#i was so giddy skipping class with this one dude
siennaditbot · 1 year
Woke up from a nap a while ago and had one of those dreams again.
You know, those sappy ones where you're either already in a relationship with someone or in the giddy "is this the one?" pre-relationship stage? Yea, those.
Sucks to wake up from those, especially if single.
Especially if the other person is a fictional character.
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 8 months
part 2 of feeling this?
Hi! I hope you like this! I want to turn it into an actual series as long as people like it:)
Feeling This - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader - Part 2
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Part 1
No warning, just Fluff and Ethan being a sweetie pie🥹
Summary: Ethan helps you study
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Ethan was so giddy as he walked back to his dorm that night, he felt like he was floating instead of walking. Chad high-fived him when he mentioned how he went back for the kiss.
“Yes, dude! I’m proud of you!” Chad said, as Ethan sat there beaming. “You never know, you might not be a virgin forever after all.”
Ethan’s face dropped a little, “I don’t want her to think that’s what I want from her, ya know?”
Chad took in the tone change, looking over his friend’s face, “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just saying, most people in relationships sleep together. If you guys get serious, it could happen.”
“Yeah, I don’t know. I just want to get to know her, and hopefully she doesn’t think I’m a total fucking loser,” he sighed, flopping onto his bed.
“She doesn’t. Saturday will be great,” Chad said, Ethan’s face starting to perk back up.
He heard his phone ding in his pocket, he pulled it out to see a text from an unknown number. After reading it over, he realized that it was you.
You: Hey, I got your number from Mindy…I hope you don’t mind.
You: Thanks for walking me home😊
Ethan: Of course😘
As soon as he sent the kiss-face, he felt like an idiot. The last thing he wanted to do was come off too strong.
You: Goodnight😘
His heart skipped a beat in his chest when you responded with the same emoji, but he decided to lock his phone before he did anything to actually embarrass himself.
You woke up earlier than you normally did the next morning. You usually don’t have time to stop for coffee on the way to class, always having to settle for your roommates Keurig to get the energy you needed to get through the first half of the day.
As you walked into the coffee shop, you bumped into Chad.
“Hey, good morning!” he greeted, and you started to wonder why he was here. He seemed like he already had plenty of energy before 8am.
“Good morning,” you said, the groggy tone in your voice making him laugh.
“Not a morning person, huh?” he asked, grabbing the cup from the barista.
“Not really. I woke up early today, so I have time to get coffee before class,” you said, before placing your order.
“Well, I gotta go. I need to get this to Tara before her first class,” he said, you sticking your bottom lip out at how cute that was.
“That’s so sweet! I’ll see you around, Chad,” you said, waving to him as he made his way towards the door.
After you got your coffee, you went to your first class. You listened to the professor talk about how so many of the students failed the last test, and that a lot of people are going to be surprised when the grades are posted. You started to feel sick as you thought back to the test, knowing that you were most likely one of the students that didn’t pass.
After making it through the rest of your morning, you decided to go to lunch with Mindy. That’s when you got the notification that your new grade had been posted.
“Fuuuck,” you groaned, seeing a 54 in bright red.
“What’s wrong?” Mindy asked as she sat across from you.
“I just bombed this test for my Philosophy class,” you sighed, as Mindy started to smile.
“Ethan took that class last semester. Ask him to study with you,” she said, taking a bite of your food.
You pulled out your phone, pulling up the message thread with Ethan.
You: Hey, how did you do in Philosophy last semester?🧐
Ethan: It was hard, but I passed it.😅
You: Wanna help me study?
Ethan: Of course. When?
You: I don’t have any morning classes tomorrow, if you’d maybe want to meet in the library?
Ethan: I have a morning class, but I could meet you at 10?
You: Perfect, I’ll see you then😊
“You’re a genius, and I love you,” you said to Mindy as you locked your phone.
“So…Ethan walked you home last night. How’d that go?” she asked, desperately wanting some details.
“He walked me to the door, and came back a few minutes later to kiss me,” you said, smiling as you thought back to it.
“I don’t know if he actually needed Chad and I’s help,” she said, raising her eyebrows. “He’s had a thing for you for months. He never shuts up about you.”
You blushed at her words, loving how sweet he was.
After lunch, the rest of the day flew by. The exhaustion set in as you tried to work on your assignments, passing out on the bed with your laptop in front of you.
When you woke up the next morning, you checked your phone, noticing a goodnight text from Ethan. You were a little bummed that you weren’t awake to respond, but once you noticed the time, you jumped out of bed and quickly changed. You had fifteen minutes to get to the library to meet with Ethan, and you didn’t want to be late and waste his time.
You ran into the library, scanning the room for the curly-haired boy. He was sitting at a table, working on his computer.
“Hey,” you said, taking a seat beside him.
“Hey, this is for you,” he said, handing over a coffee.
“You got me coffee?” you asked, taking a sip. “You got me my favorite drink.”
“Yeah, my roommate is a stalker and listened to your order yesterday to pass it along to me,” he laughed, as he started to type again.
“It’s really sweet that you did this for me,” you said, pulling out your computer. “And it’s really sweet that you’re taking time out of your day to help me.”
His cheeks had a pink tint to them, “I get to spend time with you. I don’t care if it’s just to study.”
Your heart swelled at his words as you pulled up your assignments, showing Ethan the most recent score on your test.
“Holy shit,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s okay, we’ll get your grade back up. I’ll study with you every day if we have to.”
“I hope I can get it back up. My scholarship kind of depends on my GPA being at least a 3.5,” you sighed, as Ethan looked over to you.
“It’ll be fine. Okay, Introduction to Philosophy…”
You studied with Ethan for over two hours, the both of you accidentally skipping lunch. He was a great tutor, but every time he got closer to you to explain something, you felt your heart race.
“I’m sorry, but I have to get to my next class. My day is full tomorrow, but we can spend some time studying before our date on Saturday if you want,” Ethan said, putting his laptop in his backpack.
“That sounds great. Thanks again, Ethan,” you said, standing up and giving him a hug. He pecked your lips as he pulled away, the simple gesture giving you a severe case of butterflies.
“I’ll text you later,” he said, walking towards the exit.
Your smile was huge as you stood there, taking a second to enjoy the feeling before packing your stuff to head to your film studies class.
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sparklingchim · 2 years
long way home 25 | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 1.7k
genre: dilf!jungkook, friends to lovers, angst
rating: pg
warnings: birth place of baby jaykay's insecurities <3
summary: the one where jungkook isn't enough for you.
a/n: hi hi <3 m so incredibly sorry for the long wait but life has been hectic & stressful :') here's a new chappie tho !! the last flashback of the series 🫂
chapters: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
masterlist | long way home masterlist
8 years ago
Jungkook is nervous. He has been thinking about this moment for a while, and although he has prepared himself for it, he can't quite hinder his heart from skipping a beat every time he thinks about it.
It’s a foolish fear – he knows it. But the giddy feeling won’t leave his system as he walks down the street to your home.
Jungkook goes over the line he has prepared. It’s a simple question, there isn’t a lot to mess up, but Jungkook doesn’t want anything to go wrong. He wanted it perfect because it was you.
It is a week before the Winter Ball and Jungkook wants to ask you out. He knows it's just a silly dance in school, nothing too fancy but still, he has wanted to ask you out for quite some time now, and today he finally had the guts to do it. He meant to ask you in school today, but he didn’t find the right moment. Between having to get rid of an annoying Namjoon with too many school related questions about classes, exams and tests, and your random ramblings while Seulgi grinned teasingly at him because she knows Jungkook’s intention, he never stood a chance.
He had considered asking over the phone, but Jungkook immediately dismissed the idea, because this way he has an excuse to see you.
Jungkook rings the doorbell.
Your mother opens the door. A smile spreads across her face as she recognises Jungkook in front of her. Jungkook bows, a polite greeting follows from his lips.
“Oh! It’s nice seeing you here, Jungkookie. Come in,” she says, a warm hand on his shoulder to welcome him inside.
Jungkook exchanges his shoes for a pair of slippers. “Y/n is in her room. Have you eaten yet? I can heat something up for you,” your mother offers but Jungkook declines with a shake of his head.
“No, thank you. I had dinner at home.”
She smiles at him. “Next time eat a spoon or two more for me, yeah? You should eat well.” Your mother pinches his cheek playfully.
Jungkook laughs. “I will.’’
“Jungkookie, I didn’t know you were coming today.” Your dad emerges from the kitchen and Jungkook turns to the voice. He bows to your dad and greets him as well.
“It was a bit spontaneous,” Jungkook answers with a hesitant smile.
Your father steps closer to ruffle Jungkook’s hair. “How are things at school? Are you doing well?”
Jungkook goes blank for a second. He thinks about the grade he got in the last English exam. And the memory of the fight he had with a boy two weeks ago is still fresh in his mind. Jungkook swallows. “Yeah, I’m - I’m doing fine.”
Your father nods approvingly. “That’s good to hear.”
Jungkook could fix that. Well, not the dude’s face he fought with, that could do the hospital, but he could fix his English grade. Sort of.
“We’re in the living room if you two need us,” your mother declares.
Jungkook makes his way to your room, but he turns around again. “Actually, I have a question.”
Your parents look at Jungkook curiously.
Uneasily, Jungkook scratches the back of his head. “Is y/n allowed to go the winter ball next week?” After a second of silence passes, Jungkook adds with a pounding heart, “I would like to go with her.”
Your mother is the first to speak. “Y/n will go. We’re going shopping for a dress tomorrow.” A fond smile curls her lips. “I think y/n would be extremely happy if you asked her.” Her grin reaches her eyes and Jungkook has to fight against a timid smile forming on his mouth. That was nice to hear.
“As friends, right?” Your father suddenly calls out.
Jungkook’s eyes flicker to him. Under your father’s gaze, he feels called out and the confidence that was coursing through him a second ago has completely vanished.
“Yes,” Jungkook utters with a little too much enthusiasm. He clears his throat. “As friends.” A stab goes right through his heart as the words passes his lips. It feels strange.
Your dad gives him a curt nod.
With uncertain steps he leaves to get to your room. When Jungkook is around the corner, he hears your mother speak up.
“You shouldn’t have said that,” she chides. “You made his precious smile drop from his face the moment you said it.”
A sudden surge of warmth dispels the unease in Jungkook at the sight of your mother’s protectiveness. Jungkook hides behind the corner. He wants to hear where the conversation will lead.
“He has to know which boundaries he can’t cross,” your father replies.
“Jungkook has a pure soul. He is a good friend for y/n.”
‘’Yeobo, I know he's a good friend to y/n, but I can't let him get the idea that he could be our girl's boyfriend.
Having one of his greatest fears confirmed by your father is the strangest feeling of all. His words send a cold shiver down his spine. It's not like Jungkook had high hopes of a chance with you, but now even the smallest spark has vanished into thin air in a second.
‘’There are just kids. They’re not thinking that far yet.’’
Jungkook hears your dad scoff at your mother’s statement.
‘’They are teenagers,” he stresses. “We should make it clear that he doesn’t have the qualities to be more than a friend to our daughter. Jungkook is not good enough for her.”
Jungkook’s throat tightens.
“I don’t think a boy raised by his aunt is good enough for our y/n.”
Jungkook can feel the punch strike his face as he perceives your father’s words.
Your mother sighs deeply. "We can't blame him for his parents abandoning him," she says disapprovingly. "Jungkook is an innocent boy and a loyal friend. Don't interfere with their friendship."
While Jungkook appreciates your mother defending him, he can't blame your father for thinking that way. He wants the best for you and so does Jungkook, so his wishful thinking and what if assumptions about you should end from now on.
When Jungkook realises what he is doing, he saunters into your room. He shouldn't spy on your parents. They are right in what they say anyway - Jungkook is not enough for you. You deserve more, something better.
Jungkook knocks at your door. When your soft voice invites him in, he finds you sitting at your desk with your school book open in front of you.
Your eyes widen at the sight of Jungkook. “Jungkook?” The light sparkles in your eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“Just...” Jungkook trails off, leaning against your desk. “Thought I could stop by for a little?”
“Sure,” you smile. “You’re always welcome here.”
Jungkook is aware that it shouldn’t, but his heart warms at that.
You rummage in a folder. “Here,” you say, handing him a few sheets of paper. “We got these in English today. I took some for you.”
“Thanks.” He puts the sheets of paper next to him.
“Why weren’t you in class?” You level him with curious eyes from below.
Jungkook breaks eye contact for a brief moment. “Wasn’t feeling well.”
In reality he was hiding in the girl’s restroom, making out with a girl from Biology, but Jungkook thinks that you’re both better off if he doesn’t tell you.
You stare at him with the same expression on your face and Jungkook worries you’ll ask more questions, but then you turn your attention back to the books in front of you. “Wanna do English homework with me?”
Jungkook winces. “Why would you even ask.”
You giggle. “You can’t pretend English class doesn't exist forever, Koo."
“Yeah, I can,” Jungkook says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. You roll your eyes at him.
Jungkook taps his fingers against the desk. “So...”
You look up at him expectantly.
“You’re going to the ball next week?”
You nod with way too much excitement for a silly school ball, but Jungkook adores it.
“I’m going shopping with my mum to look for a dress tomorrow,” you reply. You’re buzzing with anticipation.
“So like, would you...” Jungkook pauses. He doesn’t know why he finds it so hard to just ask the question. You look so pretty as you’re looking up at him, the way you bite down on your lip with interest. “Would you like to go to the ball with me?”
You grow shy under Jungkook's gaze. A tentative smile unfurls on your face.
Jungkook’s heart drops at the beautiful sight in front of him.
“Sure. I’d like to go with you, yeah.”
But then your father’s words loom in Jungkook’s mind and his stomach plummets.
He swallows the lump in his throat before he speaks, “But just as friends. We’ll go there as friends.”
Your smile falters the tiniest bit. “Yes, I – I know. I didn’t assume -” You laugh nervously. “I know that we’re just friends, Koo.”
Jungkook nods. How can it be that his heart feels lighter and heavier at the same time? He thought he would feel more relieved after asking you – and he did, but the reassurance didn’t last long.
While you continue to do your homework, Jungkook gets lost in his thoughts.
He shouldn’t dwell on all the crushing emotions that make him clench his jaw in disappointment. Jungkook is angry at himself for ever being foolish enough to develop feelings for you. Your dad was right in everything he said.
Jungkook emits a little sigh that has you looking up from your paper for a second. He shouldn’t feel this way. He should just be happy to have you as a friend. That’s enough for him. Jungkook is happy enough to have you in his life. He shouldn’t want more than that.
And so he grabs the pen you are writing with and holds it above his head.
“Yah!” you shout in annoyance, trying to reach the pen.
Jungkook giggles and you easily fall into silly banter, because that’s what you both do best – just being friends.
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agaypanic · 1 year
Malcolm in the Middle Simp Headcanons
Request Something!
Probably met you in the Krelboyne class
Very impressed by your brains
Always chooses you as a study buddy or project partner
Holds back complaints about life and shit just to hear you talk
This is very difficult for him to do bc the dude LOVES to complain
Holds your books/backpack for you and walks you to all your classes
Mainly because you have the same classes, but he insists he’d do it even if you didn’t
Learns everything about you and commits it to memory (which isn’t hard because of his memory)
You’re the best thing in his sucky life
Stevie had half a mind to roll away from his best friend as he went on and on about Herkabe. Something about him trying to get Malcolm to sabotage his perfect GPA so Herkabe could keep some academic record. Usually, Stevie would care very much about someone’s academic standing. But right now, he was focused on trying not to kill himself or Malcolm.
“I mean, it’s absolutely ridiculous! He’s using Reese to get me to tank a grade. Reese! It’d work better if it was-”
“Hey, guys!” You bounded towards the two, and Malcolm’s demeanor changed entirely. Stevie was grateful for your arrival because, for some reason, Malcolm lessened the bitching and moaning by a lot.
“Hey, Y/n.” The boys greeted back.
“So, what were you guys talking about?”
“Well-” Stevie was about to snitch on your boyfriend but was cut off by him.
“Oh, it was nothing.”
“Are you sure? You looked pretty passionate about it.” Malcolm assured you it was nothing, but Stevie gave you a look saying he’d tell you about it later. “Okay, then. Wanna go to class?”
“Sure!” Malcolm responded excitedly, grabbing his backpack off the lunch table you were hanging around. You said goodbye to Stevie and made your way to first period. “Want me to take your bag?” He asked but was already slipping the strap off your shoulder.
I’m convinced it’s his love language
From snacks to tide you over until lunch to full-course meals during the rare occasion that you two have the house to yourselves
Will beat the shit out of anyone who messes with you
If it’s a girl, he’ll probably get Cynthia to do it
Your happiness is his biggest priority; he can’t have some idiot messing with that
“Reese, this is delicious.” You moaned as you ate a baggie of your favorite snack that he had cooked up for you. He knew how hungry you’d get from skipping breakfast, so he packed you a little snack bag every day so you wouldn’t be miserable until lunch. He was somewhat surprised that the teacher hadn’t made him stop bringing food to class, but it might’ve had something to do with the fact that whenever you were happy, he was happy. And a teacher would rather have a happy Reese than an angry Reese.
“I think I might make that my go-to snack for you; you seem to like it the most.” You smiled at the comment, giddy that he paid attention enough to know which of his foods were your favorite.
“Well, I like all your food.”
The last bunch of kids filed in, and the last one seemed miserable. Upon closer inspection, you noticed that it was a kid in your class that messed with you frequently. You then noticed that he was littered with cuts and bruises. Immediately, you had an inkling of how this happened.
“Reese, did you do that?” He looked up at the kid, smirking at his handiwork.
“Gotta keep my girl happy.”
Thinks it’s love at first sight
Francis is such a delusional romantic tbh
If you meet him while he’s in military school, he’s always writing you poems and letters 
Half of his calls home are for you because he just wants to know how you’re doing
If you work at the ranch with him, he’ll pick up the work on your chores if you have something to do
Even if you don’t need any help, he’ll accompany you just because he loves spending time with you
You know those tiktoks that are like “when you and your friend work together, so everything’s a two-person job now”?
That’s him with EVERYTHING
Even if you’ve been together for years, he still tries to impress you with extravagant presents or ideas
You tell him you don’t need/want much, just him, but he thinks you deserve the very best
“Francis, I can do it myself.” You jokingly rolled your eyes at your boyfriend, who set out plates and cutlery for the breakfast buffet. “It’s the easiest job of my day.”
“I just wanna make it easier, baby.” Francis kissed you before straightening the table clothes in the dining hall and on the patio.
“Well, thank you.” You smiled before moving to restock the napkin dispenser. Francis raced to your side, opening the dispenser for you. “Thanks again.”
“No problem. So, I was looking at our schedules, and I noticed we should be done with work at the same time.”
“Oh, yeah?” He nodded, closing the dispenser and positioning it right on the table. “What do you have planned?”
“Not much.” He shrugged nonchalantly, but if you knew your boyfriend well, you knew at least three different activities were reserved for you two now. “Just a couple’s horse ride, massage, and then I asked Otto to make sure that one of the jacuzzis would be off limits. Just for us.”
“Oh, that sounds so nice, honey.” He cupped your cheeks, kissing you deeply, and you were thankful that the guests were either still asleep or doing something else.
“Anything for my favorite girl.”
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astro-pioneer · 2 years
teenager in love!
he's absolutely smitten by you. is that bad? 『ace, ruggie』
an absolute simpleton
he's so giddy whenever he's around you it gives everyone whiplash
grim could be getting the slandering of his life and ace would see you walking and be like !!!! and switch up so fast
he'd leave deuce, grim, and yuu behind just to walk you to class and enjoy the small time together fjdjfjdj
definitely the type to somehow leave class early and wait for you at your class
one day he had a present for you and bashfully admitted the begging he had to do to get it made him have to feed the flamingoes for a month
riddle and trey (mostly trey) feel bad and give him the stuff he asks for with no punishment because 1) every heartslabyul student is now slacking and 2) the grovelling got on riddle's nerves quickly lmao
grim gets pissy whenever ace sits with you during lunch because it's one less person he can steal food from but that's a him problem
"This isn't fair! Who's going to give me more food now!?" It was a miracle most of the students were ignoring Grim's meltdown during lunch. His eyes were drilling holes into the back of Ace's head a few tables away. It was an amazement in of itself that the bread sitting in the monster's mouth wasn't soaked with the dramatic tears streaming down his face. "How dare they take my other supplier away from me!" Deuce and Yuu tried their best to ignore him.
Ace was sweating, holding his sandwich while trying to avoid looking behind him. It was an amusing sight to see; it wasn't every day the cat made the redhead shiver. "If you'd like we could have lunch another day? It seems like your friend doesn't seem fond of us hanging out." Ace whipped around quickly, a mean glare being sent to Grim, who screamed and dove into the magicless prefect's blazer.
Turning back around, he sent you a grin, "Never! Say, how about we also have lunch together tomorrow? Same table? I can bring you a pastry or something! Also don't mind the furball, he's just stupid."
four words: a piece of shit (in leona's eyes)
he has no problem going out of his way to assist you! carrying textbooks? hold the lightest one, he'll take the rest
leona's a hater because he gets ruggie's attitude after he was a literal saint with you
dude practically spends more time with you in your dorm than his own dorm (leona's room and laundry are getting out of control please give him back)
the only time he's not as sweet is when he sees you struggling with something
prepare for a whole bullying session before he swoops in and helps you
definitely would skip away like a buffoon while telling you you don't owe him anything
leona would pay to unwitness that
Leona groaned, trying to tune out Ruggie's complaints about how Crewel is on his ass about trying to get the lion beastman to attend class. Like hey, he's a pretty lazy dude, what do you expect? "Hey, Leona! At least pretend to listen, will ya'?" Leona was thinking about what to make the hyena get him for lunch.
He cracked an eye open after not hearing any nagging in his ear, only to roll and shut it again. Don't get him wrong; he doesn't hate you. His room just needs to be cleaned, is all. He could faintly hear Ruggie's conversation with you, something about test tubes or something.
Hearing footprints tap away on the tiles, he opened his eyes again. Ruggie somehow was able to forget all about his issues with his dorm leader. He rolled over, getting comfortable. He needs to thank you when he sees you later.
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NSFW Yandere Eddie Munson Valentine’s Day
I made this for my partner @therealhimboanon Happy Valentine’s Day
Warning: this is very tame Eddie is sweet boy that just want love…even through questionable means. NSFW under the cut so reader be warned but like i said tame.
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“So do you like them? or, like like them?” Dustin asked while Eddie stared at you from the lunch table. Eddie laughed to himself, “If you only knew…” he sighed. Eddie kept staring and thought to himself “Like? Yes. Love…? Definitely. …Obsession? …Fuck!”
