#i want a aes like account
whiskeyswifty · 3 months
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fentysinterlude · 2 years
my major goal for quarter 1 of 2023 is to get a new job
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buckybarnesss · 9 months
I don't if you already talked about it but I wanna know your thoughts about the love spell that Jennifer put on Derek. How did it dispell? It was the power or friendship and pack, with Scott and Stiles asking for help, real bond instead something that's it was believe to be love? Or it was Stiles? Just Stiles asking Derek for help, being completed honest and worry for his dad, and knowing that Derek would help? And he was crying, and Derek wouldn't let no one to make his bamby eyes little baby cry?
oooh no one has asked me this i don't think.
in my interpretation jennifer's entire plan hinged on isolating derek from everyone. she needed him disconnected from the tenuous support network derek had built by season 3. we see this in motel california. she convinces him not to let the pack know he's alive despite us knowing all through frayed that scott was deeply affected by derek's supposed death, cora and peter were worried and looking for him, and that isaac and boyd were near ready to boil over at ethan.
so what breaks her hold?
it's a combination of things and i think i've talked about it before but to me it feels like a direct call back to abomination. not only is the blocking of the scene similar but also it brings up stiles's big question to derek from that episode:
"would you just trust me this once?"
and also what scott says at the end of abomination before derek slams the door closed on his vulnerability.
"nobody trusts anyone! that's the problem! while we're here, arguing about who's on what side, there's something scarier, stronger, and faster than any of us, and it's killing people, and we still don't even know anything about it!"
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and here -- a full season later -- in the overlooked derek looks at the two of them and answers with trust.
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people really seem to forget how much scott, derek and stiles's relationship changed in season 3. that they worked through their season 1 and 2 bullshit.
plus, you know, derek has been manipulated and used in the past by kate argent and by peter. each time has resulted in pain, suffering and death. i think this leaves room for self-doubt inside derek that jennifer couldn't account for.
so that plus scott and stiles trusting him despite everything? they came to him and are asking for his help and trust? the very thing he wanted in the first two seasons and somehow he earned it.
jennifer's false love and trust ae nothing compared to that.
it's a two way street too. it's not just them wanting him to trust them but they are putting trust into him too. that he'll be on their side.
also derek knows scott and stiles do not fuck around with the safety of their parents. melissa and the sherriff are all they have. derek would do anything for these two kids he's tried very hard to protect for months and months to not go through the loss of a parent like he did.
but also like
she made stiles cry man. fuck jennifer.
it's why she poisoned cora though. i think she had an idea that she wouldn't be able to dupe derek forever so she created an insurance policy.
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thatonefandomjumper · 2 months
If you were able to make Valdangelo canon how would you write them ?
Very good question.
The thing is, Valdangelo is a relationship that I feel had so so much potential due to how the characters were individually written, but at the same time, I really don't trust that Riordan would have done them justice just on account of how Heroes of Olympus was written as a whole. To really make their relationship satisfying, I'd probobly need to make some substantial rewrites to the series as a itself.
But for simplicity sake, let's say we're keeping all big plot points and beats the same with the only difference being that Valdangelo is endgame.
House of Hades would be the most logical place for the two of them to shine, considering Nico was, uh, quite occupied during Mark of Athena. Leo is canonically very spooked by Nico's mere existence on the ship and Nico prefers to keep to himself most times. Not only that, but the two places they each spend the most time is not only the most isolated parts of the ship but also, sort of the furthest away from each other (Crows nest and Engine room).
Not only that, but these two are so bad at normal human interactions that the only way they could genuinely start to open up to each other and find that they are oh so eerily similar is for some outside factor to push for it to happen.
Whatever that is, and no matter how it happens, the biggest thing the two of them need is just a conversation. Genuinely, I think that's all that is needed for something to happen. Something romantic? Not necessarily, but hoo-boy if they opened up to each other in one way or another things would never be the same.
There will always be a terrifying thought of "Oh god, you see right though me and I see myself in you. This is awful I must stay away or I might learn something about myself that I don't want too." But at the same time, no one else will ever get it. To hate yourself so much. To feel alone all the time. To be unworthy of love and broken beyond repair.
So as much as they want to stay away, they inevitable meet again. Possibly in the night, when they are alone, because they would not want anyone around for this.
I am a dynamic girly at the end of the day, so when I ship characters I rarely actually think about the getting together part or anything that relates to that, but were they to get together at this point, it would be in a sort of fucked up self-discovery way where both of them adamantly agree to keep it a secret. They do not want anyone to find out ever that they kiss when they are on the verge of breakdowns.
But evolving from that (And after Nico's outing and Leo's stay in Ogygia, probobly with platonic Caleo or at least Leo feeling obligated to save her out of guilt for not being able to be with her) they become each others confidants. They both dislike showing true weakness, especially of the emotional kind so having someone who just gets it is not only new but terrifying. Whether that be the deaths of their family members or both of their serious cases of internalized homophobia, the other will understand.
People notice, of course, but Nico and Leo avoid each other in public to such a comical degree that it makes it almost more obvious that something is going on. They deflect like crazy when their relationship is brought up and most back off out of respect, but Piper and Percy are the two who speculate the most...
As the journey passes, little things start happening. Leo tells Nico to eat once in a while. Nico forces Leo to take a proper nap. Things the others either don't know they struggle with or aren't thinking about because there ae more important things going on. And slowly, the two start... improving? It was never the intention because they don't see themselves worthy of healing, but the other wants them to get better, and they don't want to lose the one relationship that let's them be wholly vulnerable. It's strange, but it feels good.
Now, I have always hated how angry Nico was at Leo for dying in canon because it makes zero sense in my opinion, but that's a whole 'nother conversation. But this time around, Nico would feel every right to be furious, because let's be real, Leo's secretive ass would not tell him this. There is a line to his emotional openness and telling his sort-of-dating-for-convenience-boyfriend about the fact he's actively planning his own suicide, despite the fact he's planning to bounce back from it is just a step too far. He knows it's selfish. But he just can't.
And it's in the time they're apart that they truly understand just how much they'd started leaning on each other in the time they were together. The bad habits they broke coming back and the longjng to see the other growing stronger. They both sort of hate it. Nico joins Jason and Piper in their search while Leo is trying his best to get back to camp.
No matter how the reunion would go, I like to think that Nico would have spilled the beans about their relationship to the others at that point, so Leo, who had been psyching himself up to swoop Nico into his arms and declare their love to the camp doesn't exactly get that. But what he does get is tears, angry, possibly unfair words, and reconciliation. Their back with each other, and this time, they won't screw it up.
Valdangelo is a story of healing. Of two broken people building each other back up. No matter what direction I'd go with actually making the relationship happen, they will always represent the mortifying ordeal of being known.
Anyway, they are actually impossible and there is something very wrong with them. Thank you for the ask and here's a drawing:
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Also, I wrote a Valdangelo fic way back in 2021 where a similar scenario played out if you are interested:
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p41nty · 10 months
adam katz has done way too much shit and y'all just let it slide we all know about the ableism in the show and the fact he blocked who dared criticize him, but let's talk about the blatant ZIONISM of this man:
he had an isreali flag in his instagram bio until he was called out for it.
he said he put it there for "jewish pride" BITCH THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE, THE GENOCIDE HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR 70 YEARS
he originally wanted to delay an episode for ONE DAY "to express our condemnation of violence"… sounds like shitty white man capitalist performative activism doesn't it
when he was called out he deleted his twt, privated his instagram and blamed it all on "harassment" and "death threats". what a fucking coward. y'all yt ppl love using the word "harassment" as a fucking buzzword
his mother, jill katz, openly expressed her support for isreal and was following the IOF on twitter. guess the apple doesn't fall far away from the tree.
we should kill this fucker already
do i even have the mental capacity to reply to this coherently.
adam is not his mother? he doesnt share the same views? hes made it explicitly clear he does not support the genocide. hes a jewish man who wanted to celebrate jewish pride but all of you motherfuckers think that just because someone is jewish means they support israels actions. news flash, they DONT.
have you even been on twitter to witness the threats actually happening? i have SEEN people be absolutely horrible to that man and send him death threats and harass him. but just because hes a white man you seem to think he just throws around that word to get sympathy. how is he gonna SEE any of the sympathy if he doesnt have any accounts to begin with?
and im not gonna pretend i wasnt pissed off at ae's shit episode delay, i was. i was infuriated that they thought one day was enough.
they heard us and changed it in the end didnt they? they listened to us and delayed it another week to make room for more awareness
of course at the time preferably not air it at all as it would act as a distraction from what was happen but ae is kinda going downhill so im not really surprised + the ableism thing has been going on for a while with the entire team and not just adam on his own (this is not defending him im mentally disabled myself so seeing him do this stuff is also harming towards me)
"blocked people who dared criticize him" because it resulted in him getting harassed. he unblocked them and apologised + put out a public apology about it later on (and it was well written might i add) since he had to step back and take a breather due to all the harassment he received
let me say this again.
the fact youre wishing actual DEATH on him makes you no better.
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rbkzz · 3 months
...[*whispered*] wip wednesday?
(context under the cut)
(is this is too long?)
(i wrote a trixie/keris one-shot)
(it is my first written thing)
(i am so nervous!)
(trixie pov)
Penelope Bunce is once again whirling around our room like a frizzy haired tornado.  She has literally picked up and put down every single article of clothing, book, paper, or other object at least twice (except the box under my bed, thank goodness I spelled that).
She’s such a menace – their whole golden trio is.  People say I’m annoying because of my dust, short attention span, and possessive tendencies (well anyone who had to grow up in a lower faedom and pay a tithe to the aes sidhe of all your most precious belongings each year would end up being a possessive brat too! I just don't like to share if I can avoid it is all)... 
…but I think the ‘golden trio’ made up of Snowbuncebelove should get an actual award for being the most annoying, self-absorbed students at Watford.  Nobody else would stand a chance - they’d win that award category every year.
Recently on discord my alpha @noblecorgi was lamenting the lack of lesbian smut in the CO fandom... they then got into an interesting discussion with @roomwithanopenfire about pixies/other fae folk. There was aaaalso a recent conversation about Niamh and their perspective in AWTWB about how the leads of CO had been living in their own bubble at Watford (unreliable narrators the whole lot of 'em!!)
Even though I don't write I loved the ideas that were shared, so I decided to try to smoosh them all together into a Trixie/Keris one-shot lesbian smut fic.
I got really excited about writing and caught up in the experience of it - it was so much fun!! Now I know why people do it! @roomwithanopenfire even beta read for me for which I am soooo grateful ♡♡♡♡
......aaaand then the next day I embarked on an intense perfectionist shame spiral (iykyk) and decided I should hide myself and my ideas away forevermore 🥲
However...... my brain itself is an unreliable narrator 🫠 And my recent therapy homework is to regularly try new things, mess up publicly, and be imperfect in order to rewire my brain to understand that I am still okay even when I am bad at things. Sooo I am posting part of my first fic here as therapy homework and for accountability as well as to continue on my plight of becoming consistently and unabashedly imperfect. Maybe someday I'll find the courage to post it on ao3 😬
I don't know about tags because I'm still so confused and shy about putting myself out here on tumblr 🙊 but I doooo want to say THANK YOU for tags and hellos! I love to read what y'all are up to, even though I usually wait til fics are posted in completion before starting (I'm too impatient to wait for chapter updates 🤪). xoxo!
my first wip wednesday!
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beansidhebumbling · 5 months
We Stand Between Goliaths- Chapter 1
This was originally intended for Feylin week but in keeping with my reputation I am fashionably late. Thanks to @ae-neon, @kateprincessofbluewhales, and @feyres-divorce-lawyer. I can't write without encouragement and they were an endless well of it. Also I reckon this will be about 3 chapters in total if I stay motivated lol 😅
Some translations and notes at the bottom. I'll return later to add more. Please ask if there's something you don't know about and I'll make a note on it. If there is anything I missed or anything you have questions on please ask.
Old Moore's Almanack, a publication weighted by the faith of a nation, the bible of every town and village dotted liked barnacles on the rock of Ireland, failed them that summer. The worn pages of the copy, tied with string to the dresser by the back door, held no warning of the rare scorching heat that hit Mayo that August.
It held no warning of him either.
It crept in slowly first, the continental warmth a welcome novelty. Sure, on days like this, they said, when the cornflower blue skies kissed the rolling fields of Monet-painted green wasn't Ireland more beautiful than France and Spain?
'You're lucky to be away from Dublin for the Summer, young Archeron, aren't ya?'
Big Paddy McCaffrey commented, ringing up their purchases to add to the account, as Nesta ventured down the shop's only aisle for some flour. Feyre, focused on saving her 99, the milky ice-cream already saturating the thin wafer rim of the cone and dripping onto her sunscreen sticky hands, threw the man a tight smile.
'Suppose I am.'
She answered tersely.
'Strange all three of ye be home together, isn't it? First time since yer Ma passed, God rest her,'
He pressed, his hulking frame leaning over the old counter of the siopa, eyes searching for any shred of a story, or even better, a tear.
'Bout as strange as how you've aged ten years in the space of two, Paddy-boy.'
Her elder sister sniped as she emerged from the back corner of the shop, the bag of Odlum's safely in her grasp. The sharp lines of her trousers, some fine London make, cut through the dust motes, conjuring whirling ghosts as she marched towards the till.
Not leaving the huffing giant any room to retort, she grabbed Feyre's free hand, and they left the shaded confines of the shop to face the noon-day sun, a blistering presence high in the clear sky.
'Not looking like you're here to make friends, Nes.'
Feyre snorted, once out of earshot.
'Nosey fucker. They'll do his autopsy one day and find the Toormakeady Tribune instead of lungs inside him.'
The laugh that tickled its way from deep in her belly, had no breeze to dance on and so hung happily between them, another sign of the welcome if unfamiliar camaraderie birthed between them since their return to the home place in May.
Feyre did not know what her sister had found in London these last two years, but it looked an awful lot like peace.
'Speaking of gossip, did you see the new owner of Drimbawn House?'
'New new or new to us?'
Feyre asked. It was a relevant question. With Elain in Cork working in one of the big houses, Nesta abroad terrorising the lawyers at her new secretarial job, and Feyre in college, they had happily lost the rhythm of their birthplace.
'New to us. He bought it off Hollywood. Tamlin Stewart-Carmichael is his name. A fine block of a man by all accounts.'
Nesta paused to climb the gate behind the GAA pitch as they followed the path of their childhood, cutting through Ma Bryant's fields to get home.
'He's English. No surprise with a name like that. An excessive bunch in every way. Has only visited the place once after buying it but it's been kept in ship shape since last July, in case he wants to call on his summer residence.'
Feyre scoffed, running her hands through the grass that tickled their calves, rippling like the waves at her touch.
'What in Christ's name are they at? Houses for the seasons. Have you ever heard the like?'
'You wouldn't believe half of what I hear back in London with that posh lot. It's a different world Feyrín.'
Nesta grew quiet then, lost to a place across the sea, her mind's eye turned towards the unfamiliar horizon and, Feyre reckoned, to the secret letters that had been arriving with an English postmark since she'd landed on Irish soil.
