#i wasn't joking when i said group thread
apcthetics · 1 year
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*˖ ⊹       "  listen  man,  i’m  not  saying  that  you  can’t  say  whatever  you  want,  “  kas  said  as  he  climbed  the  beach,  back  towards  where  him  and  joshua  had  left  their  things  scattered  around  dilan,  “  but  tarbert  is  something  you  tell  people  after  they  get  to  know  you.  "  he  could  have  been  enjoying  himself.  he  could  have  been  much  more  drunk  than  he  was.  instead  he  was  here,  practically  babysitting  (  from  his  perspective  ).  the  generous  soul  he  was,  he  gave  up  his  enjoyment  to  ensure  dilan  didn’t  glare  anybody  into  an  early  grave  and  joshua  didn’t  ...  well,  joshua  at  anybody.  kas  thought  he  deserved  a  nobel  peace  prize  or  something  for  his  sacrifices.  dropping  onto  the  towel  beside  his  roommate,  he  raised  his  hand  up  to  block  the  sun  from  his  eyes  so  he  could  continue  to  squint  up  at  joshua.  “  dilan  agrees.  right,  yusuf  ?  if  he  keeps  telling  people  about  the  spider  right  after  he  tells  them  his  name,  people  are  going  to  think  he’s  weird.  serial  killer  weird.  “  /  JOSHUA  (  @bcnztruck​  )  &  DILAN  (  @cherryflcvoured​​  )
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lee-laurent · 2 months
Happiest With You - Cole Caufield
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Summary: In which Odessa and Cole face some struggles along the way in their relationship.
wc: 1.5k
requested by: @ashes2ashesweallfall :)
contents: fluff, angst, character with hearing aids, character that is hard of hearing, kissing(?)
notes: this was a request! and i really hope i did it justice. this is like two mini fics in one! one of my younger siblings is hard of hearing, so i tried my best to use some of my real experiences to write this. enjoy! and send in more requests :))
Cole could hardly be considered a quiet person. In fact, most of his life was spent surrounded by sound. He was the first to end silence, cracking a joke or laughing when things got awkward. He was always the loudest in the room, all eyes being drawn to him. His enthusiasm for life was practically a force of nature. All in all, Cole Caufield was about as loud as they got.
Odessa Williams was the opposite. She found solace in the quiet moments in life. She appreciated the stillness of the early morning, the way the world felt as the sun began to rise. She thrived in the quiet hours of the day, the hum of bugs at night in the summer, the soft patter of rain on the window as she sat on the couch.
Cole and Odessa could not have been more different. Yet, despite the stark differences in their personalities, they found comfort in each other. Their relationship worked because of their contrasting ways of life. Cole's exburence worked in harmony with Odessa's quietude.
But their different approaches to life also brought along some issues. Issues where Odessa felt her need for quiet time wasn't being met.
Cole was sat on the sofa, laughing loudly into his headset as Jack cracked a joke. He was engrossed in his game of NHL 24 with some of the boys from his USNTDP days. The group of boys had been playing for hours, but they were just as vibrant and boisterous as they were when they started.
"Come on, come on! Pass it! Shoot!" Cole shouted, his voice echoing off the walls as his character on screen raced down the ice. His laughs filling the air again as Trevor screamed at Matt. Cheers filled the room as their team finally scored against the opposing team that was probably made up of 15-year-olds.
In the adjacent room, Odessa sat at her desk, surrounded by the quiet calm that she treasured with her whole heart. She had been working on a project for school, her hearing aids sitting on her bed in an attempt to shield her from the noise. But despite her best efforts, the sound seeped through, breaking her concentration and heightening the stress she was feeling.
She glanced at her apple watch. It was past midnight, and she could feel her frustrations bubbling over. She had tried her best to focus on her work, but the escalating noise from Cole's gaming was becoming unbearable.
Unable to concentrate any longer, Odessa stood up and walked into the living room, her patience hanging on by a thread. Cole was deeply engrossed by the game, his face flushed with excitement. His friends were animatedly discussing their plays, their voices rising and falling with excitement through his headset. Odessa's entrance, however, was enough to momentarily break Cole's concentration.
"Cole," Odessa said, her voice strained but firm as she approached him, watching as he pushed the headphones off one of his ears. At the same time, she signed, "Can you turn it down? I'm trying to work."
Cole blinked, momentarily disorientated from the abrupt shift in focus. Trying to follow her hands as she spoke. He looked up at Odessa, noticing the tightness around her eyes and the tension in her posture. He immediately felt a pang of guilt.
"Oh, I'm sorry, babe," Cole said, quickly muting his mic. "I didn't realize how late it was or how loud I was being."
"It's past midnight, Cole! How could you not realize?" Odessa's frustration spilled over, her voice rising as she signed along rapidly. "I've been trying to concentrate, and the noise is just... too much."
Cole's expression hardened slightly, struggling to keep up with her signing. "I'm sorry, Odessa. But you know this is how I unwind. It's just a game. You could've said something earlier instead of letting it build up."
"I didn't want to interrupt you," Odessa shot back, switching to just verbal speech as her signing became more agitated. "But I shouldn't have to compete with your games for some peace and quiet. I have a deadline in two days, and this is really important to me."
"And my downtime isn't important?" Cole scoffed, feeling a twinge of defensiveness. "I work hard too, you know. I need this to blow off steam."
Odessa narrowed her eyes, her frustration evident as she continued to speak to him instead of signing. "I'm not saying your downtime isn't important. But it's like you don't even notice... or care how your noise affects me! You're so wrapped up in your own little world."
Cole sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Fine. What do you want me to do? Stop gaming with my friends? Change who I am to accomodate you?"
"No," she sighed, her voice softer but still tense. She struggled to articulate her feelings through just speech, deciding to sign along. "I just want you to be more considerate. Maybe we can find a middle ground, like schedule it so we both get what we need."
Cole looked at her, the tension in the room still thick, "How about this: I'll turn it down and we can discuss a schedule tomorrow. I don't want to fight, Odessa. I just want us both to be happy, baby."
She nodded, the anger in her eyes dimmed but not gone. "Alright. But we need to seriously discuss this. I can't keep feeling like this."
He reached out and grabbed her hand, "I promise, we'll figure it out. I'm sorry for not noticing earlier."
"Thank you," Odessa nodded, her voice finally calming. "I appreciate that."
"Alright, boys. I gotta go for the night," Cole unmuted, throwing a wink his girlfriend's way. She giggled as they walked back to their room. The promise of a better balance in their future now understood. Cole hopped in the shower while Odessa continued her work, feeling a renewed sense of calm knowing they were both willing to make this work, one compromise at a time.
Although their different dynamics could sometimes create issues, there were the moments where Odessa knew that Cole was the man for her. And the movie night he planned one Friday was one of those moments.
Cole had set up the living room with comfy blankets and pillows, dimmed the lights, and prepared some of his girlfriend's favourite snacks. When Odessa entered the room after her shower, she was greeted by the warm lighting and her boyfriend laying on the couch.
"Hey, baby. I thought we could have a little movie night. I know you've been stressed with school," Cole said, signing the words along with speaking them. Odessa's eyes lit up, appreciating the effort he had put into learning her second language.
She settled onto the couch with him, and Cole handed her the remote. "You get to pick the movie tonight." Odessa chose her favourite move, Jaws, knowing that it had subtitles. She adjusted her hearing aids, ensuring they were comfortable, but knowing she could rely on the subititles if needed.
As the movie started, Cole double-checked that 'English CC' was selected. Throughout the movie, they shared the large bowl of popcorn that the boy had made. Laughing at the horrible special effects and overall just enjoying their time together. Cole squeezed her hand as another shark attack happened, their little touch-based communication conveying his joy.
During a quieter moment in the film, Cole turned to Odessa. He tapped her shoulder lightly, their agreed signal for wanting her attention. "I've been practicing my sign language," he said, signing slowly, "I want to show your family that I'm all in."
Odessa's heart swelled at the confession, leaning in to press a kiss to his lips. She responded in sign, "That means a lot to me. Thank you."
Cole grinned so much it was starting to hurt, "How about we practice some?" Odessa nodded enthusiastically. They paused the movie periodically, practicing new words that would show up in the subtitles. Laughing at Cole's mistakes and cheering when he got it right.
At one point, Odessa leaned over and traced a heart on Cole's palm, their special way of saying "I love you" without words. Cole blushed and traced one back on her hand.
As the night progressed, Odessa felt even more connected to Cole. Even more in love with him... if that was possible. The combination of the movie, Cole's efforts to learn sign language, and their special little touches they used to communicate made her feel like they were the only people in the whole world.
"You're getting really good at signing."
"I have the best teacher around," he teased, tracing another heart on her hand.
They sat in silence for a bit, the glow of the TV filling the room. Cole could feel Odessa's breathing slowing as she relaxed against him. He kissed the top of her head, feeling the same way that Odessa had moments before.
Cole carried her back to their room, helping her remove her hearing aids. He plugged them in, giving her one last kiss before climbing into bed next to her. They exchanged tired smiles and with one last squeeze of their hands, Odessa knew that this was the man for her.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
1, 2 & 6 from the smut prompts with subby jonathan or steve ;) thank you so much!
People voted for subby Steve 🫡
Never proofread. I hope this is what you were looking for
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I’ve never seen you squirm so much
A and B have a code name for a dirty word. While at a social event with lots of people, A casually slips the word into conversation, causing B to choke on their drink and get very red in the face.
A texts B reassuring and flirty texts from the opposite side of the room. A watch in glee as B checks their phone and their face goes dark red.
Steve was always known as a ladies' man, he was the king for a reason. He knew his way around the bedroom and knew how to treat the female body. But there was one girl that flipped him on his stomach and made him feel things he has never felt before.
She was his girlfriend, and he had no idea how he got so lucky. He finally received the love he gave out. And he has never experienced someone desiring him so intensely.
He felt safe with her, he could let his brain disappear when he was around her. Just a puppy dog following her every move.
It didn't matter where they were, he was attached to her side and blindly following every instruction.
It was Dustin's birthday and the group was at the bowling alley. Robin and Nancy wanted to do boys against girls. Steve immediately pouted and begged to be on the team with his girlfriend.
Robin refused to budge, throwing her arms around Y/N and placing a wet kiss on her cheek. Steve pouted at the action, giving Robin a glare as everyone began to search for their bowling balls.
As the game went on, it got competitive. Steve and Robin were tied, and neither wanted to lose to the other person.
Robin knew if anyone could throw Steve off of his game, it would be Y/N.
"Help me out, here. Get him all nervous and twitchy." Robin whispered in Y/N's ear. The boys were already celebrating their win as Steve knocked down eight pins. He had a chance to knock down two more.
Y/N walked over to Steve with a proud smile. Handing him a cup of water. He smiled as he took the cup, taking a small sip as she leaned into his ear.
No one knew what she said, but the way Steve's eyes went wide, and he choked on his drink. He nodded and coughed. He walked a little bit away from her, drinking his water as he prepped himself to bowl again.