Just then Dustin snapped him out of it. “Dude, stop staring at them and go talk to them!” Eddie blushed slightly at being call out and dramatically stood up before sarcastically bowing to Dustin and started walking toward your table.
You were sitting by yourself like normal, occasionally pecking at your food before returning to your book, as Eddie saw you up close you took his breathless and without words… “Fuck! What was I going to say?!” He thought to himself. his heart and head panicking as you looked up at him before being saved by the bell ringing and freeing you both of this awkward situation. “Uh…see you Eddie.” You sheepishly said, and with that you made his heart feel like it was going to explode.
Eddie skipped class while you went to your locker finding another love letter inside, the 5th one this week, seems like you've been getting them every day now. It used to be one maybe a week but as Valentine’s Day draws closer they’ve been getting more and more desperate. The only contents of the letter are of lyrics to one of your favorite and “Meet me at the park bench in the woods”
He’s been getting more desperate, its been noticeable by his close friends. Eddie’s fidgeting with his rings more than usual, day dreaming more, even sneaking around and avoiding them till lunch or hellfire meetings. Where he was at these times no one but Eddie and your pets know… he’s made it his goal to befriend them before he confesses to you so he doesn’t scare them and they like him. Eddie read it in a stupid magazine once that people are more willing to trust you if their pets like you so he thought he’d help the odds a bit if his reputation had preceded him.
Breaking into your house was easy at this point, Eddie had done it several time by now, getting to know your animals, laying in your bed, listening to your music. It surprised him that someone so timid would listen to the music you do. This visit was different though. Eddie had a plan, greeting your animals before making your bed and scattering rose petals on it making the shape of a heart, “God I’m so cheesy” he thought to himself, but he was nothing if not a love sick romantic.
Eddie leaves your house to head to the same place he asked you to meet him in his notes. Flowers in hand he picked up for you, his heart raced faster the closer he got. He saw you before you saw him and he awkwardly greeted you making you jump slightly. “Geez…I was wondering when you were coming…” Y/n stated flatly and Eddie blushed and hid behind his hair he pulled in front of his face. “Well, i uh..i was picking you these,” he suddenly presents you with the flowers, smiling proudly, “Uh, happy Valentine’s Day Y/n.” He said.
You could feel yourself blush at the flowers but you could see the nervous look in his eyes, looking from his doe eyes to the flowers and back. “Will you be my Valentine?…” How could you not say yes to him! He looked like a love sick puppy, “Of course I’ll be your valentine, Eddie.” You said while taking the flowers, his heart nearly stopped but then he quickly picked you up off your feet and insisted on driving you home. The entire way to your house he had his arm around you while occasionally resting his hand on your thigh.
You don’t know how he knew where your house was but before you knew it you were pulling into the driveway as Eddie smiled like a giddy kid on Christmas. He quickly had you out of the van and gave you a slow kiss before leading you to your door and making his way inside with you. You lead him to your room and see the rose petals he had sprinkled earlier that day…it finally dawned on you
“Eddie..? How’d you know where I live?” He was silent “Eddie? How did you get into my room?” He wrapped his hands around you from behind and began kissing you on your neck. “You’re so cute, you know that darling?” You blushed as his hands started to roam your body and his kissing became more frantic. Eddie stops his asult of kisses on your neck to turn you around and gives you a passionate kiss before picking you up and throwing you onto the bed.
“Hey, Y/n, have you ever been given head before?” Eddie asked with a big grin, he could tell the way your eyes widened that was a no. He chuckled at the prize before him as he threw off his jacket and made his way on top of you. Continuing his assault on your neck he slowly works his way down, touching and caressing all the right places. He pulls your shirt up and kisses around your chest and down your belly before making his way to your pants. “May I?” Eddie says breathlessly, you shyly nod your head and he pulls your pants and underwear exposing yourself to him.
Eddie spread your legs before starting to kiss your thighs and around your intimate areas but not yet touching them, clearly wanting to tease you. You wiggle your hips a bit and he takes that as a sign to start licking and sucking your intimate bits causes you to gasp. Eddie replies with a growl. He continues to lick and suck down to your entrance before pushing his tongue into your sweet spot. He pushes you farther to the edge with his tongue having you practically ride his face before Eddie decides to use his hands a bit.
He eases one of his fingers into your entrance while he continues his assault on your sensitive areas, pushing the finger deeper into you and curling it a few times before pulling it out and doing it again. Eddie is delighted with the gasps, moans, and squeals you let out as he finger fucks you. He adds more fingers and pushes them in and out faster and faster causing you to fall over the edge, coming undone. Eddie pulls his head up with a giant smile on his face, happy with the work he’s made of you. “Sooo…you ready for round 2 darling? Cause now the real fun can start!”
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tvgals · 2 years
2000’s trailer park! eddie x 2000’s black! trailer park! reader <3
black! reader, language, sex, nudity, pg-13
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‘eddie? boy, quit gawkin’ at the new lady and help me with my damn car.’ wayne says from under his Lexus SC430. eddie just shakes his head.
‘sorry, wayne. she’s just so.. hot! i don’t know what it is about her. i should just talk to her! shouldn’t i, wayne?” he asks, handing wayne his wrench. “gone ahead, boy. don’t scare her off.” he says, his smirk hidden by the undercarriage. there you were. sitting on your steps, watching your mom and older sister load their things into the trailer, turning your head to talk to your mom. sooner or later, you turn around to see eddie standing awkwardly, kicking rocks and looking at his feet.
‘here for someone?’ you ask, eddie’s head snaps up and he clears his throat. ‘oh, uh yeah! i just wanted to introduce you! i’m uhh.. your neighbor eddie, and that’s my uncle wayne.’ he says, pointing to the shirtless man still under his car. “oh! well i'm y/n and that’s my sister, and my mom! thanks for welcoming us!” you say, pulling his arm up and shaking his hand. you turn around as your coogi denim shorts sway behind you, the door rocking back and forth before closing completely. eddie ran back to his uncles car and was past giddy.
‘jeez wayne! she shook my hand without me having to ask for one! i wonder if we’re going to the same highschool?!’ eddie was almost never this excited. besides his d&d campaigns of course. eddie walked back into his trailer and grabbed his song book, technically, this would be a little weird. but, in eddie’s mind, he was just doing something sweet! so he got to writing. lyrics were one of the only ways he knew how to really express himself. he knew that him writing was easier than outright telling someone how he felt, even if it was for someone he just met out the trailer park.
wednesday rolled around and he practically skipped into school with roses and butterflies floating on his side. the hellfire members quickly noted his out of the blue behavior and started asking questions. ‘what’s got you so happy?” dustin asks, eddie’s eyes shoot open and he takes a deep breath.
‘there’s this new girl at the trailer park, she’s absolutely perfect. i mean, i haven’t really talked to her or gotten to know her, but still!’ eddie justifies. soon enough murmurs and whispers come from students around. eddie looks up to see you: known to the group as trailer park girl. ‘eddie? hi!’ you say recognizing him immediately. you wave at people saying hi while you walk towards eddie and his friends.
‘dude, you never said she was hot.’ gareth says in eddie’s ear. eddie was beaming ear to ear.
‘y/n! didn’t think i’d see you here! even though you look your age i totally didnt mean to come off that you look younger than you do, we’ll i mean you look great i love your shorts! sorry.’ eddie says, he looks as red as a tomato at this point! you giggle. ‘jeez eddie, are you always like this? and who’re your friends?’ you ask, eyes skimming over the collection of freshman through seniors.
‘i’m dustin!’ says the shorter curly haired boy, ‘gareth. nice to meet you.’ he says, beaming. ‘jeff.’ ‘mike.’ and so on. you smilies and nodded your head. ‘nice to meet all of you! you seem very sweet.’ you say. hearing the bell, you shoot one more smile and you all situate to your classes. ‘holy shit. she is perfect! maybe she’s into d&d too.’ gareth says, following eddie. ‘yeah. i’ll ask her later. but now i gotta focus on passing this damn chem test.’
the lunch bell rang and and everyone was packed in the hallway like a can of sardines. soon enough, you found your way to the cafeteria and found yourself standing at the end of the hellfire table. ‘hey, mind if i sit here?’ you ask, hands dug deep into your pockets. ‘sure! no need to ask!’ eddie says, shooing dustin and mike down the bench. listening to eddie and his group talk felt as an eternity. in the pause of a conversation you blurt out a question, quickly surprising your lips afterwards. ‘what’s..hellfire?’
‘i’m glad you asked!’ said eddie, he was practically bouncing up and down. a girl as pretty as you has never wanted to know about their group like this. after hearing the lengthy explanation from eddie and his peers, the bell rang. the last two periods were a breeze. it seemed as math got easier since your freshman year. thank god for that. walking out the school, you started your route home. you plugged your ipod up and started your journey.
it was a good day - ice cube.
you were jamming on your way back home. you turned to check your surroundings and saw a big bulky van trailing behind you. in your intuition, you started walking the other way, just to make sure. looking back once again you saw the van following you, so you stopped dead in your tracks and waited for the van to stop in front of you. while the van creeped up, the window rolled down. sooner or later you make it out to be eddie. a smile tugging at your lips. ‘needa ride?’
after he dropped you off home, you gave your thanks and walked back into your trailer. ‘i’m home!’ you said, your mom playing soul music which sailed throughout the pact home. you smiled to yourself, the smile fading slowly when you heard a knock on the door. 'i'll get it.' you announced, jogging to the door. eddie on the other side was sweating. well, maybe not sweating, but it felt like he was. opening the door your eyebrows knitted in confusion, you were just with him, what could he want now? when eddie heard the door being unlocked, he straightened his back up almost immediately. you peered out of the door and smiled, opening it wider to get a full view of eddie.
'hey.' you say, swaying your hips subtly to the beat of the music in the background. 'uh..hey! so uhh i thought you looked really pretty the other day and uh i write music so' he cut his sentence off to take a deep breath. 'i wrote a piece of music for you and i was gonna play it with my band this weekend so, maybe you'd wanna tag along? of course you're free to decline, but we've never had a pretty girl like you at our shows.' he finishes his rant and he looks you into your eyes, expecting rejection. you giggle.
'well thanks, pretty boy. where's the band playing at?' you ask. 'uhh we call it the "hideout" you can ride in my van if you'd want.' eddie says giddy and over the moon. 'sure. i'd be happy to tag along. thanks for the invite.' you said, winking and walking back into the trailer. eddie jumped off your porch and pumped his fist in victory. he's never been this lucky before.
thurdsday came and eddie walked into his friend group. 'did she say yes?' gareth asks, hearing dustin and mike fake gag over something lucas said. 'yes. she said she would tag along! she even said she'd hop in my van. i'm so excited for this weekend.' as soon as eddie finished his sentence you walked in with your tanktop and microbraids in a up-down do. 'hey guys.' you announced yourself. 'hey y/n,' everyone reciprocated. smiles being flashed. bells rung throughout the day and lunch rolled around once again. eating and laughing almost drowned out the yells from the jocks directed at the hellfire table.
'hey.. got a new piece of meat huh? hey, sweetheart..' jason cooed. 'hey, leave her alone man. she just got here.' eddie defends, fists balled up in anger. 'im not talking to you, sicko.' jason said, leaning over and whispering something in your ear, making you jump and get up from the table, not without an awkward 'bye'. eddie and all his peers took glances at one another as you walked out the cafeteria. 'what did that jerkwad say to her? she just got here and she's totally getting scared off already.' eddie said. he stood from the head of the table and followed after you.
'y/n, y/n, come back! what's wrong? what did he say?' eddie asks, jogging after you. 'nothing, eddie. don't worry about it.' you assure. stepping into the back of the school. 'no, i can't not worry about it when my friend is getting talked down on.' he explained finally catching up to your figure.
'he said some things about me. y'know, being black and all.' you say, pausing the music playing on your ipod. 'oh jeez. i'm sorry, y'know i think you're great. you deserve more respect than what you get.' he comforted, smiling at you. the sound of classes switching bellowed out the school and the two of you walked back inside. school finished and you hopped into eddie's van. happily, you guys rock out to metallica while dropping everyone else who tagged along off and the two of you were the only ones left.
'y'know, i'm glad you've been friendly to me since i've been here. not everyone's so nice to me these past years. thanks ed's.' you say, a soft smile on your face, fidgeting with your fingers. 'well it's not everyday a pretty girl wants to hang out with me.' eddie says, returning that same soft smile. 'welp, here you go. see you tomorrow?'
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phoebenpiperx · 1 year
A Billion Sorries
an HSMTMTS fanfic by phoebenpiper & @kaysonthejackal
Summary: EJ is surprised when Seb suddenly shows up at his dorm room...and even more surprised when he learns about what the boy did last summer! But EJ's learned a lot from Val and is happy to help Seb try to fix things with Carlos.
knock knock
EJ glanced up from his textbook and sighed. Being an R.A. meant he was basically on 24-hour call, so he was liable to be interrupted at any time, day or night. And in the two months since classes had started, EJ had had to deal with a whole variety of emergencies from the dorm residents, ranging from disastrous to chill. He just hoped this current crisis didn’t involve a plunger...or a ferret!
But apparently it didn’t even involve a resident.
“Seb!” EJ exclaimed as he opened his door to the blond boy. “Fancy seeing you here!”
“I’m sorry!” Seb blurted out. “I’m...really sorry.”
“Sorry?” EJ chuckled. After all, there was certainly no reason to apologize for an unexpected visit.
But Seb nodded earnestly. “Sorry for showing up out of the blue. And sorry for not having been in touch since the summer. And SO sorry for...for taking Gina’s side in your break-up!”
EJ felt like he’d been punched in the gut. It was true—none of the Wildcats had bothered to see his side when he and Gee split...not even his own cousin! At least he’d had Val; without her support these last few months, he wasn’t sure what he would’ve done.
As for his East High Drama Club friends—and fellow Shallow Lake campers—he got it. He understood that Gina had been viewed as a fellow castmate while EJ had been “prod staff”...even in his Sven costume. He could see their perspective—he’d looked like a jerk for not spending more time with Gina, for holing up in his tent for the entire campout and skipping most of Color Wars and not even sharing one dance with his girlfriend at Camp Prom.
But they simply hadn’t understood the pressure he was under. His entire future had been riding on the Frozen documentary. He’d needed to prove himself to his dad...and to his friends...and to himself. Besides, the way he’d seen it, his directing gig was only for two weeks, and he could spend the rest of the summer dedicating as much time to Gina as—
“I know I should’ve reached out to you sooner,” the boy standing at the threshold continued. “To...find out your side. To check that you were okay. But I...I just...immediately after camp, you see, I...I had to be on the same side as Carlos...”
The distressed look on Seb’s face seemed to break EJ out of his own spiral. He’d never seen Seb have anything but a giddy smile on his face when mentioning his boyfriend, so something obviously wasn’t right.
Though the boy wasn’t likely to spill the tea standing out in the dorm hallway.
“Dude, c’mon in,” EJ quickly said, putting his hand on the younger boy’s shoulder and leading him through the doorway.
read the rest on ao3
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kiwixlime · 2 years
Wine Red
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H is for High School Reunion
It's a high school reunion! No, not yours.
Pairing: Samuel Drake x Female Reader
Warnings: It's smut lol. I can't help myself, sorry. It's not a lot, though. Just a smidge. A tiny bit. As a treat. Also my writing sucks this update. I'm sorry. I'm still working through my personal issues. But I had some of this written. And I was ready to move on. So here it is. I have better updates planned, don't worry! For now, here is this. 18+ Minors DNI
The people who say that high school is the best four years of your life are obviously idiots. You didn’t have the worst time during those chaotic years, but they certainly weren’t your best. You had one friend. That’s it. One entire friend. Everyone else, they were simply acquaintances. 
So you have no desire to relive those days. But when your very best friend, your only high school friend, Hector, shows you his invite to his class reunion and asks you to go, you know you have to say yes. Hector is a big boy, and he can handle this on his own, but he’s all nervous and giddy at the thought of being reunited with an old crush and you are the only person in the world who can make him feel at ease. 
It’s the worst. 
“Come on, come on, come on!” Hector shouts from your living room for the fourth time in three minutes. He’s really testing your patience. He’s been ready since he woke up this morning. It’s taking you a bit longer since, you know, you don’t want to do this. 
“I don’t know what to wear!” You admit, yelling back at your best friend. Within seconds you hear his annoyed voice coming down the hall. He throws open your bedroom, unbothered by the fact that you’re standing in nothing but your bra and panties. 
He strides over to you, his index finger giving you the point. Frustration wears heavy on his face as he threatens you. “There was only one other openly gay dude at our high school,” he snaps. “And according to Facebook, he’s still single and hot as ever. I’m not going to miss my chance. Do you understand me, sweetpea? I missed out on him once. I’m not going to let that happen again!” 
“Jesus, alright,” you groan, heading back to your closet. You rifle through the few dresses you have, disgusted by everything you see. It’s not the dresses, not really. You’re disgusted in general. “I can’t believe you’re making me do this,” you sigh, moving your hands to the front of your dress line again. 
“It’s your alma mater, too,” Hector offers as if that’s a great selling point. You both turn your heads to your bedroom door as it cracks open again, your other friend, Andi, joining you two. She mouths a sorry and sits on your bed. 
You ignore her and return to your conversation with Hector. “Not fair,” you pout, pulling out a crimson dress. You shake your head, indefinitely tossing it into the no pile. “I was a freshman. This is your graduating class, not mine.” 
“But you still hung out with the seniors,” Hector points out, joining Andi on your bed. He looks through the clothes you’ve already discarded, frowning at your entire wardrobe. “You’ll catch up with some old friends,” he chooses to say, knowing you had none. 
“You were my only friend,” you point out, turning around and holding a black dress against your frame. Both Hector and Andi nod in approval. And you finally sigh in relief. Can’t go wrong with a little black dress. Even if it is five years old. 
Hector stands up and goes to your jewelry box, rifling through your minimal amount of accessories. He tries on some of your rings, holding his hands up in the mirror to see how he looks. Then he opens his mouth again. 
“Sam Drake is gonna be there,” he says casually as if it’s no big deal. As if that sentence doesn’t make your heart skip a beat. 
You clear your throat, wiping your sweaty palms against your bare thighs. Ew, that didn’t help. Whatever, you shimmy on your dress, pretending you’re not interested in Hector’s thoughts. “I don’t care,” you say. 
All your friend does is chuckle. “You’re such a liar! You know you’re curious.” He teases. 
Andi looks between the two of you, feeling left out. “Who’s Sam Drake?”
Before you can brush off the question, Hector is speaking for you. “Sam Drake was one of the hottest guys in school. And our little princess over here had a huge crush on him. I mean, I did, too. But he was a bit of a slut.” He looks at you. “And I know you’re dying to see him!” 
“I’m really not,” you lie, searching your closet for a pair of shoes. Another annoying step in trying to make yourself look presentable. Eventually, you settle on a simple pair of purple heels that Andi claims “give the perfect pop of color.” Overall, you look good. Once you fix your hair and makeup, you’ll be good to go. That thought makes your stomach churn. “And why would I care?” You shrug. “Sam used to call me shorty and use my head as an armrest.” 
“He was flirting,” Hector says. “And It’s better than what everyone else called you,” he mumbles under his breath. You gasp, eyes widening, hoping Andi didn’t hear that. 
“What did they call you?” She chimes in, excitement swirling in her eyes. Great. 
“They called her BJ,” Hector answers quickly. Too quickly. 
“Hector!” You screech, throwing a shoe at him. It hits his arm and he whines. “Do not! Do-fucking-not!” 
He ignores you, of course, flopping down on your bed next to Andi. He rolls close, sporting a smile. “They said she had perfect blow job lips.” 
Yep. There it is. Out in the open for the entire world. Okay, not the entire world. But Andi, and she’s such a fucking gossip. So that’ll be fun. “No way!” She shouts, a little too excited by this piece of information. 
“What?” You snap, glaring daggers at Hector. Bad Friend Award.  
Your friend giggles and for a moment, your annoyance with Hector is put on pause as you exchange disturbed glances. He raises his shoulders in confusion. “They used to call me Handy Andi!” She says with energy. 
“Oh, honey,” Hector shakes his head, burying his face in your bed. You bite your lip so you don’t say something dumb you can’t take back. 
“What?” She asks innocently. “I gave the best hand jobs in the twelfth grade.” 
“Oh my god,” Hector snorts and excuses himself from the room for a minute. 
“What is this conversation,” you murmur to yourself, ignoring Andi and Hector’s laughing. You head over to your jewelry box, pulling out a pair of purple hoop earrings to match your shoes. You also grab a silver heart pendant that hangs snugly between your breasts. You give yourself a quick once over, somewhat satisfied with your appearance. 
Your dress is simple, black and sleek with a deep v-neck and dipped low in the back. It’s fitted with little wiggle room, but it shows off your assets. You don’t have that pre-puberty awkward body anymore. If you’re going to do this, you might as well look hot. You decide to leave your hair in messy waves, it gives you a slightly mysterious look, which works in your favor. You don’t want these people to know anything about you. 
Lastly, you leave your makeup simple, cool-toned colors to accentuate your outfit choice. And a clear gloss, that yes, brings out the plushness of your lips. If you can’t taunt your enemies at a high school reunion, when can you? 
“Come on, pumpkin, please,” Hector whines as he re-enters your room, face buried in his phone. “Don’t tell me you haven’t stalked him a little bit.” 
“I haven’t,” you say, and that’s the truth. You don’t have much of an online presence, and you like it that way. “I wouldn’t even recognize him,” you declare so sure of yourself. 
“Wow,” your friend blurts, finally looking up at you. “Sweetpea, you look hot.” 
“I know,” you smirk, grabbing your clutch and taking a deep breath. 
“This is going to be so fun!” He shouts, wrapping his arms around you in a hug. 
“It will be,” you say, an evil thought forming in your mind. “I kinda hope Lucas has a boyfriend,” you tease. “The drama would be incredible.” 
“Bitch,” Hector scoffs, dropping his arms from you. “We’re going to be late. Let’s go, snap snap.” 
You and Hector pull up to the Radisson, already sick at the sight of the elegant hotel. There are a few people loitering outside who you recognize, and you hope that they won’t notice you. Sensing your nerves, Hector grabs your hand and gives it a squeeze before turning off the car. 
“Ready, Sweetpea?” He asks, and you have no choice. You nod. You take a few deep breaths before exiting the vehicle, waiting for Hector to pass the keys off to the valet. Just inside, in that ballroom, hundreds of memories await you. And for a brief instant, in the tiniest flash of nostalgia, you think about Sam. 
