#i wish i would’ve stuck with learning japanese back in school
kanos · 4 months
absolutely devastated no one has posted translations of the hypmic story anywhere like theres so much happening i got kidnapped? we drank something awful for money? we ended up in the black market?? theres a cult..??? im now hanging out with who i think kidnapped me??? i need to know what is really happening 😭😭😭
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snakeboistan · 4 years
Blood Loss I Internal Bleeding I Trail Of Blood
“I just can’t wait,” Nagisa said, eyes alight with childish eagerness and an excited smile radiating off of his face, “I mean I’ve heard rumours that Sonic Ninja was going to get a TV show but when the trailer was released this morning - it was just so good and I’ve watched it like fifty times already. I mean everything about it was so perfect and it teased so many things from the comics that the movies missed out on - like there was this one scene that showed a building that looked like the orphanage where one of the characters’ mother was raised which is so cool because the movies didn’t really go that much into the backstories of the older generation that much. Oh and there was like this one part where the camera pans over the headquarters and it looks all destroyed but there’s this emblem on the floor that is the same one that the third Sonic Ninja wore in the League Of Cats Saga - which was one of my favourite storylines. I’ve already got like a ton of theories.”
“Well, you sound excited,” Sugino teased with amusement, smiling at the way his best friend always got so lost in his adoration of his favourite franchise. It was hard to tell if the rosy hue on the shorter boy’s face was because he was embarrassed at his enthusiasm or because of the biting cold of the Japanese winter but it was adorable regardless.
“Heh, yeah I am,” Nagisa agreed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with an arm. He pierced another chocolate sauce covered mini pancake with his fork and plopped it into his mouth, closing his eyes in contentment at the warmth that covered his tongue, “I do get a bit carried away when it comes to superheroes.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that,” Sugino said as he threw the now empty box of pancakes into a trash can that they just passed, “It’s normal to get excited about the things that interest you. I mean, have you seen how I get about baseball. It’s not a normal week in my house if mum doesn’t offer taking me to a therapist at least once. Besides it’s nice to see you talk about the things you love, you rarely do in class. I bet you’re counting down the days until the premiere, huh?”
“Yeah, I am. Next Saturday is marked on my calendar. Well, next Sunday technically.”
“Oh, why’s that?”
“It’s a Netflix show and since I don’t have Netflix I’ll have to use my regular streaming site, which always uploads on the day after.”
“You could just use mine,” Sugino shrugs simply, casually placing his hands in his pockets, “you’re more than welcome to.”
“Wha-no Sugino,” Nagisa stopped dead in his tracks and Sugino was worried that the sudden movement would’ve made him slip on the snow-turned-sludge that caked the pavement, “I-you really don’t need to do that. I’m fine really. One day isn’t going to make that much of a difference.”
The black-haired boy gave an all-suffering sigh at the other’s words, knowing for a fact what was coming, “listen man, it’s no big deal. You’re practically family anyway. My parents and brother love you, you know that.”
“Doesn’t mean that I can freeload off of you,” Nagisa mumbled.
“You’re not freeloading if I’m offering,” Sugino gave him a light whack on the back of his head, “and if it really means that much to you then you could just come over and we can watch the first episode together.”
Nagisa looked at him and gave a small smile, “okay, but I’ll have to ask my mum first, though.”
“If she lets me, though, you have to let me pay for the snacks.”
“Hey, you’re paying for the account, I’m paying for the food. It’s the very least I could do.”
“Hm, you’re not going to drop this, are you?”
“No,” Nagisa replied brightly.
“Alright then.”
The two of them continued to walk along the sidewalk, feet crunching against freshly fallen snow and hands interlocked between them.
“The snow’s really pretty,” Nagisa mused, looking up at the metallic silver clouds looming over them, “I’ve always loved walking home in the winter. Everything just looks so magical when it’s covered in snow, especially when people start decorating with the lights.”
“Yeah,” Sugino agreed softly, watching as the snowflakes twirled around in their own ballet dance, gracefully and elegantly descending like falling sakura blossoms, “I remember how I used to catch snowflakes with my tongue when I was younger. Last year, when the roads were closed because of too much snow, my dad took my brother and me out to the park and we had the best snowball fight ever and went sledding and mum made hot chocolate that was so amazing - totally made up for how I couldn’t play baseball for a week.”
“Sounds awesome,” Nagisa smiled, “snowball fights are enjoyable. Remember the one we had yesterday during break? I had a lot of fun.”
“Only because you were like the last one to get hit,” Sugino countered, “I still don’t know how you could hide when the snow showed your footprints. At least you were safe from that full-blown war.”
“It wasn’t that bad.”
“Fuwa started charging at everyone with a sword. I don’t even know where she got a sword from.”
“But it was funny when I got Karma, right?”
“Yeah, it is really cool when you just appear out of nowhere like that. I mean it’s bad for the crazy people that try to hurt us but it’s cool when you use it for fun.”
“Heh, thanks,” Nagisa wore an expression of something Sugino couldn’t identify, “it’s weird though. All my life, I’ve been invisible. I’m used to people ignoring me and not paying attention to me. I never thought that me being invisible could be something useful in assassination. I guess I’m learning all sorts of things about myself this year.”
“I think we all are,” Sugino squeezed his hand, “and I can’t wait to learn more.”
“Me too,” Nagisa squeezed back, “I hope we make more memories with our class.”
Sugino opened his mouth to say something, probably to comment about how deep they were being on a Saturday afternoon fifteen minutes after they had been colouring the black and white picture on the back of WcDonalds’ kids menu, when it happened.
Nagisa’s eyes widened, mouth opening with a surprised gasp, and before he knew it, Sugino felt all the breath leave him as he got shoved to the side, leaving him to stare aimlessly at his best friend who was running towards, towards-
“WATCH OUT!” Nagisa cried, jumping forwards and pushing some elementary school kid away right before-
Sugino wished that the following events would be a blur later. He wished that he would never be able to recall with complete lucidity the way Nagisa’s azure eyes widened just the tiniest fraction when the car had struck him, the way the air was bombarded with the screeching of tires, the blaring of headlights, the blood-curdling snap of what sounded like bones. For a split-second it was like someone had pressed pause and time was stuck in a freeze-frame, just so that the image of Nagisa a second away from death could be forever ingrained into his mind, so that every detail can be observed with perfect clarity. Then it was like a movie that was played both in fast-forward and slow-motion; the events that followed happened so rapidly that Sugino could do nothing but watch but so slowly that he was able to memorise every change that occurred at every second.
Nagisa’s body collided with the hood of the vehicle and he was sent flying, sprawling onto the side of pavement with a heavy skid. His body laid there, still, stationery, unmoving. The movements of his chest - if there were any to begin with - were infinitesimal and it was impossible to tell if his eyes were open or closed because of the red-coated strands of blue that hid them from view.
Sugino ran. Fast. Faster than he does when he hits a home run, faster than he does during training, faster than he’s ever run before because that’s Nagisa, that’s his best friend who’s lying there still still still.
“NAGISA!” he screams, cries, begs, dropping to his knees. The sting of the tarmac grazing his knees has nothing on the corrosive cyanide that wells up in his eyes, blurring his vision but he can’t lose focus, can’t stop trying, “NAGISA GET UP! NAGISA COME ON!”
He shuffles closer to the - the body, ignoring the scarlet wetness that stains his jeans, of the pool of rich crimson that’s a sickening contrast to the pure white snow and light grey gravel beneath them (like it’s yelling ‘look at me, look at me and know the truth’), and takes a limp hand. He fumbles with the wrist, his hands sweaty and loose against the frail, malleable appendage. At last, he places a thumb against the right artery-
Seconds pass.
Minutes pass.
Hours pass.
“Nononononono,” he mutters frantically. He grabs at Nagisa, turning him over-
Nagisa looks at him, eyes open but unseeing, their cerulean gaze foggy and clouded up. Tear tracks of red running down half of his ashen white face, dripping and dripping onto the street, painting his jacket, mingling with the pastel blue strands and dots of snow. Like a marinette, the shorter boy’s actions were under the control of the hands that held him. Sugino shook him and shook him and shook him.
The blunette remained unmoving, unblinking, un-anything-ing. His head resting on the baseball lover’s lap, as if he was just in a deep sleep.
Sugino doesn’t think he’ll ever find snow fun anymore.
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You Can’t Walk Alone
Summary: Dan was looking forward to his school trip to Disney World with his friends for over a year, but his friends are closer to each other than Dan. So, Dan ends up rooming with an older student, Phil. Dan may end up with a new friend or maybe something more.
Word Count: 3672
Beta: @phillies-quiff
A/N: This fic was written for the @phandomreversebang based on the art and prompt from @billacookie. Check out the art here. Read on A03.
Dan was antsy as he deplaned in Florida. He had been looking forward to this trip for over a year now. All the GCSE and A-level students could go to Disney during the winter half-term. He couldn’t go last year because he was only in year 9. The school somehow passed the trip off as being educational. No one really bought that it actually was. Dan was convinced that included the administration. Once they all got through customs and baggage claim, they took a shuttle bus to the hotel.
Once they got to the hotel, everyone sat down in clusters with their friends, waiting impatiently. Except for a Year 13, Dan recognized as Phil Lester. Dan didn’t know much about him other than his name. Phil was sitting on the floor against the wall, staring at his phone. Dan must have been staring because Phil looked up and caught Dan’s eye. Dan looked away, trying to tune back into the conversation his friends, Logan and Adam, were having. Their chaperone, Mrs. Miller, called for everyone’s attention. “Before you head up to your rooms, I just want to go over some rules for this week…” Dan tuned the rest out. He knew what she was going to say, be respectful of the people around you, keep the noise to a respectable volume, don’t walk around by yourself, blah, blah, blah. The rules have been the same for every school trip Dan has been on since primary school. Dan snapped back to reality when he heard Mrs. Miller call his name.
“Ooh.” His friends said, although not actually loud enough for anyone else to hear. Dan elbowed Logan before getting up and walking over to Mrs. Miller.
“Yes, Miss?” Dan said.
“Daniel,” she said, “there’s been a bit of confusion with your room.” Dan waited for her to continue. “Well, on your form, you said you wanted to room with Logan.”