"Wow Steve, I didn't peg you as someone who was so good with balls." Y/N joked as Steve set up to throw the ball.
She knew the group would focus on the inappropriate joke and not the fact she said peg with a taunting tone. She watched as Steve lost his grip, the ball being thrown right into the gutter.
Robin squealed as she raced for her turn to bowl.
Steve felt his body blushing as he covered the front of his jeans with his hands, walking over to Y/N with a pout on his face.
She smirked as he moved in her arms, hiding his face in her neck.
"Someone a little excited?" She teased, rubbing his back as he groaned in his neck.
Robin squealed as she beat Steve's score.
Steve suffered as his jeans grew tight. Sitting in a booth across from Y/N. Her eyes locked on her phone as the table shared plates of food. Steve couldn't bother to eat, what he was craving was not an option at the moment.
Steve felt his phone vibrate, confused he pulled it out.
He tried to hold back the whimper as the thread of naughty texts from his girlfriend filled the screen.
He could tell his face was on fire, burning from head to toe.
Y/N watched in joy as Steve shrunk in his seat, shifting over and over. His eyes looked up to her and down to the floor. Switching back and forth.
She could almost taste the beg on his tongue.
By the time they made it back to Steve's house, he had been on her back since. His arms wrapped around her waist, whimpering in her ear, and pouting whenever she gave him attention.
He wasn't sure how much more teasing he could handle. He ached all over and his mind was only focused on getting a release.
"I've never seen you squirm so much." Y/N teased, her arms wrapped around his neck as he looked down at her.
"Can you just have mercy on me already? I can't handle anything more." He whined, no shame in using his puppy eyes to guilt her into being nice.
She did take some pity on him. Leaning up to press her lips against his. Swallowing his whimpers. Her hands played with his hair, causing his knees to grow weak.
He let his body melt, releasing his lips from hers as he kissed down her neck, her chest, stomach, and placing a final kiss above her pants. His forehead resting against her stomach, arms around her thighs.
His neck turning to look up at her, water in his eyes.
"please, baby, just something." He whined.
"yeah? Just need me to help you?" She mocked
He nodded as he sniffled. Rubbing his face against her stomach.
"what do you want?" She asked, her hand running through his hair
He mumbled against her stomach, the words muffled by the material of her shirt.
"again?" She asked, yanking his hair so his head snapped up.
"I want to cum." He said, loud and clear so he wouldn't get in trouble for having to repeat himself.
"there's your big boy voice " she teased, patting his cheek softly with her free hand
He waited for her next instruction. He wasn't sure how he would get to cum, but he wouldn't be picky.
"hump my leg and make a mess in your boxers."
He felt a sob in his throat but kept it together
"can I please be in you?" He asked
She gave him a look, and he knew to back down. Swallowing more of his own whimpers and straddling her leg.
He held on to the back of her thighs as he began to rock his hips against her. The rough material of his jeans scraping against her. He shivered as his cock felt the sensation.
He closed his eyes, embarrassed that he was desperate enough to cum that he'd hump her leg.
He felt like dying in embarrassment when he could already feel the need to cum. He was pathetic.
He tried to pace himself, rub himself to feel good but not cum all over himself.
But she would never miss a chance to embarrass him.
"nah uh, don't pace yourself. You are pathetic, we both know you are. So show me how pathetic you are." She demanded
He nodded his head and began to rub himself faster. Moans escaping his mouth as he clenched her thighs in his hands.
He could feel the build up. Panting as he rubbed himself against her as fast as he could. His jaw dropped as he silently whined when he felt his balls tightening.
"that it? Gonna cum?" She asked, her hands back to playing with his hair.
He couldn't answer, his brain melted. His insides were vibrating and his cock was throbbing.
The sound of her mocking giggle sent him over the edge. Whining loudly as he coated his boxers in his cum.
Slowly riding out his orgasm. Gasping as each movement of his hips made his cock sensitive. His tip hit the puddle of cum that now rested in his boxers.
His ears were red and burned. His face flushed in embarrassment.
"my good boy" she teased, dropping down to his eyesight. Smirking as her hand ran over the wet spot in his jeans. Loving the way he jumped and shivered.
"round one is done."
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fallinforerling · 2 years
LOVE ISN’T ETERNAL. chapter 4 - jb
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ೃ⁀➷ jude’s masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ jude’s taglist  
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
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The weekend arrived without any nasty surprises, which was very much appreciated. Jobe was still a bit bitter towards Jude for all the lies he told the family, but you convinced him to not pick any fights with his brother. Jude didn't deserve it, but you still cared about his family dynamic staying the same regardless of how he managed the breakup and everything that came after it.
Now you were laying in bed, not having the energy to do much. It's not like you were allowing yourself to be consumed by the grief or sadness (which you still felt), but you were a bit apathetic. Luckily, Nikki and Mia were coming over to help you with that. 
“I want this to end.” You whispered after a while, wanting to say something to fill up the silence in your apartment.
Because you truly wanted to get over him. Why bother grieving him? He has been partying and probably sleeping with girls every night since his arrival to London. And what were you doing? Missing him? Wishing he’d call? Having insomnia?
“Fucking prick.” At least insulting him was good therapy.
Before you could enter the space of mind where all you did was hate him and his existence, your phone started to ring. The only connection to the outside world this past week and a half was that little device.
Nikki was calling.
“Check my chat, girl. This is fucking insane. Go! We're almost there!” And then she hung up.
“What's up with Nikk and hanging up after saying things like that?” You laughed, expecting something funny or a photo of them. But no, it was a Twitter thread. When you clicked it, you almost had a heart attack.
“The fuck is this?!” You screamed.
The author of the thread simply wrote: “Jobe's new girlfriend???? I'm so jealous, who is sheeee???” followed with four photos per tweet. They were from the park meeting just a few days ago. There were photos of you hugging, when you were sitting together and when you started to leave the park.
At least it wasn't going viral, but there still were lots of people interacting with it. They were trying to guess who you were and for how long you two have been “dating”. A nightmare.
This had never happened in the ten months you dated Jude, mostly because privacy was important to him... And now you were mistaken for his little brother’s girlfriend? You felt like having a panic attack, but your front door opened and closed loudly, interrupting your thoughts. 
“Did you see it?” Mia said, entering your bedroom after a few seconds.
“How did you find it?”
“Oh, you know I love gossip. I was digging for some information and I came across it. Did you see the date? Someone posted it three days ago.” Nikki sat next to you, biting her lip.       
“Yeah…” Your brain started to analyze how it happened… Who took the photos without you noticing? The park was almost empty the whole time. Unless… “Fuck… I know who took those photos.” 
“Who?” Mia asked with apprehension. “Someone we know?” 
“No, far from it” With a sigh, you sat. “We met at a park near here. I've always liked that place because most of the time is empty… But that day I spotted a group of girls near us; I didn’t even payed them attention, they were far enough to not eavesdrop.” You covered your eyes, feeling frustrated. “They were teenagers, so of course they took the opportunity when they recognized him.” 
“Yikes, girl… Someone’s going to cancel you for dating a minor.” Nikki joked, winning a very small smile from Mia and you. 
“That’s not funny, my god.They probably will if they ever find who I am and my age.” You sighed, absolutely sick with the path your life was taking. “Why can’t I have one day of peace, huh? Life sucks.”
“Of course it sucks, that’s the main thing about living,” Mia said, sitting in your bed. “Well, let’s pray for that threat to die soon enough. You know how people are, they’re probably hunting for the next big gossip of the week.” 
“Yeah…” You grabbed your phone again, thinking about your next move. “I probably should send this to Jobe as well, I don’t want him to be taken by surprise if people begin asking about this.” A tiny smile peaked between your lips. “And let’s hope the girl he likes doesn’t find it either.”
“Do you know what else you need to start doing?” Nikki said while you send the link to Jobe, who started to laugh about the ridiculous assumption those girls made about you. 
“What?” You asked without paying much attention, smiling a bit when Jobe started to call himself Mr. Steal Your Girl. 
“Being a soulless, heartless, and cold girl for once. What about some clubbing, some fun… Some boys?” 
“You’re like the devil on her shoulder, Nikk,” Mia said, nudging Nikki’s arm. “But I agree, you need some fun. We forbid you from staying at home, drowning in your sadness. That boy doesn’t deserve it.” 
“Not one bit,” Nikki replied, hugging you. “I promise it will be super fun, just go out with us tonight.” 
Instead of responding, you took a look at the ground. There it is. You knew them too well, there was no way for them to “casually” suggest a night out; they had a plan. Their bags were on the floor, but you noticed a small bag that Nikki only took out of her house if she was planning to party: her makeup bag, which was essential if she was going out clubbing.
“Are you trying to persuade me into partying tonight?” You smiled, not even mad at the idea. 
“Maybe?” Both of them said, trying to look as innocent as possible. 
The three of you looked at each other with big smiles before laughing. 
“We’re going out tonight!” Mia screamed, gaining more laughs from Nikki and you. 
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The fun part about going out with Mia and Nikki was the part previous to the actual clubbing. There just was something magical about getting ready with them: the makeup with the collaboration of everybody, constantly changing outfits, Nikki persuading both of you to drink a little bit for good luck and Mia insisting that all of you needed smoky eyes, so guys felt intimidated. Most of it was nonsense, but they were your best friends in the whole world and you always felt extremely thankful for their support.
“Promise me you’re going to at least try dancing with the hottest guy that approaches you tonight.” Mia said while doing your smoky eyes (yeah, you gave in).
“I’ll try.” And you will because it wasn’t fair for you to stay in your comfort zone. If this whole thing didn’t cheer you up or make you feel better, then you could always find other ways to keep your mind occupied.
“That’s more than enough for me. Try to have fun, this is a girl’s night.” 
“And talking about girls. Put this dress on, the girls look stunning in it.” Nikki dropped a black dress on your lap. 
“No way!” You lifted it with a smile. “I completely forgot about this dress. I haven’t worn it since…” You paused, feeling uncomfortable. “Uh, Jude’s birthday.” 
“Well, who cares about that? You still look amazing.” Nikki smiled, obviously not about to let you think much about Jude. 
“Done!” Mia said after a few seconds, biting her lip. “This is my best work so far.” Her eyes were sparkling, so you believed her. 
Facing yourself in the mirror, you almost didn’t recognize the face that was looking back at you. You looked amazing; the color of your eyes popped, the glitter was doing the right job of not making it look too dark and the red lipstick was the final touch. You loved it. 
“That’s the face of a heartbreaker, girl.” Nikki admired your face for an instant before smiling. “Ah, I can’t wait for the boys to fight over you.” 
“Very funny, Nikk.” 
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The club Nikki choose was wild, especially since a manager was waiting for you at the door, guiding you to the balcony section of the club- which was the freaking VIP one.
“Nikk?” You half-screamed through the music, dying to know how she managed to pull this off. Mia seemed as confused as you were. “Anything you want to tell us?”
