#i won't tag the fandom because i feel like there's already too much of me there
radioactive-cloud · 11 months
started writing yet another thing that i doubt i'll ever finish
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dreadfutures · 19 days
regarding sept 19:
This needs to be clarified because misunderstanding has resulted in some usually very nice people getting incredibly nasty and bullying others.
This past week, many people - press, and content creators - were allowed a hands-on experience of the new Dragon Age game. They played for about 6 hours. The attendees of this event are under an NDA until Sept 19.
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After September 19th, the people who played the game are allowed to speak about it in some amount of detail. The press embargo is lifted, so to speak.
No one who attended this event has come out, twirled their mustache, and said they're going to spoil major game stuff without warning.
If you think you're about to tell me that yes, someone did - no she didn't. I know it's too much to hope for but someday you must learn to not hear every tweet and text as if the other person was personally intending to harm you. Few people really are so malicious. If you approach text neutrally you can tell when people are, or not. Really.
They have instead warned that there will be info shared from this event, probably tagged and warned about (hopefully), but the reporting, sharing, reposting, etc., of that info will be - like all things in fandom - a mess dependent on individual fans. If you care about spoilers at all, get your filters and blocks ready for that. For sure!
But again, it only seems like they had 6 hours or so to play. I doubt the people who attended will be malicious or rubbing stuff in our faces. I doubt the people who attended will even be spilling every single deet. Most people who we know & are connected to the fandom that were in attendance have said they themselves avoided main game stuff, because they didn't want to be spoiled either.
So that is the real information, as best we know it, without fear mongering about a flood of spoilers - and do with that what you will!
A lot of people are starting to wholly block all of the new game's tags because they don't want to see anything else until it drops! This is definitely the time to start. Maybe you do need to go dark and hop off the internet to keep your boundaries, or maybe you feel confident in your dashboard, your friends, and your filtered content, that you won't be seeing untagged spoilers being shared. (I'm in the latter category; nothing has appeared on my dash without being filtered, for months.)
Control your space with the tools you have, but cruelty should not be one of them.
A lot of people (on twitter, love DA twitter, where the worst aspects of all your friends' personalities come out 😒) have been incredibly, viciously belligerent to those who attended this event. They have used really terrible language to bully them as individuals and make personal attacks against them. The dog-piling has been amplified by certain people who were not invited to that event, and by the wording of others who are giving "warnings" about spoilers running rampant, floodgates opening, mayday, everyone is going to be rubbing spoilers in your face after Sept 19.
Whatever you think about the marketing about this game - whatever you think about what EA thinks are spoilers - whatever your personal stance on what you want to know going into the game (or not):
Content creators and press, their job is to talk about the game. In detail. It's their job! Ideally they do it as (is typically done! as many of them have already been doing!) with warnings/tags/whatever when something spoilery might come up.
Harassing them and wishing them harm or calling them terrible things and slandering their character is just an expression of your own frustration, lack of control, whatever - and it's not a good look.
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anachronismstellar · 27 days
Hey yo, SVSSS fandom, I arrive uh *checks the clock* three years late and at one in the morning because this idea won't leave my head.
I don't think I'm going to write more of it, because I'm already two long fics deep and *shrugs* I'm also too much like our poor Airplane: high on caffeine, without enough time to write all that I want to write, and this idea deserves better
Basically, after canon, the system got bored? And as it can't mess up with the protagonist, it went on to torture our poor Mobei Jun, curious to know why he's Airplane's fav character and the only character that was kept the way Airplane originally wanted the story to be.
It's just a scene, and if you wanna adopt this idea go for it! Just tag me please, I wanna see your takes on it! :D
Anyway, scene under the cut! TW: Canon mentions of blood, torture and- let's be honest, the System itself should be a TW.
Hope you like it!
Mobei Jun couldn't see who said it, the stench of blood and piss burning his nostrils, the room too hot for him to think. Somewhere on his mind, a voice that screamed too much like Shang Qinghua kept repeating, "Get up, get up, get up, GET UP!" but he couldn't move, both his arms and legs bound by heated metal.
"Oh, that won't do."
"That won't do at all," the voice repeated, closer than before. Too close, the little Shang Qinghua voice in his mind would say. He forced himself to blink, head lolling to the side as lukewarm hands grabbed his face, pushing his hair back, a thumb pressing on his demon mark.
"You were written to be better than this," the voice- no, the man mumbled, followed by an annoyed "Tsk", his touch slowly bringing Mobei Jun back to the present, blue eyes widening as he recognized the soft yellow An Ding Peak robes.
"Shang Qinghua?" he tried to ask, but for sure, he only managed a gurgled sound, throat too dry to say anything. Besides, the man - should he call it a man? - in front of him had his servant's voice, but his posture was all wrong, too confident, too sure of himself. Daft fingers pressed on his cheeks, forcing him to look up, making his breath stutter.
"User 001 is not available at the moment," the strange man wearing Shang Qinghua's face said with a smile, too polite, too calm. There was also something really wrong with his eyes, as if someone had taken Shang Qinghua's warm brown ones and swapped with a poisonous green that glowed in the dim room.
"Where's Shang Qinghua?" he managed to speak, blood dripping from his lips as the room got impossibly warmer. Mobei Jun could feel in his conscience slipping, his strength melting from his bones as he did his best to keep himself awake, to not close his eyes and let himself even more vulnerable to his torturer.
"User 001 is not available at the moment," the man repeated again, and then once more, as if mocking Mobei Jun's hazy mind. "There, I hope you understand. Important things must be told three times. Now-" The thumb on his demon mark pressed further, the inhuman strenght tearing a scream from Mobei Jun's throat as a pain thin and sharp like a neaddle splited his skull in two. He couldn't think he couldn't breathe- Where was Shang Qinghua- Was he hurt? Did this skinwearer kill him?! He had to-
"Protocol 24978 generated. System's mission engaged: Author's favorite."
None of those words made any sense, what-
"I hope you enjoy our services!"
Mobei Jun's world went blank in a flash of white.
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mythicmanuscripts · 2 months
Omg a new writing blog for the fandoms I'm currently obsessed with who writes sub!characters content??? Already in love with your blog! I really like your work, especially the sub!Jace stuff and the daemyra poly hcs
(spoilers for 2x07 if you haven't seen it)
Could write some poly hc for Baela and Jace with a lowborn reader who became a dragonrider for team black because of Rhaenyra and Mysaria's plan? Maybe one who claimed Vermithor since the personnality of riders he seems to like would make for a fun dom!reader.
I feel like there would be a fun dynamic between reader and Jace since he isn't too thrilled about the new dragonriders, so quite different from the other things you wrote for him where he was into reader from the get go.
Also this fandom needs more Baela x reader content (I love her so much)
Thank you anon!! That's so nice to hear and yes you are very right we do need more Baela content!! This is such a cool concept! I'm gonna be tagging this with poly!Jace/baela so that if I write more about this, there's an easy way to search for it.
I'm gonna do headcannons about the relationship and how it started and while there definitely will be sub!Jace undertones and also implied sexual content, there's nothing explicit so no need to venture out past the cut this time! Though, if anyone wants NSFW headcannons for this or has some of their own, please let me know I'd love to hear it!!
-- so firstly, I think this works best of Jace and Baela were already married and also if Jace and Baela weren't properly in love yet?
-- sure they definitely like each other and are more than happy that their parents chose to wed them together, their dynamic is still closer to friends than husband and wife.
-- When you're able to get a dragon and join team black, Jace is not exactly thrilled. At first you really don't understand why he seems to detest you so much, but you just arrived and you know you have a lot to prove so you don't query it right away.
-- Baela, on the other hand, absolutely loves you from the get go. She takes one look at you and immediately knows that at the very least the two of you will become great friends.
-- And she's absolutely right of course.
-- you find yourself spending more time with Baela than with anyone else. You two train together, ride dragons together, sit with each other at meal times, etc.
-- of course at first this only serves to make Jace even more unhappy about you, because now it's like you've taken his wife on top of everything else.
-- Baela is the one who tries to get Jace to come around to the idea of you having a dragon and to be kinder towards you. Jace brushes her off, but she's determined and she won't give that easily.
-- Beala knew both you and Jace very well, and so she knew with 100% certainty that if Jace could get off the soapbox for one minute, he'd realise how great you are and you'd become fast friends.
-- While Baela is trying to get to stop being so stubborn, she's also confiding in you about her marriage. She likes Jace, and she could definitely see herself enjoying being with him, but she just feels so bland about it. She's not excited to spend the night with him, which isnt ideal since she's supposed to be making heirs.
-- You offer her advice and listen to her venting. More than once she has to stand up and leave before she stops being able to resist the temptation of kissing you, because you just seem to get her at a level that no one else does, and she wants you so bad, just as much as she wants Jace.
-- something big has to happen for Jace to finally wake up, and my immediate thought is that you save Baela? Baela is out on a scouting mission when Aemond manages to ambush her and if you hasn't shown up when you did, it's almost guaranteed that Baela and her dragon would have been no more.
-- Baela tells Jace this, and damnit as much as he doesn't like you, he has to go personally thank you because you did literally save his wife's life.
-- Jace is equal parts annoyed and relieved that when he spoke to you, you took his thanks graciously and then actually started a conversation that made him realise you're not so bad after all.
-- it becomes the three of you for a while after that.
-- I think you'd end up kissing Baela first, by that point you knew you had feelings for both of them, but there was no way you were going to pass up the opportunity when Baela initiates
-- you don't even have to go through trying to workout how to Jace because he actually walks in on it.
-- You're so certain you've just ruined Baela's marriage, but then Jace smiles and says, "Do I have to go... or can I stay? Because I want to stay, please?"
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simplydnp · 5 months
hey there!
I kind of consider you the resident dnp expert (at least in dnp culture) so I wanted your opinion on a question that's been building for a while now.
What are the boundaries for dnp now?
