T work already, so he can try a pitch that is more crafted to Galadriel's weaknesses. We also know there is going to be something going on all season with their psychic connection, so he's also had all season to play with her mind before their final confrontation assumedly.
So, from a character and plot standpoint, I think Galadriel is going to face something a lot harder for her to resist.
Now, from a narrative standpoint, I think it makes a ton of sense for the plot and for Galadriel's character arc and the structure of a TV show for Galadriel to succumb to Sauron's temptation (though I'm not sure what that will look like).
If they do go that route, I'm sure it's something all the lore purists will froth and foam over, but it just makes so much sense for the story that ROP is telling, particularly with Galadriel. From a storytelling perspective, it doesn't make sense to show a replay of the scene from the S1 finale. We've already seen her resist him, so it makes sense that if we get a similar scene in this season, it'll have a different outcome that shows us new aspects of the characters.
They've told us that Galadriel and Sauron's relationship and connection will remain central to the entire show for all five seasons. If that's the case, it wouldn't make sense for them to place the highest note of their relationship at the end of S1 and to merely show Galadriel rejecting him in various ways throughout the rest of the series. There's the challenge of finding new ways to explore different aspects of the characters, and having Galadriel resist in S1 only to succumb in S2 and then come back from it in S3-5 would be very narratively pleasing. Static characters aren't interesting to watch, especially over the course of a TV series, while characters who have rises and falls are much more riveting. Now, I do think there are other ways they could accomplish it, but having Galadriel fall would be a big, big way to do it.
They've also been pitching S2 as "the villain season." It's about the villains and about the darkness in each of the characters. We're going to be watching the fall of Celebrimbor and the fall of Eregion at the very least. We are most likely going to start seeing the fall of Numenor and Khazad-dum as well. It would be deeply thematically satisfying for the season to end on the note of our main heroine also falling and succumbing to the darkness that we've been watching creep over and consume everything else in Middle-earth.
Finally, it makes sense for the story they seem to be telling with Galadriel. We're seeing her growth from an ambitious, revenge-driven, impetuous warrior to become the wise, powerful, but also kinda scary elf sorceress and queen from LOTR. Given that arc and the darkness we've already gotten hints about in Galadriel, it makes sense for her arc for her to get a tiny taste of what falling would mean for both her and for everyone she loves. I could absolutely see her succumbing to her own darkness and accepting Sauron's temptation only to see the ramifications and pull away as a wiser person who carries the grief and burden of knowing what darkness does to her. I could see it fitting with that intangible grief and pain that Galadriel seems to carry in LOTR. And I think a part of her could like how she feels after succumbing to Sauron, and that feeling is something she would carry on, even after she ultimately rejects her darkness and Sauron. It would fit well with that incredible yearning and desire that we see in Galadriel when Frodo offers her the Ring years and years later, because she knows how good it feels, but ultimately she also knows the ruin it would bring because she's seen a glimpse of it.
Anyway, I'm prepared to be wrong, but right now, I'm really thinking this is the direction Season 2 is going to go (and maybe hoping just a little because it would be horrifying and gut-wrenching and amazing and awesome).
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maleyanderecafe · 4 months
Hello! I'm sorry if other people has already asked about this but I wanted to know what games would you recommend that has a fourth wall break like in the game yanchat? Because I've been craving them meta games :] thanks!
Hmm, fourth breaking walls? Kind of a fun concept, I think, though it depends on how it's executed. There are a couple considering that DDLC was a big hit and a lot of yandere creators often want to have a similar experience going in. I'm not sure all of these suggestions have Yanchat's level of fourth wall breaking, but I will do my best.
Sweet Dreams - this one is probably the closest in terms of what Yanchat is aiming for considering that when you actually reach the true ending, you can't actually get back to the start of the game unless you wipe your data. Pretty fun, albeit short. It's sister game, Missing also has some elements of this as well.
Picture Perfect Boyfriend - this one is made by @espoirduvide and is pretty fun all things considered. It plays as a match making type dating sim until the yandere can't take it anymore and starts to mess with what's going on in the game.
Love Me Dearly - has it for the real yandere, or at least what is implied. It's very different than most of the yandere games that I've played at least, but it is very fun. Don't give him the box, okay?
14 Days With You - I haven't played the recent demo update for this game, but supposedly, Ren does know that he's in the game and actually refuses to let you have a bad ending. I haven't seen too much file manipulation, but again, I need to finish the update first.
Duality - is one of those games I also need to play the update for at some point, but I do recall one of the endings being fourth wall breaking, with them speaking to the player about not being able to make up their mind.
Darling Duality - it has been a long time since I played this game, but I do believe there was a fourth wall break in this game. I have another ask relating to Melancholy's games, so I'll be replaying that one soon.
See Thru: Need A Friend? - at least the original has a couple of fourth wall breaking moments in it, with Friend talking directly to the player.
Perfect Love - Oh hey, that's my game. How did that get in there? The True/Perfect ending has elements of it, though to clarify it's more of a third wall break rather than a fourth wall break since Milo isn't aware of the player, just Eris throughout the other routes.
I feel like there are more games that have a fourth wall breaking element to it, but I can't think of any more that do. Hopefully this is something that helps with your thirst of fourth wall/ third wall breaking games. I think that while it can be a fun concept, it needs to be executed well to make it work. Hopefully these are meta enough for you.
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crescencestudio · 7 months
๋࣭⭑ Devlog #38 | 2.27.24 ๋࣭⭑
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How is it already almost March omfg.
Anyways Happy Valentine's Day month!!! This year, I was swamped with work, so I didn't get a chance to make Valentine's Day art. I did make a Valentine's piece last year though.
BUT we did have beloved @magunalafay make these Valentine's Day cards this year for the community!!! <3 If you missed it, well Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!
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She made these as a gift, and I love her very much. Maguna u r so talented
This month was pretty busy for me, but I'm super happy with the progress made this month ^^ I feel like I've started the year off in a pretty good groove after it being all over the place for a hot second, yay!!!
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This past month, Etza and Druk's routes. With the revamped demo finishing its revisions, it left a lot more time for me to focus writing on full route development.
If you missed the announcement, I FINISHED Etza's first draft!!! YAAAYYY!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!
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That means 4/6 routes are finished in terms of the base writing, which is so exciting to MEEEEE. I've always seen Etza's draft as The Milestone because with their route finished, it would mean the four Central routes are done writing. And to me, while there's a good chuck of writing left, we are nearing the end of it.
There's only two routes left and that means it's about ~100k words which is CRAZY compared to when I had ~300k to write (:cries:). Even if that sounds like a lot, once I start chipping away at those routes, that 100k goes into the "double digits" aka 90k...80k... etc. and that makes me want to pee my pants
We also finished editing Druk's route, yay!!! So we reached a lot of milestones this month ^^
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We are nearing the end of the Vui background commissions. It's very bittersweet; I'm so used to mentioning him in my devlogs now </3 There's only like 3(?) more BGs left for him to make, and then all of the BGs for the game will be finished. Very Wild! I think Alaris will have 25ish BGs, and they are all Stunning.
It's been a while since I showed you all a BG, so I'll give you all a preview of one I just got in!
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Isn't it cozy? Guess whose house hehe
I personally have been doing a lot of sprite work this month to finish the final art assets for the demo. I added some expressions to Druk and Aisa that I'd been procrastinating (I don't even know why I was procrastinating them). And I finally finished Mom and Kimura's updated sprites! Patreon already saw them, but I'll show the new versions here too ^^
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Preview of Mom (left) and Kimura (right) updated sprites. Now everyone's sprite styles are cohesive YAY!!