“Logan said he wanted to room with Adam, and Adam put Logan on his form.”
“Don’t worry. We’ll get this sorted. You can have a seat.”
Dan went back and sat down.
“What was that about, mate?” Adam asked.
“Nothing.” Dan said staring at the floor. He saw Logan and Adam look at each other and shrug out of the corner of his eye.
Mrs. Miller went through the rest of the forms. She got through most of the pairs before she got back to Dan.
“Daniel,” she said, “you’re going to room with Philip.”
Dan and Phil both got up and walked over to Mrs. Miller.
“What?” Dan said.
“I know it’s not typical to put two different years together, but there aren’t that many sixth form students this year, and Philip, you said you didn’t mind who you roomed with, correct?” It wasn’t really a question, and they all knew it.
“Yes, Miss,” Phil said.
“Good.” Mrs. Miller handed Phil their room keys, and they got their luggage and headed towards their room.
After everyone got their room assignments, they had a couple of hours to settle in before they went to dinner. When they got to the room, Dan put his suitcase next to one of the beds, then flopped onto it, rolled over, and stared at the ceiling. He turned his head and saw Phil unpacking. 
“You should unpack, too,” Phil said.
Dan grunted in response.
“So, how did you end up with me as your roommate?” Phil was asking just to make conversation. There was nothing unkind about his tone.
Normally, Dan would’ve made some noncommittal response, but for some reason he wanted to tell Phil the truth. “I only have two mates, and they decided to room with each other.” “What about you?”
“None of my mates wanted to go. They think we’re too old for Disney”
“You’re never too old for Disney.”
“That’s what I said!”
Dan couldn’t stop the smile spreading across his face.
A little while later, they went downstairs to the hotel restaurant for dinner. Dan met up with his friends who were sitting with a few other people from their year, while Phil went and sat with some of the girls from his year. Dan tried to be involved in the conversation his friends were having, but it clearly started before he got there, and he was having trouble keeping up. He kept sneaking glances over at Phil, who seemed to be having a good time, laughing at something one of the girls said. Dan wished he knew why he was so drawn to him. There was just something magnetic about Phil that Dan couldn’t put his finger on.
“Dan,” someone said. He couldn’t quite tell whose voice it was. Dan snapped back to reality.
“You alright, mate?” Adam asked.
“Yeah,” Dan lied. No one pushed him on it. His friends continued their conversation. Dan tried to participate more now. But every once in a while, he caught a glimpse of Phil in his peripheral vision.
Breakfast the next morning was pretty much the same. Dan pretended to be interested in his friends’ conversation, but he kept sneaking glances over at Phil. The only difference was the reminder not to walk around the park alone, and that lunch and dinner would not be provided. They were going to Epcot today.
Everyone got on the shuttle bus. Once they got to the park, Mrs. Miller told them they had to meet back where they were at 9:30pm to go back to the hotel. They all got off the bus and split up into their groups. Dan and his friends just walked around aimlessly. There weren’t really any rides at Epcot, so there wasn’t a lot to do. They saw a few characters. Dan wanted to get signatures from a few of them, especially Jasmine, but he knew his friends would never let him hear the end of it if he did.
Eventually, Dan got hungry. He asked his friends where they wanted to go.
“What about the fish shop?” Logan said.
“Really?” Dan said. “We can get fish and chips anytime. What about the Japanese place?”
Logan and Adam both made disgusted faces.
Dan rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ll go to the Japanese place, and you guys can go to the fish shop and we’ll meet after.”
“You can’t walk around by yourself, mate,” Adam said.
“So, walk me there, and then I won’t be walking alone.”
Logan and Adam shrugged, but all three of them walked to the Japanese place. Once they got there, Dan asked them again if they were sure they didn’t want to join him.
They both said they were sure. So, Dan went inside and Logan and Adam headed off. Dan was about to ask the hostess for a table for one, but then he saw Phil sitting with the same people he sat with at dinner the night before. Phil got up and headed toward Dan.
“You’re not allowed to walk around by yourself, you know?” Phil said.
“Funny,” Dan said sarcastically.
“Where are your mates?” 
“They’re boring. They wanted fish and chips.”
“Why? We can get fish and chips any time.”
After a beat, Phil said “You can join us if you want. We have an extra chair.”
Phil nodded and headed back to the table. Dan followed him. Once they both sat down, Phil introduced Dan to everyone. Then he said, “We got every type of sushi to share.”
“Sounds good.”
The food arrived not too long after that. Everyone was eating and talking. Dan felt much more comfortable around Phil and his friends than he ever did around his own.
The meal was winding down. The waitress came over and asked if they wanted anything else, which they didn’t. They were all stuffed from the sushi. Once they paid, they got up, Phil waited for his friends to walk ahead, then he said, “You can hang out with us if your friends ditched you.”
“Thanks, but they said they would meet me here when they were done.”
Phil nodded, and they walked outside. Adam and Logan were there.
“Finally,” Logan said, “we’ve been waiting for twenty minutes.”
Phil cocked an eyebrow at Dan. Dan ignored Logan’s comment. “Guys, this is Phil,”
“Alright?” they all said at the same time.
Dan saw Phil look at all of them. “See you around, mate” Phil said, then he jogged to catch up to his friends.
“Mate?” Adam asked.
Dan shrugged and tried to act nonchalant, but he was just as confused. Phil Lester was his mate?
The rest of the day was uneventful. They continued to walk around aimlessly. When Adam and Logan got hungry and wanted to go to the fish shop again, Dan didn’t even put up a fight. He was still full from the sushi. They got back on the bus to the hotel not too long after that.
Dan woke up the next morning. Once his eyes focused, he saw Phil at the desk on his laptop. He had obviously showered already since his hair was wet. Phil must have noticed Dan staring. Phil turned to Dan and they exchanged good mornings.
“How did you sleep?” Phil asked.
“Good, you?”
“Alright. I couldn’t really sleep because I was excited about today.”
Dan gave Phil a confused look. They were going to Animal Kingdom today. Which in Dan’s opinion was by far the least interesting park. “Really?”
“Yeah. I just want to see all the animals. Maybe befriend a giraffe.”
Dan laughed. “Good luck with that.”
“Shut up,” Phil said although he was laughing too at this point.
Once they had both calmed down, Phil said, “Seriously though, I really do love animals. I wanted to be a vet.
“Yeah, I even worked at a vet clinic for work study in Year Ten, but I passed out when the vet did surgery on a dog’s jaw”
“That sounds traumatizing”
“It was, but at least I learned that being a vet wasn’t for me. Have you thought about what you want to do for work study?”
“Not really. I probably should, I only have a couple of months now. Although, knowing myself, I’m probably going to submit the form at the last minute and just get stuck with whatever everyone else didn’t want.”
“Well, what do you want to do?”
“I want to be an actor, but what are the chances of that actually happening?”
“You never know. It could happen.”
“I guess. We should probably go downstairs for breakfast.”
“Alright.” Phil closed his laptop and they both got up, and headed down to the lobby.
They didn’t have as much freedom to wander around as they did the day before. There was only so much to do at Animal Kingdom. They all went on the Safari first thing. Phil and his friends were at the front, and Dan and his friends were at the back. Dan was looking at Phil more than he was at the animals. Fortunately, Phil was so enthralled by the animals, he was completely oblivious to everything else. They did see a giraffe. Phil looked disappointed that he couldn’t get any closer to it. After the Safari, they could technically walk around on their own, but there weren’t really any rides. All the shows had specific times, so they all pretty much stayed together the whole day.
On the bus on the way back to the hotel, Logan said, “What’s up with you and Lester?”
“What are you on about?”
“You’ve been staring at him all day.”
Dan blushed. “No, I haven’t,” he said even though he knew it was true.
“Yes, you have. You have a thing for him or something?”
“No,” Dan said defensively. Then he turned to the window to make it clear the conversation was over. He didn’t turn his head until they got back to the hotel, and he felt Logan get out of the seat.
Once Dan got off the bus. He stormed up to his room. He tried to unlock the door with his key card, but it wouldn’t take it. Phil was next to him a few moments later.
“Dan what’s wrong?” Phil got out his own key card and unlocked the door. He held it open for Dan.
“Nothing.” Dan walked through the doorway and flopped onto the bed.
“It’s stupid.” Dan rolled over facing away from Phil.
Phil waited for Dan to continue.
“My friends think I have a thing for you” Dan mumbled.
Dan rolled on to his back. He really didn’t want to see Phil’s reaction, but he did out of the corner of his eye. Phil looked at him wide-eyed.
Dan turned over and buried his face in the pillow. A few moments later, Dan felt the mattress move. The next thing he knew, Phil was rubbing his back.
“It’s alright, Dan.” Phil continued to rub his back.
Before Dan knew it, it was the next morning. Dan looked over at the other bed. Fortunately, Phil was still asleep. Dan went into the bathroom to get ready for the day. When he got out, Phil was sitting up on the bed. Dan tried to not make eye contact with him. Dan spent the rest of the morning on his laptop. When it was time to go downstairs, he didn’t even wait for Phil like he had the past two days.
Dan did a pretty good job of avoiding Phil for most of the day. At least until he went to Space Mountain. Phil was ahead of him in line. It didn’t take long for his friends to spot Phil too. When Logan did, he called out, “Hey, Dan! It’s your boyfriend!” A bunch of other people from their year who were waiting in line laughed. Dan wouldn’t let himself catch Phil’s eye, so he had no idea what his reaction was. Dan got out of line and started power walking as fast as he could away from everybody. “It was a joke, mate,” Adam called after him. He had no idea where he was going. He just needed to get away from everyone. It didn’t take long for a shadow to fall over him. Dan knew exactly who it was without turning around.
“Dan! Stop!” Phil said.
“Fuck off”
“I can’t. You’re not allowed to walk around by yourself.”
Dan slowed down and let Phil catch up. “Why do you care?”
“They were talking about me too. You realize that, right?”
Now Dan stopped. It hadn’t even occurred to him how Phil felt. “I’m sorry”
“You don’t need to apologize, Dan. Just talk to me. Come on.” Phil led Dan to an empty bench, and they sat down. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know.”