Her heart full at the sound of a pet name she had not heard from Nesta in years, Feyre followed her sister home, as she had done all her life.
In a country where too much of a good thing was highly distasteful the unnatural heat soon extended beyond its welcome. After a week of no rain and blistering, bruising sun, the rumblings of concern began. The labourers started to seek shade to avoid the rage of noon and the farmers nearest the Lough Mask, let their cattle cool in gentle waters, for neither man nor beast in Toormakeady was built or bred for a Mediterranean climate.
Having been on nursing duty Monday night, Feyre greeted the dawn with a weary welcome. He was fading and she knew it. Her father, who had looked so frail when she'd come home that Summer, a husk of the hale man she'd known from childhood, felt like a figment now.
It hurt too much to sleep knowing by the minute more of him was lost to her, gone to a heaven Feyre had never truly believed in until death loomed. Because there was no way the story of John Archeron ended with a skeleton in the ground.
He was the ritual footing of turf. Lunch together on the bog, eating sandwiches Elain wrapped in tinfoil, the fresh bread slathered in Kerrygold with thick slabs of salty pork. A needed balm for the tired ache that radiated from neck to ankle. Sitting in the rusty Ford come sunset, drinking cold tea from a shared cupán before heading home, his wordless clap on her back the only praise she'd ever got or needed at the end of the day.
He was the man who'd never raised his voice in all of Feyre's life, bar the time she captained the U-15s to a camogie final, when his bellowing and cheering could be heard from Galway as she raised the corn above her head. She remembers him, cheeks full and face ruddy, the proudest he'd ever been Nesta said. For hadn't his Feyrín óg scored three goals and two points that day and led her team to victory.
He was her father, and, in that word, a million memories were stored.
Elain's bustling entry into the kitchen brought Feyre back to the present.
Her sister, already busying herself with making breakfast, whispered.
'How is he Feyrín?'
Stretching in the armchair by the stove, feeling the tension roll from her shoulders and down her arms, she shrugged.
'Not too bad, slept like a log for most of the night. He's still running a bit of a fever but that stuff the doctor gave him has eased the pain. Also don't worry about whispering, fairly certain Judgement Day couldn't rouse him right now.'
Meandering over to her sister she added.
'What's on the schedule today then?'
'Elain, expertly frying rashers and eggs, ran a critical eye over Feyre.
'Well, some food and the leaba for you I'd imagine anyways. Did you sleep at all?'
Feyre ignored the question.
'I'm not tired, El. Actually was going to head on over to the Kelly's place. They've been shocking good taking the herd when Da got sick, but I can manage them now. Reckon I'll sell half at Ballymote this month, bring the number down, you know?'
Elain's back stiffened, her sister in temperament and posture as flexible and fluid as the willow, became stone. Only the crackling and hissing of breakfast could be heard.
Words careful and softly spoken passed her lips.
'Have you spoken to Nes?'
'No. She's never been interested in the farm. Didn't think I needed to ask permission.'
The words, daggers of her making, pointed at Elain.
Her sister's soothing tone did nothing but rankle her further.
'It's not about permission, Fey. I just think we should make these decisions together.'
But though Elain dealt in serenity, she could wield knives too and often did with deceptive skill. Sticking one in Feyre's gut she said with feeling.
'It's what Da would want.'
Her doe-eyed sister who vomited sugar and ribbons could be a right bitch.
Too close to bleeding from her eyes, hurt and a desperate anguish crawling from her stomach and up her throat, Feyre turned towards the back door, grabbing some blackberries, juicy and shining, from the glass bowl by the Almanack.
'I'm going for a walk. I'll be back for dinner.'
The words spilled from her, gruff and broken, trails of hot saltwater carving famine roads along her high cheekbones.
With Elain who'd always read people like Nesta read books, burning holes into her back, Feyre pulled on her boots and grabbed her old hurley, that was tucked neatly in its shrine of a nook by the door.
It was time to visit the forest.
The camóg sat like a comfort in Feyre's hand, its weight familiar and grounding, the sleek ash stained with dirt at the boss. She imagined this was how warriors of old felt carrying their swords, this strange companionship, an extension of herself that knew her in a way no person could.  
As was the case when Feyre had a hurl in hand, time moved differently, the mixed woodland hurtled by a blur of brown and green, the ferns that crept onto the path crushed beneath her boots. Bouncing the sliotar off the ash, she focused only on that settling pulse, on finding the perfect balance to keep that round ball on the curved head of the stick, on the thumping of her feet against dusty ground.  
And gradually that burning sadness that ate at her heart, the searing anger at her sister's face, too soft to be so cruel, faded from stinging tears to a small hole at the pit of her stomach. Contained and controlled for now.  
After all, Setanta didn't cry. 
She ran and ran, taking joy in the burning muscle of her thighs, the stinging of her eyes, the heavy panting of her breath, until she reached the boundary line where Toormakeady Forest met the Hollywood Hills.  
Stopping at the rusted gate choked by bindweed, where lus na teanga grew between the tufts of grass as the path faded to an end, Feyre stared out across the rolling hills of the English fella's fields, just about able to spot the glittering waters of Lough Mask in the distance.  
When Richard had lived here, it was custom to walk through the hills. Hollywood, as he was known, a retired American actor had been genial if distant, happy for the village to take the short-cut through his land provided they never approached the house. 
Feyre reckoned he might have been more than a bit offended if he knew exactly how well that suited the villagers in kind.
But now this Tamlin Stewart-Carmichael had co-opted the land the rules had likely changed.
With a fecklessness more characteristic than she'd prefer to admit Feyre hopped the gate anyways. Ignorance was bliss and in weather like this no jumped-up staff of an absent gentleman were going to get between her and the shining waters.
Lough Mask lapped at her legs cool and tickling as she stood to her knees in the water, a medicine Feyre had not known she needed, easing the feverish redness that coloured her cheeks and gently tempering the fire that still roiled quietly in her gut. 
Looking out from the shore, Feyre faced the distant veridian mountains that sat the far side of the expanse of rippling greyness. There they stood, imposing Goliaths set in sharp contrast to the saturated summer sky. The bays and cries of livestock nearby seemed so muted, overwhelmed by the gentle rhythm of the calm opaque waters.  
Tranquillity found her briefly. 
And left rapidly when, out of nowhere but Hell surely, a naked man arose from the lake, splashing and gasping for air, a siren of old. 
'Sweet Jesus!' 
Feyre yelled, lifting her hurley above her head to take a crack at the blond menace before her.  
He commanded, raising his tanned well-muscled arms in mercy. His voice was deep, with the distinct sharp bite of an English accent. 
She dropped her hurley before him in the water in panic before grabbling it and retreating to the land. Her wet feet smarting at the pinch of the pebbles as she made the rapid withdrawal, putting distance between them. Man, or siren, she was not interested in drowning either which way. 
‘Who the fuck are you?’ 
She pointed the hurl accusatorily at him.  
Sitting back into the water, his lower half became submerged once more. Not that Feyre would forget what she saw in a hurry. As it was, the well-hewn muscles on his abdomen, shining with water droplets and the crosshatch of curling golden hair on his chest, was distraction enough.  
Smirking slightly, green eyes dancing, he replied, 
‘I could ask you the same question...Miss.’ 
Apollo had stopped pulling the sun and landed his chariot in Toormakeady to laugh at her apparently.  
 ‘Anyone who is anyone in these parts knows my face, Sassenach. On voice alone, if you’d ever set foot in the village, I’d know ye.’ 
His dimples seemed to share an inside joke with the lines that creased his eyes as he stared at her. Definitely entertained and strangely delighted at this bizarre encounter it seemed.  
‘Touché, Miss.’ 
‘Odd name that,’ 
She stated drily. 
He laughed. A gentle thing, carried in huffs and breaths by the soft breeze off the lake. 
‘You wield your words as well as your weapon....’ 
He motioned lazily towards the hurley,  
‘...Feyre Archeron.’ 
Her eyes widened in shock, and, following the movement of his arm, were confronted with the thick Sharpie scrawl of her name along the handle.  
Well, shit. 
Her pulse began to settle all the same to a somewhat normal rhythm now she was out of arm’s reach of the dangerously alluring specimen. 
‘You must be connected to yer man moving into the big house then,’ 
She gestured vaguely towards Drimbawn. If she had the sense God gave a rat she’d walk away now, leg it back home. But Feyre would not be scared from the lake, let alone by some Englishman so she continued, 
‘Usually, the posh lot hire locally or at least Hollyw.. the last fella did. But then again, it’s been a few generations since we’ve had someone with the brass neck to keep such a beautiful place as a second home. Can’t say I’m terribly fond of your boss there, stranger.’  
Pink roses blossomed on his cheeks and a large, veined hand pulled at the wavy sun-bleached strands that tickled his shoulder. 
‘He has hired local men. Um... I’m here to just keep things running until he comes to visit. I’m Ta-Tanner.’ 
He went to stand up and shake her hand. Some remnants of well-intentioned civility she imagined, however when challenged by his pronounced obliques, the last of her good sense and innate Catholic shame made her turn rapidly on her heel to face the forest she’d come from.  
‘Easy there, squire. Might want to put some trousers on first.’ 
‘Of course.’ 
He answered, voice apologetic and brimming with a crushing embarrassment that made her want to cackle. 
He was like art. Like whomever Michaelangelo thought of when he had carved David. 
Her supplies had remained zipped away since coming home. It seemed wrong to take joy in the delicate scratch of lead on paper, to crave the feeling of dried acrylic on canvas and skin. Where she usually saw endless, boundless colour and life, there existed only delicate ash structures. It struck her, this sudden wish to paint Tanner, as the first time since she’d seen her father so frail in that flimsy, miserable bed off the kitchen, she wished to paint. Her first time seeing and tasting glorious colour again.  
A shadow fell against her own. 
‘You can turn around now.’ 
Tanner murmured quietly.  
Feyre came face to face with the most beautiful person she’d ever seen. His looks, that were barely palatable from a safe distance, threatened to overcome her as he stood within arm’s reach. The freckles that dotted his nose, slightly crooked from at least one break she imagined, and across his high cheekbones, seemed to map constellations of the night. But he, gilded like the horizon at sunset, was no child of the moon.  
His eyes, speckled with brown flecks like oak leaves smouldered as they met hers, the threatening spark to a flame. 
Casting her sight down, coward that she was, she focused instead on the cotton of his shirt, which though crinkled, was luxurious and well-crafted.  
‘The big man must pay well indeed,’ 
She scoffed.  
‘He’s not a bad guy, all things considered.’ 
He remarked, his hand glancing off her own, a touch just slight enough to claim as an accident.   
‘I’m sure he’s a charmer.’ 
Feyre muttered. 
The silence that settled between with a comfort that seemed unearned, a space of knowing and understanding. It was this, this strange contentment in her soul, that said stay, which prompted Feyre to run. 
‘You best be going, it’s nearly time to do the milking.’ 
She prompted.  
His eyes shuttered, disappointment flickering through them before he nodded reluctantly.  
‘Oh yes, of course. The milking...For the cows.’ 
His hand caught hers gently, encasing it within his, and Feyre who had never felt delicate in her life, felt like a doll in his giant grip.  
‘Do you come here often Feyre?’ 
A question that sounded more like a plea. 
Her heart, ever the loyal organ, beat to the rhythm of his.  
‘I’ll be here tomorrow,’ 
She replied breathily, unsure yet whether it was a lie or truth, before breaking his grasp and running back towards the forest.  
You’ll be back tomorrow,  
Her heart whispered.  
As she disappeared from view, the mountains and a liar watched on.  
Feyrín- Little Feyre (Fey-reen). Common structure in Irish. Add -ín at the end and things become small. See names like Róisín (Little Rose) or bothrín (little road, i.e. a lane).
cupán- cup (cup-awn)
óg- young (oh-guh). Common to put after someone's name if they are young, sort of like Junior in English. Especially traditionally in families where there's a family name. E.g. there's a grandfather Connor and a grandson Connor in the one family, the grandfather could become Connor Sean (Old Connor) and the grandson, Connor Óg.
leaba- bed (lah-baa)
camóg- hurl (less common term used for a hurl when playing camógie. See the notes below for more context).
Further Notes for Context:
GAA- Gaelic Athletic Association consists of four indigenous Irish sports (hurling/camogie, Gaelic football, handball and rounders). Hurling and Gaelic football are by far the most popular. I didn't even realise rounders was on the list and I've been involved with the GAA since I was a kid.
44 notes · View notes
torashisama · 11 months
WoT 207 ''Daes Dae'mar'': A detailed theory-analysis
This explanation is a detailed one. It is a deep dive into the season taking into account the point of view of all the relevant protagonists and antagonists of the game of houses that took place in Cairhien before our eyes in S2E07.Therefore, It's seemingly endless. If you don't enjoy reading or simply does not want to take the time to read, listen and watch all of it. You can check the following links to find the initial (shorter and less detailed, also outdated but still relevant) version of this explanation:
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Excuse any eye piercing mistakes I might make or clunky phrasings you might notice, I'm French and ADHD's a bitch.
I've seen a lot of confusion about how Lan figured out about Moiraine. So, I analysed his POV throughout the season and those of the relevant characters in all of this so that it's clear for everyone as understanding part 1 is the central and fundmental part of this theory. It would be best for everyone, if there was no confusion.
PS: THE SCENES ARE IN HYPERLINKS FORMS BECAUSE I CAN'T PUT MOST THAN 1 VID PER POST, also forget about the backlinks. I forgot that the url would change if I went back to the different scenes after posting so that it'll stay like this but they won't work. ( no even sure they'll be necessary, i added them in case it was, so it'ss not an issue)
Let's theorise now, shall we ?
Part 1. Lan's and other relevant characters point of views throughout the season
E01 : A taste of Solitude
Here, his point of view is not important as it's mostly about how the bond being severed for the last 6 months affected him. What we can still point out from this episode is that at the beginning, Moiraine finally understands what the broken piece of Cuendillar at the Eye of The World meant. She understand thanks to the poem that was written on the back of the one that Bayle had, that all this time Ishamael was freed not defeated.
And that, at the end, when she first tried to leave without Lan, they ended up getting hurt and almost dying then getting rescued from the Fades who were following Bayle Domon by Verin and Tomas. ( (educated guess thanks to E08)Lanfear used him to get to Mo trough the fades, Moiraine was supposed to die before she had the chance to intervene.)
E02 : Strangers and Friends
After the Fades attack, Moiraine and Lan have been healed.
She's cold and leaving for the "docks", Verin tells her that Adeleas and her will accompany her and suggests that she goes to the White Tower first. She agrees. Later, at night, seated around a campfire listening to Verin, Adeleas and Tomas reminisce about their youth, Lan and Moiraine gets to do the same and remembers the first time they met each other. Sometime after, it's time for them to say goodbye and go their separate ways. Lan, while Moiraine is distracted, searches her saddle in which he finds a worn out piece of paper that is laced into what appears to be a thin thread of leather, before he can take a look at it, Moiraine comes back and he hides his findings in his cloak. They talk.