Hector grabs your hand, nodding at the doorman politely. His eyes are already scanning the lobby, searching for any sign of Lucas. You, on the other hand, are keeping your eyes glued to the fancy floor so you don’t accidentally make eye contact with anyone. 
Unfortunately for you, Hector gasps, and you look up. Just across from you at the ballroom entrance is Lucas, the man of Hector’s dreams. You groan, but Hector smiles and drags you across the room. 
A few of his other friends from his old group show up, and before you know it, you’re once again on the outside, listening to their mindless chatter. You’re bored, zoning out as your best friend catches up with his clique and flirts with his crush. This feels like high school all over again. 
You think about excusing yourself to drown your feelings at the bar, but one of the girls talking to Hector stops and basically screams. “Oh, my god! Sam!” 
It’s not her shrill voice that makes you jump, though you’ll be recovering from it for the rest of the night. No, you freeze, petrified because of Sam. The only Sam worth mentioning at your high school was always Samuel Drake. Of course. 
He was in the same grade as Hector, meaning he never paid too much attention to you. He was the cool senior who liked to skip school and hang out with the popular kids. You, well, you were an innocent little freshman. 
Sam was never crude to you the way some of his friends were. And he talked to you like a person. You weren’t friends, but you were friendly enough. And yeah, you had a crush on him like every other girl in school. But Sam never dated. He slept around, and you were never on his radar. 
You feel Hector nudge you, but you refuse to turn around and acknowledge the man. You haven’t seen him since he graduated. You have no idea what he looks like. What if he’s still hot? What if he’s still drop dead gorgeous and you faint on the floor like a freak. How would you explain that one?
Unfortunately for you, Sam doesn’t like being ignored. 
“Not even gonna say hi to me, shorty?” He speaks, making your heart thump. His voice is still the same. He still has that slight accent that made you swoon. “That’s cold, sweetheart.” 
Hell, you can’t deny him. You turn around dramatically. Why? You don’t know. Why not make things even more awkward? Your wavy hair hits Hector in the face, and you smirk as he flinches. 
“Sam,” you say with a fake sweetness in your voice to hide the whimper that wants to escape. Holy fuck, you think. Sam’s even more gorgeous than you remember. His hair is longer, and he’s sporting a new tattoo. But his eyes are the same, save for the aging around them, and his smile is still handsome. He’s bulked out, too. Muscled, toned, and still so damn tall. 
His smile widens when you face him, towering over you like a fucking tree. “Hey princess,” he says, and damn him for being so attractive. “Still beautiful, I see.” Oh, he’s still a sweet talker, too. You are so screwed. Or you’d like to be. Okay, pull it in, girl. 
“Always the charmer,” you reply with a blush. He holds his arms out for you and, you’re unable to resist, sliding into his hold. He hugs you tightly like he actually missed you. And damn, you’ve missed him. 
“You’re so fuckin’ short,” he chuckles, swaying your pliable body however he pleases. You don’t even care, closing your eyes and breathing in his sage scent. “Good to see you, princess,” he says. 
“You too, Sam,” you sigh as you pull away from him. “You look good,” you admit, accidentally letting your eyes sweep over his frame. 
“Can I get you a drink?” He asks, shamelessly checking out your mature figure. It gives you a much needed confidence boost, and you change your posture accordingly, pushing out your chest. Something he appreciates. You flick your eyes upwards in thought, tapping on your chin with your finger. 
“If you can guess--” 
“Red wine,” Sam responds quickly, answering the question you didn't even get to ask.
“Wow, how?” You ask, taken aback. 
“You were the same in high school, classier than everyone else. I saw you drinking it at Hector’s graduation party. Everyone else was getting drunk off cheap beer and wine coolers. Not you,” he declares with a grin. “Don’t know why I never forgot that little tidbit.” 
“Hmm, okay,” you murmur, incapable of keeping the smile off your face. You can't believe Sam remembered something so trivial about you. He mumbles be right back, and you cross your arms, leaning against the wall as you wait for him. Hector slinks up next to you, wiggling his eyebrows. You fight the urge to roll your eyes. “What?”
“You’re gonna fuck Sam,” he accuses, catching the attention of a few of his friends. They all give you wild looks, except for one girl who looks upset. You recognize her as the girl who screamed at his appearance earlier. “See, aren’t you glad you came tonight?” He chuckles. “So you can, you know, come tonight.” 
You can’t help it. You kick Hector in the shin with your heel, warning him to shut up. He winces and lets out a cry, stumbling back. The smile stays on his face, though. 
Ahead of you, Sam saunters his way back, and you give Hector a grimace, telling him to behave. Your friend simply shrugs and tiptoes over to his little group. He watches from the corner of his eye as Sam approaches you, red wine in hand. 
“Princess,” he says, passing you the glass. Your hands brush as you grab the stem to take it from him, and you have to turn away so Sam doesn’t see you blush. Truthfully, you’ve been unable to keep your cool since he arrived. You forgot how much he likes to use the nickname Princess. “Do you wanna dance?” He asks, nodding to the dance floor where your other classmates have gathered. 
“No, not at all,” you laugh shyly. You give Sam a small smile, hoping you didn’t offend him by turning down his offer. It’s not that you don’t want to dance with him, you’d love to feel his hands on you; his body close to yours. But you can’t dance. And you don’t want to be near any of these people. 
“Thank god,” Sam chuckles and takes a hefty swig of his drink. “I’d love to be a gentleman, but I can’t dance for shit. I was just trying to be courteous.” 
“You’re sweet,” you say, hiding your smile behind your wine. “But don’t worry about it, I--” 
Once again, you’re cut off before you can finish talking. But this time, it’s by some of the worst people you’ve ever known. Sam’s old gang. The ones who came up with the whole “BJ” thing. Great. 
Sam looks at you, mouthing an apology knowing that you’re about to be majorly uncomfortable. It’s endearing how he seems to care. But there’s no way for you to escape. So you literally down the rest of your wine in one swallow and discard the glass on the floor. 
Sam opens his arm, and you quickly lean into his side, bracing yourself. A rambunctious group of guys stumbles their way over to you, all very loud, yelling Sam’s name. You recognize a few of them. And unfortunately, they recognize you, too. 
“Oh, shit!” One of them yells, nearly falling at your feet. “BJ is that you?” 
You growl, and Sam holds you closer, putting you at ease. “Hey, Jeremy,” Sam swoops in, redirecting the conversation. “How have you been, man?”
“Dude, I’m great,” Jeremy answers loudly, clapping Sam on the shoulder. Jeremy Rogers. One of the most annoying men you’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing. He was the one who gifted you the nickname. Fucker. 
“Saw you got married?” Sam makes light conversation, and you can’t help but make a face. Who would marry Jeremy? Poor girl. 
“I did, I did,” he grins. “Total babe. You remember Roxanne Holt?” Sam nods, familiar with the name. You remember her, too. Oh, she's too pretty for him. Too nice, as well. “She’s Roxanne Rogers now!” Jeremy shouts much too noisily. You let out a scoff, and that grabs his attention. Fuck. “But damn, enough about me. Sammy, can’t believe you landed this babe.” 
“Gross,” you mumble, unable to keep your mouth shut. 
“Hey,” Jeremy frowns, and the rest of the guys behind him whistle. “I’m just jealous Sam gets to experience these pretty little lips.” He shuffles towards you, but Sam is able to pull you away before Jeremy touches you. 
“You’re married, remember?” You spit, burying yourself in Sam's side. 
“Yeah, but she’s not here,” Jeremy winks, dragging his eyes over your body. He makes a noise of approval and licks his lips. He then looks at Sam. “And I’m sure Sammy over here wouldn’t mind sharing. Wouldn’t be the first time, right Drake?” 
“Oh,” you scoff and shimmy out of Sam’s hold. He tries to grab you, but you brush him off and stomp your way towards the elevators. You have no idea where you’re going. You don’t have a room in this hotel. But you can’t be in that damn ballroom any longer. 
You’re annoyed. Beyond annoyed. And you’re not mad at Sam. He was trying to help. You just hate the fact that he was ever friends with Jeremy. He’s disgusting.  
“Damn,” Jeremy chuckles, as do the boys behind him. “She’s moody, huh? You need to give her a good fuck.” Sam rolls his eyes and distances himself from the group. 
“Sober up, J,” he says before turning around to follow you. 
The elevator dings and you get off on the fourth floor. You’re not sure why, but it spoke to you. You don’t have a room; you don’t have a key. All you can do is stand in the hallway. But it beats being downstairs with those freaks. 
As you pace down the lux hallway, you hear the elevator doors open. You turn in a panic, afraid Jeremy or someone decided to follow you. To your surprise, it’s Sam. You’re not sure how to feel about that. 
“I’m sorry, princess,” he says as he approaches you. “That was totally uncalled for. And gross.” 
“They’re dicks, it doesn’t matter,” you huff, stopping in front of a random door. 
Sam sighs and steps around you, reaching into his suit pocket and producing a key. You watch curiously as he steps up to the door and sticks the key into the slot. It blinks green and unlocks, allowing him to enter. Damn. Looks like your brain was trying to tell you something.  
“I should have stood up for you more back then,” Sam says as he ushers you into his room. He drops the key onto the table by the bathroom and shakes off his jacket. You try not to watch him, but it’s hard to avert your eyes. He’s hot as fuck. 
“You did enough,” you finally answer, still trying to wrap your head around the fact that you’re in Sam’s hotel room. That your brain subconsciously brought you here. “We were in high school, we all would have made different choices,” you say as you examine his space. 
Sam bobs his head in understanding and strolls over to the bed. He sits on the edge, patting the vacant spot next to him. You don’t budge, standing your ground by the door. He laughs a little; you’re exactly the same. “It’s really good to see you,” he says again, repeating his earlier words. 
“It’s good to see you, too,” you beam and wander closer to him. “You have a room here? Hoping to get lucky?” 
“Hardly,” Sam chuckles and pulls out his phone. “I don’t live too far away, but I didn’t want to crash with Nate and Elena. So I thought I’d get a room for the night. Plus, I kind of planned on drinking. Like a lot. Didn’t want to drive.” 
“Smart,” you reply and fall into a silence. Sam types out something on his phone before tossing it on the bed. You consider leaving because, really, what’s the point in you being here? But as you make the decision to go, Sam speaks up again. 
“You know, I don’t want to sound like a perv, but I’ve always had a bit of a crush on you,” he confesses, giving you a shy smile. 
“Seriously?” You ask, holding back a laugh. 
“Yeah, I just felt like a creep,” he mumbles, looking away, ashamed. “I mean, you were so young.” 
“Three years apart isn’t that bad,” you say, now fully invested in his confession. 
“Yeah, but 14 and 17 are,” he whispers. And that’s fair. It would have been insanely weird and repulsive if anything would have happened between you two back then. “I wasn’t going to be that douchebag that preyed on younger girls.” 
You nod, respecting his choice. “Right, you liked the college girls,” you tease him. 
“Some of them,” he admits with a slight blush. You loosen up a little, leaning against the dresser across from where Sam is sitting on the bed. The air is much lighter now. And you feel comfortable. 
“Well, in the interest of total honesty, I had a crush on you, too,” you say quickly, under your breath, hoping he doesn’t hear you. But of course, he does. 
“Oh, yeah?” he smirks and shifts on the bed. “Is that why you decided to come here tonight?” 
You scoff and roll your eyes. “Not at all, I’m here for Hector,” you assure him. “Moral support, you know. Lucas is here…” You trail off, hoping Sam believes you. The look he’s giving you is so mischievous, though. And you’re suddenly very aware that you’re alone in a room with him with the ability to do anything. 
“So I’m just a bonus?” Sam prods, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip. Looks like he's having the same thoughts you are. 
“I suppose you were part of the convincing,” you sigh, trying to look anywhere but at his ridiculously handsome face.  
“I’m flattered,” he says smoothly. And you don’t miss the change of tone in his voice. Okay, if you’re not careful, something can unfold here. The main question is, do you want it to? Yes, yes you do. 
“Sure,” you flirt, flipping your hair over your shoulder. You stand straight and Sam’s eyes drop to your cleavage. 
“I have to confess,” he begins, sweeping his eyes over the rest of your body. His gaze is different than Jeremy’s. As in, you want it. And he doesn’t creep you out when he looks at you. “I was hoping you’d be here tonight. You’re very hard to track down. I’m not exactly internet savvy, but I asked Nathan if he’d heard from you. Nothing.” 
You feel proud of your secrecy. It’s your main goal in life. Be invisible. “I don’t have any social media accounts,” you tell him. “I don’t want anyone to know anything about me.” 
“That’s kinda hot,” he razzes, and you laugh.  
There’s just something about Sam that makes you happy. He’s fun and full of life. It’s just something that radiates off of him. It’s contagious. 
“Thanks for never being a jerk to me,” you tell him, grateful that even though his friends were dicks, he never treated you like shit. 
“Of course, sweetheart,” he expresses. “I only teased you about the height because I think it’s cute.” 
“And you’re a fucking giant.”
Sam snorts and goes to stand. You feel sad that your private time with him is ending so quickly. “We should head back out there,” he states, seeming about as thrilled as you.  
Now or never. What would Hector do? What would Hector tell you to do? Fuck. “Or we could stay in here,” you say, keeping your voice calm even though you’re terrified of rejection. 
That captures Sam’s attention. “Really?” 
“Mhm,” you nod, fully committing to the role. You walk over to him, faking your confidence. But he either can’t tell or doesn’t care because he lets you push him back onto the bed. Staring in anticipation as you bite your lip and grip his shoulders. 
He gulps, trying to keep his hormones in check when what he really wants is to grab you and throw you on the bed. “What did you have in mind?” He asks. 
“I can give you something everyone wants,” you reply. 
His gaze falls to your lips. Your perfectly plush glossy lips that are saying things he’s only dreamed of. “Princess,” he whispers, reaching out for you. “That’s…”
“I want to, Sam. I’ve wanted to for a long, long time,” you tell him and drop to your knees. 
His eyes darken, hand automatically cupping your face. “I’m not gonna stop you,” he says with a lazy smile. 
You hum and slide the hair tie off your wrist, pulling your hair back into a ponytail and out of your face. He groans at the action, getting louder as you slide your hands up his thigh. Sam lets out a shaky breath as your polished nails scratch over the fabric of his slacks. 
“You okay?” You ask sweetly, smirking at the growing bulge in his pants. God, you feel so powerful like this. “You seem a little nervous.” 
“N-no,” he stutters, inhaling through his nose when you brush your fingers over his crotch. “I mean, I’m g-great,” he sighs, dropping his head back as you undo his pants. “I’m just gonna…” He trails off, silencing himself. 
“Cute,” you chuckle, dipping your hand into his slacks, past the band of his boxers. You can hear Sam gasp as you wrap your hand around his painfully hard dick, squeezing lightly. “Sounds like you’ve wanted this for a long time, too, huh?” 
“Princess, you have no idea,” Sam grunts, pushing himself up on his elbows to watch you. He stares in awe as you pull his cock out, the sight of your slender fingers wrapped around his thickness is almost too much. “Shit, that’s hot,” he moans. 
An airy laugh bubbles from your throat as you take Sam in both hands. You start slow, pumping him at a steady rhythm, using the precum dripping from his leaking tip to lather him up. His eyes flutter closed, and he sucks his bottom lip between his teeth, masking his guttural sounds.
You feel him throb in your hands, speeding up the twist of your wrists, jerking him faster. He starts to unfold beneath you, already weakened by your touch. Your magic hands work his shaft, your tongue poking out from your pretty lips to flick across his tip. 
“Oh, fuck, princess,” Sam moans, jutting his hips up in reaction. You giggle and swirl your tongue around his flushed head, gathering more of his salty slick on your lips. He opens his eyes, gazing down as you roll his seed over your tongue before swallowing. You press hot, wet kisses to the underside of his dick as you continue to stroke him, mouthing his balls when you reach them. Sam grunts and tangles his hand in your ponytail. “Holy fuck.”
“So big, Sam,” you moan, one hand pumping his cock while the other massages his balls. Your mouth returns to his tip, gently sucking the head past your lips. His hips buck up, dick begging for access to your hot mouth, but you deny him. Pulling back just enough for him to pop out of your mouth. He glares at you, and you smile. “Oops,” you shrug. 
“You’re a tease,” he scolds but quickly shuts up when you take him back into your mouth. “Fuck, okay,” he gasps as your soft lips slide down his length. “Keep doing that,” he moans, stiffening his grip on your ponytail. 
You remove your hands, placing them firmly on Sam’s knees as you bob your head up and down. His cock slides across your tongue with ease, filling your mouth in ways you only craved. His salty taste lingers as he glides past your lips, and you have to moan at the sensation. Your slurping sounds echo throughout the hotel room, and Sam can’t hold off any longer, forcing your head down on his cock. 
You gag, but relax your jaw and let Sam use your mouth to his pleasure. His hips jerk up as he holds your head still, his moans loud and filthy as he fucks your face. He’s fast and hard and your eyes water with each rough thrust. But you love it. You love the way Sam uses you, but you’re still in charge of this night. This is your gift to him. 
Using what strength you have, you rustle out of Sam’s hold, listening to him whimper as he falls out of your mouth. You have to admit, it’s an attractive sound. But you can’t give him everything. Not right now. 
“Impatient,” you purr, holding him in your hand. Your velvety tongue licks up his length, teasing the head before slapping his cock against your tongue. You repeat this until he moans your name, a sound so erotic you know your panties are ruined. 
Your hand cups his balls as you take him into your mouth entirely, without hesitation. He hits the back of your throat, and you moan around him, sending pleasant vibrations throughout his body. “Princess, I’m g-gonna cum,” he groans. 
Once again, you pop him out of your mouth, your spit smearing from your lips over his cock. “Cum in my mouth, Sam,” you mewl. “I wanna taste you. I want your cum, please, Sam.” 
“You’re hot, polite, and you want to swallow my load,” Sam chuckles. “Marry me.” 
“Slow your roll there, stud bucket,” you tease, taking him back into your mouth. Sam collapses on the bed as you swallow around him, easing him down your throat. You hold your head down for a few seconds until your eyes water again. You bring your hand back up, stroking him quickly while you suck him off. 
It takes only seconds after that for Sam to cum. He grabs your head and holds you in place as he shoots down your throat, your name rolling off his tongue. “Fuck, princess, feels so good,” he groans. 
Your tongue flattens, and you slide Sam out your mouth, licking him clean, swallowing everything. He watches with heavy eyes, ready to lunge at you. You don’t even get the chance to stand before Sam is on you, crashing his lips against yours. His kiss is rough and sloppy, but it takes your breath away. 
“Sam,” you whimper, pushing him away. “Fuck, as much as I’d love to continue this…” 
“Wait, you can’t leave,” he pouts, grabbing your face and kissing you again, harder this time. It would be so easy for you to give in, rip off your clothes and ride Sam into oblivion, but you can’t. Not right now. 
“I have to get back to Hector,” you say, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. “That was fun, though!” You chirp as you stand and straighten out your dress. You shake your hair out of the ponytail, moaning a little at the relief that comes with it. 
Sam watches you, dumbfounded. “You’re really gonna ditch me for your friend?” 
You shrug, handing him your phone. “I know where your room is,” you say as Sam inputs his number into your phone. “I’ll be back.” 
“You better be,” he says, standing up as well. He towers over you, slipping your phone back to you. He leans into you, hot air pulsing over your ear. “I’m already counting the ways I can make you cum.” 
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Sam Drake Taglist: @julesclues
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Picture Perfect
written for Llama’s Lee Dream Month
— Day 2 (First Meet-up/Stream)
again, could be classed as comfort tickles but who doesn’t love comfort tickles
Summary: Dream decides that he’s just about ready to do his first ever face cam stream, but hesitates under nervous pressure. Luckily, Karl and Sapnap are there to help him through it… with tickles :D SPLENDIDLY PLATONIC
Warnings: tickling, swearing
Word Count: 1440
Sapnap’s stream set up was nothing new to Dream. In fact if anything, he probably knew it better than his own. With the amount of times that he had been called into Sapnap’s room after the younger add meddled with the perfect settings, he had practically memorised them all. Such as the exact light intensity to use for the ring lights, the perfect settings for the microphone. He had adjusted the camera numerous of times, untangled the forest of chords behind the set up dozens, and even gone as far as assisting the younger in assembling his chair.
And yet despite everything being so familiar, Dream still couldn’t help the bundle of nerves that settled over his body, his heart racing as he squinted into the camera lens, the ring light halos boring down on him as his finger hovered shakily over the go live button. It wasn’t that he was nervous to be part of the livestream. He had been in the background of countless streams that week, with Karl staying over at the Dream Team home. It was just that it was his first stream on his main account, the first one where he was the main point of attention.
“You alright bud?” Sapnap’s concerned voice was heard from beside him, managing to drag Dream away from his thoughts. A breath of air left his mouth as he slumped back in his seat, breaking eye contact with the camera to look over to the younger.
Both Karl and Sapnap were seated on two chairs beside him, the idea that if they were there, then they’d be able to help him out if things go sour. He was grateful to find them with only understanding expressions, offering them a small defeated smile.
“I don’t know. I want to, but I don’t know, maybe today’s just not the day.” He sighed. He had really been hyping himself up this week, the idea of him doing his first actual face-can stream whilst Karl was still there seeming to be the most perfect time for it. But with Karl’s flight leaving for North Carolina tomorrow, and his progress never making it beyond actually turning on the camera, he was beginning to lose his hope a little.
Karl was quick to leave his seat, skipping over to wrap an arm around Dream from behind. Dream let out a laugh, accepting the affirmation with a pat to the arm.
“You’re literally so hard on yourself relax.” Karl mumbled, resting his head over Dream’s shoulder. Dream gave his head a pat too, but another sigh passed his lips.
“I know, I know… I just wanted it to be done before you leave.” He explained, well aware of how deflated he was sounding. Karl hummed his disagreement.
“Ok but, this isn’t going to be the only meet up though yeah? We’ve got so many other visits planned? You’ll get your chance again?” He reassured, turning his head to address the blonde. Dream managed a smile, pulling away as Karl’s hair brushed over his neck.
“Literally! You’re all good dude. If you’re not ready for it then you’re not ready. No use getting bummed about it though.” Sapnap added, moving over to rest a hand over Dream’s shoulder, and giving it a comforting squeeze as he waved into the camera.
Dream scoffed as the playback of the video popped up on his monitor, Sapnap’s goofy smile and Karl’s head buried into his shoulder making for rather stream worthy image… It was just that…
“Look how dumb I look though!! I look so nervous! Like, I look like it’s my- first day of school or something!” He complained, gesturing over to the monitor, and then flipping off the camera lens. All three boys giggled as it played back, a giddy atmosphere slowly drowning out the tense one from earlier.