“About what?” She kept walking with the biggest of smiles.
“Uh… Us getting into the VIP section wiht no even five minutes of being here?”
“Oh, that?” Her smile grew bigger, if that was physically possible. “I know someone.”
Clearly, that was all the information you were getting. Mia gave you a look and the both of you silently decided that it was better if you didn’t dig into it.
“Tonight it’s about having fun, girls. My treat, don’t worry.” Nikki said once you were at the table, which already had a champagne bottle resting comfortably on an ice bucket. Three champagne glasses were next to it, patiently waiting for you. 
“Oh, so this is luxury, luxury.” Mia whispered, laughing a bit. 
“The fun it’s all that matters, trust me, Mia.” A waiter appeared out of nowhere, silently grabbing the bottle before smiling at all of you. 
“Welcome, ladies. May I open it now?” You nodded, and with one quick movement of his wrist, he had the job done. Impressive. “Hope you have a good night. Don’t forget you can always call a waiter with the button that’s underneath the table.” And then he was gone. 
“You were right, Mia. This is luxury luxury.” You accepted the glass Nikki offered you, excited for the night ahead. 
“Let’s enjoy it without actually wondering how much all this is, babe.” Was all she said before chugging her glass in one sitting. “I’m ready, give me another one.” 
“That’s what I’m talking about!" Nikki cheered, happy to see Mia engaged with tonight’s mission.                                                                                                     
“Come on, you need to chug that thing too, there’s more in here.” Nikki told you, already serving Mia’s second glass. 
“Fuck it.” You said before doing as Nikki said, chugging your champagne as carefully as possible so you didn’t choke. “If I end up vomiting all over the floor at the end of the night, I want you to know, I’m blaming you.” 
“That’s fine to me!” And then Nikki chugged her glass as well. 
Yeah, this night was going to be hella interesting.
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Needless to say that within two hours of clubbing you were pretty drunk. Not to the point of falling when trying to walk because the world was spinning or to the verge of unconsciousness, but a good point between being able to not care if something ridiculous escaped your mouth and dancing with strangers without giving it a second thought. 
Nikki had found some friends along the night, and now three more people, which were the nicest ever, were sitting at your table, chatting and laughing along. You enjoyed the their company, but felt the need to give yourself space to drink a very much needed glass of water in peace. 
So there you were, leaning against one of the multiple spaces in the balcony where little chairs were dispersed. It felt almost peaceful if you ignored the music blasting through the speakers or the many waiters going around the place, dealing with drunks and orders. 
“No way! Is that you?” A voice startled you, taking your mind away from the blankness it was immersed in. “I knew I wasn’t mistaking that face!” 
You turned, slightly pissed at the person that was basically yelling at you, until you realized it was Gio. Gio Reyna himself. 
“Gio?!” You didn’t know why, but the excitement made you scream. Maybe it was because you were drunk, but seeing Gio was one of the highlights of the night. “What the fuck are you doing here?” 
“I’m taking the few days off I have.” He hugged you tightly once you stood up, almost swiping you from the floor. “You look amazing! What are you doing here?” 
“Thanks! I’m with my friends, they’re right there!” You pointed to the table, where all kept chatting without noticing your encounter. “It’s a girl’s night!” 
“That’s cool! I thought you were with Jude, since he’s at London and all that.” 
Your smile never wandered from your face, not caring about Jude’s name being dropped from Gio’s lips. You shook your head, letting him know you weren’t with him today. Or ever, for that matter. 
“Nope, just my girls and I.” He kept looking at you like he was in front of a new person, not Jude’s “girlfriend”. You didn’t know if you liked it or felt bad about it. He was one of Jude’s good friends after all. “What about taking a picture? It’s been so long since we saw each other.” 
“Sure! Are you okay if I post it to IG?” 
“Of course, go for it.” 
Then the two of you moved to a more illuminated area, he took his phone and you knew this was one of a kind type of opportunity. Time to be the pettiest bitch I know. Taking advantage of him getting closer to you for the sake of the photo, you passed one arm over his shoulders, and after a couple of pics, you decided to give him a tiny peck on the cheek. 
“Let's see.” He said shyly. Aw.
A few of them were blurry, but most were decent and the peck one was fabulous, not only for the sake of your intentions, but also because of how good the two of you looked. Your makeup was still intact, and with the lighting, it shined in a very pretty way. Gio had a light blush due to the alcohol, his smile being evident, giving his already handsome face something else. 
“That one?” You said, picking the one you liked the most. 
“Yeah! We look amazing.” He started to set it but paused before publishing it. “Do you mind if I tag you?” 
“Go ahead, I have no problem.” And that was it. 
You said your goodbyes, and while returning to the table, you felt some type of triumph. Did this make you a bad person? 
“Where were you? We thought you got lost or something.” Mia said when you finally arrived, sitting beside Nikki. 
“So… I did a thing…”
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apinchofm · 10 months
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first meeting/modern au - edwina sharma x prince friedrich
for @tarrynmj
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"This is an expensive dress."
"As is this watch, perhaps that's why we are stuck like this."
Edwina cannot help but giggle at the situation. Leaving her hotel room, carrying multiple bags herself, plus her own clutch, was not the best idea. The dress, a deep pink with wide sheer sleeves was beautiful when she bought it.
She had not expected to bump into a stranger and get stuck to him. Sophie had said the dress would help her pull - Edwina did not think that she meant this!
The stranger was more amused than anything.
"Let's see," He hums gently as he works to unhook the material from his timepeice. A small thread had hooked itself onto the small movement.
"It is a beautiful watch." Edwina compliments weakly.
"It was my father's." He tells her.
He managed to unhook them, "Well, he was rather a, ah, lothario?" He says, "I do hope this was not one of his tricks."
"Um, I'm Edwina." She introduced.
"Freddie." He shook her hand and then looked at the time, "Ah, good, not late at all."
She gently grabbed his wrist to see that it was nearly six and cursed quietly whilst Freddie raised an eyebrow amused.
"Late for a meeting? Let me guess, an accountant?" Freddie asked.
"Oh, but this is all the rage at Barclays!" Edwina jokes, "No, it's my sister's bachelorette party." She began to pick up the glittery party bags.
"Here let me help. It is the least I can do." He takes four of the six bags and they walk to the elevator together as Edwina tries to avoid direct eye contact.
"These are beautiful party favors," Freddie says.
"Oh, I put them together - a little something for my sister and the group," Edwina explained.
"Slippers?" He gestures to the fluffy items wrapped in plastic.
"You do not know the pain of wearing heels for hours on a night out, do you?"
He clicked his tongue, "Second year of undergrad refreshers week - I won a bet." He says. She giggles. Stand up! Edwina scolded herself.
"You must be really close to be doing all this?" Freddie asked.
Edwina shrugs, "It's nothing. Kate, she would do the same. She's always taken care of me and I just want all of this to go well. For her to have so much fun before going on to have more fun. And I love planning things. And gift bags. This was perfect for me!"
Freddie smiled gently at her enthusiasm as she looked away, her face warm with embarrassment.
"I am the eldest myself." He tells her, "My sister is still in school - uh, year 12? She wants to be a vet and wants me to get married so she can wear a ball gown."
"Oh good for her. You are a cruel brother, depriving her of the occasion!" Edwina playfully gasped.
He grinned, "I am just awful. What about you?"
"What about me?"
"Will your sister be struggling with gift bags with slippers and candy anytime soon?"
"I'm not the greatest at dating." Edwina said sheepishly, "I mean, I have been on dates but..." She shuts her eyes in embarrassment as she rambles and stutters.
But Freddie wasn't teasing or judgmental, smirking and said, "You are single. Good. I still have a chance."
They reached the ground floor and he dutifully followed her to the hotel bar and restaurant to the booked table.
Kate was at the bar, dressed in a mini silver dress and excited to see her sister escorted by a very handsome man.
Kate mouthed 'who's the hot guy?' from behind and Edwina's eyes widened in embarrassment.
"Thanks." She said shyly to Freddie who grinned.
"Have a fun night," He said with a wink and then left, but not before looking back at the funny woman in pink.
Kate smirked, then deepened her voice, "Have a fun night," She said mockingly, "I think he wanted to have a good night with you."
"Shut up. He was just a nice man." Edwina scolded and decided to distract her sister by waving her goody bag in front of her face which only worked momentarily.
"You are beautiful, bon. Thank you for all of this."
"Well, how else shall I celebrate your first marriage?" Edwina teased, making her laugh.
"Anyway, who was the cute man?"
Edwina shrugged, "I don't know. Our rooms are next to each other."
"Ooh, maybe it's fate!" Kate teased.
Edwina shook her head but there was a part of her that hoped so. She didn't realize that Freddie felt the same way.
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year
Marjorine x reader pt 3
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Playlist: Like the sun
Warning: swearing
Background: You start your rejection therapy.
Status: Ongoing
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Next part
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'Rejection Therapy
It'd been a while since you and Marjorine made your arrangement. And while you had taught Marjorine a lot more about sewing and Marjorine had tried her best to teach you to be more social, you still hadn't made many friends. Marjorine would come over and you'd teach them how to sew while they teach you how to be more comfortable around people.
"So then you pin this part." You mutter pinning the back of the skirt you made on your mannequin.
"Can you still cut the length after this?" Marjorine asked looking at the skirt closely.
"Yeah, but you need to make sure the threads don't get all weird at the bottom." You say looking over at them.
Your phone went off and you sigh putting down your measuring tape, pins, and scissors. This is how you two managed how to handle the time you had with each other. You would have an hour of teaching Marjorine before school and then after the hour Marjorine had all school day to teach you. You grab your bag and head out with Marjorine.
"Ok, now it's my turn," They said grabbing her bag and following you. "Ok, so I thought about a new game we could do."
"Will it make me want to kill myself?" You ask sarcastically as you walk outside.
"Hey, you're using sarcasm," They said with a smile. "But I hope not? Anyway, we're gonna start your rejection therapy."
"Rejection therapy?" You ask confused.
"You're not gonna like this but you have to get really uncomfortable around strangers." They said nervously making you shake your head.
"Nope no not doing it." You say as you walk faster.
"Come on Y/N you need to. You won't get comfortable if you don't get uncomfortable." They said catching up with you.
"Come on Leo that's too much. It's bad enough you started making me order our food when we go out. Now you're gonna make me look like an idiot." You said with a frown.
"We'll start off slow I promise." They said taking your hand as you approached the school. "Come on trust me."
You look at them and sigh. "Fine but only if I can use you as my mannequin."
"Deal." They said with a smile as you two walked into school. "Now your first task is simple. Go up to Jimmy to ask him to tell you a joke."
"Do I really have to?" You asked looking up at them.
"You made a deal." They said letting go of your hand and pushing you towards Jimmy who was taking a book out of his locker.
You took a deep breath and stood next to Jimmy's locker. You knew who Jimmy was, he was like the most popular person in school just from how nice he was but you'd never spoken to him.
