#i use mine liberally
when has anyone EVER said that homophobia is izzy’s only motivation. i’m on team “gay homophobe izzy” and i do not think this is his only motivation. i don’t even think it’s his primary motivation. it is another layer of complexity on a fascinating character. he is gay and in unrequited love with ed. he craves power and leadership but he is not good at managing those things when he gets them. he thinks men should behave a certain way and is aggressive and cruel to the men who don’t meet his standards. men having sex with each other is fine, but men falling in love with men falls outside of his rigid idea of how men should behave. he lacks the emotional maturity to be able to identify his feelings towards ed. he is so repressed he only accepts intimacy in the form of physical violence. he blames stede for ed changing. he hates stede because ed is changing. to izzy, the worst part about stede changing ed is the fact that stede is such a pathetic excuse of a man it shatters izzy’s image of ed to think that ed could find anything about stede appealing. he’s dedicated his life to the version of ed that he’s made up in his head. he is possessive of being the only one to call him ed, to be the only one who gets to call the legendary blackbeard by his name. but izzy has never been able to see ed without blackbeard. to him, knowing ed is a privilege only because ed is who’s behind the legendary blackbeard’s curtain.
i think izzy is fascinating. he's a fantastic character. he is incredibly well written. he plays a crucial role in the narrative. this show would not be the same without him.
im telling you now, having spent my time in this fandom primarily interacting with people who also read izzy as homophobic, anyone who is using this interpretation to reduce izzy's complexity is by far in the minority with that take.
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samwisethewitch · 2 years
Something I do grieve a little bit, especially as I study queer history and connect deeper with queer ancestors, is that the LGBTQ+ community is now almost entirely online and/or only at big events like Pride. It feels like as queerness becomes most accepted in the mainstream (which is a good thing!!!) there are fewer and fewer physical spaces that are explicitly dedicated to supporting, protecting, and celebrating queer identities. And even when there are physical spaces set aside for us, fewer and fewer young queer people are choosing to engage them.
Like, I know intentional communities are more associated with leftism and environmentalism now, but that used to be the only real option for openly queer people. When it was legal for landlords to evict you and for employers to fire you because you were gay, or a lesbian, or transgender, banding together was the only way to survive. If someone owned property or benefited from generational wealth, they opened their home to people in the community who needed a place to stay. People who were able-bodied enough to work went to work (and a lot of them were sex workers, and that's an important part of our history). People who couldn't work helped out in whatever way they could, and a lot of queer political organization was done by disabled and mentally ill folks who were out of work, or who were working and organizing while being sick.
Queer people created parallel social structures when the mainstream system wouldn't let them participate. The queer community birthed its own spiritual leaders, its own healers, its own philosophers, its own bodyguards and protectors. If someone had a need, someone else probably had the skills or resources to help.
I think a lot of us have forgotten that there would have been no Stonewall, no GLF, no AIDS activism without those webs of community support and organization formed out of necessity. Stonewall happened because the queer community in Greenwich Village in the 1960s was united under oppression and already had the systems in place necessary for organizing. The reason we have gay rights now (such as they are) is because our queer elders chose to take care of each other. And it does make me deeply sad that we seem to have abandoned that tradition of community-building in the last couple of decades.
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youth-liberation-june · 2 months
the term “grateful” has been misused so much to manipulate children, or other oppressed classes, to be submissive and obedient to their oppressors.
to manipulate oppressed groups into believing they should be grateful for things they are owed as beings, like food and comfort; or worse, for such things in abusive situations disguised as love. or solely for abuse disguised as love.
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4thstar · 3 months
So uh, hey, USA.
I don't live there but, y'know, your country has a bit of an impact worldwide, so.
The assassination attempt on Trump will just fire up the right-wing conservatives, especially after the whole immunity thing that happened recently.
And since voting is somehow optional there, I just wanted to share a reminder:
Voting is both a right and a duty. Make yourselves heard.
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hajihiko · 1 year
thanks to my piss poor word association, i just never realized that "T" could be a initial and have just be going "ah yes, T, hajime's good friend from real life, horomone replacement therapy"
Just me and my bestie testosterone. Or as I call him. Bestosterone.
