#i thought he was monster at first but. hes a whole different species
Does anyone know where I can talk to a unova region professor. There is. An Oahawatt on my balcony. I live in the middle of nimbasa there's no way it should be here other than 1. Escaped from the Starter Program or 2. Time Rift Bullshit and either way I should at least get the little guy checked out.
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sakuravalelp · 2 months
Don't eat anything else - DC X DP
Using this prompt
Next part
Danny is sure that if it wasn't for his ghost side, he would have already died from malnutrition. Vlad, the monster he is, doesn't allow him to eat any meal without human meat. It's not that he isn't allowed vegetables, fruits, and animal byproducts, but every meal has human meat somehow. Vlad watches him with piercing eyes while he eats, making sure he doesn't avoid the meat.
He's gone days without eating just to avoid it, but eventually, he does have to eat. He has eaten human meat! He wonders if this is why Dan decided to renounce his human side.
Future Vlad had told him that Dan wanted to get rid of his ghost side due to his grief, but maybe Dan thought he would feel better about eating humans if he were a complete ghost. Danny could understand that, but he now knows it wouldn't work...
The Infinite Realms are full of different species, and the act of eating another species that's able to coexist with you in a society feels just as horrendous as cannibalism. Was finding this out what drove Dan mad?
He isn't getting much nutrition when he does eat either, not with him vomiting at least half the times he does. Not that Vlad cares about that;
"Ectoplasm will take care of your body while you stubbornness dies. I do think it would be easier for you if you just stopped being ridiculous and eat."
Ectoplasm and water are the only things he has free access too, and Danny hates how grateful he is for at least having that.
As if things couldn't be worse, he's also been forced to cook the meat. When he started learning how to cook with Tucker's mom, he never, never, would have imagined he would be using his abilities for this. He has grown numb to butchering human corpses…
Corpses are a frequent view in the kitchen. He's scared one day he'll recognize the face of one of them. Vlad knows it and uses to control him, telling him that if he doesn't behave, their next meal might be Tucker or Sam. He hates to admit how docile he's grown.
He hasn't seen Tucker, Sam, or anyone since the explosion in the lab took his family. Vlad doesn't allow him to leave the mansion for anything besides galas. He has him collared like a dog to prevent him from leaving. Except, his collar is a shock bracelet charged with blood blossoms that would inject into his wrist if he tries to escape.
He thought Vlad was bluffing and tried escaping once. His whole body felt like it was burning up in flames, and he wasn't able to move for a week. Vlad told him that next time, the dose would keep him in bed for a month. He hasn't tried escaping since.
He's still talking with them through chat. He doesn't know if Vlad knows, but he doesn't think he does; he told him his phone exploded with the lab. But he can't tell them anything. How could he? How is he supposed to tell them he has cooked humans? That he has eaten humans? That he has grown somewhat numb to it? He can't, and then he feels like he can't talk about anything else that is happening.
Today, as he serves the entrance dish to the first guests Vlad has had since he took Danny in, he forces a fake smile on his face. Inside, he feels a wave of nausea and dread as intense as the first time he was forced to eat human meat. The grotesque irony of presenting this dish, knowing what it contains, twists his stomach and makes his hands tremble ever so slightly.
They don't know. They have no idea that they're being served their own species. They don't know, and Danny is the one forced to make them eat their own kind.
The appetizer is a vegetable-based soup with barely any traces of meat, but the main dish features a full human fillet. The guilt and revulsion claw at his insides, nearly choking him. He has to at least stop them from eating that. He needs to get them out of here somehow. And maybe, just maybe, it’s time to try and put a stop to everything else. He can’t let this atrocity continue.
Tim didn't feel comfortable listening to Masters talk about how good the food would be, while Masters' heir served the appetizer with the fakest smile Tim had ever seen. The teen looked so clearly uncomfortable and scared around his guardian that it was hard to resist the urge to grab the boy and leave.
Masters had praised his godson’s cooking during the gala last week, all the while keeping a hand possessively on the teen’s shoulder. Tim didn't like how controlling it seemed, nor how the grip tightened when the teen mumbled quietly about his name being Danny. It was difficult to witness the entire interaction, especially as the teen appeared to fall into a state of complete dissociation afterward.
They were already planning to investigate Masters due to the suspicious nature of all his contracts, but after the gala, they had to shift their focus to helping the teen. They were fortunate that Masters had granted them easy access to his mansion with the invitation to try Danny's cooking.
They couldn't all go to Masters's and leave Gotham behind, so at the dinner, it was just Bruce, Cass, and Tim. Jason was also in the city because he refused to stay away from an obvious abuse case, but he wasn't allowed at the dinner. He would have attacked Masters just from seeing Danny’s uncomfortable stance under his hand during their greeting.
Masters had insisted that Danny serve the food since he had made it, and now Danny stood beside him, serving him the last plate of soup. Danny stumbled for a moment, and before Tim knew it, he was bathed in soup. Tim blinked, surprised at how the soup wasn’t as hot as he had expected, given the steam rising from the other plates.
"Daniel! What the hell are you doing!?"
Vlad exclaimed, standing up from his place, and the teen beside Tim paled.
“I—I am so sorry!” Danny apologized, using napkins to help clean off the soup, his hands slightly trembling. “Did you get burned?”
"No, no, don't worry about it. I'm okay."
"It isn't okay. Daniel, you ruined Mr. Drake's clothes!"
"Sorry... Let's- I think I have clothes that could fit you... So you could change?"
Oh, so that was why his soup wasn’t hot. Danny had poured it on him deliberately; he was trying to get him alone. Despite how scared Danny looked, it seems he still clung to the hope of escaping. Tim felt a surge of relief and determination. He was glad to see that Danny was looking for a way out, and this chance could be their opportunity to devise a plan.
"Thanks, I would appreciate that." he said as he stood from his sit. He saw how Masters was opening his mouth to say something, but Tim didn't want to risk loosing the opportunity. "Please, don't worry about it Mr. Masters, accidents happen, we'll be back in a moment."
Tim locked eyes with Bruce for just a second, a barely noticeable nod telling him Bruce trusted him to do this right. He then followed Danny through the mansion’s halls and up the stairs, noting that Danny’s bedroom was on the top floor. Danny kept his arms crossed, trying to make himself appear smaller.
"I'm really sorry Mr. Drake. I should have been more careful."
"It's okay really, and please, just call me Tim."
"Oh, um, thanks, but Vlad doesn't like nicknames... would- would it be okay to use Timothy instead?"
“… Yeah, sure.” It seemed Vlad controlled the way Danny was allowed to speak. “Would you mind if I call you Danny then?” Tim asked. He had been mentally referring to him as Danny since the gala and wanted to match that with his spoken words.
Danny shrank farther into himself, and Tim was about to retract his suggestion, but then a small smile appeared on Danny's face and he turned to look at Tim.
"Yeah, I would like that." Danny said in a hushed toned, and a hint of fears in his eyes. Like he was afraid to accept the suggestion.
Tim wondered if Masters had punished Danny for mumbling his preferred name at the gala. However, before he could dwell further on the types of punishments Masters might have used, Danny's eyes widened.
"Ancients, you even have soup on your hair-"
Despite Tim’s attempts to reassure him that everything was okay, Danny continued to apologize throughout the journey to his bedroom. Lamenting how foolish it had been to let the plate slip, and how he should have known better.
Danny’s constant self-reproach made Tim question whether he had misjudged the situation. Maybe it had been a genuine mistake. In theory, it wouldn't matter, because he got to talk alone with Danny either way, but he liked thinking that Danny was reaching out for their help.
Once in Danny's bedroom, Danny beelined to his closet to give Tim a change of clothes. Tim took the opportunity to look around. Danny's room was… impersonal. It was sophisticated and extravagant, like a room that would be featured in a magazine. Tim was sure Danny hadn't decided on the decor. He was surprised to see the bedroom had a large balcony connected to it. Maybe Masters trusted it was high enough for Danny not to attempt escaping through it?
"Would this outfit work for you?"
Danny was holding a suit similar to the one Masters had worn at a previous gala. Now that Tim paid attention to Danny's outfit, he noticed that Danny's clothes today were almost a smaller version of what Masters was wearing, with just enough differences to not be immediately recognized as the same. Thinking back to last weeks gala, their outfits were also similar. To what extent was Masters controlling Danny's life?
"Um... if you don't like it I can grab another one..."
Tim blinked, realizing he had just stared silently at Danny while he offered him the clothes.
"No, sorry, got lost in thoughts, I'm okay using those."
"Okay, I'm glad. Again, sorry for..." Danny motioned to Tims clothes "You can change in my bathroom over there." He pointed to a door beside the bed. "Maybe also take a shower?" Danny got a towel from his closet and offered it to Tim.
"Yeah a shower would be good." Tim said, taking clothes and the towel and entering the bathroom.
He'll talk with Danny once he was changed into clean clothes. If only to calm Danny's guilt about the incident.
Danny's bathroom was spacious, with a jacuzzi bathtub, a separate shower, and one of those popular bidet toilets. From an outside perspective it must look like Danny has anything he could want, but Tim knows better than anyone that money doesn't guaranty a good household. It's sad knowing that any CPS agent that did decide to look into this, would be easily push away by Masters money.
Once Tim had showered and changed clothes, he prepared to go back to the bedroom to talk to Danny, but before he did, a green glow from the corner of his eye caught his attention. Tim sucked a breath when he saw what it was. A syringe with traces of Lazarus waters and blood sat beside the sink.
"Timothy? Everything okay in there? Did the clothes don't fit?"
Tim took a photo of the syringe and sent it to the group chat with the caption, "We may have to add experimentation to Danny's abuse." After taking a sample, he decided to leave the syringe behind, considering the possibility that Masters might use the same syringe more than once and notice its disappearance. He really hoped to get Danny out of there that same day, but if they couldn't, he didn't want to make things more difficult for him.
"Everything is okay! I'll be out in a second."
Tim took one last look around while picking up his dirty clothes, just in case he found anything else. When he left the bathroom, Danny was waiting for him, shifting nervously from side to side. It was time to talk to him.
"Danny, look, I wanted to talk-"
"Ah, let me take your clothes! I'll make sure to clean them and get them back to you!" Danny interrupted him, grabbing his arm and shaking his head with a pleading look.