"H-hey Jimmy." You say catching his attention to which he closed his locker and looked over to you with a smile.
"H-hey w-w-what can I d-do for y-you?" He asked
You hesitate for a second but try your best to calm down. "C-can you tell me a j-joke?"
Your face turns bright red and you close your eyes tightly waiting for him to say no, but Jimmy's smile grows wider. "O-of c-course!"
You look up at him and see he was more than excited to fulfill your request. You nod and stand up straight.
"D-did you h-hear that the e-e-economy is s-so bad a p-picture is not only w-worth 200 words," Jimmy said and then smiled seeming to pause for your laughter.
You look at him for a second and then burst into giggles which seemed to please Jimmy.
"W-wow what a great audience." He said making you only laugh harder.
Once you finally composed yourself you look up at him with a smile. "Thanks, Jimmy. I'll see you around." You say seemingly more confident and turn back to Marjorine.
"See wasn't so bad." They said with a smile.
"Ok yeah maybe you do have some good ideas." You said playfully punching their shoulder causing them to laugh.
As you two walked to class a group of boys walked up to you both interrupting the conversation you were in the middle of. You recognized a few of them. You knew Cartman as a wrestler that was actually good at what he did but was mostly known as an asshole. You knew Kyle from the class he had with you and Marjorine. But you didn't know the tall blonde and the guy with black hair next to them.
"Oh hey, fellas," Marjorine said with a smile.
It was clear they all knew each other which made you a bit nervous because you hadn't spoken to the guys before. You move closer to Marjoine gently reaching for their hand for comfort which they gladly give you.
"Hey, Butters do you have the answers for geometry?" The black-haired boy asked.
"Oh I don't I'm sorry, but.." They started and then looked over at you making you blush and shake quietly pleading with your eyes for them not to do what they were about to do. They of course ignored you. "Y/N does."
You shut your eyes tightly and cringe when the words left their mouth. The guys then turn their attention to you.
"Do you mind if we see them you'd be a lifesaver?" The blond said stepping closer to you causing you to take a step back slightly hiding behind Marjorine now.
"Woah is she ok?" Cartman said with a laugh making you even more embarrassed.
"Hey, it's ok," Marjoine whispered to you with a smile. "Think of it as your second task."
You nod and take a deep breath. You slowly reach into your bag and hand them your homework which they all pass around to take pictures of the paper.
"How did you even figure this out? It's so fucking confusing." Kyle muttered examining the paper which was ripped out of his hands by Cartman.
"I-it's not that hard honestly the teacher just doesn't know how to explain it well. Honestly, I just look up the lesson on youtube and watch videos on it in class and ignore the teacher." You say stepping out from behind Marjorine looking up at Kyle. "Look let me see the paper real quick."
The blond boy took the paper from Cartman's hands and handed it to you. The boys surrounded you as you casually explained how to solve the problems. The blond boy wrapped his arm around your shoulder which you hadn't even noticed as you were too into explaining.
"Wow, it actually doesn't look that hard." The black-haired boy said.
"Yeah, Butters your girlfriend is pretty smart." Cartman teased making you blush.
Marjorine blushed and took your hand pulling you away from the boys. "We're just friends." They muttered.
"Oh yeah?" The blond boy said with a smirk looking down at you.
"W-we should go, class, is bout to start," Marjorine said taking dragging you to class with them.
You gladly followed but when you looked back the boys were staring at you two and the blond boy still had a smirk on his face as he waved. You turned back to Marjorine and blushed harder.
Once you two walked into class and took your seats you looked over at Marjoine and saw they were still blushing. You scooted a bit closer and put your hand on their forehead.
"You ok?" You asked quietly.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean for them to think we were a couple." They muttered avoiding eye contact with you. "I understand if you want to stop being friends."
"Leo." You say touching their cheek for them to face you. "It's ok. I don't mind. I don't want to stop being with you like this."
They blushed and nodded. You smiled and sat down in your seat normally leaving Leo there a blushing mess. You put your head in your hand becoming a blushing mess of your own. Was it really that bad that people thought you were a couple? Should it bother you? Why does it kind of make you happy?
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A/N: I know I'm sorry for barely posting 😭 idk what's wrong with me but guys I can barely stay awake anymore. MB im trying my best to stay awake to write these so hopefully i can upload kenny pt 4 tomorrow but i make no promises. Anyway love you all so so so so so much thank you for reading. 🩷
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krsive-writes · 1 year
Rickorty Week 2023: Any Which Way
Title: Don't You Dare Fool ME
Author: krsive
Rating: T
Tags/Warnings: High School AU
Rick should never have listened to Tammy, but she was Brandon’s girlfriend now and his best friend was so pussy-whipped that he had lost his damn mind. He was always telling Rick she wasn’t so bad, that they should just let her have her way, that he needed to loosen up. Who the hell had ever told Rick to loosen up?! Ridiculous. She was a megabitch, but Brandon couldn’t see it and Sam was too high all the time to really make much of an ally. So when Tammy sprang the dare on him in the popular kids’ group text, Rick had found himself quite alone in objecting.
Fine. They had bribed him eventually with some molly and so tonight he had found himself picking up Morty Smith to be his date to homecoming.
It didn’t go the way Rick had expected at all. Morty was cute, now that Rick actually stopped to look, and his company felt like a warm glow, like a fire in the hearth in the deep midwinter. He was almost too shy to look at Rick at all, but he laughed at his jokes with such sincerity. He was clearly nervous about showing up to the dance with a boy, and Rick had sympathy for his fretting; coming out wasn't easy. Everyone knew that Rick was a shameless pansexual slut, but rumors about Morty's sexuality had been pure speculation. That was why, Tammy had explained, this was going to be so epic.
Halfway through the first slow dance, Rick had started to doubt his mission. It felt so nice to hold the other boy in his arms. There was something about their connection that was so electric. Rick hadn't ever felt this way about a date before. No crush had ever had his heart in his throat like this.
As the dance progressed he had grown even more jittery. Now was supposed to be the time.    Rick had driven them to the park near his house to sit on the picnic tables and watch the stars twinkle. He took belts from his flask, hoping to fortify himself and just get the stupid dare over with. He chain smoked, too, lighting each new one with the glowing cherry of the previous as they chatted nervously.
''H-Hey, Rick?" Morty, eyes cast down, picked at a loose thread on his cuff.
''I had s-such a good time," he said. He spoke slowly, like he was navigating a minefield one step at a time.
"Good." Was it, though? Maybe this would be easier if Morty had already been disillusioned. ''That was the point, right?''
''I guess. But..." He glanced up at Rick and back down.
Rick gave him some time to go on, but the air remained still. "But what?" he prompted.
"But why did you ask me out?" There was a thickness to his voice now. "You don't know me. You're probably the most popular guy in school a-a-and I'm just the kid who gets shoved in lockers."
''That's, uh..." Rick flicked his cigarette away; it didn't taste so good anymore. "That's pretty insightful, there."
"Everyone thinks I'm so s-stupid, so I guess you thought I wouldn't notice it was weird."
"Yeah…I guess you're not so dumb, after all."
Rick had a sudden need to not be there, so he stood abruptly and walked down the slope to the bank of the pond. He picked up a stone and sent it skipping over the calm waters. Morty wasn't far behind, but at least on his feet Rick felt a little less trapped.
"So why?" Morty demanded. ''What's the deal? Wh-Why are you even hanging out with me?"
"Mysterious popular guy reasons." With a sharp throw, Rick skipped another stone.
"It's not funny.''
"I'm not laughing.''
"I just wished i-it could be real." Morty was definitely crying now. Rick resisted the urge to look. "You did everything so romantic. And w-w-we slow danced and everything. I guess I really am stupid."
A third stone went flying over the dark water. "I had a good time, too. I had a great time."
"Sure, I'm a liar. But I mean this one."
"You know I'm just unpopular and ugly and stupid, s-so just take me home, Rick!"
"You're not ugly. You're kind of infuriatingly cute."
"Stop it." Pathetic, Morty sniffled wetly.
Finally, Rick turned to face the other boy. He reached out and took his hand, and he held it though Morty tried to jerk away. Rick pulled him close and slipped his arm around him. They both breathed unevenly, frozen in the moonlight.
"I'm gonna kiss you, now," said Rick, slow and even like Morty was a frightened horse.
Morty's rose petal lips tasted like his salt tears, but that felt somehow so perfect, It was like he could taste the intensity of the moment. The spark Rick felt as soon as they touched nearly took his legs from under him. He clutched tighter, pulling Morty's tiny body against his own. Everything else fell away, all the sludge of Rick's misery sloughed off to leave this perfect moment unsullied. Morty's mouth opened for his tongue so eagerly. This kiss was different from any Rick had ever felt. It was like their hearts had synced up with the press of their lips. Morty moaned into his mouth.
When Rick pulled away, Morty clutched at his shirt and bounced up on his toes to try and chase the kiss. He had lost all control, crying so hard now. Rick brushed tears from his cheeks. He felt such a strong need to protect this boy. Self hatred coiled in wait at the edge of his mind, waiting to punish him for what he had meant to do to this sweet angel.
"Be my novio," he said, surprising both of them. Yet as soon as the words took form, he felt the true desire in them.
"Boyfriend. Be my boyfriend."
Morty, still crying, studied Rick's face. "Wh-Why did you ask me to the dance?"
"Come on, Morty. I-I don't want to talk about that."
"Why? I need to know the truth."
"It doesn't matter anymore, ok? I like you now. I want us to be together."
"I can't do it i-i-if you can just lie to me." Morty was shaking so hard he could barely keep his feet, so Rick scooped him up in his arms to carry him back to the picnic tables.
"It was a dare," he said, looking anywhere but Morty's face.     
“I knew it.” Morty's voice echoed up out of a pit of misery.
"I was supposed to try and get a picture of your dick and show it to those assholes."
Morty only cried harder. He tried to speak but nothing came out right.
Rick placed him gently on the tabletop. "It's not like that any more."
"I wanna go h-home."
"Will you just listen to me? I want you to be my boyfriend. I don't want you to cry anymore.” Rick clasped Morty's hand in his own. "I've never been someone's boyfriend and I—I just know I’m gonna be a fuckup but you make me feel things, Morty, and I want to try for you, so please?"
"Your friends will make fun of you if you really mean it."
"Then they're dicks and I don't wanna be like that anymore. I'd rather lose all of them than do this stupid bet to you"
"If you don't care about your reputation then why do you care about my reputation?”
"Because I deserve it and you don't." Rick placed a tender kiss on Morty’s forehead. "I can take it. Fuck anyone who wants to keep us apart. You..." Rick grit his teeth, breathed through his nose. "Please, Morty?"
Morty buried his face against Rick's chest. A light breeze ruffled Rick's hair, tickling his ear. For a long time, it was quiet between them.
''O-Ok. Yes.” Morty’s lip was trembling when he looked up at Rick. “I want that. I want it so bad."
