#i will tell u what i told the last person who mentioned wh in my askbox: i NEEDDD to do a grammar sweep SO sorry for the typos!!!
sanchoyo · 21 days
HAII!!! idk if you still like tomura but bro I read warm healer and dropped to my knees it's so fucking good the amount of screenshots I have in my gallery is insane🙏🏼🙏🏼 ANWS JS WANTED TO SAY UR WRITING? ONE OF THEEEE BEST THJNGS EVER!!!!
<3 glad u enjoyed it!!! i will always love tomura hes a forever favorite along with the rest of the league ^_^ even if im mega salty abt how bnha ended. retconning it in my brain while reading its crazy to me that ppl are still finding and reading WH 6 years after I published it but it makes me really happy to know it still brings ppl joy! thank u so much for taking the time to send this aw TwT
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woman-respecter · 8 months
Yo im super curious now who is that ex bestfriend that u mention on the taggs sometimes? Give us some ☕️
LMAO u have no idea how long i’ve been waiting for someone to ask me this. warning this is long and tells like. the entire story of our friendship which is probably more than u asked for haha
i’ll give the TL;DR here and the full story uner the cut
TL;DR: we were best friends for about 3 years, she found out i had feelings for her, and, though she promised she would stay friends with me, ended up completely abandoning me, refusing to ever speak to me again.
ok so exbestfriend (i’ll call her R) and i became friends in my very first class of freshman year of college. we really hit it off and had like completely compatible ADHD wavelengths. i wouldn’t say we were inseprable that year bc i had other friends we spent more time with but her and I, along with another girl from our class (who was kinda insane. i’ll call her G) would spend a lot of time together. sophmore year R and i got closer and started spending a lot more time together. she was kinda my best friend at that point but also didn’t go to the play that i starred in and worked really hard on which was a minor thing but something i still remember. second semester sophomore year we got a lot closer and spent a lot more time together, often without G. middle of the semester i realized i was in love with R (i remember the exact date actually. feb 28 2020.) but youse know how 2020 was, we got sent home for covid.
during the pandemic i took a gap year and R did zoom college but she and i stayed very close in touch, facetiming and texting all the time. we even sent *handwritted letters* to eachother which i still have. in fact she was the *only* person from college who kept in touch with me then. she usually seemed too busy but tried to make time for me. during this time i fell more in love with her.
first semester my junior, R’s senior year was mostly a really good time for me (until the end which we will get to.) we were finally able to see eachother in person after over a year. G wasn’t there to third wheel because she was studying abroad. and R and i became inseparable, even deciding to take a class together (economics, which i loved and R hated). we also became part of a larger friend group which was great for me because i never had that, but still were closer with eachother than the rest of the group. we spent as much time together as possible and saw eachother almost every day. i will admit i was a little to clingy to her at times but she didn’t seem to mind. during this time she was very affectionate and caring towards me. she even did little things that made me think she may have returned my feelings like holding my hand. the other girls in our friend group seemed to believe that R may have liked me as well.
and here’s the part you’ve all been waiting for IF YOU ARE HERE FOR THE BREAKUP START READING HERE: for hanukkah i knitted her a pair of mittens, which i gave her along with a letter borderline confessing my feelings to her. after reading the letter she called me, told me she didn’t return my feelings and that in fact she now felt uncomfortable with me hugging her or telling her i loved her (as a friend) but said she would still would remain friends with me no matter what. the next day we had a convo over text where she said some pretty hurtful things which caused me to kind of act out the next time i saw her at a get together with the rest of our friends. the last time i saw her in person that semester (or, spoiler alert, ever) was when i had to beg her to drive me to the airport to go home for the semester because i could not get an uber but she only did so begrudingly (even tho before my confession of love she had planned to take me to the airport that day)
during winter break i tried reaching out to her to talk things out but she said we didn’t need to. i tried to text her about the game we both played (genshin impact haha) but she would never respond. when we got back to school i kept trying to get her to hang out with our friend group but she always said she had something going on or straight up not responding. she didn’t text me on my birthday either. eventually at the end of february, i think my other friend (who is currently my only remaining friend from that group fun fact) contacted her and told R how bad i was doing because of her absence (oh yeah i forgot to mention, i became suicidally depressed from R’s absence) so R called me and while we argued about a bunch of stuff and she was somewhat homophobic towards me (she said she was more comfortable being friends with G because G was straight) she eventually told me that yes we could be friends again she just needed more time. which i guess i was ok with but it did not stop me from being suicidally depressed.
a month later i reach out to R like hey i really miss being friends could you let me know when you want to be friends again. a WEEK after me sending that text she responds and tells me she doesn’t want to be friends ever again and says some more hurtful shit. that’s the last i’ve heard from her. i almost offed myself at this.
rest of that semester goes badly, my depression gets worse and worse to the point that i lose the rest of my friends except for one (who happens to share a name with R, a sick coincidence) because they can’t deal with it. also R blocks me on instagram and genshin impact.
my depression is a bit better now, it was super treatment resistant so i changed meds a few times. but i’m still not fully recovered from this and i never will be. all i want in life is to have her back. there is an R shaped hole in me that will never and can never be filled. i’m not sure if i’m capable of ever loving again.
so yeahhh thats it. if u read this whole thing ur insane but i love u 💖
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bahngray · 2 years
I Just Wanna Be Yours
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Disclaimer This work is for mature audience.
Pairing - bangchan x reader
Synopsis - You sometimes question yourself whether u are a bad person or a good person but the truth is we are all human beings and our imperfections are the things that make us perfect.
Parts - Chapter 1
Chapter 2
"Hyung!" a familiar voice screamed from  outside. I felt a rush of relief as well as worry as I recognized that voice.
"Hyung! Come on you have to wake up now" hyunjin screamed once again.
"Coming in 10 minutes!" I screamed loud enough for him to hear me from the otherside.
I turn around to face y/n and notice the strange expression on her face. She sat upstraight on the bed as she expected an explanation for my sudden behavior.
Not knowing what I should answer I just asked her the stupidest question, "Don't you know Stray Kids?"
She looked at me perplexed, wondering why I was asking about some kpop group instead of giving her an explanation.
"I'm the leader of that group" I said with a chuckle. "Wh-what?!" She exclaimed.
"Makes sense now yeah?" I said, not knowing how I was going to solve this situation or what our future would be like.
Y/n - I was in utter shock. I'm the type of person who likes a quiet, private relationship but he was an idol and if things got out of hand I would be the one at risk not him.
I started to blame myself for getting drunk and doing something so stupid. I couldn't even decide what we were, whether he actually meant anything to me or was he only a mistake.
"Let's talk sometime again, I have to go now as you know if we get caught we both are dead meat" he said with a tone worried as well as concerned.
Before I could even say anything he got dressed and left.
All my life I had been chasing for a man who would love me for who I was and when I found someone who was as close to my type he was found to be an idol. I honestly was confused, I wasn't sure about my feelings and I didn't even think I meant anything to him. Maybe he would never even contact me.
Until he did. It was a month after we last met. I was reviewing our newest product at work when my phone buzzed displaying an unknown number.
"Hey I guess I reached out to you way too late from what I meant. I'm sorry about that."
" How did you get my number?"
"I have my ways"
"The hell r u? A stalker?"
"Let's not go that far cause I can say for sure that I'm more than a stalker"
"I can't talk rn I'm at work"
"When do u get off?"
"Are you always this hard to get?"
"We need to talk , tell me when u get off work I'll pick you up"
"Are you even allowed to do that? What if someone sees us?"
"Can't u trust me for this once?"
"I'll go now bye"
*The call has ended*
Bangchan - She was just my type. Yeah I just knew she was the one. I made a plan with the help of the members (though I lied to them saying I was going out to meet my sister) and snuck out of our dorm to meet y/n. Only if she knew how much I was risking to meet her. Haha.
It's funny how strong my feelings were for her when I had only met her once.
She didn't tell me when he would get off work so I waited outside her workplace. After waiting for half an hour she comes out in the most beautiful black turtle neck and not to mention but she looked so hot I almost wanted to fuck her right then and there but I was holding myself back.
When she saw me her face went blank, she looked as if she had seen a ghost or something. She quickly walks up to me, it is surprising how she even recognizes me because I was covered from head to toe with clothing and I covered myself in a way so that no one would recognize me but I have to say she was impressive.
"What r u doing here?" She said with a worried tone.
"I told u I would pick u up after work, we have to talk y/n" I said while she kept searching for my eyes.
"Let's go now that ur done with work" I go ahead and hold her hand to get her to the car. She doesn't stop me, she just walks with me as if we were two magnet poles attracted to each other.
When we got to the car, she kept looking down at her hands and I thought she was uncomfortable at the fact that I held her hands so I apologized quickly, "I- I'm sorry if u felt un-"
But she was fast enough to cut me off, "So yes what did u want to talk about?"
"Umm so yeah uk that night it was .... I mean I think uk what it was... I just don't know what our rela-"
"It was a mistake" she said cutting me off once again. I was puzzled not understanding why she was lying because she clearly had feelings for me.
And I knew she did, so I stopped the car nearby and faced her, "You can stop lying if u think that's going to stop me" I said.
She looked up at me, her eyes filled with so much warmth it stopped my breathing.
"Listen I- I'm not the kind of person who wants to do a relationship like this cause honestly my life is already enough messed up and I don't want to drag a relationship that would be problematic into it"
"You know we can't be, you know that then why are you hesitating and not facing the truth. If we get caught it would be the end for both of us. We don't have ways here it's a dead end"
She said her eyes getting watery, but she was holding herself back. In that moment I just wanted to hold her, close and tight and protect her with all I had.
"You might not know this but I never give up on things that are mine" I said looking at her.
Tears streamed down her face as reached mu hand out to wipe them, cupping one side of her face and gently brushing my thumb on her cheek.
"Tears don't suit u" I said putting a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
Her tears come out so fast after that, she starts shaking. I pull her close to my and hug her softly, stroking her hair gently.
After a while when she calms down and rests her body on me while still hugging me I tell her she's the most beautiful person I have seen on earth and that I'll protect her.
She pulls away for me and it feels as if someone has disconnected half of my body from me. She looks straight in my eyes and without a warning crashes her lips on mine.
Kissing me softly with her plump lips, our tongues dancing with pleasure. I break the kiss and place her on top of my lap.
Y/n - I put my hands around his neck pulling him into another kiss, while his hands roam around my body, touching me in the best ways possible.
I break the kiss gasping for air when he brings his lips on mine again, kissing me so softly while his tongue was searching for dominance as his hands went under my turtle neck.
As I shifted in his lap, putting my legs on sides of his waist I felt his hardened core and gently pushed down on it, receiving a groan from him.
He lifts my crop top and starts sucking on my cleavage. I moan at the sight of this new experience. I pull him closer to me as his breathing hits my breasts and I shiver at the sensation of his tongue on one of my hardened buds.
I arch my back at the sudden pleasure while he unclasps my bra exposing my breasts fully this time.
He sucks on my hardened buds and rolls his tongue on my sensitive skin receiving moans from me. In a flash he brings his lips back on mine again and kisses me roughly but so passionately I almost forget how to breath.
I push down on his hardened core and he arches back. He pulls his hips up everytime I push down and I go ahead sucking on his neck, making sure I give him that mark. Sucking, biting, tongue rolling as he thrusts through the clothing into me.
"You mean alot....to me y/n and I want to know more ......and more about you please give me a..... chance to be a part of ur life" he says.
"I'm ... all ..yours..Chan" I say gasping for air.
I show him the way to my apartment and he drops me off. "I'll head inside now" I say shifting on my seat to face him.
"Okay sleep tight" he says giving me a soft look pouting his lips.
I give him a peck at the sight of this sudden cuteness and get off the car. I watch as he drives away from the parking lot and I head to my apartment.
Han - Yes I was the first person who knew he had something up and dude he kept on blushing all the time, he was always on his phone texting someone and while the others were too busy to even notice I literally caught him. Haha it's just funny to see ur teammate being all lovey dovey for someone.
I.N - I honestly was traumatized at the sight of him. It was pure hell when he kept blushing and laughing all by himself. I guess we all knew at some point that he was dating.
Hyunjin - He was on the way to get caught and this is what happened....
As I promised chapter 2 is up. Idk why writing has been so difficult I barely could write anything properly and I don't feel good sharing this one with you guys but I made a promise and I had to keep it. Thank u for supporting me! Ily guys soo soooooo much.
Perhaps guess I'm suffering from a writers block. Yes AGAIN!!!
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close friends | t. holland
pairing: tom holland x fem!reader word count: 3.1k warnings: some language, some angst if u squint. otherwise it's just fluff and tom being tom. didn't proofread this. a/n: so tumblr decided to be a little bitch and deleted this t w i c e. so i had to write this t h r e e times. this came up in my head after i got like three notifications that tom posted something on his ig story, and then it turned out he deleted them. as always, english isn't my first language so i'm sorry if this gets confusing bye. also, i was listening to cardigan by taylor swift as i wrote this.
my masterlist
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so we all know tom sucks at instagram. that's a surprise to literally no one. no matter how many times you tried to teach him he still doesn't get it, and it was only a matter of time before he finally posted something he shouldn't have.
it was just one of those days, you missed him like hell. he was away filming the third spiderman, and you had to stay behind because of work.
naturally, you relied on face time and texts to survive and fill the void he left behind. you loved talking to him, listening as he rambled on and on about his adventures on set. a love-struck look on your face as you tried your hardest to stay awake despite the urge to close your eyes.
eventually, sleep took over you, and you drifted off with the sound of his voice lulling you to sleep. he stopped talking abruptly when he didn't hear your soft chuckling in reply to the story he was telling.
instead, he saw your sleeping figure, long steady breaths moving your chest up and down. and he cursed himself for making you stay up so late for him. he took one last look at you, taking a screenshot of your sleeping form.
he quickly hung up the video call and opened instagram instead, uploading the screenshot to his story,
'missing my favorite girl, thank you so much for everything you do for me. x @yourusername'
the next morning you woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing. at first, thought someone had died as one notification after another filled your screen. most of them came from instagram, so you opened that app first.
thousands upon thousands of mentions, tags and new followers. you frowned, and suddenly a text from your friend popped up at the top of your screen.
'omg just saw his story. so happy for u both'
who's story? what was going on?
you refreshed your timeline, and tom's icon appeared, a colorful circle around it. an odd feeling sank in your stomach. you tapped his icon and suddenly your screen was full of... you.
a picture of you, sleeping. tom's smiling form in a small rectangle on the bottom right corner.
oh god. you read the words he wrote, over and over again. your heart pounding in your chest, and a sudden wave of fear ran through your body. but then you read his words once more, and all you could feel was love. pure, unconditional affection.
sure, your families and closest friends knew about you, but you hadn't talked about making your relationship public yet, but there was nothing you could do now.
you sighed, leaning back on your pillows. a small chuckle left your throat.
you grabbed your phone once again, quickly facetiming tom. you knew he had an early call today, and you hoped you could catch him while he was still in his hotel.
it ran once, twice, and then you saw him, hair all over the place, bare chest. hands rubbing sleep off of his face.
"mornin', darling." he said, his raspy morning voice making you smile.
"hi, baby. did i wake you?" you asked, sitting up and crossing your legs.
"yeah but it's fine, princess. i did keep you up last night so it's only fair."
"i'm sorry about falling asleep on you, that was a really nice picture you took last night," you lifted one eyebrow, and watched as he smiled at you sheepishly.
"i thought you looked really pretty, you always look pretty," he said, grabbing the water bottle on his nightstand and taking a swing.
"thanks, i hope the whole world thinks so, too," you declared. leaning your chin on your fist, watching him expectantly.
he did not react like you had expected him to.
his breath hitched as he sipped his water, and suddenly all you could see was the cream-colored ceiling, as you heard him spitting out and coughing.
"tom! oh, my god! are you okay?" you asked, getting on your knees and holding your phone up to your face, "tommy?" you repeated when he finally stopped coughing, you could now hear his heavy breaths.
at last, you saw his curls appear from the bottom of the screen.
"wh-what did you just say?" his voice was rough, his chest heaving.
"are you okay?" you asked again.
"ye-yeah i'm fine. babe, what did you mean by 'the whole world'? did something happen?" he asked, frowning. you echoed his expression, watching him for a second.
“you posted a picture to your story,” you repeated, and he nodded.
“yeah, i posted it to my close friends, i-” he stopped mid-sentence, eyes growing comically wide. “oh shit, did i-” he caught himself off as he threw the phone to one side, you heard him fumbling around for his laptop and you snorted. “shit, baby, don’t tell me i posted it… fuck!” you couldn’t keep it in any longer, you broke out laughing.
“of course this is how the world finds out about us!” you continued giggling until your stomach hurt.
“fuck, princess i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to, i swear i- why are you laughing!?”
“tommy, tommy! it’s okay, baby, don’t worry. i’m not mad,” you stopped once you noticed his pouting. “it’s fine, my love, i don’t mind. sure it’s unexpected, and a little sudden but i wouldn’t have it any other way. i knew what i was getting into when we started dating,” you told him honestly, wishing you were there to give him a hug and kiss him all over.