"I should have sensed the Fades were coming. I should have… I'm sorry. "
"Do you know when I actually decided you'd be my Warder?"
"You'll go to the Tower and I'll continue alone."
"We didn't defeat the Dark One, we set his strongest lieutenant free. The Forsaken are 3000 years old. They're the strongest channelers that ever lived, and Ishamael may be waking the others. What they can do with the One Power make the Aes Sedai look like tavern magicians conjuring birds from their sleeves. I mean, he cut me off with a flick of his wrist."
"But it takes eight Aes Sedai to cut someone off. Alone, he couldn't, no matter how…"
"You have no conception of the power they wield. "
"Well, then tell me.You and I walk this path together. […]"
"We've never walked this path together. You've never seen the forest for the trees because I have never shown it to you."
"You can't push me away."
"Rand's alive."
"No. You said he was dead."
"You assumed."
"I took an oath to defend you. "
"And without the bond, you're unable to fulfil that oath."
"I'm still your Warder.""
"No, you failed me.""
"I am not letting you walk away from me again."
"I know. Alanna will see you to the Tower. I'll have her take your bond by force if I must."
Lan from his last conversation with Moiraine before Siuan, Alanna, Maksim and Ihvon becomes relevant factors learns that :
He had been chosen as her warder because she thought "he'll ultimately will be fine if I die"
She wants to leaves him behind again
They did not defeat the Dark One at the Eye but only made things worse by releasing his strongest lieutenant, a forsaken: Ishamael a.k.a Ishy.
Ishamael is most likely than not on a quest to release the other ones.
The forsaken are so much more stronger than the Aes Sedai that the difference is hilarious to think about.
Ishy apparently stilled her by himself.
Mo's betrayed his trust for the last 6 months by lying the Aes Sedai way ( purposefully misleading him) about Rand's death.
She thinks that he failed her and isn't her warder anymore.
She never thought of him as her equal.
She'd betray his trust again by letting Alanna take his bond by force (violate him) so that he'd let her leave alone on her suicide mission.
E03: What Might Be
This episode is unusable as Lan only appears as a part of Nynaeve's trial in the arches. However, we can still count the day or days passing in this episode to try and know how long it's been since Moiraine and Lan have been separated.
I've found that it's only been a day since they left each other by the end of episode 3.
E04: Daughter of the Night
When we first see Lan again since he's been forced to leave with Alanna, He's already been 2 days and 1 night away from Moiraine. This episode will be the 3rd day and 2nd night.
During the day, he's with Alanna and instead of heading straight back for the Tower they pay a visit to Alanna's family.
He eats with them ( lunch ) then he leaves the table to go take a piss, he expected Maksim or Ihvon as before but this time it's Alanna that came to see him. They talk.
"a warm memory. Something worth living for. And at that point… "
"So we're going to skip all of that.,I don't think you're gonna kill yourself. Your bond wasn't ripped from you. She took it. So have you decided what you're going to do now?"
"Have I worn out my welcome? "
"The three of us, we are going back to the Tower tomorrow. Will you come with us?"
"I wish you could've known Moiraine before. "
"Before what? "
"Something happened to her. About years ago now. A year or two before she bonded you. One day she was simply… changed. The way water becomes ice, and you look at it and wonder how it was ever water before. "
"Was she happier, then?"
"I don't know. I don't know if she's ever been happy. "
Later during the day, in the afternoon, he talks with Maksim.
"Moiraine has left the bond masked for… the last six months or so."
"I thought I was the only Warder who could go that long. When Alanna first bonded me, it was miserable for everyone. I didn't like having an audience in my head, and she didn't like the show. So, the three of us talked it through, and we decided that she would mask her bond with me. Except in battle. And bed."
"Does the Tower know about this? "
"Have you ever known a marriage that is exactly the same as another? I know the others will tell you…you can't go back to Moiraine. But I'm proof that you can. If you want to."
And finally, at night he talks with Ihvon.
"It's something she said. You keep saying it to yourself over and over. A thousand cuts for her one. People don't understand that we quiet ones… are quiet because the conversation's always… playing out in our own heads."
"She said that, all these years… Mm…she never considered me an equal. "
"Of course not. We are not their equals, Lan. We're not supposed to be. An Aes Sedai can… call down lightning, raise mountains. The rest of the world only sees their power. We see their weakness. We remind them that they are not gods."
"I wouldn't think that… Alanna needed a reminder."
"Yeah, well, she knows we want the same thing as her. "
"What's that? "
"The triumph of the Light over the Dark. And dessert after. "
"What about Moiraine? What does she want? "
"Maybe that's the problem. I don't think I know anymore. "
While they're talking, Maksim who was meditating with them but left them alone before they started talking, found the old and worn out piece of paper that Lan previously took from Moiraine. He shows it to Alanna, who reads it and immediately understand what it could mean about Lan and maybe Moiraine too. Is he a dark friend ? Are they dark friends ? Later during the night, while Lan is asleep, Ihvon joins them and they talk it out, outside the house, Ihvon then reads it and they figure out that it's a prophecy in the Old Tongue about a forsaken, specifically about the Daughter of the Night, Lanfear. They're not sure of what to think yet, but they now suspect Lan.
E05: Damane
In this episode we do not follow Lan, Alanna, Ihvon or Maksim. There's is no point of view for them while they're travelling together but we can add 2 nights and a day to the counter. It's been 4 days and 4 nights away from Moiraine and as many days and nights spent with Alanna and her warders for Lan. However, we do get Verin's point of view.
After just arriving at the Tower, she asked after Nynaeve and Egwene but it turned out that they were nowhere to be found. Not in their rooms, not doing chores or in class and somehow, it was the same for the Daughter-heir of Andor, Elayne. They seemed to have disappeared so she went to see Sheriam Sedai, the current Mistress of Novices to try and understand where they could have vanished.
"Why, Verin Sedai. I was unaware you'd be visiting us."
"Uh, what can I do for you, Sister?"
"I was hoping to have a word with two of the girls in your care, Egwene al'Vere and Nynaeve al'Meara. Do you know where I might find them?"
"Uh, they are likely busy doing their chores. "
"In fact, they aren't. Nor are they in their class, nor in their rooms. And, um, also the Daughter-Heir of Andor is nowhere to be found."
"Is it possible they may have left Tower grounds?"
"The Daughter-Heir? It's worth taking a look, don't you think? "
"Oh. Uh… Oh, goodness, yes. Here it is. A visit to Elayne's home in Caemlyn. The three were signed out just the other day."
"That seems worth remembering. "
"It is. I, um…I don't know how it slipped my mind, frankly."
"It's quite unusual".
"That it is."
"Oh, yeah, I have another question for you. I was in the library asking after a book, Meditations on the Kindling Flame? Oh, yes, I've been meaning to return it. It's in my room, actually. Do you need it? Just for a short passage on the Amyrlin Tetsuan, uh… if you could. "
Verin went to the library before going to Sheriam and asks Nomy and Yassica about the "new very powerful Novices".
We don't actually see this happening, but since she went to the tower knowing about Moiraine's adopted kids and particularly about Rand, she must have wanted to meet them as opposed to being able to meet the Dragon Reborn himself ( being bothered by her insatiable curiosity again). She learns that they are nowhere to be found, knowing what link they might have with the Dragon Reborn, she finds suspicious that just after Moiraine got attacked by 3 Fades and went looking for the Dragon Reborn, again, that her girls would appear to have left tower grounds with no one knowing about their departure. With these information in mind, before going to see Sheriam, she takes some precaution to ensure that she discovers the whole truth if for some reason Sheriam was not revealing it all. Knowing all of this, we can deduce that she had the following course of action:
Go to the Library and asks her fellow trusted brown sisters about the girls, after she tells her that it seems like they're not in the tower anymore, She asks them to help if she suspects that Sheriam, might not be telling her the whole truth during their talk.
ask about a book she borrowed and did not return yet, so that they can use it's mention as a signal and use it as a diversion (Meditation on the Kindling Flame).
Look for Ny, Eggy and Elayne
Ask and look around for them
Go to Sheriam and ask about the girls disappearance and determine whether it would be wise to use the backup plan.
Signal to Yassica that they're following the plan, that their conversation is coming to an end and that they'll soon get out of her study.
Distract Sheriam long enough so that Yassica retrieves all of the supposedly useful information.
Meet Yassica to talk about her findings.
Get the names of every Aes Sedai who left the tower in the last few days because it seems that a weave of compulsion was used on Sheriam (so Black Ajah).
Get the prophecies about the DR for Moiraine ? (not sure that she ever did)
Liandrin cross examination
Liandrin successfully fails
"I, um, I thought you were in Jurene hunting a young man suspected of channeling. "
"Luckily it was nothing."
"Hmm. "
"But… I did… bring back some white asparagus. If you'd like some. It's a delicacy from the village. You can only… "
"Procure them there and only at this time of year. "
"That's strange. Novices shouldn't be allowed to… "
"Well, they've, uh… they've gone to a name day ceremony in Caemlyn. "
"I'd heard on the road back that a royal envoy going to Caemlyn was attacked south of here. "
"By whom?"
"Uh, a soldier at the inn. He said it was… bandits or Whitecloaks. But if the girls were with them… Come, we must talk to the Keeper immediately. Those girls are worth more than gold itself. Hurry."
Even though her suspicions about Liandrin are at an all time high, I think that she did go with her to go "talk to the Keeper". It's the last time we see her before Cairhien.
E06: Eyes Without Pity
It's been 4 days and 4 nights, Moiraine got to Rand the night before and finally separated him from Lanfear. Defeated and her plans for the Dragon Reborn interrupted.
Lanfear: "But, if you actually want to work with me… I have one condition. "
Moiraine: "What did she say?"
"I have to go."
"Where? Did she tell you where… "
"No. Away from you. That was her condition. If she sees us together again, she'll kill you".
Lanfear, goes to Liandrin who she's been prying on in the World of Dreams. They talk.
"Ishamael said he'd freed you, but I…"
"Tell me, why do you work for him? For Ishamael? You hate men. With one exception, it seems."
"Men hurt us… betray us, and still, we love them. You swore your oaths to keep him alive, but this is not life. "
"I know. "
"He's holding you back. The last tie to the girl you used to be. The girl who was beaten and starved, and forced to marry before she bled. "
"I know. "
"And that's why I'm here, to do what you can't. A gift only one woman can give to another."
"You swore your oaths to the Dark, not to Ishamael. You cannot take them back. It's impossible. But there are many paths to walk through the night."
(optional but recommended) : Torashi's thoughts about Lanfear and Liandrin
Liandrin ends up switching sides at the end of this conversation. She will now aid Lanfear, not Ishy and Lanfear gives her the task of killing Moiraine (it's the 2nd assassination attempt). She needs to get rid of her but can't kill her herself because she wants Rand to trust her and believe in her and her cause.
Meanwhile, Moiraine is in Cairhien with Rand and at some point she attempts to write a letter in response to her "Dearest Siuan" to update her on the situation and finally tell her the truth about being stilled but she can't. At least, not yet. Only, she did not expect Lan to overtake her.
Lan's point of view (during night 4)
It's night, Lan, Alanna, Maksim and Ihvon are travelling. We don't know where exactly they're going but we can expect them to be going towards the Tower as it was what was planned. All this time spent with them, Lan has been pondering on the idea, that, maybe, Moiraine, really is not stilled but something else. He does not know what but he needs to at least dissipate his doubts. On the other side, Alanna, Maksim and Ihvon still suspects Lan of being a Dark Friend. During their trip, they purposefully choose to stop at a Forsaken temple to observe his behavior and judge him. Lan having these doubts in the back of his mind, wants to get to the Amyrlin seat, Siuan Sanche, who happens to be Moiraine's secret wife. He needs more information on the forsaken and needs to know where to find Siuan, so that she can help him dissipate his doubts ( he understands the old tongue- he understood what Ihvon meant by "Blood calls blood") and help him find how to help Moiraine.
Alanna : "Here's as good a place to stop as any. I'm dying for some tea."
Lan: "This is a temple to the Forsaken. Interesting choice."
Maksim: "Shelter's shelter. "
Lan: "We'll need the Amyrlin's permission for me to return to the Tower. Moiraine's banishment applies to me until our bond is formally removed from Tower records."
Alanna: "The Amyrlin won't be back for another few days yet. She's returning from a visit to Caemlyn."
Lan: "Forsaken. Do you believe they had powers the Aes Sedai have lost? Weaves this Age has forgotten?"
Ihvon: "They were the generals of the Dark One's army. The things they did, our Aes Sedai would never even consider."
Alanna: "What you're willing to do changes depending on what you're faced with."
[sometime later Alanna, Maksim and Ihvon are supposed to be distracted, having fun in their tent. Lan attempts to leave but they were watching him all along. He's cornerded by Ihvon and Maksim then trapped in the One Power by Alanna.]
Maksim : "It's rude to leave while your friends are sleeping."
Ihvon: "Ruder still to use your weapon against them."
Lan: "I don't want to fight you. "
Maksim: Rejection's a relatively new experience. You'll have to forgive me for asking, but… where are you going, old friend?
Lan : That is my business.
Alanna: "The Amyrlin did not banish you from Tar Valon. You know that. You wanted me to tell you where she is. Why?"
Lan: "I need to find her."
Alanna: "What do you want from Siuan Sanche ?"
Alanna: "You will tell us the truth, al'Lan Mandragoran. We will kill you were you stand if you don't."
Lan: "We found the Dragon Reborn."
[Lan goes to Siuan to tell her the truth about her wife, so that she can help him check whether he was right to doubt a forsaken's ability to still someone alone and help her.]
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It's the last time we see them before the new day starts. They had all night to talk to each other, research (if needed) and come up with a plan.
Lan is preventing Rand from leaving to go to Falme, alone, without Moiraine. He's accompanied by Alanna, Maksim and Ihvon.
Moiraine sends Jonas to give a letter to a trusted sister of hers of the Blue Ajah so that she can "get it where it needs to go" (To Siuan I suppose). She apologises to Barthy and he hugs her, they're interrupted by Anvaere.
"The Amyrlin Seat is here, in Cairhien, with 14 Aes Sedai, and she's demanded an audience with you."
Liandrin's in Cairhien, thanks to her, we know that Siuan summoned them without disclosing why.
"The last time the Amyrlin Seat called 14 sisters to meet with her in Cairhien, we installed a new king on the Sun Throne."
"Well, maybe this Amyrlin is a little more frivolous daughter."
"Hmm. "
"We'll have to wait and see."
In this part, we learned that :
Lan was suspicious from the moment that he learned how Moiraine got stilled by Ishy.
He doubted what his next step should be and thanks to Ihvon and Maksim, he knew that he had to get back and COULD go back to Moiraine.
He needed to get to Siuan before so that she could help him get back to Moraine and check whether he could have been right or not about her not being stilled.
He told Alanna about Rand and never disclosed that Moiraine could not channel or that Siuan and her were working together or that they are lovers.
He went to see Siuan, they talked and planned an intervention to save Moiraine from herself.