“Yes, you do.”
Dan looked up and tilted his head back, bracing himself for what he was about to say. “I like you.”
“I like you too”
“You do?” Dan looked at Phil for what felt like the first time in days.
Phil nodded.
They kissed. It was short and sweet. When they pulled apart, Dan had a smile spread across his face. He looked over at Phil and saw the same expression. Dan couldn’t believe it actually happened. He kissed Phil Lester.
“My offer still stands by the way,” Phil said.
“If you don’t want to hang out with your friends, you can hang out with me.”
Dan and Phil spent the rest of the day together. He didn’t see Logan and Adam once until they were getting on the shuttle. 
“Mate, what happened to you?” Adam asked.
“Pft, like you care?
Neither Adam nor Logan responded.
Finally, Adam said “We’re sorry.”
“You don’t even know what you’re apologizing for”
Adam started to say something, but Dan cut him off, “Forget it, mate.”
They all got on to the shuttle. Adam and Logan took their usual seats towards the back of the bus. Dan sat up front with Phil. Dan stared out the window for most of the ride back to the hotel. Phil was talking to some people from his year. Dan was content. He would have to make up with Adam and Logan at some point but not tonight.
Dan practically jumped out of bed the next morning. Phil was already up and laughed when Dan nearly fell over.
“Excited?” Phil said
“Shut up” Dan had a smile on his face though.
They both got ready and headed downstairs. They were going to Magic Kingdom again today.
Once they got off the bus, they decided to go on Space Mountain, since they never actually got to the day before. After that they were just trying to find rides that didn’t have ridiculously long lines. Phil somehow convinced Dan to go on Splash Mountain. After they got off, Dan was trying desperately to dry off to no avail. They walked around aimlessly for a little while.
“I don’t know why you thought that was a good idea,” Dan whined, wringing out his shirt again in a desperate attempt to dry off and get the chill out of him.
“Splash Mountain is fun”
“Yeah, when it’s 30 degrees out and you dry off in five minutes. Not in the middle of winter, when it’s barely room temperature.”
They walked past a gift shop.
“Here,” Phil said, “we can buy some new clothes”
“Yeah, why not?”
“We’ll look like tourists.”
“We are tourists.”
“No one else needs to know that.”
Phil gave Dan a look.
“At least not before we start talking.”
Phil rolled his eyes and dragged Dan inside the gift shop. They both bought new outfits, although they way Dan was acting about it, you would’ve thought Phil was demanding that he walk around naked. Dan didn’t typically wear colors other than black or white, but they were in Disney world. If there’s ever a time to wear bright colors, this was it. By the time, Dan stopped acting like a toddler, they were both starving. They just went to the first restaurant they saw.
When they were done it was nearly 9 o’clock. Dan and Phil both wanted to see the fireworks show, so they headed to Cinderella’s Castle. The show started. They both stared at the fireworks as if they were five year olds seeing them for the first time. Once the last firework went off, Phil pulled Dan in for a kiss.
“That was incredible,” Dan said.
“The fireworks or me?” Phil said cheekily.
Dan slapped Phil on the arm playfully. “Both,” he admitted.
After the fireworks show, it was time to go back to the hotel.
Today was their last full day at Disney. Tomorrow they would be packing up the last of their stuff and getting on a plane to go home. Dan couldn’t believe how fast the week went. Once they were on the shuttle, Phil told Dan that he had a surprise for him.
“I hate surprises,” Dan whined, “just tell me.”
Dan fake pouted the rest of the way to the park.
Hollywood Studios was a combination of Epcot and Animal Kingdom in terms of walking around aimlessly. There weren’t a ton of rides, but there also really weren’t a lot of shows. So, Dan and Phil just wandered around looking for things to do. Dan asked Phil what the surprise was approximately every ten minutes. Phil was doing a really good job of keeping his mouth shut, which just infuriated Dan. Finally, by late afternoon, Phil decided it was time to tell Dan his plan.
“I’m going to take you on a proper date.”
“Excuse me? Shouldn’t you ask me out on a date?”
Phil rolled his eyes, but he obliged. “Daniel, would you like to go on a date with me?”
“Yes, Phil, I would”
“Great. Let’s go.”
Phil took Dan to a 50s themed restaurant. He even paid for Dan’s meal despite the fact that they split the bill every other time they ate together.
Once they left, Phil said, “so how was that for a first date?”
Phil leaned in for a kiss.
“Do you think I’m the type of person to kiss someone on a first date?” Dan teased.
Phil fake pouted. Dan laughed and then kissed him.
They had to go back and meet everyone else now. They were leaving earlier than they had been, so everyone would have time to pack, and get ready to go home the next day.
The next morning they got up bright and early. Once they had finished getting ready, and packing up the last of their stuff, they went downstairs to the bus. Logan and Adam were there when Dan and Phil got there. Dan gave Phil a look as if to say give us a minute. Phil nodded and headed on to the bus.
“Hi.” Adam said.
“Listen, mate, we’re really sorry about what happened the other day.”
“Be more specific.”
Logan took in a deep breath. Dan just wanted to see him squirm a little. He was going to forgive him. He didn’t really have a choice. It wasn’t like he had other friends. “I’m sorry that I said Phil was your boyfriend when I knew that he wasn’t.”
“It’s alright. You know because of you, Phil actually is my boyfriend now.”
“What?” For a second Dan thought Logan was actually angry, but then he burst out laughing.
“Good for you, mate,” Adam said.
All three of them got on the bus. Dan slid into the seat next to Phil, while Adam and Logan made their way to the back of the bus.
Before Dan knew it, he was in the air, sitting next to his friends catching each other up on everything that happened the past three days. Dan would never admit it if he was asked, but he was actually excited to go home. To have a proper relationship with Phil. Maybe even be real friends with Adam and Logan, not just someone they tolerated until someone better came along. Everything felt right.
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suteshiro · 5 years
ALL of the asks.
Hey! I didn’t get to this right away so I’m making an educated guess on what ask meme this was for ksjvnksjfnv
chocolate: when was your first kiss?
Ah,, haven’t had that yet!
french vanilla: how old are you?
I’m 18 babey
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to?
America, Canada and I can’t really think of anywhere else because I just really want to see my friends skvjnfkjv
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?
Probably Japanese! Hindi might be neat too
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands?
I’m not that into cosmetics skvnsjkfv but theres this one brand that keeps making Sailor Moon themed makeup, I think it’s Creer Beaute? I can get behind that. 
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors?
I’m an indoors guy
cookie dough: do you play any instruments?
I’m learning the guitar! It’s mostly my voice tho
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment?
Rn I have All my loving stuck in my head skjfvnskjfv but I think my current favs are What’s a devil to do, Mordred’s Lullaby and Kick it up a notch? Idk, all I’ve been listening to lately is this one playlist i made for my character and every song there is great
butter pecan: favorite songs for life?
Hijo de la luna has been in my heart for forever and will probably always be
Love like you is,,, very dear to my heart as a song that I can very much relate to
I can’t think of anything else at the moment sknsfvn
cheesecake: what's your zodiac sign?
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?
Depends!! The pool is my fav by default bc I don’t have to deal with things like. The sun. But when I went to Córdoba with my friends and we hung out at the river I had a blast
chocolate chip: what's your most popular post?
A really dumb Yugioh shitpost sknvjsfvk it’s been years and every now and again it comes back and I die inside
bubblegum: books or movies?
hhhhhh both? A while ago I would’ve said books and they’re very dear to my heart but I’ve been having a harder time reading fiction lately. and I think there’s a certain beauty to cinema
pistachio: manga or anime?
Manga!!! Anime’s great tho. I have a great amount of respect and love for voice actors so I always love watching animated media
salted caramel: favorite movies?
Ponyo, Princess Mononoke, Princess Kaguya and Nausicaa of the valley of the wind are all. very very dear to my heart
Conqueror of Shamballa is also a fav skfvnskjfvn
Oh! And Moana!
I’m sure I have quite a few not-anime favs but I can’t think of any rn ksvjfnkfv
birthday cake: favorite books?
Geisha, a life by Mineko Iwasaki is very important to me. When I was a kid I was amazed by how much I related to her and really wanted to be like her. Also I just think it’s really cool that she went out of her way to right the wrongs of Memoirs of a Geisha (which I am upset about, let it be known)
Betibú by Claudia Piñeiro is a really really good Argentinian murder mystery and i looove it
Also Argentinian, I’m a big fan of La Doncella Roja/The Red Maiden
moose tracks: favorites for manga?
Uzumaki by Junji Ito!!!
Mermaid Saga by Rumiko Takahashi was very sadly short but I loved every second of it
orange sherbet: favorites for anime?
Card Captor Sakura and FMA03 are probably my absolute favorites
peanut butter: favorite academic subject?
i don’t know what counts as an academic subject skjvnksfjvn
one of the subjects i have in school rn is based around making a videogame and im having a blast
in General Aspects I love art and have great appreciation for computer science in theory though im starting to doubt whether its My Thing academically
black raspberry: do you have any pets?
sadly no
mango: when and why did you start your blog?
fuck, I think it was like 6 or 5 years ago by now skvjnskfn and it was to be able to browse tags easier I believe
mocha: ideal weather conditions?
warm, windy, cloudy
black cherry: four words that describe you?
Kind, loving, needy, emotional ksjnsfjn
neapolitan: things that stress you out?
trying to approach a wide subject im not familiar with. even when i know i can handle it and have an idea of where to start its just so overwhelming
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music?
probably pop? I don’t know honestly
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy?
Bonafide, Royal, Cofler I think
toffee: a card game that you're good at?
I don’t fancy myself very skilled in any card games honestly skjvnskfjvn I enjoy this one called We didn’t playtest this at all. Oh and I love Uno/Crazy 8s
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast?
Yes!!! Every morning. Sometimes I forget to eat but I try to be very consistent with That
dark chocolate: turn ons?
Am I allowed to talk about this? Can I be horny on main?? Is this allowed??
fudge: turn offs?