Tim looked incredulous at Danny for a second, before he realized what was happening and mouthed. "Your bedroom is bugged." He hadn't meant it as a question but Danny had nodded anyway. It was fucked up, Danny couldn't even talk confidently in his own bedroom?
"Right, thank you Danny. I would appreciate that. Perhaps we could take the opportunity to meet again in the future."
Danny gave him the look an adult might give a naive child when talking about an unreachable fantasy, and Tim couldn't help but frown at it. Did Danny believe that even seeing them again was too out of reach?
"That would be great, I'll talk with Vlad about the possibility."
Tim was going to say something else to try to reassure Danny that they would be able to meet, but Danny just handed him two pieces of paper. One was unfolded with text on it, and the other was folded into a small square, smaller than his pinky. He read the unfolded paper first.
- Don't eat anymore of the food. Pretend to have some sort of family emergency and leave, please. Read the other paper when you're far away. -
Tim looked at Danny with questioning wide eyes, but Danny just gave him another pleading look. Tim took a deep breath and took a photo to the paper and sent it to the group chat.
"Oh common, aren't you a little old to ask your guardian about every little meet up you have?" (Would you leave with us?)
Danny gives a nervous chuckle.
"Maybe, but after my family, Vlad tends to be really protective, you know?" He said while pointing to his bracelet.
Tim hadn't noticed how tick the bracelet was before. It was metallic, with a red liquid line in the middle.
"Shock bracelet?" He mouthed.
Danny nodded and then mouthed, "if I scape, it poisons me."
Tim pales a bit at that. They had underestimated how dangerous Masters was.
He motioned to his phone and took a photo of the bracelet after Danny nodded and sent to the group chat with the caption: "Shock bracelet with the capacity of poisoning Danny. We won't be able to get him out right now."
"We should probably go back with the others now."
Group chat
Coffee is my life: *Photo of the syringe*
Coffee is my life: We may have to add experimentation to Danny's abuse.
Death boy walking: Fuck!
Death boy walking: @ Adoption addict, we have to get the kid out of there now!
Bones? What bones?: Bruce is entertaining Masters with Cass at the moment little wing.
Bones? What bones?: I doubt he'll read this.
The blood son: There's no way that buffoon has any relation with grandfather. He's company does not follow any of the leagues morals.
Light & shadow: Maybe he found another Lazarus pit?
Light & shadow: They're supposedly naturally formed right? It shouldn't be that crazy for someone out of the league to have one.
Computer genius: It might not even be Lazarus waters. The tone is slightly off.
The blood son: It is possible that it is a different variation of dionesium.
Death boy walking: Who cares? He's injecting the kid with that thing!
Not Bruces kid: Hate to say it but the zombie is right, we can find what exactly when Danny is safe.
Coffee is my life: *Photo of paper with text*
Light & shadow: ????
Light & shadow: Is the food poisoned!?
Computer genius: Already told them through comms to not eat anymore food.
Computer genius: If the food is poison it hasn't affected them yet.
Light & shadow: Do you guys have a way to deal with the poison there?
Bones? What bones?: Don't worry Bruce doesn't go anywhere without the poison antidote kit.
Death boy walking: Of course he doesn't. The paranoid bastard.
The blood son: It isn't paranoia if the danger is real Todd.
Computer genius: I'll call Bruce in 10 to pretend a family emergency.
Death boy walking: You are NOT going without Danny!
Bones? What bones?: Any possibility on taking Danny with you @ Coffee is my life?
Coffee is my life: *Photo of bracelet*
Coffee is my life: Shock bracelet with the capacity of poisoning Danny. We won't be able to get him out right now.
Not Bruces kid: Wasn't this a low stakes rescue???
Not Bruces kid: Why is this man coming up with plans in the big villain category?
Light & shadow: I'm scared of whatever "the other paper" that Danny gave Tim says.
Light & shadow: Wouldn't be surprised if Masters was connected with a trafficking ring.
Bones? What bones?: @ Death boy walking?
Bones? What bones?: You're too silent...
Bones? What bones?: Remember you won't be able to barge in without putting Danny in danger.
The blood son: Tt, don't be so surprise by the warning Todd.
The blood son: Your past actions have prove it necessary.
Death boy walking: Shut the fuck up demon brat. You're not one to talk.
... The blood son is writing ...
Light & shadow: Everyone have had their outburst of bad decisions.
Light & shadow: Can we go back to Danny?
Light & shadow: How likely do you think it is that he's a meta?
Light & shadow: Because, I think it's pretty high.
Not Bruces kid: Did you see something strange in him on the gala?
Light & shadow: No, but the bracelet are pretty similar to the meta-suppressors collars I've seen in the past.
Computer genius: I'm calling Bruce right now.
next part
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lazyneonrabbitt · 10 months
Shared interests
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Dad's best friend!Daryl Dixon x Grimes!Reader | SMUT 🔞 [Pt.2]
Your father shares information about his best friend to show support of your interests. Those interests take a different turn than he expected.
🐺 🐺 🐺
You and Daryl met via your father, Rick Grimes.
Him and Daryl had been best friends for so long they considered themselves brothers.
Although there was one major thing you had more in common with his best friend than with your father.
Werewolves to be exact.
Rick knew how crazy obsessed you were with those old day horror movies and their leading monsters so when he learned about Daryl’s more ..feral side he had asked if it was okay if you knew as well, to which he agreed.
When your dad told you his friend Daryl had something to show you you had zero clue of that it could be. All he cared for was hunting, leather jackets and motorcycles.
What you didn’t expect was to be met with a set of glowing blue eyes above exposed fangs and a clawed hand reaching out to hand you some books on lycantrophy.
Eyes wide you stared at the man on your couch and words seemed to fail you no matter how deep you dug through your mind. So you and your now soaked panties spun and ran up to your room.
“I think she meant to say thanks, Daryl.”
After that, whenever he visited you’d make sure to hang around and just talk to him. You wanted to learn everything about him and his species now that you knew they were real.
Daryl would sometimes bring you new books. The dust covers hiding the true, dirty covers of books on breeding, or biological books for ‘studying’ that did go in full depth when it came to anatomy.
Of course those books weren’t the only thing shared between the two of you. He could smell how turned on you got around him, that’s why you got the dirtier books in the first place.
When Rick got called about an emergency at work he rushed out, ordering you to take care of Daryl, who respectfully left after he had finished his drink. But not without sharing his phone number and later that evening his newly acquired snapchat. You shared a good amount of filthy thoughts over the app and his visits got more and more difficult for you both to sit through. You, thinking of wrapping your lips around his delicious looking cock as he howled out in pleasure while he came down your throat. But also him being able to sense your internal struggle and soaked panties. It was like you were silently begging him to bend you over the coffee table right then and there.
A couple months into your secret texting you had been reading one of the books Daryl had gifted you. The one on breeding, specifically. It went into great detail of certain mating rituals, what certain full moons did for reproduction on both male and female weres, but hidden further into the pages was this chapter on cross-breeding. The chapters included graphics of human females during the stages of pregnancies carrying either a single pup or multiples.
You had your reading nook prepared with a full phone battery, a small bottle of lube and the largest, knotted toy you kept hidden deep in your cabinets.
The whole book turned you on so much that even the informative graphics were enough to get you so slicked up you didn’t even need the lube as you slid the toy inside of you.
Grabbing your phone you opened snapchat and started a recording.
The book was the first thing in view, your fingers grazing over the image of a human female, her belly showed the internal view of her womb full of multiple pups, with next to it an outside look of her torso displaying a large round belly with multiple canine like teats. After letting the details show you swapped to your selfie cam, giving the camera a soft moan and bit your lip before moving the camera down to where you were pumping the thick, knotted toy in and out of your soaked pussy. You added a quick ‘wanna be like her..’ and sent it over to Daryl and laid your phone to the side, now giving all your attention to yourself and finishing what you started. As you worked yourself to release your phone dinged and a quick glance showed Daryl’s snapchat icon popping up. While one hand kept moving the toy, the other opened the snap and watched him jerk himself off with a clawed hand as bright blue eyes stared right at the camera. His shirt was pulled up between his bared fangs as he growled out loud and finished all over his hand and stomach. He came more than any guy in porn vids you’d seen and the caption read ‘allathat’s gonna be inside ya’. You kept the snap replaying on loop as you pushed yourself that last bit over the edge and came around the toy. You replied to his snap with one of your own, filming yourself pulling the large toy out, showing just how big it really was.
As you cleaned up you got another snap. It showed the view of Daryl’s back porch, leading into the woods that surrounded his cabin. The little text bar at the bottom read ‘cute. Lil’ small for ya, dontcha think?’
His words left you speechless and in the next week you spent some time shopping online and spending your savings on s little special number for Daryl’s eyes only. On the day your dad had to work a double shift you had called Daryl over and started to prepare as soon as he confirmed he was going.
This was the first time you were going to be having sex for real instead of just fucking yourselves in front of your phone cameras. You had already showered in the morning to save as much time as possible. You didn’t need to do your hair and your makeup was going to be ruined anyways so you just dressed in your baby pink lacy number with the open crotch and pink leather collar that held a large metal ring.
To finish off the look you had custom ordered a set of realistic wolf ears and a matching tail buttplug. Your knee high socks were white with pink stripes at the top and pink paw pas printed at the bottoms of your feet. You threw on a robe to welcome your visitor into the house and quickly led him up to your room.
“So whatcha got under here, huh?” His hands wasted no time and went to pluck at the ribbon holding your robe closed, untying it and throwing it to the side, taking in your lace covered body and exposed cunt. From the top of your furry ears to the bottoms of your padded feet you were looking like the most gorgeous creature he had ever laid eyes on. You bit your lip and did a little twirl for him, wiggling your ass at him to make sure he saw your little tail and turned back around to pull at your collar as you looked up at him.
“Ya really want me ta breed ya like yer a little bitch in heat.” His fingers hooked into the ring on your collar and pulled you closer, taking one of your hands and shoving it down the front of his pants. You squeezed his hard member and moaned at the idea of him buried deep inside of you.
“Alright puppy, why dontcha lay down all pretty for me, I’ll join ya in a sec.” He quickly undressed as you laid down, spread out for him on your kingsize bed. A pair of shining blue eyes followed your every move and as he made his way up to you he rolled his shoulders and snarled, hunching over as he climbed onto the bed and changing, shifting into his beast form that was at least twice his normal size. Looking up from the large fangs in your face as he lapped at you, to the enormous knotted member that put any of your toys to shame you suddenly realized Daryl’s joke that day.
