#i was thinking maybe chris was at a party ben was at
petew21-blog · 4 months
Just a party part 2.
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Jason P.O.V.
Out of all the people from our group, I picked Ezra. There is Ben, Henry, Ray, even Gal would be a better choice. But no, I had to pick Ezra. Zack Snyder wants to get the most of us by playing these roles and he wants to know if we are flexible and able to truly act. Why not swapping our bodies right? Anyway, its just for a day. Can't be that bad.
Now Zack told us about some party nearby. Swingers party like this?Maybe it can get bad...
I couldnť really focus on the ride. I couldn't get ove rthe fact, that Ezra was me and now playinf with my pecs in the backsett. I don't think I event want to know who he is gonna fuck tonight. Using my body. I don't even want to fuck anyone in this body.
They told us we can only enter in pairs. Silly old me thought that we would already be paired like this in the rooms. I grabbed Ben, now in Henry's body and rushed through the door. If I am to fuck somebody tonight, let it be Henry's body. I can't go there with Ezra. I just can't
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We were the last to arrive. Most of the rooms were already assigned, but they told us, that the numbers we received are going to choose our partner. One odd number, one even. Wait. God, please. Don't let Ezra have an odd number like me, that would be a cruel joke. Please don't
"Number 14 and 16"
"Guess it's you and me again. Ben took Henry's hand and followed him to the room they were assigned"
I am going to punch someone. "Can we maybe wait for somebody else to arrive?"
"Nonsense, we are almost done now. Number 9 a 11"
My body aproached me and whispered in my ear:"Oh hello there handsome. Long time no see."
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We went into the room. I sat on the bed, depressed. I can't do this. I can't do this knowing that Ezra is in my body.
"So, big boy. How you wanna start? Want me to give you a show and then let me fuck you like a little slut you are now?"
"Ezra, I'm sorry, I know this is voluntary, but I don't think I want to top you in your body. My body isn't meant to be topped."
"Oh don't worry about that. You'll be the bottom tonight."
Oh god. Atleast I know my big dick is gonna hit the right spots...
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Inbox request: Your stories are soo good, love the Chris E. and RDJ swap. Maybe a second part involving some actors from dc, like Ezra Miller and Jason Momoa swapping to try new roles & running into Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck in the rooms?
Also an explanation why I post inbox stories like this. The explanation is simple. The photo is on top and it can be visible easily in the archive. Nothing else. Haha. Have a great day, may you swap with the ones you most desire
Part 1 of the story:
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hischierswhore · 2 years
mason stalking the readers social and accidentally liking a picture, he later see her at an event and is like shit shit shit declan cover me! super flustered mason trying to flirt with reader then she deciding to make the first move
christian's best friend
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pairing: Mason Mount x Reader
TW: none
"masonmount liked your post"
Your eyebrows raised at the notification. You hadn't posted anything in weeks. When you tapped the notification to see which post he had liked, it was one from over a year ago. What was the football player doing on your profile, and why had he scrolled to the depths of your feed? You laughed at the whole situation, ignoring it.
Meanwhile, Mason is panicking because he had liked one of your old posts while stalking you on Instagram. He quickly unliked it and thought that maybe you wouldn't notice.
You were one of Christian's childhood bestfriends, and Christian spoke about you frequently, leaving Mason to be curious about you. Christian had invited you to some party, so you got all dolled up for the event.
You arrived to the party wearing a nice white dress, which accentuated your features nicely.
When you entered, you saw Christian right away. Your face lit up as you ran to him.
"Chris!" You shouted so he could hear you over the loud music that had been playing.
"Y/n!” He said as he hugged you.
“You look nice, by the way" Christian complimented. You and him had a more sibling-like relationship, so you didn't think his compliment was weird in any way. With a simple "thank you", you wandered through the club to meet new people.
"Remember, my teammates are off limits!" He shouted as you walked off into the crowd.
All eyes were on you. You'd completely forgotten that Christian's teammates were there as well, which meant Mason was there.
"Yeah so I was just scrolling through and then- shit shit shit! Declan, cover me!" Mason spoke as he hid behind Declan's back. He'd spotted you from across the room while he was filling his friend in on what had happened earlier in the day. Ben was standing there laughing at the whole encounter before making his way to you.
You stood at the bar ordering some champagne when a gentleman approached you.
"Y/n, right?" You nodded yet you were still confused as to who this was and how he knew your name.
"I'm Ben, Christian's teammate. Heard a lot about you" You shook his hand, smiling.
"Oh! It's nice to meet you, Ben" You both made small talk for a bit.
"Where are my manners? Let me introduce you to the rest of the team" The thought that you would be meeting Mason still hadn't crossed your mind as he guided you to the group.
Mason had come out from behind Declan's back, speaking to him like a normal person now. It was when Ben had approached with you following behind that his face turned red.
"Boys! I'd like you to meet Y/n, Christian's mate. Y/n, this is Declan, Reece & Mason" You stuck your hand out to greet all of them.
"It's so nice to meet all of you!" You all chatted for a bit, but you noticed Mason was oddly quiet, the complete opposite of what he was moments before you'd joined the group. You'd noticed him staring at your figure a few times, a blush creeping its way onto your face. After a bit, the group began to dissolve, leaving you & Mason to talk.
"Saw you in my notifications today. What were you doing all the way at the bottom of my feed" You teased the boy, which made him blush.
"I was uhm- just doing some research" His comment earned a laugh from you, which made him smile.
"Mhm" You both continued to laugh and speak with each other for practically the rest of the party.
As the night went on, you got drunker and drunker, talking about everything under the sun. The subject of football came up quite a few times as well. Every time it did, Mason blushed. But you never let on that you were secretly into him, even though you couldn't stop looking at him.
The party had come to an end, and people began to exit the club.
"Mason wait! I know we're both like, shit-faced drunk right now, but can I have your number?" He smiled and gave you his phone. You quickly typed your number in and saved it to his contacts before you handed him his phone back.
The smile that was on both of your faces made it very evident that you'd both wanted that interaction to happen.
"Wait what about Christian?" He asked
"He doesn't need to know, at least not yet" You smiled as you pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Text me" You blew him a kiss before exiting the club, leaving Mason lovestruck as he watched you leave. He quickly pulled out his phone and texted you.
"That dress looks great on you, sweetheart"
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ashintheairlikesnow · 8 months
hey hey hey I have had a hell of a day (Actually Hell) because I did too many fun things (a problem apparently) and then also we put up the christmas tree leading to the inevitable christmas tree installation arguments (they pop up every year like clockwork!)
anyway i have been overstimulated and stressed (just want to emphasize that there is NO pressure here whatsoever! id like to avoid any semblance of that actually and I know you're already working on 12 days so take your time) and it would be very cathartic to see chris dealing with similar issues (the Wonderful guy. we are pretty similar.) thanks a lot for reading this, even if you don't write anything !
Sorry this took so long, Anon! I swear I've been trying to get this written for literally almost two months now
CW: Some references to Chris's past, overstimulation, anxiety
"Hey, where did Chris go?" Laken blinks and looks around, but the living room of the house they rent - filled with laughing, happy people - shows no sign of Chris's telltale lavender hair with its new-penny copper roots.
One of Brit's friends just shrugs at them and gestures, vaguely, in the direction of the kitchen. "Dunno. He wandered off a while ago, maybe that way?"
"Oh, okay. Huh." Laken steps back, the circle of laughing people closing up tight as soon as they do. Their dark eyes scan the room, but there's no sign of him.
He'd been doing great - all but holding court, one of the most popular people at the party. He's sort of famous, since the Olympics, and people had been peppering him with questions and compliments, crowding around wanting nothing more than to be friends with the ex-pet who stood up to the bad guys on live TV. They'd seen him dancing, too, the music loud enough to nearly make the walls shake. The easy, unselfconscious dancing they loved in him the most.
He'd seemed to be enjoying himself, at the time, but...
Where has he gone?
They weave around people, stopping to pick up an ornament that has fallen off the tree. The scent of pine is subtle and ever-present, and they carefully work the ornament's little loop back over a branch, ruefully watching a couple of pine needles come loose and drift down. The damn thing is already starting to turn a little brown around its edges, thanks to Laken's roommate having insisted on buying it literally the day before Thanksgiving.
Laken doesn't even celebrate Christmas, not since they stopped going to Mass on Christmas Eve years and years ago. Still, in a house they rent with three others, they're the only one who doesn't at least pay lip service to the holiday.
And even if they don't give a fuck about Christmas, they do like having an excuse to throw a party.
The tinsel wrapped in spirals around, over, and below the ornaments glitters in the light, and the look makes them think of Chris, and how his eyes have always looked just the same, to them, when they're out at night and the moon hits the green of his irises just right.
Their search leads them to Ben, contentedly sitting on the couch, a drink in one hand and his phone in the other, quietly reading something there while the party is in full swing around him. He glances up and then instinctively, immediately, uses a finger to push his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. "Hey, Laken. What's up?"
"Is Akio not coming tonight?"
"Oh... no." Ben blushes - it's adorable, and Laken can't help the smile playing around their lips. "He's got some kind of meeting with the gymnastics team, or his coaches? Or... something like that. He said sorry, though."
"Nah, no problem. But, hey, so. Uh, have you seen Chris, like within the last ten minutes or so??"
Someone puts Christmas music on and Laken shudders as they hear that damn 80s pop song start up again. If they have to hear that fucking song one more time...
"Nope. Not in a while." Ben shrugs, taking a drink. Whatever he has in that cup is pinkish-red and probably far more alcoholic than it tastes. Laken's roommate had insisted on a signature cocktail. "You could check outside? Sometimes when there's a lot of people, to Chris it's... too much."
Laken nods, still scanning the crowd, but their stomach knots a little with the first hit of real anxiety. Ben is right, Chris can get overwhelmed by too much noise and movement, but also he's been drinking tonight - they saw the same red punch in a cup in his hands earlier - and he has a tendency to get... hazy, when he drinks. Flirty in ways that aren't natural to him. Willing to let people hug him that he doesn't like, unable to bring himself to stop them. Sometimes his stammer smooths out, which makes people who don't know him feel more comfortable and people who do know him nervous. He starts tipping his head to the side in a way that makes the sweep of his growing-out hair hide the scar on his forehead, biting his lower lip when he smiles. It makes Laken feel a little sick to see it happen and realize Chris doesn't even notice when he's doing it.
The last thing they need is to have to come up with an explanation for Chris losing track of himself again, or why he's eating olives off the charcuterie board Brit brought knowing damn well he'll just go to the bathroom and get sick all over the place again, or... fuck, what if somebody hits on him and he's too drunk to stop it?
That hasn't happened since college, but...
They pull their phone out, uneasily checking for a text, but there's nothing. If he went outside, he'd text, right? He does, he always does. Texts can be easier and Chris is always a little nervous about being outside alone.
He insisted on coming tonight, said he was feeling good lately, but-... what if-...
They flinch when fingers touch their arm, only to see Ben must have stood up when they weren't looking. He slips his own phone into his jacket pocket and looks Laken over more closely. "Hey. It's okay, he's probably fine. You know he gets weird when parties are really going. It's like a light switch, enough to too much, I totally get it. It's why I'm on the couch fucking around on Kindle instead of, you know... talking to people." Ben says it like talking to people is literal hell, and... okay, Laken can see how that might be the case. "He probably just needed to get away from it and wandered off."
"Uh, yeah. I know." Laken rubs at the back of their neck, fingers moving through the soft, shorn undercut beneath their longer black waves. "I'm sure that's it. Just... you know, sometimes he... when he gets nervous..."
"I got you." They adore Ben, sometimes, for how often they don't have to finish the sentences they don't want to say. He knows what words haven't yet spilled, unwilling. Sometimes he acts like he belongs to us, not like he loves us. Sometimes I can't trust him to find his way back on his own. Sometimes I feel like Jake, and I hate feeling like Jake.
Words die in their throat.
Ben squeezes their arm, gently. "Let's split up and search around. I'll go outside, you go around the house, okay? We verify how he is, then whichever one finds him tells the other. Sound good?" Ben smiles, and Laken relaxes a little, finding a smile for him in return.
"Yeah, sounds good. Thanks, Ben."
"No problem." Ben has always understood Chris, thanks to his little brother being similar in some ways. He understands Laken's worry, too, because better than anyone else here - he knows how Chris sometimes gets lost in his past, especially if he's drinking, worse the maybe twice Laken's ever seen him try an edible or a pill.
What if he got drunk and someone offered him something and he took it? Drunk Chris sometimes isn't a Chris who can easily turn down anything he's offered.
This party was a stupid idea.
Laken takes a deep breath and squares their shoulders.
Chris is not a child.
He is a goddamn grown man and Laken is not his keeper. They're not his parent and they're not a babysitter. They're definitely not his fucking... owner or whatever the bastards that hurt him would have called it. They're his partner. He can handle himself, better than they could if they'd lived his life, and they need to trust him to either know his limits and to get away if he can't say no, or to come to them if he wants to ask for help. Otherwise, they're not any better than the bullshit he's been buried in for longer than he's known them.
