#i think this is just my huge lee mood talking at this point but whatever
finnlers · 1 year
does anyone else have tk crushes that arent in the community (as far as you know)
because like......i have this friend.........
hes genuinely such a sweet and caring person and hes my best friend ever hes honestly fucking great and hes treated me better than anybody ever has. and sometimes....like............i just imagine like, "what if he just fucking wrecked me" like OMFGGGGJSKZJAHXJQJXHQJSUWUSJWKXKSN
i feel like he would be such a sweet ler and im DYING over it please someone save me
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splanana-bitz · 1 year
(Spoilers for Fionna and Cake! Just a heads up!)
I just wanna take a minute to ramble about the IMMACULATE attention to detail in Fionna and Cake. It might have been obvious to a lot of people and others may have pointed this out by now, but holy shit, I have to just say how amazing the show's little details are.
Whatever environment Simon is in or whatever Simon is currently experiencing, Fionna's world coorelates with that.
Like in episode 7, whenever Gary stood up to Marshal Lee's mom, Simon was standing up to the vampire king, both of their dialogue being almost the same.
Or the previous episode whenever Simon and Fionna were with the Winter King, it was snowing back in Fionna's home town whenever we see Gary & Marshall hanging out.
(This was a lot easier to tell in other instances, but the artists incorporating little details just to enhance Simon's connection to Fionna's world is just truly incredible.)
And the color schemes, Oh..my..God
The color schemes and aesthetics are just as astounding and pay more contribution to the story than you'd think. In the first episode in Fionna's world, the colors are much more flat and not as vibrant as the opening dream sequence.
This is because it was due to Simon's mood or current mental state, which was negative at the beggining of the show and he still hadn't recieved closure over Betty.
But after Simon's encounter with GOLBetty, we see a huge change not only in him, but Fionna's world in the aftermath. The colors are bright and the aesthetic is almost warming and pleasing to the eye. Simon recieving closure brightened his headspace, which brightened Fionna's world after it was saved.
This show's attention to detail is unlike any other I have seen and again, this was probably obvious to most already, but I can't not talk about it. I absolutely adore this show, especially after noticing those details.
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hyukmoon · 3 years
moon. | l.sy x gn!reader
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lee sangyeon x gn!reader
word count: about 4.01k
to put it short: congrats! Something you should actually say, right? Your best friend and crush is getting married in two days and you feel,... well, not very good about it. So, wait... he's returning the feelings? Damn.
content warning: ANGST in capital letters, I would add lots of exclamation points but im lazy. So yeah, hella angsty. Some good old making out, it's kind of heavy at some point but no smut at this point lol. I don't condone any of the done actions, so yeah, I would've personally handled everything differently, but you know, y/n is kinda wild. Very awkward sometimes, but that's more the situation in itself. ALSO, NOT PROOFREAD
taglist: @loki-in-hogwarts
note: the second thing i wrote and im somewhat excited!!! Yes! Exclamation points. So,... thanks for reading :)
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It was a great day. Well, at least seemingly for everyone but you. Your best friend in this world Sangyeon was about to get married to the love of his life, who is notyou and now you just stand in the hotel lobby waiting for it to happen. Funnily enough, the crushing feeling of desperation and fear didn’t seem to set in yet.
The hotel lobby was filled to the brim with acquaintances and other guests possibly confused by the uproar of the wedding guests. So, who were you specifically waiting for? The rest of your friend group, the ones who will most likely clean up after the wedding whatever will be left of you.
A nervous smile swept up to your lips, casually just avoiding every sort of tension that could come across you. Just with the luck of this entire occurrence an older woman started to approach you, demon alike features spreading around her face almost like she knew you were apparently the only single person here. An aunty, that wasn’t even related to you but had all the business to judge.
“Are you here for the bride or the groom?”, her sweet voice rang a familiar feeling in your stomach. Almost too sweet, making you suspicious of her intent. “I’m here for my best friend, Sangyeon. So, yeah, for the groom.”, you hesitated a second, “What about you though? Do you know the bride?”
“She’s my youngest niece, the only one that still visits, her sisters don’t even care anymore…” You nodded politely, not wanting to anger her now and stepped towards a different direction.
“So, my dear, are you here with anybody?” You already feared that question, the same as always. The eyes of yours started with a panicked expression searching through the room a familiar pair. “No, I am here on my own. I kinda wanted to focus on getting Sangyeon through with it, being there for him.” As a friend.
Possibly this was the first part of feeling despair and fear. People at this wedding were really waiting for them to get married. They weren’t joking, this would change everything.
“Ah, I see. You know, get over him. Well, it is time for you at least, you’re not getting younger. There are quite few handsome men here. I remember the names Juyeon and ah yes! Kevin, get over here!” As far as you were concerned, your facial expression couldn’t possibly look more stunned than a moment ago, yet another one of your good friends appeared, seemingly just as confused.
This only held on for a good second, Kevin knew exactly what to do. “Oh hi, I’m so sorry to steal [Y/N] away from you, but I actually need to talk to them on my own over a gift we both prepared for the couple!”, he grinned at the lady, who was obviously smitten with him. “Yes, of course, hun. Take your time.” She finally hushed into a separate direction.
“So, how are we doing? You seem kinda… stressed.”
“You don’t say”, you sighed, “if I have to go through a conversation like this again today, believe me I’ll-. “
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure I get the sentiment. Even though I meant more the other situation. Like in, Sangyeon getting married and you sitting here all grumpy because of it.”, Kevin was already aware of your “small” infatuation with your best friend, a man too far out of your reach also funnily enough, the man’s wedding you’re attending. However, your friend in front of you didn’t seem to mind talking about it out loud in a place like the hotel lobby. Your lips tightened up into a fine line.
“I’m not grumpy! I just…I don’t really know what to do. I mean, I know I’m going to be there for him but yeah, okay, I might feel a bit grumpy.” The lobby did clear up a lot now.
“Okay, oof. There’s this dinner with everyone in the evening today, do you think you can get through that?”, Kevin asked hesitantly just as stressed with this additional complication.
“I mean, I probably have to, don’t I? This makes me so sick, ugh. Not gonna lie, my stomach feels like a laundry machine.” You laughed quietly and drifted off again into a place where you didn’t need to think about this.
“What did you really expect though? You know I love you, respectfully, but like, this feels like an incredibly bad move to do.”
“Don’t you think it would be worse if I didn’t show up at all? I’ll just need to go through this weekend and I’m outta here. No one will know anything.” It might feel like a nightmare but at least a nightmare you can actually run away from and not actually have to face at some point.
“Well, I hope you’ll keep your confidence. Because imagine I saw the person, I love getting married to someone else. Oh my, believe me, you wouldn’t find me for the next three weeks.”
“Not very helpful, a good three out of ten. I guess, I’ll just stick to sulking around then.” A dead smile crept up your lips following a stern look from your side at your opposite.
“Seems like a good plan, just stick to me, maybe we will find someone to take your attention away from this, huh?” A sly grin was visible on Kev’s face.
“Ughhh, of course. Let’s do this. It can’t get much worse than that”, you cleared your throat, “thanks, though. You actually make this here somewhat bearable.”
“Awww, come on. We should pack out our suitcases.”
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No one can really prepare someone for a moment like this. Most older folk turned into their hotel rooms which left you in a party like situation seeing your closest friends turning it up in a huge pavilion while the future groom sits comfortably on a velvety sofa hand in hand with his fiancée.
The air was quite warm even at this time of the evening, not humid, just warm enough for everyone to taste the end of this era with nostalgia and a slight feeling of energy to experience what’s to come afterwards.
You as well sat down, continuously processing your environment. With a cup of your favorite drink, you felt invincible, nothing able to shake you down.
Now while this wasn’t a preferred environment, this was manageable; you could look your best friend into his eyes and proudly congratulate him on his wedding. You would be able to get over this and continue to be a great friend. Black hair with an intense facial expression made its way into your viewpoint along with a somewhat tipsy Kevin. Simultaneously the lighter hair of your best friend fought his way through the crowd.
Lee Sangyeon, the man lighting up your mood with simple touch of his fingertips was now signalizing for you to head outside towards the veranda of the pavilion. He exuded patience, yet clearly waiting for a response of you. You nodded and brushed cautiously over your evening attire.
“Hii, [Y/N]! Can I introduce this someone to you? This is Juyeon, he might look a bit intense, but he’s really nice to talk to! So, I’m gone for a sec then!” Kevin started drifting off into a different direction where you stopped him in his tracks.
“Could this wait? Sangyeon needs to talk to me. I think it’s important, I’ll come back though in a bit!” You gifted both of them an apologetic face and made your way around the men towards the going to be groom.
Surely it wasn’t exactly clear why he wanted to speak to you, especially on his own. He was still waiting for you after all.
“[Y/N]! What has it been? Like three? Four months? I missed you so much.”, Sangyeon pulled you into his chest abruptly and sighed softly into your shoulder. Engulfed entirely in his figure you never wanted to wake up from this again. Was it now 10 seconds? 15 seconds? Neither he nor you really seemed to let go, taking in all the scents of his that were formerly familiar to you.
“Yeah, I think so. You were probably busy planning this all and I just had to work, I guess.” Trying to keep it short was your main goal, appearing distant maybe. He didn’t mind at all though. Not discouraged from continuing this conversation Sangyeon pointed at the veranda, showing the only speck of space with little to no crowd.
The veranda was close to closed off to the party. Non distinguishable palm trees in the far distance were playing right into your cards for not having to look into his eyes. Magnetically glowing, that’s how he appeared. All happy and smiley about the obvious luck he was experiencing. Now again, he sat down with you in the beach chairs without loosing a word.
“The palm trees are so pretty. You remember me wanting to buy some new plants?”, you tried to invite him to the conversation.
“You always want to buy new plants, which time do you mean?” Sangyeon grinned to himself. “You know what? It’s so weird. Everything feels still so unreal. This wedding, also you at my wedding… So weird.”
“I am literally your best friend, where else should I be? Your funeral? At home? Who else is going to charm the hotel staff for some free capri suns and new towels?” Your mouth crinkled up and you let out a soft laugh.
“[Y/N] … You know exactly what I mean!”
“Noo, not at all. I’m so confused right now, not gonna lie.” Your face finally moved towards his direction, seeing his gentle gaze resting on you.
“Do you remember when we were still in school, and we promised each other we would marry each other if we didn’t find anybody else?” His gaze got more intense with each sentence.
“Yeahh, kind of. I was probably tired and it’s like ten years ago. I’m not really sure what you’re trying to tell me.”
“I really thought I was going to marry you. For several years, actually.”, he laughed. “I had such a crush on you and then you met your s/o and all that. Ughh, it seemed so complicated back then. Kind of weird to think about what could have happened if I did ask you out or something.”
“True.”, you turned away again standing up and resting against the wooden railing of the pavilion. “But you didn’t so, let’s just drop it there.” The weather as well started rebelling a bit, the wind hugging your figure slightly too tight for your taste.
“Why are you so cold all of a sudden?”, he whispered closely behind you.
“Well, you’re getting married tomorrow. And you’re telling me about a crush you had on me?”, you croaked.
“I was just being nostalgic, I thought this would be fine with you.” Sangyeon appeared now next to you on the railing, waiting for you to face his concerned dark eyes.
“It isn’t for me. It just feels wrong.”
“What feels so wrong about it? It was a long time ago.”
It is here, the bitterness. Bitterness shouldn’t even be the correct term, the pain of your heart going into a slump didn’t feel like a fitting word. Being reminded again that you will never have a chance again.
“Wait or is it not a long time ago for you?”, The voice of his tried to word his next sentence very carefully.
“I went out with them because I thought you were joking. Then when I thought about you, it was always different. It was too late though, you met her.” Only the close ocean along with the wind were hearable, neither you nor he were able to form another thought put into a sentence.
“You could’ve told me. I would’ve-.”
“Broken up with her?”
“No, I-.”
“Then what could you have done?”, you interrupted Sangyeon’s rambling, trembling while speaking. Terribly spiteful with a bite that wasn’t too often dripping down your lips.
“This.” Sangyeon pressed a fluttery kiss against your lips. Slender fingers tapped onto the skin right under your chin, signalizing you to look at him.
The now much calmer atmosphere made you snake your arms around his torso. Heat rose towards your head, longing after a second out in the cold again just to see his lovely facial expression. Your lips broke off and touched once more in an almost hypnotic fashion.
His hot breath started sliding downwards your cheek to your neck, physically making you unable to resist his entrancing presence. Also his hands broached over from your face down to your waist, holding you with the lightest touch.
Sangyeon’s lips darted away from yours, catching you staring deeply into his eyes. The silence felt warm now as well, filled with the slow and recovering breath of the participants.
“[Y/N], I think I still feel that way.”, a rosy blush swept over the man’s face you wanted to hear say these things so many times and so long ago.
“No. No. No. You shouldn’t! I shouldn’t either! I have to go.” The reality of the situation caught up to you. This was bad. Incredibly bad. Still the disgusting feeling of hope within this made its way up to your head. Stinging alongside the feeling of remorse, you didn’t think clearly, especially now, next to him.
You darted in the fastest way possible from the pavilion up to the hotel to your room, leaving him there.
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Today should be the final day. The hopes that already should have been buried a long time ago, crawled up again and clawed its way into your mind. What if he leaves her for you today? Like in those unrealistic rom coms. Yes, again, it was unrealistic.
Leaving her at the altar and running after you. While all those thoughts of hope and wishes came together you found yourself with a stomachache. His fiancée was an incredibly nice person, sweet and kind along with being a beauty. You shouldn’t even dare to think about Sangyeon that way anymore, she deserved a lot more. Quite honestly, you felt pathetic. Who were you to run into their possible future?
Just because of a simple brush over the lips, his eyes staring into yours like no one else existed but you and his soft hands delicately touching your waist. A tap on your shoulder put you out of your trance, “[Y/N]? Can you go up to Sangyeon’s room? He asked for you.” Kevin’s eyes glanced at you with uncertainty. Neither you nor he knew why he wanted to see you.
Even more importantly, why did he need to see you alone? This seemed like dangerous territory after, basically yesterday. Agony rose again, what if he really was going to leave her?
“Sure, I don’t know why he wants to see me again though.”, you said and left to see the groom’s room. You stumbled more and more over every step closer to the door of the man who’s going to rip your heart and air out of your lungs. The normally soft laid out carpet felt in this moment like you were stepping barefoot over glass. There was the door, brightly painted in eggshell paired with the digits of the hotel room.
Before you could reach the door to knock on it, light brown waves greeted your overtly surprised face.
“You clean up well.”, Sangyeon’s rang in your ears clearer than freshly hung-up laundry in your nose. His previously concerned face curled up into a faint smile.
“Same goes for you”, you tried your best to hide the very apparent frog in your throat, “So, why do you need me?”
“Just needed to see you before going out there, I guess.”, his voice got a lot quieter. It got silent.
Not sure if a said word was necessary, you plopped down on a small, velvety stool. Every whisper was to be heard. An otherness surrounded Sangyeon, like he wasn’t there anymore, and his thoughts took over his being. You scooted closer towards him, just wanting to see him up close for the last time like this, smelling his earthy cologne from this distance.
“Why are you doing this to me?”, your voice went close to hoarse after the question. He was just as silent as before. No sound, nothing. This torment of a weekend was supposed to end with no gratification, not feeling free from this feeling on your chest? Your hand slid over his, the most desperate attempt to get his attention while also experiencing his touch again. Sangyeon jerked his hand back and returned to his absent posture.
“Why do you want to hurt me like this? I am your best friend, and you use me like I’m nothing.” The lack of power you had now made you sink down to the beige teddy carpet. Small tears started swelling up in your nearly dry eyes, kind of contradictory, yet the more tear drops rolled down your cheeks the rottener and hollow you felt.
“You were my best friend until you-.”, he stopped midsentence, “made me feel things again I didn’t need, I didn’t want.” Also his face was wet, ridden with tears making his usually calm and cheerful persona look like a painful insult.
“You asked me here. It hurts, Sangyeon. I can’t make it stop hurting, I don’t know what to do”, you reached for him again, “Could I ever be enough for you?” He returned your former attempts to stroke your face. Cornering both of you, the air trapped you in the toxins of heartbreak and hopelessness.
Once again, Sangyeon’s hand glid over your soft skin and halted on your face. Glaringly staring into each other’s eyes, you were there again. The day before, yesterday. Close to baring the soul of each person present.
“[Y/N], it’s not about being enough. It never has been. I have made a commitment I already broke, I…I can’t do this”, he sighed, “you know I love her.”
“I thought you loved me as well.” Overwhelming nothingness overruled you, almost scaring you about this reaction. You weren’t crying, yelling nor having any physical reaction at all. It was convincingly numb; the resting hurt would come later. Sangyeon’s head dropped in the dip of your shoulder and neck.
This sort of closeness would never happen again. You feeling him breathing into you while having his comforting heartbeat close to yours.
“I do, but I can’t do this to her. I would never do this to her.”, he whispered into your shoulder. A sigh came from his side.
“Then, please. Kiss me, for the last time.” The last part of the sentence left a disgustingly bitter taste in your mouth. This was over, right? His head, which was formerly resting on your shoulder, drifted up and towards yours. Also his expression blank and hollow, like he didn’t know anything.
For the last time, his hands cupped your face in a comfortable manner. As always, he felt homely, but he surely wasn’t yours ever. Not even waiting a good second or two, the light brunette’s face came closer to yours. With no hesitation both of your lips touched tenderly, releasing every sort of affection that could be expressed at that second. You inhaled again his intoxicating scent, in the hopes of having him all over you. His now reddened lips moved closer towards your jawline making you gasp for air.
Also, you weren’t completely still, constantly shifting your hands up and down over his torso upwards his neck, desperately feeling everything, you can for the last time. Sangyeon’s locks tickled you softly while he suddenly latched his mouth onto your neck right below your ear.
“No. Please, I just want a kiss on my lips.”, you said lowly, closely resembling a whine afterwards. He complied pretty quickly, leaving you with no thought but him tickling your bottom lip with his warm tongue. With him being this fast, you didn’t want to keep him on his toes. Entirely engaged in this moment, hands surprised you again on your waist, wandering closer and closer under the blouse you were wearing. You moaned into the kiss, making him take the opportunity to maneuver his tongue into your mouth.
Similarly to you, he was also stunned for a short moment when you grabbed up onto some strands of hair. A sigh left his now plump lips, a need of fresh air arrived onto both of you. Yet this was short lived, his hands captured your chin and attached his lips again onto yours in a matter of mere seconds. A bell rang, close footsteps to be heard across the floor reminding you of the situation you were in.
“Why am doing this? I am so sorry.”, you broke off his lips and took a step backwards at the door.
“[Y/N], we both did this, and it won’t happen again. We just need some time without each other. I think it would be for the best if we don’t spend time together alone anymore.”
“Are you doing what I think you’re doing? I don’t know what to say. I-.”, His lips captured yours again fast with a lot more force behind his kiss.
A strong arm shut the about to be opened door again and hovered over your head. The other one caught grabbed your chin with an almost contradictory feeling to it, the lightest touch just to shove you into his direction. You sighed into his lips, waiting for him to commit with his tongue one more time. Buttery lips pressed against yours and clang inside your mouth. Fiercely did your tongues meet, ending with him sucking on yours. Wet cheeks batting against each other with no intent of separating, your movement still came to a halt.
“You know what? I hate this. I want you to be happy, then if it is with her, I will just y’know…go or uhm mind my business.”, you slurred the last part. It wasn’t really one of your most prideful moments. Still flushed with tears and embarrassment you dropped again against the room door.
“I ask for one condition though,” incredibly hearse was your voice after the crying and even more so because of your follow up, “I do not not want to see you for some time, I don’t want to have to see your face ever again.” Tears weren’t anymore swelling up in your eyes, they never seemed to stop running down with no chance of leaving this conversation with an ounce of self-respect and pride.
It wasn’t even really much of a problem to leave him behind for a bit, it most likely would be for the best anyway, yet while his words should only leave a small mark and feel like a ripped off band aid, you felt alone. A sense of loneliness crept stealthily into you leaving you with nothing but a severe feeling of dread.
“If that is what you want, I’ll respect that.” The room got quieter till you heard the last of his words: “Of course, I still want you in on my wedding though, you’re still my best friend.” Sangyeon’s usual soft and kind smile appeared on his face, seemingly reaching you an olive branch. The former assertiveness and confidence drained through the conversation; you were nothing but a wreck.
“Alright, I’ll be there.”
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The ceremony was beautiful. Fairy like flowers were hung all across the beach space, making the place more surreal than it was to begin with. Everything light with a hint of light green and an even lighter lavender tone. The air seemed to have evaporated all the tension and sadness from your face. All across the seats were relatives and friends sitting with a nervously happy face. Ironically, he really thought it was going to be you someday.
“You’re [Y/N], right? Everyone always tried to introduce me to you. Now we’re sitting next to each other at Sangyeon’s wedding together! I’m Juyeon by the way.”
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fandomscombine · 3 years
It's the Lease I Can Do
Platonic! Weasley Twins x Reader
BG: The Weasley twins are so close to having their joke shop become a reality. They had found the perfect location but they had hit a minor problem that could cause them everything. You want to help, but how can you when they, the birthday boys themselves had given up?
a/n: I had this idea for a almst a year now and waited til ther twins bday to write it. I hope you enjoy.
WC: 2111
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Fred and George causing a ruckus in the common room is a daily occurrence that everyone is accustomed to. However ever since the start of Year 7, the amount of commotion these two had caused can be counted in one hand.
At first glance, it could be attributed to NEWTS or in this year's case-to a pink toad acting as High Inquisitor. Still, more and more nights the twins had claimed the back corner of the common room.
The last remaining batch of students were making their way through Filch's checkpoint (an added security protection which also serves for Umbridge having a list of names on who comes in and out of Hogwarts). You glanced down at your watch- 2:27pm, they’re late. Weird, the twins never pass a chance to go to Hogsmeade.
You hear the castle door open behind you. Thank Merlin, you thought but instead you were greeted with a disheveled Angelina. “I’m coming! Wait!”
“Have you seen Fred and George?” You called as she ran past you.
“I think I saw them in the common room!” Angelina shouted back.
The common room? “What are they up to now?” You sighed. Stomping heavily up the stairs. “Ditching me….”
“Oi Weaslebees! I know you’re in here!” You rounded the corner of their secret spot. “AHa!”
You caught them red handed, midway into shoving papers into their “Weasley & Weasley'' Trunk. Though what they were hiding, you weren't exactly sure.
“Y/N!” Fred greeted, grabbing onto your shoulders, effectively covering George and the table. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”
Narrowing your eyes at him. “Really?” Hands on hips you blatantly say “2:15 am, courtyard?? Ring any bells?” Fred shook his head.
Meanwhile George’s head shot up. “Oh shit, y/n we’re so sorry!”
Fred turned to his brother, still clueless on what the heck George was talking about.
Abandoning the trunk, George gave his twin a classic smack on the head. “Hogsmeade, you idiot! We were supposed to all go together.”
“OHHHH FU--” Fred knew he was screwed. “I’M SO SORRY! WE’RE SORRY.” Seizing the messy trunk, he strategized. “Right, here’s the plan: I’m gonna quickly drop this off back in the dorm while you two make your way to the gate. If you run, I guess you can make it. I’ll catch up with you two then.”
“Fred….. We’re not gonna make it” you argued.
“Not if we don’t try.”
“It’s almost 3, Filch would be closing the gates by now.” You sat down on Fred’s empty seat. “Besides we can go to Hogsmeade next time, we could just hang out here. I miss having my best lads around.”
“Awww…we’ve been upgraded from annoying pricks to best lads!” Gushed George, pulling you into a side hug.
“Yea, I could help in whatever it was you guys were doing before I came. I don’t mind.”
At that, you could feel George tense up, his arm around you dropping. “Uhhh…” He looked to the older twin, silently conversing.
You gaze between the boys, sometimes they get so caught up in their scheming that they don’t notice that to others, especially those who had known them for years that their non verbal communication is not so sly.
In the end, Fred gave his brother a subtle shake. “No, that’s alright. I’ll just put this back and we could play gobstones or something, anything you like.”
As Fred headed up to his dorm room, you noticed a piece of paper under the table. Picking it up, the header caught your eye. RE: Lease Agreement. Were the twins looking for a new home after graduation? You didn’t mean to pry. You were close friends, they would tell you if they were moving right? This is big news….you decided to brush it off until another line caught your attention. The shop premise located at Number 93 Diagon Alley. Shop? They are trying to set up shop? That’s brilliant! The twins would get to showcase their inventions to the world! You could feel your pride swell. Leasing Agreements would not proceed if tenants, Mr. Fred Weasley and Mr. George Weasley, are unable to provide an endorser by the date of 31st of March.
“Where’d you get that?” George standing across from you, gobstones on one hand and another pointing at the document. There’s no backing out now.
“It was under the table.” You explained. “I didn’t know you were this far along with the shop.”
“Yea, well it’s not happening now is it?”
“Cmon y/n. I know you read it.”
“I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s alright. We aren’t getting the place anyway.”
“Wait what? Why?”
“No endorsers.” George stated matter of factly but you sense the pain in his voice.
“How about your parents surely-”
George laughed. “As if mum would suddenly have a change of heart. You knew how she disapproves of our inventions, calling it a waste.”
“Arthur then.”
“Mum won’t let him.”
“Anyone then?” George huffed in defeat. “How about me! I could back you up.”
“You have to be an adult with a proven financial stability.” He stated, effectively shutting you down. “Forget it y/n. The hold ends in 3 days. We’ve tried everything. Just don’t let Fred know that you know. He’s devastated. Promise?”
“I promise.”
“And no pity, sad eyes!” He added as footsteps are heard descending the staircase.
“But I suck at poker faces!”
“Then let’s hope that Freddie is distracted even to not notice.”
It’s been 4 days since you had sent the letter to your father.
“Dear papa,
I know that this is a huge favour to ask but I believe it would be worth your while.
So remember back in the summer when you caught Fred Weasley, George Weasley and me snooping around with the Extendable Ears but let us go because you were so enamored?
Well turns out the twins and trying to get a shop up and running! How amazing is that?
The only problem is that they need an endorser to back them up in order to proceed with the lease agreements. The are currently on hold for the Shop Number 93 in Diagon Alley until the 31st.
This is where the huge favour comes in. Could you please be their backer? You did say that you’d love to help in some part in their invention, be an investor of sorts. Please papa. I would love to do it myself but I have to wait a couple more months to qualify. Plus it’s their 18th birthday on April 1st. Imagine their surprise if it were to come through.
I’d love to hear from you soon, regardless of your choice.
Your favourite child
The twin’s 18th birthday was spent with absolute love and madness.
Lee had unloaded his stash of butterbeer and firewhiskey, Fred had slipped Angelina with one of their new prank inventions- which changes the person into a sickly color of vomit green, a perfect way to ditch class or events.
Upon learning that the color would last for a few days and would only fade with the ingestion of an antidote, antidote that George said they still had yet to create. Angelina (understandably) threw cake at them. The Gryffindor chaser with perfect aim, hits its mark. However, Fred using his beater skills, instinctively blocks the incoming cake.
Resulting in a wide splat zone. Fred’s arm was covered in frosting, having sprayed everyone around him in whipped cream during the impact. George wasn’t safe too, despite being across from Fred, the rebounce of the cake had made him the new target.
You had just changed into your pajamas when a tapping sound came from your window.
Your family owl, Lanny, was outside carrying a large yellow envelope.
Quickly letting him in, you gave Lanny a gentle pat and brought out some owl treats for the tired bird.
Unscrolling the note tied to his leg, you begin to read.
“My dearest y/n,
My sincere apologies for the late reply, it’s been quite hectic at work.
In regards to your favour, you need not worry. Everything is taken care of. I had met with the landlord of Number 93 Diagon Alley and had all the documents settled. I had also gone and checked to make sure the two lads aren’t being ripped off. Fred and George had picked a nice prime location.
Greet them a happy birthday for me alright? And tell them that I look forward to witnessing them succeed in their endeavors.
They would undoubtedly be bringing a lot of much needed joy into these darkening times. The people would be thankful for them.
I also had Lanny bring the twins’ copy of the Lease Agreement.
I can’t wait to see you all soon.
Much love,
Fred was grateful that their friends had retired into the night, leaving him and George to sulk into the dreadful reality.
“We were this close Georgie, this close!” Fred winced, pinching his fingers close without touching.
“I know but there was nothing else we could have done.” consoled George but even he himself was having a hard time. Number 93 was the perfect location for their joke shop. But now it’s gone.They are back to square one, scouting for locations.
“Fred! George! There you are! I have great news!” You yelled, not caring if you could wake up the other students.
“Oi Y/N! Be careful!.” Even in a bad mood, Fred Weasley couldn’t help being protective.
You banged the envelope on the table. “Surprise! Happy Birthday! From papa and I.”
“Another gift?” wondered George.
“So you don’t want it then?” You challenged, crossing your arms. You tried to look intimidating but the pajamas weren’t doing any good. “Cause I bet a hundred galleons that you’d shit your pants if you were to reject it.”
“That confident eh?” Smirked Fred, taking the contents of the envelope out. “ What do you think is so grand that Georgie and I would---BLOODY HELL! Y/N!” Fred kept looking down at the paper and up to you, unbelieving.
“What is it Freddie?” asked George leaning over to read whatever it was that left his brother speechless.
Re: Lease Agreement
Mr. y/l/n has submitted his endorsement to Mr. Fred Weasley and Mr. George Weasley.
The turnover of the leasing property of Shop Number 93 Diagon Alley would begin on April 1st …..