“darling, i’m really, really sorry. i swear i thought i tapped the green button like you told me to” he continued his sulking, nervous eyes glancing back and forth from his laptop screen to you.
“i know, baby, i know this is not your forte, and i really appreciate the sweet gesture, honestly. i love you so much,” you told him as you bit your lip. folding your legs to your chest, wrapping one around them.
“god, i love you. i swear i’ll make it up to you,” he ran his hand through his hair, giving you a quick peek of his bare chest.
“i’ll hold you to it,” you chuckled, you glanced to the clock on your nightstand, sighing when you saw the time. “i’ve gotta go,” you said as you stood up and stretched. a wicked idea ran through you head. “i’ve got like five meetings today, so i’ll probably be busy most of the day. just in case i don’t reply or something,” you made up you lie quickly. grabbing your laptop and opening a new tab.
“oh, okay. i’ll be on set until like 1 am, so we’ll talk tomorrow?” he asked, eyes bright. you nodded, biting your lip.
“definitely. i love you,” you blew him a kiss. he smiled, and you felt your heart swelling.
“i love you, too. good luck today!” he said as you reluctantly hung up the call.
you immediately got to work, calling your assistant and telling her you were taking a few personal weeks, and to email you in case of emergencies. next, you texted harry, asking him to call you once tom was busy on set.
you waited for the page to load, and once you had bought your one-way ticket to atlanta you hurriedly threw some pre-planned outfits into two suitcases, just in case. your phone rang and harry’s face popped up on your screen. you quickly answered the call, and let him know of your out-of-the-blue plan. he agreed to meet you at the airport and drive you to set. and because of your recent and sudden rise to fame, he suggested you wear all black and a cap. you followed his advice, throwing on some sunglasses as well, as you had seen tom do many times before.
once you reached the airport and checked-in, you bought some coffee and breakfast, as well as some food for the flight. you opened instagram, seeing all the messages and comments. you had seen how the fans reacted when their favorite celebrities announced a relationship, and you knew to expect the meanest comments, and even death threats. for your own sake and peace of mind, you allowed yourself to scroll until you read three of those, and closed the app.
once the plane took off, you tried to catch some sleep, preparing for the inevitable jet lag, but your mind kept buzzing from one scenario to another. so you took out your book and tried to read some chapters, putting in your earbuds, music playing quietly.
when you finally, finally landed, you stretched your legs and grabbed your bags, putting on the cap and sunglasses again, you spotted a familiar head of wild curls. you quickly approached harry.
“what happened to all black and a cap to go unnoticed?” you asked as he took one of your bags in his hands.
“think about it, two kids wearing black, a cap and sunglasses? people would think we’re up to no good.” he gave you a tight hug, you’d missed him almost as much as you’d missed tom.
he caught you up on everything he and tom had been doing these past months, you shifted in your seat in excitement, the sleep that was slowly taking over you on the plane had now disappeared from your body.
in what was probably a 15 -but to you felt like five- minute drive, you got to the hotel to leave your bags and take a quick shower. harry left you alone in tom’s room, making his way to his own room next door. he said he’d order something for you to eat whilst you got ready to see tom.
you took the quickest shower ever known to humankind, and when you walked out of the bathroom after using tom’s shampoo and conditioner, -you’d missed his smell all over you. the few forgotten hoodies and shirts that were once drenched in the smell of his soap and cologne, were now very faint.- you wrapped a bathrobe around your body, rummaging through tom’s clothes until you found one of his shirts.
you pulled it close to your face, sighing at the familiar scent you’d missed so much. you got dressed quickly, grabbing your now fully-charged phone and the key to tom’s room that harry had left on a coffee table. you knocked on harry’s door and he let you in.
“i just texted tom, he says they’ve got like three hours left.” you sat next to him on the couch, the table in front of you filled with food waiting to be devoured.
“my poor baby, they overwork him,” you pouted, reaching for one of the plates.
“it was his idea, said he’ll do anything that helps finish filming sooner.” you stopped chewing your food.
“wait, really?” you asked in disbelief, you knew tom loved his job, and you found it odd that he wanted to cut his time on set short.
“yeah, it’s been rough for him. not having you around, i mean, after he spent months with you. he’s been pretty distracted lately. messing up lines, he’s been waking up late and missing early calls...” your heart sank at the words. you ate the rest of your food with a knot in your stomach, cursing yourself for not getting there sooner. soon enough, you were back in the car, your leg bouncing up and down. you fell asleep on your way to set, waking up when harry parked the car and nudged your shoulder.
you stepped out carefully, your head turning back every few steps you took, in fear that tom might catch you. once you reached the stage where tom was filming, you flashed the visitor badge harry had given you to the guard and he let you both in. you walked in as you leaned down, your forehead against harry’s back, shielding you from the curious stares. harry told you to hide behind a giant box where they kept some lights whilst he spoke to the director.
although the box was big and tall enough to cover you completely, you crouched down, straining your ears for nearing footsteps. you heard two sets of feet approaching, your heartbeat racing.
you were met with your accomplice, a friendly-looking man behind him. you stood up as they approached you.
“this the girl?” the man asked, and harry nodded, “nice to meetcha, i’m jon.” you shook his hand, “okay, so we’ve cleared tom’s schedule for one week, we’ll need him back fully recharged and ready to work like it’s his first day on set, you’re welcome to stay as long as you like, if it means he’ll work better if you’re here you can stay until we're done. i really don’t mind, i just need my guy back.” you blinked at his words, nodding slowly. “we’ve got a couple hours left tonight, i’m all up for some cheesy reunion, but it’ll have to be when we’re finished, i can barely keep him focused as it is.”
with that he left, and harry led you to tom’s trailer, where you caught some sleep while you waited. like that morning, you woke up to your phone buzzing. you reached for it, sleep leaving your body as you read the text.
‘just finished filming for the night, i’m exhausted. miss u, love you. x.’
all rational thoughts left your head, you opened the door to tom’s trailer and sprinted out of there until you reached the set. your eyes finally, finally met his figure, and tears filled your eyes.
your legs moved on their own accord, you mumbled apologies as you crashed into people, but you didn’t care. tom had his back to you, and even though he wasn’t wearing the spiderman costume, you’d recognize that ass anywhere.
“tom!” you called out, stopping a few feet away from him. you saw him whipping his head around, eyes scanning the sea of people. you made your way up to him, “tommy!” you repeated, and he finally turned around.
his mouth wide opened in disbelief, arms twitching, feet running towards you as you did the same. you crashed into each other, your legs wrapping around him, arms around his neck, fingers curling on his soft hair. his hands running all over your back, your hair. pulling you as close as humanly possible.
whispers of ‘i love you’, ‘god, i missed you’, ‘never leave me again’, and ‘i promise’ were exchanged. you tightened your hold on his hair, pulling back to look at him.
“hi,” you whispered, your nose brushing his.
“hey,” he replied, burying his face on your neck again, pressing small kisses anywhere he could reach. his hands settled on the back of your thighs as he spun you two. you giggled, sniffling as a few tears escaped your eyes.
you could not care less about the people around you, all you could think about was the boy wrapped all over you, your favorite boy. tom led you back to his trailer, where you finally untangled yourself from him. he settled you down and you immediately wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him close to you again.
you had been starved of his touch for so long, there was no way you were letting him go anytime soon.
after many kisses, touches, tears, promises and more kisses, you left for the hotel. harry had already left, getting a ride from another cast member to leave you two alone. at that moment you swore you’d make him godfather of your firstborn child.
as you waited for tom to step out of the shower -you would’ve joined him, but three showers in a day seemed kind of excessive-, you laid down on the bed, throwing the covers over your body, tom's scent engulfing you. you breathed in happily. you tapped on your phone, replying to some work emails when you received a text from harry.
‘i believe the ball is in your court. you’re welcome.’
next, you received a picture of you and tom. harry must’ve taken the picture when you and tom were too lost in each other to even notice anyone around you. in the picture, your legs are around tom, bodies pressed closed together, your noses touching as you stare lovingly into each other’s eyes. it was a beautiful picture. and the black and white filter harry had applied to it made it seem like one of those old pictures of wives reuniting with their spouses after the war.
you smiled, heart swelling with emotion as you contemplated your options. you hummed quietly, tapping the instagram logo and waiting for the app to load.
you quickly uploaded the picture harry sent you tagging both him and tom and adding a quick caption before you shut down your phone. you were drifting off to sleep when you felt familiar arms around you.
you leaned into tom’s touch, your back resting against his chest, legs tangling with his as he interlocked his fingers with your own.
“thank you so much for being here, my love. i love you,” tom whispered into your ear, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“i’ll be here whenever you need me. i’ll always come back to you.” you turned around, facing him. you kissed the corner of his lips, and he cupped your cheek, his lips meeting yours in a slow kiss, filled with emotion. your fingers played with his fingers as you moved to straddle his waist. “i love you,” you broke the kiss reluctantly. as much as you both wanted to make love that night, you’d made it your top priority that tom took his time off to rest as much as he could, and that included that first night.
you gave him one last kiss, going back to your previous position. the familiar and comfortable weight of his arms around you, the feeling of his lips on your neck, his chest rising and falling against your back, you couldn’t ask for anything better.
the peaceful environment you had created suddenly burst like a bubble as tom’s phone pinged over and over again. you heard him grunting, arms reluctantly leaving you.
tom chuckled, putting his phone on do-not-disturb and throwing it somewhere on the bed.
“you’re perfect for me, my favorite girl.” you smiled, leaning into his touch as he kissed you all over. sleep quickly taking over both of you.
tom swore his heart stopped when he’d seen the picture you posted. you’d never looked more beautiful than when you were staring up at him, your bottom lip between your teeth. the words you wrote as a caption were the last thing on his brain as he finally succumbed to sleep.
‘i said, “i bet you can’t keep this a secret for five months.” he said, “darling, i won’t make it past three.” @ tomholland2013 it’s been 10 months, who won?’
edit: i just saw henry cavill's ig post and omg what is my life. pls respect celebrities' privacy and relationships.
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hi1234456 · 3 years
This Time | Tomioka Giyuu x Gender Neutral Reader
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Description: Giyuu lost you in his past life, but he’s determined not to let you go this time.
Reader Gender: Gender Neutral
Warnings: SPOILERS!!! (Spoilers from the KNY manga), Mentions of violence, death, cussing
Universe: Canon-verse (Although non-canon events occur) Also reincarnation AU (When you meet your soulmate from your past life, you regain some of your memories with them)
Requests: Open!!!
Author’s note: I just realized that the concept I tried to do is confusing- So basically, if you get reincarnated and meet your soulmate from your past life, you regain some of the memories you guys had with each other.
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Giyuu had always been in love with you. After meeting you, he immediately became a victim to the hands of love. Your smile, your laugh, your personality, just everything about you was amazing to him.
He always felt a sense of euphoria when he was around you, and he always found his mind wandering back to you when the two of you were apart.
“I love them?” Giyuu asked, turning to face his fellow pillars Mitsuri and Tengen.
“I mean, from what you’ve said about them...” Mitsuri took a second to swallow the dango she was eating. “Yes, it really does seem like you’re in love with them!”
“Are you sure about that? Me being in love with...” Giyuu turned towards your direction.
Giyuu’s gaze softened when his eyes landed on your smiling face. You had been picking random cloves from the grass, and had finally found a four leaf clover, which excited you.
“Man! Look at the way you’re looking at them too!” Tengen groaned, rubbing his head. “And you say you’re not in love with them. Obvious bullshit.”
Mitsuri just giggled while Giyuu looked a Tengen, astounded.
“In love...?” Giyuu asked, raising a hand to his own blushing cheeks.
He always knew that he felt a special feeling around them, but love? Was it really that?
“I mean, if aren’t gonna believe us, it’s ok,” Tengen said, giving Giyuu a small smirk. “But we’re just saying that you most likely are in love with Y/N.”
Tengen got up from the bench he was sitting on, and waved at Giyuu.
“I gotta get going now, so bye.”
“You’ll be able to figure out those feelings Giyuu!” Mitsuri said, giving him a smile before following Tengen, leaving a confused Giyuu and his thoughts behind at the dango store.
Giyuu then glanced at you again, only to have his gaze met by yours, which startled him. You smiled before running towards Giyuu.
“Giyuu! Hello!”
“Oh... Hi.”
“I saw you talking with Mitsuri and Tengen! What were you guys talking about?”
“O-oh, nothing,” Giyuu gave you a small smile, trying to brush off his awkwardness. “What were you doing?”
“Oh, I was looking for a four leaf clover! There’s a wish I have, and I’m hoping that the four leaf clover brings me enough luck to make it come true.”
“Hm? What is it?”
“It’s a secret! Just kidding, I’ll tell you. I’m hoping for my next quest to go well.”
“You’re an excellent demon slayer though, Y/N, and you’ve never seemed so nervous about a quest? Did something happen?”
“Ah, there’s this gut feeling I have that...” You looked at the ground for a second before regaining your eye contact with Giyuu. “That something bad is going to happen. But it should be fine! It’s probably just a dumb thought!”
Although you just laughed it off like it was nothing, Giyuu couldn’t help but become worried. What if something bad really did happen to you? What if you ended up getting heavily injured? What if you even died?
“Giyuu, I’ve got to get going, unfortunately. I have to set off for my mission,” You gave him a small smile before turning around. “Goodbye!”
“Wait!” Giyuu’s hand suddenly latched onto one of your hands, startling you.
“Hm? Is there something wrong?” You ask him.
“U-uh, I... I hope your mission goes well.”
You give him a warm smile before saying, “Thank you. I must get going now. Goodbye!”
He watched your figure disappear more and more into the distance. He couldn’t help but feel more and more anxious as you got farther and farther away. He now couldn’t shake the feeling that he too, feels like something bad is going to happen to you.
And something did happen.
“Y/N is dead, Giyuu.” Tanjiro said, showing up at the doorsteps of Giyuu’s mansion.
“They’re dead...” He managed to choke out.
So it really was true. Giyuu had heard about it from his crow moments ago, but he refused to believe it. He thought it was some sort of mix-up, and that you weren’t truly dead.
“I’m s-so sorry,” Tanjiro choked out, tears falling from his eyes. “I wasn’t able to protect them. This is all my fault.”
“Don’t blame yourself Tanjiro,” Giyuu patted Tanjiro’s back lightly. “Y/N wouldn’t have wanted you to.”
Tanjiro managed to look at Giyuu one more time, trying to give him a small smile before he left Giyuu’s mansion.
As soon as Tanjiro left, Giyuu immediately shut the door and broke down on the floor.
Why didn’t he tell you that he loved you that day?
Why was he such a coward?
Negative and regretful thoughts clouded Giyuu’s head as he continued to sob about your passing.
He never got to tell you how much he loved your smile, your hair, just everything about you. He would never be able to express his feelings for you because you were gone.
There wasn’t a single day after that where Giyuu didn’t regret not expressing his feelings for you. Every single day, he always wondered if anything would’ve been different if he had just told you his feelings for you, or if he had stopped you from going on that mission.
He even thought about that until his last breath.
Giyuu was sent on a mission to exterminate a group of demons, nothing that was supposed to be too hard for him. However, there wasn’t supposed to be an upper-rank moon there. He had tried to kill it, but it had overpowered him and sent him to his death.
As Giyuu laid on the ground with a large wound stretching from his chest to his stomach, his mind wandered back to those unsaid words.
“Please...” Giyuu whispered, his eyesight getting hazier and hazier with every passing second. “Please let me tell Y/N that I love them in my next life.”
And with that, Giyuu had taken his last breath.
Time skip... (After all the demons were slain)
Giyuu waddled out of the bakery happily with his freshly baked raisin bread. He had always loved the Kamado Bakery’s raisin bread, and always woke up at 6:30 on Saturdays to get the freshly baked ones.
Giyuu sat on a park bench and started munching on one of the loaves of raisin bread. He smiled to himself.
“Nothing beats the raisin bread at the Kamado bakery.” He said quietly, taking another bite of the bread.
“Actually, I’d personally have to disagree with that.”
Giyuu turned towards the side of him to find a figure leaning on a tree, observing Giyuu.
“Who even are you?”
“Oh, I’m Y/N! Sorry for interrupting your eating time! I just wanted to say that I think their yakisoba bread is better. I mean have you tried that stuff? It’s so freaki-”
At that moment, you and Giyuu both felt a painful throb in your heads, and memories came rushing back to you both. Memories of your past life as demon slayers.
“Giyuu?! Wait, you- you’re...” You paused for a second, before exclaiming. “You’re Tomioka Giyuu?!”
Giyuu didn’t say anything, he just simply pulled you in for a hug, not caring if he had dropped his raisin bread.
“I missed you so much Y/N...” Giyuu muttered, his head buried into your shoulder. “And I’m so sorry that I couldn’t tell you this earlier.”
“Tell me what earlier?”