There are so many things that I feel have changed even in the last four years: writing smutty rpf was Gross and Weird, along with art along that line, speculating about their relationship was ABSOLUTELY a no-go, all things that I see happening on Tumblr now. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing!! I'm just acknowledging things have changed over time. They're different people now and so are we, and the "we know you know" era is lots of fun.
I was browsing reddit today (bad idea, do not recommend) and came across a post from a new Phannie asking if DnP were in a relationship. And while I agree that we cannot say for absolute certain that they are, the responses had a VERY different vibe than on here, emphasizing how bad the speculation was (true) and essentially saying "don't even think about that, just enjoy their content." (or something to that extent.)
Which... is very different from this here website in which we joke about them being horney for each other constantly lmao.
Being a very rules-driven person, I like expectations to be made abundantly clear for pretty much everything. So that's why I want to ask: Is there a line here? Are we crossing that line? How defined is that line? (All of this, of course, I recognize is your opinion and yours alone, and if this is posted I encourage anyone else to share their two-cents in a respectful way.)
Obviously, trying to find out where they live/things like that is very clearly crossing a boundary. But is there some sort of limit or boundary I (and tbh the rest of the phandom), in your opinion, should be keeping in mind?
thanks xx
'resident expert' is a hefty title, i'm just here trying my best!
'what are the boundaries for dnp now?' is really a great question. cause the thing is, we used to know. there used to be a fairly well-defined and mostly agreed upon line, and ever since the dapg revival in particular, the line keeps moving.
i'll be honest, i never really saw phanfic as rpf, even though it is. my stance on phanfic is the same as dnps: it's a beautiful expression of art and creativity and is so, so important. they've always been pro-fic (even though we subjected them to some absolutely horrific crack fics), so i don't think 'smutty' fic has ever been gross or too far. they've given their blessing, and, as the conversation has been in fandom communities the last few years, rpf isn't 'for' the people in them, it's for the fans. so i digress.
art is much the same way. they love art! they even included art of them kissing in a tumblr tag video back in the day, so to say that's not allowed especially after they're out is kind of crazy to me.
i think the line with stuff like that was showing it directly to dnp--tagging them in explicit stuff, that kind of thing. but creating it? go for it! it's always been a green light. (i think fans have previously overpoliced this and we lost a lot of great fic, art, and community members over it)
browsing reddit is always a Choice. i've never participated on dnp reddit before but i am aware that it is an entirely different space than here. something that's important, i think (and i think you think this too as you're asking about them), is to respect the fandom rules of the place you partcipate in. tumblr is generally one of the most phan-positive places on the internet, especially publicly facing. we make a lot of relationship jokes, particularly because we run on the assumption it's already true, based on what they've both said publicly (mostly dan).
i won't comment on reddit specifically just because i'm not a part of the community there, but the speculation about dnp online was a Lot for a long time. but the worst part of it was the stalking, the digging into personal lives, the contacting family members--that is what was bad. dnp have always had a connection--and, honestly, they kind of love flexing it and kind of always have. they absolutely play into things now, but they certainly did even way before coming out too. i think a certain level of speculation was to be expected, especially in that era of online fandom. but it wasn't just the 'teenage girls' who cared, the media did too, and so did many others.
i think one of the biggest differences now is 1 the awareness of 'our' past and trying to make up for it, and 2 the broader societal conversations about parasocial relationships.
you see this reflected on the snippets ive seen from dnp reddit and dnp twitter. they tend to be Very 'cautious' about the words they say, often undercutting perfectly reasonable statements with 'but whatever their relationship is'. on one hand, they don't want to cross a line, and i can respect that. on the other hand... it's 2024 babes. they just put out merch of them holding hands. dan's directly, intentionally, and explicitly called phil a bottom on dapg. they reacted to all of the pinofs, made jokes about 'theyre touching', and even joked about the tackle being 'wrestling 👀'. dan posted half-naked catboy pics and showed us phil was taking them. the 'watch your step babygirl' tweet & their reactions to it. phil is credited in WAD. they're making threesome jokes about themselves as a unit. i could go on and on.
to me, there's a few things that have 'moved the line' for us, so to speak.
1 - DAPG returning. for the last few years they specifically were not a duo (for projects) anymore. (and no, not because they hated each other). they just weren't. they wanted to focus on their goals and projects. they didn't have to resurrect dapg, but they chose to. marketing and money aside, they knew that if this went over well, it would well and truly revive the 'dan and phil' brand again. it would be specifically returning to being a duo in the public eye. (however they've also fully embraced this in all aspects, including merch, videos, and general attitude)
2 - pinof reacts. even though they'd been out since 2019, we hadn't had regular joint content from them since before that, therefore, while they had become more comfortable with themselves and their 'outness', we hadn't (in terms of them making explicit gay jokes together). so i really think dnp had to de-fang a lot of the 'theyre touching' of it all, because we didn't really know where we stood on it anymore. i think they succeeded, too. we couldn't be here, with the content of the last 3 months, without them tackling it head on (well, as head on as they're want to do).
3 - dapc. genuinely another big shift. they did this for the real fans. purely a passion project, and a specific choice in doing the handhold. they know what we're like. and this wasn't a brief, unplanned, unscripted moment. it's a specifically blocked out scene. they know it's opening a door, and they chose to. this is doubled by the fucking iconic merch selling, and furthered by phil's twitter likes of arguably romantic phanart, and then dan's full straddle like.
even throughout the current 6 months of revival, the line has moved. i don't know where it will settle. dnp keep moving it, in my opinion, and, genuinely, i don't think it's going to leave much to the imagination. as you say, obviously not the stalking or the contacting, but beyond that? especially here on tumblr? i wouldn't get too worried. obviously people will have their opinions, but as long as you're generally respectful and recognize that humans will see your posts and humans interact with them, i think you're good.
my rule of thumb is anything they intentionally put on the table, we can joke about or at the same level. but in terms of art/fic? go off, live your dreams. dan and phil would want you to.
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wolfiesmoon · 10 months
Dark chocolate
Reo x fem!reader
He could have anything he ever wanted, but the one thing he can't buy with money is your heart (can you tell this is yet another nerd girl x popular boy nuisances to mutual crush fic)
HAhah my blue lock debut🥳🥳🥳i'm making back to back fandom debuts
@noomon since you asked to be tagged (* ´ ▽ ` *)
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It almost feels like he gets a new confession every day. It's safe to say he is very popular with the girls at this school. Even if it is for mostly shallow reasons.
Day after day, he receives a letter in his locker, asking him to meet behind the gym or something like that.
But the thing is, he isn't interested in any of these people. So he doesn't even give them the time of day.
The only one he's interested in is you, a girl in his class. But what is he to do when you never give him the time of day?
To you, Reo is a massive nuisance. You have no idea what made him like you and you don't care. Because the last thing you want is a stuck up rich boy as your boyfriend.
You came to this school to study and nothing more. You're not here to date or whatever else school isn't meant for.
(One exception is your singular friend.)
But no matter what, he never seems to give up on chasing after you. Even though there are far more beautiful and willing girls for him to date.
"Girl, just give him a chance. He's only got eyes for you." your friend nudged you as the two of you were eating lunch.
"And give in to him? Are you crazy?" you said with a straight face, continuing to eat.
"Oh, sorry. I only forgot that I'm friends with the most petty stubborn person in the world." your friend rolled her eyes, not understanding why you keep on rejecting Reo. He's rich, he's popular, so what's the hold up?
"Seriously, you're not 'giving in' to anything if you accept his confession."
"But I am losing my pride and my dignity. By the way, your food's getting cold." you replied simply, already getting a bit annoyed that your friend won't shut up about him.
"Girl, I lose hope in your romantic future every day."
"Hi." he greets you at the school gate, as he does every day. And you ignore him, as you do every day.
"It's rude to ignore someone, you know that?" he joined you by your side and you just subtly rolled your eyes. You don't have time for this today, you have an early library study session to be getting to.
"My answer is no." you crossed your arms.
"I didn't even say anything, though." he gave you that stupid wide smile that you hate looking at so much. It's annoying how... uhh, above average his looks are.
"Would it kill you to stop bothering me?" you finally asked what you've been wanting to for the past few months. You have no idea how it took you so long to be harsh and honest about your feelings.
"What? I'm not bothering you." you had no idea if he was actually this dense or just pretending to be. You don't know him all too well, after all. But considering the fact that he's a student at this prestigious prep school, you think it's the second one. Unless his parents bribed the school to let him in.
"Seriously? Just leave me alone. I am not interested." it kind of felt good to admit that out loud. Directly, with no sweetened phrases to lessen the blow.
He looked away for a second. "Sorry, it's not that easy."
You looked puzzled. His tone didn't suggest arrogance or smugness. It was a quieter and thoughtful tone, something that doesn't seem fit for a stuck up rich boy.
How... strange. No, wait, what do you care?!
"You're... different. Unlike any other girl in this school." the strange tone still remained.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say." you sped up your steps, leaving him behind. You missed the worried look that crossed his face for a moment. To you, those words must have seemed like empty flirty comments.
But he meant it. You're a challenge to win over. To win over. Not take. You're the one girl in this school who won't just throw herself at him and somehow, that made him fall for you beyond belief.
Seeing as all you do is study and occasionally share a few words with your friend, he had a feeling boys weren't a priority for you from the very beginning.
But he'll make one boy a priority for you. Himself, of course. And he'll go through any means to achieve that goal.
"Girl, valentine's day is almost here!" your friend shook your shoulders, taking your attention from the notebook you were dutifully reading.
"So, I am TOTALLY making chocolates for my crush and you should join me." she shook you again, making you furrow your brows in annoyance.
"Why? I have no one to give chocolate to."
Your friend smirked.
"No. No, absolutely not." you immediately shot her down, already knowing who she was talking about.