Ben goes to check outside, slipping silently out the sliding door onto the back porch where a small crowd has congregated in a cloud of skunky smoke, while Laken heads upstairs, peeking their head in to room after room with no sign of him anywhere. They see some movement under a pile of coats, but that's... definitely not Chris, based on the very female voices who yell at them to give them some fucking privacy, please.
"Sorry, Brit," Laken calls, closing the door tightly. "And, um, Leigh. Just looking for Chris-"
"Well, he isn't in here or we'd have kicked him out already," Brit says, cranky but without any real anger in her voice. Laken doesn't recognize the redhead whose eyes pop up from beneath the pile of coats next to her. "Check a different room."
"Yeah, I will. Uh... keep having fun, I guess-"
"That's the plan! Now leave, please!"
The door latches as they close it, and they exhale. There's one room left, at the end of the hall, and they can hear a familiar murmuring from behind the door when they press their ear up against it.
Laken knocks, rapping gently with their knuckles, and turns the knob when they hear no answer - but no demand to stay out either. The murmuring goes silent. They sigh, and the door swings open, light cutting across the carpet until it reveals their wayward boyfriend.
No one has claimed this bedroom yet, so it's bare and empty except for a couple unpacked cardboard boxes, Brit's exercise bike by the window, a couple of her yoga mats, a laundry basket with a few folded towels, and a bare mattress the last housemate had left behind on the floor when they moved out.
Laken's lips press together, eyes scanning the room. Chris's phone is on the mattress, along with an empty beer bottle, but Chris isn't. "Chris? Cariño?"
A muffled rustling makes them jump, heart in their throat, and then they realize the sound came from the closet, where the folding doors are closed. Laken pulls them open to reveal Chris curled up, knees nearly to his chin, an open bottle clutched in one hand, his chewy necklace in the other. He'd chosen the bat one tonight, and his hand is closed around it in such a tight fist Laken can tell his knuckles are white even in the dark.
Chris doesn't look at them. He's swaying, rocking forward and back, his eyes focused on something far, far away from them. There's red lines on his left wrist, where he's dug his nails in, scratching not quite deep enough to draw blood, but close. Laken takes a deep breath, shifting into a crouch.
"Talk to me, Chris."
"No." The answer is flat, and they watch his thumb rub over the little nub of the silicone bat's nose, the points of its tiny ears. "No, no, no. No."
At least he's saying it out loud.
That alone makes the knot of anxiety in their chest start to loosen. If he can say no, he isn't gone, maybe just... standing a little farther back, inside his own head, than the surface.
"Okay. Okay, that's fine. No talking, that's fine. Are you okay, baby?" Laken keeps their voice just above a whisper and lays their hand on the wood trim that frames this shitty excuse for a closet, the floor creaking under them. "You... kind of vanished on me, there."
Chris's eyes flick to them and then away again. "Loud," He manages, and he sounds like he's forcing the word out between gritted teeth. Maybe he is. "Too, too, too... too loud. Too much, too... many."
"I guess Ben called it." Laken sighs, pulling out their phone and sending Ben a quick text that they found Chris and everything's fine. they get a thumbs-up in reply almost immediately. Ben must have been as anxious as they are, if he was just watching for their text to come in. "Do you want me to call Jake to come get you, or..."
"No!" He snaps it, and Laken tries not to wince. He's just struggling with the noise of the party, they tell themself, he's not actually angry. Chris almost never gets angry, and even then it's only at himself. Which... is worse, somehow. "No. Just... Quiet, it's... it's it's quiet."
"Right. Do you want me to stay with you? Be quiet with you?"
He shakes his head, but he doesn't say anything else. His mouth moves, but no further sounds come out.
"Chris, did..." They want to ask, did someone say something to you? Sometimes people said things, referenced pets or something in a way that set him off. But even if someone had... he probably wouldn't tell them, at least not now, not when every word seemed to have to filter through layer after layer of self-protection in his mind. "Never mind. Is there anything I can do for you? Water, or..."
He shakes his head. "No. Just. Um. Quiet... quiet, now. Please?"
"Yeah." Laken leans over and presses a kiss to his hair. He tips his head against their lips and they exhale in relief. "I love you, Chris. Come back if you can, but if you can't, that's okay, too. Just don't hurt yourself, okay? Things should start winding down in a couple hours." They take the little plastic bat and push it against the hand that's still scratching at his shoulder, until he takes hold of it again, pressing it against his mouth and running it back and forth, back and forth.
Chris is quiet, but as they open the door to head back into the hallway, they hear a quiet, "Love, love you," from Chris, barely audible.
They smile as they close the door. Down the hall, the sounds of the party hit them like a brick, beckoning them back to the noise and the cheer and the awful fucking Christmas music still blaring at top volume. Someone yells something out and the whole damn crowd cheers, making Laken wince at it feels nearly deafening.
Maybe Chris has the right idea.
@finder-of-rings @endless-whump @arlin-always-writing @newandfiguringitout @doveotions @pretty-face-breaker @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow @boxboysandotherwhump @oops-its-whump @whumpyourdamnpears @cubeswhump @burtlederp @whump-tr0pes @whumptywhumpdump @whumpiary @orchidscript @outofangband @hackles-up @grizzlie70 @mylifeisonthebookshelf @keeper-of-all-the-random-things
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satansapostle6 · 9 months
Kids | Rodrick Heffley
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Spotify Playlist Link
Rodrick Heffley becomes obsessed when he finally meets his thirty-five year old band mate, Bill Walter’s, younger sister.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Drug use. Sexual content. Violence.
“The Baby Sister”
“The Family Legacy”
Rodrick couldn’t stop thinking about Sara in the past week since they first started to become friends. It was a sickness.
Today alone, he thought about her first thing in the morning, as he opened his eyes and woke up, as he was brushing his teeth(he hoped his breath didn’t smell bad), as he put on his deodorant(he hoped he didn’t smell bad), as he got dressed, while he drove to school, and all throughout his classes.
He knew he had to do something about his feelings for Sara, because they were really starting to become apparent to most of the other people in his life. This, of course, included his band mates, although Chris and Ben also had eyes for Sara Walter, just like any of the other boys who saw her. Rodrick figured the only reason Sara wasn’t as popular as Heather Hills was because she just didn’t want to be.
Sara spent most of her time in and out of school alone, so naturally Rodrick felt pretty important when she decided to spend her time in his company. She typically came with Bill to band practices in Rodrick Heffley’s garage, where she served as quite the distraction to her brother’s younger band mates.
But that day, the members of the charmingly spelled Löded Diper were busy trying to put together a decent set list, for a small backyard party. Rodrick had been standing around with his arms crossed, rolling his eyes as he and Bill watched Ben and Chris argue over songs. Sara, who sat on the couch, decided she’d tune out all the arguing and work on her flash of potential tattoo designs.
“Will you two just shut the fuck up so we can figure this out?!” Rodrick groaned.
“Just give ‘em a few minutes, little bro,” Bill offered his wisdom as he patted him on the shoulder. “Oh. Dude. I almost forgot.”
“What?” Rodrick asked him in fear, thinking it was some sort of band emergency.
“You should totally ask Sara Bear to come to the party with you!” Bill whispered urgently, eyeing his sister to make sure she wasn’t listening in.
“But… can’t Sara drive herself?” Rodrick questioned.
“No, dude, like on a date!” Bill urged him.
“…What?” Rodrick asked skeptically.
He didn’t know anything about having a sister, but he was certain there was no way any guy would willingly encourage his friend to ask his younger sister out.
“Yeah, man, she’s crazy about you!” Bill insisted. “It’s so obvious!” he scoffed.
“She ashed her cigarette on me the other day,” Rodrick frowned, not trusting him at all.
“That’s how she flirts!” Bill exclaimed. “If she did that to you, you’re in! I mean…Not in. That’s still my baby sister. But, anyway, dude, she likes you.”
“…Really?” Rodrick asked, deciding if anyone knew Sara, it had to be her brother.
“Yeah! You should ask her out. Right now,” he encouraged.
“Okay!” Rodrick exclaimed, walking over to the couch. “Thanks!”
“Yeah, anything for you, brother!”
He then realized that, just like the first time he ever had a real conversation with Sara, he had gone over there with no plan. But, it was already too late, so he decided to just go with it.
“Hey, Sara Bear!” he blurted out, visibly cringing and once he realized what he’d said.
“Hey… Roddy,” she frowned humorously, “What’s up?”
“Uh… I was thinking,” he began.
“I’m impressed,” Sara nodded approvingly.
“No…” Rodrick massaged his temples in frustration as he tried to come up with something good, naturally failing. “I was wondering if you were gonna go to our gig this weekend? At the house party?”
“Yeah,” she replied supportively, “I’ll be there.”
“Alright! Totally! Cool…” he trailed off, trying to regain his composure. “Uh… I was thinking, that, maybe… I don’t know…” he struggled to the point of completely abandoning his train of thought.
“Huh?” she asked in confusion.
“Uh, I don’t know, I just wanted to see if maybe you’d, uh, wanna…”
“Go out with you?” Sara offered, coming to the conclusion before he did.
“Yes! …Yeah,” he nodded, trying to still seem somewhat cool, even if that wasn’t really an option.
Rodrick stood there awkwardly, shoving his hands deep into the pockets of his grey jeans.
“Yeah,” Sara nodded with a smile. “For sure.”
“Really?” he laughed, catching himself just as she did. “I mean. Really?” he flirted.
“I know Bill put you up to this,” she smirked, eyes glancing at her older brother for a split second, “He’s been talking you up to me for the past week. He’s a real wing man, by the way.”
“Oh. Cool,” Rodrick remarked, slowly turning to look back at Bill, whose widened eyes suggested he was desperate for an update.
Completely clueless, Bill gave Rodrick a questioning thumbs up as Sara watched. Rodrick slowly made an awkward thumbs up, to which Bill nearly reacted by jumping up and down and shouting. After that, Rodrick returned to the band, feeling rejuvenated.
Just before 6 o’clock, Mrs. Heffley poked her head into the garage, watching as Chris and Ben both took off. Bill and Sara still remained, as Rodrick discussed various details of a song with the thirty-five year old.
“Rodrick? Dinner’s ready,” Susan said.
“I’ll be in in a minute, Mom,” he called, “I’m still talking to Bill and Sara,” he said patiently, pointing out his friends standing in front of him.
“Well, I told you that dinner was ready ten minutes ago, and we’re not eating until everyone’s seated at the table,” she stated calmly. “If you still have things to discuss with your friends, you can do that at the table. We have plenty of food,” she offered.
“It’s okay, Mom,” Rodrick assured her, “Bill and Sara were just—”
“Oh, Mrs. H, we’re starving!” Bill spoke for his sister before she could protest, “Thanks!”
“You’re welcome,” she smiled warmly, “Come on in. I made spaghetti.”
“I love spaghetti!” Bill exclaimed childishly as Rodrick and Sara exchanged looks.
The pair of siblings followed Rodrick into the Heffley house. Bill was much more excited, while Sara seemed a lot more tentative.
“Guys, Rodrick’s friends will be joining us for dinner tonight,” Susan Heffley smiled.
Rodrick took his usual seat beside Greg, who seemed to see Sara’s presence as an opportunity. Rodrick glared at him angrily, as Sara sat down directly across from him, next to Bill.
“I’m so sorry,” he mouthed to her silently, only to receive a tiny ‘it’s okay’ back.
“So, we know Bill,” Susan began, turning to Sara, “I’m sorry, sweetie, what was your name?”
“Sara,” she smiled timidly. “I’m in the same grade as Rodrick.”
“Oh, that’s nice,” Frank said pleasantly as he filled his plate. “You go to Crossland?”
“Mhm,” she nodded, hesitantly putting food on her plate as Bill piled a mess of salad and spaghetti onto his.
“Oh, wow. And Bill’s your older brother?” Susan asked.
“Yeah,” Sara nodded, as Frank Heffley completely froze.
Rodrick’s father’s face froze as Rodrick tried to stop him from making a scene, only to be completely ignored.
“I’m sorry, your Bill’s sister?” the man asked shakily.
“Dad…” Rodrick said nervously.
“Yeah,” Sara responded, not seeming as awkward.
“Rodrick’s taking my baby sister out this Saturday,” Bill announced proudly with a mouthful of meatballs. “He’s been crushing on her all week,” he teased.
Greg turned to Rodrick, eyes widened in fear as both of their parents slowly took in the girl’s appearance, from her balayage, to her thin eyebrows, to her loose-fitting grey sweater that she wore off the shoulder. Luckily, she seemed somewhat more conservative without makeup.
“…Oh,” Frank gasped, still in shock. “So that was your cigarette out there last week?” he concluded, seeming horrified.”
Rodrick was horrified.
“What?” Susan questioned, having no idea what he was talking about.
“You’re the girl Greg told us about that was smoking?” Frank continued.
“Dad!” Rodrick exclaimed, mortified.
“Uh, no, Mr. Heffley,” Sara said quickly, “I don’t smoke… That must’ve been my cousin Cindy that was with me, we hang out a lot, so she’s always with me.”