Aside from sprite work, much of my "art" time has been on finishing up/putting together the last of the screens for the GUI. Specifically, I got THIS BABY up and running. She is my crowning glory.
Memory Screen to Replay Unlocked Free Time Dates
Oh my god.... You all have NO IDEA how much of a pain this was to code. There is a transparency gradient going on in the left and right B&W previews (courtesy of community programming angel feniks/shawna).
And then the effort to have the Titles and Descriptions of the Previewed Date change tilted me on Multiple Occasions. But we finally got it to work thanks to bestie @siyo-koy pointing out I just coded one stupid "if" statement wrong LJAFSLIEFJIEJ. But the effort was WORTH IT because I'm so proud of her!!! I hope you all like it too as a way to relive Free Time Dates. I had a lot of fun with the Titles and descriptions.
I also put together the Stats and Affection Screens
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Preview of Personality Stats & Affection Screens
So I coded both of them a bit differently from each other. The Personality Screen shows you a breakdown of your traits so far. Think of it like a pie graph! So in the preview picture, your choices indicate you are 33% Brave, 16% Charismatic, etc. I felt like this was a more natural way to portray personality rather than how many bravery points you've collected so far!
And then for Affection, it works in a more traditional way, where it counts it based on how many you've gotten out of the total amount you can get. This way, as the story progresses, how close you are to the person reflects how much your relationship as developed!
I've also added little descriptions underneath each that change depending on the percentage. So for example, if you have gotten 82% of the affection points for Kuna'a, the description of your relationship might change as well hehe
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Other than that, I've mainly focused on getting the demo together. We released the beta demo earlier this month (? LOL). And the feedback has been so kind!!
A lot of this month was spent polishing so that the demo can be ready for early access and eventually public release. I updated sprites, made sure music crossfades with each other so that transitions between soundtracks feel smoother, I added/polished all of the screens I needed to (e.g., Memory Room, Full Credits, Cleaning Music Room, Adding Stats Screens), and I FINALLY as of yesterday added the Voiced Lines!!
One thing I added in the Extended Demo that I'm really happy with is the use of Extended Pronouns (courtesy of Angel Feniks). Below is a preview of how it works now!
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Preview of Extended Pronouns Function. Credit to Feniks
Basically, you can choose multiple pronouns for yourself, including custom pronouns (e.g., xe/xem, fae/faer, etc.). On top of that, you can choose how often you'd like the pronouns to alternate (e.g., every line versus every scene) and what kind of terms you'd like to be used for you (e.g., neutral vs. masculine vs. feminine)!
Overall, the demo is getting closer and closer to release!!! Early Access will hopefully be ready by the end of this week or next, so if you all would like access to it, please feel free to subscribe to my Patreon for this upcoming month! Available to Wyvern tier ($5) and up.
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I didn't have any time to really play any games this month because I was drowning in work LMFAOSLJIEF. I did play the Threads of Bay demo by @lavendeerstudios and it was GORGEOUS! Very cute game with lovable characters and charming visuals. Andrew, I will have your number
Every other section was really long, so I'm going to throw it here even though it's not market research. But Intertwine recently hit 600 ratings, which is crazy. Thank you for still enjoying that game even if it's not one that is my main focus anymore. I'm really happy people still like it :on the verge of tears:
Anyways, this has been a long devlog. Here's to continuing to Ball in March. Hope you all have a great rest of your month, and I'll talk to you soon! <3
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amysgiantbees · 9 months
I find it very frustrating that Wyll and Karlach leave no matter what if you side with the goblins. Which feels particularly fucked up that the non-white and non-white coded origin characters are the only two who get this content cut off from them. Gale is the other morally upstanding character and although he's a bit more morally grey than the two of them he's certainly not okay with genocide by any means and yet he still stays.
I get it they are the two most morally upstanding characters and are very emotionally tied to the teiflings but they are then totally exempt from the story and loose a lot of content and depth. They both already have the least amount of content out of the origins characters from Karlach's late addition and Wyll's re-writes and cutting them out of the evil storyline just adds to this. It's especially frustrating with Karlach because she's so easy to miss as well as having less content. According to the DEV's this is on purpose bizarrely too "I would've missed Karlach if I hadn't been reading guides...
AS: That's common, I think.
SV: But it's also on purpose, because the replay value is much stronger if you've discovered things..." from https://www.ign.com/articles/baldurs-gate-3-final-interview-game-of-the-year-2023-characters-endings
I feel also that they could very easily stay for the evil route in multiple ways without sacrificing their characters.
For Karlach she could have a speech at the goblin party post slaughter about how she thought she was free but this is just like Avernus. There's really nowhere where she can relax, nowhere where she can do good. No one that she can form a connection to that won't betray her. But if that's how it's got to be fine she's put up with it for ten years she can do it a little more to be rid of the tadpole.
Wyll could stay if he kills Karlach. This causes him to go through a Shadowheart like change. I think choosing to save or kill Karlach is his biggest and most dramatic moment (partially because he's annoyingly passive so much of the rest of the story but still) like choosing to save or kill the Nightsong is Shadowheart's. And thus should bring about a similar change in him like how Shadowheart shuts herself off if you kill Dame Ayelin.
There's dialogue that I assume is from early access because otherwise it makes no fucking sense like "I fear your lust for power could get the better of you. You are a hero not a politician." that you can say to Wyll. But with this route we'd actually bring out this side to him. At present his reaction to finding out he did an honest to god murder with Karlach is pretty lack luster (I blame the writing as they reuse so much of his saving Karlach lines instead of giving him a properly new scene). Instead of being upset I say he goes through a change and tries to justify himself instead. Like "I had to do it, you don't know what Mizora would have done to me" "I can still be a hero" "it was a one time loop hole who else are we going to find who is heartless". Something like that. We play up the dichotomy between the Blade and Wyll too. Now he only refers to himself as The Blade. He's less willing to hear feedback. He's more defensive. He isn't so much a person but a symbol.
However, he still wants to do good and should still definitely be upset at the goblin party. At the party he should say something like "These people trusted me! Trusted us! I was to be their hero! This isn't over. But I can't have the people seeing me as any more of a monster. So I'll stay with you since you hold the only thing stopping me from growing tentacles." He's still concerned with heroics but it's more selfish now.
When he made the pact with Mizora he gave up his home, only family, friends, previous career plans, everything! This is him desperately trying not to have to loose anything else. He would argue now that at the very least he should be able to keep his reputation, be allowed to keep his secret (which would add to how powerful it is that he grows horns in the other path). He's scared and so young and so the "good" ending would be keeping his pact with Mizora and dooming himself to an eternity of torture. Doing the scary thing anyway and becoming a lemur, a monster. I do consider breaking the pact to be the "good" ending at present but maybe it's just the "good" ending for the other version of him on that path. Because the other version of him is unendingly selfless and so should prioritize himself.
The other option is Karlach and Wyll both live. Get very angry at you for killing the teiflings. Say they'll stay because they're not strong enough to kill themselves and can't risk transforming without the Prism and inflicting that on people instead. So they say they'll stay but are secretly planning to kill you if you don't change. They pull a Minthara . Much like after revealing to Minthara that you can stop the Absolute's voice she'll try and kill you if you destroy last light inn Wyll and Karlach try and kill you. It would at least give them a bit more time with the party and maybe even stay entirely if you change.