“I’m so sorry that I couldn’t tell you that I loved you...” Giyuu drew his head back and looked you in the eye, giving you a small smile. “So I’ll tell you now. I’ve loved you ever since we both joined the corps together, and I’m so sorry that I didn’t tell you I loved you that day. If I could go back to tell you, I would. But since I can’t, I’ll tell you now. This time, I won’t chicken out like last time. Y/N, I have always loved you, and I always will.”
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mywritingonlyfans · 3 years
i like the idea of thomas for the dad/christmas fic 🥺
heeey!!! thanks for comment on it again!!! once again, i'm sorry for not writing that one with the person 'we' mentioned first😅 hope u like it!
-> dad!thomas raggi x reader
prompt: in which, dad!thomas is bit late for xmas to see his little girl! bonus. he teaching his little girl how to play the guitar!
warnings: none, just the good stuff today!! oh, we actually talk more about the 'finals' holiday than xmas itself on here so i hope it doesnt be too awkward for people who don't celebrate it.
You closed the fairytale book, putting it in its place on the shelf, and then tidied the blanket to cover Alice better. One of her arms was on her new guitar, which Santa Claus had left for her at Thomas's mother’s house; and by Santa you meant Thomas. She was so happy at the moment that you couldn't wait to show him the video. 
 Despise this, the smile on her face hadn't lasted long, you didn't know if everyone could see that she looked sad or if it was something maternal that warned you about it. She was asleep, and even though you could tell she was heartbroken, her long eyelashes rested under the freckles of her chubby face; appearing to be all agitated - she had not cried, but you knew she had held back her tears while you put her to sleep. You didn't blame her, you missed him, too. 
 You hugged your torso, wanting to stay there with her, you didn't feel like going to sleep knowing that he wasn’t home for Christmas. When you looked at her again, with her sad little face, you suddenly felt bad for not thinking about letting her sleep with you; since she liked it when you let her stay in Thomas’s side of the bed when he wasn’t around.
“I love you, angel,” you whispered, brushing her hair away from her face and placing a kiss on the prominent freckles on her nose. She mumbled something you couldn't understand, and smiling silly at your girl, you took her purrs as your cue to make your way to the kicthen.
You hummed one of Thomas’s band songs to yourself after you checked that there was no messages or new call on it. He promised he would at least contact you, and as long as you are together he never was one to broke his promises; so what you could do was wait. 
 It was the first Christmas after you had Alice that he hadn't been able to come back home on time. And as much as you told him that you understood and that everything would be fine, which was true, you couldn't deny how much you missed him.
You kept the leftovers Alice had begged her grandmother to give her on the frigde, remembering how she had planned on eating it with Thomas when he got home. Glad pleased, you could imagine how happy he’d be that she thought about doing it for him. Just when your mind was ready to get lost in a scenario where Thomas would be home for the Holidays, the vibrations of your phone interrupted you.
“Hey, babe. Merry Christmas!” You said excitedly. It was him, he wouln’t forget of you. It was late at night and you had no idea what time it was for him, but still he called. 
“Merry Christmas, babe,” He said in a slurred, almost inaudible voice. He looked a bit sapped and busy.
“It's not a good time, right? I can call you later if you can’t speak right now or are feeling too tired,”
“Nah, it’s fine,” He assured, a bit breathless, getting clearer over the phone. “How was your day? How’s Alice? God, I missed you,”
“It was good,” you sighed, thinking about being cheeky and adding that it would have been better with him, yet you were afraid that it might make him feel worse. “Alice is fine too. She loved the guitar, you will love to see it. I filmed everything, she didn’t stop jumping with it in her arms, telling your parents how it was just like the one his dad have. She misses you so much, Thommy, and I think she’s learning how to deal with it.”
“She’s learning...” he repeated. “I wish she didn't need to learn to deal with me being away from her,”
“Don’t say that, I made a bad choice of words, you know she loves you and she loves even more the way you love her extra when you’re back. She understands, Thomas,”
“She’s 5 years old, Y/N,”
You let the silence fill the chasm between you. You felt how sad he was, he had been away for a long time because of the turns before, still he always managed to return for the special dates - just as he had promised when Alice was born - but this time, well, this time it wasn’t possible.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured and you visualized in your head his eyebrows furrowing as his hand ran agonizingly through his hair, just as he always do when he‘s feeling in low spirits. “You’re right. I should be focusing on the good things, soon I’ll be home, I’m gonna teach her to play the guitar, show her all my love and be the best dad in the world,”
You laughed at his abrupt change in mood mixed with a hint of himself. “I know you will, babe,”
“I’m gonna be the best boyfriend too,” he would give continuity to his words when a loud noise of something falling stopped him abruptly.
“What was it?” You asked. You made it clear that you were suspicious, and by his nervous laugh he knew that. After all, what would he say about the noise that seemed to have come from the room next to where you were? “Oh my god, Thomas, that can’t be you.”
He didn't even need to answer, the sound of your steps going on his way was enough for him to know that you knew he was there, making him curse himself for being so clumsy. And just like in a flash, you were in his arms. He dropped his bag on the floor, giving you al of his attention as he squeezed your shape to his body.
“You’re here,” you bured your face on his chest, letting the feeling of comfort fill your nostrils, and then soul. “You’re really here.” You added in a breathless sigh.
Relief taking over his body as you snuggled into his frame, he grinned, “I promised that I would try my best to be with you all the special dates, didn't I?” He asked, holding your face so he could look at you properly. “Are you crying?”
You nodded at his soft voice. “I’m sorry,”
He laughed, a nasal sound that you missed so much. “It’s ok, 5 months is a long time,” He said, tracing kisses across your face. “I promise I’m gonna love you extra now.”
It was already possible to see the sun rissing outside, yet you refused to close your eyes and lose any moment with Thomas.
You rested your head on the pillow, waiting for him and thinking of how lucky you were that he managed to catch a last minute flight to spend the New Year at home. He was scheduled to return only after the first day of the year, somehow things would have worked out better than expected and he managed to get back sooner.
“She looks like an angel sleeping so calmly.” He spoke, lying beside you under the covers.
“I thought you were going to wake her up, she'll go crazy when she sees you.”
“I know,” He smiled, proud of himself. He knew she was the definition of daddy’s little girl. “I will wait until she wakes up. I'm dying to fill her with kisses and hugs.”
Still with his charming teeth and cute dimples on display, he pulled you to his chest, trying to wrap you in the blanket next to him. “She loves you. She doesn't care about the time you spend away, as long as you come back to her.” You nuzzled into his neck, squeezing him tighter as you said that. It was likely that this would happen more often, letting Thomas blame himself for that wouldn’t do him any good.
He bobbed, kissing your forehead, enlacing you with the same intensity. “I know, babe,”
“How was turn?” You asked, looking at him, making sure that he was fine. He was thoughtful, but it wasn’t the end of the world.
He told you about his gigs around the globe and you were happy feeling his body soften on your arms. His voice almost lulled you to sleep, but you were sure you would never tire of hearing him talk about what he loves. You showed him the video of Alice receiving the guitar, seeing his eyes fill with water after she said that she‘d be just like her father made your chest almost explode with love. In the best possible way, of course.
“You can sleep if you want, babe.”
“No, I want to spend more time with you.”
“I’m here, I am not intending to go anywhere.” He patted your hair, rubbing his nose through your hairline, and the last thing you remembered was feeling his lips on your temple.
When you opened your eyes again, he was no longer there. You rubbed your eyes tight, trying to adjust to the light, wondering if there was any possibility that it might have been a dream, but then a sweet chuckle brought you back to reality.
Alice was standing in front of you, with the guitar resting awkwardly on her shoulders. Her eyes went from you to Thomas, as if asking him if everything was all right. You smirked lightly at her features that looked the same as Thomas's.
She started playing something, which looked incredibly bad, Thomas wrinkled his nose in an attempt not to laugh so as not to discourage her. He should have spent a lot of time helping her, and she looked like she was trying. Her lips was between her teeth as she concentrated to play her less than a minute of song was so cute that as much as you didn't understand a thing, you couldn’t help but feel proud of her.
“It’s Vent'anni,” Thomas mouthed, waving his hand in a way that would get your attention but not hers. “It’s Vent'anni.”
“Oh my god!” You opened your arms for her as she finished playing, watching you with her excited eyes. “It’s Vent'anni.”
She grinned from ear to ear, handing Thomas the guitar, and then jumping into your arms.
“Did you like this?” She asked happily, making ‘this’ sound like ‘dis’. “It’s not perfect but I’ll get better, right dad?”
“Yes, better than Damiano trying to play It!" Thomas confirmed, stroking her back as he approached you. “Good mornin’, love.” he kissed the top of your head.
“I love you,” you kissed his cheek, wishing he could feel how much you love him. “And I love you too, little one,” you mumbled, pinching Alice’s nose, which eyes was stuck on the two of you.
She laughed, her gaze still on you and Thomas. She looked like a completely different person from the night before.
“Dad said you look cute when you're tired.”
You knew that you looked tired, the day before wasn’t the best and you had barely slept. You bit the inside of your cheek, looking at Thomas who had a silly smile playing on his lips and felt your cheeks get hotter. The reason you still felt that way when he complimented you was a mystery, you liked it anyway.
“You are a gossip little thing,” Thomas joked, poking at her sides.
“No, I’m not.” She laughed, trying to run away from him flawlessly, letting him hug her as she recovered her breath.
“I love you too, both of you,” she pointed a finger at both of you. Thomas's smile was priceless, you could live in there forever. “but can we play more guitar now, please?”
You agreed and Thomas got up to sit upright, putting her between his legs. He looked at you, his face still radiant, you could easily imagine him talking about you with Alice - just like you did talk about him with her as well. He positioned her tiny hands on the guitar, guiding then with his own fingers. His gentle, patient voice teaching her things that both knew she would soon forget and he would have to repeat it all over again - and you knew Thomas would do it without a problem - was lovely to watch. Her head was resting on his chest and whenever she hit a note and heard Thomas praising her, she would turn to you and say "see mom, I did it.” And you swear that you couldn't be happier to have found the meaning of the word home in two of your favorite people in the world.
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plaidbooks · 3 years
Feeling Cold
A/N: I just can’t stop writing Sonny Carisi, especially fluff. Because this man deserves fluff and happiness (okay, everyone on svu deserves that). Anyways, here’s some fluffy Sonny fluff.
To my non-American crowd, 5⁰F = -15⁰C
Tags: none (it’s implied they have sex at the end), alcohol mention (Bailey’s is an Irish cream liqueur)
Words: 2577
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @stardust-fray @permanentlydizzy @infiniteoddball @ben-c-group-therapy @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @shroomiehomie @alwaysachorusgirl @glimmerglittergirl @joanofarkansass @averyhotchner @redlipstickandplaid @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles @crowleysqueenofhell @reading--mermaid @dreamlover31
It was one of those days where Sonny had arraignments all morning, then no court the rest of the day. Normally, he loved that; it’s not that he hated trials or courts, but he felt like it was, well, a time sinkhole. He had so much paperwork and stuff to do, and sitting at a table, listening to the defense drone on and on, made him more anxious as he thought about the stacks of files in his office. When he was up in front of the judge and jury, it was fine; he was getting things done. Any moment not actively working felt like a waste, though.
But today, he was leaving the warmth of the courthouse to half-jog through snow and 5⁰ weather. He checked his watch as he entered One Hogan Place, seeing that it was his “normal” lunch time; he was planning to take a quick lunch break, then dive into work. Plus, his lunch break meant he got to call you.
You had the day off, so he called you while in the elevator, heading up to the eighth floor. “Hey, doll. I’m done with court and just heading up to take my lunch. How’s your day?” His voice was a little unsteady, his teeth chattering. He had his normal peacoat over his suit, but he had forgotten both his scarf and gloves, and he was freezing.
“Fine…. You sound cold, Sonny. Are you outside?” you asked.
He huffed. “Not anymore—I’m just getting to the eighth floor,” he explained. The elevator doors dinged open, and Sonny let out a hiss as a blast of cold air hit him.
“What happened?” you asked, hearing his exhale.
He let out a shiver. “It’s fucking cold in the office.” Hurrying to his door, he unlocked it with numb fingers, and it was even colder inside. “The heater must be broken.”
He noticed everyone on his floor bundled in various coats and blankets, some even with personal heaters. Sonny moved behind his desk, sitting in the chair and feeling another shiver move up his spine from the cold leather.
“Would coffee help?” you tried. You had just made a huge batch of soup—for lunch and dinner tonight—and you wished Sonny could have some.
“Y-yeah…good idea.” He stood and went to his coffee maker. “Aaaand, it’s broken. Holy shit.” He clenched his jaw, feeling tears in his eyes from frustration.
“Oh god; I’m sorry Sonny. Can you leave early? Bring paperwork home to work on?”
“No—I have a meeting in two hours, and I need to be here. I-it’s fine. I can deal with this.” He grimaced, running a hand through his hair. “Look, I’m gonna go—eat my lunch. I’ll talk to you tonight, doll. I love you.”
“I love you, too, Sonny. It’ll work out; I promise.” You hung up, thinking. Sonny sounded so upset, and you knew him—he got cold easily. The downfall of his lankiness. It was only a 10-minute drive to his office; you could easily make it before his meeting. Hell, he’d probably still be on lunch.
You ladled some soup into an insulated thermos, then pulled on Sonny’s coat—which was much too big on you. And then you pulled on a second of his coats. You stopped by the store on your way, buying literally the last space heater on the shelf, and ordering an extra-large coffee—with a tray.
You put the thermos on the tray, opposite the coffee. Tray in one hand and space heater in the other, you made your way to the eighth floor of One Hogan Place. It was freezing in the building, and you felt bad for the various workers you passed by, all bundled up.
You made it to Sonny’s office, putting the heater down to knock on his door. He called out to you, and you opened the door, stooping to grab the heater as you entered.
“D-doll?” Sonny asked, shivering. He took you in—the two coats, the tray and box. “Wh-what—?”
“I figured you needed this,” you said, smiling. He shook himself, standing and hurrying around his desk. You handed him the tray with coffee and soup, then placed the heater on the desk.
Sonny put the tray on his desk, still looking confused. “What i-i-is all this-s-s?”
“Drink some coffee—warm up. The thermos has minestrone soup,” you instructed. He didn’t need to be told twice, taking a deep gulp from the coffee cup. You shrugged off the top coat, laying it on the desk. Then, you shrugged off the second coat—the one that was insulated between your body heat and the top coat. Sonny stood stock still as you slipped his arm through one sleeve, then pulled the other one on.
“Better?” you asked, grinning at him. You pulled the other coat back on—it was cold in his office. Sonny nodded, just barely, and you turned to the desk, ripping the space heater box open.
Sonny was so stunned by your act of love; you were here to make him warm, to make him feel better. His mind was spinning—he was the one that did this for others. No one had taken care of him like this…except for his Ma when he was little. He didn’t quite know how to process it.
You finished “building” the space heater—you simply shoved the base on—then stood it by his chair and plugged it in.
“Is this a good spot?” you asked, turning to look at him. But Sonny hadn’t moved, his brow furrowed as he looked at you—no, he looked through you. “Sonny?”
He visibly shook himself. “I-I’m sorry, what?”
You gestured to the heater. “Sit in your chair as if you’re working and tell me if this is placed right.”
Sonny moved back behind his desk, pulling his coat closer around him, then sitting. “A little to the left?”
You moved the heater this way and that until Sonny announced it was perfect. Then he stood once more, coming over to you, and wrapping you in his arms. He kissed your cheek, his lips cold still.
“I love you so much. Thank you,” he muttered in your ear.
You smiled against his shoulder. “Of course, Son. I love you, too.” He held you for a long time, both of you warming from the contact. You kissed his cheek, your lips warm against his cold skin.
Eventually, you pulled back. “Text me when you’re coming home—I’ll have the heater on and a bath ready for you, okay?”
“Y-yeah, okay. Thank you again. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Freeze to death, apparently,” you teased, and he chuckled. “Now drink that coffee and that soup before they get cold. And don’t be too late tonight—it’s supposed to get colder and snow more.”
You moved to the door, and he croaked out another, “I love you.”
You paused and turned, giving him a soft smile. “I love you, too. See you tonight.”
Sonny texted you that he was heading home. The soup was simmering, the heater was on, and you made hot chocolate. The bath, you’d wait until he was home, so that it’d be steaming hot. Still, you got a towel ready for him, and you grabbed his favorite sweats and his Fordham hoodie, throwing them in the dryer.
You heard Sonny’s footsteps in the hallway outside your shared apartment, and you went to grab a mug. The front door opened and shut as you poured some Baileys into the mug, then the hot chocolate.
“I’m home, doll,” Sonny announced, shrugging out of his two coats and suit jacket.
“In the kitchen,” you called back. You met him as he came in, handing him the hot chocolate. Sonny was shivering again, his nose and cheeks bright red.
He cupped the mug with both hands, groaning as the warmth seeped into his skin. “Th-thank you-u-u,” he breathed.