“Oh My- Y/n? Is this real?” George whispered, afraid that if he were any louder this dream would end.
“Yes, absolutely, 100%.” You affirmed. “The shop is yours! Opff-”
George embraced you tight, catching you off guard. You could feel your right shoulder getting wet. “Heyya big guy, don’t cry.” Running a hand up and down his back.
“But how?” Fred with brows creased was still stuck in a trance, you could see the paper shake in his grasp.
“You left the agreement noticed a couple of days ago. I might have accidentally read it. George said to not let you know cause you might get angry-”
“YOu KNEW?!?”
“George only knew I saw the paper. Nothing else.” You defended. “I thought i might try and help, so I called in a favour with papa. You knew how much he was impressed with the Extendable Ear, so I mentioned if he wanted to back you up. I only got his reply just now, said he’d love to and got onto ironing out the paperwork and viola!” Pointing at the document. “Oh and he also said Happy 18th Birthday, looking forward to your success and the people would be thankful for bringing a lot of much needed joy into these darkening times.”
“Thanks Y/n but this is a lot we can’t possibly-”
You cut Fred off before he could say more. “Oh please, you have done countless things for me. And I know what you’re gonna say- but see you would do the same for me. Besides think of this as your first investors. We want to help. We see your potential, we know you two, Fred, George, are gifted with bringing laughter and joy to people with your inventions."
"Thank you, truly y/n and to your dad too." Fred admitted, opening himself up. "No one's really backed us up with our inventions before, we've been always told off for being childish. It really means a lot."
“Hey, it’s the lease I could do.” You replied, causing the twins to chuckle immediately lightening up the mood.
It's great to see them relax again after weeks of stressing over the shop. Times might be changing but at least tonight, you got your best lads back.
Everything Taglist : @gruffle1
HP Taglist: @onlyfreds
116 notes · View notes
recklessmark · 4 years
chapter two: encounter
—from DISCRETION series
Summary: you incidentally met a notorious CEO and your gut told you that you must claim this man. and even the fact that he’s engaged to someone else didn’t stop you from achieving what you want.
Pairing: CEO! Mark x Designer! Reader
Words: 1645
Warnings (this chapter): none /they kissed y’all/
—previous: chapter one-flechazo
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“Miss Y/N, the counterparts have already arrived. They are both sitting in the meeting room.” The receptionist said as soon as she saw you approached.
“Alright. Thank you!”
Already arrived this soon? Looking like he has a huge interest for this thing. You step inside the elevator, choosing the highest floor of the tower. Your heart is beating faster and faster, that’s it, that’s the feeling!
In the large room, Mark Lee is sitting on a chair, crossing his legs and naturally talking. “Taeyong, thank you for helping me find a designer!”
“No problem, the person you need is one of my friends so I certainly can help you with this!”
The wide door is opened, you smile and walk inside. “Hi Taeyong!”, your hand comes to take off your sunglasses.
“Y/N, you are always punctual, come sit, this is the person I told you about.”, Lee Taeyong exultantly greets you.
You put on a charming smile, walking around the table to see the man. That’s the face you have been missing! “Mark, nice to meet you again. I wonder if it’s a coincidence or fate?”, you sarcastically ask.
Mark smirks, he looks at you dangerously, “I think it’s our fate, isn’t it?”. Your mouth corner curls up satisfyingly, you know this man is the one you desire.
Since the moment you stepped inside this room, your fragrance was filling up the space. It’s like that time at the bar, even the alcohol scent couldn’t overwhelm your exhilarating aroma and that makes Mark feels something, something strange.
“So what do you want me to help you with?”, you sit down, tilting your head.
Mark’s eyes followed your movements, “I want you to design for me a wedding dress...”. You froze at your seat, even the smile you have been putting on is faded, “...for my fiancé.”
“Oh I have something to do, call me when you’ve finished, we can have lunch together.”, putting his phone into his vest, Taeyong can feel the intensity between you and Mark.
When he has already gone, you blink, trying to ease the faze. “Alright, so tell me what you like or what she wants.”, you rest your chin on your palm, earnestly ask.
Mark frowns, “You will actually do it? Seriously?”
You shrug, your arms cross on your chest, “I’m always professional, I have my own rules. Nevertheless, I have way more ways to steal you from her, don’t try me Mark.” He looks at you, a mischievous smirks arises on his face. Suddenly, he stands up, stepping forwards your direction.
You can’t believe that Mark dares to kiss you right in this meeting room. His tongue licks your lips, he bites your lips causing you to gasp. Taking advantage, Mark slides his tongue into your mouth, the taste of blood filling up. His hands run to your ass, squeezing them, you whine trying to pull away. Mark’s lips leave yours, you swipe your lips with the back of your hand, frowning. “Could you not bite my lips, you ruined my beauty.”
Mark gives you a photo with a girl on it, “It’s her, do whatever you want.”
“I’m not doing it!”, you debate.
He doesn’t know what you’re thinking, he squints his eyes at you. “You said you’re professional and what now? Jealous?”. Mark expected to see your blushing face of shyness but he’s too wrong, who does he think you are.
You decisively nod, “That’s right! If I don’t like her I should honestly say it.” However you still carefully discern the photo, it’s not hard to recognize that girl, she’s kind of famous- Kim Yeri.
Yeri is a well-known artist, her works are popularly relished since they said that the pictures can ‘talk’. You’ve gone to her exhibition several times. But now, when the truth is revealed, you genuinely want to burn all of them. You and Yeri did have some contact before but it was indirect. She is the type of pure tender girl, very innocent and men are usually into for this kind of women. However, Yeri is simply a normal artist, how could she know Mark and even date him?
Mark quietly observes you when he saw the meditation on your face. He honestly doesn’t know why is he gradually getting more into you. You’re like a leery lynx trying to approach him, he wants to keep you with him. Is this possession?
After a while, you look up, “I know what to do.”
Unfortunately, the scarf on your neck dropped off. You nervously cover the skin with you hand, “If there’s nothing else you can go with Taeyong, I’ll follow later.”
“Ouch!”, you squint when Mark caught your wrist tightly.
“What happened with your neck?”, his eyes glistening with some anger. The hold on your wrist is becoming tighter and tighter, causing you to suffer from the pain, you point on your wrist. Seeing a red patch on the white fabric which is wrapped around your wrist, Mark quickly loosens the hold. Then he goes out of the room without saying a word, leaving you sitting there alone. You sigh, picking up the scarf on the floor, cover your neck again. You pull out a bandana in your handbag, taking off the fabric covered with blood on your wrist and then wrap the bandana on instead.
“Take it off!”
You look up to see Mark, with a stranger that you guess to be his secretary, holding a first-aid kit on his hand. He quickly walks towards you, helping you with your wound.
“Hi I’m Donghyuck.”, he carefully cleaning up the blood, “But do you work in a mafia?”
Your eyebrows furrow slightly, “What do you mean?”
Donghyuck shakes his head, “The bruise on your neck, it can only be caused when someone put a strong force on your neck. You do not look like someone who do mafia works.”
You remain silent, not wanting to say anything. Donghyuck knows that you don’t want to talk about it either so he concentrates on treating your wound.
The whole conversation, Mark didn’t mishear a single word.
Taeyong sits down beside you, he has been talking endlessly. “This restaurant is my sister’s, I especially asked her to close it today only serving for you guys!”
You rest you chin on the palm of your hand, twisting the other arm to check the time on your watch, not wanting to talk to the people around you.
Taeyong feels your uneasiness, “What’s wrong Y/N? You don’t like it?”, he asks.
Mark surely heard the question but he doesn’t seem to care, however he’s affably taking care of the girl sitting next to him.
Kim Yeri shyly looks around, “It’s okay Mark, I’m not a child.”
Your blood is boiling in everywhere in your body, you really want to punch Taeyong. Things wouldn’t be like this if he didn’t invite the girl who you genuinely dislike. Four people gather together, this time you can actually have a clear look at Yeri. Her appearance is nothing special, even her temperament is normal, why would Mark like her? Oh! Maybe it’s the tenderness. No way! A person who is outrageous and cold-blood like Mark Lee can never be attracted to a girl resembling to Yeri.
Feeling your intense gaze, Yeri awkwardly asks. “Y/N? Is there anything on my face? Why do you look at me like that?”
You tilt your head, faintly smile, “Yes! Your face looks meretricious.”
Yeri embarrassingly looks down, you feel a little joyful now.
“It’s alright. Wearing some makeup is normal.”, Mark casually defends her. Your mood swings to a unpleasant mixed with some ignition. This feeling is very novelty, something you’ve never felt before.
The dishes is eventually served. Yeri offers you a steak she cut herself, “Thank you Y/N! Our wedding is depended on you.”
“No problem, if Mark asks me to do it, I will definitely do my best.”, you politely deny the steak. Your words make Yeri confused, how could you call Mark by his first name naturally like that? She turns her head to glare at Mark. He of course knows but doesn’t say a word, just calmly eats the food on his plate. And this makes Yeri befuddled even more.
“Sorry, I have something to do. This meal I pay, enjoy!”, Taeyong hurriedly says while rushing out. This makes the situation become worse. Three of you sitting on a table, no one say a word.
All of a sudden, you stop eating. You lay your back on the chair, crossing your arms. “Ms Kim, I think you’re being so confused. You’re trying to figure everything out, aren’t you?”
Yeri froze at her seat, slowly looks up at you.
“You can relax, I do not murder people, unless I need to. There’s just something I want to announce you-“, you smirk, “I like Mark.”
Yeri drops the fork, her eyes glinting with astonishment. “What...what did you say?”
“I said I-like-Mark.”, you emphasize every word.
She looks at Mark, who hasn’t fazed a little, worryingly asks, “You know this?”
“Yes.” Mark looks at her, nothing in his eyes, it’s just simply a look.
You delightfully stand up, picking up your handbag. “No need to be frantic. I just said it, but I’m not sure about Mark. Hopefully you will accept my gift, I will make the most beautiful wedding dress ever for you. Goodbye!”
You walk out, but then stop at the door. You turn around, seeing the frightened face of Yeri. “Oh I almost forgot. It’s my gift but I don’t know whether you have the chance to wear it. Nevertheless, I’ll try my best.” You have completely defeated Yeri, she didn’t even have a chance to talk back, rather than a chance to win you.
On the other hand, Mark quietly cleans his mouth with a tissue. “Let’s go.”
—next: chapter three-i love him forever, is it better than you yet?
taglist: @nuoyii @jjikyuu @generantionct @keemburley
130 notes · View notes
donkey-hyuck · 4 years
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𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒃; 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒓𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒂: 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔
three card spreads↴
tarot cards;
the hermit (upright) 
contemplation, search for truth, inner guidance
strength (upright)
inner strength, bravery, compassion, focus
the emperor (reversed)
tyranny, rigidity, coldness
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
word count- 18,355 (woah wtf😳) 
genre- angst baby || fluff || yk just pure angst || high school! au in the beginning || college!au || bittersweet ||
characters/pairing- kinda popular kid!lee jeno x fem!volleyball player!reader || nct dream including mark || sooyoung
warnings- swearing | mentions of cheating but only accusations | dialogue heavy | lowercase letters intended | over usage of words bc i’m irrelevant | spelling/grammar mistakes | a whole relationship rollercoaster | jeno’s a dickhead | lots of self pondering
introduction- maybe you two just had enough of each other. being involved in one another’s lives could have just taken a huge toll on the both of you. so after finally separating practically your whole lives, you may both think you’re fine; but inside, neither of you can let each other go. one heated argument leads to another and you may have just lost your best friend, the love of your life… or maybe you didn’t…. or maybe you did.
taglist! @badwithten​, @jenoji​, @joyfuleggsfishbanana​, @proseeuhn​, @danishmiilk​
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
“mommy! jeno just pulled my hair!” your five year old self shouted as five year old jeno huffed and turned the other way. his mother had been out for the day for a job interview and your mother had promised to take care of him. the two of your mothers’ had been friends since middle school, grew up together, went through their adolescence, helped each other with university work. they were the best of friends, inseparable. and when they found out they were both pregnant at the same time, they were ecstatic to raise their children together.
you and jeno had known each other your entire lives up to that point. he was only four months older than you but he acted as if he was so superior, and it just made you ticked off. throughout elementary school—mostly kindergarten and first grade— the two of you never got along and fought constantly. your mothers’ tried to make you like each other but to no avail.
“mom! y/n pinched me!” five year old jeno yelled to his mother as you stuck your tongue out at him and crossed your arms. your mother had brought you along to their house when that happened and it just seemed as if the two of you would never get along.
but all that changed when you entered middle school. well, not completely, but you had his back when he needed it. mostly when you were forced to help tutor jeno in your science class, or when he had a crush on one of your good friends. he had your back too, telling you not to get into fights with the girls who thought they were so much better than you, or trying to set you up on dates with his friends. middle school was truly a place where you and jeno put away whatever feud the two of you had going on. middle school with jeno was actually fun, graduating your eighth grade class, messing around with teachers, meeting new friends. there was just so much enjoyment for the both of you during those years.
when high school came along, the two of you had been in separate classes, you being put in advanced placement and jeno being put in stem. that was kind of the first time you have been separated from each other at school. during your primary days, you and jeno had the same schedules and it seemed like fate wanted you two together. but when you entered high school, you were both more distant toward each other, specifically during all of junior and most of senior year.
freshman year was more of an experience. it was weird to not see jeno through the halls, let alone not have classes with him. but the two of you were just as inseparable as your mothers’, and met up with each other after school anyway, whether it was your mom picking the two of you up or his.
you were two peas in a pod and had seemed to always be teased by your peers, even when you denied liking each other. if it was true or not, no one had believed you and the two of you were stuck as the couple throughout the entirety of freshman year.
“true friends are never apart. maybe in distance but never in heart.” as you two said.
but new years of 2016 all changed the way jeno had perceived you. he was invited to a new years party with a few of his friends— na jaemin and lee donghyuck— and jeno had seemingly been gullible enough to believe the lies people were saying about you. about how you started the rumor of him dating a model his age from overseas, the rumor about him making out with younghee during his free period one thursday morning, or the rumor about him liking eunseo. he was furious to know that you were the one who spread all of the gossip around school, pushing past the idea that you and him had been connected by the hip since you were born. pushing past the idea that you truly weren’t like that. but jeno was enraged, nonetheless.
while he was feeding off of lies people had told him that night, your family— as well as his— were spending the new year right. you and your family had been invited to the lee’s for the countdown and you noticed your best friend wasn’t there.
“y/n! jeno’s not here, he’s with donghyuck and jaemin for a new years party tonight. i hope you won’t be bored here,” said his mother with a look of disappointment in her eyes. you shook your head and smiled, “it’s okay, aunty. i have minjung!” although you were excited to have some alone girl time with his older sister, jeno had never told you about attending a new years party that night. and to think about it more, hyuck nor jaem had told you either. it was weird. but you just pushed that all aside and walked down the hall to minjung’s room. at the time you were fifteen and she was eighteen and a well-known senior at your high school.
“minjung!” you bursted through her door and she immediately ran to hug you. “y/n! i missed you!” she hugged back as nal nudged your calf in a greeting. picking up the feline, you walked out of the room to eat and sit in the living room to play some family games.
your two families counted down together and it was officially 2016. your parents had decided to stay for another hour before going back home. but during that hour, hyuck’s mom had dropped off jeno and he was met with your families laughing and having the time of their lives together. another year, another long friendship that was to never end; or so your parents thought.
jeno came home upset that night. he felt betrayed and disappointed that you would say those things about him but all the more that made him angry. his mother had greeted him but he coldly shook it off and took to his room. you were shocked, jeno never acted that way towards his mother. you didn’t notice how quiet it was until your parents nudged you to talk to him.
“uhm.. aunty, uncle. i’ll go talk to jeno, see what’s up with him.” and for some unknown reason, you were nervous walking down to his bedroom.
carefully, you knocked and let yourself slide through the door, “jen…? are you okay? why’d you do that to your mom?” your voice was soft, just more of a way to not trust you. you were a hoax. at least, to jeno you were.
“i’m fine, y/n. get out of my room, i need to shower,” he rushed you out only making you want to say and ask a million questions about what was going on in that moment.
“no. what’s wrong with you? what happened tonight?” your brows furrowed and that was when he turned to you with stone cold eyes.
“none of your business. now get out!”
you don’t think jeno had made you cry since you were little but this was the first time a tear had shed because of the person you cared most about. however, you could never really recall why you cried that night. it wasn’t a bawling kind of cry, more of a sniffly kind of cry. whether it was frustration or shock, you walked out of his room as you wiped your tears with your sweater. it’s probably only a mood, you tried to convince yourself.
boy were you wrong.
the next few months were like this; you constantly trying to get jeno’s attention, crying about losing your best friend, and questioning what had happened to get him so upset at you. it was all a mind-fuck and you missed jeno. and by the time sophomore year was over, you and jeno had seemed to become less and less involved with each other when your parents were invited to their house or vice versa. around midway summer vacation before junior year, you stopped trying to get jeno’s attention because you clearly didn’t matter to him anymore.
both of your parents were confused as to why you stopped talking all of a sudden. you two still saw each other, yes, but there was nothing past the glaring looks of pure hatred. ever since that night, there was never a spare of words between the two of you and your mothers’ were worried.
one morning, before driving off to school, your mother had asked you, “y/n, why don’t you and jeno talk anymore?
“jeno, why don’t you and y/n talk anymore?”
“he’s a jerk, mom. it’s complicated.”
“she’s fake, mom. it’s complicated.”
graduation was two months away and it had been officially two years and a couple months since your friendship breakup.
“hello!! earth to y/n,” waved hyuck with his hands in front of your face. “what’s up with you right now?”
after breaking the news to mutual friends, donghyuck had been stuck between the two of you for the longest time but opted to just stay friends with you and jeno because that wasn’t a petty thing to do. jaemin on the other hand, was a different story. after jeno told jaemin you weren’t friends before he told hyuck, jaemin had texted you to meet by the library to ‘talk.’ turned out, jaemin wanted to stay loyal to his friend and disregard you and your feelings; and that was the end of that relationship. so you basically lost two of your bestest friends within a span of a week without a clue as to why. that was the big question, though…. why?
you blinked as you looked toward his direction. “what do you want, hyuck?” he sighed before answering, “first class is free period, dummy. mrs. choi isn’t here today.” you slowly sighed as well, as donghyuck took you by your hand and dragged you out of the empty classroom.
“let’s go to mr. park’s. we can stay there until class ends. today’s long period anyway,” he explained, dragging you down the hall and up two flights of stairs. donghyuck barged into the room causing everyone to immediately look at the loud boy crashing the lecture.
“lee donghyuck! y/f/n! what are you two doing here? shouldn’t you be in mrs. choi’s room?” mr. park raised a brow.
“ayy mr. park! y/n and i are here because mrs. choi couldn’t make it to class today. besides, you’re our favorite teacher, why else would we come here?” the teacher hummed and excused you to sit at his, fairly large, desk. “just don’t bother my students,” he warned, mostly talking to hyuck. he only responded in a wink and signed a ‘keep going.’
about twenty minutes of unproductive work had passed and you finally looked up to observe the students in mr. park’s stem class. his room wasn’t that big and there were only about nineteen to twenty-four kids in the class. scanning the room, your eyes were met with jeno’s. you slightly snickered as your eyes twitched in annoyance and turned to hyuck.
“hey, guess who’s here.” his brows furrowed as he looked around, finally getting to see jeno. but being the good friend that he was, hyuck waved at jeno before greeting him. they apparently had a handshake and mr. park seemed to notice as he told hyuck to sit back down and for jeno to focus on his work. the tan boy pouted before sitting back at his seat, making some of the girls laugh.
he came back to sit next to you and you rolled your eyes toward jeno and turned to the boy. “really?”
“whaaat? just because you two aren’t friends doesn’t mean that he and i can’t.” what hyuck said was true. you shouldn’t let your aggravation get the best of you. it was donghyuck’s decision to be and to not be friends with people. you huffed out a fine and turned back to your laptop that does not have any completed assignments— though there were only two that you hadn’t done yet. but you knew that free period class was gonna be torture for the next hour or so.
your second period class was, fortunately, in mr. park’s room with hyuck. however, jeno happened to have mrs. choi for second period and asked mr. park to stay in his class for the time being. so while the three of you waited for the students to attend, jeno and hyuck had been messing around and the room filled with their laughter. soon, as the teacher was getting ready for his class, a couple of your extroverted classmates joined along in their joking as you just sat quietly next to hyuck.
while ten minutes had passed of mr. park talking and explaining something along the lines of graphical analysis, hyuck whispered, “what’s up with you today? you’re eerily quieter than usual.” yeah… why were you quieter today?
“uh, i don’t know, hyuck. maybe i’m just not feeling it today, i guess,” you shrugged and looked back to the class work stuck on your desk. then your mind wandered off to the conversation you had with your mother that morning.
“how? you two were the best of friends. what happened to ‘true friends are never apart. maybe in distance but never in heart?’” she asked, shoving down a spoonful of rice. but you just shrugged and replied, “hm, i don’t know, mom. he hasn’t spoken a word to me since new years of 2016. it’s been two years. besides, if he doesn’t want to be friends with me without telling the reason, then that’s on him. i quit trying a long time ago.”
it was true. after jeno pushed you off on multiple occasions, you had stopped trying to get on good terms again. he was the immature one in the first place; you just tried to fix whatever was going on.
but soon enough, second period was over and out you were to mr. yang’s ap chemistry class. sooyoung— one of your closest girl friends— had happened to be in that class as well so when you entered the room she immediately called you over. you sat down at the lab table where she was seated and rested your face against it.
“what’s wrong, y/n?” she asked, making you look up at her while rubbing your face from all the questions about your sudden change in behavior.
“nothing much. well… mrs. choi isn’t here today so hyuck dragged me to mr. park’s class and that asshole lee jeno was in there,” you explained to her but she got confused because you never really associated yourself with him since the sudden split. she was about to ask why you were so caught up with him all of a sudden but it was as if you could read her mind because your next sentence was, “my mom asked me about him this morning. she’s still bugging me about why we aren’t friends… his mom too, i’m sure. and i’ve just been thinking about it. usually she would ask and i would answer the same and be fine but i guess today is just not my day.” you'd be lying if you said you didn’t miss lee jeno. you truly did. after all the shenanigans you’ve been through, lee jeno was always by your side.
ugh just stop thinking about it. you told yourself, mentally slapping your face and turning toward the board. but throughout the entire class, you did not pay attention to a word that came out of mr. yangs’ mouth.
once the bell rang, you were snapped out of your trance and quickly packed your things to go to your fourth class of the day— mrs. lim.
walking up the stairs, you met donghyuck in the halls and told him to hurry to mrs. lim’s class before she gets upset. providentially, mrs. lim was short period and there wasn’t much to do besides take notes.
“y/n who do you have next?” donghyuck asked as he waited for you to walk to the door and out to the hallway. “language with ms. jung. you should know this by now, hyuck,” you playfully shook your head and punched his shoulder. he ignored it and asked another question, “oh! so you have first lunch?” you nodded and walked down the stairs to the first floor library.
“yeah but i’m not gonna eat. plus, i don’t know anyone during my lunch.”
hyuck dramatically covered his mouth and gasped. “yes you do, what the fuck? hello… me, duh!” you laughed at his extra self and stuck your hands in your pockets. “i mean besides you. everyone wants to sit with you anyways. and you know i don’t really eat lunch.” your response only made him pout and look at you with a weird face expression. “you know i would rather sit with you any day right, y/n?” you smiled brightly and looked at him. “... i know, but i’m just not hungry. i’ll be in the library for lunch, and after ms. jung’s class. mrs. bae isn’t here today either so i’m just going to spend my time there.”
he muttered in disappointment as he dropped you off at the library before heading to the cafeteria.
“bye stupid. thanks for walking with me.” he smirked and turned around. “bye ugly. i’ll see you here in two hours. love you.”
“love you too.” but a pair of brown eyes watched the whole scene. the scene that made his heart slowly break.
you walked into the library and sat at a vacant three seater table and pulled out whatever you had to finish out of your bag. five minutes had passed of you typing on your computer when a fellow junior— park jisung— walked through the double doors and immediately recognized his favorite senior— you.
“y/n!” he whisper shouted while speed walking to the table you were sitting at. smiling at him, you pulled the chair next to you so he would have a place to sit. then you asked him why he was here.
“mrs. choi isn’t present today so i’m just gonna stay here. mrs. bae isn’t here either, chenle’s gonna come during last period too,” he explained while getting out his computer and a notebook. mrs. bae was your ceramics teacher and it seemed like there were a lot of teachers absent that day; but it was only a regular friday.
after conversing with jisung for another twenty minutes the loud bell signified the end of first lunch and off you were to your language class with ms. jung. you left the library after packing up and bidding jisung a short ‘see ya later.’
however, you forgot lee jeno was also in ms. jung’s class with you until you saw the back of his head turn straight into her room. fuck.
shortly after he walked in and sat down, you walked through the door and toward the back of the class to sit at one of the desks. and you swore jeno was eyeing you down as you passed him, and not in a good way.
but to jeno… he was eyeing you because he just missed you. he missed hanging out with you, especially during class. ever since he had that chat with his mom that morning— as well as seeing you with hyuck in mr. park’s class, and seeing you two announce your appreciation towards each other— he realized that he fucking missed you. so much.
that day was a friday too, so your parents were definitely going over the lee’s tonight. mentally, you rolled your eyes and shut your brain from thinking anything else and to just listen to what ms. jung had planned for the day.
school was boring, though. and your class just continued doing whatever you did during your class, prior.
“okay guys! we’re together for short period on monday, make sure you finish your research over the weekend. you’re free to go.”
you just stuffed your notebook into your bag and walked up the aisle. but you stopped right when jeno had dropped his pen. he picked it up and looked at you,  quietly apologizing. you hadn’t heard him, though; he was too quiet so you just paused until he picked it up and walked out of class to the front lobby. he should’ve just spoken up but he was too late.
mrs. bae didn’t have a substitute to fill in for her so you walked to the library, planning to sit at the same table which, thankfully, already seated chenle and jisung. you sat across from the boys and sighed, laying your head down again.
“what’s wrong?” asked chenle. you lifted your head up and lazily smiled before shaking your head.
“nothing. today’s just been tiring, that’s all. you two do your work. i’m gonna try to take a nap.” they both nodded and let you rest for the remaining time, making sure to wake you up before the bell rang.
“hyuck!” you ran up to him. he picked you up from your house that morning and so he was going to drop you off. “we have to pick up jangmi today. she stayed after school to help her teachers prepare for their spring formal.”
“really? sungho stayed after school too. what a coincidence,” he chuckled as he unlocked the car door and started it up. jangmi was your little sister in seventh grade and sungho was donghyuck’s younger brother in the same grade, attending the same school. what your poor little sister didn’t know was that sungho had a tiny little crush on her. so said from sungho to hyuck. it was cute.
they both greeted the two of you and talked about their day staying after school.
“are you guys going to the dance together?” asked donghyuck with a slight laugh, making sungho flush red and stutter, “uh.. i don’t know. it’s up to jangmi. but i don’t have a date yet.” his little brothers response made hyuck laugh and you hit his stomach.
“don’t make fun of sungho. it’s not nice. jangmi, do you have a date for the formal?” you looked at her through the rear view mirror. “no. i don’t even know if i wanna go yet.” hyuck laughed again but you flicked his cheek before he could say anything else to his brother. and then it got awkwardly quiet in the backseat of the acura tlx.
“bye, jangmi! bye, y/n!” said hyuck and his brother. “same time tomorrow morning?” he asked after rolling down the window some more. you responded with a nod and walked into your house after waving one last time to the pair of siblings. only to be met with your mother rushing the two of you to change into something formal. your sister whined and asked why.
“we’re meeting at kwonsooksoo to have dinner with the lee’s.”
“but it’s only three p.m. why do we have to get ready now?” you furrowed your brows.
“because i know you girls will take forever. plus, it’s almost a two hour drive from here. we’re supposed to be meeting them at 7:30.”
that was a typical friday night. each of your parents spending way too much money on food that’ll be half finished by the time you left, awkward and nasty looks between you and jeno, and quiet conversations of you and minjung followed by jeno and jangmi.
so while fixing up the makeup on your face, you slowly stopped swiping the brush on your face and looked in the mirror at your reflection, then to the bedside table where you remember you hid a scrapbook from years ago. setting the brush down on your desk, you turned in the chair you were sitting in and opened the drawer to pick up the polaroid picture filled book.
covering the cream colored pages were silly pictures of the two of you from birth to elementary school, fun patterns of washi tape, and the messy handwriting of you and jeno. looking through the reminiscent book, you remembered the stash of old friendship items in a large shoe box hiding under your bed. quickly, you scrambled to the floor and dragged the dusty, wood-like box from its place.
you opened the top of the box and it looked like how you remembered it looked like when you packed it up two years ago. in the box contained some more photo albums and scrapbooks, a few framed pictures, letters that jeno wrote for your birthday—your seventh, tenth, and fourteenth— a few sheets of guitar notes, and a friendship bracelet each of you made for each other. and looking through all of the memories, a single tear had dropped from your face just as your mother walked in the room. she was going to tell you they were ready to leave until she stopped mid sentence, immediately looking sad at her daughter crying because of the friendship she used to have.