See above skjnskjfvn 
peach: how do you relax?
if I’m doing real bad my go-to is a ghibli movie and some tea. I like laying down and playing games on my phone or reading to chill
praline: a popular book you haven't read yet?
there’s so manyyyy
The Magnus Chase saga I really want to read
Also Good Omens
superman: do you like sweaters?
Yes!!! but only if they’re Really soft
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?
around 80% of my liquid intake is iced tea ksjvfnsfv mostly peppermint. I enjoy coffee when I’m made to drink it because I sweeten it to death but honestly I don’t drink it by choice unless I have to stay up quite a bit
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?
well, i really want to get into the guitar, but also I would love to... piano
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
just a few times, but yes!!
latest time was when a friend narrated to us the story of his fish and it fucking killed me, I wish there was any way for me to replicate that mess
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have?
Give me an easy way to block through my side blogs pls
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?
im having a Lot of trouble thinking of them rn ksjfvnkjsfnv but i just saw @un-repentant in my dash and everything they ever put in their blog is great
almond: favorite mean girls quote?
I,,,,, didn’t watch Mean Girls, 
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now?
They’re not painted, sadly
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to?
Nope! I mean, I have had my feelings reciprocated but nobody’s come up to me to tell me they liked me without prompting on my side
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone?
Yup! Still do
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps?
Not often which is a shame bc I love them
mint: the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
I don’t wanna think about it skjvnksjfnv
brownie batter: do you like sushi?
I love it and it’s sad bc I’ve only eaten it twice in my entire life
key lime: where do you want to be right now?
Cuddling with a good good friend,
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses?
Yes! I can barely see without them ksjfvnkjsfv
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?
Mint with chocolate chips, bitter chocolate? idk how to name it in English, white chocolate and Kinder chocolate
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vividfragments · 6 years
21 Questions!
I was going to take a break from this website but @surrealistwaltz tagged me for this 21 questions quiz, thank you!! This is gonna take me back to those 2005 Myspace days, these are fun.
Nicknames: My names Philip so a lot of family and even a few coworkers call me Philly which is nice, it's comforting and endearing. Also one of my friends mom called me Philomena and another friends Dad would call me Philbert which made me laugh. Also probably some bad ones lol.
Zodiac: I don't really put a lot of stock in zodiac signs but I'm a Leo
Height: I'm 6 feet or 1.82 (omg) meters tall.
Amount of sleep: I dunno what this is asking but I got like 4 hours last night?
Last movie I saw: I just recently watched deadman, its one of my favorites. It's kinda like an artsy, psychadellic, like, I dont wanna say western because that genre has an lot of tropes and cliches that this movie doesn't really have but it's set when industrialzation was starting to spread towards the west, more specifically to the film, the Pacific northwest of the US. It's a good movie to watch on a rainy, chilly night.
Last thing I googled: what 6 feet is in meters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I suck at math.
Favorite musician: I'm taking this question as favorite single musician and I have lots but the first 2 that come to my head are Chopin and Klaus Flouride (one of my fav bassists)
Song stuck in my head: literally Voices Carry by 'Til Tuesday. I was in the market today and it was playing and I was singing it to myself, then I noticed a lot of people were doing the same and they were all different age groups and genders, it was cute. Damn that song is catchy... ~oooooooooh shush...
Other blogs: This is my only blog!
Do I get asks: Lol I actually haven't had an ask yet. Wish I did though, I can be fun sometimes.
Blogs following: I like following lots of different stuff. This is a place I like, try to expose myself to art, music, and other things that put my heart in a nice place. It can backfire sometimes though, whether its something that puts me into feelings or seeing people being stupid in comments or you know, the fact racist blogs can exist on here. I'm happy I made this though, it's been more positive than negative for sure.
Lucky numbers: 4, 33, and 44
What I'm wearing: I'm wearing some sort of cardigan like sweater that doesnt open up or have buttons and its burgundy (my fav color) with black jeans and socks tbh. Also my glasses.
Dream trip: Prague would be interesting, theres a lot of cool art and architecture there. I'm not religious or anything but I feel like visiting St. Peter's Square would be really surreal and kind of creepy? Going to a place like Australia or what @surrealistwaltz said, Greenland would be neat. I feel like those places could make you feel as though you're on a completely different planet.
Dream Job: I wanna teach history! Preferably high school, then if I cant stand how kids act I'll work my way up to the collegiate level. I wanna teach history because looking back at what we learn in schools here in America is watered down, especially when it comes to the bad that Americans have done and the negative impact its had on groups of parole and honestly, bug chunks of the globe.I believe there needs to be at least on teacher in a students k-12 scholastic career who calls out the borderline history revisonment that is being taught to kids so wrecklessly. The United States definitely needs to do what they do in Germany when it comes to teaching about atrocities committed in the past. Whomever is on the winning side of history should NOT MATTER. If theres a group of people that has been suppressed or continues to be suppressed, there needs to be at least ONE person who introduces the brutal hard truth of what happened. Here in the states you get the "I didn't participate in slavery or the genocide of Native Americans, it's not something I need to hear in detail" and it literally pisses me off, it misses the whole point of education. This fires me up, sorry.....
Favorite food: literally any type of pasta or noodles. It doesnt matter if it's in soup, if its Italian, Chinese, Japanese, vietnamese, if it has noodles and doesn't have meat then I'm so happy to just demolish whatever is in front of me. Also chips and salsa is refreshing and satisfying. I'm half Mexican so any type of Mexican food that doesn't use anything from animals is always a go to. My fav fruits are cherries, tangerines, and pears. My favorite veggies are asparagus, green beans, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. I can make some v good Brussels sprouts.
Languages: ehh I speak pretty bad Spanish but the foundation is there so when I decide to take it back up when I go to a university, I should be able to learn a lot easier than I did in high school. If not because I have foundation and basic understanding of the language then its because I actually WANT to learn it as opposed to when I was a teenager. German would be really cool too because if I teach and I get upset I can just yell in German and people would think I'm actually insane and hopefully would cut out whatever nonsense they were doing.
Play any instruments: I play Bass off and on. I first got my bass when I was 12, I would just mess around until I was like 14, then I taught myself how to read bass tabs so if there was a song I really liked, I could look up the tablatures and teach myself how to play it and still do that. I wish I would've taken lessons though.
Favorite songs: I have a lot but I'll give a top 5 that I listen to regularly and/or have a special connection with:
Joe Lies by the Bouncing souls
Happy When it Rains by The Jesus and Mary Chain
Bad by U2
When You Sleep by My Bloody Valentine
Oh me, Oh my by Streetlight Manifesto
*bonus guilty pleasure* The One by Backstreet Boys
Random Fact: I can pop my knuckles by just clinching my fist tightly? Also I'm really into ceramics so if I have some clay, kiln, and some glaze I can make stuff on a pottery wheel or hand build it. Mmmmmm also I'm like, really into quoting spongebob. It's kind of gotten out of hand. Also I'm using this question to give a shoutout to my dog, ABBY I LOVE YOU!! I love my dog, she's a ham.
Describe your aesthetic: ...Artsy and rebellious dad... who's cool with you smoking weed as long as you keep your grades up.....
Since I brought up Myspace I'm not tagging anyone, we're doing this the 2005 way. If you follow me and are bored or wanna talk PLEASE do this, I wanna read your answers :)
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micerhat · 6 years
Ghost, Pantera, Lamb of God, Cannibal Corpse, Rammstein, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, Black Sabbath
Ghost: Guilty Pleasure: Bold of you to assume I would admit guilt!  …kidding.  80′s movies/media would probably be that.  Tons of offensive things, but I can still enjoy them while recognizing that they’re offensive.  C’mon… John Candy’s stuff is awesome.
Pantera: Outdoors - Yay or Nay: When I was younger?  I loved the outdoors - mainly because it got me out of the house/away from my parents, I’d wander my town on my bike with a couple of bucks in my pocket and just wander the woods, climb the valley and look down at it, play around pumping stations, play in creeks, climb anthracite shale piles, play in coal breakers. 
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Ya know, shit like that.  I’d wander and think of stories and yeah… now?  It involves too much preparing, I got kids to chase, it’s Florida and uuuuuuugh humidity.  I enjoy nature, but a bit more from my window vs being in it. 
Lamb of God: Favorite State: I’d say New York if it’s like, the Syracuse area, New York city is fun, but I always liked visiting my cousins and hanging out around there.  Second best, Florida if it’s like, Fort Lauderdale, it’s a place that doesn’t roll up the sidewalks after 6 pm and it was the first place I lived in on my own.
Cannibal Corpse: Creepiest Moment: I worked at a haunted movie theater back in college.  It was one of those art house places, I loved it, odd folks working there but anyway I told this story once on reddit so….
Had a whole history, the building was a storage for circus animals to winter in during the off season, burnt down, it got turned into a classical theater.  Got bought out and turned into a single screen movie theater, later remodeled into a four screen theater, which was it’s incarnation when I started working there.
Apparently two people had died there, one suicide, the other accident.  (Guy fell through the ceiling tiles into the seats)
You had the run of the mill stories, well so and so was closing and all of a sudden all the bathroom stall doors started opening and closing on their own violently.  One manager swore seeing a guy trying to hide between the last row of seats and the wall during the last walk, you couldn’t fit a hand into that space, no less a grown man. 
You’d hear faint voices, stuff like that, the front theaters closest to the lobby were fine, but it was the back pair that were the issue because you would go in to start cleaning and immediately feel like someone was watching you.  So theater on the right, I’d call Joe and theater on the left I’d call Paul - morning Joe, just sweeping up, man this is a bad movie huh?  Stuff like that.  Joe was fine.  Just wanted a hello and the place would feel fine. 
Paul was the asshole that’d leave the hair on the back of your neck up or have you trip on nothing at all, and you’d just get into the habit of telling Paul to behave out of instinct.  (It was habit anyway, I used to wander or take photographs in cemeteries back home and always had that superstition of ‘unless you want something following you home - be nice’)
Worst encounter I had was I was doing my usher thing, sweeping up after the last show of the night, I’m by myself in the theater, projection guy hasn’t made his way to the booth yet, manager was counting the till in the office, other closer is getting concessions stocked up front, so it’s still low lights after the credits, music is off and all of a sudden it feels like someone is creeping up behind me.