“Mhm—there’s Baileys in it, too,” you warned, and he took a grateful sip. You smiled as he made a happy sound, then took another sip. “I’ll get that bath ready, and then you can have some soup.”
You headed for the bathroom, then turned the water on. As soon as it was hot, you plugged the tub, letting it fill. Sonny joined you in the bathroom, and you swore you saw tears in his eyes.
“Are you okay, Sonny?” you asked, worried.
He nodded, blinking rapidly. “Fine; just something in my eye.”
You gave him a look before brushing it off. “Okay, well, bath’s almost full if you wanna strip.”
He placed the empty mug on the counter, then started pulling his clothes off. He was still trembling slightly, goosebumps on his skin even in the warm apartment, and you were worried he may get sick. Once undressed, you helped him into the bath. He groaned as he sunk down, letting himself slide until he was almost fully underwater. You smiled at him, leaning down to kiss the top of his head. Then, you took the empty mug, and went to refill it.
You brought a full mug back, and Sonny’s eyes were closed as he soaked. “This water feels amazing,” he moaned.
“I’m glad,” you replied, passing him the mug. “How was the rest of your day?”
“Soooo much better with that space heater. Thank you so much for that—I can’t believe you found one.”
“It was the last one on the shelf. But if they were out, then I would’ve just dropped off the coffee, soup, and coat, then gone out to find one for you.”
Sonny blinked, staring at you. “You’d do that for me?”
“Of course, I would—you’d do it for me,” you replied, chuckling in disbelief that he asked.
“Y-yeah…I would…” he trailed off, sipping his hot chocolate.
You smiled at him. “Then why is it so shocking?”
He shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. I just…never mind.” You gave him a stern look and he sighed. “I’m just…I should be used to this by now.”
“Used to what?”
“Someone taking care of me…someone who cares….”
You softened at his words. You had been dating for a few years now, having just moved in 7 months ago. And while it’s true that Sonny went above and beyond in the relationship, you tried your best to do the same for him. The only issue was that Sonny usually brushed off your attempts, not maliciously—he just wasn’t used to it, like he said. You’d try and cook dinner after a long day, and he’d take over once home. You’d plan to have his suits dry cleaned, and he’d snag them on his way to work, picking them up on his way home. Sonny didn’t like people waiting on him; he felt like it was a bother to have someone do something he could easily do himself. Your only time to “take care of him” was while he was at work, or holding him after a long day.
“Listen to me, Sonny; a relationship shouldn’t be one person doing everything for the other. There has to be a balance. So, let me take care of you. Let me do things for you, even though you can do it yourself. I want to do things for you, okay?”
Sonny turned to look deeply into your eyes. He scanned your face for a long time before he eventually nodded, a small smile on his face. “Yeah…okay. I can do—I can try and do that.”
“That’s all I ask,” you replied. You stood, turning to leave the bathroom.
“I’ll be out in a moment—the waters getting cold,” Sonny said.
You turned back, smiling. “Okay. I’ll get your clothes ready.
He raised an eyebrow at you as you left, heading for the dryer. You pulled out his hoodie and sweats—both steaming hot. By the time you came back to the bathroom, Sonny was out of the tub, drying off. You passed him the clothes, and he smiled softly as he felt the warmth in the fabric.
As he got dressed, you went back to the kitchen, stirring the soup. Long arms wrapped around you from behind, and Sonny’s chin went to your shoulder.
You chuckled. “Feeling warmer?”
“I always feel warmer around you.”
“Awww, that’s cute. But I’m serious,” you said, turning in his arms.
He grinned at you. “Yes, I’m warm now. Thank you, doll.” He leaned down and kissed you tenderly, putting all his love and affection into it.
“Good,” you whispered against his lips. “Ready for dinner?”
Sonny gave you another kiss before pulling away, heading for the cabinet with bowls. “Starving.”
Sonny caught you up with his day during dinner, then asked you for yours. Your day was a lot more boring, so there wasn’t much to comment on. Even so, Sonny hung on every word, as if you had traveled the world in 80 days rather than make and simmer a soup, and do some small jobs around the apartment.
Once done eating, you cleared the bowls, rinsing them out and putting them in the dish washer. Then, you went back to Sonny on the couch, throwing a blanket over him, and cuddling next to him. He chuckled, moving the blanket so that it was covering you both, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you against his chest.
“I love you so damn much,” he murmured against your head, pressing a kiss to your temple.
You chuckled. “I love you, too.”
You both sat there a moment longer, watching whatever Sonny put on TV. You could hear him humming—something he did when he was thinking hard. You were just about to ask him what he was thinking about when he whispered, barely audible, “marry me.”
You let out a surprised huff of laughter. “I think you’ve had too much Baileys.”
“I’m serious. Marry me.”
You turned to look at him, finding his eyes on you. “You’re serious?”
Sonny rolled his eyes, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards. You sat up as he got off the couch and disappeared down the hallway to your room. There was some shuffling, and your heart started beating faster. He came back soon enough, a small ring box in his hand.
“Yeah, I’m serious,” he announced, dropping to one knee in front of you.
Tears sprung to your eyes as you gasped, your hand coming to your mouth. “Oh my god! Of course, I’ll marry you!” you tearfully said, hands shaking.
Seeing you cry made Sonny start crying. He sniffled loudly, blinking his eyes rapidly as he took the ring and slid it on your finger. He got up, and you pulled him right back down into your lap, holding him close and kissing him.
“Well, I guess now I have to get used to you taking care of me,” he muttered, and you laughed.
“Yeah, you do. I want to take care of you, love. You spend so much of yourself, taking care of everyone. Let me return it.”
Sonny nodded. “I will. I promise. But right now, I want to return the favor. You warmed me up, and I have an idea of how to warm you up.” He leaned in to kiss you deeply, and you gripped his hair, tugging gently. He groaned into your mouth before urging you to stand, dragging you to bed.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
*me remembering that I promised a scenario of a drunk Chisaki* oH FUC-!
One or three bottles of sake
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You were simply messing around in your phone, snickering at seing other people do shit on the internet before you heard a knock... which is weird since you were in the living room... not the bedroom.
"Excuse me? (Y/n)-sama?" The man asked hushed while you giggled at his exaggerate manners.
"Tengai I told you already about the formalities!" You smiled and put your phone down to look at the man "Just call me by my name, really is okay!"
"I apologize for this." The huffed a smile while scratching the back of his neck before returning to a serious expression "Pardon about bothering you in such a hour at the night... but could you accompany me please?"
You nodded and followed the calm man through the halls.
"Something wrong?" Tengai sigjed loudly before scracthing the back of his head again.
"Sadly. You see, the eight precepts, Chrono and Mimic were reunited on a room and that thug Rappa just brought along with Deidoro some alcohol drinks... To celebrate or just drink the night off or something similiar."
You snickered a bit, gulping down immediately after Tengai arched his eyebrow at you before returning to his explanation.
"Anyway. I refused since I'm not much a fan of alcohol in general. But the rest was the opposite... Master Overhaul got them on the act and went to stop that nonsense before Rappa just made one mistake..."
You started to grow worried before Tengai opened one door to reveal a bunch of drunk mens while you saw your boyfriend.... chugging and hitting the cup on teh cofee table as Chrono and Mimic shouted 'TAKE THAT' at a screaming Rappa.
You blinked once before looking at Tengai with wide eyes while pointing in disbelief at the scene in front of you.
"Yes... Rappa spoke something about master 'being a wimp on drinks or something, how would you be dissapointed at seing that your man didn't take one drink and that what type of yakusa boss he was if he didn't even could drink a cup of saque."
You returned your look at Chisaki who had the same stoic face as usual but the difference it was that his golden eyes were puffy and his uncovered cheeks were slightly pink.
"H-How much..?" You asked, giggling about at the way Chisaki miserably tried to slap Chrono's hand away form his back.
"When I left it was already gone one bottle... now?" He looked at the pile of empty bottles "I am afraid to know."
Suddenly Mimic snickered and while looking at you both extending his arms.
"Look at who decided to fucking join us! tEnGAI BiTcH GEt YoUR AsS DoWN AnD GeT DrUnK As WeLL!"
"I'll pass..." Tengai growled before glaring at Rappa for shouting that he was being a wimp.
"FinE ParTy BooMEr! (Y/N)! Go SiT YoUR AsS doWn thEn By OvErHaUL's SiDE anD FuCkInG DrInk!"
At the mention of your name the eyes of your lover widen just a bit before he drubkly looked up at his front... you were at his side...
"(Y/n)..? Wh..where the fuck is her?" He muttered while Deidoro left out a drunk laugh as he falled into his back at the ground.
"Tell the time then fucker." Setsuno snickered before juggling his cup.
"SHUt up midget!" Deidoro lifted up and pointed at a clock in the wall and screamed at it "THE BOSS IS REALLY FUCKING DRUNK!"
Hoyo spitted om his drink by his laughter while Chrono stood, a bit trembling, on his feet and cane to you.
"We fucked up.. sorry." He half smirked before almost dropping before you helped him out.
"For crying out loud how many drinks did you all had?!" You whispered shouted while Chrono showed one finger while muttering a 'bottle'.
And... everyone wasn't much different... excluding Chisaki who somehow was still searching for you and surprisingly didn't found it.
"Mimic you fucking liar, my angel isn't here." He growled before grunting when he just bumped his forehead on the table.
"Am FuCKInG NoT! THe ChiCk Is RighT TheRe!" Mimic pointed angrily at you while you could only deadpan.
"Alright." You started, accidentaly letting Kurono fall.. he at least made a thumbs up to tell you he was alright when you yelped "Everyone. Out. Night time for all of you."
You were so grateful that you had the respect of those man, or else it would probably take AGES for them to listened to you...
You stopped Nemoto though, being one of the last to leave, and pointed at Chisaki... lost look as he stared at his front.
"How many did he had Nemoto?"
"About (hic) three bottles. Rappa challenged him so..(hic) you knwo how master is."
You sigjjed and thanked the man, slowly going into his side to bring a hand to touch his shoulder before he slapped it away.
"Don't touch me filth... only one person can do that and is not fucking you so out." He mumbled, still not looking at you as he tried to get up... tried.
"Uh? Who?"
"Not your fucking business but is my (Y/n)." He growled before hiccupping "The sweetest and the most beautiful thing on this sick world and my angel is the fucking bes-" he tripped on his own foot and dropped to his knees with a hiss.
You blushed at his words... normally drunk people werent on their right mind but they never spoke lies... especially your Chisaki. You knew how he was reserved but those sweet words he almost never let out.
"I am all that?" He looked up to send you a glare before widening his eyes at sieng your blushing and smiling figurine.
"Angel..." he smiled a bit, surprisingly standing up and accepting your help "Since when you're here?"
"Not too long. Why?"
"I was going to kill some filth shit in this room.. but is all gone because you're here.." he sluttered before dropping his head on teh crook of your neck "My angel is the best..." he cooed before nuzzling his face into your neck.
Oh god what was happening?! Was this what too much of alcohol did to your boyfriend?!
He grunted a bit before mumbling in your skin.
"You're not hugging me back (Y/n).. did I do something?" You went to look at him befor eyou noice he was POUTING.
"No no!" You immediate answered, waving your hands a bit "I-Is just tha-"
He grabbed your hand weekly and kissed your palm before nuzzling his face on it.
Dear lord what was happening with him?!
"My angel..." he cooed in your hand before hugging you again "I missed you..." he said a bit more sleepy while your heart was almost combusting at this overwhelming event.
"U-uh.. K-Kai how about some water then we can go to bed?"
He nodded in your neck, grunting in disaproval at losing his warmth and just blindly following you through the house... at least he had his hand on yours.
Pops was just getting to his room before he spotted you two.
"Good night you two." He smiled at your gretting but frowned at sieng his successor "Chisaki my boy, are you alright? You look a bit.. flustered?"
Chisaaki let out a chuckle before wrapping his arms around your waist and rubbing his cheek on yours, you with wide eyes and face burning form embarrassment.
"Nothing. Just my (Y/n) giving me her warmth... my angel is so warm..." he buries his nose, missing the wide eyes of his father figurine and his lover looking at him in shock "I just love it since I'm always so cold and is also soft..." he sighed in bliss at finding some comfortable position and just remained like that.
You gagged before looking at Pops, same wide eyes as you had on that moment while looking back at you.
He pointed a finger to your boyfriend and you sighed in defeat.
"Saque. 3 bottles." The elder arched a eyebrow before returning to see Chisaki nuzzling even more his nose on your neck and burring right in your ear.
"Well. What alcohol does with a man.." he smirked a bit at seing his adopted son attempting to growl at seing that your attention wasn't on him "Think you can take care of my boy for the night (Y/n)?"
"I'll try my best." You giggled, replying the good night Pops gave to you and smilling like a dork when Chisaki said something with the word 'father' on it.
"Alright my devil. Let's get you to bed." He grunted before tightening his hold on you.
"I'm not a infant (Y/n)..." he muttered but complied anyway while following you to his room.
He took the seat down with a yawn and hic up before he smirked dreamily when you helped him on taking off his shirt.
"Naughty little angel we have..."
"Ahaha.. no mister. You're way too drunk." You laughes and mockingly pointed at finger at his nose.
Although you yelped a bit at the nibble he manage to do in your finger.
"Kai!" He smirked devilish back at the call of his name before you giggled and rolled your eyes, going to the bathroom for wash your face before you felt a tug in you clothing.
"Wh.. where are you going?" You went to answer but the way his voice sounded so.. broken and fearful made you worry "Don't.. don't leave me alone angel.. please?"
"I was only going to wash my face to go to bed Kai..." you stopped in your tracks to carress his face with your thumbs "How could I leave you for real anyway?"
"You should." He hiccuped, eyes darkening a bit "Because I'm fucked up."
"No you're not!"
"I am.. like.. you-you're just the pool of sweetest and brightness" he pointed at you with his pam before plopping down "Then we have this demon here, the total opposite of you... but I am selfish.." he muttered the last part before burring in your stomach.
"I want you with me... only with me..." he juzzled in hour tummy before looking up at you. "Promise..."
"Promise what my devil?"
"Promise that you wont leave me in the dirty like some people did already.."
You made a hurt face before carresing his looks, giggling at the vibrations that the pleased sounds he made were making shivers crawl down your spine.
He suddenly groaned, burrowing his face even more on you while you poked him and ask what happened.
"Fuck that piece of shit Rappa now tommorow I'm going to have a headache... fuuuucck i wanna kill him.."
You giggle, hoping that tommorow his hangover wasn't going to be that painful...
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dissonantaki · 4 years
Claire de Lune
“What’s his character like?”
The woman adjusting Kaede’s button-up shirt glanced up at her as she asked. “You mean Saihara, yes?”
“I mean Saihara,” Kaede repeated, nodding.
She sighed, folding the cuffs of her sleeve to the length she needed them. “You have to get this through your head, Akamatsu-san, or you’re not going to make a very effective mastermind. This isn’t Saihara’s ‘character’. Unlike you, he isn’t playing a part. Look at me, will you?” Kaede did as she was told. “This is who he is now. The kid you knew is gone. He signed himself away to become somebody new.”
Kaede looked away from the woman, staring off into blank space. She’d spent an extreme amount of emotion on this subject already, so now every time the subject was brought up, it just made her feel... numb. “R-Right. So what’s he like? You said you were going to put me in the locker next to him.”
“Well, we can’t quite say how his character development will turn out— you’ll have to maneuver that. But he’ll be the detective that your old friend wanted him to be. Just with... less murderous intent. Shy, reclusive, intelligent— unsure of himself. If you want to get him to trust you, you’ll need to build him up.”
Kaede slowly nodded. “Got it.”
The woman fixed the collar of Kaede’s shirt, before taking the few music-note hairclips and putting them in Kaede’s hair. In silence, she led the other girl to the mirror. “This is how we expect you to look when you leave your dorm in the morning. Note the placement of the hairclips and the way your hair sits on your shoulders. You’ll need to straighten it daily.”
Kaede took a deep breath.
She stared at her reflection in the mirror. At the new person staring back at her. A visual representation of the complete and utter mess she’d signed herself away to. “U-Understood.”
“It’s still crazy to think about, you know?”
“Wait, s-sorry, I don’t know if I follow... what’s crazy to think about?”
“Oh, I’m not trying to discredit your theory!” Kaede quickly assured the other. “It’s just... hard to think about. That there’s someone in our group of students that’s behind all this. I mean... I’ve only known them for a few days, but I don’t think any of them would do something like this.” She knew full well that none of the other students were behind all of this— Kaede was just trying to spark conversation and keep her fake identity up while doing it.
“Ah, um... yeah. Of course, it’s not helpful that we don’t really know anybody here. I mean, I’ve heard of Hoshi before. But he’s also killed before, so it’s not like he’s completely trustworthy,” Shuichi pointed out. “To be suspicious of them in a situation like this is one thing. But it’s something entirely different to suspect them of kidnapping the rest of us and forcing us into a death game. I understand where you’re coming from.” 
