#i was the horrible ghoul child obsessed with the undead
adventk-blog · 7 years
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                                             — ARE YOU WHO YOU WANT TO BE,
       introducing SON GAIN, a MUTANT, under the moniker of AZRAEL — and currently a believer of SEPARATION. age ( twenty-six ) and gifted with the ability of DEATH INDUCEMENT, they are currently working as a BANK TELLER.
there was a helen before there was a war, but who remembers her? the world has heard too many stories about violent villains and spoiled princess. they cannot listen again. she’s the most vile creature in the world, ugly and soulless or is that just another story? but monster aren’t born, they’re created. if you truly want to know the story, you have to turn all the pages to the very beginning. her birth’s a pure miracle - she only lived in her mother’s womb for seven months. how did she survive? no one knows. she’s the girl who battled oblivion and won. chances of survival were small, but she’s stronger and smarter than death. she comes out of the hospital wrapped in the finest skill and her parents are overjoyed. their wealth knows no limits - they’re the perfect aristocratic family, beautiful descendants of kings and queens. big portraits upon their walls and hauntingly beautiful marble statues in their lavishing gardens, those are the true sings of wealth. and finally they’re blessed a child, a beautiful and most importantly a healthy baby girl.
gain has no brothers or sisters - her mother’s too scared to have another child. she’s forced to live alone in a big house filled with frightening statues. yet, she’s not afraid. she loves their stillness, loves the coldness that she feels on her skin every time she touches them. unlike the living, they never bother her with their silly opinions and questions. they never expect anything from her. they’re her only friends. but, gain’s afraid of the dark and the hideous monsters that lurk underneath her bed. unfortunately, it takes her a while to realize that the monsters aren’t under her bed but instead they are in her head. but something frightens her more than monsters - death. she doesn’t want to die. not now, not ever. even the thought about it makes her cry. it’s just a phase, her mother keeps repeating, but gain doesn’t trust. the fear is real. it’s alive. it’s blooming deep inside of her rib cage and it doesn’t allow her to breath.
the first memories are almost always bitter. one day she comes home from school angry - all the children think she’s ugly. the rage inside of her is almost palpable and her poor cat has to pay the price. her only friend that isn’t made out of marble.  it’s an accident - in one moment, he’s around her feet, and in the other he’s lying lifeless on the ground. her beautiful mr. don. gain doesn’t even realise that it’s all her fault. her fists are clenched and the only thing she feels is a tingling sensation in her fingers. she cries and begs her parents to bring him back to life. but of course, they simply try to comfort her with sweet lies. he’s in a better place now. we’ll buy you a new cat.  her parents are helpless so she decides to take matters into her own hands. she steals the dead cat before her parents have a change to bury him and she begs god to bring him back. sweet child only wants her friend back.  the cat somehow magically wakes up when she puts her hands on him - but he still looks horrible and somewhat deformed. he follows her everywhere that day and luckily her parents never notices him but at the end of that night, he dies again. gain of course tells her mother everything, but the pompous woman doesn’t belive her. it’s just a phase. it’s just a phase.  she repeats while painting her long nails. the words are almost like a mantra. so, gain simply forgets. it’s always the easiest option.
but things are different in her teen years. she’s no longer the weird kid obsessed with statues and she loves life. she’s the perfect socialite - beautiful, charming, kind. she has everything - more than she could ever ask for. expensive cars, gorgeous houses and branded clothes - the world is her playground. friends are all around her and she is loved by almost everyone. but, her life is meaningless without her best friend - dohun. the two of them are inseparable - there are no secrets between them. their friendship quickly blossoms into something more - true love. but, all the beautiful and at first glance indestructible things can shatter very quickly. their love is quickly replaced by jealous. you’re not the same person. why are you ignoring me? why don’t you care about me anymore? dohun’s acusations aren’t completely false and gain understands his worries. she loves him, she truly loves him but gain also wants to be free and she doesn’t feel free next to him.
