#i wanna sew for her this week
my mom needs to shut up NOW if only i could yell at her
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alienducky · 1 year
I think I need to get a white board so I can write a big list of all the things I want to do, that I can stick up somewhere prominent so I can regularly see it and then when I actually do stuff I can cross it off or rub it out and feel accomplished!
So first thing on my Things To Do list is... make a things to do list
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just-a-simple-dyke · 1 year
I impulse bought some macrame yarn....idek what i'm supposed to do with this i don't even have anything to hang it from😑😑
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girlbossagenda · 3 months
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Summer break it's here! A lot of us have grown out of shape due to all the stress caused from school, and the lack or time to exercise or live a more healthy lifestyle, are you scared to go to the beach because you feel like you don't have that beach body? Are you heart broken and just want to live your hot girl summer or perhaps you want to finally be confident your body and change your entire life? If so this is the maxi guide for you.
౨ৎHow to get started౨ৎ
I made this google doc where I explain things more in depth here you can find, how to glow up: physically, mentally and socially(friends, summer filings, popularity etc...) if you want to know how to archive your results, you can find my explanation in depth(also winter friendly)
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Do you remember those girl on YouTube, IG and tumblr?The pretty ones that were living their best summer? Wanna be like them? Then think and plan a summer in the same way a girl with your dream summer would do!
୨୧Make a pre-summer status୨୧
We will use this to track what changed about out life during this summer, I know it might be stressful or embarassing at first, but you're going to be grateful knowing all the progress that you made
୨୧Work on your mindset୨୧
This is so important, read again point n°1, and then put yourself in the shows of the person that you want to become, for example:
-> you want to be a pretty popular girl? "Would the pretty popular girl say that her Summer is ruined and that she has no one to hangout with"? I don't think so.
if you're interested just in the physical stuff this is the section for you(more in depth in the Google doc)
You need to understand that most of the time a summer glow up last up until the first week of school then it's gone, but you want it to last, right? Here's how:
୨୧Find a low effort beauty routine୨୧
During summer you have all the time to maintain a beauty regiment, but you also need to make it practical, for example you might keep your hair natural during summer, you need to simplify them -> extensions, braids, sew in, silk presses or clip in...
୨୧Change hair color୨୧
During summer you need to grab attention change hair color to blonde, red, or more funky colors like blue, pink etc...
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I know, it's hard, with all the ice cream around, but you can also try by drinking healthy smoothies(especially the green ones), opt also for a salad as a snack.
You have to wear sunscreen and if you want to get a tan you NEED to put that after sun lotion and be consistent with your skincare
୨୧Grow your lashes + eyebrows୨୧
Always, this is a must, you finally have enough time, then start now, be consistent and in 3 months you're going to have the best result, I advise you to use castor oil in the night and in the day a lash growth serum.
୨୧Learn to do your make up୨୧
Optional but very useful, in those days that you're at home you can learn how to do your make up so you're going to comeback to school and slay even in your worst days, plus it's a cute hobby.
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If you don't have friends at school it would be nice to have them outside, plus having friends out makes you so much cooler! Are you ready to expand your social life?
୨୧Summer school/camp୨୧
A classic, you can meet so many people here, works best if you are between 11-16 yo, If you're 16+ you can try joing a camp and be an animator
Have you even heard of "the beach friend"? Where I'm from they are very common and popular, it usually starts early in childhood, but you can also make them at your age! You just need to approach the people that look like share the same interests as you, better if they are alone too!
You can go on a forum site and actually ask in the chat if someone wants to make friends and exchange ig, snaps,discord etc...you might make long distance but strong friendships
Now coworkers are not actually your friends, but you might get close to some, better if it's not a competitive environment, try to network between your coworkers, maybe some of them actually know people of your interest, if you can start working with friends!
୨୧Neighborhood events୨୧
Churches usually during summer do some activities for the youths you can try and enjoy them! Or go to a popular place or even host in your neighborhood!
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I'm not really into romance, but it might be different from some of y'all! If you want to flirt, get. In a relationship or just have some fun experimenting then keep reading!
Follow the beauty steps written before!
୨୧Go to parties or events(better if on the beach)୨୧
What a better place to find love if not on the beach? All you'll need to do it's to wear a cute bikini and have fun with your friends!
୨୧Work on your gaze୨୧
You know the phrase "love at first sight"? Let's turn it into "love at first gaze" you need to exercise on your facial expressions and your seductive gaze, grab a mirror and flirt with yourself!
୨୧Make time to hangout୨୧
You're not going to find love by staying at home! You need to get out and wander around the city! Go to all the places where people of your age go! Bring your friends along(if you can or be brave and go alone!)
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Phew, this guide was quite long! And there's so much more! Thank you for sticking with me and supporting my blog! Ilysm and I'm so grateful for all the people that read my posts, let's glow up together this summer!
xoxo gorgeous
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steddieas-shegoes · 9 months
Mama Munson made Eddie’s Halloween costumes from scratch every year. She said it was because it looked cooler, but as he got older, he realized it was because she used scraps and cheap fabrics to make them and that’s all they could afford.
But his costumes were always great. Every year was better than the last.
When he got too old for trick or treating, she used Halloween night to teach him how to sew.
“For that jacket you wanna wear so bad, baby.”
It took a lot of effort, and a little bit of help for the thicker patches, but he managed to finish it in a few weeks.
That year for Christmas, he made her and Wayne battle jackets with their favorite bands and singers.
It became the thing he gave to important people.
Shortly after Vecna, when he was stuck in bed for nearly a month healing, he had his mom run to the store in Indy and start grabbing patches. Wayne found denim jackets from the donation store, surprised anything was left at all with how much people needed right now.
Eddie made all the kids jackets, even Max, who would probably think it was stupid in the same way she thought Lucas holding her hand was stupid (not at all).
He made Robin one, with a hidden rainbow flag patch on the inside pocket.
Nancy got one, even Argyle and Jonathan got one.
Steve didn’t.
Eddie didn’t know how to make it a friendly gesture, how to not make it look like he was screaming from the rooftops that he’d fallen hard for the guy who almost single-handedly saved his life. He was certain that giving him the jacket he made would be the end of the daily visits, the joking around, the fun.
“Baby, you think he don’t know?”
Eddie’s mama was trying not to laugh when he unloaded on her while he stitched the last patch to the front.
“He visits you every day, sometimes for hours, sometimes has to be dragged out by nurses, and ya think he don’t know?”
As usual, she had a point.
So Eddie was brave, gave Steve the jacket the next day when he stopped by.
Steve was silent as he took in every patch and pin, even the section of glitter glue Erica had insisted he add. Eddie played with his bare fingers, wishing now more than ever that he had his rings back.
Finally, Steve looked up, watery smile pointed right at Eddie.
“I love it. And you.”
Mama Munson slapped the back of his head gently later while Steve slept in the chair by his bed.
“I told ya so!” Her whisper was enough to make Steve shift around, his grip on Eddie’s hand tightening momentarily. “May have lost a nipple, but got yourself a boyfriend. That’s the Munson way.”
“What the hell do you mean?”
“Oh, Wayne never told you about losing his nipple in ‘Nam? Flirted with the medic and blamed it on blood loss, but wouldn’t ya know? The medic was a little light in his loafers, too!”
Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Wayne didn’t lose a nipple. You’re makin’ shit up again.”
“I ain’t never lied to ya! You ask Wayne tomorrow. There’s a reason he don’t ever go shirtless at the lake.”
And sure enough, the next day, Wayne lifted his shirt and showed Eddie where he had nothing but a scar where his nipple should be.
“So what about the medic?”
“Oh! Grant.” Wayne smiled. “We still write to each other sometimes. He’s married, got a few kids.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. We wouldn’t have worked anyway. He lives in Maine. Can’t imagine dealin’ with moose.”
Mama Munson just raised her brows from her chair and smirked.
When Steve came by after his shift, he was wearing his jacket and the biggest smile Eddie’s ever seen.
“Anything new?”
“Nothin’ really. Just found out I’ve got a lot more in common with Wayne than I thought.”
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ddejavvu · 2 years
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Sun-Kissed - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake finds out why you go through a particular scent of candle so fast
Contents/Warnings: none! pure fluff :)
WC: 1.0K / navi
Please send me top gun requests!!