“That’s literally how everyone is though!” Sapnap laughed. “Obviously you’re going to be nervous.”
“I know I know but- but I just want to behe—okahay K-kaharl!! Stop laughing into my neck fuhuck off!!” Dream tried to explain, having to bring a hand up to push lightly at Karl’s head as the older let out breathy sniggers into the side of his neck. The action-paired-complaint only appeared to make both Karl and Dream giggle more, as the flow of conversation was momentarily derailed.
“What do you mehean?! Am I not allowed to laugh??” Karl accused, nuzzling himself deeper into Dream’s neck in retaliation to being pushed away.
“Noho you’re fucking- s-stAhAHAp!!”
“How come you’re allowed to laugh and I’m not??”
“Kahaharl!!” Dream giggled, wedging his protective hand up between his neck and Karl, and cupping his other over his mouth to muffle some of the giggles that bubbled out of him. Even then he still wasn’t able to fully block out the few mischievous bits of brown hair that brushed over his neck and ears.
“Karl, what are you doing to him?” Sapnap’s mocked-condescending voice questioned from behind. Dream didn’t wait for Karl to answer.
“He’s fuhuhucking tihihickling mehe!!” He yelped, squirming in his seat as Karl shook his hair into his neck, the older still having an arm wrapped around him to prevent his escape.
“No…” Karl denied, the single word encased in a very sarcastic tone. “This would be tickling you.”
Dream gasped as Karl’s hands suddenly shot down to his belly, kneading and pinching at the skin through his hoody.
“Wahahihihit Kahaharl!!” He hiccuped, shooting his hands down to grapple at the older’s, as they danced along his stomach and sides.
“Oh, Dreamie~” Sapnap crooned, suddenly catching onto the situation at hand. Dream’s defences were quickly disabled, his wrists being captured by the youngest and held out to his side.
“NO! Sahahapnap!! Fuhuhuck oHOhoff!!” Dream protested, his laughter flowing out much more freely now that Karl could continue his pinches and prods uninterrupted. “SAhAhAPNAhahp!!”
“What’s wrong Dreamie?? Does it tickle too much for you~?” Dream let out a whine at the younger’s taunt.
“Fuhuhuck ohohoff…”
“Oh wait it’s actually helping though! Wait Karl stop for a sec, Dream, look! You don’t look nervous at all now!”
Karl’s prodding immediately stopped, allowing for Dream to calm himself enough to catch his breath and lift his head up to his monitor. He was surprised to see himself with such a big smile, his eyes glossy and squinted into a blissful curve, and his cheeks tinted with a gentle pink glow. He did indeed look much less nervous than before.
Karl buried himself back into his neck, his fingers coming back to life and squeezing and prodding around at his tummy again. Immediately Dream’s laugh returned in bubbly bouts.
“Ohohokahay okahay Ihihi gehet it Ihi get ihihit thouhugh!!” He assured, scrunching up his shoulders to fend the brownette away from his neck.
“Your smiles so big!” The older praised, his lower tone vibrating against Dream’s skin.
“Ihihi caha-ahan sehe-ehee!!”
“And your cheeks are so pink!” Dream shook his head at the tease, his laugh peppering with squeaky hiccups as he attempted to duck away from the camera’s view.
“Look they’re getting redder!!”
“Oh he’s all flustered~” Karl teased, smiling against the man’s neck as he moved his fingers up to poke around his chest and neck instead. Dream began to sink down in his seat.
“Kahahahahaharl stahap!!”
“Our blushy Dreamie~ Here, pretend that the chats here now, what are you gonna say?”
Dream gasped as Sapnap’s arms wedged their way under his own, yanking him back up into the view finder’s frame.
“Nohoho stahahap youhuhu bihihitch!!” He whined, kicking and twisting against his friend’s grasp.
“Yeah! That’s good I think. I’d say he’s all ready to go then right?” Dream’s eyes widened as Karl suddenly abandoned the hollow of his neck, letting out a yelp of dismay as the older leant over him towards his keyboard.
“Wait Kahaharl NOHo!!”
“Kaharl stop!!”
Karl sniggered cheekily as even Sapnap’s cries were heard behind him as well, leaning back from the computer and scuttling his fingers up Dream’s neck.
“I’m kidding I’m kiddinggg…” He assured, smiling as Dream squeaks and giggles immediately returned, before slowing down his fingers to a gentle massage.
Dream sighed his relief, settling back in his chair and wrapping his arms around his middle, slowly regaining control over the few remaining giggles that tumbled out from him. His eyes flicker briefly to his monitors again, feeling a flutter of warmth inside him when he noticed just how big and happy his smile was, and how big his friend’s were as they stood either side of him.
Perhaps he could be apart of a stream worthy moment after all.
this has been in my drafts since november
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godisdisappointed · 3 years
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dont do drugs kids :)
fvdhdkwncutwvncolwpa dhhshs mmmm
Sorry, it was under my leg while we were laughing our asses off.
Hey :) It’s 1 am and we’re high.
I’m adding another admin on this account they’re super sexy hot and magsnsisficent. Beautiful secy amazing hit!
The MHA cast high.
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@/xinrukii on instagram ^^——————————————————————————
We’re so high, one of us will have to edit this in the morning or sum.
Izuku Midoriya -
He always has munchies. Will be hunched over in the kitchen.
He’s noticeably calmer. This is the most relaxed you’ll ever see him.
Hates being groggy the morning after. So he only really smokes when he can sleep in the next day. He had only been smoking since he met you. So it’s still a taboo.
Midoriya is the type to reveal his deepest feelings high and completely on accident. He loves you and his friends so much.
He is so panicked when people green out. If you were to throw up he would genuinely pass out.
Overall weed experience - 7/10
Katsuki Bakugou -
Also a snacker. Him and Midoriya are fully able to empty a pantry.
Relatively shitty high. He is calmer but still on edge just enough that it’s not all that fun. Weed is like a last resort for him.
Zones out, will stare at the wall, and will scare the shit out of people.
Only smokes alone or with you, because he knows he can get unpredictable when he smokes.
Bakugou has a low tolerance and often times has coughing fits.
Bakugou is of course worried but he’s bakugou so. He will nag at you for greening out. Of course while giving you water and the care you need but he would still do it.
Overall weed experience - 2/10
Shoto Todoroki -
He didn’t start smoking until he met you and he honestly didn’t think he would like it. Being raised in a very anti-drug household he experienced it to not be as good as it was.
Super giggly when he’s high. The type to say ‘apple’ then sit back and laugh for like 5 minutes.
He isn’t one to go out of his way to get food but if you offer it to him, he will eat it all.
Todoroki ends up enjoying the fuzzy feeling a lot. So he smokes at least every weekend.
When he’s high with you, its a shit storm of laughter. You two bounce off of each others jokes until you can’t breathe.
You know how Edward reacts to Bella being pregnant, that’s what todoroki is like when you green out. He is zoned out and incredibly still.
Overall weed experience - 8.5/10
Ochako Uraraka -
Honestly was scared of ouid, she decided to try it when she saw you and her friends having fun.
The first time she smokes she gets paranoid and starts to freak out.
The times after that you supervise her so she doesn’t FUCKING DIE
When she finally gets comfortable, she mainly ends up being sleepy. Snacks and then sleeps.
Definitely giggling to herself in a corner wondering what the fuck is going on.
Had a really bad experience but got comfy and now smokes every other weekend.
She isn’t panicked but she wouldn’t be sure what to do when someone greens out. She would try to help but it wouldn’t do much.
Overall weed experience - 6.5/10
Tenya Iida -
When he finds out you’re smoking at first he’s like 😲☹️
Walked in on you high and you were so vibey that he was willing to smoke with you .... :)
Just a zoned-out high.
Kind of just sits there looking focused.
Wakes up with mfing amnesia- he’s like “we did what?”
He hates cottonmouth so he’s just HYDRATES.
Like 10 water bottles type shit.
He RARELY smokes, like once every 2-3 months.
The first time you green out, iida almost has an ‘I told you so moment’. He helps you and you do smoke again but not after a very long tolerance break.
Overall weed experience - 6/10
Eirijou Kirishima -
Smoked before you, but just to vibe with sero and denki.
So maybe like once every couple weeks.
He’d probably purposefully catch you smoking, because he already knew you did, and wanted to invite you to seshes.
Now that you mutually smoke, you guys smoke together ALL THE TIME.
Like full on stoner type shit.
He’s like “oooo I luv uuuuu, I luv u so muchhhhh.”
You’re just like :o
HE IS SO SO WORRIED WHEN SOMEONE GREENS OUT. Like he’s shaking. Him and sero are at your side like guard dogs until your better.
Overall weed experience 9.9/10
Denki Kaminari -
He’s like WHEEZING he’s laughing so hard.
HES LIKE GASPING for air, you’re genuinely worried. You’re like “dude.”
Wants the cooch like please. A crumb. A sliver. Please shawty.
You guys smoke as mush as humanly possible.
In between classes. In class. Aizawa catches you multiple times. You don’t care, ur in luv. <3
Will steal your shit, say goodbye to your mfing granola bar.
Denki would try and help when someone greens out but because he’s usually with Kirishima and sero he just kinda steps back.
Overall weed experience - 8/10 (you guys hella need a tolerance break)
Hanta Sero -
He’s so incredibly nice and vibey when he’s high.
he’s JUST like a mom stoner. He is always loaded with snacks and drinks. He also does not judge you when you cough.
He has planned tolerance breaks and will get most of the group to do it with him. He is so worried when he finds out you or denki skipped one. The smoke seshes after are always the best though.
He always comes PREPARED for cuddles. His bed is unbelievably comfy and he’ll literally hold anyone who wants it.
He just loves the feeling of being high and his friends make it special.
He also low key gets on horny high spurts. Like a couple of days where it’s pure horndog then he’s good for like the rest of the week.
He is SO worried when people green out. Will hold your hair back and like force you to consume water.
Obviously he has faults and will smoke A LOT in between tolerance breaks. Is high at any chance he has UNLESS on a tolerance break.
Overall weed experience - 10/10 :)
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mypersonmyg · 4 years
The Misery Chick | MYG
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thank you to my favorite @kimtaehyunq for the wonderful banner, ily you talented cutie <3
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pairing: Yoongi x reader
genre: fluff, a lil tiny bit of angst, college au
wc: 5.2k (issa short one)
warnings: language
summary: maybe yoongi has a fat crush on you OR he notices, that’s all
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a/n: happy birthday to the one and only min yoongi! i am so so fond of him and i couldn’t not write something for him, so I hope you enjoy :D and as always feel free to send in drabble requests for the fic and blah blah blah...
honorary tag: @gukssunshine​
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To wonder about the quickened stride of the beating appendage in Yoongi’s chest, would be to question the routine catch of gaze to the lone figure at the far end of the classroom, dwarfed by cuddled fabric, consumed with the rapid turn of the lengthy page. His arm rests atop the desk’s surface, supporting the chin that minutely dips with your every flicker of expression, the parting of your lips in gasp mimed by his own. His eyes are glazed under bright light, lids threatening to blink, the passage of time too fast, but oh so slow. 
Yoongi’s knowledge is second hand, rumblings of your demeanor spread through the vine of dialogue that floats coincidentally through his ears to connect with the edges of his brain, chewed and regurgitated without second thought. He holds his refusal to high regard, refusal to believe that you’re nothing more than a student, disgruntled by circumstance. It’s not simple attraction that guides his mind to the eye of logic, the region of reason, though it was the peak of initial interest.
He notices, and that’s all. 
He notices the round of your puffed cheeks that follows a particularly surprising piece of narrative. He notices the seat left empty between you and the wall, open but not a forced invitation, and he notices the way your posture straightens when someone grazes a hair too close. He notices the deflation of your shoulders when you’re left without pair during lessons framed with the inopportunity of interaction forced to simulate the false reality of reality itself. He notices the things others are blind to in their half squint, though the picture is still blurred like the edges of a polaroid. 
The numbness of his wrist, angled by the rest of his chin, draws him from captivation despite motivation to outlast the congregation huddle before you, their fronts focused toward him, his view obscured by obligation of association. His lips form the curvature of amiability necessary for pleasantry, neck craning to the defense of blue jeans offending his locked gaze.
“Can you stop staring so hard? She’s gonna eat you alive,” Hoseok’s finger nudges at the round of Yoongi’s jaw, urging his attention completely away from his person of interest. 
“Fuck off, you don’t even know her.” 
“Neither do you, despite your dedication to staring holes into her side every chance you get. They don’t call her ‘the misery chick’ for nothing, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her smile.” The jab rubs the wrong direction, Yoongi’s hand landing with a thud to the thick of Hoseok’s skull. “Come on, it’s a joke.”
“Maybe to you, and to everyone else, but she is a person. You guys just don’t look beyond what you wanna see because then she’s more than just a good laugh.” Every utterance of the moniker draws is lips to a downward twitch, fists balling in the pocket of his hoodie or scraping at the fabric of stressed jeans. It’s knowing that if he’s heard it you have ten fold, the thought harboring the wish that he could fold you inward, close to the beat of his chest to shield from the displeasure of words half baked with stupidity and the ignorance of hilarity. 
“Well not everyone wants to see her between the sheets.”
Interruption of the education saves Hoseok from the verbal spar pending within the fire engulfing Yoongi’s pupils. A place of love harbors the words of war, he knows this, knows that Hoseok’s plan is to rile to the point of action, but he’s driven to the brink of insanity by twisted words of encouragement. The kindest person on the planet playing into the stereo of broken records hurled toward the edges of your delicate framing, . 
Yoongi’s hands curl around his pen, ballpoint and already dancing the page, jotting words flown from one canal to the other and back to the atmospheric toxins of brains shorting caffeine. His sleeves are suddenly burning, neck itching with the heat of nerves crawling outward from within the confines of his collar. He glances toward Hoseok staring absently at Yoongi’s decorative scrawl, raising a brow to colliding gazes.
“Is it hot?” Yoongi puckers in mumble, swiping at the skin kissing the fringe sweeping his eyeline. Hoseok’s head careens in the negative, averting gaze to the front of the room, professor droning about the coming assignment, a project that Yoongi barely catches wind of. 
The plague responsible for his discomfort of familiarity is comfort enough to stop the distant tremble of shoulders keen to the stare that meets his eyes from the room’s opposing side. He jolts, or rather the calm of his heart picks back to pace, when his eyes meet irises reflective of his own.  They’re gone as soon as he finds them, but he’s confident that the cool of his neck is confirmation that sanity isn’t all lost. 
“Dude, could you take your notes? I’m gonna need those later,” Hoseok nudges at his forearm, limp from distraction. Yoongi hurries to scribble missed lecture, patient for a lull in speech to make room for declaration. 
“She was looking at me.” 
“Y/n, she was looking at me. I saw her...I felt her.” 
“Maybe she was just staring off into space because this class is a snooze-fest.” Hoseok speaks through the timing of yawn, perfectly punctuating his point. “She probably doesn’t even know you exist. Though, I guess everyone knows you exist, so maybe she just doesn’t care.” 
The words aren’t false, Yoongi’s following his beyond the definition of quaint, his celebrity following him from the rush of the court to the thrill of the keys. He’s hard pressed for a moment of peace, but he often finds it here, lost in you. 
“I’m serious.”
Yoongi sighs an audible defeat, Hoseok’s dropped lids and the rest of his chin atop folded arms a clear sign that his mind is beyond the classroom and beyond Yoongi’s own romantic woes. The end of the lecture appears miles from the start, the wave of dismissal a spell releasing its hold on the shackles chaining the  ghoulish appearance of sleepless students. 
Yoongi has worked himself to the brink of decision by the end of the lecture, sure enough that his stride to your desk will prove a build in the shy tint of his cheeks when he musters a faint ‘hello’. The pan of his half thought out plan doesn’t sort as well as he hoped, the rush of legs scurrying for the door tripping him up in his rush to the chair where you patiently filed notebook to bag. 
His vision is blurred by the passage of sweaters and hoodies, emblems emblazoned on sleeves and beanies sagging from the tips of bedhead. Hoseok follows after his stride in a confused wake from the desk that housed his sleepy head for the last seventy minutes, stumbling along with the drag of feet on tile. 
When destination is met, your chair is neatly housed, your figure nowhere to be found, Yoongi paces back, his sizable sneaker just scuffing the metal recline of an adjacent chair. 
“What are you doing?” Hoseok clutches the muscled fabric of Yoongi’s shoulder, stopping near disaster following the weighted displacement of the two. 
“Nothing, let's get lunch.”
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The passage of days are a haze in the midst of the craze of midterms and Yoongi’s attempt to find reason to believe your glance was more than a passing innocence. The press of his back to his mattress, sheets freshly laundered, linens, scented of the artificial makings of fresh lilac courtesy of Jeongguk, are used to his mid-day collapse for a pre-study snooze. He’s swallowed whole beneath the dense of his comforter, fingers curling into the soft material, lips emitting a sigh of satisfaction. 
The buds in his ears are a dull hum, white noise to saturate the crevices of his brain still vibrating from the surge of knowledge consumed at the twice rapid pace of the semester’s schedule. His lids are aflutter, pupils rolling to the dark precipice, the unconscious already tugging at the bits of his subconscious manifested to snooze.  
The muscles of his pillowy cheeks fight upward against the smush to the firm cushioning of his mattress, arms cuddled around the decorative cushion of deep blue. A pitched giggle echoes in the receptors of his brain, bouncing against the walls, a comforting sound. It’s foreign though, the melodic stutter, yet it engulfs his chest with the warmth of affection, his stomach turning with nerves of the giddy sort. 
He teeters on the edge of more, features dancing between streams, a waterfall blur. Yoongi aches for the reach, his physical and metaphorical being extending from the depths of his full size bed, yearning for the exploration of the four walls and beyond. He can swear his fingers graze the soft of skin, the trace of lip curved in sensuality just visible through sleepy haze. The giggles grow in volume, almost as if guided toward his hasty reach. 
“Jeongguk, shut up!” Yoongi falls forward, just catching onto the ledge of his dresser, quick reflexes doing wonders for his physical well being, but the skip in his mental and the stop of his heart are undeniable. 
He's heard the voice a handful of times, an arm eagerly shooting to respond to a professor’s quarry, the hidden mumblings that he swears he’s the only one to pick up on, his smirk almost never enough to stop impending chuckle.
It’s you. 
He knows, but can’t quite grasp that just beyond the barrier of belief, past the door sealed to keep from disturbance you’re somewhere laughing with Jeongguk. He listens for a moment, unmoving, to attempt a deciphering of your intentions, but laughter has turned to the inaudible mumblings from the room across the hall.  He’s silent in his trek to the door, pulling it on rusted hinges, cringing with every scrape of copper and wood. 
He slips down the hall on tiptoe, unsure if you’re attune to the other members of the house, but not ready to face you if Jeongguk’s door swings back to reveal the occupants of the small cubical. Yoongi makes way to the kitchen, surprised to find the rest of his roommates crowded into the sizable space, each occupied with their own endeavor of strewn textbooks and half frozen toaster strudel. 
“Well well look who’s awake,” Jimin sneers playfully in Yoongi’s direction, drawing attention from the rest of the room. 
“Bet I can guess why,” Taehyung snickers, glances exchanged with a conspiratorial air, the shift of Yoongi’s feet not unnoticed by his personal tormentors. “We told Jeongguk he might wanna keep it down, we know how you like your rest.” 
“Jeongguk didn’t wake me,” Not the correct turn of phrase, realized just moments late, the flicker of pupils raising with the feigned ah ha! Yoongi side steps them all, settling on the sphere of orange grabbing his interest from the bowl on the table, plopping into the nearest chair. 
“Oh he didn’t? Well what other reason could you possibly have to forgo your pre-study nap, hmmm?” Jin pokes at the slightly greened peel of Yoongi’s fruit, hand smacked away with haste. He withdraws to card through his hair, lengthening by the day, framing his face with more beauty than should be allowed by the ethereal senior. 
“I was hungry, s’all.” He tosses scraps with each peel of fruitful flesh, eagerly sliding bits of tangerine past his puckered lips. Anything to keep his mind from the fresh dose of giggles eating at his brain like a love bitten parasite. “Who—umm, who does Jeongguk have over.” 
“Oh, Kookie has a friend over? We had no idea,” Namjoon hums, glasses perched to the bridge of his nose, arms eaten by the sleeves of his hoodie. 
“Maybe you recognize their voice? I mean, you’re the only one close enough to hear it.” Hoseok’s grin is shit eating, half hidden behind the length of his hand, fingers curling in position at the tip of his chin. 
“Oh, oh! I think I recall him saying something about a...Y/—hmmm was it…” Taehyung fakes stumbles over the name, tips of his fingers tracing the glass of his crumbed plate. 
“Y/n.” Yoongi speaks through teeth clenched, his cheeks rosy from snatched sleep and the scrutiny he’s placed himself under, the heat of a lamp concentrated in the five pairs of eyes trained on his every movement for their amusement. 
“So you do know her, why don’t you go say hi?” Jin pats him with vigour, the sound of an echoed frame permeating the air of what Yoongi has affectionately titled, friendly toxicity. Those same muffled voices grow with the trek down the stairs, threatening to give way with each step. Yoongi lifts his eyes from his half eaten fruit for the first time since he sat down, daring them to say a word out of turn with a single look. 
“It’s pretty quiet considering seven guys live here,” Your voice is audible from the front door, Yoongi’s grip tightening, juice spilling down the crevices of his hand, soiling his shirt sleeve, palms already sticky from the stress. “I have one roommate and, as you’ve seen, she can be loud enough for the both of us.” 
“I’m just as surprised as you are actually. I know Yoongi is probably asleep,” Yoongi sinks into his chair, knowing glances threatening to drop him straight through the wooden surface. “The rest are probably out.” 
“Yoongi?” Your voice strays a bit, Yoongi’s lip twitching, unsure what to think of the sudden strain in pitch. 
“Yeah, do you know him?” 
“Oh, um...kinda? Not really, we share a class together, but we’ve never talked. I’m pretty sure he’d think he’s too cool for me anyways. You know, ‘misery chick’ and all.” Yoongi levels a stare at Hoseok whose arms lift in readied defense, though his own face conjures frown at your words. Your attention clearly never spotting the longing with which he’s leveled you for the past few months. 
“You’re not the ‘misery chick’,” Jeongguk’s voice holds firm reassurance, something Yoongi wishes he could give you, but he’s glued, too curious for the thought of impromptu interruption. “People are just jerks. Besides, Yoongi-hyung isn’t like that at all. He likes to pretend he doesn’t know how cool people think he is.” 