“Yeah,” Bill agreed, realizing this was his fault,“Cousin Cindy’s a huge smoker. Coughs up a lung every morning.”
“Yeah, Dad, I wasn’t talking about Sara,” Greg promised, feeling uncomfortable.
“Oh,” Frank murmured, allowing himself a moment to adjust, “Sorry. That was rude,” he smiled, trying to be disarming.
“Yes, it was,” Susan agreed with her husband. “So, Rodrick, you’re finally introducing us to your girlfriend?”
Greg nearly choked on his food from laughter as Rodrick’s mouth stood agape in horror.
“Mom!” he gasped, mortified.
Sara just looked across the table at Greg, seeming to just be appreciating the humor in the situation, if anything. Rodrick said nothing to her, and just have her an apologetic grimace.
“We’re not dating!” he cried.
Sara tried her best to hide her involuntary grin at the absurd situation.
“But, aren’t you going out on a date?” Susan asked.
“Honey, just let them be,” Frank said calmly, “They’re just kids…”
“Well, I just wanted to know!” the woman argued.
Rodrick watched powerlessly as Sara uncomfortably looked down at her plate, feeling horrible. He didn’t know what to do to help the situation, but he felt even if he could think of something, it probably wouldn’t work anyway. There wasn’t much he could do for either of them at this point.
Sara sat in her seat quietly throughout the meal, only speaking when spoken to, and constantly looking to her brother to signal that they should leave. But, unfortunately for her, her brother was Bill. Bill didn’t seem to be getting the hint. It was probably another 45 minutes or so before he announced that they’d be leaving.
“Alright, Mr. and Mrs. H, it’s been real, but me and Sara Bear gotta go,” Bill said as he stood, “We’ll catch you guys later!”
“Alright, take care,” Susan Heffley smiled, a strange discomfort behind her eyes.
“See you,” Frank smiled.
“I’ll, uh, walk you guys out,” Rodrick volunteered, standing with them.
He awkwardly walked behind Sara, hand anxiously hovering over the small of her back as he ushered her out of the house.
“I am so sorry,” he sighed, looking at Sara to see if there was a chance he’d ever see her again.
“Aw, don’t be!” Bill said cluelessly, “I had a great time!”
Sara just shook her head as they all walked out the front door.
“Bill, can you start the car?” she asked politely, intending on having a talk with him later.
“Oh, I get it,” he smirked, looking up at Rodrick, “You two want some alone time.”
“Yes, we do,” she agreed impatiently, waiting for him to walk away before directing her attention back to Rodrick. “So…” she grimaced.
“So…” he genuinely had no idea what to say at this point.
“Sorry, I tried to get Bill to leave, but… you know how he is,” Sara sighed.
“No, it’s fine. My parents don’t hate you guys or anything. They just think I’m gonna turn out like Bill,” Rodrick frowned, not hearing himself.
“Yeah. So do mine,” she assured him. “That’s kind of the problem with them.”
“Well… I actually think you’re really cool the way you are,” Rodrick thought aloud, not sure if he sounded stupid.
“Thank you, Rodrick,” Sara nodded, looking up at him in a way that made his knees buckle.
“You’re welcome,” he stared back, still terrified of her.
“I’ll, uh… I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said as she left, worried that if she showed how excited she was everything would immediately start to go wrong.
“See you tomorrow,” he echoed, watching her as she left.
The car ride home wasn’t too bad for Sara. It was easy explaining to him where he went wrong with Mr. and Mrs. Heffley, but it was more difficult for Sara to get him to see the problems with their own family.
“Bill, we saved up enough money,” Sara sighed as they arrived at home. “We could get an apartment, easily. You can be my guardian until I’m 18. We both make enough money—”
“Sar, I told you, we can’t,” Bill sounded heartbroken listening to his sister. “We can’t just leave Connor!”
“Bill, forget about Connor!” she argued, “We need to think about us, just this once!”
“That’s Mom’s job,” he reminded her, “That’s all she’s ever done, is think about us. We can’t just leave her.”
“Bill, she’s an adult, and so are we,” Sara scoffed, looking at the house that wasn’t their childhood home from the sidewalk. “I can’t stay in that house anymore, Bill. Not after that night.”
The incident of three weeks ago was still a very sensitive topic in their household.
“Look, I get it, I really do,” her older brother promised, “But it’s just a couple more years. Less than a year. And then you can do whatever!”
“And what about you, huh?” she demanded. “You’re just gonna stay here, forever, in the basement? Just because of Connor?”
“He needs us!”
“He’ll be okay!” Sara insisted. “It’s not like we’re leaving the country, we just need a little space! We both did our time in that house, and now we need to get out for our own good!”
“I can’t do that,” Bill said with finality.
“Can’t, or won’t?” she questioned, looking him in the eyes.
“I can’t. I can’t leave Connor.”
“You can’t leave Connor, or you can’t leave Mom?”
“I’m not leaving, Sara,” he said softly. “You can. But I have to stay. Okay?”
From the pained look on his face to the glassy reflection in his eyes, Sara knew she couldn’t press it any further. She was angry, and she needed to leave, but she knew her brother had been hurt enough.
“Okay,” she nodded, dropping the subject entirely.
“Okay,” Bill nodded vigorously, sniffling as he tried to regain his youthful energy.
The more Sara looked into the darkness of his eyes that night, the more she realized that it was his childhood that had aged him so.
“Please, for the love of God, Sar,” he sighed, before they walked up to their house. “Just don’t start with him.”
“I won’t start with him if he doesn’t start with me first,” she muttered as Bill opened the door for her.
The two quietly entered their home, hoping they wouldn’t be noticed and could just slip by. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case.
“You guys sure are home late,” said a voice that made them both shake.
Randy Sharpe, their stepfather, was seated in the living room, reading a book written by a man who could supposedly make anyone a millionaire.
“We had dinner at the Heffleys’,” Bill said through gritted teeth as Sara stopped behind him.
“It’s not even 7 yet,” she said quietly.
“What’d they feed you?” the man asked, being the only one that found humor in his musings. “Caviar on toast?”
“Spaghetti,” Sara interjected. “They’re nice people.”
“And I’m not?” he looked up from his book.
“Yeah, you’re a real peach, Randy,” Bill muttered, creeping off toward the basement as their mother entered the room.
“Hey, Bill. Hey, Sar Bear. How was practice?” Destiny Sharpe asked, intentionally moving the conversation along.
“Good, thanks, Ma,” Bill walked off.
“You know,” Randy chuckled, watching him as he took off his reading glasses, “It makes sense, letting that one come and go as he pleases, I mean… he’s half gone already, but Sara’s still a kid,” he pointed out, pointing his glasses at her.
“Randy, Sara’s sixteen, she’s old enough to not have to come home before 7,” Destiny chuckled, still finding the situation humorous, “Besides. When she works, sometimes she’s not home ‘til 11.”
“What does she need a job for?” he questioned. “She’s a kid!”
“So are you, Randy,” Sara used his name like an insult.
“Hey,” her mother frowned.
“What, he gets to sit there and criticize us all day, but the second someone responds, he’s only human?” she gestured to him in disbelief.
“Hey. Show your mother some respect,” Randy said sternly.
“You first,” Sara cocked her head at him. “Has Mom even seen her paycheck this month? Huh? Could she even tell me how much it’s for, or do I have to go through your ‘accountant’?”
“That is enough,” Destiny interrupted, “Sara, have you been smoking? Weed, that is, because I can smell the box 100’s from over here.”
“I wish,” she responded honestly, glancing over at her stepfather. “I don’t know how else anyone deals with him.”
“What was that, a shot?” Randy butted in. “Taking shots at your mother now?”
“Don’t get any ideas, I’ve seen that shitty Glock you own.”
“Sara!” her mother exclaimed. “You shut your mouth right now—”
Everyone looked up at the top of the stairs in a panic as a small twelve year-old looked down the stairs.
“Have you seen my PE shirt?” Connor asked.
Destiny squeezed her eyes shut, trying to calm herself for a moment. “Uh… Yeah, baby! It’s in your drawer!”
They all watched him run back up into his room, silently looking around at each other.
“You two need to learn to get along if you’re going to live under this roof,” Sara’s mother pointed at the two of them warningly.
“Or, you could just throw him out on his ass like you should’ve years ago,” Sara crossed her arms.
“Sara,” Destiny glared, finger pointed accusingly, “You best believe that the first of the two of you to be thrown out of this house wouldn’t be Randy.”
Sara tried to contain the hatred growing within her as Randy mockingly pumped his fist in silence as his wife walked away.
“You know, Sara Bear,” Randy said with a smile, “I don’t know why you’re so determined to hate me. I’ve never laid a finger on you, or your mother. You kids wouldn’t have survived a day with my father.”
“You might not have ever hit my mom,” Sara admitted, “But I wish you would. Just so she’d realize what kind of person you are.”
Before she could lose control, Sara ran off into her room, luckily without doing anything she would regret. Not having any other options left, she angrily sank her fist through her door, putting another hole in it just like the one her middle brother had left in it after Bill shoved his head through it.
Ever since he left, Sara had times where she’d almost forget their brother Paul. They never spoke about Paul, and Paul never spoke about them. Sara envied Paul.
“The Date”
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lexusiswriting · 6 months
A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 7 of ?
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Hi guys!
I think this story will have 2 more parts, but we'll have to see. If you have any requests, you can send them for future fanfics or one-shots. <3
Warnings: none.
Taggs: @multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf, @awkwardalex, @philomenie
Requests: OPEN.
The last week of the tour was pure torture. I refused to get out of my bed if it didn’t imply getting on the stage, that was my only exception. Chris came to see me every day, trying to know what happened that changed me so drastically. Even at that moment, I kept the secret as I promised - not one soul would ever hear it from me.
After we ended our thing, I thought I would suffer in peace, but that was not the case. Apparently, someone saw us one night, leaving Ricky’s bus. That person took pictures of us and posted them online. I cried even more when I saw them. We were holding hands and smiling at each other. The photo in which we were kissing destroyed me the most. His arms were on my waist, making sure there was no space left between us, while my hands were in his hair. Even while kissing we were both smiling and everyone thought we were very much in love. I wished this was the case.
While we were trying to put out the fire separately, because I refused to talk to him, Ben decided to make this whole thing even worse for me. One hour after the pictures were posted, he made a post on a social platform about me. He called me all sort of names, saying that Ricky was the one to end our relationship and promised that things will not stay this way. I knew what he can do when he is jealous, but I was sure this time it was only a strategy to clear his name in case I would decide to tell the world the real reason behind our breakup.  
I was still looking at those pictures when I heard Chris came to visit me for the last time.
“How are you feeling?”
“Nothing changed. Maybe a little bit worse than before.”
“You can’t stay like this forever.”
“I know. I just need to get out of here.”
“Well, this is the last day. And as the tradition goes, we start with a party and we will end with one as well.”
“I’m not coming. And you’ll never change my mind.”
“Believe me, it will help you. I’ll make sure Ricky will be nowhere near you.”
“I said no, Chris. We have one more concert in an hour. After that, we will go home. I already talked with the boys and they said this is the best thing to do as well.”
He sighed and looked at the ground. I knew he was trying his best to help me, but no one could do anything at this moment.
“Alright, I won’t try to convince you anymore. I promise I will come to see you when I’ll be in L.A.. But you have to promise me the next time I’ll see you, you’ll be happier.”
“That I can promise.”
I gave him a hug, thanking him for being my best friend.
Ricky’s point of view
Even though he denied it every time, I know Chris hates me. I broke Lexus’s heart and for that, he will never forgive me. He started a fight after the pictures were posted and demanded to know everything. Unfortunately, I had to break my promise and tell him everything. I couldn’t help her now, but Chris could, only if he knew the truth. Every time I would ask how she was feeling, he would respond that it was not my business. I wished to be that easy to ask her myself, but Xander acted like her personal bodyguard.
While I was walking to the party, I realized how afraid I was to see her. Maybe it will make her even more upset, or she will pretend I do not exist at all. I don’t know which is worse.
I got a drink and found a free table, searching the place for Lexus. I really hope Chris convinced her to come, under the pretext that she will feel better. Not seeing her for a week started something in me that I could not explain.
After some time, I saw Chris approaching me, but he was alone.
“Congratulations, Ricky. I’ve never seen Lexus so heartbroken before.”
“Where is she? Maybe I can try to talk to her and …”
“She just left. Being here made her feel worse, so she decided to go home.”
I had enough time for 7 days to apologize to her and I didn’t. Now she is gone and who knows when I’ll see her again.
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jesssssssssica · 2 years
betty m.m & c.p
i’m a big folklore love triangle lover! so i made this, sorry if it wasn’t that good! i probably will make this a 3 part series for each of the songs!
