#i wish i wasn’t so darn forgetful it ruins everything doesn’t it :(
baileyboo2016 · 11 months
Welcome to another episode of Bailey being forgetful which puts Bailey in a bad place.
You might know how I need to refill my medication, right? and in order to get a refill delivered you need doctor approval. so i thought i had an online doctors appt scheduled but turns out i fucking didnt. now my mom and i are calling the doctor and trying to get a refill in for me. But Bailey can’t remember to check the caremark website for refill orders. And Bailey also couldn’t remember that Bailey had a doctors appt for refill approval scheduled in June. that i apparently just straight up forgot to go to. so my refill for august was just- denied. cause i had no doctor approval.
So now i just found out that I run out of medication in two days. how delightful! /s
I think a refill should be coming tomorrow so I am hoping that it does…
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
What are your thoughts on Vanya’s book? I’m torn between knowing it was an empowering thing for her and being like damn girl, you were all abused, not cool putting that out there without their consent. The lines I’ve seen from it were about how Vanya’s siblings treated her but I don’t see how she can talk about their childhood without the abuse coming up. Do you think Vanya would have to apologize for the book as part of improving the siblings relationships?
I think that Vanya’s book was very important for her to write - for herself. I don’t think she should have published it without the consent of her siblings, because Vanya does not exist in a vacuum. If you think Allison was not absolutely grilled over the contents of that book in interviews and it didn’t continuously pop up in her world you’re wrong. And anyone who both knew the other siblings and read the book might make comments or ask questions or make assumptions. Vanya wrote an entire book about how terribly she was treated and then pointed the finger at her siblings.
Because the issue is this: Vanya was abused. Horrifically and terribly abused and neglected. She was drugged for the majority of her life against her consent, frequently emotionally abused and belittled, and isolated from the rest of her siblings. She has a right to be angry. BUT. That does not erase the fact that her siblings were all also abused and victims. And Vanya was so wrapped up in her own pain she couldn’t really see that. 
Of course, the reverse is also true. The others were all wrapped up in their own trauma to the extent that they never considered Vanya’s point of view or the ways that Vanya was being abused.
But imagine for a moment that you father raises you as a child soldier. You and all your siblings except one. While you’re running drills and learning to fight and gathering bruises and the only time you’re allowed to yourself is half an hour during the weekend - the life of the one sibling who is allowed to pursue her own passions (violin) and is generally ignored by your drill sergeant father seems to have it pretty darn good wouldn’t you think? You’d give your left leg to be invisible or not be forced to do the training. You’d give your left leg to have her freedom.
And then she publishes an entire book painting you the bad guy because, what, you didn’t include her in your half an hour of freetime? You had better things to do trying to survive your father’s regime than take a few to play happy family with her? You look at this book and ignore all the emotional abuse and gaslighting that she’s highlighting because you think she had it easy, and she’s saying in here that she was jealous of the attention your father gave you. Jealous. As if gaining your dad’s attention was ever a good thing. 
She spills a whole bunch of family secrets. Discusses your brother’s death, something you find very private (maybe you even witnessed it and she didn’t), with the entire world. She drags up all the shitty things you did as a child. A child raised in an emotionally and honestly probably physically abusive household from which your only adult human role model was your asshole father. He built you a robotic mother who obeys his orders and parrots his words. The only other person is a chimpanzee who also only ever seems to regurgitate Reginald’s ideas and always defended him even though he was hurting you. Abusing you.
Vanya deserved to write down those thoughts and discuss them. With a therapist. Or friends. Or anonymously!  Maybe a blog and give everyone pseudonyms and work through it that way. Because like it or not, her siblings did hurt her. They probably gaslit her about how bad things were, blowing her off because clearly her life wasn’t that bad. And they’d probably roll their eyes and call her lucky that she wasn’t included in training anyway. And Vanya would have to grit her teeth and smile and agree because it’s six against one.
Vanya was abused. But that doesn’t mean her siblings weren’t equally abused. Honestly I bet if Vanya had called up Diego and was like “hey I’m writing a whole book about how much growing up with old Reggie fucking sucked, thinking about publishing, wanna help?” Diego would be the first one on board like “HELL YEAH let’s ruin dad’s whole career I have like, seven stories about child endangerment off the top of my head let’s go”
the book we deserved to have was a collab by the whole family offering different points of views and discussing the trauma their siblings didn’t get to see - like private training. 
So what I’m saying is that Vanya does write a sequel to her book. Except this time it’s with everyone sharing. That’s the apology. The opportunity to set the record straight with what they’re comfortable sharing with the world. 
Luther can talk about never feeling good enough, can talk about his isolation at the top of the pyramid and his relationship with Allison who was also there. He can talk about impossible standards and his father never using his name. Strained muscles and terrible testing. The nonconsensual body modification and the isolation on the moon. The realization that four years of his life had been wasted because his dad never even bothered to read the reports - he didn’t even care enough to try. He can talk about the fact that he was so raised up as a child that he feels like a failure at everything he does now. 
Allison can talk about her father forcing her to rumor her sister when they were both four years old. She can talk about the training, having to rumor her siblings and then later the random people Reginald would bring to her. Delivery men and door to door salesmen and girlscouts who were always rumored to forget after. (And then the homeless people, the people no one would miss. The ones who weren’t rumored to forget after because they didn’t go home. She doesn’t write about them though). She can talk about rumoring her way through life and never learning how to get anything without forcing people to give it to her. Constantly on the offensive. The way that’s impacted her career, her relationships.
Diego can talk about never being good enough. His stutter that Reginald had no patience with. The training, being forced to throw knives at the one person in the world he really truly cares about as she smiles at him with her plastic smile. Trying desperately to keep Klaus from drowning under the weight of Reginald’s expectations when he was barely treading water himself after Ben’s death. Leaving the first chance he did and never looking back. The way he still tried to prove himself by joining the police academy, and when he failed at that by becoming a vigilante. 
Klaus can talk about his father throwing him in a fucking mausoleum. Being scared of the dark and claustrophobic. The ghosts he sees screaming behind his eyelids and sometimes even when his eyes are open. The one escape that he found being looked down on by everyone around him when he was only doing his very best to survive because the sad truth is that he could not live that way. Not how it was. He can talk about Ben showing up after his death, and nobody believing him. Being homeless. Living on the streets with no one but a ghostly follower for company. Every moment of sobriety in that house was one of fear - and Klaus is just so very tired of being afraid. (Maybe he can bring himself to talk about Dave, the one person that made him feel safe and protected and loved and how he lost him. Maybe he can’t.)
Ben can talk through Klaus about his own life. He was forced to kill people against his will with a power he couldn’t really control and that he was afraid of. He ended missions covered in blood that he never wanted to shed. Then his death which was reportedly very bad. Then showing up again and only being able to talk to Klaus. Not being able to hug him or stop him or intervene - forced to become a spectator to his brother overdosing over and over again. Loving him but being so angry that he’s squandering the chances Ben wishes he could once again have. 
Five can talk about growing up pushing the boundaries and the way the others only seemed to notice when Reginald praised him and never when he was punished. And he was punished. Reginald tried over and over again to get Number Five to come to heel and never quite succeeded. Every point Five gained in his own personal score was gained through blood and bruises and willpower. There’s all that to talk about, and then there’s the time travel and forty years of isolation and Dolores and becoming an assassin and his plethora of issues regarding that he doesn’t even need to get into to make a whole book of his own. Coming back and seeing that cold portrait sitting on the mantle and knowing that Reginald used his presumed death in order to further control his siblings. 
And they write it together, sitting in the living room and contradicting each other’s memories of events (”No, Dad caught us because you tripped on the table!” “Nuh uh! It was because Klaus was whispering too loudly!” “Actually guys looking back I’m pretty sure Dad just checked the cameras and noticed us leaving.”) and maybe they don’t publish it! They don’t have to! Or maybe they do, taking out all the bits about, you know, murder and all of that sorry Ben they could probably just downgrade the language to ‘hurting a lot of people’ though I mean. He’s dead it’s not like they can charge him with excessive use of force at this point. 
And it’s a bonding experience. And they all come out of it better understanding that they were all traumatized and abused and groomed and gaslighted and neglected and just overall their childhoods were shit. Five will defend Vanya’s book with his fucking life and probably is instrumental in making the others see that just because her abuse looked different doesn’t make it less valid. And he’s also instrumental in making Vanya see that just because the others abuse looked different doesn’t make it any less valid, either. 
Do yeah, have enough material for a sequel? There’s enough material for a fucking series. 
Honestly though genuinely do you know what I think would have been a way better and more empowering move on Vanya’s part? Writing a fiction novel about an ordinary child in a world of magic and superpowers who saves the world. Writing about her own life through the lens of fiction. Basing her characters on real people, yeah, but not writing a tell all book about people whose lives it would very much still affect. Plus, I bet the others would actually read the book at least and recognize it. 
I mean, if they read an entire book about a character who was excluded and belittled and ignored and told she wasn’t worth anything because she wasn’t special in the context of this fictional world, I think they would sympathize. And then if Vanya told them hey, actually this is me projecting and I really did feel this way a lot then it might go over a sight better than hey I’m writing about our childhoods and all your friends are going to read about it
and honestly?? I think that’s a story that needs to be told to other little girls as well. Maybe they aren’t literally being told they’re ordinary because they don’t have superpowers, but there’s a lot of girls who are told they aren’t special and can’t do things and having an ordinary character save the world is an important and inspiring narrative. And it might help Vanya get some closure, because she gets to come up with an end to the story. Wish fulfillment. She gets to write about an ordinary little girl who saved the world. Or maybe she didn’t save the world. Maybe she saved her piece of the world and left the rest up to the people with powers. Small acts of kindness that change everything, for some people.
(and it would reach more people than whoever reads autobiographies and memoirs)
I have a lot of feelings about the book as you can probably tell lmao
I just think the book could have been handled better on Vanya’s part. But I also think she had a right to write it because she had a LOT of stuff to work through. Honestly I think the book originally began from an exercise her therapist gave her and took on a life of its own until it reached the publisher. But like I said, she doesn’t exist in a vacuum and her actions have effects on other people - specifically her family. 
Granted, it’s not like I’ve read the book in its entirety and can’t judge it because of that. But the others had a right to their privacy and I don’t blame them for feeling angry and betrayed because of that invasion of privacy I mean damn. And I doubt Vanya put any of the good stuff in there really, mostly bad. Because that’s how she was feeling.
(If I wrote a book about my childhood with my brother - I could talk about how he sold our joint runescape account without consultation despite all the hours I put in. I could talk about him chasing me through the house or eating my chocolate that I was saving. I could talk about some of his shitty views and his self-isolation, how he would call me stupid and never let me play with him. When he purposefully ditched me in Mini-Amsterdam when I was six and I had to find someone to call my mum for me. Maybe the time he left me on the school bus when I fell asleep next to him. When he pushed me into a bank of nettles, ouch. Or I could talk about how when my balloon popped when I was seven, he gave me his balloon. Or the time he won me a toy starfish on a crane machine. Or when he took me to school after my surgery so I could pick up my homework and when I went back before I was ready he was the one to pick me up again. Or the time when my sister and her friend were being horrible and he let me hang out with him and his friend in their secret base even though he usually didn’t give me the time of day.)
At the end of the day, you can frame people any way you want, and Vanya was going for the bad stuff. Because she was hurting. And she hurt them. And she needs to acknowledge that, so yeah I do think she needs to apologize for writing the book without asking or consulting in order to improve their relationship. I think the others need to apologize to her as well for what little shits they were as kids, because their own abuse is a reason but it doesn’t excuse what they did, either. Vanya was abused and they hurt her and they need to apologize for that. But that didn’t give Vanya the right to hurt them back, so she has to apologize as well if that makes sense??
I dunno this ended up longer than I thought it would oof but I hope it answers your question!!
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Remember this? Probably not.
Three years ago I hinted at a fanfic to go along with this picture. After three years of development hell, It’s here!
"Thanks again for the oran berries Carracosta," said Nuzleaf as the two pokemon crossed the bridge to their homes.
"No trouble at all, Nuzleaf," said Carracosta with a wave of his flipper. "After everything that's happened in the past few months, you could use a bit of good luck."
"Y....yeah," muttered Nuzleaf suddenly feeling a pit in his stomach He clutched at the bag that held the oran berries. Sure he could use some good luck, but that didn’t mean he deserved it. Not after everything.
“You alright there Nuzleaf?” asked Carracosta. “You look pale.”
"I'm fine," said Nuzleaf, then looked at Carracosta with a smile. "I reckon I'm just tired."
Carracosta nodded.
“Well, alright. I would get some rest then. The kids will be visiting tomorrow right? Don't want to worry Autumn do we?”
Nuzleaf let out a half-hearted chuckle. Carracosta gave him a concerned look. He placed his flipper on Nuzleaf’s shoulder. Nuzleaf flinched at his touch.
“You know, you can talk to me anytime right. I’ll listen.”
Nuzleaf could only nod, but Carracosta seemed satisfied for now.
“Alright then. See you later?”
“Right, see ya," said Nuzleaf as they went into their respective houses.
Nuzleaf let out a sigh, and began to store his berries away and was soon lost in his own thoughts.
He still had no idea how Carracosta was able to talk to him like nothing happened. It has been going on for four months now since the whole Dark Matter incident, yet Carracosta – and everyone in Serene Village for that matter – have yet to throw him aside as he expected. They were being...nice to him. Why? After everything he did, why were they acting like he simply spilt oran berry juice? He felt awkward and...wary around everyone. Especially around a certain little Fennekin. Not long ago, Nuzleaf was able to help Autumn get her partner back, but even now he's barely able to look her in the eye.
Autumn was definitely something special. While she can be a little sassy at times, and a bit of a daydreamer, she does have a considerate heart and was always willing to help if a friend had a problem. She doesn't do things by halves. When there was a job to do she puts her very soul into getting it done. Autumn has always been like that from the moment he met her. He had gotten to know the little fox pokemon and grew quite fond of her...almost like a…
Nuzleaf shook his head violently.
No! Don’t think about that! She’ll never see you that after what you gone and did.
He sighed.
Not that it matters, once what I did hits home they’ll...leave and forget about me. I’ll be alone like always.
"Hey, Nuzleaf!"  
Nuzleaf let out a yelp. His jolt sent the oran berries flying. A couple landing on his head. Hearing a stifled giggle behind him, Nuzleaf turned around to see the subject of his thoughts standing by the doorway looking a tad sheepish.
“Consarn it, child, you darn near gave me a heart attack!” he cried.
The fox pokemon came in and helped Nuzleaf pick up the oran berries.
"You're mighty early," Nuzleaf told Autumn. “I thought you and your little Chespin friend weren't comin' til tomorrow.”
Autumn sighed and looked up at Nuzleaf
“I came early because we need to talk.”
Nuzleaf barely suppressed a shudder. He had a feeling he knew what this talk was gonna be about. He knew it was coming but.....how do you prepare for something like this.
"O...oh," he muttered, unable to think of anything else to say.
"I know, I don't really want to either," said Autumn. “But....since.....that happened, things have been weird between us. It's to be expected yes, but I hate things being so awkward, and....everyone at the Expedition Society suggested that maybe talking it out might help. I think I agree.”
Nuzleaf kept quiet, and just stared at the oran berries he was still holding.
“It's been four months Nuzleaf.” Autumn went on. “Honestly, we should've done this from the start. It's getting so frustrating you know. We only ever manage small talk and then it gets all silent and stuff. I don't want things to be awkward between us anymore, I want things to go back to how they used to be, but they can't. The stuff that's happened....it's too heavy.”
Nuzleaf's grip on the berries tightened causing the juice to squirt out on his hands. He paid no attention, however. He was too focused on what the fire type was saying.
“But, maybe it will help if we talk it out. Get it out into the open. It won't be pleasant for either of us, but maybe then we’ll be able to get rid of some of that awkwardness.”
Nuzleaf rubbed the back of his head.
“But I'm not sure I should be telling a child something like this.”
“Hey, I am mature for my age.” joked Kaiya. “How about this, I’ll go first. I’ll lay my feelings down and...then...you could say your piece. The least you could do is hear me out.”
Nuzleaf nodded.
“I reckon I do owe you that much.”
Nuzleaf put the remaining oran berries away then sat down on the steps near his bed, and motioned Autumn to sit next to him, which she did.
"You go ahead and vent child," he said, bracing himself for the worst.
Autumn shuffled slightly then began.
“Back then, on Revelation Mountain, when you...revealed your intentions. It......it hurt. Tremendously. “I mean, you were someone I thought I could trust with anything. I thought I could tell you any of my problems with confidence. I thought......I'd have a home to go back to if joining the expedition Society didn't work out. Nuzleaf....that letter you gave me before I left, everything it said, was.....was it all lies?” Autumn had tears in her eyes at those last words.
“No!....yes......ahhhh I don't rightly know anymore!” cried Nuzleaf covering his face with his hands. That was the worst thing about being controlled by Dark Matter he didn't know if anything he said was genuine, or if it was Dark Matter making him say those things. There was such a blurred line between the two.
"Well, I guess it doesn't matter much anymore," said Autumn sadly. “Anyway, Forrest was furious. He ranted on about how he would never forgive you for what happened. I....honestly wasn't sure. I mean.....I was upset with you, but.....I thought there had to be some rhyme or reason behind it. Espurr kinda confirmed it.”
Autumn paused for a moment then continued. “After learning that it was Dark Matter that was making you do those things...I...wasn't mad anymore. I....actually felt kinda sorry for you. I wished I could help in some way, but I didn't know how. I wish I said something back then in the Prehistoric Ruins, but I guess I was scared...and confused.”
Nuzleaf suddenly felt very ashamed of himself. He looked into Autumn's eyes hoping it was a look of complete honesty.
“I.....I'm sorry for everythin' I said to you back then.”
Autumn nodded.
"Dark Matter took control of you because you had darkness in you," she stated. "At least that's what Espurr said."
"I....didn't exactly have the best childhood," said Nuzleaf quietly. He had no idea why he told the young Fennekin that. This was going to bring up questions that he would've preferred not to answer. Sure enough, Autumn looked at him sadly and the question she asked pushed him past the point of no return.
“Wha......what happened?”
Nuzleaf took a deep breath he really didn’t want to do this, but Autumn already poured her feelings out. Wasn’t it only fair that he did the same? He did owe her some explanation of why he did what he did. Why Dark Matter so easily took control of him.
But, if I tell her she’ll leave for sure.
He shook the thought out of his head. He needed to do this. He needed to tell Autumn the truth Even if it meant losing her.
Nuzleaf jumped when Autumn placed a paw on his shoulder. She was giving him a look that said Talk to me. Nuzleaf took another breath and spoke.
"I was born on the Air Continent. My parents settled down in a mighty nice forest. It had lots of flowers, fresh air and healthy, nourishin' trees. Everythin' a growin' Seedot needed. Life was good for a while, but....then when I was six, there was an accident. A fire type was passin' through the forest and one of the forest pokemon did not like that at all. They harassed the poor pokemon and he gone lost his temper. He let loose a Fire Blast, but hadn't looked where he was aimin' and went and set a tree on fire."
Nuzleaf sighed shakily.
“The fire spread mighty quick and all the other pokemon had to evacuate.”
- - - -
Seedot nuzzled himself closer to his mother as she and many other pokemon ran through the burning forest, trying to filter out the smell of smoke. He did not like this smell. It made him cough. He had no idea what was happening. It had started out like any other day. Then a Houndoom came through the forest and things just went rapidly downhill from there. Flames started spreading rapidly and quicker than a Raichu using Volt Tackle his mother picked him up with her leafy hands and started running out of the forest.
“Mama, where's Papa?” asked Seedot.
“He's helpin' the other pokemon. He'll be along. Keep your face covered, child. We can't have you inhalin' too much smoke.”
Seedot obeyed and didn't dare look up again until he was sure he and his mother were out of the forest. That's when they noticed a group of pokemon.
"Apparently the fire got worse deeper in the forest," said Gloom.
“Yeah, a Shiftry tried to blow the fire away with his leafy hands. Sheesh, had the guy lost all his senses?!” cried Whimsicott.
Faster than Seedot could register, his mother shoved him right into the arms of a nearby Breloom.
“Watch him for me! I have to go help!”
"Wha....do I have...Oh fine," grumbled Breloom.
“Mama!” cried Seedot.
“Stay with Breloom,” said his mother. “I'll be back with your father as soon as I can!”
And with that, she darted back into the flaming forest.
Neither came back out.
- - - - -
Kaiya just sat t stunned.
Nuzleaf sighed.
“We never encountered a fire before, so I reckon blowin' the fire away made sense at the time.”
"I'm sorry," said Autumn sadly.
"It gets worse. The Breloom took me in and we found another forest to live in. It was alright for a while, but Breloom started payin' less and less attention to me. He would be gone for days, then when he'd return he would not so much as glance at me sometimes. Eventually, it was like I was completely invisible to him. Every darn time I tried to get his attention he would yell at me at best, or....at worst," Nuzleaf shuddered. “I'd get a Mach Punch to the face.”
- - - - -
Seedot ran as fast as his little feet could carry him. He ran until reached his hiding place. A huge hollow tree. He always hid here after one of Breloom’s blow-ups which were becoming increasingly common. Seedot hid inside and sat down. His face still hurt from the direct Mach Punch.
"I reckon, I don't like Breloom anymore," he said sadly.
Things just hadn't been the same since his parents perished in that forest fire three years ago. Breloom wasn't too bad at first, a bit grumpy sure, but nothing like this. He made him a bed and got him enrolled at the local school, (Although nobody liked him at school.)but now Breloom just wouldn't give him the time of day anymore. If Seedot so much as said one word to him he risked another bruise. Seedot sighed. He was hungry. He went back out and searched for a tree that could spare a little nourishment. His parents told him to always be careful not to absorb nourishment from the same tree too many days in a row as he could risk damaging it. Seedot soon found a tree he hadn't used recently and started climbing. Not an easy thing to do when you have no arms. He attached himself to a branch and was now happily absorbing.
"Ahhh, much better," he said.  
It was a good thing that the majority of the nutrients a Seedot needed came from most trees. Breloom didn't acknowledge the little pokemon long enough to even feed him nowadays.
Suddenly a berry came flying towards him, hitting him square in the face. Poor Seedot fell to the ground with a yelp. Seedot sat up his head throbbing.
“Haha, nice one Aipom!” laughed a voice.
“Told ya, Fling would come in handy didn't I?”
“Oh no.” whimpered Seedot. He knew exactly who these pokemon were. An Axew approached him. Followed by a Machop and an Aipom.
“Hey, No Arms! Had a nice flight?” mocked Machop.
“I can't be dealin' with y'all right now!” growled Seedot.