Lanfear used Domon to get to Moiraine trough the fades to kill her before she could do anything about Rand. (educated guess when informed by E08)
Lanfear rallied Liandrin to her cause and tasked her to take care of Moiraine for her. (educated guess when informed by E08)
Verin now knows about the dragon and is going to the Tower to look for prophecies about the dragon for Moiraine.
Verin suspected Liandrin of being Black Ajah and of being able to use the weave of compulsion and left with her to "go see the keeper"
Siuan, Lan, Alanna, Ihvon and Maksim went to Cairhien
Siuan summoned 14 Aes Sedai there but did not disclose the reason why and demanded an audience with Moiraine
Lan prevented Rand from leaving without Moiraine for Falme accompanied by Alanna, Ihvon and Maksim.
Part 2. Liuan : Their off screen talk
Thanks to part 1, we can be assured that Siuan was the one who showed up at Cairhien and not the Amyrlin Seat. It was about Moiraine not the mission or Rand. They were secondary motives and afterthoughts. All that mattered when she saw Lan, was Moiraine. It would have been five days since she answered to Moiraine from their previous letter and she still did not have an answer, so she was already worried. In E06, when Moiraine attempts to write to Siuan before Barthy interrups her. It either was the first letter from E01 or a follow up one that Siuan sent out of worry. Lan showing up alone, probably was horrifying. As for Lan, is sole purpose and worry from the night Moiraine got "stilled" and they lost their bond was to help Moiraine, support her, be close to her again. Basically as he said:
Moiraine: "I don't know what you think you'll gain from this."
Lan: "Hopefully, everything we've lost."
Now onto the talk.
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credit: @aflawedfashion
What we can deduce from E07 and the previous episodes we just deep dived into is that Lan told her more than she had just been stilled. He confirms that he went to Siuan doubtful near the end of episode 7 when he says :
"It never made sense to me, Moiraine. What you're feeling? Ishamael didn't still you. Not even a Forsaken could do that alone. It is a shield that he's tied off, which means… "
He just told her what he tried to say from E02 (except this time he knows what it is if not stilling and how to fix it), but she wouldn't listen to him.
So, between Liuan this is what he must have said:
Siuan, At the eye of the world, Moiraine actually fought a forsaken, he was not defeated.
She was mistaken, a few days ago she realised that we released him. We were wrong, we,lost at the eye of the world.
She's lost her ability to touch the source but she said that Ishamael stilled her alone. I don't think she's been stilled, Verin Sedai said that most stilled women ended up dying and that her behavior was not aligning with what's usually expected. After she told me that he stilled her alone I strongly doubted that she really was, I thought maybe it was something else, I told her but she brushed me off. Are they really that strong ? Can a forsaken really still someone alone ?
She's been casting me out for the last six months so I only learned about all of it 4 nights ago when she left me behind to go find Rand. He wasn't with us, she let me assume he died and let him leave.
She forced me to stay back with Alanna Sedai and her warders by threatening me of letting her take my bond by force. They were to take me back to the tower but before Moiraine left me I took a poem she had in her saddle, it was about Lanfear. Ishamael released her, Alanna Sedai found it and cornered me earlier as I was trying to get to you to confront me about it. She wouldn't let me go, she thought that I was to harm you and a dark friend, she was ready to kill me so I had to tell her about the dragon reborn so that she'd let me go.
Lan told her and knew everything she needed to know to be able to help her wife as she's always been doing. Only, this time, Moiraine would have to stay out of the loop. She's emotionally unstable and is not in a place where she could allow herself to think of such a possibility anymore, giving her hope for no reason wouldn't make for anything good.
optional but recommended : Thoughts about why Liuan decided to keep Moiraine out of the loop
We now wonder, what did they plan ?
Part 3. Liuan : The Plan
Before diving into this part, we need to know what might have happened between them beside their talk.
What can we deduce happened ?
Lan tells her everything and Siuan comes up with the plan and tells him what he'll have to do and they'll obviously use Rand as a pretext (well, Siuan will).
(I used to think that she could have not know as soon as he'd tell her since Moiraine herself did not think that a Forsaken wouldn't be able to do that but after further research and taking into account the fact that Lan immediately suspected it and that Moiraine judgement was clouded by her emotions, I now think that Siuan knew as soon as he told her. Anyway, whether she needed to check or not they had their plan which was not about the dragon in case you forgot but about Moiraine.)
Now, onto the discussed plan:
Siuan explains :
Lan you'll :
Get the boy, try to make him understand that he'll be fine but do not tell him the truth, we can't trust that he won't talk to Moiraine or that nobody will spy on you. I'll meet him and try and do the same and use our meeting as my main motive for coming to Cairhien, also, we'll need him to unshield her as I can't see Saidin (men half of the One power).
You'll check with Logain to know if we were right about her being shielded, we have to be sure before attempting anything.
Check if she ever wanted to kill herself if you have the chance.
Everything may not go as planned so be ready not to reveal that there's more than me meeting the boy and follow along with whatever I do.
This is what you'll have to do to un-shield her if we were right
If we get attacked you'll take her there. This will be our escape route in case we ever need it.
As for Alanna and her warders they'll be on the look out.
Most importantly, keep her safe, be careful and stand by her.
Summon 14 Aes sedais and take them with me to Cairhien since we have 2 Forsaken on the loose trying to get him, they'll be useful in case we get attacked.
Meet and talk to Moiraine and distract her from what you'll be doing.
Meet the boy and try to make him understand that i'm on his side.
Alanna, Maksim and Ihvon
Look out for the Forsaken
The goal is to help Moiraine and that is it, probably discuss their next course of action regarding the plan since she might be stilled (which she can do with no problem since she doesn't know for sure that she isn't). As i've stated before, Rand and the mission in this case were the after thoughts as it is Siuan that decided to go to Cairhien and not the Amyrlin Seat.
Moiraine: "Siuan said you were leaving. Where were you going? "
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(While they're the same person, they are not the same characters, Siuan isn't the Amyrlin Seat and the Amyrlin Seat is not Siuan but only a part of her, I thought the show made it clear enough but I'm reminding you all again anyway as i've seen that a lot (even other theorist and siuaraine shippers) seems to think that Siuan really went to Cairhien to take Rand away from Mo, cage him and stuff as if they did not show us that it simply was not how it worked between them and that she simply was not her position at all. Most misunderstood and underappreciated character sincerely (those who voted Hopper, i'm looking at y'all). Anyway, SHE IS NOT THE AMYRLIN SEAT AND THE AMYRLIN SEAT IS NOT SIUAN BUT ONLY A PART OF HER.)
So, Siuan shielding and putting Rand in a cell was improvised as he was leaving without Moiraine knowing and she needed him to be around anyway.
Daes dae'Mar : The Game of Houses, Liuan's plan put into practice
House Sanche-Mandragoran
Siuaraine meeting in the Sun Palace
Goals :
Meet and talk to Moiraine and distract her from what Lan will be doing.
Use meeting Rand as her main motive for coming to Cairhien.
[MOIRAINE] Mother. [SIUAN] Leave us, Daughter. She's no threat to me. [LEANE] I'll be right outside, Mother. [SIUAN] Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me you'd been stilled? Six months of letters, Moiraine. And not one word about this…this violation. [MOIRAINE] Well, what else did Lan tell you?
[MOIRAINE] That you threatened to let Alanna take his bond without his permission. You know he told her. That you found the Dragon. (half truth and deflection, she knew about the forsaken and talks about it later,)
[MOIRAINE] Why are you here, Siuan?
[SIUAN] I've let you carry this burden for years, love. You've given everything for it. From here on out, I row beside you. ( half truth, because she also was there to help Lan check her powers)
Moiraine: [SCOFFS] (not convinced)[gets hypnotised by Siuan's touch]
[SIUAN] It's time I met Rand al'Thor. (deflection)
Lan takes Rand and prepare him to meet Siuan
Prepare him to meet Siuan :
make him understand without telling him the truth that Siuan is on his side. Even though she's the Amyrlin. ( for the reason mentioned before but also, it's Cairhien)
[LAN] Tuck in your shirt. [RAND] What does the Amyrlin Seat want from me? Is this a trial? I saw what she did to the last man who called himself Dragon. (scared) [LAN] Is that why you ran from the Eye of the World? Why you hid here? (wonders why he left and questions if it was because he was afraid about sharing Logain's fate) [RAND] I left to protect the people I love. (angrily answers, offended by the assumption) [LAN] Don't be so selfish. You were born to protect this world. Every person in it. Not just the ones you love. (reminds him of his responsabilities as the Dragon Reborn)
Listen to me. The Amyrlin's a smart woman. She's a good woman. (reassures him about Siuan) And she comes from humbler beginnings than you. (she's not what she seems) [RAND] Does Moiraine know you're doing this? (asks about the only Aes Sedai he kind of trust) [LAN] There's one rule above all others for being a man. Whatever comes, you face it on your feet. ( ignores and teach him what his answer should be to the fear he's currently feeling)
Put this on. Give me your blade.
Heron Dips the Wing. You've been learning sword forms. (proud uncle moment) [RAND] I've learned a couple of things. [LAN] Keep the sword. (let him keep his sword as he is still stressed)
If the Amyrlin's afraid of you, it won't be for a sword. (build his confidence up)
If you're going to use one of the forms, use Cat Crosses the Courtyard, keep your back straight, every muscle loose. As if hung from a wire at the top of your head. (teaching moment)
Go. The Amyrlin waits.
Siuan meets Rand while Mo'an are talking
[RAND] As you've summoned me, Mother, so I've come. I stand ready. [SIUAN] Do you now, boy? Lan has prepared you, I see. What else did he tell you? [RAND] That you aren't exactly what you seem. [SIUAN] Most people are not. In this world, it is wise to guard your truths, but not us. Not today. (she won't lie, since she can't but she's going to aes sedai her way out of his questions not to reveal blatlantly that she's on his side) I have questions for you. Answer truthfully.
[RAND] And then what? [SIUAN] You say you've been careful. How many times have you channeled? [RAND] Not many. Not deliberately. [SIUAN] You will continue to channel, as sure as roe makes fish. You can't help it. And if you don't learn to control it, you won't live long enough to go mad. (INFODUMP) [RAND] What kind of a choice is that? (when did she give him a choice exactly, please ?), (ignored question) Dying or going mad and killing everyone I love? (ignored) What if I'm tired of being a spoke in the Wheel? (acknowledged) [SIUAN] You're not a spoke, boy. You are the water that turns the Wheel itself or dashes it to pieces. (answers)
Do you know what Tower law says the Amyrlin must do if she finds the Dragon Reborn? (question and attemps at making him understand) [RAND] Gentle him? [SIUAN] Gentle him? No. How do you fight the Dark One without the One Power?
Some of my Red daughters would want that, I suppose, but… (beware of the reds basically) we are meant to cage you. (teaching, infodumping)
Keep you shielded, channeling only when we want, what we want. And when we go to fight the Last Battle, you will be the greatest weapon in our arsenal. But not our general.
This is not a conversation. (yes it is) You already made your decision. (indeed, 20 years ago dumbass) You made it before you ever met me. (how do you know? she made it looking in your other mom eyes the day you were born and ruined their retirement plans, BEHAVE RAND)
I won't live in your cage. (did she say SHE, would cage you or that the Amyrlin was MEANT to cage you ? she infodumped, you stupid boy)
(she had no other choice but to shield him as he was getting hostile, then Mother got mad, i can't blame her I would have too (actually I did), because how can you be so dense, mistaken and dumb, like why would you think you'd be able to do anything against the Amyrlin Seat, when you know nothing about channeling- je souffle (I sigh), je souffle, je souffle. Il fatigue(he tires).)
Six months you've known what you are, and… you've learned nothing.
Six months! Huh?
She taught you nothing. (she's mad, and it takes a lot to get her to snap according to New spring so leave my girl alone, Mo took the decision alone, said nothing and did teach him nothing also from an objective stand point, she's not necessarily talking about chanelling. She's been over their whole discussion since he pulled a Nynaeve while asking about being tired of being a spoke or whatever )
A single Aes Sedai can handle you like baitfish. ( just an astute and accurate observation made with an iconic fish metaphor)
[SIGHS] (me too)
We would've been so much better off if you were a girl. (i'm sorry not sorry to the men who got butt hurt by this comment but she's right, had it been possible it would have been so much better and it's an objective truth, she basically stated a fact so get over it)
Mo'an talk during Rand and Siuan are talking
Check if she ever wanted to kill herself ( symptoms of stilling basically)
Do not to reveal that there's more than Siuan meeting Rand
[MOIRAINE] I don't know what you think you'll gain from this. [LAN] Hopefully, everything we've lost. [MOIRAINE] Leave. I have nothing to say to you. [LAN] I have a question for you. And I hope someday you'll forgive me for asking it. ( a single question huh ?)
After you were stilled by Ishamael, has there been a time… in all these months when you thought about ending it? [MOIRAINE] killing myself?
I read the Tower records. (keep that in mind,take a mental or physical note.) There have only been two women in history who were cut off who didn't. Most did it within the year. [MOIRAINE] No, I didn't. (Rand & Moiraine getting offended by Lan's perfectly reasonable and logical assumption)
Not for one second.
Because I know that protecting Rand, guiding him, that is the only thing that matters. More than me, more than you. More than anything. [LAN] That's what I thought. (happy Lan)
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[MOIRAINE] And this whole thing you're doing with Siuan, it puts all of it… the Last Battle,the fate of the world… in jeopardy. (Yes, it's true but do I need to remind her "when have ever followed the rules?" or simply that these two never let her not take care of herself? WHY DID SHE EVEN EXPECT THEM TO CARE ABOUT THE WORLD IF SHE WASN'T FINE ? SUCH A DEPRESSED LOVABLE AND ANNOYING PUFFERFISH).
I apologise for my lack of professionalism,
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It will definitely happen again though,you've been warned.
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What isn't she telling me? (was not convinced by Siuan earlier, just hypnotised)
You have to trust someone at some point, Moiraine. You can't do this by yourself. You can't. And if it's not going to be me… then I thought it might at least be her. (deflect)
Siuaraine, Mo'an, Liuan fight (+ red haired misbehaving toddler)
distract Moiraine so that Lan can do his thing
improvised: shield rand and prevent him from leaving, as he's shown that he's ready to be hostile and harm, he's caged and to be kept shielded by Leane who knows nothing but that she has to shield him.
[SIUAN] Let them through. [MOIRAINE] Release him, Siuan. ( Mo, you don't even know what he did) Now. [SIUAN] No. We tried our way, Moiraine. -> true
And we nearly lost everything. -> true
The Tower's laws have stood for , 3000 years.-> infodumb
It's time we obeyed them. -> it was time from the moment they became accepted, it was already time in their hut when Moiraine was asking when did they EVER followed these rules. [LAN ] This is not what we agreed to. (true but he also remembered that bro was leaving alone when he found him and will stay quiet and follow along from now on)
[MOIRAINE] The Reds will gentle him.
[SIUAN] Not while I hold the Seat. -> true, even if she really wanted to follow the rules, she wouldn't let them.