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mcdolann · 3 months
resenting every tradie past and present for being like “should we build houses for the cold or the heat” and then deciding on neither.
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nugatorysheep · 4 months
Tumblr media
Eggman voice: I have 70 alternative accounts! i just wanna look at pretty art why must you care so badly what other people think
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jojojo-jo-jo-jojo · 2 months
I'm beginning to think that you people just don't understand what is being said when you read criticisms of electoral politics.
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yo9urt · 5 months
its crazy how being in a union will remind you that the people above you do not care for you as a person at all and only care about money
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claireredfield · 6 months
Insane rant here but i hate what resident evil has become i hate how its fans are bunch of 30 yr old blue haired they/them liberals who dont even appreciate the series or its characters for what it is. You all fucking suck i miss the old days where leon was called gay for his hairstyle and weskerfield was peak yaoi
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wanderestless · 1 year
these twee posts about giving money to tumblr are such a perfect source for blocklists. embarrassing fandom people, waves of bigots, and fools who believe a website that largely profits from advertising is a mom n' pop business.
did you all forget about the 'emporium' campaign where they filled the dash with endless ads about buying tumblr merch? the loser employees who wrote the cringe faux-relatable commentary under all those posts, whining about how tumblr doesn't buy enough merch?
i sure wonder if this 'save tumblr!!! they'll totally change their minds if we give them tons of money!!' campaign is linked to the last months of priming via advertising.
i don't know if any other website could manage to be this overt about employing emotional nonsense for profit, but you all lap it up lmao
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Currently resisting the urge to blackmail my father into therapy
#At this point I’ve almost said “well if you don’t talk about your Jehovah’s Witness trauma with someone; I will#because yours is directly related to mine due to having vented on me about it since I was six”#I’ve almost said it ten times within the past hour#exjw#And this is the congregation he thought was our family’s eternal salvation from my apostacy. Ha!#“Jehovah is guiding us here” Jehovah didn’t do shit for you except give you PTSD-induced gout and kidney stones; come off it#Get out of her my people#I’m not even sorry for him. What the elders said to him wasn’t his fault; but he 100% got himself into this mess#for my benefit (to strike the fear of god into his disgusting homosexual sinning boygirl daughter with raging hormones)#And his homophobic rant he went on… please just call me a faggot#I’m having it out with him before I go for no other reason but my own satisfaction#ex cult#”I can’t talk to a worldly therapist because they won’t want to worship Jehovah when someone preaches to them”#Why — pray tell — will they react in that way? Because it’s a cult#Cult: spelled “C-U-L-T.” You didn’t listen to the content of my diaries (which you read against my will) and now you’re suffering#Play stupid games win stupid prizes#He’s the most traumatized out of the two of us as a direct result of him trying to “fix” me…#also because I don’t keep touching a hot stove after it burns me. JWs are a toxic cult; so I no longer believe them#My mental health is better as a result#I have worldly comfort media and I swear liberally (which is proven to soothe physical pain)#I’ve accepted myself as queer. I’ve accepted my dark tastes in music and media.#I’ve started doing something with my life to get out ASAP.#Life isn’t good but it’s gotten better once I changed my mindset and stopped being a close-minded homophobic asshole#Just because a couple gay guys were creepy towards you doesn’t mean they’re all like that#Straight guys have been creepy towards me and I never said I wished death upon all straight men#A creep is a creep is a creep; sexuality doesn’t make you a creep — being creepy makes you a creep
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starlightkun · 2 years
that m*ngha* video is,, ugh vile. obvs i know the kpop industry is awful when it comes to body image and fatphobia but like 🤨🤨 the veggies defending him 🤨🤨🤨 like baby there is no way those screenshots r better in context
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jewishbarbies · 2 years
my parents have had the news on tv 24/7 since I was in diapers and they wonder why I never shut up about politics
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bipedalseal · 2 years
resisting the urge to say i love you every time someone does a lil gesture of affection to me
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umbralwaves · 1 month
I definitely embarrassed my "benignly" misogynistic manager with how I prefer to defend myself over having my POC husband do it. His white wife must be reeling.
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