“What's wrong squirt? You scared?” asked Aipom.
“Of course he is!” laughed Axew. “He can't fight back without arms.”
"When I evolve I will have arms, then y'all will be sorry!" shouted Seedot.
Suddenly Machop picked up Seedot by the shell on his head and held him upside down.
“Isn't that cute, guys. No Arms thinks he's gonna evolve.”
"Haha, yeah right. Nobody as weak as you could ever hope to evolve!” cackled Aipom.
Seedot kicked his feet trying to shake himself free from Machop's grasp.
“Hahaha, look at him struggle!” laughed Axew.
“Put me down!” cried Seedot. “Put me down, or I'll....”
“You'll what? Call your mummy?” sneered Machop.
Seedot immediately stopped struggling. He normally didn't let anything Machop said get to him, but that one stung.
Then Machop threw the poor Acorn Pokemon right into a tree. Seedot fell to the ground and let out a whimper.
“Awwwww, is No Arms gonna cry?” mocked Aipom.
Seedot struggled to his feet then he glared at the trio. Right then and there something inside him snapped.
“Ya, know what? I've about had it with the lot of you!” he yelled. “I'm done with y'all, I'm done with Breloom and I'm done with this place!!!”
Seedot then ran off leaving the laughing pokemon behind. Clearly, they didn't take what he said seriously, but he has had enough. If no one was gonna take notice of him here (aside from those three) then he might as well leave. Knowing Breloom, it would take him several days to notice the small pokemon's absence, so Seedot was confident he would get a head start. He didn't stop running until he was far from the forest.  Seedot let out a sigh.
“Now what?”
- - - - -
“I just left. I didn't tell anyone. I ran away and never looked back.” said Nuzleaf.
“What did you do then?” asked Autumn.
“Not much. Just travelled around the continent for a few years tryin' to avoid unwanted attention. I trained up a bit and eventually evolved into Nuzleaf. Soon after I came across a Shiftry lookin' for recruits for a rescue team he was planning to build. I had no other place to go, so I joined. Shiftry was mighty picky about the jobs we took, let me tall ya. We wouldn't take a job unless we were rewarded big time. One day, a pokemon convinced Shiftry to take a little job to save a wee Jumpluff. The job went well until Zapdos appeared. He whooped us big time!"
“Whoa, Zapdos?! You met Zapdos?!” cried Autumn.
"We sure did, young'un. He abducted Shiftry and took him to his abode. It was only thanks, to a fledglin' team that he got outta there."
"Whoa," whispered Autumn.
Nuzleaf shifted a bit before he continued.
“A few months after that, Shiftry decided to disband the team.”
“Really?!” cried Autumn. “Why?”
"I reckon the Zapdos incident, shook him up a bit," said Nuzleaf with a shrug. "It seemed like there was summat else, but he wouldn't tell us. I couldn't help but feel a little betrayed."
"I'm sorry to hear that," said Autumn. “ It sounded cool being on a rescue team.”
Nuzleaf gave Autumn a little smile.
“Well, it ain't much different to what you're all doing now. We mainly just focused on rescue missions.”
"I see," said Autumn. “So you left?”
"Yup," said Nuzleaf. "I decided to get out of the Air Continent altogether. Too many memories there, ya know. I got me a travel pass and rode Lapras to where ever she took me. For several years I just travelled on my own. Then......”
Nuzleaf stopped and shuddered as his breath quickened and he began hugging himself. He hadn't recalled this memory in so long. It still hurt. Even after all these years thinking about this still hurt. Kaiya gave him a concerned look.
"We....we can stop there if you want," she suggested.
Nuzleaf shook his head.
“N...no, if I don't get this out now, I reckon I never will. I....met another Nuzleaf. She...saved me.”
- - - -
Nuzleaf clutched art the small bag he carried as he went through a dense forest. He growled slightly under his breath. This forest reminded him too much of his past. Of how he lost both his parents. How he ran away from his next home to escape the torment of Breloom and the bullies. It bought back feelings he didn't want to have.
Nothing seemed to go well for him since then. He thought he finally had a firm footing on his life when he joined that rescue team. Sure their standards were a bit…iffy, but it got him through the day, it kept him distracted. Then that thing with Zapdos happened. Then the fugitive incident. (He had no idea what that was about. Shiftry never told him the details.) Then there whole Groudon debacle. Not to mention the mess with the meteor and Rayquaza.
Shiftry must’ve finally had enough because soon after, he announced that the team was no more. So Nuzleaf had little choice but to move on. He didn’t say goodbye to his teammates. He….just couldn't look at them...he could somewhat understand why Shiftry disbanded the team but he still couldn't help feeling some...resentment for him about his decision.
He was so lost in his thoughts he wasn’t looking where he was going.
Nuzleaf found himself on his backside and he looked up to see a very angry looking Toxicroak.
“Watch where your going runt!”
"Sorry, lost in thought," Nuzleaf muttered as he picked himself up.  
Toxicroak only glared harder.
“What kind of half-arsed apology was that?!”
Nuzleaf gave the Toxic Mouth pokemon a glare of his own.
“I don’t much care for your tone or language bud.” Nuzleaf started to walk past the offending pokemon. “I’m in a hurry so-” He was cut off when the Toxicroak grabbed his wrist.
“Oh think you’re real funny don’t ya?” He snarled. “Well let’s see how funny you are when I swipe this!”
Toxicroak grabbed Nuzleaf’s bag and with a yank, snapped it off of his neck, sending the poor pokemon back onto the ground.
“Seriously?! This is all you have?!” Nuzleaf heard the poison type pokemon remark, as he got onto his hands and knees. Flashbacks of his torment at the hands of his bullies and guardian played in his head. His whole body shook as he glared up at the pokemon looming above him.
“Give that back…”
“Heh, why? It’s not like you’re gonna miss it all you had was a measly 300 P! That’s not going to get you far you know.”
It was true, but he didn't want to accept the much more generous amount of money that Shiftry, was offering him and his teammate upon disbandment. Whether it was from pride or hatred he didn't know. Still, he got to his feet and lunged for the bag.
“I said give it-ack!”
Nuzleaf eyes widened as a sharp pain shot through his abdomen. He could barely breathe and even started to feel pretty sick. Toxicroak glared at him, his now purple claw against his stomach.
“Just couldn’t walk away could you?” he sneered. “It’s your own fault you got hurt.”
Nuzleaf couldn't speak. He only glared up at Toxicroak as a wave of dizziness washed over him. Yep, he was definitely poisoned. He lifted a shaky hand, trying to reach out for his bag only to be met with purple goop being flung into his face, causing the pain he was already in to worsen, He was then thrown to the side hitting a rock.
“Maybe you’ll think before mouthing off to someone superior to you next time.”
Nuzleaf could barely lift his head up, he could only watch through his blurred vision as Toxicroak walked away. He thought he saw another figure nearby but couldn’t make them out. The last thing he saw before darkness consumed him was the Toxicroak doubling over in pain.
"...ey….hey…..you hear me?... Come on wake up!"
Nuzleaf let out a gasp as his senses slowly returned. He was sure he’d never been in so much pain before. It felt like his insides were being eaten alive. It only worsened when he tried to sit up causing him to yelp.
“Easy, there, don’t try to move just yet. You’re pretty badly poisoned.”
Nuzleaf partially opened his eyes wanting to find out where the feminine voice was coming from. He saw a brownish blur in front of him which held out what he was able to recognise as a Pecha berry even through his feverish stupor.
“Here, eat this. You’ll feel much better.”
Nuzleaf let her place the berry in his mouth, and he chewed it, the sweet taste washing over him. Once he swallowed it only took a moment for the berry to work its magic. Even outside of Mystery Dungeons, those things work fast.
“Ahh, consarn it…” he groaned as he -successfully this time- sat up holding his head.
“Ah, good, looks like you’ll be fine. You had me worried for a minute.”
Nuzleaf turned to see...another Nuzleaf though clearly a female on if the shorter leaf and voice were any indication. She also had a blue flower tied to her leaf.
“Still,” she continued. “You should take it easy for now. You were in a real bad way when I reached you.”
Nuzleaf just looked down at his feet, fists clenched.
“He….took my bag.”
“You mean this bag?”
Nuzleaf looked at the other wily pokemon in shock when she held up said bag with a smirk.
“How in tarnation…”
“Turns out poison types don’t like Extrasensory very much.” laughed the female. “The fact he was also part fighting type didn’t help either.”
She handed Nuzleaf his bag with a smile. “Here it’s yours right.”
Nuzleaf cautiously took the bag and after checking that the money was still there he placed it beside him.
“Whaaat? Don't you trust me?" asked the other Nuzleaf, albeit in a teasing tone. "Guess I can't blame you considering what happened. Oh, I'm Flower by the way. At least that's what my family and friend's call me. You?"
"Er...just Nuzleaf, never bothered with nicknames," said Nuzleaf as he stretched his limbs to get the kinks out. “Thanks for the help.”
Nuzleaf looked around, finding he wasn’t on the same dirt road he was on before blacking out, but deeper in the forest.
“What are we doing here?”
Flower shrugged.
“Figured I should move you before the bozo woke up. Would cause us less agro in the long run.”
Nuzleaf just nodded.
“How long was I out?”
Flower thought for a moment.
“About ten minutes, fifteen at most. I wasn’t really keeping count.”
Nuzleaf gazed at Flower and smiled for what the first time in what felt like forever.
“Well...you gosh darn saved me back there, so...thanks a lot.”
“You already thanked me silly.” laughed Flower. “But...you’re welcome.”
Nuzleaf soon realised that he was staring so he turned away feeling his cheeks heat up.
“So where were you going before….that happened," asked Flower.
"Just…wherever," muttered Nuzleaf.
"Funny, me too," said Flower. "Could I maybe...tag along...it's pretty lonely just travelling on your own, and two's company, right?"
Nuzleaf stared at Flower in shock. He couldn't help wondering if this was some sort of trick...no one was ever this nice to him before. Not since his Mama. However, looking into Flower's eyes all he saw was an earnest desire to banish her loneliness. He couldn't very well deny her something like that.
                                - - - - - -
Nuzleaf looked at the ground smiling sadly. “We got real close. She was a strong one. Didn't take nothing from no one.”
“Did you like her.” Autumn couldn't help but tease.
Nuzleaf blushed wildly but nodded.
“Did.....she like you back?” asked Autumn, more out of curiosity this time.
"She did. She was the one to come out and say it first," said Nuzleaf with a laugh. Hoo, boy, those were good times. We would always hang out, gathering berries, watching the sunset. We didn't need anyone else. Soon enough she started going on about buying a house and starting a family. I was sure excited about that prospect. We were walking along a mountain talking about all the things we'll need......wouldn't you know it........" Nuzleaf's form began to shake violently. "It......was just too darn good to last."
- - - - -
It all happened so fast. Faster than Nuzleaf could react. One minute he was walking beside Flower as she excitedly gushed about their future the next he was pushed aside as thundering sound of falling rocks his non-existent ears. Now Nuzleaf was climbing down the rockslide as fast as he could to the bottom of the ravine. His heart hammering against his chest as fear and dread hung over him.
“Flower! Flower!”
He reached the bottom and searched the area desperately for his companion. His future wife.  
“Flower, where are ya?! FLOWER!!”
His breathing quickened as he searched. This can’t be happening. It can’t. Not now! Not just when everything was finally looking up. He turned to the pile of rocks and saw something that made his heart stop.
Among the rocks was a torn beaten up blue flower.
Nuzleaf’s breathing hitched as he walked towards the flower and picked it up in his shaky hands. It was like a bucket of ice water was poured over him. His vision blurred as he stared at the crumpled plant that once belonged to the love of his life. He barely felt the tears roll down his cheeks as he fell to his knees and let out an anguished scream.
- - - - - -
“I didn't want to believe it," said Nuzleaf, his voice cracking. "I saw it, but I refused to believe it! She…..save me….for the second time she saved me….and...I couldn’t return the favour. I........I...could...do.....n....nothing." Tears began to spill down Nuzleaf's face. "I couldn't save her!!"
Nuzleaf felt a paw being placed on his arm.
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“Why…? She….already…saved me…it...was….me that owed her...now…..now I’ll never….it...it’s not fair!”
Nuzleaf felt Autumn pull him in what he figured was her attempt at a hug and he sank into it letting out heaving sobs.
“Consarn it, it’s not fair!”
“I know…” said Autumn sadly. “I know, how much it hurts.”
Nuzleaf clutched onto the fox pokemon. She was right, in a way. She did lose Forrest after all. The big difference, however, was that she got Forrest back. Flower...she was never coming back.
"I...I...just snapped after that," he said. "I...I was cruel to everyone. I conned folk. I….I had pokemon build me a house then called it trash and tore it down for the sheer heck of it. I...knew it was wrong, but…I just didn't care anymore. I felt if the world was going to continue to take and take from me, then I'd respond in kind. I...started hearing voices in my head…tellin' me to...do more bad stuff, I'd rather not mention. I...guess that's when Dark Matter started to take over."
Autumn broke the hug and looked into Nuzleaf’s eyes.
“That’s...when you went after me right.”
Nuzleaf nodded.
“Yeah...Yveltal told me to...get rid of you. Then when Beeheeyem hit you with that psychic move. I got that idea to play hero.”
Nuzleaf’s whole body started shaking.
“A...Autumn I….at first I had every intention to take you up to Revelation Mountain and get you to open up the spring but…”
He sucked in a breath.
“I...I really started enjoyin’ havin’ you around. You would greet me every mornin’ at breakfast then go to school and come home for dinner by nightfall. It was like…it was like…”
Nuzleaf shook his head, unable to finish the thought.
I thought maybe…..we…...could be like this forever…that after...everythin' I could finally be happy, but then you said you wanted to leave...it all...it all came crashin' down again.”
- - - - -
Nuzleaf was curled up into a ball on his bed. Once again, he was alone. Autumn was gone. She left. Sure he wrote that letter, but...he still couldn’t help the feeling of betrayal.
WhAt diD I tEll yOu?
Nuzleaf flinched. This voice in his head was becoming a real thorn in his side lately. For a while, he did what this voice told him, but ever since he boarded Autumn he had grown close to her and really didn't want to go through with this plan.
“It….it means nothin’”
WakE uP! ShE lefT yoU! LiKe aLL tHe rEst ShE lEfT. YoU cAn’T tRusT anYoNe iN tHiS wOrLd. Is’Nt it tImE tO desTroy it bEfOrE iT hUrtS yOu aGain?
Nuzleaf curled himself up tighter. They did. Mama, Papa, Breloom,...Flower. They all left him behind. Left him alone. Dropped him like a rotten piece of fruit.
WhY, dId yoU sToP tuRninG pokEmOn tO StOnE? Did yOu reAllY thInK tHaT FenNeKin wOuLd bE aNy diFfErEnt?! ThAt sHe woUld sEe yOu as fAmiLy thAt YoU cOuld cAlL heR yoUr daUghtEr?!
“Shut up…”
YoU hOneStLy thiNK sHe wOuLd sEe yOu aS a dAd aftEr leaRniNg wHat yOu dId. BecAusE sHe WilL fInD oUt. ShE WilL hAtE yOu. ShE wOn’t eVeN waNt to lOok at yoU!
“SHUT UP!!!”
Nuzleaf shuddered as tears flow down his face.
“Don’t ya think I know that already?!”
ThEn wHy pUt it oFf? WhY lEt thIs woRld wOund yOu aGaIn and agAin? IsN’T it tImE to pUt an eNd to it? To gIvE thOsE thAt wrOngEd yoU a tAstE of tHe pAiN yoU sUFfeRed at thEiR hAnDs a huNdRed tImEs fOLD?
Nuzleaf sat up staring at the wall of his house. Why was he putting it off? What did anyone care anyway? Everyone he ever cared for were gone. Left him behind. It was their fault this was happening. Their fault...he spoke his voice filled with resignation.
“Where next then?”
- - - - -
Nuzleaf wrapped his arms around himself and clenched his eyes shut. His voice cracked beyond recognition.
“Every time…. every time….I think it's….all….gonna be okay….They leave me….Mama, Breloom, Shiftry...Flower….N…..now you!”
Nuzleaf let out a massive sob.
“I couldn't take it! I couldn't take bein’ left behind anymore! So….so I went back to the original plan and took you to Revelation Mountain and….and I…”
Nuzleaf couldn't continue his body now racked with uncontrollable sobs. He felt beyond embarrassed for falling apart this badly in front of the young Fennekin, he just couldn't hold it in anymore. He once more felt himself be pulled into a hug.
"I..I'm so sorry." he heard her whisper he felt tears that weren't his fall against his chest. "I...I had no idea…I didn't stop to think about how my leaving would affect you. If I had even the faintest inkling...but Nuzleaf...you could’ve come to visit, or I could’ve visited you. You didn’t have to let all that pain consume you. You could’ve talked to me. To anyone. You didn’t have to suffer alone.”
“I know!” sobbed Nuzleaf. “I’m sorry!….So sorry!”
He felt Autumn nuzzle him as he cried, finally releasing all of his pent up emotions and pain. Slowly but surely he started to feel lighter than he had in years. His heavy sobs now reduced to sniffles.
“I forgive you.”
Nuzleaf’s eyes widened. Did he hear that right? Surely not. Not after everything he did. He disengaged the hug and stared at the fox pokemon.
Autumn gave him a warm smile.
“I said I forgive you.”
“But….but….” Nuzleaf stammered as fresh tears prickled his eyes. “I...I turned you to stone! I sent you and Forrest to the badlands I-”
Nuzleaf stopped cold at Autumn’s firm voice.
“I.forgive.you!” she smiled. “Just accept it, okay.”
Nuzleaf let out a sigh and smiled. “Okay.”
“And no more bottling your feelings up. It's not good for you," said Autumn wagging her paw at him. "I'm always willing to talk if you need to. Carracosta is too."
"How do I know you won't...leave me behind?"  
Autumn gave Nuzleaf a sad look.
“Listen to me Nuzleaf, I will never never leave you. I’ll never intentionally hurt you, and if I do I’m sorry.”
Nuzleaf felt more tears run down his cheeks.
“They all left me.”
“Not on purpose,” reminded Autumn. “Okay, that Breloom sounded like a piece of work and Shiftry’s reasons are debatable, but your parents, Flower...they died. It was a tragic accident in both cases. They didn’t mean to leave. Besides they’re not really gone. They’re still with you in spirit.”
“This is why we need to talk about these things. So we know where we stand with each other. So we know if our actions hurt one or both of us. You’ve been holding it all inside and not letting anyone in. It’s understandable after everything you went through, but it didn’t help in the long run did it?
“No...” Nuzleaf had to agree with that one. He was quite surprised. Autumn was really quite wise beyond her years.
Autumn nuzzled him lovingly.
“Even if I'm in Lively Town. You can come to visit me, and I'll visit you here. Whenever you want. Ampharos isn’t stingy about time off. I’ll….I’ll always be there for you, Papa.”
Nuzleaf let out a gasp. Surely he heard wrong this time. He stared down at the young Fennekin with wide eyes.
“You...you called me…”
Autumn smiled.
“Papa, yeah...I mean...you did kind of adopt me after all. Despite your reasons, it makes you my Papa.”
Autumn then looked really shy and loosened her awkward quadrupedal hug.
“Erm….if you don’t like it though I won’t-”
“No!” cried Nuzleaf. “I mean yes, I mean…I want it I want this!”
Autumn’s eyes light up.
“Really?! You don’t mind?”
Before Nuzleaf could answer he was bowled over by the fox pokemon giving him yet another hug.
“That’s so great thank you! I love you, Papa!”
Nuzleaf was surprised he still had tears to spare after such an emotionally trying day. Yet here was sniffling like a baby once again.
“Don’t go makin’ cry again young’un.” He muttered. “I….I love you too.”
He didn’t know how long with the little Fennekin – his daughter – in his arms, but by the time they parted the sun had set, and Autumn was fast asleep. If this was a dream, Nuzleaf never wanted to wake up. Not only did Autumn forgive him for everything, she even sees him as a dad. As family Something Nuzleaf never thought he could have again. Dark Matter was wrong. Wrong about everything. He never wanted this moment to end. Nuzleaf carefully carried Autumn to what used to be her room and placed her on her bed. She stirred a bit but didn't awaken. Nuzleaf stroked her ears lovingly, embracing his newfound paternal feelings.
"I love you, child," he whispered giving he a small kiss on the forehead.  
His scars ran deep, but maybe now after all these years, they will finally start to fade.
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hiddendreamer67 · 5 years
Mandy in the Multiverse
Summary: Mandy the writer witch doesn’t know what to write for her prompt, so she goes searching back through her plethora of AUs for inspiration and accidentally stumbles into a few others as well.
(Shoutout to @callboxkat, @lefaystrent and @delimeful for letting me reference their works in this!)
October prompt #23: Witchcraft.
Check out more of my writing at @hiddendreamerwriting!
Mandy sighed, laying on her back and tossing her pen in the air to catch again. It was dull, lacking the usual shine of inspiration. It seemed she was quickly burning through her magic supply this month. 
Her eyes traveled over to the portal, humming in the corner. Several portals, actually. An entire wall of infinite portals, each leading into a different dimension she had created. But what did it matter? All the portals in the world wouldn’t help the young witch find a good story idea. She needed a new portal.
Mandy paused, catching her pen one last time. Or…she could always do a sequel. And for that, a quick lil’ inspiration trip wouldn’t hurt anyone, right?
“I’ll just pop in for a second.” Mandy grinned, already grabbing her cloak and sprinting through one at random.
A bright light flashed, forcing her to cover her eyes. She blinked the spots from her vision, peering around to find… a pet shop?
“Oh, tiny mers.” Mandy hummed, walking through the aisle ways. “Not exactly original, but-”
“Can I help you, gurl?” Remy the sales clerk interrupted her musing.
“Oh, hey Remy.” Mandy gave a disinterested wave, not even looking over as she peered into the empty tanks. She sighed. “Man, this is so boring. There’s not even anything happening here. Well, except with the cats.”
“We don’t sell cats.” Remy informed her.
“I know.” Mandy adjusted her cloak. She didn’t feel like walking all the way over to Picani’s place of residence just to see the shredded remains of Logan clinging to life, that’d just be depressing. “Don’t worry about it.” Without another word she twirled on her feet, the scenery swapping once more. 
“Alright, where we headed?” Mandy rubbed her hands together, looking around to try and get the lay of the land. It was a wide open field, which didn’t give her many clues- that is, until she saw how dead the grass was and the hole left behind by what must’ve been a beanstalk.
“Aww, I missed it?” Mandy groaned. She looked around, seeing nobody at the bottom of the stalk either. “Well this sucks.  I can’t even tell if this is Virgil’s or Patton’s story. Why does the beanstalk have to come down, anyway? Just let it stay up and eventually consume all the water on Earth.” 