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mason i’m sorry okay
it was a mistake and
it’ll never happen again
i swear
there you go again y/n.
ruining a perfect relationship.
she felt so guilty but relieved that he knew, but oh how she did regret it.
she regretted it from the moment he ignored her and wouldn’t speak to her for days, continuing to regret it as he would move away from her when at training.
all this cold shoulder from mase made her question what it would take to get him back. what if she showed up to the party that ben had invited her to maybe that would work but would he believe her if she said it was just a summer fling and was a mistake. or would he tell her to fuck herself.
she was only young, barely living in the world and not knowing anything apart from the fact that she missed him.
she could recall how it happened, how it started.
she had meant to get a lift from her friend but traffic was so bad she would have had to wait for hours, so instead of standing about in the freezing cold, she began her treck to her home. not even 10 minutes later a car pulled up next to her, the window rolling down revealing chris.
now y/n knew christian was an attractive man and she was wary of the affects he had on her, so she found it odd that when he asked if she,
“needed a lift”
her first response was a short and simple,
and that’s how she find herself rolling around in her sheets, getting lost in the passion and love that was being made between the two, yet every time the sun came to rest, y/n couldn’t stop thinking of her boy at home.
now as her fingers hovered above the keyboard, wondering how to put into words that she was outside. she had planned out what was going to happen and how to get mason to see that she truly was sorry.
so she showed up to bens party, asking herself and coming up with scenarios like would he have her? or would he love her? and would he kiss her right there and then on that porch after understanding how much she loved him?
she was only young but she knew that he was the one.
wanting him in her arms again, as she wears his nicest cardigan, kissing in her car again as they stopped at a streetlight.
oh boy she missed him.
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thelonesomequeen · 7 months
I see PR anons are back with the discussion on this pr relationship and how it is. While these PR anons maybe be in the business no one actually knows what is happening BTS. They work on what they see and think what is happening.
The one thing that no one seems to answer from the Pr side is where is the PR? It’s luke warm at best. If it was a true PR relationship they would be everywhere not an article or sighing once a month. Okay round the wedding there were articles but they basically were copy and paste. What we have had 2 papped walks and GG party since then of the 2 of them.
Look at Taylor/JoLo/Ben even Harry and Megan articles day after day of them, getting Pap pics from restaurants, backstage footage etc- that’s true PR, that’s selling your client. Chris and AB where is that level of PR. What is anyone getting out of it? Has she any new jobs no, has she become a household name, do people even know who she is, the GP don’t seem to know that either he is married or who tell. It’s not selling and they are doing the bare minimum. How is this a PR contract then. He left SM and what did we get a visit to an animal shelter sometime over the summer break. They weren’t photographed/pap or anything ( I can hear the yelling that’s because they were not together or in the same country) so please someone tell me a) how is this PR & b) where is the benefit.
All it seems to have done is have her and him name called/body shamed/abused/stalked and yet they are still together after 2 weddings. That of course is another point why have 2 weddings for a fake PR relationship involving so many people from family to wedding planners to catering to an exclusive venue.
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mattnben-bennmatt · 3 months
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Biography Magazine (July 2002)
Ben Affleck on stardom, settling down, and working with best buddy Matt Damon
By Sheryl Berk
Ever since their 1997 Oscar for Good Will Hunting, no matter what Ben Affleck and Matt Damon do solo, it's hard to envision them as anything but in-cahoots. Any time one of them is mentioned, the other's name comes up. So, is it fluke - or fate - that Affleck and Damon are both starring this summer in spy thrillers based on bestselling book series? Affleck plays Jack Ryan in The Sum Of All Fears, while Damon is Jason Bourne in The Bourne Identity.
"I know what it looks like," Affleck admits, "that we somehow planned it this way. But I swear it just kind of happened. The fact that the movies were released around the same time was just a bizarre coincidence. I mean, there aren't all that many weekends in the summer, right?"
Actually, Affleck doesn't seem to mind having most of America think of him as half of the Ben-and-Matt team. "We've known each other since we were 8 or 9," he says of his longtime pal/writing partner. And they intend to be part of each other's future: Between their individual acting jobs, they're thinking up new projects under their multimedia production company LivePlanet. "We'll be writing together for a long, long time," Affleck predicts. "We're on the same page because we share a lot of the same life experiences. It's nice to have someone who understands where you're coming from."
Benjamin Geza Affleck was born on August 15, 1972, in an Oakland, California, hospital. His father, Tim, had a range of jobs, from auto mechanic and electrician to bartender and janitor (he is now a photographer and a counsellor at a California drug rehabilitation center), while his mother, Chris was (and still is) a school teacher. His family lived briefly in Berkeley, California, before moving to Massachusetts when Affleck was 2. "My brother, Casey, was born in Falmouth shortly before my third birthday," Affleck recalls. "We knew he was coming, so my parents threw a party for me three days early so I wouldn't miss it. But Casey decided to steal the show anyway: Right in the middle of my party, we had to rush to the hospital.
At age 5, the family moved to Cambridge and young Ben attended the public schools where his mom taught. But it was acting - not academics - that mainly interested him. "My father had a theater background - he worked with a theater company in Boston before I was born. He and my mom had a lot of friends who were actors, and I was around them all the time and it rubbed off." One of his mother's college friends ran a local casting company in Boston, and her husband was an independent movie director. He needed a 7-year-old boy for a film and Affleck volunteered. "After that, I wanted to do more. Maybe I was precocious; maybe I was just fooling around."
When a casting call went out for a PBS kids educational show called The Voyage of the Mimi, Affleck tried out for the part - and landed it. "I don't think at the time I had any clue how lucky I was," he says. "I didn't realize that most people audition and don't get the role." The pilot was shot in Maine, and the science and math series eventually got funding and a go-ahead. Around this time, the Afflecks divorced, leaving Chris to raise her sons single-handedly. When it was decided that season two of Mimi would be shot in Mexico, Ben's mom accompanied him on location.
"She was great - she was tutoring me. It was always very important to her that I have as normal a childhood as possible," Affleck says. Before the shoot was over, Chris got pneumonia and had to go home. She was assured that Ben would be safe and supervised, but "I was pretty much on my own down there, getting into trouble. I was earning money and I had my own hotel room; I thought I was all grown-up and had all the answers. Mr. Big Shot at 13."
When the series ended, Affleck returned home and started his freshman year at Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School. He began to plot a path to Hollywood and enlisted the support of an old elementary-school friend, whom he nicknamed Matty D. Affleck and Damon would hold "business lunches" in the cafeteria and go to New York on auditions (Affleck even helped Damon find an agent). "In high school, our friendship got more intense as we realized how much we both had similar goals," Affleck says. "We had these fantasies about all the things we were going to do, and they were all sort of silly and romantic and half-baked. We never really imagined that any of them would come true."
One of those "half-baked" fantasies began with a 40-page script that Damon wrote in his Harvard playwriting class in 1992. Affleck had dropped out of the University of Vermont to pursue acting and was struggling in L.A. ("barely able to pay the $300 a month for a one-bedroom hole") when Damon sent the story to him. The pair agreed it had the makings of a great movie - and they were right. It eventually became Good Will Hunting.
"It probably had a million different incarnations," says Affleck. "I was 19 when we wrote the first version. There was one where my character was supposed to die. One where the government was after Will." The project sat on the back burner as Affleck found his niche in independent films. Damon continued to act as well, but both were frustrated with the lack of quality roles being offered to them. They returned to their script, eventually completing 1500 pages.
"We would just sit around BS-ing and kicking things back and forth," Affleck says. "We'd talk it out and it would fall into place. I think we have a great dynamic. In our case, two heads are definitely better than one."
They gave the finished script to their agent who showed it to a few studios. It was accepted by Castle Rock for $600,000. "It was like we won the lottery," Damon once remarked. But a year later, the project remained in limbo - the studio wasn't willing to give Affleck and Damon the creative control they wanted (not only did they want to star in the film, they wanted it shot on location in their native Boston). It took clout and connections to turn things around: Damon had just starred in Francis Ford Coppola's The Rainmaker and was suddenly on Hollywood's radar screen; Affleck's director/friend Kevin Smith was willing to take the script to top execs. It was Miramax's Harvey Weinstein who saved the day and agreed to pick up Good Will Hunting for $1 million.
"Harvey really believed in us and told us it was okay to take some more risks, to go with it," says Affleck. "So we had the opportunity to write the story that we really wanted to write, as opposed to what we thought somebody else would like."
The film was a hit, both critically and at the box office, pulling in a total of $229 million worldwide. It was nominated for nine Academy Awards; it received the Oscar for Best Screenplay, and Robin Williams won Best Supporting Actor. "That night, I remember feeling like I had just been in a car accident," Affleck says. "It was that same feeling of shock, of 'What just happened?' I remember Billy Crystal did his song montage to open the show and we were part of it. He was singing 'Matt and Ben, Ben and Matt,' and I turned to Matt and went, 'Man, this is crazy! Surreal!' I mean, we were a joke that people got. And then Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau announced our category, opened the envelope, and read our names. I expected As Good As It Gets to win, but instead, it was us. All I know is I staggered up there - it was like this weird out-of-body thing followed by exuberance and screaming my head off."
From that day forward, Ben and Matt were Hollywood legend: the 25- and 27-year-old writing wunderkinder who won Oscars their first time out of the gate. Along with the notoriety came the trappings of stardom. Affleck bought homes on both coasts (a three-story Hollywood Hills spread complete with five motorcycles and two Cadillacs, and a New York City pad outfitted with his favorite vintage arcade games) plus a house in Cape Cod for his mom. He even dated an It Girl - Gwyneth Paltrow - for over a year (they're still friends) and has been linked in the tabloids with (among others) Mariah Carey, Chelsea Clinton, Sandra Bullock, and Britney Spears (For the record, he has denied being involved with any of them). He also went through a period of partying too hard and, a year ago, decided it was time to get his life back on track. These days, he's much more future-focused and serious.
"If I were to guess what the next 10 years of my life would be, I would think they'd involve less acting, particularly the kind of acting that requires you to do a bunch of publicity, the kind that changes the quality of your life as a person," he says. "Eventually, I think I'll tone down the degree to which I expose my whole life to the world and put myself out there. If I was doing less of that, I feel it would be more conducive to settling down, getting married, and having a family. That's important to me."
What's also important is the quality of his work, although it doesn't hurt to command upwards of $12 million a picture. Since Good Will Hunting, he has starred in more than 10 films, including Shakespeare In Love, Armageddon, Bounce, Pearl Harbor, and Changing Lanes. Affleck insists it's the story, not the paycheque that convinces him to sign on the dotted line. Case in point: The Sum Of All Fears. He knew the role of Jack Ryan, hero of Tom Clancy's popular novels, came with baggage. "Two fine, fine actors, Harrison Ford [in Clear and Present Danger and Patriot Games] and Alec Baldwin [in The Hunt For Red October], already played Ryan. You know people will always be comparing you - there will be guys on the Internet discussing how I measure up. What can you do? Just your best and be true to the story."
"It was very courageous of him," says the film's director Phil Alden Robinson, who describes Affleck as "a member of the team, a people person, a hugger. He's genuinely a modest fellow who gives it his all. The fact that it was a challenge only makes him work harder."
What appealed to Affleck was the concept of creating Ryan's early years - giving new depth to the character. The film is a prequel to the other three: Ryan must confront terrorists who have possession of a nuclear weapon they plan to detonate at the Super Bowl.
"This is a different Jack Ryan," he explains. "He doesn't have all the answers; he doesn't have it all together. He hadn't yet become the U.S. Intelligence superhero. He's starting out, just getting his feet wet. He writes this paper and it takes on a life of its own. That, I could identify with, because that's how it was for me with Good Will Hunting. You write something, it takes off, and you're sort of whisked along with it. Ryan's not sure where he'll wind up, where this will lead him, but he's going with it. He's going along for the ride."
Ben's Big Business
In June 2000, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Chris Moore and Sean Bailey founded LivePlanet, a company that "creates entertainment experiences that break down the barriers between traditional media, new media, and the physical world." Translation? The foursome and their team come up with outrageously creative, one-of-a-kind projects that allow audience members to not only participate (through TV, film, wireless, the Web, etc.) but in many ways, influence the final outcome.
It all started with Project Greenlight, a 13-episode documentary series on HBO last year that chronicled the nuts and bolts of making an independent feature film. Matt and Ben announced an Internet competition, and 10,000 aspiring filmmakers sent in their scripts. From them, Pete Jones' Stolen Summer was chosen as the winner, and Miramax agreed to foot the bill to produce it (it was released this past spring).
"I hope that young writers are encouraged by us," Affleck says. "And as long as our partners, HBO and Miramax, are ready and willing, we want to keep it going. We want more first-timers to have this great opportunity."
Also in the works is Push, Nevada, a 13-episode ABC TV series that blends elements of fact and faction, drama and reality. The show centers on a series of strange events that occur around a missing seven-figure sum of money. By following the show - and participating online - audience members garner clues that will lead them to a genuine bankroll hidden somewhere in the U.S.
"The idea of LivePlanet is to change the way you can tell a story, and to chance the degree of involvement the audience can have with it," explains Affleck. He expects LivePlanet's wild ideas to raise a few eyebrows: "You have a much higher risk of failure when you're doing something that's never been done before. But that's also the fun of it, the excitement, and to me, the most fulfilling thing I can do in my career."
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
Do you really not understand what I'm alluding to in that post?