“Guess I’ll just have to take your word for it. I have to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow, Koo.” 
The door closes, Jeongguk just as soon rounding into the kitchen, tracks dead when there are six pairs of eyes trained on his figure. “Wha—have you all been here the whole time?” 
He only takes pause momentarily, his stride leading to the fridge, a juice box of all things pulled from metal confines. The naked eye would never guess the soft interior of Jeongguk, his features contrasting with the boots swallowing his feet and the tattoos eating his arm, tracing his digits. But he’s the walking embodiment of the careful youth painting each man posted in the room, a piece of him nursed by a piece of them with each day passing. 
“Yeah, we’re just hangin’ around, Jeonggukie.” Hoseok shrugs, ruffling the base of Jeongguk’s wild curls. 
“Well you’re doing it pretty quietly, Y/n thought it was weird.” 
“Are you guys dating?” Jimin’s question is thrown with abandon, eyes trained on Jeongguk with absolute focus, Yoongi sending a glare toward the silver haired fiend. 
“No.” Jeongguk pays little mind to the question, too busy squeezing every last drop from the box clutched in his fist, doe eyes glistening with concentration. “We met last semester in lit and she’s really cool so we started hanging out. You guys should meet her sometime, she doesn’t have a lot of friends because of this dumb rumor that she’s ‘the misery chick’ which is ridiculous because she’s one of the nicest people I’ve met here.” 
“Yeah, you can bring her over any time.” Namjoon encourages, book lowered to the table, face scrunching in mental agony when he realizes the corner of his novel is soaked with the spill of orange juice. 
“She said she knows you from class Yoongi, but she doesn’t think you’d like her. I think you would though! Maybe you should try to talk to her next class.” 
“Yeah,” Yoongi readily agrees, new found vigor in his speech. “Maybe…” 
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Over the next several weeks, Yoongi is sure that coincidence isn’t what found his stare locked to yours, Jeongguk’s overheard conversation clearly leaving your interest peaked about Yoongi who was forced to make his own gazes less frequent for fear of being caught. His first sighting after he floated the walls of his home like a ghost in haunt was next lecture. 
The nerves that ate at his skin the first instance of your curious scan was turned bearable by the itching of excitement to his every nerve, skin alight with the tango of possibility traversing his very being. His attention was wayward, standing at the head of the class, scooping the pages required for lecture from the overflowing desk, a minute ‘excuse me’ cutting through the thick of his cogged brain. 
“Yes?” Was his response, regurgitated dumbly despite the forming line waiting for him to budge to his waiting seat. 
“Uh...could I get by...papers.” He smiles, unintentional, but the effect is the duck of your head, refusal to meet his eyes under such a heated gaze. He’s left to stare a moment longer before the snag of his sleeve, Hoseok forcing him away, calming the mob of students too impatient to momentarily still for the fruition of his romantic interest. 
Lately, your exit from class seems somehow quicker than usual, the practiced haste too much for him to master, another obstacle to his formal introduction. Though it seems your professor can read the tension that hovers the expanse of the classroom, a thread itching to be linked by two lovers, one unknowing of the delicate pull she has on her soul suitor. 
“Okay!” The professor stands at the front of the room, barely holding the attention of the class, barely holding Yoongi’s attention until he speaks once more. “Instead of a formal midterm, I want you all to complete a joint essay, yes you heard me correctly! I want you to pair up and write an essay on the topic of your choosing—as long as that topic is related to the course.” 
Yoongi perks up, ignoring the telltale that Hoseok hopes to grab him as soon as the class is dismissed because Yoongi has a plan of his own. 
“Of course I won’t force you to choose a partner, I know some of you prefer to work alone. But no more than two people to a group. Now I can see that you’re all on the edge of your seats, but I’m feeling generous today, so you’re dismissed, but your pages are due on my desk beginning of class Monday!” The final words of the professor send the class into frenzy, those who were paying attention quick to grab hold of their half and those who weren’t suddenly catching up and scrambling for someone who’ll make do.
“Hey, we’re partners, right?” Hoseok looks at Yoongi hopeful, but Yoongi already has his sights set on you, watching everyone link up, resigned to working solo. 
“Nah, I’ve got another partner in mind if that’s okay with you.” Hoseok catches the drift rather quickly, wide smile forgoing slight disappointment at his loss of the sure A on his midterm. 
“Go for it,” Hoseok gives a light shove forward, much appreciated by Yoongi whose heart threatens to burst from his chest, sure that the nerves are painted on his face like a slice of Van Gogh. He’s just in time, your hands shoved into your pockets, ready to leave the suffocation of a space smothered in unwelcome. 
“Hey.” Yoongi can see the uncertainty, your eyes glancing to either side to ensure that he is certainly addressing you. 
“So, this midterm thing is kinda weird, right?” He can already see the snicker on Hoseok’s face, though his friend is posted at the door opposite him. Your own lips quirk, his only thought of coherency aimed at how cute the action is. You rock on your heels, he notes your style isn’t far off from the bones of Jeongguk, hoodie black and heavy boots ready to stomp through endless waves of the nauseating sea of university. 
“Yeah...I guess it’s a little unconventional. But great for people who get test anxiety,” You humor him, hands withdrawing from jeaned confines to gesture wildly to the room void of anyone but the three remaining vessels, two of which are engaged in unlikely exchange. “Did you need something?” 
“Sorry! I don’t mean to be rude, but I have a class to get to and I have a thing about being late. I figure there’s a reason you’re talking to me seeing as we’ve never actually talked before…” You catch yourself in ramble, tripping over phrases whilst Yoongi watches without missing a beat. 
He’s incredibly taken with the way the words flow without pretense, a nice change to the closed off demeanor people falsely associate with you. He would listen for a lifetime to the things you have to say, hopefully with the clasp of finger and longing glances. Your intent is nonsense, nerves eating away at the buds of your tongue. To him it’s a poetry specially curated, a tickle to his throat bringing forth the soft laughter that halts your speech. 
“I’m sorry, you go ahead I’m just...nervous.” 
“No no, don’t apologize, I like listening to you,” He coos when you smile, quick to recover before your eyes, wide and attentive find his own once more, now notably softer, safer. “I love your smile too…” 
“You’re not so bad yourself…” Soft spoken and not altogether sure is the way you speak, your class long forgotten, a blip in rear view shadowed by the shining beacon before you. “So…?”
“Right, right...I was just wondering if you’d maybe wanna work together?” Despite compliments and hinted flirtation you’re taken aback by the offer, your eyes skirting Yoongi completely, raising question to the figure station by the exit. Hoseok offers you a smile you can’t help but return his thumbs raising in the affirmative. 
“He’s all yours,” Hoseok assures, taking his leave prematurely, Yoongi still waiting for confirmation. 
“No pressure, just thought I’d ask. I think we’d work well together,” And I wanna know you, he withholds for fear of frightening you more so than the sudden acknowledgement already has.
“Well I don’t know about that, but yeah I’d love to if you’re sure.” 
“I’m positive. Wanna meet at my place after school?” 
“Sounds good.” You pull your phone swiping at the screen before passing it over. “Just text me when you’re free.” 
“I’ll text the address,” He knows it’s unnecessary, just taking precautions to shield from the admission of his eavesdrop the last time you occupied the residence. You wait until you’re once again clutching the spherical confines of your devices, checking and double checking that all digits are present, not unfamiliar with the harsh reality of falsehood buried beneath genuine interest.
“Oh, I actually know where you live. My friend Jeongguk is one of your roommates, so I know my way.” 
“Well I’m sorry we’ve missed each other, that it took me so long to say hello.” Yoongi’s legs lead him half a step closer, an accidentally purposeful close of the gap between, your eyes avoid the bottom half of his face, focusing instead on the bill of his cap and the dark hair tickling the edges. 
“Guess you’ll just have to make up for it somehow.” 
“Guess I will.” 
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Your visits to Yoongi are routine over the next week, the laughter filling the hectic halls caused by him rather than his roommates. He’s seen more of you in a week than he could’ve hoped in a lifetime, even more confused about the way you’ve been outcast by a majority of your major. He’s awed by your lack of reaction to the judgement of peers, often citing it as a joke, sarcasm lacing the words. 
It’s the day before assignment is due, you’re perched at Yoongi’s desk, he’s laying on his bed, tossing his basketball in mock free throw simultaneously with his toss of ideas while your fingers type vigorously in final draft. 
This particular evening leaves you alone with Yoongi, the other members of the house trying and failing to convince you to join for their weekly outing to the nearest bar where they would no doubt drink their weight to poorly prepare for the week to come. Yoongi was swift to opt out, much preferring your company to the stench of stale beer and jokes poorly executed by Jin after he downs his fifth shot. 
You were insistent that he let you handle the rest of the paper, just pages standing between you and your final product, but he’s too fond of the way your post-its decorate the shelf over his desk, different colored notes for every paragraph, the ink of your pens highlighting each point in magenta saturation. He’s obsessed with the way you hunch to close to the pages of your textbook while scolding him for getting too close to the screen of his laptop in the next breath. 
He can’t help the thought of what could be, close calls and a hair’s breadth stepping between you all week. It’s the price of seven roommates and a lock loosened with the jiggle of a handle. The hesitancy that still fills your pupils despite the easy way his words lace with genuine interest. 
Yoongi remembered what it was like to notice, deciding that it’s much better to experience you. The moment is delicate, your soft suggestions and argumentative replies tossed with a hint of tease lacing the bite of your tone. He doesn’t try to hide the smile that breaks the mold of his face, lips dampened by the press of gums prominent from healthy reach. 
“Can I ask you a question?” He raises, your fingers slowing against the keyboard, chair swiveling to offer full attention. “Does it bother you...the whole ‘misery chick’ thing?” 
He’s not sure what possesses it, but he is sure that knowing will make things easier, break a barrier that to him doesn’t exist. He knows your breath is baited, knows you’ve been waiting for the pull of the rug, so he offers a tug, a comforting teasing sort of thing to ease your mind and close the gap of misunderstanding that he could never blame you for. 
“Can I ask you a question? Do you believe the whole ‘misery chick’ thing?” You counter, scooting along hardwood until your knees are pressed to his mattress, sinking into the cushioned flesh as far as it allows. Your stare is careful, not expectant of the negative or offended by the positive. “It’s okay if you do, just don’t lie about it.” 
There's a sadness in your delivery and Yoongi notes it immediately. Your attempt to hide the twitch of your lip and the anxious fold of your hands in your lap don’t escape him. Your tone is even, your eyes much the same and he wonders how anyone could ever believe it, he’s grateful that he never did. 
“Not for a second.” He responds almost immediately, waiting for any lingering doubt on your end. It never comes.
“Good.” Is your reply, just as even as the question itself. Your shoulders relax, posture not as stiff as before. “It does bother me, not as much as it used to, but it does. It bothers me that they don’t like that I’m not like them. I don’t mean that in the whole ‘I’m not like other girls’ way, but I’m just not Cathy college, you know? I don’t get excited about parties and drinking, I don’t need to go out all the time to have fun, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you if you do, but I don’t and because I’m not like everyone else I have to be ‘the misery chick’.
He’s sure you don’t realize it, but Yoongi see’s the build of tears in your eyes, unshed but there and it breaks him. Breaks him that something so trivial could be the defining factor of someone’s experience, that you can hide it so well at the cost of your own happiness.
“I mean, it’s college, you’d think that people have better things to do than come up with reasons to ridicule someone, but I guess I have too much faith.” You finish, glancing up to find Yoongi all ears, lips etched in frown. “Sorry, you didn’t ask for all of that.” 
“People suck.” Is all he says, hand extending toward you, inviting you to join him on his island, silent but sure. You crawl the length of the mattress, your back pressing the headboard, fingers laced with his own, warm and sweaty from nerves, yours or his neither of you are sure. 
“People do suck.” 
“I know what’ll make you feel better.” He offers, thumb running along the jagged edges of your knuckle, skin kissing skin. You lift your head, half leaning on his shoulder so your eyes meet, a reflection of picture perfect, a record in perfect sync. 
“You should go out with me.” Yoongi doesn’t expect a snort, but the response is exactly what he receives your head averting to conceal your laughter, hands shielding your face from the expanse of an ego deflated by the graze of your accidental needle. “Why are you laughing?” 
“No I’m not—I just—you’ve been looking at me like I’m completely insane all semester! I didn’t think you liked me, I thought you were looking right through me...I kinda thought you were just coming to class high every day.” 
“I don’t even smoke, those were not the eyes of a stoner, they were the eyes of a man who’s very fond of you.” Yoongi defends his position, his usually dormant stare now bugged to exaggeration, unavailable for serious consideration. 
“My mistake, though I don’t know whether to be weirded out or completely flattered.” 
“You better be so flattered that I can see hearts in your eyes because you were pretty quick to agree to be my partner for this project!” Yoongi keeps the charade, glad to lighten the tension and draw from the heaviness of the previous conversation. It’s not a chapter that’s closed, but the beginning is the build and he’s planning an entire novel with you, so he figures his time isn’t limited by the tick of a clock nearing the midnight hour. 
“I heard I’ve got a sure ‘A’  and I’d be an idiot to pass that up.” 
“You could get a passing grade in your sleep, you can’t fool me. But you can go on a date with me.”
“So you, cool guy Min Yoongi, want to go on a date with me, ‘the misery chick’?” You gasp, hand clutched to your chest, Yoongi’s hand catching hold and bringing it to his own, to the beat of his heart, the bass begging for a melody that only you can satisfy. 
“More than anything.” 
“Well when you put it that way I have no choice but to say yes, but to be clear, I’ve definitely seen you looking at Hoseok with that same look in your eyes so you might wanna sort some stuff out first—”
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236 notes · View notes
shortiedreams · 3 years
Evening lectures
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Synopsis: Basically professor Levi and you’re his student.
CW: None :)
A/N: ARGHRWJIEDHAW I’m sorry I love professor x students plots. Things that break the code of conduct is the trope for me. So you can probably guess why I brain dumped this here instead of doing my work. Please enjoy! If you want a part 2 (which I’ll probably end up doing in the future anyway), you can request for it. Now cue in the fluffy headcanons~
So it’s your night class, 7pm, and you’re especially excited for this class.
Why? Well maybe because the professor is Levi Ackerman - your boyfriend - but nobody has to know about that except the both of you.
The students disperse themselves across the halls, none of them are sitting at the front though.
That’s not because Mr Ackerman is someone have a immense course of dislike for, it’s just because he scares the living hell out of them. 
You’d sit at the very front of the class, purposely of course.
He’d be trying to focus on lecturing, but every now and then, curiosity gets the better of him and his eyes trail towards your figure.
You’re writing notes whilst smiling, and he sort of blushes (the heat rising to his cheeks until he’s aware of it) seeing you so interested in his lessons.
You make him feel exceptionally special and he doesn’t know why at first.
Maybe because others have dozed off in his class before? Maybe because he overheard some students saying that he was boring? But it’s strange because he’d never let that get to his head.
If they don’t want to listen to him, it’s their loss.
So yes, the answer is just you and your charm.
During the rest of the time frame, you continue your custom of jotting down notes and smiling at him.
When you make eye contact, you giggle and he furrows his brows to indicate that you’re distracting him.
You both know that he secretly likes it though, so whoops! Maybe not so much of a secret anymore.
Whilst he gives time for other students to write their notes, you lock eyes again and he’s mouthing quips to start up a banter.
“After class?” 
You nod. Obviously.
He mouths something else to you but you can’t seem to make out what he’s saying. So he pulls out his phone and points at it, signalling that he’ll text you whatever he just said instead.
Levi: Let’s head to Tesco later.
Yes, the boomer texts with full punctuation and capitalisation, unlike you.
You: tesco? why tesco? 🤥
You can see the difference.
Levi: To pick up a few things. I’ll be cooking dinner for us tonight.
You: that sounds lovely 😽
You look up to see Levi chuckling a bit.
Levi: Anyone told you that you look pretty today?
You: no not rlly
Actually the dude from your morning session did compliment you - Mark, no it’s something else... Marco! That’s right.
You don’t want to ruin the moment with Levi though, knowing that he gets jealous easily and the fact that you can’t even remember the guy's name.
Levi: You’re really pretty. There you go.
You: hehe… thank you mr ackerman
You then send him a cute blowing kiss chibi gif and how does he react? Duh, obviously he blushes…
The old man loves giddy shit like this. He’d rather die than having to admit it though.
He clicks his phone and tucks it back into his pockets. 
He continues his lecture almost as if nothing happened and you mentally remind yourself how good he is at hiding your relationship.
It’s fine, you can deal without PDA, dating him is already a big honour.
After class, the students rushed out of the halls with looks ready to hit the sack any minute.
You stay back, and the students are too tired to even notice that you’re not leaving, like every other night you have Mr Ackerman.
Night classes have their fair share of pluses, you suppose.
You stare at Levi expectantly and he walks over to you when he notices the last of his students leave.
Everyone besides you.
You look up at him next to you with his hand out.
He smiles, “Shall we get going then?”
You grab your notebook and supplies, shoving it into your tote bag.
“Yup!” and you happily take his hand.
You walk together hand in hand, and you swing your hands around like a child, skipping.
You’re really content, really really content with your old man.
Levi doesn’t seem to back down or anything, he lets you carry out your childish acts.
For some reason, that adds to your cuteness. If anyone else did that, he’ll probably scoff in distaste.
You walk the isolated back route that’s technically exclusive for staff but you have that pass due to Levi.
Luckily for you, your university never made explicit rules prohibiting a professor-student relationship so you didn’t have to worry about the few CCTVs nearby either.
You were sure it was discouraged, but it was allowed in the end.
Levi scans his card out to the parking lot and the both of you walk up to his car.
He drives to the grocery store while the both of you talk about your day, mostly you because Levi was much more of a listener.
Also he’s done enough talking for today. Lectures cause his throat to run dry.
He likes seeing you ramble on about how your other classes were not as entertaining as his. The comparison flatters him.
One of his hands rubs your thighs and you don’t even flinch since it’s a norm for you. 
And anyway you’re really passionate about slandering your other professors oddly enough.
“You know it’s rude to say that about Mr Henderson.”
“I don’t care. He’s so- WEDAHEDHEWDU”
Levi chuckles as you eventually break out into gibberish.
At the grocery store Levi literally spoils you.
Like he really goes all out.
He’s basically volunteering to be your sugar daddy at this point.
He drops things into his cart that he notices you’ve liked to snack away on when studying.
He also drops the things that you’ve been eyeing without saying a word. 
You see the cart full of ingredients, not only for dinner but the snacks are occupying at least 40% of the space too.
He went ham.
“Mr Ackerman…” you sigh, “now how will we finish all of this?”
“Informal names off hours, Miss.”
“Levi.” you correct yourself, but also to make an assertion that you want an answer.
“It’s no big deal. I’ll treat you tonight.”
You want to argue but you’re also not in the mood. You know Levi takes great pleasure in spoiling you and making you feel like a complete princess. 
It’s not like you mind anyway.
You distract yourself at the counter from the paycheck because you know that you’ll end up butting in if you see the price.
Levi swiftly scans his credit cart and the both of you saunter back to his car.
Your hands are wrapped around his arm as you lean in all giggly.
He’s offered to take the plastic bags for you like he always does.
It’s honestly so cute.
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jeongi · 5 years
cabin fever | jjk (m)
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↣ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | jungkook x reader
↣ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 8k
↣ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 | fluff. smut. mild angst. exf2l au (?)
↣ 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | explicit language and sexual content. oral sex (f + m receiving), fingering, unprotected floor sex (dongs better be wrapped irl), light dirty talk,  very soft, fluffy smut. jungkook is sad, soft babie.
↣ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | trapped in a cabin with your ex-best friend jungkook, you’re forced to overcome the fallout between you two. 
↣ 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | cabin fever
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“We're lost!” Seokjin shouts dramatically from behind the wheel. “Hopelessly and forever lost!” The van’s radio crackles and pops as the soft ooze of music sits underneath your friends’ bantering.
“You're such a baby,” says Namjoon as he smacks Seokjin with the map he's holding. “Relax. I know my maps.”
“You've only been here all of one time—” Seokjin spits back, his fingers clenching the wheel harder. You chuckle under your breath at their bickering, your body immediately tensing as you feel Jungkook adjust himself next to you. A part of you wonders if he’s still alive; you have no idea how he’s managed to sleep through the endless bickering- yet, there he sat, still snoring away. If you remembered correctly, Jungkook was almost impossible to wake up.
You ask yourself why you still felt somewhat nervous in Jungkook’s presence, and for the upteenth time, your memory reminds you of that giant nothingness that now separated you two.
Hoseok giggles behind you and your mood dampens further. His excessive, unwarranted giddiness irritates you on any given day, but today it seems extra warranted. How could you not feel irritated when your ex boyfriend is sat behind you, practically playing grab-ass with his new girlfriend?
You ask yourself again why you ever agreed to come on this trip, let alone agree to be stuffed in a van with an ex-boyfriend and an ex-best friend. And once again, you come up empty. You're sure there must be a reason.
“Hey, focus on the road!” Jyo-en shrills from the seat directly behind Namjoon. “Some of us want to arrive alive and unharmed.” Jungkook once again shifts in his seat, his shoulder pressing against your own and his mouth wide open. You can faintly hear the purrs of soft snoring escaping him.
Alas, your motives come to light. Frankly, you knew you were doing this as a favour to Jyo-en more than anything else. Her undying, one-sided pining after Seokjin had her on her knees begging you to go on this trip with her. There wasn't much that could ever reduce Jyo-en to such a state, but her affection for Seokjin's masculine wiles had been too much for her to bear. The fucker was just too damn charming and you couldn’t blame her either. From the broad expanse of his muscular shoulders, to the plump of his pink, full lips, you figure the chaos that naturally comes from his presence is usually heavily subdued by the sheer epitome of beauty that is Kim Seokjin.
Nonetheless, you had agreed to come on this trip, much against your initial refusal.
“Pipe down back there,” Namjoon shoots. “It could be worse.”
“Yeah,” says Hoseok, “Namjoon could be driving.”
Involuntarily, you snort. It isn't so much the humour that prompts such a response, but the bitterness you can't help but feel. However, that response is lost amidst the sea of laughter that now fills the van, save yours, Namjoon’s and a sleeping Jungkook’s.
Namjoon turns in his seat and glares at Hoseok. “Just because I don't have a license doesn't mean I can't drive.”
Seokjin chortles. “You literally almost drove us straight off a cliff the one time I let you drive.”
“You’re being dramatic. It wasn't even that tall a cliff…”
Beside you, Jungkook smacks his lips in his sleep, and sinks his shoulder further into yours. You absentmindedly wonder what he’s dreaming about.