“auh… y/n,” her voice was soft as she knelt on the floor and cupped your cheeks in her palms. you just cried and hugged her, constantly saying that you missed him. you missed lee jeno so damn much. and you could never say it enough.
the lee’s never saw you that night. after that whole breakdown, your mother thought it was best to not let you go. it could’ve caused more erect feelings and she didn’t want that for you, even if she did want you to tell jeno that you missed him. but she didn’t force it on you, and they left the house to meet the lee’s without you.
the following hour, a knock was heard at your door.
it was na jaemin.
jaemin had lived in the area, but you were confused and shocked by his presence back in your life. hesitantly, you unlocked the door and there he stood. from the outside, you probably looked emotionless but on the inside, you were freaking the fuck out.
“na jaemin..? what are you doing here?” you had been straight to the point, not wanting to see his face any longer. but he just dryly chuckled and said, “my mom cut the power at my house. it’s gonna be out for a few days but i just wanted to see if you still lived in the area.” it sounded like he was mocking you and it made your eye twitch in annoyance and asked him what he wanted and why he was here.
“whaat? i can’t see an old friend?” that made you pissed and you shoved the door closed. though na jaemin had a fast reflex, and caught the door with his foot before opening it again. this time, your hand was rested on your hip and the other was holding the door, preventing it to be fully opened.
“we don’t like each other, remember. now spill it or i’ll crush your toes with my door.” you were still as sassy as he remembered and it made him genuinely smile this time.
“calm down, princess. i just really wanted to know if you were home since, you know, you and jeno’s family are out.” how did he know? lee jeno, that’s how. you just rolled your eyes and opened the door wider than it was before he just invited himself in your house. didn't he have any respect?
walking in after him, you watched as he sat down on your couch and you leaned on the wall. the space of your living room was quiet until he broke the silence.
“jeno said that you didn’t go with your family today… that’s why i’m here, okay.” he looked at you with guilt in his eyes.
to be honest, you missed jaemin almost as much as you missed jeno. you confessed it to hyuck, and you were almost 100% sure he told at least jaemin that you missed the two.
“i’m sorry,” he whispered out, “i miss you y/n… jeno and i both.”
you looked to the floor then back to the blonde boy, unbelievably. the boys were pranksters and this could be a sick joke.
“don’t lie to me, na,” you hissed out and pushed yourself off the wall to walk into the kitchen, jaemin following after. he sat at the island and watched as you rummaged through the fridge to find something to drink.
“i’m being sincere. we miss you a lot.”
scoffing, you left the kitchen to walk to your room. but you looked back at jaemin, sighed, and motioned him to follow you up to your room.
your room was still the same. the first door to the right when you walk up the stairs. of course, it had been revamped, but it still eluded the energy he always sensed from you since the two of you met. staring at jaemin scanning your room, you remembered how observant he was.
jaemin always knew when something was up, whether it was you being sad, you being frustrated, or when you were just zoning out. he knew you like the back of his hand, even if you didn’t know it. he was quiet but knowledgeable.
while looking around the room, jaemin noticed the old  photo albums opened and scattered on your bed. he walked to your bed and picked up the butterfly scrapbook. flipping through the pages, he smiled, and even slightly chuckled at the childish pictures and humorous comments that filled each page. when he was done looking through that photo book, he patted the seat next to him for you to sit down. grabbing the next scrapbook— a pokémon themed title page— he opened it up and leaned his head on your shoulder, causing you to freeze up.
it was as if he knew there were lots of pictures of him and hyuck in that specific book. it was your eighth grade memory book and you had known hyuck and jaemin for three years prior to that. the sweet smile was still on his face the entire time he flipped through the pages. he read and detected every picture and every little blurb of writing on each page, knowing whose handwriting was who’s.
“i missed this a lot,” he muttered while caressing the printed out picture of the four of you during your eighth grade graduation ceremony. then he glanced up at you. looking nowhere in particular, you whispered out, “me too. so much.” jaemin then sat up and faced you, wiping the tears escaping your eyes. you then looked at him.
“you know, y/n… jeno still has the friendship bracelet you made him,” he said, looking at the colorful arrangement of beads sitting on the floor. “actually, jeno has a lot of things in his room that remind him of you.” he leaned his head against your shoulder once more, lightly wrapping his arms around you to embrace your figure in a hug. then you leaned your head against his, slightly sniffling away the tears and picking up the last scrapbook you made before you stopped being friends.
flipping through the pages, jaemin recollected all the memories from two to three years ago in high school. about halfway through the book, the pictures soon came to a stop. the rest of the pages were left blank. he lifted his head up and there was a frown present on his face.
“you didn’t finish filling it out?” he questioned, getting up and closing the book.
“i didn’t get to. we stopped talking after new years.” he looked back at the page that was last filled. it was pictures of your families together during christmas eve playing secret santa. flashes of smiling faces and wrapping paper on the floor.
‘december 24, 2015, christmas eve. i hung these pictures up late this year. it’s currently january second and jeno won’t talk to me since new years night. i didn’t have the guts to put these pictures in here but these were the last pictures i had of us all being happy. i don’t think he wants to talk to me anyways…. happy new year and goodbye for now, it’s been fun :( - y/n’
jaemin’s heart broke while holding the crinkled paper in his hands. as strong as he was, mentally, his tears dripped onto the last filled page and looked to you. a single tear falling as he blinked. without a word, jaemin embraced you in a warm and comforting hug. a hug you missed for years.
slowly, you wrapped your arms around your ex-best friend as tears puddled your shoulder as he cried harder and harder. and after the ten minute crying session, jaemin had been rather sniffly and puffy eyed. feeling bad and somewhat guilty, you let jaemin stay over your house to have some takeout with you.
“is that why you didn’t go with your family tonight?” he asked, gulping down his water.
“yeah. i was getting ready and then i just remembered about it. the next thing i knew, i was looking through those pictures and crying... my mom felt bad and didn’t want me to go.” he just nodded in acknowledgment and placed down the cup. it was quiet for a few moments before a text message notification was heard.
“i gotta go. my mom’s wondering where i am.” you walked him to the door and opened it, bidding him a goodbye before he trudged down the street toward his house. just as you shut the door, your mother called you that they were almost home.
packing up the food, and tidying up your room, the jiggling keys caught your attention. it was only about 9:45 and your father walked in, followed by your family, and along came the lee’s. of course.
you scurried up the stairs and kicked the box of memories under your bed just as your father opened the door. you turned to him with your hands folded in front of you and awkwardly smiling.
“pooh! the lee’s are here, come say hi.” you figured your mother hadn’t told your father about the little scene she had witnessed. to be honest, he didn’t know how to react in those kinds of situations so you were kind of glad he was oblivious.
you ushered down the stairs in your easter pajamas and hugged mr and mrs. lee. while hugging them, they said they missed you for dinner and asked what was wrong.
“my stomach hurt a little bit earlier and mom said i could stay home for tonight. i’m glad to see you guys, though!” they cheered and nodded as they looked at their son, motioning— with their eyes— to talk to you.
jeno cleared his throat and greeted you with a small ‘hi’ before jangmi dragged him to her room. everyone remaining sighed and went to the living room while you just walked back up to your room. jangmi’s bedroom was diagonally across from yours and you couldn’t help but to eavesdrop on their conversation.
“jangmi… what would you say if i said that-” you quit listening and shut the door to your room. blowing the baby hairs out of your face,  you looked around your room and was face to face with the guitar sitting in the corner of your room. it was the guitar jeno had bought for your last birthday since you stopped talking. picking up the guitar, you sat back on your bed and grabbed the music sheet from the box, playing the nostalgic tune you and jeno had randomly come up with one day after school.
stepping out of your sisters’ room to go to the bathroom, jeno instantly heard the old song playing in his ears and leaned his head to your closed door. a small smile appeared on his face as he named the notes in his head. his father had come up the stairs and startled jeno, making him move his hand against the elongated doorknob and open your door, causing him to fall back first onto the floor of your bedroom.
you promptly stood up in surprise and your eyes were wide open. was he there the whole time? what was he even doing?
jeno swiftly picked himself off the ground and scratched his head in embarrassment, looking back to his dad who gave him the look. so entering your room and closing the door, you’re met with jeno’s gaze. your heart was pounding and your breathing was heavy, as was his.
tears glossed over your eyes again until he spoke up. “....you still have the music sheet to that?” he refused to look at you.
you gulped and replied, “yeah… i was just, uh, going through some of my old stuff. i found it earlier.” the tension between the two of you was thick and no one wanted to say a word after that.
“uhm.. well, i guess i’ll get going. jangmi’s probably waiting for me.” he was about to leave until he heard your sniffling. he immediately turned around and saw you with your head down and the guitar laying on the floor. he recalled the guitar he bought you for your fifteenth birthday. calmly walking towards your fragile figure, jeno asked what was wrong.
“... you jerk…” you took a deep breath in and looked up at him. “get out of my room… please. jangmi’s waiting…” in that moment, jeno realized that he didn’t want to leave, he wanted to stay with you. so he did the next best thing, walked out, informed your sister in what was going on, quickly walked back to your room and hugged you as tight as he could. maybe your best friend was back.
he just constantly shushed you and held you like you were a piece of glass getting ready to break. one of his hands held your waist and the other held your head against his chest as he swung the two of you back and forth, slowly. jeno just let you cry in his embrace as small tears fell from his eyes as well. the only sounds that filled the room were the sobs that escaped your mouth.
during the time, jangmi had rushed down the stairs to let your parents know what was happening at that very moment. it was a miracle to know that you two were actually close to each other in the same room. you two were true friends, indeed.
the night ended with you drained out and falling asleep against jeno’s chest. just as he and his parents were going to leave, jeno made sure to tuck you in bed and bid you a small goodnight before shutting the lights and leaving with his parents.
the following morning— around nine in the morning— you were awoken by the alarm you had set prior. you can feel the puffy of your eyes and instantly remember the night before. you and jeno hugged. you were crying and jeno comforted you. to some degree, there was a small smile on your face as you stretched to get ready for work.
you worked at some pho restaurant— pho-nomenal— downtown and hyuck promised to drop you off even though you were fully capable of driving to work yourself. but he just insisted and said he was going to eat pho with a friend.
“y/n! hyuckie is here!” screamed your sister from downstairs. you replied just as loud saying you were tying up your hair. you said goodbye to your parents and told them you were off work at four.
getting in the car you screamed out what happened last night. donghyuck pretended to be shocked. jeno had  already told him by the time they left your house. and hyuck told him that you were working in the morning and to have some pho before off to a college interview.
checking in, sooyoung had greeted donghyuck and sat him down at an open table. he then proceeded to ask sooyoung to ask you to serve for his table. did you mention that sooyoung had a teensy crush on said boy?
she was a little upset but you two were best friends so she just nodded and went to the back to say you had company.
“hyuck, what do you want? why didn’t you let sooyoung serve you today?” you whined while placing down two menus and a buzzer on the table. “because i want you to,” he shrugged and looked past your figure to see jeno walk through the doors. looking back to where your friend was looking, you directly saw jeno as well. that sneaky little prick.
growling and flipping him off, you walked back to the front desk and grabbed some more menus to serve the other people that filled the restaurant.
coming back to hyuck and jeno’s table, you were unable to look jeno in the eyes as he ordered first. when he was finished, you glared at hyuck as he hid his laughter behind the menu. going to the back room, you called out the order and clipped it onto the board and walked back out to stand in front of the main desk. the restaurant wasn’t that busy in the morning so you and your coworkers stood at the front ready to greet other customers and get the meals prepared.
when their food was ready, you rang the buzzer and up came lee jeno. you were going to kill lee donghyuck.
sooyoung and a couple other coworkers were unavailable so you were the only one to give jeno their food.
just as he was about to talk, you gave them their meal and mumbled, “enjoy your food.” it was all too abrupt. but he thanked you and walked down back to the table. both he and donghyuck sighed. you were too stubborn.
“no, hyuck. she’s just scared to be friends with me again. i mean, i would be too if she did that to me. we’ve been best friends since diapers…. sorta… but i still know what kind of person she is,” jeno said, slurping down his noodles and looking at your back as you were preparing some drinks for the other customers. the other boy just shook his head and got ready to take another bite.
once they were finished, and their finished food was taken care of, jeno offered to pay for the meal, just so he could talk to you. as desperate as hyuck was to have the two of you interact, he would be lying if he said he wasn’t happy that jeno was paying just for the sake of your relationship.
“total is $16.83,” you hadn’t even said a complete sentence. sure it made sense but it wasn’t complete; and it broke jeno’s heart that you didn’t want to see him anymore. glancing up, donghyuck gives you a look and you already know what he’s going to text you later. rolling your eyes at him, you give jeno his change back. your hands brushed against each other as you handed back his coins and it made jeno slightly shiver.
the rest of the day was pretty boring. some of the same customers, everyone ordering the same things, the busy back room. as your shift was coming to an end, you got a text from hyuck that jeno and jaemin were coming along to pick you up. just great.
hanging up your apron, you texted your mom that the boys, though you told her only hyuck, was going to pick you up from work and drop you off. you groaned and walked outside after saying your goodbyes to your crew mates.
“hurry up, donghyuck! it’s going to rain, i can hear the thunder,” you nagged while persistently looking around to spot his car. “okay, okay, i’m down the street. hold your horses.”
finally pulling into the parking lot, donghyuck stopped in front of you and you climbed into the back seat next to jaemin. he and you had exchanged phone numbers the previous night and it seemed like he was back to his affectionate self. he greeted you with a hug from the side and showed off his charming smile and pearly whites. you awkwardly hugged him back, not knowing you two were already in this stage of becoming friends again. jeno looked back through the mirror, he was jealous jaemin was working so fast and already making little progress.
“y/n… i forgot to tell you that we’re all staying the night,” hyuck mockingly laughed. “i already told your mom too. jangmi’s excited.” he finished with a teasing wink. oh brother, you mentally rolled your eyes, sighing into the leather seat.
“cheer up y/n! we can catch up..” jaemin’s sentence became less enthusiastic. you just slightly smiled and looked at him, “okay then.” and it was quiet for the rest of the ride.
opening the door, jangmi’s voice is heard from the opposite side yelling at your dad, “dad! y/n, hyuck, jaemin, and jeno are here!” the boys laughed and all took off their shoes before greeting your sister and father.
“pooh! mom’s at the grocery store right now. you’ll have to help her put away the stuff when she comes back,” he informed. you just nodded with a yes and told them to follow you up to your room. then it got you wondering. three boys sleeping over a girls house at the age of eighteen? curse lee donghyuck.
at around 6 p.m. or so, your mother comes through the door and asks for help to bring the groceries in while she’s greeting the three boys.
“hi boys. i’m glad you could stay the night here! and i’m happy you four are friends again.” your eyes shut from embarrassment and told your mom that there was one last gallon of water in the trunk.
after putting the food and whatnot away, you all walked back upstairs and it was silent for a good few moments. “uhm, we have some extra towels and i think i have some toothbrushes in my closet. you guys can just sleep on the inflatable bed, it’s all we have.” jaemin clicked his fingers. “duh, our stuff is in hyuck’s trunk. we packed everything y/n, don’t worry. i mean, besides the bed but you know what i mean.” you chuckled and nodded as they went back outside to get their belongings. however, jeno had asked them to bring up his bag and so it was just the two of you again.
you were playing with your fingers when he said, “...i’m happy you’re letting us in..” you looked up at him and shyly smiled. “it’s the least i could do. we used to be friends so…”
“yeah but i want to change that, y/n. i want us to be best friends again. remember  ‘true friends are never apart. maybe in distance but never in heart’?” his heart hurt and he was physically in pain. as much as you wanted to yell at him that this was all his fault, you didn’t have the guts to. because he’s back and he wants to be friends again.
the night ended with all of you huddled on your bed watching some thriller tv show that hyuck chose. though you weren’t paying attention at all. the four of you talked throughout the night and looked back on all the memories from middle school to freshman year.
“yeah, yeah! remember when we dared y/n to sit next to mark lee? that was gold! i still have those pictures on my phone!” exclaimed jeno while scrolling to the top of his photo album on his phone. your eyes were widened and your face flushed red, remembering the embarrassing moment.
“ugh stop. i didn’t even like mark lee like that,” you said, covering your face in the palms of your hand. mark lee was your senior at the time of that incident. you were fifteen and he was sixteen. your friends and mark all had the same lunch; but being the popular boy he was, mark lee was sitting with his other friends. they were recalling that you had a supposed crush on the boy and when they had the chance, forced you to sit next to him. it was all just humiliating sitting next to someone everyone thought you had a crush on. and you knew mark heard about those rumors going around.
“yeah okay, y/n. keep saying that,” hyuck smirked and rolled his eyes. jaemin was just laughing and having a good time listening to the conversations going on.
around midnight jangmi walked through your door and joined in on some of the joking the boys were doing. “get out jangmi! we’re talking about high school stuff, plus mom’s gonna be mad at you tomorrow,” you scolded, making her stick her tongue out and hug the older boys goodnight. brat.
you don’t remember when, but when you woke up the next morning, the only person who was sleeping was jeno. jaemin and hyuck were awoken an hour prior and they wanted to let the two of you rest since you were both notorious for going to sleep late and waking up late.
it was only ten in the morning but you pushed yourself out of bed to wash your face and brush your teeth. when you walked down the stairs, the aroma of food entered your senses and jaemin avidly greeted you.
“good morning y/n! we were about to wake you and jeno up but since you’re awake, go tell jeno food’s ready.” he turned you around to face the stairs. sighing, you walked up the stairs and back into your room.
carefully shaking jeno, you repeat, “wake up, food’s ready.” being the lazy bum he was, turned the other way then threw a pillow to your face.
“stop bothering me, monkey.” you were in a trace. monkey and bubba; that’s what you two called each other. you stared at his back, but somehow he felt more awake and sort of uncomfortable. shifting around, he turned to you and sat up.
“what’s wrong with you all of a sudden?” he questioned, waving a hand in front of your face. he must have just blabbed that out while he was half conscious and wasn’t paying attention.
“.... eat. my mom, jaem, and hyuck made breakfast,” you mumbled and walked out the door and down the stairs. from then on he wondered what had gotten into you. but while he was getting ready he remembered what he had said. monkey, the nickname he gave you when you were both eleven. jeno then wondered what would happen if he continued to call you monkey. would you be all flustered? would you complain and yell at him? or would you call him bubba? he’d hope you’d call him bubba again. he missed your nicknames.
your friends and family all enjoyed breakfast together, and your mother was stoked to have the four of you back before leaving for college. instead of the three musketeers, it was the four musketeers. you, lee jeno, lee donghyuck, and na jaemin.
after breakfast, they left to run their errands or start their schedules for the day.
while monday started, you wondered if jaemin and jeno would talk to you. welp, only one way to find out.
driving your way to school, hyuck had texted you where you were.
i’m on my way, just wait omg sent, 7:28 a.m.
parking your car and walking towards the front lobby, the two boys pushed through the row of doors and rushed to you. jaemin, being much more comfortable, hugged you and hyuck joined soon after. jeno was a bit on the slower side, deciding to tone down his excitement.
“ayy look at this cool guy,” jaem turned around and teased jeno as he walked to you with his hands in the pockets of his sweater. the boy just smirked and shook his head.
“morning monkey.” you tensed again, then turned pink since the energetic boys stood confused. “monkey? is that what we’re calling y/n now? because i’m totally up for it!” exclaimed hyuck.
your eyes widened and shouted, “no! you guys are not going to call me monkey. that was just a nickname he used to call me.”
jaemin spoke up, “really? since when? how come we’ve never heard this ‘monkey’ come out of jeno’s lips until right in this moment?” you glared at jeno and responded, “it was just a thing between the two of us. besides, you know i have nicknames for both of you, too.” the two boys just rolled their eyes as jeno smiled and cheered in some sort of victory. you stuck out your tongue and caught up with the salty boys who were a couple feet ahead.
but during the walk to first period, in which mrs. choi wasn’t there again, the trio was greeted by everyone as they looked at you, questioning to themselves why you were hanging out with jeno and jaemin. some even forgot the four of you were a thing, and some just didn’t know.
“woah, y/n hanging with them? nana and jen?!”
“i thought they stopped being friends…?”
“damn. i haven’t seen ‘em together since sophomore year.”
and other variations were heard throughout the halls as you, hyuck, and jeno went to drop off jaemin in mrs. moon’s room before walking to mr. park’s.
right when you three walked through the doors, mr. park playfully sighed and gave you and hyuck a look. then looking at the students whispering and already starting to gossip. oh great.
while loosely paying attention to the teachers lesson, you looked around the room, hyuck doing his work and occasionally looking up, some students— of which were mostly female— looking between you and jeno, and jeno, continuously peering over to you. when you met eye contact, he was quick enough to look away and act as if he was taking notes. was jeno really starting to like you? again?
he would probably never admit it but during eighth and ninth grade years, jeno developed the tiniest, and by tiniest he really had the biggest, crush on you. of course, you never knew, only seeing him as family and one of your bestest and closest friends. but it was all in the past and he kind of figured you never really liked him like that anyway.
you diverted your attention back to the laptop screen and started doing some more research for your language class. but as the seconds ticked by, jeno started to glance at you more and more, especially since he knew you were no longer paying attention to his class.
before you knew it, first class was over and you and hyuck sat at your seats in the same room. jeno just stayed in his seat but tapped the desk to the right of him to signify for you to sit there. sort of uncomfortably, you plopped yourself onto the desk and took out whatever you needed for his class. him and hyuck talked, as usual, but jeno made sure to include you since you were now both on speaking terms.
small smiles and shy laughter. it’s always been who you were, it’s always been one of the reasons why jeno fell for you. the whole school scene was just always too overwhelming for you, much rather being on the quieter side. it probably never seemed like it back in middle school but you were always way too much of a nervous wreck to actually do something bad. you were all bark and no bite.
so when class started, and students started to fill the desks one by one. kyong, a well-known— but basic— popular classmate came walking into the room, planning to sit in her seat, which was next to jeno, whom she subtly liked. but seeing you sit there all of a sudden startled her.
“hi, y/n,” she smiled with flames burning in her eyes. “uh that’s my seat, i’m sorry.”
you looked her in the eyes and apologized, getting ready to pack your things to sit next to hyuck until jeno stopped you from doing so and said, “there’s no assigned seats kyong. just go sit next to…. jihoon,” he pointed across the room. her eyes twitched slightly before smiling again and walking to sit next to the knocked out boy.
throughout the class, jeno and hyuck proceeded with their joking around until mr. park had enough and turned around. giving them the ‘you are a senior in high school’ speech. but to be fair, they were being a biiiit immature.
directly after the bell rang, you went straight to mr. yang’s lab class and sat next to sooyoung, after you said goodbye to jeno and hyuck. immediately explaining your weekend out to her.
“i’m sorry he WHAT?”she whisper-shouted hoping mr. yang wouldn’t hear. unfortunately he did and shushed her before moving onto the next part of the lesson he was teaching. you just made a face and nodded before returning back to your notes, sooyoung still in astonishment.
when ms. jung’s class arrived— which was after mrs. lim’s— you sat right where you had been sitting. but before you walked past him like he wasn’t there, jeno greeted you with a smile. thankfully, you did return it and got yourself situated for that class.
once your classes were over, you walked to your car and started the engine before jeno called you on your phone. confused, you picked up.
“hello? why are you calling me?” it sounded a bit rude but you didn’t mean for it to come out like that.
“i just wanted to ask if you left yet. you just speeded out the room and i kinda…. sorta…. need a ride,” he elongated the last part of his sentence. you sighed and replied, “can’t you drive? i know you took your drivers permit. and i know you have a license.”
“my car’s in the shop, getting the tires fixed. hyuck picked me up,” he laughed.
“then didn’t you leave with him?”
“that ass left before i had the chance. please, y/n?” he whined and you could practically hear his pout. roughly, you sighed and breathed out ‘fine.’ it seemed like ever since you were nice to each other again, the little prick had been taking advantage of you. but that wasn’t jeno, right?
just as he shut the passenger seat door, you said that you had to pick up jangmi before dropping him off.
“i’m cool with that. besides, jangmi loves me,” he bragged. you just snorted and rolled your eyes before driving off to her school
when you arrived at her middle school, she peered through the passenger window and straight away, a smile was placed on her lips. she opened the door, “jeno! you’re coming home with us today? where’s aunty?” he just laughed and turned his head to her before answering.
“no. y/n is just dropping me off today, and maybe the rest of this week,” his sentence trailed off as he looked at you, only for you to look back and scowl at him.
“maybe tomorrow. if y/n allows me,” the damn teasing tone in his voice. jangmi looked at you with hopeful eyes through the mirror.
“what? it’s not my house. plus jeno’s probably gonna make me not take him home after school anyways.” you were quite annoyed with the duo. as much as you love them, they were a pain in the ass.
dropping jeno off jangmi asked, “what happened between you two?” you just laughed and responded with a little shake of your head, leaving her confused and complaining that you were a bad sister and a bad friend.
“i am not! you’re just too young,” you teased her again since the age difference between her and you was significant. more so, significant enough.
graduation day. thursday, june 14th. the day you would remember forever.
it was the morning of senior graduation. nothing much was going on, just the hectic scene of constant practices and nervousness.
“i cannot believe we’re graduating high school together! first middle school and now this!” clapped jaemin with his cheery smile. all four of you were glad to be together in that moment at that time, together. after the feud, your relationship had been stronger than ever and you were all glad.
your parents had come together the couple previous days in order to plan your surprise graduation party for the four of you. it was to be held at your house, as your mom insisted to your dad, so when you all got home, your friends and families would be there.
prior to you leaving the school auditorium, your parents had treated you to some ice cream money before ushering the four of you to go out and have some celebratory treats so they could prepare the little party.
when you reached your house, it was eerily quiet. their parents had parked a couple streets down to hide the fact that they were all a part of the surprise party. so after you walked through the door, all your friends and family popped out of their hiding places and yelled ‘congratulations!’
every since you and jeno got close again, he started to realize his feelings had been coming back. and this time they came by and hit him like a whole truck. once he knew about the party— because of his loudmouth parents— he knew it then. jeno was going to confess.
but he was scared; as he should be. he was scared to lose the friendship he just gained back, but he was also scared of losing the relationship with jaemin and donghyuck. but it was worth a shot. it was all or nothing. besides, there was a chance your feelings could be reciprocated, right?
so while the sun was setting and the bonfire was getting started, jeno was seated next to you at the swings with no one to bother you. he made sure to tell his plan to hyuck and jaem— and also your beloved family— so they wouldn’t mess it up. but when jeno found the courage to speak up, the bundle of nerves distracted his thought process and he was spitting out stutters.
“hey, bubba. you okay?” your face showed concern which did not help the situation he was in.
“yeah, i’m okay,” he was upset at himself for not having the balls to confess to his first love. will he have enough courage to confess later? only time will figure it out.
looking off to your family, jeno was having a mid-war crisis in his mind. beating himself up for being so quiet all of a sudden. but while the silence followed between you and jeno, you had been having a hell-of-a-ton of questions and statements in your mind as well.
why couldn’t you confess to him already?
man up. it’s just jeno. no matter what happens you two will always stay friends. at least that’s what you hoped.
as the amount of misquotes grew larger, and the purples and pink in the sky turned blue, jaemin and hyuck had gone to the closest supermarket to pick up some s’mores for everyone to enjoy. gathering around the campfire, everyone made their own marshmallow goodness and joked the night away. until the swarming mosquitoes started to bite everyone.
and while the crickets were heard, everyone was in the living room playing your family time games with a twist. but you ended the night with a movie— or two. so as you were busy making the popcorn, your friends and families all crowded jeno and asked if he had confessed yet. awkwardly, jeno declined and admitted that he hadn’t said a word about his feelings to you. your parents had then ushered him to say a little something about his feelings toward you.
mustering up whatever sort of bravery he had, jeno trotted his way to the kitchen where you were preparing the last batch of popcorn for everyone. he leaned his figure to the wall, admiring you for a moment before softly clearing his throat to catch your attention.
just go up to her, dammit. jeno repeated in his head.
“uh— you know, monkey. i uh— we should— i kinda wanna go to the mall and— no we should go to that new seafood restaurant— no no, scratch that…. but can we-” you interrupted his cute rambling before resting your hand on his chest and kissing his cheek.
“i got the message jen,” you laughed. “of course i’d go out with you this weekend.” by the time he walked back to the living room, he was a ball of goo and all eyes were on him; especially your family. just by the look of his face when he came back, they all knew what you had said, and it was affirmative.
your first date that next weekend went by perfectly. jeno had ended up taking you to an aquarium and dinner for the evening and it was the best date you’ve ever had. really, it was the only meaningful date but best, nonetheless.
appreciatively, the date you and jeno and went on was not awkward at all. it was just as if you two were just hanging out as friends, but of course, better.
you were just joking along with each other and recalling smaller, more precious memories between the two of you before the conversation got a little more serious.
“i got accepted into yonsei university!” he exclaimed, not knowing you had also applied to the university and got accepted a few days prior.
“congratulations bubba! i got accepted too!” he cheered at you and gripped your hand in affirmation and proudness.
now you knew. maybe you two were truly meant to be.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
a brand new start.
august 29th. first day of the new semester of a new year, a whole mouthful.
the major you had chosen for your path at yonsei was interior architecture. jeno was majoring in computer software and media applications.
luckily, you and jeno had classes about the same times on the same days so you each had time to briefly see each other on campus or meet up while you’re both free. it was a little hard to adapt at first, but you two were champs and still even had time to meet up with hyuck and even sooyoung— who both went to hanyang university— and jaemin— who attended hongik university.
“monkey!” yelled jeno who was about ten feet in front of you. your class had just ended and you were just walking around the entrance of jeno’s building, waiting for him.