“P.. Please- prep me first.” Your voice stammered and Daryl only laughed as to mock you but he still moved down until his muzzle was level with your cunt. He took a long whiff of your soaked smell before lapping at your folds and shoving the full length of his tongue inside of you.
The moan you let out was almost pornographic. So much it even shocked you with how loud you were. Looking down you were met with Daryl’s top jaw covering your lower belly as his tongue kept working your insides and his lower fangs poked at the fat of your ass. He let out an experimental growl that had you clench around his tongue. “Ahh fuck again..” Your wish as quickly fulfilled as he kept up his growls, sending jolts of pleasure through you as you squirmed under his hold all the way up to your highest pitched whines that left you as you came hard around his tongue. The appendage was slowly pulled out of you and lapped up everything that managed to spill from your lower lips. You were a heaving mess and you hadn’t even touched his cock, letting you know how insanely ruined he as going to leave you when he was done with you.
With heavy movements he positioned himself above you again, his mouth open and tongue still lolling out of his maw. With two clawed fingers he pulled your mouth wide open and let a glob of drool fall onto your tongue so you could taste yourself. He kept your jaw shut and rubbed your throat with his other fingers like you’d do to a pet that had to swallow its medicine, and swallow you did. You opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue to show it was all gone.
With some more heavy moves Daryl moved himself comfortably onto the bed a hold of you and maneuvered you around to a fuckable position. Your hands were held above your head and one leg was pulled up against your chest as he rutted his hips against you, pressing his tip between your folds and moving further in with every thrust.
Choked gasps left you after he pressed in only halfway. The burning sensation of being stretched on his girth was one thing but you never had any of your toys, knots included fill you this deep. It hurt but there was no way you were going to make him stop. You wanted him so deep you could feel him poke your lungs. His face came down to lick at your cheeks, taking away any spilling tears and held your rocking hips still in a large paw as he slowly worked himself all the way in. You were so small compared to him, if he pushed in any further he’d tear your insides. He needed to take it slow until he as fully sheathed, but as soon as he was he could really set that breeding pace you so desperately wanted to experience. You looked down at his member being almost fully inside of you, only an inch and a half left between his knot and your lips. You watched as short ruts moved his cock in and out, the outline of it showing through the skin of your belly.
With his cock fully sheathed and his knot resting against your stretched lips he gave you a moment to breathe. His heaving breaths fanning your face while you rubbed your palms over the stretched skin of your stomach.
When you gave him the okay he started at a slow, steady pace and slowly worked up to the gut-wrenching breeding his bitch in heat pace he had promised you when he came in.
Rick came home earlier than he expected and to his surprise, found Daryl’s bike in his driveway. Normally when he came over he’d send a text and never go further than the garage. He didn’t thing too much of it any further and would find his brother when he’d find him.
Except the lower floor of the house was empty. Maybe he had gone off to the store to pick up new cigarettes.
He trudged up the stairs on his way to go take a shower, hearing the familiar sounds of monstrous growling coming from your room as he walked past.
Except why weren’t those sounds accompanied by the usual hight pitched woman’s screams or haunting background music?
What he did hear was something he hoped never to hear. “So close..” sounded your voice from behind the door. Without thinking twice his hand went to the handle, not knowing he was about to make the biggest mistake of his life.
There, in the middle of your plush bed laid you, ass right at the centre of his view, a plush tail dangling between your cheeks as your upper body laid splayed out across the pillows. Heaving chest exposed and covered in bleeding puncture wounds. A thick, pink leather collar around your neck and fuzzy ears on top of your head. One of your legs was raised up against the torso of what he knew for a fact to be his best friend in his changed form, currently balls deep fucking into his daughter. A large paw moved to cover your view of the room’s entrance as a thumb pressed past your lips and Daryl bared his teeth at the man in the door opening, signaling it was time to leave. Hands raised in defeat as Rick stepped back out of his daughter’s room and let the beast pick up his pace again right before he managed to close the door fully.
Your muffled moans sounded through the door as he decided to head out and go for a long walk around the neighborhood to make sure he wouldn’t catch any more of that ever.
“Ah Daryl, please..” You were so close again you were begging him to finish with you. You were so sore you were almost willing to beg him to stop. “Please, so close..” With your hands released again you reached down to squeeze at his knot, hoping he’d get the hint that you really wanted him to finish.
His head moved down to lick at your mouth as he sped up his thrusts, his knot pressing down harder against your lips every time. His tongue pressed past your lips and shoved down your throat as he tongue fucked your mouth. A padded finger rubbing at your clit had your eyes rolling back and your walls clamping down around his length, right as he rutted into you hard. His knot pressed inside of you and with a harsh pull it made it known it was really stuck inside of you.
You awoke the next morning with your thighs stuck together with dried cum and a naked human Daryl cuddling you.
As you tried to carefully get out of bed unnoticed you were made aware of Daryl being awake as well and grumbling a good morning as you moved over him to grab a robe and go clean yourself up as Daryl took some more time being comfortable in your bed.
All cleaned up and dressed in some underwear you went back to your room to find Daryl dressed and fishing through your hidden shoebox of toys.
“Ahem?” Making your presence known and passing him to grab some comfortable house clothes. You let him know you were gonna go make some breakfast and pray your dad had already left, but that prayer was quickly shot down by Daryl announcing he could hear your dad rummage around in the kitchen and you were going to have to face him.
Daryl offered to join you to soften the blow. You were too fucked out yesterday to realize your father had seen you two, also thanks to Daryl’s large paw obscuring your view of the door.
Once downstairs the two of you made your way into the kitchen, treading lightly and delicately wishing your dad a good morning as you went to make coffee for you and Daryl.
Without looking up from his morning papers Rick spoke. “I don’t want you ever doing that again in my house, understood?”
You shrunk into yourself before looking up in realization. “Y… You.. heard us?”
Daryl scoffed from the other side of the kitchen, seemingly unaffected by all of it. “Did more than just hear us. Gonna have nightmares for years.”
The pot of coffee shook in your trembling hands, almost spilling all over the counter. The idea of your father seeing you like you in such a filthy way had your stomach in knots.
The sound of papers crumpling and hands slamming onto the counter had you jump, dropping the spoon to the floor with a loud clatter.
“I trusted you with Daryl’s secret because you had an interest in those movies. Not so you could use it your for own.. Pleasure.” He had a hard time even saying it out loud, let alone look you in the eyes as he said it but he knew he wasn’t going to be able to do anything about it. You were an adult after all. “In fact if you’re adult enough to make such decisions you are old enough to find your own place to do that stuff, but not under my roof.”
All the while he still hadn’t looked up from his now messed up papers.
You stood there with tears in your eyes, terror and anxiety washing over you all at once, uncertain about what to even respond to such words.
“Well,” Not even a single heartbeat later Daryl spoke up. “Looks like we’re headin’ back upstairs ta pack yer stuff.” Ha strode over to your side to move you back around. “M’takin’ ya home t’ma cabin.”
A/N: Will I ever stop writing monsterfuckery? Absolutely not.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 9 months
So, for the very sexy anon that sent me this
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I hope you see this ❤️ Because I agree, whole heartedly Thembo under the cut
CW: Small drabble, NSFW, light hearted dub-con with thembo!Reader
Poor little barbarian, completely unaware that they were having sex until Xyleth was about to cum.
Being carried to his tent was the most exciting moment of the young warrior's life. They struggled against the children of the monstrous clan, so to have a chance to take on Xyleth, the most physically intimidating of the village, was an opportunity that filled (Reader) with both pride and adrenaline.
Within the tent, (Reader) was set on their feet, and they began stretching, smiling giddily.
"Ah, I shall not go easy on you, despite our difference in species.." The giant smirked down at his human, admiring the defined muscles of their exposed arms. "You should remove your clothing beforehand, so we do not ruin your outfit.."
"Oh!" The beautiful dummy gasped. "That's smart!"
In their naivety, (Reader) undressed in front of their mate the leader of the tribe without a second thought, unaware of the meaning behind the subtle thumping of his tail.
Xyleth was pleased to watch as they stripped down completely to the nude, having anticipated that they would have stopped at their undergarments.
'My little mate knows how to tease me in such a lovely way!'
As Xyleth became uncontrollably aroused, the naked human before him marveled at the cultural differences between the two species. However, wrestling nude made complete sense, and (Reader) wondered why none of the others suggested it earlier.
The two squared off, feet spread and hunched. An oddly flat tongue ran across Xyleth's teeth as he was given a perfect view of his exposed love.
(Reader) made the first move, smiling maniacally as they launched themselves forward towards the hulking beast towering above them. As their hands collided, the human slid back from the force of their struggle against Xyleth, who didn't flinch in the slightest.
Every move (Reader) made was wrong.
Every action they took against the leader made it harder for him to keep the "foreplay" (as he thought it to be) going. Their actions displayed their strength in the most attractive of ways, they pushed themselves against his claws to the point of sweating, filling the tent with their scent, and worse of all, they kept complimenting him.
Genuine comments such as "Man, I'm lucky to get this chance!", and "Damn, I knew you were strong, but this is impressive!", caused the chuckling man to nearly cry with the amount of love he felt for his mate, physically feeling his adoration for (Reader) in his chest.
Unable to contain his lust, he grappled (Reader) and spun them to the ground, wrapping the struggling warrior in his arms and legs, pinning them onto the previously strategically placed mats.
Sex education was a thing taught in (Reader's) community, but when they felt something painfully large enter their body, they didn't instantly connect the dots; being so focused on the fight that they laughed through the pain, still battling with all their might to release themselves from Xyleth's grip, wondering what kind of fighting style this was.
"Ah, fuck! That hurts.. You're really good at this!" The panting, dark red barbarian praised the victor, which for some reason made the pain harder and faster as whatever it was that Xyleth inserted began ramming into them.
Xyleth was grunting on top of (Reader), fucking the clueless human like an animal. In his mind, he was marking them as his mate, ready to bond the two of them as life partners. However, the wet mess getting railed under the monster was slowly becoming more and more embarrassed. (Reader) felt an orgasm building inside their tight body, and was scared to ask Xyleth to stop. How shameful it would be, to get turned on by a friendly sparring match!
"Xyleth, you- you win!" They stuttered out, barely able to speak while holding in their moans as pleasure assaulted their nerves. "Tapping out, buddy!"