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The first 'darlin'' that leaves his lips is what has you nearly tackling Jake where he stands in the doorway. There's no better way to wake up than to the sound of his voice, and it seems as though, during your catnap, he's taken a trip to the store.
"Three this time," He brandishes the bag in his hand, glass clinking together and swarming your tummy with butterflies, "I cleaned 'em all out for 'ya."
"Thank you!" You gush excitedly, sleepy hands nearly fumbling the bag as you try unloading your haul.
"Easy," Jake chuckles, the sound deep and warm in his chest. You pay no mind to his teasing, "You might break 'em if you aren't careful."
"I'd cry," You groan, picking up each navy blue tinted candle from where it lays in the shopping bag. You set them label-forwards on your nightstand, the block lettering on the picture of the beach reading sun-kissed, "If they're out of these it means I gotta wait a week for restock."
"There's three candles here." Jake frowns, lower lip plumping as it sticks out in confusion, "You wont' go through all these in a week."
"You're leaving on Wednesday," You remind him, trying to keep the glum note out of your voice, "I'll have almost two full days without you."
"Yeah," He still seems confused, and you almost giggle at how one of the most intelligent people you know can be so slow on the uptake.
"I burn them when you're not here," You explain slowly, watching the gears turn in his brain, "Because they smell like you. Whenever I miss you I light one, and let it burn until the whole house smells good."
He stands there, expressionless. His eyes shine, and you wait for anything, any reaction he'll offer you. You'd kill to know what was going on inside his head, what's making him bat his eyelashes like he's a perplexed toddler.
Then he lunges. You're entrapped in his strong arms before you can process that he's even moved, a slight sniffle coming from where he's pressed his face into the crown of your head. He's clutching you tight, almost too tight to breathe, but he's warm and smells like your candles and you can hear his heartbeat through his t-shirt.
"'Dunno how y'got me all weepy," He breathes, a weak chuckle coming from his mouth that's mottled with a hint of tears, "It's just a stupid candle."
"Stupidly good smelling," You hum, face pressed into his chest and words muffled there, "I swear you're secretly running this candle company, it smells exactly like you."
"You found out my secret," He sighs, crestfallen, "I haven't been on base at all. I've been engineering a candle company to get you hooked on my smell."
"Dastardly," You peek your face out of where it's smothered in his chest, hair amiss as you sleepily grin at him, "Are you even a pilot to begin with?"
"Nope," He grins, popping the 'p', "Just smelly."
"Yeah," You fake disdain, your nose wrinkling at the bridge as your eyes scrunch, "I didn't wanna be the one to tell you, but I think you should shower."
You make a break back for the bed, escaping his arms before he can trap you in them again. But he's faster, he always is, and yanks you back with a loud, incredulous chuckle.
"Hey!" He holds you facing him, keeping you pressed tight to his torso. His smile is blinding, as bright as the sun, "I went on a journey to the craft store to find these," He urges, memories of the horrors of the knitting ladies in aisle six flashing through the intensity in his eyes, "I had to fight my way through the cool teens with sewing machines to get those candles for you," He huffs, "Sorry if I'm a little sweaty."
"Did they put up a fight?" You know the group of high-schoolers well, and you envy their craftiness.
"One of 'em tried stabbing me with her needle," He dramatizes what was probably the pointed end aimed in his general direction as she stitched up a loose seam, "I swear I barely made it out of there alive."
"Well thank you, soldier." He bites his lip at the title, and you smirk knowing he won't fight you on it, not today, "I don't know what I would do without you."
Your comment is teasing, and he knows it. But it's truthful, too, and you take your time relishing in his presence now that you're nearing another few days of him away from you.
"Me neither," He admits, and it's shocking to see the great Hangman admit that he isn't always one step ahead of the game, "But I'm glad you've got something to help when I'm gone."
"Me too," You nod, leaning closer to the shining smile of his, yearning for the taste of it, "But the real thing's always better."
He leans in to press his lips to yours and you're sun-kissed, warmth flowing through you as you clutch tight to his chest. He has the remarkable ability to flood the room with brightness when he steps in, and it's even more brilliant when he kisses you. Now you break away glittering, the light in your eyes matching what's still radiating from his smile.
"I love you, darlin'," He speaks soft and low, the epitome of fondness.
You return the sentiment with as much love as you can squeeze into your voice as possible, "'Love you too, Jake."
Stepping out onto the porch becomes a difficult task on Wednesday morning. You mourn the absence of your husband, because it means you nearly fall flat on your face over the box on your doorstep instead of being caught in his strong arms like a damsel in distress. You straighten up from where you'd landed on your knees, peering suspiciously at the open-topped box you're hovering over. In it are round glass jars, what you recognize almost immediately are sun-kissed candles. There's sixteen in the crate, four by four in the cardboard box. There's a note on top of one of the lids, taped there and flapping in the gentle breeze. It's in his handwriting.
Angel, it reads, and your heart skips a beat.
I thought you could use more of these, just in case you run out. I don't want you to get lonely, two days feels like a lifetime when you're not there. Don't light the house on fire, please ♥
XOXO, Jake
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Look, This is gonna be one of those things that sounds bad until you read the whole story. Please don't read the title and go to 'yta' without reading.
AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
Look, My brother ISNT trans. He likes to wear kilts and sew, Which is what kind of started all of this. My brother is NOT trans, He loves being a boy (trust me, I can hear him enjoying being a boy in his room all the time. Theres no way he'd wanna chop it off(I mean this as a joke I don't actually know how the surgery works), He's told me multiple times that being told by others what he likes is 'feminine' and 'girly' upsets him because he's proud of being a boy and doesn't like being called a girl. Its not because he hates girls or thinks less of them, He just does not like being called the wrong gender which I'm sure you want to be called the correct gender too.)
Anyways lets begin. I (16F) am my little brothers (15M) best friend, Basically. We grew up together and do everything together, Including sewing. I liked it when I was younger, And eventually convinced him to try it as well. He loved it, And we love just sitting together and making random crap we usually end up selling at our yearly garage sale. (Our mom makes us sell all our unneeded crap every year, But we aren't complaining when we make like $100 for it, Mom and dad even help us figure out what we actually wanna keep (we sometimes see old things and go 'Oh I could never get rid of this' and then throw it away))
Sorry for the rambling, But you'll see why some of this is important to know.
Basically, We were getting our shit together for the garage sale, And invited over a mutual friend of ours, Who I'll call uhhh Ley (16F). Shes kind of obsessed with the LGBTQ and loves to help people 'realize' they're gay or trans or non-binary. By this I mean she'll literally bully people she 'knows' is gay or trans by always telling them they are and spreading rumors about them saying they are. The way she 'knows' these things are from gut feelings. I thought maybe she needed friends who would be honest with her and tell her gently that it needed to stop. She stopped being so bad with it and we even convinced her to admit to the rumors she started being fake. We've known her for around 3 years now, And she's stopped doing it as aggressively for 2 of those years. She still makes jabs and 'jokes' saying things like "Oh thats so girly, Are you sure you're not trans?" and "Oh thats such a boy thing to do, Are you a lesbian?", Both quotes she's said to me and my brother less than a week ago. I am straight and cis, So is my brother. We have nothing against the lgbt, We just aren't apart of it. We support the lgbtq as much as possible (with my part time job I like to donate some of my paycheck towards point of pride so people who need the surgeries or binders can get them), And are very open about supporting them.
While we were cleaning out my brothers room and finding stuff to throw into the 'sell' box (we like to do precleaning before our parents help us, It makes everything faster and less work on the people trying to help), And Ley found my brothers kilt. She did a long exaggerated gasp, Looking at my brother.
"So, How long have you been trans? Why didn't you tell me?? I knew it the whole time!"
My brother tried to explain that it was a kilt for men, And he wasn't trans, But she kept interrupting him saying crap like 'you don't have to lie I know now' and 'Its nothing to be embarrassed about, I knew ever since you started to sew'. The last straw for me was when she continued not listening to him and started to ask about how he was gonna come out as school. I yelled at her to get out, That neither of us were gay, Neither of us are trans, And neither of us are apart of any of the lgbtq. We are allies and nothing more. She tried to argue that he had a 'skirt' which OBVIOUSLY meant he was trans, I basically screamed at her that she was a stupid know it all who made everyone who wasn't apart of the lgbtq's life hell because she made sure everyone knew them as someone they arent (I know, I shouldn't of brought up 2 years in the past) and that I was tired of her trying to force everyone to be in the LGBTQ when its just not realistic. Not everyone is gay or trans, Some people are cis and straight. She started crying and left, We haven't spoken in a few days but I think I'm justified. I'm tired of living my life being told I'm something I'm not, I'm tired of seeing it happen to my brother too.