"Oh come on, you can still spend ungodly amounts of time studying while having a boyfriend. A hot rich boyfriend, at that." you weren't sure if she was doing this out of free will or if Reo was bribing her with copious amounts of money to get her to say this.
You sighed. You had a feeling your friend was going to be extra stubborn about this for the entire week leading up to valentine's day if you said no right now.
Your best choice was to resign to her and make chocolate for Reo.
And besides, you can just leave the chocolate on his desk anonymously if you come to school early. They don't mean anything to you, anyways.
"...Fine. But don't get any ideas, I'm only doing this because you would annoy me if I didn't." you raised the notebook back up, indicating the end of the conversation. You watched your friend jump with glee out of the corner of your eye.
"You should totally make dark chocolate for him." your friend suggested out of the blue as you were collecting the stuff you need to make chocolate.
"What does it matter?" you sighed, wondering what stupid reason your friend had this time.
"Dark chocolate seems more luxurious, don't you think? And besides, I heard that Reo isn't big into sweets. I'm sure he'd enjoy something healthier." she reasoned, seeming proud.
You pulled out your phone. "Hey, what are you looking at your phone for?!" your friend asked, offended that you aren't looking for the perfect meltable chocolate with her.
"Oh, nothing, just looking up the most sugary kind of chocolate." you shrugged.
"Damn, you're evil. Mikage-san's fallen for a baaaad one." your friend hit you lightly, feeling a little bad for Reo.
You looked at the meltable white chocolate on the store shelf, then at the meltable dark chocolate right next to it. You have no idea what possesed you in that moment, but your hand instantly reached for the dark chocolate.
You had to ignore your friend's smirking throughout the rest of the shopping trip.
"There! Ahh, these look so cute! All those tutorials helped out A LOT! My crush will totally fall for me after eating these!" your friend kept on gushing at the chocolates the two of you made.
"Mine are very sloppy." it was just a simple observation on your end, but to your friend it must have sounded like a discouraged comment.
"It's okay, girl! I'm sure he'll love them regardless of how they look!" she hugged you, patting your back encouragingly. Sadly, you don't have the heart to tell her that you'll just drop them off anonymously without a care in the world.
But, somehow... that seems wrong to you. Should you do that?
Dammit, this is all messing with your head. Who cares about Reo?! You're just doing this to appease your friend, nothing more.
"So, the day is finally here, huh?" your friend surprised you from behind just as you were about to leave the chocolate on Reo's desk.
"W-What are you doing here so early?" you quickly hid away the little box of chocolates, trying your best to act normally.
"Oooh, are we nervous?" your friend smirked.
"Speak for yourself. And answer my question while you're at it." you retorted, clearing your throat. That was far too close. But, how are you going to get rid of this chocolate without giving it to Reo directly and convincing your friend you did all at the same time?
Maybe you should just give up and do it. But your pride just won't let it happen. Not like this...
Later that day, you walked past Reo as he was receiving chocolates from two other girls. However, his eyes were on you the entire time. He seemed to be looking at you with expectation and you grit your teeth at the fact that he is, in fact, correct in expecting a valentine's gift from you.
As you turned the corner, your friend was waiting for you behind it. "What are you waiting for, girl? He's all alone now."
The girls that gave him the gifts seem to have already left. Oh no, this isn't good at all.
"Listen, I-"
"Oh hell no, you are not running away this time. Now go out there and make things happen!" your friend pushed you out from behind the corner, with you almost bumping into Reo.
"Hi!" he greeted you, a little more cheerfully than usual.
"Hello." you forced a smile. You silently took out the chocolate and handed it to him. You watched his eyes travel down to the chocolate and then widen.
"Wait... for me? Seriously?" He took the chocolate out of your hands, smiling happily. His cheeks seemed to be turning a pretty shade of pink, too.
His face isn't half bad when it looks like that, you must admit. Though, that doesn't mean anything. Reo's just handsome in general, that face is meaningless to you.
"Don't get any ideas. I'm only doing this out of obligation." you ignored the daggers being shot at you from behind. You can already imagine the earful you'll get from your friend.
"That just means I'll have to try harder, though." he gave you a big, wide smile. The kind that you've never seen on a guy in real life before. But to be fair, you don't look at guys all that much.
Still... Why is your heart beating so fast right now?
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oh my god this turned into a whole essay LMAOOO
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wolfjackle-creates · 7 months
1000 Follower Celebration!
I'm blown away, honestly. The last time I had any notoriety in a fandom was back in, like 2007 or 2008 when I was on the Dibbuns Against Bedtime fan forums for Redwall. I was made the head of my dorm as the site started dying because I was the most active member in said dorm.
But you all? You're here because you like something I'm making? It's so wild to me. I appreciate every single one of you. Every like, every reblog, every comment. They warm me up.
I've been thinking over the last few days what I want to do. The obvious answers—prompt fills, polls to determine what I write, story snippets—I do all that with too much regularity. And I'm trying to avoid taking on more fics as I focus on the ones I've already got going.
So we're gonna do something a bit different this week.
Over the next week (From Wed 2/21 to Wed 2/28) send me the title of one of my WIPs (listed below) and I will respond with a few paragraphs. Not my usual 1.2-1.6k that I like to do for WIP Wednesday, but a few paragraphs. At the end of the week, I'll compile them all and post everything in a single post.
I won't be adding all the links like I usually do with each addition to a story until I post that final draft, but I'll tag everything with "[story name] 1000" so you can click that and follow along with the fic in some sort of order.
There are six WIPs eligible for the game! Please limit yourself to one fic per ask, but you may send in multiple asks. I will request that, for now, you limit yourself to one request per fic (aka a max of 6 requests per person). If I find that I'm able to keep up, I may waive that request in the upcoming days. But it will depend on how busy my inbox (and life) get.
Bring Me Home
Answer My Call
I'll Carry Your Heart (Until I Find You Again)
Want to Hold On and Feel I Belong/Bad Reveal AU
I totally forgot about the Empathy!Verse when I did my last ask game. Mostly because that has been entirely written on Tumblr and I...kinda forgot to transfer it to a Scrivener document. Ooops. 😅
Something to Feel isn't on this list because I want to dedicate my time to it today. I'm close to the end, I think, and already have one ask in my inbox about it that I totally meant to get to before now (if it's your ask, I promise I haven't forgotten you!).
Brief Story Summaries
Bring Me Home: Tim and Danny are online friends and know each other's secrets. Currently in the arc where the Young Justice and Team Phantom help Danny escape after a reveal gone wrong.
Ghost!Robin: Jason is haunted by the ghost of the Robin he used to be. Danny finds out when Jazz introduces him to Jason over a meet-the-in-laws dinner. Currently, Jason and Robin are meeting with Frostbite to learn what may have happened.
Answer My Call: Jazz is sending texts to Danny after he escaped a GIW facility and they can't talk. But it turns out Jason is the one who's actually been getting them.
Carry Your Heart: Jason and Danny meet in the Ghost Zone while Jason is dead. They become friends. But Jason runs to Desiree to wish for his life back. A wish she fulfills. Danny goes to visit him, only to find his core left behind in a lair that's in ruin.
Bad Reveal AU: Danny is living with the Waynes when he finds out they're also the Bats. He freaks out because he believes the bats are working with the government (aka the GIW). So he shoots Bruce and runs away. The bats are now trying to convince him it's safe to come home.
Empathy!Verse: Liminal!Jazz is studying in Gotham and feeling the lack of other liminals to interact with. After getting used to the undercurrent of emotion that follows all interactions with ghosts/liminals, humans just feel...flat. Then one day, she literally runs into another liminal as she's going to the library. Jason Todd. Only... he doesn't know what it means to be liminal. So Jazz is there to show him.
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henrysfox · 4 months
ooo i'd love to hear more about the casting day announcement from your pov if that's ok! like how did people react? did you think they looked the part but wasn't keen on their past acting work? did everyone freak out lmao
HELLO!!! i love talking about it!! let's gooo
so the day of the casting announcement for me was also the day i found out they were making rwrb into a movie, idk how it was for other people, but before that day i hadn't realized we would get a movie
so i was just SO HYPED about getting a film at all, you know?
then we got this announcement:
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and i looked at them and IMMEDIATELY went to taylor's instagram and i was like "is that the dude from the kissing booth?" (i have never seen the kissing booth before that, but i have seen people on youtube doing some of those commentaries where they make fun of every single movie under the sun for views - the person i was friends with at the time loved watching those, so i have seen a few)
and i IMMEDIATELY became obsessed with him because i thought he was the most beautiful man i've ever seen. height aside, he was pretty much what i imagined alex to look like. back then, i'm pretty sure he hasn't been in many things so i watched tkb2 & 3 for him (or mostly his and joey's scenes because i didn't like jac*b el*rdi) and i watched minx, where he was AMAZING.
meanwhile nick creeped up on me much slower - but he did have many more movies out so i also watched all of those. at the begining he hadn't been dyed blonde yet so it was a bit harder to imagine him as henry, but the second they made him blonde i thought he was spot on as well. the filming was in progress around the same time purple hearts came out so i waited for the premiere with him and the rest of the cast, because they were all SO excited for nick - they even had a watch party and they all watched it together when it came out, and on the day of the premiere they decorated nick's trailer with tiny handmade purple hearts which was super sweet and he was adorably blushy about it.
okay back to the casting announcement day.
we got the announcement and immediately EVERYONE was negative. and i'm not exaggerating. everyone said they looked nothing like the characters, they said taylor is too pretty to play alex, that neither of the boys deserves to play these characters bc they're both straight and "sTrAiGhT acToRs sHoULdn'T pLAy quEEr cHaRaCteRs." it was just CONSTANT negativity. if someone was excited they were made fun of. people would go into nick and taylor's comments on insta and say pretty bad things.
the fandom for the movie on tumblr was nonexistant tbh. there were a few people who were fans of the book and were very vocal about how awful the movie will be with those awful actors. see, people had fancasts for alex and henry and they weren't willing to let those go. even if the guy they had in mind for alex wasn't even mexican and the guy they had in mind for henry wasn't even an actor.