Rick crushed Morty’s body against his own. He didn't know what to say. A thrill shook him and left him exhausted in its wake. They found each other's lips again, and there was fire between them now. Rick swallowed Morty's sobs right off of his tongue.
The heat faded gradually, and Rick slipped his phone from his pocket. He broke away from Morty's sweet kisses just long enough to open the camera app and get the two of them in frame. Arm looped around Morty's neck, Rick took a picture of himself kissing Morty on the corner of his mouth, flipping off the camera all the while. Morty even giggled when he was done. Rick felt his heart brighten, lighting him up from within. This was going to be the best adventure, he could just feel it.
Later that night, after makeouts and mosquito bites and the inevitable fight with his dad after missing curfew, Rick sat in his room smiling at the photographic evidence of his good fortune. He sent the photo to the group text, along with a caption.
>> Joke's on you guys, I fell in love.
And that's Day 1! So far, so fun!
You guys can find my collection on AO3 at this link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47972983
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gecko-s-greenhouse · 11 months
a thread about my shithole job
when i asked my therapist about workplace trauma and how to move forward from it, she suggested setting some time aside to feel my feelings and journal about it. so that's what i'm going to do, because i'm determined to move on from all the ways that i was mistreated at that shithole job now that it's been 5 months (lol).
for context, my first job out of my PhD was at a tiny startup of fewer than 10 employees. i felt lucky to land the job because the biotech job market was in a bad place at the end of 2022 (it's worse now at the end of 2023), and luckier still because the company sang a (lying) tune about company culture that i bought into. the job ranged from okay to a total dumpster fire and i'll get into the details below, and then after 5 months, i was unceremoniously laid off. (alternately, my entire team of 2 was unceremoniously restructured.)
and because i signed a non-disparagement agreement to get my severance, i can't tell you the company's name. i assume not all of these issues occur at other companies,
topics that i want to cover:
my own timeline of events.
company retreat.
what i wish i had said to my shitty ex-manager when she fired me.
cult of personality.
how to create a healthy work environment. (the short version: consume any/all media that anne helen petersen puts out)
dating among the c-suite.
"i'm not here to make friends."
qualities of a good manager.
respecting time off.
i regret not taking more time off.
what does giving employees an honest chance look like?
valuing humans over success; failure is always on the table.
and others that i'm sure will spring to mind.
today's topics:
company retreat.
for context, about 2 months into my time at this company, we went for a 3 day/2 night ski retreat.
the invite went out after i had accepted the position, but before i had started, so i felt like this was "mandatory fun" and forced team bonding time that i had to attend (even though the text of the email said no pressure!), so i accepted, but made clear from the beginning that i am not a skiier and would not be joining the downhill skiing activities.
come the week of the event, work was a flaming shitshow. we were in our first sprint week at this startup, and two new hires were visiting from oot so we had to entertain them and make it seem like work was chill even though we were working overtime.
actually being on retreat was fine, i guess? we did cabin activities, they went skiing and i did other snow stuff. it was awkward but manageable. the CEO covered activity fees for only the downhill skiiers, so i, notably not in this group, had to pay my own way for tubing, skating, and snowshoeing all by my lonesome.
i now regret not asking for my activity fees to be covered also.
we get home, and the CEO sends out a group photo. that was taken at the top of the ski mountain.
let that sink in for a moment.
ask yourself, who was not included in the picture?
and to make matters worse, i was never, at any point during this retreat, invited to be in a group photo.
that was the first time i cried over this shithole job, and the first time that i told myself that i wasn't going to care anymore. (first time? because i wasn't good at holding myself to it.) startups want their employees to be part of a shitty family, and i was no longer having it.
to make matters worse, when i was being hired, the CEO had fed me a lying story about how "we're not like other startups" and want to focus on employee well-being over the other cultish aspects of stereotypical startup culture.
what i wish i had said to my shitty ex-manager when she fired me.
i don't appreciate being patronized. the first thing she said to me was, "this may come as a surprise, but..." haha no, this was not a surprise in any way, shape, or form. i've known that you wanted to fire me from that joke of a performance review* (more on this later) a month ago, right up through this meat grinder of a so-called "second chance" you've given me. i guess i am only surprised that you fired me right in the middle of a field trial where i'm a member of the team of two that handles every sample that comes through.
just because you don't like what my data says doesn't mean it's bad data. 'nuff said.
if you're restructuring, why can't i be absorbed into another function of the company? why do you have to look me in the eye, lie to me and tell me that you think i'm a great scientist, but apparently not one who can learn how to contribute to other functions that i am fully capable of doing and you know it?
what's this bullshit about "effective immediately"? (don't @me about MA at will employment, i know the law but i'm talking here about decency, which i guess is a foreign concept to you.) shouldn't i be given a couple days to tie up loose ends, tell you how to find my shit, and say a non-rushed goodbye to those of my colleagues who i did come to like? and ESPECIALLY because i had requested several days of pto THAT YOU HAD APPROVED starting literally the next day? this feels like a move for YOU, so you don't have to look at me any more than you have to after you made this decision.
also, in the state of massachusetts, it would be polite to lay people off with enough lead time that they can acquire health insurance in a timely manner. assembling the necessary documents takes time, and the last day to sign up for the next month's coverage is the 23rd day of the prior month. lesson learned: negotiate a severance package that includes health coverage. again, i understand that decency is a foreign concept to you.
what gives you the right to play games with people's lives? this thought really took shape as my nutbag ex-manager continued to arbitrarily fire people, including one on an O1 visa. consider my situation: i had been at this company for 5 months and got laid off. any decent manager looking in would see this and immediately recognize that the problem is with the company (funding?) and the management rather than with me, a young scientist who hasn't even been given the standard amount of time to fuck up learn the ropes (1 year) before being shown the door. alternately, what gives you the right to brand me as someone who behaves poorly? (because that's the only other reason a stranger would think that i was laid off so quickly?) for example, my friend and former colleague, upon finding out that i lasted only 5 months at the company, immediately asked if the company was having money problems, but he's someone who knows me and knows that i'm not a jerk, but that's not immediately obvious to a stranger. what gives you the right?
you are running your company into the ground. i don't care if your science is impeccable (it's clearly not based on my data), but it's clear to me that your company is going to fail if you keep treating your employees like this. the consensus among former employees of the company, both the ones who were laid off and the ones who left of their own volition
i hope you fail. i will gleefully eat my popcorn WHEN it happens.
also, i want my stuff back. (i wouldn't have forgotten it if you'd given me more notice!)
to be continued.
also, am i supposed to talk about my feelings too? overwhelmingly angry that at an incompetent inexperienced and scared manager treated my life/career/future as a gigantic joke to her, but also disappointed in myself that i signed on in the first place, and sad to have lost a year that i could have otherwise spent building my career to this total nonsense. bad times all around.
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highsocietyhq · 6 months
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"The end of a melody is not its goal: but nonetheless, had the melody not reached its end it would not have reached its goal either. A parable."
ADMIN E here, writing one stupidly long love letter to the group ! so this is it, hshq has come to its end. this is a very bittersweet moment but it still feels oddly right. i would have loved to see hshq thrive indefinitely but once every story has been written out, there's not much to expand on. i'm laughing at the fact that we really closed on april fool's day: very poetic, don't you think ? when i think about hshq, i sort of imagine it as this sanctuary that has remained the same at its essence thorough the years. i joined the group as a high school freshman. back then i had bounced from group to group, always losing muse or the group closing before it had even properly even opened. little did i know i'd find myself adminning the group for almost a decade !!!! we've seen so many plotlines and characters, the level of writing in this group has always astonished me. some pieces of writing have even stuck with me and it's been amazing to see how much everyone has matured over the years. one-liners ended up getting forgotten, which was both a good and a bad thing: i liked how every reply had more substance but i was saddened by the fact that easy-going and quick back-and-forth interactions disappeared because of it. i've laughed at the silly threads, funny quips, and awkward interactions. i've genuinely shed a tear or two having read the most heart-breaking or self-loathing texts. i don't know if it's a good thing that i've become so invested in the fictional lives of these fictional royals but i really hope to read how their stories end. it almost feels like saying a goodbye to dear friends.
ADMIN J here, embarrassingly emotional to say goodbye ! when i first joined this group, teen wolf and reign fcs dominated the rpc. starters with no prose, bar the text on gigantic gifs, were horrifically rampant. and, on the opposite side of the spectrum, rarely would you ever see muns over the age of 19 ( imagine being old and writing about a silly little fictional royal ??? ). i never would have pictured that we'd still be here, all these years later, on the other side of it all. many of us weren't allowed to legally drink when we'd first joined, and now we're finishing up degrees and at our adult jobs ?? this makes me sick. it's so insane to think about how much we've all grown in our time with hshq. eve put it perfectly – it's been a sanctuary over so many years and it's brought me such joy to refresh my dash to keep up to date with my favourite otps – and the list is long. the rpc wasn't kind to my timezone, but you guys have made my late nights extremely worth it. from the wild events, to the crazy outfit posts, to angsty paras, and silly one-liners, you've kept me sat. it's been an absolute joy for us, over the past decade or so, to have built a world with such a rich history and complex characters – wiki pages for fictional characters ? i will never not be impressed by the sheer talent in this group. thank you for sharing your stories with us and letting us be a part of it.
ADMIN EVY here and i want to start by saying thank you. i know e and j have already said it but truly the predominant feeling when it comes to this group is gratitude. it was your dedication that kept hshq going for the better part of a decade ( and if you've been here since chambord, pretty much an entire one ). thank you for plotting, not only with me but with each other, this group is unique in a sense that even the tiniest of plotlines ties into a major web and could develop into either a huge dramatic outcome or one of the best inside jokes ever. lawn chairs still make me chuckle sometimes. opening the dash to me always felt like therapy, every single day it left me in awe of your creativity and talent, of the amazing group of writers we managed to collect over the years, the storylines you've created, developed and put into words in the most brilliant of ways. even the silly threads that would get us all opening our laptops at ungodly hours because someone created a funny joke and we all wanted to be a part of it. those are moments i'll remember fondly and actually feel heartbroken that they won't happen anymore. having been here for so long i feel like we didn't just create a little writing community or are a group of people with a hobby and an interest in common, this group really is a little family that i'll cherish forever, regardless if we'll stay in touch after this or not. for eight years you all and this space were a safe haven for us and each other, a lot of times reading your threads was the best part of my day, brought a smile to my face or made my heart ache. we were so invested in these characters that we felt how they felt and that's a product of your talent, your dedication and our bond to you and this group. i will forever be thankful to you all for being a part of this group and staying with us for so long and until now.
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ghostlytalkin · 1 year
Here is a list I've complied of Cody-Ben issues for anybody confused, also to answer a ton of the asks in my inbox, also collected from anons on @rpsense (which they are lovely I adore them go look at them)
Likes to harass women or female looking people.