That was an idea, maybe. But today was not the day for mythical eco-terrorism. Instead with a sigh Mandy twirled again, crossing her fingers. “Please something fun, please something fun-”
Unfortunately, her hopes were dashed when she opened her eyes to see generic apartment number 3. “Darn it, just a borrower story.” 
There was a quiet clattering behind her. Mandy turned, seeing a very startled human Logan standing in the kitchen. “I- how- what did you say?”
“Oh dear.” Mandy winced. Logan was always the one with too many questions, no matter the universe. “Um, a borrower? Tiny person about yeigh high?” Mandy held out her hands for scale. “You might have one already in a cage. That, or they’re still in the walls. I don’t really know what stage you’re at.”
Logan’s eyes widened, turning a deadly pale. He glanced back at the living room door anxiously, leaning forwards and lowering his voice. “How much do you know about the little mouse men?”
“The mouse men?” Mandy wrinkled her nose in confusion. Since when did Logan call borrowers ‘mouse men’? That sounded more like Littles, and the only story she knew with Littles was…
Mandy gasped, smacking a hand to her cheek. “This is Kat’s story!” She excitedly whispered. The witch looked down at her own hands in awe, having not been aware she could even do that. “Oh my goodness I could see Littles. Wait should I? What if I break something? No, I shouldn’t, they’re all so depressed right now, and Kat’s Littles are always so skittish.”
“Cat? What’s this about a cat?” Logan was frantically trying to keep up with her logic, to no avail.
“Don’t worry about it.” Mandy said hastily. “Tell them I say hi. Wait don’t, forget you saw anything. Okay. I love you. Bye.”
With these parting words Mandy spun away, eager to get out before she ruined over a year’s worth of careful planning. But this opened a newfound realm of possibilities; what were her limits? How far could she go? She eagerly focused her energy away from her own stories, trying to see if she could breach the wall again.
“...oh great. Another Remy.” Mandy sighed, opening her eyes.
“Gurl you better check yourself before you shrek yourself.” Remy judged her, taking a long sip from his cup. 
Mandy glanced around, taking in the house in disarray. There was a strange amount of potato chip bags and binoculars. On a notebook was a list labelled ‘Vampires?’ where Logan’s name had been written, crossed out, rewritten, repeat.
“Is this Lefay’s Welcome to the Neighborhood fic?” Mandy guessed.
“Yup.” Remy nodded. Mandy wasn’t even surprised Remy had that knowledge; he was some sort of demon of the night anyways here. Or something.
“Good.” Mandy nodded as well. “So I can’t break anything.” 
“Bold of you to assume you’re worthy enough to derail this plot.” Remy raised an eyebrow. “Where you headed?”
“I dunno.” Mandy shrugged, leaning against the couch. She cringed, feeling something sticky beneath her. “I mean not that you lovable trash raccoons aren’t, er, great… but I was kinda aiming for Delimeful.”
“The tiny dragon one?” Remy asked.
Mandy nodded. “I wanna introduce Puff to my dragon Virgil. Who isn’t really a dragon, just raised by dragons, and-”
“We get it, ya’ basic. First door on your left.” Remy interrupted with a point. Mandy paused, before with a shrug opening the door that was Remy’s haphazardly thrown together portal. There was another flash of familiar light, but this time the walls appeared more hazy. Translucent, even.
“So, this is a mind palace.” Mandy let out a low whistle, because she could do that in fiction. “Weird. I don’t work in canon enough, huh?” 
But that wasn’t the focus right now. Instead her attention was drawn to a scuttling in front of her, a little purple dragon caught off guard by her arrival. Mandy grinned, taking the opportunity to lunge and catch him. “Gotcha!”
Puff did not appreciate this gesture, frantically clawing and biting at Mandy and nearly causing the young witch to drop him entirely. 
“Geez, stop struggling, Virgil!” Mandy huffed, readjusting her grip.
Mandy paused, looking up to see she had an audience. Roman, Patton, and Logan were giving her looks caught between confusion and horror. The dragon in question had frozen, terrified when she said his name.
For a moment Mandy thought she ruined everything, but no recognition dawned on their faces. “Oh right, you guys are pre-accepting anxiety.” Mandy gave a small sigh of relief, the others tensing further. “Don’t worry, it’s just a, uh, nickname. Totally irrelevant. Definitely not something worth pondering or asking Anxiety about. Okay, toodles!”
But as soon as Mandy attempted to spin on her heel with Puff in tow, a searing hot pain overtook her arms. She yelped, dropping the fledgling and spinning into the other realm alone, collapsing with a grimace.
“Okay, no taking things between realms.” Mandy grit her teeth. “Good to know.”
She looked up, her eyes peering through the darkness to see a sword glinting in the meager light, pointed threateningly at her face. Strangely, she hadn’t even heard the movement. That was suspiciously terrifying. 
“State your business.” The not-dragon Virgil threatened. 
Mandy looked down the length of the sword. She looked back up at Virgil. “I was just trying to bring you a present.” Mandy huffed, annoyed that her plan had failed. “It was a dragon version of you. A real one.”
Well, that was not the right thing to say. Mandy yelped, rolling out of the way as the sword came slashing down, clanking loudly against the rock wall.
“Lovely seeing you as always!” Mandy waved, turning on her heel to the sound of cursing behind her. 
The witch gave a sigh of relief, trying to focus her mind again after getting so jittered. It was difficult whenever her creations got away from her, especially when she was at the wrong end of the sword. The Lord only knew how many times her giants got out of hand, putting Mandy in all sorts of compromising situations.
“Think Mandy.” Mandy told herself, continuing to spin as she began to get dizzy, multiple universes passing by and only offering her glimpses: cages, a butterfly wall, the ocean…. And of course the accompanying cast, but that was a bit harder to decipher considering they all shared the same fate. “If you could go anywhere, do anything, focus on that. Where would you go? What would you do?” 
Her focus was shattered as in her dizzy state she took a single step back, breaking the spell and immediately tripping over something alive.
“Mrow!” The white cat hissed, scrambling fearfully up and away from Mandy and into Patton’s lap.
“Oh dear!” Patton gasped, bending down to check on her. “Are you alright?” She took in his light blue robes, recognizing a fellow magic user.
“Yes, I’m fine.” Mandy took his hand, standing up. She looked down at the bristling cat, glaring up at her haughtily. Mandy winced, slowly recognizing this to be her witch AU. “Sorry about your tail, Roman. Also sorry about your allergies, Patton.”
Patton gave her a bewildered look, not so subtly wiping at his nose. The cat hair was clearly getting to him again. “What? It’s just this spring air. Hardly your fault.”
“Right.” Mandy didn’t bother to explain that she was the one who gave him allergies in the first place. She sighed, wishing she could at least cuddle up Roman with his fluffy coat, but Roman looked to be in no mood to accept her apology. “Aristocat.” She muttered. “Are Logan and Virgil around?”
“No, I believe they went out to collect potion ingredients.” Patton explained.
“Ugh why didn’t I just do that?” Mandy smacked herself in the forehead. “I could have just written something about you four doing potion stuff for witchcraft. This is so needlessly complicated.”
“...sorry?” Patton didn’t know how to respond.
“Whatever, I’m getting out of here.” Mandy glanced at the pair one last time. “I suggest inventing magic benadryl. Or getting regular benadryl. I have no idea what time period this actually is because you refuse to go outside.”
With this mystic advice Mandy disappeared, forever on the hunt for that elusive inspiration.
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fauveshumankaiju · 5 years
Jet Jaguar stops a crime
Nothing - no sound - except for the rumble of the patrol car's engine and the crunch of tires on gravel, as the station wagon headed down the street that demarcated downtown Monsuta from the beachfront. Gigan's head was pounding, and he squeezed his eyes shut as the wedge of pain pressed against the inside of his temple. He leaned his head against the window, cool from the night air.  There was hair in his mouth, and blood in his mouth, too.
The cop sitting behind the metal net hadn't spoken to him since he'd cuffed him and gallantly invited him into the back seat to take him down to the station. Gigan joked that he needed his frequent flier card stamped, since it would be the third time he'd spend the night in the closet-sized holding cell for getting into a fight during which Jet Jaguar appeared, like magic, to intervene in other people's business yet again. The cop couldn't take a hit worth a damn, but he had a wicked left hook and a police baton that really left a mark. Gigan used to mock him about it before they started grappling - buy me a drink first before you pull out the toys, big boy - but tonight they'd just gotten right down to it. Fights were always fast with Jet Jaguar, he didn't showboat like Goji and Gigan. All business, no play.
Do you ever take a night off? Iron your underwear? Darn your dickies? Gigan'd sneered. Then he'd gotten knocked out for, like, five seconds, with a club upside the head. He didn't even remember that Megalon'd been there when he came to.  He’d been left alone against fucking Goji, the human grain thresher. Megalon was a big guy, he'd grown up in Monsuta and he knew how to protect himself, Gigan knew, but still, it was always the two of them against Goji until Gigan had let himself get distracted by his favorite new toy.  And Megalon? he'd do whatever Gigan told him to. As usual. 
Gigan looked over at the seat next to him, empty, flashing as they passed by streetlamp outside.
"Did you see where Megalon went?"  He asked.  His mouth was flooded with thin coppery blood and stinging pain again. He'd bitten his cheek. "After you arrested me, you know."  Silence from the front seat.  Gigan exhaled through pursed lips. 
"Hey, it wasn't his fault. I dragged him into this shit. I just hope he didn't get piledrived back there. Do you ever get bothered knowing that Goji's better at keeping the peace round here than you ever will be? Huh?"
More silence. Oh, this was the game he was playing. Gigan was in a mood, though, and he was pretty good at getting what he wanted.
"What are you even here for, man? We never had any cops here when we needed them, now as soon as we're cleaning up our act they stick the most useless pig in the bunch here to slap us around. And you can't even do your job! You got taken out by fucking Megalon! If you meant business, you could have cleaned up this whole city by now! How many times have you taken me in then let me out with fucking community service? Jesus christ, when are you gonna suck it up and do something about all of us monsters, the villains, the ghetto, illiterate unworthy - the scum that you were sent here to put in jail so that you all can lead your perfect little bougie lives and forget about the people that got beaten down and left behind? But you're not gonna do that, are you?"
Still no comment. The heater in the front seat hissed quietly.
Gigan continued, leaning back into the chair vituperously. "You're too nice. No, you're too weak, Jaguar. You wanna get kittens down from trees and shit, eat donuts and get fat, get a nice cushy job where you can forget the guns and tasers and batons that keep you guys in power, but god forbid you actually have to get off your ass and use them. You're just going to keep letting Goji do your dirty work because you're too precious to do it yourself. You're never gonna get our town's respect. You're never gonna get her respect. You don't deserve it. But thank god, you can die alone and useless knowing that you got to be nice."
He let that hang in the air. His cheek was bleeding again, staining his gums with the taste of salt. Jet Jaguar moved, behind the metal screen, and Gigan saw him slowly adjust the mirror above him, fidgeting with it so that he and Gigan could see each other's eyes.  Gigan still had his visor on, glowing faintly in the night-time darkness, and he could just barely see the cop's face.  He shifted back into his seat, feeling anger and bitterness clawing at the inside of his chest.
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"What?" He spat.
A moment.  Then, "Do you feel any better now?"
"No. I think you concussed me. I need to get medical attention."
Jet Jaguar's eyes flicked forward and he continued driving. Gigan licked the front of his teeth. "Did you hear me?"
"... Megalon's okay. Goji doesn't have a problem with him, she'll leave him alone."
"Don't fucking talk about Megalon."
"You asked, Gigan."
Gigan rolled his head back. The leather headrest was cool and tacky against his bare scalp. ".. Yeah."
"If you want, I'll call him and have him pick you up at the station if you can make bail."
"Doubt it."
They stopped at an intersection. The rest of the street was completely deserted, illuminated by the ghostly red glow from the streetlight. The adrenaline was wearing off, and as it slipped out of his veins it took that inchoate anger with him, too. He was tired, now, aching all over. His head rang, his meat-arm was bruised, his prosthetic arm needed to be sanded down. 
"He must really care about you."
Gigan blinked. "Megalon?"
"Good friend."
Gigan closed his eyes. "Don't talk about him."
"Because!" he snapped. "You don't - ugh!"
"I don't deserve too?" Jet Jaguar asked, softly and with no accusatory inflection. Like it was a normal thing to say.
Gigan pursed his lips. "You don't know how it is, man."
Silence from the front seat.
"You just don't. I don't either." Another moment, more rasping breaths. "He's good. He's a good person."
"Not like, not like - nice, you know. You're nice. He's good.  There's a difference." Gigan gesticulated, rattling the handcuffs. "The main difference being that he doesn't piss me off nearly as much as you do."
Jet Jaguar huffed in what Gigan thought might possibly be amusement. 
Gigan looked out the window, watching the telephone poles roll slowly past. The cop sure wasn't burning rubber on the way to the station tonight, was he? "I mean, he gets on my fucking nerves sometimes. He's not the brightest, book-wise - or street-wise, either, really. I dunno how he's survived this long with nothing going on up in the old skull. I guess he always found assholes like me to hang out with and keep him safe."
"It doesn't seem to me like you're keeping him safe."
"Hey, don't start with me," Gigan grumbled. "You're the one who beat us up."  
No response. "Sure, we were committing a crime, but come on."
Jet Jaguar didn't respond.
"Okay, yeah. I don't always keep him safe. But this is Monsuta, nobody's safe. Even the people that are supposed to keep us safe -" he gestured to Jet Jaguar, clinking his cuffs together "-are more worried about knocking us down than helping us up. You've got to be smart and tough and he's only kind of tough."
"He's good."
"N-yeah, I mean, he's a good person. I think he wants to do the right thing, he wants to help people, but that's not really possible here.  Not that I make it easy for him."  He thought for a moment, looking out the window at the streets he'd stalked through so many evenings. "I don't think I'm a good person, you know. Megalon, he wants to help people. He wants to do his thing at Seatopia and keep all his animals safe, I don't know, teach people about aquariums and shit and keep to himself. He doesn't want to hurt people. I just-" he sighed. "I'm not like that. I like hurting people. I'm a bad person. I don't always wanna be, even though it keeps me safe here it makes me feel like shit when I get him into trouble."  He tried to say it in a matter-of-fact tone, but it came out a little warbled, a little raw. He'd thought it plenty of times before; it was a mantra in his head, you're a bad person, you're a bad person, but he'd never said it out loud like he meant it.
"You don't sound happy about that," Jet Jaguar said conversationally after an awkward amount of time had passed.  Gigan blinked.
"What, should I be proud of the fact that I'm a monster that ruins everything in my life?"  He wiggled his prosthetic fingers weakly. "I can't even keep myself in one piece, man. I don't know why I keep trying to hold onto things, hold on to people, when I'm just going to destroy them eventually. Useless."
"Seems to me like a bad person wouldn't be worrying about whether or not they're a bad person, right?"
"Oh, fuck off it," Gigan sneered. 
"Just saying."
Gigan picked at one of the scratches across his prosthetic arm, worrying at the edge of a tear in the plastic. "I want." He took a breath, then started again. "I wish I could be better. I don't care about being nice, niceness never did anything for anyone. But I wish I could've been born a good person. A better one."
The car rolled to a stop. Gigan was still looking at the ceiling, wondering why the hell he was having a heart-to-heart with the police officer that knocked him out and arrested him (again) at three in the morning.  He looked out when he heard rustling. Time to get out and head to the cell for the night. Ah, he could already feel the metal bars of the cot there digging into his shoulders from under the wafer-thin mattress. Thank god there was only one cop in town, who only had enough time to arrest one person per night.
Jet Jaguar was looking at him, framed by the heavy metal mesh, barely visible in the low light. He looked tired, a little resigned.
They weren't at the police station, Gigan noted.
"Did you take me out here to kill me?" he asked, annoyed. They were by the beach; the concession stand was only a few yards away.
"You aren't born a good person, Gigan," Jet Jaguar said, with the tone of voice that an exhausted parent would use for their inconsolable baby. "It's not genetic, and it has nothing to do with where you grew up. Megalon grew up here - Mothra grew up here - and they're good people, Gigan, right down to the very core. And it's not because they were born that way."
Gigan wanted to interrupt, but something about the cop's tone - how it was sad and a little desperate instead of how preachy it usually was - quieted him.
"You make choices every day, little choices, big, life-changing choices, and you have two options. You can to the good thing, or the less good thing. You get to decide what rules you use to tell which one's good and which one's less good, the golden rule, some kind of religious scripture, but you get a choice, and the good one's almost always harder. Good people are just the people that look at that choice and decide to do the thing that's a little more good and a little less easy, or less pleasant, or less remunerative. And you keep doing that over and over until you don't have any more choices. Most of those choices aren't ever going to count for anything, but if you practice with the little things - recycling your coffee cup, that kind of thing - then the big hard good choices are easier. That's all it is. Choices. Making the good choice as much as you can."
He turned back to the steering wheel. "Birth doesn't have anything to do with it, thank god. You've got your choices, Gigan, you can choose the better thing whenever you want. Any time you're ready to start.
Gigan rubbed his eye. His hand came away with a streak of motor oil.  "Hate that, chief."
"It's the truth." The cop turned back around and undid the latch to the door of the screen separating the two of them and leaned into the back seat, grunting with exertion.
"Seriously, are you gonna kill me?"
"Nope." He held up his little key so that Gigan could see it glinting red in the light from his visor. "Hands."  Gigan presented his handcuffs, holding them up so that Jet Jaguar could fumble for the keyhole in the darkness and unlock them with a deafening click.
"What's this?" Gigan asked. Everyone in Monsuta knew that gifts like this didn't come without a price, especially from cops. Jet Jaguar took the handcuffs and maneuvered himself back into the front seat, still facing Gigan like he was peering through a little window.
"This would be your third felony physical assault on a police officer. You'll be tried in the state court instead of the local one this time, and I can tell you, they don't look very kind at all on violence against the force. You're looking down the barrel of 10 to 15, more, if they decide to make an example out of you for your preexisting record. There's nothing any of us could do to stop it if you got booked for it tonight."
Gigan looked out the window. He vaguely remembered being warned about the three strikes policy last time he was brought in, but he was too worked up about Megalon leaving his precious Suzuki in the middle of the road when he'd gotten arrested that he didn't pay much attention to it.
"... Yeah, that sounds about right."
Jet Jaguar sighed. "See, this is my choice. Jail's not going to do anything good for you. It'll make me feel a hell of a lot better, but really, you didn't do 10 to 15 years' worth of damage to me. You might hurt other people in the future, but.. I don't know." He shook his head. "It'd be a lot easier to put you in jail and forget about you. It's what I'm supposed to do. But I don't know if it's a good thing to do. I think - and I'm not trying to be your youth pastor or anything - I think you could give the whole being a good person thing one more real, good try. It'd be a lot better for the world to have you out here trying than in jail, failing."
There was a click as Jet Jaguar unlocked the cars' doors.
"So go on, get out. I need to go home and ice my head."
Gigan gave him a long look, clenching his sore jaw, torn between spitting this aching, condescending pity back in his face, and taking what scraps of decency he'd been thrown and running with it. He deserved to go down. He'd committed enough crimes to warrant jail, definitely. It'd be an honorable way to go, in Monsuta, put in jail for the rest of your life for punching too many cops. But that would be the easy choice. Easy to give up, because bad people could never change and it wasn't worth the extra few weeks he'd scrape by with before he got his third strike. Easy to accept that petty thievery and violence was the best that his life was going to come to; honestly, who expected any better from him? Not Gigan, that's for sure. 
Would it be the good choice to make, though?
Oh, for fuck's sake, he was already starting to think like Jet Jaguar. You beat a guy up a couple of times...
He leaned over and snapped the car handle defiantly, heaving up a leg to kick the door open and lurching out into the cool night air. Jet Jaguar had driven them up to the curb on the beach - Gigan could see Goji's house from here, the lights inside flickering in the distance, Monsuta spread out beyond Jet Jaguar's patrol car. He slammed the door closed after himself.
"Hey," Jet Jaguar said collegially, rolling down the window an inch and peering out. He was smiling. "Have a good night. And don't do anything Megalon wouldn't."
The cop rolled up the window and started the car, rolling off down the driveway and back onto the street. Gigan watched him go, not entirely willing to believe that he wasn't going to turn  right around and pick him back up again once Jet Jaguar realized what he'd done. But he didn't, and Gigan was left out on the beach next to the darkened concession stand, listening to the waves lapping at the shore.
Megalon would be making his way back to his apartment now, if he wasn't back already, Gigan thought. Probably waiting for Gigan to call him from the holding cell asking for bail again. He thought of his open, eager face and his soft broad shoulders, his soft broad decency, and suddenly wanted to bury himself in the fuzzy lining of his oversized jacket.  Don't do anything Megalon wouldn't.
Okay, he thought. I think I can do that.  Okay.
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16 notes · View notes
monstercupcake61176 · 5 years
One Step Closer
Summary: Honestly I was too lazy to write a summary so... Have some more fluff and angst.
Previous, Masterlist
A few days passed and Patton was getting ready to have a movie night with Thomas. The two had made it a weekly tradition and Patton looked forward to each one. Tonight was especially exciting because they were going to have a Harry Potter marathon.
Patton was gathering his Hufflepuff gear from the Fitting In episode and trying to contain his excitement. It would just be him, Thomas, and one of their favorite series of movies! Giggling, Patton sank out and rose up in the apartment. “I’m here Thomas!”
“Hey! Just in time!” Thomas called from the kitchen. “Just finishing up the snacks! And I have a surprise for you!”
“A surprise?” Patton’s eyes lit up. “What is it?” Before Thomas could answer Roman suddenly popped out from behind the couch, decked out in his Gryffindor robe, hat, and shirt. “IT’S US!”  
An awkward silence followed as no one else showed up. Roman looked down at the floor. “You two were supposed to do that with me!”
“My legs fell asleep from being crouched for so long.” Virgil’s voice could be heard.
“And you knocked me over when you rose up.” Logan huffed in annoyance as he pulled himself up, using the back of the couch for support. “I told you we were too close.”
Virgil was the last to rise, and to Patton’s surprise, both he and Logan were wearing Ravenclaw and Slytherin related clothes. Well, Virgil just had a green tie on and Logan was wearing a hat.
“Ugh, you two are no fun.” Roman pouted, sticking his bottom lip out and crossing his arms.
“Um, what are ya doing here kiddos?” Patton asked, smiling nervously.
“It was Roman’s idea.” Thomas walked over, carrying a tray of snacks. “We could all have a marathon together, you know? Hang out, together. All of us.” He gave Patton a sideways glance that caused him to gulp and tug at the collar of his shirt.