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suzuran777 · 4 months
Review: Akaya Akashiya Ayakashi No
A while ago the Nintendo Switch and Steam versions of Akaya Akashiya Ayakashi No were released, so I had to finally replay this game! It was originally released on PC in 2011 by Haccaworks, who are also known for their previous work Hanakisou. This game isn't technically a BL game, but I think BL fans would still like it! This time the game's also available in English and Chinese.
The story focuses on protagonist Yue, a human who lives together with a group of Ayakashi. He was born and raised there and never left the shrine grounds, but one night, his childhood friend Kurogitsune takes him to the nearby festival. During his very first trip to the outside world, Yue meets two boys who he grows interested in and wants to learn more about. After returning to the shrine, the shrine's goddess Mikoto informs him that preparations for Yue's "meal" have started.
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This game has 4 different routes and quite a lot of different endings. I used this guide which helped me a lot! It's in Japanese but even if you Google Translate it I think it should be clear what choices to choose. Other than the usual choices, you also get to choose the location you want to explore, so I often got bad endings when I wasn't checking the guide. The recommended route order is Akiyoshi > Tsubaki > Sagano > Kurogitsune, as some endings are locked.
In this game, the Ayakashi usually live far away from humans in the mountains, but they took a liking to the local shrine which was originally created by worshippers of goddess Mikoto-no-Nushi. Yue doesn't remember most of his past and has been living at the shrine together with the Ayakashi for as long as he can remember. He knows he's different than the Ayakashi, but he also doesn't fully remember why he's living with them. His best friend, Kurogitsune, is a black fox who's always together with him. He does have a humanoid form too but usually he takes the shape of a small fox sitting on Yue's shoulder.
During Yue's trip to the festival, he meets two of the characters who have their own routes in this game, a boy who always wears a mask called Akiyoshi, and a blond haired boy called Tsubaki. Tsubaki doesn't really understand what Yue's deal is, and Akiyoshi is immediately suspicious of him. Regardless, Yue wants to learn more about them.
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After returning home, Yue and Kurogitsune get scolded by the individual who owns the shrine (Sato). He's hoping that Mikoto, the shrine goddess, will punish both of them for secretly going to the festival, but she always forgives Yue no matter what he does lol. Yue doesn't really understand it when Mikoto tells him it's time for his "meal" and why he should choose between one of the boys he just met. Ayakashi eat humans and when a human is caught by them, other people lose memories of this person (being spirited away). But Yue is no Ayakashi, which is why he's confused.
During the next days in the game, Yue meets Akiyoshi and Tsubaki again and slowly becomes friends with them, even though both are still suspicious of him. Kurogitsune is also quite bad at hiding that he can in fact talk, so the others immediately know he's an Ayakashi too lol. The dialogue suggests regular people can't see him when he's in his human form, but both Akiyoshi and Tsubaki are exceptions because of their bloodlines and are able to see ghosts and Ayakashi.
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The town where the characters live in, Utsuwa, is permanently stuck in a night cycle, though it seems like the residents don't think it's anything unusual. At some point some strange things happen in town and slowly more and more people go missing. Additionally, monsters called Akujiki appear more frequently, who similar to Ayakashi, also eat humans. Because their abilities aren't as strong as Ayakashi, usually when they eat someone other people don't completely lose their memories of this person. As a result of this, Yue and the others run into people walking around town mindlessly, forgetting what they were doing outside in the first place. While investigating these incidents, Yue is approached by stranger called Sagano who tells Yue he's taking his body back. After trying to fight Yue though, he retreats because I guess it wasn't the right time yet. Sagano is kind of funny because he always looks ready to attack Yue but there's always some kind of excuse why he doesn't do it.
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Even though it's an old game I still love the character designs, CGs and backgrounds. It creates an atmosphere which really suits the setting of the game. The music in this game is also very good and quite nostalgic to me, I think many people who aren't familiar with the game at least know the opening song by Shikata Akiko! It's also really convenient that the Switch version lets you skip backwards so if you do make a wrong choice, you can easily go back and fix it. The game also has a button to skip to the next important event or choice, which is faster than just pressing the skip read dialogue option.
Final impressions
I was really curious what I would think about this game because the first time I played this was over 10 years ago. The original PC version is also unvoiced, and since I never had a PSP this is my first time playing the voiced version. I still really like the plot and characters, there's a lot of side characters but they all have their own charm. Many of the endings are quite bittersweet because the conflicts between the characters aren't something that can easily be solved. What I really like is that every main character in this game is relevant to the plot, even outside of their own route. The Tsubaki family has been targeted by the foxes from the shrine for a long time, while the Tochika family (Akiyoshi's family) is the complete opposite and the foxes would rather stay away from them. Sagano also has his connections to the Ayakashi of the shrine, but I won't spoil the endings!
Something I did notice is that even though the game's translated into English, there's a few typos in this version, sometimes in the game dialogue, but also in some of the menus. During one of the earlier scenes the dialogue randomly turned into the original Japanese text too, for about three lines I think? I'm not sure if this got patched and it probably won't ruin your playthrough, but maybe it's good to know. Overall I think the translation is pretty straight-forward and it doesn't change most of the Japanese terms
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alitgblog · 6 months
volume vii thoughts
as per usual I have complaints about the missed opportunities of casa
first things first, the casa boys' sprites looked bad to me when I saw that post fusebox made but after playing for like a minute, I was like nah actually they're quite fine. However, prettiest sprites they're competing with are Jin, Claudia, Oakley, Tyler, and Bea so the competition is rough. Also idk something is throwing me off with Shawn and especially Kyle's face shapes.
I think last post I made I said Hari at least got more of a chance than Tyler, but scratch that actually, it feels like they got the same chance because suddenly we're in casa and hardly any mention of him, even though he and my MC have kissed a few times already and she hasn't really rejected him fully over Jin yet? Don't know if anyone's in the boat of going all in with Hari but I'm curious what the gameplay is like for them.
So Emel has randomly decided to be annoyed at Oakley again (I'll replay for you next time Oakley 🥺) and it's clearly because the routes are merged now, which is such a shame because I do think Emel and Oakley could've worked it out and become a fun couple to watch on the real show (probably a boring one though that the audience would dump until after the show ended that their real personalities come out on social media and the public like them individually or at least understand why they were together so long). And I know it's not the most in character thing but I so appreciate it not being a complete 180 for the sake of plot because I'm trying to imagine this with all the couples given what I know about them from my playthrough and Emel/Oakley always have problems because she's uptight and wants more dramatics in their romance and he's chill so any little thing he ends up doing sets her off, sure, I can buy that Emel is a little delusional. Then Luna/Jin would have problems because Luna is less extroverted than Jin, serious, and irritable (which honestly, relatable) and so Jin does things for a laugh and she doesn't get it. So maybe he didn't wink at Bea or did it as a joke because he's being cheeky and she takes it as flirting and starts an argument. And from my playthrough, Sophie and Jack always feel like they're looking for an argument so that checks out too. It's not perfect, but I can feasibly see how one could justify this plot point.
absolutely living for flirting with Claudia in casa
pet peeve subjective raunchy races is back 😠 at least a couple of them are better, like they did have oldest boy in there at least. everything else though, I don't care that much to listen to them argue about who's the most well traveled or stylish.