“sorry i was late. professor oh kept us back,” he scratched the back of his head. only for you to shake your head and give him a ‘no worries’ smile. it was a thursday and you and jeno had some sports meetings right after class. once again, with the same schedule. it wasn’t a bad thing, not at all. but there were times where you wished you never hung out so much. even so, you loved jeno— in fact, you were the first to pull the ‘i love you’ card a few weeks back.
walking to the campus gymnasium, the both of you get changed into athleisure attire and separated ways, jeno to the field and you just a couple of walks to the gymnasium. you had been playing volleyball to stay fit and to find a hobby while living the college life. jeno, to much surprise, continued to pursue football during his college years, so as to stay fit and to keep his passion of playing football alive.
“i’ll see you later, monkey. we have community service later, yeah?” he asked while greeting some of his teammates. you nodded and waved to your girls before jeno smiled lovingly at you and held your chin in his hand to peck your lips. teasingly, he winked and walked to where the boys went out. shaking your head at him playfully, you walked into the gym to start with some stretches and warmups.
apparently you were the best woman on the volleyball team so the girls immediately nominated you as team captain. discussing about the plans your coach had given you prior, the girls stopped chatting and got straight to practice. chanmi was one of your peers on the team who was seemingly jealous of you; of which you did not know she was, but it was better for her to know rather than for you. you had just thought that she didn’t like you, like, at all.
“ugh i don’t understand why y/n is team captain. it’s not fair,” she complained to her friend one morning. you were on an early coffee run for you and jeno when you heard her familiar ringing voice. following them from a distance, chanmi just continued to talk bad about you which made you sad realizing that she didn’t like you.
“plus she gets lee jeno. i heard he’s the best on the football team,” she whined again, “and he’s the hottest, no doubt.” her friend agreed before gushing over your boyfriend when he appeared behind you, covering your eyes and making you guess who. rolling your eyes you turned around and gave him his drink before walking to class together. the two of you had literature together— with chanmi— and it seemed she hated you even more, especially after you walked in the room with jeno’s hand around your waist, standing impossibly closer to you. but it wasn’t your fault his hand was there anyways.
ever since that day, all you received from her was snarky remarks and burning glares. and she almost never complied to you or your requests which was why the coach was having thoughts about kicking her off the team.
when your volleyball practice was over, you quickly refreshed yourself and gathered your things to walk to the football field to watch jeno finish his practice.
sitting on the bleachers, however, was chanmi— who coincidentally was jaemin’s cousin— and her little friend vigorously cheering for the boys. about five minutes passed before jeno walked to you and downing his water, saying that today’s practice was going to be a little longer than usual so you both might be late to the tutor sessions you planned to help some of the younger kids.
“it’s okay, bub. i’ll just stay here and go over some notes. i have an exam tomorrow,” you explained and looked up at him with squinted eyes. he looked around before looking back at you, catching chanmi’s attention before saying, “okay. don’t overwork that brain of yours,” he laughed as he skittishly poked your head.
“also, do you have an extra water bottle? i need it desperately, coach is working us extra hard today for some reason.” you nodded and fished out your metal water bottle to give to him. “thanks, monkey,” he kissed your temple and returned to the field where everyone was waiting.
enviously, chanmi watched the scene with her eyes and she felt as though she wanted to barf; oh how desperately she wanted to be in your place, though. it seemed as if you and jeno had the perfect relationship. of course there were the doubts but you and jeno managed to pull through and you’re as strong as ever. in which chanmi daydreamed about her perfect relationship, somehow throwing jeno into the mix. “the perfect man,” as she called him.
during the beginning of the year, when chanmi first found out about her fellow peers, some more than most, she was instantly interested in you and jeno. the constant questions of ‘are they friends?’ or ‘are they actually a couple?’ flowed throughout your classmates' mouths and you and jeno had proven to them that you were in a relationship, and very serious about it.
she sat closer to where you were sitting near the front of the bleachers.
“hi, captain!” she said enthusiastically. you were puzzled as to why she was talking to you out of the blue after the constant bashes of attitude. she was, what nineteen, the least she could do was act more mature, right? genuinely, you smiled and greeted her before striking a small conversation.
“chanmi! where’s your friend?” you asked and turned to meet her figure. toxically, she smiled and pointed in the direction of her previous seat. you’d been talking for a few minutes when the blow of a whistle stops her mid-sentence. hearing the shouting of the football coach, her pulse accelerated as she saw jeno coming closer and closer. with hopeful eyes, she hears nothing of your next words as she is solely paying attention to lee jeno.
almost movie-like, her vision slows as she drools over the boy who is running to where you two were seated.
“hey monkey!” he cheerily said before sitting to your right to collect his things to put back in his bag. “.... chanmi..”
she dreamily sighed and waved jeno a hi, but her daze came to a stop when she saw him caress your cheek with his hand and sweetly smiling at you. evidently, chanmi had completely focused her attention on jeno as she had stars in her eyes. subconsciously feeling a stare, jeno looked to where chanmi was and of course, she was already looking at him with star struck eyes. but obviously, her gazing made him feel uncomfortable and uneasy. she looked at him like how you looked at him; pure love and ecstasy. he scoffed to himself and grabbed your hand to pull you away from the girl.
“hey, hey! what was that all about,” you whined as he continued to pull you to the parking lot where his car was parked. throwing his bag in the backseat, jeno’s grip was still just as firm, preventing you from climbing into the passenger side. just as you were about to protest again, he turned around, wrapped his arms around your waist and hid his head in your neck, taking in your natural scent while nuzzling his nose against your collarbone. in disarray, you enveloped your arms around jeno’s neck and played with the hairs on the nape of his neck.
“what’s wrong, bub?” you softly said as he then lifted his head from your neck and gently rubbed his nose against yours. he shook his head and continued to hold you in his embrace. but jeno was a horrible liar, and you knew he wasn’t telling the truth.
you both never ended up going to that tutoring session for the community service opportunity. jeno had been consistently whining on how he wanted to just lay in bed with you and rest for the weekend. and you simply couldn’t refuse his cute ass.
before you could do anything else, jeno pushed through the front door of your apartment and made you lay on the couch for him to rest on you. his body stuck like a koala against yours as his head laid on your chest and his arms were once again enclosed around you.
his behavior was off the roof that day and you were perplexed by his actions. something was off with him.
and you were right; something was off with him. na chanmi was jaemin’s distant cousin— maybe third or fourth— but ever since he met na chanmi, which was almost two years prior, she appeared to be utterly in love with jeno, barely even knowing who he was. providentially, he never really saw chanmi around long enough for him to catch feelings for her, but she was always so damn sure she attracted jeno in some type of way.
chanmi had this sense of weary aura around her presence and it always made jeno feel twitchy when it came to her which was why he acted like that.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
it was finally senior year of university. fortunately, after everything you and jeno have been through, your relationship was healthy, and there wasn’t much more you could ask for. you even ended up moving in together in the same apartment during your junior year. everything was going to be perfect.
yeah, that’s what you both thought.
“where were you, y/n?” jeno asked right when he heard the front door open.
it was a friday night and you were out with sooyoung and a couple other friends to study and hang out at a local diner. you didn’t text jeno where you were but to be fair, you did try calling him three times before giving up and enjoying lost time with your friends for the night. unluckily for you, jeno had flooded you with nonstop phone calls almost ten minutes after you stopped trying to reach out and tell him what you were doing for the night. time really does fly by.
“i’ve been calling you for the past hour and you haven’t responded to me once. where the hell were you?” you knew he tried to remain calm and mature but you’ve known jeno long enough to know that he was enraged; the glint of anger reflected in his eyes and you knew you were in trouble.
the relationship you’ve had the past couple of months were not the greatest. these were one of the occasions that balls of fire were thrown at each other. accusations and yelling one after another only to make up the next morning.
but something just wasn’t sitting right that night with jeno.
“where were you and who were you with?” he stated again, hands rested on his hips. you sighed, trying to calm down the situation.
“i was with sooyoung and mark tonight.”
“then why didn’t you reply to my calls?” he was really starting to get mad.
“i called you thrice but gave up since you didn’t answer,” you said while walking to your shared bedroom to get ready to shower.
“that doesn’t explain why you didn’t pick up!” he bursted out. and to be honest, you don’t think you’ve seen or heard jeno this mad at you before. something in you just clicked.
you scoffed to yourself and rolled your eyes, “you need to chill! i didn’t do anything wrong, i don’t know why you’re making me the bad guy! we were just hanging out.” but it was too late. jeno was furious, for maybe no reason. or maybe he did have a reason.
though you denied liking mark lee back in middle school and the beginning of high school, jeno was the only person you told about your little crush on the boy. mark lee was the sweetest person ever; caring, thoughtful, and cute. who didn’t have a crush on him?
little did you know, jeno always felt jealous whenever you gushed about the boy. and maybe that was what was going through his mind right now.
but nothing happened, sooyoung and mark were close friends and she offered for you to hang out with them, of course you had to accept their request. you missed them.
however jeno just dashed out of the room, throwing his phone to the ground making the loudest noise. you really fucked up. but you didn’t, jeno was in the wrong, so you tried to convince yourself. but you were too nice to admit that it was entirely his fault. because you still loved him dearly, though the months have been going downhill. you just shook your head and showered.
we’ll be okay in the morning. or so you hoped.
when you got out of the shower, you were wrapped in your towel when you saw jeno sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. he was fuming mad at this point and wanted you to leave.
“you need to leave,” he blatantly said without looking your way. the sound of your bare feet padding the floor stopped. you were speechless. this was the first time he’s kicked you out. but you paid half the rent so you said no.
“it’s not a question, y/n. i need you to get out, we need time off.” you were taken aback by his words. what a dickhead.
“uhm, i don’t know if you’re aware of this but i pay half the rent and half of these damn bills, there’s no way i’m getting out of this house. if anything you should leave…. at least stay in the guest bedroom,” you added. when jeno looked up and finally met your soft brown eyes, the only thing you could see in his was pure anger. it made you hiccup a sob.
staring at him for what seemed like forever, you blink away the tears that accumulated in your eyes and packed everything you could.
“lee jeno you will never be a real man. you’re still the pussy i knew you were,” you dryly laughed and slammed the front door as hard as you could. you stuffed all your shit into your car and called your mom.
“we broke up.”
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
by the time you reached your parents house, you called sooyoung and haechan, informing them about the dramatic scene that happened just moments ago.
you didn’t even know how long but when you reached your parents house it was almost one in the morning. thankfully, your mother was still awake, concerned for her crying child.
knocking on the wood door, it opened immediately and your mother embraced you in her welcoming hug that felt like home.
you weren’t able to sleep that night. thinking about your relationship with lee jeno. from when you two were in diapers to when he stopped being friends with you to getting into the relationship to now. it was all a roller coaster that you did not want to go on anymore.
it was funny, your mother tucked you in your bed that night, telling you to just rest and try your hardest to not think of him.
rising against your bed that following morning, you looked like a train wreck. puffy eyes, swollen face, chapped lips. and it’s about at nine in the morning when you get a facetime call. deep inside you wished it was jeno apologising to you but it was just hyuck and jaem.
looking at you, the boys show so much sympathy and sadness through their faces, having almost similar expressions.
“y/n, we’ll pick you up today then, yeah? we can go in jaemin’s car and we’ll pick up sooyoung and mark too, okay?” says donghyuck once he heard a sob escape your lips. you nod, nonetheless, ending the phone call and getting ready to look presentable to the public.
luckily for you, the two boys pick up the rest of your things from jeno’s before coming to get you and the rest of their friends.
they help you put your things away in your room and hug you with so much love. in that moment, you were have to have friends like them.
“let’s go get sooyoung and mark. i wanna go to the amusement park.” they obliged to your request and the three of you walked out of your house after bidding your parents goodbye. everyone in your family was concerned about your well-being but you said you were fine and going to heal yourself with your friends.
when mark and sooyoung are in the car, the pair immediately hug you as tight as they could while sooyoung cursed at lee jeno for breaking your heart once more.
“i swear i will kick his ass. i don’t care how strong he is, bitch i will kick his ass all the way to fucking jupiter,” you laughed at sooyoung, she seemed more upset at your breakup than you were. but everyone laughed and agreed that they would all tag team and best jeno’s ass so hard that he can’t even remember your name.
the day was spent better than you had thought, you five stayed on the bay walk until dusk. then you went out to get some korean barbecue and ice cream, all their treats to make you feel better about yourself.
your friends and family really helped you get over your relationship with jeno. however, of course your mothers continued to talk and gossip about your relationship.
“they’re really doing this again? jeno didn’t even tell me yet. i’ll make sure he gets his ass beat by both me and minjung,” his mother says while on speaker, courtesy of your mother cleaning the dishes in the kitchen. she hummed and spotted you hiding behind the wall. you’d been listening to their conversation the second your mother called out mrs. lee’s name.
noticing your mother stare, you whined at her, “mom can you at least be a little more discreet when you’re talking about us?”
“we just wanted to catch up. you know, mrs. lee hasn’t seen jeno since your breakup— didn’t even know you two broke up.” you pursed your lips into a straight line before sitting on a stool. “don’t you think you guys will ever make up again? it’s happened once after constant pushing.”
you scoffed and rolled your eyes, taking a bit out of an apple from the fruit bowl.
“he’s a jerk, mom. it’s complicated.”
but just then, you heard jeno’s baritone voice through the speaker of your mothers phone.
“she’s fake, mom. it’s complicated—” but before you could hear anything else the jackass had to say, you mother hung up.
you sighed out of annoyance and walked to jangmi’s room. she was supposed to start her new job today.
“jangmi, are you ready? i need to work soon too,” you shouted through her door while listening to her rummaging through her room before opening the door.
“yeah i’m ready. let’s go,” she took your hand and dragged you down the stairs. saying bye to your mother she slipped on her shoes and walked out the doors, waiting by the passenger side of your car.
jangmi got a job at some aesthetically pleasing library in town and she was excited to get the job.
you stopped and parked the car before she opened the car door. however you stopped her before she could even set one foot out.
at this point, you and jeno had been broken up for three months. but seeing jeno with chanmi— who is laughing and hitting his arm playfully— your heart breaks more, albeit holding jangmi’s arm a little too tightly. once she looked in the direction of your face, she immediately knew you had a reason.
“y/n, you’re hurting me,” her voice snapped you out of the trance you were in and you apologized and asked her if jeno and chanmi go into the library. it seemed like they were going inside. she shot an ‘okay’ sign and finally got out of the car.
if jeno was being honest, he got over your break up fairly quickly and got back into the dating jazz almost two months after. well, more like he got heavily intoxicated with alcohol and had a one night stand with chanmi. he didn’t know how or why, neither does he know now.
you drove away to an empty parking lot and frantically fish out your phone in your pocket to dial jaemin.
“nana… is chanmi and jeno, like… a thing?” jaemin found out that they were seeing each other— whether romantically or not— about two weeks prior, but he didn’t have the heart to break it to you.
the boy sighed through the phone and admitted that they have been seeing each other for about a month and a half now. but he made sure to quickly say that he just found out and didn’t know how to break the news to you. because as fine as you claimed you were, jaemin knows you more than anything, and he knows you’re still affected.
“it’s okay jaem. we can see other people, it’ll be fine,” you reassured him as you heard the worry in his voice. but even through your voice, he knew you still weren’t okay, so he drove to your house after you ended the call.
you just wanted to sit alone in your bedroom binging horrifically bad tv shows while eating to your heart's content.
but a knock on your door prevented you from doing anything you planned for the rest of spring vacation. because those thoughts filled you through the three months prior.
it was your four bestest friends, and you would trade anything to be with them; even jeno.
they didn’t end up leaving until three in the morning. making sure you were fine and didn’t have a worry about lee jeno. and it helped, for the most part.
when returning to campus, you immediately sensed jeno and directed your gaze to something else. however, jeno had a few things up his sleeve and wrapped his large hand around your wrist. you struggled for a moment and threatened to shout out ‘stranger danger’ though it was more immature than you thought it was so you opted to not say anything.
he roughly pushed you against a hidden wall and shoved his face in the junction of your neck and shoulders. tears.
this might’ve been your second or third time watching, experiencing jeno cry actual tears. whether in sadness or frustration. you tried to pry him off of you.
“jen, i have class. what are you doing?” you struggled in his strong grip around your waist. jeno was crying up a storm but was still glad to hear a nickname of his come out of your mouth.
after moments of seeming hours, the man slowly lifted his head from your now wet neck. you stared in his eyes and you never saw the look of pure pain in his eyes. slowly, jeno rubbed his strong nose against yours, leaning your foreheads against each other. he then released his secure grip from your torso and gently cupped your face, his fingers ever-so-softly wiping the tears you didn’t even know escaped your eyes.
that moment was all a blur and neither of you attended your classes that day.
now here you were, sitting across him, across the island that stood in the middle of the kitchen. the apartment still looked the same as when you left, besides the unclean dishes piling in the sink and crooked frames. from that previous scene to now, not a single chirp leaves your mouths. it was dead silent. until he rubs his tired face, jeno is the first to speak up.
“monkey… bubba,” he started, unable to look at you in your eyes, scared to look at your reaction as he planned out his next words carefully. but at this point you figured you knew what he was going to say. because like you said before, jeno is not a man. though he may look and feel like one, he never will be if he keeps up his immature behavior. mentally, lee jeno is not a man, at least not in your eyes. and maybe he never will be, but you’re one to know.
your eyes were emotionless and cold as you looked at his bowed head. the intensity of the room was rising by the minute as he paused on his words.
it seems as though now, jeno is broken. as broken as you were when you broke up. it’s what he deserves. you don’t feel a thing as he continued to shed his tears quietly. but one look and it’s done for.
you don’t know when and you don’t know how, but you ended up on the couch with his puffy face lying on your chest. hesitantly, the pads of your fingers traced his sculpted face as he rests after his crying session.
but why were you doing this? he’s a jackass
hm, he may be a complete asshat but he’s still your best friend over everything. so you push aside all your thoughts and only think about your middle school relationship.
‘true friends are never apart. maybe in distance but never in heart.’
you don’t know whether it’s your best friend jeno calling you or your boyfriend jeno calling you, but you hope it was best friend jeno. because it was a way simpler time then and he was always there when you needed him most.
carefully, you lifted your body and looked at the blaring red digital clock sitting on the desk. it was seven in the evening and you had to return home. well, pick up your car from the parking lot and then go home.
feeling you moving, jeno held you closer, squishing his cheek against your décolletage. as much as you did not want to see him, jeno was still as cute as ever. if he wanted to try again, maybe you’d consider.
to hell, you are not going to consider it. you need to go home.
“jen… jen…” you whispered, shaking his body as he maneuvered his head so his nose is tickling your neck. you actually debated on slapping the shit out of him to wake him up. it’s what he deserves. so you do. not too hard but enough to wake him up and hold his left cheek.
“ow!” he whined and rubbed his eyes. what a child.
“jen i need to go home.” only causing him to pout and holding you close to refuse you to leave.
“we’re done, jen. i need to go, i have stuff to do. plus we missed class today.” he whined even more.
“stay with me. we’ll go to class tomorrow,” he mumbled through your neck. but now you were starting to get aggravated.
“lee jeno. this is absurd! you want to constantly make accusations of me cheating with mark, break up with me, and now you want me to stay? all this in four and a half months? you must be out of your goddamn mind. there’s no way in hell i’m going to stay here tonight. we can be friends, yeah, because we’ve known each other our entire lives. but if you think i’m going to get back with you, especially now, you’re fucking crazy,” you breached with tears of frustration in your eyes, “plus i thought you and chanmi were a thing. i saw you two a few weeks ago when i dropped off jangmi at work.”
but the man— or boy— stayed silent. the only noise of the passing cars filling it. tension was high as jeno looked at you with the most lost puppy eyes. but he agreed with you in his mind, he was a little immature. okay, he had to admit that he was very immature, and still is. maybe he just doesn’t know how to work relationships.
no more than three moments later he opened his mouth, only for you to talk again. but in a more calmed voice, “listen, just take me home. i don’t wanna be here right now.” you felt suffocated by the apartment you used to call home. you felt suffocated by the person, you used to call home. but right now you couldn’t make up complete thoughts. it was too overbearing and all you wanted to do was shower and sleep.
without a word, jeno rubbed his eyes and picked up his keys, signaling you to go outside. you released your temper and walked out a minute after he did and got into his car. it was his fault he would not let you go.
he dropped you off with zero words spoken on the twelve minute drive to your parents house. quickly, you muttered a ‘thank you’ and dashed out of his car and to your front door, breathing out whatever breath you were holding.
jeno made sure to leave once he knew you were inside safe. and once you opened the door, questions bombarded you.
‘where were you?’
‘who was that?’
‘why are you home so late?’
but you just shook your head and told your family that you were tired and wanted to shower and rest. leaving you alone was the least they could do.
the hot water was hitting your skin as you stood there, thinking about him. what was going on with him? why is he acting like that all of a sudden? you don’t know. but all you knew was that you needed some time away. to think and to compose yourself.
your dad dropped you off at university that morning. the questions that were unanswered that previous night were still left hanging from his mouth. yet you still didn’t answer the questions, you couldn’t.
thanking and saying goodbye to your dad, you got out of his car to walk into yours to mentally prepare yourself for the day. there was still about thirty minutes before your first class and you wanted to use that time to think about possible scenarios that could happen. you just hoped they don’t ever happen.
continuously, you rubbed your face as you fidgeted in your seat and stared out onto campus. taking deep breaths, you finally walked out of the car and made sure to lock it. walking to the literature building, you spotted jeno with a couple of his football friends on the courtyard. and before you met contact, you whipped your head into the direction of the literature building.
jeno sighed to himself and knew he fucked up. big time.
instead of going up to you, he thought to himself that he should leave you alone. he was being bipolar and he didn’t want to overwhelm you and your feelings even more. as much as he was suffering alone, he would stay away from you, but observe you carefully.
you actually had a volleyball game later that day— the last game of the season— and chanmi had asked him if she would watch her. without hesitating, jeno agreed to come but mostly just to see you, but he’d obviously keep that to himself. so once your classes were over, you walked to the gymnasium and into the girls locker room to change. by the time you exited the locker room, people filled the side bleachers and watched the girls (both from your team and the opponents) practice bumping the ball to each other. the opposing team was on the opposite side of the gym to practice while you were on the other. unluckily, your team was practicing on the opening side of the gymnasium and that was when you caught a glimpse of jeno. you looked at him for a brief moment and almost missed a teammates bump when chanmi had run up to greet the guy.
some of his football teammates were actually already sitting on the front of the bleachers and admiring the girls that were hitting the ball with their spandex shorts. jeno hugged chanmi because even when he said they weren’t close, they had gotten closer over the five months after your breakup. but your attention was then reverted to your friends. jaemin, hyuck, mark, and sooyoung had come to cheer on your team for moral support. since jeno wasn’t there to be by your side anymore.
“y/n, you can do this. we know you can! and even if you guys don’t end up making it, this is all for fun and we’ll treat you out for ice cream tonight. all on us. good luck!”
soon the referee blew the whistle indicating the five minute mark. there were five minutes before the final game of the season, and the final game of volleyball you’d ever play for your university. the last game was a home game so you were the first to actually serve the ball. as close as it was, the ball was bumped by a girl of the away team and the game actually started.
time was ticking, and there were only ten minutes left before halftime and the third set of the game. so far, your team was up by eight points. six. four. the bell of halftime filled the gym as the girls on each of the teams walked to their respective sides to have a team talk and rest.
“come on ladies, this is the last game. we’re ahead by four points. we can make it through the last set and win this tournament. it’s the last game of the season, good luck!” encouraged your coach as the rest of the girls discussed who was going to the field first.
“y/n, lia, chanmi, kana, areum, and sohee— you girls are up first. y/n is serving again.”
so far, your team had one the first two sets, and the pressure was up for the last set. you needed to win this. you did not care if this was for a hobby of yours. some of those girls were not so nice while you walked to the gym, giving you the side eye. you just felt like you had to win this game. not for your teammates nor for your friends. not even for jeno. but more for yourself and your pride.
three minutes were on the clock and they were up by two points and you just needed to get at least four points ahead to win the game. you never faltered your serves that set, no one else served besides you and when it was time to switch members, your coach always needed you in. you were bouncing the ball on the floor, getting ready to serve as best as you could. throwing the ball in the air, you swung your arms and for sure, the ball was hit over the net. game start.
the whistle was blown, two points given to your team. the scores were tied now and all you needed to do was gain at least two more points to win. the ball dribbled on the floor in front of you and you then served the ball, hitting it with all the strategies you accumulated throughout the years. the girls immediately missed the ball and the score was down to you again. there were now forty seconds left, as you served the ball again and the girls missed the ball. the pressure was all on them and they couldn’t get over the fact that they were losing.
“we won!” screamed your teammates as you rested yourself on your knees, taking deep breaths. your four friends ran up to you worried and helped you sit down to rest.
“y/n, you were working yourself too much during the last game. why did you not go back? you could’ve watched,” said sooyoung while she was rubbing your back. jaemin was giving you water and rubbing the sides of your arm while mark was massaging your shoulder and hyuck was sitting by your legs.
“take it easy for now. you bid the opposite team good game,” hyuck rubbed your thigh. you sighed and got out of the seat you were in to meet up with your teammates. you all stand in a line and high-fived the opposing team before you got your bag and sat back down with your friends.
“let’s go get ice cream now,” you tiredly said and slumped the strap over your shoulder.
“uhm, before we go… i dropped off chanmi here so she might need to go with us,” jaemin scratched the nape of his neck. you all shook your heads in a ‘no problem’ and he walked up to his cousin to tell her his plans for the rest of the day.
“oh it’s okay jaem. i was going to ride with jeno, is it okay if we came along?” she asked while looking behind her to see his muscular figure talking to a few of his friends. jaemin kept his composure, though, and did the mature thing. he just accepted her request and walked back to his group of friends to tell them about the situation.
when he did, all eyes were on you with worry in your eyes. by this time, you were feeling a lot better than what you were feeling before and laughed at them.
“guys, i’ll be fine. we’re not together anymore, he can do whatever he wants.” though deep inside, you were really going to shit your pants because of the circumstances that happened the day prior. but it was better for them not to know, at least not yet.
in your car seated sooyoung and hyuck. you were on your way to a regular ice cream parlor which a friend worked at.
“renjun!” shouted you, jaemin and hyuck. renjun worked at this ice cream parlor for a while, you got to know him by coming here on the regular, especially during nights when you were stressed over exams or when you and jeno were having problems. therefore the guy was actually a pretty good friend of yours. renjun was a transferee at hyuck and jaemin’s university, they got to know each other then. they developed a pretty good relationship with each other too, you could tell with the way they conversed with each other.
you were laughing and joking around with renjun and your shared friends as you sat on the matching chairs of the countertop. the red reflecting in jeno’s eyes as he watched you joke with your friends and completely ignoring him and chanmi who were seated at a booth not far from where the group was. but he decided to keep quiet and try to pay attention to chanmi, she was just trying to have a good time and he didn’t blame her. but he just couldn’t help but to keep looking back at his old group of friends that all got along so well.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
it was now the last football game of the season; thursday 6 p.m. jaemin and hyuck had begged you to go after you constantly refusing and excusing that you had ‘fuckton of homework.’ they both came to your house and rang the doorbell anyways, forcing you to get ready and dragging you to the car.
“come on, jeno still talks about you. The both of you are still friends, no?” questioned jaemin. it took you a while to answer him but you guessed that was what you could call yours and jeno’s relationship as of now.
the three of you arrived on the field and sat on the bleachers right above jeno’s team. just fucking great, you rolled your eyes and mentally punched both jaemin and hyuck where they did not want to be punched. with burning eyes, you glared at your friends and wished to get away from that situation. you sat fidgeting on the metal seats and looked down. there were still a few minutes before the big game and you saw chanmi hug jeno before kissing his cheek and wishing him good luck. the boys then looked to you— who was sitting in between them— and asked if you were okay.
“i’m definitely okay. i’m so okay… listen, i don’t know why you guys are so caught up between jneo and i. it’s our relationship and if he moved on then good for him,” the sarcasm was dripping from your voice. but they picked up on the bitter tone that dripped out of your lips.
you focused back on the field. and you don’t know whether it was the chilly wind or your feelings overcoming you, but there were tears in your eyes almost the entire game. not a word was spoken between the three of you. the boys were still friends with jeno so you broke the silence and excused yourself to go to the bathroom. however in the hall, stood jeno with his hands covering his face.
you were his best friend over everything so of course he noticed you were there. he was happy you ended up going after the begs of hyuck and jaemin, after begging his friends to ask you.
“hi, jen,” your soft voice interrupted his lonely session. he smiled at you and greeted you as well.
“so, uhm, how’ve you been? it’s kinda been a while, yeah?” you asked, initiating the conversation. his eyes are lit up, “i’ve been good, you? and yeah it has been a while, i hope you’re doing okay.” the conversation was more civil than you thought it would be, but it wasn’t bad, of course. better than what you imagined your next conversation would be.
“minjung’s been wondering what you’ve been up to. she misses you tons.” you laughed and thought about his beloved older sister. “jangmi misses you too. so does my dad.” the atmosphere was awkwardly quiet for a moment before you heard the whistle from the ref. you then patted his shoulder and wished him good luck before actually going to the bathroom.
your university football team won that night. and you were immensely proud of jeno. he truly was blooming into a man, especially after the conversation the two of you had. he was growing as a person, and you were happy he was. you’ve known him all his life, you knew he was changing, and for the better.
“true friends are never apart. maybe in distance but never in heart,” the two of you recited while looking through memory books from who knows how long. you almost lost your best friend because of stupid feelings, but you both learned and grew from them. it was all for the better and you are both glad to still be best friends.
“jeno’s just a friend, mom. it’s simple.”