i was still patiently waiting for any news to come out and for tumblr to get on with the program. at the same time first updates accounts on the movie, firstprince and nick & tay started appearing on instagram so i was mostly there, having thought that tumblr will just hate this film forever. i reread the book then and having many feelings about it i went into the tumblr tag again - there wasn't much change, but there were a few people who seemed to be just as excited as i was and i would have blocked all the negative people back then.
one of the people i saw being excited about the movie and the boys was @sincenewyorks so after some time and after gathering some courage i messaged them and we talked. there were also a few other people who were being positive by then, but all in all the fandom was pretty small and people still negative especially when they found out that june and rafael luna won't be in the movie - that brought a whole new wave of hate. some hardcore book fans have already decided the film would be awful.
i was just happy to follow the boys and the rest of the cast through the filming process, a little bit here, but mostly on instagram and in private messages with like-minded people here.
fun fact: the nick and taylor tags on tumblr were practically empty by then - taylor's had a few gifs of his naked scenes from minx and a few gifs from the kissing booth. nick's tag was almost completely empty.
flash forward to the day we got the trailer. this is the day EVERYTHING changed, because the trailer came out and suddenly? all the haters went silent. (take into account the fact that i had blocked some of them already so that might also be why lol) and the movie started reaching more and more people. overnight there were a lot of gifs from the trailer and people started posting about the movie more.
in the following weeks, more and more people were talking about the movie and nick and taylor and the bad comments were mostly kept to minimum. we could all see how excited taylor and nick, but especially taylor were about the film.
the the strikes started and we were all heartbroken that the movie wouldn't get the premiere it deserved and secretly hoping the strikes would be done by the time the movie was supposed to come out, but that didn't happen, unfortunately.
then the movie came out and some people really loved it, some others said it was disappointing, there were a few really weird takes, but mostly people REALLY loved it. the fandom has already grown bigger at that point and there were many more people willing to freak out and talk about it. then people started watching nick's and taylor's previous movies as well and their tags filled out and the rest is history, i guess.
sorry that it got SO LONG omg. some people were annoying about the casting announcement, and there was a lot of negativity at first but to be honest? i still had so much fun and the whole experience will always remain in my heart as a positive one <3
if you have any other questions, please do ask me, i can always talk about it more, i love trips down the memory lane lol
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nineinchclaws · 1 year
🦇⠀ash williams & nsfw headcanons
fandom⠀evil dead
characters⠀ash williams (army of darkness)
warning(s)⠀sexually explicit content
tags⠀dom!ash, sub!reader, established relationship, gender neutral reader, female reader, male reader
note(s)⠀this ended up being.. so much longer than i anticipated. i did plan to include sub!ash hc's as well but because this is so long i think i'll make a separate post for that. same goes for giving and receiving oral, there will be separate posts for those, too!
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*⠀it's no surprise that ash is possibly one of the horniest people on earth.
*⠀it really doesn't take a lot to get him in the mood; just a kiss on his jaw or a look at him through your eyelashes and he's already semi-hard.
*⠀he will do anything, anywhere: against a wall or door frame; over the counter, desk, or table; in the bathtub; on the couch, the floor, and, of course, the bed.
*⠀calls you every pet name under the sun: honey, baby, babe, sweetie, sweetheart, buttercup, doll/babydoll, sugar - he never runs out of things to call you.
*⠀teases you to no end. he'll touch around your genitals but never directly on them. and if he does, it's light touches or kisses that never last more than a few seconds. he teases to the point where he has you begging, and he doesn't even stop there. he'll give you what you want, but there'll be multiple points where he'll slow his movements or stop entirely, all with a smug grin. he just loves to make you squirm.
*⠀he wants to hear you loud and clear when you beg. he won't give you what you want if he isn't completely satisfied with your begging:
*⠀"use your words, doll. i know you can do it." "what was that? speak up, y/n, i can't hear you." "louder for me, baby."
*⠀he loves boobs. enough said.
*⠀but really, the first time you two have sex together and he takes your shirt off, he stares for a good 10 seconds, practically drooling over the sight before him until you have to pull him out of his trance. and even then, it takes him a little longer to fully snap back to reality and he still can't help but sneak glances of your chest.
*⠀that being said, he has trouble prying his hands and mouth from them. he'll have one hand kneading and massaging one breast while his mouth is on the other, biting and sucking and licking and doing whatever he can to your chest.
*⠀loves nipple piercings, too. if you have them, and they've made you more sensitive, he'll give your chest extra attention.
*⠀he's also a big fan of thighs. any size and shape, he'll be squeezing and massaging, kissing and biting them. if you wear thigh highs or stockings around him, he will not be able to keep his eyes or his hands off of them.
*⠀he's secretly a little insecure about his metal hand, and he won't let onto it until further on in your relationship, either until you catch on or he bashfully admits it himself, attempting to keep it vague. he continues to use it most of the time, and other times, he'll take it off and set it aside. he grows a little more confident about it if you give him some reassurance.
*⠀equally into praise as he is into degradation. and of course, he mixes the two:
*⠀"what a pretty slut you are." "such a good whore, just for me." "you look so beautiful when you take my cock, baby."
*⠀"good girl/boy." "atta girl/boy."
*⠀definitely has a praise kink himself - he literally called himself "the king" at the end of army of darkness, and it's obvious his ego is a bit inflated.
*⠀he'll say things like, "tell me how good i'm making you feel." and "that's right, let me hear those pretty sounds you're making for me, baby." both because he wants some praise himself and because he just loves hearing the noises you make.
*⠀tell him he's doing a good job and it could make him cum on the spot.
*⠀takes pride in knowing how good you feel and that it's him making you feel good:
*⠀"no one else could fuck you like this, could they, honey? no one else can make you feel this good."
*⠀this also includes him marking you and taking pride in all the little bites, hickeys, and marks he leaves on your body. and he'll leave them everywhere.
*⠀loves to fluster you and leave you with your whole face burning and being unable to look him in the eyes.
*⠀incredibly into dirty talk. he will talk a lot, always commenting on how he feels or how hot you are, asking if you like what he's doing and praising you for how well you're doing, as well as degrading you for how much you're enjoying it.
*⠀this man is STRONG. expect him to use that to his advantage.
*⠀he's able to hold/pin you to any surface and pick you up with ease.
*⠀especially likes to hold your wrists with one hand while he rubs/strokes your clit/cock with the other, all while he thrusts into you. either holding your wrists above your head, in front of you, or behind your back. he loves how vulnerable it makes you.
*⠀he loves getting to cum inside you, holding you close as if you might vanish in his arms as he finishes, then watching it drip out of you when he pulls out.
*⠀he equally loves cumming on your body. his favourite parts of your body to finish on are, to no surprise, your chest and thighs, as well as your stomach. the sight of it is enough to get him hard again.
*⠀usually goes for 2 rounds at least, but if he's had a particularly hard day either dealing with deadites - or worse: rude s-mart customers -, he'll be too exhausted to go for more than one round and will collapse in bed to rest for a minute or two before doing aftercare.
*⠀isn't the biggest fan of sex toys. however, he wouldn't turn down the opportunity to watch you masturbate with one as foreplay. though, he wouldn't be able to help himself for very long and would take over within minutes, and, depending on how he feels, might continue to use the toy on you.
*⠀especially not fond of dildos, because when you have him, why would you ever need one of those?
*⠀he's not against them and of course, he lets you do what you want, he just doesn't fully get it.
*⠀he's quite partial to vibrators though, because that's one thing he can't do. he likes to hold them on your clit/dick while he's fucking into you himself.
*⠀he likes to have the vibrator on the first or second lowest setting while he's slowly gliding the tip of it around your body, circling your chest, tracing your ribs, drawing patterns and shapes on your stomach, edging along your bikini line and dragging it along your thighs, slowly inching inwards before he gives you what he knows you're desperate for.
*⠀kisses and traces his fingers along your stretch marks, scars, and freckles, muttering about how beautiful and sexy you are and how he just can't wait to feel you around his cock.
*⠀his favourite positions are missionary, doggystyle, and pronebone.
*⠀during missionary, his eyes will be flickering between your chest and your face, watching as your breasts bounce and gauging your reaction to every stroke of his cock.
*⠀in doggy, he'll have his hands in two of four places: stroking along your back, gripping your hip, squeezing your ass, or holding a fistful of your hair.
*⠀and in pronebone, he'll keep his front against your back while he kisses, licks, and bites your ear and shoulder, whispering dirty things in your ear as he makes love to you.
*⠀loves to hold onto your waist and hips while he thrusts into you. can either have a very gentle or a very tight grip.
*⠀loves to smack your ass. all the time. he is relentless with it.
*⠀shows you off every chance he gets and teases you everywhere. if you work at s-mart with him, he'll pinch your ass as he walks past and try to steal kisses if the place isn't too busy. during breaks, he'll talk with your coworkers with his hand on your waist or hip, giving you firm squeezes now and again.
*⠀ash loves going down on you. he's more experienced with eating pussy than he is with sucking dick, but he won't back down from either.
*⠀a big fan of fingering. his fingers are long AND strong so expect to cum on them a good few times.
*⠀when he's done fingering you he might get you to suck his fingers...... maybe..
*⠀this is also good for when he gives handjobs. he is good at it and he'll never pass up the opportunity to watch you squirm while he's stroking your cock.
*⠀tells you to look at him while he's pleasuring you. he really likes to tease you by having you look at him, otherwise he'll stop if you take your eyes off of him.
*⠀obviously he's a little bit of a dork at times and sex isn't always completely serious, so he'll crack a few jokes and make a playful comment once or twice.
*⠀he is into light bondage and owns a pair of body-safe handcuffs. he loves getting to see you so helpless and at his mercy.