"Why?" He chuckled while licking the shell of (Reader's) ear. "You're so close to cumming.."
The sensation of thick cum painting their insides brought about (Reader's) own climax, forcing it out of them as Xyleth continued thrusting into them, filling them to the point where it was spilling out, smacking loudly and wetly between their connecting hips as it leaked out of (Reader's) twitching hole and dripped down their thighs.
"What a good little mate you are.." was purred as the monster planted soft kisses across their jaw and earlobe, keeping himself deep inside of his new mate as he collapsed.
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Reading TLH again #2
Okay, I finished the second Jason chapter and I have more thoughts.
Let's go by chronological order. But before anything I want to share this lil Jason & Leo moment:
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When I say they have cute moments like this throughout the whole book, I mean it. Very small snippets but it gives such a good relationship foundation for them. I love Jason and Leo friendship 😊
Now, let's dive into it:
Interesting observation #1: Coach Hedge's a fascinating character even tho he is treated like a joke
I find Coach a very good new character. At this point in the book he seems pretty unidimensional at surface but he has more to him than meets the eye.
For example: Coach is a unusual satyr.
His species are known to be strictly pacifiers and nature lovers, and even if we are not new to the concept of brave satyrs, Coach is a different kind of brave than Grover is.
He is much more bold and his presence is definitely louder. He is also bound to violence, which is a uncommon fact on itself
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He is also very protective towards this trio, especially Leo and Piper (the ones he knows from before), but his protection extends to Jason too sometimes.
Leo and Piper are, unquestionably, his favorites tho. Including all the seven 🤭
Also, everyone forgot (I think Rick forgot too) about the magical bat Coach had in the beginning, it changed forms
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More magical bat: it chases targets
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Coach Hedge is supposed to be retired. I guess this is not actual important info, but I think about this taunt as a way of informing the readers he didn't actually want to retire, and we don't know why they dismissed him.
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I just love Coach. I really like his character, he is a refreshing air and I think Rick made the right choice in putting him as the chaperone of the Seven. He is a comedic, action bound and brave character that deserves more love!
Interesting observation #2: Gaia treats Jason as a special case from the very beginning
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I remember she has this annoying habit of having favorites, as in favorites to become her "sacrifice". If I remember correctly, her faves are: Jason, Percy and Annabeth. We can see her playing with Jason's value for her plan from this very chapter, already treating him like a "reward"
Interesting observation #3: Piper surprises everyone with her courage
In this chapter, Piper demonstrates her bravery during the confront with the venti. She has surprising good scenes, and even if she isn't very helpful in terms of combat, she thinks quickly and is very agile.
Most important fact is that, even if she doesn't understand what is happening, she doesn't seems afraid. The girl can act under pressure, we have to give her that.
In this scene, she takes command and tries her best to be supportive to the other students, acting like a in-control guide in the middle of a hurricane.
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Than we have her acting as a sidekick to Jason during an actual fight. She is determined to help him defeat these strange creatures she doesn't even know.
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Bonus observation of Jason being attracted to her violent tendencies lol
Finally, she tackles a monster to protect Jason. Head-on TACKLES it.
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Piper have guts in this chapter. I like it. She is much more reckless than Leo and Jason, very "act first, think later" style.
Interesting observation #4: Jason's inhuman durability
Jason gets caught in some lightning from the Venti, who states is powerful enough to vaporize "twenty men"
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He shows a super high durability during this hit.
Even tho I would like to observe that he can get hurt by lightning! It doesn't have the healing effects water has on Percy. Just an observation. I have a theory, but that is for a later post.
Interesting observation #5: Jason has aura
One thing I observed during this whole affair at the Grand Canyon is that the enemies (in this case, the Venti things) are a little wary of battling against Jason. It gets explicit in 2 (+1/2?) occasions:
Aura Moment #1: The subordinates Venti are not happy to fight him after seeing what he can do and survive
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Aura Moment #2.5: When he slashes them, they don't reform right away. Jason's aura is that powerful or was it consequence of his super classy Imperial Gold blade?
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Aura Moment #2: Finally, even their leader, Dylan, gets afraid of Jason after a while
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Boy has that energy oozing off of him. Badass aura points +
Interesting observation #6: Even if he has good intuition, Jason is reluctant to save Piper when she slips from the platform.
COACH has to tell him to save her TWICE before he moves. I also find this funny lol.
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When she falls, his first action is to not dive after her. In his defense a normal person wouldn't too, especially for a girl they don't actually know. Coach has to tell him what to do, but he still does nothing.
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Coach tells him to save her, AGAIN.
AND he still hesitates for a few seconds before letting his guts do the job.
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In this scene we can clearly see how Jason narrative has an air of the Logic vs. Instincts theme.
I would like to point out that this is, again, another of these moments where Piper and Jason aren't really clicking. His hesitance has to do with his way of thinking but also with the fact he doesn't know her.
Interesting observation #7: Jason is a VERY selfless character
We already defined he doesn't know anyone here, so logic dictates Jason doesn't own these people anything.
My boy was READY to DIE with Piper at the Grand Canyon! And he wasn't even phased by his imminent death.
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Pause for an observation: Jason isn't afraid of heights. If Thalia was here and not him, Piper would be history by now.
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Boy was prepared to die with Piper here. Impressive. Also, very nonchalant about the fact they were dying.
Following chronologically, right after these scenes we have the very first ACTUAL cute scene of Jason/Piper:
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Nothing to say here. It wasn't very detailed, didn't made me feel anything at all. We just know Piper's heartbeat went crazy but we don't really know if is because of Jason or because she was free falling the Grand Canyon. I am assuming it was cause she was dying, but maybe that is just me lol.
Interesting observation #8: his powers are similar to Percy's in the beginning, more like the element attending their wishes than actual control
It makes me wonder the actual laws of their abilities, if the elements of their heritage bends to their command forcibly because it doesn't have a choice like it happens to the gods or if the elements of their domain just bends to their will because it listens to their wishes and decides to comply, like Jason describes here, with words like "wished" and "imagined".
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Jason doesn't actually fly like superman would, he uses air as a supporting platform, more like buzz lightyear falling with style
Following we have a sequence of mini facts:
1 ) Jason finds easier going down than up (probably because of the effects gravity has on his control)
2) His first thoughts are for Coach and than Leo
3) Piper being brave moment #4
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Interesting observation #9: More of Jason's amazing instincts kicks moments
I already stated in the previous post that Jason has amazing instincts, but I would like to keep highlighting these super cool moments where his body takes control and muscle memory is stronger than his brains, because he sometimes gets flabbergasted when it happens and I find it funny
Amazing Jason Intuition Moment #1: He is very used to his weapon of choice, even if he doesn't remember where it came from (which is a super classy, I love this coin thing)
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Amazing Jason Intuition Moment #2: When he dives 1.200 meters down after Piper. This one was already quoted previously, but it is worthy mentioning again
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Amazing Jason Intuition Moment #3: When he half-heartedly tries to convince himself and the others he didn't know how to fly, even if he is already dismissing his rational thinking and slowly believing more in his internal pointers
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Amazing Jason Intuition Moment #4: Another muscle memory moment with his super dope weapon
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The part 2 of this post is here, where I will talk a bit more of Leo's poor situation during this fight (that is also very funny) and FINALLY will talk a bit about Annabeth, since she apperas at the very end of the chapter
Other posts:
JASON II - Part 2
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sunnymainecoonx · 9 days
I was goin to say "man I'm rambling a lot" but then remembered I have birth so I am legally allowed to ramble however I want
Anyways I think Dream and Nightmare should grow up in a gendered, homophobic society. Because that's silly... and it's also silly considering how lgbt+ inclusive Undertale and its multiverse is....... them discovering these things................ anyways, monsters and humans live side by side. Essentially, no one sees any difference in the other species, minimum racism!! Still, humans have the most power, and by having the most power they are pushing their standards onto the monsters.
A lot of monsters are gender defying, so if they're born without any indication of gender the parents can quite literally just pick a gender for their child, and the child is forced to stay that gender. To indicate genders, they use clothes or perhaps makeup for girls, stereotypical things ig. And humans also say they have to like opposite gender, liking the same gender is atrocious and probably also illegal!!
These things also end up getting pushed onto the twins, at first having no sense of gender in the first place but then the villagers decided they're boys(they don't have anything typical to indicate they're girls, so it's a quick assumption). Tbh I think they'd just roll with it, we use pronouns now(he/him) and ye that's cool. The villagers push their societal norms onto the twins, and now they both have internalised homophobia!1 Nightmare less so than Dream. This is fun bc I like gay Dream, where in the stories, he likes the knight more than the princess. Not in an inspiration way, but in a crush way. And he's so freaked out and disgusted by himself...
Nightmare doesn't care too much about this. It's the norm anyways, he's like, probably used to it and stuff idk. Anyways then the whole incident happens and then erm Nightmares out in the multiverse. He's like, woah. I thought these things were disgusting and weird and illegal but I guess not. He doesn't learn more than a few basics because god there are so many details to all of this... Then we have Dream in the multiverse, and finding out it's normal he's like, trying to be so respectful. He's meant to be positive yk. His internalised homophobia.. sighs... but he's also very gay, bro would never admit it but.
Ye anyways idk I just like where erm idk smth about character development....
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lisimcpisi · 1 year
One thing I've always found interesting in Rescue Bots is how each of the bot's have gone to accepting their newfound life on earth. Despite all coming from the same circumstances (all being contained in stasis in the middle of space and being found by Optimus), they each have gone through their own process of accepting that they can never go back home and have a new planet and humans to protect.
Throughout most of the series Blades and Chase are pretty much good with Griffin Rock. In fact, they're pretty much thriving what with how enveloped they are with different aspects of human culture!
Blades is a total pop culture nerd. He loves watching movies, game shows, and cartoons. So much so that it even influences how he sees the real world (thinking that monsters are real and having heatwave hunt them for him). He's even involved on the internet and developed a fan club.
Chase, being a police bot, is extremely passionate about upholding the law and memorizing police codes. He even loves sharing his love for the law this boy hyperfixates to the ends of the earth its so charming. In the episode where everyone on the island starts singing Chase sings a whole song about different police codes and it'smhilarious. When Cody is trying to figure out what he should do for his Lad Pioneers Project, Chase creates a fake game show where he quizzes him on the law. All in all, Chase loves his job and loves learning about human law.