“y/n’s just a friend mom. it’s simple.”
“we’re best friends. nothing more, nothing less.”
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koalakookie · 4 years
nct fluff (idol!jeno x reader)
{7:56 PM}
~ 1087 words
You sat on your old leather couch, the TV playing a reality show that you have no interest in. 
Your leg bounces up and down. You alternate your attention from your phone which lay beside you and to the large clock on the wall. 
‘2:04 AM’, you thought, rubbing your eyes drowsily, ‘Where is he?’
Suddenly, you hear the door lock click and footsteps walk in. 
You know who it is without even looking at the figure. 
Lee Jeno, your long time boyfriend of 3 years and a member of NCT. 
You watch as Jeno plops his black bag on the ground with a thump. He rolls his shoulder and sighs, tiredly. 
He turns around and jumps slightly. 
“Baby? Why are you still up?”, he looks at you warmly. 
You look at the clock and stand up. 
“Do you know what time it is? I was waiting for you because you told me you were going to be done early”, you start to say, annoyance brimming in your voice. 
Jeno looks surprised at your harsh tone. He walk closer to you and reaches out to touch your forearm, trying to calm you down. 
You move your body out of his touch, ignoring the hurt flashing across his eyes and the aching in your heart. 
“I was talking to you. I have work tomorrow. I could’ve been asleep by now, Jeno. Why do you keep lying to me?” 
His demeanor changes. His shoulder squaring and his jaw slacks. 
“Lying?”, he asks, his voice low and cold. “Are you calling me a liar?”
You look at him square in the eyes, anger and frustration radiating from both of your eyes. 
None of you were moving, refusing to give up whatever power you two were fighting for. Your eyes stayed on his for what felt like an eternity. 
Finally he broke, running his hands through his hair, he looked up at the ceiling and sighed, 
“You know, I come home EXHAUSTED from dancing all day and I want nothing more to relax and forget about my problems but instead I’m forced to deal with more problems,” he says. 
Your eyes widen in shock, you step back in pain at the tone of his voice. 
“Problem?”, you reiterate, “I’m a problem to you?” 
He seems to realize the harshness of his words. He opens his mouth to say something. 
You walk past him and to your dinner table. You pick up a white envelope and hand it to him. 
“This is the reason why I wanted you to come home early”, you thrust out the envelope to him. 
He opens the envelope gingerly, not knowing what to expect. 
He scans over the heading, ‘Y/N L/N, has been appointed the highest scoring and most beloved employee this year, and is invited to say a speech at the Seoul Arts Center’ 
He looks at you with a shocked expression. His eye smile breaking out. 
“BABY, I’m so proud of you!”, he says excitedly. 
You shake your head in disbelief and anger. 
“Oh? You’re proud of one of the problems in your life?” you spit out. 
“Babe-”, he starts. 
“You should go, Jeno. I need to sleep and I’m not in the right mood to talk to you without screaming at you”, you say tiredly, pointing towards the door. 
He hesitates, searching your eyes. He nods and smiles, gently. 
“I’m sorry baby. We can talk about this later, I just want you to know that I’m proud of you and that you can never be a problem for me”, he says before turning to walk towards the door. “I love you, always”
It took all of your willpower to stop yourself from running to him and hugging him, yet his harsh words rang through your head like a sick song. 
You heard the door click shut and your knees buckled to the ground. 
You covered your mouth as you sobbed silently, hot streams of tears streaked down your face. 
You don’t know how or when you feel asleep but you woke up curled on the cold hardwood floor of your apartment. 
You reached for your phone and the time read 5:43 AM. 
You sighed and trudged to the bathroom. 
The bags under your eyes were huge, your eyes were puffy and red. 
You sighed and started washing your face with cold water. 
You looked at your reflection and replayed the night before. 
Jeno. Jeno. Jeno. 
He was the only thing on your mind. The sweet smiling boy, the pillar and rock of your life. You missed him a lot. 
The next thing you know, you grabbed a large hoodie (which just happened to be Jeno’s ) and ran out of your apartment. 
You got on the empty bus, your legs started bouncing again. You couldn’t sit still and stared out the window, willing the bus to somehow move faster. 
Before you knew it, you stood in front of the SM dorms. 
You smiled at the bodyguard, Younghee, who returned your smile gratefully. 
You ran into the building, pressing on the button quickly. 
The elevator was taking to long for your liking so you turned to the stairwell and ran up three flights, until you stood in front of Jeno’s room. 
You opened the door and scanned the room. 
Jeno lay in his bed, facing away from you, deep in sleep. 
You contemplated what to do, ‘Should I go to him or leave and come back later?’. While you were thinking, Jeno’s figure slowly turned towards you. 
“Y/N?”, he asked groggily, eyes barely opening from sleepiness. Arm stretching out as to reach for you.
You don’t hesitate before walking towards his bed and slipping under the covers with him. 
Your head rests on his arm, as you reach over to trace his jawline with your fingers. 
He shivers slightly, before nuzzling his chin into your hair, breathing in deeply the scent of your vanilla shampoo. 
“Baby-”, he starts to say, but he stops when you place a finger to his lips. 
“It’s okay, Jen. I know yesterday was just your tiredness speaking. We both were tired and it was so stupid. I love you and I’m not angry”, you say in one breath. 
You wait for Jeno to say something but when he doesn’t, you look up at his face. 
A smile was present on his face and he kisses you softly on your forehead. 
You felt him pull you closer to him. You sighed, contently as you intertwined fingers with him. 
You let sleep wash over you, intertwined and next to the love of your life.
A/N: Hi loves, it’s been a while, right? Sorry you guys, I just havn’t been thriving recently. But my love for jeno is too much so i had to. I have another jeno fic in my drafts but its angsty, should i post it? Im so thankful for all the support. If you enjoy my work please leave a like and comment. Please recommend my work to others, if you can :) Once again, thank you for the love and appreciation. I hope you have a wonderful day <3. 
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thrillridesz · 4 years
loving you ▫ hyunjae
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➳ pairing: idol!hyunjae x female reader ➳ genre: angst ➳ word count: 3.2k ➳ requested?: yes a/n: unedited! also hope this was good lmao it’s my first full angst fic so fingers crossed XP do let me know what you guys think!! any form of feedback is greatly appreciated!
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“Mommy, how much longer?”
Your 5 year old daughter peers up at you with lidded eyes, already starting to get bored and worn out from the prolonged wait under the summer heat. She leans against you, her little hands grasping your bigger ones, a small yawn escaping from her lips. You reached up to run your fingers affectionately through her soft hair, feeling her hum quietly.
“Just a little longer, sweetie. Just a little longer,” you whisper and she nods, starting to drift off to sleep. Looping your arm behind her back and holding her close, your eyes swept the vicinity cautiously, highly aware of the confused stares being shot in your direction.
The park was teeming with people but a majority of them weren’t your usual park goers just going about their own business. They were fangirls and fanboys and throngs of them. It was easy to identify who they were with their huge, professional looking cameras slung around their necks as well as the huge multi-coloured banners they carried with them and the wearable fan merchandise they wore. The atmosphere was lively and full of vibrant energy with excitement practically radiating off of them as they huddled around a makeshift stage and a long table coupled with chairs that were set up on the park square. Although the summer heat was sweltering, it did nothing to dull their mood as they waited for the arrival of their idols. It was a small meet and greet session of sorts on a hot summer’s day but it did not deter fans from showing up.
As they waited, some were beginning to cast you odd looks as you sat on a nearby bench with your daughter in your arms, seemingly holding a ticket stub in your hand. It was a ticket for the meet and greet session later. From the looks on their faces, you could tell they were wondering how a lady like you with a child in tow would even find the time to come to a meet and greet, especially in this weather but you paid them no mind. Staring at the ticket blankly as you hugged your daughter who was fast asleep closer to you, you couldn’t help but feel your hands begin to tremble.
Suddenly, a piercing squeal broke the tense atmosphere in the park, a girl pointing shakily at a huge,black van that had rolled up some distance away, behind a barrier that separated them and the stage from the fans. As the crowd rushed forward excitedly, you felt a sense of foreboding within you instead, feeling so far from excited or even remotely happy.
You could look from a distance as the van door slid open and out stepped the members of the music sensation, THE BOYZ. With unparalleled talent and dashing good looks to match, these boys were instant heartthrobs, capturing hearts everywhere they went and quickly gaining popularity amongst the public. As they emerged from the vehicle one by one, you felt your heart begin to beat faster as you grip on your daughter’s hand tightened. When he finally stepped out, trailing behind the rest of the members with a smile on his face, you felt your heart flutter despite yourself.
There he was. Lee Jaehyun or better known by his stage name, Hyunjae.
It had been a little over five years since you had seen him in person but he still looked the exact same as how you had remembered him, with that bright trademark smile of his that would light up any room he is in. Watching his cruise by the fans and across the park to take his place along with the others on the wooden stage felt surreal, as if you couldn’t believe this was really happening.
“Mommy, who are they? Are they who we’re waiting for?”
Your daughter asked in a sleepy voice, rousing from her slumber from the loud noises and squeals emitted by the fans. You smiled down shakily at her as you held her small face in your hand.
“Yes, they are.”
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Hyunjae would have given almost anything to be back in the dorm room to catch up on some sleep.
Grimacing a little at the brightness of the sun shining down relentlessly on the earth, he tried his best to maintain the smile on his face. Feeling Kevin nudge him a little, he straightened and flashed the crowd a dazzling smile despite his fatigue as they posed for pictures. As much as he’d have loved to be asleep and enjoying himself in good ol’ slumberland, he couldn’t help but feel a spark of joy and pride in his heart whenever he stood before the fans. It was thanks to them that THE BOYZ even got to where they were today. Words couldn’t have expressed how grateful or happy he was to have them yet sometimes… Hyunjae stifled a yawn as he listened to the host making his introductory speech; he wished he could’ve had a bit more time to himself. His eyes swept the crowd curiously and as he looked up to stare into the distance, he saw a certain someone that made his heart still.
No way.
The figure was approaching slowly from behind with a small child in her hand. Since practically everyone was too preoccupied with the ongoing event, nobody had noticed her but he did. He most definitely did. He hadn’t seen your face in years but he recognised you the moment his sights landed on you. A 100 years could pass and he would still have been able to remember you. Hyunjae tried not to let himself be distracted by how beautiful you looked under the sun, the sunlight giving you a seemingly glowing look. There was a sense of dread in him but he couldn’t help but be enamoured by your beauty, especially after years without a single interaction. As his eyes drifted down and he spotted your child, he felt his heart fall with a sloppy splat and chills started to set in, so much so that he could feel cold sweat running down his back even as he stood under the sun.
“Hyung, are you ok? You look a little pale.” Kevin whispered, his eyes crinkling with concern in them as he placed a hand on his back reassuringly. Following his gaze, the latter couldn’t help but gasp.
Hyunjae gritted his teeth nervously.
“Yes. It’s y/n, alright.”
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You could hear the fans talking among themselves behind you as you handed the staff your ticket stub for the fanmeet. Trying your best to ignore them, you gripped onto your daughter’s hand nervously while the guy stamped your ticket.
From the corner of your eye, you could feel Hyunjae’s gaze on you. It felt hot and searing, as if his gaze was literally boring holes into you. You felt your daughter lean into you as she started to notice the reaction of the crowd behind you, with their curious looks and loud whisperings. Holding her close to you, you kept a firm stance as the guy handed you back your ticket. As you proceeded to approach the table where the boys were seated for the meet and greet, the guy held out a hand, stopping you. You peered at him quizzically, your arm holding your daughter closer almost protectively.
“I’m afraid only one of you can proceed with the meet and greet.”
You felt your mouth go dry as you asked, “W-What?”
He gestured pointedly at the single ticket in your hand.
“One ticket per person only.”
You looked at him wide-eyed as your daughter’s little hands held onto you.
“I… I can’t possibly leave my daughter alone here!”
The guy shrugged, like he couldn’t be bothered.
“Sorry, that’s the rules. I just work here, no can do.”
You looked down at your daughter who stared up at you innocently, not realising the situation you have on your hands. You couldn’t possibly leave her alone in this crowd, not with people pushing and talking over everyone else. Is this going to be all for nothing? Gazing at the single ticket in your hand quietly, the staff tutted impatiently at you.
“Lady if you want to proceed, please do. Don’t hold up the line.”
“The girl can stay by my side right here,” a voice spoke up and the both of you turned.
Kevin had a small smile on his face as he gestured at the empty space next to him, seeing as he was first in line.
“I insist.” He said in a voice that indicated whatever he said was final.
Reluctantly, the guy waved you in and as you walked towards Kevin, you felt like you were on edge as if you weren’t sure what to do. Do you thank him? Do you talk to him as if it was the old times when you could hang around them freely?
“It’s been awhile, y/n.” He said warmly as you sat down on the seat opposite from him. Looking to your right, you watched as Hyunjae turned away quickly. He wasn’t very far - Only a couple seats away.
“Yes, it has been.” You replied shakily, trying to keep your cool.
Kevin peered at you with a knowing look in his eyes.
“Y/n, I may not be able to understand how you’re feeling right now-”
“And you never will.”
His eyebrows lifted slightly, a little alarmed at your remark. A look of embarrassment flickered across his face.
“Ok, that was wrong of me to say, I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.”
You were silent for a moment before you said, “I don’t mean to lash out at you.”
Kevin smiles reassuringly at you.
“It’s ok.”
“Mommy, who’s this?” Your daughter who was standing beside him chipped in.
Before you could reply, he grinned at her.
“I’m Kevin! What is your name?”
Suddenly shy under his gaze, she replied in a small voice with her head down.
“I’m Chaeryeong.”
“Chaeryeong, that’s a really sweet name. Are you as sweet as your name implies?”
Growing red in the face, your daughter covered her face and turned away. As much as you hated to admit it, seeing the two of them interact was extremely heartwarming and you couldn’t help but allow a smile to tug at your lips.
Kevin chuckled as he turned to you.
“She’s cute.”
You nodded. “She really is.”
“She’s… His. Isn’t she?” He said, in a lower voice but more serious now.
You clenched your fists tightly at your sides.
“She is.”
“How have the two of you been?”
“We’ve been good. Thanks for asking.” You said in a neutral tone, deflecting his attempts at a conversation once more.
“That’s excellent to hear.” He could only smile in return.
The girl next to you was beginning to leave her seat, signalling it was time to move along the line.
“It was great meeting you Kevin.” You said hastily as you moved on towards Sangyeon who wore an extremely surprised look on his face as he observed you. Turning to Kevin, you noticed the widening of his eyes at the sight of Chaeryeong.
Bracing yourself for yet another awkward conversation, you were prepared to move when you felt Kevin hold onto your hand. Swiveling to look at him, he shook your hand firmly.
“I’m here for you anytime.”
As he let go, you felt a piece of scrap paper in your hands with a number scrawled haphazardly on it.
“I don’t need it.”
“Then feel free to throw it away later. For now, just keep it.” He said gently before turning to the next fan in line with a cheery grin, effectively ending the conversation.
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Before Hyunjae was Kevin, Sangyeon, Chanhee, Juyeon and Sunwoo. As you sat in front of them, the reaction you got was all the same. Pure alarm and surprise followed by an extremely awkward conversation. The questions had mostly been the same.
“How have you been?”
“Are you coping well?”
“How’s your daughter doing?”
All of which you deflected or avoided answering.
It felt like ages before you found yourself just right next to Hyunjae and in front of Sunwoo who looked uncomfortable with how things were. Although the two of you made small talk ( though it was more of Sunwoo trying to talk to you and you answering with one worded replies ), you could feel the tension between you and Hyunjae. His eyes drifted to you occasionally even as he engaged in conversation with the fan in front of him. As he laughed, you could tell there was no mirth or joy in his eyes but rather panic and fear. His hands were balled into fists in front of him and you could see the vein bulging on the top of his hand and you had to resist the urge to scoff.
Eventually Sunwoo got the message that you weren’t all that interested to actually engage in any form of small talk and he only remained silent, feeling beyond unsettled as he sat wedged in between you and Hyunjae. When the fan in front of Hyunjae moved, you stared intently at him as you took your seat in front of him. The smile he was wearing looked so forced that you wondered if he risked pulling a facial muscle somewhere.
“Hi, y/n. Long time no see.” He said with a charming smile on his face but he wasn’t fooling you. You could see the turmoil in his eyes.
“Long time no see indeed.” You replied coldly and he flinched at the iciness of your voice, his smile wavering slightly. “Is that really what you say to an ex lover you abandoned?”
The alarm and terror in his eyes was real and obvious, seemingly shocked at how straightforward you were and honestly, you didn’t just surprise him. You surprised yourself as well.
His voice dropped to a mere, meek whisper, in a fashion so unlike his usual boisterous and outgoing persona as seen on camera or with friends.
“I didn’t mean to, y/n. You know that. I had no choice.”
You wanted to scream. You wanted to pound at his chest. You wanted to reach across and throttle him. Yet, all you did was take in a deep breath as you sat on your hands.
“No choice?” The bitterness in your voice made him look up at you. “No choice? You had every choice, Jaehyun. Every. Single. Fucking. Choice.”
He bit his lip anxiously, the regret and emotional grief clear in those dark eyes of his that you used to say that you could stare into forever.
“We were bound to prepare for debut soon. I had to end it abruptly.” Hyunjae pleaded softly, looking at if he was about to break down.
You raised an eyebrow at him before you leaned forward and instinctively, he leaned back but you gripped on to his hand, pulling him forward gently but firmly. You caught his gaze and said, “Don’t you dare shrink away right now. You will not be a turtle this time, retreating into your cosy little shell at the first sign of conflict. Be a man and face me.”
Hyunjae swallowed thickly and you continued.
“Scared? You should be. You left me to be a wreck, you abandoned me when I needed you most. You, Lee Jaehyun are the lowest form of life I’ve ever seen. I don’t care if you do not want to take responsibility but I just want you to know that the reason all of this happened is partly your fault. I want you to live with that knowledge in mind.” You spat out with as much conviction as you could but you could feel the bitter tears begin to prick at the back of your mind.
“Please don’t say that! I still love you dearly, y/n. Please, I really do. I was just really confused and career driven and I-”
“And you what Jaehyun? And you what?”
He stared at you with such tenderness in his eyes that you almost fell for him all over again. Almost.
“I missed you every day. I really did.”
You felt a choking feeling in your throat as you echoed, “You missed me?”
He nodded sadly, clasping your hands in his.
“I did.”
You were quiet for a brief moment as you tried to take in what he was saying. Did he mean it or was this another of his lies?
Only one way to tell.
Pointing to where Chaeryeong stood next to Kevin at the start of the line, your heart constricted in an almost numbing pain as you watched her giggle with joy while popping bubbles that Kevin was blowing, a huge smile on his face.
“Look at her, Jaehyun.”
“I said, look at her!”
Slowly, he turned his head to where you were looking at Chaeryeong.
You watched as his eyes softened momentarily only to harden with denial and terror. Internally, you felt like something in you died once and for all.
It was hope.
It was subconscious hope you didn’t even know you had. It was a shred of hope you had that maybe, just maybe he would have at least been able to accept Chaeryeong as his own flesh and blood. That he could maybe acknowledge her.
Apparently however, fate had other plans. One look at the horrified look on his face shattered any form of expectation, hope and dreams of reuniting you had. You could hear the distant crack of your heart as it finally shattered into a million pieces. The ridiculousness of it all almost made you want to laugh out loud.
What was it you expected? Did you really expect him to drop everything just to come back to you and Chaeryeong? Give up his golden career for you and a child he had never even once interacted with?
“S-She’s a lovely child.” He croaked out, turning to you with a weak smile which quickly fell as he saw the look on your face.
“Yeah, she is and you know what? You can shove it and stay the fuck away from me and her with your nasty lies and disgusting self.” The tears were beginning to stream down your face as you withdrew your hands from his, feeling the warmth from his lingering touch disappear. He stared at you, realisation at his own reaction dawning upon him.
Frantically, he spluttered, “That was not what I mean! I was just-”
“Surprised? So overwhelmed with ‘love’? Or maybe you mean repulsed?” You bit out each word venomously and you could see Sunwoo shrinking further and further into his seat while Jacob who was sitting next to him watched you with concern.
“My greatest regret in life is falling in love with you, Lee Jaehyun. My greatest regret is being with you. My greatest fucking regret is ever meeting you.”
With that, you made a mad dash from the stage, grabbing Chaeryeong’s hand in yours and storming off. The crowd stared at you, confused and shocked at your supposed outburst. The tears were now rolling uncontrollably down your cheeks and from the corner of your eye, you could see Kevin standing up as if trying to approach you but the ache in your heart only intensified when you realised that Jaehyun simply sat where he was, seemingly shell shocked but never attempting to approach you.
“My greatest regret in life is falling in love with you, Lee Jaehyun.” You repeated to yourself through tears.
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okskz · 4 years
Elsy + Jaebum
elsy finally gets her drivers license and of course has jaebum there for support.
hope you guys enjoy! please feel free to leave some feedback because it is always appreciated!
[8th Member of Got7]
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“I don’t understand why you care about getting a drivers license. It’s not like you’ll drive around town. You literally walk everywhere.”
“Because.” Elsy began. “I find it a bit odd that I’m 24 and still have no license. Also, the fact that Yugyeom does and I don’t, bothers me.”
Jaebum let out a small laugh. “Okay well why do I need to be here? It’s not like I can help you pass your test.”
“I need some support. Plus, I was there when you got your piercing early this year. Now, you have to be there for me.”
“And what if I don’t pass? I’ll need a shoulder to cry on.”
“If you fail, I’m only going to laugh at you.”
“How rude. I thought we were friends.” Elsy scoffed. She hurried her way inside the building.
“We are friends!” He shouted, jogging right behind Elsy. He saw Elsy already at the counter, talking to the employee about her appointment.
“So I guess you stay here while I take my test.”
“Hurry but also don’t. I want you to pass.”
Elsy furrowed her eyebrows. “That doesn’t even make sense- whatever. I’m leaving.”
“Good luck! You’ll need it.”
Jaebum sat patiently in the waiting area, scrolling through his phone. He didn’t look up until he heard small footsteps coming his way.
Elsy was already approaching him with a huge grin on her face as well as a piece of paper in her hand. When she reached him, Elsy shoved the paper in his face. “Jaebum, I passed!”
“Oh that great!” He cheered, taking the paper from Elsy. He read through then glanced at her. “Wow, you really did pass.”
“What? Did you think I was lying?” Elsy groaned, snatching her paper back.
“No, no.” He laughed. “Just had to see it to believe it.”
Elsy sighed. “Now all I have to do is a few extra things before taking the real deal test: the driving one.”
“No, not really. I think I got this.” Elsy grinned. “Plus can I not do?”
“Stop it.”
“Hello, I’ll be your driving instructor.” A middle aged man said.
Elsy turned around, bowing at him. “Oh, hello. I’m ready for my test.”
“Wonderful.” The man said with no facial expression. “Let’s get this started so we can end it quickly.”
When the man’s back was facing Elsy, she gave him a look then turned her attention to Jaebum. He couldn’t help but laugh at her face. “Good luck, he seems like a tough one.”
Elsy shook her head before following the instructor. He was already going in the vehicle and so Elsy rushed to her side to do the same.
She placed her seatbelt on before turning on the car then did the few extra stuff she had to do before driving yet.
“Put it in drive now.”
Elsy did as she was told and began driving. Everything was going pretty smoothly, except the fact she didn’t like how quiet the drive was. It made her feel a bit intimidated, so Elsy tried her best to make conversation with the instructor.
“You ever seen those movies Fast and the Furious? I want to drift like in their Tokyo one.” She smiled.
“If you were to drive like that in Korea, you’d probably be sent to jail.”
Elsy’s smile dropped. “Well I was only kidding.”
“And I wasn’t.”
From the corner of Elsy’s eye, she noticed he was already writing things down on his clipboard. “Am I doing good so far?” She said, turning her head to take a small glance at him.
“If you take your eyes off the road again, I’ll start taking points off.”
Elsy’s face turned blank as she kept her eyes on the road. Jaebum was right, he is a tough one.
But that didn’t stop Elsy from still trying to make conversation. “Do you know a group named Got7?”
“Oh? Well you should totally check them out. In fact, I’m one of the members.”
“If you think just because you’re an idol is going to make me pass you, you’re wrong.”
Elsy frowned. “That wasn’t the case. I’m just trying to light up the mood since it’s so quiet. We can even be friends if you’d like.” She laughed at her own words.
“I’m not here to make friends, I’m just a driving instructor.”
Elsy slightly sighed, after that she had no energy to make conversation anymore. She finished off her test smoothly, parking the car back to where they had first began.
“So how did I do?”
“Minus you talking a lot, you did great. You passed.”
Elsy didn’t even take offense to what he had said in the beginning as she was now happy that she had passed. Gasping out loud, Elsy took the small piece of paper from the instructor, reading it over as it indicated that she did indeed pass her test.
“Thank you!” She wasted no time to search for Jaebum, quickly finding him sitting on a bench outside of the building.
“Jaebum!” She yelled. “Jaebum!”
He turned his head, quickly standing up. “Hey, how did it go?”
“Well.” Elsy frowned, stopping right in front of him. “He was very rude and didn’t like that I talked a lot. But that doesn’t matter, because I passed!”
“Ah yeah!” Jaebum said, engulfing Elsy into a tight hug.
“I passed! Yes I did.” Elsy cheered. “You’re looking at a new and improved Lee Jiyeon.”
“Calm down, all you did was get your drivers license.”
“So?” She scoffed. “All I’m saying is the roads of Korea better watch out because Elsy is coming through.”
“If that’s the case, makes sure you warn me before you do so I know to stay indoors.”
“Im Jaebum!”
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hopevalley · 3 years
Season 8, Episode 8: A Parade and a Charade
A lot happened in this last episode so there’s plenty to discuss! I’ll try to keep my thoughts...a manageable length. :)
The Christopher Report
Triangle Tribulations
Bill’s Wounded Pride
Miscellaneous Stuff (FloYo, The Canfields, Dress Shop, Jesse, Infirmary)
This episode has been a little different from the others this season in that we had two pretty big plotlines going on, one medium-sized one, and a bunch of small flickers of plots. Things still managed to flow together pretty well over all, though, I think, but it was a shift I felt was noticeable.
For what it’s worth I mostly enjoyed this episode. There were a few little nitpicks (as usual) but I’ve really been feeling this season that we have a good batch of actors that work really well together and that’s been nice to see.
The Christopher Report
Mr. Christopher Hughes, resident Bad Boy™ and the object of Rachel’s immense and expansive Thirst™... 
I’m sure his character arc is going to match that of the average Adopted Child. That is to say, I feel that his arc will follow the same patterns that characters of his archetype usually do. He hates his biological parent who abandons him but becomes curious against his better judgment. He meets his biological father and feels anger/resentment at first, but there’s something there that feels Human and he can’t ignore it. Over time he starts to care, again against his better judgment. In Christopher’s case, it seems likely that the original reason for striking up a relationship will present itself later in the story (perhaps not this season, but next); it won’t be a wholesome attempt to connect, but rather an intent to bamboozle.
Remember Rosemary’s words from earlier: she knows a performance when she sees one. But we’ll get to that.
It’s a good idea for a storyline, and I have some faith in the payoff being worth it if we keep the same head writer for next season. This is the kind of thing best explored over a period of time and they’re doing well with the pacing. 
This episode, we first see Christopher when he surprises Rachel at the dress shop.
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He mentions they haven’t taken in the sights in town yet, and Rosemary overhears from the back room. She asks him what sights and he switches his story to saying that he was thinking that Rosemary and Lee could take both he and Rachel around town and show them everything. Rosemary says it’s a great idea and of cOURSE they can do that! As soon as Christopher is gone, Rosemary starts lecturing Rachel on the type of freedom she’s trying to experience in Hope Valley. She pretty much says she and Lee don’t approve of Christopher while Rachel ignores her and sneaks out the back door.
The very next scene Christopher surprises Rachel again, but this time with a, uh...hands on approach.
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He tells her he’s not afraid of her aunt or uncle, and she says she knows he’s not afraid of Lee because she saw him steal his pocketwatch when he arrived in town. He’s surprised that she didn’t say anything and he calls her “a little sneak.” She starts throwing things at him playfully and he asks, “You’re not afraid of me?” She says she isn’t and he tells her he’s as gentle as a lamb.
She says she doubts that, and he walks through the fire of her throwing hats (or whatever they are) at him and grabs her wrists. She takes the opportunity to kiss him and he laughs. They’re broken up by the sound of people coming closer so he tells her he’ll come to her house tonight and to listen for a sound at her window.
In the next scene, Henry walks into Nathan’s office where Bill seems to be...assisting Nathan? That’s my best guess as to what’s going on. Bill strikes up a conversation with Henry and Henry says they could have gotten drinks to chat if that’s what Bill wanted (it seems very Small Talky but Bill ain’t that kind of man). In fact, Bill destroys the peaceful atmosphere instantly and makes it clear that this is a business discussion, and his questions were business-related.
If I was a bettin’ man I’d wager that Bill will piece together some problems in Hamilton with Christopher, but eh, let’s not overextend my brain just yet.
Bill’s first and only real question is to ask when Christopher arrived in town but Henry gets upset and says Bill just wants to blame someone. I’m surprised Henry didn’t mention the bad blood between him and Bill leading to this, but I’m pretty sure that’ll be coming in the future. Nathan comes in and says nobody’s accusing anyone, they just turned up at the same time so they have to check everything. 