Don’t hear anything, still sweeping and - bam - I get a jolt like when someone grabs you from behind and digs their fingers hard into your ribs, like that Gotcha!  kinda thing.  I whip around expecting the other guy closing is screwing around - nothing.  No one is behind me.  I’m in the middle of a row, by myself. 
Pretty much go ‘Fuck this’ drop my broom and bin and just sprinted out of the theater and up the hall to the lobby.  Was too freaked out to check for marks, but I remember it felt like fingers digging into my sides.I guess my telling him to behave was taken as a ‘okay smart-ass, let me give you a reason as to why you need to tell me to behave’ kinda thing, I refused to clean that theater solo, I’d only do it if the projection guy was in the booth or the other closer was with me. 
Rammenstein: Languages: I’d like to improve my Spanish, but otherwise Japanese - I was born on a naval base in Okinawa and it would be nice to visit there someday.
Iron Maiden: School Subject: Art followed by English/Literature/Creative Writing whatever the hell you want to call it these days now.  I also really liked Shop (woodworking) and that class where you had to learn how to type on a typewriter and they stuck that box over your hands so you couldn’t see the keys and chicken peck. 
Motley Crüe:  Biggest Romantic Moment: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.  Did I ever tell you about the time I got locked in the lobby of a slowly dying strip-mall with my boyfriend (the one that was on again off again that I dumped upon graduation in my ‘fuck this town - clean slate’) So imagine this, it’s winter.  I think it’s somewhere around Valentines or something, but we were on one of our dates - aka Walk around town because he never took me to his house, so we got something to eat and he said ‘hey lets go over to the mall’ its mostly dead at this time, all the stores have been going out of business and shutting down, so they kept these doors open because there was one determined nail business riding it out in the carcass. 
Its evening, its low light, he gets his guitar, he’s still looking dead fucking handsome with his blonde hair and light blue eyes, he plays me couple of songs ‘Wish You Were Here’ by Pink Floyd, we make out, we snuggle… don’t go farther because I guess he never got the nerve even though at that time I was down for something that wasn’t screwed up (fuck you, dad) - we go to leave because I’m paranoid about the time and absolutely terrified of my mother being angry - we’re locked in.
So yeah, would’ve been romantic, instead was me freaking out and we had to use the payphone to call I think it was the police and the guy who maintained the property to let us out.  I still look back on the what-if fondly.   
Black Sabbath:  Favorite Metal Band: I like Ghost currently, I always like Alice Cooper, I still like Deep Purple and if it’s like Grave Digger from 93?  Yes.  Not sure what I listen to that counts as metal vs rock vs punk vs alternative.
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blissedoutphil · 7 years
Sushi & Sex
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Thank you for your prompts, I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it too <3 also sometimes I take so long to respond to prompts only because I can’t think of nicer titles omg.
4195 words of top!Phil, bottom!dan, crossdressing, fluff, feederism, feminization, smut
or read on ao3!
“Ughh why do we have so much stuff? We should’ve moved to an even bigger place, can’t believe we’re already running out of storage space,” Phil whined.
Dan picked up the kangaroo outfit and tossed it into the ‘to recycle/donate’ box in disgust. “Maybe if you stopped buying me all these ridiculous outfits for your videos,” he side eyed Phil, “we wouldn’t have so much crap.”
“You love all the outfits, don’t deny it,” Phil teased, putting the golf hat on Dan’s head, who tried to dodge it but failed.
“Hey!” Dan flailed as the green stuff from the hat stuck to his hair.
Phil smirked when he picked up the next outfit from his pile. “And this one’s your fave, isn’t it?”
Dan finished ruffling his hair, a comeback already in mind. But cat got his tongue when he looked up and saw what Phil was holding up.
Phil was smoothing out the Japanese schoolgirl outfit, smirking at Dan like he knew exactly what Dan was thinking.
Dan felt his cheeks slowly heat up. He frowned and grabbed the garment from Phil’s grip.
“We’re definitely throwing this one out,” he huffed, making a show of dumping the outfit into the box.
“Aw but why babe? You looked so cute in it,” Phil teased, to Dan’s disbelief.
“Don’t you owe your audience a liveshow? It’s been ages since your last, go entertain them. I’ll help clear out the rest and order dinner,” Dan hastily offered, looking away to hide his blush.
Phil raised his eyebrows, a knowing look on his face. He sat and watched Dan try to act like he wasn’t flustered. It was amusing, really, especially since they’ve known each other for so long, so who was Dan kidding? Phil would probably be able to tell how Dan was feeling even if he was blindfolded. But he got up anyway. He really has been neglecting his fans, Dan was right on that one.
“Such a shame that you’re throwing that dress away, I’m really gonna miss seeing you look all pretty in it,” Phil lamented before swiftly walking out the door, smirking when he heard Dan’s breath get caught. That should do it, he thought.
“Goooodbye!” Phil ended the liveshow, feeling rather happy. He’d missed doing liveshows, and he wondered why he had foolishly thought it was a good idea to stop doing them.
He walked to their room, expecting to see the pile of his props still a mess like how he left it. But to his surprise, the room was clean. He hadn’t actually expected Dan to stick to his words. The box was full in the corner of the room, and Phil noticed that Dan had laid something out on the bed.
When he walked over to the bed, he realised that it was the outfit he wore in the same video that Dan wore the schoolgirl outfit.
“What’s he planning?” Phil mumbled to himself.
He decided to roll with it, and so he shrugged off his t-shirt and put on his old school uniform, complete with the red and yellow tie. He had a suspicion where this was going, he knew Dan loved the schoolgirl outfit too much to admit it.
He headed to the dining room, remembering that Dan offered to get them dinner. He already expected Dan to be in the schoolgirl outfit, but he was still taken aback when his eyes fell on Dan.
Dan was sitting at the dining table, chin in the palm of his hands, big innocent eyes looking Phil up and down. He crossed his legs, making the skirt ride up just enough to expose his upper thighs. Phil had bought the biggest size and it fit Dan just nice, but it was still rather tight in some areas, hugging his figure in the delectable way that made Phil want to grab him by the hips and just fuck him there. He actually probably would later. But first, dinner.
“How was the liveshow, senpai?” Dan asked, his voice a little higher than usual.
Phil had to suppress a laugh. He wasn’t actually sure how to do this whole roleplay thing, but he’ll try to stay in character for Dan. It wasn’t that hard for him anyway, he’s just a British school boy at the moment.
“It was fun, love,” Phil said and bent down to peck Dan’s lips.
Phil let his lips linger against Dan’s and his hand moved to cup Dan’s cheek, feeling it radiate warmth. When Dan looked like he was about to go for another kiss, Phil cheekily moved away to sit down. He smiled at Dan’s betrayed look.
Dan blushed more and then quickly gestured to the food he’d laid out. “I bought us sushi for dinner, I hope you’ll like it,” he said, voice still small and cute and Phil can’t get enough of it.
“Looks really good, darling, let’s eat!”
Dan picked up his food with the chopsticks daintily, taking small bites. Phil wished he could get into this whole roleplay more, but he didn’t for the life of him know how to use chopsticks. He supposed that sort of fit his current role of Clueless British Schoolboy.
Phil stabbed his sushi with the chopstick and Dan had to fight the urge to scold him. He couldn’t stand the sight of food being stabbed by chopsticks, and Phil knew that. He couldn’t believe Phil still hadn’t learned how to use them despite him painstakingly teaching him so many times. But he was the one who initiated this roleplay, so he wasn’t going to break character.
“Oh senpai, do you need me to teach you how to use chopsticks?” Dan giggled a little.
“I do, baby, you’re so good at this unlike me. Come teach me,” Phil pouted and pat his lap, beckoning Dan over.
Dan shyly sat across Phil’s lap and hooked his right arm around Phil’s shoulder. Phil grasped Dan’s waist firmly and smirked up at him.
Dan held up his chopsticks and Phil followed suit, but being the clumsy Phil that he was, he dropped one. Dan giggled and shook his head slightly as he bent down to pick it up.
“Like this,” Dan directed softly as he returned the chopstick and used his hand to gently correct Phil’s fingers holding the chopsticks.
Dan’s touches were so gentle compared to his usual rough antics with Phil, and Phil was absolutely loving this delicate side of Dan. He could barely pay attention to Dan’s directions, he was too busy focusing on Dan’s face and how his cheeks were turning a pretty shade of pink.
“See?” Dan asked as he picked up a piece of sushi to demonstrate. He smiled playfully and fed Phil the sushi.
“Okay, let me try now,” Phil said with his mouth full.
He picked up an unagi roll, his tongue sticking out in concentration. Dan almost swooned at how cute Phil looked at that moment.
“Am I doing it right?!” Phil asked excitedly, but he spoke too soon and the sushi fell on Dan’s skirt, staining it with a little bit of soy sauce.
“My skirt!” Dan whined.
“Oh no baby, I’m so sorry, here let me help,” Phil quickly picked the sushi off Dan’s skirt and tried to wipe off the stain. With his fingers, he went to feed Dan the sushi. Dan opened his mouth without a second thought, letting his lips linger on Phil’s fingers a little before he chewed on his food.
“Let me try again,” Phil said and picked his chopsticks up again.
He went for a piece of sashimi this time. Dan held his breath, a little worried that by the end of dinner, he’d have stains and bits of food stuck all over his outfit.
Phil was holding his breath too, he’d never actually tried this hard to use chopsticks properly before. When he successfully got it level to his face, he grinned wide. Before the food could slip away, he quickly stuffed it to an unsuspecting Dan’s mouth.
Dan sputtered, but he managed to get the food in his mouth without any dropping and messing his clothes further.
“I did it!” Phil exclaimed and he was so adorable that if Dan’s mouth wasn’t full, he probably would’ve kissed him.
“Well done,” Dan smiled fondly when he was done eating, and watched Phil pick up another piece of sushi.
Phil was getting more confident, and he held onto the food with his chopsticks with determination. Dan didn’t miss the glint in his eye. Phil smiled as he held up the tamago sushi and began feeding it to Dan slowly unlike the previous time.
“I’m getting the hang of this, are you proud of me?” Phil asked with a smirk.