My brother later thanked me for standing up for him, Telling me it made him really upset when she said those things. To cheer him up we watched his favorite movies and I made him his favorite dinner (mom and dad both work day jobs so we both make lunch and dinner)
And for those who are gonna say that allies are apart of the LGBTQ I strongly believe the A is for aro/ace. Being an ally isn't a gender or sexuality
(unless people identify using ally/allyself of course or whatever it is, I'm not quite sure how neos work or whatever but I love to see how creative people get with it and am happy it gives people who don't identify with any of the normalized(? Idk the correct term but yknow the man woman and nb) genders a chance to be who they actually are)
Extra info on why I think I could be the asshole: I feel like we might've been able to explain it if we got her to shut up for a minute, But she kept talking over us. I feel like I went too far by insulting her, And I feel like I might be TA because she's also autistic (so is my brother though, And I have ADHD).
Why I think I'm NTA: My brother is really quiet and doesn't really defend himself often. He doesn't really know how to stand up for himself and is 'easy' to talk over (soft spoken, Quiet talking voice and nonconfrontational) which is why I believe I had to step in in his place, And I don't believe I did anything wrong defending my brother and making her stop calling him what hes not.
Anyways. AITA for yelling at our friend that my brother isn't trans?
To see later: PINK PANTHER
What are these acronyms?
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strawbxrryanime · 4 months
Hello! Hope you have a nice day~ If you are accepting req, could you please do a prompt where Mitsuya s/o's wanting him to choke her for her new kink. Like, legit choking hurting her. I wanna know how would his reaction be since he is truly a gentleman but a wolf in a sheep's clothing KYAAAH gosh. Thank you for your time! <3
Sure! I'm always accepting requests dears!~ Back from my break!~
wrap your hands around my neck - mitsuya takashi x reader
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You started gaining this new thing that you have been wanting to try out on your own Husband for weeks even, almost to the point where it's been maddening you for more than a single day. Your new choking kink has developed over time, and you wanted to test it out on your beloved gentleman all about it.
In the heat of the moment, after a glass of wine as Mitsuya worked on his hard long days sewing beautiful clothing for you to wear, you began to kiss him, as it progresses more and more into something more deep. Mitsuya looks at you with such keen eyes, marvelling at your beautiful body as you lie on the bed.
"Choke me~" You uttered out to him, as Mitsuya nervously gulps.
"H-hm?!~ Is this a new thing you've been gathering Y/N?~" Mitsuya responds skeptically.
"Choke me!~" You smirked at him as you ran your fingers down your neck, enticing Mitsuya to take your neck however as it is. Mitsuya was a kind-hearted gentleman who wants to be gentle with you, but for the sake of trying new things, he'll be going hard on you tonight.
"Are you sure you?..." Mitsuya paused, as you kept enticing him to wrap his hands around your neck. "I want you to make my eyes pop out, wrap your hands around my neck~" You'd say to him in that fine tone of yours. Was it the wine? The wine that caused this mess? Or was it just you, enticing him to take a step further, wrapping his hands around your neck. Doing so, he takes off his shirt as the temperature grows hotter in the room.
"Heh... you've got to choke me harder than that, strong guy~" Your words made Mitsuya shudder again, this was new of you, and it seems like the room is constantly getting hotter than it already is, his muscular body admired by your lustful eyes. Mitsuya's eyes widen as he chokes even harder at your neck causing you to gag just a little bit, sending Mitsuya in for a treat.
"Y-Y/N, are you okay?~" Mitsuya shuddered, as he was concerned about your breathing. He still kept his hands wrapped around you though, unable to stop choking you.
"Harder!~" You chuckle out as the bliss of being choked by Mitsuya settles in. Oh, how your lovely husband just squeezes tightly on your neck upon visually treating you with his now naked body. "F-fuck Y/N~" Mitsuya was enticed to your gags and groans. "F-fuck!~" He rips off your clothes until you and him were both naked bare as he slams his cock down your hole, making you groan even more.
Mitsuya squeezes even harder down your neck more as you clench his cock deep inside your addicting hole as he thrusts and thrusts deep inside of you. "F-FUCK!~ Y/N!~" Mitsuya yells as you began to gag even more and groan for him too as he begins to thrust deeply into you, turning him on all the way even more. "So fucking sinful~" Mitsuya muttered as he kept groaning from his cock being squeezed to the oblivion as he kept choking you even more, pinning your head between the pillows while stuffing you with his fat cock.
"Agh!~ FUCK!~" Mitsuya then began to squeeze your neck even tighter as it was getting a bit harder to breathe. You try to etch onto his arms as his hands dig deep down your neck as you gag and choke even more, whilst Mitsuya just kept pounding straight into your tight hole deeper and deeper down at a fast rate.
"W-WAS THIS WHAT YOU WERE EXPECTING HM?~ Y/N!~ FUCKKKK!~" Mitsuya cried out as he kept thrusting more and more faster and faster, gripping your neck so tightly that you try to etch your way out but his arms just won't budge. You still smile and smirk however, but your neck is being choked all the way as you kept getting stuffed deeper and deeper. You grab his arms that are holding down your throat once again.
"Sorry Y/N~ I'm not even done yet~" Mitsuya said coldly as he kept going tighter against your neck hearing your gags and groans as he pounds even faster this time, his shaft barely unseeable from how fast his thrusts were. "FUUUCK!~" Mitsuya yells out and groans as he finally pounds even harder and faster. Faster and faster he goes, slamming against you hard, cock stuffing you so good as you clench all your might within your throat being squeezed.
"GAH!~ I'M GOING TO EXPLODE DEEP INSIDE OF YOU Y/N!~" Mitsuya yells out as he lets out another final rounds of fast and hard poundings before exploding inside of you, hot cum splurging inside as he squeezes your throat so hard that you began to black out. Eyes going all the way up, and fading to black after letting out the largest gag and groan ever.
"You're so fucking naughty Y/N~" said your Not-So "Gentleman" Anymore. He was a wolf in the sheets now, as he smirks at your unconscious body, neck bruised and marked by his hands, he lets go. As he kisses you deeply while you are blacked out. Keeping his cock inside your tight hole until every drop is absorbed inside of you. And only time will tell if he gets more deep into this new "kink" of yours.
"I love you Y/N~"
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trevvylovesspence · 2 years
ok but miles Fairchild fucking his sisters babysitter 🤭
Ok but I love this idea 🤭 I really tried to do it justice
Miles Fairchild x babysitting!FEM!reader
Contents: smut, the use of the word princess towards the reader, lightly dominant Miles, overstimulation
Miles had a streak for running off babysitters in the area so well that no adult would take the job of babysitting Flora. You, however, needed the extra money and we're Miles age so you weren't very fearful of the kid, more confused how some preppy school boy had scared off several adult women. You had decided to take the job of babysitting Flora and tutoring her and so Ms.Grose let you stay in a guest room which you thought was sweet of her even though she seemed quite stoic.
After a couple weeks Miles had yet to show any "aggressive" or "destructive" tendencies those other babysitters of Flora had told you about when you took the job. He was actually quite sweet toward you. "Flora you wanna play hide and seek?" Miles had asked as you stepped into the room, "oooh yes. Y/n you should join!" Miles smiled at you, as if he was truly hoping you would. "Sure, that sounds like a fun way to spend the day!" Miles grinned, telling Flora he would be it. You had told Flora to hide well before running off toward your room, hiding in the spare room connected to your own, you assumed it was a sewing room.
After a few minutes you heard footsteps enter your room and you held your breath, smiling to yourself at your hiding skills. The door knob slowly turned and you held your breath. "Hello princess." Miles said as he stepped into the room, you crouched further into your hiding spot behind a mannequin. You watched his feet step across the floor when a loud sound hit the wall and you quickly looked toward the sound. You saw a tennis ball roll across the floor. Shit. "Hi sweetheart!~" you turned around quickly. "You win." You defeatedly stood up. "No actually Flora's still hiding." He had stepped closer and you had stepped back toward the table in the center of the room.
