#i turly feel like it's not that big a deal as people make it out to be
buckera · 5 months
I think bucktommy kisses are more important to the story than the karaoke. Especially ones iniated by Buck. I think/hope they'd keep those in the ep before other scenes. Or maybe if they have filmed more than they can fit in the ep, they'll do it like lone star did with the tarlos wedding and release the deleted scenes afterwards.
The powers that be at abc have to have noticed Tommy and bucktommy's popularity. We're not the only ones who can find ship tags on social media. They know where the attention for the show is at.
ngl as much as I can't wait to see the next bucktommy kisses (initiated by Buck!!) I don't think they are all that important to the story either?
like sure, to the bucktommy storyline it's progression and it shows the direction they are going into, but that can be shown in other ways and in other episodes, so if I was the one editing, I'd probably keep those stuff to the minimum as well
I think it's more than possible — depending on the rest of the scene surrounding them, mind you — that we might only get one kiss? which listen, obviously I'd rather get all, but if they couldn't (or wouldn't?) go down on the 2-parter role, we just gotta understand that it's about the story overall and not about the small things our little shipper hearts want to see.
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@shinsoutm​ sent  💘 DO I EVEN GOTTA SPECIFY
send me 💘 + A SHIP and i’ll tell you...
Under the cut because it’s long.  
A lot of this is from off-blog plotting so consider it a sneak peek~
where they first met and how
Hitoshi walked into class 1A to ‘declare war’ on her class and her first thought was that he looked like Hitoshi but cooler, but she mostly just thought he was a dick.  Admittedly she figured that he’d fit in with her class just fine if he actually made it in.  She was REALLY weary of him at the Sports festival and steered clear of him.  Eventually Itoshi properly introduced them and they got along much better after Hitoshi made his way into the Hero Course.
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved
It’s hard to say since for them flirting was a sort of???  It wasn’t very obvious from either party.  They wanted to impress each other, and they just became really good friends.  Flirting wasn’t really prevalent in them falling in love.
who fell for who first ( if applicable )
Hmmm.  I feel like it was probably close to being around the same time that feelings got ‘real’ but Nomiko definitely became aware of her initial attraction to him during his fight with Midoriya at the sports festival.  His passion struck her, and she related a lot to what he had to say.  It just kinda got more and more intense from there.
where their first date was and what it was like
This is a point of contention, because they went out so many times platonically as teens and young adults, that by the time they were actually officially a relationship they can’t really decide which ‘date’ was the first one.
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? )
It was sort of an unspoken thing.  One moment, they were simply really close friends and the next they were fully committed to each other.  It literally was like a light switch.  When they got together initially, it was as easy as breathing.
who proposes first
Hitoshi was the proposer!
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away
Once they were actually a relationship they didn’t have to tell people.  Anyone in their vicinity knew.  Itoshi was the first to know, being their roommate at all.  They’re both not secretive about being together, they’re so proud to be with each other.  THAT BEING SAID, professionally speaking they’re so private about their lives outside of hero work.  Close friends know what their deal is, but the media is still trying to figure out what’s going on.
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? )
Hitoshi fully proposed to her in the middle of a fight.  Nomiko laid the dude she was fighting out flat and jumped into Hitoshi’s arms and accepted his proposal.  It was considerably casual (him yelling “marry me!” out to her during the fight) but Nomiko thinks it was the absolute best way to propose to her.
if they adopt any pets together
Of course.  Hitoshi gets a cat (Susan) pretty quickly into his time living with Nomiko and Itoshi and Nomiko took care of it whenever he was gone.  And basically if either of them ever cross strays, they’re coming home.  Hitoshi has more of the knack for fidning them but after a trip home to check on her mom she comes back with a kitten she named Turnip.  (See Mac’s post on this to see their other cats dsk dfg) 
who’s more dominant
I think, generally speaking, Nomiko might come out on top a bit more.  She is more aggressive and dominant across the board in a lot of aspects of their lives.  However, Hitoshi is typically the one who takes charge in relationship matters such as affection.
where their first kiss was and what it was like
It was at a party that their class was throwing.  They had to kiss during a kissing game and Nomiko got really embarrassed and upset that her first kiss was kind of fucked up by having everyone looking at laughing.  Hitoshi tracked her down to make her feel better.  They kissed in her dorm to ‘make up” and Nomiko fully counts that more as her first real kiss.  Not that it matters, it was with him regardless.
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? )
Not intentionally.  He has a lot of gear that says Mothman on it (not like... HER mothman, just Mothman in general) and she has some stuff too, plus some underground merch with her name on it.  Also she definitely has some of his merch and sometimes will sleep in an oversized Control Freak shirt.  Also Itoshi definitely secretly made them both sweaters that are identical, but he gave them as gifts for different occaisions and they dont realize it until they accidentally wear them at the same time.
how into pda they are
Nomiko likes to be touching him as much as possible, in some way.  She doesn’t find herself in public as often the more she leans into her career but sometimes after fights that he helps with she will want to kiss behind a dumpster or something.  When they go out for nights on the town it’s a whole new ball game, they are nearly constantly connected in some way.
who holds the umbrella when it rains
Hitoshi, because he is so much taller than she is.  She tries but the rain makes her sleepy......
