#i want to know the secrets of mankind . i am a history freak more specifically history that we might never have closure for
give-grian-rights · 2 years
i think every person deserves One unsolved case to hold onto for the rest of your life. D.B/Dan Cooper. Sodder Children. Jennifer Gibbons cause of death. Amelia Earhart.
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hindbodes · 5 years
The Next 100 Years Depicted by Spongebob
What is the future of mankind? What will it look like 100 years from now? Well, I don’t know. But I sure can speculate using Spongebob clips in a crazy attempt at entertainment. Because these clips are representing things that have never been seen before, and were mostly imagined by me, here are the decade events this video speaks of…
2020’s: This decade, humanity rushes to solve the climate change issue. Whether you believe it is real or not, the truth is that there will still be people who agree that it exists, and these people - and myself - will be freaking out about it within these ten years.
2030’s: At last, the people get sick of it. Applicable western nations finally start the revolution and take control of The Senate and whichever other country’s governments are corrupted by this time.
2040’s: Through extreme weather and hardship, the people of Earth have a mass discussion about how right Karl Marx was, and if a mass hungry consumer desire for goods is even worth trying to satiate.
2050’s: According to all textbooks I’ve read that talk about the subject, 2050 is the year that artificial intelligence becomes as intelligent as humans. Apparently.
2060’s: A revolution happened some 30 years ago, but some countries still don’t understand that everybody is fated to have little amount of resources to survive on, and decide to wage wars in the name of giving themselves a greater share. In the end, they hardly have enough money or material to continue warring any more.
2070’s: Finally, humanity gets its shit together. The 2070’s is the decade that world peace is, at the very least, attempted by the leaders of the world. Everyone had been through so much up to this point.
2080’s: The world’s space exploration returns to The Moon in a big way. We start colonies on other worlds during this decade.
2090’s: Humanity just couldn’t keep their technology in their pants. For some reason, they put their crapshoot machine learning AI in a critical machine with the ability to threaten human lives, and then it does.
2100’s: Now that it’s a new century, people decide it’s time to look back on history, just like Tumblr would if it was well established and liked nostalgia many years earlier - in the late 90’s. It’s not a pretty picture.
2110’s: I don’t know what this secret is, but it’s out there. In this decade, one or more people discover an unsettling truth about the people who rose to dominance on Earth during the last century of the previous millenium, and what their plan and real intentions were. It was truly frightening.
Now, this it what I would have said in a certain video description, were it not for this:
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...and this:
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I am a sad camper right now. I really wanted to get this video of potentially Nostradamian greatness online and publicly visible before 2020 started, so that if I’ve made an eerily accurate-seeming clip, I’d be able to say that I called it. Now, after a long time, I’ve finally found the clips, edited them together, rendered it, and have nothing left to do because copyright law hates me specifically when it comes to these meme videos.
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