Low/high key, made a fetishizing comments about muns to said muns
He plays one character primarily which is Ben Winters, Dylan O'brien fc. Ben is the worse, very much has main character syndrome.
He has to be involved in any major plot or be the center of attention. Throws a fit if somebody doesn't like him.
Tricks people into joining servers under the guise of them plotting for whatever group. Once in the server starts pressuring them about doing 1x1 plots and gets upset when they don't want to do it
Always does body switching plots. Which can be fun but then expects that the characters fuck
Doesn't take no for an answer, and bullies to get his way
Uses his autism as an excuse when people confront him about being uncomfortable with his actions.
Has lied and called people ableist for confronting him. Even those that are also neurodivergent
He hides behind being autistic to get away with things
Gets mad at people for playing autistic characters, especially if they are women
Believes that all female characters want to fuck Ben winters
Serial harasser of muns, muses, and the works that present as fem.
Had some weird ass competition with male muses and curses them for "starting shit" when he wasn't doing anything
Just really skeezy and likes to harass fem looking people and muses
Throws a fit if Dylan O'brien isn't allowed in groups and also will try and force people out if somebody else is playing him
Acts like this character is the most powerful and desirable, gets upset if he's not
Told a mun that he wishes he was a woman so he could date and fuck their female muse
Asked a lesbian character if he was the exception to her not saying men. Didn't see a problem with it when it was pointed out that wasn't cool
When a character expressed she wasn't interested in Ben, he made a text thread flirting with her. Then when that didn't work thought it was a good idea for Ben to break into her house and make her dinner from her groceries. Again, saw no problem with it and thought it was a romantic gesture
Got angry with a character saying that she and Ben were dating. Threw a massive fit about people knowing for literally no reason. Jokes on them both characters suck and the girl was a copied character
(ALLEGEDLY) Sent confessions about Ben in servers confessions channels then got confused, upset, annoyed, Ben was mentioned (actually I remember seeing him botch a confession about ben once and he posted it without confessions. He disappeared offline for three days)
Tried to take over an event in a group to make Ben the center of attention, was told no, tried anyways
Went on snapchat and burned a picture of a girl, cursing about her because she rejected him
A manipulative, controlling edgelord that expects people to bend backwards for him
Hides behind his autism to escape being held responsible. Making it seem like those with autism don't understand or care about boundaries and will disrespect them
Complains nonstop if you are even slightly snarky towards cody ben. If you play a man character like I do expect to be complained about and told to be nice
Joins and ghosts servers until an event or he wants attention. Directs convo to him each time
Cannot take no for an answer, EVER
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
Do you think that’s how Spring begins? With a group message on tree facebook?
it's the last of our non-finale episodes and we are watching "In The Forest Of The Night." do you get the feeling that Clara is maybe... kind of unhinged? (I say currently watching the next episode, but also there were hints)
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 10/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored, or given agency to her emotional interiority): 7/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 5/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 5/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 5/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 8/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 5/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 7/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 6/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 6/10
FULL RATING: 65/100 (if I can count….)
for an episode with so many child-actors in it, I don't haaate it. it's certainly giving more hope than many this season. I also note that this season has a lot of episodes with the main thread being "the Doctor misjudges the situation."
Into the Dalek the Doctor is compelled to "turn the Dalek Good Again," Robot of Sherwood and Robin is not a robot, Listen and the Doctor is making a whole bunch of misconceptions, Time Heist and it's the Doctor's heist, Kill the Moon and he misreads Clara, Flatline and he's hoping the creatures are good, and now this... the main point is that many of these misjudgements last for almost a whole episode
I feel like that's interesting, and done enough to be on purpose
OBJECTIFICATION: seriously, are we free of this? at last???
PLOT-POINT: Clara makes a choice to leave the Doctor to die along with the rest of humanity, and also there's a lot of her and Danny's relationship in this and Is Danny Ill-Used By Clara? I don't mean that as a "is Clara #Problematic" (because as we'll see next episode and have had hinted all season, Clara is a bit unhinged actually)," but more "is Danny's relationship with Clara something where she sees him as an extension of herself, rather than as his own person, and does she play games where she can keep control of every situation, which has been said in other episodes about her"
when Danny calls out that she's been lying to him, when she tries to compel Danny onto the Tardis, when he ends up giving her another chance to explain herself on her terms, etcetc. that's the real 👀👀👀 of the episode
because the "I don't want to be the last of my species" is eh, whatever, seriously if you genuinely think the earth is about to end you bundle those pre-teens onto that spaceship and deal with the trauma of losing their parents later as far as I'm concerned
COMPLEXITY: I like trees. trees like us. ignore the CGI animals. good trees. gosh I'm tired. trees. there's a bit of silliness about how trees feature in all your scaaaary fairytales, which wasn't really necessary in my opinion, and is this thing that happens so often in M*ffat era of trying to make everything into a story within a story, even when it definitely Is Not, but apart from that
it does have a whole thing about a kid who hears voices and it turns out it's her disappeared sister who maybe got briefly swallowed by the trees but then comes back at the end? unclear, may have been silly not to notice what was going on there, but fairly sure this wasn't entirely explained
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: the Doctor's hearts grew three sizes that day, because he was schooled by some kids (genuinely enjoyed that)
the Doctor also is seeing that Clara genuinely really likes Danny... I know the word "love" has been bandied around, I'm not sure they're quite there in my head, but fuckit, they've had episodes that show them places. they went on a date. there's clearly stuff happening beyond what we see. I'll take it
and seeing that Danny ain't all bad
also Clara... may be unhinged. more on that next time!
Missy was there again... I was saying "Missy" until this point because ooooh who could it be -- but from now on we're going Master, fuck this noise. The Master. none of that "Missy" nonsense. The Master is there being like oooh interesting
COMPANIONS MATTER: this one's really about the kids doing stuff, and that's fine. I... am a grouch about kids in this era, because there's a lot of episodes with kids in the Tardis and this is fully a show for kids, but so often they're just not well-written and there's definitely some Stuff like that in here, but for the most part this lot are chill
I have a question about how this particular school is going to have a bunch of kids convinced they've been in a spaceship and what that'll do to them (like how Love & Monsters is about a man who met the Doctor as a kid and it changed his whole damn life), but eh
Clara is there. as a teacher. she sort of does some teachery things. neither her nor Danny initially notice that they're missing a kid which is wild, but I'll let it slide
Clara makes a very particular choice about "not wanting to live without her species" where it's all about saving the Doctor, because the kids would rather see their parents than... not die, which goes on the list of frankly bonkers things this show has had Clara do. Really Clara? as their current caregiver, you'd not save them from heat death because they'd be sad about their parents? is that... hmmm.....
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: the Doctor gets it all wrong in this one and then the episode kind of ends
this is a bit of the downside of this style of writing -- the Doctor isn't particularly proactive in a couple of these episodes. the balance is a little off. I would have liked to have seen a bit more idk. we've communicated with the trees or something
make the trees more central as characters in a way, drop the CGI wolves and have there be more of an investigation. a lot of this episode was a bit passive
thiiiiis episode though has the Doctor echoing words in Kill The Moon, and rephrasing them: "This is my earth too, I walk your earth, I breath your air" -- I don't think we've had real development between these episodes for the Doctor to reach this conclusion, but I like it on its own. I think that's a wider issue with season 8 which is that the overarching character development of it is... poor. but that's not this episode's issue, so much as an overarching problem
maybe should make a season recap...
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: there's not much in this one. stands alone. Idk I kind of think this one could have benefited from a bit of connection, there's something very flee-floating about this episode, where it's sort of talking about ostensibly grand themes of survival of humanity, but you're sitting there the whole time going "yeah but earth's not really threatened and it's not quite... about anything"
and I think if it had somehow given some more context, given it a bit more grounding in the lore, so the free-floating stuff wasn't totally on its own, it would have worked better
“SEXINESS”: SERIOUSLY ARE WE FINALLY FREE!!!?? there's this one suspect line where a kid is like (paraphrased) "of course Mr Pink and Ms Oswald like each other they keep arguing," which made me squint. Oh kids, don't take in that alloromantic, het nonsense!
INTERNAL WORLD: listen, a Doctor Who episode going "and then everybody will forget" is fine enough I guess. better than just letting "and then the earth was covered in trees" hang there, although if one were to be pedantic (watch me) one might point out that suddenly appearing trees would have done some wild things to places that would have gotten people killed, and so I don't think it would be quite so possible to just... forget
it's very much a fairytale in that it doesn't explain much on purpose, but it doooes have a bit of cop out, especially since M*ffat era uses this as an excuse to undermine the lore in his own era constantly. this episode feels a bit more like it's intentionally a fairytale, but... it's been a looong M*ffat era and there's still more to come
POLITICS: this episode has an odd thing about a girl who "sees" things and "has fits," and it's actually for a scifi reason, which doesn't age greaaat as a concept -- he basically says that if a child is speaking, you should listen, which is great, I see the purpose of it, but also is one of those tropes of "psychopathy/hallucinations are actually the universe telling you things" which, I mean, I get how it got there on this show, hopefully is aged out now
it does have stuff about please be nice to trees, because trees are great! but also again, this is a very free-floating episode, and while it is for kids, I think it needed to just. have some kind of grounding somewhere
gosh I love trees though
FULL RATING: 65/100 (if I can count….)
I feel a bit inverse about this one to "Flatline" in that the more I think about it, the more holes poke out and the less it works as a story. It's a bit unformed, a bit rambling, and while I like the idea of there being no threat, except the one humanity creates, it's kind of undercut by other episodes in which there is very much a threat! also the trees could have felt like characters, but didn't really
it scans a bit like a last minute entry, kinda like how Fear Her back in s2 has good moments, but is soooo unpolished
I mean, I don't hate it. I don't think it totally works, but as you see in this rating it's not making me foam at the mouth or anything
and that puts us... at finale time! of s8!
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isittherightword · 1 year
For a long time when I looked at myself after leaving residency I really saw myself as a failure. As a person who set out on a path and got swallowed in the fire of it all. Someone who fell short, who wasn't enough, who was pathetic and too weak to finish what they started. I saw myself through my parents eyes. I internalized the messaging and have long believed I was all of those things. I stopped seeing myself as a person who had finished medical school, graduated at the top of my class, who was brilliant and driven. Without that certificate I have long felt I was nothing.
Over time my narrative softened, I decided I was perhaps lazy or not cut out for hard work. I made jokes about my 8 step skin care regimen and liking sleep and having hobbies. Underneath that narrative was the undertow of self loathing and inadequacy that I had never truly let go of. But at least it wasn't the violent berating of my early California days.
The inability to fully release the narrative that I am a failure and lazy and a shameful cautionary tale of squandered potential I believe directly coincides with the thread of hope I had of being a daughter who was deserving of love from her mother and father. The belief that I was nothing, I now realize, was me seeing myself through their eyes instead of my own. Like Kendall Roy says, "the poison drips through."