You suddenly felt hot and stiff from his gaze alone. You took a hesitant step back and he took a confident step forward before putting his hand under your thighs and lifting you onto the table. "Miles..." He smirked at your desperately quiet voice. "Yes hunny?" His voice was so sultry, it was quiet as he egged you on, he wanted you to beg, fall apart in his hands. "Miles please" he tsched at you, "Please what sweetheart? You know I can give you what you want if I don't know what it is." You moaned quietly as he massaged your thighs. "Please Miles I want-" your eyes started to water, shame, at the way you were begging for him, washing over you. "You want what Y/n?" "I want you!" It was quick, a little loud.
You had gotten impatient and clearly he had too as right after you had spoken he had grabbed you and carried you to your bed, dropping you on it. He locked your bedroom door and stood at the end of the bed right between your legs. Miles softly pushed your skirt up, pulling your panties slowly down your legs. "Oh god" he groaned at the trail of slick between your panties and your folds. "You look so pretty for me hunny, and soo wet" Miles experimented with how far he could go as he rubbed two fingers up and down your folds, collecting your wet arousal on his fingers. He slowly pushed them into your entrance as you, groaned loudly. He slowly began to speed of his pace and began to finger you, his fingers covering in your slick. "Good job princess, you're taking this so well." Your core began to feel warm, you knew what was coming but then Miles quit his actions and pulled his fingers out of your pussy with a pop. "Miles..." You whined, your ball of tension slowly relieving. "Calm down princess, you'll get what you want soon enough."
How true could that be, you got what you wanted several times. Somehow you had been here for almost half an hour with Miles thrusting into you, making your head spin and your legs shake. You didn't even know how many times you had cum anymore as Miles had your leg over his shoulder and his hand over your mouth "good job princess, you're doing so good for me" your eyes rolled back into your head as he spoke in his mumbled whimper and you came on his cock again. "Miles it's too much" you can handle it princess, you've got this." You were too cock drunk to do anything but whimper as your overstimulated hole clamped around his dick as he thrust up into you, his hips began to stutter as he began to get close to his release once again. He groaned quietly cumming in your pussy as you whimpered and came once more yourself.
You both laid on your bed, panting and trying to calm your beating hearts. "Y/n? " Oh shit. It was Flora at your door, she tried to turn the knob but it was locked. You whimpered quietly before stuttering out a response of yes Flora. "I can't find Miles. He flinched beside you. "I think he gave up looking and went out to the stables." You heard her sigh "ok I'll go look for him" you had replied ok Flora and Miles had gotten up to get dressed. "I hate you." He laughed, "I love you too hun." He kissed your lips softly. "Do you think I could lay with you tonight?" It was your turn to laugh. "After all of that? You'd better!"
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starrclown · 4 months
EclispeDuo headcannons I have but I can't explain most of them but they just feel right★★
Triggerwarning for talks of death, alcohol, blood, past bad experiences, and other triggering topics
Sillies <3
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Chang'e has been trying for YEARS to get Wukong on her show. Wukong wants to be on it but he's really camera shy so they can never release the episode cause he gets to nervous.
Wukong let's Chang'e in on ALL the tea going on earth.
Chang'e really does not like Macaque because of his history with Wukong. Wukong doesn't suger coat their past, he goes into enough detail to keep somewhat privacy but he'spretty open and honest. He also told her about Macaque's recent atrocities committed on him and Mk. This causes Chang'e to have a really negative opinion on Macaque because she doesn't understand why Macaque would be so mean to Mk just cause he doesn't like Wukong. (She also doesn't like Macaque because how dare he hurt Wukong's feelings.)
Wukong babysits some of Chang'e bunnies sometimes when she's broadcasting her cooking show.
Wukong fills Chang'e in ALL the gossip on earth.
Chan1g'e helped Wukong through alot of his trauma. She helped him when Macaque died, when Ao Lie died, when the rest of the pilgrims past, when he had to put DBK under the mountain, when his mountain burned, and other events. Chang'e knows how grief fills so she jus let's him cry. It's comforting.
Wukong and Chang'e have gotten ABSOLUTELY SMASHED on the moon. Their hangover was BAD after that.
Wukong knows how to sew so he makes him and Chang'e matching clothing.
Chang'e likes to make little cupcakes that look like animals for the monkie gang on earth. She makes pig ones for Pigsy, monkies for Mk and Wukong, and miscellaneous ones for the others. (Cause she never met them, she has just heard Wukong talking about them .)
Chang'e and Wukong are each others biggest hype men.
Chang'e has seen almost every baby picture of Redson, she's basically seen that kid grow up more than his dad did.
Wukong once cut his finger cutting vegetables and Chang'e FREAKED out.
When Wukongs hair gets to long, he'll just cut it so he doesn't have to deal with it. Chang'e likes seeing his hair long though so she'll tie it up for him so it's out of his way.
Wukong really likes to groom Chang'e. It gives him a excuse to just yap and show affection in a monkey way.
Chang'e likes to do Wukong's makeup.
Wukong gifts Chang'e the extra golden jewelry he has because they both like shiny gold things.
They both have merch of each other. Wukong has a Chang'e baking set and Chang'e has that talking cardboard cut out from that cooking show episode.
Chang'e is VERY judgy of Wukong's romantic taste. If she doesn't like who Wukong is talking about she looks at him like 🤨
They have week long sleepovers. They'd probably be longer if Wukong didn't have to train Mk.
They paint each other's nails their favorite colors. Chang'e gets gold nails and Wukong gets blue nails.
Guys I NEED more content of these two together in my life. If yall know any fics with these two let me know cause I love them.
(Drop your own headcannons in the comments, I wanna see how people interpret these two.)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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zegrasdrysdale · 4 months
dearest gentle reader [ n. hischier ] | part one
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next part - coming soon
summary : rumors begin to spread of Lord Nico Hischier arriving in London days before the 1813 season is set to begin, putting the unlucky Jo Sinclair and her family on high alert. meanwhile, Nico arrives in London, but has no idea what's coming when he makes his own society debut with the announcement of his arrival in Lady Whistledown's first edition
warning(s) : none
author’s note : i’m gonna try my best to make this as historically accurate as i possibly can. if you wanna be added to the universe taglist, fill out this form since it's separate from my daily fic taglist (I'll be using my normal fic taglist for this part only). there will also be a handful of crossover characters but there will be no plot crossover (y'all will see what i mean as the series goes on). enjoy the first part of nico and jo’s story <33
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[ JO'S POV ]
The one thing that she's been excited about for the last few weeks is her sister's society debut. The debut is the only thing that Emma has talked about since her 18th birthday back in April. It's really been the only thing that she's been talking about since her oldest sister made her own debut.
Josephine herself did enjoy making her debut four years ago and she can't wait to see her younger sister follow in her footsteps. She enjoys every social season despite being unlucky in the subject of marriage.
They've been to the modiste so many times in the last five or six weeks to get new dresses made for Emma's debut and the balls that the family will attend over the summer. Jo has even gotten a handful of new dresses designed for her despite the fact that it's her fourth year out and she has yet to find a husband.
Yes, she's been unlucky. She has to find a husband this season unless she wants to have her parents set up a marriage for her. Jo has been constantly telling her parents that she wants to marry for love, not advantageously.
Their threats to marry her into a wealthy family to a man she does not know got a lot worse after last season when she couldn't secure a husband. She practically begged them to give her one more season to find a man that will marry her.
Two days before Emma is set to debut in front of the queen, her little sister comes running into the drawing room where Jo, her mother, and eldest brother Theo are doing some of their daily activities. Jo is at the pianoforte playing a classical piece, her mother is sewing, and Theo is doing some work at the desk.
"This has just arrived to the house," she says. "It's almost like a gossip column in the paper, but it's strictly a gossip column."
Their mother, Lady Beatrice Sinclair, looks up from the blanket that she's been working on for the last few months. "What has arrived to the house, dear?" she asks.
"It's called 'Lady Whistledown'," Emma explains. "Whoever she is knows so much about the ton, and there even are rumors of which eligible bachelors are coming into London for the season and which men are looking for wives this season."