I love Bea's personality, she's so fun. And tbh, I'm kind of liking her and Liam together. He's forward and she's into it, and it seems like he can keep up with her for now so I'm happy with that couple and I hope it doesn't turn to shit (it probably will).
also pay to win when losers are gonna throw a part anyway ok sure 🙄 I think I've mentioned this before but like personally I think if they're gonna do gem scenes, there has to be a logical ways out of it rather than just MC being like "nah I don't feel like it" and then they lose?? at least for other gem scenes it's like "tell Sophie off 10 gems" or "stay silent" like sure that's fine I guess.
anyway the chats with the boys were actually all pretty fun and short. I, as per usual, have immediately gravitated towards the foodie/chef character but I'll admit I see what y'all are saying about Kyle. Tbh even Max isn't too bad but I'm cautious bc I'm getting Eddie vibes (it's the blond and the gossip lol). And I like Liam, he's like a less cartoonishly silly Hamish (so he reminds me of Felix).
I really like the free party wear dress and this is the second volume in a row MC has accidentally matched with a boy not her partner lol
Bea first mentioning she was bi but not flirting, I just thought maybe they were setting her up to partner with Claudia/Theo depending on who you couple up with/if you're on one of their routes. But then oh the tension at the party when she's staring at MC saying she wants to turn heads and Claudia getting nervous??? loving that.
I don't know what it's like for the other boys but it seems like Shawn and Kyle are drama averse, which I think could be an interesting plot point for later coming back from casa of course, but I also don't know if I believe in fusebox's ability to incorporate that in the story. (once again, the day I write a fic and learn to code its all over for you fusebox)
I didn't pay for the Bea talking about Jin scene but I saw yall talk about Sienna and like I doubt it's going anywhere if it's behind a paywall? it's like the Brad and Christy stuff tbh like unless a bunch of dumped islanders are coming back at the end, I'm ignoring it.
anyway it truly is missing Jin hours again 😔
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6okuto · 5 months
mmm i hope im understanding this character ask game right.. how about 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 24 for the last legacy trio
(chara ask game) Oh Mamma Mia. i'm back in the fawking building ?! my memory of everything is so So minimal i'm gonna hope i can answer these. they might be incredibly sad looking answers though
1. Why do you like or dislike this character? — i don't remember specific moments or dialogue really but in general. i thought all of them were good-looking first of all. LOL. and they had rlly interesting plots!! the way they changed based on our choices (e.g. felix's treatment of rime in the last chapters) was just ?? so interesting to me?? even if i Was fawking it up. Idk guys I love character analysis and development. liked how their issues existed/manifested outside of their relationship w mc
felix: i thought he was kind of unique?? as an LI... with his personality and interests and the whole Necromancy thing. liked how he could be super smart and powerful but also be silly and. read smut. LOL. i could relate to him and found him endearing
anisa: i always thought she was lovely but realizing she's also silly and a mess at times made me more affectionate !! something about her star choices really hit. the dialogue and vibes Oh man she was everything. i think the thing was anisa trusting herself or mc but i can't remember which one we were supposed to aim for. i think i'd replay her route first if i ever installed again
sage: meow meow. IDK it takes..a lot.. for me to Really feel for charas like sage (flirty/charming + emotional vulnerability issues).. like i empathize but i always end up caring more about another chara. but he got me. he did. i think chapter 12-14 definitely made me like him more because you don't usually see Shit get Fucked AND try to help recover after. like that's usually It y'know. bad ending. so. i miss sage. goddmyogdn
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? — ...... ruh roh. someoneheplp.
felix: EXISTENCE! Chapter 12 Cg
anisa: EXISTENCE! Chapter 4 Cg
sage: EXISTENCE! and Loud Purr :3c Chapter 6/12/13 Cgs.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
felix: ....we like to read... BDJGBJBSJD
anisa: #GIRLS and I, too, like shrimp.
sage: ...my god. i love sage i couldn't tell you what we have in common. problems with vulnerability and long hair
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise? — ...my memory truly evades me. i also didn't pay much attention to. fandom things. Habit of mine. i know felix could've been treated better with the babygirling thing. i think i was asked to write smth where he was jealous (or something??) and i was like . this feels ooc. but. that was my bad and about all i got..
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
felix: yes!!
anisa: yes!! i would like 2 be her roommate :3
sage: .... ? i feel like i wouldn't end up in a situation where this would happen. going to say. no? i mean maybe? sage isn't my first choice if it's only one other roommate...
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them? — I'm blanking So hard on All of my interests rn. i think if i couldn't think of stuff for sage hcs i'd look at kuroo posts. maybe?? like for energy and dialogue. i'm blanking so hard My god
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midnight-talescape · 2 years
Game (707 x Reader)
Kinktober day 12: Toys
I didn't know I can work this fast, but 7 my beloved. Also by this point you can tell my brain is not functioning with the character, it's been too long since I indulge myself in fanfic, sadly.
Warning: toys, overstimulation, vanderwood almost walked in lol, this is 100 percent ooc, etc, etc you get the point not for kid
Genre: filthy filthy smut
You stretched your back as you closed the chatlog. Finally ready to start on 7's route after finishing all the other ending.
Who would have known the personality of a redheaded hacker, was gonna beat your bias to silver hair red eye character. After surfing online about how 7 loved you in every route, you decided to finish all the ending before finishing his ending acting it like a true ending.
What can you say, a jokester hiding his mass of trauma under a cheery mask was a sure way to your heart.
You quickly boot up a new saved file ready to finally finished the last route to your favorite character.
In the next few day you attune attentively to the game, waking up at 3am to catch up on all the chat log not missing a single one (seriously who put their chat at 3am, do the character not sleep?)
When you started knowing something weird happening in the game. At first it was weird chat option in message that you have never seen before (You would know, you replayed Jumin's route multiple time) Shaking it off as just some easter egg you continued the game and finally begin 7 route.
Everything seems normal at first, until you started seeing log that wasn't there before, phone call from 7 happen way more often.
You shake it off, thinking it was just the new update.
Until one day you woke up and noticed you are no longer in your room, instead you were tied to a bed with a mouth gag in your mouth.
Just as you was about to struggle, as confused as you were. You figured you might want to get out first. You heard a footstep walking toward you, you looked up to look at your kidnapper.
You blinked slowly as you try to comprehend who your seeing.
7 kneeled down to the bed and removed the mouth gag from you.
You poked out your tongue trying to take in more air, also it was just uncomfortable to have something in your mouth.
7 look at you and said cheerfully,
"Hello, (Y/N) your finally here, I have been been so excited to meet you,"
"What? Am I hallucinating?"
7 ruffled your hair,
"Of course not, I was just tired of seeing you from the screen so I decided to take matter into my own hand and bring you here."
You motioned to your tied up hand and leg with your face,
"So you kidnapped me and tied me to a bed with a mouth gag, like some sort of weird kinktober fantasy?"
You sigh, fully accepting your fate. After all this is either some really weird hallucinating dream from you waking up at 3am or you have finally gone to another world. Honestly by this point you dont really care.
"You know me a bit too well,"
7 shrugged with a knowing grin,
"What can I say I have been looking through your search history,"
You froze and then closed your eye defeated,
"Dear god, you know I will have to kill the witness, right,"
He hold a hand to his chest faking a gasp,
"Is that all it takes for you to hurt me?"
"Okay maybe not, can you please let me go,"
7 poked your cheek,
"Nope, I want you here (Y/N). I love you, I have been watching you for years, ever since you first downloaded the game. I have waited long enough, I want you,"
"Wait what about my family?"
7 clapped his hand together, looking real fucking proud of himself,
"It was a bit hard, even for a genius like me. But I have managed to combined the world in a few day we will be together forever."