*⠀he jumps at the chance to join you in the bath or shower, and it doesn't take very long for you two to forget about getting clean in there.
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nhasablogg · 10 months
Imagine being loved by me
Fandom: Red White and Royal Blue
Characters: Alex/Henry
Anonymous said: Since you’re obviously willing to write nsfw may I present you with the idea of Alex giving Henry a BJ while tickling the shit out of him 👀
Warnings: Oral sex, tickle kinks, probably quite tame though because it's me lmao. And for the biggest warning of them all: I have not proof read it. Also! I don't tag things as "nsfw" but as "not sfw" so that tumblr won't hide my blog again, just an fyi.
Words: 1.5k
“I want to see how long you can keep your legs around me while I tickle your thighs.” Alex said it into his lower belly, mumbling the words into his skin as if it wasn’t driving Henry crazy just to hear them.
Henry dropped his legs on either side of him. “Alex.”
“Hmm?” Alex peeked up at him, looking delicious with his hair sticking up and cheeks tinted pink, just coming down from his own high with a promise to give Henry an even better treatment. “Too much?”
“No, I just-”
“Or did you like the sound of that?”
Alex wagged his eyebrows and Henry laughed, grateful for the ease as he shoved at Alex’s face. “You’re so stupid.”
Alex laughed too, something bubbly and giddy, head dropping back down to kiss at Henry’s belly. “Or should I just tickle your hips while I blow you?”
“What? Don’t tell me you’re shy. I’ve got you naked beneath me, for crying out loud.” But Alex’s face softened when he looked up at him again. “You’re so pretty. I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”
Henry averted his eyes. “Well, you’ve already listed a few things.”
He covered his face with a groan and said over Alex’s laughter: “Just kill me. How is this somehow worse than telling you about it in the first place?”
“I’m just teasing, baby.” A hand on Henry’s jaw. “Hey. Look at me.”
“Is this just a ploy to get me to tickle you? Because I will either way, you don’t have to provoke me.” Alex emphasized his words by poking at Henry’s exposed ribs, making his arms shoot down. “There we go.”
“Sweetheart, I can’t-”
“Handle it? Oh, but that’s half the fun, isn’t it?” Alex ran his fingertip over Henry’s ribcage, slowly moving downward. “As much as I want to pin you and force you to take it, I also prefer seeing you try to fight off your instincts to stop me.”
Henry gripped the sheets. Three days. That was how much time had passed since Henry had admitted that he wanted Alex to tie him up and tickle him to pieces, although they’d not done that yet. Henry had changed his mind. Then changed his mind again. And then he’d been too embarrassed to let Alex even talk about it, feeling stupid and silly and annoying, despite how much Alex reassured him that he was okay. They’d not brought up bondage again, although Alex tickled him more now, leaving Henry giggly and huffy and timid.
He’d stilled his hand over Henry’s hipbone now, fingers pressing slightly into the skin, not ticklish exactly but Henry could feel each shift of the pressure, each tiny movement, and it nearly drove him crazy.
“I’m asking seriously now.” A flicker of uncertainty on Alex’s face. This was new to him too. “Do you want me to tickle your hips-” Slight increase in pressure against the bone. “-while I blow you? Or should I just blow you and tickle you after? Or neither?”
Henry exhaled. “Both. At the same time. Please.”
Alex’s smile was so bright that Henry briefly wondered if he’d accidentally mixed up their kinks. “Yay.”
He let out a laugh and leaned his head back, eyes slipping shut as he focused solely on the feeling of Alex’s fingers on his hip. “Yay indeed.” He could imagine the fingers curling over his skin. Could imagine how difficult it would be to keep himself from not shoving them off.
Alex was already leaning down to kiss along his lower stomach, which was slightly ticklish as it was, but the thought of being properly tickled in probably only a minute made Henry jump at the touch, his attempt at playing it cool failing entirely as Alex laughed into his skin.
“Sorry, baby.”
“It’s okay.”
“You’re already getting excited, huh?”
“Shut up.”
“I will in a second.” But Alex was loud even when orally occupied. Always moaning and humming and sighing, which nearly got them in trouble when they were a secret. He was kissing his way loudly down Henry’s torso, giving his inner thighs attention which left Henry shaking with both suppressed giggles and something entirely else. They were lucky to be alone. Lucky to have the space to be alone. Henry felt safe to sprawl out as Alex took him in his hand first to get him started, felt safe to moan because Alex knew exactly how to touch him. His free hand was still on Henry’s hip, squeezing slightly, maybe to steady himself, or maybe to keep him on edge. It didn’t matter. Henry was all nerve endings now. All bare skin and vulnerability and trust. All he felt was Alex on his body. Alex sliding down to swallow him. Alex moving slowly because he knew Henry would eventually dig his nails into his back to get him to hurry up and he enjoyed seeing him squirm. Alex used his elbows to keep himself up, both planted on either side of Henry, with his hands resting on Henry’s sides, maybe tickling or maybe simply twitching. It didn’t matter. Henry wasn’t being tickled yet and so he barely felt it, too busy feeling other things.
And then Alex moved his hands to his hip bones and didn’t move them away again, not even as Henry started writhing, overwhelmed from the combination of pleasure and ticklishness and unsure of how to handle it. His laughter was quick and panicked, and yet his hands kept gripping the sheets. Alex smiled around him, a sound akin to delight escaping him, but Henry could barely hear him over himself.
“F-fuck, Alex, fuck, I-”
His nerve endings were in shambles, and all he could do was keep arching his back, head thrown back, eyes wide open as if being able to see what he was doing was helping him at all. But it was a lovely sight, Alex looking up at him as if he didn’t want to miss a single moment. Hair sticking to his forehead. Cheeks tinted pink.
“You like that?” he asked when he moved to the tip, making Henry whine through his laughter.
“I can tell.” Contact briefly breaking when he grinned. “I like that you like it.”
Oh. Okay. Okay okay. Right. Okay.
Alex took him in again, moan turning into humming which Henry would eventually realize was him attempting to say the words ‘tickle tickle’ while having a mouthful of Henry and, well, he was glad he realized that toward the end and not in the beginning.
When Alex had said that he wanted to tickle his hips he must’ve been lying, because once his hands started straying it seemed as if they would never stay in one spot for longer than a couple of minutes. Maybe to keep Henry guessing, or maybe to give him momentary mercy. Either way, he wasn’t sure if it was mercy at all. He let go of the sheets when Alex scribbled his fingers over his belly, the first spot to have him scrambling to stop him, but Alex was able to evade him much too easily than seemed possible for someone who was partly occupied with something else.
“Nuh uh,” he said, coming up briefly to wag a playful finger at him. “No blocking my tickling.”
“It’s not that easy,” Henry said, grateful for the chance to breathe.
“Be a good boy and try for me, okay, baby?” Alex lowered himself down again. “I’m not finished yet, and, by the looks of it, neither are you.”
It was crazy that Henry could be blushing when in this position, when he had absolutely nothing to hide or that could be hidden at all.
Alex tickled his belly for as long as Henry let him, which was longer than they’d both probably thought but then again Henry nearly ripped the headboard off the bed in his plight. Heels were digging into the mattress, and he had the brief ridiculous fear that they would have to explain to someone in the morning how the hell they had broken a whole bed.
“Please!” The desperation in his voice surprised him and was probably the reason Alex switched spots without him having to say anything else, latching onto his sides instead which had him giggling, but not more than that. Exhausted by that point, he was able to feel Alex blowing him more than tickling him, although that would change once Alex remembered he had thighs which he spidered his fingers over, although he avoided the inner thighs lest he wanted to be crushed to death.
“I want to see how long you can keep your legs around me while I tickle your thighs.” Alex repeated his words from much earlier, when focus had started shifting to Henry in the first place, only this time Henry wrapped his legs around him rather than doing the opposite. He knew he would lose immediately but was willing to try.
(It lasted approximately ten seconds.)
Later, when Alex had dried them off and kissed Henry’s hair about a thousand times, he said, “I love tickling you because you never know how you’re going to react. It’s so- bodily. No thoughts seem to be involved.”
“Are you calling me stupid.”
“Well, it is called being tickled silly.”
And Henry, having been tickled out, could only agree.