Think about who in Massachusetts actually got married on December 31, 2021./ And Martha's Vineyard is a important place for JS and her family. I think they have been spending summer or whatever there for years?
Okay, perhaps my post wasn't enough of a transparent hammer.
She and Ben live in the little town where the ferries for Martha's Vineyard leave from. They had a wedding there in their living room on December 31, 2021.
Those facts are oddly paralleled by Martha's Vineyard and bachelor party (an activity closely wedding related) on December 31, 2021 in the faked up blind.
It's too strange to me that those parallels happened at all between reality and a faked blind concerning Chris in DM. To me... those parallels happened because someone had Jenny on the brain, maybe not in the forefront, but at least in the background brain noise.
It's like Megan asked, hey, we're putting out a distraction blind about your NYE, anything you would want it to say? And out popped that, because the subconscious can never be stopped.
And I know you're going to say, but how would he have even known about her wedding? Oh, they still have some people in common in their social circles. And I'm sure she wanted it getting back to him, just to show she's completely over him and completely happy.
But, you know, just my thoughts. No one has to agree at all.
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geffenrecords · 1 year
I still would like to see your stuff about diary of a wimpy kid. hand it over 🫴🏽
oh boy um. okay. so i hauvent posted abt them in a long time but i imagine if youve followed me for long enuf you remember....and boy theres a lot to sayhere
so the context is that like when i was like 14..me & my at the time best friend became just like. obsessed with the diary of a wimpy kid movies. and im dead serious we were obsessed with them. we watched them all the time and talked about them for hours. like im straight up we loved these movies. my only possible defense for what was up with me is that i was really anorexic haha so i was really weird in the head. but anyways, obviously mostly people only talk about those movies because they like rodrick and well looks around yeah. but also ☝️ we were retired glee kids. my friend had previously been the biggest fan of the warblers from glee (who altogether have maybe 8 minutes of screentime) and we were retired newsies fans. we were really cringey fandom kids still & we were really really good at loving total nothing background characters. so !
if you pay attention. in the first movie rodricks band consists of 1 redhead kid on guitar, some emo kid, and some other random guy. in rodrick rules/dog days, his band is two guys named ben and chris (plus bill in rodrick rules and some random kid they found for dog days). chris doesnt have any lines i dont think but he is there a lot in rodrick rules. i dont have any evidence but im like 79% sure he was definitely high during the filming. and if he wasnt hes really good at acting it. ben does have lines though :-) in rodrick rules he and rodrick drive rowley and greg home and discuss what song theyre going to perform at the talent show and he says "dude we'll get to go backstage" at the party scene.
um. anyways yeah. we made them into what was pretty much our own characters and gave them a whole story which is so long and. in all honesty i just forgot so much of i make shit up all the time for it when i do stuff with it now. but its silly and long and to sum it up -> ben works at office max in a mall (i dont think they have office max in malls) and rodrick keeps coming in to print/copy band posters. one night he breaks the machine so he and ben talk and rodrick asks him to join his band. he says yes, so ben and chris join the band which is rodrick and matt (emo kid from the first movie, who guess what doesnt say a single thing. he just stands there and claps at the sorry women scene) also the big joke with matt was that he works at chuck e cheese and hes the guy who wears the mouse costume and ben rodrick and chris all keep going there and pissing him off and eventually he gets mad and yells at them and thats how they all meet. i think thats what we created him for basically. ben is rhythm guitar/vocals, chris is bass, rodrick is drums, and matt is lead guitar. they break up at the end of highschool and reunite after dropping out of college and get world famous haha. just think like really annoying music kids in like 2007 who actually have a successful band...(their song is rodrick rules is good...i promise go look it up).
but ya. its unfortunately such a personal story to me atp that i cant let it go even though im not even friends with that person anymore. and also i dont really care. its funny & i draw them so much now and also. rodrick rules is such a good fucking movie. i dont care its definitely in my top ten favorites im deadass. whatevs.
other noteable things from this is kitty. whos my oc completely but shes chris' girlfriend and we made her up because the whole joke was she pegged him to paramore. hides my face this is just who we were at the time. but i draw her more with my own ocs than i do with chris her boyfriend who is the only reason she exists. i think thats all. im sorry this is so long but ive never actually explained the whole thing. theres so much more but i literally wont stop if i start. go thru the doawk tag on my blog 4 further explanation or ask me...i love talking about them please please.... bonus drawing of them i just did for this👍
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randomsebs · 20 days
YAY, I can share my questions again!
Anyway, so someone asked about Alejandra.
Here's the juicy timeline:
May 2020: His new management, CAA, signed him.
June 2020: Shauna Perlman followed Alejandra on Instagram.
Early July 2020: He was spotted with Alejandra, packing on the PDA in Ibiza.
December 2021: Breakup with Alejandra. Speculation says it’s because of some racist stuff she said. Maybe his agency cut the contract short with her.
February 2022: Seen with AW.
March 2022: News broke that AW and Chris Pine split.
May 2022: First pic of Seb and AW kissing at Robert Pattinson's birthday party. Seb looks utterly hammered BTW. And who took the photo? A CAA photographer, of course! Coincidence? 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ He also snapped Chris Evans and Alba’s first event pic. What was this CAA photographer doing at Robert's party, taking this perfect shot of the loved-up couple? Just a question to ponder. 😏
Oh, and Chris Pine is also with CAA (so his thing with AW was probably PR too). Same for Chris Evans and Ana de Armas.
CAA is notorious for PR relationships. Think Ana de Armas with Ben Affleck and Chris Evans with Alba Baptista (Allegedly).
So, from what I gathered, Sebastian was in two PR relationships: one with Alejandra and the second with AW. Maybe he started this because his other public relationships led to crazy fans sending death threats to his girlfriends. So, the PR relationship facade might be his way to date privately without his partners being attacked. Just a guess.
I totally agree!
She’s a professional beard/PR girlfriend so they must have great people hired for this rs. They probably have these people to clear her image, when it’s not working as well as she wanted because I found a lot of things that she has done (publicly/on the internet)
And she continues to do it.
It’d be different if she apologized after every time she made a mistake, but for her to IGNORE the problems she has done - over-and-over-and-over - it’s just disgusting. Also not to mention she’s done a lot of things so for her to continue doing these things.
Also let’s not forget the fact she becomes a different person with each relationship she’s in , JUST to blend in a bit more with the “boyfriend” she has. She’s not blending into Seb that much. She is the polar opposite of him and she has done things that HE stands against/doesn’t agree with. Why can’t they make it make sense!? 😂
But anyways - thank you so much for this! It’s so suspicious on how she can just JUMP from a 4 YEAR RELATIONSHIP to a completely new one in the span of a few months (it’s not exactly sure when Pine and her broke up, could also be the same date in March, but still.. if it was that year, wouldn’t you like to take a bit more to move on?). It’s ridiculous. She used to stalk him before they even dated, it’s an obsession that needs to be talked about..
She stalks his fan accounts on their stories, probably also on their regular pages, just to check if she’s receiving attention. That’s ALL she did on her birthday. Everyone took it as her “being sweet”… but she also checks every account that is even related to her, hate or not. Everyone posts about it when it DOES happen. She just wants to make sure people still talk about her.
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chaos-thirium · 2 years
Hi! I just saw your response to my previous ask, I’m glad I can still send prompts 😊
What about
43: “i told you to stay still"
85: “i’m going to fuck you so hard you’re going to forget that guy’s name”
with Dominant!Connor who feels jealous of your interactions with Gavin? 😇
Thank you for giving me such a fun one to end on! I hope you enjoy it.
This gif has been haunting me. Just imagine him giving Gavin that look when jealousy hits 👀
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Connor x AFAB reader. Rated M.
The DPD officers were by far your favourite customers. Not only did they not cause trouble, they kept trouble from arising from other patrons, and they were fun. Running a bar was hard work, but good customers made it worthwhile. You liked your regulars the best. When they came in, a shift felt more like a party. Sometimes you even let them stay after-hours, and you would hang out with the group on the fun side of the bar.
Tonight was one such night. You locked the doors and flipped the sign, but the night was far from over. Hank Anderson was at the bar, as always, nursing a large scotch. You’d noticed a decrease in his alcohol intake, and you were glad, even if it was a loss of money for you. His habits were much healthier now. Rather than leaning on the bar and wallowing, he was sitting sideways on his stool, watching the pool tournament that was going on.
Everyone else was clustered around the pool table, where Connor had just won the last eleven games against a variety of opponents. You couldn’t even blame android precision giving him an unfair advantage, as two of the people he’d beaten had also been androids. The longer the evening wore on, the more the competitive types made themselves known. Currently he was facing off against Ray Wilson, an officer you knew he usually got on really well with, but that friendship seemed in danger of straining with every shot that Connor made.
Clustered around Ray, Tina Chen, Chris Miller, Gavin Reed and Ben Collins were shouting tips and encouragement. To your ears, it sounded contradictory and unhelpful, and you suspected Ray agreed, judging by his disgruntled expression. You clasped his shoulder in consolation when he lost, and shot Connor a smile.
“You’re just too good, Connor.”
He lifted his eyebrows a fraction, but said nothing. Casual flirting was practically part of your job description. You flirted with pretty much all of them, (skipping over the ones that were uncomfortable, of course), but there was always an underlying something with Connor. You weren’t sure what it was exactly. Tension, maybe. Something more than playfulness. You weren’t yet sure what it meant or if it would lead anywhere, but it certainly made these nights interesting.
“Whose side are you on?” Ray accused you, although he was smiling. Not even a loss could keep his cheeriness down. That was one of the best things about him. You guessed the friendship wasn’t in danger after all.
“Mine,” you grinned back. “As host and owner of this establishment, I need to remain neutral.”
“Convenient,” Hank called over.
You gave him the middle finger, and he laughed.
“I think you should try,” Gavin spoke up, his words followed by a chorus of cheers.
“That so?”
“Yeah.” He took the pool cue from Ray and stepped closer, offering it to you. He was in your personal space, but you allowed it. He was one of the only ones who you sensed had a genuine interest in you. If you suggested it, he’d go there, but since you hadn’t, he kept a mostly-respectful distance. Lines got blurred now and then, but nothing beyond what you permitted within your personal boundaries. You liked flirting, enjoyed the harmless little touches that came with it, and you were good at reading people. You always knew how far you could go before messages got mixed.
You took the cue from him, turning to eye Connor. He was watching you intently, but reacted to your challenging gaze with one of his own.
“You’re good at pool, right?” Gavin said. “Kick his plastic ass.”
You were good at pool, but you doubted you could beat Connor. There was no harm in trying, though.
“You’re going down,” you said, mostly for show, and the officers cheered.
Connor wore the faintest trace of a smirk, and proceeded to chalk his cue in the sassiest way you’d ever seen. Never had you imagined that using a chalk cube could be sassy. Thank the gods for new experiences.
Ray set up a new game, and Connor tossed the chalk towards you. You caught it awkwardly, trying not to drop it with your clumsy human hands.
After having lost to Connor themselves, the android officers Sophie and Zoo had decided to join him in support, and they stood behind him offering their own encouragement. Somehow the game had turned into androids versus humans, but you were glad that it was friendly. You didn’t tolerate bigotry in your bar.
“You got this,” Zoo said, his tone dry. “Just like all the others.”
Zoo had been named by his neighbour’s four-year-old son, who had mistaken the 200 in his model number for the word ‘zoo’. It had stuck, and it was one of your favourite android name stories that you’d heard. You smiled every time you saw him.
“Take him down, babe,” Gavin put in.
Gavin had calmed down a lot on his anti-android sentiments, but you knew he and Connor still didn’t get on all that well. It was just that these days it was less about race and more a personality clash.
Connor’s eyes narrowed. Did he actually see you as a challenge? That was flattering!
“Do you want to break, or shall I?” you asked.
“Host’s privilege,” he said, holding a hand out in invitation.
That worked for you, since you were already on the right side of the table. You lined up your shot, trying to ignore how many eyes were on you, particularly Connor’s. You’d watched him play everyone else, and you were certain he’d try and psych you out if he could. You sent the cue ball on its way, and the other balls scattered with a satisfying smack.
“Not bad,” Connor said.
“You need to stop with all this high praise,” you shot back sarcastically, earning a tiny smile.
Gavin lingered nearby as the game began properly, offering support. Frankly, you thought he just wanted a good view of you bent over the table to take your shots, for which you couldn’t blame him. You’d admired others doing the same before. Speaking of…
You stood back to let Connor take his next shot, your eyes tracing the lean lines of his body as he snapped his cue forward, sending a red striped ball into the corner pocket.
“Fuck!” Gavin exclaimed as Sophie and Zoo clapped.
Connor smiled, taking his next, and then stood back to let you do yours. You leaned down, mindful of his presence behind you. No doubt he was judging the way you were calculating your angles.
“Damn,” you heard Gavin say. “The temptation to smack your ass right now…”
You blinked, shocked. He’d never gone as far as that before!
“Do you mind?” you brushed off. “I’m trying to win a game here.”
“Sorry, babe.”
“What the fuck, Gav?” Tina said, giggling.