Hearing his answer, you thought for a moment before saying,
"Okay, then I'm down. Are you gonna fuck me or not,"
"7 my beloved, you just fucking kidnapped me out of my bed tied me up and put a mouth gag in my mouth. I dont know how to tell you this, but I just read a bunch of kinktober fic might as well act out a erotic fic, "
7 give you a crazed grin,
"Dear god, I really found the best and craziest person ever,'
"What can I say, we are similar in the worst way possible, there's a reason you're my favorite character,"
"You mean other then I'm hot and funny and smart and rich and..."
You rolled your eye as he go on and on,
"Yes, yes I get it, Mr. Lucky Number, you're the cutest."
With a grin he tilt down to kiss you, after a few minute he separate with a strand of saliva connecting you guys. He put his forehead on yours and begin to undress you.
Just as you guys were about to begin to get rid of years worth of love and touch deprived cause horniness, you guys froze when you heard someone knocking on the door.
7 quiet you down before yelling that he will open the door soon,
"Saeyoung, if your going to leave at least untie me,"
With a sadistic grin, and a bad feeling up your spine 7 turn around to get something,
You was shut up when 7 retied the mouth gag around your mouth. You suddenly started shivering when you see him pull out a bunch of what you're assuming is sex toy.
You pulled on the bondage around your arm again, 7 gave you slapped on your breast, shutting you up with the stinging from your breast,
"Quiet, kitten. I can't have you all bored and lonely here can I? I will leave you with some fun,"
With that he quickly clipped a few clamp onto your nipple. He hold up a vibrator to show you, with a grin on his face. Seeing it, the realization that this is really happening you tried to back away. Pretty convinced that it's not gonna fit and that you are in fact not ready to get fucked.
"It's too late to back out now, kitten."
With that 7 quickly lubed it up, and slowly pushed it into your fold. Tear stained your eye, as you body tighten and tried to pushed the intruder out of your body. But all you successfully did was take it deeper into you.
Suddenly you arched your back when the knocking come again, and 7's hand slipped and pushed the entire thing inside you.
"Luciel open the fucking door!"
"Calm down, Mary i'm coming do you want to see me naked?"
Turning around he wiped away your tear,
"Good girl, just take in one more, hmmmm. Be a good girl for daddy," with that he pulled out a cat tail butt plug,
You look at him at wide eye,
'How many of these do you have?'
"I was quite excited to have you here, so I brought some toys," with that he moved your ass up before plugging it into you and laying you down again,
7 give you a kissed on your forehead before locking the door and walking out.
You slow your breath trying to relax your body against the many thing inside your body. Just as you was starting to get use to it, you suddenly arched your back up, when all the vibrator all started vibrating.
You pant and moan, saliva dripping down your chin. Tears streaming down your body as your body tried to get use to the vibrating. But every time you get use to it the frequency change causing you to orgasm again
If you could still think you would have probably swear the fucked out of 7, but you can't. Too sensitive and tied up to think.
When the door open again, you looked up with teary eye.
7 looked down at your flushed up body, damp with sweat and your juice. The cat tail now damped and hard under you. Your entire body trembling from your multiple orgasm.
He removed the mouth gag and with a shit eating grin said,
"Seems like you had fun when I was gone, kitty,"
"F-Fuck you..." you panted out,
"With pleasure,"
7 removed the vibrator out of you (After slipping a few time and causing you to swear) and pushed his hard member into your wet fold.
"F-fuck..." you swear as you felt your body taking in something far bigger the the vibrator,
"You feel so tight, kitten. I can't wait to fucking break you," with that he started to thrust into you
You hanged onto him desperately as you felt him going in and out of you. The cat tail sticking on you, wet from your juice and sweat. You let out wail as he pounded into you faster and he pulled on your clamp.
Just as your mind blurred and you were about to collapse you felt him gripped your waist tightly as he came inside you.
Panting slightly he pulled out, before covering your body with his blanket and cuddle you.
"T-take out the thing, you dick,"
"Nope staying in, Kitten"
"Be quiet, love. Before I go another round,"
With that you quickly shut up and went to sleep.
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leonbastralle · 7 months
Tumblr media
i've been seeing a lot of this in gif form but i do not have the energy or video material and also i'm late but i rly wanted to make a post where i say a lil bit abt all the games i played and how i liked them!
pokemon platinum, soulsilver, white, white 2, y, sun, alpha sapphire & shield: i started a big mainline pokemon marathon in 2022 but most of it fell on 2023. it was a lovely time tbh and i miss it! platinum was a bit too grindy (but we love cynthia) and soulsilver traumatised me for glitch reasons. my favorites out of this lineup were definitely gen 5 in terms of storyline and pokemon selection, the later ones were a bit too handholdy and slow for my taste, and alpha sapphire could not compete w the og emerald which is my favorite pokemon game of all time. i did rly love shield though but that's bc i'm a) a football girl and b) i played it on my wife's sofa askfjhkasjf. anyway music is bangers all around and i do love The Concept of pokemon so i didn't hate any of them.
lonely people potion shop: this was an absolute surprise indie gem that i found on my wife's itch.io in 2022 but i replayed it for her in 2023 so it counts. this game is a rly short very fruity visual novel where you make potions for people and chat with them. it's one of the most heartwarming and gentle games i've played, every character is so lovely and caring towards each other and also to you the player! 100% would recommend i cried a bit several times.
validate: i really wanted to love this game because a dating sim/visual novel/narrative fiction type game w a super diverse cast (in terms of backgrounds, body types, gender, sexuality, and mental health struggles) and such a lovely art style? sounds perfect! and it would be if the characters weren't so...unlikeable sjfhaksjfa. it eventually got so difficult for me to root for them and also kind of frustrating bc the routes overlap in a way that even if you get good outcomes in one route, you can still mess up the relationship in a different route (because you have routes for each of the characters) so i ended up not finishing it.
neo cab: another one i never finished but was rly intrigued by! another visual novel but choices matter type deal where you play as a taxi driver in a dystopian world where you're being replaced by self driving taxis. the mechanics and cast are really cool and if the storyline didn't stress me out so much i would've finished it by now but i definitely will one day!
coffee talk 1/2: barista simulator meets visual novel in an urban fantasy setting where you also kinda save the world one drink at a time! i loved the first one so so much and finally played it last year in preparation for the second one coming out that i'd been anxiously awaiting, it's so vibey and the characters and their storylines are so interesting and i loved seeing their heartfelt interactions! also the first game was giving such strong queer vibes but they kinda dropped the ball w that in the second game trying to backtrack on that. ruined the experience for me a little bit but still a very solid game w cool additions to the already great cast of the first game!