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broodwolf221 · 3 months
my message to new/returning fans
as da4 approaches and the fandom changes, gaining both new and returning users, i want to state very clearly:
share your thoughts! it doesn't have to be "original" to be valuable! no more than it needs to conform to current fanon! you don't need to read everyone else's theories in order to state your own
I'm familiar with that pressure and how much it can dampen the urge to share, to actually engage with the broader fandom. even though i was there at the start of dai's fandom, i fell out of it for years and came back recently, and there was a definite undercurrent of pressure to a) conform to the theories already stated, especially by big name fans, and b) to only ever post a truly original theory
the former inherently limits fandom and treats it more like an academic field that one needs to be familiar with before stating anything; the latter is fundamentally ridiculous, since we're all engaging with the same source material and have the ability to perceive foreshadowing and explore what it means. the first person to perceive and write about a bit of foreshadowing has no more fundamental "right" to that perspective than the hundredth
it can also be hard to wade through the tags of a fandom that's been out for a decade+, especially if you like a character or ship that gets a lot of hate. that's exhausting and no one is obligated to do that research
you're not too late to the fandom to have theories, to post meta, or to express your feelings. those of us currently in the fandom would do well to remember that new people will be joining us and they likely won't even know the bloggers who have already posted meta, so seeing someone ask if xyz has ever been considered should be treated as a valid question. seeing someone say they've never seen ppl talking about xyz should be viewed as an invitation to (gently!) point to some people who have talked about it. "oh, if you're into this idea, you might like [username's] meta"
i think it's valuable to draw attention to the fact that a long-established fandom has been getting new blood throughout the whole time it's been here, and will be getting considerably more new blood soon, and that it might be worth adapting to that early. because regardless of any established fan's preferences, we are going to be getting new fans unfamiliar with established theories/fanon. and no one should be beholden to fanon anyway
but all this is to also say - new fandom members? i see you. I'm here for you. if you want to know what's been said, you can ask me and i will direct you as best i can; if you want to come up with stuff on your own, i support that. i will never come onto your posts to "disprove" your theory or to claim it's unoriginal
also, know that when you see vent posts where people are feeling annoyed about fans or complaining about them, they are almost certainly talking about fans who are engaging in discourse, are argumentative, or are otherwise being kinda shitty. i know - from personal experience! - how easy it is to take a vague vent post personally, especially when the kind of behavior they're actually annoyed by isn't clarified, but it's unlikely to be directed at fans who are engaging with curiosity and excitement. being new to a fandom is intimidating and as someone who's trying to be respectful, it can be so easy to internalize messages from people's venting, but fr, it's rarely about new fans and their conclusions. that said, if those posts bother you… unfollow! or block! blocking is not a mean or cruel action
find your niche, curate your experience, and you will definitely find people who support you. I've really enjoyed my time here and met many people i care about and respect, but it was a bit of an uphill struggle early on and i know a message like this from an established voice in fandom would have helped ease my own concerns coming into this space
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leviismybby · 5 months
I am going to be honest. I think my love for Levi is dissipating which just makes me sad. There's just too much discourse going on around his character that just makes me feel like a split personality type of thing idk. On Twitter most canonize him as queer/subby. And some people here try to force more suffering onto him. Which I stick to canon and know there's no proof of it but when everyone keeps saying it it just kind of feels like an attempt to override canon. There's nothing wrong with headcanon but now people treat so much headcanon as canon, spreading misinfo and then people run with it. At some point I feel like is something even canon if so many people disregard it. I know technically it is canon but then to me personally I can't help but feel disturbed. I know I should stick to reading only canon materials but I have already read the manga and watched the anime. I would like to read extended materials from fans but doing it has only left me with a nagging feeling because there's so much weird but popular takes about his character. So much that people actually believe. I see it on Twitter and Tiktok, literally tens of thousands, even millions of people believe these takes. And now that Aot is over, they are going to have that takes as canon forever. The thought is just crazy to me. The Erwin x Levi(Eruri) tag on Tiktok has 1.1 billion views that are full of different takes. It's just outrageous
You shouldn't let them do that to you anon and I will be honest with you, I don't have twitter and I do not engage with the fandom on tiktok for more than one reason, shipping being a large one. Erwin and Levi are an mlm ship, mlm ships have always been more popular amongst fandom, funny thing is, even today, Eren x Levi is still the most popular ship which is nuts. What I do is I engage with the fandom on here and on YouTube, on YouTube mostly people who aren't really part of the fandom are on there so they see those characters for what they are. I can't change someone mind on how they see Levi, if they see him as some subby clingy uwu boy for Erwin or whoever, good for them, it just proved to me that the ship they follow is more important than Levi's character. Also, I doubt that, what I have been seeing since aot ended is people on tiktok and twitter actually calling these people out and telling them that Levi deserves better treatment from the fandom. They can't overrun canon Levi, they aren't the author nor are they that big, trust me. It may seem like Eruri is huge online but it's the minority. In real life aot fans mostly never engage in ships or ridiculous takes because canon is enough for them, most are shocked to learn that people ship Levi with Erwin or whoever. Shippers aren't as powerful as they seem, anon haha. I think the best for you would be to avoid toxic apps such as tiktok and twitter. YouTube would be my best recommendation, people on there are normal and you won't find shippers running all over the place.
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sindar-princeling · 19 days
just passing by to say that i love reading your takes about the rop episodes! i really dislike the show but i wish people could just have civil conversations about its real flaws instead of just spewing racist crap like i'm seeing a lot of purists doing. since the show came out it seems to me that you have to love the show and excuse every single thing it does because the bigots hate it or else you're a bigot too. idk it makes me not want to engage with the fandom that much
yeah especially new tolkien-related content always makes you remember how many racist pieces of shit treat every racist trope he wrote like actual word of god, because they suddenly start crawling out of every corner of the internet :// and I'm just here like. I just want to not enjoy a mediocre show in peace and see what they're doing to my favourite fictional world.
(I am of course aware that this situation is not about me - a white as raw bread dough central european - this is only my personal annoyance)
(ESPECIALLY since the show the racists hate so much for the cardinal sin of *checks notes* having a black elf in it.............. has actually already contained some really racist tropes (rhun will never be free of the racism present in the original text, it seems)! not to mention amazon mainly cast POC as their original characters (arondir, disa, some harfoots, miriel being the only exception i can think of rn) in a move that I imagine was meant to not piss off the racists too much, because there's still money to be milked out of them. amazon don't think we didn't notice your spinelessness)
.......ANYWAY, I'm sorry for derailing this so much, rop asks always make me ramble
I'm really glad you're enjoying my posts! I dislike the show but I try not to be an Angry Internet Person about it, mostly for my own peace of mind but also not to spew bile on yalls dashes - I just don't want my blog that I have for fun to be such a place. So I'm really happy that someone like you who wants to see civil conversations about it feels that they can do so here, it really means a lot to hear!!
it's the same reason why I don't really go to the main tag - many people like the show, they enjoy the aspects I don't - and I know going into the tag is pointless, I'll just be disagreeing with most of the posts I see. the most sensible thing I can do while criticising the show is add the 'rop critical' tag so those people have a way of knowing that my opinions won't interest them either, and just... live and let live, you know.
(and leave the longest, most cathartic rants for one of my very best friends, who actually wants to listen to me 😂)
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pamgkrthwrites · 11 months
Touched : Chapter 3 : Connection
Warning, the following content is for an 18+ audience. If you are under the age of 18 do not read the content below. The following content has themes such as; Sexual Content, Pet Names(Princess/Good Girl), Oral Sex, Fingering, Penetration Sex, Unprotected Sex, Biting, Dry Humping, Sexual Slapping, Swearing, Body Worship, Edging, and others. The character(s) depicted within this post are over the age of 20. (This list may get updated with each new Chapter Update)
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Fandom: BNHA
Pairing: Bakugou x F!Reader
Themes: Soulmates, Porn with Plot (This list may get updated with each new chapter update)
Summary: After Bakugou walks you home you two have a nice lovely wonderful chat in your kitchen.
Word Count: 3529
Tag List: @tjmaxx556 @cosmicbreathe @lavender99 @optimisticprime3 (if I got anyone's tag wrong I am very sorry)
A/N: Thank you to my beta readers "Huntress" and "Ribbon". This chapter is the first time I've ever let someone read a fic while I'm still writing it. I wanted to make sure the porn was not awful. I can't say if it's bad, but it's not awful. Hopefully. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I have a feeling I won't be able to get back it until I'm done with a shit tone of assignments. I am STRESSIN.
Your front door bursts open with a bang and Bakugou pushes it open with your back. He kicks the door closed behind him before sitting you up on the kitchen counter, his lips attached to yours.
Bakugou moves a hand on your lower back and pulls you closer, forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist. He pulls his kisses down your face to your jaw to your neck. You let out a moan which made him chuckle.
“I love how that sounds from this end.” He whispered into your ear, making you shiver.
You loved how this felt in person. You loved how not just were able to feel his enjoyment through the soul bond, but you were experiencing it too.
Bakugou pushed the hem of your skirt to your hip before thrusting his hips against yours, making you moan. Bakugou let out a low breath, his hands slightly twitching.
It felt almost overwhelming to feel - through the bond - him wanting to be inside you while also feeling his hardened cock pressed against your core. The only reason why it wasn’t pushing in already was because of the clothing between you two.
Bakugou’s grip on you was becoming almost desperate as he held you close, kissed your neck and was pushing his body against yours. His want and desire for you were becoming overwhelming, making him feel as if he was going to explode. He bit your neck harshly, which made you let out a submissive whimper, driving him more insane than he already was. 
“Tell me what you want, Y/N.” He whispered into your ear before thrusting his hips against yours again.
You nodded your head, but Bakugou didn’t seem to like that response. 
“Use your big girl words, Y/N.” Bakugou cooed out, which only made you respond with lewd whimpers.
“I-I want you to rail me.” You whimpered.
“Good girl.” His voice was like soothing honey which fueled the fire you were feeling in your stomach.
Bakugou’s hand moved to the inside of your skirt to pull down your stocking. He pulled back from you to look at what he was doing, which resulted in another wave of lust that you could feel through your soul bond.
Bakugou was able to figure it out, pulling down your stockings and panties. Your legs unhooked from his waist so he could pull them fully off. You were ready to hook your legs around him again, but instead, he leaned his face closer to your core.
You felt your face heat up when you felt his hot breath on your vulvar. You heard him chuckle between your legs before he kissed your inner thigh.
“It’s so much better to see in person than to imagine it.” He confessed before starting to kiss and suck at the folds of your pussy.
You gasped and gripped his hair tightly as you arched your head back. You heard a groan come from his throat which vibrated through your cunt. Bakugou grips both your thighs and tilts them upwards, forcing you onto your back.
It wasn’t comfortable to lay on your back on a kitchen counter, but fucking shit did he know how to work that mouth of his. You had no idea how he learnt such a skill, maybe he was using the soul bond to see what you were reacting to and rushed that to his advantage. 
He was licking your labia as if he had never eaten or drank anything in his life. He was slowly moving his licks to your clit, which was making your head spin. He was moving his tongue in all sorts of directions while on your clit.
You pulled on his hair tightly as you felt yourself getting close, which made him hiss from the pain. He didn’t fasten or slow down his licks, just kept them at the pace you were enjoying until you climaxed.
It felt as if all the stresses in your body were being released. A warm fuzzy feeling washed over your body and you felt your core shudder. 
You swear you must’ve gone deaf in that moment, as you were broken out of your high trance when you felt a light slap on your thigh.
“That was not that hard.” Bakugou sassed back at you before straightening up.