Heatwave, on the other hand, is a complicated case. It's clear that at the start of the series, Heatwave is dedicated to his mission and wants to make Optimus proud, but he is very frustrated by the circumstances he's being put under. He has to hide who he is and pose as an emotionless machine. His partner is selfish and takes all the credit for their rescue work. All the others seem to be content with what they have, but Heatwave isn't. He so much so desires to be a part of Optimus' team on the mainland so he can be part of the action (even though any decepticon could kill him in one shot). There's also been multiple cases where Heatwave requests him and the rescue bots to be reassigned to a mission off planet, much like when the first Morbot "replaces" them in Season 1. And yet despite it, towards the end of the series Heatwave definitely turns over a new leaf. He loves his family and partners, and will fight to hell and back to protect his home.
Boulder, imo, is the perfect medium between Blades/Chase and Heatwave. One of his most endearing traits is how much he adores Earth. Like, he is in LOVE with the place. Right when the bots first arrive on Earth, boulder remarks at how beautiful griffin rock is. One of my fave episodes with boulder is when he discovers a species of bird that was previously extinct and wants to try so hard to protect it from tourists. In the musical episode his entire number is just a love song to Earth and its so adorable. He also actively wants to be a part of the community. He offers people to ask him questions about himself. He does community gardening and tries to sign up for a library card. Though, with how much he loves Earth, there are times when we see he still grieves his life on Cybertron. On the episode where they celebrate All-Spark Day, Boulder looks back on the fond memories he had celebrating on Cybertron, and wants to share his culture with Griffin Rock. Surprisingly, Heatwave turns down the idea, saying that they shouldn't look back on the past and stay focused on their mission.
anyways those are just my thoughts on rescue bots. it's such a well written show and I could talk for hours about what I love about it!!
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solidwater05 · 4 days
Big post with a whole bunch of species headcanons! Not every character is here and some headcanons have more detail than others simply because I happened to have more ideas for those
First I want to say that in my headcanon, avians and bird hybrids are different things. While hybrids (in general) are a mix of different species with any combination of traits, avians are pretty uniform in what kind of bird traits they have, and in general avians are genetically more similar to each other than random birds hybrids are to each other. With that out of the way-
Grian is a parrot avian, and he has a ton of vocal stims, from whistling and singing to mimicking noises he hears.
Martyn is a parrot hybrid, and he loooves to do silly voices and mimick creeper hisses
Gem became an anglerfish sea monster of sorts thanks to the water in Hermitcraft. The same happened to Mumbo (catfish) and Grian (cod). And also False but I don't know what kind of fish fits her </3
Pearl is also a fish, but in a different way. She's a salmon that can shapeshift into a human (or any mix between fish and human, like a mermaid)
In Secret Life, Gem had the great idea to replace her eye with an eye of ender. She became some sort of end portal creature. Nobody else has ever seen anything like it and frankly, they're scared. But Gem thinks that it's standard for a universe so full of horror
Skizz is an angel, and angels are soulless! This is why he wasn't in Double Life, the soulbound mechanic didn't work with him.
Another angel is Zedaph, he's a sheep/angel hybrid. He has a weird half-soul thing going on but it's fine really.
Zedaph prefers not to fly long distances if he can avoid it, because long ago he hurt his wings badly and he has chronic pain now
Impulse is a demon, and while demons can usually fly, his wings are underdeveloped and can't get him off the ground. He uses elytra instead.
Scar is another winged elytra user. He's a vex and vexes can fly, but it's painful for him to use his wings
Scar is an actual vex like like the ones evokers summon, and he uses some sort of vex magic to appear hybrid-like. His true form is a little vex guy.
Cub is a human turned vex, and his hybrid-like appearance is his true form. He can look fully human if he wants to, but not fully vex
Xisuma is a voidwalker. Voidwalkers are beings that form very rarely when particles and soul fragments lost to the void come together and become conscious. They're the only beings that can survive in the deepest part of the void
Voidwalkers are so rare that most of them live their whole lives without finding another living being, especially because they don't tend to leave the bottom of the void.
Because voidwalkers spend their whole lives in complete darkness, their eyes aren't super well developed. Xisuma's vision is blurry, he has visual snow, and he's very sensitive to light. His helmet actually filters out a lot of light so it doesn't give him a headache
His helmet also helps him breathe. Voidwalkers are not made for high pressure atmospheres
Etho is a phantom hybrid. He's allergic to cats and also the sun. He needs very little sleep. His silver hair is not a species trait, it's dyed
^that's a Hermitcraft-only headcanon. I see him as a silverfish in the Life series, for no particular reason. The silver hair is a species trait in that case
Bdubs is a glare hybrid, being scared of the dark is part of his glare instincts. The moss coat isn't part of him but I'm sure he could be mossy if he wanted to. He can probably fit inside a moss block
Tango is a blaze hybrid. Or a blazeborn? I imagine it's a similar situation to avians and bird hybrids but I haven't put that much thought into this one. And both blazeborn and blaze hybrid can be shortened to blaze anyways
She can't get burned, and water hurts him. Water breathing negates water damage
His flame naturally burns orange, but it can be other colors depending on what she's using as fuel. For example, the blue Dungeon Master look comes from burning soul sand
Her body temperature also depends on fuel. Normal, orange Tango freezes very easily, but blue Tango's body temperature is so high that he doesn't even feel the cold
He has tritanopia, as do all netherborns. There's only really two colors in the nether so beings from there didn't evolve the ability to see more than that
She can hover, which he uses mostly to break her fall and do big jumps
Because she can't touch water (without potions at least), he takes soul sand baths like a chinchilla. Yes, this makes him blue for a while
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comfymodeaudio · 8 months
Made a little audio drama thing out of a script by the lovely @sexygoddessdawgy where you pretend that Laios is nerding out to you about monsters for five and a half minutes.
Script under cut!
Laois (excited): I never would’ve thought someone would sign up for a lecture of mine! Of course I'd be happy to show you the ropes! Here, take a seat.
(Sounds of a book being open, pages flipping)
Laois: *ahem* Welcome to your first lesson in Cryptozoological Gastronomy! The goal of this lesson is to introduce you to the goal of this course: To understand monsters, inside and out.
Laois: Let’s start with the basics. The cockatrice and basilisk are closely related, but fundamentally different. Can you guess what the biggest difference is?
Audience: …
Laois: Oh, don’t feel bad. It’s not common knowledge. The main difference between the two is the method of attack. Basilisks use a potent toxin, which paralyzes the victim and leaves them vulnerable. Ah, a little history lesson: since both heads have a digestive tract, researchers argued for a long time about which head consumes the prey. Some argue the basilisk uses the two heads and tears the corpse apart. Others think the heads take turns eating.
Laois: But actually! The chicken portion of the body uses its large feet to crush up its prey and make it easier for the chicken body to digest. However(!), they typically only do this when they have chicks to feed. Otherwise, if the prey is small enough, then the snake head swallows the victim whole! Isn't that so cool?
Audience: And what about cockatrices?
Laois: (whispered) Oh, yeah, Cockatrices are super cool, too. (normal volume, still excited) They can completely turn their victims to stone. For a long time, nobody knew what was done to the petrified prey. What we know now is that the petrification magic takes a long time to wear off by itself, relative to the victim's natural magical ability. What we didn't find out until recently is that if a piece of the body breaks, the petrification on the severed limb is dispelled, and it will turn back to flesh.
Laois: So, like basilisks, the cockatrice feeds by immobilizing its prey and then using its feet to break up the body. Once the petrification fades from the critter-pebbles, the two heads take turns feeding. However, unlike the basilisk, the larger cockatrice has to keep both its bellies fed simultaneously, so they prey on larger species. I've heard they will scavenge, as well.
However, an important thing that they have in common is that they’re really hard to confuse. It’s a common trait among polycephalous monsters.
Audience: How do they not get confused?
Laois: There's a lot of theories about how monsters with multiple heads don't get confused. I think they're communicating somehow, maybe by causing different sensations in the shared body or some other nonverbal way of communicating. It's also possible that the snake head gives commands to the rooster head and body. The snake is the brains, the chicken is the brawn, do you understand?
Audience: Not the other way around?
Laois: Research was done to figure out which head is predominant.  Cut off the chicken head, both the basilisk and cockatrice continued to move around without much issue.  Cut off the snake head, the basilisk runs around and eventually begins to lose interest in hunting its own prey. In fact, without the snake head, a Basilisk can survive only on millet and grains.  Meanwhile, in cockatrices, if you cut off the snake head first, the chicken half keeps hunting, but with a way lower success rate.  That’s why I think the snake is the brains.  Also, the snake has a heat-sensing pit organ, which makes escaping either monster much more difficult.
Oh, but if you manage to hunt one, the meat is so tender and juicy!
Audience: How do you cook them?
Laois: I’ve only had basilisk so far, and I wasn’t the one to cook it, so I’ll tell you what my mentor Senshi did.  Back then, he didn’t cook the snake part, I think because he didn’t have everything needed for preparing it.
Audience: Have you eaten snake before?
Laois: I did eat snake once, back when I was a curious kid.  If I remember right, you can eat snakes even if they have venom or poison, so long as you prepare and cook them right.  Cut off the head, remove the skin, take out the guts and skeleton, cut it into parts, then fry it.  You can probably do the same to basilisk or cockatrice if you have the right tools.
Laois: For the chicken half, it’s not as difficult as you might think!  After cutting off its head and the crop–sorry, that’s where food is stored before digestion for a lot of birds–you have to hang it to drain, then scald the body.  Put it in hot water and move the body around.  It’ll make plucking the feathers off the body way easier.  Then, remove the organs and skeleton.  Then, you rub in spices to your liking.  Senshi recommended letting it sit overnight to let the flavors marry really well.  After the spices, Senshi stuffed the basilisk with herbs and root vegetables to help an injured adventurer, but you can stuff chicken with lots of different ingredients.  Finally, you roast it, either over an open flame, or in a seasoned pot with a splash of water. Either method will give you a crisp, salty skin, with a tender and juicy bite. If I were to compare it to something… it has the rich flavor of roasted chicken breast, with the texture of smoked pork loin.  Sounds delicious, doesn’t it?
Anyway, I think that’s enough for the first lesson. For your next lesson, we’ll work on obtaining this information from monsters ourselves through careful observation and experimentation.