skyrim: not much to say about that one. my favorite classic walking simulator that i keep coming back to, still very much playable and so pretty even on the switch! unfortunately also incredibly broken so i can't finish the solstheim questlines kjsfhkajsfas fuck you todd howard
calico: wonky little game where you explore the world and also bake and own a café that you can fill with all sorts of animals from cats to snow foxes to capybaras because why the fuck not! absolutely delightful, 10/10
later alligator: lovely little puzzle game w great old timey detective vibes and a banger soundtrack where everyone is alligators. these characters are such great fun, i loved the writing and i loved learning about all of them and doing tasks for them! the minigames got a bit frustrating at times bc i was lacking the coordination skills or just general strategy and there are some completionist things i could never do because of that and the main character (the main guy you're doing things for, not the player character) can get on your nerves pretty quickly but otherwise a lovely game w a great twist in my opinion
strange horticulture: this one made it into my all time favorites too. you play as the owner of a supernatural plant shop in a place where A Lot of strange things are going on. it has a bunch of really cool mechanics like plant identification and a lot of map related puzzles to find new plants, secrets etc. the overarching story that gets revealed bit by bit from an unknown person's pov outside of the gameplay while related events are also happening in real time was so interesting, and there are a lot of cool choices you can make that lead to various more or less unsettling outcomes. the spooky vibe is SO good but at the same time it has a very calming homey feel AND YOU CAN PET THE CAT 10000/10
penko park: another absolute indie banger. probably something like a pokemon snap but the beasties look fucking stupid and kinda creepy and the lore is cursed as hell. throughout the game you explore the remains of a park that was built upon the abuse of all sorts of cute little creatures (and big creatures) and while you mostly try to take pictures of every weird looking fella in their different emotional states that you bring upon them in various ways, maybe there's something you can do to right the wrongs of the park founders! who knows! (also special shoutout because these are german devs and as a german, i am especially demanding when it comes to german games and this one knocked it out of the park) (haha the park get it)
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dreamtydraw · 1 month
hi there!! so I was recently looking for visual novels to occupy my time with, and I came across 21 questions, so I played it. and I loved it. so I played tulipe. and I liked that one a lot too. then I checked out your social media and I was really curious about the ✨️paranormal club lore✨️, so I just played all of them-
I didn't realize it when I was playing the game, but I've seen a lot of your our life art here on tumblr and I can't get over how pretty it is! even when it's just doodles that you do for fun, I still really like your style cause you make everyone look so nice. even if you're just drawing clem in a clown suit, we still love that
I don’t usually draw anymore because even though I used to like it, I feel like I lack all motivation to do it now, but seeing your art is really giving me inspiration to pick up a paper and a pencil and start drawing again :D
I personally share your love for visual novels, and I enjoy replaying yours because they're honestly so nice. I guess I just like seeing the way the story progresses and how relatable the characters feel, especially as a non-binary person who struggles to see themselves represented in games. plus I just like the voice acting in 21 questions
if I'm honest, even if it wasn't my usual genre of romance, night shift was a good play as well, especially for your first game! I can feel the inspiration from horror games and I love those types of things sm. I get why you'd wanna go back and redo it someday, but I think especially in terms of the plot and characters, it had a captivating plot and it was well written... françoise betrayed us tho rip
also this isn't about the games but from what I've seen, it honestly feels like you're a really nice person who happens to be really talented and so you deserve really nice things. even if you haven't been getting them until now, I hope you do start because you deserve it!! I like reading your visual novel rambles bc I agree with a lot of stuff, just me nodding my head in agreement like I wouldn't look crazy if anyone saw me. and it feels nice to see that people still talk about fictif stories to this day cause god they've been collecting dust 😭 I miss those days where I'd be so excited whenever an update was announced... guess I'll never get my rime route now :(
lastly, I just wanna say that I love clem sm. they're literally so cool but still so adorable and I wanna give them all the love and affection. I want us to bake together and then paint each other's nails 💅
and this question has been keeping me awake at night so I just have to ask, I know that at the end of the game he said we'd keep in contact like aurore and her partner, but would they let mc just. follow them to London while he does his thing? there's no point in being in France without your blond french, and I've always wanted to move to an english speaking place anyways... clem can put me in their suitcase, I'll be good 🫶
thank you for listening to my silly rambles, I hope you're having a good day and if not, I really hope it gets better! remember to take care of yourself and take breaks whenever you need them, you're only human so you aren't always gonna be perfect, but at least you know you always try your best even if things don't go the way you want them to <3
Anon whoever you are I love you and I really wish you a wonderful day I started sobbing a bit too hard and now my eyes kinda hurt a bit but your message makes me feel a lot of things and I’m really grateful for such kindness. I’m fucking crying on my poor plushies cause I don’t have tissue, they are all wet and miserable 😭😭😭😭 Words trully can’t explain how much this message means to me, like, this is the kind of message that i’ll keep in my phone gallery to look at when i feel sad and it’s just so sweet and it rassure all the bad things I think about myself so I’m very emotional. It’s 2 am and I had a very long day so I physically and emotionally don’t handle it well but i promise it’s / pos i’m just blabling incoherent thoughts just to say thank you so much and I’m glad you enjoy what I create and I’m glad you draw again and I hope you find joy in making stuff you like + you get soft and cold pillow at night and warm meals in winter anon.
Now i am so sad to spread bad news BUT…. The canon ending of 21 questions is the platonic ending. 21q happens in 2019, Clem move to London in 2021 and ( spoiler alert ) will be spotted in Apple bag which takes place in 2022. Clem’s character and story haven’t entirely been revealed in his game for reasons that I’ll hopefully share in a futur but it’s for the same reasons that realistically… the relationship in 21q is destined to end with distance.
BUT that not the end if you imagine a future with Clem. If your intention is to romance them then there is an open window for the timeline where he’s a bit older. When exactly ? I won’t spoil but all I have to say is that this relationship can work on long term ! It’s just a good person, wrong moment situation and once you know everything about him, then his romance options become more real :}
Mystic talk sorry, like i said i just had an emotional breakdown and it’s late so i will shut my mouth and go to sleep ! Once again thank you so much for your kind words an hopefully you’ll like what I plan to release in the future. Tons of love ❤️
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masonscig · 1 year
heyy, explaining what i said about the N romance, sorry in advance for the long rant:
i played for the first time w my usual detective in a relationship with nate and thought the pacing and timing of everything was pretty weird. i think the 2 main things people were excited for were the love confession and the first intimate scene, and both of them felt very off to me. like, the detective can say they're in love with them very early, during the combat/ressearch scene, and they don't say it back LMAO... and to me that wouldn't necessarily be an issue if the reasons they couldn't say it were explored, but they're not and there's an option to go down on them/have them go down on you immediately after 😀 like right there on the grass! so obviously that's pretty odd and ooc in itself but there's ALSO the date scene in which they bang the detective on the pool table and leave right after bc they got a call from A to join them on patrol?!?!??
they do end up confessing their feelings in the end and it's cute or whatever but everything just feels kinda weightless. N was always constructed as a very intense and romantic character so idk what happened. i think this whole book suffered bc of the insane amount of branching and it's very evident in this romance, the scenes feel really choppy.
i ended up replaying it without being in a relationship and it was sooo much smoother, only having the option to confess in the end after they do makes a lot more sense and those s3x scenes should just have been saved for other books, period. i did really like the other routes, especially A's, but to me this one was a miss. at least the mc can opt out of everything and wait for the next book lmao
HIIII IM GLAD YOU SENT ME THIS <3 sorry i didn't get to it yesterday! and don't apologize for it being long i loved reading it !!!
god i knew that mc could say "i love you" and n could not say it back – and about the pool scene – and the later confession from n – but like. i didn't have a clear picture of the route itself, and it's coming together and ... not looking so good imo LMAO
what's crazy to me, is that mis/hka created SUCH a good opportunity for conflict in the n route, what with mc saying i love you and n not saying it back – as soon as i heard from a friend you could do that, i was FLOORED and i was so sure that n's route was going to be a favorite. and yet, she completely flubbed it by not giving consequences to decisions. i wonder why she gives players the options to do things that should cause conflict if she won't follow through with it?
part of me thinks it's because of the insane branching, like you said, but also i think that as much as she might try to write varying paths for the n romance, it doesn't turn out that way because she favors a certain type of mc and that's evident in every route i think? like of course there's no way to account for every mc out there – it's not on her if our specific oc doesn't quite fit in the story – however, if you're advertising certain aspects of n's romance like their secretiveness, their intenseness, their guilt, their struggle with humanity, etc etc, and how that would alter a romantic route, then you can't expect every player choosing him for that to just. be okay with random i love you confessions and mid sex scenes that are completely out of place both with the plot of b3 and the timeline of mc's relationship with n?
sorry i'm jumping all around the place (im so bad about that with answering asks LMAO) – but you picked the exact right phrasing: it's weightless. it just doesn't feel like the n romance we were promised from book 1, book 2, the asks, patreon, etc. i don't know what went wrong :/
and dude YES, i was so convinced that mis/hka was going to have each ro's first sex scene be in a different book to add more flavor to each route – and i figured this was going to be f's chance to shine LMAO and that she'd save n's scene for the next book! i thought so much of this book was going to be romantic without sex, but... god was i wrong. i honestly would've preferred zero sex on any of the routes because it just doesn't fit (i could've even justified n engaging in sex with the mc to like. distract them from saying "i love you")
sorry for the essay from me KMDFMKDFKM you've given me so much to think about !! ty again for the ask !!! <333
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scoliosisgoblin · 6 months
Did you know YB game might not have a save feature? :(
actually?? that's so fucking annoying. I love starting new save files with games why the fuck must I restart just to try out a different route??