You saw him wipe his mouth with the back of his hand and holy fucking shit he look so hot doing that why does he look like that what the fuck?
Bakugou froze, raising an eyebrow at you with a slight smirk. “Really? I’m wiping my mouth?”
You hate this soul bond. How dare it betray you like this.
Bakugou laughed at the face you were making. His laugh was rough, but it sounded really nice in your ears.
Bakugou put his arms under your back and pulled you up, making you sit back up. He looked into your eyes, noticing your fuzzy state.
“Do you need some water?” He asked gently. “Do you need a break or have you had enough?”
You shook your head, leaning forward to wrap your arms around his neck before kissing his cheek. Bakugou let out a sigh of relief before pulling you closer. He felt you though for a moment, as if he was worried he had broken you by eating you out.
Bakugou pulled from you, which earned him the shaping of a pout on your face. 
“I’m just undressing you, princess.” He reassured you with a cute little pet name to boot.
Bakugou’s big hands made the buttons on your white button-up shirt look so incredibly tiny. You look up at him, and you can feel his arousal go up.
Once he has unbuttoned your shirt, he yanks it off of you before kissing your shoulder, pushing down your bra strap. His hand seems to naturally cup your breast, though he is quickly annoyed by the bra being in his way.
“How do I get this stupid thing off?!” He grumbled in annoyance. 
You weren’t supposed to see that grumbling as attractive, were you?
He gives you a questioning glare. “Just tell me how.”
“Three hooks on the back.” You informed him. It didn’t answer his question because admittedly you wanted a close-up on his arms. 
Bakugou grunted as he reached behind you for the back of the bra. His nose scrunched and his biceps tensed. Finally, he got it unhooked and threw it off over the counter.
“I never want to interact with one of those things again.” He complained, resting his head on your shoulder.
You’d think he forgot about your now exposed breasts with how he jolted a bit once his eyes landed on them and hesitantly cupped your breast with his hand. He started to fondle with one in his hand as if it were a stress ball, though not as hard as one would handle a stress ball.
He seemed more confused about the breast tissue than enjoying it in his hand. To be fair on his part though, this had been the first time he had even touched boobs.
You looked up at his face, though his gaze seemed to be more focused on the boob in his hand. He wasn’t aroused by your breasts, indirectly forming the notion within your brain that he might not like how they look. Were they too small for his liking? You remember Minato telling you that he ‘didn’t like small tits’. Was Bakugou the same?
Bakugou’s eyes looked up into yours, clearly in deep thought before he leaned in and started to kiss your neck again. However, he was being gentle with his kisses and how he was now massaging your boob.
You could feel Bakugou’s arousal not just through the soul bond, but also from his hard cock pressing against your thigh, reminding you that he was still fully clothed.
As if he could read your mind he sighed and started to take off his shirt. “I’m getting there princess, calm down.”
You noticed the scars on his chest and his arms. It looked as if he had been stabbed through the chest and had badly blown up his own arms. It didn’t make him look any less attractive to you far from it. It was more the fact he had to have gotten the scars from somewhere.
You trailed your hand down his chest, caressing the scars in the centre of his chest. He shivered, watching you closely as you carefully looked at his body.
You couldn’t help but wonder if this was why he didn’t want to do photoshoots.
Bakugou suddenly grabbed your wrists and pulled your hands away from his chest. “That’s enough for now.” He sighed.
You looked up into his eyes and saw this haunted look in them. Maybe he still felt some pain with them? 
You leaned close to the right side of his face and lightly and gently kissed the scar on the right side of his face.
Bakugou turned his face so you would kiss his lips instead. You put a hand on one of his biceps and sweetened the kiss while he leaned closer to deepen the kiss. 
He was so sweet to the touch that you slightly feared you would get addicted to his skin. If that was even possible.
You heard rustling and looked down to see Bakugou kicking off his baggy pants.
He puts a finger under your chin and forces you to look up at his eyes. “Spoilers, princess.”
Fuck he was hot shit.
He leans in and starts kissing you again, his hand resting on your inner thigh and starts to softly caress it as his other hand continues to massage your breast.
You bit his lower lip playfully, which earned you getting your clit rubbed by him. You whimpered from his touch, a smirk forming on his lips.
“You ready?” He asked in a gentle - almost silent- voice, as if he was scared of being rejected.
You start to nod, stopping because of the look Bakugou gave you. ‘Use your big girl words.’ Rang through your back and you sighed.
“Yes, I’m ready.”
“Good girl.” He praised
He kept a finger under your chin so you couldn’t see his cock. You could tell it was pulled out because of the soul bond, letting you feel a hand wrapped around his cock. Now that you knew the size of his hands, you suddenly realised his cock was probably a bit bigger than what you were used to.
You felt the tip press against the labia, and it felt a bit wet from the pre-cum on it.
Bakugou took a deep shaky breath in, drawing your eyes to his. His eyes were focused on your cunt though.
Admittedly- though never out loud - he was nervous. He hated how it felt feeling you being sucked down by some other guy, so he hoped eating you out would help him build some courage. Hoping it would make him realise it felt different compared to when the other guy did it.
He knew it felt different - better even - compared to how your ex did it, because of the soul bond. He couldn’t help but wonder though if it felt different because he was doing it and maybe he was feeling his own enjoyment.
You were eager and desperate for his touch, he could feel that. He wanted you just as much. 
“Katsuki.” You finally spoke, breaking his train of self-deprecating.
He looked up at you, breathing in sharply as he looked into your eyes and saw the lust in your eyes. It wasn’t just that though, there was something else. Something he thought maybe you weren’t ready to hear for yourself.
“Are you okay?” You asked him, your voice sounding so sweet to him. “If you're not ready we don’t have-“
“I am ready.” His voice sounded a bit harsh. He coughed before speaking again so he wouldn’t sound as harsh. “I just want to be better.”
Your brain almost instantly knew he was referring to your ex. You mentally cringed. You knew your past relationship messed with him, but you didn’t want it to mess with your sex life with your soulmate. You tried to think of things that your ex Minato didn’t do.
“Finger me.”
“What?!” Bakugou looked at you with a questioning look.
“It’ll help stretch me out so I’m ready to take your dick.” You answered him.
Bakugou made a face before looking back down at your wet pussy. He pulled his dick away from your labia and replaced it with his hand. He started to gently rub the area with his fingers. He pressed his thumb on your clit and started to gently rub it.
You bit your lower lip as you carefully watched him. His eyes were so focused on your core and pleasing it. 
Finally, he inserted a finger in, which made you breathe in harshly. The fix of his index finger within you reminded you of your first vibrator. It was small in length and width as you didn’t want your mother to accidentally find it and it didn’t have a lot of power to it, but it got the job done for you back then.
Bakugou used the soul bond to figure out what part of your inner walls you enjoyed the most. Once he found the right speed, pressure, and technique you liked, he pushed another finger inside of you.
You gripped his biceps and rested your head on his shoulder, taking shallow breaths as he fingered you. Bakugou smirked at your reaction.
“You look delicious like this.” He whispers into your ear, trying to aim deeper into your cunt. “So much better than feeling it. I get to see you fall weak to my fingers instead of feeling you trying so hard to reach this.”
He said, just as he found your g-spot and started to apply pleasure pressure to it. You dug your nails into his skin as you started to moan. You were rewarded with him chuckling at your reaction before kissing your temple.
You could feel yourself nearing your edge to another climax, and Bakugou could feel that through the soul bond. He made sure to working at your pussy until you were at the very edge before pulling his fingers away.
You whined in desperation, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
“You have to hold it in just a little bit more, princess.” Bakugou whispered into your ear as he kissed the tip of cock to your cunt’s entrance. 
You bit the inside of your mouth as Bakugou slowly pushed himself into you. His dick was thick, thicker than what you were used to. You dug your nails into his biceps, making him hiss in pain.
“I’m almost in, princess. You’re doing very well.” Bakugou cooed into your ear as he kissed your temple again. “Take deep breaths.”
You did as he said, taking a deep breath as he pushed more of himself into you. Your hands moved from his arms to his back so you wouldn’t damage his perfect arms.
Once he was fully inside you, you both paused and took a breath. You felt so full with his cock inside of you, yet it felt as if he was the perfect size for your cunt. He was 6 and a half inches in length and 2 inches in width. You felt your walls tighten around his member, creating a groan from Bakugou.
Your own pleasure and his pleasure that you could feel through the soulbond was so overwhelming that you now could answer why yesterday his session felt so much more intense. Because he was thinking about you.
You felt Bakugou move his back, withdrawing his cock from you slightly before thrusting back in, sending a way of pleasure back through your body. His thrusts at first were slow as he tried getting used to how to work his cock in tune with you. He started to build up pace, his hips moving in and out of your entrance at an increasing pace.
You started to claw your nails on his back as you moaned, sobbing tears into his neck. He peppered the side of your face with kisses, trying to praise you without using his words as he has formed to only grunts and groans now.
It felt as if the tip of his cock was punching at your cervix, and the sounds that were filling your kitchen were not sounds that should be in a kitchen. Loud wet clapping sounds mixed in with lewd grunts, groans, moans and whimpers.
“P-Please let me cum.” You begged into his ear, trying to hold off on climaxing as much as you could.
“Not yet.” Bakugou growled, sounding possessive as his thrusts became rougher.
He was going to be addicted to your cunt if he wasn’t careful. Feeling how your pussy is through the soul bond since he was a teenager was one thing, it made him so desperate for you. Now though, experiencing at last? He was going to go crazy. It felt better than he imagined, almost as if it was the perfect fit for him. No one could possibly even compare to you.
And how could they? You looked like a goddess by being almost fully naked. The way certain strains of your hair clung to your sweating skin, the way your face and eyes looked, the way your body clung to him? If someone told him this was heaven he wouldn’t even argue. 
His hands were twitching as he felt himself getting close to the edge. He knew you could tell by how your pussy seemed to tighten around him even more so.