I've been in California for about five years now. In that time I've painted, I've planted, I've nurtured, and I've healed. Most importantly, I've learned to love and be loved. It started with what a friend of mine calls the nuclear winter. I cut off many so-called friends who took advantage of my lack of self respect and boundaries. Many of them were broken the way I was, and mirrored the way my parents failed to love me. They made me feel unworthy, they drained me, they secretly rejoiced when I struggled, and kicked me while I was down. There is nothing that tells you better who your friends are than who stands by you when you have little to nothing to offer. A second group of my friends couldn't be near me as I unraveled from the inside out. It was too intense. I probably needed too much and took to much that not everyone has to give when they themselves are trying their best to stay afloat. I hold nothing against those friends, in fact, as I've healed, some have returned to me.
There were just a precious few who stayed through the storm. There were a few new friends too who came along as well. They all had one thing in common, they loved me for me, despite me having little to nothing to offer. They didn't judge me or see me as a failure or at fault for walking away, for the events that lead up to my final departure from my life. Some, all, really, saw me as brave. Brave, self aware, and strong. "Good for you for realizing medicine wasn't for you" they told me. "What they put you through was an injustice" they said. "You're so brave for starting over, not everyone would have the courage to do that" they said. "People change careers all the time, it's normal" they shrugged. "You're one of the strongest people I know." "I'm a better person for knowing you." "You taught me so much."
I heard these things, but I never believed them really. The encouragement gave me strength nonetheless to keep rebuilding, stone by stone. I was never alone, even though many of my friends were far away. My guardian angels put wonderful people in my path, to support me, spiritually, financially, emotionally. Not all of those people remained in my life, but I do owe so much of my survival to them.
The main thing I learned, from being forced to rebuild is how to be loved outside of what I had accomplished. The people in my life saw my value without the titles, the enviable job, the accolades. This was a new concept for me. Something I'd never experienced before. The love I grew up with was always conditional. Contingent upon good grades, the right test scores, the right skin tone, the number on the scale. I grew up believing that the only thing worth loving about me were my accomplishments. Otherwise, I was a bad person, unworthy of and impossible to love.
My friends, the real ones, who survived the nuclear winter, fed me a different narrative. I initially had trouble believing their encouraging words, but I did allow myself to be loved in spite of no longer having the titles, the accomplishments, the accolades. Allowing that unconditional love in was the gold that sealed together the cracked pottery of my soul. It was in their love that I found my horcruxes, and started to piece myself together again. I began to rebuild my self worth, or perhaps build it in earnest, for the very first time.
To get to the place where I was able to receive and reciprocate that kind of love took a lot of work. Just before I left, I checked myself into a partial inpatient psych program. I learned about toxic shame, and realized I was suffering from complex PTSD. That label helped me make sense of what was going on in my mind and body- contextualized the nightmares, the inability to do yoga without overwhelming grief, the reactiveness, the flashbacks. I read books about racial trauma, childhood trauma and toxic shame voraciously. When I was finally able to afford it, I stayed in therapy, I did what I could to cool small pieces of the white hot lava of my trauma. I heard from an old friend early on in my journey, who at one time was just as fractured as I was deep inside, who told me that he did EMDR. He talked to me about unearthing memories of physical abuse and realizing the toxicity of the environment he grew up in. As a result of the difficult work, he was able to maintain a stable loving relationship for the first time in his life. That conversation was a lighthouse on a long journey through darkened seas. The first sign of land, however far away. He showed me healing was possible. He congratulated me for being brave enough to try. I went to his wedding just over a year ago. Last month, he came to mine.
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (04/06/23)
starting from today, for stuff that I don't have anything to say about I'll simply have it on the list here with a * but not in the body of the post itself, in today's case that applies to jiangshi X
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Megumin Ep9
I know I said on like ep 5 or 6 that that coulda been the finale but this one felt even more like one since they actually arrived to axel. but no there's still 3 more. the ep wasn't bad tho, actually had some decent animation when arnes was making that death ball, big sad she died tho she was a baddie
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Imas CG: U149 Ep8
very good ep, like usual, elevated even more cause it had so much kiryuu too tho I talked about that in another post. not much else to say, tho I want to give a shoutout to that one scene of character acting with just chie's hands around 12:30 (it's the 3rd one in this tweet, rest of the thread is good too tho)
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Mashle Ep8
I forgot they mentioned I0 this early in the story (big final boss) but anyway. the 1v1s have finally started, up until now the animation has been serviceable but nothing to write home about. the fight with dot in this episode was not any different, perhaps slightly better than average, but now that the 1v1s are starting I'm hoping for at least a crumb of sakuga. from the next ep title it sounds like next episode it's gonna be mash vs razor which is the one fight out of these 3 I want to look good the most. I guess they're doing this fight first cause it'll end with mash fighting the puppet guy for the finale and they wouldn't want to have 2 mash fights back to back
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Pokemon Horizons Ep9
good ep, we're finally in paldea and riko realized that despite this being their goal for a while it would've meant the end of her adventures with the crew. ofc that would never happen since she's the mc of the show, but it was nice seeing her come to terms with her desires and expressing herself to her dad and stuff. but forget all that cause next week is NEMONA DAY BABY LET'S GO
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Jigokuraku Ep9
good ep, I already knew it had some sakuga but it was still nice to see, I was hoping the whole fight overall looked a bit better but the big that DID look good (I posted a clip of it) sated me enough. I liked the chanting they had for the prayer forest but I wish they kept it going in the background whenever someone was there and not only when gabimaru got there, felt like a waste when they could've had that extra flavour I think. next episode we're gonna start getting our first glimpses into tao tho iirc it won't get thouroughly explained until basically the end when the group is all together
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Dandadan Ch108
very cool chap, considering the last one I thought it was just gonna be momo showing off but it was actually jiji and aira. it was cool seeing them apply the spiral stuff that okarun learned about but it's also exciting to know okarun is almost there. tho at this point I'm expecting that he won't even be able to show his power up since the baddies will be all beaten by then
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Kindergarten WARS Ch10 - 12
certainly didn't expect this to have a love triangle well, love conga line more like but still
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Show-ha Shoten! Ch19
good chap, I was curious to see what advice the guy was gonna give azemichi but it wasn't anything out of left field and was pretty sensible. I also really liked the analogy he used for how he makes jokes. anyway my buddy mega thinks it's gonna end after the competition coming next, since obata usually does short series, but we'll see. I wouldn't be surprised tho, it'd be a nice stopping point
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Pension Life Vampire Ch8
I shoulda known that they weren't actually gonna kill anyone, series is too goofy for that. nue is cute tho, can't see it all there but she got a good design
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Choujin X Ch37
I like ishida's work, I do, but it's hard to keep up when we've only been getting 1 chap like every 2 months. the chapter itself was nice, some cool action and seems like next we'll get the backstory for that noh guy. but again like I said, having such a long gap between chapters isn't good, ishida stories can already be hard to keep up with normally but this just makes it harder
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Tokyo Underworld Ch42
damn mega said this was a very eventful chapter and he wasn't kidding. I didn't expect that twist at the end but I'm sure it's gonna be a fake out, there's no way they'd her off screen like this she's too important
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The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins Ch27
hey I'll give them credit, this chapter wasn't totally terrible, actually moving the plot forward even if it's just a tiny amount
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Fabricant 100 Ch24
?????????? I thought there had been some bad chaps but this one took the cake, like what? I guess it's so it can continue until the next serialization round, same as ichinose but that doesn't make it any less bad
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Nue's Exorcist Ch4
ok chapter, the girl's exorcist outfit has a cool design and the action wasn't too bad, I was hoping there wasn't gonna be more fanservice in this chap but I shoulda known better, that's not gonna save your series kawae you gotta try something else
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Kill Blue Ch7
ah yes the classic "elite students that the mc has to defeat in order to achieve is goal", it's a fine trope tho. having these powerful guys coming after noren should shake things up and create the opportunity for some cool action scenes. curious to see how fujimaki handles this
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Do Retry Ch5
very good chap, it's crazy to see the difference in quality between this and nue when they debuted back to back. you can really tell kirarazaka learned a lot from his time under matsui, you can really tell in the art ofc like I mentioned before but also in the paneling. it's funny cause this is the series from this batch I had the lowest expectations for but it surprassed them a lot while nue is the complete opposite
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Witch Watch Ch111
don't have anything to say about the chap itself but did wanna mention how fucked up the results for the pop poll were, like kengo and kan in 1st and 2nd? what in the world
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Blue Box Ch103
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED LET'S GO miura you madwoman you actually did it god that was good, these last few chaps building up the tension for this and now this release were just so good. the confession being 3 spreads at the end was extremely good too, really giving you time to soak it in, also not as impressive but that page with the 4 panels of taiki and natsu running and it being like the continuation of each other looked really good too
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Cipher Academy Ch26
very good chap, the return of the broken glass imagery from her battle with iroha was especially very cool I was hoping something like this would happen when tayu offered to fight instead but I didn't expect it to be over so soon
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Tenmaku Cinema Ch8
good chap keeping the quality consistent, I guess that's the power of a veteran duo and as usual the information about filming terms and stuff is really neat to see I've said before but I don't think this series is gonna be long, which is a good thing mind you, tho I got no idea how long it could be, mayhaps a handful of vols? or just a bit more
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Mashle Ch158
good chap, the good ol "power of friendship" saves the day not like that's a bad thing this IS jump after all. the action was good and that panel with mash smiling was really good too. I'm hoping for a bit more out of this fight but it prob won't be happening at this point also if me and mega's prediction of the manga ending only when the anime does it'd line up perfectly since there's 5 more chaps left to fill a vol and there's 4 more eps of the anime left.