I mean, it can be good for some games and bad for others. take Fran Bow, I love the game, and it doesn't have a good save feature. you either resume or restart, which is perfect because the game follows a linear story. it's also cool to replay because you can get some cool Easter eggs and such. it's just a game you can play over and over again for more of the story (if you missed something) or just for the visuals, etc
however, if a game like Life is Strange saved like that, people would obviously get pissed off, yk? because it's got different routes, different decisions and such that influences which ending you will get — like Your Boyfriend
Your Boyfriend already has me very... idk the word, uneasy? there's a lot of things I like about the game and a lot I hate. like how they've put background characters in, they look nice and add to the background, but I liked how empty it was in the beginning, since it's supposed to be a horror, right? (or at least an attempt at one)
I love the point and click feature they're trying out, I love Rat and I love the uneasy feeling you may feel wondering around your stalker's house, knowing that if you step out of place, you can't get help. (I love the horror aspect of things, but love the romance more, if that makes sense?)
I hate the fact that it takes over the span of five days, feels too rushed, especially for a game that's been worked on for how many years now
and I get it, it takes forever to code a game! I'm just disappointed with the content they have as of now,it just could've been better, there could've been more
like, instead of designing background characters just for the first three days, focus on the goddamn writing!! 🙏🙏 or give Peter piercings‼️‼️WHY DOESN'T HE HAVE PIERCINGS, AND WHY IS HE SO OUT OF CHARACTER ALL THE TIME. IT DOESN'T ADD TO THE HORROR IN ANY WAY IF THAT'S WHAT THEY THINK IT DOES
I KNOW I went on a rant but oh my god this game is so frustrating at times — like how Peter constantly says "I'd do anything for you" yet blud is gone the second you wake up
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licantropa · 1 year
Hi hi!
So I've been getting some like Resident Evil brainrot from your AU and firstly its great and I love all the character placements so much!
And I was wondering if you had any ideas of what Sonja and Capsize do in the mansion plot point wise since I believe there isn't much canon wise to say what Jill and Chris actually each do.
Also I'm like curious if you had certain scenes you have in mind or if its just the characters so far.
(no pressure to answer, just enjoying thoughts)
I’m glad you enjoyed the au!
I’ve just finished replaying the game (Jill’s route) so I could refresh myself on the mansion layout and boss fights.
This is where things get tricky because canonically to the RE lore everyone survived the night (Barry, Jill, Chris, Rebecca, & Wesker) but we don’t see everyone from either perspective, Barry missing in Chris’s and his fate left unknown, while Chris is missing in Jill’s and Rebecca is nonexistent. But it’s canon that they were all there.
So in the au I think it’d make sense if Capsize & Alyssa never run into Sonja, but they’d also have to get captured by Mianite semi early on.
Boss fight wise I think it’d make sense like this:
Capsize fights: Crimson Head, Mother Neptune, Plant 42
Sonja fights: Lisa Trevor, Black Tiger, Tyrant
For specific scenes, Capsize and Alyssa beat Sonja and Spark to the Residence area of the map and just complete it, Capsize who has had an awful feeling about all of this begins to question Mianite who just so happened to run into them there. Getting frustrated that things aren’t going his way he reveals himself and begins threatening her. At gunpoint, Capsize laughs at him. Mianite goes to shoot Alyssa, but Capsize takes the (non-fatal) hit instead. From there, they are lead to a cell where both of them will stay captive til Sonja releases them at the end. (in the original re1 in Chris’s route when he confronts Wekser, he just starts fucking laughing at him, I think that’d be in character for Capsize to do)
Another scene I’ve been thinking about would be one after the Lisa Trevor fight. Sonja being more demanding to Spark on getting some answers she’s sure he has, while Spark is very much trying to talk around the issues and there being more tension from that point forward on their teamwork.
Other than that, figuring out who opens what doors and how the hell puzzle solving is going to work out is gonna be a tough one.
Also! Regarding your tags, I wanted to respond to them but I got sidetracked…playing re1 😅.
The piano thing is just a reference to Chris needing Rebecca to play it for a puzzle, while Jill just knows how to do it. And yea there is definitely a learning curve when it comes to the controls for the game, but for me after I got used to them I found them enjoyable. Like I really like the different camera angles and how it made the game more tense, but I can definitely understand how irritating they can be. Sherry is supposed to be Ianita (knew I was forgetting to mention somebody). I’ve also been going back and forth on Martha being Anita birken (although Steve would definitely not be William Birken, maybe Gaines? but more a fellow umbrella scientist and not husband to Martha).
If you love cheesy lines, highly suggest to watch a video that goes through the original re1 dialogue. It’s hilarious. Give one a watch if you’ve got the time. ( https://youtu.be/pVyOCssIXgQ —> 10 minute video of og re1 dialogue)
Thank you for the ask! If you’ve got suggestions for the au I’d love to hear em!
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acacia-may · 1 year
yo there acacia! I hope you're doing well these days and will have a pleasant weekend! I'd like to ask your spoiler-less opinion on omori because I've been planning to give the game a try for a while and is interested to read people's thoughts on it! 😁
Hi there, friend! Thank you so much for the well wishes. I hope you're doing fantastic! I was so excited when I saw your ask, oh my goodness--thank you so much! 🥰 (I also owe you a story & some other answered asks. I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to get back with you. 🙈 I'm looking forward to the day I have the energy & health to write as much as I'd like again. Thank you so much for being patient in the meantime 💕). For now, I would be thrilled to share my spoiler-free opinion of Omori with you. I have put it below the cut since it's really long (sorry in advance for all the rambling 😅).
(Warnings: This game does deal with some very heavy topics and thematic elements such as serious trauma, grief, depression, suicidal ideation/suicide, and other mental health issues, and therefore, may not be a good fit for everyone).
A few prefaces before I jump right in, I am not a big gamer so I won't pretend that I can adequately speak to the game mechanics or anything like that. My opinion is mainly based on the story and characters (ect.). Secondly as this is a game with multiple routes and endings, I feel I need to say that I got a good route and good ending when I played, and I have not played the other routes myself (though I did watch YouTube videos of all of the other endings), so my opinion is heavily biased by the route and ending I got on my first playthrough (which it is my understanding is the "true" route and ending). Third, I played the Nintendo Switch version of this game. My sister says there is extra content in the Switch version, but none of it was in the route I got in my playthrough so I can't really speak to that. I can speak to the fact that the Switch version has adorable backgrounds in full screen mode that I do find myself missing when I've been replaying the PC version I bought for myself, but as I understand it, most of the gameplay is the same. Finally, I feel I need to give a warning that this game does deal with some very heavy topics and thematic elements such as serious trauma, grief, depression, suicidal ideation/suicide, and other mental health issues, and therefore, may not be a good fit for everyone. The game begins with a thorough content warning, and as such, I would highly recommend being a good place mentally when playing this game as it can get very dark when it dives into some of these heavy themes.