[MOIRAINE] The Tower is filled with your enemies. -> true, she knows
You're this sure of your power? -> true, and siuan stays quiet because she can't Aes sedai her way out of this one
We each had a task, Siuan.
I was to find the Dragon Reborn. You were to get the Tower ready to support him. Or have you forgotten that day? -> something here snapped in her brain people, Moiraine angered her with this one and she loses her temper ( which is, AGAIN, hard to do according to New spring in case I needed to remind you)
Of course I have not forgotten.
But you were supposed to be with him, ready to shield him if he starts to go mad.
Yet here you are, stilled. (still isn't sure and it's what it appears to be so she can say it, and she is pissed)
You can't control him. -> true
You can't guide him. -> true
Can you imagine, Moiraine, if one of the Forsaken got their hands on him? (she gave herself away there, remember in the first meeting when I referenced this ? )
He's no more ready now than he was before you found him. -> true
You left the fate of the world to chance… -> true, she let him leave at the eye when she was not sure of what the fight they just "won" meant + she never told her that he left because she couldn't tell her why she let him leave and there was no other reason than she couldn't protect him anymore from the dark and himself and it was best if he laid low + it meant that telling, and admitting that she'd never touch the source again could be delayed
… for your pride. -> so yes but for those not agreeing with her statement there, we do not care, she just need to believe something to be able to say it. IT DOES NOT MATTER.
Tomorrow, when Queen Galldrian returns, we shall announce him as Dragon here in Cairhien… with Sisters by our side to show he is under our control. -> he's supposed to leave with Moiraine as soon as she's unshielded if they were right, no one knows about Rand but them and those who learned about it this season and it's one of the possible choice they could have made by actually having a conversation about what to do if Moiraine hadn't come in there after Lan told her to trust, ordering Siuan around, wanting to hear nothing else, when she didn't even know why he was shielded (he deserved the time out sincerely.)
Prepare him for what is to come.
I think she was saying this to both of them, and it had a double meaning.
Lan: Still on board, even though things got heated carry on with the plan, just lost my temper. ( would explain why the camera shows him and not Moiraine even though the whole conversation had been only between Siuaraine)
Mo and us: yeah i'm apparently ditching the plan we sacrificed 20 years for, and the one I came up with Lan, last night, without a discussion, just because i'm pissed after I told you her earlier that I was there to support you her. Yes, that is right, this is what is happening.
Since there had been no objection, no attempt at bargaining or anything, just plain old silence. Siuan thought Moiraine had dropped the ball. She let her be, and Moiraine chose to stay with Rand. ( good because she'll still be distracted even though they're mad at each other right now) Had Moiraine been imprisoned too, she wouldn't have been allowed to be in the same cell, and Siuan would have disclosed that she had been stilled to Leane but she did not. Siuan trusted her, still, even though they just had a fight about their kid and knew that she had been Aes sedaying her way out of transparency for months. So,to her everything was mostly going according to plan but then Rand happened and introduced another player to the game that was currently unfolding before our innocent, untrained eyes and unaware minds.
House Lanfear- Al'Thor
Get rid of Moiraine
Get Rand to Falme alone
[RAND] What is happening to me? [MOIRAINE] You've been shielded from the One Power. [RAND] Um… it feels… [MOIRAINE] As if you've lost everything you ever were and everything you could possibly be. Don't worry, it's temporary. She has to channel to keep the shield in place, but when it drops, you'll feel yourself again. [MOIRAINE] Siuan said you were leaving. (off-screen first meeting)
Where were you going? [RAND] Falme. Egwene is there. Ishamael has her. [MOIRAINE] Lanfear showed you this in the dream world? [RAND] I know they want me to go there. But why Falme, of all places? [MOIRAINE] The Dragon is supposed to proclaim himself there. "Bannered 'cross the sky in fire." [RAND] They want everyone to know who I am before they try to kill me. If they need me in Falme, then they certainly don't want me being held prisoner by the Amyrlin Seat.
He happened, and Moiraine broke Siuan's trust there once again by indulging in it.
As Justine Juel Gillmer( S1E06 and S2E07 writer) pointed out and explained : Moiraine feels like she lost Rand to Lanfear, operates without a clear path to follow for the first time and is all alone. She focuses only on Rand, nothing else matters (as i've pointed before myself too, during Mo'an's talk). (in the bonus)
So, she does nothing else than what she felt she could do : She stays by his side and tries to win him back. She says nothing,let him and indulges in his tendency to call on Lanfear (the dark) for help, thinking that she would be able to outsmart her even though she knows that she wouldn't have been able to see their interaction in the world of dreams, she trust Rand to give her all of the information that she'd need to know if something was wrong and Rand ends up asking Lanfear. A fair price to pay to gain some of his trust back: trusting each other and only one another and further harming the trust Lanfear made sure they would build while she was away and unaware. Without realising it, she built trust in one of her relationship, while harming one of hers too.
She breaks the trust that Siuan chose to still have in her, even though she knew that she was not in the right head space right now because of the shield, by actually trying to escape when she had dropped the ball earlier.
Meanwhile, Liandrin is working on fulfilling the mission she has been given by Lanfear in episode 6. […]
[LIANDRIN] I remember her at that age. You have the look of her, you know. [BARTHANES] Why are you here, Aes Sedai? [LIANDRIN] To deliver an order. (from Lanfear) [BARTHY] What does our master ask of me? ( he assumed it was from Ishy or the DO) [LIANDRIN] Remove her from the board. [BARTHY] She is my aunt. [LIANDRIN] Exactly. Even she will be unprepared for this. Do it today. She's being held in a cell in the palace. (Lanfear or you got this one wrong Liandrin, she's in there voluntarily.)Oh. And if your mother suspects anything… take care of her, too.
Meanwhile House Lanfear-Al'Thor,
[LANFEAR] You didn't even make it out of the city. ( she knew already) [RAND] I need your help. I'm in a cell in the Sun Palace. The Amyrlin's holding me. [LANFEAR] I know. [RAND] Can you get me out? [LANFEAR] Hmm. Isn't Moiraine with you? Surely she could do something. [RAND] Maybe she will. Maybe I won't need you. [LANFEAR] Oh, I do like it when you try to manipulate me. [RAND] Can you get me out or not, Lanfear?
On the other side,
House Sanche-Mandragoran
check with Logain to know if they were right about her being shielded, They have to be sure before attempting anything.
Alanna and her warders will be on the look out.
[ALANNA] Through there. What did he say? Does the Daughter of the Night walk in our world? [MAKSIM] Forsaken. Dragon Reborn. I miss the farm, Alanna. I even miss your cousins. [ALANNA] Come now. Did you expect we would fight the Last Battle against an army of kittens?
[LOGAIN] I would offer you a match, but.. stones is a gentleman's game. Tell your master that I'm still waiting for her to keep her promise. Or you can just run me through with your blade now, save her the trouble. [LAN] I can do better than that. You can see male weaves. What do you see when you look at Moiraine? [LOGAIN] A desperate, lonely woman who has given her life to a cause… beyond her understanding. [LAN] A half a year in an asylum, and you're a madman still. [LOGAIN] Madness is expecting a straight answer from the man you helped lock away. There are weaves on her. From a man. Thousands of strands pulled together, held in place, but nothing being channeled into them. [LAN] How is that possible? [LOGAIN] I don't know, it's just like…
House Lanfear-Al'Thor
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Meanwhile House Sanche- Mandragoran,
[ALANNA] There's a fIre. In the Foregate. [LOGAIN] The key. [LAN] You think I've forgotten what you did to Kerene and Stepin? You will get this key when they take you back to the White Tower. There are two Brown Sisters that are desperate to study a man who can channel.
[LAN] Go. (to Moiraine) [LANFEAR] 3000 years pass and I'm back to this.
And another player comes in, unexpectedly,
House Damodred
Save Moiraine
Save the name of House Damodred
Save herself
Get yourself absolutely adored by the Fandom in one action
[BARTHANES] You're sure my aunt's alone? [SERVANT] As you asked, my lord. And a sedative in her tea. She should be asleep already. [BARTHY]] Good. [SERVANT] Would you like me to open it, Your Grace? [ANVAERE] I didn't think you would do it. [BARTHY] Mother. No. No! No! No. [ANVAERE] Why? In Light's name, why? [BARTHANES] I did it for us. I did it for you, Mother. For our family name. Why do you think that we've risen so far so fast, Mother? I am to be king. And you would throw it all away for what? For-for her? Mother, Moiraine doesn't care about you. She trust no one. She cares about no one. She… She will leave this place, and she will not give us a second thought. [ANVAERE] I know. But there are two things my sister understands better than anyone. The difference between right and wrong, and how much harder it is sometimes to do what is right. [BARTHY] Mother. Mother, please. Mother, please. You can't tell the queen. You can't tell anybody. [BADASS, HEROIC ANVAERE] I already have. [CRYING BARTHY] Mother. Mother. Mother! No! Mother! Mother!
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House Lanfear-Al'thor
release Rand while Lanfear's being the perfect diversion
give him the map leading to the Waygate.
[VERIN] The city's burning. The Amyrlin requires your strength to protect Cairhien. [LEANE] I've been told to watch the boy. [VERIN] This is an order, Leane Sedai. (from Liandrin or Lanfear?) I'll take his shield. [LEANE] Don't let her get close to you. (still doesn't know Mo is "stilled") [MOIRAINE] You are very clever with your words, Sister. (did not realise that she couldn't have known she'd need help) [VERIN] The Dragon Reborn. I'd say you've spent long enough in Cairhien, wouldn't you?
There's a Waygate hidden in the city. (how did she know she'd need to plan for this from the morning she arrived in Cairhien ? Lanfear or Liandrin but really just Lanfear has if not herself she'd give the order trough Liandrin) [MOIRAINE] That's just a rumor. [VERIN] With a grain of truth. An Ogier Stedding once stood in the inner city center. Cairhien families built right over it. Here. [VERIN] Where will you take him? [MOIRAINE] Falme. Toman Head. [VERIN] "Above Toman's Head shall he proclaim himself bannered 'cross the sky in fire." ( here's the reason you might be looking for if not for compulsion by Liandrin when she followed her to "go see the keeper") You plan to have him declare himself the Dragon Reborn. The Wheel weaves.
House Sanche-Mandragoran
If we get attacked you'll take her there. This will be our escape route in case we ever need it.
Alanna: Backup
[LAN] Good work. We'll take him from here to the Waygate. ( did not take the map or hear them speak, Verin and Thomas followed as he had the same destination than the one they had planned for Rand) Just make sure that we're not followed. [ALANNA] You're not alone in this any longer, Sister. But you need to hurry. This city is not safe. I hope you're worth this, boy. Light be with you. [LAN] Let's go.
Meanwhile, Siuan isn't worried about the dragon reborn being protected by a single abled Aes Sedai when she knows that it probably is one of the Forsaken, she carries out her duty as Aes Sedai and Amyrlin Seat with the utmost calm. She even seemed bored of it for a second. Then again, in the utmost calm and collected manner, she sees the only Aes Sedai supposed to be shielding the boy and doesn't pannick and order that they rush there and find him, NO, she calmly ask who's shielding her son and it's only when she hears Verin's name that she's not okay anymore, suddenly she needs time to process what she just heard and then leave in a rush.
[SIUAN] Link with me. [LEANE] I'm here, Mother. [SIUAN] Who's shielding the boy? [LEANE] Verin Sedai. You… you sent her. [SIUAN] Lead your Sisters and heal the injured. That boy must not leave the city. -> something is wrong I have enemies I did not expect and doubts to clear he mustn't leave before they are cleared. [EXHALES]
All the while, Lan is still oblivious that something is wrong and is just following the plan.
[LAN] It should be somewhere. There. (did not use the map) [MOIRAINE] You'll have to channel into it. Split it open with sheer force if you have to. [LAN] No, he won't. You're going to open it. [MOIRAINE] Just do it. [LAN] Look at Moiraine. With the Source. [MOIRAINE] Lan. [LAN] Not just your eyes. What do you see? [MOIRAINE] Don't. [RAND] It looks like a knot tied together. [MOIRAINE] That's im… It's impossible. (see, this woman really wouldn't allow herself to even think about it, Rand tells her he see them, yet she won't believe it)
[LAN INFODUMPING BECAUSE MOIRAINE IS STILL BEING STUBBORN ABOUT HER "STILLING"] There's a story from the Age of Legends about the Foresaken's powers… a skill that's been lost for thousands of years… to tie off weaves and leave them in place. It never made sense to me, Moiraine. (reminder that it is proof he went to Siuan with doubts about this) What you're feeling? Ishamael didn't still you. Not even a Forsaken could do that alone. It is a shield that he's tied off, which means…
[MOIRAINE] It can be removed. (finally) [LAN] Yes. [RAND] What do I need to do? [LAN] You don't have the skill to untie this knot. You'll have to cut it. [MOIRAINE] I trust you. [LAN] Go on. Cut through it. [MOIRAINE] I feel it. I feel it. Thank you. Thank you. [LAN] I am sorry it took me so long to do my duty.( it took you 4 day and nights but go off king)
House Sanche-Madragoran + House Lanfear-Al'Thor
Siuan arrives, shields Rand as he was super dense and leave Lan alone.
[LAN] Stop! No!
Siuan yeets Lan to the side, she does not have the time to explains and maybe he lied to her too.
[SIUAN] Close the Waygate, Moiraine. Now. -> she needs a proof You lied to me about being stilled. -> the aes sedai way obvi
[MOIRAINE not suprised to see her as she knew they were hiding something from her, and she must have her coming with her Siuan tingle.] No. I cannot. -> ok cool you didn't but you know she doesn't literally mean lie -.- I've been more truthful with you than anyone else. -> this just means that she told her the truth more than to anyone else, not that she told her all of it. Moiraine speaking in codes is tiring sometimes.
[SIUAN reminds her, in an attempt to convice Moiraine to close the Waygate herself. ]
We failed, Moiraine. -> They did fail together At the Eye of the World, you failed. -> She did fail at the eye. The stakes are too high to fail again. -> stating facts
Close the Waygate. -> she asked
[MOIRAINE being the bratty bottom that she is] also where was she going ? SO dramatic i swear, she turns around and start walking to the Waygate as if Siuan was just going to unshield Rand and let her leave because she said no) No. [SIUAN] I don't want to force you.-> but I need and have to know.
You swore to obey me on the Oath Rod. An unbreakable oath, bound by the One Power. -> Moiraine knows , she knows she voices it because she doesn't want to have to use it, feels cornered and is trying to convince and brace herself for whatever will come of it if Moiraine ends up forcing her to use it. A real betrayal or she just violated her wife because of this damned Mission. Both, horrific for her.
Siuan… -> surely Moiraine understood after hearing this what was really going on for Siuan. She doesn't know if she can trust her anymore. For Siuan, surely Moiraine understood why she insisted so much and was ready to do what she never even though about as a possibility or as something that was anything but just wrong ( throwback to Lan's bond in the first suiaraine meeting)
Close it. -> this one feels like she's desperate at this point for her to close it there, not the same intonation at all, she's bracing herself for what is coming. No more feelings, no more asking, no more plea, no more bargaining, she has too know before it's too late, she orders. Even though, that's the intent she puts behind the intonation we can still see it on her face, hear it in her voice, see it in her eyes and in the way she moves.