Beatrice holds out her hand for the column. Jo continues to play on the pianoforte but her interest is piqued, as is Theo's. Emma walks over and hands the paper over to their mother. Her eyes scan the page, and her eyebrows raise in what looks to be confusion. Her face says she's very interested in the words on the paper that she is reading though.
"Oh," she sighs as she finishes reading. She looks at her three eldest children that sit or stand around the drawing room. "It is to be a very interesting season if this Lady Whistledown continues to write about the ton like this."
"May I read it, mama?" Jo questions. Beatrice's eyes fall to her eldest daughter. She shoots a glare at Jo since she has told her daughter to stop reading so much. "I just want to see which bachelors are and are not available. I want to see what options I have to explore this season before you and papa decide to marry me off to someone I have never met."
Beatrice seems to believe that lie since she hands over the little pamphlet, but Jo is genuinely curious what this Lady Whistledown has written about her.
If she has written anything about her, that is. Odds are that there is something written about the fact that she remains unmarried after four years out in society though.
Her eyes fall to the page and she begins to read the words written in complete silence.
Dearest Gentle Reader, You don't know me quite yet, but you will after what looks to be a very interesting season coming up. Many new and ready debutants will be making her debut in front of Queen Charlotte later this week, where the queen looks to find a new diamond of the season. Will the diamond come from a respected family of the ton such as the Archer family or the Pierce family? Or will the diamond of the family be from the Sinclair family even though former diamond Josephine Sinclair remains an unmarried woman. Rumors are that this will be the last season that the eldest Sinclair daughter will be able to marry for love like she wants.
Speaking of rumors, the Viscount Nico Hischier is coming to the city for the season in search of a wife. The Lord Hischier has not been to London since he was a young boy and I am sure that the esteemed members of the ton will welcome him back with open arms. It is not known why the lord is searching for a wife, but I'm sure that the many debutants, even those who have been out in society for years, will try her best to make a good impression on who is certainly this season's most eligible bachelor.
Josephine lowers the paper to her lap after she reads what is probably the most embarrassing words ever written about her. She lets out a shaky sigh as she tries to read whatever else this Lady Whistledown has written about her.
Though, an eligible man such as the Viscount Hischier coming into the city gives her hope of maybe finding love this season.
All he's been listening to for the past few days is the sound of the carriage on dirt as he travels from Bern to London for the summer. He is set to arrive in London at any moment and is staying with one of his friends from America. Jack did not need to open his family's home to him, but he would much rather prefer to stay with a friend than in a hotel. His back is grateful.
His mother has been pestering him to find a nice, noble woman to marry and carry on the family name with after his father's death a few years ago.
His older brother Luca decided never to get married and completely disowned the Hischier family and refuses to take the title of Viscount, so that's what Nico did. He took the title of Viscount despite thinking he would never have that title. All that means is marrying someone that will probably only marry him for his title.
Sure, there are lots of women in Switzerland he could marry but why not get away from home for a little bit and find a woman that will marry him? A title means a lot more in England than it does in his home country of Switzerland so there are more willing women to marry him for his title in London.
It's late at night when Nico's carriage pulls up to the Hughes house. He feels bad because he was supposed to arrive during the day but he left a lot later than he intended after his mother fought him again on leaving Bern to go to London.
Nico pulls his trunk out of the back and the doors to the house open. He looks over and sees a very casually dressed Jack Hughes in the doorway. "Ah, Nico," he greets his friend. "Welcome to London."
"Nice to see you again, my friend," Nico replies as he hugs his friend. "I want to thank you again for opening your home to me this summer. It means a lot to me and my back that I don't have to sleep in a hotel for the next few months."
Jack laughs and claps Nico on the shoulder. "My home is your home," he replies. "You're welcome whenever you'd like."
His trunk is brought inside by some of the housekeepers. The boys are quick to follow. "I do apologize for arriving so late today," Nico says as they walk up the steps. "I know I was due to arrive during the day but my mother insisted that I stay in Bern to find a wife again and I couldn't get away from her."
"It's not a problem," Jack replies. "You know I'm a night owl and never sleep so I was happy to stay up and wait for you to get here."
He smiles as the door to his temporary bedroom is opened in front of him. The housekeepers make their way inside and the boys follow them. Nico thanks them and they leave the room. Jack stays behind when they leave.
The room is small, minimalistic yet beautiful. There is a desk pushed up against a window that overlooks the road. A kind sized bed with white covers sits between two windows on the adjacent wall. There's also a grey closet pressed against the wall with the door.
"Very cozy," Nico comments as he opens his trunk that holds all of the belongings that he'll need on this trip. "Thank you again."
Jack sits on the bed next to his trunk and says, "The women have all been talking about your arrival all day. Apparently there's a new columnist or something that talks about the gossip of London and your name was in the first issue. I didn't read it but every lady and their mother is ready to throw themselves at you."
Nico looks at his friend as he pulls out his neatly folded clothes. "Are you serious?" he asks. "Why is my name so popular here? I haven't been in London since I was a boy."
"Since you apparently added 'Viscount' before 'Nico Hischier'," Jack teases. "Sorry to hear about your dad, by the way. Your brother seems to be taking it really hard."
"The hardest out of all of us, I think," he sighs as he hangs up his clothes. "He didn't want our father's title so he refuses to take it and disowned us. He won't marry either. I guess that's up to me now. It's why I'm here."
"Damn, I thought you were here to see one of your closest friends," Jack says. It brings a smile to Nico's lips as he pulls more clothes out of his trunk. "I do wish you luck, Nico. My brother is also going to be looking for a wife this season after having many secret rendezvous and raking his way around London since he was 18 so maybe the two of you can get together and discuss your options."
Nico rolls his eyes and finishes unpacking his things. "Maybe Quinn and I will share a drink or two while we find our wives this season," he comments. "I am very tired so I think I'm going to call it a night. We should go out tomorrow though so I can get reacquainted with London before the social season officially begins and I am not left alone."
"Absolutely," Jack laughs. "Have a good night, Nico. Someone will call you for breakfast in the morning if you'd like to join us. I'm sure Quinn and Luke will be happy to see you again."
He nods and Jack leaves the room. Nico collapses onto the bed with a heavy sigh.
The next few months are going to be rough. Hopefully he can meet and begin officially courting someone early in the season so he's not constantly surrounded by a bunch of women and their insane mothers.
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f10werfae · 2 years
Baby Doctor
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pairing: Husband!Dad!Henry Cavill x Doctor!Reader
summary: Fans retell the events of what’s going on in the Cavill fam, especially with two new arrivals, the twins Poppy and Lucy
Requested by @stormcloudss
- Requests are open!
Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Henry Cavill Masterlist🌟
Full Masterlist✨
Taglist Form💫
@/hensvavyvirl: Y/n is absolutely glowing after just having two baby cavills, just saw pap pics of Henry tying her hair up for her🫣🫣
>> @/marveldcgirl: Henrys new post about Y/n going back to work after giving birth is so emotional, he just loves her so so much
@/pieceofmind: Poppy and Lucy are such cute names, I just can’t contain myself after Y/n announced her and Henry are moving to the UK. I REPEAT THEY ARE MOVING BACK TO THE UK. They said in an interview that they want to raise their kids where they grew up
@/Atlasgiver: Y/n said she can’t wait to start in a new hospital, HENRY POSTED A VIDEO OF HER POSING IN HER NEW SCRUBS AND HE WAS WHISTLING AT HER 😭😭
@/poppyrose: Seeing Henry as a girl dad makes me wanna cry out of joy. When I saw pics of him tying up the twins hair into mini pigtails, while Y/n got their baby booties on😭
>> @/lizziebet: I’m pretty sure I saw them at a park in my local estate, they were on a family walk. Kid you not both Poppy and Lucy were the ones holding onto kal's leash, and he is so gentle not to pull on them. THEN HENRY AND Y/N ARE HOLDING HANDS AND SHARING KISSES WHILE BEHIND THEM OMG
@/DChabes: Y/n and Henry on date night is the sweetest thing, bro I jus want what they have
@/HenryCavill: Glad i’m doing life with @/Y/nCavill♥️
>> @/Y/nCavill: Baby stop tryna butter me up and go change the girls' diapers😭😭 Dinner isn’t making itself
@/DailyTelegraph: Henry Cavill seen getting affectionate with wife Y/n Cavill by Hyde Park, babies Poppy and Lucy also in tow in prams beside them!