Later, Christopher runs out of Henry’s office and to the infirmary yelling for help. Henry was having trouble breathing and he got dizzy. There’s a big commotion about it and Faith tells Christopher that his father has very high blood pressure and they’ve been struggling to get it under control.
Christopher hones in on Lucas and goes after him for hiring Henry back even though he knew he shouldn’t be working. Bill intervenes and stops Christopher from getting too close to Lucas.
(Aside: I haven’t lost hope that they’ll do something with Bill and Christopher, at least from the angle of Bill having raised Christopher’s (dead) half-brother (which means Henry abandoned two women and two children straight-up), but I am starting to think it won’t happen this season.)
Around dinnertime, Henry talks with Carson and is in a good mood. When Carson asks why he’s had a sudden change of heart with wanting to get better (health-wise), he says Christopher called him “Dad” when he was worried about him, and it makes him want to do better because it means Christopher cares about him.
Y’all...that scene was so good. But. BUT. I feel like Henry has a big storm comin’ as it relates to Christopher. I just hope Henry’s self-improvements don’t backslide when he inevitably ends up disappointed in Christopher for one reason or another.
Outside, Christopher is sitting on the steps of Dottie’s Apparel across the way from the café and Rachel approaches him. She asks why he didn’t come to see her and he gets sassy about it, but she actually seems to understand exactly what he’s going through and calls him out excessively gently about it. I don’t like her instant attachment to Christopher but they’re young and dumb and at least she seems to Get Him.
She tells him that he’s not having dinner with his dad because he’s scared—scared of getting close to him, scared of feeling an attachment to him. The only way to protect himself from that attachment, and from the inevitable loss that you will one day experience in regards to them, is to not let it form in the first place.
He asks her what the solution is and she says he needs to take a chance. And then she ruins it by saying “Like when you stole Uncle Lee’s watch.” ?????? This is definitely some Into Bad Boys Teenage Girl Logic right there. There is literally no connection.
She gives him his handkerchief back and when he mentions it still has her lipstick on it, she says, “I know.” THIS GIRL IS TRYING TO GET HER A MAN AND SHE IS TRYING VERY HARD. I wouldn’t be surprised if these were things she read about in her tame bodice ripper novels though LMAO.
They then share a kiss and he promises to come and see her the next day at the store.
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Rosemary and Lee mention to Elizabeth that Rachel’s mom wants her to come back home right away, and the next morning Rachel confides in Rosemary that she’s afraid that once she’s back in Bellingham she won’t ever be allowed to return to Hope Valley. Rosemary explains to her that she shouldn’t worry about that; leave it all up to her instead.
Christopher is busy working, digging a trench. He’s getting out some of his frustration and anger by doing this and Lucas seems a bit annoyed by him but otherwise accepting of his, uh, issues. At least...for now. Lucas seems to have come up to the worksite to suggest Christopher spend more time with Henry, as he feels bad that he didn’t realize Henry’s health was actually as bad as it was. 
But Christopher won’t go and just keeps angrily digging his ditch, and in fact he’s so consumed by this he doesn’t notice when Rachel leaves town. When he’s on break, he comes back into town only to find that the store is locked up for the day.
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Seeing as how Rachel just found out the night before that she was leaving town, I think it’s plausible to imagine that...he doesn’t know she’s actually Gone. I almost feel bad for him.
Honestly, this young man is a whiz of an actor. He’s likable in that Fun Character kind of way where you never know if you should root for him or not. I’m not the type of person who generally likes characters like this, but color me intrigued. This show rarely has interesting characters in it that get to remain interesting. I hope Christopher gets to develop for the next couple of seasons if indeed they choose to keep him around. The guy can act! He plays funny, slimy, rude, arrogant, emotional, and even twitterpated really well, and he ain’t afraid to get dirty to sell the part. I respect that.
Can I just say how sorry for Henry I feel though, knowing—or at least feeling—that he will be blindsided in the near future with Christopher’s uh...faults? Woof.
Triangle Tribulations
There’s a huge part of me that doesn’t even want to discuss this. I just want to say, “That’s a yikes from me, Chief” and move on to the next point. It seems easier. And less awkward. And also...let’s be honest: I have no horse in this race.
I don’t care that much about Elizabeth as a character, and I care even less about what gentleman she might choose to set her sights on in the long run. 
But it’s become the central talking point of the show, so let’s discuss it!
Three years is a perfectly acceptable mourning period, but I think the show’s inability to hold its horses these last couple of years is just now catching up to it in the worst way. It puts Elizabeth in this awkward position where she has men interested in her and the show has framed her as being ready ish to move on, but then a new writer stepped in and was told to make sure the triangle lasted through most of the 8th season. How can he make it last when things have been set up for her to move on? Uhh, quick! Come up with something!
Oh, realism! She’s not actually ready to move on!
I mean, I don’t blame John Tinker for this. I blame the writer for S6 and S7 that rushed through the storytelling and gave us...whatever that was, where two men showed up out of nowhere and both set eyes on Elizabeth. I blame the marketing that made sure to sell S6 and S7 for the love triangle instead of the family-friendly or heartwarming elements of the story. It’s really sad that the triangle has come to...this. It didn’t have to. If they hadn’t tried making it a central point in S6 (literally months after Jack died when nobody was ready to really move on and nobody felt that Elizabeth would be ready, either) I don’t think things would be so awful, but it’s too late to go back, now.
Don’t get me wrong, the triangle feels pretty good this season. It’s tense. It’s interesting. Lucas really has shone in this season thus far (instead of coming across as creepy as he sometimes did for the first two seasons he was in), and Nathan is learning to be a little more...forthcoming with his feelings. I guess.
But it should have been S7. S7 should have had this level of care put into it for the triangle so that S8 was a chance for the choice to get some air.
Anyway, I’m not happy with it. I’m glad it’s almost over. I just want it to end. I do not care who the choice is, I just want her to choose.
In this episode, she confronted Nathan right out of the gate, and he wasn’t exactly pleased about it. She acts like he went into the adoption ceremony knowing damn well what Allie had done, but he insists he didn’t know and seems a bit hurt that Elizabeth would accuse him of being mean to her when he tells her that Allie’s list didn’t even have her on it.
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Elizabeth later mentions this as a truth (the list, her name not being on it), so I don’t know what we’re supposed to think here. I’m gonna go with: her feelings were hurt and she lashed out.
Nathan’s temper is apparently done with Lucas, as he tells him to Save It at the end of the scene. I want to say I’m living for it but Lucas hasn’t really...done anything wrong, so...it feels misplaced.
(I want to say something about the fans being divided and this feeling more like fanservice/an attempt to stir the pot than anything that makes any sense.)
Elizabeth goes on to spend a little time with Lucas and it was very cool to see his office for the first time ever! Also, “pardon my French” was actually pretty funny here.
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Nathan wants to talk to Allie about the adoption ceremony catastrophe but is called away before they can sit down and talk, which Allie is...sad about...for some reason? I guess even if it’s negative attention it’s better than no attention? That seems in line with her age. Elizabeth comments to Lucas about feeling sorry for Allie and wanting to comfort her, but in my opinion this is kind of misplaced and Lucas points out that he doesn’t mind her sharing a friendship with Nathan, but that...he doesn’t think Nathan will settle for it.
I’d probably be against Lucas on this matter but I already know that Lucas is right. Elizabeth seems to not to want to believe that but...I dunno. Part of the problem is that in a town this size, it’s really hard to have space. She wants to forget Nathan and focus on Lucas, but she’s constantly seeing both Allie and Nathan, and that makes it hard.
Around dinnertime she goes to Lucas’s office and he begs off dinner because he’s just not in a good state of mind after the whole thing with Henry, and he also seems like he’s had a few drinks. She offers to let him sit with her and it’s...uh...very cozy (probably the closest two bodies have ever been to one another on this show, hahaha).
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He says he doesn’t want to be impatient and that she should leave. Which she does.
Fanning herself.
The next morning, Nathan approaches Lucas at the oil derricks to tell him that he hasn’t given up on Elizabeth just yet, to which...Lucas says he can do whatever he wants, but he needs to make sure he has the best interests of Allie and Elizabeth in mind, not his own. Nathan tries to say something else to him and Lucas says, “Save it.”
Which is fair and valid. I’d respect it more if Nathan’s “save it” had felt more believable earlier, though.
Either way, I’m at a point in this series where I’m starting to think Nathan’s just being selfish. His writing took an absolute beating in this episode and this isn’t even the worst part!
Allie invites Elizabeth to dinner. I hated this scene mostly because I think it will only make the hatred for Allie worse. Team Lucas fans tend to hate her because she acts so unreasonably and this scene was the worst example of it so far. She’s a young teenage girl (13/14 years old I’d guess) but this childish illustration card? Is something a 9 year old might pull (circumstances considered).
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I’d find it more plausible if we just had more time with Allie, but we get so little and everything we’ve been getting hasn’t felt...quite right to me lately. I could understand the whole “inviting only Elizabeth and Nathan” because that’s actually quite clever of her, and even funny. She’s young and doesn’t understand the...bigger picture, or the Adult Feelings involved. I’m fine with it. But this? Oh please. They’re not doing Allie any favors.
I think she could have done something else that was more in line with her age. It could still be cringey, but not...like this. I’m certain it was meant to be a sassy response to being scolded because neither of them were aware they were the only ones invited (and Allie’s hand-drawn invitation makes it clear they’re the only two invited lol), but...eh.
The very next scene is Elizabeth confronting Nathan, though, which I do appreciate. This thing with Allie is so far out of hand by this point that he needs to absolutely sit her down and have a VERY serious heart-to-heart. She’s hurting and it feels like nobody is telling her the right thing.
Just before the adoption ceremony Nathan told her that Elizabeth was seeing Mr. Bouchard and Allie complained but Nathan did a great job of telling her that they should be happy that Elizabeth is happy and I LOVED THAT. So why does it feel like he didn’t mean any of it? Why didn’t he confront any of the other things Allie is probably feeling? 
Like, you know...that Elizabeth can still be her friend even if she’s seeing Mr. Bouchard?
Elizabeth asks Nathan for a word, and when she tells him that she wants to speak with Allie he tells her that Allie is home and is afraid to talk to Elizabeth without him being there. 
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She asks why Allie is afraid but the fanfare starts for Bill, and Nathan doesn’t want to be rude but Elizabeth insists on continuing their conversation. 
Elizabeth tells him she was afraid it would happen if things didn’t work out between them.
Nathan says he doesn’t know what to tell her. He’s tried talking to Allie but nothing he says has convinced her that Elizabeth isn’t to blame. Elizabeth tells him that she thinks Allie should blame her because it’s Nathan she’s attached to/loves.
Their conversation is paused for a moment by Bill’s appearance but they pick right back up after Bill rides away on his horse. She says she tried to tell him at the parent/teacher conference that he is everything to Allie and he says he knows that, and that’s why he’s trying really hard not to show Elizabeth how he feels about her, and it’s why he turned down the promotion to inspector.
He wanted to leave but he couldn’t do it because Allie was so happy in Hope Valley. Elizabeth says that’s why they have to figure out how to make things okay again, because he said it himself, he stayed because Allie was happy!
He said, no, I said that was part of the reason.
And he looks away like he didn’t mean to say that, like in saying that, he’s said Too Much. And this isn’t about his feelings. This is...something else.
Elizabeth has suspected all along that he was hiding something and not telling her the whole truth about Fort Clay, but this behavior isn’t like him and she calls him out on it. She says she knows he’s hiding something and she wants to know what it is.
He tells her that at Fort Clay he was in charge of the training mission, not Jack. But he was disciplined for an earlier incident and they sent Jack instead. He says he’s sorry but there was never the right time to tell her.
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The episode ends there.
I am...disappointed. I was hoping it would be something small that might have still weighed on his mind, like finding Jack’s body—having never met the man, having never known him, it would be so odd to know his wife and the home he loved but to have never known him. And to never really have a right to...ask about it either because it’s not your place.
But no, they really had to go there. They really had to make it like that. We’ve been guessing this since Nathan arrived in town as a possibility and I wish it had never happened.
I agree with all the people who think that there would be no point in the love triangle without Nathan being end-game, but ugh.
I’m fine with forgiveness and moving on, but back in S5 and S6 I made it very clear how I felt about the direction they were taking Abigail and Henry. For the purpose of clarification, Henry was actively awful (he was cruel to Abigail many times over and was part of the VERY DIRECT reason her husband and son died) and that was the biggest reason I opposed it. I think comparatively Nathan is harmless. But... I dunno.
It feels to me like they really want to tell that Type of story and...I’m not a fan. You can forgive someone without hooking up with them. In fact, that’s a way better moral to be dropping on this specific audience anyway.
I’m mostly disgusted at Nathan and have to now worry how they will write Lucas next to make sure he’s on equal ground. :(
Maybe Nathan’s posting in Hope Valley wasn’t out of guilt but the way he reacted to Elizabeth sure makes it seem like it was. Like he chose to come to Hope Valley to keep an eye on Jack’s family. And if it stayed at a friendship level I could respect it. I might even like it.
But... ugh. I mean, Nathan feels guilty. He knows his actions indirectly killed Jack. No, he is not to blame for it and I don’t think he blames himself—at least not in a traditional way. But the knowledge is there. He should have kept his feelings to himself. He should have NEVER decided he wasn’t going to give up on Elizabeth after she walked away from him. She didn’t say no but she shouldn’t have to. 
So he knew he was indirectly responsible for Jack’s death and he still let himself tell Lucas he wasn’t giving up on her. What the hell? 
I guess you can consider me #teamstaysingle now.
Bill’s Wounded Pride
This wasn’t a long or deep storyline but I wanted to dig into it a little bit since Bill’s my favorite character and all.
I really appreciate that they are giving Lee a chance to be a good listener. He got kind of overshadowed by Rosemary’s personality a bit in the past so it’s good to see a consistent show of it now. He’s so nice to Bill. I don’t feel like they’re great buds, but there’s a kind of...mutual respect there that has definitely been earned on both sides. Lee’s offer to listen to Bill vent was really nice.
After Bill goes off on Henry (sorta? barely?) Nathan calls Bill out for placing blame on Christopher by association of Henry, since he knows he and Henry have some bad blood between them.
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But then Nathan kind of gets this self-righteous ramble about how maybe he’ll feel differently when he’s asked to hand in his serge, but it’s not helping Bill to prolong the process/put it off.
Which...while Nathan has a point, he’s just written throughout this entire episode like a selfish jerk. I get that he’s not that attached to his uniform (he’s younger, he’s willing to quit to settle down and marry), but you’d think he’d have a little sympathy for someone whose entire career was the Mounties and who is struggling to give up the last connection he has to that part of his life.
If Nathan was 18 or 19 I’d feel his reaction would be fully believable, but he’s probably in his 30s and should have a little more emotional maturity than this. 
Again, yes, Bill should just get rid of the uniform and be done with it. But it’s not as if Bill doesn’t know that. He’s struggling! A word of encouragement might help more than telling him to rip the bandaid off. If he talked this way to Allie it’s no wonder she’s so messed up.
Later that morning, Molly greets Lee about the lumber shipment Carson ordered for the infirmary and Jesse is grumpy. She jokes that she’s dealing with that, too, but with Carson and Faith. Lee adds that Bill is also in a bad mood, because he has to turn in his uniform. They briefly discuss that nobody has ever seen him in uniform.
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Lee tells Molly that she’s in charge of fixing everyone else’s problems and leaves.
The next day, Bill walks into Nathan’s office to see Molly spying on his stuff...
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She claims she’s there to wish him a good trip and he says he’s not looking forward to riding all the way to Hamiliton. She mentions his uniform and he’s surprised she knows about it, but says only that “word gets around.”
Bill says yeah, well, he should have told them that if they want it so bad they should come and get it. Molly tells him that “rules and regulations can strip a man of his pride.” Which is. A weird line of dialogue but okay. 
Bill tells her that it was a proud day when he put the uniform on—even though back then it didn’t have any of the decorations on it, of course. She says he must have felt ten feet tall he and replies with, “Ten years and three months.”
You know it meant a lot to him if he remembers the exact amount of years he wore the damn thing. Molly encourages him to try it on and he tries to excuse it by saying it doesn’t fit. She tells him he’s hard to read (probably because she thought he wanted the excuse to try it) but he’s “worth it, cover to cover.”
She goes on to say that “WE” know that turning it in means a great deal to him, so it means a great deal to his friends, too, and as he should know, the uniform doesn’t make the man.
She goes to leave and tells him it will definitely fit (HAHA maybe she was checking that while he was gone) and to do everyone a favor and put on a good show.
A short time later, Mike and a couple of others from town start playing some fanfare music outside the Mountie HQ and Bill emerges.
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He’s touched by it, but also maybe a little confused lol, and asks them if they know that he’ll be right back.
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And then...it’s off and away with Bill.
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I’d have liked this storyline so much more if it felt...deeper? A little extra fanfare for him is nice, but it doesn’t really...deal with any of the emotions he feels. That said, I’m almost certain this is to get him to Hamilton where he might run into Christopher’s parents and/or hear more information about potential misdeeds of Christopher to move that plot along. 
Miscellaneous Short Plots
FloYo: Florence and Ned were cute but I wish they hadn’t tried to do anything with it in this episode. We didn’t really need to see Ned being grumpy about things as a like...Moment. It just didn’t feel very meaningful even though they had that cutesy “nobody can replace you” resolution. This episode was a bit of a miss for them for me because of that. And hey, don’t get me wrong; I generally like them, but trying to make everything wholesome all the time gets draining and there was so much other stuff that felt more rewarding to me comparatively.
The Canfields: Very cute, good. I need to know what Joseph’s plans are. And Angela learning braille and being so sweet... AHHHHHH I LOVED HER.
Dress Shop: I’m disappointed they had this plotline drag out for episode after episode and then die out. I guess it could be interesting if they blew it wide open by Dottie selling it at the end of the season to someone unexpected, but what bored me about this was that nobody was that stressed out about the situation and nobody seemed relieved that Dottie wasn’t selling. I’ll hold out hope that something comes of it anyway.
Jesse: FINALLY. I appreciated that he and Mike got to talk. It explains where Jesse was all that time...and Mike is a good friend. I love him. I hope he gets more screentime next season because he honestly deserves it. Also, I’m glad Jesse went to talk to Clara and asked if they could sit and talk. SIT AND TALK. YES PLEASE. Thank you. It was a simple step forward but I really appreciate it. Also, the Canfields and Bill hightailing it out of there as soon as Jesse shows up...haha.
Infirmary: GOODBYE HAM SANDWICH CARSON. I mean... I’m of two minds. Expanding the infirmary would be a good idea. It wouldn’t hurt to have a little more room for patients that might need to recover for longer, and to have a little bit more privacy for them. On the other hand, Carson’s sudden lashing out against the Hope Valley infirmary is...odd. I loved how he and Faith both got so excited but for different reasons that culminated in a completely different mindset. You can tell Carson really wants to go to Boston but feels weird about it. I love Faith’s dedication to the town.
My brain feels dry and crusty after typing all this up, and I didn’t proofread it at all, so sorry in advance if there are any errors in it. As always, I’m looking forward to the drama next episode, particularly with Carson and Faith (BREAK UP BREAK UP BREAK UP).
I’m still kind of stunned they went the route they did. I find it hard to imagine that Elizabeth is capable of a choice within the next four episodes, but I guess we’ll have to see what’s in store for us.
Also, for a little laugh, my husband watched the full episode with me for the first time in a few seasons. He was pleasantly surprised by Angela Canfield and said that he liked “the property brother.” I think he’s #TeamLucas but he told me later last night that actually they’re both fine and he’d take either one for himself if the opportunity arose LMAO.
What are your thoughts on this episode? Opinions?
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nymphigeon · 4 years
From me, to you || 06
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♤ Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
♤ Genre: fluff, angst, romance, hybrid au, hybrid!Taehyung, detective!reader
♤ Words: 2.9k
♤ Rating: PG-13
♤ Warnings (for this chapter): Mentions of hybrid abuse, mention of murder, mentions of gambling.
Synopsis: A story in which he has never known love, so you’ll give it to him.
Series masterlist
05 06 07
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The walk back to Taehyung’s cell was uneventful. I was scared Ella would be waiting for me around the corner, ready to scream at me all over again. Luckily though, she was nowhere to be seen.
Taehyung didn’t really say anything anymore about our talk, just silently walking in front of me. Some colleagues passing us gave me weird looks, as if they knew what had happened. Well, seeing your supervisor angrily stomp to her office might be a dead giveaway something went down.
“Taehyung?” Again, when he entered his cell, no words were spoken. He simply went to sit on the bed and stared at the ground, not even acknowledging my presence. Even now as I try to grab his attention, his gaze stays fixed on the grey coloured ground.
“You haven’t eaten a lot since you got here right? Wait, I’ll go get you something.” I turn around in the direction of the small kitchen, not really planning on waiting as I’m not expecting a response. My expectations aren’t met however.
“No need.” Short, but clearly stating his desires. Or rather, lack of desires. “I insist. It doesn’t take a detective to figure out you must be hungry.” I don’t look at him as I speak, still facing the destination only a few steps away.
“I know that talking about it must’ve reminded you of that time, brought up feelings you forgot about for a while. They were the past back when I rescued you of the street, and they’re still the past right now. Nothing changed.”
A memory of Taehyung scarfing down food because of my tears pop up. It causes a tiny smile to appear on my face, even though at the time it wasn’t the happiest moment. “Should I start crying again?”
It’s said as a joke, something to lighten the mood. A light chuckle coming from behind confirms it worked. “I won’t hesitate to call you a baby this time.” I can’t see him, but I can hear the smile in his voice.
We’ll be able to laugh at this in the future. Looks like that’s true.
“Hey, it’s a good thing to let out emotions, bottling them up causes stress and discomfort!” Putting my hands on my hips, I take on a defensive stand. The one where I defend my statement, not to fight, fortunately.
“Sure miss smarty pants. Go get me some of that delicious prison food.” If I wasn’t so relieved that he finally accepted to eat, I would’ve probably defended my cooking skills as well. Contrary to the others working here, I actually can cook without burning everything I touch. Now that is what I call an achievement.
“Of course, Your Highness.”
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“Ella, I need to speak with you.” A familiar voice pushes its way through the door. One that I haven’t exactly missed, but looked forward to hearing from nonetheless.
She’s direct, rough sounding. The normal politeness her words usually contain gone, most likely together with her respect for me. Not that she can show it, as I still hold all the cards, though it sure would be fun to see her try.
Whether her directness was born out of her growing disdain towards me, or out of the confidence she built knowing the answers to my questions is unknown to me. I don’t really care, it doesn’t matter with the position I’m in.
The position I got by being harsh and unforgiving. Throw your sympathy out of the window, just focus on whatever you need to find out. The way you do so is unimportant as long as you succeed. It’s the exact attitude she screamed at me for. The exact attitude she’s giving me right now. Perhaps she is more useful to me than I thought.
“Do come in.”
With no hesitation the door opens and she steps into the room. Her expression is different from the typical kind determined face she wears around the office. The kindness has gone, replaced by something else.
I’m curious as to what she will tell me. Will I be left disappointed? I didn’t count the option that she might just come beg me to keep her. Reckless of me.
“I found the guy.”
Disappointed I am not. Then this is most likely jealousy. Jealousy for the way she found what I failed to acquire myself. Though that’s just half of it. The other part is joy.
“Now this is interesting, tell me about it.”
She nonchalantly throws the device she had been holding at me, the recorder I left in the room with the hybrid the other day. First, my sad attempt, and second her who effortlessly got what I couldn’t. “You can take a listen at that after we’re done, it contains all you need to know.”
That I will do, but I don’t say it out loud. Simply nodding, I motion for her to go on. Just get straight to the point, I’m not satisfied until he is behind bars.
“The guy’s name is Lee Ji-hyun, who, according to Taehyung, is a popular gambler. Presumably that’s the way he got enough money for a tiger hybrid. Found his name on a few gambling websites, completely unlawful if I may add, which confirms that.”
Not only did she find him, she also figured out that wherever he went for his money, the places aren’t supposed to be there. I never asked her for any more than that guy’s name, and instead of one, she brought me two cases to work on, one easier than the other. I’ll worry about the easy one later.
“According to our records he got arrested for drug use a few years back, but got released due to too little evidence.” That makes things easier. At least we already know something about him from the investigation back then, we won’t have to start from square one.
“Great work, I’m impressed.” Praise encourages people to work hard, makes them even more useful to me. Why figure things out myself, when I can boss others around to find it out for me?
“I need access to the World Hybrid Register and a search warrant. I don’t just want to catch him for murder. The signs of hybrid abuse, hybrid dealing, illegal gambling and drug use are also there.”
Again, as direct as she can be. She isn’t asking me, neither is she ordering me. Stating what she needs with the underlying expectation she’ll get it. Normally that would give her a one way ticket out of this place. Normally.
“Sure.” The determined face she was wearing crumbles into a look of shock. The underlying expectation I thought I heard had been completely faked, and I fell for it.
“Wait, really? Just like that?” She seems happy. Everything about her posture exuded confidence when she walked in here. Now I’m beginning to think the entire thing was one big act. One that she played perfectly.
“Yeah. I’ll make sure to get you whatever you need. I trust you know what you’re doing?” It must be apparent how I’m nice when you do as I say, not so nice when you go against me. Apparently a great leader listens to those lower in the ranks, however my superiority complex holds me from doing so.
“Always.” It’s back. The sweet smile playing on her face brings back the kindness she walks around with. The one I thought was her weakness. For once, I was wrong.
“Great. Go send me the details over email, I have stuff to do.” My sentence ends in a sigh, not feeling like going back to the old boring work I was busying myself with before her arrival. Whether I like it or not, I have to. There are still people holding power over me, I can’t decide entirely on my own.
“Of course.” With that she excitedly bounces out my private room. A type of excited I don’t show, but definitely feel.
Let’s see what you’re capable of Y/N.
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It wasn’t even 24 hours after the talk with my supervisor that I got an email inviting me to the World Hybrid Registration Centre headquarters. The organization has offices al around the world, keeping tabs on who all own a hybrid, who aren’t allowed to own one, who has had a warning before, etc. They basically just make sure the hybrids are treated well and kept healthy.
I’m not exactly surprised they’re okay with my checking the system, as this is just as much their concern as it is ours, but I am surprised at the speed in which they replied. Known to be extremely busy since the hybrid owning trend blew up, a reply is usually days to weeks after the first email has been sent. Even for the police it can take a couple of days for them to come back to you.
Immediately after I’ve completely read the email I shut down my computer and pack my bag with whatever I may need. I don’t tell any of my colleagues that I’m going, as I know at least one of them will offer to come with me. There is no need for anyone else though, I prefer to go on my own.
The address is way out in another town, causing a two hour drive I’m not looking forward to. Reminding myself of the poor hybrid back at our office and the extra money I’m getting paid, I gain the necessary encouragement for the long trip. At least I’m doing this for someone.
The parking lot is completely full when I arrive. Expensive Tesla’s and huge Mercedes’ litter the place as if the pay is ten times higher than mine. If I would take a second to think it would seem logical, since even the cheapest of hybrids are still mad expensive, and part of that money goes to the people registering everything. Besides that there’s also the hybrid tax, of which, again, a part goes to these workers.
Stepping out of my extremely out of place looking car, I make sure I properly lock the door before walking inside the building. It’s not hard to find the front desk, with it being the first thing you come across after having been blown in the face by the warm air coming from inside.
“Ah, Y/F/N Y/L/N, thank you for coming on such a short notice. I’m sorry it had to be on the same day, we didn’t have any more room for appointments until next month.” The rather old looking lady behind the desk smiles my way with an apologetic look on her face.
“It’s okay, don’t worry. I’m actually glad I was able to visit this fast.” The lady nods and takes off her glasses after typing something into her computer. “It’s our pleasure. We too got really concerned after we heard about the multiple offences.”
There is a hint of sadness to be heard in her voice. Coming across hybrid owners is quite rare where I live, as nobody has the funds to do so. Most people will just curse at the rich and despise anything that has to do with them, including hybrids. Seeing someone who truly cares about them is a nice change.
“You personally wanted to check the information we had on this hybrid mentioned in the email, correct?” The lady, who stood up from her chair a few seconds ago, rounds the desk to stand in front of me. In her hand she holds a card attached to a string that goes round in a loop.
“Yeah that’s right. It’s suspected the hybrid has been neglected, so we just want to know the origin of the hybrid, when it has last had a check-up, things like that. I just need a copy after that and then I’ll be on my way.”
Not knowing whether I could fully trust all the workers here on giving me the right information, I decided to come check everything out myself. It’s said that even here not everyone fully supports hybrids, with the worst stories claiming some are even trying to bring the organization down from inside.
The registration centre has tried to calm the accusations down by stating they check all the workers regularly on their hybrid views in extensive programs, but this was never verified by any other source other than themselves.
“Great! This pass will give you authorization to any room you may wish to enter and on the back is a code to access any systems. One of my colleagues will be with you at all times, but in case you wish to enter places yourself you can use this.”
With one of her hands she beckons me to crouch down to her level. When I do, she carefully places the string around my neck and makes sure it isn’t cutting into my skin, before pushing me to stand back up again.
“Eun-ji! Can you escort this lovely lady around please?” The newfound nickname startles me, not having expected something like that. She clearly doesn’t seem to notice though, keeping herself busy with making sure Eun-ji knows all the details of her upcoming job.
The place is a lot more confusing inside than it looks from the outside. Long hallways with doors to rooms everywhere, stairs in spots you wouldn’t expect them to be and dead-ends in places I was sure looped around in circles. If it wasn’t for my nervous guide, I would’ve definitely already been lost.