[SOFTLY] Siuan… -> this one must have felt like a ruse, the same way Moiraine first rejected Siuan's touch because she knew what would happen. The facade would break into pieces and she'd give in. Here, Moiraine softly calling her name, almost like she's begging, after she's been warned, after her herself showed how much she just needed her to at least close it did not feel like something she could allow herself to hear so she cuts her off and the rest is history.
Moiraine Damodred… [MOIRAINE] No, if you have ever loved me, don't do this. [SIUAN] … I command you… … to close the Waygate.
House Lanfer-Al'Thor
[MOIRAINE surprised to even see Lanfear as she thought she escaped having to deal with her, when Verin freed her. I believe that she pieces things together here, not all of it but just enough to understand what she couldn't believe happened to her from Siuan, the last person she'd think would ever do this to her just the moment before she arrived, they did not talk but she understood]
[MOIRAINE] She's too strong, Siuan. Don't. No. [LANFEAR] I told you the next time I saw you two together, I'd kll her. [RAND] You're not going to touch her. Not if you want my help.
[LANFEAR] Every day you grow more like Lews.
Lucky for you, a broken Amyrlin is more useful to me than a dead one.
[SIUAN] Moiraine, please. (go)
[LAN] Moiraine, please. (come)
Highly recommend you watch this scene in particular
All along Daes Dae'Mar was being played, and we failed to realise that in the current game of the houses we were witnessing, there were 4 houses.
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House Lanfear-Al'thor
House Damodred
Anvaere Damodred (unknowingly)
Alanna, Ihvon & Maksim
House Sanche-Mandragoran
Moiraine Damodred (unknowingly)
Alanna, Ihvon & Maksim
House of The Dragon
Goals: different for each person but utltimately related the Dragon.
Rand Al'thor : leave Cairhien, to go to Falme to free Egwene
Moiraine Damodred : Help Rand, avoid Lanfear.
Siuan Sanche : Help Moiraine, Protect her and Rand from the Forsaken
Al'Lan Mandragoran : Help Moiraine, Protect her from the Forsaken and secondarily Rand.
Alanna Mosvani : Help the dragon reborn/ Moiraine
Ihvon : Help Alanna, the dragon reborn/Moiraine
Maksim : Help Alanna, the dragon reborn/Moiraine
Verin Mathwin : Help fulfill the prophecy
Tomas: Help and assist Verin
The Daugther of the night, Lanfear : Seperate Moiraine and Rand, Kill her, Get Rand to Falme
Liandrin Guirale : Kill Moiraine, Help Lanfear
Barthanes Damodred (unkowingly) : Help his house regain it's lost glory
4 houses playing against each other and for each other at the same time. What went wrong ? Everything. Who won ? No one. What was left of what was before ? Nothing.
I wanted to be a little dramatic. On a more serious note, they all lost and won something, except for Barthanes.So that is all.
To sum it all up, everything that went down with Siuan and Moiraine was genuine and real, Lan and her had a plan all along, everything was going fine until the other players of this game of houses started to place their pawns on the board to try and win the game. In the end, as they were all playing for each other and against each other at the same time no one really won.
On the first board,
Moiraine regained her powers, but still has to deal with Lanfear, Siuan is hurt and in a precarious position for both herself and their mission because she did not listen to Lan and trusted her.
Lan regained Moiraine's trust but Lanfear is still a threat and Siuan.
Rand is still manipulated and a pawn in someone else's game, no matter how much he thought he wasn't anymore because of Lanfear.
Siuan is heart broken that she had to do this to Moiraine, even though her plan still worked and Moiraine regained her powers which is a win but then again did she really win, when she's lying on the floor, hurt and surrounded by enemies, even in the tower, where she was supposed to be at her safest and strongest ?
Lanfear gets Rand but Moiraine isn't dead and she even have to deal with Lan now, as she said in E08, they're dead weight.
On the second board,
Liandrin being Black Ajah is known because of Elayne, Eggy and Nynaeve but now, even Anvaere.
Verin is black ajah and known ( or least suspected to be) because of Siuan (thanks to Leane), because she knows Verin couldn't have known about her plan to help Moiraine or known that she'd ever need to escape. Tomas goes with Verin.
Alanna and Maksim seems to have lost Ihvon.
Thank you for reading, answering the poll, carefully listening and watching. Leave a comment and tell me what you think about this theory-analysis of episode 7. I'd love to hear your opinions, answer your questions etc…
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Well, it is finally over.
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Here..."Daes dae'Mar theory-analysis : What has been proved so far ?"
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chcrryade · 3 months
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CHERRYADE: TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE? It all sounds a little too perfect. Or maybe that’s just me. Song Kyumin. Jul 1, 2021.
JAGUAR have emerged from their year-and-two-months period of almost complete radio silence with news that has shocked many��or perhaps a little less than many, because you can’t really expect to rise from the dead and still have millions of fans at your beck and call, ready to lap up any scraps you throw them. A new boy group is on the way, and their name is CHERRYADE. Something too sweet to drink all in one go, but too carbonated to sit on the tongue comfortably after just one sip. It seems rather on-brand for a company that has so far fed us one group that hated their failed-actor-turned-idol newbie’s guts, one soloist who kicked the chair after one (1) album that tanked, and a duo who I’m still not sure were hate-fucking or making attempts on the other’s life every time the camera turned.
This time, though, they’re not unveiling their (sure-to-be devastatingly attractive) members one-by-one from wherever they’ve been hiding them, as per the last three attempts. Neither are they shoving their not-yet-debuted faces in our faces with too many social media accounts or mind-numbingly boring introduction videos. Instead, JAGUAR have made the decision to protect the idol-environment and reuse our past favourites, taking them from one unknown group to another. Aren’t we lucky.
This isn’t a new (or even particularly exciting) concept. You may recognise the formula from STRMRUNNER Media, who chose trainees from only the top companies to shove together in a now-superstar group named SO(U)L. JAGUAR CEO Ae Seungdae must have witnessed the success the seven have seen and decided he wanted a piece of the pie. They even share the same amount of members. But I doubt they’ll be greeting each other at any music shows or posting cutesy selcas on Twitter, because some of the boys selected for this ‘supergroup’ of sorts aren’t known to be the nicest.
First, JAGUAR reached out to FNC and asked if they would miss SLOW MOTION’s once-leader Kil Doyeon terribly. The answer must’ve been no, as he’s rumoured to be the appointed leader of CHERRYADE also. Next on the list was METRONOME Media’s Duan Jieyang (who was more commonly known as DJ, although it’s been said he’s long abandoned that alias) and Jeon Haeil from their group ALGORHYTHM, disbanded in 2019, who had been in hot water previously for alleged fights breaking out between leader Daehoon and youngest Levi—who, funnily enough, left the group and ended up in SLOW MOTION not long after.
The higher-ups didn’t have to look too hard for the next couple of members, as they were right there in their pockets anyway. Qiao Yijun and Ahn Jaehee (our aforementioned failed actor) from BONSOIR were next on the roster, and the general consensus on that was that it was certainly an.. interesting choice to make. They were the two that seemed to despise each other the most, after all. 
Next is one that may surprise some. Hwan Minhui (or GOGO, as many know and love him as) was recruited from SM’s much adored sub-unit NCT DREAM. Reactions were mixed, but the largest question of all was why. Alas, it doesn’t seem like JAGUAR is going to be holding a press conference anytime soon to answer that burning inquiry. Or releasing any sort of statement, either. There’s far too much on their plates for that—what with trying to get all these complete strangers to act civil with each other, and all.
The last member of CHERRYADE is the only new face that we’re receiving. Not much is known about him except his name, Lee Hasun, and that he’s the youngest of the lot. Let’s hope he doesn’t receive the same treatment as Jaehee did, because otherwise this ‘supergroup’ might last even less time than all of JAGUAR’s other ventures combined. And we wouldn’t want that, of course. Or would we? (Don’t answer that).
Whatever the public may think of them, the one thing that is certain is that JAGUAR won’t care. Their age old motto of ‘any press is good press’ has lasted them too long for them to be doing anything like reassessing their values or realigning their morals. Hell, some have even been saying that accused (or rather, known—it’s something of an open secret at this point) nepo baby BONSOIR manager Hong Jaeyoung has found his new place as CHERRYADE’s handler, so from that alone it doesn’t sound like they’re going to be off to a spectacularly great start public-opinion wise.
The group are making their debut on August 1st, 2021—a mere month from now. What they’re releasing is still a mystery (a single? An EP? A mini-album? I’m as clueless as you are), but what we do know is that it’s going to be called DOUBLE DIP. I can vaguely glean the concept they’re going for from the name alone. Teeth-rotting, sugary goodness. The type of stuff that makes your mouth feel heady and vision swim. Or your ears bleed, depending on your opinion on the type of music that JAGUAR has put out thus far. Their styling seems to be heading in the same direction, as the explosion of colour that makes up their seconds-long teaser video is reminiscent of a handful of candy scooped up into the hands of an eager child.
CHERRYADE marks JAGUAR’s fourth attempt at an idol presence. Most of the hard work has been done for them, what with them lifting most of the members from other groups, but that in no way means they won’t meet the same failed fate as all of their predecessors. I feel that most deciding to follow the group will be doing so more out of morbid curiosity rather than genuine excitement for the content they’ll produce, and music they’ll put out. Right now they seem more like a ticking time bomb set to explode in an array of violently bright colours and burnt sugar than a group of boys that’ll be loved by the masses.
But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe CHERRYADE will be the success JAGUAR has so sorely been wanting, and for more reasons than how many times they’ve been caught smoking, or leaving shady love hotels in the earliest hours of the morning. Maybe the seven will actually grow to like each other, and they’ll replace the previous reputation they held—of catty and spiteful boys who were there for the money and to make the lives of people they didn’t like as unpleasant as possible—with one that paints them as genuine, likeable people. We’ll just have to wait and see.
DOUBLE DIP. Whatever it turns out to be, it’s dropping August 1st, at 2PM KST. Do make sure to tune in, if you want to see what all the fuss is about.
Or don’t. I suppose I wouldn’t blame you.
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leiawritesstories · 1 year
Okay I saw “First time getting drunk” on one of the prompt lists and now I’m imagining aelin or rowan maybe having their 21st, having waited all that time without having alcohol and maybe the other one’s teasing them for being such a goody-two-shoes, and then they get drunk together and it’s either hilarious or there’s a love confession or literally anything at all, this is just where my brain headed but you can go anywhere you want to with this prompt, your ideas are always amazing
(And congrats again❤️)
HI ABBY THANK YOU SO SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️this made me CACKLE and i hope it makes you laugh too ;)
Word count: ~1.4k
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, drunken antics, *someone* is a lightweight
The Staghorns Bar was packed by the time Aelin and Rowan walked through the old wooden doors, instantly bombarded with the barrage of blaring music, tattooed skin, and beer stench that was so familiar to Staghorns's regulars.
"Welcome to your new favorite place!" Aelin called into Rowan's ear, raising her voice over the thumping music.
He rolled his eyes and pulled her closer against him. "I already want to leave."
She laughed, pinched her best friend's cheek. "Where's the fun in that, birthday boy? You don't even have to pay for your drinks tonight."
"Fine, I'll stay," he relented, grinning at her. "If only for the free drinks."
"You've never known the pain of paying for your booze," she reminded him, snickering. Rowan's refusal to touch alcohol until he was 21 had been a longstanding joke among their friend group.
"And whose bank account has that benefitted, hmm?" He raised his split brow.
"Okay, you can stop now." She poked him in the ribs. "I got the full college experience, booze and all, and I'm still in one piece, despite your hovering, Mom." She delivered that last word with heavy sarcasm. She might be eight months older than her best friend, but he hovered like an overprotective mother hen.
He snorted. "You keep calling me that, Ae, but we all--urk!" His snarky comment was cut off by a trademark Fenrys Moonbeam Hug Attack, which he allowed for exactly two seconds before shoving the blonde off of him.
Ever enthusiastic, Fen turned his sights onto Aelin, hoisting her off her feet in a bear hug. "You brought the birthday boy!" he exclaimed.
She laughed. "It took some bribery, but yeah, he's here."
"And he's gonna get druuuuuunk!" Fen cheered in a sing-song tone of of voice that had Rowan rethinking his decisions.
"Uh-uh, nope, I know that face." Aelin linked her arm through Rowan's and tugged him towards the booth where their friends were waiting. "No running away now, birthday boy."
"I'm not getting drunk," Rowan griped.
She snorted under her breath. "Since when have you ever listened to Fen's wildness? You'll have a beer, maybe taste some liquor, take a shot and cough on it like all the new drinkers do, and go home finally knowing what alcohol tastes like."
"And I should be excited for that?" he asked, deadpan.
She smacked his broad shoulder, which did more damage to her hand than his rock-solid muscles. Damn athletes. "You'll at least be able to tell your big bad hockey boys that you've graduated from the kiddie table." They reached the booth, where far too many people were crammed into a space meant for eight people, maximum. "He's here!"
"Happy birthday!" cheers sounded from their friends, and Rowan found himself deluged by more hugs and handshakes and back slapping.
"Never thought I'd see your pansy ass in a bar," Lorcan smirked, clapping him on the back.
"Fuck off." Rowan clapped Lorcan's back harder. The two of them had been teammates since they were in middle school, and Lorcan had been trying--unsuccessfully--to get Rowan to come to hockey team parties for years.
The taller man smirked wickedly and turned around, holding out his hand. "El, baby, pass me a cup?" A plastic cup full of beer appeared in Lorcan's hand. courtesy of his girlfriend, Elide. "Here you go, Birthday Boy." He picked up how own drink and tapped it to Rowan's. "Cheers, bitch!"
Rowan caught scent of the beer and immediately wrinkled his nose. "Smells fucking awful."
Appearing at his side, Aelin laughed. "We're college students, Ro, we only buy piss-cheap beer." She raised her own glass to him and pressed her lips to his ear. "Drink up, and I just might buy you something better."
"God damn, you're a terrible influence," he muttered, teasingly. "Cheers to me, then!" Saluting the booth, he tipped the cup back and took a long drink.
And gagged. "Fucking hell!"
Aelin chugged her whole cup in one go and laughed. "Not a fan?"
"No!" He switched cups with her. "Where's my real drink?"
"Aww, look at our little boy, all grown up and wanting liquor the second he tastes his first alcohol," Lorcan crooned, dropping his arms around Aedion and Rowan's shoulders.
Rowan shook him off. "Jackass."
Aedion slid a shot glass full of clear liquid across the tabletop. "All yours, birthday boy!" His grin was just as maniacal as Aelin's when she was up to no good.
Aelin shot her cousin a sharp look. "Aedy, is that--"
"Let him drink it and we'll find out," Aedion interrupted before she could finish, making a dramatic shut up! gesture.
She rolled her eyes. "You're a terrible influence." Swiping the other shot from Aedion, she took a quick sniff--yep, tequila. "Okay Ro, ready?" He nodded and picked up his shot. "Happy birthday, bestie!" She clinked her shot with his and, in unison, they tapped their glasses on the table and threw back the shots.