“Just being honest.”
You tried to concentrate on your shot, and gratefully pocketed a solid colour ball, narrowly missing hitting one of Connor’s striped ones on the way. You moved around the table to take your extra shot, seeing Gavin looking smug with folded arms. Connor was looking at the table, but his LED was yellow. Was he actually worried that you might beat him? Surely not.
There wasn’t much you could do, so you sent the cue ball into a position that would make things difficult for Connor, and stepped back. Gavin sidled up to you as you were watching Connor figure out his next move.
“Why have we never hooked up?” he asked you. His voice was quiet, but you were certain the androids heard him, as Connor’s LED spun, and the other two shot glances in your direction.
“Down boy,” you said. “Remember, I can still kick you out.”
“You would never,” he grinned. “You like me.”
You pulled a face. “I’m starting to forget why that is.”
He laughed good-naturedly, downing the last of his beer. Truth was, you did like him, but it wasn’t in that way, and you were never going to hook up with him. You suspected he knew as much, he was just trying his luck.
“I can’t help it if your ass looks fantastic in those jeans,” he said. “And when you bend over, it’s just…” He made a grabby motion in thin air, which you couldn’t help laughing at.
A ripple of surprised reactions pulled your attention back to the table, where Connor had just made an uncharacteristically bad shot and pocketed the cue ball, giving you an extra shot.
Your brow furrowed, and you looked at Gavin, a whisper of suspicion starting to creep in. Was he being more outrageously flirty with you as a means of distracting Connor? And moreover, was it working?
Gavin met your gaze and winked, (clumsily, with both eyes), and you pursed your lips, shaking your head slightly as you smirked. He raised one eyebrow in a silent question, and you offered a tiny nod. You were on board. Anything to break Connor’s ludicrous winning streak.
The game continued, as did Gavin’s remarks, and Connor seemed to get more and more irritated with him. You weren’t sure if it was just his dislike for the human man, or if it had something to do with that unspoken something between you, but whatever it was, it was levelling the playing field. You were playing the closest game of the evening, and the atmosphere from your audience was getting more and more hyped. You still didn’t think you were going to win, but you were making Connor work for it, and that was enough for you.
It came down to you and him both chasing the 8 ball around the table, all the coloured balls having been pocketed. It was a short battle that Connor won, but it was still satisfying, and the humans were thrilled by how close it had been.
You high-fived Gavin, and he briefly pulled you close.
“For the record,” he said near your ear, “your ass does look great in those jeans, and I’m on board if you really do wanna hook up, but I have a feeling you don’t.”
“I don’t,” you said, but warmly with a smile, “but thanks for the compliment.”
He didn’t seem overly upset by your rejection. “Any time.”
You nodded to him, and headed back to the bar. “Okay, folks!” you yelled. “Finish up and go home, I’ve got a bar to clean!”
There was a cacophony of noise and movement as they did as you asked, setting their empty glasses on the bar and grabbing their coats. You went to the door to let them out, bidding them good night as you did so, accepting compliments on your pool performance. Connor left without a word, his LED yellow as he looked at you. You didn’t think he was annoyed at you, so you assumed there was something important on his mind, and you didn’t hold it against him.
“Next time,” Ray said with a laugh, and you smiled.
“Yeah,” added Chris. “You’ve gotta beat him next time.”
“I’ll get some practice in,” you assured them.
When the last person had left, you locked the door and started cleaning up, winding down from the evening’s excitement. You stacked the dishwasher, wiped down the bar and tables, decided the floor could wait until tomorrow, and set the pool cues back in the umbrella stand they lived in. You were almost ready to leave yourself when a knock at the door startled you.
You approached with caution – it was late, after all – but relaxed when you recognised the silhouette and LED through the frosted glass.
“Hey, Connor,” you said, opening the door. “Did you forget something?”
“Yes,” he said, moving past you.
You shut the door behind him, following him. “I didn’t find anything. What did you leave?”
He didn’t answer you, stopping next to the pool table. You wondered if he was replaying bits of his memory from the evening.
“You shouldn’t let him speak to you like that,” he said eventually.
It took a few seconds for your brain to catch up. “Gavin?” you said, bewildered by the randomness of the topic. “He doesn’t mean anything by it.”
“It was inappropriate.”
“It’s just banter, Connor,” you said with a sigh. “It’s part of my job, people expect it.”
“You didn’t see the way he was looking at you when you…” He cut himself off, LED flashing red.
“He can look all he wants, I don’t care. And if he touches, he gets whacked with a pool cue, simple as.”
“Good,” he said. “None of them should touch you.”
You looked at him in mild surprise as he spoke, and at his next words, your mouth slackened in shock.
“None of them except me.”
You simply stared at him, trying to process that he’d actually said that out loud. He approached you slowly, and every footstep towards you sent your pulse racing faster.
“Just say it,” he went on, voice deceptively soft. “Tell me I can touch you, and I’ll make you feel better than any of them ever could.”
Suddenly you knew what that unspoken something was between you. It was tension. A fuckton of unresolved sexual tension.
You released a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding. Connor was a sweet and charming guy, a nice guy who genuinely was nice, but he was also a ruthless badass who didn’t stop until he’d achieved his goals. You, lucky soul that you were, were witnessing an amalgamation of both sides of him, and it was fucking hot.
“Yes,” you said.
You didn’t have the wits or patience to add anything more. Fortunately, he didn’t seem to need anything other than that. The moment the word left your lips, Connor had captured them, his hands lightly gripping your jaw as he slipped his tongue into your mouth.
You whimpered, trying to kiss back while you struggled to comprehend how fast everything was moving. Not that you objected, exactly, but you needed to process that this whatever-it-was with Connor actually was a thing. It was going somewhere. Alarmingly fast, actually. You couldn’t bring yourself to care, though, not when he felt this good.
You ran your hands across his chest, feeling the smooth cotton of his shirt, the firmness of his body beneath it. His tongue toyed with yours, inhuman in the most intriguing way, and he held your head still as he explored your mouth. You weren’t used to being kept in place like that, and you doubted you’d let just anyone do it. Connor, however…you didn’t realise just how much you trusted him until that moment. A hot spark of desire left your knees weak, and you were glad he was there for support.
He walked you backward until your ass bumped the pool table, and he crowded you against it, breaking the kiss to ask you a crucial question.
“How far are you willing to go tonight?”
You appreciated that he asked, despite the irrational little voice at the back of your head that was annoyed with him for even suggesting walking away after working you up so quickly.
“All the way,” you answered breathlessly.
His lips ticked up in a pleased smirk. “Good.”
He kissed you once, hard, then broke away and spun you around, his hands at your hips. You gasped in surprise, your own hands coming out to rest on the felt of the pool table. Connor’s voice was a low purr by your ear, somehow tantalising and comforting all at once.
“If you say stop, I will.”
You nodded your understanding, but you had no intention of stopping him. His hands went to your belt, unbuckling it before he undid your jeans with ease. Your breathing hitched as he slowly slid them down your legs, urging you to step out of them. You hastily toed off your shoes and did just that.
He leaned over you, taking your hands and pressing your palms flat to the table, far enough away that you were conveniently bent over, your chest resting against the tabletop. The wooden border dug into your stomach, but it was only a mild inconvenience.
“Stay still,” he instructed.
Oh, so it was like that.
You fought the urge to rub your thighs together at his calm, authoritative tone. That would most likely be seen as the opposite of staying still. Your neck was already starting to ache, so you rested your cheek on the table, your heart pounding. You felt so vulnerable bent over and stretched out, but weirdly you didn’t feel unsafe. You put that down to Connor’s reassuring presence. His hands were surprisingly warm on your skin as he hooked his fingers into your underwear and drew it down, gently gripping your ankle so you could step out. He ran his hand up the inside of your leg as he stood back up, and you tried not to squirm at the light, teasing sensation.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to touch you like this,” he said, his voice soft and conversational as he casually explored your skin.
“I’d imagine about as long as I’ve wanted you to touch me,” you confessed.
You heard him let out a pleased hum, his fingers kneading the curve of your ass. Clearly he’d been watching you earlier, and not analysing how you were lining up your shots as you’d assumed. Gavin had been right on the money to flirt with you to get to him, but the outcome had been far from what he’d intended. That was almost laughable, considering Gavin’s proposition to you and how much he disliked Connor.
You felt Connor plant a kiss on the back of your neck just as he slipped his hand between your legs, long fingers gliding through the slick that had gathered there. You let out a ragged breath, already throbbing at his touch. Dear god, you hadn’t realised just how much you needed him. Or more accurately, you hadn’t let yourself realise.
“Someone’s desperate,” he murmured by your ear, easing two fingers inside you at a painfully slow pace. “Did Gavin get you all worked up like this?”
You flinched, frowning in indignation, and started to turn so you could protest. Before you’d even moved three inches off the pool table, a hand at the back of your neck stopped you.
“I told you to stay still.”
You settled back down without a word, too turned on to even think of something to say. He leaned close again, his breath a warm caress against your ear.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard you’re going to forget that guy’s name.”
Pure need crackled through your body like electricity, and you clenched around his fingers. It was as obvious as if you’d given verbal approval, and he let out a soft chuckle, curling and pressing deeper as he added a third. You couldn’t help squirming a little, but he didn’t scold you for it. You were already ready for something thicker than his fingers.
“Please,” you whispered. It was barely loud enough for you to hear, but of course Connor picked up on it.
“What is it?”
“Please fuck me.”
His hands slipped away from your body, and you heard the promising sound of his belt and zipper being undone. Then he was back, and you felt something warm and hard nudge between your legs. He slid an arm around your waist, drawing your hips back a little, so they weren’t flush against the table’s wooden border, and you smiled to yourself at the show of thoughtfulness. It was very Connor of him.
“Since you asked so nicely,” he said, nuzzling your neck as he guided himself in.
You moaned as he filled you, but couldn’t help the joyful little laugh that spilled out of your mouth.
“Something amusing you?” he asked. He didn’t sound too impressed, so you rushed to enlighten him.
“No, it’s just…I knew you’d feel fucking perfect.”
“Hm.” He sounded placated, but his spare hand returned to the back of your neck once his hips came flush to yours.
You exhaled gustily, your fingers curling against the felt of the tabletop as he began to ease in and out of you. He felt sublime, never a stroke wasted, and your inner walls fluttered around him. From the feel of things, he’d straightened up from leaning over you, but the constant pressure of his hand on your neck kept you down. You weren’t sure what was compelling him to do that, but it was so hot.
He built up to a fast but precise pace, and you could feel the combination of speed and control in his movements. It was unlike anything you’d experienced before, and it took your breath away. All you could do was stay still and take it.
You could hear Connor’s quiet grunts and groans as he moved, and you wondered if he was fulfilling a fantasy that your unexpectedly intense game had provoked. It seemed likely, as he sounded extremely into it, although his arm protecting your hips prevented him from fucking you as hard as he’d threatened to.
He apparently reached the same conclusion, as he suddenly stopped and pulled out of you. You blinked at the rapid change, then found yourself brought upright. He spun you around, gripped your hips and deposited you on the edge of the table. You immediately saw it as an improvement, since you could now fully appreciate the dark, predatory look on his face. He sent a shiver down your spine without uttering a single word. You expected him to push back in, but he surprised you by dropping to his knees.
“What are you…?” you began.
“You did tell me I was going down,” he said with a wry smirk.
You let out a startled laugh. “This wasn’t exactly what I…meant…” you said with a groan as he ran his tongue over your slick flesh.
“Oh, so I should stop?” He was still so close to you, his lips brushed your clit as he spoke, and you shivered again.
“No,” you whispered. “Please don’t stop.”
He licked at you like you were some intriguing treat, then swirled his tongue across your clit. It felt so good, it took you a second to notice that he was writing his name. You grinned, but didn’t call him on it. In fact, you were almost sorry that CyberLife had only given him six letters. He pulled back and bit into the soft skin of your inner thigh. You yelped, wincing at the brief pain before he soothed it with the flat of his tongue. That was going to bruise, and you realised you’d just been branded and marked.
You were his. As long as he didn’t think that gave him the right to be a controlling asshole, (unlikely, considering it was him), that was perfectly fine with you.
He straightened up, sliding back inside you so smoothly it almost took you by surprise. He kissed you as his hips met yours, and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
“Fuck me,” you murmured against his lips.
His hands cupped your hips and he eased out before thrusting hard and deep. Your lips parted as a groan escaped you, and you braced your hands on the tabletop for balance.
Connor gripped you tight, holding your hips in place as he drove into you, hitting the spot deep inside you that made your eyes roll back in your head. You moaned, becoming increasingly aware that if he kept going, he was likely to make you forget your own name, let alone Gavin’s.
Of course, he didn’t get tired or need to pause for breath, so when he’d said he was going to fuck you hard, not only did he mean it, he meant relentlessly. You weren’t sure if it was minutes or hours before he’d reduced you to a babbling mess. It felt so unbelievably good, time lost all meaning. Maybe he was skilled enough to stretch it out for ages, or maybe your brain wanted to preserve the feeling and made it feel longer, but either way you felt as if the two of you were in your own private world, unattached from the real one.