“It’s okay, though. We have time,” Kaede added. “More than enough time. We’re doing a good job— we’re taking action and trying to catch the mastermind in their tracks. I don’t think it’s silly to hope that... nobody might actually die.” Of course it was silly, but...
Shuichi let himself smile a bit, looking off to the side and nodding. “Yeah, I... I think that’s possible,” he nodded.
Kaede felt a sinking feeling of guilt in her stomach that she immediately shoved down further.
“Listen! God, just listen to me!” Kaede screamed, glad these dorms were soundproof. “Don’t you dare tell me to calm down! You just ordered a sixteen-year-old to kill her friend and now you’re telling to calm down now that I did it?!”
“Akamatsu-san, we need you to—”
“You watched! You watched how much of my free time I spent with him! He should have made it to a trial, at the very least, after all that effort he put into surviving V2! He was my goddamn friend, and you made me kill him! And now...” Kaede choked back a sob. “Now wh-what are you going to do? I’m the mastermind, I... I need to stick around to the end! What’s going to happen in the trial? Please, please don’t kill me, you can’t do that when you ordered me to kill him in the first place...!”
“Akamatsu-san.” the voice in her headpiece snapped. “Be quiet and listen. We’ll stage an execution. Everything will be fine. You’ll be safe. You can be the mastermind from behind the scenes. Are you listening?” That earned a weak hum of approval from Kaede. “Let them figure it out themselves. If they seem to be heading down the wrong path, you can guide them towards the answer. Confess. Accept your fake death and fake being upset that you killed him. Give Shuichi something to use for character development.”
Fake being upset. There won’t be any need for that. I’ll just use what I really feel. Kaede hadn’t heard the ‘Understood?’ this time, but she could just tell that it’d happened, and she responded like usual.
“Enough, you guys. I’ve... already prepared myself.”
Shuichi blinked. “You’re... giving up? But why? You said... we’d never give up... that we’d get out of here together... so why are you giving up now?! Did you mean what you said? I... I know we can do something! Don’t give up until the end!“
Kaede shook her head. “...I’m not giving up. Because I have you. Even after I’m gone... my wish will still be here. So I’m counting on you! I’m entrusting my wish to every one of you!” she insisted, her voice getting louder. Why... why did it have to be like this...? “I believe in you...! I believe that you will all make it through this, somehow!” This was all wrong... why did it turn out like this? “You guys better live! Don’t go dying on me now! End this ridiculous killing game, survive, and get the hell out of this place!” She glanced up at Shuichi, who was clearly doing his best to hold back tears. Kaede glanced around the whole trial room. “And then... be friends after you escape, okay? I think you’ll all be the best of friends.”
After a quiet, hesitant moment, the students started to agree— committing themselves to Kaede’s wish one by one. But Kaede knew it’d never work. It’d end with a tiny group surviving or just her. There was no other option.
“Now, then! I’ve prepared a very special punishment for the Ultimate Pianist, Kaede Akamatsu~! Let’s give it everything we’ve got! Iiiiiit’s punishment time~!”
From out of nowhere, a chain with a collar reached out of the walls, clamping around Kaede’s neck while she was still on her trial stand and yanking her back, up, and out of the room. Instinctively, she reached out for Shuichi to save her— from the execution that she’d temporarily forgotten wasn’t real, from her contracts, from Danganronpa. He reached out, too, but they were far too distant from each other for them to join hands.
She could only handle ten seconds of being pulled back violently by her neck before her world went black.
Kaede woke up to bright lights and a nearly spotless room. Even though it was a little bit painful, she managed to sit up, glancing around the room. It resembled some kind of hospital room, but once the events before she’d passed out came back to her returned, she figured that it had to be a room in the Danganronpa headquarters— they’d want to keep her on-site.
A TV mounted in the corner of the room caught her eye. Is that my lab? She blinked for a moment. Is that Shuichi? Is that...?
Her favorite song. Easily recognizable. That’s right... she’d mentioned that song to him as something she wanted to play for him in the last hours of the motive. That memory, combined with the wish she’d given to him— she’d been requested to prompt character development, and she’d certainly managed that. He was determined to find the mastermind and end the game now— which wouldn’t bode well for the pianist if he succeeded.
Would he have decided to keep Kaede’s wish if he knew that it had the capacity to kill her in the end? That question rang over and over again in her mind; the only sound in the room to Kaede, other than the whirring of the air conditioner and the beeping of the machine attached to her.
Would he decide to keep my wish if he knew that it might kill me in the end?
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thedreammweaver · 4 years
When I Hear Those Reindeer Paws I’m Gonna Break The Law Chapter 3 (The Santa Clause 1 Gotham au, Santa!Oswald, head elf!Zsasz)
Chapter 2 Chapter 4
Much to Oswald’s dismay he didn’t wake up at home in bed but still in the sleigh. He moved off of where he’d slumped on Gertrud’s shoulder to stand up and take in their now snowy surroundings. He turned to the reindeer angrily “Does this look like home to you?!” The reindeer ignored him and trotted away from the sleigh.
Gertrud didn’t seem bothered as she was looking at the snowy landscape in wonder. “Perfect, now we’re stranded here-“ Oswald cut himself off as he saw a small figure emerge from some of the snow, their attire muted in colour but festive. “Excuse me, could you maybe tell us where we are?” The figure ignored Oswald as they coaxed a white and red striped pole with a shiny ball on it out of the ground. He entered some sort of code and gave Oswald a weird knowing look. Oswald’s attention was pulled away as he felt the ground beneath the sleigh give a bit and begin to lower. He clutched Gertrud, who was still rather unbothered, to himself protectively. They were lowered into what looked to be stables, albeit it ones that looked like they’d come straight out of a Christmas book. Elves that had previously been busily moving about were now stopping to look at their new Santa with excitement besides a few who were tending to the reindeer who’d appeared back in their stables. Oswald was still not completely sure he wasn’t dreaming as the sleigh came to a stop on the ground. “Stay here.” He whispered to Gertrud as he got up and focused his attention on one of the elves walking by “Hey, kid-“
“I’m not a kid, I’m an elf.” The elf corrected. Oswald blinked a few times before returning to what he was saying “Okay....who’s in charge here?”
“You are.” The elf huffed, walking away. Oswald followed them “No, I mean like who’s you’re boss??”
“You are!” The elf insisted again, continuing to walk away. Oswald was beginning to get angry when he felt a tap on his shoulder, he spun around to see...by the ears he could tell it was another elf but this one looked like an adult instead of resembling a child as all the others did. “Hey, Santa-“
“It’s Oswald.”
“If you’re looking for a figure of authority that would be me. I’m Zsasz, your head elf.”
Oswald looked at the figure reaching to shake his hand wide eyed “Head...elf?”
“Yeah..not much for handshakes, huh? Whatever, Santa, come with me you’ll want to get out of those clothes.” He said as he started walking.
“I’m not Santa!” Oswald insisted, following along behind Zsasz. “The other guy disappeared, right?” Zsasz asked, turning a corner. “He fell..” Oswald growled defensively. “Then you’re Santa now, it’s not that hard to understand, buddy.”
Oswald grabbed Zsasz’ arm to stop him “How did you know the other guy was gone?”
“Can I get you a drink?”
“Wha- no I don’t want a drink, wh-“
“I’m thirsty.” Oswald groaned at the sound of his mother’s voice.
“I told you to stay in the sleigh.”
“Who’s this?” Zsasz asked.
“I’m Gertrud, his mother...who he doesn’t appreciate as much as he should.” Oswald rolled his eyes and walked off to the side a bit to lean against a door labeled ‘ballroom’. “Gertrud..” Zsasz hummed to himself “You know what? I’ve got something for you.” He said, reaching into the bag he wore and pulling out a gorgeous snowglobe “Be careful with this,” he cautioned as he handed it to Gertrud “It’s very old, just like me.” Gertrud took the snowglobe and shook it a bit. She felt tears sting her eyes as in it she saw herself and Elijah, much younger, ice skating with eachother. “Thank you..” she whispered, wiping her eyes. Zsasz whistled an elf over “Would you get her something to drink and show her around a bit? Thanks.” He said as the elf took Gertrud’s hand and lead her away. Oswald stood up straight from where he was leaning “Hey, wait a secon-“ Zsasz grabbed his hand “Come on, Santa.”
Oswald was tempted to pinch himself as he was lead into what looked to be the main room of the workshop. There were elves and toys everywhere. “This is not happening...”
“You read the card right?” Zsasz asked.
Oswald nodded.
“Then this is happening and you’re the new Santa.”
“Do you have the card?!” Zsasz snapped. Oswald begrudgingly pulled it out of the pocket of the suit and handed it to Zsasz. The head elf grabbed a nearby magnifying glass and begun reading aloud “In putting on the suit and entering the sleigh the wearer waives any and all rights to any previous identity, real or implied, and fully accepts the duties and responsibilities of Santa Claus in perpetuity until such time that the wearer becomes unable to do so by either accident or design.”
“What the hell..?”
“It’s the Santa Clause, as in C-L-A-U-S-E, as in the last line of a contract which you have agreed to.”
“This is ridiculo-“
“Try to understand this!” Zsasz snapped again. The elves around them ooo’d as if Zsasz getting riled up was a regular and somewhat amusing occurrence. Oswald rolled his eyes “When can I get out of here?”
“You leave tomorrow morning, you have eleven months to get your affairs in order and you’re due back here Thanksgiving. I’ll ship the list to your house, put ‘P’ next to the ones who are nice and ‘C’ next to the ones who are naughty, got it?”
“What if I don’t want to do this?” Oswald asked stubbornly.
“Don’t even joke about that!”
“Why not? What if I don’t buy into this Santa Claus shit? What if I choose not to believe it?” Oswald was met with a horrified silence falling over the room. Zsasz’s demeanor turned solemn “Then you’ll kill the spirit of Christmas and disappoint millions of children, no biggie.” He shrugged sarcastically “Judy will take you to your room. Get out of the suit it needs to be cleaned.” Zsasz instructed before walking away. Oswald wanted to follow and argue but he was distracted by the whistle of a train and he turned to see a small one that came to a stop, one one of the cars was an elf with dark hair in a red dress and purple pointy hat with colourful streamers coming out the top. “Judy?” He asked, unamused.
“Santa?” She asked, matching his tone playfully.
“Oswald Cobblepot.”
“Follow me.” The train started moving again and he followed. For someone who’d been told he was in charge he sure was being ordered around a lot.
Oswald let himself marvel at the bedroom he was lead into which was absolutely whimsical. “Can I get you anything? The kitchen’s always open.”
“How about a stiff drink?” Oswald mumbled. Judy walked over to him and handed him a pair of silky red pajamas “You should try to get some rest tonight like your mom.” She said before leaving. Oswald’s brow furrowed “Like my mom..?” As he glanced over to the huge bed in the room he saw that Gertrud was already curled up on one side of it. The sight made him smile softly before he got to changing into the pjs.
Judy came back to the Santa suite, tray in hand, to find a small crowd of her fellow elves trying to peer through the glass in the door “Shoo.” She said and they scattered. “Santa?” She asked coming up to the door. “Oswald Cobblepot!” Oswald hissed. Judy came in and sat beside him on the steps in the middle of the room “I brought you some coco. My own recipe, it took me twelve-hundred years to get it right.”
“Twelve hundred years?” Oswald took the cup.
“That’s right.”
As he took a sip Oswald’s mouth was enveloped in the most brilliant chocolatey taste he’d ever experienced. “That is...really good.” He took another sip as he got up and went over to the balcony. “You look distressed.” Judy said. Oswald scoffed “I’m far beyond distressed. I mean I’m talking to an elf and I stopped believing in this stuff a long time ago.” Judy got up and walked closer to Oswald “That’s not surprising, most adults can’t believe in magic, it just...grows out of them.”
“Oh yeah? Tell that to my mother.”
“Your mother is a very magical person, not to mention smarter than you about these things.”
“Why don’t you start a fan club for her if she’s so great?!” Oswald snapped. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, leaning on the balcony “I’m sorry...I- look, you’re a nice little elf-“
“Thank you.”
“But this is a dream, one of my colleagues must’ve done something to the water supply again. I’m seeing all this insane magical stuff but I don’t believe it.”
“You’re missing the point.”
“Enlighten me.” Oswald huffed.
“Seeing isn’t believing, believing is seeing. Some people don’t have to see this place to know that it’s here, they just...know. You should get some sleep, goodnight, sir.” Judy said before taking her leave. Oswald took a minute to finish the cup of coco in his hand as he observed the fantastical sights below him. He rubbed his eyes sleepily as he went over to the bed and crawled in. Sleeping next to Gertrud reminded him of when he was a kid, it made him feel safe, he promised himself again to apologize to her for being so distant as he drifted off, the faint rosy smell of Gertrud’s perfume in his nostrils.
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[The next morning, at the meeting]
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Now...onto the matter that I wanted to discuss with you all this morn.
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We have received some rather unsettling news as of late within the secret base...
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There are reports of certain resources being...unaccounted for, and a suspicious hooded character having been sighted.
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These, among several other developments, have become a cause for concern.
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A robed person? The shady kind you mean...
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So there’s a thief or a potential spy among us? That’s not good...
*Shuichi glances in Hiyoko’s direction. She glances back with a look that says “I told you so...”
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No...I-It sounds bad...
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Could there really be people within the base who would do such things? I suppose whoever this person in the robe is could tell us?
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Well yeah, ‘cause he’s obviously the one doing the stealing.
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Guess it’s not much of a surprise. Security around here isn’t exactly what you’d call “tight”.
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Then I have an idea. How about we group up together after dinner tonight and have a little discussion about how to catch this spy?
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Nyeh...I guess it’s a good idea.
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They say it’s best to strike while the iron’s still hot, so I don’t mind.
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U-Um...I-I-I’m sorry, I can’t m-make it...
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Oh? Why not?
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One of our guards recently came down with something...No one knows what yet, but I need to do a checkup on him later.
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I’m sure it’s just a normal illness, but I’m worried that, if there i-is a spy, that someone m-may have poisoned o-our water supply...S-So I need to check...
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I won’t be able to make it either. I’m sorry, but would anyone mind if I caught up on a little sleep? I feel like I’ve been working pretty hard lately.
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That is fine with me. Thanks to the both of you for your contributions.
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[That same night]
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*Mikan takes a quick tense look around, before retreating into a dead end room. However, she fails to notice Hiyoko who is standing right around the corner.
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Ok...let’s go...
*She slowly inches towards the room. Video camera in hand.
Hooded Figure: I must thank you again for providing us with the items and information we require, Ms Tsumiki.
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Don’t mention it. Feel free to tell me if there’s anything else you still need.
Hooded Figure: Well, there is one thing I’ve been meaning to ask you...
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Hooded Figure: Why is it that you serve such a kingdom? A kingdom governed by an evil empress who brought nothing but destruction to it for 8 long years? Surely there are certain monarchs who are more in need of your...esteemed talents...
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Is this an invitation? If so, I’m flattered...
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I always have been at the forefront of everyone’s abuse...It’s been like that my entire life...Both with the Remnants, and before and after that...
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Maybe...Maybe it IS time I go somewhere where I’ll be appreciated...
Hooded Figure: Hmhmhm...“Enemy” is a relative term, I always say...You have certainly done more than enough to earn our gratitude. Should you ever wish for a change of scenery, we’d be happy to welcome you.
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...(That should be enough...)
*Hiyoko stops the recording and sneaks away.
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[The next morning]
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Oh, Hiyoko! Good morning. I hope you had a good sleep last night...
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Yeah, you seemed pretty cranky the other day. You ok no-
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*Without a word of warning, Hiyoko suddenly delivers a heavy swing to Mikan’s face!
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Wh-What the hell was that for!
*Everyone practically lurches out of their chairs at the sudden act of violence!
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So...Mikan...Get up to anything last night? Meet with any...interesting people...!?
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Huh? I-I’m not sure wh-what you mean?
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Spare me your stutter and lies, you two-faced whore! You’re a traitor! You want to leave us behind for bigger and better, don’t you!?
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M-Mikan...!? Surely not...!?
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Hey. Isn’t it a little bad to let your bias get the better of you?
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Yeah, you’re just lying right now because you don’t like Mikan, aren’t you!? Go on, deny it!!
*However, no sooner does Kaito say this, Shuichi bursts into the room, video camera in hand.
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No, Hiyoko isn’t lying! We have evidence to prove it.
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Huh!? Sh-Shuichi?
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*Shuichi places the video camera down on the table.
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Last night, I had Hiyoko record a...suspicious conversation of Mikan with the Hooded Figure...Once again, they were dealing in state secrets.
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The video speaks volume. Mikan Tsumiki is definitely the traitor who’s been selling info to Angie...
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No! No, there’s no way! Wh-What if that video is a fake!? What if Hiyoko forged it!?
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Hiyoko doesn’t have the technology on hand to forge a video. Even then I have more evidence...
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Y-You do...?
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I found out that there’s a certain pattern in the times that some of our resources go missing...