Fortunately, Thomas was mostly blocking him from the others, so the action went unnoticed.
“What do you think Padre?” Roman was beaming, forgetting about his failed surprise attempt. “A movie night with the entire famILY! And it’s Harry freaking Potter!”
“Oh, yeah! Sounds fun!” Patton smiled again. Why did it feel like he was forcing himself to be happy?
“Okay,” Thomas clapped his hands together, “I got the snacks, movie’s already in, we just need to get the drinks and claim our spots and we’ll be good to go!”
“Great.” Virgil climbed over the couch and flopped down onto the cushions, taking up the entire far end for himself with one leg crossed over the other. “I claim this spot.”
“No fair! I wanted that spot!” Roman vaulted over the couch (planning on scaring him) only for Virgil to effortlessly throw the prince onto the floor. All while maintaining a completely “Dead inside” expression on his face.
“Roman?! Are you okay?!” Thomas ran over to where he was lying face down on the carpet. “I’m fine…” Roman muttered into the floor.
“Are you hurt?” Logan inquired.
“No, just my pride…”
“You all seem to forget that I’m a Fight or Flight reflex,” Virgil scrolled through his phone, “I’m always alert for danger.”
“Really?” Thomas asked without looking up from where he was trying to get Roman on his feet, but the prince was in no hurry to move from his position.
“Yeah,” Virgil grinned slightly, “Rea-” He was cut off by a pillow colliding with the top of his head. His phone dropped onto his chest and he looked up in astonishment to see a smirking Logan, still clutching the pillow in his hand. “Always alert, hm?”
Virgil glared while Thomas and Roman didn’t bother trying to contain their laughter (Roman had looked up just in time to see Virgil get hit) Logan smugly tossed the pillow onto the couch and managed to avoid Virgil’s attempt to hit him on the arm in retaliation.
Patton, oddly enough, didn’t react much to the interactions unfolding in front of him. He just watched it all happen with a perplexed look on his face.
“Alright, you guys figure out where you’re sitting.” Thomas stood and walked towards the kitchen. “Logan? Do you mind helping with the drinks?”
“Of course, Thomas.” Logan followed him while Roman selected a new spot on the couch, far away from Virgil.
Patton shuffled his feet before going to sit in the middle of the couch.
“You excited Padre?” Roman gently nudged him with his elbow. “It’s a Very Potter Marathon!”
“Huh?” Patton blinked a few times before smiling and nodding eagerly. “Oh yeah! I can’t wait!”
Roman beamed and began gushing about his love for the films while Patton listened, nodding every so often to something Roman had said. Both were unaware of the suspicious glances Virgil was directing towards Patton during the conversation.
Thomas and Logan came in with drinks and set them on the coffee table. “Okay, we’re all set!”
“Excellent! Now hurry up and sit down already so we can start this thing!” Roman was way too pumped up. One might have compared to him an excited puppy with the way he was bouncing on the couch.
Logan, not wanting to sit next to the hyperactive prince, chose to sit between Virgil and Patton, much to the moral Side’s discomfort. He kept his attention focused on the TV, watching the main menu until Thomas played the movie.
It’ll be fine… It’ll be fine… Patton kept telling himself. Just don’t talk to him. Avoid eye contact. Everything will be just fine.
“Patton?” Logan laid a hand on his shoulder. “Are you alright?”
Patton jumped and turned to him. Everything about Logan just seemed, different. He was much more relaxed, not as stiff. His tie was loose, his hair slightly unkempt, what was going on?
“Hey, Patton, he asked you a question.” Virgil put his phone away.
“Oh! Right! Yeah, I’m fine Logan!” Patton smiled and patted him on the head before promptly folding both hands in his lap.
Why did I do that?!
Logan seemed equally confused by the action but chose not to comment. “Very well…” He settled back in his spot just as Thomas sat down between Patton and Roman. “Everyone ready?”
“We’ve been ready! Play the gosh darn movie!”
“Okay! Okay!” Thomas hit “play” and leaned back. “Are you satisfied now?”
“Very.” Roman beamed and stuffed his face with popcorn. Thomas rolled his eyes and tossed a few pieces of popcorn into his mouth. Of course, upon seeing this, Roman attempted to do the same and ended up hitting himself in the eye.
As the movie began Patton sank lower in his seat. He didn’t understand, he was here with everyone, doing something they all enjoyed, so why was he feeling so… Bleh?
The wonder that usually came with watching these movies was gone. He wished he had Roman’s enthusiasm or even the small grin Virgil was wearing, but there was nothing. He glanced over at Logan, even he was enjoying himself. Which was odd, he never openly enjoyed things.
Patton was always the one to notice the little details that gave away Logan’s true feelings. The way his eyes lit up, how his smiles were always reserved, never revealing too much, everything about him just seemed to glow.
And now, while not still completely showing everything, he wasn’t as guarded. His walls were beginning to lower, but again, why? What was causing him to change?
Probably Deceit… Patton frowned and sank even lower. Why does he want to change Logan? He’s perfect just the way he is! He crossed his arms. He was the only one who loved Logan, flaws and all, he wouldn’t change anything about him.
The first movie ended and the next one was started right away. No matter how hard he tried, Patton just couldn’t bring himself to enjoy it along with the others. His mind just kept finding more and more things to be upset about.
By the third movie, the main complaint that came to Patton was how this was meant to be a marathon for him and Thomas, why was everyone else here? Why hadn’t Thomas asked him before inviting them? Sure, it had been Roman’s idea, but he should have asked him first before agreeing!
This was supposed to be his escape! He couldn’t escape if what he was trying to escape from was following him!
“Hey! Patton!” Thomas was shaking him, rather angrily, in an attempt to get his attention. Patton yelped and looked at him in shock. “What are you doing?”
“What are you doing?” He was trying to keep his voice calm, but it was clear from how he kept closing and opening his hand into a fist that he was struggling.
“What do you mean?” Patton tilted his head before looking around. The movie had been paused and the other three were all staring at them.
“I was doing just fine,” Thomas continued, “When suddenly, I started getting a bit… Agitated.” He smiled forcefully, his other hand grabbing Patton’s rather tightly.
“I-I don’t know what you-” Patton stopped. “Oh no…”
“What’s going on?” Virgil stood, clearly on edge.
Patton trembled and kept his head down. “I’m sorry Thomas… I didn’t mean it...”
“Didn’t mean what?” Roman stared at them both, confuzzled. Patton didn’t answer either of them.
“I’ll just go…” He mumbled.
“Patton?” Logan’s hand rested on his shoulder again. Patton didn’t have to look behind him to see the concern in his eyes, he could hear it in his voice, which only made him feel worse.
“Sorry I ruined everything…” He shrugged off Logan’s hand and sank out. Thomas was able to relax again, taking deep breaths to calm himself down.
“What just happened?” Virgil stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“I-I think I was feeling Patton’s emotions…” Thomas gripped the edge of the couch. “He was angry…”
“Patton? Angry?” Roman laughed. “Come on Thomas! I don’t think Patton is even capable of feeling anger! He’s too soft!”
“Right,” Virgil narrowed his eyes, “and overly-confident princes can’t ever feel insecure.”
“Exactly! Wait no-”
“Ahem,” Logan cleared his throat, “Just because someone doesn’t commonly express a certain emotion, doesn’t mean they are incapable of feeling said emotion. Patton is Thomas’ feelings, he’s felt anger before. Regardless of whether or not it was his own or Thomas’.”
“Ah, that makes sense.” Roman nodded.
“But Thomas said it was Patton’s anger, not his. Why would Thomas be affected by it?” Virgil asked.
“I am unsure, has this ever happened before?” Logan inquired.
“I mean,” Thomas rubbed the back of his neck, “the only time I can think of is… You know, when we were all moving on…”
“Hm, yes, but you were feeling the same way as Patton.” Logan’s brow furrowed. “Those emotions belonged to both of you. From what I understand, the anger you were just experiencing belonged solely to Patton, and ended up being passed along to you.”
“Okay, but how does that work?” Roman propped his chin on the back of his hand.
“I am unsure, but I will try to find answers for you, Thomas.”
Thomas nodded. “Thanks L…”
It was quiet for a second. “So…” Roman rocked back and forth. “Are we gonna finish the movie? It’s almost over…”
“Of course that’s what’s on your mind.” Virgil chuckled and rolled his eyes, trying to lighten to mood.
“We might as well, seeing as it is almost over.” Logan settled himself again. “We don’t have to finish all of the films tonight.”
“Yay!” Roman clapped eagerly.
Thomas chuckled and resumed the movie. Once it was over, they helped clean up the apartment before saying goodnight. When the three of them rose up in the Mind Palace they simply stood quietly, debating on whether or not they wanted to bring up the night’s events.
“Well…” Roman rocked back and forth on his feet. “That was something.” Virgil finished for him. “Should we talk to Patton?”
“Yes, but probably not tonight,” Logan turned towards the stairs, “he probably needs time alone.”
“You’re probably right, Specs.” Roman yawned and stretched his arms over his head. “As for me, I’m off to get my beauty sleep. Goodnight!” Roman bounded upstairs.
“Speak for yourself,” Virgil put his hands back in his pockets, “I’ve gotta keep Thomas awake for another half hour because I reminded him of that one time he borrowed a pencil from one of his classmates in high school and never gave it back.”
“Why would he even worry about such a thing now? He doesn’t even remember who the classmate was, does he?” Logan crossed his arms. “Nope. All the more reason to feel guilty.” Virgil grinned. “Sleep tight. Don’t let the vampires bite.” With that, he sank out, chuckling evilly.
Logan just rolled his eyes and went up to his own room to get ready for bed. He entered his room and turned on the light when his eyes caught sight of something lying on his desk, something that brought a smile to his face.
He walked over and picked up the yellow rose and the note it was lying on. He breathed in the flower’s scent before reading the note.
Well, Logan grinned, It seems I have a date tomorrow night.
“Alright, it’s like this.” Deceit held Logan close, one arm around his waist the other holding his hand. “Right foot first, then your left.” The two walked forward. “One, two, three. Then slide,” Deceit pulled Logan along. “Then you go back. One, two, three, slide.”
Logan focused on their steps, trying to move in time to Deceit’s counting. He’d been informed that today, they were going to learn how to tango, something that Logan had not expected from Deceit.
For this particular lesson, the two were back in the ballroom, but Deceit had removed his cape and gloves and laid them aside near a wall. Oddly enough, he kept the hat on.
They practiced the dance a few more times before Deceit decided they deserved a break. Without letting go of Logan’s hand they walked out into the garden.
“You’re learning fast, Logan.” Deceit smiled affectionately at him. “You’ll become better than me at this rate.”
“You flatter me.” Logan kissed him on the cheek.
“Only because I love to see you smile. The kiss was nice too~”
Logan rolled his eyes and gave him a playful shove. Deceit chuckled and held his hand, swinging their arms back and forth as they walked. “It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?”
“It’s always a beautiful night when I’m with you.”
Deceit feigned a look of shock. “Logan, are you flirting with me?”
“Perhaps…” Logan grinned.
“You flatter me.” Deceit stole a quick kiss on the lips, causing Logan to blush. “Still, it’s unwise to go against the master.”
“How foolish of me.”
Deceit chuckled and the two sat down on the edge of the fountain.
A hummingbird flew by, humming a song as it passed. Logan knew of Deceit’s fondness for puns, but he preferred visual gags to word play, though he was very good at it.
He’d also tried to lecture Logan on the significance of puns and how it wasn’t possible for everyone to master the “art”, but Logan had been unable to take him seriously since he’d discovered that Deceit tended to hiss when he was frustrated and kept saying “Punssss.”
It was far too adorable.
“So, Logan, I’ve been meaning to ask,” Deceit ran his hand through the water, “How have you been getting along with the others?”
“We are getting along rather well,” Logan smiled, “Virgil has been more open with the rest of us, and Roman and I don’t fight nearly as often anymore.”
“That’s good, and Patton?”
Logan paused. “He… He has not been with us…”
Deceit looked up, his body tensing. “What?” “He’s been spending more time with Thomas. We rarely see him anymore.”
“How long has this been going on for?” Deceit demanded. Logan couldn’t understand why his tone was so serious.
“I’m not sure, I believe it started not long after you told me to start spending more time with the others.”
“Where is he when he isn’t with Thomas?”
“By himself. Deceit, is something wrong?”
Deceit turned away and stared at the water. He appeared to be deep in thought. Logan frowned and held his hand. “Deceit?”
“I suppose it’s time to tell you now…” He sighed and gently gripped Logan’s hand back.
“Tell me what?”
“There isn’t much I can tell, simply because I would not be allowed to, but I can warn you.” He turned back to him. “All of you are in danger. The Side who hurt me is also after you and your family. That’s why I told you to become closer with them, it was for your protection.”
“My protection?” Logan frowned. “Was all of that just to protect me?”
“Not just you, all of you.” Deceit sighed. “But, it was also for the rest of you to become closer. You need each other.”
“I don’t understand, how would us being close with one another help protect us?”
“Because, as cliché as it sounds, all of you are stronger together than you are alone. This Side knows that, which is why he wanted to keep all of you apart.”
Logan nodded slowly. “I see, that is why you were sent to kidnap me and cause Roman’s madness?”
“Yes, and I still regret that…” Deceit laid a hand over his side absently.
“What would have happened to Virgil? Or Patton?” Logan asked.
“Simple, I would have made Virgil aware of your capture and use you as bait to lure him to a trap, and while Patton was alone, Roman would have taken him.”
Logan blinked. “You had all of this planned out?”
“I did. I also had a backup plan in case things went south.”
“Did you have a plan for if you happened to fall in love with me?” Logan teased, trying to lighten the mood.
“No,” Deceit chuckled softly and gazed at the water gushing from the fountain. “I didn’t know what to do…”
Logan followed his gaze. Out here, it was so easy to just forget all of their problems. Here, it was just the two of them, in their own world.
“I wish it could be like this all the time,” he said quietly, “no one trying to hurt us, no hiding, we can just be free.”
Deceit didn’t reply. His eyes had a faraway look in them, as if he were reminiscing.
“Something on your mind?” Logan leaned against him. “Besides me?”
Deceit glanced at him slyly. “How can there be anything else when you constantly take up my thoughts?”
Logan smiled and rested his head on his shoulder. “Deceit? Will we be alright?”
“I want us to be.” He kissed his head.
“What about the others?” He closed his eyes.
“I will protect them in any way I can.” Deceit pulled him down to where his head was resting on his lap and removed his glasses. “I promise.”
“Thank you…” Logan drifted off to sleep, resting peacefully with Deceit near him. Deceit watched him silently and gently ran his fingers through his hair. He lifted his head again and gazed at the water falling from the fountain.
On the other side of the water, two figures could be seen faintly, walking hand in hand through the garden. They sat down opposite of Logan and Deceit, not letting the other go and staring into each other’s eyes.
“We’ll always be together, won’t we?”
“Always, my love.”
The two kissed, holding each other close.
Deceit blinked and the image was gone. He looked down at Logan, still sleeping peacefully. He hummed softly and stared at the water again.
What’s done is done, Deceit. He told himself.
What’s done is done….
Four days had gone by since the failed movie night and Patton had secluded himself inside his room. He didn’t let anyone in, he didn’t want to talk to anyone. He knew this would only make matters worse, but he was too afraid of approaching the others.
They would ask questions, too many questions, then what would he do?
Now, while the others were willing to give him his space (and quite frankly, were afraid of disturbing him) Thomas wasn’t so keen on letting Patton hide away. Which is why when the moral Side felt the familiar tug that came with being summoned, he didn’t bother fighting it.
He had known that sooner or later Thomas would want to talk to him, although he was surprised that it had taken him four days to do it.
When he rose up in the apartment Thomas was sitting on the couch. He almost looked like a father who was about to give a lecture to his children, which Patton would have made a joke about if he wasn’t feeling so nervous.
“Hey, wanna take a seat?” Thomas patted the couch. “You don’t have to sit here, but somewhere on the couch would be fine. Unless you prefer the floor.” He was trying to lighten the mood, but was doing a poor job at it.
Still, Patton reluctantly sat on the couch, keeping his eyes glued to the floor.
Thomas sighed. “Look, I’m going to cut to the chase, what’s going on? And please, be honest.”
Patton bit his lip. He couldn’t tell him the truth, he’d promised.
When he didn’t say anything Thomas resorted to guessing. “Is it that voice you were telling me about? Have you been hearing it again?”
Patton shook his head.
“Were you upset because I didn’t tell you the others would be with us on movie night? Did you want it to just be the two of us?”
Well, that was part of it…
Thomas sighed. “Patton, please don’t make me force you to tell me.”
He stiffened. If Thomas really wanted to know something, they had to tell him. It was the one rule that no Side could break, even if they really wanted to.
“Patton, talk to me, please. I’m worried about you. We all are…”
How much would he be forced to reveal if Thomas made him tell the truth? Probably too much, there were things he definitely did not want Thomas to know.
What do I do…?
“Patton?” Thomas tried one more time to reach him. “What is going on?”
“I… I can’t say…” He shifted nervously. “I promised…”
“Promised who?”
“Logan! I Promised Logan!”
“Promised him what?”
“I promised him that I wouldn’t tell!” Patton’s eyes filled with tears.
“Tell what?!”
“That he’s in love with Deceit!” Both of Patton’s hands clamped over his mouth, his eyes wide with fear.
Oh no… Oh no Patton… What did you do…?
Thomas stared at him in shock. Had he heard that right? “Uh, Patt? Would you mind repeating that for me?” Patton shook his head. “Hmhm!”
“Did you say that Logan is in love with Deceit?”
Patton sighed and lowered his hands in defeat. “Yes…”
“You are telling me, that Logan, my logic, is in love with freaking Deceit?!”
“Yes! And now he’s going to be made at me because I told!” Patton hugged his knees to his chest. “I broke my promise… I broke it…”
“Whoa, hey, it’s alright… Kind of…” Thomas sighed. “How long have you known?”
“Um, I don’t know, what chapter is this?”
“Chapter 24, I think.”
“Then I’ve known for about five chapters.”
“Oh geez…” Thomas ran his hand through his hair. “You don’t know when this started?”
“No, I have no idea how long they’ve been together…” Patton fiddled with his hoodie sleeves.
“Okay, just tell me what you know…”
“Not much, I just walked in on them both in Logan’s room. Deceit was injured and Logan was taking care of him. He told me they were in love, and had me promise not to tell anyone.”
Thomas nodded slowly. “You know, this would be easier for me to believe if it was literally anyone other than Logan.”  
“Why’s that?”
“Because he is the least romantic out of all of you. Plus he constantly goes on and on about not having emotions, yet he’s the first one to be in a relationship?”
“Yeah, but, it’s Deceit…” “Oh, right…” Thomas frowned. “Is that even healthy?”
“I don’t know, he’s been keeping it a secret this whole time.” Patton bit his lip again. “And-And I don’t know if he can be trusted…”
“Do you think he’s using Logan?”
“Maybe…” He rested his chin on his knees. “I’m afraid that he’ll hurt Logan, and there won’t be anything I can do to help him…”
Thomas frowned slightly. Patton glanced at him, getting an idea. “Could you talk to him?”
“Talk to Logan. You could ask him about Deceit, and if something was off, he’d have to tell you, wouldn’t he?”
“Yeah…” Thomas nodded slowly. “I could, but, then I’d have to tell him how I found out…”
“Couldn’t you just- No, you’re right. He deserves to know.” Patton took a deep breath. “You can tell him I told you. It’s what I deserve.”
“Hey, Patt, you didn’t do anything wrong.” Thomas reached over and held his hand. “I’ll tell Logan that I found out from you, but I’ll also tell him that you only did it out of concern. Okay?”
Patton took his hand. “Okay…”
Thomas smiled. “It’s going to be alright. We’ll figure this out.”
He smiled back. He trusted Thomas, he’d take care of this. “Thank you.”
“No problem buddy.” Thomas ruffled his hair. “Now, as long as you’re here, want to finish our marathon?”
Patton’s eyes lit up. “Can we?”
“I’ll make the popcorn, you put the movie in and find where we left off.”  
Patton cheered and ran to grab the movie. Everything would be fine. Thomas would take care of Deceit.
He had nothing to worry about.
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
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( I dunno how I even thought of this in a slew of nearly two hours, but this just randomly popped into my head and I felt the uncontrollable urge to jot this all down before I forget about it the next day, so here it goes:
Team Sonic Role Swap AU
As in: Their roles are swapped between the three of them. A part of me thought about having a Heroic Knuckles, Guardian Tails, and Mechanic Sonic, but I dunno how to work that out. So, I went with this route instead: Heroic Tails, Guardian Sonic, and Mechanic Knuckles. While their roles are swapped, their ages remain the same. The same goes for all the other characters.
Now, not exactly everything will be swapped, as there will be loads of things in the lore to twist and turn around. Maybe it could be in due time if I figure it out or something, but for the time being; this is just a major AU brainstorm/Work-In-Progress/Random Plot Bunny, as I only thought of from Sonic 1-3 as of now.
So... without further ado, -cracks my knuckles- Let’s do this!
> Tails The Fox is a young lad with an abnormal quality. Having a second tail is one thing, and it’s one thing that labeled him as one of these “defects” of his family. Because of that, he is sent to a local orphanage in Emerald Hill, where he is sadly ridiculed for the same thing.
He tried his best to make the other kids like him, as helping them with their homework and whatnot because of his high level of intelligence. Unfortunately, it didn’t make as much as of an impact as he hoped. And, in turn, he becomes frustrated. Frustrated enough that he stormed out of the orphanage, tears spilling out of his eyes and all.
And ever since he’s met Robotnik, he hasn’t returned since.
> Once he saw the first little army of Badniks that roamed across the land, it agitated him. He wanted to know what was going on, and it made him even more anxious to find out. Soon, he found this man creating these horrid robots, and he didn’t hesitate to do what he can in order to save the little critters. Thus, he started his journey to grab the seven chaos emeralds and show this man who’s boss (and even shove it in his bullies’ faces that he’s done something spectacular).
> After the first adventure, he becomes exhausted, and comes across this hut in the middle of a massive forest. Curious, he stumbled into it and found too many inventions for him to count. There was even a plane in the far back, which piqued the fox’s interest. However, such a discovery didn’t last long as an angry echidna caught him red-handed.
> Here comes Knuckles, who still has those spiked fists to put a dent in Badniks (and people’s faces). He wasn’t fond of strangers or trespassers intruding his home. And, just before he attempted to kick Tails out, he’s seen how scrawny and roughed up the kid is. That convinced him enough to nurse the kid the best he can and fill him up with all the fruits he’s gathered.