The hand that wasn’t holding your weight found its way into his hair, an anchor point for you as you floated on a sea of bliss. Your head lolled back as the pleasure making your nerves sing started to coil in your abdomen, and Connor latched onto your throat.
“Yes!” you gasped. “Mark me again.”
He made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a growl, but he obliged you, biting at your neck and sucking at your skin.
“Oh god, Connor!”
He braced a hand next to yours, his other at the small of your back as he held you against him and fucked you into the most powerful orgasm you’d ever experienced. You let out a strangled cry, your body shuddering in his arms as wave after wave of pleasure sent you reeling. You were shaking so badly, you almost didn’t notice that he peaked right after you.
You were going to have to work really hard if you wanted to beat him at pool, since all you were going to think of when you saw the table was the fact that you’d been fucked senseless on it.
He held you close while you trembled, your body coming down after the intensity. When you felt calm and lucid enough to move, you opened your eyes to a close-up view of his shirt, and the feeling of his fingers gliding through your hair. You were still sitting on the edge of the table, but Connor held you against him, keeping you upright. He’d softened inside you, and was slowly slipping out. You mourned the loss of him.
“Are you alright?” he asked you.
He leaned back to meet your gaze, and you smiled at him. He returned it, his thumb caressing your cheek. You followed his eyes as they tracked over you, and saw him linger on your neck before sending you a small, apologetic glance.
“There’s…quite a mark there,” he said a touch sheepishly. You almost laughed at the contrast in his demeanour.
“I don’t mind. It’ll keep Gavin guessing.”
He smiled, but quirked an eyebrow. “You still remember his name. I guess I’ll have to do better next time.”
“Next time?” Your tone was teasing, but you also wanted to know where you stood.
“I’d like there to be a next time,” Connor said earnestly. “Many next times, in fact.”
“I’d like that too,” you said without hesitation. “And…you can go harder on the dom thing. If you want, I mean.”
“I wasn’t sure…”
“Neither was I, but… It was fucking hot.” You shrugged, a little self-conscious. “I think I might be a sub. At least, for you."
His eyes lit up with a spark of heat and intrigue, and you felt a tired thrill zip through you.
“In that case,” he said, lifting you off the table and into his arms, “I guess I should take you home and fulfil my aftercare duties.”
You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Sounds good, but pants first.”
“Why?” he said impishly. “You’re not going to need them.”
Well, fuck. Who were you to argue?
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someoneoffthestreet · 2 years
13 and 11 combined for your ship of choice!!
Intimacy prompts: 11. "sharing secrets" and 13. "cuddles". Dean/Lisa, 2037 words
Outside the night was wild, the threatening storm whipping through the mountains like a poltergeist. But inside the cabin was quiet, warmth just this side of smothering still lingering from the glowing embers of the fireplace. Dean knew how quickly the cold could move in, all-too-familiar with how it crept into any spaces it could find and sap everything, even the bone marrow, if given the chance. That’s why he relished his place in the bed, the warm line of Lisa’s body against his front, the slightly damp puff of her breath on his collarbone, how the heavy quilts cocooned their entwined bodies from the encroaching chill.
He pulled Lisa a little tighter to him and wondered what else out there in the night could come creeping in, seeking respite from the storm.
“Usually…” Lisa’s lips moved against his skin. “…people would tell ghost stories on a night like this.”
Her voice was hushed, but it still seemed intrusive in the quiet. Dean shifted his hand up to the back of her neck and began curling her hair through his fingers, causing her to shiver.
“I thought you were asleep,” he murmured into her hairline. The smell of her shampoo mixed with the lingering smoke and he sighed with it, unable to resist nuzzling at her hair.
“Not really,” she admitted. She shifted a little in his grasp, fingers curling loosely in his shirt. “Guess I’m feeling a little- restless.”
Air whistled through the chimney. The trees creaked and groaned outside and through all of it Dean kept his ears pricked for any noise from Ben’s room. An old instinct, well-practiced and at home in this new world he was still navigating; a thought that still sat oddly in his chest.
“Anyway-” Lisa poked at his stomach, payback for tickling her neck. “-how about that ghost story?”
Dean snorted, smiling in spite of himself. “Oh, sure. Any requests? ‘Cause I have tons to choose from.”
Lisa hummed, thinking to herself, and the hand between them drifted to Dean’s ribs, scratching lightly. “On second thought, maybe not; your stories are way too grisly.”
“That’s what makes them good,” Dean teased into her ear, and she swatted him playfully. It was clear they weren’t falling asleep any time soon.
Huffing a little, Lisa began shifting out of Dean’s arms, and he whined unhappily at the loss of her heat as she shifted away. She didn’t go very far, though, simply shifting up the bed so they were eye-to-eye on the pillows. Their fingers twined together in the meantime, and Dean hooked his ankle around hers, his knee nudging between her legs.
“So, if we’re nixing Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark,” said Dean, thumb rubbing the back of her hand, “what else do you suggest we do?”
From the faint light filtering through the window curtains, Dean could see the outline of her face, the soft impression of her features, half-lit. He caught the movement of her bottom lip between her teeth, tentatively mischievous.
“Truth or Dare always works,” she replied, voice low and scratchy.
Dean narrowed his eyes, skeptically. “Is this a slumber party now?”
“Yes. It’s mine. And I wanna play Truth or Dare- minus the dare.”
“You can’t minus the dare, the dare is the whole point.”
“Fine. I dare you to tell the truth.”
“You haven’t even asked me anything!”
Lisa shushed him through stifled giggles, and he kicked lightly at her calf. Wind blustered at the roof and the windowpane, and they settled again, listening.
“Maybe Truth or Dare isn’t exactly right,” Lisa whispered eventually.
“You’re having trouble picking games tonight.”
“I don’t hear you making suggestions.” He wasn’t sure if she could see his expression in the dark, but after a brief pause, she added, flatly, “No, not that.”
“Fine, Chris Parker,” Dean grumbled, only partly disgruntled. “So- what did you have in mind?”
“Well,” Lisa replied, elongating the ell as she shuffled a little closer. “A night like this is always good for a secret or two.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean-” and her words were quiet, purposeful in the dark- “I tell you something I’ve never told anybody, and you tell me something you’ve never told anybody. Just between us.”
The window rattled, and Dean considered, something twisting uncomfortably in his stomach. It wasn’t as though he were secretive with Lisa, more just- there were a lot of things he didn’t say and a lot of things she didn’t ask. He felt her skin pressed against his, sensed the soft muscle of her body where she laid beside him and thought there wasn’t much that he wouldn’t give to her; but that was easier said than done when he often felt like a rock being flipped over to reveal something pale, wet, and wriggling that was never meant to see daylight in the first place.
Then again- it wasn’t exactly daylight in here, was it?
He must have been quiet too long, because her voice came again, forcing nonchalance, “Or we don’t have to. We can let it go and think of something else. Or go to sleep.”
Dean pressed forward to touch their foreheads together, noses brushing. “It’s alright,” he said softly before pulling back, and felt her relax. Exhaling, he asked, “So- who’s first?”
He watched her think a little; finally, she answered, “Me. I’ll go first.”
“Rookie mistake,” Dean murmured, but he settled a little closer, waiting.
Beneath the covers, Dean felt Lisa’s fingers tighten around his, betraying nervousness. Maybe he shouldn’t think it, but it was oddly reassuring, the knowledge that there were spaces in their relationship that even she was hesitant about. He rubbed her knuckles reassuringly, receiving a gentle squeeze back. Even so, he heard her start and stop, breath caught, before she spoke.
“I was engaged once.”
Dean’s eyebrows shot up. “Really.”
“Once,” she repeated. “Briefly. Like, a million years ago.”
“Before Ben?”
A sharp inhale. Dean shifted, waiting.
“…About two weeks after I found out,” she admitted, voice small beneath the storm outside.
He wondered how serious the relationship was. None of Lisa’s family ever said anything about someone long-term; they’d all seemed to think that she had been too preoccupied with raising Ben to focus on a boyfriend. Lisa had certainly never said anything to him- not until now, at least.
“I think he panicked,” Lisa continued, and even in the dark he could tell she wasn’t looking at him, the shine of her eyes angled away and down. “I panicked, too. I wasn’t even sure I was gonna-”
She cut herself off; only one secret allowed tonight.
“Anyway,” she continued with forced nonchalance. “I was young, and scared; and he was nice and good-looking, with a steady job. And I liked him. And I thought- stability, y’know? Better than doing it alone. Maybe that could’ve been enough for us.”
Enough, Dean thought. A path lay behind that word, dark and turbulent like the night around them. He shook it away, pushing it back with all the other things he hid in the back of his mind, left to brood and fester until a darker, lonelier night came along.
Instead, he said, “So, what changed?”
She shrugged. “After a week, I realized it wouldn’t work. I had this- premonition? I guess? Like I could just see how that would all go, how miserable we’d all be. And when I started thinking that it would be better if I did it alone, I realized I really could. So, I called it off, and we didn’t keep in contact after.”
And that was true. That was more like the Lisa he knew: self-assured and emotionally astute. Sometimes he felt that, so long as she had Ben, Lisa could weather anything: a lighthouse sat atop a stern cliff face, beckoning home even as it bid farewell.
“Do you…” His voice wasn’t steady enough, and he cleared his throat, trying again. “Do you regret it? Not marrying him?”
“No,” she said, calm and certain. Then her forehead was pressed to his again, her breath warm and soft against his cheek. “And I don’t regret anything since, either.”
Dean closed his eyes, something settling uneasily into place. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe her, exactly; just that some wounded animal inside his chest, flinching from affection still, couldn’t be persuaded yet. So, he met the press of her head with his own and slotted his mouth to her cheek, just behind the corner of her mouth, not quite a kiss.
“…So,” Lisa said, not quite a question, her lips catching on his stubble.
“Guess it’s my turn,” said Dean, voice muffled.
“You don’t have-” She stopped; there was a puff of air against his cheek. “I mean- maybe this got a little too serious.”
An out, then. Dean breathed in her shampoo again and felt the scent of her lotion tickle the back of his throat, and realized he didn’t want it. No sense in only one of them digging up old ghosts tonight, after all. Dean pulled back from her and found her silhouette again, a faint impression of nonchalance on her face. He wondered if, in a better light, would she look as exposed as he thought she did right now.
“I want my turn,” he said, infusing the words with a little petulance. He was rewarded with the tease of her smile, her head ducking. “Don’t steal my turn.”
“Fine, fine.” She shifted a little, readjusting her position. She didn’t say anything else, but just looked at him, expectant and waiting.
He squeezed at her fingers as the roof above them rattled.
“I, uh…” he started, but his voice unexpectedly gave out, and he swallowed. Lisa’s expression was curious, and the shine of her eyes caught him, settling him even as they made his nerves climb up the back of his throat. Suddenly, he felt ridiculous.
“I tried out for a part in a school play.”
He let the quiet sit between them for a moment, wind clawing at the windows again. When he glanced at Lisa’s face, he could just see her starting to grin, wicked and delighted.
“You did not,” she whispered, gleeful.
He laughed, a little embarrassed, and said, “I did.”
“I didn’t think you guys ever settled anywhere long enough to even think of doing that!”
“We didn’t.” Dean hesitated. “I- spent two months at a boys’ home. Got pretty invested in school, looked into extra-curriculars, and thought- hey, why not, y’know? Ended up leaving before I found out if I even got the part.”
As he spoke, Lisa’s expression shifted into something he couldn’t quite read. Honestly, he was a little grateful for it, unable to bear either her tenderness or her teasing, not about this.
“For the best, probably,” he said, looking away again. “Don’t think the world’s ready for the Dean Winchester One-Man Show.”
“I’d pay to see that.”
“Oh, would you.” He huffed, but it turned into a sigh. “Nah. Probably would’ve wound up where I am now either way.”
“But what if you didn’t?” she asked. “What if you- I don’t know. Maybe you wouldn’t have made Broadway or anything, but-”
“It was one play,” Dean said, sharper than he’d intended. Lisa went quiet, and he shuffled a little closer to her again, kissing her forehead in apology. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright,” she said softly. “I don’t mean to push.”
Dean shook his head. “You weren’t. I’m just- I’m fine with how I am now, alright? I don’t need to go chasing what-ifs, I’m good right here.”
Lisa freed her hand from Dean’s, and he felt her knuckles at his throat, her thumb against his chin. He dipped his head and kissed the pad of it. Tree branches rapped at the side of the cabin and Lisa shivered.
“Rough night out there,” Dean murmured against her hand. “Never know what might try and get in.”
“I’d protect you,” Lisa said. Her eyes were dark and glittering from the faint light of the window, and that, Dean knew, was a secret too, just for them.
They didn’t say anything more. Eventually they fell asleep, foreheads pushed together and limbs entangled; outside, the wind carried on.
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lexusiswriting · 6 months
A love you deserve (Ricky Olson) - Part 5 of ? - 18+
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Hi guys!
This part is a little different and a little spicier (at least I hope it is) and I want to say sorry in advance if it's not good, because I rarely write this kind of scenes, but I thought they were important to the story. So I hope it will not be that bad, haha.