Dan hummed happily and nodded, enjoying being fed by his boyfriend. He wrapped his arm around Phil’s shoulder tighter.
“So glad I finally learned how to use these, now I can feed my baby easily,” Phil spoke, already picking up the cucumber maki.
Dan ducked his head shyly, but Phil only tilted his chin back up so he could push the maki past Dan’s lips. Phil wasn’t sure where this sudden fascination of feeding Dan came from, but he loved watching his boyfriend being so bashful while accepting food from him. He loved the way Dan stared at him admiringly while he chewed his food. He didn’t even think about feeding himself, he just wanted to feed Dan all the food they had. He gripped Dan’s waist tighter, squeezing the little love handle there.
After being fed a few more pieces of food, Dan noticed that Phil wasn’t even eating. “Let me feed you now,” Dan offered, but Phil shook his head.
“I’m not that hungry after all, babe. I wanna feed you all of this,” Phil gestured to the food still on the table.
“I’m getting quite full already, and you didn’t even eat,” Dan explained, but Phil didn’t let Dan pick his chopsticks up.
“I want you to be full, babe. So cute when you fill out,” Phil spoke lowly and rubbed his hand over Dan’s tummy for emphasis.
Dan made a sound of protest, but his cheeks went rosy, and he bit his lips in the way Phil knew meant that Dan was actually turned on by the idea. So, he got the ebi tempura between his chopsticks and lifted it to Dan’s lips. Almost immediately, Dan parted his lips and allowed Phil to feed him.
Dan actually moaned a little as the chopsticks were slowly drawn out of his mouth. His eyes widened when he realised the noise he made, and he hastily tried to give an excuse.
“The ebi’s really good.”
“Is it now?” Phil smirked and picked up another piece, “have another then.”
Dan wasn’t even fully done with the previous piece when another was stuffed into his mouth. He had no bloody idea why he was getting turned on by the thought of Phil excessively feeding him, but the fact that he could see Phil getting equally turned on reassured him that he wasn’t the only strange one in the household.
The small schoolgirl outfit started to feel even smaller as Dan continued eating. “I’m so full for you already, senpai,” Dan whimpered a little, feeling so full already.
“Be a good lil girl for me and don’t waste your food, there’s still all these left,” Phil said, and Dan’s cock twitched hearing what Phil called him.
Phil rubbed Dan’s tummy as Dan slowly chewed on an inari sushi, squeezing a little and noticing how the thin fabric was taut around Dan’s lower body, much tighter than it already was before he started eating.
“Love how chubby you get, such beautiful curves,” Phil praised, moving his hands to squeeze Dan’s thighs.
Dan whined needily and let his head fall to Phil’s shoulder. He didn’t think he could eat anymore, but Phil’s praises made him determined to please his boyfriend. When he lifted his head, Phil was waiting for him, food already held in his chopsticks.
When Dan realised what Phil was about to feed him, he shook his head and pursed his lips. “Please not that, I’ll eat everything else I promise!” he tried to argue.
Phil held the natto close to Dan’s mouth. “Beans are good for you, baby.”
“But I don’t like them,” Dan pouted.
“Don’t be picky. Finish your food or I’ll punish you,” Phil said sternly.
Dan started to regret buying this particular set of sushi, but he had no time to dwell on it. He sighed and reluctantly opened his mouth, letting Phil push the slimy beans in.
He scrunched his face up in disgust but he chewed on it anyway. The sight of Phil smiling proudly at him was worth having to swallow down the unpleasant fermented beans.
Phil knew how much Dan hated natto. If it was any other situation, Dan totally would’ve thrown the beans at him if he were to even suggest to Dan to eat them. So the sight of Dan forcing himself to eat the natto now to obey and please him aroused him immensely, and he felt his cock grow.
Dan quickly reached out for the glass and gulped all the water down when he was done with the beans, and Phil let his hand roam Dan’s thighs as he waited. Dan squirmed a little at Phil’s touch, feeling ticklish. It only made Phil squeeze Dan’s thigh possessively.
“So plump and cute,” Phil traced Dan’s skin lightly.
Dan parted his legs a little, inviting Phil’s hand to explore. Phil did just that, his hand slowly stroked Dan’s inner thigh all the way to Dan’s crotch. Dan moaned softly as Phil pushed his skirt further up his thighs and began palming him. Phil was surprised to feel lace over Dan’s crotch. He smirked up at Dan, who was blushing profusely.
“Wanted to look pretty for you,” Dan spoke softly.
“You are so pretty, love,” Phil answered as he felt Dan’s cock harden in the panties.
He moved his hand up, Dan whining at the loss of touch on his cock, and squeezed Dan’s lower tummy.
“Wanna kiss all your curves and stretch marks,” Phil said as he nuzzled Dan’s neck.
“Please,” Dan whimpered.
All too soon, Phil sat back and stopped petting Dan. “But I can’t do that when you’re not done with your dinner, baby.”
“I really can’t eat anymoreee,” Dan grumbled.
“Don’t be naughty,” Phil smacked Dan’s thigh, loving how it jiggled at the impact.
“‘m sorry,” Dan mumbled, and opened his mouth readily when Phil picked up the tako sushi despite feeling like he could burst from just another bite of food.
“There, it’s not that hard to finish up your food, is it?” Phil was kneading Dan’s thigh, his lovehandles, his arm. He couldn’t help himself, he was addicted to Dan’s plumpness.
Phil continued feeding Dan, waiting patiently as Dan slowed his eating pace. Dan was whimpering as he chewed on his food, he wanted to rip his dress off it was getting so tight. He almost cried out when he looked up and saw Phil already ready to feed him with the next piece of food.
But Phil’s praises kept him going. He wasn’t fond of his blubber but he liked how much Phil adores them, it was enough to make him accept and even embrace his little chubbiness.
“Last piece, baby,” Phil cooed, bringing the California roll to Dan’s lips.
Dan moaned in relief as he chewed on it, and Phil rubbed on Dan’s stomach soothingly.
“Well done, I’m so proud of you,” Phil praised and moved his hand lower to palm Dan’s crotch again.
Dan bucked his hips up to Phil’s hand, gasping at the touch.
“Do I get a reward for not wasting my food?” he asked soft and sweet, batting his eyelashes at Phil.
“You do deserve a reward, baby,” Phil said before kissing Dan deep, tasting sushi in Dan’s mouth.
Phil gripped Dan’s waist tight and lifted him to sit at the edge of the dining table. Dan squeaked in surprise and before he could register what was going on, Phil had pushed all the plates to the corner of the table and moved Dan so he was laying on his back on the table.
Dan’s lower legs dangled off the table and Phil stood between them. He squeezed Dan’s thighs and pushed his skirt up to expose the pretty red lace panties. Dan panted, feeling so needy already. He spread his legs invitingly.
“What’s my reward, senpai?” he asked even though he already knew the answer. He just wanted to hear Phil say it.
“Gonna fuck you good just how you deserve it, baby girl,” Phil murmured and he bent down to suck a hickey on Dan’s collarbone.
Dan moaned, getting turned on even more from being called Phil’s girl. The panties were feeling very restrictive and he moved his hand to free his cock from the small piece of garment, but Phil swatted his hand away.
“Uh-uh baby girl, don’t take it off, you look really pretty in it,” Phil spoke and Dan whined in response, reluctantly moving his hand to rest on Phil’s back instead.
Phil pulled away from Dan’s collarbones after licking on the bruises he made. He pulled Dan’s cock out of the lace underwear and Dan moaned gratefully, but he made sure that the underwear stayed on. He pushed the dress further up, exposing Dan’s bloated belly.
Phil started nipping and kissing Dan’s stomach, and Dan threaded his fingers in Phil’s hair as he moaned at the sensation.
“So beautiful when you’re so full and round,” Phil mumbled against the stretched skin of Dan’s tummy.
Phil moved lower and without warning, he went down on Dan’s cock. Dan arched his hips off the table, moaning loudly. Fortunately for Phil, he didn’t really have a gag reflex anymore. He easily took Dan’s whole length and bobbed his head a couple of times.
Just as soon as he started going down on Dan, he went off completely, to Dan’s dismay.
“Please, need more,” Dan whined, squirming on the table restlessly.
“Be patient, my lil girl,” Phil said, moving lower to kiss and lick at the faint stretch marks on Dan’s inner thighs.
Dan strained his neck to look down himself and see what Phil was doing. He was writhing on their dining table half naked, and Phil was at the edge of the table between his legs still fully clothed. He felt exposed and he loved it. His cock twitched and a little precum started leaking.
When Phil was sure he’d kissed every inch of Dan’s plump flesh, he stood up and observed his boyfriend. Dan was looking up at him with blown out pupils, his mouth open and chest heaving.
“So good for me, aren’t you baby?” Phil spoke softly.
Dan nodded, his hips thrusting the air slightly. “Only for you, senp-,”
He couldn’t even finish his sentence as Phil shoved two fingers into his mouth. He enthusiastically sucked on them, only now realising he’d forgotten to have a tube of lube ready. But he was too impatient to ask Phil to get it from their bedroom, and he figured Phil wasn’t patient enough either. So he sucked hard on Phil’s fingers, licking them and getting them as wet as he could with his saliva.
Meanwhile, Phil pushed Dan’s knees up with his free hand so they were bent at Dan’s chest. He smiled when Dan’s stomach formed rolls, and he squished them affectionately. He moved Dan’s panties to the side to expose Dan’s hole. He pressed down on Dan’s tongue and when he felt like his fingers were sufficiently slick, he removed them, hearing a pop as Dan’s lips smacked.
He slowly pushed his fingers into Dan’s hole, and Dan threw his head back as he moaned whorishly. With his other hand, Phil unzipped his pants and let his hard cock free. With his fingers still inside Dan, he moved to the side of the table to reach Dan’s face.
“Lube me,” Phil instructed and Dan turned his head to his side.
He craned his neck and sucked on Phil’s cock, moaning around it. He made quick work of coating Phil’s cock with his spit, rushing so he could get Phil inside him faster.
Phil’s fingers brushed against Dan’s prostate, and Dan keened around Phil’s cock. He moved off of Phil.
“’m ready, please now please,” Dan begged incoherently.