Rowan coughed and wheezed as the tequila burned down his throat, his face flushing red. "What the fuck?"
The booth burst into raucous laughter as he dropped his shot glass, reached for the glass of water sitting in front of Elide, and gulped it down desperately.
Only to find that what looked like water was in fact vodka.
"Look at our little alcoholic go!" Elide cheered, taking her drink away from Rowan as he coughed and spluttered some more.
"Wuh-water," he managed to wheeze. Aelin passed him her water bottle, and he took a tentative sip to confirm it was actually water before guzzling three-fourths of the bottle in one go. It helped, but didn't do anything to clear the glassy sheen his eyes had already taken on after half a cheap beer, one shot of tequila, and a generous helping of Elide's vodka.
"Better?" Aelin took back her water bottle. "Ro? Is that better?"
He turned to face her, blinking at the way her outline was...fuzzy? He shook his head. That couldn't be right. "Huh?"
A wide, wicked grin slipped across her face. "Rowan Whitethorn, are you drunk already?"
"No, I'm not!" he protested. It came out more like "no-uhmmm-not."
She snickered. "Should've known you'd be a lightweight after all your years refusing to drink." Standing, she draped his arm around her shoulders and waved to the table. "I'll make sure the birthday boy doesn't pass out before he gets home."
Rowan swayed on his feet but let her lead him out of the bar and across the parking lot until they'd reached his beat-up old pickup. He went to step up into the passenger seat, missed the running board, and flopped forward, catching his upper body on the seat.
Aelin sighed and rubbed his back comfortingly. "C'mon, you big drunk oaf, you have to get into the truck. I can't lift you."
"I'n lif' you," he slurred, grinning a big silly grin.
"I--wha--Ro!" She gasped as he turned around and lifted her easily, setting her down in the passenger seat. "Um, you've got it backwards, Rowan. You're way too drunk to drive. Hell, you might be too drunk to think properly' I can't let you drive."
"Am not!" He stuck out his lower lip. It was adorable. "'M'thinkin' jus' fine, an' I think I love you."
Aelin froze.
Rowan blinked at her, his hazy eyes wide with concern. "Ae?"
"You...you love me?"
A soft pink blush crept up his cheeks. "Yeah."
Her lips curved into a tiny, hesitant smile. "And you had to get drunk to admit it?" He opened and closed his mouth a few times, at a loss for words. She laughed softly and caught his chin in her hands, her bringing his face close to hers. "I'm just teasing, Ro." Gently, she pressed her lips to his, tasting the lingering alcohol.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her harder, breaking away after a long, sweet moment. His bright grin settled into a dark, cold corner of Aelin's heart and warmed it right through. "Stay wi'me?" he asked, his words still slurred together.
Beaming, she hopped down from the truck, boosted him into the passenger seat, went around to climb into the driver's seat, and started up the engine. "Of course."
Despite falling asleep within the first two minutes, he held her hand the whole drive back to campus.
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monstrous-fusion · 7 months
MF Masterpost
🫶🏽 Hullo! We're the Bat Collective (🦇) the creator of Monstrous Fusion! We want to clarify that this is a Links Meet AU independent of Linked Universe or any other popular Links Meet AU. Our main account is @nebulapaws
Our Ask Box is; Open!
I ask that people be kind and respectful when answering questions. We are not a machine, we have a life outside this AU. You are completely allowed to draw fanart or write fanfics and don't be nervous to ping the account to show us! We love seeing what people have to create. We can't stop anyone from writing/drawing NSFW, we just ask that that not be shown to us. (This one is also common sense, but please do not write that about the children in this AU.) Thank you.
Detailed Synopsis;
Ancient forces have returned to the living world in the shadows of the divine. It struck before the goddesses can react and captured the goddess of courage, intending to spread their plague to the other three. Before she was fully imprisoned, she sent a warning to the goddess of Time; no one hero was enough, they needed as many hands on deck as possible.
Thus, the goddess of Time reached throughout the ages and pulled the heroes of old into one final adventure. They must battle the shadows of their past, present and future. One stumble, one falter or one wrong step, can lead to the end of the timeline and the creation of a new eternal age of darkness and despair.
Meet the Links (below the cut)
Artisan | ALBW/TFH (they/them) - A boisterous and adventurous young fellow. To the outside perspective, they can seem rather loud and oblivious--and they wouldn't deny it, either! What runs deeper, however, is a young person who has lost the deepest love, hoping desperately they can pick up the pieces left behind.
Engie | Spirit Tracks (he/they) - The Engineer is a smart young fellow. He's quite the boy scout--smart, kind and...a little too trusting for his own good--but he's terrible at fighting. He's shy, and not very people smart, but stubborn. In spite of his rather...poor sword skills, they've never heard the term "give up".
Eras | Hyrule Warriors (he/they) - In his prime time, he was the head of the Royal Guard, the most loyal soldier and best strategies. Now a retired war vet, Eras struggles in the shadows of the war. He's quiet, calculated but loyal to a deadly fault. He would do anything it takes, if that meant he could protect his family and kingdom.
Faye | OoT / MM (any/all) - A former hero that'd been turned into a monster upon getting lost in the Lost Woods. He's mistrusting of people, quiet and sneaky. If you aren't close with her, you'd think she's standoffish and unapproachable. Underneath that calloused exterior is a soft spoken child who wants to be loved. They just. Don't think anyone would love them enough to try.
Feathers | Skyward Sword (he/ae) - Determination is aer middle name. Feathers is confident, snarky and slightly egotistical. Ae had a taste of divine ichor and they're not afraid to drink from the devil's chalice again. Feathers is exceptionally skilled for a young man at his age. POTS has never stopped him, even if its gotten significantly worse since the beginning of this adventure...
Minish | Minish Cap / Four Swords (they/them) - Minish has never been one for talking. They're reserved and self contained but quite bright. As a system, they've never felt like they've had a place to slot into. Turmoil from their past still lingers as an echo in the back of their mind, and with the freshness of their adventure, even at the young age of 12 they have a lot to think about.
Mirror | alltp / Oox / LA(he/they/ze) - Mirror has had zer fair share of adventures--honestly, he was pretty sure he's seen everything. Once a glowing and legendary adventurer and mage, Mirror is quite happy to retire and settle down with Ralph. In their old age, they are snarky and imbittered. Though the hero's courage still rests deep in his soul, an inexplicable cowardice has taken hold--or perhaps it never left?
Tune | WW/PH (he/him) - Tune is a carefree sailor hailing from Outset Island. He's very intune with the winds, seas and the culture of his home. As such, he is carefree, reckless and a bit of a goofball, and that can often come off a bit childish if you don't know him personally. For someone his age, he's skilled with the sword and oddly nonchalant about the risk of hurting someone.
Rancher | Twilight Princess (he/she) - Though he is but a simple farmhand from Ordon, Rancher is exceptionally brave, often going out of his way to help those in need. Possessing a heart of gold and dogged loyalty to his greatest good, Rancher is the ideal hero. The only thing marring her perfect image is a shadowy form and a regret that boiled his blood.
Wild | Botw/Totk (he/him) - The traveler is a curious fellow. He's quiet, reserved and holds himself with an air of mystery that befuddles and intimidates those around him. He wears his life on his face and scars, yet no one knows much about him. Inside he fears the lack of control in his life. Though the shrine has cleansed him of his self imposed silent burden, he lapses occasionally into that silence. Under all that, he is quite the adventurous young fellow and enjoys a good challenge.
Zonau | 10k hero (he/it) - Zonau is a mysterious fellow. He is quiet, reclusive, and tired. Many years have passed since he had given up on adventuring. To say he is disgruntled to be on another adventure is...quite an understatement, really. In spite of that, he is not a barer of the hero's spirit for nothing. He adventures with a wild spirit, even if its been dulled over the years.
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telomeke · 6 months
This video has Joong Archen Aydin explaining the difference between GMMTV's artist managers and account executives:
The video goes on to speculate about some managers in particular, so I'm not going to transcribe all of it. But there's some interesting info in there about the commercial workings behind the scenes in the lives of GMMTV artists. So here are transcripts of of those portions:
In Joong's recent twitter space, he talked about a concerning artist-manager issue that has been circulating in the social media for a long time now. He cleared some rumors and misconceptions. Joong: "I've seen someone telling P'Jack (his manager) why he doesn't give me a job. Actually looking for artists jobs is not a manager's duty. A manager's duty is just to organize the jobs that already given to the artists. I just wanna deliver this. The person that is in charge in looking for artist's jobs is AE (account executive) management. That's it. So if there's something, please don't blame Dad Jack, na krub. Dad Jack is already tired. I don't want Dad get scolded." Account Executives (AE) in that context are like salesperson that have duty to search and maintain relationship with the clients or the brands that the artists will be working/promoting. If brands want to work with an artist, they will contact the manager and the manager will check the queue and contract with other products to avoid promoting similar products. That's why we can see manager's contact number on artist's profile. It could also be the AE who will approach the customers or brands first to let their artists work/promote their products. It's like they're proposing a work or projects for their artists. Brand/client can contact the manager for job offers and managers help to arrange artist jobs and prevent conflicts (especially if they have lot of works). It's on the artist's decision to take the job or not. Or there's a possibility that a manager will reject it too. And since it's a business, there's a huge advantage to those rising and famous artists. They have higher chances of getting accepted for work/endorsement. And artists just have to wait for any job opportunities and offers. We know that it's also difficult for one manager to handle all their artists. Some managers have more than 5 or 10 artists. I just also hope that GMMTV will hire more managers. It's more difficult when many artists have different work at the same time. But some might bash P'Jack, without knowing that he's actually one of the best managers. He takes care of his artists like his sons. Artists even call him "dad".
If you found this interesting, you can leave a like for the OP and/or subscribe to their channel on YouTube, linked here.
P.S. Unless I'm mistaken Jack is also a member of the Soon Vijarn group together with Aof Noppharnach and Jojo Tichakorn among other Thai BL luminaries, famous for their insider reactions to Thai BL on YouTube.
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sideblogforquery-argh · 3 months
People are not using pronouns, using wrong words, but I don’t remind anyone verbally. TW: Su1cide, s3lf h4rm, anorex1a mentions.
TLDR at bottom, I appreciate if anyone reads this or has any advice. Other key points in bold.
I’m sorry this is so long, and I promise this is about nonbinary stuff, but there are Complications, if you will:
1. Autistic doormat. (Professionally diagnosed)
2. Anxious and hates confrontation of any kind.
3. Chronic pain that stops me from going places and doing things.
4. Long history of depression, anxiety, s3lf h4rm, su1cide attempts.
5. Speak in a high pitched voice (not natural, forced again by anxiety of being viewed as competent and mature and not having my limitations taken seriously)
6. Have feminine mannerisms.
7. Have a very slight build and feminine features.
8. I have not had IRL friends for ten years, or online friends for about six.
9. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
10. Underweight, low key restrictive eating disorder (I will gladly maintain current weight, but comment on my body, eating habits or try to feed me more and the anorex1a says Hello. Also maintaining low weight to avoid “filling out” as much as possible in breast area.)
I’m 25 and nonbinary. I’ve known I was nonbinary since 2014/2015. I had come out verbally to my mom many years ago, maybe around 2017. Came out to brother via a written sign on my door and then a short verbal confirmation in late spring last year. At my high school graduation last year (age 24) I had my write up read aloud by the principal include “I look forward to being my authentic enby self” and I wore a pronoun pin and necklace. My grandparents were also at the ceremony. I reactivated my Facebook account and posted an artistic image and write up explaining my pronouns, name, etc. I have a variety of pride and pronoun items, pins on my backpack, a They/Them pronoun necklace, a keychain. I usually have some sort of sign declaring my pronouns and sometimes my name on my door. I even attended my local Pride parade and festival last August with my mom. Also since coming out I have explored neopronouns and I like to use Ae/Aer for myself.
Now, as mentioned at the very top, I am a doormat. I hate being bother, I have had huge mental and physical health challenges. I always want to help, to do things, I’ve been trapped at home with no pain free or easy way to go into town. I’ve been alone for a very long time, not attending school, and then trying to do it by myself online. I am also AFAB and I generally don’t present in a “gender non-conforming” matter. (Put in quotes because I am not a girl) Just the other night, there was a talking head on the news who’s name was Tiana* and my mom gleefully exclaimed “her name is Tiana*, she has the same name as you! You almost never hear anyone with the name Tiana*!”
ANYWAYS, to the point, I can never manage to bring myself to verbally remind anyone to use my pronouns. I can’t discuss my dysphoria with anyone, including my counsellor, which has really increased in the last few months. My counsellor had to be told what gender dysphoria is, and he’s trying but I don’t feel comfortable talking to him about it. My PMDD is also not only making my mental health in general really mad, but increasing my gender dysphoria. I have tried birth control for this, and it resulted in a suicide attempt.
I came out a year ago now to the wider family network / world, but it feels like everyone has completely ignored that fact. I came out of the closet, but a new, iron maiden style one has been built around me by anyone and everyone who perceives “me.”
I put “me” is quotation marks because it’s not actually me that anyone is seeing or talking to, it’s the mirage of a past person. I just feel so weak and pathetic, I don’t speak up for myself, I just let it happen. I don’t exist, not according to how I am referred to my people the vast majority of the time. They/them does get used at home frequently, but more often it’s my birth name. I’ve gone through waves of uncomfortable indifference to just feeling really shitty, having an abuse of use of that name, where now I am starting to not feel neutral but dislike it. It’s always, “Tiana* this”, and “it’s in Tiana’s* room,” “I think Tiana* has it, don’t you?”
I just feel hopeless. I don’t see myself ever being able to exist as actually myself. If I can’t remind my family in my safe home to use my pronouns; or that I want to use a different name, OR that (body pain permitting) I’d probably like to have my breasts and nipples removed; how am I supposed to reminded anyone else? The massage therapist, the doctor, the other pain specialist, the orthopaedic surgeon, the counsellor, the psychiatrist, the osteopath, anyone and everyone who I’ve ever met before who just, “she/her’s” and “Tiana*’s” me.
*Tiana is not actually my name, it is used for example purposes only.
TLDR: I have a variety of visual objects and signs that describe my pronouns and nonbinary-ness, but I have almost never reminded anyone verbally to use my pronouns and that I am not a girl. The most I can do is squeak out “they” quietly. How can I actually be brave and speak up for myself for once?
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bengiyo · 1 year
Step by Step Ep 12 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week on HR violations, Jeng faced the weight of the homophobia on the board of the company and apologized for inconveniencing them with his queerness. He convinced Pat to stick around and commit to the proposed test of their project and joined the new bubble at work of all of the people who know about them and support them. Though they were required to complete this ad campaign with no money, they used Ying’s skills as a fic writer and Pat’s former relationship with Put to pull off the campaign. Put was also forced to essentially closet himself and play up his fake relationship with his costar. Jaab and Jen are a hot mess, because now Jen is all the way in Japan. Unfortunately, Jeng blew it and used his own money for ads, undercutting Pat’s success. Pat, understandably furious, has broken up with Jeng and left Jian Group. Jeng fell right into his dad’s trap.