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They only happen on Mikan’s shift, when she’s supposed to be watching them.
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Doesn’t sound like a coincidence to me!
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There is no bias here. Hiyoko is right. Mikan sold us out...
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Mikan...explain yourself, now...!
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Sh-Shuichi wait. A-Are you sure you haven’t made a mistake or something?
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Yeah, come on man! It’s Mikan, she wouldn’t do this kind of thing to us! You gotta believe her.
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There’s no room for belief on this one Kaito...I only know the truth of the matter...
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I know I shouldn’t be rushing to judgement based on Hiyoko’s heresy alone, but with all this information, this whole case seems somewhat...irregular...
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What the hell...!?
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There you have it! Now, how about you make like a tree and get the fuck out of here, you rabies ridden pigshit!?
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Mikan! Come on! Say it’s not true!
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This is a little upsetting...I have to say...
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We’ve all been together for how long now...? Over 10 years since the tragedy...Over 10 years we’ve been friends...and this is how much trust I’ve earned in that time?
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Maybe...I would be better off somewhere else...Someplace where I’ll be appreciated and nobody hates me...
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Nobody here hates you!
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Are you sure? People always hate me...No matter where I go...Hiyoko’s proof of that...
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...Well, at least I’M not the one selling us out to our enemy...!
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I guess...all that’s left to do is go back to Angie...
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Go “back” to Angie? So you admit your misdeeds?
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Well, I can’t exactly deny them when “Mr Detective” already has evidence, doesn’t he?
*Mikan briskly strides away, her change in personality showing as she abandons her usually skittish and clumsy walk. She bumps into Hiyoko’s shoulder on her way out, and before she leaves, she turns back to the group one more time.
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So long Hiyoko...Sonia...And the rest of you...
*She finally exaunts.
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M-Mikan! You can’t!
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Not even the slightest attempt to defend herself...One could not help but wonder...If Hiyoko’s suspicions were well founded...
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*Ibuki suddenly rushes after Mikan, with a face like thunder.
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veryfineday · 4 years
Thursday 24 January 1833
6 3/4
12 3/4
L  U  U  U
made my fire – hard frost – fine morning – Fahrenheit 45º in my room (good fire) at 8 5/.. and 24º at 8 1/4 a.m. just put outside my window – breakfast at 8 20/.. (not ready before) – with my father and some little time talKing to marian 
came to my room at 9 3/4 – Let[ter] 3 pp.[pages] and ends (comfortable) from M- [Mariana] (Lawton) – her going to Leamington delayed till the middle of next weeK with mr. L- [Lawton]  Thomas has got his clothes – has advanced him £4 – 10/.[shillings] a weeK board wages enough – wh[a]t the L-s [Lawtons] allow their servants – their Keeper will pay Thomas his, if I liKe – to direct to him at Lawton to the care of the gardener – nothing yet settled about Watson’s leaving M- [Mariana] the rector wants to give a weeKly lecture in the Sunday school – asKs my opinion – concludes with ‘your letters do me a vast of good, they comfort me in all ways, but in one particularly which I will talK about in my next – now I have no time for more than that I am always yours mariana’ – this is as it should be   the comfort is of course on the friendship subject  and it ought to be a comfort to her to have such as mine is capable of being and I hope will be –
out (after seeing my aunt) at 11 5/.. down the walK to the old brooK-course – the filling up nearly done – some time talKing to Jonathan mallinson – 22 years since the last payment was made for the upper brea water – then by the Pinnel to Southolm – the new mistal very convenient and will Keep the barn up, bring a good high prop – Hemingway not at home – thence up the wood to mr. Freeman’s (Brier Lodge) – wanted to see mr. F- [Freeman] about my intended new road along Jno.John Bottomley’s brow – waited about an hour – at last he came – will mention the thing on Saturday to some of the townsmen on Saturday come to Shibden and let me Know the result on Monday or Tuesday about 3 p.m. – said it ought to be 20 feet wide – I thought then that it would cost near £500 to complete it –
at F-s [Freeeman’s] from 1 10/.. to 2 20/.., then bacK by Southowram wood and across to Sowden’s, seeing some peeled oaK wood standing close above fit for railing – Inquired of mrs. Sowden – found it was yet to sell – sat 10 minutes with her – they have turned the stairs, and made the house much more comfortable than across into the Brighouse road and to yew trees and direct to Lidgate at 3 10/.. just as they (miss w- [Walker] and miss Rawson) had sat down to dinner –
sat there chiefly tête à tête with miss w- [Walker] (and a short while ditto with miss R- [Rawson] upstairs in her room) till 6 10/.. – miss w- [Walker] much as usual – wished me to stay all night, but I really could not – why should I sacrifice time and sleep oftener than I can well help  she seems getting worse  and will soon  I fear be quite beside herself  she fears evil spirits at night and dare not sleep poor soul her mental misery must be great  feeling as she says  it is all over  she has no hope of being saved –
home at 6 40/.. – dinner at 7 – Dodgson came before 8 and staid till 9 – read him his lease which he would have signed then but said he had better come again when we have someone from mr. ParKer’s as witness – he mentioned the straw he had bought of Kearton – the rats were eating it, and he could not consume it now – said I had confidence in him that he would farm well, and therefore he might fo as he liKed about the straw – sell it off or not – mentioned having let ParK farm to Greenwood and that he would cover it all with manure, and I had therefore given him leave to agree with PicKersgill for the hay stacK and let it be sold off or not – he thinKs my intended road will not be of much use to Southowram and is evidently against my maKing it – thought it would be better for my land to wind under Bairstow, and open into ParKfarm wellfield –
went into the little room at 9 and sat talKing (or latterly asleep) till 10 – came to my room at 10 5/.. – wrote 1 1/3 page to Captain Sutherland – dated this evening – ‘Dear sir – I am sorry to say I do not thinK miss Walker’s health improving; and the sooner she has first rate medical advice the better- nothing could be more Kind a judicious than mrs. Sutherland’s letter which arrived on Monday; and I am only anxious for you to hasten this journey as much as possible – I see as much of miss walKer as my own engagements will permit; and I am sure you will believe that my anxiety about her is very great – she told me this morning, she could not go on long as she does at present, and seems herself aware that time ought not to be lost – I had fixed to take her to YorK as today, but gave it up in consequence of mrs. Sutherland’s letter – It is desirable to get off from here – no friend could be more Kindly attentive and judicious than miss Rawson who has promised to stay till your arrival; but she is hardly old enough to be left without the assistance of some more experienced person; and I lament that it is not in my power to be constantly with them – I trust mrs. Sutherland will be as little uneasy as possible as I have really great hope that care and sKilful medical treatment will by and by do all that is required – I am anxious, and shall be very glad, to see you, and, with my Kind regards to mrs. Sutherland, believe me, dear sir, very truly yours A Lister’ –
then wrote 1 1/4 page to Dr. B-[Belcombe] dated tomorrow to beg he would desire the druggist to send no more medicine and pay the bill and let me Know the amount that it might be included in the money I should have to remit him – ‘Soon after writing to you last my own ideas on the subject became clearer; and, in the course of a few days, I hope to have resigned my charge into the hands of those whose nearness of connection makes them fittest to take it – But do not notice this – and in the mean time for friendship’s saKe to me, tell me what you thinK I might safely give as a composing draught – she dreads the hours from 12 to 3 at night, and I would gladly give something, if I Knew what, to procure sleep, and Tranquillize the mind’ – my own plans still unfixed as ever – may not be able to get off for some weeKs ..... ‘Ever my dear Steph very truly yours A Lister’ – writing till 12 5/.. – very fine frosty day –
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danganronpa-tng · 4 years
Chapter 2 - The Trial Of Tadashi Ogami
“Tadashi was found collapsed against a wall in the gym. He had a wound on the front of his head, and a smaller one at the back, received from hitting the wall as he collapsed.
Cause of death was bludgeoning. He received the front wound from a strong hit with a baseball bat, killing him upon impact. Aside from these two, no other wounds were identified.
He was killed at approximately 12:30AM. He was discovered approximately 8AM the next day.
As Kassidy, Hayden and Aspen found him and set off the body discovery announcement , they are not suspects.
~ ~ ~
“Hey, Hayden.”
“Huh? What’s up, Yaretzi?”
“Nothing much. I just happened to notice that there was a note on top of Tadashi’s folded- and bloody, May I mention- hoodie. I can’t make out most of it, as it is... well, blood splattered, but I can see ‘me’, ‘at the gym’, and ‘urgent’.”
“Ah, you’re right..! Thanks, Yaretzi.”
“Anything I could do to help. He did not deserve this fate.”
- - -
“Hm? Is something up, Vera?”
“Oh, I’ll translate!”
“Ah, thanks Sara.”
“Ok, umm... Oh, she said she checked the equipment closet, and she found the baseball bat that was used to kill Tadashi!”
“Oh, I’ll check that out in a minute! Thank you, Vera.”
“She says you’re welcome.”
- - -
“Did you happen to see him last night, Oliver?”
“I... no, I just saw him at dinner... then I was with L-London for the evening.”
“Ah, ok... I’m sorry about Tadashi.”
“I-I suppose it can’t be helped...”
“Mm... Don’t worry, we’ll find his killer.”
“Y-yeah... I know.”
- - -
“Hey, I was just at the weaponry room.”
“Really? Anything up, Kamron?”
“Well, yes, although it doesn’t make much sense. There’s a gun missing.”
“Woah, really?! So someone has a gun?!”
“Yeah. It’s just a simple one, not a shotgun or anything. We should keep a lookout, though.”
- - -
The Trial
- - -
“Well, I don’t want to point fingers this early in the trial, but Hayden...”
“Huh? Something wrong, Katelyn?”
“Yes, I suppose. What you said to me last night before you let my room stuck with me. ‘Tomorrow’s morning announcement might be a little bit different’. Remember?”
Oh shit, that sounds suspicious.
“Ah, hahaha, yeah... You see, me, Kassidy and Aspen had a prank set up for this morning where we were... gonna replace the morning announcement with the Monster’s Inc theme.”
“...be serious.”
“He is...”
“Aspen, don't back him up-”
“No, no. Hayden’s telling the truth. Me, Aspen and Hayden were on our way to set it up when we found him. Besides, we set it off, so we’re not suspects.”
“Oh... my god.”
- - -
“Wait a sec...”
“Huh? Karma?”
“We all have airtight alibis... except for Estrella and Katelyn.”
“What are you talking about. I was in my dorm most of the day!”
“Yes, as was I.”
“No, I saw you two in the auditorium. You’re lying about your alibi, which is very suspicious. So?”
“...I’m sure Estrella would love to explain.”
“Oh, fuck off Katelyn.”
“Well, neither of you are giving alibis, so although I highly doubt you two specifically would work together on his murder, we’re gonna need an excuse-”
“Wait! I can vouch for them.”
“Yesterday, those two had an argument after dinner, so I had them have a fashion show against each other. I was with them almost all day.”
“...when I asked for an excuse, I meant a believable one.”
“No... no, she’s right. Me and the clown over there did indeed participate in... well, that.”
“Katelyn’s just salty because I won.”
“So... I suppose that works, then.”
- - -
“Wait a minute.”
“London, you said you were with the girls after dinner, right?”
“Hayden... who did Oliver say he was with after dinner?”
“ ! “
“...London... He said London...”
“Wh-what are you saying? Yeah, Oliver was there too! Weren’t you? You were, weren’t you Oli?”
“U-uhm, y-yeah! Definitely!”
*cough cough*
“Estrella? You ok over there?”
“Hm? Oh, yes, I’m alright. I’m just allergic to your fucking bullshit!”
“Oliver wasn’t anywhere near us yesterday. It was just us three. Oliver... well, he just lost his alibi.”
“Stop it! Are you saying you think Oliver killed Tadashi?!”
“If the bat fits, London.”
- - -
“Well, Oliver?”
“You’re backed into a corner. What do you have to say for yourself?”
“Fine! I did it! I killed him! I got the bat from the closet, and I told him to come to the gym, and I... I...”
Oliver cut himself off with a sob.
“I did it...”
- - -
“His mom... His mom killed my dad! I couldn’t just let that slide! I killed him so I could escape, show his mother half the pain she made me feel, then finish the job myself! He said that I’d been lied to, that he knew the truth... bullshi-”
“Upupupupu, about that...”
“I lied! Tadashi used up his precious phone call on you, so as a reward I told him the truth! Your father hung himself kid, too bad!”
“...you have to be kidding me. This can’t be happening.”
- - -
“Just... tell them what I did, Hayden. I don’t think I can even say it.”
This all starts when we got our phone calls as our motive. Our killer uses his call to call their father, to which they discover that one of Tadashi’s parents had killed their own father. Enraged, they leave the room, feeling betrayed by the person he considered so close to them. When all they told Tadashi was that their father had been killed, Tadashi made the decision to sacrifice his own call to see if that was true. Tadashi was told the truth; their father had actually killed himself. He didn’t know how to tell them, so he waited.
Meanwhile, the killer was already plotting their murder. A few nights later, they slipped a note under Tadashi’s door, asking him to come to the gym because he needed to tell him something, and that it was urgent. He didn't sign their name, so when Tadashi arrived, he was relieved to see them because he could finally tell them what he knew. However, the killer had gone into the equipment room before Tadashi arrived and grabbed the heaviest thing they could carry that wouldn’t wake anyone up; a baseball bat. Tadashi tried explaining what he knew, but the killer wouldn’t listening, already too mad over what they thought they knew. Tadashi, growing increasingly scared, explained frantically that they’d been lied to. However, the killer had finally had enough, and ran forward, striking them with the bat in the head. Tadashi was almost immediately killed, but when his head slammed against the wall he was out like a light. The killer, although still mad at Tadashi, removed the hoodie Tadashi treasured and folded it up neatly beside his corpse, leaving his note behind. He threw the bat back into the equipment room, leaving and heading back to his room. He came up with analibi that should have backed him up, as the person he said he was with always backed him up; London. However, too many people saw London already, destroying his cover up.
Isn’t that right...
Oliver Ishimaru, the Ultimate Daredevil?!
- - -
“He... before I... he...”
“No! You’ve got it all wrong! I called for you, I wanted to help! Oliver, please! He told me the truth, you have to listen to me. Who are you going to believe; a psycho, or me, your best friend?
P-put it down, please, I’m begging you! I’m not trying to give you pity, I genuinely care for you. I always have, and I always will. When will you see that?
I wouldn’t lie!”
- - -
“I wouldn’t lie.
He didn’t lie.
What have I done?
He didn’t lie about anything, he cared about me. He wanted me to be happy, and I killed him.”
Suddenly, he produced something from his back pocket that filled in the missing piece to this puzzle.
The gun.
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“I think I’m going to be sick.”
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@logicallypanicking​ @biacrazy67​ I’m so sorry
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romefm · 5 years
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i’m   like   95%   sure   i   have   an   assignment   due   tomorrow   and   it’s   already   midnight   ........   so   naturally   i’m   procrastinating   so   my   world   title   of   Captain   Dumbass   doesn’t   ever   come   into   question   👸👸   this   is   recycled   bc   i’m   chronically   incapable   of   effort   but   tl:dr   he’s   literally   the   embodiment   of   every   shitty   dude   u   have   the   misfortune   of   running   into   at   the   bar   :/   but   he’s   held   a   door   open   for   an   old   lady   1.5   times   in   his   life   so   all   is   forgiven   😉
𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠  here  and  do  i  have  the  tea  for  you  .  rome  is  back  on  campus  ,  which  is surprising  considering  the  threatening  note  i  left  them  .  yes  ,  i  know  all  about him crashing  his  car  while  drunk  and  attempting  to  flee  the  scene  because  of  their pride.  imagine  the  tabloids  and  how  the  pierce  family  would  feel  for  such  information  to come  out  ,  not  to  mention  the  reputation  of  pike because  of  their  actions  .  at  this  rate  , he is  better  off  staying  put  in  atlanta ,  georgia  and  living  off  that  500m  family  net  worth. what’s  the  point  in  studying  psychology  with  plans  to play  in  the  nfl  ,  is  it  worth  it with what  i  know  ?  anyways  ,  they  may  want  to  continue  to  be  protective  &  lion-hearted because  the  irascible  &  machiavellian  attributes  make  me  want  to  spill  . 
𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊 : roman gabriel pierce
𝖆𝖌𝖊 : twenty - one
𝖉𝖔𝖇 : june 15th , 1998
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 / 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖘 : he / him
𝖘𝖊𝖝𝖚𝖆𝖑 & 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈 𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 : 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ 
𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙: 6‘2″  🤡
𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊: having graduated from the title of white man’s wh*re , he is now cordially referred to as the white man’s beefcake . he treats gym sessions like a therapy visit , clocking in at a friendly 220 lbs . like all gym rats w/o a personality , he keeps his hair short on the sides n longer on top , a la this look . he has a scar running along the inside of his right arm from when he broke it , and another that splits his left eyebrow from his eighteenth birthday
𝖔𝖈𝖈𝖚𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 : resident waste of space , quarterback for the hollingsworth mumbles ( update : it’s panthers ... they’re the panthers ) , least favorite son of the year recipient 1998 - 2019 .
𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖔𝖜𝖓 : atlanta , georgia .
second son of hall of fame ex falcons qb , miles pierce , and entrepreneur and daughter of a famed manhattan - based art collector , amélie pierce – rome’s future was pretty non - negotiable since day one . as soon as they could stumble around enough to pass for walking , miles had his sons enrolled in as many football programs as he legally could .
when rome was young , he loved it . the attention , the praise he received for his quickness despite being one of the smallest kids on the field . plus , going to his father’s games and being recognized as miles pierce’s kids was also fun . soon came time for the inevitable retirement on the heel of a downward - trending career , and after that things … changed .
suddenly , it was less praise and more demands . earlier practices , with his father making rome and his brother run drills until they were sick . suddenly , things that were previously good weren’t good enough , despite how much better his sons continued to be .
as anyone with half a brain could guess , these pressures eventually began to take their toll . with interests in anything else repressed by his father’s insistence that football is and always will be the most important thing in life , rome began to emulate his father’s aggressive attitude , first bringing it to the field and then , more notably , to his personal life . failed relationships , fights at school , sneaking home late absolutely blitzed out of his mind – none of the behaviors were healthy , but they were enough to take the weight of his father’s hands off of his shoulders , if only for a moment . until papa helicopter parent found out , that is .
tw abuse : despite his sons catering to his every will , miles’ incessant anger began to worsen , and soon a lot of the verbal abuse had started to become physical , too . sure , rome knew that it was wrong , but he also thought that maybe if he’d been better in the game last night , or worked harder at practice , maybe he’d stop .
he made varsity his freshman year of high school and took his team to the state championships , expecting his dad to finally approve of something he’d done . instead , he came home to the news that his mother was leaving – that his parents were splitting up and that this had been a long time combing . safe to say this mama’s boy ass bitch was devastated.
tw death : his dad only sunk deeper into his madness , but all that anyone else could see is that rome was throwing further , moving faster , and making better plays . a non - football related injury left him with a broken arm , and it was on the way home from the hospital that his father received the call that his ex - wife had taken her own life . devastated part ii , coming soon to a theater near you !
tw drugs , alcohol , general debauchery : the partying worsened . rome had entered a phase in his life where he was looking for something – anything to completely wipe his mind of any and all thoughts . the drugs , the alcohol , it was all a coping mechanism , but it definitely wasn’t a healthy one . soon , his brother left for college thousands of miles away , and rome found out that that fifth of rum goes down a lot easier after doing a few lines beforehand .
he chose to go to college in cali not because he wanted to , but because his dad knew that hollingsworth was a great school for scouting attention . in his midst of an extended bender compounded by having training now twice a day everyday on top of college courses , he decided to join pike – and he absolutely loves it .
he chose to major in psych because he wants to understand why his dad hates him so much skjfjks dumb b*tch .
also last summer he may or may not have allegedly accidentally wrapped his masterati around a telephone pole and gotten a dui . in reality , it was his brother’s accidental doing after a rather... heated argument between the two , but roman told him to gtfo and he’d take the fall because his bro finally managed to escape his dad and rome didn’t want him to suffer the same fate . it made headlines , but his dad pulled approximately 6 billion strings to get him conditionally reinstated to the team .
spent the summer before his junior year chillin in rehab , but he relapsed shortly after . consistency is key here , kids.
still bender - adjacent , but he’s kept it more lowkey because the nfl draft is coming in hot .
he really ………….. kinda sux , objectively sfdkjsdfjk . personality-wise and bc he has a southern accent .
he has so , so much pent up frustration and anger directed at his father and himself that it manifests in some pretty shitty behaviors .
he’s definitely controlling ( as a consequence of having v v little control over his own life ) , and he’ll manipulate any situation he deems worthy of his effort just to assure that he isn’t in any state of vulnerability .
i know yall get it , he vapes , but he’s definitely the kind of guy to try to keep the party running til 5 am and get pissed when people tell him that maybe he should stop .
he will provoke anyone and anything ( even inanimate objects ) if found in a self - destructive enough mood .
has a notoriously short temper , but what kind of gym rat doesn’t .
manages to still attain a 4.0 ( and in his words , psych is easy ) , so that’s another thing that makes it difficult for him to understand that his lifestyle is … per se … problematique .
10000% has sent a plethora of  u up ? texts
kinda gets a little .. hm .. sad sometimes but that’s only after everyone bails from the party n he’s left alone in a dirty ass frat house sdkfsdjk
definitely an irredeemable trash bag and pls don’t think of him any other way
is definitely fiercely loyal to the 2.5 people who can tolerate him .
currently in an uber ride to hell , but 10/10 hit the option so that his uber driver can’t talk to him 🤡
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benjaminjofaiho · 5 years
The Captain Next Door Ch. 4
Summary: You’re a doctor who also just so happens to be a fan fiction writer. You love lots of fandoms but Captain America is by far your fave, so what happens when you get a new job, move to Brooklyn and realize that the brownstone you bought is right next door to Captain America? Obviously shenanigans ensue.
Warnings: Swearing. 
It’s worth noting that I do not care for or abide by the timeline, there are some people mentioned that haven’t technically been brought together yet [ As per Winter Soldier ] but I did it anyway.  P.S. I do not currently have a beta and the ‘f’ and ‘u’ keys on my keyboard are messed up so incase you see repeating letters anywhere they aren’t supposed to be feel free to let me know.
AN: I’m BAAAAACK!  This is coming sooner than I wanted because I’m not as far enough into future chapters as I would like.But I just wanted to put some cuteness into what is happening right now so please enjoy the light refreshment. Thank you for waiting on me, those of you that are waiting on me. Thank you for all your reblogs, comments and likes. Your feedback is always welcome and I love hearing from y’all. 
It had been about 8 weeks and you had a pretty good routine set for your new life in the big apple. Work all week, Hot yoga with Sonia on Friday mornings and occasionally the club with her on Friday nights, Sam comes over Saturday mornings to help fix up the house and in the evenings you cook your weekly meals for he and Steve; Sunday was the day you had all to yourself.
           On Friday morning you and Sonia were walking back from the gym with your yoga mats and nearly got ran over by Sam on a morning run. His earbuds fell out and it was almost as if you weren’t there. He was beside himself trying to make sure he didn’t hurt Sonia; as for her you’ve never seen her so shy in her life. She was more of a take life by the horns type girl and you didn’t even know she had a shy bone in her body.
           “Excuse me Ma’am, I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to run into you. I hope you’re okay?” You never thought of Sam that way. But in this moment with him making his voice like that, no shirt on, body glistening, you could see it.
           “Yeah sure, ”she said quietly “I’m completely fine. No worries.”
           “Can I make it up to you somehow –” You cleared your throat cutting him off. Turning to you as if you materialized out of thin air he said “Oh hey Doc, my b. You good?”
Laughing you told him you BOTH were fine and had to almost drag Sonia up the steps of your brownstone.
            Saturday morning came around and you had just finished making pancakes – you liked to cook a little extra for Sam after his work and heard the doorbell ring. You went to open it and were surprised to see Steve.
           “Hey Steve! Sam isn’t here yet I’m just waiting on him.” You always internally laughed at the fact that instead of calling his roommate like a normal person, Steve would rather come to your house to check for him personally. He was just such an old man. You continued “You know, I could give you my cell phone number so maybe you could call to find out if he was here to save you a trip.”
           “Uhh…” He started looking uncomfortable again. Damn it. No matter how good you felt like you were doing you always had a way of messing him up and making him go red with discomfort. “ Sure, here you go” He handed you a flip phone with a green and black screen. You laughed taking it from him.
           “Seriously? Don't you, like, know Tony Stark? What does he have to say about this?” you said, wiggling his phone at him.
           “I never hear the end of it actually” He laughs. What a nice laugh it was. Putting your number in you gave it back to him and he saved it. Behind him Sam showed up to your door.
           “Morning Doc, oh hey Cap. I thought you said you had errands to-”
           “ Oh!” Steve started laughing loudly slapping Sam’s shoulder “Think you’re confused buddy I was looking for you.” Looking between them with confusion you said
           “Anyway guys, just made some pancakes, y’all want some?”                      
           “Girl you know I can always eat” Sam said laughing and tapping on his stomach.
Both of you turned your head to Steve and waited
“Well, I’m actually free for the whole day so sure, a meal sounds terrific.”
After you were all good and fed, you put your elbows up on the table and your hands folded under your chin like someone plotting and scheming.
           “So gentlemen, what’s the plan for today? What are we doing?” You looked between them waiting to hear the plan.
           “Doc I came to tell you today’s the last day of my fixing upping” Sam smiled his toothy grin, “ and just in time too because I have a date with a beautiful woman.”
           “Hold on Samuel, I have a couple of questions!”
Steve let out a laugh and when you shot him a look he put his hand over his grinning mouth.
           “Firstly, congrats on your date, but also who is she and what do you mean today is your last day?”
           “Well she’s this beautiful Englishwoman, tall, funny, intelligent, honestly I could go on for hours. And as for my quitting notice, I’m all done Doc.”
           “When did you even talk to Sonia?”
           “Aht-aht! What happens outside the walls of the hospital and this house is none of your concern Dr. Y/L/N !”    
Laughing you respond “ Fine! Be like that! See if I care!” After getting over your fit of giggles you continued “ But seriously, look at this place. I mean it works fine now but it looks… A mess” you ended.  
           “ Yeah I don’t know what to tell ya. I do fixing. Need a pipe to go up? That's all me. Building a shelf into a wall? I’m your guy. Knocking down a wall and remodeling your bathroom in the space of 3 days? Obviously I’m the only one that can do that. However, all this replacing fixing, painting, choosing crown moldings, deciding the ‘aesthetic’ for the house? I cannot help you, my work is done. But trust your good friend Sam, he’d never leave you high and dry, I have a contact who’s eye is impeccable. Hell, he’s an artist, lives nearby and even furnished and decorated our place.” As he ended that sentence he pat Steve on the back.
           Steve’s head whipped towards him as he started to choke on his orange juice.
“Wh-What? Sorry what?”
           Sam continued totally ignoring Steve’s protests. “Doc, you've been to our place right?” You shook your head unable to speak “Ah! We’ve got to have you over one of these days. Matter of fact I just have something I need to finish on one of the upper levels of your house, Steve why don’t you take her by our house, show her around and get some ideas. You guys can get a” Sam chose to take an unnecessary pause “ feel of what the other wants and what you both have to offer and see if you can come up with anything.”        
           “Oh Sam,” you say flustered, “I’m sure Steve is busy and I don't want to take up any of his-”
           “Nah don’t even worry about that. Remember Steve said he was free all day? Isn’t that right Steve?” You both turned to Steve.
           “Yeah I did say that. But you know-”
Immediately cutting him off and not wanting to hear his rejection “You know I’m sure you have other things to do. Don't worry about it, honestly, you’ve already been such a help and I really appreciate it a lot” turning to Sam you continue “You know what? Dr. Bonner has joked about wanting to quit medicine to become an interior designer, I’m sure he would be up for it.” Standing up you start to look for your phone but Steve jumped up as well.
           “I can do it! I mean-” He cleared his throat from causing such a jarring noise “It wouldn’t be any issue at all, the reason I hesitated before is because I’m not sure how our styles complement each other, I haven’t really seen you outside the house before so that’s all that was.”
           “Well then, it’s settled” Sam said joining the both of you standing. “ You two go and check out the house while I finish up here.” Before even being able to argue he was out of the kitchen and taking two steps at a time. Alone for the first time with Captain America, you let out a little breath and turned to him
           “Steve, listen I really don’t want to impose-” His hand shot up immediately
           “Y/N please, it’s not an imposition. I want to do it, it's a nice break from what we do daily. Sam’s got to get to know you a bit better though your house and now it’s my turn.”
           You smiled widely before reigning it in and just nodding and walking towards to the door. Opening your front door you turned to him and let out the tiniest smile,
           “So, shall we?”
           “Yes of course.” He replied. Calling up to Sam he said “We’re going to the house buddy, see you later!” You both heard a faint Sam calling his good byes. You led him first down the steps and a gust of wind blew and you felt a little chill. At the base of your steps you turned and Steve looked almost like a kid who got caught stealing. Was he checking you out? Of course not. You shook your head and rolled your eyes. Why would captain America be checking you out? You let out a little sigh and tight smile and said “After you.”
====================Steve’s POV=======================
           Steve woke up knowing today was Saturday, which was a day that had quickly become one of his favorites. He tried to lie to himself, saying it was the freedom of the day, the fact that he had no official obligations, but then, why didn't he also favor Sunday, a day that was essentially the same? He allowed himself to admit that it was because of Y/N,  he loved Saturday, but not because of her. Her food was just too damn good. He couldn’t get enough of her… He meant her food. Admittedly, her company wasn't bad either, she was undoubtedly one of the funniest people he’d met, and she was so clever, it was really sexy to him. Her smile was like the sun parting clouds…
           “Ahhhh!” Steve let out a frustrated groan and got up to get his day started. He  always liked to work out before eating at her place, and he told himself it was because he was trying to offset the major caloric intake, but, if she just so happened to like she saw, it was an unintended side effect he guessed.
           Stepping out of the shower and getting dressed he went up to his art studio that was the sole occupant of the highest level of their house. It was split on the roof with one half roof deck and the other half studio, separated an entire glass wall. Opening up the curtains, the studio was washed in natural light, the best for painting. He looked over his new work that he had started 3 weeks ago. It was her. He told himself he was just intrigued by her features. He had never seen eyes so deep. Honestly! It had started with her eye sketches. He found himself in meetings drawing on various briefings, a set of dark hickory eyes more and more. Once Nat looked over his shoulder and let out an exaggerated exasperated sigh, “Again, Steve?” With that, he decided to keep the eye sketches to his sketch book. He told himself he always wanted to perfect eyes in the first place so why not start with some that found artistically inspiring. He didn’t even really realize what he was doing until he started getting into her laugh that sounded like fairies. So then he started drawing her lips, always laughing or smiling and he found himself just adding in the button nose…for accuracy! He realized he had been practicing just bits and pieces of her. Why not go all in? He really wanted to hone his gift. He decided to go all out and just do a portrait of her laughing. Looking at the canvas in front of him, he looked at her in the light of day. She was coming along quite beautifully, well, as beautifully as an artist can objectively call his subject. Smiling to himself he closed his studio door and walked down to the kitchen to look for Sam.
           “Hey buddy, morning. What are you up to today?”
           “Hey Cap! Well I got a date later tonight and I’m rounding up with Y/N today.”
           “Oh that got your attention did it?” Sam laughed “Yeah man, I’m just about finished with the house. So…Are you going to make a move?”
           “This again? I don’t know what you’re talking about Sam” He began
           “I’ve seen all your obsessive drawings of her eyes all over shit at work. I see the way you look at her Steve! I’m not a blind man. Matter of fact I seem to be the only person who can see what’s going on when we all get together.”
           “Sam, I really hate to burst your bubble but you’re seeing things. Plus I’m really busy all the time, you know, working through my list.”
           “Alright man, whatever you say. I don't want to hear SHIT though when we get invited to her and Dr. Boner’s wedding and we have to sit through hearing ‘It was always right there in front of me and you were there all along bullshit. You’re gonna be upset.”
At the mention of Boner he got up “Anyway I gotta go Sam, I have a busy day of running errands” Hearing Sam laugh behind him and choosing to ignore it he was out the door.
           Was he concussed? Did he have some neurological disorder that he didn't know about? Was it Alzheimer’s? Dementia? He was absolutely confused how he ended up at the door of your house and ringing your bell. It was as if he was sitting in the back seat of his body and mind and someone else was at the wheel; driving recklessly. Before he knew it the door was being swung open and she started talking immediately.
           “Hey Steve! Sam isn’t here yet I’m just waiting on him” There was that smile again. That fucking smile. “You know, I could give you my cell phone number so maybe you could call to find out if he was here to save you a trip.” Damn it. He was bothering her. Sam was the one fixing the house but he always showed up unannounced. Yeah he helped out once in a while but he was wearing out his welcome. She didn’t want him to keep coming over like this. Damn it. She was raised in the south! Of course she’s courteous to everyone she meets plus she’s an angel. She wouldn't tell him to stop coming over. He had to back off.
           “Uhh….” He began, looking for what to say. He decided less was more here. “Sure here you go” handing you his flip phone. She laughed again. That laugh.
           “Seriously? Don't you, like, know Tony Stark? What does he have to say about this?”
           “I never hear the end of it actually” He let out a nervous laugh. The gang would have a field day when they found out about this. But at least she was making jokes. Maybe she didn't hate him 100%. She handed the phone back to him and Sam came up behind him.