Do you even care? Probably not. But the mental exercise in speculation offers some respite from the storm of emotion slowly and undeniably building within you. You glance back at Hoseok and Nancy, their disgusting buffet of PDA having no regard for anyone but themselves. You know for a fact you and Hoseok would have never done this. Turning away, your eyes once again fall on Jungkook.
You hope it's a dream better than this.
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2:04pm [You]: ugh.
2:05pm [Yoongi]: Lol. What’s wrong?
2:07pm [You]: remind me again why i couldn't come tomorrow with you guys?
2:10pm [Yoongi]: Dude we've been over this, you couldn't swap spots with Jimin because he works tonight. It's the entire reason we're leaving tomorrow
2:10pm [Yoongi]: Is it that bad?
2:14pm [You]: between hoseok munching on his new gf and jungkook literally speaking to everyone but me,,, i’d say this is the car ride from hell
2:15pm [Yoongi]: Yikes
2:15pm [Yoongi]: Sounds about right, but I don't know what I can do from here...
2:25pm [You]: it’s whatever, tell jimin and tae i miss them dearly
2:26pm [Yoongi]: I’ll probably forget
2:27pm [You]: you’re the fucking worst.
You sigh heavily and lock your phone, haphazardly flinging it back into your lap. The van door opens with a whoosh and your eyes immediately squint against the intense albedo that now renders you temporarily blind.
“Did you just fucking hiss?” Seokjin asks, no trace of humour in his voice. You shoot him a silencing glare and he plays along to it, his hand shooting up to his chest as he fakes a few stumbles back. The effort to make you smile is that of triumph, the edges of your lips quirking up to a faint smile. Nonplussed, Seokjin continues. “Well, this is it!” He says with far too much enthusiasm for have driven nearly six hours. He reaches down towards the duffle bag by your feet and you swallow the bubble of discomfort that fills you when Nancy squeals behind you.
“This cabin is huge!” Her voice reminds you of Polystyrene rubbing together. It pierces your skull, scorches the skin on the back of your neck and you internally scream. Hoseok chuckles beside her and you can’t help but want to gouge out your eyeballs with a screwdriver.
When Seokjin swings the navy blue bag over his shoulder, his eyes briefly glance towards the still sleeping figure next to you, his face static in the grips of slumber.  
“Hey!” Without warning, a red glove speeds past your face and smacks Jungkook in the nose with a surprisingly satisfying thwack. Immediately, Jungkook jolts awake, shooting you an accusing glare so icy, the snow around you may as well be a sunny beach. Before either of you can react, the glove’s partner in crime follows and smacks him in the face again. “Well, good morning, sleepy beauty,” jeers Seokjin. “Now that you're alive, how about you start helping us move our stuff?”
Blinking in the new light before his eyes, Jungkook sighs explosively, half yawn, half exclamation.
“It’s sleeping beauty, you imbecile.” You think you hear him grumble under his breath. A part of you wishes he’d acknowledge you again like old times. Another- and you convince yourself, a greater- part of you simply cannot be bothered to care anymore.
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“I think that’s the last of it!” Namjoon yells from the trunk of the van. You hear him close it with a loud thud, one arm holding a cooler, the other locking the trunk. Seokjin stands by the porch of the cabin, nodding approvingly at the progress. He checks his watch.
“I’m hungry,” he says, “Should we go into town?”
You groan in protest. “Dude, we just got here. You want to hop back in a stuffy van and drive, again?”
“Yes,” he answers without a beat.
“Yup!” echoes Namjoon. You have no idea how he heard this.
“Ah, food would be so good,” Jyo-en says as she comes up from behind you, a hand patting her stomach and a frown adorning her face. You can't help but roll your eyes; she’s not hungry at all.
“Food it is,” Seokjin confirms. Despite the peckish feeling that jabbers at your stomach, you're not certain your appetite can handle another car ride with them so soon.
“You guys go ahead without me, I had a big breakfast this morning,” you lie.
“Suit yourself,” he says with a simple shrug of indifference. Turning away to head inside, you hear Seokjin yell for the others. You’re not sure where Hoseok and Nancy scurried off to, though the list of possibilities is disgustingly short. As if on cue, they near stumble out of the room they had chosen for the night, their lips swollen and clothing frayed. You think you’re going to be sick, and a subsequent twist of your innards does everything but confirm the sentiment.
You need to get out of here. You desperately need to get out of here.
As quietly as you can, you pull your boots on and stuff a spare water bottle in your jacket. The door before you opens, and with a breath, you crunch your way into the snow covered trees. You should have worn something warmer, you scold yourself as you cross your arms over your chest and blow out a huff of air.
The air is still- too still, you think. Even the melody of chickadees sound too far away. Your breath comes out in stiff clouds, hanging seconds in the air before fading away. You shove your nose deeper into your scarf as you aimlessly wander, allowing your thoughts to get as lost as you’re about to be.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d almost be convinced it was four years ago. The way the wind nips your face reminds you of waiting for the train at the worst possible hours of the morning, despite the fact you only had the one class that day.
The rest of the day was for the squad.
This could mean anything from half-attempted study sessions (in reality, a thinly veiled excuse to gossip about your classmates and munch on overpriced cafeteria food) to skipping down to the neighbourhood village just down the street from your university for the far better food that was just as expensive. It could mean sneaking off between classes to a quiet staircase and into Hoesoek’s arms for as many fleeting moments the two of you could steal in a day. It could mean a walk down to the university bar for curly fries and maybe one too many drinks. Sometimes it was the train ride home, hand in hand and falling asleep on each other’s shoulders.
The wind was just as cold as it has always been, but you haven’t been. Somewhere along the line, something had changed. A whole lot of somethings. At some point or another, it all just started to come crashing down until now you stand, here, in a snowy field standing ankle deep in fading memories.
You’d ask yourself how it managed to go to hell so much, so fast. But you don’t feel like opening that vault again— you’ve had it closed for good reason.
The piercing caw of a crow snaps you back to reality. Your eyes open, and the freezing train stations and too-warm classrooms fade away with the snowfall. You feel the first snowflake hit your cheek and when you look up, another hits your nose. Whichever way you go, whether it’s memory lane or the slow, cold walk back to the cabin, it’s going to be a bitch either way. It doesn’t take long for your boots to become soaked, and it takes even shorter for your toes to begin freezing. Your only regret is you find yourself wishing you’d have noticed it earlier; you were too preoccupied with watching the sun’s last stretch across the mountaintops.
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Your laugh is what Jungkook remembers the most as you two walked towards the train station on those cold winter mornings. The light fragrance of your perfume that overpowered the icy winds had always made you feel like home to him. And your laugh, the thing he missed the most. When was the last time he’d seen you smile? When was the last time he’d even talked to you? It seems a lifetime ago now.
Jungkook’s fingers hesitantly hold the black pen against his sketchpad as he allows the natural skill of his hand overtake the paper. The desk he’s sat on faces towards the blanket of white snow against a crisp blue sky. He sighs, the view of the mountain sheathed in nothing but white bringing him back to old memories of you.
He can almost taste the pork bulgogi he’d always order at lunch with you. One look is all you had to give in order to silently invite him to eat after class. It was that cocked eyebrow, the slight tilt of the head and he was already transferring money into his bank account. And your scent- soft and subtle against the cold winter air. Even if his lungs were crystalized by the cool winter air, your perfumed scarf still lingered to his nose. You’d always felt somewhat like a distant lover than an old friend. What happened? He happened.
Just as Jungkook blasts his Spotify playlist through his earphones, you walk through the front door. Unbeknownst to you or him, the cause of your melancholy sits on the floor above you in his room. Your hands are freezing, a soft curse escaping your mouth as your teeth clatter and you stomp your way inside. You’re covered head to toe in snow, a sudden icy flurry hitting you on your way back. Perhaps a spontaneous walk down memory lane was one of your dumber ideas but if anything, it was nice to get away from this bullshit for even a little while. And by the looks of it, you’ll be able to escape a little while longer as you stand in the foyer of an empty cabin. You’re alone with your thoughts once again. How did you get here? You ask yourself a million times over.
Shrugging off the weight of your coat, you unravel your scarf and land with a loud sigh against the brown suede couch. It’s a cozy cabin, you’ll have to give Namjoon that much credit but his need to treat everyone as equal despite obvious differences landed you in this more than miserable situation. Your fingers hesitantly uncurl, the heat already uncoiling the ice in your veins. You reach for your phone, the only notification being a “Merry Christmas” email from your dentist. You almost laugh at yourself.
4:04pm [You]: yoongs, entertain me
No reply, instead a big fat, red “not delivered!” pops underneath the message. You frown, annoyed at the world and mostly Jyo-en for dragging you along this getaway from hell. On top of this, the three people you’ve been wanting to see and talk to the most in the world won’t be arriving for another excruciating twenty-four hours. Old Man Winter chuckles to himself as he prolongs your misery.
Jungkook is mindlessly working upstairs, watching the flurry of snow coat the mountains and area around the cabin further. If it weren’t for the gentle ooze of Keshi in his ears, he’d be concerned by the rapid snowfall. His hand works diligently, his sketch near finished as he watches the sun set outside. Somewhere between the last of his shading and perfecting does the lamp in his room suddenly give out.
You freeze as the world surrounding you goes absolutely still. The sound of heat coming through the vents stops, the lights flicker off and you’re approaching darkness as the sun settles outside. Fuck, you think to yourself. This could not be happening.
Reaching for your phone, your fingers clamour as you hastily give Namjoon a call.
Straight to voicemail.
You try Seokjin; it doesn’t even ring.
Panic settles over you, your flight or fight kicking in as you think of what to possibly do. You scour the main floor for a landline, anything that could be of use in this situation. Surely there was a maintenance number somewhere? It’s when you’re in the kitchen that you hear the footsteps above you. You freeze again.
Now you’re almost positive it’s an intruder ready to murder you. Like in those horrible, terrible horror movies. Although you’ve played a lot of Outlast, you doubt you could handle whatever the fuck has spawned upstairs. As the footsteps shuffle some more, you grab a knife from the counter and decide if you should wait to be murdered or move towards the sound like every idiot in those movies. But just as you’re deciding, the steps move rapidly down the stairs until you’ve panicked and dropped your knife, shrieking out of pure terror with your eyes shut.  
Jungkook stares at you in complete bewilderment.
“_____?” He cocks his head to the side, his eyebrows strewn together in genuine concern. His eyes fall to the knife on the floor, further confusion littering his mind. “Are you okay?”
The voice sounds familiar, too familiar and it pangs you to know exactly who it is.
Your heart plummets to your stomach when you tentatively open one eye and see Jungkook’s big doe eyes staring right back at you.
“Jungkook? What the hell are you doing here?” You put your hand to your chest and sigh a heavy breath of relief. “I fucking...thought…” You look back up at him, the furrow in his eyebrows suddenly flooring you with emotion. You haven’t really looked at him in ages, it feels.
“You didn’t go with the others?” His lips form an innocent pout as he asks. You haven’t realized how much you missed his boyish charm. It’s then that you find yourself observing him head to toe for the first time in a long time. He’s wearing a white t-shirt and (unintentionally, you convince yourself), the plaid red pajama bottoms you got him for Christmas three years ago. Is that how long it’s been since you’ve last spoken? He looks different, more confident, more tone in his body. Although his hair remains the same shade of brunette, it’s slightly longer and rests in natural curls. His jawline is even sharper, you note. From the small mole just under his lip to the faint cleft in his chin, you find yourself completely absorbed in how good looking Jungkook has gotten.
“N-no,” you’re suddenly stuttering as you catch yourself out of flagrant staring. “I thought you did—”
“Nope.” The tension brews around you two, both of you stood across from one another as sudden realization dawns on you.
“The power’s out,” you say and Jungkook nods in agreement. You really didn’t think this day could get any worse yet here you were. “I-I tried calling Namjoon but it wouldn’t go through.” Jungkook taps his pointer finger to his lower lip in consideration.
“Phone lines must be out too,” he said half to himself. “Must be a hell of a blizzard out there.” You shudder involuntarily as you remember the way the wind tore through you on the return journey to the cabin, and with the memory comes the bittersweet nostalgia…
You mentally stomp the memories out. Not the time, not the place. Not anymore.
“Well, I don’t want to starve,” you say as you start to feel your stomach glare at you hungrily. Maybe you should have gone with them after all. An image of Hoseok and Nancy sucking face flashes before you. You shudder again. It might still be hell here, but at least it isn’t a hell so deep as watching them. Besides, this is the most Jungkook has spoken to you in years.
“Fortunately, they left us with the food,” Jungkook says to you. “If memory serves correct there should at least be a box or three of smokies floating around somewhere.” He pulls on a sweater and rubs his hands together in an attempt to warm them up.
“What about the fire?” You ask.
“What about it?”
“Well, I don’t know. Can you start one?” You know for a fact you might be able to, but this isn’t the time for you to test your skills.
“Probably. It isn’t exactly rocket science,” he replies with a smart grin. There’s a small door just under the staircase that Jungkook opens with little to no hesitation. You had always admired how unafraid of the world Jungkook had always been. Perhaps those values washed away when he too walked out of your life.
You snap yourself out of it and roll your eyes. “Jungkook, you’re the least handyman person I know.”
“At least I’m remembered for something,” he replies as he dips below the stairs to search for wood.
You damn near have to stop yourself from smiling.
You’re not certain if it’s just the natural dynamic you shared with him, or if it’s completely circumstantial, but one thing was for certain; like it or not, you found the pair of you swiftly falling back in step with one another in more ways than you’d care to admit… and more ways than you’d care to remember.
It’s almost as if he hadn’t just chosen to vanish from your life for nearly three years. It’s almost as if it were like old times. What had happened to you guys? Why did he stop calling you?
For the umpteenth time, you snap yourself away from this. It’s too late. There’s no use in thinking of the past. You sigh and return to the kitchen, scouring, searching every cabinet and square surface for candles and matches.
A heartbeat or three passes, and a clonking of feet on wood alerts you to Jungkook’s return.
“I've got good news and bad news,” He huffs as he steps back onto the main floor from the cellar.
“Oh, god,” you start. You feel a slight panic coming on again.
“Good news?” He hefts a frayed and worn burlap bag. “I found firewood.”
“And the bad news?” You ask tentatively.
He feigns sadness before he brings out two giant bottles of cabernet sauvignon from behind his back. “There's all this wine, and nobody around to drink it,” he finishes. “Except us, naturally.”
For however brief a moment it was, you knew for certain that the flash in his eyes, the quick smile he now wore, you hadn't seen for years. It seems as though, if only for a split second, the old Jungkook had returned. Somehow sensing your revelation, the moment passes as swiftly as it came, and then a stone faced Jungkook returns.
“I-if you want to, anyway.” The coolness returns without indication, a coolness you are now determined to thaw out.
“I’m insulted you even think you have to ask,” you return playfully. A hint of colour returns to his cheeks, and a fraction of a grin returns. Silently, he sets about starting the fire while you work on opening the wine.
It takes you a second to realize that the wine is in fact corked, and you had not a corkscrew between the two of you. You glance at Jungkook, his back still turned to you, rubbing two sticks together or something. You really don’t know, and he doesn’t share; in fact, he seems quite absorbed in his work.
You glance back at the wine bottle. Taking the lapse in effort, you ask yourself if this was really worth doing- if this was even a good idea.
“Aha!” You hear a whoosh followed by a golden radiance that now permeates the space. “And that,” Jungkook turns towards you, grin wide and proud, “is how you start a fire.”
You’re not only warm, but impressed- leave it to Jungkook to be perfect in literally every department. You suppose he hasn’t lost that talent yet.
Though the feeling of pride quickly fades as you see the can of body spray in one of his hands and a lighter in the other. You raise a questioning eyebrow at him, silently calling him out on his middle school arson methods.
“It was ah, taking too long,” he adds sheepishly, rolling the can of body spray towards the corner and playfully tossing the lighter at you.
“Seokjin is going to kill you.”
“What for? Theft of his lighter, or his outrageous body spray? If anything, I’m doing him a favour…how are you making out with the wine?”
“We… don’t have a corkscrew,”  you reply somewhat dejectedly. That half-serious face comes about his visage once more as you see him wracking his brain, trying to solve the problem.
His grin returns. “Don’t worry,” Jungkook says after a minute. “I have an idea.”
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“What a waste of a fucking match, oh my God!” You’re sure to sound extra exasperated as you watch Jungkook wrap the loose piece of twine around the neck of wine bottle.
“Do you want to drink or not? Let me work my magic…” Jungkook wears determination on his face, a tongue poking out, eyebrows scrunched together as he ties it once, twice until you’re sure even a wine bottle could choke. You watch as he carefully takes a match and strikes it with the expertise of a pyrotechnic turned for the better. With little hesitation, he lights the twine on fire, a burning noose around the neck of the wine bottle. It doesn’t take ten seconds for the glass to crack open. He’s two for two; at this point, you find yourself enjoying his company more and more.
You’re honestly mesmerized. “How…?” You ask. He lets out a soft chuckle, barely audible.
“It’s magic,” you hear him say as he shrugs. “I don’t have to explain shit.” Another eye roll later, you’re returning to the kitchen and opening the cabinet above the sink in search of wine glasses. To no avail, you find stainless steel coffee mugs instead.
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“Is this even safe to drink out of? I won’t choke on microscopic shards of glass?” You ask Jungkook after your third and fourth glasses. It’s a little too late to be asking such a question but you’re sure at this point, your words are a little slurred and nothing quite makes sense. Inwardly, you realize it’s a moot point anyway, and with that realization comes that for the first time in longer than you can remember, you’re just trying to strike up a conversation with him.
It’s hard not to when Jungkook has planted a pile of pillows and blankets in front of the fire, the pair of you sat and drinking potentially lethal wine. Before you lies half-finished board games you two attempted to play yet failed due to sheer anger at the game itself or each other. You’re sure if you were sober, this would be a lot more difficult.
“Magic, _____.” Jungkook slurs, his cheeks flushed and that half grin he does so well. Despite a certain flutter in your chest, you scoff into your mug of wine, small bubbles splashing back onto your upper lip.
“Magic?” You nearly spit. “This isn’t Harry Potter, Jungkook. How exactly do you personally quantify magic?”
A quiet moment passes as he swirls the final dregs of wine in his cup thoughtfully.
“I’d define it as the things you do to me, actually,” he replies before downing the rest of his cup.
Are you hearing things right? Did that actually come out of his mouth? Is this happening? You glance at your own cup. What the fuck is this wine, anyway? You’re drunk. Both of you are.
Jungkook stands and reaches for the bottle, filling up his cup before topping up your own. You still sit in a stunned silence, observing as he tosses another log into the fire, a shower of sparks floating up the chimney.
“Wh… Where did that come from?” You manage. He waves his hand dismissively, breaking eye contact a moment.
“Next question?” He asks as he sips.
Feeling bolder now, you pursue. He isn’t getting away that easily.
“Okay. I’ll put it another way.” You pause to sip, the confidence now flowing nominally through your system. “What exactly happened to us?” There, you’ve asked it.
A silence now spreads the two of you apart, despite the lack of inherent distance between you two presently. Now it seems to be Jungkook’s turn to be stunned into silence.
“I’ve been wondering the same thing this entire time,” he replies. The stone is slowly creeping up to his face.
“You can do better than that,” you egg him on.
“What, now you believe in me?” He shoots back. The venom in his words would take you off guard if it weren’t for how earnest his was before you. He drinks again, gulping this time. He must be on his sixth glass now. You can see the same sentiment in his eyes that you hold in your heart; a universal now-or-never. This is the chance to lay the cards on the table. You know it’s going to hurt, but you know it’s necessary. He rises slowly to his feet, swaying ever so slightly from the wine.
“How about you tell me what happened to us, _____?” Jungkook almost shouts. “We used to be close. We told each other everything. I used to stay up late just to make sure you got home from class or work, I made sure you ate your meals, that your homework was completed. I cared. We both did. Maybe a bit too much...” With this, he sighs explosively and flops down onto the dusty couch behind you, his chin resting on his hand. “We used to be something. I don't know what, but it was there. And now?” He waves an arm absentmindedly towards the window. “Nothing but cold.” The irony, you think. But it's an irony that's been a long time coming, and a certain sick irony that could only come from him.
But the question sticks with you, more than you'd care to admit. Something had slapped you deep inside, and even still it reverberated within you.
No, you're not going to stand here and take this.
“You tell me what happened, Jungkook.” You uncross your legs and rise to your feet, striding towards him. “You stopped texting, calling. You stopped wanting to hang out, and suddenly there was this wall between us. You never even told me what I did.”
For a moment, he looks hurt, as though a thousand predisposed assumptions has just come hurtling down. He regains his composure, though barely, and through shaken words, he continues.
“No, _____.” His face softens. “It isn't what you did. It isn't anything you did, not really.” He's nervous now; his knee bounces, his jaw clenches. You're fairly certain he's beginning to sweat.
What isn't he telling you?
“Tell me,” you whisper. No venom now, merely curiosity, and perhaps a hint of something more. Your hand finds its way onto his own, and your fingers slowly curl around his palm. Contrary to your assumptions, his hand remains there. Even more surprising, his hand reverses and his fingers interlace with your own. A heartbeat passes, and his eyes meet yours.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, _____. I don’t think either of us did anything wrong. Passing ships in the night? Too little, too late? Just bad timing, is that all? Hell if I know.” He takes a deep swig of the wine. “We vibed. Hard. Everything about us was natural and made sense.” You have to agree with this, even now, not talking after so long- you two felt real, felt right.
“No, Jungkook, that’s bullshit and we both know it!” You insist. “You stopped putting in the effort, you stopped wanting to be in my life, you….” It hurts you, a sinking feeling in your chest as you choke out your words. “You wouldn’t even look in my direction the past however long ago it was that you decided to walk away from my life without a single warning.” Perhaps it’s because you’re drunk that tears spring. It’s a deep-seated memory that you’ve brought back, a confrontation that you had always convinced yourself would never happen. “And I don’t even get an explanation why?” This whole situation had to have happened for a reason, you drunkenly tell yourself. If fate really was real, this moment would be its poster child.
Jungkook is staring at you with a look you can’t quite read. You can’t quite decide if he’s about to cry with you or angrily escape this situation. Instead, he places his cup on the wooden coffee table and stands up. His walk towards you in confident, as if he’s ready to expel whatever it is that riddled him in shades of torture for as long as it did. He takes your hands, a slight shake in the way he grasps them.
“I couldn’t stand seeing you with him,” he blurts.
A moment passes, your eyes unleaving as you try and process the weight of his words in your scrambled, drunken mess of a mind. You with who? Hoseok?