> They have a talk for a while, discussing what they’ve been doing and all. Knuckles told Tails of where he’s got his gift of building mechanics from. Which is: His kind are aviators, building the greatest flying machines known to Mobian kind. However, Knuckles wanted to branch out of it with his own special talents. It made him more of an outsider to his said kind so he decided to do his own thing and live on his own merits.
> Eventually, Robotnik comes to the scene and with a new acqauntice/his first friend, Tails tagged Knuckles along for them to thwart the doc’s plans by any means necessary. During their adventure, the two have bonded and have become good friends (even though Knuckles has his moments of messing with Tails, but it’s all in good spirit).
> Now, for the third game (AKA Sonic’s appearance), this is a major game changer. The lore surrounding him and the emeralds are completely different. Sure, there are some qualities of canon still present to it, such as how the emeralds function and all. Now, here we go with what is figured out for our blue boy here:
> Millions of tourists have talked about a crashed site, spreading information here and there and alerting both Tails and Knuckles. There have been reports of a mysterious floating island that has the broken remnants of an alien spaceship littered all over it. People have gone paranoid, believing extraterrestrial beings have threatened to take over the planet, and that spurred enough courage for the two heroes to investigate.
> So, thanks to Knuckles’ plane, they landed on the island and explored around the crash site. A crash site that has the remnants of a massive UFO wrapped up in nothing but foliage and fauna. Curious yet cautious, they looked around the ship, seeing if there are any living beings that are lurking. Funnily enough, they’re right.
> Unfortunately, this being is anything but friendly. With bristled quills and gritted teeth, the hedgehog ran into them with the speed of a bullet train, spitting them out of his ship. This hedgehog, isolated without any contact to civilization, has become hostile and is protective of his territory. So, thanks to his speed, he attacked the heroes with all of his might...
And, miraculously, stole the emeralds that the said heroes just previously collected. Which, to no surprise, aggravated Knuckles.
> Shaken to the bone, the hedgehog escaped, frightened that he’ll be captured by them. He didn’t want to be captured. He needed to be free. Freedom is what he needs. He desires. He doesn’t care if it’s selfish or foolish. It’s all he wanted ever since he came to this planet.
And, just like he wished upon a shooting star, this man came to him and spoke of ways that made his eyes sparkle. That promised him that he’ll return home to be free and happy. Although, there is one condition: He must take down that darn fox and echidna.
He had no idea that this man would take the precious thing he’s guarding: The Master Emerald.
> So, throughout Tails and Knuckles having their own mission of stopping Robotnik, Sonic had his mission of stopping them. He encountered them the second they come across Robotnik and sent them to their doom. Evidentially, he’s fought them too but has been beaten.
> Yet, it didn’t end well for him and the others. The Master Emerald has been stolen, much to Sonic’s demise. He tried to stop Robotnik but ended up critically wounded. Thus, realizing his mistake, he helped Tails and Knuckles reach Robotnik in time and get up to the Death Egg to stop him once and for all.
> After defeating Robotnik, Sonic told them the truth of why he’s been guarding the Master Emerald for so long and to an extension; the Chaos Emeralds. He’s been planning to gather them together so he can attempt to use their energy in some shape or form to get back home... even though his home isn’t technically there anymore.
> See, Sonic’s hedgehog kind are space voyagers. They roamed throughout the deepest, darkest areas of space in order to see it all. Sadly, they approached an asteroid belt, tearing their ship apart and causing them to all be separated. Sonic was one of them that escaped, and he’s landed upon the planet Earth (or Mobius for those who prefer it).
> In the ruins of his spaceship and exploring the island, he’s found the Master Emerald. He has no idea where it came from and who it belonged to. All he knew was that it appeared to be powerful and thus he decided to guard it so that it doesn’t get into the wrong hands. Granted, he had his own selfish reasons for it, but it was because he wanted to head home.
> In the past few years, the isolation has made him paranoid and made him the not sociable person. Yet, after meeting Tails and Knuckles, befriending them, and being able to get off the island for the very first time, his personality has shaped to be more similar to Canon Sonic in that regard.
Sooo yeah, here’s my whole long post about this plot bunny that’s been stuck in my head for a while. Wishlist plot? Most likely. New AU added? Most likely as well if there’s enough interest. I thank y’all for reading this and if you want to chuck in some ideas, feel free to do so! )
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lazy-safetastic-13 · 6 years
A Snake and A Curse
[Part 4]
Time to solve that gosh darn riddle!
Pairing: Kustard (eventually)
Words: 1, 357
He wasn’t sure that he couldn’t just take the cross with him so Red made sure to memorize the words before rushing home. Faster than he ever thought he could be.
His brother certainly loved giving him riddles. Even when he never understood half of them.
It was lucky that it was already dark, and the skeleton didn’t come across anyone. His cloak gave the illusion of a billowing ghost.
Red opened and slammed the door shut, giving himself a moment to catch his breath. His lack of exercise made evident by how much his legs already shook, before he slid his back down against the door. But he had no time to be picky! He had to get to work and solve this damn thing. Although, for the life of him, he wasn’t all that good at solving them; however, it did mean one thing.
Red began to open their cabinets and closets and rummaged through it.
His brother hid something for him to find it.
And yet, after searching for who knows how long, Red wanted to hit his head, just outright slam it onto a wall and call it quits.
The skeleton was disheartened as he looked at the absolute mess he created. If he didn’t know he was the one responsible, Red would’ve thought that a burglar came in and ransacked the place.
Stupid Fell.
The skeleton sighed as he sat despondently on the floor.
Giving him a stupid riddle. Why not just tell him outright.
Even though Red knew why, doesn’t mean he couldn’t complain and be a pouty brat.
“The secret lies, a layer deeper, in the threshold of colourful tomfoolery.”
… Red looked around whilst thinking about if there was anything colour—His sockets widened at the realization.
No way. He didn’t! Red wanted to laugh himself silly. His big brother could be such an asshole sometimes.
He trudged over the already pulled open drawers, and he took the bottom drawer off. The one where they put colourful socks in. And then, he flipped it on its back, and sure enough, there was another not and a key.
“Took you long enough. Now, no doubt you destroyed the place looking for this. Shame on you Red. I raised you better. But I digress.”
Red couldn’t help but snort at that.
“But let us cut to the chase, shall we. If you’re reading this, then that means I wasn’t able to protect you, and for that I am sorry for leaving you all on your own.”
The tears cropped up as Red let out a soft laugh. Though he tried to make it sound playful, it ended up coming out as raspy with the tinge of regret and sorrow. “D-Damn right you should be.”
A wet drop hit the paper, and it startled Red to see the words become blurry. He hurriedly wipe away his tears, reading with a bit more distance. He didn’t want to ruin the last thing his brother wrote for him.
“But I know that you won’t give up. No matter how hard it gets, I believe, wholeheartedly, that you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for, Red.”
Reading it, Red shook his head as if Fell would see it. Because it wasn’t true. He wasn’t strong at all. Always had to be protected. And now … Hot tears streamed down his cheeks. His hands shook as a small hiccup left his mouth.
If only he was strong. His brother would at least still be alive.
He wiped his face once more to continue reading.
“There is a box under the floorboards beneath the bed. Open that with the key, and in there, you will find a journal. Read it, and keep it with you. And no matter what, always believe in yourself. And stay safe … I love you brother.
Ever since you were just baby bones, not once did I ever regret protecting you, teaching you, raising you to be a magnificent skeleton. You were my greatest joy and treasure.
… Take good care of yourself, Red. I’ll still be watching over you even if I’m not there to personally guide you.”  
Red hiccuped and sniffled, clutching tightly onto the wooden drawer and placing his forehead on it as he cried out pitifully. “Feeell.”
At this moment, he was a lost child. Having lost his family, the only two people that was important to him, it was hard to move—hard to think of anything as hopeful.
But …
When Red felt that he cried enough, he placed the drawer on the floor and grabbed both the sticky note and key.
He headed over to push the bed until he saw the square grooves, and lifted it up. Just like what his brother wrote, there was the box.
The skeleton bent down to gingerly pick the object. He blew the dust off, coughing just a tad, before he unlocked it.
… Fell believed in him.
Red took the black bounded journal and stared at it for a good long minute. His big brother kept this for him … Fell’s last gift to him.
It took a lot for Red to not cry again. And braced himself with a deep breath.
Opening the cover, he read the first page.
“To my dear baby brother. This journal may confuse you at first, but rest assured, I did my very best to explain everything as clearly as I could. And you will come to understand why I waited until you were old enough to know this … But to be honest, I wish I could’ve told you personally. But the fact that you’re reading this meant that I have already … Stay strong, Red. I’ll always be with you.”
Well, stars, there goes the waterworks again. Red just couldn’t catch a break could he. He laughed brokenly, the droplets hitting the paper before he moved away from it.
“G-Geez, bro. ‘M tryin’ to stay strong ‘ere but y-you’re makin’ it hard. Heh-he. Y-You jerk.”
The skeleton took more deep breaths and dried his face with the cape he never removed.
Only then did he flip to a random page in the journal. His eyes widened at what he was reading.
“Monday, XX, 13, XXXX
           Today, Red took his first step! He started babbling too. Stars, how exciting! I hope he manages to say my name, or maybe call me big bro!
Thursday, XX, 21, XXXX
           Red said my name! Ah, well, he called me ‘Bo’! And it’s frankly close enough.”
Red kept flipping through, and it was just entries of his big brother documenting his life. From baby bones until Fell couldn’t anymore…
He flipped through the end, and his eye lights dilated at the sentence.
“From here on out, I want you to continue writing and tell me your story, brother.” 
Red gripped the journal, crinkling the papers. “I …” He gritted his teeth, as he slowly loosened his hold.
“I promise, big bro … I’ll write ya the best fuckin’ story you’ve ever read.”
With his heart steeled, the skeleton began packing up. Taking the necessities and shoving them in his knapsack, he made sure to double check if he’d forget anything before he wore the bag. The journal was already stored in the bag, planning to read it more carefully another time.
Right now, he needed to leave. After all … there was nothing left for him anymore.
Each step dragged through the soil, but somehow, Red felt lighter. The skeleton turned around and saw the smoke and flames from a distance. He heard the distant frantic cries as he could already imagined the villagers trying to put out the fire.
Red watched it for a good while, and let the memories sink in. Of when the house was called a home, filled with warmth. Of when he could greet his father, and brother. And they would laugh and smile and be there each other …
“I’m going …” It came out as a soft whisper; only the wind hearing him.
He turned and took a step forward. Red never looked back again.
Parts: 1 2 3 
Considering supporting and pressuring me to get some work done and not be lazy? 
[Pour me a glass of milk]
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Here are my notes/comments I made while playing through KH3. The thoughts that went through my head.
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Tuesday, Jan 29th. 5:00 pm.
-Finally home and ready to play. Colored lights on, fluffy pants on, favorite blanket nearby, cats fed, pizza in oven, cold water in fridge, juice smoothie drink standing by. Waiting on my pizza to finish so I can eat dinner while listening to the title screen music. Have not put game on yet. (Just so happened to get my Marluxia keychain the other day too! Got my game today.)
-Here we goooooOOOOOO.
-OATH ORCHESTRAL IS SO PRETTY. Also expected recap. I bet there will be a lot of flashbacks in the game (update: not at all).
-Cable town seems a precarious place to live- also a pain to get around. Pretty. there’s a LOT of islands. (Update: homeworld of Keyblade wielders? Or base)
-Eraqus playing dumb?  Messing with Xehanort? Or is he actually just like that and doesn’t know.
-Queue intro. Music feels off slightly but that could just be because I saw the trailer one first. Also new Marluxia content, gonna need a gif of that little clip jumping over the scythe.
-Darkside, of course. Nostalgia reasons. Would have been more interesting if they changed up the fight with him, I think. He’s always been a pretty lame fight.
-Cutscenes feel much more natural (first reaction). Also Donald getting shit on, always fun. (Update: the amount of shitting on each other in this game is unreal)
-Hercules’ new voice… Is it new? IDK, but I find it unnerving.
-The Instagram loading screens are weird? Not a big deal.
-Maleficent’s much needed glow up.
-The graphics are odd because some things look super good and then some things look kinda weird sometimes. IDK I just started. Generally very pretty.
-SORA, DONALD, GOOFY. Is this going to be a thing again? (Update: yes, it is)
-Guess Phil isn’t going to talk at all? Sort of weird (Update: speaking of NOT SPEAKING. Aeleus and Dilan. Not a single peep. Wow.)
-Xigbar’s voice is changing into Xehanort’s now. Someone help him.
-Holy shit an NPC. WTF was that scene??? I think that’s all that needs to be said here. Just, what? How did that even work? No idea where the girl was/how far? Didn’t see any fire? Too slow? Yeeted into the universe. Little girl saved???
-Jumping around when you get hit with fire is annoying.
-Fighting those Titans was a shirt storm. It was soooo janky for me. (update: the combat in this game is incredibly aerial based)
-“May your hear-- ?” Unsure if game bugged or not. (Update: I get it now. Thanks, epilogue.)
-So Axel DOES get an outfit, wonder if we’ll ever see him wear it. (Update: AT THE VERY END
-Phone call. Is it my boy IENZO??? Oh, nope. D: WAIT, there he is.- -MOODY AELEUS??? What does he have against Roxas? Just because he left the Organization? Yeah, like Axel. Stop the bias against the other Org members.
-GODDAMMIT they did it again with the title card.
-Seifer and gang left for a “hero’s journey”.
-IENZO SPYING? IENZO CHUCKLE. Ienzo didn’t know= that makes sense. He’s so…happy (Update: he really is chipper in this game) -KIDNAPPED EVEN? -Just get Even to make him a body. -I too could go for some hot wings, little girl -Talking about Sora. I figured, but I hoped.
-Darn you Axel for being attractive -DILAN
-What a lovely world; everyone’s having a nice time… It sure would be a shame, if someone….ruined it.
-Mar you creep. PINK EYES?
-FAVOR? Oh. :I Balance, eh? Do you believe that Mar? Also would rather forget? Himself, or does he mean Sora?
-Marluxia does indeed dislike nicknames.
-Is Marluxia really out to protect the light/Rapunzel for balance? If it were anyone else it’d be easy to write off. (Update. Like Larx for this story it’s just about making sure they have the PoH backups)
-Time for Mar to be an ass. Lol. Sounded like he wasn’t even trying.  He likes it when they run. Also I guess Mar tied Flynn up in this version? -HE’S SO PRETTY -SLEEP BOY! Also…Mar? New power? Lol. How handy, wish I could do that to myself. (Also the comment about him being good at sleeping or something? Guess he knows that from DDD? When they were all there at the end. Or upon learning he was in a pod for a year.)
-The bosses thus far have been huge and really annoying to hit/air battles.
-On Marluxia, still looks like they’re just using him for Nort fodder at this point. Even though it still makes no sense at all.
-And I’m sure that’s all I’m gonna get this game for Marluxia.
-ALSO,  Reapers baby. CALLED IT.
-Get Even to make one! Well Goofy’s right, Ienzo might be able to do it. OH MY GOD I CALLED IT. Good job Riku for being smart.
-*Sidenote: If you haven’t seen Tangled some things might seem disconnected to you as a player. (Update: this goes for most of the Disney worlds actually.)
-Final Fantasy??!?!?! LOL Riku and Noctis fusion
-WTF. Shot by YMX into Square Enix? Oh nope, Gigas.
-OOO Woody burn. No one loves you Xehanort.
-Should have been ,“There’s a snake in my boot”
-ANOTHER Woody burn.
-I feel like Young Xehanort learned something they already knew???
-OH YEP. Need Even. I wonder if Aeleus and Dilan will talk in this game (Update: nope)
-OOOO Evil meeting. Everyone yell so you can hear each other. DAMN IT VEXEN, you mad science man. At least it’s a believable reason for Vexen. Unlike Marluxia, which is total bullshit
-Gummi flying takes forever.
FROZEN. Ready to see my girl Larxene
-This is literally the my friends are my power game with the way the combat is set up (Update: Very Aerial and AOE oriented gameplay)
-Also enemies have a lot of HP
-Lol. Oh yeah, memory loss. They filled her in.
- Using the electricity to move the blocks and trap them… I can be like, ok I’ll buy that. But this is a complex-ass labyrinth
Along with Marluxia’s sleep thing and now this,… Headcanon that it’s due to Xehanort influence possibly?
-Larxene Nobodies! They look like ninjas. YEP. Just checked. Called Ninjas.
-Giant Larxene knife symbols on wall. Classy.
-Did Larxene just show Elsa up with that labyrinth btw?
-LET IT GO. LET IT GO. “I don’t know what I just saw”. lol
-What is with all this Larx ice using? I dun like it >.<
-Again boss is up so high the fight is really floaty and crazy
-What girl??? Who??? Namine? Kairi? Streli? Not Larxene . Must be Kairi. (Update: STILL DON’T KNOW THE GIRL. Future game plot point)
-Oh god, not Pooh Bear. Please be optional.
-Ienzo has an Instagram.
-Alright Vani where you at?
-LMAO Sully just grabs him and throws him in a door xD That is a GOLDEN moment
-Ienzo’s gonna be the one who saves Xion Roxas and Ventus. Nice.
-This is “shit on each other the game” isn’t it?
-Oooo evil meeting.  MY PALS. Marluxia is WOKE as fuck., he’s like nah he just wants our empty husk bodies as vessels.  Larxene ain’t having it, yep, that’s what I thought. You? Canon ‘Marly’ Omg Benched, I believe it. REBEL GROUP. REBEL GROUP.  (Update: I chanted this in my head a lot)
WHAT??? Another purpose? Luxord in.  TELL US THE PURPOSE? All four of them? Wow. Demyx and Luxord in Union X confirmed. :/ Not a fan of this. Too many keyblades.
Ugh I want more plot Dx Gotta do Pirates.
*So it does seem like the four of them don’t want to be in the Org? But again they aren’t doing anything about it so???
So the reason they let them back (Mar and Lar even though traitors) is because they want their ancient keyblade powers. (Update: This is never mentioned again. Like, why does it matter to Xehanort? Did Xehanort pull them out of time? More questions)
- Vexen and Lux. Oooo Vexen not obeying. Luxooooord. REBEL GROUP. REBEL GROUP. -Pausing air fight to feed cats. Not enjoying this flying oof. Thank goodness it isn’t all shooting -Who needs air? -Wow nice ship and sails Luxord -Whatever you want eh Luxord? -Gonna honor the rules Lux? Did he lose on purpose? -Hope eh? -LOL No Parley. OOF breath on his face, into the ocean. Luxord just got burned. First Vanitas now Luxord - Dramatic walk scene?  Awwww
-GDI Axel change your clothes -Was thinking this at the first scene but GDI I know people are going to ship these two
-Here comes darkqua? -A tale of two Ansems. Feeling Namine guilt? -Hayner bout to get FUCKED. WHAT GIRL? -WHAT THE FUCK? Nobodies? Who doing this??? -FUCK it’s Vexen. Good Vexen? What? :o Is he lying??? FUCK CLIFFHANGER. I appreciate all the diff character interactions in this game though. Does Vexen secretly have a heart of gold and is in on the REBEL GROUP?
- Data Riku or Repliku? Going with Repliku. But the enemy is very codedesque. Also Data Riku is just Data, no body. Could also be timetravel bs - Replica confirmed. Not sure if it’s the same ”Repliku” - Hoping actual Repliku will come back. Riku did mention his other me after all
-Darkqua music was great
-Aaand she’s gone. Again. OR NOT
-Finally these two: Vexen and Demyx. DUNCE. LMAO their fighting. REBEL VEXEN. What’s in it for you, Demyx??? UHHH Not becoming Xehanort. (Demyx continues to be a douche character). Marluxia? Maybe. DEMYX TIME. Oh my god. Was that intentional??? LMAO Demyx is so ‘useless’ no one expects him to do anything. Nice FAMILY REUNION
VEXEN YOU LEGEND. I always liked him. Now it’s up to you Marluxia >:Y I think Vexen may have been talking about Ansem the Wise. Also may not still completely trust him because it says he went back willingly. Unless he changed his mind when learning about Ansem the Wise. (Update: Nope, Vexen really is a legend. I love him).
CASTLE OBLIVION -Vani fight, nice. Great music -HE UP. Go visit your old friend Mar.
-Ventus gets to meet both Axel and Marluxia as adults. How odd.
-Sudden Saix. So casual. WHAT GIRL? WHAT GIRL???? Is it Strelitzia? Skuld? New character? (Update: Again, future plot point.)
-Repliku with Riku.? YEP. DOPE. Save Namine? (Update: Yep. To protect Namine).
-Enter Terranort. Shock for Ven to see. -Axel got fucked. -SHIT AN F5. - Everyone died. The end -STARS???? More pieces???? WAHHHT PAST? Union X Club??? Streli?! D’x
The Final World :O
-Chirithy is great.
-Vexen gonna save the day with a replica? And Demyx  lol. They both got benched. What a team up. (Update: And we never heard from them again. They literally just dipped from the Org and none of the Norts did anything. (Update: No idea what happened to Demyx. He dropped off the replica and was outie).
-DÉJÀ VU. Oof.
-EPHEMERA! THE KEEEEEYS. All the dead people
-UNION LEADERS KEYS. Also all the others, but I believe I saw five? What I’m saying is those four-five Starlights= Dandelion Union Leaders.
-Is Vexen with the coat guys up there??? -Also Demyx??? -Do they have a PLAN??? (Update: Nope, they literally just dipped).
-Thank you, Luxord awww.  Such a cool guy…(Update: Sora still has the Wild Card)
AWww Larx. Heart tank? NO THANKS.  Along for the ride- With?? (Marluxia?)
*MEMORIES BACK???? Real laugh. A smile. He DID forget. Always about “purpose for being with Mar”. How did I predict that? (Update: Marluxia amnesia confirmed? Also why the heck didn’t /he/ rebel. Makes no sense. I blame Nomura. He also gave no reason for why he was following Xehanort. Again, it’s pretty BS. NO EXPLANATION.)
Riku down. Very interested in what Xigbar will have to say… Repliku repossession! NOOOO. Repliku stay! Roxas, of course.
He just wanted that keyblade bro. What?????? Why the backwards drama D: (Update: Nope. Xigbar just playing the role, or should I say Luxu).
Fucking Axel. That smart mouth.
Saix would have let him die; also I knew it was Xion from trailers.
:O XION. He knew.
And Roxas is in. The music has been SO GOOD.
Vexen  Zexion Ansem Demyx. LUL GET FUCKED Xemnas.
Vanitas sounds higher pitched in this game.
GUARDIAN??? This is weird.
I don’t believe in perma dead Kairi.