Warnings: language, 18+.
Taggs: @multifandomcrackhead, @nicelittlenightmares, @roll-tide-babe89, @skulliecadaver-blog, @21-century-tae, @melissa-anderson, @abiomens, @w743, @insanitywulf
Requests: OPEN.
The next 3 weeks went by very quickly. Having to perform nearly every day, helping around with the merch and preparing the international tour were no easy tasks. But they kept me going and helped me forget what happened. Our manager changed the program of our band in Warped Tour, making sure I will not see Ben at all, which was very sweet of him.
We had fun parts as well, every band having a party in their bus from time to time. Tonight we were going to be the hosts, but thankfully the guys had the task to buy everything we needed. I was left to clean a little bit, even though the place will look even dirtier than it did before.
I took a little break when I heard the phone. It was a message from Ricky:
~ What time should I be there? Maybe you need an extra hand. ~
~ See you at 8. ~
That’s one thing that changed. Ricky and I got closer these past weeks. We helped each other to feel better and I think both of us did a good job. All I can say, Chris is a little jealous over our bonding.
After a little chatting with our friends from Sleeping with Sirens, Black Veil Brides, All Time Low and many more, everyone wanted to play our favourite game: truth or dare with shots. Tonight I was glad to not be the only girl, as some of their girlfriends came to visit them. I usually have a drink or two before this game, to be ready for what it will come, which I did while Ricky was helping me.
The first one to go was Jack Barakat.
“Kellin, truth or dare?”
“Boring, but let’s see. Is it truth that you use lube to make your hair look greasy?”
Okay, so it was that kind of night. Seth chose dare and had to show us his favourite position, the twist was to show what the girl will do. Chris dared Alex to moan every time he had to say something for the entire game. Then it was Justin’s turn to ask me.
“Lexus, truth or dare?”
“I’ll say truth.”
“Between Andy and Chris, who would you choose to have a one night stand with?”
“Andy, of course. Chris is like my brother.”
After I answered, I saw that my glass was empty. The whisky bottle was closer to Ricky and when I was about to ask him for it, I saw his face. Furious will be an understanding. I took my phone out, planning to send him a message. When I was about to send it I heard him say:
“Continue without me, I’m going to smoke.”
That was odd, he liked this game. I sat there for a couple of minutes when I decided to go after him. Maybe his ex-girlfriend tried to contact him or something. I don’t know what could upset him this much.
He was not next to the bus, where I thought he would be. Looking around I spotted him at the exact same table where we shared our first moment.
“Ricky, are you okay?”
“Just leave me alone, go back inside.”
That was new and weird. I never thought he will ever speak like that to me.
“I won’t. I’ll stay here with you until you say what’s wrong.”
He started laughing. But it was not that kind of laugh when you hear something funny. It was a nervous one when you try not to let out what was inside.
“Let’s just say it’s my fault. I’m stupid and I should’ve not made a scene. It’s that alright for you?”
“It doesn’t make any sense.”
“Then go with Andy, maybe sleeping with him will make more sense.”
I was shocked. From everything I thought he will say, that was not on the list. The only question my brain could produce at that moment was:
“Are you jealous, Ricky?”
“Let’s just change the subject.”
“No, answer me. Now.”
He looked into my eyes, trying to find something in them. Maybe he was thinking of an answer, expecting to see my reaction in them before he would even say it.
“I like you, Lexus. Maybe I’m close to being in love with you, who knows? All I know for sure is that neither of us are ready for a relationship now.”
“Ricky… you are not the only one to feel this way.”
“It’s not a good idea and you know it. We will break each other’s heart.”
The silence took over our thoughts. What in reality were a couple of minutes of neither of us saying anything, felt like hours. Then I heard a small laugh escaping from his mouth.
“You know what stupid idea I had earlier? Maybe we can’t have a relationship, but we can have some fun together. I know what you’ll say, but…”
“Yes.” I interrupted him.
His eyes widened. I’m sure he thought I was joking and trying to make fun of him. But if that is the only way to get closer to him and to show him that we can be happily together, then so be it.
“Are you sure? I hope you know that means no strings attached, or love, or anything like that.”
“I know and I’m sure.”
He gave me one more look, making sure I was saying the truth. In the next second, I felt his lips on mine. He was kissing me like there was no tomorrow and I responded in the exact same way. We were both waiting for this for too long. We had to pull apart for a bit, to catch our breath. That’s when Ricky found the perfect timing for his next question.
“My bus is free. Do you want to go there for more… privacy?”
I didn’t expect it will happen that fast so all I did was to nod. He took my hand and lead the way.
“Look, if you do not feel comfortable now, we don’t have to do anything tonight. But we need to be careful, to keep this a secret.”
“I understand.”
A lot has happened in the past hour, so my answers were short and to the point. While we were walking to his bus, hand in hand, I was asking myself if this was actually a dream. On one hand it was a beautiful one, but on the other hand, not so great with having to keep it a secret and to “just have fun”.
Ricky opened the door for me, making sure there was no one around. After he got in, he decided to not waste anymore time. He pushed me to the wall and started to kiss me with such a passion that I’ve never experienced before. His hands wondered on my body carefully, knowing he didn’t have permission to do anything yet.
It felt so wrong but so right at the same time. He moved his lips to my neck and that’s when I realized how much I wanted him. I put my right hand on his cheek, guiding him to look me in the eyes.
“Stop teasing me, Ricky. I want you, now.”
“Are you sure?”
I pushed him on the couch to answer his question. When I took of my shirt he smirked and took my hand to pull me over him. He took care of my bra and I got his shirt off. Not having much control was not his style so he laid me down and he got on top of me. In a matter of seconds, we were both completely naked. While he was kissing down my neck, he pushed to fingers inside me.
“Now I can see how much you want this.”
It was at a slow pace, wanting me to beg for more. And that’s exactly what I did.
“Fuck me, Ricky. I can’t wait any longer.”
A moan escaped from my mouth when I felt him inside of me. This time he moved fast, making sure to hit the right spot every time. I tried to not make any noise but it was impossible, the pleasure took control over my body.
“Nobody can hear us. Scream my name as loud as you can.”
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theloniousbach · 1 year
COUCH TOUR: ETHAN IVERSON with Ben Street and Eric McPherson, MEZZROW’S, 28 AUGUST 2023, 7:30 pm set
I wouldn’t miss a top notch pianist with such a strong rhythm section anyway, but ETHAN IVERSON is more than just a top notch player. I know him as much as a writer/critic/educator from his Transitional Technology/Do the M@th blogs to the point that I don’t know what to think about his playing.
I was late to The Bad Plus party and so think of them as Reid Anderson and Dave King who did their old (with Iverson tunes) with Orrin Evans and the disappointing Chris Speed/Ben Monder quartet. The sound is distinctive and I can’t tell what is Iverson vs. Anderson/King in that amalgam. But he doesn’t play or, perhaps more importantly, write in that vein. He plays standards, he writes smart, opinionated criticism. I take him seriously as a writer even when there’s something that pulls me up short. He may tend to the cranky young man vein, but I don’t have the chops to argue against him. I may not be sure what “the real bebop” is (something Keith Jarrett eschewed along with McCoy Tyner), but who could be against that? Not me.
So his playing is intelligent, but what part is musical and what part is critical.
This set list was well curated and wide ranging with a carry through logic:
—Oscar Pettiford’s Blues in the Closet—a playground for Ben Street’s massive bass tone, there’s a relaxed groove thanks to Eric McPherson’s precise cymbal work. Pettiford is a foundational be bopper, checking that box.
—Bud Powell’s Hallucinations—oh, is that the name of that one? Not too much of a finger twister. More bebop, presumably quite real, and tipping the hat to a key piano hero.
—Everything Happens to Me—a great great Great American Song Book tune, not quite as dirge like as I hear it, but wonderfully somber.
—Stompin’ At The Savoy—more of a swing era tune, but it sure does swing but everyone gets to explore
—All The Things You Are which Iverson abstracts and, after Street plays a big solo, he closes out majestically. He reports that Kern regretted what the “jazz cats” did to his song, so he just does more of the same.
—“A piece of sound track music,” Johnny Mandel’s Shadow of Your Smile. A fine later GASB tune, but yeah “sound track music.” Still it’s taken seriously and not at all kitschy. They all make lots more of it than one might think.
—I’m Getting Sentimental Over You which Iverson associates with the Monk tradition. He hints in that direction but does his own thing with it.
—the quicker closer, Monk’s 52nd Street, written for Bud Powell, so making that point again.
And that concluded our lecture/demonstration of something—bebop (Pettiford, Powell, Monk) and its roots, Stompin’ at the Savoy. But there’s that nicely off kilter All The Things You Are and Shadow of Your Smile taken seriously.
But maybe it was just a jazz gig, with Street sounding very rich and organic as sometimes bassists don’t on the Mezzrow’s streams and McPherson both shimmering and propulsiave. The piano player delivered too and I might be projecting my analytic brain on him. Of course, I would relish having just a fraction of his musicality, but that’s not how I connect with him. It’s through the writing and those ideas. I know that magic, but somehow it discounts the music magic.
Too bad for me. He’s a fine fine player who demonstrates “the real bebop.”
0 notes
everyounceofhate · 2 years
1/16/23 - 1/17/23
I got a surprising amount done yesterday. The start and end of my day definitely wasn’t planned out, anyway.
Went with Tristan to go pick up Getchen’s car in Tomah. Pretty standard trip. There was an accident on the highway we’d be coming back on that we saw on the way there, so we took a different way home to avoid it. I was pleased I was able to navigate it.
Got a straightener from Grace, didn’t stay in for game night. It looked like they were playing a Harry Potter game anyway that I would have abstained from on principle.
Straightened that brown wig and went to service night at Crucible. It was slow. Talked with Sara and Moselle and Ben(?) I think his name is? 
I saw two guys on the road out from Crucible and stopped to ask them if they were okay or if they needed a ride. One said they needed money, but I said I didn’t have any cash. They were very nice and polite and one told me to drive careful. I thought it was very sweet.
I went to Mickey’s after and played pool with Rob against two other guys, Shawn and Chris. Got annoyed at Mickey’s and talked it out with Rob a bit.
I’m tired of men being leery motherfuckers all the time. There was a guy who came in that I met last week, GT, who was making Billy, Shawn, Rob and I laugh by doing accents. I remember Rob said he saw him later and he asked about me, “the girl with the accent”, which I thought was interesting. GT came in on Monday and saw me, started telling me how good I looked and asked for my number right off. I was pretty put out. I thought he’d be interested in talking more, not just... being sleazy. Shawn and Chris too, in a weird way, were just really into playing pool with me. 
I shot 4 balls in a row in on my final shot, plus the 8 ball, which I usually have to chase around. Then I hit their last ball and knocked it in, plus the cue ball--that was really amazing in retrospect. But I was just so pissed about them being there I wanted to just be done with the game.
I met a girl named Kess who apparently told Rob she thought I was cool. Beyond bizarre. I don’t know why that keeps happening.
Rob and I went back to his new place he’s sharing with Alex. Alex has his girlfriend (?) Lorelee over, she was extremely cool. Living part time in London doing a PhD looking at monastic maps. It was nice to have an intellectual conversation with her while she and Alex played Donkey Kong. I felt like we got along very well.
Rob and I slept together. It was pretty nice. He’s more handsome than he gives himself credit for. I like looking at his face. The more I look at it, the more handsome I find him, in the niches and cracks. We had to sleep on his single-wide bed, not ideal, but we both seemed to fit just fine cuddling.
He asked me some questions about how I’d feel if things stopped between us, and about keeping it casual. I don’t know if he was trying to fish for something or not. He has a a date tonight with some girl named Chloe that he met at a party? I guess he’s not expecting anything, but he still asked if I’d be okay if things got serious between them and he had to break it off with me. I told him we’d cross that bridge when we got to it. 
Truthfully, I don’t know how I’d feel. I think I wouldn’t care? I like Rob, but I’m not in love with him or anything. He’s comfortable to spend time with, easy to be around. But he doesn’t make my heart leap. but, then again, nothing really does anymore.
I told him when I dropped him off at his car today not to forget to buy a gift for his sister’s baby shower. It felt very domestic in a comforting way. I don’t know why I did it. Maybe, subconsciously, I was trying to feel... normal? I don’t know.
Came home, went back to bed. Slept until 5. 
Got my application for the library in! We’ll see what comes of that.
Uh. In other news. I found Ryan again.
Bad idea, this. Fuck. I know it’s a bad idea. I miss him. In some weird, fucked up way, I miss him a lot. He moved to Palm Bay. I found his car outside his new place on google maps. Same bumper stickers on that dumb Kia Soul. But, that means he didn’t get picked up by los federales at least. Gracias, Malverde.
I messaged a number that is supposedly his too, but no response. That’s probably a good idea. I think he’s still with Ana. Unfortunately.
I keep thinking of sending him mail. A postcard. A letter. A package. Something to tell him I’m still here. I still know. I can still find him, even after 4 years.
4 years. Shit.
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