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leahnardo-da-veggie · 30 days
Fast Food - The False Oracles
I knelt before the Oracles, eyes downcast. Six of them, there were, dressed in clothes too casual for their nature. Shrinking beneath their gaze, I felt rather like a child before my elders. 
“One has come to seek counsel, great Oracles,” I whispered with reverence. “I have travelled far and wide. I have met the heroes of legend, watched them make history, and fought alongside them too. I have caused the death of my people, and the rise of another, and I live to tell the tale.”
One of them leaned forward. She was serpentine, with skin dry enough to be scaly, eyes red as rubies and long hair to match. “And what is it you seek, little trickster? Do you wish to change the past? To turn back time and make a different choice? To create a world in which you never had to make a choice in the first place?” The sharp edge of her smile told me there was a right answer, and a wrong one.
“None of them,” I replied, meeting her gaze. I had locked forearms with the first Spirit-Empress, bowed to the great Lich-Queen, danced with the God of Chaos himself. I could handle a crew of omniscient priestesses. “I did the right thing. Even if you gave me the option, I wouldn't have made any other choice.”
“Then why are you here?” It was a different Oracle this time, one hardly more than a girl-child, yet with a voice as deep and luscious as sin. “You have yet to answer our first question.”
I winced. “I-” What did I want? Why was I here? I had just needed to come back to Iraios, back to the place where I had met my first love, lost my first loss. “I must know: Could I have chosen better? Could I have done anything differently? Could I have saved them all?” 
I didn't know what I wanted to hear. It would have broken my heart either way, to know that my family and friends were doomed all along, or to know that I had failed to save their lives.
“And the sun will rise and the mountains will fall and all things will come to an end,” the sole male Oracle said. He studied me with steely eyes, devoid of soul. “What does it matter if they died now, or in a thousand years?” He paused, and I felt the room shift, as though something beyond my grasp had tilted reality. “I cannot stand you pathetic little woe-is-me trauma magnets. ‘Oh, my backstory is so sad! Oh, all my family died in a fire and that's why I'm evil!’ Oh, why don't I smack you right in your sad-little-meow-meow mouth, hmm?”
A smattering of laughter went up at that, the Oracle's clearly delighting in his condemnation of me. It stung, like a slap to the face, hurt and shock and shame. Then it burned like rage. 
“You can stuff your mouth up your ass, you little mud-suckler,” I snapped, not caring if I was picking a fight I couldn't win. “Those are real people you're talking about here, not some pawns in a game. They were my family, my tribe, my entire gods-accursed species! Everyone I shared a single drop of blood with is gone! And you dare to make light of it?”
“Don't you see? That's the point. Those were people with lives, with stories of their own, tossed aside like unwanted toys! She's playing with them, just as She toys with you, for Her cruelty knows no bounds.” It was the scarred one that spoke this time, her voice filled with bitter rage. “I weep for your loss, truly. We all do. Only a monster such as our Writer would dare sacrifice an entire people for character development.”
“I don't understand. You mean… Someone made this happen? This wasn't my fault?” The thought alone lifted a weight of guilt off my chest.
“Hah! It absolutely was your fault, you sad little queer representation,” the snake Oracle told me. “We merely mean that it was written from the very beginning. You would, will, and have always sacrificed your people to save humanity. That's the meta-tragedy of it. And for the record, Liam and I don't weep for you. We laugh, because this whole tale is a farcical comedy.”
“Me too,” the youthful Oracle added. “I mean: You're named after a Macdonald's breakfast. How much funnier can you get? Peak comedic relief.” She grinned. “Oh, but I do feel rather sorry for you.”
I felt myself twitch. Everyone had warned me that the Oracles spoke in tongues, but this? They might as well have been talking to someone else, with the way they went on. “What the hell is a Mac Donald? And was there someone pulling the strings, or was there not? Answer me!”
They ignored me. “You should pity it,” the scarred one told the others. “That accursed Writer thinks She can toy with us like this? Make us into her little dolls to break and bruise?” She spat on the floor. “Well, someday, we'll prove her wrong.”
“Don't be ridiculous, Gloria,” one of the remaining two said. She could have blended into any crowd, save for her solemnity, which could belong nowhere except in the highest of holy places. (Which, despite all evidence to the contrary, this was.) “We can't stop her any more than a character can reach through the pages and pull the quill that writes them away. All we mean, all we have are, all we have done is controlled by her.” What crossed her face was a river so deep I could have drowned all my troubles in it. 
“I am sorry, Hash. You are a Watcher, true and just. You have, will, and must witness many things, most of which will bleed your soul. And you have not, will not, must not allow it to kill the kindness in your heart.” She got up from her seat and stepped forward, pressing her hands against mine. “A long time ago, or perhaps no time at all, your progenitors sought my counsel. I warned them that you, specifically, would be the death of all their people.” she paused, as though to let that sink in.
“But- The records said they didn't know which of us it was,” I protested. “The records just said one of their children!”
“That's the bit you're focusing on?!” Gloria shoved her companion aside. “What part of deliberately engineered tragedy by a callous bitch did you not get?” Her face was right up against mine, cleft lip trembling with rage.
“A tragedy is still a tragedy if it was deliberately set up. It is still grief-worthy if it were unpreventable. And even if the audience does not weep, I will,” the young one added. “Out of respect for a good tale, if nothing else.”
“That I can drink to,” snake-Oracle agreed. “But what about you, dear taglist, hmm?” She cleared her throat.
“Pardon me for the bad language you're about to experience, but here's a shout-out to: @coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch
@tragedycoded, @finickyfelix, @urnumber1star, @ratedn, @ramwritblr
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@evilgabe29, @glitched-dawn, @rivenantiqnerd, @dragonhoardesfandoms, @xenascribbles
@drchenquill, @everythingismadeofchaos, @owldwagitoutofyou, @dimitrakies, @beloveddawn-blog
@riveriafalll, @the-golden-comet, @rascaronii, @trippingpossum, @real-fragments
@unrepentantcheeseaddict, @the-inkwell-variable, @flock-from-the-void .” She finished her spiel with a wink at nobody in particular. 
They clapped with delight. “Oh, what creativity! How adorable. To turn such a solemn moment into a breaking of the fourth wall,” the steel Oracle commented. “But using Olive as your mouthpiece? Hardly appropriate. In the future, my hateful Writer, choose me for your meta-messages. After all, aren't I the odd one out?”
Oh, that was it. “This is ridiculous,” I told them, before they could continue their insane little game, or whatever it was. “You all are crazier than a clan of spirits in a crockpot. This isn't going to help me.” None of them stopped me as I got up.
I was halfway to the door when the final Oracle noticed me. Throughout our exchange, her eyes had been closed, her expression unchanging. She might as well have been a statue, carved of ivory and obsidian by the finest of stone-mages. Yet, as I passed her, she opened her eyes and revealed the vitality that lay beneath them. 
In the days before and after, I have encountered the Void That Swallows All, the God-huntress Who Brought the New World, and even Kurall, our Creator, herself. Even after all that, nothing, and I mean nothing, could ever compare to the power I felt at that moment.
The depths of her eyes superseded any Void. The graze of her fingers sparked a fire hotter than a thousand gods' immolations. The curve of her body could have birthed a thousand worlds. She was beautiful like my worst nightmare, and I fell to my knees before the True Oracle.
“WARBRINGER. WANDERER. WATCHER. YOU ARE MANY THINGS, CHILD, BUT A HERO FIRST AND FOREMOST AMONG THEM. I WILL NOT DISGRACE YOU BY CALLING YOU A FALSE NAME. NOR WILL I PRESUME AND CALL YOU BY YOUR TRUE ONE.” Her gaze burned my skin where it fell, and I fought the urge to shift into something small, to dodge the observation of something that could crush me so easily.
She seemed to understand, for she stroked my shoulder. “YOU WISH TO KNOW IF YOU COULD HAVE SAVED THEM?” 
I nodded.
“That doesn't make things better,” I replied. “It's not fair. Why do I have to do this? Why does it have to be me?” My complaints sounded hollow, like a rat's chittering, beneath the baritone of her voice. “I just wanted to get by, have fun, live a little. I didn't ask for any of this.”
Her sigh held no judgement, no compassion, nothing except an endless exhaustion. “IT IS INDEED NOT FAIR.” She did not seem willing to say more.
“You think we chose this?” One of the lesser Oracles had spoken up, the man, and his voice did hold judgement. “You think we wanted to be cursed with omnipotence, to be forced to see that stupid fourth wall and the assholes that lie beyond? To know all that, and be able to change none of it? Ramaeria died to try to save her husband, and what did it change? Nothing! She, we, knew everything, and yet we're helpless! It sucks, you stupid little fried potato, and don't you try to compare your suffering to ours,” he snarled.
I turned back towards the True Oracle, and nodded unsteadily. At the corner of my gibbering mind, I thought she looked an awful lot like my first lover, like Akati come back to life. 
She must have known, for she stood up and enfolded me in her arms, like I were a baby bird and the sleeves of her robe a mother's wings. “SO IT IS, YOU WHO CALL YOURSELF HASH BROWN. YOUR SHIFTING WILL BE SWIFT, YOUR TONGUE WEAVED OF THE PUREST SILVER, YOUR JUDGEMENT ABLE TO BALANCE A HEART AND A FEATHER. SO IT IS SAID BY THE ORACLES.” 
Grudgingly, one by one, the other Oracles piped up. “So it is said by the Oracles,” they chimed.
“Thank you,” I replied, at a loss for other words.
“THERE IS ONE LAST THING I MUST DO TO SEAL THIS DEAL.” As she said it, she bent down, a smile finally passing over her lips. 
The True Oracle pressed her lips to mine, and delivered me the grandest kiss of my life.
(hahah i normally put my taglist here but Olive had other plans. Please tell me what you think of this, I really went outta my comfort zone with it. Also, Fast Food is a chronologically unordered series, and you can find the rest on my pinned post!)
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imagionationstation · 5 months
I expanded a bit on the separated au with Shinigami. Here’s extra if you care. I’d love to have your help in expanding this more…if you want to help. No pressure
But here’s basic stuff from my notes app
All turtles are 16 y/o. Leo, and Mikey are raised by Splinter. Raph is raised by Casey’s family. Donnie is raised by Shredder, than later “kidnapped” and raised by Shinigami. 
