#i was like ooh cool
Was trying to convince myself that gamexplain isn't trash now but they don't even wait 24 hours to post self-contradicting clickbait:
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So I guess it finally is time to unsubscribe huh
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wasyago · 8 months
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turtletoria · 1 month
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beardleitner revival
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delicatetaysversion · 24 days
so apparently 7 years ago was 2017. imma throw up
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wigglybug · 9 months
so! someone's been copying bathy's art
I'll repeat here: If you think it doesn't hurt artists to copy them to this extent, you're a fucking nitwit. we work so hard to get to where we are. our art isn't yours to take and make your own without consequences.
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AND - and this really is the kicker - here's their "terms of service":
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the irony.
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deer-with-a-stick · 1 year
How did the Abbot fuck up the forging process so badly
Multiple night creatures are outright retaining their original souls and personalities
I'm cackling he's so bad at this
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
i do genuinely think an adult, fully-realized kon would be able to defeat superman in a fight. not just saying that bc he's my fav or whatever but because like. ttk is so op. telekinetic power with the range and raw strength to destroy every single gun in LA, and the finesse of control to not destroy anything else? that alone is a huge force to be reckoned with. add kryptonian abilities on top of that and you've got a fucking powerhouse. like um devs? op tbh pls nerf (except don't, because i find that sooooo tasty.)
because to clark, i think this is a good thing! it isn't quite so lonely when he's got a little brother/son/they really can't label it but they're family, who understands the alienation. the burden of having so much power. the fear of what your own hands can do. he sees in kon a kindred spirit, although it also saddens him that kon has to feel this burden too.
but kon?
oh, kon is terrified of himself.
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laney-rockin · 1 year
Okay, I absolutely love the idea of Kirk and Spock having a telepathic bond. It is my most favourite concept ever and I really wanna use it in a fic one day.
BUT ANYWAYS! The reason it's my favourite because of how much Kirk and Spock could use it. They literally can send each other their THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS, what's not to love?
Like imagine some stuffy admiral comes on board and Kirk can hear Spock get irrationally angry when said admiral disrespects not only Kirk but the rest of the bridge as well. Or there'll be idle chats or questions of things like "what does -insert figure of speech here- mean?" or "could you tell me something about this place honestly where ensign ridley can't hear? i don't want the poor boy to get scared"
Like whenever one of them is rendered immobile does the other try to reach out through the link? When Spock died in WOK did he give Kirk one final "I love you, T'hy'la." before dying? Did Kirk try to fruitlessly reach out through the link right after Spock died just to ensure the bond was dead?
SIMILARILY- when Kirk died, did Spock similarly try to reach him? Illogically reaching for a man that is gone and who cannot be saved now?
Ooh the possibilities are endless and I love telepathic bonds so much.
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mrehkka · 7 months
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Dib meets one of the tallest in person and uh... is actually rather awed. He kinda gets it now. Zim is like "see?! the tallest are great!"
The story that goes with this is that Dib becomes ill, but oddly, with a somewhat rare Irken disease (stemming from a long term complication from when Zim's PAK attached to him way back when, it messed with something internally in Dib's body). So Zim takes Dib along with him to meet Red, to get Dib some Irken medicine/cure. Red has a huge crush on Zim so he tends to give him whatever he asks for (or gives him SOMETHING anyway, if he can't give him what he wants), and Zim knows this, although maybe a little in denial about the actual crush part.
aka: the "Dib gets to visit Irk and experience a bunch of Irken Culture" fic :D
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nat-amations · 3 months
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2d and 3d Michael :3
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obsessed with watching this video of lewis trying to replicate landos bottle smash and failing 😂
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creepyscritches · 5 months
My partner is taking me to a succulent bar tomorrow for my birthday :3c
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allgremlinart · 5 months
can I say something controversial.. LOVE the equalist!Asami aus. would absolutely hate it if it was canon
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I hate how people are cancelled for shipping characters with age gaps because 80% of the time I do not pay attention for the age of the characters. I was raised in the 2000s cw tv shows where every teenager was interpret by an adult and everybody from 15 to 30y looked the same. In animation I also can't tell because every story follows their own style in character designs.
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carpisuns · 1 year
gaining a new interest/joining a new fandom is always kind of intimidating it feels like there’s so much you’ve missed out on by not enjoying this thing before so you’re like GRAHHHH got to catch up so I can have peak enjoyment like all the Enjoying This Thing experts around here! which is so silly bc if you enjoy a thing you’re already there but. yknow
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Art block you say? *Throws my Tav at you but in a polite way*
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Her name is Valentine and she's a cleric of Selune Shart romancer :3
She's so pretty!!!! Pink tieflings >>>>>>
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