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Undead Unluck Ch161
oh hell fucking yeah I didn't expect a martial arts tournament I'm pogged the hell up, gonna be good to have some hype after how mellow the phil retrieval arc was
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Sakamoto Days Ch121
what the hell!! all this time in the flashback sequence only to find out that maybe rion wasn't dead all along? interesting twist to say the least. also I'll be completely honest, it's been so long since I started reading that I forgot the whole series started off because of people coming after sakamoto cause of the bounty lmao
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The Elusive Samurai Ch112
very weird not having our mcs for so long. should be like 1-3 more chaps of this intermission I guess, it's gonna be a shame seeing kusunoki die he was neat
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Akane-banashi Ch64
really good chap, as expected it was the backstory of the salesman but it was fast and straight to the point, well executed like always. I also really liked that the chapter started and ended with the exact same line ("This is so stupid.") but just in different contexts, it's neat
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Ayakashi Triangle Ch132
sorry suzu but that's against your nature. you just can't fight it. nice chap anyway, really showcasing suzu's shamelessness, tho I'm more hype to see matsuri fighting along mei and kanade next chap
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cosmicangst · 2 years
i was going to wait until i got all the bad endings but i wanted to write down all my thoughts about bustafellows before i forget. overall, it was very good but ultimately bogged down by its ending and its expectations of a sequel.
my positive takeaways:
teuta's a gift of an mc. i feel like i really got to know her as a person beyond her relationships with the lis. i love that she's direct and driven. i love that she reckons with her privilege but she tries her best to support even if she may not understand. i love her more mature genki girl vibe and humor and that she's able to take a joke as much as she can give one out.
really appreciate it when mcs have friends outside of her lis whose relationships feel very substantial and real rather than surface level
all the lis were very good. shu and mozu are my favorites but there wasn't a bad route. even helvetica's, which i was the wariest in starting, i ended up really enjoying (but this was dampened slightly by spoiler-y reasons below)
all the relationships really worked. i love world ending confessions like any other romance reader but as i grow older, i appreciate this subtler, grounded, and mature development even more. which is what i loved so much in shu's route for example ie the way that they both already know what's going on between them and they don't have to signpost to the audience "We Are In Love" but they learn they do have to communicate with each other as a couple if they want to grow
but by far the best thing about the lis is the family dynamic. in terms of plot, this game shines on its themes. i find it compelling that it takes a pretty non-absolutist and humanist view on, to be facetious, "we live in A Society" plot ie that it's not always possible to take a black and white morality on very gray issues and sometimes the best thing we can do is "grit our teeth and do it" and rely on our community and loved ones to uplift each other. (kind of related but this is kind of the stance i wish tears of themis would take on some issues instead of always impressing the message that the system or the status quo is always the most ideal.) so seeing protagonists who are morally gray in a very human way and even unabashedly questionable/self-serving outside of their group and context is really refreshing.
my more critical thoughts (more spoilery)
the pacing of the ending was like whiplash. i had my suspicions that there was more to adam than being an affable and supportive friend. it breaks my heart that his love is unrequited and that he's the type to suffer quietly and dirty his hands for the sake of his loved ones. the true dark horse of the game. i wish we got to spend more time with him
that being said, i remain ambivalent about the revelation of zora as a rapist. his absence is his presence as a character so everything we know about him we receive secondhand from teuta. which might work well to one of the game's themes: that we cannot fully understand another person even if we may love and care for them. the only thing we might glimpse as an "objective" presentation of him as a person is through adam's spectral vision but even that is colored by adam's traumatic experience with him and the real-or-not-real manifestations of his less than level brain. perhaps if they wanted to make this work, it would be prudent of the writers to depict more of what zora was like with teuta via flashbacks. what facets of his character remained constant or exacerbated before and after his addiction? what was the baseline dynamic among these four people? this story was in desperate need of an epilogue in teuta's point of view. we start the story with her; it only makes sense we end it with her. what this thread was crucially missing was her emotional reckoning with this realization. and what could supplant "auld lang syne" is more development of luka and adam's inner world as characters. i feel like we only got to know them as extensions of teuta before this, so to have these very strong character reveals be rooted in these two side characters, completely outside of what's been developed with teuta and the ensemble of lis in the bulk of the story, makes the pacing feel very rushed because we got to learn the equivalent of a route in one episode.
which is why if they expected to leave a lot of loose threads because of a planned sequel, reserving this revelation in the second game would have worked better because they could have built up to it with more impact and measured pacing. and i say planned sequel because the ending left as much questions as answers. especially regarding sauli. i feel bad for helvetica whose emotional foundation in his route seem thrown in the air because of this revelation with his adoptive father. i can buy that sauli is less than scrupulous but still carry genuine love for his son but the thing is because of a lack of an epilogue we don't know the nuances and full context. and we don't see helvetica's emotional reckoning with this either. the thing is even if they wrote this with a sequel in mind, a story should be complete either way as an arc. what this does is take perfectly complete endings established in the other routes and blows it wide open and you can't do that as an ending for your main story. if they wanted to go down this way, reveal to the audience that sauli is hiding some secrets of a darker nature but only to the audience. and leave the exact secret ambiguous. reserve helvetica's full reaction to the reveal and reckoning in the second game. it leaves us wanting to know more but it doesn't leave us feeling muddled and confused as it doesn't retroactively take away from the emotional impact that helvetica's route already left us with at the very last minute.
to be brief "full contact" suffers from the same problems as "auld lang syne" in the sense that we don't know these people who are apparently major players in the plot and worldbuilding beyond their role as teuta's supporting cast. why should we care about vonda as an antagonist when we only see glimpses of him? can we really be fully invested in carmen's conflicted feelings over theo and alex when the impression we've gotten of her so far has been as a portrayal of a minor character? and the thing is this isn't a bad thing! a supporting cast shouldn't have a fully developed arc and exploration as its protagonists. but the thing is the game fully expects us to come into "full contact" with the same level of investment and complex understanding of carmen, alex etc as we do with teuta and her lis.
again if they insisted on this, then they should have upgraded carmen etc to the main cast and treat them with the same character work as the lis. the downside to this is that it bloats the story and perhaps this is what the writers thought and forced this storyline to resolve anyway in one episode with the intention that any expectations or questions can be fulfilled or answered in the sequel. again!! you want your main story to be complete. leave some intriguing threads but don't reserve full on emotional story beats that should have been resolved in the first to a second installment that your audience may or may not even pick up. there's a difference between intrigue to sell a sequel and frustrating loose threads that offer no closure for the first story. one adds to the development; the other detracts.
anyway lol i really enjoyed this game and i can already imagine the fanworks i might create for it but these were just too glaring for me to shrug off
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
Marvel Movie Night: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
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Did I want to watch Guardians of the Galaxy 2 tonight? No - not really. But I bought a new planner, and decided to be slightly more proactive about my projects - even on work days, even when I'm tired. And turning on Disney+ and pushing play seemed like the low effort task I could accomplish tonight.
I'll be straight with you - the first time I watched this movie, I really, really didn't like it. This time - I didn't think it was that bad, honestly. It's never going to be anywhere near my favorite, and honestly, I'll still (blasphemously) probably pick Thor The Dark World over this but, I will admit that it is a very solidly done movie.
The movie kind of hangs itself more on thematic material and less on plot. Kind of like a Beethoven sonata. Hmm. (There's probably no one out there that will that joke, but I amused myself.) Anyway - and that theme is family.
All of the story threads throughout the film all hinge on family -- Peter dealing with finding his real dad vs accepting his adoptive dad has his real one. Gamora and Nebula coming to terms with their childhood. Rocket figuring out what found family is. And, you know, the whole idea that the group is a family. And, I mean, the script is really solid and coherent. Maybe I've been watching some not as coherent things lately? Idk - but I did appreciate that it all hung together decently well, even if, my big gripe with the overall story, is that it felt a little surface level (to me).
But I can understand why this film resonates with people in the same way things like the Avengers film resonates with me. You just really come to care about the characters and who cares if it is more or less a popcorn flick, you just kind of love the easiness of it all. So I get it - if this movie is your thing - I get it.
That said - there are still a bunch of things that don't work for me, and they are as follows: The sense of humor still feels like an 8yo boy wrote the jokes, and in an almost sitcom-like way, the more serious moments are always punctuated by moments of juvenile humor. The tonality is a little weird - the funniest moment in the film (Groot getting the wrong things) was followed by the darkest - Yondu going on an artful mass murdering spree (also this film wanted badly to be rated R, but you can tell where James Gunn was forced to rein it in.). The third act descends into another CGI bloated mess. And, as usual for my beloved Marvel films, Ego is kind of a weak villain.
Also, guys, please don't hate me on this one - wasn't that big a fan of the sound track. Oops.
You know what, though - the film looks really good. I can kind of tell the weakness of the most recent Marvel projects - because this film is super polished, and maybe because I have a newer TV than the first time I watched it, the CGI didn't hurt my head as much. It's a very beautiful film over all.
Final Verdict: It's a solidly good film - just... not one for me.
Next Up: Spider-Man Homecoming!! I didn't not realize this and now I'm super excited :D
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Sixteen things I noted about CR2E108 “Traveler Con”
Love when the captions are dragging Sam :
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Wait ? Are they going to talk to the Moonweaver, just before the day where the Traveler is pretending to be her ??? That seems like a bad idea !!
"The Mighty Nein : Codependency Issues" sounds about right ? No joke though I immensely love every scene Liam initiates, and this scene did not disappoint. Liam is a masterful player who is also a DM and it shows here : he wants to throw threads of the next arc, and wants them to come up organically. Also Caleb clearly stating his goals is so refreshing, thinking back on what he used to do and who he used to be at the beginning of the campaign. Asking for help ? Character growth ! Also the idea that both Beau and Yasha find meaning in the Mighty Nein... "you guys are my family"... UGLY CRYING AT THE FOUND FAMILY TROPE
Fjord, as another person is coming to him for direction in their life : "I don't know if I give off some sort of a sense of knowing shit..." Beau : "You kind of do, yeah." Fjord : "I really don't. It is a liiiiiiiiiiie..."
Fjord & Beau's discussion about loves, oh my GOD i love them so much. Fjord wasn't shocked when Beau said she has/had a crush on Jester (the Doylist explanation : Travis forgot Fjord wasn't supposed to know ; the Watsonian explanation : even Fjord got it because Beau ain't subtle). I love that it wasn't just about crushes, and that Fjord explained how he felt about life in general and his own journey through it : "I feel like I'm the fourth version of myself since I left Port Damali." I can't wait to see the meta on this scene on tumblr dot com
Beau is living her best life : she can get drunk, but she never has do have a hangover because she's immune to poison.
Oh yes, you bet your ass that I googled "Immigrant Song harp" and "Run to the Hills harp" after Ashley referenced them in describing Yasha's concert.
The Traveler's speech, basically : "This ceremeony with dicks thrown into lava is about... huh... separating yourself from the mortal plane ??! YES ! also fuck the patriarchy lol." I love Marisha hiding herself behind her stuff, wheezing with laughter : "this is SUCH a disaster !"
AND THEN she misinterpreted Celia's action and Beau just tackled her on the ground. How can it be more chaotic at this point ?
Nevermind Sehanine herself intervened and was like "Hum... bitch !" Remember when I said (in my own post, like, this one, further up) that this whole plan was a bad idea ? Yup !
I truly think Jester was ready to sacrifice herself and go with Artagan, chained up, into the Feywild. Only Fjord managed to make her think about the consequences for her and her friends.
"There's gotta be a prison on the moon, right ?" MARISHA DO NO SAY THAT AFTER WHAT I JUST SAW IN CR3
Also I did saw the moon conspiracy video an amazing Critter edited and I... don't believe conspiracy theories in general. But if there was a conspiracy theory I believed in... it would be based on that video. WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THE MOONS ?
I love the Traveler being "just a guy" after everything that happened to him. He's really taken a slap to his face and that has humbled him, huh. He takes time to talk to the group, even if it's to say shit like "Remember this is me behind every healing spell !"
The Fucking Beau ReBar. Nice legacy, Beau.
Sam : "We should come back here, it's nice. It's hard to get into the V.o. community, but once you're ine, you're in it forever !" SAM. Yeah the best jokes are the ones you reapeat and stretch really really long.
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