“Him?” You find yourself repeating. “Why would you…”
Jungkook sighs and lets your hands go, his fingers moving up to rake his brunette locks away from his face. He’s definitely sweating, you note.
“Wasn’t it obvious, _____?
“B-but what about after we broke up, you could’ve—”
“Could’ve what?” He laughs humorously. “Could have gone back to the way it was before?” He cranes his neck to the side, the palm of his hand rubbing against the skin. “It doesn’t work like that, _____. I’m selfish for you but not that selfish. Staying away was better anyway... neither of us would get hurt.”
But you were hurt, hurt more than the break up itself because at the end of the day, all you wanted was your best friend and even he had left. “You’re such an idiot.” You can’t help but say. “Stupid, stupid idiot. How could you do that?” You want to punch him, slap him as hard as you can for him to feel any amount of equivalence in physical pain that he gave you in emotional pain. All those nights you had laid wondering what you did wrong had all been for nothing?
Your frown deepens, more questions than ever before emerging. “You liked me?” Had you ever even thought of him as more than a friend? You’re not sure you should even be asking these questions with vigour liquor coursing through your veins yet, you remind yourself that the liquid courage has brought you two here thus far.
Jungkook laughs once more, no strain of humour in the vibrato. “That’s an understatement.” He then mumbles and you’re left racking your brain. For a brief second, it makes perfect sense before you completely lose your train of thought.  “Besides,” he continues. “There’s no point in thinking what could have happened, I just—” There’s a pause as his chocolates in his doe eyes search yours for something. “Will you just let me kiss you right now?”
This takes you wholeheartedly off guard, your eyes widen as you speak with hesitance. “Y-you want to kiss me?”
“I’ve always wanted to, _____.” How does this phrase create such a powerful flutter in your chest? You wonder if it’s the alcohol or maybe, just maybe, a deep-rooted longing you;d never known you had in you.
Without answering his question, you kiss him first.
As your fingers reach for his face, Jungkook grapples your waist. You feel tiny in the palm of his hands, he thinks as he feels your lips against his for the first time. Jungkook feels as if he’s dreaming- perhaps the alcohol has something to do with that.
Red wine is what you taste the most, mixed with a subtle sweetness of mint. You drown in him, melt against him as he carefully engulfs you into his arms. The fireplace warming the space around is nothing in comparison to the sudden inferno in your chest. It’s then that you realize, this is what you’ve wanted all along.
Your hand slides down Jungkook’s face to his chest. He feels broad underneath your fingertips, a certain firmness to the touch that you hadn’t expected. He only brings you closer, arms wrapping around your torso as his lips press against you harder. His tongue is soft with your own, a gentle roll with your own as a certain heat builds up in your core.
Suddenly, it’s messier. Jungkook’s tongue swipes your bottom lip before planting a soft bite. It releases a whimper from you, earning a quiet groan from him. You’ve never thought this day would come. Are you dreaming?
When you pull away, Jungkook’s full attention is on you only. He runs a thumb over your wine-stained pout, his eyes large and completely enveloped in the sight of you. “I never thought I would get to kiss these lips.” He says.
You moan and lean in for another.
No matter how much your lips fuse together, how much you press yourself against his stronger hold, you cannot get enough nor do you want this to end. It feels right, comfortable to be in his embrace like this, his mouth against yours and chests connected. It’s not long before you’re both succumbing to the fall on your knees against the self-made bed Jungkook made of old blankets and pillows. It’s cozy, neither of you wasting time to run upstairs to a proper bed. You think this is the most romantic setting you could have ever hoped for.
It’s when you’re suddenly on top of Jungkook that you feel a growth settle underneath your core. You feel the sheer girth of it as your kissing intensifies, two large hands coming to rest upon your thighs as they persuade your hips to skim over it. You gasp at the feeling, sure that you’re already soaked beyond measure. It’s not hard for you to already feel him like this, the thin veil of his pajama bottoms being the only barrier away from you having it in you. The thought arouses you far too much, leading to a harsher grind that has you both moan out. You haven’t been touched in a long while.
Jungkook’s hands travel up your sides until he’s cupped both of your cheeks in each palm. Your lips are guided once again to his own as he places a hard kiss against you. With each fleeting moment, your want for him intensifies. You can’t help but think this was meant to be, that you’ve wanted this somewhere deep within you. Perhaps the old you was looking out for the future you.
It’s with both hesitance and confidence that Jungkook inches your sweater up. His hands feel warm against your bare torso, a shiver running through you when they lazily travels up and down your sides. As you pull away, Jungkook gives you that lopsided grin you hadn’t realized you’ve missed dearly until this moment. It almost feels as if nothing has changed, as if there hadn’t been a giant nothingness between you two for so long.
“You look so beautiful.” Jungkook whispers, his right hand reaching to push a strand of hair away from your face. He helps you guide your shirt off before a thumb strokes your cheek, and then your lips. You softly bite it and receive a contempt groan in response.
“Yours too,” you gently urge as you play with the hem of his white shirt. Jungkook grins and lifts his torso before pulling the fabric over his head. He does not hesitate to kiss you again.
With each kiss, the intensity grows until you’re sure you’ve caused a puddle in your pants as you shamelessly grind your cunt against a very erect bulge in Jungkook’s pants. He feels so firm, more built than you could have ever imagined as he pulls you tighter against him. You’re slowly losing your mind before you decide to take the initiative.
“Jungkook,” you mumble against his mouth.
“Let me taste you.” Jungkook nearly unravels just from those words alone.
“Yeah?” You nod, a coy smile spreading across your face as surely a heavy blush riddles your cheeks in a crimson red. Jungkook merely chuckles, planting a feverish kiss against your mouth. “You’re so adorable.”
You trail kisses down his torso, the definition of muscles in his abdomen driving you absolutely mad. You’re still unable to fully comprehend what exactly was happening yet you’re equally unable to stop yourself.  Jungkook helps you get rid of his pants, your mouth instantly watering when his erection lands against his torso with a soft thwack. It glistens against the golden aura surrounding you. He cocks his head to the side. “Think you can take it?”
If that’s a challenge you hear in his tone, it’s a challenge you’re willing to take. You might even think Jungkook remembers how competitive you are. You move down his body with ease before placing a tentative lick against the head of his cock. Jungkook’s hands immediately surrender to your hair, moving it out of your face until he’s made a makeshift ponytail out of his own hands.
“Fuuuck,” he drags out shakily when you take the whole of his head in your mouth. You suck just under his head, a certain ball of nerves that drives Jungkook absolutely mad. The hold he has on your hair acts as an invisible guide, in motion with his hips lifting does he simultaneously move your head down. “Just like that, baby.” You groan against his cock as you take more of him in your mouth. Jungkook is thick, girthy with a prominent vein that sits right where your tongue can trace it. He’s losing himself further and further into you as you begin a steady motion of sucking. Your hand holds the base of his cock as your mouth works wonders, earning you whimpers and curses from him. “So good, so good.” Jungkook gasps when you pick up the pace. It’s when he feels himself really about to lose control that he pulls you away from his cock, a satisfying pop following the disconnect.
“C’mere,” he murmurs before smashing his lips against yours. Though your lips are coated in saliva, his kisses have become sloppier, rougher as he cradles your torso with one arm before flipping you until you’re underneath him. “These have to go.” He pulls at your pants and you giggle with agreeance.
“That would be ideal.”
Jungkook undoes the buttons before tugging them down your legs. You’ve now got nothing on but your bra, a pale violet with a lacy trim on the top. Did you subconsciously know you were going to get fucked by none other than Jeon Jungkook today?
He pulls your legs apart, a satisfied hum escaping him as your glistening folds welcome him. “Fuck, _____.” He whispers as his thumb skims over your wetness. You suck in a sharp breath, the callous on his thumb sensitive against your cunt. You want him to touch you there.
It’s as if he can read your mind, the thumb now dragging over your clit. The sigh of relief you give only fuels Jungkook’s satisfaction more. He too would like to taste you.  
You cry out, hands grappling for his torso as he begins circling the thumb over your sensitive nub. “So wet,” he groans.
“J-just for you.” This makes Jungkook move faster with his thumb. He wants to feel you. Jungkook slowly slides the defts of his index and middle finger into you, your cry filling the space. He takes his time, feeling your walls clench around his digits as his thumb simultaneously circles over your clit. He’s amazed by how each thrust of his fingers causes you to coat them farther in your arousal. And you’re amazed by how soon you’re about to come. It only makes his own erection angrier and your cunt clench tighter.
“You coming, baby?” Never would Jungkook have thought he’d get to call you baby. You nod with vigour, each pump of his finger along with the relentless rub of his fingers causing your legs to shake.
“S-so fucking close...oh my god.” You’re coming, you’re coming, you’re— “Jungkook!”
He dips his head in between your thighs, his mouth instantly suctioned to your clit as his fingers continue their torture. With his tongue replacing his thumb, you come undone almost instantly, the wave of pure white, hot filth overtaking your entire body. You shudder, legs trembling as your fingers thread through the lush of Jungkook’s brown locks. Jungkook continues licking against your clit, flicking and sucking until you can no longer take it.
“F-fuck me, Jungkook- please,” you beg as your cunt craves for more. You want absolutely all of him.
Jungkook’s cock is ready, heavy against his palm as he takes ahold of the base and spreads your legs apart. His mouth is wet with your arousal, his chest littered with beads of sweat. “Your pussy looks so fucking good.” He remarks, letting the pink tip of his dick rub against your wet folds. You both moan at the sensation.
With one more rub of his head, he lines himself against your entrance and slowly pushes his hips forward. You think you could come instantly again. Jungkook’s cock feels amazing, full as your tightness grips with so deliciously, even he has to hold himself back from not undoing quickly.
“Fuck.” You let out as you place a hand on his chest, letting the feel of his cock overtake your entire body. He stops when he’s reached the hilt, careful to rock his hips out before slamming them back into you. You can’t help but cry his name out. “You feel so good.” You’re whimpering, the hand on his chest and moving to the back of his neck as you push his head forward to kiss you. He follows suit, beginning a rhythmic pace of his hips as you lose yourself further and further into him.
Jungkook kisses you feverishly, hot and wet against your mouth as he continues to rick in and out of you. His breaths are laboured, filthy words and curses escaping him as you clench around him with each thrust.
“Yeah, baby?” You’re losing your mind, already close to a second undoing. You know you’re going to come again soon. Jungkook takes your legs and places your ankles on his shoulder, plummeting into you with a force so delicious, you’re about to go delirious. You’re so tight, Jungkook can feel himself edging closer to his own end. “Fuck, turn around for me.” You do as requested, turning to your stomach. Jungkook pulls your ass up towards him and lines himself up once again. Without hesitation this time, he pushes into you, a new type of fullness that overtakes your innards. He feels so fucking good.
It’s a steady rock, your ass hitting against his pelvis as he continues a continuous motion with his hips. He’s relentless in his movements, the new position allowing him to reach deeper, feeling you clench tighter.
“Holy fuck,” Jungkook is moaning out. He grabs a handful of your ass, using it as support while he rams into you with no plans of slowing down. The room is filled with the sound of your skin slapping and your deep breath and moans. Jungkook knows he’s so close.
He reaches forward, first and second digit immediately gravitating towards your clit. As he rubs, the familiar rubber band stretches in the pit of your guts. You’re going to come again, you feel it.
It’s when Jungkook whispers into your ear how much he wants to come inside you, that you give out. It washes over you, makes you tighten your grip on the blanket underneath you as you clench so hard around Jungkook that he too comes with you. You feel the spurts of him fill you to the brim until you’re nothing but a puddle underneath him. You lay still, letting his fluid mixed with yours dribble out of you as Jungkook pulls out. It burns to have him away from you. You want him to hold you all night.
“Was that okay?” Jungkook asks, leaning forward to kiss your shoulder. You nod in reassurance, twisting your head around so he can kiss your lips.
It’s then that your phone blares, taking you both by surprise. You rush to your feet, arms reaching for your phone when you see Namjoon’s name flash across your screen.
“Hello?” You answer with no thought.
“_____! Oh my god! Are you okay? There was a huge storm, we’re trapped in town until Monday- did I ask if you were okay? I think Yoongi—” The line fizzles out.
There’s a pause as you look at a curious Jungkook.
“It looks like we’ll be here a while.”
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a/n: hey babies! so sorry for the long wait for this one! i really hope you liked it! it’s been in the works for a little while haha. this is my first fic back in a WHILE! and more to come soon! let me know what you think as per usual. i love you so much!!!!!!! and happy holidays to you, your friends and families ✨💞
6K notes · View notes
jisungsplatforms · 4 years
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x gn! reader
Genre: angst; hanahaki au, non idol au
Warning: language, mentions of cheating, tiny tiny spoilers & allusions to some of my other fics if you squint hard enough. Some elements of Felix x reader (purely platonic tho)
Note: this does NOT portray Stray Kids’ true personalities. This is all purely FICTIONAL
*this is one of my longest fics i’ve ever written so sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.
(Based off of (G) i-dle’s “Dahlia)
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(Page II)
“Signifies a lasting bond and commitment between two people;
symbolizes elegance, inner strength , change, and dignity...”
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Hwang Hyunjin is bad news.
He’s a player, he’ll leave once he gets bored of you.
Hwang is no good for you. You deserve so much better, Y/n.
That was all you heard ever since you started dating Hyunjin. Different variations of it, all with the same connotation. People warned you, left and right, whenever they saw you two together. But you didn’t care, you choose to love him anyways, despite the rumors you’ve heard about him. It was all...
...Blind love. Sure, you fall in love fast, and every single time, you’ve been cheated on; but you knew that he was different, you could feel it. You had faith in Hyunjin.
Today was your one year anniversary. You sighed at the calendar hanging on your wall, a vase with a single dahila (given by Hyunjin a few weeks ago) sat on a table beside it.
“Did you know back then, lovers used to gift their beloved dahlias as a sign of everlasting love and commitment?” Hyunjin said with a pretty smile, holding a bouquet of a dozen dahlias.
“Oh really now?” you giggled, taking the bouquet into your hands. “Are you trying to tell me something?” You tilted your head, your eyebrows raised playfully.
“Hmm. Only that I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he cheekily said. “And that I will love you, and only you, even for the our next 100 lifetimes.”
You writhed in giddiness, touched by his words. “I can’t wait then,” you said, planting a soft kiss onto his plump lips, the two of you smiling into the kiss.
That was a year ago; 3 months into your relationship, probably the happiest year you’ve ever had. Every day with Hyunjin felt magical, like it was too good to be true. He was nothing but gentle with you. He held your hand as if you were glass. His eyes stared into yours as if you had the shiniest of diamonds for eyes. His beautiful smile always made your heart flutter, but his kisses was what really did the job. You thought that you could never had enough of him. You were his princess and he’s your prince charming.
But little did you know that the magic will soon wear off...
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You stared at your phone in sheer disappointment.
Sorry, I can’t make it today. Something really important came up and I can’t miss it.
-was what was written on your screen, sent by your boyfriend. Bringing the phone closer to your face, you replied.
Really? You can’t skip it? Or even do it later?
Nope. Sorry, babe. There’s nothing I can do.
Oh...okay then.
Cheer up, babe. We’ll just go on a date on another day! I’ll make it up to you. Promise! :)
‘Go on a date on another day’ For some reason, reading that message shot a pang of hurt through your chest. To you, it basically implied that today was supposed to be just ‘another date’ for you guys.
Did he...forget that it’s our one year today? you thought sadly at the possibility as you put your phone down. Shaking your head, you tried to erase the negative thoughts from your mind. No no no, Hyunjin wouldn’t have forgotten. He was the one who even arranged the date! You held your cheeks in your hands. Sighing, you stood up to leave your bedroom to get a glass of water, feeling a heaviness to your chest. A million thoughts ran through your head as you made your way to the kitchen.
Is it possible that he really did forget?
Is he lying to me?
Am I just overthinking things again?
Or did he finally get...bored of me?
Looking back, you started to think about how lately, Hyunjin has been cancelling and rescheduling your dates. Every time you text him, asking him to come over, he’d reply with something along the line of “can’t i’m busy. sorry.” Of course you felt hurt, but you always told yourself, he’s a busy man. We don’t always have to be together.
And of course, you werent oblivious to how every month, the amount of dahlias Hyunjin used to give you slowly decreased. Once a dozen dahlias became only 8. 8 slowly became half a dozen. Then 6 became only 3. But you’ve convinced yourself that you didn’t need flowers to determine how in love you were, telling yourself how expensive live flowers actually are, so it makes sense he’ll end up giving less flowers. That’s it. That’s what you’ve conditioned your mind to think.
You’ve convinced yourself that Hyunjin truly is a good guy.
You didn’t even realize you were already in your kitchen until you felt yourself holding the cup to your mouth, the cool liquid making it’s way down your esophagus. You put the cup onto the counter, mindlessly staring at it. Maybe your were just overthinking things. That’s it.
Trudging back to the bedroom, you sat on the edge of your bed, sighing heavily, trying to contain the tears that were threatening to come out. Your lit up with a notification.
From Lixie Ramsay 🧑‍🍳🍽
Hey Y/n, are you feeling well?
Seeing a text from Felix, you grabbed your phone.
Not really. How’d you know??
Idk. I guess you can call it...best friend telepathy :D
You smiled, typing in another reply.
Well thank GOD for bsf telepathy cause I feel like shit rn.
Overthinking again?
Yes :(
Aww sorry to hear that dude :((
Wait. What happened with Hyunjin? Isn’t it your anniversary today?
Your heart ached at the message, the good mood you were slowly feeling again plummeted. Luckily, Felix noticed how long you were taking to reply to him.
Ah nvm... Anyways, I’m pretty much free rn so that meeaannnsss...I’ll take you out on a date instead!
Even though you were wallowing in misery, you couldn’t help but tease him.
You? Pass
How rude. And here I am being the greatest friend anyone could ask for, and you have the audacity to be picky?
Have fun with your pity party then, best friend
You sniggered at his reply. No no. I’m sorry I’m sorry, I’ll take up your offer LOL
Good. Be ready in about 20 mins. I’m coming over so we can go to the café together!
Okayyy :D
You got up and put on a nice, but comfortable outfit to go out in with your best friend.
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You were just sitting on your couch, awaiting for Felix’s arrival when you heard a knock on your door.
“Y/n! It’s meee~!” came his loud, deep voice. You chortled as you got up from your couch, making sure everything was secured before going to your door. You opened it to see Felix’s bright smile greeting you.
You giggled, opening the door wider. “‘Sup, bro,” you nodded your head. Felix returned the gesture.
“‘Sup. You ready?”
“Yup! Let’s go.” Before you could get out of your house, Felix stopped you.
“Wait wait! I have something for you!” he lightly pushed you back inside. Only then did you notice that he was holding a single sunflower in his left hand. Your eyes widened a little, confused.
“What’s this?” you asked.
“A sunflower!”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Duh, I know that, but what’s it for?”
Felix beamed. “Well, I knew that you were feeling sad today, and I heard from someone that sunflowers are known as “happy flowers”, so I thought that I should give you one! To cheer you up!”
You looked at the flower in awe, incredibly touched by his gesture. “Lix...” you trailed off, feeling happy tears beginning to prick your eyes. You took the sunflower from his hands and stared at it, already feeling the positive vibes radiating from it.
“I know, I know. I’m the bestest best friend anyone could ask for. Now let’s go! I’ve been dying to try the carrot cake in that new café a few blocks down!” Felix said, sliding his arm to yours, “I heard that they have one of the best carrot cakes in town.”
You looked up from the flower to look at him, grinning. “Thank you so much for this, dude. I really appreciate it.”
Felix shrugged with a small smile on his face. “It’s the least I could do. Really.” He waited for you as you locked your front door, arms still linked, then making your way to go to the café Felix has been dying to go to.
The two of you walked together, catching up on each other’s current events going on in your lives, seeing how you weren’t able to for the past two weeks. Right now, Felix was telling you about a certain crush he has in one of his classes.
“Ooh, so, have you tried asking them out? Or even just told them that you’re interested or something, in the very least?” you wiggled your eyebrows. In response, he sucked in his breath a little. His face contorted in a slight grimace.
“I...tried to...” He said with his teeth clenched. You looked at him in puzzled.
“What do you mean ‘tried to’, Lix?” you asked. “It’s either you did or you didn’t.”
Felix sighed in embarrassment, his mind wandering back to the memory. “I sorta might’ve accidentally revealed that I liked them but sorta might’ve got embarrassed and accidentally took it back?”
“What?” you deadpanned.
“Okay okay. It’s dumb. I know. But they were so SO cute just talking, TALKING, and it just slipped out, I guess!” he said, exasperatedly. “I really couldn’t help it! Honest! So, I just panicked and covered it up by saying ‘I’m so lucky to have a friend like you'”
You looked at him blankly, slowly unlinking your arms. “Oh no,” you sighed, slightly shaking your head. “Oh baby nooo...”
“Yeah. I’m pathetic, I know.”
You hummed in pity, patting his shoulder. “A little, yeah, but it’s okay. Things like that happen, unfortunately. Don’t worry though, it’s not like it’s the end of the world,” you grinned, “You’ll have a lot more chances to actually confess in the near future.”
Felix nodded, crooning. “You’re right, Y/n. Thanks,” he said, giving you a hug as he gave you his well-renowned sunshine-like smile that you couldn’t help but smile back.
“No problem.”
Topic after topic, the two of you were so immersed in your conversation that you guys arrived at the café.
“Finally!” you cheered. “That was a surprisingly long walk.”
Felix sighed. “For real. But on the bright side: carrot cake!”
“Is the carrot cake even that good?”
“Dunno. Only one way to find out!” Felix walked a few steps ahead of you to open the door for you when he suddenly stopped. His whole body went rigid. In a blink of an eye, he turned around, gently pushing you away from the building. “Darn. What a shame, it’s full today. Oh well,” he frantically stated.
You glanced back behind him to check the inside yourself, only to see that it was only half full.
“What’re you talking about? There’s totally enough space for us. Let’s go.”
Felix’s face was full of dread. His body was stiff, his eyes shook a little as he maintained eye contact with you. He was nervous, and you could tell.
“You’re not okay. Is there someone in there you wanna avoid?” you said in urgency.
“Uhm. You could say that,” he murmured, looking down. Looking back up to see if there were any shifty looking faces that were in desperate need of a beating, your heart dropped in horror and dispair. Through the window, you saw Hyunjin, your boyfriend, sitting with a pretty looking lady. You watched them with woeful eyes as they smiled and laugh with each other. You couldn’t believe it, you didn’t want to. You wanted to believe that this was all a misunderstanding. You only snapped out of it when you felt Felix’s small, warm hands.