for a few months they act like all is fine and dandy. and one day, he strikes her across the face. they’re in the middle of a heated argument and suddenly she feels sharp pain in her nose. there’s blood everywhere and her nose doesn’t want to stop bleeding. gain doesn’t want to hurt him, but her emotions and powers are stronger than her. go away, dohun. just go! please go. gain begs him but the poor man doesn’t want to listen… and then gain clenches her fists. it’s all over in a few seconds. dohun no, please forgive me. come back. come back to me. i love you. i’m sorry. she cries and begs but the cold body doesn’t give her an answer. she buries the body on the outskirts of the city, under a beautiful pine three and she knows that she has to move on with her life. however, she also knows that things will never be the same again. after his death, gain starts reading more about her powers. she doesn’t want something like that to ever happen again. she has to know the truth about herself. books never lie and the truth is horrible - it’s like one of those stories for disobedient children. a monster, a mutant, an angel of death. there are so many suitable monikers for her. gain is afraid of herself. she knows that society won’t aceept her so she keeps her mouth shut about her special powers.
she goes back to her everyday life, but even breathing hurts. she feels guilty. but she doesn’t want to die and admitting the truth would bring her a death sentence. she dedicates her time to school.  in 2012, she hears a story about scientists who’re doing research on those with special gifts and talents. she doesn’t want to trust them. as a twenty-two year old girl, she doesn’t know much about the world but she knows they aren’t trying to help anyone. things only keep getting worse with each new year. she hears people on the streets, she can feel their hatred. poor humans hate anything that’s above them. all she can do is sit and wait for them to come for her. her parents don’t about anything. they can’t help her. she knows that she’s special, different and that the scientists are like animals. they can sense her fear. but she doesn’t want to be a victim again. no, she wants to be a player. so, she practices in secret, hidden on old cemeteries. the dead won’t tell anyone. she can bring them back but it’s hard for her to control them. she’s still not strong enough. so, she focuses on the other side of her power. it doesn’t take her long to realise that she needs names. she can’t kill people without names. so, she finds a job that can give her access to many names in the city. she sees the rise and the fall of the mighty but she’s not afraid of war. death is now her best friend.
there are still remnants of the person she used to be. once upon a time, she was shy and kind and she loved the world with her whole heart. however, gain is now extremely manipulative and most of the time, she only cares about herself. she knows that nobody else will protect her, so she has to always be careful. she’s stubborn but not necessarily cruel. she rarely uses her powers and she doesn’t want to hurt most people. she uses her good looks to get what she wants and she tries to charm all the people around her. however, she’s a very loyal person and she would never betray her close friends.
ABILITY :  (  death inducement ) - she  has the ability to cause instant death without apparent cause. if she wants to activate her power, she has to clench her first and focus her mind solely on that person. most of the time, the cause of death will be brain aneurism.
( reanimation ) she can animate corpses and dead beings, making them able to move and react. they’re most of the time under her control, but because they’re mindless, they also have to be carefully monitored. however, she still hasn’t created a sentient creature.
( life resilience ) - she’s is immune to all death-force and death inducing abilities.  
( undead manipulation ) she can give animated corpses commands and sometimes control them.
- she must know the names of her targets.
- she can use her powers on three people in one day.
- her powers require a lot of strength and every time she uses her powers on somebody, she has to wait four days before she can use them again.
 - she has to be really close to her target when using her powers.
- other beings with similar powers won’t be affected.
- the process is tiring and sometimes she feels very weak.
- she cannot bring back long dead creatures. approximately, nothing over six years.
- she can only animate four corpses at once.
- everytime she tries to reanimate her target she must be careful because she could accidentally turn herself into a zombie or ghoul.
- she can still die of natural causes like aging, being killed in a accident, etc.
- her power is useless against life reduction.
- sometimes the reanimated targets are not under her control.
- sometimes, the reanimated targets can possess their personalities, weaknesses and memories which makes controling them harder. especially if they’re violent.
THREAT LEVEL HERE.                           00+ BRWN, 04+ RSLNC, 07+ INTLCT, 12+ WLLPWR, 00+ FGHTNG, 01+ SPD
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