@/Listjaet: I remember watching Y/n's pregnancy on her youtube channel, and now I can’t believe i’m watching her go through motherhood
>> @/bobbyjo: I still remember her video when she first found out, and she surprised Henry by giving him a rugby ball with the words “Future No.1 Daddy” sewed into it 🥺
@/Bettieboops: According to Y/n, Henry can’t keep his hands to himself when it comes to her☠️ He’s constantly on her or annoying her whenever the girls are put down to sleep
>> @/HenryCavill: Well she never seems to complain when it’s happening so…
@/buttercuppuckerup: I just know Poppy and Lucy have Henry wrapped round their fingers, I’ve witnessed this man build a bookshelf for his wife, I can’t imagine what he’d do for his kids
>> @/Y/nCavill: He literally bought a sewing machine and is learning how to make yarn dolls😭 Then he is adamant that their bassinets are in our room for at least two days of the week for “bonding time”
@/truthberolled: Ok but Miss Y/n post pregnancy 🫣 That woman is fine asf, Henry care to share?
>> @/HenryCavill: No can do
@/peppersaor: Seeing how far they’ve come as a couple genuinely makes me tear up🥺 We lit watched them from the very start too when they first announced they were dating
@/freedi: Y/n in scrubs can step on me any day of the week, smart and beautiful?? Damn Henry got lucky
@/luckofdirish: Just saw Henry and Y/n on the beach with their babies. Each of them had one between their legs while they played with the sand, and both of them were wearing pink suits with tiny baby bucket hats. I swear I saw Poppy try to eat sand at one point because Henry had to keep pulling his hand out of her mouth
>> @/luckofdirish: Then when Henry went into the water, EACH BABY HAD THEIR OWN SUN CHAIR, it was honestly the cutest thing. Mama Y/n and her babies chilling under the umbrella while Henry played about in the ocean. Poppy and Lucy were very much jus sipping on their juice boxes while Y/n read them a book
@/user2586478: Omg that insta photo Y/n posted of Henry holding Poppy and Lucy’s hand against the sunset😭 Wtaf they’re such a cute family, i’m so glad they’re pretty open about their family for the most part, with us fans
>> @/dettypig: I totally get what you mean! I love how we basically get to see their family grow, without seeing the most intimate parts of their lives, because of course everyone deserves privacy. I can’t wait to see Henry building PCs for Poppy and Lucy when they’re older, Henry will be heartbroken if they’re not gamers like him🙃
@/legend69647: Dr Y/n just took my appointment at the hospital and she’s so much more beautiful in person, pics of Henry and the girls are literally everywhere
>> @/HorridHenrietta: Don’t even. I had her as well and she was blood amazing, she was so gentle when she had to examine my broken arm and she even gave my son free stickers even though he wasn’t the patient
@/Y/nCavill: Please can people stop trying to bombard our family home to get pics of the girls!! We are the only ones allowed to share pictures of our family and we’d appreciate if the paps respected that.
>> @/HenryCavill: I’d like to follow this by saying our girls are scared, legal action will be taken if this harassment doesn’t stop. Thank you for our fans who understand our situation♥️
>>> @/boompower: right which one of yall are attacking this poor family☠️ Don’t yall know basic respect and privacy? The girls are barely 3 and yet all they are getting is cameras shoved in their faces. Do Better.
@/pearpotur: Seeing Henry go all protective on the red carpet over his girls is so cute. He always has one arm around his wife’s waist, Poppy on his hip and Lucy on Y/n's or the other way round♥️♥️
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @princess-paramour @stormcloudss @uwiuwi @marvelgurl @taramaria @mysticfalls01 @kebabgirl67 @fdl305 @madebylilly @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @beck07990 @kimhtoo17 @thereisa8ella @pandaxnienke
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radioisntdead · 5 months
Just thought about this, but could I request a platonic ask with the Hazbin Crew (or just Charlie and Vaggie) with a frankenstein-esque sinner reader? Stitches all over their limbs, mismatched and it’s a common sight to see their limbs falling off their body and they only sigh before picking it back up?
They’re very nice, just tired and getting fed up/disgruntled with their own body and how it’s scarred, mismatched and always falling apart.
Good evening my dear! I wasn't too sure how to make this into a full oneshot so I made it into headcanons hopefully that's alright!
I actually have a OC very similar to this however she's a ragdoll so taking inspo from that
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Hazbin hotel x gn! reader [platonic]
Limbs falling off, Alastor stealing arms
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The first time they witnessed you lose a limb it freaked the majority of them out [Alastor only widened his grin because he's creepy like that]
The lot of you were just hanging out and doing a trust fall exercise and poor Sir Pentious was the one to catch you, he was not expecting your limb to just come straight off, like he was holding you and your arm was beside you on the floor.
And you just causally sighed and wiggled out of a panicking Sir Pentious's arms and grabbed your arm grumbling about having to sew it back on.
I imagine you may have to sometimes reinforce certain parts because sometimes you just go running and SNAP the stitches on your leg becomes undone and your face meets the ground.
There's a sewing kit almost anywhere in the hotel for you to use in emergencies,
Niffty is skilled with sewing so I imagine if you let her and don't mind getting stabbed a couple times she'd sew you right up in mere seconds, I imagine if you don't mind melding fabric to your skin she'll sew on fabrics with pretty patterns on, maybe it'll make you feel better about your loose limbs.
Angel dust LOVES coming up with nicknames for you, Frankie, Patches, Frankenstein's long lost child, patchwork, ragdoll etc etc
I'm gonna be honest Alastor probably tries to munch on your fallen limbs, I can see him grabbing your fallen arm and booking it out of there while you chase after him yelling for Vaggie to do something.
Vaggie gets your limbs back
Going off the fabrics if your okay with that going on your skin Charlie definitely buys some for you as a surprise, she'll ask Vaggie on whether or not she thinks you'd like a certain fabric patch.
I think having a bunch of patches gifted to you by loved ones is a nice thought, we adapt habits, traits, mannerisms etc etc from people we love and the people that love us sometimes adapt our habits, traits, mannerisms etc etc from us, we're a lovely mashup of ourselves and the people we love.
I imagine Sir Pentious would build something to help keep your limbs together, like a brace or a prosthetic covering of sorts?
Alastor gives you a patch and it's just arm themed, he probably steals your limbs like five times in a week,
You have to get Vaggie to help you retrieve your limbs before Alastor makes your arm into an arm pot pie or something.
Husk would help you with carrying anything super heavy, particularly if it's alcohol because he is NOT risking your arms ripping off and no more drunky tipsy times [I can't legally drink I don't know how it works and I don't wanna know.]
Whenever Charlie asks for a hand and your arm has been detached you hand her your arm, freaks her out for a second before she's just like "Haha very funny please don't do that again"
Charlie definitely works on making sure your comfortable in the hotel, if you're ever insecure about your scars she'll take a pen or something and doodle around them.
Honestly Charlie probably thinks your mismatched patches look cool and you remind her of a plushie she had as a child,
If your filled with cotton like a plushie do expect hugs.
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Good evening folks! I am making my way through requests! Plus the part two to Too sweet and Eldritch horror reader's backstory [EVIL LAUGHING] will be out soon!
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harrywavycurly · 7 months
I’m selfishly asking for some Uncle Steve and Dot content please Sarah 😘😘😘
Hiii babes!! I friggin LOVE Steve and Dorothy’s relationship so I will happily give you some convos between them!💖
-find all things It Was Just One Night here✨
*for these Dotty is in middle school*
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“Hey there she is! My favorite niece!” “I’m your only niece…what are you wearing?” “Even if I had other nieces you’d still be my favorite…what you don’t like the new vest?” “Your old one had all the patches mom and I sewed on for you.” “Oh…I mean I still have them if you wanna add them to this one?” “Eh it doesn’t matter…so dad said you’re in charge of me until they get done with dinner and then…my mom told me to tell you if you make me work then you better pay me.” “When have I ever made you work when you come hang out with me at the store?” “Uh…last week? I stocked the candy for you while you talked to what’s her face on the phone for ten minutes.” “God you sound just like your mom when you say what’s her face…her name is Nancy by the way.” “Nancy? Isn’t she married?” “Yeah…so? What’s your point?” “Uncle Steve…” “it was a friendly chat okay? She called to see if we had a certain movie in stock that’s all….but uhm…don’t tell your mom please? She’s still weird about her.” “Okay but it’s gonna cost ya…” “red vines or Swedish fish?” “Red vines.” “Deal.”