WHEN’S THE BOX? ALSO Luxord’s Wild Card!
*Btw guess Vexen and Demyx just left so the other Norts replaced them instead of doing anything about it
Awww, Saix. Or rather, Isa.
Didn’t shed any tears, but the part that got me feeling the most was with Xehanort and Eraqus tuff at the end, surprisingly
*** WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO DEMYX? What did he even do to help besides delivering the replica LMAO??
WHY DIDN’T I GET TO SEE MY BOY IN THE ENDING? Maybe secret ending. ☹ (Update: Nah)
Oh yeah, Sora vanished btw.
*Xehanorts VA could have had a better performance.
-Wow. Xigbar really was the MoM? Union leaders alive?  OH, nvm he’s Luxu. Guess he picked up on MoM’s behavior and mannerisms. Also been through many bodies I see… No Ava.
UH OH. New game board. 7 evils. Five being leaders and Xig, 2 Unkowns. Please don’t put Mar through more of that, IE make him be in another Org/group.
They never opened the box, did they.
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dsmadmin · 4 years
Co written by @HuntersGirlBaby and @DeadlyJager
Ali - Good morning. Enjoying one of the amazing views this morning. Hope everyone one has an amazing day.
Graham - You too little darlin’.
Aly - *smiles at him.* Thank you, my handsome alpha. *stands on her tip toes, kissing him.* It’s already looking up to be one
Graham - -Meet's her half way returning the kiss. Strong arms go around her and he smiles.- I'd agree.
Aly - *Wrapping her arms around his neck, linking her fingers, against the flesh of his neck. Stroking his warm skin. With a smile against his lips.* And now.. *softly kissing once more.* ..I love this start to the day. You might spoil me.
Graham - Doesn't sound like a bad thing. -Blue eyes filled with an ease and happiness.-
Aly - If you spoil me I get to return the favor. *she reached around, tracing softly on his cheek and jaw with the tips of her fingers. Holding his gaze with her own bright and sparkling one.*
Graham - Sounds like a fair bargain. What do you have planned for today?
Aly - *that made her smile more.* Well, I have a call to make today, for Blackwater. Then, I plan on exploring a little. Would you like to come exploring with me? If you’re not busy yourself.
Graham - I'd like that. I'm gonna go get a shower. -Kisses the top of her head.-
Aly - *placing a kiss to his neck, smiling.* I can’t wait. And don’t use all the hot water. *she teased.*
Graham - I’ll do my best. -Disappears into the bathroom to clean up.-
Aly - *Ali turned and watched him. She couldn't help herself. Falling back onto the bed she fanned herself. Giggling she rolled onto her stomach, hmmm to let him shower..alone or...? That was the question.*
Graham - -Dressed he came out of the bathroom and smiled at her.- It's all yours and I went easy on the hot water.
Aly - *The steam rolled out of the door. She smiled, chin in her hands, a smile gracing her lips, bitting softly. Hopping up off the bed, she went to him pushed on her tip toes, kissing him.* Thank you! I’ll be quick I promise! *slipping into the bathroom, she rushed to get into the shower. Singing like she always did, as she washed and got clean. Happier the. She has been in a long time, it felt like. Once done, she dried and dressed, in jeans and black shirt that showed her tummy. Letting her hair fall around her shoulders. Stepping out with a smile.* Ready! I believe that’s the fastest shower I have ever taken! *laughs*
Graham - -Looks up laughs.- Well you look good darlin'. So where too?
Ali - *she blushed softly. Coming over to him.* thank you, my Cowboy. *leaning over and kissing him in thanks as well.* I was thinking having a picnic in Central Park! Pick up some food and enjoy. And then the zoo! There’s one close there. *her eyes sparkled*
Graham - Your wish is my pleasure. -Offers her his arm and walks her out with security trailing them.-
Aly - *He was going to have her in a puddle of goo if he kept this up. Slipping her arm through his.* I heard they make huge sandwiches here! I think those would be amazing! *she talked as they head out and to the SUV. Calling back to the team to please grab a blanket.* We can’t forget it! *She made sure to tell them thank you. Crap she hoped she wasn’t to much right now.*
Graham - Blanket retrieved and everyone loaded up he looked at Alyson.- What kind of food would you like for his picnic?
Aly - *Ali sat close to him. Lacing her fingers with his. She smiled up at him.* I was thinking, some fruit with panini’s! They seem like fancy grilled cheese to me! *they pulled out into traffic.* I would have made the food myself. It will still be special.
Graham - You're sight seeing and getting a lay of the land. Cooking can be, later on, you should just enjoy the city and what it has to offer.
Aly - I’m glad I get to enjoy it with you. I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t have done this myself. To many people, but..with you. It’s just different. I want to see things now. *she got a knowing smile. A glint of teasing in her eyes* We’ll go dancing too! *she tried not to laugh.*
Graham - Dancing huh? Sounds good. -The SUV pulled up to a restaurant and parked. Security got out and opened Alyson's door as Graham got out.-
Aly - *She was almost stunned, she was teasing him and he agreed. Hopping out, she walked around and slipped her hand into his. Heading into the restaurant. And walking up to the counter. There was a little line. But she didn’t mind. As she had to crane her neck to look at the menu.* You know you keep surprising me. *she smiled* But you did give me my first dance. And in the rain, I always wanted that. *the line moved and she followed. The smells were making her tummy growl a little.*
Graham - I haven't done anything babe just following your lead. -Putting his arms around her he kissed the top of her head and just held her as they waited in line.-
Aly - *She actually swooned. This man, her man, made her weak in the knees. His scent and warmth wrapped around her. This was heaven. Damn she was lucky. Her hands rested on top of his arms, stroking softly against his flesh. Pressing back into him.* Oh you’ve done more then you know.*placing a soft kiss to his neck. The line moved more and they would be next.* I believe you, love have one surprise coming, later. *she winked.*
Graham - Should I be scared? -Laughs as he looks down at her.- Women folk come up with the most darn things.
Aly - *giving a sweet and innocent smile.* No never be scared, this is me, love. *giggling softly, as she blows a kiss, waggling her brows.* I promise, I believe you’ll like it! *throwing on a country accent, which wasn’t really good.* You men folk let us women flock get away with it too! *she laughed, as the lady said next. Ali smiled at the woman. Ordering and then letting Graham go next.*
Graham - Well that’s the rules. Cant fight tradition. -Grinning ear to ear.-
Aly -Wait...wait.. *she turned in his arms to face him.* Do I need to know these rules? *she was hit with the full force of his grin. Oh have mercy! She completely forgot about the woman behind the counter.*
Graham -The lady behind the counter cleared her voice getting their attention and Graham winked at Alyson as their order was took -
Aly *Oh she was going to get those rules, her mind started going with ways to get them out. Smiling a tint to her cheeks, as she turned back around. They paid and moved off to the side as they waited for their food. Whispering to him.* I’ll be getting those rules love. Let’s hope you’re ready. *grins up at him.*
Graham - My lips are sealed for self preservation. -Chuckles.-
Aly - *Her mouth dropped open.* Don’t tell me there is a secret Cowboy group, that you make these said rules at. Then keep them from us women. *their order was called and Ali frappes the bag.* Not even my kisses will get them out of you will they?
Graham - Here let me help with those. No, Just a momma who taught things a certain way.
Aly - *She smiled and handed him them.* Thank you, love. Then she raised you right. And I promise, I won’t try and get the rules out of you. *She wrapped her arms around his arm. Heading out and to the SUV.* I want to respect your momma.
Graham - She would have liked you. -Opens the door for her and then gets in.- Where to now? Central Park?
Aly - *That made her smile to the point her whole face lit up.* She made you, and brought you into this world. I would have liked her a lot! *climbing up, she hates being short sometimes.* Yes please! I’m so excited to see it there! I’m going to take pictures of us there! *she got inside and settled. The others got in. Ali laughed.* Lucky tall people! *that got a laugh.*
Graham -The drive went smooth as expected for a sunny New York day. The park was full of people jogging, playing sports and walking their dogs. It was always a weird sight for Graham after looking at concrete and glass all day to witness this huge park nestled into the city. Carrying bags and blanket he waited for directions from Alyson of where she’d like to sit.-
Aly - *Ali couldn’t help herself, she leaned over Graham to look at everything that passed. This was so different from Austin, even Boston. When the park came into view, her eyes lit up. It was perfect. Sure there were more people then she liked. But she wasn’t going to let that ruin her day and date with Graham. She hopped out of the SUV. Scanning for the perfect place. A spot that sat just a little in the shade. Not a lot of people were around it. She pointed.* That’s a perfect place! *she started for it and got on her knees once there. To help set up there things. It was a little country in the big city.*
Graham -The security team spanned out to give them privacy but close enough to keep an eye on things. Graham helped her then took a seat on the blanket. Laying his Stetson aside he relaxed a little. He marveled at how happy and cheerful she was. It made him smile.-
Aly *Ali dug in the bag. Setting out the food. She kicked off her shoes in the process. Peeking over at him she smiled softly. Sitting next to him. Before they ate, she pulled out her phone. Getting the camera app opened, she leaned in and kissed his cheek, snapping a picture. she smiled and set it as her wallpaper. Then set aside her phone.* You know I love seeing that smile on your lips. *she relaxed beside him and picked up the fruit, popping the lid. Eating some she held it out to him.* I’m really glad I get to share this place with you too.
Graham - He sat watching her, arm draped over one knee. She was so caring free and happy he loved that about her. Sensing no darkness or fear. He took the strawberry and ate it.- I admit I've never had a picnic before and the company is way out of my league. -Soft smile.-
Aly -*Ali picked out another piece of strawberry, biting into it. As Graham spoke her eyes went wide. Popping the rest in her mouth, her cheeks puffed out a little. Covering her mouth to swallow.* You /never/ have? *This actually shocked her.* Well..now you’ll get to have many more. her eyes light up.* I have a first of yours! *She didn’t know why she liked that a /lot/. Blushing at his next words. It made her feel all warm. Leaning over she kissed his jaw softly.* You’re going to make me blush from head to toe. *she smiled gently up to him.* Now I’m curious. What are some other things you haven’t done? Care to share with me.
Graham - -Soft smile.- The list is kinda long and I'd need time to think about it. But I will share once I think of things. So I overheard you're going to over research and development that's quit a feat for one so young. I'm curious to see what you come up with.
Aly - *her whole smile became bright.* I look forward to hearing your list! And then we will get to work on them! *she almost bounced.* Yes! I tinker so much, and my ideas are kind of out there. Like a bullet that will inject the person shot! It makes it safer to deal with others. *She started to geek out a little bit.* Different vests, that would protect, but be lightweight on the body. Less weight for the person that wore them. *she blushed deeply.* I’m so sorry, baby! I didn’t mean to ramble about that! *clearing her throat.*
Graham - You're not rambling. I like to hear you talk.
Aly - *she blushed a little more.* I get that from my dad. The man can talk for hours and not be out of breath. *laughs softly, unwrapping the sandwiches for us.* Wait until we watch a movie together and I talk a lot. *laughs smiling at him offering him his sandwich.* you might have to cover my mouth or something!
Graham - Really? Colt was pretty quiet when we talked but maybe because he doesn't know me. Nah, like I said I like listening to.
Aly - *smiling softly.* Not daddy, he’s like you when it comes to talking. My dad Jake. *meets his eyes.* I have two bio dad’s. As odd as it sounds but it’s true. I can explain it to you if you would like. Most don’t know this about me and Ian.
Graham - Only if you feel like like explaining.
Aly - *she nodded.* I don’t mind to explain. See my dad, Jake and daddy, Colt. Wanted to have a child together. But they were both male. So they asked an Angel by the name of Cas for help. He turned my dad into a woman for a full year. And in that time, they got pregnant with me and my twin Ian. By the way the world is. We couldn’t be here, but we are special. *god she hoped it wasn’t to out there for him.*
Graham - -Eyes widen a bit and he smiles.- That's a lot of love to go that far to have a family.
Aly - *She relaxed and beamed a smile.* Yeah they had a lot of love for each. Still do, just doing what makes them happy now. And I’m happy for them both. *she was curious.* Do you ever want a family?
Graham - I hadn’t considered it given the DNA splicing that was done plus technically I’m a fugitive from the Initiative if they are still around.
Aly - *Gives a gentle nod.* I can understand. I have my own worries when it comes to that. So I have fur babies. *she would have to look into it.* I can see if daddy might know. And even if they still are. You won’t get taken away. I don’t care who they are. You are protected.
Graham - I don’t want to bring any trouble on your family Alyson. I was under the impression it was shut down after we took down the last base. The government has so many secrets they probably are still doing the experiments just under a different name in some inconspicuous place.
Aly - *reaching out and taking his hand in her’s.* I want you to listen. You won’t bring on trouble to my family. We protect those we care about. And I might be small, and half the time I don’t know what I’m doing is right or wrong. But, protecting you..caring about you. It’s right for me. Being with you, baby. You might step into more trouble. Just because of who I am. I don’t know all what the government does. But the moment we came together. It meant that I would stand by you and protect you every way I can. So the government can keep their hands off you. They won’t want to tangle with me.
Graham - You’re an amazing woman Ms. Winchester. I’m honored to be protected by you. -He kissed her hand with a smile.-
Aly - *her cheeks flamed red. A smile broke out across her lips. Leaning forward, lips to his ear she whispered.* And...you got me all warm gooey. *kissed the shell of his ear.*
Graham - -Her little confession got him riled up. Turning his head he kissed her soft lips.-
Aly - *Ali’s heart fluttered, softly she cupped his cheek. As she kissed him, gently, licking and nipping his lips. He warmed her, a shiver ran up her spine. Pressing closer to him. God this man, made her squirm.*
Graham - -As the kiss ended he cupped her cheek.- You make the world feel alive again.
Aly - *leaning into his touch, she placed her hand on his. Kissing his palm and his wrist. Her sparking gaze locked on his. A gentle blush creeped along her cheeks.* And you are opening my world, painting it with so many colors.
Graham - -As the birds chirped he just smiled at her, life was good. Picking up a strawberry he held it out to her lips.-
Aly - *Swoon, that smile of her man’s. Gently she bit into the strawberry, her lips wrapped around the berry. Reaching to his lips, after she dipped her finger into some chocolate. Her eyes, gleamed and shined. As she slowly, spread the chocolate along his lips.*
Graham - -He leaned in to kiss her lips and share the chocolate wealth with her sweet strawberry.-
Aly - *swallowing the berry. She gently, kissed, a little moan sounded through her chest. The mix was so good, so much so. That her tongue gently sought out his.*
Graham --Graham deepened the kiss gently as he stroked her hair -
Aly -*Her heart beat wildly in her chest. She opened for him, as her little fingers threaded through his hair. Her tongue stroked against his. He tasted so good to her.*
Graham - -The kiss lasted till a Golden Retriever bounced between them and an owner came running and apologizing. Graham laughed and petted the dog who was giving kisses too.-
Aly - *Ali giggled seeing the beautiful dog. She smiled, watching Graham with the fur baby. Turning to the owner. Ali said it was ok. She reached over and petted the soft fur. She loved seeing Graham like this. It warmed her heart.* I think he likes you! Giving you all those kisses.
Graham - I think he’s here for the pretty lady. -In seconds the pooch had bound away and trotted happily by its owner.-
Aly - *Ali blushed.* Maybe, but the gentlemen is very handsome himself. *She giggled with a bright smile at Graham.* I love that you’re so good with dogs. You touched a soft spot for me.
Graham - Got lucky. So what’s on that mind of yours?
Aly -*she laid down, putting her head in his lap. Looking up to him.* That’s dangerous! *she teased him.* I’m thinking that I found where my place in the world. Since meeting you, things have just..fell into place. *She hoped that wasn’t to sappy.* I’m curious, what are things you think about.
Graham - Well I'm thinking you're the sweetest soul I've ever met. I'm always worried about how this meeting will go down with the pack leaders. That's about all for now.
0 notes
oneshots-heaven · 7 years
“Those Three Words Aren’t Enough” - Part 3
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Your best friend Chris Evans is going to marry the love of his life this weekend and you’ve never been more excited for something – besides maybe seeing your other best friend Sebastian Stan again after you haven’t see him for months. However, your reunion doesn’t happen as you thought it would be.
Warning: cursing  Sebastian Stan x Reader Part THREE of the “Those Three Words Aren’t Enough” series
The rest of the night was too blurry to remember as you woke up.
The only true thing you remembered was how you walked back inside, asking yourself why you didn’t cry. You had sat back down with the girls and although you felt empty inside, there was not one tear coming down your cheeks and your heart didn’t feel like it torn. You had felt nothing, and that had disturbed you even more.
Midway through the night, Claire started to whine that she couldn’t keep up with you or else she would throw up right on the spot. Knowing that that wasn’t the greatest idea, you started drinking alone, which turned out as an even worse idea. The headache that welcomed you the next morning was able to straight up kill you. You shut your eyes close because the light was coming through the big window of your hotel room, making you groan in pain and regret.
Last night, the alcohol had may helped you forget about all those things but the hangover that followed wasn’t worth it. The knock on your door was definitely not to be ignored by it getting louder and louder with every next knock. You tortured yourself to get up and sneak over to the door, looking quickly through the spy and sighed out of relief as you opened up the door to a sleepy, but not as hangover as you version of Scott who held up some Advil.
“How early is it?“ you asked him, letting him into your room by stepping to the side.
“10 A.M,“
“What? And you came here banging at my door?“
Scott let himself all into the comfy couch nearby the TV, pressing his lips together to a light smile. “When I last saw, you seemed pretty drunk and after Katelyn texted Chris last night, I was sure you’d need this right now.“
You groaned, taking the Advil from his hands and grabbing a glass of water, asking, “What did she text?“
“Just an update that included the lovely fact that you were unbelievably drunk, but she seemed happy about it, so no worries.“
You slipped back underneath the covers, patting next to you to invite him to sit also on the bed. Scott got up from the chair, saying nothing and joined underneath the covers. You rubbed your temples, glancing over to him. “How do you feel? You don’t seem to be hungover.“
“Oh, believe me, I am. The guys dragged us to every filthy bar they could find.“ he complained. “Do you even remember what happened last night? Seen some hotties?“
“No, Claire was the wild lady this time. She had it going.“ your mouth twitched for a second to a smile. “I do, but—“
You stopped yourself, remembering how the night went down. Your eyes met Scott’s. He had been the kindest person over the weekend yet and he was one of your most trustful friends, who genuinely cared about you. “I’ve had an argument with Sebastian and after that, everything went kind of blurry, to be honest.“
“I know,“
His comment made you instantly frown. “Wait—you know? How?“
“Look, when we met you in front of the club and you started talking to Sebastian, I wasn’t fully around the corner yet and I just couldn’t help myself but listen to your conversation. I’m sorry.“
Your first instant was the reaction of shock and anger but you didn’t let that take over you. Scott didn’t deserve such harsh, unthoughtful words out of your mouth. And maybe neither did Sebastian last night. You bit your lip, thinking about what you could say to him, but honestly, you hadn’t any excuse for your behavior last night.
“I know this isn’t any of my business, but I’ve known you and I’ve known Sebastian now long enough to know you both weren’t yourselves out there. I know how you are with each other, and what I heard last night was far from the Sebastian and Y/N that I know are.“ he told you and you knew he was saying the truth. “Do you want to talk about it?“
Did you want to say it out loud? The things that have been going on in your mind for the past years? Did you want to admit to him what you never could admit to yourself?
“I’m sorry,“ was the first thing that blurted out of your mouth. It was the only thing that seemed right. It had been two days and you were already ruining the weekend with your personal feelings.
“You don’t need to apologize. I just think, maybe talking about it is easier than constantly hiding what you really feel.“ he calmed you, making you smile lightly.
Sometimes you could believe what you had found in the Evans family. They are your family too, in some way, and Scott was the greatest gift of a friend you could ask for. He wasn’t Sebastian, but by any means, he was so darn close to him.
You told him everything—and within seconds, the heaviness that had been following and almost crushed you suddenly disappeared. You told him about the first time Sebastian and you met and how ever since then the two of you had this connection that you were never able to put into words—that you just knew that this was suppose to last a lifetime.
* * * * *
You need to find and tell him, Y/N. He deserves to know and you deserve to say it.
The words of Scott haunted your thoughts—in a good and bad way at the same time. It gave you the needed courage and hope, but it also made you insanely nervous. This was worse than any audition you had ever done. On top of that, your head was somewhere else. Last night you had yelled at your best friend, and now Scott convinced you to go out and make things right with Sebastian.
After Scott left, you tried your best to make your messy self look somewhat presentable, however, you failed miserably, yet you ran out of the room. In this very moment, your heart was rushing and you almost truly believed that you were brave enough to tell him the truth. To finally tell him in his face what you had been feeling for a while, to say all those things you never dared to say out loud.
Scott knew the room number of Sebastian’s and Mia’s room, which made your stomach turn. You had no idea how serious it was between the two of them and although you wished he wasn’t with her, you would never want to destroy something good in his life. Your shaking hands balled to fists as you were regretting it to even come up to the door. It was now or never.
You knocked on the door and a heartbeat later, the door flew open, revealing the face of Mia. “Y/N,“ she said surprised. “Hey,“
Your mouth twitched to a smile, trying to hide your disappointment. “Hey Mia, do you know where Sebastian is at the moment?“
It was easy to notice how she hesitated. Maybe he told her what had happened last night, or maybe she realized what an asshole you had been. “Please, it’s important,“ you begged her.
She pressed her lips to a small line. Her obvious beauty suddenly turned into pure sadness. “He said he’s going for a walk. He didn’t seem very happy this morning. I wanted to join him, but he stressed that he wanted some time alone, so maybe it isn’t the best idea to look for him right now.“
You had no idea what exactly made you believe that she didn’t want you to see him, you just knew and felt sorry about it.
“Thank you, Mia.“ you said truthfully, turning around and leaving her behind.
It wasn’t fair of you to pick your own good before Mia’s, but this time you were this selfish because there was no other time you would ever feel the courage again to tell him. You hated yourself for this.
You walked faster over to the elevators down to the little park of the hotel. He had to be somewhere, he couldn’t be that far. Your heart beat faster, unbelievably fast. You had to find him.
The ground was still slightly frozen from the night and in the little sundress that you put on so quickly, you started to shiver more and more. Frustratedly, you glanced around, not seeing him anywhere around here—right until you noticed the blue bomber jacket. He was walking around the small lake with his hands in the pockets of his jacket.
Your feet started running before your mind caught up to it. He must had heard that someone was coming his way, however, he didn’t turn around. You stopped yourself in the middle of the way, making you even more angrier at him until you called out of his name, which finally made him stop.