“And here we have one of the registration rooms. We fill in all our paper work into the system and make sure everything is updated, although most information just comes in digital nowadays, so all the binders placed in the corner don’t really have a function anymore.”
The room just consists of a bunch of computers with huge monitors screwed to the walls. Right now there is absolutely no one here except for the two of us, but a few of the monitors are still turned on. What a waste of electricity.
“Would you mind if I search the system now?” I already have permission to do so, though my kind nature refuses to just start typing without a heads up. “Of course, that’s what you’re here for after all.” Eun-ji lets out an awkward giggle while fiddling with her fingers. She’s clearly uncomfortable, even though she does her best to hide it.
I don’t waste a second, immediately sitting down behind one of the computers. The system isn’t too hard to navigate, the simple search bar being the only tool I need.
Name owner: Jihyun Lee
Name hybrid: Taehyung…
“Is it needed to fill in everything? I don’t know the hybrid’s last name…” I mentally slap myself in the face for never having asked his full name. Even his file back at the office just has his first name, and nobody ever questioned it. Perhaps we all just assumed he didn’t have one.
“Just fill in whatever you do know. Most hybrids take on the last name of the owner though so you could try that.” In the little time I’ve been staring at a screen, Eun-ji has made it her mission to put as much space between me and her as possible, pretending to be busy doing something at the other side of the room.
Name owner(s): Jihyun Lee
Gender owner(s): Male
Name hybrid: Taehyung Lee
Gender hybrid: Male
Hybrid animal: Tiger
That’s how far I can fill it in. The following bars needing a hybrid type, hybrid identification code, adoption centre, all clog my brain with question marks. The little information I can fill in reminds me of how there is not much I actually know about Taehyung.
Realizing there is nothing else that I can do, I click the search button and wait for the results to come up.
Huge letters on the screen apologize to me, suggesting that I may have made a mistake in whatever information I gave. A breath of air escapes my lips as I sigh and delete Taehyung’s last name.
Still nothing.
“Could it be that I’m doing something wrong? No results are showing up.” Going back to the main screen I try to figure out if perhaps I used the wrong tool, but nothing suggests that I have.
“Okay wait, let me see.” Eun-ji hesitantly comes closer when I stand up from the chair, only sitting down when I’ve moved back a few steps. “What’s the name of the guy?”
“Lee Ji-hyun, or well it’s first name, last name right? Then Ji-hyun Lee. Wait, should I have used a hyphen?” While I’m still trying to come up with what I may have done wrong, Eun-ji quickly brings up a list of people.
“There are a few males with that name owning a hybrid around the world, though since we know he lives here we can narrow it down to one country. What type of hybrid is it?” She doesn’t look at me as she asks, though as soon as I answer her head slowly turns my way.
“You’re sure it’s not just a striped house cat? Or, I don’t know, another predator hybrid instead?” Disbelief is written all across her face. The nervous look she has been wearing got replaced by furrowed brows, obviously going down a list of animals that may look similar.
“Yeah I’m sure. They’re not forbidden right? I would’ve known.” I can’t understand the confusion written across her face. Sure wild animal hybrids are expensive, but that doesn’t mean nobody owns them.
“No not forbidden, I mean they’re hard to come across sure, but…” Eun-ji’s hesitance is making me nervous, something is off. Something that I’m definitely not going to like.
“Miss, this hybrid doesn’t exist.”
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@suhappysuho @intellectualxprincess @sana-b @littlewolfieposts @nellaphine @daisychwe @deathkat657 @elenaramos1
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wambamshangalang · 5 years
Summary: Shane finds out something interesting about Ryan, and decides to poke at it some more.
(This is a tickle fic)
Word count: 3,754
Despite the fact that they haven’t even gone to lunch yet, it has been a long day at work and Ryan is tired. Maybe staying up into the wee small hours of the morning editing the latest episode of Unsolved had something to do with it, but the episode had to be finished today if it was going to be uploaded on time. Still, Ryan is exhausted. He stretches out behind himself in his chair, just as he sees Shane approaching with two more cups of coffee in hand. Shane puts one of the cups next to Ryan’s computer and sits down at his own desk with a dramatic sigh.
“Thanks, big guy.” Ryan acknowledges as he sips from the hot cup greedily. “I think I’m almost done with this, if you want to go grab some grub soon.”
Shane pushes his feet off the floor in order to quickly scoot his office chair towards Ryan’s desk, looking over his shoulder at the laptop screen. He reaches in front of Ryan to do some clicking around and to examine the work that Ryan has done. After a few moments he takes on a mock affronted look and turns to face Ryan, Startlingly close to Ryan’s face. Close enough that Ryan could count all of his freckles if he wanted to. Which he doesn’t.
“You took out my bit!” He accuses in false alarm, making Ryan wheeze out a laugh.
“I didn’t take it out,” Ryan assures him then continues, “I shortened it. It was 7 minutes long. I only kept the parts that were funny.”
“The whole thing was funny, I am a comedic genius.” Shane deadpans causing Ryan to break into another fit of giggles.
“Sure man,” he jokes through his laughter, “and I’m America’s Next Top Model.” Ryan was ready to go and get something to eat, he hadn’t had much for breakfast this morning. He puts his coffee back on the desk and contorts his body backward again, arms reaching back and up for one more satisfying stretch.
He didn’t see it coming when Shane reached out towards him to pinch him in the side, and maybe if he had been more prepared he could have schooled his reaction back a few notches, but as that jolt of electricity hit him he let out a very high pitched, and very loud squeak. He jolts so hard he nearly falls out of his chair, and every eye in the office looks over toward him at once. As soon as Ryan can regain his balance, he ducks low into a crouched ball in his chair in an attempt to hide from the prying eyes of the room. He tries to wrest off the burn he can already feel crawling up his neck onto his face, but that is made impossible by the fact that he can see Shane staring at him in his peripheral vision.
The silence stretches on for a couple of unbearable seconds as Ryan avoids looking over at Shane. Shane, who is holding back a fit of laughter and staring at Ryan as if he just told him a secret, and grew a second head at the same time. When he finally does speak it’s quiet, only loud enough for Ryan to hear.
“What was that all about, little guy?” His tone is friendly and well-meaning, but teasing all the same, and Ryan is growing more and more flustered under his attentive gaze. He finally gathers enough of his pride and willpower to lift his head back up and glare in Shane’s direction, though any heat from his look is gone as his cheeks are pink and he’s fighting back a shy yet persistent smile.
“Shut up, Shane.” He responds, much less cool and collected than Shane had been. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Defensively stumbles out of him next followed by “You just surprised me is all.” And one last “Shut up.” For good measure.
Shane starts laughing now, like he just can’t stop himself, and Ryan rolls his eyes and stands up.
“Whatever, let's just go get food. Chipotle?” He suggests, hoping desperately for Shane to drop the issue. Shane obliges and stands up as well, though he was still giggling. They walk out of the office and eventually, the moment is seemingly forgotten. They get burritos and talk about where they’d like to shoot if they get the opportunity for their next season of Supernatural.
Back at the office for the rest of the day Ryan has a hard time focusing. It’s not like it hadn’t crossed his mind before, but after the incident today all he can think about is Shane. Shane, and his big, huge, stupid hands, that are just stupid and huge enough to fit on his big, huge, stupid body.
Ryan’s in trouble now, because the last thing you need when you’re at work is to be hit with a massive lee mood, as you sit right next to your massive best friend who you happen to have a massive crush on. And who you would love to be absolutely wrecked by, oh my God Ryan needs to get it together. He can’t be thinking about this in the office.
“...Right, buddy? ...Ryan?” Ryan snaps out of the trance he must have slipped into staring at his computer screen to see not only Shane looking at him expectantly, but also Curly standing next to Shane’s desk, staring at him with this knowing look as if he’d just been caught doing something naughty as a child. Apparently they had been having a conversation, and Ryan didn’t realize he was a part of it.
“Huh? Sorry, what?” Ryan stutters out, having missed completely what was being discussed here.
“Are you doing alright, man? You seem pretty distracted.” Shane asks, looking at Ryan with obvious curiosity and subtle worry. Ryan blinks at him. What exactly is he supposed to say? That he’s fine, he just couldn’t stop thinking about how it would feel to be pinned down and demolished with light touches from his best friend? His face was heating up for the second time today. Man, does Ryan have an awful poker face.
“I’m fine! I was a little distracted just thinking about this shoot we have scheduled for next week.” Shane knows Ryan incredibly well at this point, and Ryan knows Shane well enough to know that Shane can see right through him.
“Oh, well that’s what Curly and I were just talking about!” He says cheerily anyway, obviously not buying what Ryan is selling, but seemingly going with it for now. Ryan pays attention now to the rest of the conversation, steadfastly not allowing his mind to wander for the rest of the work day, out of fear of embarrassment.
That evening, Shane and Ryan are having a movie night back at Shane’s apartment, as they often do on Friday nights. The movie: Jaws. As they have both seen it multiple times they spend most of the movie bantering and cracking stupid jokes as they share a bucket of popcorn. The movie ends and Ryan gets up to grab them each a beer from Shane’s fridge.
“I wanna ask you something.” Shane says casually as Ryan reenters the room.
“Shoot.” Ryan responds. He’s standing in front of the couch, putting down the two bottles he just retrieved on the table. Just as he puts the drinks down, he feels Shane’s finger jab into the soft flesh of his side.
And it happens again. Ryan squeaks, turns red, and shoots back down onto the sofa. He glares at Shane this time immediately, but he doesn’t make eye contact.
“Shaaane!” Ryan yells at him, a nervous smile pulling at his lips and red flush fully covering his face now. In his head he’s already panicking. Shane’s laughing again and looking at him like he’s trying to solve a puzzle.
“See, what’s up with that? Obviously I understand the reaction, though I didn’t realize you were so ticklish, what I don’t get is why you’re so embarrassed?”
“I am not embarrassed!” Ryan quickly defends, but he’s sure he’s turned a shade darker at hearing The Word spoken aloud. From Shane’s lips.
“You are!” Shane responds, smiling widely. “You’re turning 50 Shades of Pink over here! I thought it might have been from the attention in the office before, but I wouldn’t have gotten the same reaction right now if that were the case.”
Ryan scoffs and looks away. He needs to come up with something to say that won’t give him away, and that he can get through without stuttering like an absolute fool.
“I’m not man, you just startled me, that’s all.” It wasn’t very convincing, but silence feels more damning than anything right now.
“You’re not what?” Shane was asking, “Embarrassed? Because you shouldn’t be, but it seems like you are. Or ticklish?” There it is again, “because you’re obviously very ticklish.” Oh my God.
“Stop that!”
“Stop what?”
“Saying it!”
“Saying what?”
Ryan opens his mouth to keep going, the quick back and forth banter they’re so used to, but he can’t say anything. So he closes his mouth and covers his face, falls back against the couch cushions and growls in frustration, though horrifyingly it comes out more like a whine than anything.
He can’t look at Shane. However, he can feel the amusement rolling off of him. He can hear the pieces clicking into place in his mind. This is Ryan’s worst nightmare, and he wishes silently nothing more than for the floor to open up and swallow him whole.
That’s when Shane’s hand is suddenly placed on Ryan’s knee. Ryan peeks out from behind his hands to look at it, just sitting there, unthreatening. Shane doesn’t even have to move before Ryan is hidden behind his hands again, tiny breathy laughs already escaping from him. The nervous and flustered energy he gives off is almost palpable and Shane can’t stop himself from laughing.
“Dude, come on.” He manages to get out, speaking softly. “I’m not even doing anything to you yet.” That word ‘yet’ echoes around Ryan’s brain, anticipation and humiliation growing so steadily that it’s pulling even more giggles from his mouth, and to Shane it sounds like magic. “Oh my God..” Shane continues in awe before suddenly he lifts Ryan up and spins his tiny frame so he’s lying longways on the couch. Shane straddles his waist as Ryan squeaks and refuses to uncover his face with his hands. “You are just too cute for your own good.”
Shane begins lifting the soft fabric of Ryan’s t-shirt up, slowly dragging it along his skin and exposing his toned but soft tummy. He positions his fingers on top of it and Ryan realizes, once again, just how large Shane’s hands are proportionally compared to Ryan. The pads of Shane’s long fingers start drumming softly, like he’s playing a little beat, and Ryan dissolves into giggles as he struggles between his current position of keeping his face in his hands and the desperate urge to paw at Shane’s forearms. Shane moves slowly and deliberately, completely fixated on Ryan and his reactions.
“You haven’t asked me to stop.” Shane says, and it isn’t a question. Ryan can only giggle helplessly as his best friend and crush slowly pieces together his biggest secret, as the fingers on his stomach don’t stop. They don’t speed up, they don’t slow down, they just keep up the drumming consistently. “Ryan? Is there a reason you haven’t asked me to stop?” Shane starts drumming a little faster here, maddeningly soft and repetitive touches coming down rhythmically onto Ryan’s sensitive skin.
But he couldn’t answer if he wanted to, so he just laughs, shyly and frantically in a stream that he has no control over.
“Hm?” Shane presses on, growing more and more comfortable in this role, teasing the hell out of Ryan and seeing just how flustered and sensitive he could get him. “Does it tickle, Ryan?”
“Oh my God,” Ryan groans through his laughter, “Shut up, Shane.”
At this point Shane digs in, his fingers working quickly into the sides and sensitive little tummy of Ryan and the dam is broken as loud panicked laughter rings out through Shane’s apartment. He works his thumbs into the muscles at Ryan’s sides and softly skitters his nails along a spot right under Ryan’s naval.
“What! Shut up?” Shane asks, accusatory, as he reduces Ryan to a puddle. “You’re in no position to be so rude here, buddy. Not when you’re soo sooo ticklish.” That’s it, there’s no denying it now. Ryan’s secret is definitely out. Shane knows, he knows exactly what that word is doing to him. All he can do is laugh and shake his head desperately, but he knows there isno way to save his pride now. Shane sees him shake his head and he decides to try something else.
“No? You’re shaking your head no?” Shane reaches up to Ryan’s hands and peels them off of his face, pinning them both above his head in just one of his own. Ryan’s eyes widen looking at Shane and he shakes his head some more, avoiding eye contact all he can. Shane’s fingers slow.
“No what? No you’re not ticklish?” Shane stops tickling but he doesn’t move off of Ryan or let go of his wrists. “Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not ticklish.”
Ryan calms his breathing over a few seconds and eventually locks eyes with Shane, who is looming over him with his left hand still on Ryan’s stomach. He summons his best air of defiance in the given situation, his face and neck stained red from laughter and embarrassment.
“I’m not.” He says, voice as firm as he could possibly get it. Shane’s grip tightens and his eyes narrow.
“You’re not what?” He demands, and waits for a response. Ryan stares for as long as he can, but eventually breaks eye contact. Shane chuckles, and Ryan notes that the laughter radiates warmth and fondness as opposed to judgement. “You can’t even say it. Is that what you were telling me not to say? Tickle? Is the word tickle just a little too much for little Ryan to handle?”
And suddenly Shane lets go of Ryan’s wrists, but the smaller man has no time to cover his face again as Shane’s hands are promptly shoved into his underarms, fingers moving a mile a minute. Ryan slams his arms down, and immediately knows he’s fallen for the oldest trick in the book.
“Oh look what you’ve done!” Shane exclaims dramatically, “You’ve trapped my hands! I suppose we’ll be stuck here forever won't we?” He wiggles his fingers around as Ryan laughs loud and bright. Ryan has no wits about him as he goes through a varying series of emotions. Yes, this is everything he’s ever wanted. He’s also never been so mortified in all his life. Part of him knows that Shane will not judge him for this or look at him differently, but part of him also knows that he’ll never hear the end of this.
Part of him is excited for that.
Shane eventually starts moving back down from Ryan’s underarms, small pokes into his rib cage making him jerk and into his stomach and sides eliciting yips and squeals of laughter from him, but then Shane’s hands land to rest on top of Ryan’s hipbones and the smaller man freezes in place and his eyes widen to about half the size of his head. Shane makes eye contact with him. The smirk as he marks Ryan’s reaction, looks at his own hand placement, and understands exactly what’s about to happen here could have killed Ryan on the spot.
“Oh?” Shane asks innocently to Ryan, and the man under him begins to squirm and push half heartedly at Shane’s chest. “What’s the matter Ryan?” He doesn’t move away from Ryan’s sensitive hip bones as he waits for a response. Ryan swallows heavily, like a cartoon character in great danger, and the nervous giggles again find themselves cascading out of his mouth. He has no pride left anyway, he figures if there’s a time to plead it’s now.
“Shaane,” his voice comes out small and hoarse from laughter “please no. I— I’m too-,” but he just can’t make himself say it.
“Too what?” Shane punctuates his question with a flex of his fingers. “Little guy is too ticklish in this spot? Little angel can’t handle a little bit of tickling?” The angel part he didn’t mean to say, and maybe Shane goes a little pink himself, but Ryan is far too lost in his flustered state to notice. “How about this. Do you want me to stop? If you tell me that you want me to stop tickling you, I will stop tickling you.”
But Ryan doesn’t want that. So he doesn’t say anything.
“You like being tickled.” And there it is. It’s not as if that wasn’t already obvious at this point, but having it confronted makes Ryan feel like his heart is going to explode from his chest. “You’re loving this. If you wanted to be tickled so badly, you could have just asked.” Shane’s teasing is relentless, and soon his fingers are too, and he pinches all along Ryan’s overly sensitive hip bones.
Ryan screams out a laugh that is just so genuine and so childlike, that Shane lets out an audible “aw.” He scratches into the hollows of Ryan’s hip bones, successfully holding down the thrashing and screeching man underneath him as he is, of course, very small.
“Tickle, tickle, tickle..” Shane teases evilly as Ryan absolutely loses his mind underneath him, and Shane is met with a chorus of sputtering, small ‘no’s’ and frantic ‘Shane, Shane, Shane Shaaane, Shane’s’.
“And to think,” Shane mock ponders as he tweaks the bones from top to bottom, not staying in one place for too long as to keep Ryan absolutely hysterical. “All this time we’ve been hunting ghosts, huh? Ghouls! To think you’d be taken down by the Tickle Monster!” Shane moves off of Ryan’s left hip with his left hand, only to stick one long squirming finger directly into his little innie belly button.
“Noooo!” Ryan cries out in distress, and it’s so adorable that Shane once again starts laughing along with him. He can tell that Ryan might be reaching his limit though, so he decides it’s probably time for the grand finale. He takes the hem of Ryan’s shirt and folds it up fully, his tummy now fully exposed and at Shane’s mercy, and he looks Ryan directly in the eye.
“Are you ready, little guy?” He asks, the mischief in his eyes absolutely unmatched as he lowers his head down towards Ryan’s stomach a small amount, enough for Ryan to immediately understand his implications and starts to squirm uncontrollably.
“No! No Sha-Shane wait no no no..” but it was too late for Ryan to be saved. Shane made a big show of taking a big breath of air, lowered his lips right over top of Ryan’s sensitive little naval, and blew a huge raspberry that absolutely sent Ryan manic. Shane spent the next twenty seconds absolutely wrecking Ryan as he alternated teeny tiny raspberries and teeny tiny nibbles all over his tummy, sides and ribs.
Shane then got up from his place on top of Ryan, helped move the man so he was sitting up straight in the corner of the couch, and left him still giggling and and fighting off phantom touches as he went to the kitchen to get Ryan a glass of water.
He gave Ryan the water, which he accepted and sipped quietly, his knees pulled up to his chest on the couch, face still red and with a shy smile. Shane sat down next to Ryan and neither of them said anything for a moment.
“Shane..” Ryan started, but he trailed off seemingly at a loss for words.
“Listen,” Shane spoke instead to fill the silence, “This isn’t something I would ever make fun of you for. I’ll tease you about it surely, as long as it doesn’t upset you, but I would never make fun of you for something you like. Especially something as adorable as this.” Shane seemed to be the nervous one now, one hand up scratching the back of his neck. “Let me know if I crossed a line or made you uncomfortable, and we never have to talk about it again.”
“No!” Ryan exclaimed, a bit too hastily, and Shane turned quickly to face him. “Uh.. no, dude just- I... ugh” Ryan made a frustrated sound and blushed again, burying his face briefly into a couch cushion. “That.. isn’t it at all. That was fun and it’s... fuck. I’ve. Wanted you to do that. For a long time.”
Shane didn’t respond for a few moments, trying to sift through all of the information he was receiving.
“You’ve wanted.. me to do that for a long time? Like, me specifically?” Ryan paled as he realized the implications of his words. He opened his mouth to speak, closed it again. He had to say something, and when he finally did it came out as a mumble, a voice smaller than Shane has ever heard from him, which broke his heart a little bit.
“Yeah.” Ryan began mentally going through the process of grieving his friendship with Shane. What was work going to be like now? Humiliating. Will they have to cancel the show, will Shane tell him he wants to quit Unsolved? How will he explain this to their coworkers? The fans? Ryan could feel tears welling up in the corners of his eyes, as if this moment could become any more mortifying.
“Hey, well then you could’ve just asked.” Shane replies after a few moments and Ryan... what? Ryan looks over at Shane, searching for a joke, or for anger, for any negative emotion but there was nothing there. Just Shane, with his big huge stupid smile. And Shane’s leaning closer to him, just a little bit. And he looks nervous, just a little bit. “Can I kiss you, Ryan?” He asks, and he doesn’t break eye contact.
If Shane squeaks a tiny bit when Ryan leans up toward him and closes the distance, Ryan doesn’t make fun of him for it. Though, maybe he teases him about it from time to time.
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skz-writings · 5 years
Reaction: s/o dyeing their hair (gone wrong)
Theme: Kind of crack?
Requested: Yes
↳ Ask: Hii~~ good luck with your new blog!!! I was thinking about what you could do to start your blog and it may be funny a reaction of them when their s/o tries to dye their hair but goes wrong hahaha have a nice day💕
A/N: This took me a bit longer because I needed to research which things potentially could go wrong when dyeing hair since I am not very knowledgeable on the topic. Also, some of these are hair dyeing mistakes I made myself hehe.
➤ Bang Chan
Chan dyed his hair a lot, no question about it. His damaged hair was clear evidence of that. Yet the guy couldn’t help himself as he stood in front of you, asking you to help him dye it as his hairdresser had said it would be best not to. You really wanted to be on the hairdresser’s side and tell him “no”, but the pout on his lips messed with your head and made it really difficult to say no. Eventually after asking him a million times if he was sure, and him telling you that he was indeed sure, you finally agreed.
You would do at your apartment since it would give you more space and not have people running in and out when you were concentrating. He had promised to get the bleach if you could buy the hair dye for him. This led you to the nearest store that sold hair dye, and you want to get it over with as soon as possible, quickly grabbed the blonde hair dye box you thought looked correct.
Even while dyeing his hair, he still seemed to be the only one stoked about the whole thing. He still tried to reassure you that it was okay and he would take care of his hair. It did make your mood a bit better and at least you could now enjoy your time with your boyfriend. You did have quite a few hours in front of you to spend with him.
However, you couldn’t help but want to laugh when everything was done and over with and the final result stood right in front of you. He was still gaping at the pastel blue you somehow managed to color it. “I feel like there is a lesson to be learned here.” You spoke, leaning against the doorframe. “Yeah, never ask you to dye my hair again.” He answered still trying to take it all. “Not what I meant.” You answered him bitterly. “You are lucky I can pull everything off,” he said turning to you finally, “because otherwise, you be dead.”
➤ Lee Minho
Minho had been jumping between hair colors as of lately, every two weeks felt like he had a different color and nothing ever seemed to be exactly as he wanted it to be. His more recently were a light brown, one you thought fitted him very well. For once he didn’t completely disagree but had it been just a tiny bit lighter, then it would be perfect according to him. That’s how the two of you came up with the brilliant plan of dyeing it.
As long as you chose a package close to his current hair color, then his hair should be safe. He had not had time to pick up a box himself and had asked you to do it for him. Sending you a picture of the one he personally thought would be best to use, you set out to buy his hair dye.
However, when you reached the store and stood in front of all the boxes with his recommendation in your hands, you had to disagree. In your opinion, it looked like it would dye his hair darker and not brighter. So, you took a different box, that looked like it would give you the right result.
You had not told Minho about your different purchase as you didn’t deem it to be that important. You’d much rather just get started and get it over with, so you could get ‘thank you for doing this for me’ cuddles sooner. Your head filled with cute cuddle images, you hurried to get the job done, while still doing it properly.
Those images would probably only see the light in your imagination, for as the two of you dried his and revealed it the audience of your bathroom aka the two of you. Both fell silent. “y/n..” he said as you only stared at him. “You did pick up the ri-“ you stopped him before he could even finish. “No, I did not.” He only nodded silently, giving you time to quickly escape the wrath of your boyfriend. “Oh no, you get back here right now!” He yelled running after you.
➤ Seo Changbin
One thing Changbin was certain of, was that you absolutely loved his lighter hair color. From the minute he had first entered your apartment door with the new look, had you been all over him. So, he almost felt bad holding the hair dye box in his hand, but he was ready to change his looks up a bit. And it was not like it would be a huge difference, it would only be a few shades darker. Knowing you, however, he knew you would be complaining and the least he could do now was letting you be the one to dye it, like a final goodbye.
It had taken you quite a long time to get started, wanting to take a few more pictures to commemorate his best hair color to date, according to your at least. Even while dyeing it, you had kept sighing and asked him if he was sure. To which he kept telling you, that yes, he was sure.
Washing it out and looking himself in the mirror, he was not sure anymore. Positive he should have told you to talk him out of it. Because looking back at him, was not a few shades of darker hair color, like he had promised you. It was such a dark brown, that it almost could be mistaken for black. Running out of the bathroom with a towel around his hair, he frantically looked for the box and instructions you had used. His mind knowing what happened already, but only needing the text to confirm it. “Oh no,” he said turning to you, “we were not meant to have waited as long as you said we did!”
He only got a confused look and a simple “what?” in return. To show exactly what he meant, he pulled the towel away from his hair. Your eyes looked big as you looked at the dark hair, a color you were not promised. A giggle left your lips as you admired it and simply answered, “I like it though.”
➤ Hwang Hyunjin
Having sported black hair for as long as Hyunjin has, it was impossible for him not to have wanted to change it at some point. The problem was just that he had no idea what he wanted to do with it, and that he really never had time to get it done. You had looked around the internet a bit and sent him hair colors you thought would fit him, but nothing ever really seemed to be good enough for him.
That’s why the two of you eventually came to the conclusion of just making it a bit brighter, so a dark brown instead of black. It would be a change, but not so much that he couldn’t soon change it again.
Since it seemed like a pretty minor thing to do and pretty easy, you decided to just do it at home. Conversations were flowing between the two of you, and he could enjoy a few head scratches from you once in a while as you applied the dye to his hair. It was just an enjoyable experience for both of you.
Rinsing out his hair didn’t really help your excitement to see it. Since the hair still looked black when wet, you both still had some time before the final reveal was ready. Hyunjin was sitting in front of you, while you were sitting on the couch, drying his hair with a towel.
Slowly as the hair started to dry, your fears grew. Nothing had happened. The hair still looked completely black. “That should be enough” Hyunjin told you as he made his way to the bathroom so he could see the results for himself. You were now just waiting for the inevitable and just like that a yell was heard.
“Nothing happened!” Your boyfriend said annoyed as he came back to the living room. “I thought you said you knew what you were doing!” Feeling a bit guilty you told him with a nervous smile, “this was my first-time dyeing hair.”
➤ Han Jisung
It hadn’t been long since Jisung had gone back to blonde. A very praised hair color from fans and you alike. However, after the session he was not left satisfied, it was still too dark in his opinion. A concern he had discussed with you, to which you had offered to dye it brighter, a job that should not be too hard.
Jisung had been a bit hesitant at first, but you had assured him that you knew what you were doing. Now sitting in a chair, with your hands in his hair massaging the dye you had chosen together, into his hair, he regretted nothing. Having you do all the work and just enjoying the affection was nice after a long day at work and as a plus, he would soon have a hair color he actually would be satisfied with.
You were also pretty confident in it turning out perfect and just to be sure, followed the box instructions in case there was something you may have not known. It was all going well, almost too well.
Life just had to be against you. After finishing washing your boyfriend’s hair, you were met with roots that didn’t match the rest of the hair, just a tad bit too orange.
Not knowing what to do, you quickly gather your things in fear of being there when he saw his new hair. He looked on confused as to what you were doing and why you said you needed to meet up with a friend.
He turned towards the bathroom mirror, to see the orange roots staring back at him and now understanding what you were doing, “y/n!” He yelled after you before you could even reach the front door.
➤ Lee Felix
When Felix had first approached you with a box of hair dye, you had been confused. When he had asked you do dye his light brown hair, brighter, you had been confused. You had never in your life tried to dye anyone’s hair, including your own. But your boyfriend kept insisting, and there was nothing that could go wrong as he had picked out a product he could trust.
You still refused and told him to get someone professional to do it, because your lack of experience scared you. He kept trying to persuade you and only succeeded when he promised to buy you whatever you wanted for dinner. Food, your one weakness.
During the whole thing, he had guided you and told you how the hairdressers he usually went to, did it. Slowly you felt more and more confident in the whole thing, it looked like it would turn out nicely. And it wasn’t as hard and nerve-wracking as you thought it would be. It was actually pretty easy to apply.
While waiting the time the box said it would take for the hair dye to settle, the two of you played a few games to make time pass faster. Felix constantly trying to cheat and pretend to mess up your masterpiece, aka his hair.
