#i wish i was less sickbrained right now so i could be a bit more articulate
vegaseatsass · 8 months
Do you still ship NonPheeJin? Even though I'm so angry at Jin after that episode, I still kinda like the idea of the ship.
Oh! Oh hello Anon. Yes, I'm always here for disastrous mess. However Phee/Jin first get together, however it develops and however sincere Phee's feelings for Jin turn out to be or not be, I know it's going to light my brain on fire, and ah I can't find it now but there was a post, edit: it's this post from @fracturediron!!, about how Phee and Jin are foils wrt Non that I wholeheartedly agreed with that I also think makes it so interesting. Like if Jin is Pheenon enemy number one and the biggest target of the revenge scheme, it's extra interesting that many of the things Phee would most want to punish him for are reflections of traits in himself that he also wants to punish/regrets the most. Jin/Non is a biiiiiiit of a nonstarter for me at this moment only because of how much Non was visibly not into Jin by this latest episode lol, but I think a good fic (or vengeful hate scene) could turn that absolutely upside down on its head, and the sicko in me completely loves the slow escalation of Jin's awfulness and possessiveness towards Non and is always interested in reading/seeing more of that. And like, they're all horrible teenagers and guilty shitty young adults, aka human beings; I have a real appreciation for Jin's writing. Unlike a lot of fandom, the only character I'm absolutely looking forward to dying is Top, hahaha, everyone else I could watch foreverrrrr, and Jin is no exception. I love the GAY REVENGE of it all but if this were a less murdery genre, I would gleefully watch everyone live with their pain forever. Phee/Non is like, where my brain is vibrating at the most rigorously at this particular moment but Jin makes things messier and twistier and angrier and grosser and I'm always, always here for that.
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