“J-just a little bit long, p-princess.” He stumbled out.
If any of his friends found out he had become a stuttering mess because of pussy he would kill every single one of them.
He then bit down on your neck harshly, getting the result of you whimpering as he thrusts into you harshly becoming finally - with a grunt - releasing his hot white cum into your womb. You moaned out, digging your nails into his back as you followed suit.
You became extremely lightheaded from not just your own climax, but feeling Bakugou’s at the same time. Through your years with the soul bond, you two never actually climaxed together. It felt maybe a bit too much, as your vision was sprinkled with black spots. 
You felt Bakugou’s hot breath on the bite mark he had left as he pulled out of you. You whined, already missing the feeling of being full. Bakugou peppered your neck and jaw with kisses.
“You did so well, princess.” He said reassuringly. “You were perfect.”
Bakugou leaned his head down and started to kiss down your body. Your shoulders, chest and breasts, your stomach and then your thighs.
“You are so perfect.” You heard his voice. “My perfect little soulmate.”
Bakugou continued to kiss your body as you were slowly coming down from your high. Once your vision was fully back, you leaned down and kissed his forehead.
He hummed, standing back up and kissing your lips softly. He wrapped his arms around you before lifting you up. You made a high-pitched sound which he thought sounded quite cute.
“Where’s your bedroom?” He asked as he carried you out of the kitchen, eyeing the amount of boxes you had yet to unpack.
You pointed to an open door. Bakugou took long strides to the door, moving quickly around the boxes in your apartment. He sat you down on your bed then kissed your forehead.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, his hand lightly trailing your skin on your arm.
“Mmmm.” Was all you were able to get out. 
Bakugou chuckled. He left you in your room for just a moment before coming back with a glass of water, putting it on the floor beside your back along with your lamp.
“You really need to unpack.” He commented.
“I’ll do that on the weekend.” You responded as you laid your head down on your pillow.
Bakugou made a mental note of that, trying to think if he had an opening on the weekend to possibly come and help.
He wrapped you in your blankets, kissing your forehead. “Do you want me to stay?” He asked.
You paused before nodding your head.
“I’ll have to leave early in the morning.” He told you as he made his way to the door of your bedroom. “Just going to collect our clothing.”
You didn’t have to wait that long before he returned, dropping your mix of clothing onto the floor of your bedroom before making his way over to your bed. He climbed in effortlessly next to you, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your forehead.
“Now that we have found each other,” He started as he trailed his hand up and down your back. “You are mine. You won’t be needing another boyfriend but me. Understood?”
You nodded your head with your eyes closed, snuggling into his chest.
You don’t think you’ll be wanting anyone else anyway.
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burnin0akleaves · 7 months
This has been on the horizon for a while, but I think a part of me just didn't want to admit it until recently. I'll cut straight to the chase, you probably won't see much RA content from me anymore.
The topic of the fandom, the tags or quality of the posts have been discussed a few times already -mostly by me I think which should have been a warning sign haha- so I'm not going to go into too much detail. I'll just share my perspective.
The fandom simply just doesn't have much to offer me at the moment.
Everyone knows that a huge part of my interest in RA was and always has been TRR Will. If he didn't exist, I would have lost interest in the series a LONG time ago. But I can cook my own meals for only so long before I get tired and want to eat out for a change, and unfortunately for me no one is serving the food I want at the moment. I still love love love this man, but there just isn't enough content for him in the fandom (except the ones made by me) for me to want to actively keep engaging with it.
Not only that, art just doesn't get the same reception as it used to here. If I can draw another interest of mine and get triple the engagement, then it's just easier for me to be motivated to share my art of that other thing. Sure I draw because I want to first, but suprisingly for everyone I do want to draw things other than RA. And if those other things are more appreciated, then it just means I'm more motivated to keep posting them for everyone else to see. Most people probably remember I used to be very active in discussions and character analyses on here as well, but I just don't see the space for that sort of content here anymore. (Sorry to that one anon who said they liked my writing, you know who you are)
I still love RA and TRR Will, but I'll probably keep my thoughts or the occasional sketch I draw for myself from now on. I just don't feel motivated to share it.
Also just in case anyone asks my opinion after the recent discussion at the ask blog; yes, I don't like the current state of most of the posts here either. I don't want to go out bad-mouthing others though, the current style of content in the fandom just isn't my taste. Which is alright, maybe I've simply grown out of the series! The book getting newer fans is a good thing and I hope they have as much fun as I did when I first joined. This fandom has been my home for years now but I think it's around time I go out and explore more.
I'll still keep up with the series. Again, my fixation on Will is very much alive and well. It sucks that I don't have the energy to share my passion with others anymore, but I'm sure people will do just fine without me mauling every other guy that completely misunderstands his character to death. Don't get me started on the beard shit, genuinely frustrating how a fandom revolving around a book series has 0 literacy at times.
TLDR: I'm not going to be active in the RA fandom anymore because of multiple reasons. I still love TRR Will but I'm not motivated to share my work here in the current state of things. I loved my time here and I hope everyone else does too.
Also if my feelings change in the future, then that will be that and I might come back. I'm not sending myself off to exile here. I'm not writing any of this because I believe I have to explain myself either, I'm doing it because I simply want to avoid causing people confusion. Feel free to send me RA related asks still, just don't expect to see me around the RA spaces as much. I'll stay in all the servers obviously, and my presence will be around indirectly since most of my friends are still here. Also, if you draw TRR Will do feel free to send him to me in the dms. Love that guy and his apprentice so much, wish more people did.
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messifangirl · 1 year
are you still here :( you’re my fav messi blog and writer! have you got any recs or something new up your sleeve to look forward to? 💗
I'm still reading fic lately but not so much writing... I'm having trouble getting back into it but I'm really trying. In the meantime, I'm so happy that there are so many authors really flourishing and keeping the fandom alive. Here are my top ten favorite fics from the last few months.
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Detachment by gabyteller
You're gonna wanna read the tags and warnings on this one because it is an angst-filled epic that jumps around in time through the years of Leo's career. Breathtaking at times and still a work in progress (but updated pretty regularly), I've read it more than once and it's currently my favorite fic in fandom.
Rating: M, pairings: multi, words: 103k, status: WIP
Taking Chances by loebala
Top and a bit of a dom Leo, but it's not just that it's the whole feel of this fic--Leo around La Scaloneta and the friendships and vibe is just fantastic. It's all told from Dibu's pov and it's everything I never knew I wanted lol. So smut but a whole lot of other stuff too :)
Rating: E, pairings: Leo/Emiliano Martínez, words: 48K, status: complete (now with a sequel as well)
Mistakes I Made and Won't Bend by BermudaRhombus
This fic starts with Pep leaving Barca and deals with his friendship/relationship with Leo in the years afterward, up until the present. I think what I love about it is even though we've all seen how Pep talks about Leo in the press and what not, he still hasn't quite figured Leo out after all these years.
Rating: G, pairings: Leo/Pep, words: 11k, status: complete
Hope It Gives You Hell by Fanficburner
If you're in the mood for a little smutty abo, this is the one for you. And if you've been following me long enough, you know I like my abo consensual, so this one was right on the money for me. Leo's a little bit of a cocky shit which doesn't always do it for me, but here it does. Plus, Ramos? yes'm sign me up.
Rating: E, pairings: Leo/Sergio Ramos, words: 6k, status: complete
I Can Feel It In The Air, Ooh Miami by ReflectionChamber
This one was a fun ride--but then again threesomes always are and even more so when everything doesn't always click into place. It starts after Leo's left PSG and has arrived in Miami, and explores how the three of them move from friendship into something more. Neymar doesn't know what the hell he wants, and Kylian is just struggling to hold onto Neymar. And then you've got Leo who's older and wiser but nonetheless invested in trying to keep his loved ones happy. I'm not a huge Kylian fan but this worked and it's well worth the read.
Rating: E, pairings Leo/Neymar, Leo/Kylian, Neymar/Kylian, Leo/Ney/Kylian, words: 114k, status: complete
It is in your self-interest to find a way to be very tender by gabyteller
Here's another by gabyteller but I'm not sorry. This is a totally gen fic, which sometimes I dig and I think you will too. It's about Leo's troubles at PSG, dealing with shitty fans and shitty teammates and it's told from Ramos' pov as he struggles to figure out what Leo's deal is. Bonus fatherly Pep lol.
Rating: G, pairings: gen, words: 10k, status: complete
No Regrets by LeoDios
I've never been disappointed by a LeoDios fic and though a lot of times they're emotional as shit, they're always worth it. This explores Leo being back in Paris with Neymar after winning the WC. Leo's teammates are also great in this, special mentions of Kylian, Veratti and Ramos.
Rating: E, pairings: Leo/Neymar, words: 8k, status: complete
Tu misterioso alguien by inkofsouls
Fairly sure I rec'd this already but if not, shame on me. Post WC, dealing once again with Leo and Ney at PSG. All from Ney's pov which is a huge fucking mess but he's got a lot to deal with so we can't really blame him lol. Really enjoyed this one, maybe because we know how frustrating Leo can be and we get to experience that along with Neymar haha.
Rating: E, pairings Leo/Neymar, multi, words: 45k, status: complete
not everything feels like something else by goodcostume
If you haven't read goodcostume before, you're in for a treat. I love their writing style and somehow everything is hilarious. This fic is Kun in Qatar at the WC--true to life he's had his heart condition so this is him on the side watching it all, or being dragged into Leo's bubble the way he should be.
Rating: M, pairings: Leo/Kun, words: 4k, status: complete
don't ever stop if you wanna be on top by goodcostume
Yes another by goodcostume so sue me. This one is the perfect smutty MSN fic that I've been aching for since 2015 lol. If it was ever gonna happen it was prob exactly like this ;)
Rating: E, pairings: Leo/Neymar/Luis Suárez, 2k, status: complete
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