“Let’s-uh- let’s just go, yeah?” he said quietly. Nodding mindlessly, you let him lead to somewhere else. Anywhere but here. Felix rubbed your back, trying to give you any kind of hug he could give you as you walked away. You tried your best to push back the cough making it’s way to your throat. Good thing Felix was guiding you the entire way, others you would’ve fallen due to your blurry eyesight.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered into your ear. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
It’s okay. You have nothing to apologize for, is what you wanted to tell him. But you couldn’t, for if you do, you might end up breaking down in the middle of the streets. You breathed heavily, containing both your tears and the pressure down in your chest and throat.
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You snuggled closer to your thick blankets, trying to assimilate the warm you crave for from it. Felix was by your side, rubbing soothing circle to your back. You guys never went to go to another café. Instead, he led you home, seeing how it wasn’t the right time for you two to go out. You appreciated his gesture. It makes you wonder why can’t every guy be like your best friend, your brother, your soulmate. Felix let out a long exhale.
“Man, I-I’m sorry you had to see that, especially on your anniversary,” he soft said. Felix was furious, not only at Hyunjin, but himself as well. He felt like he couldn’t protect you, like he failed as your best friend.
“It’s okay, Lix. I’m fine,” you murmured. “Actually,” you paused, “I’m not fine. But you don’t have to apologize for something like this. This had nothing to do with you.”
“I know,” he sighed. “Im just frustrated, you know. I’m mad that you’re hurting like this.”
“Yeah me too,” you said emptily. “I just hope that this was just a misunderstanding.”
“He better damn well make sure that it’s just a misunderstanding,” he grumbled. “Otherwise i’m gonna have to settle some things with him. Hope he knows that i’m a black belt in Taekwondo.”
You snorted. “Thanks, Felix.”
“I will have a ‘chat’ with him. Mark my words.”
You laughed at him. You could faintly feel the angst in your heart lessen, but not completely go away. Hearing your front door unlock, you stiffened. You tried your best to not look at it.
“Babe! I’m here!” Hyunjin’s voice rang at the entrance. You felt Felix’s hold on your form tighten. Hyunjin walked closer to you two.
“Hey, Felix,” he said flatly. “didn’t know you were coming here.”
“Hmm.” Felix nodded his head, not even trying to make eye contact with the tall brunette. Hyunjin nodded back in annoyance.
“Anyways, you can leave now,” he sneered with his jaw clenched. “Your job is done. Now it’s my turn to spend time with my beloved.”
Both you and Felix tensed at his words. He looked down to look for your approval. Seeing your unsure nod, he hesitantly let go of you, watching you as he does so.
“It’s okay,” you mouthed to him. He made a sharp breath as he stood up, still refusing to look Hyunjin in the eye.
“Goodbye,” Felix called out, more to you than the other. You felt a sense of foreboding when you heard the door shut. From your side, Hyunjin let out a harsh groan.
“Finally,” he said, sitting down as he wrapped his arm around you. You couldn’t let yourself relax in his arms like how you’d usually to. You just felt uneasy in his presence right now. “So? How was you day? Missed me?” Hyunjin asked. You couldn’t take it anymore. You couldn’t bring yourself to pretend anymore.
“Are you cheating on me?” you more declared than asked as you sat up straight. Hyunjin’s eyes widened for a millisecond, a flash of fear in his eyes, but he just played it off.
“How could you accuse me of something like that?” he said, defensively. “I’m your boyfriend. Don’t you trust me?”
You bit your lip nervously. “I saw you, Hyunjin. At the café.” His face contorted in panic but quickly masked it as disbelief.
He scoffed, “Well you saw wrong, Y/n. That was just a friend, I would NEVER cheat on you.” He shook his head disappointingly, removing his arm from you. “I can’t believe that you would ever doubt me, babe. I’m actually really hurt by this right now.”
You felt a wave of guilt rush over you.
“Oh...I’m sorry,” you muttered. “I just thought-“
“You thought what? That the rumors were true?” Hyunjin laughed sarcastically. “Man, and here I thought that you were different.”
Your eyes teared up even more as the guilt inside your chest increased. Was I really wrong? you thought. “No! I’m-I’m sorry, Hyunie! I didn’t know! I just felt hurt because today was su-”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s okay. Let me just, be alone for a while, Y/n.” Hyunjin quietly got up and walked out of your house. You walked as he slammed the door on his way out, wrapping the blanket tighter around you. You were starting to regret letting Felix leave. The air around turn colder in your empty apartment.
It was supposed to be our one year anniversary, you thought, finally letting your tears out. And yet again, you tried controlling the tickling down your throat.
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“He told you WHAT?” Felix exclaimed, looking at you incredulously. You had to shush him when you noticed some of the other people in the coffe shop giving you both tiny glares.
“He told me that it was just a friend that he had to me,” you said, quietly. “And that he would never cheat on me. He also said that felt hurt that I didn’t trust him, so I felt bad cause he did looked super upset.”
Felix rolled his eyes as he let out a sardonic “ha”. “That’s rich. Coming from him?” You let out a tiny pout.
“I don’t know, Lix. He seemed like he was telling the truth though?”
“Yeah, seemed, Y/n. I don’t know if you should trust him anymore. And besides, it even sounded like he was trying to make you feel bad instead of apologizing.”
“Well yeah cause-” Felix cut you off, holding up his hand to stop you from saying anything else.
“That’s gaslighting, bud. A huge red flag if you ask me. He didn’t even remember that it was your anniversary!”
Scrunching your eyebrows, you pondered upon Felix’s words. You knew he was right, but you really wanted to give Hyunjin the benefit of a doubt. All of a sudden, you felt a pressure in your chest. In need of relief, you coughed into the juncture of your arm. Felix winced in pity.
“Ooh, sounds nasty. You good there?”
You nodded as you continued coughing, giving him a thumbs up. Once you finish with your fit, you cleared your throat a little, grabbing the water bottle beside you to drink.
“Mhmm, yeah. Just a tickle, that’s all.”
“You sure? You’ve started coughing since yesterday,” Felix stated. “Are you sure you aren’t getting sick cause of the weather or stress or something?”
“Uhh nah. I don’t think so,” you said. “I’m sure it’s nothing.”
Felix hummed, totally unconvinced by your reasoning. He knew deep down something was wrong; he just didn’t know what. It was quiet for a while until Felix up at the window and let out a little gasp. You raised your eyebrows at this, silently asking him what’s wrong. He glared a little at the window before turning to you.
“Hate to do this but look. Behind you, don’t make it obvious.”
You slightly turned your head to see what he was looking at. Your eyes widened. You saw Hyunjin and the same girl from 2 days ago, passing by at the other side of the window, hand in hand. You watched in disbelief as the girl tipped toed to kiss his cheek while he giggles. You quickly turned your head in the other direction to avoid him as they walked by, feeling the pressure in your chest worsen. It hurt even more when you remember the small bouquet of dahilas in her hands. You felt your eyes burning with tears, sucking in deep breaths. Turns out that that was a mistake.
You calming yourself back-fired. You ended up having a coughing fit; but it didn’t feel like any cough you’ve ever had. It felt way heavier, like you were almost suffocating. Bringing a fist to your chest, you pounded on it as if it would help. You didn’t know if the tears in your eyes was from the couch or seeing your bastard of a boyfriend. You couldn’t even open them so you opted to just keeping them shut .
“Y/n?!” Felix yelled out in alarm. You felt him come up behind you, rubbing your back. “Oh shit...” you heard him breathed out. You slowly opened your eyes and turned to him. He looked frantic, but he wasn’t staring at you, rather on the floor. You looked back to see dahlia petals on the floor.
Huh? you thought in bewilderment. Last time you checked, there wasn’t any plants in the shop, aside for the plastic Swiss Cheese plants in the corners of the place, if they even count at all.
Felix noticed your gaze on the petals. “That shit’s from you,” he pointed out. “We need to get you to a hospital. ASAP.”
You looked at him weakly. “But-“
“NOW, Y/n.”
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“I- what?” you gasped in horror.
“You’ve, unfortunately, contracted the Hanahaki Disease,” the doctor announced in sympathy. Felix rushed you to the nearest hospital after your little scene. When you arrived there and told the receptionist at the entrance, she immediately paged you to the emergency room. You were scared. You didn’t know what was so urgent to rush you to an emergency room.
“Hantahapki? What the hell is that?” Felix asked, coming out rather aggressively. He was horrified; who wouldn’t be if they witnessed their best friend coughing out flower petals.
“Hanahaki,” the doctor subtly corrected, “It’s a rare disease that makes you cough out petals. Not many people gets it.”
Your heart beak was fast. If it was rare, then who knows what could happen.
“Okay, Hanahaki. So do you know how Y/n got it?”
The doctor removed her glasses and put it on the desk beside her. “Well, though it is a rare disease, we do know enough about it,” she declared. “The Hanahaki disease, fortunately, isn’t contagious and is only produced from unrequited love.”
You let out a shaky sigh. “So it is true. He doesn’t love me anymore,” you muttered. You felt the familiar pressure in your chest so you relieved yourself, petals spewing as you coughed. Felix immediately rubbed your back in alarm.”
“Is there anyway to treat it, doc?” he worriedly questioned. The doctor nodded.
“Yes actually. One option is for the patient’s love to be returned by the recipient,” your heart dropped a little hearing this “-or the other is to undergo surgery.”
“Surgery?” you both inquired at the same time.
The doctor nodded again. “Yes, surgery, our safest option. However, doing so will result in Y/n loosing all feelings of love altogether.”
“So what you’re saying is,” you said slowly. “-if I do the procedure, I won’t be able to love again?”
“Unfortunately, yes. Romantic love that is. You can still love people platonicly, like your friend over here,” she said gesturing to Felix. “Family and friends, basically. You just can’t have romantic feelings for anyone else, even if you really wanted to.”
You and Felix looked at each other in sorrow. “I,” Felix started off, “really think you should do it.”
You bit your lip as you shook your head. “I don’t know. This is a pretty big decision. Can’t I just, like, think about it for a while? Before I really decide if I want to do this?”
“Of course you can, Y/n,” the doctor said. “Just don’t take too long making a decision, okay? Because it will kill you, if you don’t decide on time.”
The two of you looked up at her in horror. “KILL?!”
She winced a little at your loud voices, prompting the two of you to apologize. “Yes, kill. Those aren’t just petals coming out of no where.” She gestured to the pile between the tree of you. “They have to produce somewhere. At first they’ll start of as a little bud, that’s why as of now, you’re only coughing out several petals each cough, eventually getting bigger and bigger until the flower in your lungs fully bloom, which could end up bursting out of your chest.”
Felix turned to you in pure terror, slightly shaking you. “I REALLY think you should do the surgery today.” You brushed him off of you.
“Okay yeah, that’s terrifying, but I won’t be able to love ever again, Lix!” you countered. He look at you like you were crazy.
“You won’t be able to feel ANYTHING if you don’t!”
You contemplated on the situation. You didn’t know what to do. The doctor interrupted your train of thoughts.
“Don’t worry, Y/n you have about a few weeks minimum to make a decision. Luckily you came to us the day you started coughing out the petals. Otherwise, if it happened earlier and you kept it to yourself, you might’ve...you know.” You shook your head in acknowledgment.
“Yeah. Okay, thank you, doc.”
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It’s been 5 days since you’ve been to the hospital; 5 days you’ve been diagnosed with the Hanahaki Disease; 5 days since you’ve last seen Hyunjin.
You still weren’t sure if you wanted to undergo the procedure. Felix said that this was the best option, but you didn’t want to listen. You still had hope in your heart that maybe, just maybe, Hyunjin still loves you deep down. You heard your phone ding from the table. You picked it up and saw that is was from your “boyfriend”.
Hey! Haven’t seen each other in a while. Wanna talk?
Your heart sped up. You didn’t know if it was from excitement that he finally contacted you, or fear that you might end up finding out the whole truth. Your fingers typed out a reply.
Yeah, come over today. I’ve missed you
Liar, you thought to yourself.
Sure! See you soon!
You typed out your final reply, burying your face into the throw pillows.
A knock was heard from your door, signaling Hyunjin’s arrival. You tensed buy quickly calmed yourself down. You got up to let him in. You were greeted by his big smile, which you knew now was fake.
“Hey, babe! I’ve missed you!” he cheered.
Fucking liar. Putting one a fake smile, you said a quick “miss you too” and let him in. Closing the door, you gave yourself a mental pep talk before going straight to the point. You turned around to face him
“You’re cheating on me,” you stated, emotionlessly. You didn’t even say it as if it was a question, you knew. Hyunjin looked panic before composing himself.
“Again, Y/n? I told you, it-”
“I SAW YOU, HYUNJIN!” you cried out, not even containing your emotions anymore. “I SAW YOU OUTSIDE OF THE CAFÉ. I SAW YOU HOLDING HANDS. I SAW HER KISS YOU AND YOU DIDNT PUSH HER AWAY. IN FACT, IT LOOKED LIKE YOU ENJOYED IT.” You walked quickly towards him to push his chest.
“WHAT’S WORSE WAS THAT I SAW THE DAHLIAS YOU GAVE HER, A FLOWER THAT YOU SAID WAS SPECIAL TO US!” you fell to the floor, sobbing. The jig was up, Hyunjin knew.
“I trusted you Hyunjin...I really did. I even convinced myself that you weren’t like the rumors said,” you said weakly, already too tired to scream. “I love you. How could you do this to me?”
Hyunjin watched as you broke down. He didn’t know what to say; how to comfort you. He couldn’t even lie to you anymore. He felt bad for you. But he could’nt deny that he’s lost feelings for you.
“I’m sorry...”
Hearing this made you cry even more, you cradled your chest as you sank deeper to the floor. He didn’t even deny it. He didn’t even try comforting you. You heard his heavy footsteps leave your house, closing the door behind him. Your heart lurked even more. So this is it, you thought.
It hurts.
It hurts so fucking bad.
You were used to being cheated and lied to, so why did it? You clutched your burning chest, trying to regulate your breathing. More tears spilled out of your eyes.
It was because you genuinely loved Hyunjin.
You couldn’t take it anymore, you started wheezing out the dahlia petals out of your chest. A bunch of petals flew out of your mouth. You couldn’t breathe. It was too much. You crawled to your phone to call Felix. It rang once, twice, before he finally answered.
You could’ve even speak anymore, the room started spinning, your vision started blurring.
“Lix...hospital...” you managed to let out before collapsing.
“Y/n? Y/n!”
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You woke up to the sound of beeping. You looked around and noticed that you weren’t home anymore. You tried getting up, flinching when the IV bag connected to you stopped you.
Ah, I’m at the hospital.
You laid back down and relaxed, trying to relive what happened last time you were awake. All you remember were blurry images of you crying, petals, hearing Felix’s panicked voice, then nothing. You eyes shot open at the thought.
You looked around the room to finally see him sleeping in the corner. You could faintly distinguish the dried tear marks on his freckled face.
He must’ve been here for a while.
The door know turned to reveal the same doctor to diagnosed you a few days prior. “Hello, Y/n,” she greeted, standing by your bed. “Seems like you’re doing well now.” You nodded. You tried speaking to answer her, only to find that you couldn’t because of how dry your throat was. The doctor noticed this and shook her head.
“Don’t. Just rest, it’s okay.”
You bowed you head as a slight thank you. She walked closer to you to pat your head.
“Congratulations, the procedure was a success.”
You eyes widened at the implication. So that’s why you’re here. It all made sense now. You have her a smile as you gave a raspy “thank you.” She talked to you for a while before deciding to leave you to rest a little more. She announced you could be discharged from the hospital by tomorrow.
You felt a little disappointed that you couldn’t love anymore, but still overall glad that you’re still alive. You glanced at the papers the doctor left on the table beside you, grabbing it to read it a little just to see that is was just your information. Beside it, you saw that she also left a cup of water for you. You gulped it down, letting out a relieved “ah” went you finished.
You didn’t want to think about anything right now, and you sure as hell didn’t even want to think about your now ex-boyfriend. You closed your eyes to think about what went wrong in your life. Especially now that you have to live without loving anything the way you want to. You contemplated with an emptiness in your chest.
Our love is-
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“...however, they do carry negative connotations;
betrayal, dishonesty, instability.”
(Case #XX1-
Name: Y/n L/n
Patient: Cured; Discharged: XX,XX,XXXX at XX:XX)
(Back to Page I)
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ericsonclan · 2 years
Go for it, James!
Summary: James tries his best to get up the courage to confess to Jesse that he likes him.
Word Count: 1346
Read on AO3:
James couldn’t seem to concentrate at all today. In fact, he hadn’t been able to focus all week. Ever since he had realized he had feelings for Jesse, a mixture of panic and giddiness had hit him like a truck. His nerves were on fire and his mind was spinning faster than it normally did.
James couldn't seem to get Jesse off his mind. How his long, black hair blew gently in the wind, how deep and calming his brown eyes were. His smile which was rarer than those around him but just as beautiful. Whenever James saw Jesse’s smile he swore he felt his heart skip a beat. But now that he was aware of his feelings James didn't know exactly what to do.
He was about ninety-nine percent sure that Jesse was gay. He felt like he had a good read on Jesse and James’ vibes with people when it came to that subject had never been wrong. But while he was ninety-nine percent sure that Jesse was into dudes he was also 0.2 percent sure that he was into him. Just because Jesse was gay didn’t mean that he automatically liked him. James was never one to have the strongest self-confidence and when it came to boys liking him he was always sure that they didn’t.
The fact that Jesse wasn’t the easiest person to read when it came to romantic feelings didn’t help either. Still, it didn’t stop James daydreaming about confessing and Jesse returning those feelings. That felt like such a long shot though and most times when James lay on the grass daydreaming his anxiety and doubt would come crashing down. He’d roll around in frustration then push away his feelings and focus on the fantasy of Jesse reciprocating the feelings.
One day when James was daydreaming again, thinking about his master plan for confessing to the guy he liked, Jesse found him.
“What are you doing?” Jesse looked down at James with a quirked eyebrow. Immediately James felt his face warm and he quickly sat up.
“Nothing, just daydreaming.”
“What about?” Jesse asked as he casually helped James up.
The question sent a tidal wave of emotions through James’ veins and he looked at the ground. “Nothing important.”
Jesse watched him for a second then led the way down the sidewalk. “Okay, if you say so. We have some time before class. I can teach you that birdcall if you want.”
“Oh, sure,” James messed with his hair for a second then jogged forward to catch up with his crush. The two walked in silence. James felt hyper-aware of how close he was to Jesse. His eyes were laser-focused on making sure that their hands didn’t accidentally brush against each other even though that had never happened in the past. James was too nervous to function right now though and if he felt Jesse’s soft hand in his he was afraid he’d short circuit.
“So, did you study for the quiz?” Jesse asked as he sat down.
James’ mind was blanking on what Jesse even meant until he realized he was talking about their environmental studies class. “Umm yes, I did, stayed up late to make sure I remembered everything,” James looked to see his hands were moving animatedly. Shit, his anxiety was picking up.
Jesse’s eyes stayed on James’ hands. “Nervous about it?”
“No!” James blurted out too loudly. “I- Let’s focus on the bird call,”
Jesse was silent as he studied James before nodding. “Okay. I figured you’d like to learn the loon call since you can probably spot a few in West Virginia,” he explained as he leaned forward. James knew Jesse had learned all about the wildlife in West Virginia in hopes it would help connect him to the new state he had moved to.
“Okay,” James gave a nod.
“Alright, it's a pretty simple call. Even a dumbass couldn’t mess it up,” Jesse spoke and scooted closer to James. The warm cadence of his voice drew James in, making his focus on other things slip away.
“So you want to put your thumbs together and make sure the nails are touching,” Jesse held James’ hands and gently guided them into the right position. James could feel his heart pounding in his ears as he tried to pay attention to the instructions. “You make the base of your palms touch too and position your thumbs like this before shaping your hands into a ball.” Jesse carefully moved James’ hands. “Place your lips at the base of your nails and it should make a sound. Try it.”
James nodded and took a deep breath before giving it a go. A soft sound emitted from his hands.
“Good. Now, you just have to flutter your back hand like this,” Jesse pushed some hair away from his face and tucked it behind his ears. The action completely distracted James until he heard the bird call coming from Jesse as he fluttered one of his hands. “See? Easy. Give it a try.”
James nodded “Right, easy,” He took a few minutes to make sure his positioning was right then tried his best to do a loon call. It was sloppy and sounded clumsy due to his nerves. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine, you just need practice.” A faint, reassuring smile appeared on Jesse’s lips which caught James off guard. Jesse’s brows furrowed “What?”
“Nothing. Just…” James grew quiet. He should just go for it. The ideal confession plan he had in his mind would never come to fruition, not when he always panicked and backed out. It was now or never. “Jesse, I have to tell you something.”
There was silence. Jesse was waiting to hear what James had to say.
“You see the thing is, well, that is, I want to say…” James started to do little hand movements as he felt his nerves rise. He kept glancing up at Jesse, spotting his eyes then averting his gaze. He couldn’t do this if he looked Jesse in the eyes. He continued trying to convey what he was feeling in words but with the pressure of it all that he had placed on himself he kept fumbling over them and the speed of his hand movements increased. Until Jesse spoke up.
“I like you! More than a friend and yes it's in that kind of way!” James blurted out before his face turned a sharp shade of red. Quickly his eyes became hidden underneath his hair and he felt himself internally screaming. He felt like he wanted to dig a hole and hide away in it for a long, long time. There was no way this was going to go how he had daydreamed it would.
“I like you too,”
James’ eyes shot up at those words and he saw a soft smile on Jesse’s lips.
“You do?”
“Yeah. So, wanna go on a hike together? Maybe after class today?”
Jesse’s words ricocheted within James’ mind. He was still processing all that was happening. Finally, his words came out. “Yes, I wanna do that.” He quickly got up and started speeding towards one of the buildings.
“James, wait, where the hell are you going?” Jesse jogged over to catch up.
“Class. We need to finish it before we can go hiking.”
“Yeah, I know that, but it isn’t for another half hour,”
“Oh,” A wave of embarrassment washed over James.
Jesse gave a small, well-meaning laugh “Come on, let’s just look at the clouds for a bit,”
James nodded and followed after Jesse who lay on the grass. Soon James lay beside him and stared up at the sky where clouds moved by at a brisker pace than usual. The two stayed silent for a few seconds before James felt Jesse’s hand brush against his which made his heart do somersaults. Except this time he wasn’t worried about moving it. In fact, he could get used to this. Hesitantly he took the small next step, gently wrapping his pinky around Jesse’s as the pair started talking about the clouds.
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