You froze as you saw his face, feeling like everything inside had suddenly stopped. Except for your heart, which you felt banging against your ribcage. You opened your mouth but no words came out, instead he eyed you for a second, looking as if he was deciding to leave or hear you out. However, he looked as pained as you were, torn between just giving up or actually trying to talk about it.
“What do you want?“ he asked, not seeming overly convinced by himself. He didn’t want to hear another word from you, and yet he couldn’t get himself to tell you that.
You didn’t know the way he looked at you. You weren’t used to the sight of hate and hurt, but no sight of forgiveness. For a moment, you glanced away, trying not to lose any of your confidence. But who were you kidding? You weren’t confident. No, in fact, you were so scared to completely loose the one thing that meant the most to you.
“I was looking for you.“
Sebastian snorted in disbelief. “Well, now you’ve found me.“
You gulped. Talking to him used to be the easiest thing in the world because you had always known that you could trust him and that he would never dare to judge you, but now? Everything you knew was gone. This wasn’t the Sebastian that you knew. Perhaps last night, you hadn’t been the Y/N that he knew either.
“I was looking for you to apologize.“
“For what?“
You bit for bottom lip out of frustration. “For last night,“ you said. “I shouldn’t have—“
He sighed, almost turning around as he replied, “Just forget it, Y/N.“
Speechlessly, you looked after him. Was he seriously brushing you off? It wasn’t like the two of you hadn’t had arguments before, you fought often and passionately. You both screamed at the other at the top of your lungs and discussed it for hours until someone apologized and offered to buy food or similar. He had never walked away because just like you, he hated to leave without knowing that the two of you would be okay.
Your feet picked up pace again, starting to follow him, but no matter how fast you got, you never reached him. “Sebastian!“ you called out.
“Leave me alone.“
“No, I won’t!“
Suddenly, this made him stop, turning around with a jolt. You had to stop abruptly, not wanting to bump into him. His cold glance that laid on you was turning into the most furious one you had ever seen, you had never seen him this angry at you. “What do you not understand when I tell you to leave me alone, for fuck’s sake?“ he asked you.
His body shook dangerously.
“And what do you not understand when I tell you I fucking won’t? You know me, and I know you—“
“No,“ he shook his head, laughing quietly before hie ice cold glance met yours again. “I don’t think I know you anymore.“
“That isn’t true.“ you argued.
“No, it is. I don’t know what happened to you, I don’t know what happened to us. But you’re not you, and we aren’t the same anymore either. I don’t have the strength to go over any of this, and I don’t want to go over any of this because I’m done. I’m fucking done.“
His words hit you harder than any physical hurt he could do to you, and you wished nothing more than to scream at him. To make him feel equally as bad as you, but every bad thing you want to throw at him stayed stuck in your throat. It had shocked you to your core. Your teeth presse deep in your lip to cover any sobs that could possibly escape your mouth as you blinked away the coming tears.
“Just leave me alone, Y/N.“ he said in a pressed voice, which was the only sight that it wasn’t easy for him either. Nevertheless, you couldn’t understand why he was walking away now, instead of trying to make things right like you always did?
The belief of not losing Sebastian left you, just as he left you behind. For the first time in your lives, Sebastian walked away from you, causing to let everything around you suddenly feel out of order. The sight of him walking away made you choke on your suppressed sobs that now escaped mercilessly out of your mouth as you realized that him and you would never be the same anymore.
* * * * *
You excused yourself from lunch with the others.
You ignored the test from Anthony, asking where you were. As well as you ignored the three messages from Scott, firstly asking you if you told Sebastian everything you had to say and then other two about seeing Sebastian happy with Mia and if something happened between the two of you. You had starred at the phone screen, thinking about not leaving Scott in the dark about it, but seeing those message broke your heart even more, so you decided to turn it off and leave it in your room. After putting on a jacket, grabbing some money and your ID, you left the hotel unnoticeably.
Feeling sick to the stomach, you grabbed the first taxi you found. Deciding to run off was childish, you knew that, but when you were younger, it was the only good way to get things off your mind. And that was the one thing you needed to do now—to finally get your mind of the man that managed it to make you the happiest and the saddest. This unsettling feeling made you wish that you could hate—god, you would hate him so much right now but it felt impossible to hate the man you loved.
You had tried to deny it for years now and it had seemed to work whenever you told yourself that you were only friends. Mostly because it seemed to work out better than way. Something inside you had warned that he might not return those feelings and being friends with him was better than  nothing.
Maybe it was all your fault and you destroyed everything by being a jealous idiot and letting your anger ruin anything good in your life. Your expectations had hurt you more than he had. It was your foolish idea that he was going to be here alone and that on this weekend, everything between you would change. See where that idea had brought you—everything changed… to the absolute worst.
You wanted to be the one next to his side and you hated yourself for even thinking something so selfishly. Sometimes you forgot that it was Sebastian’s life too. He was a grown adult, who was perfectly capable of making his own choices and with that, also deciding who he wants to be with. That wasn’t something you had a word in.
You wished you didn’t love him.
You really fucking wished for it, because your feelings for him were slowly turning you into someone you didn’t want to be.
It was so hot that your short summer dress was sticking to every curve of your body. Although it was already pitched black outside and the small pavements were only lightened by the street lights, you still felt the heat of the day. Perhaps the drinks you had at the bar were helping to increase that feeling. You felt your cheeks burning as Katelyn laughed next to you at something her fiancé and your best friend, Chris, said.
You chuckled light, letting her go over to him. The two had been inseparably throughout the entire vacation but you couldn’t be angry with them. They had only been engaged for three weeks and all of the sudden, their four-year-long relationship felt completely new again.
Turning on your heels, you caught the gaze of your other best friend, Sebastian, who was walking next to Chris but now faster to catch up with you. A smirk appeared on your lips as you held out your hand for him to grab. With a smile, he took your hand in his and let himself be pulled closer by you. You clutched around his arm, giggling in his ear, “They are terribly romantic.“
“If I remember right, you were also a sucker for romance.“ he teased you.
“Hmm,“ you hummed. “That’s right. But you too, Papi Chulo.“
Sebastian groaned. A girl at the bar tonight called him that and now he was suffering under the endless teasing of Katelyn, Chris and you for that name. You laughed at his reaction, glancing over the ocean right on the other side of the pavement. What would give to feel the cold water on your burning skin right now…
“Sebastian,“ you mumbled.
“Hmm?“ he slurred a little as he was just as drunk as you all were.
“Will you jump in the ocean with me?“
Your best friend backed off a little, furrowing his brows at you as if your question was that ridiculous. ”You’re serious?“ he questioned.
You shrugged. “Yeah, why not? We’re on vacation once in our lives and I’m too hot right now to sleep anyway.“
He gazed at you and then all of the sudden, he grabbed your hand, starting to drag you down the beach. A scream escaped your lips, followed by a heartfelt laughter before you caught up with him and began to run down the beach. You didn’t care what Chris or Katelyn were thinking. They were too drunk to care about the stupid things their best friends did.
You couldn’t believe he was truly doing this with you.
Quickly stepping out of your shoes, you ran down to the water as soon, feeling the cooling water on your feet a second later. “Are you going in with your clothes on?“ he asked you, smirking at you.
You shook your head at his cheek remark, walking back to him. His eyes seemed to be glued on your body as he watched you closely how your hands trailed down your sides to the hem of your dress, which you pulled over your head in one slow movement because you knew he was watching you and somehow that made it feel teasingly exciting.
The dress flew onto the ground, leaving you in nothing but your lacy underwear and yet he was still looking at you. If it was anyone else than him, you wouldn’t even have suggested this idea but it was different with Sebastian. It always had been different with him than with Chris or anyone else. Your friendship meant so much more, it was so much more. There was no other person that knew you better and whom you had been so brutally honest with.
Sebastian always got a special place in your heart.
By nodding in his direction, you told him to get undressed as well if he still wanted to join you. Eyeing him as closely as he did, you watched him pulling off his shirt swiftly over his head, messing up his dark brown curls, before he started to unbutton his jeans and stripping down completely to his black underwear.
The grin on his face brightened your own.
Laughters filled the heated air as he ran toward you, grabbing you by your hips to pick you up. You shrieked, wrapping your hands around his neck, pressing yourself against him, until he let you go in the water. “Oh god,“ you gasped at the first contact with the cool water. “This is colder than I expected it to be.“
You heard him chuckling. “Oh, come on. You were the one who wanted to live a litte.“
Although it was freezing cold and your body was violently shaking, he was right. The street lights were fading away from the far that you were barely able to see him. You ignored how bad your body was shaking, but Sebastian didn’t. “You’re actually cold,“ he said.
You nodded repeatedly, breathing slowly and rubbing your arms, which didn’t help at all, right until you felt the warmth of his body again. Your breath got stuck as his arms touched your waist, suddenly pulling you closer. So close that you felt every part of his body in detail. As if by itself, your legs wrapped around his hips, breathing out first as you glanced up to him.
“This…“ you stuttered-whispered.
Sebastian smiled.
Thankfully, it was already dark outside or else, he would have seen your blushing red cheeks that you couldn’t hide. Embarrassed, you pressed your lips together but couldn’t help to smile quickly after.
If your kids will ask you one day when was the moment you fell in love with your one true love, it would be this very moment.
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dunkleduck-blog · 8 years
PROJECT: redacted.
LEGEND. Eyelids were opened slowly, sunlight registered through the slip. You groaned at it, slowly adjusting your sight with the brightness. The smell of buttercup was the first scent that came to your sense. Your eyes blinked. Where were you? The last memory you had had in your mind was a huge explosion and white light blinded you. You heard a scream, inhuman ones and the rest wasn't really registered through your mind. It was such a horrible scattered memory if you think of it. In which just lead you to get a minor headache as you tried a little harder to remember. You jolted yourself up, as found out that you were being cushioned by a patch of golden buttercup underneath you. You blinked again. Odd. You didn't remember of ever laying down or laze around, over somewhere so serene and quiet. You wish to but you were sure you ain't the lazybone-type. You think so to yourself. Just beside the spot where you had laid upon, there was a clipboard with several paper clipped on it. Without a second thought, you picked it up. Thanks to the sunlight in which shone brightly from the crack above you, you managed to read it. Or so you think. Chicken scribbles, somehow looks like a journal of someone... No page was empty, all of them being showered with lots of words and words. You could make out some of them. * ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, written by FRISK. Supervised by-- You were unable to make out the name since it had been smudged over with a black charcoal-like ink. It was either someone doesn't wanted to be recognized or it was being smudged by accident. You can't tell. You flipped through the pages and caught some of the words that was visible. * xNxxxFxLL... * xxxxxxWAP... * xxxxxxxxx * xCExxTxxx * xxxxxWOxLD... And a couple more that you unable to make out the words. It was like a list of a world or some place... Ah- Universes. Just like the title had mentioned. But thing is... Why would you hold onto this kind of information? Must be important, you thought. So, you were entitled to hold on this, really. You took a quick glance on the last page, exasperatedly. There was a chicken scratch beneath, similar with the rest of the scribbles. "DON'T FORGET." All in CAPS, as if a reminder for the owner of this clipboard or whoever written this. You gulped, blinking a few again. "Well, I need to find a way out." You spoke to yourself, glancing around. You noticed that this cavern wasn't really unusual. Just like your typical hideout or a bear cave? Maybe. Nothing special on it like inhuman scratches or ancient doodle. Hah, you wished. On your back is a dead end, while up head... You can't see whatever beyond unless you make your way through. Usually, that would be the last option you would do, as you waited for any help. But this time, that, would be the first thing you would do. Sometimes you just have to break the rules, right? Chest rose and fell, you sighed heavily as you clutched the clipboard against your chest. You started to walk forward - But to no avail, ten-eleven-twelve steps ahead and you fell into the dark. Dark, darker, yet darker. You were screaming on top of your lungs but were cut off by the rush of wind went through your ears. It was as if you were screaming out air and no voice. As deep as you fell, you could feel a warmth tingled your cheeks despite the cold air sliced through. The blindness of dark now shone brightly, almost burning your sight. Again, you were blinded by this familiar light again. * * * * * You can feel the breeze blew against your cheeks, gently. Soft grass swayed back and forth, tickled your nose. Oh, joy. The earthly ground smells. It reminded you of... your home. A place where you belongs. You felt real heavy to stand up despite your heart, your mind told you so. This body betrayed you, enjoyed this minor scenic. You just wanted to rest. The journey was nothing but hell, being pushed back and forth while you have no slightest idea of where were you now. You sighed. And that's when your ears started to pick up a conversation. An unfamiliar voice. It was soft, as if they were talking to someone. Oh, so there were TWO people talking, huh? Hmm, you wondered what they were talking about but only fell to deaf ears. You could feel yourself started to fade out, draining back to unconsciousness until a loud thud pang within the radius of your hear sense. You jolted up almost immediately, heart racing as if they were going to jump out. Like a shockwave electrocuted thorough your entire body. "quite shocking, huh? how long are you gonna pretend to sleep there, kid?" Your eyes were blinking in surprise. The voice knew you were already up but apart from that, you knew darn well of whose voice belongs to. Your heart skipped a beat. Are you... no. Of course not. Slowly get up, you held onto your head, trying to gain any balance of yourself. While the other hand still clenched onto the same clipboard over your chest. You need to stay on your ground again but as soon as your gaze laid on whoever had woke you up, you froze. You can see a huge black-scaled dragon with vicious yellow slitted eyes dagger-glare at you. Infront of it was a pair of... pegasus? A winged horse? Well, you must be dreaming because you were sure that kind of fairy tale animals don't exist. Your mind refused to believe. But then your eyes glued on something or rather someone, far more interesting. It was a pair of tall skeletons. How tall are they? 6 feet? 7? Uh, you were sure it must be 8 feet tall. They are sure tall and pretty much like a mirror. Opposite to each other. A bright-innocent-looking skeleton and well... another skeleton. Doppelganger? Clone? - You can't tell. But his scowled face was terrifying and judging by that, he wasn't satisfied with your presence. Disgusted, even. And you were right about it. "CLEARLY, THE STONE OF DERCAS IS BLOODY USELESS. BIG FAT LIAR, NOT EVEN TRUE BUT A BORING WORTHLESS WASTING MY TIME. CEASE THIS. CEASW THIS DIRTY ROCK. CEASE THIS PEASANT FROM MY SIGHT." He stomped the ground again, pretty much pissed off. The metal boots crushed deeply into the earth, leaving a foot mark on. You looked up at him. His appearance was all black. From his shiny metal armour down to his metal boots. You rubbed your temple, head a little spinning after listening to his tantrum. Seeing your vulnerability, the other skeleton came to approach you. Bright scarlet gloves grabbed onto both of your shoulders, squeezing a little. A hint of reassurance. But for what exactly? The scarlet cape behind him blew by the wind. He looked like some kind of heroic figure in which you end up snorted. "HUH? WHAT IS IT, HUMAN? IS ANYTHING WRONG? WELL, IF ANYTHING WRONG, THAT WOULD BE BLACK. AS HE SHOUTED NONSENSICAL AT YOU. DEEPLY APOLOGIES FOR HIS BEHAVIOUR, HUMAN." He beamed with a smile. His words, his apology, everything sounds so genuine you just can't say no. "It's fine. Really. Don't worry about me." And this other skeleton now... He was donned in gold and red. A resemblance of royalty. Well, if this is some kind of color theme or pattern, you can see it clearly. You made a mental note to yourself. "V-VERY WELL THEN. OH! WHERE'S MY MANNER. I DIDN'T EVEN INTRODUCE MYSELF. I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, SECOND COMMANDER OF THE SKELEGUILD. AND THIS IS - " "THE GRAND MASTER BLACK, THE TERRIFYING. BUT IT WOULD BE SUCH A HASTE AND WASTING MY TIME TO - OUCH! GRR, YOU DON'T HAVE TO HIT ME LIKE THAT, YOU - UGH. FINE. THIRD COMMANDER OF THE SKELEGUILD. NOW, WHERE IS THAT LAZYBONES THE BROTHER OF YOURS?" "just right here." And that caused the tall skeleton to jump on his own boots, bones rattled. He was about to curse but the shorter skeleton shot him a sharp glare. As he turned back to you, he looked rather casual and... curious. "sans, sans the skeleton. just some mercenary passed by." He held out his hand to shake, in which you were hesitant to. There was a small spark within you, as if you had known this skeleton over thousand years but you still can't quite figured it out. A sense of familiarity. You stared down at his gloved hand and shook it. "so, what's your name, kid?" "Uh... My name is ___" Nice one. You just made up whatever name crossed in your mind. Well, you knew you are not Frisk, the name on the clipboard and that name alone sounds pretty weird for you. Apart from these two skeletons whose named after a certain fonts, you don't wanna look funny on first introduction. "So, where am I?" The three of them shared glances at each other before nodding. "well, papyrus and black will take you back to the guild. i will tag along from the back. just got stuffs to do." "I WILL EXPLAIN TO YOU BRIEFLY WHILE ON OUR WAY TO THE SAFEST SAFE HOUSEHOLD!" "UGH, WHY DON'T WE JUST TELL THEM RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. STARS, YOU BOTH ARE SO INFURIATING." "BECAUSE THAT WOULD RUIN THE SUPRISE!" "TCH WHATEVER." -wip-
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ask-the-chan-family · 8 years
Undertale: Subject 13
Towards the end of the Ruins, there laid the main entrance that lead outside the Underground. Blocking the only way out, Toriel the caretaker of the Ruins, spent most of her life guarding the entrance, making sure that no one leaves the Ruins. After many years of protecting the Ruins and guarding the door, Toriel finally met her end, when a child that fell from the surface world, attack her with a knife which left a cut like marking on her body. Before she turn to dust, Toriel look at the child one last time, saying a few words of wisdom that the child remember “please be good my child” when she was done, Toriel fell to the ground and waited for life to end. When the child walk thought the main entrance, body of Toriel was laying on the Ruin flor, waiting for to turn into dust and spread through the air. When her body was starting to brake, a strange bright light appear out of nowhere, showing two figure in bio hazard suite, and standing in front of Toriel corps. One of the figure in the bio hazard suit notice that Toriel body was starting to brake and needed to act fast, it brought out a strange silver like disc and place atop of her body. The sliver dice went active and hover above the body and spread an aura stream, which started to heal her whole body. The second figure in the bio hazard suit look over Toriel body, then summon out a P.D.A. and watch her over her vital and other condition. Bio Hazard suit A: Glade that device is working perfectly, the last time we use this thing, it’s blow a fuse and nearly killed her. Bio Hazard Suit B: blame that at the engineer department, they were meant to keep the equipment working, but keep on fooling around new experiments and forget the main stuff we need for work. Bio Hazard Suit A: hey you know they got their hand full as it is, also most the equipment we use are mainly for the subject here Bio Hazard Suit B: True, *continue looking at her vital condition* that true what you said, everything we been doing is mainly for the test subject. But speaking of which, what number is this test subject anyway? Bio Hazard Suit A: *it got close to Toriel body and lift one of her arms. Once the arm was bare, it was showing a name and number, which telling who she is* said here Subject 13 Bio Hazard Suit B: Subject 13 you say, I’m surprise that the boys at the lab were able to have another one, they must the gone through a lot of her. Bio Hazard Suit A: yes they did, the last one they thought was doing well, but when they reach the certain part of the test, let just say it wasn’t a pretty picture. Bio Hazard Suit B: wow, I really don’t want to know what happen. But I’m very curious though of what sort of test they’re been doing here anyway, having the subject going through the same event for so many times. Bio Hazard Suit A: you know the rules, do our jobs and never ask question of what going on here. Bio Hazard Suit B: I know the silly rules, I just curious is all, and anyway I finish checking her vitals and they’re all clear. Bio Hazard Suit A: good and it look like the device is finishing up healing her. The two figure look at the sliver disc was finishing up it job and notice that all of Subject 13 wounds were heal up. They thoroughly inspect the body for miner detail, until one of them found something that shouldn’t be there. They notice that the knife wound by her chest and on left cheek area, didn’t properly heal right. The two figure didn’t inspect this to ever happen and start examining the wound. Bio Hazard Suit B: darn it, the device didn’t heal the wound right, all of subject 13 wounds should be heal for the next test, but the knife wounds still there. Bio Hazard Suit A: that shouldn’t be right, the device was made to heal all type of wounds, including simple knife cute. Do you think the device could be malfunction or something? Bio Hazard Suit B: the device is fine and everything, I guess this type of wound need to heal on its own then. Which mean in other words the test have to wait a little while longer and you know how much those higher up hate to wait that long. Bio Hazard Suit A: well it have to be done right, I know the higher up want Subject 13 get through these test and gain the answer they need. But if they want the same mishap with the last subject, it all up to them. Bio Hazard Suit B: my point exactly, but like you said before, we get paid of not asking question. *it grab a strange device with a flash on it, then have it over the subject face, then force her eyes to open up* time to have some pleasant dreams Subject 13. When the bio Hazard suit figure push the button on the device, a strange white flash blinded her eyes and couldn’t see anything at all. Toriel was starting to hear a lot of voices around her, some of them were friends she knew, while others were complete stranger. Toriel was doing her best to figure out of what truly going on, until the flash light clear up and see someone in front of her. It was the young child that she met at the Ruins. The child look at her and starte to smile, then the child summon out the knife once and attack her again, where she see nothing more but bright red. Toriel was able to force herself to wake up from the terrible nightmare, she started to look around to see where she was and notice that she was in her bedroom. Toriel got up for a moment and held her head for a while, thinking about the weird dream she had. She remember about a part facing a child who ended her life with a knife, then laying the ground not able to move at all, until her body turn into ashes. She also remember hearing two figures standing in front of her, talking about someone call Subject 13. Toriel was doing her best to figure out what this dream was trying to tell her, but so far all she got were question, instead of answers. While Toriel continue thinking about her dream, she hear a knocking noise at her bedroom door and figure someone wanted to see her. Toriel was still a little shaken from her dream and wasn’t ready to get out of bed yet, so she call that person to enter her room. Once the door was open, out appear a middle age human female name Nalia, standing in the middle of the bedroom, while looking at Toriel. Toriel was a little relief it was only someone she knew, instead of the biosuite figure from her dream. She notice that Nalia walk nearby her bed, then had both her arms by the side and started tapping her feet a few times. Toriel wasn’t sure what she was doing, but already have a bad feeling that she done something wrong. She was plan to ask her of what she did, but Nalia spoken first and call out her name with a stern voice. Nalia: Ms. Toriel, do you have any idea what time it is? Toriel: um not really sure, I know it still early in the morning … right? Nalia: you are correct Toriel, not only it’s the morning, but it ten minutes after eight and your running late for school … again Toriel: … sigh, do we have to do this every morning Nalia, it not like I need to go to school since I’m already an adult goat monster Nalia: of course you do Toriel, just because your adult goat monster, doesn’t excuse you’re from a proper education and beside you did said yourself that you had no problem of going to school in the first place. Toriel: and yet part of me regret even saying it. Nalia: ………. Toriel: alright, alright, I try to get ready for school, before I miss the first period of class. Nalia: that good to hear Toriel, I’m making some breakfast at the kitchen, make sure that you come down and eat, before you go to class. Toriel: but will I be late for class, if I sat down for breakfast? Nalia: don’t worry about that part, I know the principal at the school, I send him a message that your running late, plus he owe me a favor anyway. Toriel: thanks mom Nalia: and don’t call me that, it make me feel a lot older then I should be. Toriel: *she laugh* whatever make you feel young Nalia Nalia smile at Toriel remark and then left her bedroom, to finish up breakfast. Toriel was starting to feel a little better, part of her wish she could have told Nalia about the dream she had, but Toriel have no clue of how to explain it to her, since that dream didn’t make that much sense to her in the first place. She figure that she