“Shh babe,” Phil cooed. He moved back in between Dan’s legs and removed his fingers.
In one swift motion, Phil slid his saliva slick cock into Dan’s stretched hole. Both of them moaned loud. Phil moved all the way in til his balls rubbed against the lace covering one side of Dan’s butt. He stilled to let Dan adjust to the intrusion.
Not long after, Dan was moving his hips desperately. “Move please,” Dan begged, and Phil obliged.
Phil started a slow pace, but he gradually moved faster. “Such a tight pussy, feels so good,” he praised, “and you’re so pretty babe.” He pulled on the lace panties and let it snap back onto Dan’s hip.
Dan was grunting as the force of Phil’s thrusts caused him to rock on the table. “All for you, senpai,” he breathed out.
Phil moved Dan’s legs to wrap around his own waist. Dan dug his heels into Phil’s hips, trying to bring him even closer. Phil then rested his hands on either side of Dan’s head, staring deep into his boyfriend’s lust blown eyes as he thrusted in and out of him.
Dan pulled on Phil’s tie, bringing him down to meet his lips. He opened his mouth and let Phil dominate the kiss, moaning as Phil bit on his lip. He wrapped his arms around Phil’s neck, not allowing Phil to go even an inch away from him.
They continued kissing, only breaking away occasionally to gulp in some air before locking lips again. Phil’s hands roamed on Dan’s body as he fucked into Dan, stroking and squeezing Dan’s stomach rolls and thick thighs around his waist, feeling the lace stretched tight around Dan’s groin.
Dan felt so full, first from the food and now from being filled by Phil’s thick cock. He loved being filled by Phil, for Phil. He moaned in pleasure and clenched his ass to get the same reaction from Phil.
Phil’s thrusts increased in pace and intensity as he felt his orgasm approaching. He brought his hand to Dan’s achingly hard cock and Dan moaned gratefully as he finally received the much needed touch.
Phil started stroking Dan’s cock and made sure all his thrusts angled right against Dan’s prostate. Dan screamed out Phil’s name, his nails digging into Phil’s back as he was overwhelmed with pleasure.
“Make sure you don’t stain your pretty dress or lace, baby,” Phil warned as he pumped Dan’s leaking cock fast.
Dan moaned in response, feeling his lower muscles tighten.
“‘m gonna,” he rasped out.
“Go ahead, baby,” Phil answered, still thrusting into Dan relentlessly.
Dan immediately spilled over Phil’s hand, strings of cum pooling onto his stomach. He cried out as he came, shaking with the force of his orgasm. Phil was still fucking into him hard, and he trembled from the aftershocks of his orgasm.
Phil stroked Dan through his orgasm, making sure to milk all his cum out. He groaned and grunted as he came deep inside of Dan a moment later, slowly rocking his hips as he rode his orgasm out.
“So hot, baby girl,” Phil moaned as he finally pulled out of Dan and tucked Dan back into his panties.
Dan whined at the loss, suddenly feeling very empty. He kept his legs hooked around Phil’s waist, not letting Phil move.
“Tsk tsk, what a mess you’ve made, love,” Phil said.
Dan looked down at himself. “But I didn’t stain my outfit,” he proclaimed proudly.
“That’s good you didn’t, but look at your dirty tummy.”
Phil bent down and lapped up at Dan’s cum on his stomach, and Dan moaned at the sight. His soft cock actually twitched at that. He squirmed as Phil’s tongue tickled his skin there when he licked and swallowed Dan’s cum. After Phil was done lapping up Dan’s cum, he placed soft, loving kisses on Dan’s now clean tummy.
“You’re so perfect,” Phil murmured against Dan’s skin.
Dan managed to grab a hold of Phil’s now loose tie and pulled Phil up. Phil moved up and Dan pressed a kiss against Phil’s lips, licking and nipping Phil’s bottom lip.
When they pulled apart, Phil rested his forehead against Dan’s.
“I love you,” Dan murmured.
“I love you too,” Phil replied, feeling Dan’s warm breath against his lips.
Phil prised out of Dan’s grip and slowly pulled Dan to sit up on the table. He carried Dan to the bathroom, already excited for cuddles in the bath.
“I knew this was your fave outfit that I got you, I’m so glad we’re keeping it,” Phil commented, giggling when his boyfriend’s cheeks turned pink.
What I enjoyed most from writing this was finding a way to drag Phil for refusing to do liveshows this year lmao. also getting myself some sushi to reward myself for finishing it :P
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yaltonrp-blog · 8 years
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Congratulations Becca! You have been accepted for the role of Hiro Komatsu with the FC of Sen Mitsuji. We found Hiro fascinating and look forward to seeing where you take him. Please send us an account within the next 24 hours with the ask and submit boxes open.
Welcome to Yalton! We look forward to roleplaying with you.
Name/Alias: Becca
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Age: 17
Timezone: EST
Activity Level: I’d say a solid 7. Like everyone, there are days where I’m more active and eager to roleplay than others, but I usually do take time to come onto my character account everyday and at my worst, my replies will take place every other day.
Things you aren’t willing to write: Smut
Biography Info:
Character Name: Hiro Komatsu
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Gender: Cis Male
Age: 22
Major/Position: Philosophy Major
FC: Sen Mitsuji
The Komatsu family has always been the epitome of elegance in their town of Hiraizumi, Japan. Ancient Japanese culture and practices still run deep in the town to this day, with it’s agriculture based economy and plethora of historic monuments. At the age of eight, Hiro knew that the small town life would never accompany him as he visited Tokyo for a distant relative’s wedding. The most people Hiro had ever seen in one place at one time were the 103 kids in his year gathered together for an assembly. It was safe to say that stepping off the train and into Tokyo city was unlike anything he had ever witnessed before. Since that day, Hiro was obsessed with the thought of leaving his town to go live somewhere new and exciting, preferably somewhere far away from the farmer filled town of Hiraizumi.
Hiro wasn’t so much of a bad kid as he was a trouble maker. He was anything but neglected, but it’s safe to say his older brother Sho received the most attention from his family. With Sho’s stellar grades and a full ride scholarship for basketball to the University of Tokyo, Hiro couldn’t help but be kept in his 6′5″ brother’s shadow. While eighteen year old Sho was meeting up with the Prime Minister to be condemned for his amazing academic achievements, Hiro was being suspended from school, this time for stealing his teacher’s grade book and altering his friend’s grades. Hiro was stealthy, so if he wanted to get away with little things like that he could, it’s just that the chase was a lot more fun.
While Hiro’s father was born in Japan, his mother is from Philidelphia, Pennsylvania. She came to Japan to teach English and eventually met Minato Komatsu, and the rest was history. Though Hiro was aware of his family in the states, he never actually met them. With only a measly seven cousins residing in Japan, Hiro’s mother explained how she was one of eight, and there’s over thirty other relatives from her side of the family he’s never met. It seemed as if his seventh suspension was the last straw from his parents, as the day he turned fourteen, Hiro was fresh prince’d all the way to Philly to stay with the grandparents he often forgot existed.
Philidelphia was incredibly different from Hiraizumi, but in every way Hiro had hoped it would be. The schools were bigger, people more diverse, and Hiro had learned to prefer the savory American food over the traditional Japanese dishes back home. Though his family feared the culture shock would take him by surprise, they could have never imagined he’d fit in so nicely. Hiro was initially only supposed to reside in Philly for a year, but he was doing so well that his parents decided to allow him to stay for however long he pleased. Although he was considered very smart back in Japan, here in Philly his intelligence was exceptional as he quickly became the top of his high school class. While his peers struggled with teenage angst during high school, Hiro had never felt better. Hiro had girls, boys, and pretty much everyone else he wanted at the tip of his fingers, because who wouldn’t be attracted to the smart yet bad boy from Japan?
His bad behavior stopped in school, but that didn’t prohibit Hiro from engaging in less than admirable activities behind his family’s back. He became quite good at holding his alcohol as Hiro had a party almost every time his grandparents were out of town. If he wasn’t hosting one, he was most certainly attending one. Starting the third week he entered America, Hiro went to a house party at least five times a month. He’d get black out drunk or higher than heaven with his friends, something his family failed to realize until he was seventeen and headed home from what must’ve been his thousandth party. With only a visa, Hiro couldn’t drive, so he was dependent on his buddies to bring him home from whatever they had been doing that night. Though he knew better, his friends didn’t, and decided it would be a good idea to drive everyone home intoxicated. Paramedics arrived at the scene seven minutes after the crash to find the bottom half of the car 100 feet away from the scene of the accident, the tree the car hit completely toppled over, and no survivors except for Hiro who’s legs were completely shattered and stuck between the passenger’s seat and dashboard.
Hiro’s left leg was able to be saved, but his right one was forced to be amputated below the knee as it was completely mutilated. While the rest of his body was practically untouched besides for a few wounds requiring sistches, Doctors didn’t realize there was something else wrong with Hiro until four months after the accident during his last days in rehab. Due to the car stopping so fast while going such a high speed, Hiro’s upper body went right through the windowshield and into the tree which eventually toppled over the car. The impact caused parts of his skull to shatter and enter his frontal lobe, a problem that was presumed solved by an immediate surgery. However, that proved to not be the case once the frontal lobe damage became prominent in his behavior. The once charismatic and somewhat sweet boy quickly became a mix of all different personalities in one. Mood changes had become frequent, and the smallest things would now set Hiro off. His volatile behavior spontaneity had quickly become the main concern for those around him.
As he learned to live with his prosthetic and had been attending a therapist daily, now eighteen year old Hiro was sent home a total of five months after the accident. He finished his senior year by taking summer school classes and being tutored. It was harder to concentrate but still proved manageable as Hiro graduated with one of the highest GPA’s in high class. His family back in Japan flew over for a weekend as they had a party in celebration of this accomplishment, but it seemed as if everyone returned to their daily lives except for Hiro himself. He had plans to apply to some of the biggest colleges in the US for Computer Science, but the accident caused him to lost passion for most things in life. Instead, Hiro decided to take a gap year, getting a job at a local diner. It’s surprising how many tips a crippled nineteen year old with a pretty smile can make.