While exploring the sewers together, Raph and Donatello were swept up by a flood or something and were separated. Raph is found by Casey’s family after they thought it was hurt and lost child. Donnie is found by Shredder.
Shredder over works Donnie, with both his tech stuff as well as training. He’s also juts an asshole. Shinigami becomes Karai’s friend and sees how Shredder is treating Donnie and sneaks him home with her. Karai is distraught and betrayed that her friend took her brother. But Donnie left willingly and is doing great with Shinigami’s family. He’s even taught Magic by them.
After learning about the (idk) Donnie and Shinigami return to NYC where they meet Splinter, Leo, Mikey, April, Casey and Raph (who has already been told what happened and all that). 
Donnie begins staying with Splinter and everyone though he does visit Shinigami (‘s family) quite often or at least he video calls. 
He helps them fight Shredder, but tends to struggle when fighting karai (as he still typically sees her as his sister, though estrange). 
B-days and zodiac: (I chose random dates. Idk remember when their actual b-day is)
Leo - February 10th - Aquarius
Raph - April 2nd - Aries
Donnie - August 13th - Leo 
Mikey - October 11th - Libra
Turtle Species:
Leo - Red-Bellied Cooter
Raph - Red-Eared Slider
Donnie - Red-Eared Slider
Mikey - Golden Thread Turtle
Leo - 5’4
Raph - 5’4
Donnie - 5’7
Mikey - 5’2
“Donnie begins staying with Splinter” How dare you split up the family. They raised him like their own and Shini made him her familiar and this is the thanks they get? His brothers can be the ones to do videos calls, you monster. /playful /joking
I imagine Shini stays in New York when he does. So she basically just enters the series earlier and makes herself a part of the family. Then Karai sees both of them and is like, “Leo, we cannot be friends until Shini gives him back” and Leo’s just “This is between you two, m’kay, I will do a lot for you but I have no control over that one.”
I love imagining that Donnie can do some of the stuff Shini can do (but she has the natural talent, obvi) like appearing out of nowhere and acting like he’s been standing in the room the whole time (the brothers can’t decide if he transports, is invisible, or something else entirely) and it always catches his brothers off guard.
How on earth did Splinter manage to adopt three different turtle species of the exact same age. Did he do that on purpose? Interrogate the pet store about all their ages to pick-and-choose possible pets? I mean, I know this is an unnecessary line of thought but I’m thinking it anyway.
Casey and Shini tolerate each other. The “my little brother evidently has an extended family that we had no idea about and I’m okay with that as long as the other family remembers that he was mine first” vibes are shared between them and it leads to rooftop conversations and bonding. Shini still won’t teach him magic, tho.
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Donnie would die for that cat.
Headcanon lore: He actually almost does.
Other headcanon: Raph has the hardest time getting Donnie to like him until he gets cat toys. She had a hard time adapting to new surroundings and she relaxes for the first time in weeks.
Donnie instantly has a favorite brother.
Donnie: This is my only friend. I love her more than life itself.
Mikey: Oh, neat! Mine tastes better.
Donnie: What.
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orikousandesune · 2 months
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my fav moments from recentish chapters for my own reference bc why not
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>My friends...don't make such sad faces.
Even though I am living here and now with all of you,
If this sacrifice of mine paves the way for new history,
If these flames of mine can create a new life,
>Then I am ready for my fate.
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>I've been collecting these stones because I thought they could be parts of my parent...
>But even though you might not be my real parent,
Once I get them all, I'll still give them back to you, Mukuro.
Because it is your body.
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>This pregnant woman is dead...yet the child inside her is still alive.
>I've seen so many dead bodies by now...and yet never a body which still held the warmth of another's life...
>I can still save the child.
>And yet...
>What miserable life of loneliness awaits him, an undying child who has no parent by his side.
>Least I can do is give you a name...
>Since my name is Mukuro, a 'corpse'...you shall be called
>Kabane. [true meaning: dead body]
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>Do you resent Akane, your aunt?
>While I was living in the village...I did think that auntie might have hated me. But looking back now...
>I think I can understand her feelings a little.
>The reason she was afraid of me...was because
>She was afraid something could happen to Yataro.
>She was determined to kill me because she wanted to protect what was important to her.
>Of course, this hurted me.
>But auntie wasn't in the wrong either...So I do not resent her.
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>Our ancestor, Hachifuku Tasaburo the First, believed that despite all their differences and misunderstandings, kemono and humans still could co-exist, accepting each other as equals.
>As a Tasaburo of today,
>I am determined that the atrocities commited by Inari Yoko cannot be tolerated.
you can skip the kaido infodump
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>The giant mamono sent after Kabane-san and his friends is mostly likely the work of Kaido, the minister of national security.
>I really dislike men like him...parading around in his suit, creating that uncanny fearsome image.
>I do not care about your opinion. State the facts.
>Ohhh! Ohhh! My master, I am so very sorry! Please, do not get mad at me!!
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>It seems like he often has some sort of 'secret talks' with Mikage, the minister of the mamono project.
>What are they talking about?
>Well...It's a little diffcult to explain...
>Minister Kaido is a fanatic of sorts, as they say? He's collecting lots of toy monsters from those monster movies he loves,
>And together with Mikage they are like children...obsessed with the idea of bringing these monsters to life.
>So to say...what they actually are doing is Kaido having his ape minions undergo mamono transformation,
>Creating real atrocities one after another.
>As of today, Kaido has successfully brainwashed his whole species into believing that their sole purpose in life is to become these 'monsters'...creating an army of pawns who don't feel any pain.
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>It' him...
>I'm sure, this Kaido...
>...is the one trying to create the 'perfect mamono'.
>Meaning the one whose body wouldn't self-destruct.
>The ape kemono clan, 'shoujou', as I knew them
>were kemono who achieved their prosperity by firmly believing that 'violence is justice'. They valued the strength of their clan as a whole over their lives as individuals.
>And a thousand years ago, they were the ones who killed the most humans in the war.
>Therefore, I decided against them being among those fourteen who created the kemono stones.
>Even though as a clan they were truly superior.
>It is no wonder that Kaido has sided with Inari Yoko then.
>Birds of a feather, huh?
>They really match each other.
this one is only bc i wanna show thin calling himself handsome
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>Back when we saw the raibow tides in Vietnam, I sent the pictures of the mamono corpse to my colleagues, asking 'Does anyone know what is this?'
>And Thin was the only one who didn't reply at all.
>That was so out of character for you, so I assumed that you must be in Japan.
>I wanted to reply right away~~~
>But I couldn't, because e-mails are checked by the government.
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>But The Tanuki Express isn't! So I've been relying the mamono data we acquire to Doctor Thin.
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>As for now, I'm but a random handsome doctor in Tokyo...there wasn't much I could do until now.
>But the mice are on our side now, right?
>That means I am free to work in my Kyoto lab while keeping it a secret~
>A secret..?
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>The fact that it's possible to start the vaccine development.
>If we have the vaccine, we could intentionally trigger the self-destruction of the mamono bodies...
>In that case, even if Kaido's plans go through, we at least will have some means to counter him.
>If an in-deep research could be possible...
>Then I'd like to eliminate the virus in a way that would not destroy those affected,
>But rather cure them.
>Just something I'd want to try...my personal wish.
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>What the hell?! Hitting on a guy already?!
Isn't he with his girlfriend?! Are you blind??
>Hey! Are you kidding me?! Have you got no shame?!
>Ah! Don't raise your voice at me!
>Huh? Who's raising voice now??
>Sorry, dude~ She's with me. She's just at that age when things get a little...
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>Alright, let's use them! Go Go Tsubaki!
>Oh...you know, we are heading for that farm too, in order to observe things.
>Even though we all are working for the government, sometimes there are some disagreements...so the higher-ups sent us there from Tokyo to check up on the farm.
>Umetaro-san sticks to moderate views within the government...
>He continues to work under Inari-sama in order to minimize possible casualties, like in this case.
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>So, will you please join forces with us? I'm sure we have the same goal, even though we will be working differently.
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>How is...Nobimaru-kun?
>Well...he's alive for now, I guess? Who knows how much longer he can keep it up though...
>Huh?! What do you mean? Aren't you friends? What happened between you two?!
>Huh? I wouldn't call us 'good friends'...And I do worry about him, okay!
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>I do...worry...
>Huh?! What is that thing?!
>You've seen it before.
>Oh! You mean back when we attacked the mobster hideout?
>I didn't recognize! Didn't think your body would become like this!!
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>Neither did I.
>Does anyone else know about this?!
>I'm afraid Hoshikuma has sensed it, but remains quiet.
>Inari-sama is aware as well, but she doesn't care.
>What...She doesn't..?
>But did you not do this to yourself in order to please her...
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>I guess he's ready for whatever awaits him later. That poor bastard realized there's nothing that can help him, and he is deaf to words.
>But still...You know,
>I don't wanna Nobimaru-san to die like this.
>I've seen people I know die and die again...I don't want to see anyone dying no more.
>Does that...include me, too?
>Of course!
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>Friends or foes...I really don't want anyone to die.
>I've decided for myself that the best outcome would be for both sides to have less casualties if possible.
>I guess everyone's kinda outta their mind, huh?
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>I get it!!
>Umetaro-san! Aren't we alike?
>I don't want you to die either! I'm glad we were able to meet again and talk. Let's do our best tomorrow!
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nice gag aimoto very funny (rolls eyes)
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>Big Brother, you got it all wrong!!
>Seriously, we were just discussing our viewpoints and found something in common before tomorrow's mission...
>Right! Big Brother, Umetaro-san is a good person!
>Is that so. If it's about tomorrow, shouldn't all parties be involved?
>Yeah...You are right.