“You did great out there!” “Thanks uncle Steve…did you watch the whole practice or just the end?” “Oh I was here for the whole thing…that little kick and jump thing you did was just…out of this world good.” “You don’t know anything about cheerleading do you?” “No…not really…” “dad said you dated a lot of them so you should know a thing or two.” “Your dad doesn’t know shi…anything…about who I’ve dated so don’t listen to him.” “I can show you a few new tumbles I learned last week if you want?” “Tumbles? Is that like when you…oh wow that’s impressive! Look at you go!” “What’d ya think? I really want to make the squad in high school.” “Oh you’re going to make the squad alright…probably even head cheerleader.” “Shut up you really think so?” “Yeah you’re great!” “Thanks…oh can we go to Benny’s on the way home? It’s half off cheese fry night.” “You and your mom with this sick obsession with cheese fries…” “is that a yes?” “Yes…it’s a yes.”
“Hello?” “Hey Uncle Steve.” “Hey my little polkadot what’s going on?” “I was calling to see if you could come pick me up from school?” “School? It’s like five in the evening what have you been doing since two thirty?” “Uhm…detention…” “do your parents know you were at detention?” “Yes they are just at work right now and I don’t feel like walking home and Granddaddy Wayne is taking his pre dinner nap.” “I’ll come get you if…you tell me what you got detention for?” “I may have accidentally hit someone in the face with my hand.” “Right…was this hand balled up into a fist?” “Possibly….” “Who’d you hit?” “Patrick Carver…he’s an asshole.” “Did you say Carver? As in his dad’s name is Jason?” “I don’t know his dad’s name all I know is mom said the whole family is bad news and that’s why she wasn’t that mad….” “But?” “But dad wasn’t happy and told me I’m grounded for two weeks and to keep my hands to myself.” “I hate to say this but I agree with your dad but also…the Carver family is full of asshole so…just next time don’t hit him on school property and it’ll be fine.” “That’s what mom said!” “Just sit tight and I’ll be there in a few minutes…you hungry?” “I could do with a snack yeah…” “we’ll grab some dinner on the way to drop you off at your mom’s work.” “Okay sounds good…thanks uncle Steve…I love you.” “I love you too Dot but do me a favor and stop getting so many detentions.” “You got it.”
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moider-time · 2 years
Model Bruce AU
As a kid, Bruce always enjoyed dressing up in Thomas and Martha's clothes. They taught him that clothing isn't specific to a gender so if he wants to wear suits or skirts, tights or trousers, it's all ok. Martha would love taking him shopping and trying on clothes.
One of his fondest memories is of the three of them dressed up as the Three Good Fairies from Sleeping Beauty for a Halloween charity gala. After they died, he framed all of their outfits and hung them up in his study.
He meets Selina in college. He wants to be a doctor and she wants to be a vet. She also has a hobby of sewing and making clothes and he got suckered into being her mannequin. Harley helped with the suckering. To this day, Harley says she got him his first gig cause she introduced the two of them. Bruce never denies it.
The first time he models is for a university fashion show. The winner gets 5 thousand dollars donated to a charity of their choosing and as Selina says "the kitties need their money". It takes a lot of convincing though. Trying on her clothes is one thing but walking a runway? Yeah that's totally different and Bruce definitely panics a little about that. Harley, Bruce and Selina have a whole Model Bootcamp which is basically trying on heels and watching America's Next Top Model.
The theme is 'Red Carpet After-party' and so Selina dresses him in a two piece, floor length dress with a navy lace top and a navy skirt with gold sequins and strappy gold heels. Also gold hair tips and a shimmery navy eye shadow, and his nails match his skirt. (Idk if y'all can tell but I suck at describing clothes)
To cut a long story short, they demolish at that fashion show. Bruce, after a pep talk from Harley and Selina while Harvey was standing there drooling, makes that runway his bitch. He walks like a hooker trying to make her quota. If he wasn't the campus hottie before, he is now. He and Selina eventually go their separate ways but they always look back on that day fondly.
And he gets a lot of offers from big time modelling agencies. They say all the things like he has "potential" and they wanna turn him into "a star" but, while he found it fun, he kinda just wants to do something small. He chooses a small cologne brand that Alfred likes. Alfred tears up at this which makes Bruce tear up and well they're both messes.
They dress him in a smart suit with deep purple eyeshadow to match the bottle of the cologne. His nails get a silver coat like the cover of the bottle. That cologne ad gets so much attention that the business nearly runs out of bottles.
He gets asked if this modelling thing is just a phase, he gets shamed for his clothing and makeup and he generally just gets badgered. He replies the same to all of them "I like doing it so I'm gonna do it"
He kind of a jack of all trades. He models clothes, colognes and perfume, jewellery, shoes, nail polish,(lingerie 😏), he's even appeared in ads for games and toys. He once got all dolled up only to play with Lego but it was so much fun.
Not that Bruce never walks the runway again. He does it for charity, whenever Harley blackmails him into doing it and whenever he feels like. He took Harley with him to every fashion week cause he goes nowhere without his makeup artist.
Nobody could ever connect Batman and Bruce Wayne because while Bruce is a bit shy, he's very graceful while there are too many YouTube compilations of Batman tripping over himself or walking into things.
( @bruciemilf )
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noorpersona · 8 months
Broken Telephone Pt. 3
For the most part, you’d gotten over the ‘grocery shopping incident’ as you liked to call it. You’d had a very stern talk with both Kugisaki and Itadori the next day, making sure that they wouldn’t tell this secret of yours to the one person who you’d never want to know. The man of the hour, Fushiguro.
“This kinda feels like you’re threatening us…” Itadori had said, sitting in front of you, unable to look you in the eye. In full intimidation, you had simply raised a brow and said, “And?”
Just like that they dropped it and promised to not mention anything to Fushiguro. Well, Itadori at least, Kugisaki just scoffed but you took it as the best you could get from someone like her.
You could be pretty scary if you wanted to be, especially if it was a topic such as this. You seriously needed to do some damage control, because the more people who heard about this little secret, the greater the chance an unspeakable evil would announce itself. And if it did, you’d be absolutely screwed.
So with the two biggest mouths sewed shut, you didn’t think you had anything to worry about.
But just because they promised to not tell Fushiguro, didn’t mean that they promised to never bring it up again.
*Yeah, you really should’ve read the fine print. *
You’d learn that lesson the hard way almost a week later when the entire situation had once again left your mind.
In hindsight, that was truly your first mistake.
But to be fair, it’s harder to concentrate on your mortifying secret being exposed when you’re getting an ass-kicking of the century by your upperclassman.
It was a day hotter than most, considering you were still in the thick of spring. But that didn’t stop the unblocked sun from beating down enormous amounts of heat on you as you lay on the grass, trying to grasp the escaping breath that had been kicked out of you—courtesy of Maki-san.
“Nice, that’s five to zero. Wanna go for round six?” Maki didn’t seem out of breath in the slightest, doing a little twirl with her staff. And while that would give you enough fight and energy to push you to go another round, that was what pushed you the four other times.
You think it was safe to assume you weren’t going to be winning anytime soon.
“Thanks for the offer, Maki-san, but I think I’ll pass. Maybe I’ll spar with someone who’s more merciful.” You’ve sat upright now, panting shallowly while you wipe the sweat off your face.
“I think you’ve worked her enough Maki. I don’t think you want a reputation of being more cold-blooded than you already are, and to be known for beating up your underclassmen.” You heard Panda-senpai from behind you and you turned to see his extended hand, or rather paw, offering to help you up. You give an appreciative smile as you stand, your legs straining from the pure exhaustion Maki-san put you through. You were definitely going to get her back for this.
Yeah, as if you could.
“It’s not training if you aren’t pushed.” Maki stated defensively, crossing her arms sourly. You decided to not add your input.
You stretch out your tired muscles while looking across the track and field area you were training in, noticing that the others were nowhere to be seen. Others being Fushiguro, Itadori, Kugisaki, and Inumaki-senpai.
“Where are the others?” You ask, and Panda points to a small shaded seating area. You assume they’re getting a break from the sun. Wordlessly, you all head towards the area, finding the students as Panda said, sitting in the shade. You make eye contact, and they wave you over.