Eventually Hiro started applying to colleges again. He was lucky enough to take the SATs during his Junior year a earn a near perfect score, but it was still difficult getting accepted almost two years after graduating high school, However it wasn’t all for nothing as Hiro opened what he thought would be his fifth rejection letter only to find out that come fall, he’d proudly be a Yak. Though his battles are far from over, Hiro can proudly say he’s doing better. Weekly therapy sessions and time to himself has improved his behavior immensely, but there are times where he’s set off by some seemingly meaningless things. There’s still a long way to go, but for the first time in his life, Hiro can say he’s actually excited for the future.
State at least one headcanon about the character:
Ever since his accident, Hiro has refused to touch any alcoholic beverage. Although the crash wasn’t his fault, he can’t help but feel responsible for not doing something. He’s been told all his life that coke and rum mix, but booze and driving do not. Hiro is terrified that for any instance if he were to consume alcohol again that history will somehow repeat itself.
Though most expect him to be a womanizer of sorts, Hiro has always identified as pansexual. Sure, he’s flirty with the ladies, but his interests are not influenced by gender identity. He constantly says how his love for another isn’t with the body, but the mind. Hiro is unapologetically proud of his sexuality and greatly values the time it took for him to understand that being so is okay.
Japanese is his first language and he didn’t learn English until age eight.
He has a strong dislike for all of social media except Instagram, where he constantly posts pictures of the most random things he can think of. If it’s artsy enough, Hiro will snap a photo and upload it in minutes. He does use other social media as well but only to keep up with his friends, as he rarely posts any of his own content on there.
Traditional Japanese instrumental is his favorite type of music to listen to, however he is also a big fan of Alternative rock and Grunge bands like Nirvana, Sublime, and Red Hot Chili Peppers. The two contrasting genres are an accurate representation of Hiro’s personality.
If you were to tell high school Hiro that he’d be majoring in Philosophy, he probably would’ve laughed in your face. Up until his accident, he was set in stone that he’d be majoring in something having to do with technology. However, in the past few years Hiro has been plagued with a constant question regarding everything: Why? He’s always been interested in theory, and as his love for science dwindled, his passion for the study of ideas about almost everything rose.
He doesn’t exactly know what job he wishes to pursue come graduation, so he presumes graduate school will be his next step.
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taesthetes · 6 years
(1/?) Travel-anon-hi! I'm all better now, thank you :D! It's okay to be sporadic on instagram - it's your own page, haha! Time to find a small spray bottle then~ Oo, have fun with your internship when you do do it then! Those are always really nice to experience! Yeah, Hong Kong is def one of the more expensive Asian countries, haha, but it iiiis really nice there! Japan's summer was like 38-45 celsius when I went, haha. I'm pretty sure you're gonna be a baked potato - good luck! There's ice-
(2/?) cream taiyaki in Japan, I think? If not, there’s a looot of cute ice cream places there, and lots of specialty Japanese flavours like tofu and ramune for after your taiyaki ;D! First thing I’ll do when I’m back in Japan is go to a convenience store and buy a haagen dazs sandwich haha. Japanese/Asian convenience stores are like the antithesis of grungy X’D they’re almost sparkling in comparison to the ones here in North America. Are there any convenience store snacks you might want to try?
(3/?) Oh! You could always visit your sister’s cat (and your sister) when you’re next free, maybe? And bring your own pet along when you get one :D? What would you name your future pet? That’s true! There does tend to be more modern exhibits around, but I’ve never actively looked up the more traditional older-style exhibits though. There’s a couple here in my city, I think, but the modern ones really do outweigh in quantity to those. Omg, ikr! I don’t get those either!! I literally tilt my head-
(4/?) sideways to look at those, read their descriptions, and STILL don’t get those! The interactive ones are a lot cooler in comparison because you actually get to interact with it, and watch what happens because of you. People in Japan normally took pity on us when we played in Akihabara in Tokyo! Major crane game power there, and a lot of tourists, so I think the people there just kind of expect varying gameplay levels there haha. Nono, I still have ramen at home! I’m just watching my weight-
(5/?) because I’ll be getting costume measurements done soon, and I’d rather not have super high numbers if I can help it, hahaha. It’s actually really hard to hit up everything in Japan! I’ve been a lot of times, but I still see something new every time I’m there! I mean, that’s what makes traveling so awesome to begin with, and life in general though? Oo~ where would you road trip this time? I hope you managed to get all your work done in time, and have fun on the trip & for those bdays!
(6/?) THAT LIP RING. Nothing else really needs to be said to explain your album-decision further XD It’s too bad that both don’t end up in the same album concept, but lip ring ftw. Jimin’s coming for all of us, haha. OMG YEONTAN IS SO CUTE AND TINY AND FLUFFY AND I JUST WANT TO CUDDLE HIM. THOSE EYEBROWS. I haven’t seen Tae’s cat actually? Do you have any photos? I did see the Chain mv! It wasn’t really my music taste, but it was still good! I’m pretty sure my NCT bias is Taeyong, haha. I tend-
(7/?) to like members that are super strong at performance/(super loud)stage presence/dancer? Not sure how to explain it well? Taeyong, specifically, I like his voice a lot. I completely feel you on the bp & f(x) front there. Seriously. I’VE HAD LATATA STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR DAYS, SAVE ME. Yes to listening to comeback groups! I only ever learn all their names when I’m interested enough in the group~ I’ve been in the kpop game since dbsk first started hahaha OuO;; CONGRATS ON THE TSWIFT CONCERT &-
(8/8) HAVING SUCH A BLAST THERE!!! I’M HAPPY YOU WERE HAPPY! Is two hours super early for a Tswift concert? Next time you go, bring a portable charger TuT!!! Or maybe a camera? Do they allow cameras at concerts?? I really hope you get to go again when she does another tour! I’m busy with convention prep right now! I have one next week, so I’m completely swamped, haha. Good luck with your projects and papers, and have a good weekend!!
hello, m’love!! i’m so glad to hear you’re better now! 💓 asdadfkl but i want to have a more cohesive feed, but knowing me, i’m lazy so it’ll only work for a little while. and thank you!! hong kong sounds really nice, and i heard their mcdonalds is super fancy ahaha i want to try their mcdonalds :’) oh my god, that’s boiling hot??!?!?!? that’s 100 - 113 degrees fahrenheit over here, you can literally cook an egg on the sidewalk, what the heck?? aauagh i can’t wear my leggings and sweaters then ):
omg ice cream taiyaki– they just combined to yummy foods to make a mega yummy food :O is tofu and ramune flavored ice cream good? have you had it before? omg i’ll make sure to get a haagen dazs sandwich, too! they are!! omg i wish american convenience stores were nicer. tbh i think i just want to try them all?? i won’t be able to read the packaging probably, but i’ll just take one of each haha
ahhh, maybe! maybe i’ll visit her this summer? or maybe i’ll be too busy catching up on all the sleep i lost during the school year :’) aaskdfjlhas i won’t be able to get a pet until i’m fully settled into my own place and financial stable, which won’t be for at least another two years. yeah, unfortunately for me, there doesn’t seem to be many traditional style art nearby. that’s why i spend hours upon hours in the art museums in europe when i do get the chance to go there. and same!! i read the description and study every angle of the art piece, but i still don’t understand it?? 
yes! interactive art is super fun, and it’s so cool that you can be a part of art with those. oooh, okay, i see!! hopefully, the people will be just as nice when i try playing the crane machines– or maybe i should just buy the plushies since it might be cheaper than me feeding all my money to those games :’) alskdjfhas but it’s ramen!!! there is no such thing as a high number in weight. every number is great and amazing. but omg costume measurements? what’s your costume for?
yes, i agree!! the fun of traveling comes from seeing new things all the time! heck, i haven’t even seen everything where i live. i think we might road trip to the beach or an amusement park! we’re not sure yet, or we might just drive randomly and see where it takes us :D the trusty gps will always take us back. and thank you!! omg for my friend’s bday, we went to a nice crepe place for brunch and then we did one of those color me mine type places and i painted a cute mug for my father’s day present, and it was so much fun– i miss art so much
OH GOSH, I MIGHT ACTUALLY ORDER THE O VERSION ALBUM JUST BECAUSE OF THAT LIP RING NOW askjdfahls but also i want to save money for the trip, so i’m still on the fence aND YES, YEONTAN IS SO ADORABLE OH MY GOSH LIKE GOOD BYE TAE, I ONLY STAN YEONTAN. ahhh i think i reblogged a post of him and his cat a reaaally long time ago, but if you google taehyung kkanji then i think you’ll be able to find the pics!! my blog is a mess so i don’t know where that post went sadly ):
omg i think i just loved chain so much because winwin finally got a line!!! and yuta finally got a lot of lines too!!! (and thank god because it’s a japanese song and i would’ve sued if yuta got nothing) oooh, taeyeong is honestly the ideal type, like his personality is so darn kind and sweet and perfect and if you talk to any nct stan, i’m 99% sure taeyong is always their bias or their bias wrecker. even if you don’t bias him, you bias him. but also yes, his stage presence is amazing!!! like wow, even the camera people are drawn to him even when he isn’t the center.  his english raps are also really funny to read tho asdkjfhals
did you see the bp lightstick?? it’s like one of those toy hammers from weekly idol. LATATA IS SO DARN CATCHY, I FIND MYSELF LISTENING TO IT EVERYDAY TOO. and same! although the exception to that rule for me would be day6 because i don’t know all the members, but i listen to all their songs. and oh my gosh, that’s so long :O since dbsk first started?? i just looked it up and that was 2003 oh my gosh, i was only 4 or 5 then wow.
AND THANK YOU!!! 💘💘 and yes, i’ll definitely have to bring a portable charger next time but aksdjlhflas i don’t have a camera with me unfortunately– my family only has one camera, and it’s left at home, so i only have my phone at my dorm. and yes, i’m sure they allow cameras at concerts! otherwise, a lot of kpop fansites would probably have to smuggle their cameras in haha and thank you, i hope so too :’) omg i hope you have lots of fun at the convention!!! 💕 did it happen already? how did it go? and thank you! i hope your weekend was good, too! how have you been? 🌻💗
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