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable )
I think that they keep going back to the same little Cat Cafe for a few years even when they aren’t dating.  But otherwise?  They mostly stick around where they live they’re both pretty fond of being at home.
who’s more protective
It’s a toss up, really.  They’re both very protective of the other.  I think in typical ‘real life’ situations Hitoshi is more protective (like in bars or in public spaces) but if they’re involved in a fight with a villain Nomiko will fight tooth and nail to keep her boy safe.
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ )
Before getting together they were roommates and very close friends who are very close with each other.  Even before they were adults sometimes they’d both fall asleep while hanging out with Itoshi in his room.  They both sleep better in the presence of the other, that transcends the nature of their relationship.
if they argue about anything
Sure, sometimes it’s about stupid stuff that’s subjective like which brand of juice is best.  Sometimes she can get upset about him getting himself hurt, or she’ll get a little upset about him leaving for so long.  Whe nhe comes back from his eight years of being ‘dead’ it’s more of a serious thing, where the yargue about his reactivity to situations. 
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. )
Hitoshi does.  However, part of that is because with all his tattoos it’s hard to tell just how many marks he’s got on his back and neck.
who steals whose clothes and how often
Nomiko fully integrates 1/3 of his wardrobe into her own wardrobe.  She likes how big and comfy they are, she likes that they smell like him- she just.  She’s a little Hoodie thief.  Most of her relax at-home lounge wear are either clothes that are his or were his when he was younger.  He leant her a hoodie when they were seventeen and she still has it and wears it to bed in the winter.  He’ll take some of her clothes to be funny, but she thinks he looks good in her tiny shirts b/c boy in crop top....  Good shit.
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? )
Nomiko is so small and so easy to move around that the possibilities are endless.  Her favorite is to either nestle into the crook of his arm, or just laying on top of his chest so she can listen to his heartbeat.
what their favourite nonsexual activity is
She likes existing in his presence.  Just sitting with him while they watch television or movies or like.. Playing video games.  Just sitting in his lap while they’re relaxing at home.  He’s a good sport about going out into nature with her too and she loves that.  Also?  Training.  Like.  Fuck, training turned tension?  Hi!  Hello.
how long they stay mad at each other
Nomiko has an angry nature so she can really hang onto anger for a long time, but she can...  Sort of love and be angry at the same time.  When they’re younger she’s rarely TRULY mad at him, but as they get older she makes a point to try not to be around him as much when she’s truly angry because she loves him and she doesn’t want to subject him to her ugly angriness.  She hates being mad at him, it always feels stupid to ever be MAD at him.
what their usual coffee / tea orders are
Nomiko mostly drinks hot drinks and she likes them sweet with a lot of caffeine.  Hitoshi helps her branch out so she can try more things.  And she keeps him from doing gas station coffee with red bull.
if they ever have any children together
Yes!! Yes, they have three kids.  We need to design and name them which is as you all know my favorite thing.  Nomiko saw him interacting with a kid and knew immediately she wanted to have kids with him.
if they have any special pet names for each other
Nomiko calls him her beau when they’re dating, she usually defaults to baby or darlin’ otherwise.  He’s better at actual nicknames.
if they ever split up and / or get back together
They do.  She was under the impression that he died on a mission and he was gone for eight years.  But really, they never turly stopped by way of words.  Even why he came back, it was like... Yeah, we are still together, even if it’s weird and hard and not how we want it to be just now.
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? )
Their initial apartment was a chaotic place since Itoshi lived there and he’s a mess.  Nomiko likes to be tidy and she and Hitoshi don’t have a lot of things between them so their spaces are much more clean.  Nomiko would clean his room even whe nhe wasn’t around.  It made her feel like he wasn’t gone.  Their house is a cozy place, pretty classic and traditional but so personal to them.  It also has a very elaborate and massive cat tree that goes through literally every room of their home.
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like
Nomiko is not really a holiday person, so she usually works on most Christmases since it’s not really a big deal to her.  As time goes on though and more of her friends have families and after really establishing the fact that Itoshi is also family and by extension any family he has- They start hosting Christmas and Nomiko finally seems to understand how special it can be.
what their names are in each other’s phones
For most of their friendship Nomiko had it set as either his name, or Itoshi changed it to be “Worse Itoshi” and she kept that for awhile.  She’s not very tech savvy so it’s usually something along those lines.  By the time they’re married his name in her phone is just My 💜 And her name in his is probably bug emojis and a silly nickname in his.
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? )
Hmmmm....  Nomiko always takes him to that same Cat Cafe whenever he comes back from some time away.  She also pretty much without fail gives him a backrub when he gets home from work.  
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first
These insomniacs?  It’s a race.  Who will fall asleep first?  Who knows.  It is a mystery.  She usually is the one that drops off first and he wakes up earlier.  But she’s usually up pretty quickly after him because she likes to go on runs in the morning.
who’s the big spoon / little spoon
Nomiko was built to be the little spoon.  Look at her.  Look at how little.
who hogs the bathroom
They’re very efficient and probably use the bathroom for its services at the same time.  They definitely take care of showers back to back and use the tub together.  As far as hygiene and grooming habits are they’re both pretty simple.  She doesn’t really do much for her own appearance.
who kills the spiders / takes them outside
Spiders are treated like guests.  If it’s nice outside, it will be brought outside, but honestly Nomiko doesn’t have an issue having them around in the house.
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