“Finished getting beat up by Maki-san?” Kugisaki asks, smug voice enhancing her teasing gaze. You narrow your eyes, debating on whether you want to fight her today. You decide that you’ve fought enough for the day and choose to be passive.
“Yeah pretty much. By the way, how was falling practice with Panda-senpai? Still eating dirt?” Your face mimics hers as you see hers drop, hearing the other members of the group chuckle in the background. You said you wouldn’t fight, but you wouldn’t take her shit sitting down. She tsks and you nudge her playfully, before looking among the group, and noticed immediately that it’s missing a key face.
“Where’s Fushiguro?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You hear Itadori’s voice creep up, face dripping with mischief, knowing eyes boring into you, with Kugisaki joining him almost immediately. On the outside, your face remained passive and calm, as if there wasn’t a hidden meaning to their words, but on the inside, you were considering how much trouble you could get in for murdering your classmates. And whether it’d be really worth it.
The penalties weren’t really that much of a deterrent at this point.
“Yes, that’s why I asked.” You respond plainly, trying to stop the suspicion growing in the second years, the tone in Itadori’s voice most likely letting them know something might be up.
“Salmon roe.” Inumaki responds to your question, making a motion with his hands to help you understand what he means.
“Off to get drinks?” You ask to confirm, and Inumaki nods.
“Kugisaki made him go off alone a little while ago.” Itadori adds, deciding to drop the teasing. You hum in understanding.
“I’ll go over there too. I doubt he got what I wanted.” You were being completely honest when you wanted to go to the vending machine to just get a drink. Of course, Fushiguro alone would be a bonus, but you didn’t like altering your actions simply to get a boy’s attention, you simply found it below your own level of self-respect.
But of course, idiots didn’t see it that way. And you should’ve realized that.
You hear the two idiots in question hum knowingly, and you don’t even have to look to see them smiling at each other smugly.
“Sure…” Their simultaneous response paired with the look they were sharing had you stop dead in your tracks.
“Careful, or I’ll convince Fushiguro to give me your drinks instead.” Your voice is calm, delivered with your usual dryness but mixed in with severe undertones of ‘drop it, you assholes’, but that sure as hell didn’t stop them.
“You can’t get him out of your mind for a second! Even your plans to screw us over involve him!” At this point, you swore you could feel your blood pressure rise.
You realize that Kugisaki is crass and blunt, and you’re willing to accept that, but you really can’t accept her lack of awareness.
It was really too much at this point.
You clench your teeth, knowing now that you’re completely screwed. The second-years weren’t dense, and you knew they’d already be somewhat suspicious at the first comment, but those two Neanderthals just put the final nail in the coffin.
“What’s going on?” You hear Maki ask, looking between you and the other two, slightly cowering at the pure aura of anger now surrounding your form.
Silence fills the area, with the first years not knowing what to say, and second years standing there in basically complete confusion.
And then it happened.
“[Name]’s in love with Fushiguro!” Kugisaki blurts out, and your jaw drops to the floor. Immediately all eyes were on you, causing your already there blush to burn ever redder across your cheeks, giving everyone the confirmation that it was indeed true.
To some extent.
“Wha-what?! I am not! I-I never said-“ You continue to stutter and cut yourself off, the stares of the first and second years being a little too much. You bury your face in your hands as you hope and pray that the world swallows you whole.
No such thing occurred.
“Well, To be fair, [Name] said that she liked him, not loved him.” Itadori, of all people, is the one who comes to your rescue.
Well, kind of.
You snap your head up at his words. “O-oi!“
You go unnoticed by the two loudmouths, who were getting sucked into their own argument.
“Hah? Are you stupid? Of course she loves him. She talks about him all the time, and told me that she even wanted to get screwed by-“
“I never said any of that!” You felt like you wanted to pull your own hair out at this point, stomping your foot like a child and cutting Kugisaki off. Your little outburst manages to snap them out of it.
But you just couldn’t seem to catch a break.
“Is this even new information?” Maki’s words hit you like a freight train, whipping around to look at the now unimpressed second-years.
“I mean, even if you didn’t say anything, it’s pretty damn obvious that you like him.” You swore you could feel your heart stop.
“That-That’s not true! I’ve never shown my feelings for him.” You’re quick to defend yourself, not hearing your own words.
“So you do like him?” You hear Itadori pipe in, making you jump. You don’t even have any time to smack him until Panda decides to add his fifty cents.
“Regardless of whether she’ll admit it, she does. Whenever he’s training, she’ll stare at him so hard you can practically see hearts in her eyes. I’m surprised you guys didn’t know until now.” You know what, you’ll retract your previous statement. Now you want the ground to swallow you whole.
“Can all of you shut up?! I do not stare at him!” You yell, trying to keep the last shred of dignity you have intact, only for it to be completely shattered by the disbelieving eyes of your classmates.
“Bonito flakes.” It’s the tired tone of your upperclassmen that manages to finally push you over the edge.
“Okay, okay, fine!” You snap, the redness running across your cheeks removing any seriousness or intensity you wanted to have. The only thing you’re met with is indifference and amusement as your classmates watch you.
“Believe what you will, whether it’s true or not is irrelevant.” You say through clenched teeth, ignoring Maki’s eye roll and Kugisaki’s scoff. “But just keep this ridiculous theory to yourselves.” You weren’t really talking to the second years at this point, but the only people dumb enough to tell Fushiguro and effectively ruin your life.
You stare down Itadori and Kugisaki. With them looking at each other and then at you. “I don’t care what it is I’ll have to do, but you two are as good as dead if you tell Fushiguro anything.” You hiss, too angry to notice that their eyes are now not looking at you, but behind you.
“Tell me what?”
The voice makes your heart drop all the way down to your feet.
You whip around to an extremely suspicious-looking Fushiguro holding a small bag of drinks. He looked extremely confused, but not awkward. He didn’t hear anything.
You silently thanked all the Gods you could think of. But you weren’t off the hook just yet.
He started to look to the others, searching for someone to fill him in, but they didn’t give him a coherent answer, purposefully avoiding eye contact and mumbling to themselves.
Some friends they are. You make a mental note to curse them out later.
You needed to come up with a reasonable excuse, and quick. Because the more time you let him think on this, the harder it’ll be for him to believe anything half decent.
But being the presence of your crush, (Yeah, you weren’t going to deny it anymore.) your mind draws a fat blank and you just end up dumbly opening and closing your mouth like a gaping fish.
The seconds are agonizingly slow, and the silence among the group is soul-crushingly loud. You knew it must’ve been extremely hard to watch. And maybe it was because it was hard to watch, or she was bored, that Maki decided to help dig you out of the hole you fell into.
More like pushed into and buried, but you digress.
“She was just embarrassed that she lost to me so many times during training. She doesn’t want you to think less of her.” Her tone is light and casual, and you’re almost scared of how convincingly good your senpai sounds. You see the others follow her lead, nodding and adding small agreements. You catch on quickly.
“Uh… yeah, that’s it. I was just a little embarrassed.” You add on, avoiding looking at him so he couldn’t see the redness on your cheeks that you couldn’t seem to get rid of. He raises a brow, and your heart beats faster as you watch him process your excuse. You feel your blood pulse through your ears as you wait for his response.
“Well, Maki-senpai is a formidable opponent and she does push people a little hard.” You hear Maki let out a scoff, but you pay no mind to it. “Plus, you just started training recently. I wouldn’t be too upset about losing to her.” He finishes. You could tell by his face that he wanted to add more, but decided to keep it to himself.
You’d take that any day.
You laugh, trying to edge out the awkwardness and nervousness in your voice before speaking. “Yeah, you’re right. It sounds stupid now. I’d appreciate it if we just forgot about this.” You rub the sides of your arms, still avoiding looking him in the eye.
“Alright. Here.” You hear his bag rustle and it causes you to look up at him. After a couple of seconds, he pulls out your favourite drink. You show your confusion. You didn’t ask him for a drink.
Seeing your expression, he explains himself. “I always see you get this one. Figured you’d want it.” He hands it to you before giving everyone else the drink they requested, acting like five minutes ago never happened. Rowdiness of the group returning to homeostasis.
You stare at the drink with the dumbest smile on your face, not being able to hide it.
You chose to ignore the looks of your classmates.
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