           “Morning Doc, oh hey Cap. I thought you said you had errands to-”
           “ Oh!” Steve started laughing loudly slapping Sam’s shoulder “Think you’re confused buddy I was looking for you.” Samuel Wilson we have saved the world 100 times over, I’ve put my life on the line for you, and you’ve put your life on the line for me, please, do not let me down now. He hoped his crazy eyes and erratic smile portrayed all this information. Before anymore could be said she was inviting them in for breakfast.
           “So gentlemen, what’s the plan for today? What are we doing?” She looked at him and Sam.
           “Doc I came to tell you today’s the last day of my fixing upping and just in time too because I have a date with a beautiful woman.” No wonder he was in such a good mood.
           “Hold on Samuel, I have a couple of questions!”
He let out a laugh. He loved it when she got faux serious like this. It just made her all the more attractive. She looked at him and he had to tighten up immediately covering his mouth unable to stop the grin.
           “Firstly, congrats on your date, but also who is she and what do you mean today is your last day?”
           “Well she’s this beautiful Englishwoman, tall, funny, intelligent, honestly I could go on for hours. And as for my quitting notice, I’m all done Doc.”
           “When did you even talk to Sonia?”
           “Aht-aht! What happens outside the walls of the hospital and this house is none of your concern Dr. Y/L/N !” She laughed and he was taken by her beauty as always.
           “Yeah I don’t know what to tell ya. I do fixing. Need a pipe to go up? That's all me. Building a shelf into a wall? I’m your guy. Knocking down a wall and remodeling your bathroom in the space of 3 days? Obviously I’m the only one that can do that. However, all this replacing fixing, painting, choosing crown moldings, deciding the ‘aesthetic’ for the house? I cannot help you, my work is done. But trust your good friend Sam, he’d never leave you high and dry, I have a contact who’s eye is impeccable. Hell, he’s an artist, lives nearby and even furnished and decorated our place.” As he ended that sentence he pat him on the back.
           He whipped his head at Sam and began to choke. “Wh-What? Sorry what?”
            “Doc, you've been to our place right? Ah! We’ve got to have you over one of these days. Matter of fact I just have something I need to finish on one of the upper levels of your house, Steve why don’t you take her by our house, show her around and get some ideas. You guys can get a feel of what the other wants and what you both have to offer and see if you can come up with anything.” He shot Sam a death glare. He was certain she wasn't interested in him. He was sure she had suitors left and right and didn't need to feel uncomfortable with her overzealous neighbors.
           “Oh Sam, “I’m sure Steve is busy and I don't want to take up any of his-” Of course she would try to let him down easy. She didn't want to spend any more time with him than needed.
           “Nah don’t even worry about that. Remember Steve said he was free all day? Isn’t that right Steve?” Oh Shit! She was staring at him with those doe eyes.
           “Yeah I did say that. But you know-”
            “You know I’m sure you have other things to do. Don't worry about it, honestly, you’ve already been such a help and I really appreciate it a lot. You know what? Dr. Bonner has joked about wanting to quit medicine to become an interior designer, I’m sure he would be up for it.” That damn Boner guy again. Not on his watch! He jumped up.
           “I can do it! I mean It wouldn’t be any issue at all, the reason I hesitated before is because I’m not sure how our styles complement each other, I haven’t really seen you outside the house before so that’s all that was.” He was really just talking out of his ass now. He hoped she didn't call him on it.
           “Well then, its settled You two go and check out the house while I finish up here.” Sam Said. She let out a sigh like she was aggravated. Ugh he’s always making her upset. He needed to know what her ticks were so he could walk around them, his train of thought was interrupted by her voice.
           “Steve, listen I really don’t want to impose-” His hand shot up immediately
           “Y/N please, it’s not an imposition. I want to do it, it's a nice break from what we do daily. Sam’s got to get to know you a bit better though your house and now it’s my turn.”
           Huh, he thought. That was a genuine smile. Okay. Maybe not all hope is lost.
           “So, shall we?” She said
           “Yes of course. We’re going to the house buddy, see you later!” He followed her down the steps of her home and caught himself admiring her backside. At that moment a gust of wind blew and lifted her dress to her thighs and he was able to make out the base of a tattoo. He imagined what it would be like to lift that dress slowly and snake his hands up her thighs. She spun around as if she could hear his thoughts and he looked straight ahead hoping he didn't get caught. She rolled her eyes and gave a slight shake of the head. So much for being discrete. She smiled like her landlord was making a joke and she had to laugh and said. “After you.” His face went as red as the tomatoes Sam was growing on the roof while he walked a head of her to get to their home. After walking up the steps and unlocking the door he turned to her putting on his very best Captain America smile and said “Ready?”
Taglist: @champagnesugamama @smooth-sunflower @queenwinchester27  @hamilboots  @trees-are-friends
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littlepurinsesu · 5 years
[IDOLiSH7] DUSK TiLL DAWN (Story Translation 2)
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*Note: This is a Chinese-to-English translation using the official Chinese translation from the TW server! There’s a small chance that some phrases may differ slightly from the original Japanese text due to different wording and localisation, but overall there shouldn’t be too much of a difference so probably nothing to worry too much about xD
CHARACTERS: Iori: Io Yamato: Yamarson Mitsuki: Mick Tamaki: Tamathony Sogo: Somas Nagi: Nagistopher Riku: Rictor
(I will include the characters’ names in brackets even if they haven’t revealed their names yet, because it would just be too confusing otherwise. I recommend having the game story open as you read so you get a better feel of the characters’ actions and expressions, since I won’t be indicating them here ^^)   ---
??? (Rictor): Say, Io, we should be completely safe here, right?
Io: For now, yes. But I’m not sure how long this security wall will last…
??? (Rictor): That’s true… But Io, you’re really strong!
Io: Eh?
??? (Rictor): Didn’t you save me when I was almost attacked before? You were able to take it out in one shot, amazing!
Io: It was just good luck! And their movements are slow, so as long as you aim for their feet and attack, they’ll stop.
??? (Rictor): Oh, is that so! I think you’re also amazing to be able to calmly observe this! Unlike me, wasting so many shots because I panicked…
Io: I’m part of the archery club, so I’m used to aiming for targets. Once you’re used to it, you’ll definitely be able to do it, too.
??? (Rictor): Really…?
Io: Yes. You just need to breathe in, and relax your shoulders, and then try aiming for the target. Just by doing this, your success rate should increase significantly.
??? (Rictor): I understand…! I’ll try what you said next time!
Io: By the way, it seems to have become quiet suddenly…
??? (Rictor): … Don’t know what the situation outside is like right now.
Io: … This is…! T-Take a look at this. The streets have entered a state of panic! This monster is the same as the ones that attacked the hospital before!
??? (Rictor): This is…
Io: Sigh… Don’t know if Somas is okay…
??? (Rictor): Somas?
Io: He’s my classmate. We were together just before, but I needed to come to the hospital, so we separated. I can’t get in touch with him.
??? (Rictor): So worried…
Io: …
??? (Rictor): U-Um! I’ve never gone to school, but to have a classmate you’re on good terms with must feel pretty good!
Io: N-Not really… It just increases the things you need to worry about…
??? (Rictor): What kind of person is Somas? Ah… Sorry for suddenly asking something so weird! I don’t have friends, so I’m curious as to what friends are like…
Io: It’s fine, I’m about the same…
??? (Rictor): Eh?
Io: He… Somas is a friend I’ve known since I was young. He’s the kind of person who ignores everything around him once he becomes obsessed with something. It makes me worry… I bet he’s enjoying himself right now, praising the current situation as being “just like a movie” or something.
??? (Rictor): Really…! Somas is a really interesting person!
Io: You’re… Rictor, right? Why did you come here?
Rictor: I was called over by someone, but I wasn’t able to meet them…
Io: Who called you over?
Rictor: The doctors* who looked after me when I was little. They gave me this and told me to come…
Io: A letter…?
Rictor: “Oct.30 16:00 We’ll be waiting for you at Central General Hospital. We will tell you the truth.”
Io: … What does “the truth” mean…?
Rictor: I don’t know… But I think it has to be something really important.
Io: Is that so… You seem to trust them a lot.
Rictor: Yes! Those two are really important people to me! Ah, this was given by them as well! “Wear it anytime and anywhere, giving you good air anytime and anywhere! Recite the magic spell: Clean Air antivirus mask~” ** Pretty cool, right!
Io: Oh… Um, there was something I’ve been wanting to ask…
Rictor: What is it?
Io: What’s up with that mask of yours?
Rictor: What do you mean “what’s up?” Because it’s really dangerous outside, isn’t it? There’s stuff like viruses and bacteria everywhere, and the air isn’t clean! It’s so dangerous, so why aren’t you wearing an antivirus mask?
Io: Normal people don’t wear them! You really are a weirdo…
Rictor: Ah…! The security wall…!
Io: C-Calm down! Just accurately take them down one by one!
Rictor: I-I understand…!
Io: Huff, huff…!
Io: No, there’s no end to this!
Rictor: —! Io, watch out…!!
Somas: Io!
Io: Somas…! Great, you’re okay! I contacted you so many times!
Somas: Sorry, I think I dropped my phone while running… Ah, but these people saved me, so I’m okay! And I have a pistol!
Io: Pistol… So that’s how it is, isn’t this the gun that caused chaos during training?
Mick: Is he the friend you mentioned?
Somas: Yes! He’s Io!
Nagistopher: And this is?
Rictor: I’m Rictor!
Mick: …! Your white robes…
Rictor: Ah, I’m a researcher from the “World Reflective Unit.”
Io: The “W.R.U.,” so you’re an elite!
Rictor: Eh? Is that so?
Mick: Captain…!
Nagistopher: Hmm… Rictor, where’s the vaccine?
Rictor: Eh… Vaccine… Wh-Who are you people!? I can’t talk to people I don’t know!
Mick: What?
Io: Sorry, he’s been taught not to speak with people he doesn’t know.
Mick: Where did this overprotected young master come from?
Nagistopher: I’m Nagistopher, the captain of the special forces unit “I.DOL.” This is Mick, he’s also a member of the same unit. And they’re regular civilians.
Yamarson: … I’m Yamarson. I was attacked before, and they saved me.
Somas: I’m…
Rictor: You’re Somas, right!
Somas: Eh?
Rictor: Io told me you were a weird friend!
Io: Wait…! Don’t say things that could cause a misunderstanding!
Rictor: Eh… S-Sorry…!
Somas: Hahaha, it’s fine! Io often says that about me.
Nagistopher: Rictor, we’ve introduced ourselves, so now you know us. Is it okay now?
Rictor: Ah… yes, thank you. U-Um… Since you guys are searching for the vaccine… that is to say, the cause of the matter is that virus…?
Nagistopher: What does that virus mean?
Rictor: The “D-X virus”…
Nagistopher: … Is that so…
Rictor: I-Is something wrong?
Mick: So it seems that you know about the “D-X virus,” huh.
Rictor: Eh? Because, aren’t you guys here to look for the vaccine for the “D-X virus?”
Mick: The captain didn’t say what kind of vaccine.
Rictor: Ah…!
Nagistopher: I heard that the vaccine is in this hospital. Where is it?
Rictor: I-I don’t know! I’m just a basic-level employee… So I don’t have anything to say about this…!
Mick: Sigh… You said you’re called Rictor, right? We don’t want to get physical, either.
Rictor: P-Please wait a moment! This is top secret!
Mick: Top secret… Then why does a basic-level employee like you know about a virus that’s been classified as top secret?
Rictor: Th-That’s because… I grew up in the laboratory…
Yamarson: Hey! What vaccine are you guys talking about? Will that vaccine be able to stop infections…!?
Mick: Yes, that’s what I’ve heard. The streets have already entered chaos, and the virus is spreading out of control. If we want to control the situation, we need that vaccine.
Nagistopher: Rictor, please tell us everything you know.
Rictor: But…
Io: Rictor…
Rictor: … The vaccine… isn’t here…
Yamarson: …! Then where is it!
Somas: Yamarson! Calm down…!
Yamarson: … Sorry.
Rictor: In the lab… In the lab of “W.R.U.” It’s being protected in a heavily guarded place in there.
Mick: … I understand. It’s inside the lab, right?
Nagistopher: This is Handsome. Sugar, are you listening? The vaccine is in the “W.R.U.” lab. It’s inside the institute.
Radio noise (Tamathony): I’m listening~ I looked up the route and sent it over just now.
Nagistopher: Route confirmed.
Rictor: U-Um! Wait! It’s not the lab on ground level!
Mick: What? What do you mean by not the lab on ground level?
Rictor: There’s a lab underground, too. It’s there…
Somas: There are labs underneath this city!? S-So cool…!!
Nagistopher: Sugar, give me the underground map.
Radio noise (Tamathony): Hang on~ Underground, underground, underground~ Uh, Captain, I can’t find any information beneath the ground. Hmm~ But there’s an area where the information is especially messed up. Feels like someone messed with the data…
Nagistopher: Understood. Rictor, please lead the way.
Rictor: Eh!? Me?
Nagistopher: You’re the only one who knows how to get there.
Rictor: … I understand. This way, please.
Yamarson: Hey, the exit…!
Somas: Wow, this is bad…! So many Gathereds! It really is like a movie plot, right, Io!
Io: What are you saying! This isn’t a movie, it’s reality!
Mick: If this continues, we’ll be at a disadvantage… What should we do, Captain?
Nagistopher: Mick, prepare the grenade.
Radio noise (Tamathony): A grenade won’t be enough for a number as large as this. All of you get down, I’m coming~
Mick: Sugar? Don’t tell me you’re planning to…!
Nagistopher: Get back, quickly!!
Io, Yamarson, Somas, Rictor: …!
Radio noise (Tamathony): Disabling security system… Okay, I’m coming!!
??? (Tamathony): Tada~! Reinforcement has arrived!
Mick: “Tada~!” your head. Are you trying to kill us!
??? (Tamathony): Oh! If it’s Captain and Mick, there shouldn’t be a problem, right? See, aren’t you all alive and well?
Mick: We’re not the only ones here, there are regular civilians, too!
Io, Yamarson, Somas, Rictor: Sob sob…
Io: What exactly happened…?
??? (Tamathony): They look fine.
Mick: Seriously, you… Ah! Say, why did you come down! What about the helicopter?
??? (Tamathony): I set The Pudding to autopilot mode, don’t worry~ It’ll come when I call for it!
Mick: Call for it, huh… Sigh… But don’t you hate coming to the ground?
??? (Tamathony): Mm, I really hate it. But what I hate even more is encountering something I cannot analyse. So I want to make sure with my own eyes! Alright, no worries! I drank pudding drink before coming, so I’m super energized right now! Watch carefully~ Hey! Ha, hey!
Mick: Sigh… But it’s pretty convenient that you can be this energized just by drinking an ordinary drink…
Somas: Um… this person is…?
Mick: Ah, sorry, we got you guys involved just then. This is Tamathony. He’s our teammate. He can be a little weird sometimes, but he’s smart and good at combat.
Tamathony: That “weird” part wasn’t necessary~
Somas: I’m Somas, and this is my friend Io. Nice to meet you!
Tamathony: Mm~ So then, the one over there with glasses is Yamarson, and you must be Rictor, right?
Yamarson: Eh…
Tamathony: I heard everything through the radio~
Nagistopher: We should get going now… Otherwise we won’t be in time for the anime broadcast.
Mick: Uh… Captain, you’re still concerned about that…
Nagistopher: Rictor, please lead the way.
Rictor: Okay, I understand. We can get to the underground lab via the underground subway tracks.
Io: Underground subway tracks?
Rictor: There are hidden passageways in the underground subway tracks, and they can lead us to the lab.
Somas: Not just hidden passageways, but also an underground secret institute…! I’m so excited!
Io: Somas, even though I’ve said this many times, I need to remind you that we aren’t filming a movie.
Somas: Mm, I know that. But my heart can’t help but flutter…
Io: Sigh…
Yamarson: Anyway, let’s hurry up and go. If we keep staying here, those guys will come again.
Rictor: Right, hopefully the lab is fine…
Yamarson: …! Huff…
Somas: Yamarson, are you okay? You don’t look so well…
Yamarson: No, I’m fine, just a little tired is all.
Rictor: … Yamarson?
Yamarson: What.
Rictor: Have we… met somewhere before?
Yamarson: … I don’t know you.
Rictor: Is that so…
Io: Is he really okay? He really doesn’t look too well…
Tamathony: Hey~ We don’t have time for breaks. Oh right, Mick, give him that. That thing that can make people super high!
Mick: Don’t say it so weirdly like that. It’s just an ordinary energy drink! Here, even though it’s temporary, it should help you feel a bit better.
Yamarson: … Thanks.
Io: You okay…?
Yamarson: … Mm, I’m a bit better.
Tamathony: Then let’s go~
*Just a clarification that “doctor” here refers to the PhD kind of doctor and not the medical one!
**This is supposed to be a song, but I cannot for the life of me think of a less awkward way to translate it into English xD So just… imagine that he’s singing it with rhyme and everything ^^;;
Stage 1  |  STAGE 2  |  Stage 3  |  Stage 4  |  Stage 5
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