might as well keep this dream to herself, until she find a way of how to explain it properly. Once she got herself ready for school, Toriel walk downstairs and head for the kitchen, where she was able to find Nalia setting breakfast on the table. Sitting at the table was Nalia younger brother Nathan, reading his newspaper on the science section. Toriel walk by the table and greet Nathan with cheerful tone. Toriel: good morning Nathan, how are you doing? Nathan: well if isn’t dear niece Toriel, finally came out from your royal bedroom Princess Toriel: please don’t call me Princess Nathan, it make me feel like I’m a little kid. You know I’m a lot older than you and mom Nathan: you maybe older than us Tor, but you always my little princess to this uncle eyes, who also enjoy joking around with you Nalia: that enough from your silly jokes Nathan, Tori already have enough issue to deal with today and she doesn’t need to deal with your darn joking. Nathan: come now dear sister, Tor know I was only teasing, right Toriel? Toriel: of course Uncle Nathan, you know I always like your jokes, even though they tend to get a little annoying now and then. Nalia: ….. Sigh, whatever then, just make sure you finish your breakfast Tori, you already late for school as it is and I don’t want to hear any more excuses Toriel: yes mother dear Nalia: and what did I say about calling me that Nalia walk away from the table and start washing some dishes. Toriel was started eating her breakfast, so that she can leave soon and reach for her first class. While eating her food, she was looking at Nathan newspaper and notice something interesting at one of the article. In the article mention about that several people have gone missing for the past few days, they also mention that most the people that disappear, were students that goes the same school that she attend to. Toriel begin to worry if she be the next victim to disappear like the one that were mention in the newspaper. Nathan notice that Toriel was starting to get worried about something, whenever she reach that point, he always find a way to cheer her up, with one of his usual sarcastic jokes. Nathan: hey Tor, you want to hear a really good joke Toriel: …… sigh, not one of your silly jokes, you know each time you try to tell a joke, it always come out with a sarcastic remark. Nathan: but I promise this time, this jokes was told by a good friend of mine from work. Toriel: the same friend of yours that made remake insult about me for being a monster Nathan: he had his moments on things, but I promise this joke is a good one Toriel: …… very well, tell me your joke Nathan: great, so what have two thumbs and enjoy reading the paper with his favorite niece Toriel: I don’t know what have two thumbs and read *she was caught off from her sentence, when Nathan hug her* Nathan: this guy *he laugh* Toriel: *she blush* Nathan please, you know I’m not a big fan for hugs, especially since I’m a lot bigger than you. Nathan: you’re my niece Tor and I’m just trying to cheer you up is all Toriel: thank you Nathan, you know how to put a smile on my face Nathan: anytime kiddo, now get moving before my sister start talking again and get angry at me, for keep you here too long Nalia: you do relies that I can here you two talking right Nathan: gulp not really, until now Nalia: come here Nathan, I need a word with you Toriel know where this is going and started walking out the kitchen and head for the front door. Once she was outside from their home, Toriel was walking down the street, heading for her school. She usually take the bus to school, but ever since she lost her job at the supermarket last week, she had to make a few sacrifice to save money and walking to school without transportation was one them. Toriel wasn’t complaining that much about it, since the school was only a fifteen minute walk, but she still remember that she was running late and she was able to hear the school bells started to ring. Toriel started to run down the block, hopping to reach the school gate, but when she was getting close reaching the school, she accidently bump into someone, making that person fell to the ground. Toriel look and notice a stranger in a trench coat on the floor, she help the person off the ground and apologizes for bumping into him Toriel: I’m really sorry about that sir, I sometimes don’t see where I going, whenever I bump into someone like that. Are you alright though Stranger: I’m perfectly fine miss, no harm done. I have to admit that I’m surprised to see you again Subject 13 Toriel: wait a second, what did you call me Stranger: you be going miss, the school bells already finish ringing Toriel knew that the stranger in the trench coat was right, the school bell was finish ringing and she was already late for her first period of class. She wanted to ask the stranger of what he said, but when she look back to him, the stranger was already gone. Once she got inside the school and talk to the main principle of the reason she was late, Toriel was able to make it to one of her classes, but accidently interrupted her teacher lecture. After disturbing the class, Toriel was sitting down her usual desk at the back of the classroom, she was trying to pay attention to her teacher lecture, but her mind was wondering off and starting to remember her dream last night. When her mind thinking about the dream, she use her pencil and started to doodle something on the paper she was writing. After she was done drawing, she look at the picture and notice something wrong with it, the image she was looking was some kind of tube, like the one you see from a science fiction film she saw one time. Toriel was confused of why she drew this, instead of the things she saw from her dream, she wanted to question more about, until the school bell ring, letting all the student know that class was over. Toriel knew that her question about the drawing had to wait, she place her school books and picture inside her bag. When she was about to leave the classroom, she overheard a familiar voice, who was calling her name. She look and notice a male student that was standing behind her, she almost didn’t see him for a moment, do because he was a few feet shorter than her. Toriel knew the male student from anywhere and was happy to see him, the male student goes by the name David Sanston, look up to Toriel and say a funny remark to her David Sanston: hey there Tori, how the weather up there? Toriel: David, how many time you’re going to repeat that joke, it was funny the first few times, but after a while, it get boring David Sanston: come now Tori, you always like that joke, it’s one of my best quality and besides, I kinda figure you need a good joke to cheer you up. Toriel: how you know I need that David Sanston: sorry Tori, a comedian never give out his secret, even to close friends. Toriel: sigh, fine then, I guess I won’t tell you about weird I had this time David Sanston: oh and what kind of dream is that Toriel: *she smile* like you said, it’s a secret David Sanston: *he laugh* clever girl, someone picking up my little trick very quickly Toriel: I learn from the best after all David Sanston: I can see that, one day I will teach you my full secret arts of my Kung-Fu comedy Toriel: *she laugh* of course master David David Sanston: master David sound to simple, just call me Master Sans sound better Toriel: alright then, Master Sans it is They both laugh for a little, until they start leaving the classroom. But just when she was about to reach the hallway, Toriel was call by her teacher, telling her that she wanted a word with her. Toriel kinda figured that she was going to be talk about her tardiness of coming in class today and was going to be lecture about it. David came by Toriel side and speak to her if she want him to stay. David Sanston: hey Tori, you want me to standby and be your support Toriel: that would be nice of you David, but I have to face the teacher on my own David Sanston: ok then Tori, but if you need me, I be standing by the door. Toriel: thanks David, your good friend After done talking to her friend, Toriel walk back inside the classroom and face her teacher. Once inside, Toriel stand in front of her teacher desk and waited to hear minatory boring lector about coming in late, but she notice that her teacher was busy writing something down and haven’t pay much attention to her yet. Toriel wanted to sneak away and walk out the classroom, but she know her teacher better than anyone and sneaking out of class would be out of the question. Toriel waited a little while longer, before deciding on interrupting her teacher. When she was about to ask her teacher a question, she notice something odd that catch her eye, she notice that her teacher was writing the same formation, the minute she was standing around waiting. Toriel stare at her teacher hand and see if anything was different, but once again, the teacher hand was repeating the same movement than before. Toriel wasn’t sure of what going on and figure that she should just walk away right now and pretend that she didn’t see anything. But when she try to step away from the teacher desk, she felt her feet were paralyze and she wasn’t able to move at all. Toriel look at her feet and try her best to move them, but not only didn’t her feet move, but her legs as well. Scared of what going on, Toriel try her best to call out for help, she stare at the classroom door and see her friend David was there, but she saw that the door was closed and doesn’t see him standing there at all. Toriel was terrified of what going on and look at her teacher again, but see that the teacher wasn’t there anymore and wonder were the teacher went. Already scared of the whole situation, Toriel close her eyes for a moment and wish that everything she saw was a dream. She started to count to ten and hope that everything was gone. When she about to stop at ten, she over hear a beeping sound, she was too scared to open her eyes to see, but her curiousity got the best of her and for herself to see what that sound was. When she open her eyes she notice that she was in a different room with strange machinery, Toriel knew she wasn’t in her classroom anymore, but wondering how she got here. Not only she was in a strange looking room, but she was inside some sort of glass looking medical tube, where everything was seal from the inside. Toriel tap on the glass tube, seeing if anyone was able to hear her, while she was tapping on the glass, she see look at her hand and arms were wrap around some sort of wiring, which also cover most of her body, she also notice that she wasn’t wearing any clothes, all was left is a torn up medical dress, that patient wear when going to the hospital. Confuse of what she was wearing, Toriel heard the same beeping noise go off again, she look around and notice a machine, which was making that noise in the first place. at the machine, she notice a figure in a lab coat, messing around the machine, which the figure made the machine make that beeping sound again. Toriel finally gain her insanity for a moment and try to call out the stranger for help, Toriel kept on banging the glass, until finally the figure was able to pay attention to her. Toriel was pleased that the figure was able to hear, when she get the chance to see the figure face, she notice who it was. The figure that stand in front of the medical tube, was the same stranger she met earlier at the front of the school, Toriel was shock to see the stranger again and curious of what he going to do to her. the stranger look at her for a moment and smile while touching the glass tube, Toriel stood quiet not sure what the stranger was up to, part of her want the ask the stranger question, but too afraid to say anything. Before she found the courage to say anything, the stranger spoke to her and hear what he was saying to her. Stranger: I’m happy that you’re awake subject 13, I wasn’t sure after so many sedative in your system, you would be sleeping for a long time Subject 13: why are you calling me that and why I feel like I know that number? Stranger: that because it your subject number, 13. Subject 13: my …. Number Stranger: come now 13, we talk about this at least a thousand time, your one of the special experiment which we created, to help us solve a very important event that happened many years ago. Subject 13: an event of what? Stranger: I’m sorry subject 13, that part is classified, all subject aren’t allow to know about the project, except only the name that we accept for you Subject 13: a name, what name Stranger: Toriel Subject 13: Toriel, but that my real name Stranger: I’m afraid not my dear, Toriel is a name we gave you, in order to be part of the experiment. Your real and only name that you have, is subject 13 Toriel wasn’t sure what the stranger meant by that, she know what her real name is and she never heard being called by any other name. Toriel slam on the medical tube and yell at the stranger for lying to her and see to gain more truth of what going on. Subject 13: I can’t be whatever you call me, I know my real name is Toriel, people that know me, the best friend I have, they all personally know me by that name, my real name Stranger: *he laugh* that really adorable subject 13, the other project we put you through, really is helping you acting like a normal person, which sadly to say that you’re not one of them Subject 13: what do you mean not one of them, I go to school like everyone, and I had memories of the people I know. Stranger: but have you notice that you started getting weird dreams, dreams about being inside a ruin, then attack by what look like a child. Subject 13: how you know that? Stranger: the computer tells me, with all the wires that strap around your body, whenever you fall asleep inside this medical tube, we learn your deepest thoughts Subject 13: why would you do such a thing to me? Stranger: like I said before subject 13, all subject aren’t allow to learn about the projects we do here and now as for you my dear, it time for you to go to sleep and continue our work. Toriel saw the stranger walk away and continue working on the machine, she wanted to know what he was doing, until Toriel notice something going on inside the medical tube. She look down and notice water started to get inside the tube and raising really fast. Toriel had no way to go, except bagging on the glass and ask the stranger to let out. The stranger was too busy working the machine, not paying much attention to her. When Toriel effort was in vain, she notice that the water already at her upper body and will reach her face soon, Toriel had no other choice but to hold breath and close eyes, to wait for the torment to end. When the water filled the medical tube, Toriel did her best to hold her breath for a long time, but knowing her lungs desperate for air, she open her mouth and started taken in the water. Losing consciousness, Toriel look at the stranger one last time and notice that someone was standing right next to him, she wasn’t sure who it was, but before she had the chance to take another glimpse, her eyes were completely shut and she was out cold. Hours had passed by since Toriel was unconsciousness, since her body wasn’t able to move, but her mind was able to think, which allow her to dream. With everything that Toriel just witness, she wish what she saw was nothing more but a dream, but after learning that she wasn’t really who she really is and that she was more just a subject experiment, now she questioning what she looking at is real or not. Toriel think for a little while, until she heard a childlike voice was calling her name, not the name the stranger called her, but her natural name she known for. The childlike voice gotten louder and gain Toriel attention, which force her to wake up. to her mind that Torile was still swimming in the medical tube, but once she open her eyes she notice that she was inside some sort of living room. Toriel was surprised that she was inside a strange place, but yet deep inside that she seen this place before. She wanted to look further, but stop right in the middle, when the child voice she heard earlier, called her name one last time. Toriel look down and notice a child in front of her, part of her feel like she seen this kid before, but some weird reason, that everything was new to her. Toriel had no clue what to do next, until the child ask her a simple question of seeing if she was alright Child: mom, are you feeling alright Toriel: me, well of course I’m feeling my dear child, I was just having a strange dream is all Child: a dream you said, what was it about? Toriel: I can’t recall tell you the truth, so much was going on in my mind, that it was difficult to explain it. But it was only a dream and everything was alright now. Child: that good to hear mom, but are you sure that your fine Toriel: *she held her hand above the child head* of course my dear, I will be ok, that a promise. Now then, is there anything you want to ask me? Child: there is mom, is there a way out of this place Toriel: what do you mean child Child: is there a way out of this ruin, back to the surface Toriel: you want to leave this place my child Child: yes mom, I’m sorry but part of me want to go back home Toriel was about to tell the child something important, but something trigger her mind, that force her to held her head for a moment. Toriel felt something weird, like a lost memory was coming back to her, she see an image of the ruins she was in before, than seeing the same child that she just spoke to, holding a knife that killed her. After seeing those images, it made her remember other memories that she had, but felt like being block by someone, she try to push herself to remember more, but then relies that she had the child that was waiting for her answer. Toriel look at the child with a fear look in her face, but did her best to hide it, without he child knowing. She though up a good lie and told the child that should work. Toriel: well my child, I think I know how to leave this place, but let get some rest for now and I will show you the way out another day Child: but why mom Toriel: I’m sorry my dear, but I need more time to think about it, as of right now, it time for your rest Child: alright mom, I do what you say Toriel escort the child to the spare bed, where the kid went off to sleep. When the child finally fell asleep, Toriel went to the other bedroom, where she get some quiet time to herself. She look at the bedroom for a moment, knowing that this place felt like her home, but relies that everything she looking at, was nothing more but a lie. She found a mirror on the wall to look at herself, to figuring out if there was anything different about herself. When she look in the mirror, all she can see was her normal monster like face, at first she started to feel normal, but then relies something that wasn’t there before. She look at the side of her forehead and notice a tattoo number thirteen was there, she never knew it was there before, until she look in the mirror right now. Toriel started to remember about hearing that thirteen number, some of the memories that were block before, started to come back more. Remember seeing the stranger at the school, then seeing the stranger again, mention to her that she was a subject for their personal experiments. All the memories were flooding her mind like madness, which force her to crack the mirror. Several piece from the mirror fell to the floor, close enough by her feet, out of fear and anger, Toriel look at her bloody hands and start to tear up from the pain. She wanted to scream, but don’t want to wake up the child, not knowing if the kid work for them, she back away from the mirror and find a place to sit down. When she sat down on a chair, Toriel wanted to do is cry her eyes out, but with her with several cuts, she look around the desk and see to find any bandages. While looking through the drawer, she found what appear to be a journal book, when she look at the front of the book, it had her name on it, but she already guess it was written by the past other subject before her. she careful open the book to see if it had answer to what going on, so far what she found was nothing more but silly pun that were funny, the same puns that her friend David Sanson tells her at school. Her mind started to remember again and open up another memory that was lock away, she remember meeting David at school when she was learning how to her classes, she always had a crush on him, but was too nervous to ask. More tears were coming out her eyes, wishing to have that life once again, but she had to rely the fact that her life she know was nothing more but a dream now and she had to find out the real truth about herself. Toriel kept on reading the book, hoping to find anymore answer, but after reading the pages several times, she didn’t find anything. Toriel was about to give up on her search, until she found a fold up pages, that she didn’t inspect it earlier. She look at the fold up page and notice that it was note, written in an odd language she never read before. Toriel try to read it, but having a hard time announcing the words right, but before she could say another word, another shock came to her head, but instead of her own memories, she was seeing someone else, but more than that, she was seeing the other subject memories. Toriel kept on looking at what the other was seeing and notice that the other subject was the one wrote the note, at first she didn’t understand what it said, until she see the memory, she know it a lot better. Toriel read the once more and see what it said “If you’re reading this, then you must be the new subject they created, for this insane project. I know in your mind that where you are right now is your home, but in reality it’s not. The person that put you in there, is not a good person and will force you to do strange experiments, which they need for their research. I been trying my best to figure out what they are researching about, but after learning about the other past subject before, I know they all failed badly. I know you wish to know more, but I’m afraid that I wasn’t able to write everything down, knowing them looking at us every day, they will learn what you up to. Listen to me, I know you’re afraid right now, learning about the real truth of your life, but all hope isn’t lost. There is a way out, but you must try on your own to find it. To know the way out, you must learn about the past subject, to know about this madness experiment and reason why they created us. I wish I could say more, but they already know what I’m doing, I wish you luck and …… try to survive. Subject 10” Toriel try to read more, but all she see was a blood stain on the letter, knowing that the past subject, must the took her own life, before they learn what she was up to. Toriel wish she knew more what the other subject was trying to tell her, she could try to read more of the past subject thoughts, after the last few shock in her head, it was too dangerous to try again. For now Toriel was able to find at least an answer she was looking for, not exactly she wanted, but at least a start. Toriel place the book back where she found and then close the drawer, after learning what she needed to know, all she had to do is survive this experiment, without them knowing about, but so far, part of her feel like that they might had a feeling that they already knew. Toriel felt someone was standing a few feet behind her and knew it was going to be the child that she sent to bed. Toriel figured that the child could had work for them, but wasn’t sure exactly. She stood still on her chair and look at one of the broken glass mirror on the floor. She see that the kid was holding a knife on it hand, the similar knife that the child cut her with. Toriel wanted to move, but stood there for a while and not said a word, until the spoke first. Child: I notice you wasn’t in your bed yet, is something wrong mother Toriel: everything is fine my dear, I just needed a moment to think Child: to think about what? Toriel: just a few minor things is all, like how to help you leave this ruin is all Child: are you sure about that Toriel: I’m sure, there nothing else for me to say to you, unless you want to use the knife that you cut me before. Child: how you know that I cut you with a knife. Toriel: because I still remember, that moment we stand by the main door at the ruin, where we cut me with the knife and left me there to die. Child: …… you weren’t meant to remember that Toriel: of course not, I wasn’t meant to remember certain things, but my memories of who I am are coming back and that day you that I die on the ground, I remember two figure were talking about me, saying certain things I wasn’t sure about. At first I thought it was all a dream, but after meeting the stranger and learning that I was nothing but a subject for their sick game. Child: so you know then Toriel: not everything, not yet. But I will learn the truth and figure out of how to escape this place. Child: escape you say, I still remember those words clearly, after subject 10 die in my arms, when I slice her neck with the knife. Toriel: why are you doing this? Child: they paid me to do one simple job, to keep an eye on the subject and make sure they don’t get out of line Toriel: and what you do, when the subject get out of line. Child: then I guess they better start making another subject Toriel: I was afraid you was going to said that and I’m sorry of what I’m about to do The child wasn’t sure what she was talking, but didn’t care less. The child was about to attack her with the knife, but Toriel use the journal book she was reading and hit the child by the head. The child fell to the ground and was knock out for a moment, which give Toriel a chance to leave the room. Toriel was sorry for hitting the child but had no other choice, she start heading downstairs and head to where it started for her. She walk for a little while, trying to reach the end of the tunnel, after walking for a long time, she finally reach the end, where the main doorway lies. Toriel look at the main doorway, not knowing where it leads, but checking inside her mind once more, she look at one of the past subject, that one of them was able to open the door and start to walk to somewhere that look like a labatory. Toriel knew what must be done and start walking towards the doorway, but she stop for a moment and felt something in the air, knowing that two other guest were on their way. Toriel look and see the two biohazard suit figures, looking at her from a distance. Toriel already know who they were and wasn’t afraid this time. One of the Bio hazard held out a stun gun, ready to bring her down, while the other speak to her, before things go out of hand. Bio Hazard Suit A: Subject 13, be reasonable of what you’re doing, you need to step away from the door and come with us Toriel: my name is not Subject 13, my name is Toriel Bio Hazard Suit B: it’s think itself as a living being, let me end it Bio Hazard Suit A: no, we need her alive, the stun gun is a last resort and nothing more Toriel: why am I going through this, what they want from me? Bio Hazard Suit A: Subject I mean Toriel, I know what you had learn right now is all new to you, you had been going through this for many years. But rest assure, we going to let you go and you can have a normal life. Toriel: how I know that life you promise me is normal, after learning that the people I call friends and family, were nothing more but dreams from the other past subjects after me. Making me feel like that life feel normal, but the truth it wasn’t Bio Hazard Suit B: the subject is not going to listen, let end this already Bio Hazard Suit A: I said not yet, we need to think this through. Toriel, I know you already figure things out, but not everything is all bad, just come with us and we can Toriel: I don’t need your help and I will leave here, if it cost me my life. Toriel ran back to the main doorway and try her best to open it, one of the biohazard suit use the stun gun to bring her down. Toriel felt the shock in her body, trying to ignore it, but it was too much to bare. She look and see the two figure like the very beginning and feel asleep once more. The End? I finally got this small project done. I was plan to write a two part series of this story, but the way how it going and with so many project, I’m not sure I’m going to do it. This story is going to be on a simple Clift hanger, if anyone want to continue this story, just send me a message and let me know., because I have no problem if anyone want to give it a try.
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