Two years later? The girlies are going to riot.
Okay, I love that they formed their own team, and also that the Wi-Fi password is so easily compromised.
So Pat, Ae, and Chot run a successful ad company together, and are about to compete with Jian Group for the Fjord contract. I am excited.
New Intro song in the finale??
I’m with Chot. I don’t care about all this other gay drama. I wanna qiqi with my former work besties if we are at an event together.
I love Chot and Nan so much it makes me feel silly. Chot has to rush off because he knows Pat and Jeng are gonna mess each other up again.
I know meeting Jeng is a stressful situation, but Pat didn’t wash his hands!!!
I get Pat’s stress. The entire problem with Jeng was about Jeng flirting through work. I’m totally with Pat on not accepting overtures that are tied to work.
Damn, Jaab ain’t have to cut his brother like that, comparing his behavior with Pat to their dad’s with Jeng.
I’m enjoying the cross-cutting on the different pitches.
Oh shit, Pat is bitter bitter.
Okay, I’m with Tae. He extended the correct professional courtesy by offering the karaoke night ad campaign to Pat’s company. It’s not his fault that Pat always suspects Jeng of trying to manipulate them into contact.
My man is eating sad noodles and chicken!!!
Chot realized things were bad enough that he called in Pat’s dad.
Ying is now a successful BL writer. OMG.
I feel so bad for Pat. He’s right that Jeng’s presence brings into question any accomplishments he had. Sure they got the Forge account, but Pat can’t be sure that Jeng wasn’t involved somehow. It’s really sad that Jeng perverts acts of service as a love language.
I am still with Tae. My dude said he is tired of these two sucking all the life out of the room. They need to grill this beef and eat it.
My current sexuality is Pat in these blue jeans and this oversized black shirt with a slutty amount of chest showing.
I love when people write and delete messages in modern dramas. That’s so real.
I just know Up suggested he dance.
GOOD NEWS! Chot and his man are still together!
Shrimp nuggets?? I’m gonna McFuckinLoseIt.
Up Poompat is so goddamn pretty. Holy shit.
Sometimes the only person who can really kick you out of your romantic shit is your ex.
Karaoke emotional processing? Bracing.
I’m feeling a bit mixed on the kitchen reconciliation. I don’t think Pat should apologize about being irrational, but I can accept that ghosting Jeng may have felt like too much. Overall, I’m okay with them recognizing that they’re still stuck on each other and want to sort that out. Im okay with them taking it slowly.
I respect the dad for leaving to give them space to work this out.
Jeng traveled with that porridge. How is it so hot? Or did they just throw it in a microwave?
Oh, roleplaying a new first meeting is kind of cute.
He wore all blue to quit his job. I’m so glad this man finally quit his job.
I want some green curry now, too.
Very excited to meet Jeng’s mom. She has two queer sons. She has stories.
So if Pat started this show at 25, turned 26, broke up with Jeng, and now it’s been two years, Pat should be 29, right?
I am with Pat. It hurts to be called your partner’s friend, especially when they know.
So they really had Jeng cover his lips in white icing and then kiss Pat.
Okay so the rest of that was wind down.
Final Verdict: 7.5, Recommend for Fans of Queer Cinema. Despite how much I enjoy the characters and the performances, none of the elements of this show fully connect for me into something greater than the sum of their parts, and I feel like we had to work far too hard to understand the intent of much of it. In many ways it has the opposite problem of A Boss and a Babe, which cared more about character moments than big thematic ideas. This show cares a lot about its ideas about queer people in the workplace, but struggled to use its queer characters to elegantly express them.
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ill-s1on · 1 year
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⸻⸻ ❝  basics.  ❞
birth name : seo jiye ( 서지예 )
stage name : aura ( 오라 )
birth date : may 3rd, 2001
zodiac sign : leo [ confident , charismatic , passionate , love for the spotlight ]
chinese zodiac sign : snake [ wise , mysterious , intuitive ]
place of birth : daegu, south korea
language(s) : korean ( native )
height : 170cm ( 5'7 )
⸻⸻ ❝  career.  ❞
occupation : idol
group : aespa
company : sm enterteinment (2014 - present)
position : lead dancer, sub vocalist.
official number : 08
official symbol : galaxy 🌌
official anymal : spider
instagram : aurastic
years active : 2022 - present.
⸻⸻ ❝  personality.  ❞
positive : playful ' witty ' charismatic ' expressive
negative : impulsive ' blunt ' overly competitive ' impatient
⸻⸻ ❝  trivia.  ❞
seo jiye made her television debut with disney channel's mickey mouse club alongside other smrookies. her energetic and witty personality made netizens fall in love with her, and highly anticipate her debut. after the show ended in 2015, they could catch glimpses of her on other group's music videos, but no news were spread about her potential launch on the industry.
when aespa was first revealed, several people were disappointed to find her missing from the lineup. rumors were spread about a potential departure from the company.
the first glimpse of aura within sm again came on the first episode of smcu, 'black mamba'. after the villain succeeded in disconnecting the members and their ae, a black screen appeared, and a voice echoed around a seemingly empty space, saying. "we have to find them. their are our only hope". the voice was attributed to naevis, appearing once more on the second episode, 'next level',
fans started theorizing and comparing naevis' voice to jiye's, using old videos as proof.
in the middle of 2022, aespa official sns started to behave weirdly, with posts containing glitched photos and binary coded as the description. after a while, this virus started spreading to other artists' accounts. once put in order, it translated to "are you there?", "can you see me?", and finally, "i want to help you"
after several theories ranging from actual hacking to a new group, a video was posted on sm's youtube account with the title 'i've been trying to reach you'. being mere two minutes long, it appeared to be a blank video, with only a black screen showing. after a while, small taps were heard.
"is this working?" [more taps. after a while, a girl with long black hair appeared.] "i hope i did this right. naevis told me to contact you, something about you needing back up. the black mamba is getting more powerful. i need you to find me. aura, out"
that obviously caused chaos to spread. aura was immediately recognized as jiye, and fans started to create theories about who she was in the smcu lore.
a few days later, "aespa 에스바 'ep. 2.5 Lucid Dream – SM Culture Universe" was uploaded and finally introduced aura as aespa newest addition! it followed the four girls searching for aura after the mysterious message. it was revealed that she was one of the users that had lost their ae's after the synk out, and instead of sitting still, managed to open a p.o.s and connect to naevis. ever since, she had been her "messager", acting like her voice on the real world (hence the use of her voice on the previous videos).
lore aside, jiye was always meant to debut on aespa. the creative director simply wanted to use her as something to deepen the concept, so she was held back. despite this, to form a bond between her and the girls, they had been living together since the original debut.
she helped on the production of all aespa's previous releases! credited as aura, she wrote most of their songs, acting as a producer in a few others.
she was obviously met with a lot of skepticism from mys who didn't want a new member, but the general public seemed happy with the addition, since jiye was pretty popular when she was young.
she was pretty shy during her first promotion period with girls and illusion, and preferred to stick by the girls, but seemed to get out of her shell around the end of the year festivals period.
she revealed that she mostly worked as a producer during the years she disappeared from the public eye, working mainly for sm artists. jiye says the work she is most proud of is boa's camo, because she was the singer who sparked the dream to be an idol within her and it was an honor to produce for her.
she is a cast member of variety show "HyeMiLeeYeChaeAuPa" alongside girls' day hyeri, (g)i-dle's miyeon, ygx's leejung, soloist choi yena, lesserafim's chaewon and television personality patricia.
due to her long eight years as a trainee, most of her friends are within sm itself. she is closest to nct's mark & haechan, red velvet's yeri, shinee's key and snsd's taeyeon, the latter two acting as older siblings to the girl.
her solo in the 'synk - hyper line' concert is called "빠져가 (into you)"
for the 'smcu palace', she sings jet (eunhyuk, hyo, taeyong, jaemin, sungchan, giselle, aura) & giants (taeyong, mark, yeri, winter, aura).
jiye resents her mmc days. she thinks she looked ugly and acted weird (she was a literal child, but alas)
she has a few credits as a voice actress, with the most famous being isabella, from encanto.
doesn't really enjoy her stage name :/ prefers to be called jiye by her members and friends.
her favorites in random categories are: the atelier of witch hat (manga), azumanga daioh (anime), gwenpool & silk (comics), meet the robinsons (movie) & the percy jackson series (books).
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oklcmc · 4 months
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀BILLIE JEAN ❪MASTERLIST❫࿐ ࿔*:·゚ [18+]
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀〝⠀For FORTY DAYS and for forty nights,THE LAW was⠀⠀⠀on her side,〞
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I do not permit anyone to repost nor translate any of the work that lies beneath this line break. May this also be a quick reminder to not,and I repeat⸻ do not take from my characters,plots,graphics nor formats and try to use them as inspiration to those of your own advantage without asking me for permission or rightfully crediting me first! I originally came up with these ideas myself,that including my forewarning and playlists’ formatting. I would hate for new readers to be led astray by thinking I’m stealing from someone else when that really isn’t the case at all! I will not hesitate on blocking you from my account indefinitely either. Let this be your final warning!
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁰⁰¹.⠀⟆⠀WANNA BE STARTIN’ SOMETHIN’࿐ ࿔*:·゚ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❪SERIES⠀╱⠀CINEMA❫
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PAIRING⠀⦂⠀street fighter!black!male oc ❪keith powers❫  ✕  black!female oc ❪kelis rogers,circa ‘99❫ ⋮ㅤㅤㅤ⠀⠀⠀HAVING BEEN BIRTHED IN SEATTLE,Washington of late August with vaguely enough parental guidance,Kei Valentine had rightfully earned the persona of being spunky,straightforward,eccentric and diligent,but so had the boy whom was birthed twenty-four hours later,five years earlier and more than two⸻thousand miles apart from her. The only difference was that while Kei was discovering the positives in life though being abandoned at an early age, Tyree Devlin was raking up all the negatives before her. He was eager, callous,streetwise and rebellious as they came,thanks to the teachings of his only false God. ㅤㅤㅤFar from compatible,how the two Leos paths aligned was something that only the underbelly of New York City took to swallow,digest and keep sacred,but it wasn’t at all unattainable to one’s own access. You just had to know the correct route to take and connects to make. This is Underground Combat.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀or⠀⠀⠀in which even the innocent can wind up being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
PAIRING⠀⦂⠀shaolin fantastic ❪shameik alti moore❫ ✕ black!female oc ❪beyoncé giselle knowles-carter,circa ‘02❫ ⋮ㅤㅤㅤ⠀⠀⠀REFLECTING ON MY YOUTH,I must’ve pitied myself. That was the only real explanation I could think of when it came down to injecting my developing mind,body and soul with any chemical compound that broke me down until I completely surpassed the feeling of numb. Numb to the fact I was being exploited more ways than one by the hands of those other than my own. Numb to the fact I endured it all just to temporarily substitute the void my mother left Roam and I in since the ages of six and ten. She manifested every aspect of the young woman I was so desperately trying to become;independent, selfless and seemed to have the answer to any question thrown her way. I grew dependent on men,selfish to my own habits and breach to every promise I vowed to keep,even those that were left lying on her deathbed. I was untouchable,Mr. Nicky Barnes,until I was repeatedly caught up in my own acts and imprisoned by the same narcotics that made me numb. The good thing about rehabilitation was that I found time to humble myself,the bad thing about rehabilitation was that it was always hard to resist temptation. My final recovery couldn't have came at a better timing. It was Summer of 1977 when I made my return to the burning borough of the Boogie Down Bronx to make amends with my only sibling,make steep career choices,fall in love with a man with just as much venom as myself,resist folding under the pressure of the crooked cops and maybe even get a hit of that sweet stuff they call Hip-Hop.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀or⠀⠀⠀in which the origin of hip-hop is told from a woman’s perspective.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁰⁰¹.⠀⟆⠀BABY BE MINE࿐ ࿔*:·゚ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❪IMAGINES⠀╱⠀ONE⸻SHOTS❫
Beneath this divider you’ll find imagines╱one⸻shots all written by me that will more than likely consist of black insert,heterosexual and sexually explicit content. lesbian╱bisexual imagines╱one⸻shots will rarely occur in this instance. My name or the names I’ve made up will be what the original characters go by,so no〝y╱n,〞❪?✕  reader❫,but feel free to replace these names with one of your own if you so please.
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PAIRING⠀⦂⠀soft!john laurens ❪anthony ramos,circa ‘15❫ ✕ black!toxic!female oc ❪beyoncé giselle knowles⸻carter,circa ‘08❫
PAIRING⠀⦂⠀aaron burr,jr. ❪leslie odom,jr.❫ ✕ black!journalist!chorus substitute teacher!female oc ❪faith renée evans,circa 1995❫
PAIRING⠀⦂⠀demetrius edward〝big meech〞flenory,sr. ❪demetrius edward〝lil meech〞flenory,jr.❫ ✕ black!female oc ❪cheryl renee〝salt〞james,circa 1988❫
PAIRING⠀⦂⠀fezco ❪conor angus cloud hickey❫ ✕ black!dentistry undergraduate!female oc ❪taylour dominique paige❫  
PAIRING⠀⦂⠀kendrick lamar duckworth,circa ‘22 ✕ black!female oc
PAIRING⠀⦂⠀bryshere y. gray ✕ black!publication editor⸻in⸻chief!female oc
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁰⁰³.⠀⟆⠀THE GIRL IS MINE࿐ ࿔*:·゚ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❪HEADCANONS⠀╱⠀DRABBLES❫
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PAIRING⠀⦂⠀n’jadaka╱erik〝killmonger〞stevens ❪michael b. jordan❫ ✕ black!female oc ❪chaka khan,circa ‘77❫
PAIRING⠀⦂⠀kendrick lamar duckworth,circa ‘17? ✕ black!female oc ❪lorraine ward❫
PAIRING⠀⦂⠀kendrick lamar duckworth,circa ‘18 ✕ black!female oc ❪lorraine ward❫
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁰⁰⁴.⠀⟆⠀HUMAN NATURE࿐ ࿔*:·゚ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❪REQUESTS⠀╱⠀SUGGESTIONS❫
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The requests╱suggestions section is currently unavailable for the time being,so please refrain from sending me any. I vow to inform you guys in the near future⸻ When I actually have more time on my hands⸻ On when this tab will actually be open to the general public and with more information regarding to how to earn one,so don’t fret! Just to inform you guys ahead of time,I will not be writing homosexual ❪boy ✕ boy❫ imagines╱one⸻shots╱headcannons forewarning.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀OKLCMC presents… ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀BILLIE JEAN࿐ ࿔*:·゚ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❪THE MASTERLIST❫
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⠀⠀⠀heavily inspired by michael jackson’s ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀thriller ❪1982❫ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⓒ oklcmc,2024.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❛ BUT WHO CAN STAND ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀WHEN SHE’S⠀⠀⠀IN DEMAND ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀HER SCHEMES 𖬺͟ PLANS,❜ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀❪THE TAGLIST❫
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