Alright so my opinions... I absolutely loved this game! I honestly wasn't expecting to get as invested in it as I did. In the beginning, I was really playing it as favor to my sister who is a pretty big gamer and has been wanting me to play this game for a long time since (and this is a direct quote from her) it's "the greatest game of all time." Last year we made a deal with each other that I would play a video game with her if she would read the manga series Karneval (A/N: To my sister, if you're reading this, you still owe me! 😁). She initially wanted to play Omori but compromised to Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls since I was wary of some of the heavier themes and mental health topics. UDG also deals with heavy themes and mental health issues such a death, childhood trauma and abuse, but these are elements of subplots not a main theme or a struggle for the main/POV/player character in that game whereas these are much more integral elements in Omori as one of the main themes of the game (at least in the true/good route) is confronting and healing from trauma. After I played UDG and a couple more games (Your Turn To Die and Danganronpa V3 which were also pretty dark), I was looking for another game and thought I should finally give Omori a try. My sister had some of the official game art as her laptop background and screensaver, and the bright and cutesy art style really caught my eye. Since it really fit my aesthetic and personal taste in art, I was super intrigued by the game and wanted to try it out.
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[This was her screensaver & one of the first pieces of the Omori art style I saw. This is official art from the game. Gif from the wiki]
I had also heard really good things about the soundtrack and being a hobbyist musician and a lifelong music lover and piano enthusiast, I was really intrigued by the music as well. After my sister (who isn't as much of a fan of the piano) finished the game, I found her trying to pick out one of the themes on the piano herself, and I had a little bit of fun playing with her sheet music but naturally I was thinking, "What is this game?!" I'll fully admit that after I finshed the game, I bought some sheet music and am practicing one of themes myself now so I totally get it. The soundtrack is absolutely gorgeous and at times incredibly haunting. It adds so much to the story, so I really wanted to give a proper shout out to it specifically.
Given the overall aesthetic of the game, I'll admit that I was anticipating a sweet little romp through colorful adventures filled with bouncy piano music and childlike wonder and imagination. There was plenty of that (don't get me wrong), but this game was so much more than what it appeared at first glance and dug deeply into some serious philosophical questions and heavy themes. In that way, it is almost deceptively cutesy and simple, but somehow that manages to fit together perfectly with the underlying, deeper narrative to create something incredibly poignant, moving, and so compelling that it had me not only practically begging my sister to play it for hours at a time but also blinking back tears by a certain point.
I didn't know I could care so much about a game that (on the surface at least) is just the story of a little boy and his childhood adventures with his friends. But that's the wonder of Omori. There's more to it than meets the eye. It has layers upon layers of masterful storytelling told in engaging and entertaining segments that are sometimes whimsical and wacky, sometimes silly, sometimes sweet, and sometimes heartbreaking. This game will make you laugh, and it'll make you cry. Sometimes it might even make you confused on how everything all fits together, but Omori manages to tie even the smallest things together in the most beautiful and satisfying way in the end. It is filled with incredibly complex but ultimately endearing characters who you just can't help but love and root for and who are each given their own distinct personalities, motivations, deep emotions, and compelling arcs. It's a story of deep friendship, of love, of loss, and of finding healing and hope after unbelievable sorrow and tragedy.
I'll be honest that there are moments in this game that are absolutely heart-wrenching, but (at least in the true/good route/ending) this isn't a story about hopelessness and despair. It's about finding healing after traumatic experiences and being able to move forward into a brighter future--the idea that the painful things in our pasts don't have to define us. There can be healing and can be hope after loss, trauma, tragedy, and suffering. No matter how terrible something is, it doesn't have to be the end for us. With hope and with the support of the people we care about most, we can find the strength and the resilience to keep living, and life itself is worth living, even after the darkest of times. Tragedy is not the end, and that's what Omori is all about.
I'd also give a shout out to all of the incredible characters and friendships that take center stage of this story. I absolutely love platonic friendships, and it is so rare that I've had the pleasure of getting to experience a story that makes them so integral, so deep, and so interesting. Usually platonic relationships have to take the backseat to romantic ones and are treated as somehow "less than" in fictional stories, but not in the world Omori. Friendship and family really got their time to shine here, and it was glorious. (A/N: As much I have been crying over some pairings recently, the story was really not about that. There was a (canon?) romantic relationship, but it was in a subplot and not treated as any "better" than any of the friendships and/or used to diminish those. In fact, something I loved about this story was that it outright addressed that yes, this character loved this other character romantically, but there were other characters who loved this character too, just in platonic sense. Those friendships were treated as a deep and beautiful love--it was just a different kind of love. Needless to say, Omori scored thousands of kudos from me for that! 💕)
I know I have rambled a lot here, but I think I will cut myself off before I accidentally spoil something (A/N: I really, really hope I haven't accidentally spoiled anything in my ramblings. If I have, I sincerely apologize). To wrap up, I will say that if you love strong, dynamic, three-dimensional characters who get to have compelling story arcs, deep and beautiful platonic friendships, and themes of finding hope and healing after tragedy and trauma, I could not possibly recommend Omori enough to you. It is probably the best game I've ever played and definitely ranks as one of the most compelling and poignant stories I have ever had the pleasure to experience.
Please play Omori. All it costs is your love, and I promise you, it is definitely worth it. 💖
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drag-oon23 · 1 year
Stray Gods review
So I just realized I never made a review of this game even though I spammed everyone with gifs/images from it (sorry not sorry)
Tldr: it’s a good game. If you like musicals, good voice acting/singing, new spin on Greek mythology, interesting musical mechanics, and visual novels you’ll probably like this. Has a few flaws like the lack of a skip button during the music portions for replays. Also it’s very gay and Persephone has me in a choke hold.
Longer slight spoilers review though nothing major about the plot:
Music is good. The game has a very interesting mechanics to have your choices affect the song and I found myself replaying songs multiple times and still missing variations. For example, during “challenge the queen” if you choose red/aggressive options, Persephone like wise reacts aggressively while if you chose charming/green options, Persephone reacts accordingly. It’s a really cool mechanic. My personal gripe is that you can’t skip any lines during the song and so sometimes you have to listen to the the lines a lot before you can get to the variations. For example, “the trial” has a long intro/middle/ending segments that you cannot skip, are the same lines with no variation, and must go through every time. You can only skip talking dialogue.
The artwork and voice acting is great and I absolutely love the character designs, Persephone's in particular. She looks So Cool. Everyone did a great job vocally.
There are 4 love interests: Freddie, Apollo, Persephone, and Pan though it's a bit uneven gameplay wise since Persephone has more songs than the others. I found her route the most fun to replay through since she has the most variations due to having more songs. Freddie would be second for plot reasons.
Plot wise, it's a bit on the simple end and rather predictable who the culprit is even if you don't know the why/how. The world building and lore though is great and i like this retelling of Persephone's story.
Other minor annoyances is that there isn't a dedicated chapter/replay scene selection: You have to reload checkpoints in your save which will automatically delete anything after the save.
The game only has 3 save slots so you'll need to manually move them to an external folder if you want to experiment with other routes without rewriting your initial saves.
Overall it's great and I recommend giving it a try.
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