>>>hit 30 images
disclaimer i like to paraphrase a little but overall the meaning is like thsi
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papermonkeyism · 3 months
you asked how to design clothing a while ago and while I'm no pro I thought I'd give my two cents. First things first, how do they go on/come off? Especially with different digits or fancy headgear likes horns, frills, etc. Or back ornamentation like wings. You can't just throw on a shirt like humans do. And what's easy to reach/do? Buttons or laces on the front are good, but what if the digits don't allow for those tiny, complicated motions? Or the range of reach to get them all? Pants and other lower garments have similar issues, you can't just cut a hole in for a tail and call it good. What alterations would need to be made to make it easy to get them on and off? To prevent them interfering with bathroom time excessively or emoting with extra appendages? If you have sharp claws how do they avoid ripping the "pants" on the way on and off? A lot of the times things that wrap around or drape over are better off for making whole new outfits than trying to modify other outfits. Various skirts, dresses, togas, and some types of tunics are good to look at for bases. You also have to consider what the race considers indecent. Junk out fine but nipples can't show? Bare ass okay but the knees have to be covered? Human ideals? And what's legal in the setting regarding modesty? Do they have different rules for different races or just say "this is a human/dwarf/elf/orc/whatever village, you have to follow our ideas of modesty!"? And with fur involved are certain haircuts preferred over others? What about shedding season vs non-shedding? Winter vs summer coat? Do those change the modesty rules? What about how the clothing will fit/be affected? (buttons would absolutely get clogged and tangled with thick, fluffy fur, same for zips or velcro if those are invented in your world.)
These are all excellent and well thought out points, thank you!
I do have some vague ideas of how to work the ... what's the word... the original(?) tribal(?) clothing for the dragon people of Arcanth's kind, but considering Arcanth themself was raised by dwarves pretty much from when they were still a baby, that's a good list of what to keep in mind when designing the modifications.
(The other Termrean, Xaranthras also mostly wears somewhat "human" clothing while on the job, as he's had to deal with species based prejudices at one point in the past, and has opted to dress in a more "civilized" manner to be treated like a person rather than a primitive beast. The two won't be the only ones of their kind to show up in the story, based on my preliminary plotting, but they're the ones to be present from the start.)
Though, I do find it sorta hilarious that I find it easier to wrap my head around clothing the non-human monster people, and am struggling way more in trying to figure out how to clothe the "human" peoples of the setting. :'D
It's not supposed to be Earth, I can't just go copy-pasting actual real life cultures in it without understanding what I'm copying, even the actual humans of the setting arent 1-to-1 matches ethnically to how real life Earth is, it's a different world (not to mention the elves/dwarves/orcs and then there's the whole goblin situation going on, doing its own thing).
And I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing.
Fabric is a thing, yes. People dress in it. How?
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Megan Shepherd's TNBC Novelization: Review
Here are my thoughts and full review on Megan Shepherd's Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas (Novel). Although the book is closely based on the movie, there are a few unique things about it that I deem necessary to hide under a 'Read More', for spoilers to those who wish to avoid them.
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Review + my thoughts below!
The book closely follows the movie with descriptives for each scene, except it doesn't contain any of the songs or lyrics, so substitutional dialogue is used instead. Most of these went well to describe/summarize the songs they replaced. I have no complaints with how Megan followed the movie in novel form, it's pretty accurate beyond some...minor things.
One example: Halloween just ended when Jack goes missing and stumbles upon Christmas Town, and when he comes back, he decides to have Halloween Town handle Christmas themselves. It's noteworthy to mention that they manage to do this from only November 1st - December 25th, a timespan of only 2 months. However. In this novel, the timing is changed - and it takes the Town a whole year to manage their own Christmas, and it is stated in the text that they "skipped their first Halloween" in order to do it.
Wouldn't the humans notice something different with Halloween, without the monsters and creatures of the night to scare them? Wouldn't it be kind of lame, and warrant the title of a "bad Halloween"? When Santa Claus and his gifts were missing, the humans nearly brought an end to Christmas. Is Halloween exempt from impacting the humans like this? Wouldn't there be any repercussions? Isn't it the Holiday World's purpose/job to bring the holiday TO the humans??
The text is beautifully written and I loved Megan's portrayal of Jack Skellington's internal struggle and depression, and how Sally related to it. She wrote the two of them wonderfully in the novel and even brought new details into the picture, mentioning Sally had done sewing tasks for him and is the one who recommended putting white stripes on his suit. She also delivered his book of The Scientific Method from the Doctor to him. <3
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The novel contains a lot of little details/changes like these. I loved most of them and only had minor issues with a couple choices. One particular recurring mention, that I and other readers have disliked, was the heavy reference and implication to Jack Skellington's death. A few times in the novel, he thinks of his "previous life" and how he died. I share a fandom headcanon that Jack is a special skeleton from a species in Halloween Town itself, rather than him just dying. But this is a personal nitpick and doesn't impact anything, really - it's Megan's choice for his backstory, and I respect that!
Another small nitpick of mine is that I always thought Jack nabbed all the Christmas books from Christmas Town, but in this novel, it says that he got them from Halloween Town's Library. This brings all sorts of confusing questions into my mind...
A couple of my favorite lines from the book:
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Also, the MOST interesting part of this novel, for me, is how it follows The Pumpkin King Game's backstory for Oogie Boogie, where he attempted to overthrow Jack Skellington to become Bug King. The novel mentions this a few times, and it's one of my favorite takes of Oogie Boogie - so I was delighted to see canon from my favorite TNBC game implemented into the novel!
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Overall, I loved this novelization and the new headcanons it brought to me. It was wonderfully written and stayed close to the movie while also portraying the author's own takes on the characters and their feelings. Beyond my few minor nitpicks, it was great and I can't wait to see what the author will do with Long Live the Pumpkin Queen's sequel.
Check out this novelization if you can!
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anyoldfandom · 11 months
Genuinely not trying to vaguepost my last reblog bc this has been something I've seen a lot of but like...y'all get Lae'zel is a complex character, right? Like Larian didn't just phone it in for her just bc she isn't as forthright about her issues at first doesn't mean she isn't interesting.
It'a not a coincidence she has so many things with Shadowheart. They were both raised by cults. Lae'zel has been taught all her life that her queen is infallible and been taught that murdering her peers is acceptable and that every other species is weak and not worthy of her time or company. It's something she's proud of bc for moat of her life, she has been isolated from other species. She has only known this conflict from the day she was hatched, she is what she was shaped to be.
Like...do you also think it was a coincidence that Shadowheart was expected to kill to become a Dark Justicar, and that Lae'zel was expected to kill a mindflayer to be seen as a worthy member of her society? One murder is objectively worse than another, but also their stories have to go in opposite directions.
It's so important to look at Lae'zel as someone who was raised by a cult, though. It also explains why she's so reactive, antagonistic - she's scared, and when she needs the world to be soft, it's sharp and cruel back. Shadowheart can hide that she's a follower of Shar, and does at first, until she feels like she has to tell you. Lae'zel cannot do that, bc as far as Faerûn knows, her entire species is the cult. And people are valid to be suspicious of Githyanki, since they do do atrocities! A lot of atrocities. Those atrocities are not to be ignored. But we, as players who come to see the whole picture, shouldn't just dismiss an abused person unlearning the ways of her cult bc she's mean. She wouldn't have survived this long if she WASN'T. Lae'zel could not have known better bc she is a literal alien who would have been killed if she thought any different than what she'd been taught. Which we know bc we see ome Githyanki kid question things in the creche, and be told he has to fight to the death for wanting to be less violent.
Like, does this seem like the words of someone with a healthy childhood?
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She was literally born to fight. It's right there. Sje was born to be a warrior and she knows no other way.
Also, in all this, people forget that Lae'zel is the most scared of all of the companions. She's terrified of turning into the dame monster she's sworn her entire life to kill. Her people were enslaved by the mindflayers, and she was supposed to kill them, not be captured. Not to be turned into one, to belong to them again.
And with all this, even with all this, in Act 1 she still wants to save you. She still grows close to the party and is adamant you come with her to the creche. She says we must find the creche, she assures you that you will not be hurt inside, that being with her will protect you, when that is so clearly not the githyanki way. She leaves your party evem when you don't go bc to her, you are throwing away the opportunity that she is trying to give you, an olive branch of care. And in her eyes, you throw it away - and she knows only to treat what to her is a sign of aggression with aggression.
Like, again, does this seem like something someone who doesn't care about you will say when you die?
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She screams Halsin's name. She curses when the Tav and Minthara fall. She is directly contrasting what she was raised for by caring about all of you.
And, finally, when you're a Dark Urge, and you try to kill her in Act 2 after not killing Isobel, she basically just outright says she cares when you tell her to kill you.
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Outright, she refuses to consider it. Even though you're explicitly a threat to her, even when she threatens you while you're feral.
I don't really have a good ending to this post and there's defo things I've missed (hell, I'm not even into Act 3 yet) but like. I've seen do much ignoring of Lae'zel and so much slander that I will not stand for.
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rustycopper4use · 7 months
OOOOO THAT’S SO COOL!!! I saw Hermes when I looked in the asmr tag for the literal first time and was like. stunned. The design itself is GORGEOUS (I’m a HUGE humanoid-with-animal/monster-body-parts (is there a name for that??) fan) and I didn’t know this was a thing? It’s super unique and I love it DHDHSKS. If you ever get the time I’d love to hear more about these guys or any other ocs you have!! :D
-🪼 (signing off as an anon even though I just followed you LMAO- anyway hiii, nice to meet you :D !!)
here’s my lecture over my listeners
first up is Hermes he’s the second listener I first design (before I started posting)
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This was his orginal design! When first drawing him I thought squid guy(I can’t remember his name for the life of me rn) was the love interest.
Hermes was intented to be mostly fish like and a more confident personality to counteract squids personality
but the notion of Hermes/paradise is just some weird guy with hospital trauma and mother issues was too tempting.
his character as a whole is just basically my own medical trauma.
I like to think with all the different species in his genes that it messed up his immune system and his general body functions
In this case he would constantly get sick and have Cronic stomach issues.
along side he’d have terrible eyesight + astigmatism and like mild breathing issues
his skin reaction to outside damage is quite odd, ever time his body sustained mild injuries his skin repairs itself but changes the way the skin look (ie colour or texture)
however the more extreme cases his skin will become the exact opposite it once was. Example if the patch of skin is scaly it will now become a soft fuzzy feel.
Furthermore the body has a limited amount of change to fix damaged skin/muscle and bone.
think of a hand of cards if the body puts down all of its cards over the extended period of time that area of skin will not repair. Regardless of healing abilities from others, white blood cells that chunk of skin will not heal.
so there is the possibility that Hermes’ could have bone or muscle showing but it hasn’t happened yet.
He wears compression wear to help blood flow through his body.
when choosing his name I did intend to make his name Hermes’ but I thought it be too on the nose but I ended really liking it!
Hermes mom, Arkoff, always gave me a feeling that she treated him more like a pet then anything.
THABKS 🪼 Anon! I will do the others in due time
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