And a masterpiece it was, well if you were talking about some abstract painting hanging at a run-down art museum. For some reason, the hair dye had not taken to the roots and instead left Felix with a crappy kind of ombre, not even the tiniest bit even. He wanted to see what had made you so speechless since you had not said a word since rinsing the dye out.
The sight was one to be seen, your boyfriend just as speechless as yourself. Until he mumbled a tiny, “I should probably have gone to a professional instead.”
➤ Kim Seungmin
Seungmin was not one to dye his hair often, so it was a huge surprise when he all of sudden had showed up with his blondish hair. Not that you were complaining, it looked nice, it was just something to get used. But used to it, you got. Almost so much that it felt sad when Seungmin came to ask you if you could help him dye it back to brown. But being the great significant other, that you were, you agreed to help him.
Just to make sure you were going to do it correctly, you watched some youtube videos with tips and tricks. Seungmin had asked you to pick up the hair dye, so he could hurry over after he was done with practice. Being the one to buy it, giving you some more time to study the specific instructions included in the box. And when it finally came to the dyeing part, you felt more than ready and extremely confident in your work.
The confidence was however stripped away when you finally stood in front of Seungmin, who had decided to rinse the dye out himself and show you the results when he had it dried. Two things were clear, it was dry and dyed, the dye part, however, was not exactly what you had expected it to be. In the right lighting, it looked as you had imagined it to be in your head. He was not currently standing in the right lighting and that clear outline of green was evident in his hair. You giggled as you finally spoke to your annoyed boyfriend, “sorry.”
➤ Yang Jeongin
It was no secret between the two of you, that Jeongin always had been interested in trying different types of hair colors. He had once told you that his interest grew more after he met you, as he was fascinated with all the colors you often dyed your own hair too. You had even recently decided to try out a bubblegum pink, Jeongin’s favorite so far. He told you it made you look like a fairy when he first saw it. And only a few days later he came to you, with a determined expression. He told you he wanted to try a platinum blonde, it wouldn’t be too different from one of his earlier hair colors, but still something new.
Since you usually dyed your own hair, he had asked you to be the one to do it on him. It shouldn’t be too hard to achieve since you had tried bleaching and dyeing hair a lot. The bleaching part went by perfectly and it finally came to the last part to get the blonde he had so wished to achieve.
When you first prepared the dye, you thought something seemed odd, the color you thought would be different, it didn’t seem exactly like you thought it would have. But when Jeongin asked you when you would get started, you threw the concerns to the side and told yourself you were overthinking it since you were a tiny bit nervous about doing it on someone else.
Dyeing went well too and after waiting some time, it finally came to the rinsing out part. You almost dropped the showerhead when you realized you should have acted on your concerns. Telling him to stay still, you went to grab the box and your thoughts were confirmed.
Quietly you went back to the bathroom and stood in the opening, nervously playing with your hands. “Do you remember how you said you liked my hair and that it made me look like a fairy?” You asked, not even looking at him at this point. “Yeah?” He asked confused, lifting his head to look over at you. “Welcome to the fairy clan.”
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yarasun · 4 years
Illicit Desire; l.dh
Word Count: 2K
Summary: A secret friendship between the heirs of rival companies. But behind the label of friendship, feelings of affection lingered. Donghyuck who would give up everything to be with you, goes out of his way to show you how he feels. It’s a risky decision, but he’d do anything to make you his. Despite being an illicit desire.
Author’s Note: This was all based of my imaginations. Plot was reccomended to me by a friend. Credits to the KDrama The Inheritors, this is where I got a small bit of the Business School idea from. As mentioned, these were mere products of my imaginations, and does not define the idols mentioned.
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Your father calls out to you as soon as you descended from the staircase. You smiled at him and raised your brows to encourage him to continue with what he wanted to say. "As you already know, your brother already took over your grandfather's business. Your sister has also started her own business in the field of fashion and cosmetics. I am expecting you to take over mine."
Here we go again. This is one of the things you despise in this household. The responsibilities and pressure that comes with this family business and the name of the family, it's reputation. Since your siblings and you were young, you were taught how to act, how to maintain your characters and at a young age, you were already taught about your businesses so that you may be prepared to take over it as soon as your parents or grandparents, say so.
"What are you hinting at?" You asked bluntly. He sighs and pats your back, "Do you have a boyfriend?" You frowned at his question and it hit you hard. He wants to arrange a marriage for you. Probably a unification with the son or heir to another company in order for them to expand the business.
You were always told that at some point, things like this would happen. But you never agreed or liked the idea of it. They say its crucial and beneficial. But you don't agree with it at all. Sure, it may have worked for your brother, he fell in love with his fiance, which was a win-win situation because he got love, and it benefit the business.
Yet again, it can't happen all the time. It might not be the case for you, thus, you never liked the idea of an arranged marriage. "No, I don't." Your father nodded apathetically. As if he had an idea in mind, one that surely, you would not be in favor with.
"Father, whatever you are thinking of, I would not agree to it. So, let me leave for school in peace." And with that, you exited the tensed house and got into the car, your chauffeur driving you to school.
Upon arrival, your good friend Hana greeted you. She is as beautiful as ever. As if torn from a page in the books of Greek mythology. Her perfectly tanned skin as if drizzled by both honey and caramel, glows even from afar. Her cherry lips, a beautiful hue of red. If Aphrodite had a modern look, Hana would be the perfect embodiment.
"Goodmorning." She smiles. You greeted her back and walked to your class. Going to a business management school, there are three tiers. The highest tier are those wherein their families are founders or the CEO of a company. Students like you. Second tier are those like Hana, who share percentages of shares in the stockholders. And the last tier, those who are from the scholarship program, given by higher positions of a business.
Most people make a big deal out of the tier rankings, especially those of the lowest tier. Majority of them would pick on the students saying they don't belong to the school, but nevertheless, you didn't really think of it that way. Those from lower tiers could still graduate with a good degree and even start their own business. No one should just a book by its cover.
As both of you were walking, the hallway suddenly became stuffy. As if all the air was sucked out of it, leaving you to grasp your chest and breathe heavily. Everyone started crowding together and you were suddenly dragged into the crowd of students by your friend.
"Donghyuck. It's Lee Donghyuck and his friends!" The girls started squealing and whispering loudly amongst their friends. Whenever this happens, you tend to stay as far away from Hana as possible, knowing her huge crush on Lee Jeno, she'd drag you into all this mess, which you absolutely hated.
Lee Donghyuck. He was gorgeous. His face, perfectly shaped, as if molded ever so well by the gods and brought upon the Earth to wreak havoc towards the mortals. His fair skin, it glows in a different way unlike how Hana's glows. It's a glow that entrances you until you lose your mind, oblivious to the pain that comes after it. He was perfection, the ones that when you touch it, it stains gold that burns, beautiful yet painful.
Despite his good looks, it was prohibited that you fall for him. Lee Donghyuck is the heir to your family's rival company. All this feud started way back before both of you were brought into this earth. Both families fought for the #1 spot of businesses related to medicines. It has always been a close call, but your family always manages to stay on top with a few points ahead.
However, you had no hatred towards Donghyuck at all. You never had a thing for grudges or feuds, so as much as it was required to dislike him, you could never do so. You had always treated him as a friend. The one that you could never really have a strong connection with. The one that has to be kept in the shadows. A forbidden friendship.
It's once in a blue moon for you and Donghyuck to have a casual conversation, as it has always been imprinted in both of yours minds that rumors spread as fast as lightning, thus when articles spread about your little friendship, the reputation of both companies will hang on burning wires. Moreover, neither of you had the heart to cause problems.
You tried desperately to get out of the crowd as it was suffocating and the never ending squeals made your head hurt. Unfortunately, you couldn't. everyone was pushing like a herd of zebras in a waterhole. Instead of getting out, you were pushed towards the front, until you lost your balance. Your palms making contact with the marbled tiles.
"Are you alright?" A hand extended out in front of you, gesturing out a polite way to get you back on your feet. Lifting your head from the ground, you met with Donghyuck's beautiful face, the sunlight hitting every feature he has, making him seem bewitching. It was as if he was grazed gracefully by the sun god Apollo himself. A ravishing view indeed.
You heard him whisper, his soft and beguile voice rung in your ears, "Darling, you're staring. It drives me demented." With that, you placed your hand over his, as he helped to pull you up. Dusting your skirt, you shot him an annoyed look.
"I would never look at you that way Donghyuck." Lies. He raised his eyebrows, clearly refusing to believe your bold claims. He stood in front of you with his arms crossed over his chest and a stupid smirk played on his lips. "Why are you looking at me like that?" You sassed.
He just shrugged and continued smirking. Stupid smirk. It was that look that made you question yourself. How sure were you that you would never see him as anymore than a friend? Were you certain that you wouldn't fall for him? Those were questions, you might never get answers to.
You puffed out a breath of annoyance and shoved pass the crowd of confused girls. Clearly dumbfounded at the scene that played out before their eyes. As mentioned, you and Donghyuck rarely converse.
Donghyuck is the epitome of a collision between heaven and hell. He is everything beautiful yet dangerous. His quintessential features. Those as if perfectly sculpted by professionals. His soft eyes which can set your heart ablaze. His lips, a perfect color of pink. Luscious and soft, ones that make you lick your own. His dirty blonde hair, you can see the soft streaks of his brown roots, it looks so silky and glossy, it shines exquisitely as the sunlight beams over him.
However, he had a careless and fiery attitude. He strongly resembled a dazzling phoenix that soars through the sky. Setting everything it touches into flames and ruining them. He is elegant yet with his divine beauty, comes a riding agony.
After class, you walked out of the classroom with Hana beside you, relentless about her unfed curiosity. She has been bugging you the whole day, to spill details about your little encounter with Lee Donghyuck. But of course, you being the stubborn friend, you refused to answer her numerous questions and just continued walking.
As the both of you were talking, whispers and squeals once again fill the hallway. You raised your head to see Lee Donghyuck and his friends walking from afar. What an unfortunate event. Your eyes frantically searched for an escape route. The hallway exit towards the gym. You quickened your pace and turned your heel, walking out to the gym before you could meet up with the vexatious group of friends.
Completely ignoring Hana's voice calling out to you, you continue walking until you reached the entrance of the cafeteria. Taking a deep breath, you inhaled the sweet aroma of the school's cafeteria. You were quite hungry so you opted to buy a snack as you waited for the chauffeur to pick you up.
"In the mood for some cookies and milkshakes, darling?" An arm snaked around your shoulders as a familiar voice tickled your neck. Lee Donghyuck, why was he here?
You whipped your head to meet up face to face with the one guy you dreaded to see. He had that infernal smirk on his lips, once again. "Donghyuck, why are you here?" You asked him curtly. He withdrew his arm from your shoulder and stuffed it into the pockets of his black pants.
"Why are you avoiding me darling?" He asked. With every mention of the little endearment, you feel the butterflies in your stomach, palpitate. Your heart slowly melting like that of an ice cream in a hot summer day.
"Stop calling me that." You couldn't fall for him. It is a verboten feeling.
"Do I make your heart race darling?" He questions teasingly. You rolled your eyes, trying desperately to avoid falling deeper into those deep, alluring orbs of his. He was jesting you, and you were giving into it.
You would be lying to yourself if you said you didn't like him. You did, very much. But it was forbidden. What would your families say when rumors of you falling in love with the heir of Lee Medical Co. circulate? The companies' reputation would shatter.
Is Lee Donghyuck worth all that chaos? Maybe.
"You're a friend Donghyuck. You know the history between our families." You answered him, trying to seemingly forget the thousands of butterflies in your body. He licks his lips and crosses his arms over his chest. The way his tongue ran over his pinkish lips, it made your knees go weak, your mind fuzzy, unable to form coherent thoughts.
He reaches out to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear, and whispers, "I know darling. But what will you do about those looks of affection that you give me? You don't think I notice them?"
You pushed him away from you and raised your brow, "Notice what Lee Donghyuck?"
He smirks once more.
"The way you stare at me darling. As if you've never seen such a masterpiece. As if I was some deity that descended from the sky. How you lick your lips when you stare at mine and how eagerly you try to avoid making eye contact with me, apprehensive that you may fall deeper than the depths of tartaros, with no way of getting back up. I notice them all darling."
He was right, and there was no denying it. You were scared, agitated that these feelings you had for him, would put you at risk and end up bringing affliction to your cynical heart. He had such charms that lured you towards him. Those that make your sense of thinking, incomprehensive.
Lee Donghyuck was the type of love that never could be. He was the seemingly perfect love story that ended tragically. He was that love that was beautiful, a love so patient, so kind, so genuine, but impermissible. He was that love that the world conspired against.
He was an illicit desire.
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kpop---scenarios · 5 years
His Secret
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Pairing: Lucas Wong x reader 
Warning: Smut. 
Word Count: 2.9k. 
This was requested by the beautiful @skittlez-area512​. 
Moodboard done by the lovely @lovely-kpopp-blog​
When you had first started dating Lucas Wong, you had expected to be a secret from the world. He was protective of you and didn’t want his fans attacking you, whether it was physically, mentally or emotionally. He knew no matter what he said or did they wouldn’t leave you alone until the two of you broke up and neither of you wanted that. So you were discreet with your relationship. However, you would have thought he would tell his group members about you. But he didn’t. 2 months into your relationship you asked him why he always snuck over to your apartment and you never were allowed to go to him. He told you it was because of his managers and the fact that fans were always staking out the dorms. You accepted it, at first. Until you decided to walk by one night out of curiosity and saw no one out there. 4 months into your relationship you asked why you had never met anyone of his friends. He had told you that he was planning on figuring out something with them to have you meet everyone. You heard nothing else about it. At 6 months, you had never met any of his bandmates. This is the one that confused you the most. He was always telling you how happy he was with you, how good you were for him and how he couldn’t wait to spend his life with you, yet he had been keeping you a secret. You were sure it was because he was embarrassed of you. There couldn’t be any other reason for him to have never introduced you to anyone. You understood the fans and whatnot, but the people he’s closest too? He should be able to trust them to keep your relationship on the down low. Unfortunately for you, he was away in the states for a few more weeks, and you weren’t one to cause a fight over text, especially when he’s gone promoting. He doesn’t need that while he’s gone. So it left you stewing and your mind running through various possibilities of why he was keeping you from everyone. And the one you always came back too was he was embarrassed of you. Your looks, your body, personality? None of those were bad in the slightest, so you just couldn’t understand. The more you thought about it in those few week, the angrier you got. If he didn’t want to have you be a good majority in his life then you wouldn’t be in it at all. You weren’t just some secret that he could keep and think you’d be okay with that. You couldn’t wait to tell him what an asshole he was being. ** The moment Lucas landed, he was so excited to be able to see you. He had asked to be able to go and see his friends once he was unpacked and management had approved him to go. However, it wasn’t to really see his friends, it was to see you. When you received the text that he was on his way and couldn’t wait to see you, you scoffed. Yeah, so sure he was excited to see his secret girlfriend that he was embarrassed of. You paced around your living room until you heard the knock at your door. You stomped your way over to the door, ripping it open to a happy and smiling Lucas. Your face was not happy nor smiling, but angry and raging. “What’s wrong baby?” Lucas chuckled, trying to pull you in for a hug and a kiss. It took all you had to deny him his request. “You are what’s wong” you snap. “I just got home! What could I have possibly done?” he huffed, walking inside while shaking his head. “You’re ashamed of me!” you snap, slamming the door. “I’m what?” he asks, spinning around to face you, looking confused. “You’re ashamed about something with me. It’s the only explanation for why you haven’t introduced me to any of your friends or members in your group. Its actually really hurtful” you say, crossing your arms. “Or, now just hear me out, I haven’t introduced you because I like the little bubble we’re in. I like not having anyone know our business and we can just be with out worries or anything. Its nice” he explains to you. “I get that but it would be nice to get to know your friends. Regardless if you like the bubble we’re in or not, it still hurts a bit.” You sigh. “I need to think, so I’ll talk to you when I’m ready.” You finish. “So you want me to leave?” he asks. You nod your head. “Okay then. But know, I’m really not ashamed of you.” He tells you before walking out your door. ** A few days later a friends messages you, letting you know she’s taking you to a party whether you like it or not. The more you thought about it, the more you realized it might actually be a good idea, a good distraction from your thoughts about Lucas. As you get ready, you mind is flooded with thoughts about him and how you wanted to work things out and whether or not you were just being dramatic about the whole thing. Your friend took your mind off of things as the two of you drove to the party, listening to music and getting hyped up. The two of you pull up to a familiar building, NCT and WayV’s dorm. “Whose party is this exactly?” you question. “My friend, Yuta.” She blushes. “Like NCT Yuta?” you ask. She nods her head excitedly. You’d known this girl for a few years and she had never once mentioned knowing anyone from NCT. However, you were also dating someone from WayV so you couldn’t really comment on that. You were annoyed now. You didn’t want to go anymore, knowing Lucas was going to be there. You knew you should talk to him but you weren’t sure if you were ready yet. You were knew you were being dramatic and this really wasn’t a huge deal with Lucas and you should talk to him, which you decided to do tonight, granted you were able too. Walking into the dorm, you immediately scan the room for Lucas, and you find him right away. You see him talking to some girl who was dressed rather slutty. She had her hand on his bicep as he smiled along with her, laughing at whatever she was saying. Your eyes were practically burning into his scalp and right before you turned away, he turned his head to look at you. His smile faded the moment he saw your angry face, again. You didn’t want to cry in front of a bunch of people you didn’t know so you made your way through the mounds of people, searching for a bathroom. When you found one, you were unable to close the door due to a foot in your way. Lucas. “Y/N, that’s not what you think" Lucas whispers. “I don’t think it was anything" you snap. “I just need to go to the bathroom.” “Then why does it look like you’re going to cry?” he asks. “I'm not sure. But excuse me.” You say. “She’s just a friend.” He sighs. “Ah, just a friend whose met all your members and all your friends. Interesting. Now excuse me" you snap, again. Lucas sighs again before moving his foot, allowing you to slam the door shut. You spent roughly 20 minutes in the bathroom. You didn’t use it, you just spent your time pacing around, thinking about what you had seen and what he told you. Just a friend? Friend of whose? His? Why could he introduce friends to everyone and not you? It didn’t make sense. Maybe you were a side chick and she was actually his girlfriend and he didn’t want anyone to know. You decided you weren’t going to let him ruin your mood. You were going to drink, and dance and have fun all while ignoring Lucas, so he can spend his time with his friend girl, or whatever she was. Swinging the door open, you make your way through the hallway and living room, only stopping in the kitchen. You do a few shots before making yourself a drink and finding your friend. She was already on the dance floor, which you had no problem with. You decided to dance your troubled thoughts away. Getting lost in dance and music was one of your favorite pass times, especially when you were feeling rather low. You smiled at your friend as you swayed your hips, moving them seductively to the beat of the song. You open your eyes for a second, scanning the room. You land on Lucas again, almost immediately. He stands there with his arms crossed and his eyes glued to you. His mouth is parted a bit and you can see the lust forming in his eyes. You turn away from him, continuing your dance for a little longer. Once you’re out of a drink, you head back to the kitchen to poor yourself another one, but this time you’re not alone. “Hello” a man says with a gorgeous smile. “Hi" you say back, giving him a quick smile before focusing on your drink. “I’ve never seen you before. What’s your name?” he asks. “Y/N" you say, turning to face him once your drink is poured. “I’m Taeyong" he tells you, extending his hand. As if you didn’t know who he was. Pretty much everyone knew who Lee Taeyong was. You would have to be living under a rock not too. “Nice to meet you" you say, your face feeling a little flush. Taeyong walks with you out to the rest of the party. You stand against a wall, and he leans beside you. “What’s a beautiful girl like you doing here alone?” he asks, intrigued. “I’m with a friend" you smile, pointing to your friend who was currently in a hardcore make out session with Yuta. Friends my ass. “She seems a little busy. I can keep you company, if you’d like" he says. “That would be nice" you say before taking a big sip of your drink to ease your extremely dry throat. “Would you like to dance" he asks, with a smirk. “I think I’ll sit this one out, but you feel free to go a head" you tell him. Smiling, Taeyong leans into you, whispering in your ear. “You know you’ll enjoy yourself more dancing with me.” He says, with a wink. Before he can fully pull away from you, you feel yourself being pulled away by someone with a tight grasp on your wrist. You can only see the back of his head, but you immediately know that it’s Lucas pulling you away. He pulls you into a room before slamming the door shut. “What the fuck was that?” he snaps, his eyes furious. “What was what?” you ask, genuinely feeling confused. “Do you really not realize that Taeyong was flirting with you?” he asks. “He was just being nice.” You sigh. “Yeah, nice my ass. He wanted you.” He says, walking closer to you. “But he can’t have you, you know why?” he asks, cocking his head to the side. “Why?” you breathe, backing away from him until you’re pinned against the wall. “Because you are mine.” He purrs. “all mine. No one else’s” “What about..” you begin. “What about nothing. You are mine. I don’t fucking want anyone else.” He tells you, staring you in the eyes. “Got it?” “Y-yes, I got it" you huff. “Good" he smiles, before leaning in to press his lips to yours. The kiss starts out slow, his lips moving against yours. You press your body into his, allowing him to wrap his arm around your back, pulling you in closer to him. You gasp, allowing him to slide his tounge into your mouth. Your heart begins to beat faster as his tounge tangles with your, your hands roaming his hair. Your hands leave his hair, and place them against his chest, gently pushing him away. The two of you stand there, staring at each other, your chests heaving. “Are you done?” he asks, licking his lips. “Fuck no" you smile, walking towards him, jumping up and wrapping your legs around him. Your mouth finds his, as he tightly holds onto you, walking towards the bed. He smiles as he throws you onto his bed, staring at you with a pair of dark eyes. “Fuck you look so good right now." he groans, admiring you, even still dressed. “Oh? I bet I can look even better” you smirk, sitting up in his bed. First you discard your shirt, throwing it on the floor. Next you lay back, shimmying out of your skirt. Lucas's breath hitches as he stares at your almost completely naked body. “You’re right. You do look even better. Fuck" he whines. “I’m not done yet" you smile. You stand up on the bed before reaching behind you, you unclasp your bra, letting it slide down from your arms. Lucas walks towards you as you go to take your panties off, stopping you before you could start. “Allow me" he smirks, gripping on side and ripping them in half and doing the same thing to the next side. Lucas throws your now ruined panties somewhere in his room. “I liked those" you pouted. Lucas smiles as he bends down, gripping your ankles before pulling your feet from under you, making you fall on the bed, in a fit full of giggles. Lucas climbs on top of you, with a large smile on his face before dipping his head down, cupping your breast and taking a nipple in his mouth. He harshly sucks before letting go with a pop. You two are startled by someone banging on the door. “What the fuck are you doing in there" you hear someone slur. “Lucas get the fuck out here" the man chuckles. “We’re going to have to make this quick” he chuckles, standing up and pulling off his shirt. No matter how many times you see his abs, they still get you so hot. You had no idea how you landed someone like him, but fuck were you lucky. Lucas slides down his pants, along with his boxers, allowing his cock to spring free. You lick your lips at the sight of his cock. No matter how many times you see his cock too, you feel like you’re going to explode if he doesn’t get inside of you, now. The protruding veins, the thickness and length have your mouth watering every time. “You ready for me baby?” he asks, walking towards you, his cock red and throbbing. “Yes" you purr. Climbing on the bed, Lucas positions himself between your legs as you spread them wide for him. “Mhm, I love your pussy" he sighs, lining himself up with your entrance. “And I love your cock" you cry as he pushes himself inside of you, stretching out your walls as he fills you up. “Oh my god" you scream, not having to worry about being quiet, considering how loud the music was. “Fuck you’re so tight" he groans, pulling himself out of you before thrusting himself back into you, jolting your body. “Fuck baby" he moans, as he continues to fuck you hard. His hand leave your hip, and he places it in between your lips, gently rubbing your clit. “Oh fuck. I’ve missed you” you cry out, the tingling of your impending orgasm running through your body. “I’ve missed you too" Lucas grunts, picking up the pace of his thrusts. “So fucking much" Lucas moves his fingers at a quicker pace, bringing your orgasm closer and closer. You clench yourself around him as it hits you, hard. Your body trembles as he continues to gently rub your clit as your ride through your orgasm. “Fuck. Do that clenching thing again" he grunts, slowing his pace but his thrusts becoming more forceful. “Don’t stop" he grunts, taking his hand from your clit, and placing it on your breast, squeezing as he focuses on getting off. “Oh shit" he cries, shaking slightly as he squirts his hot cum inside of you, spreading it everywhere. “Oh god" you whisper, closing your eyes, trying to catch your breath. “Exactly" he smiles, pulling himself out of you. “I should get cleaned up” you sigh, getting up to get to go to the bathroom. “I don’t think so" Lucas says, grabbing your arm. “What?” you ask, raising your eyebrow. “You’re going to keep my cum inside of you.” He smiles. “I don’t have panties anymore to keep it" you say, glaring at him. “Good" he smiles, putting his shirt on. “Let it drip down your leg baby" You’re shocked as he smiles at you. You slip your skirt on, along with your shirt before looking in the mirror to make sure you don’t look like you just got fucked. The two of you sneak out of his room, heading back into the party that’s in full swing. , “Where the fuck were you?” Yuta chuckles, patting him on the back. “I was with my girlfriend.” Lucas says looking at you. Everyone turns their head to look at him. Lucas reaches back to grab your wrist, pulling you into him and wrapping his arm around you. “Everyone, this is Y/N, my girlfriend.” He says with a giant smile. You’re shocked that he decided to tell everyone at once, but you were happy he finally did. You weren’t such a secret now.
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btsrmono · 4 years
Trial & Error | chapter 11
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Main Pairing: (jimin): student/idol x (main): foreign student 
Side Pairs: main x taehyung, main x (nct) jaehyun Warning: • Alcohol consumption
It had been a whole hour of just you and Kayla sitting in the waiting room. About 15 after Heejin’s group was called back, a company rep came to talk to Jinsoul, taking her to the back again for God knows what, leaving you two up to nothing but waiting.
“I wonder what’s going on back there,” Kayla muttered, making you look up from your phone.
 “Well,” you started. “Everyone else from their groups left, isn’t this a good sign?”
Sighing, she leaned back in her chair. “I hope.”
Soon enough, time had passed and they both came back out with a black folder, multiple papers inside. They made it. They actually made it.
You guys kept your cool while everyone collected their items to go but the second you stepped outside, you all screamed and hugged each other in excitement. To celebrate, you offered to take everyone out for lunch on you before catching a cab and heading to the nearest A Twosome Place.
The entire lunch you guys couldn’t stop talking loudly amongst yourselves and laughing. The overall mood was very joyful and you were so proud of both Heejin and Jinsoul. 
After a while, you guys headed out to shop for the party and before you all knew it, the day was getting late and it was time to get ready. Jinsoul invited you guys back to her place to wash up and change.
Entering her bedroom, Heejin couldn’t help but to make a comment. “Wow, so you guys are both rich.”
Jinsoul chuckled at her, raising her eyebrows. “What?”
“It’s nothing,” you waved it off, shaking your head.
“I had no idea you guys were neighbors,” Kayla stated, taking her purse off. 
Jinsoul also started to take off her purse as she replied. “Yeah, it’s actually how we met.” She paused, genuinely smiling but pouting at you as if she missed you. Which, you did too, you would be lying if you said you didn’t miss having her chaotic ass around.
Suddenly, you heard Heejin gasp as she picked up something on Jinsoul’s vanity. “You have Gucci’s Bloom?”
“Yes, you can spray some on tonight,” she replied, walking into her bathroom and plugging up her flat iron. “You guys, start getting ready, we’re already running late.”
“You’re right, come on you guys,” you agreed. You all then started changing and rushing around the room to borrow things from each other. 
“Let me use the damn mirror, you’ve been staring at yourself for hours, y/n,” Kayla jokingly complained as she shoved you out of the way. 
“Sorry I don’t want to look ugly, ma'am!”
“Impossible!” you heard Jinsoul yell from her closet, making you giggle.
Heejin stood from Jinsoul’s bean bag, trying to get in view of the mirror as well. “You were hogging it earlier too, Kayla, can I get a chance?”
You laughed, agreeing with Heejin, as it was true. This made Kayla roll her eyes. “Whatever,” she mumbled. 
Jinsoul’s closet light turned off, followed by her walking out. “Ladies, we all look gorgeous, let’s not fight. You know what pretty people do when they look pretty? They take pictures! Everybody say ‘Cheese!’” 
She pulled out her camera and you all took group selfies and pictures of each other. When that was over, you guys finally headed to the party. 
Upon arriving to the place, the door was wide open, allowing anyone to walk into the dimly lit dimension. The home was huge and in an area where each house had a good amount of space between each other. It was very modern and chic with plush furniture and expensive art pieces throughout the living room. 
You weren’t going to lie, you missed going to parties, especially back at home. You had been working hard all school year, maybe this was your chance to finally let loose. Seeing all of the people surrounding you at that moment, you found that it wasn’t going to be hard to. 
“Hey, you guys finally made it!”
You turned your head to the distant sound as you saw Johnny approaching you all, pushing his way through the crowd. Not too soon later, he was standing right in front of the group and gave you all quick hugs. 
“Your house is beautiful,” Heejin said in awe.
Johnny shook his head, quickly dismissing this. “It’s not mine, it’s my uncle’s. He and his wife took a trip abroad for the holiday’s. It’s mine tonight though! Ha ha.”
“Yeah, well either way it’s gorgeous,” you added. 
“You’re gorgeous,” he jokingly flirted, making you all chuckle lightly. “Y/n, I’m honestly surprised to see you here,” he noted. “So glad you could make it out tonight.”
“Yeah, well tonight’s kind of a celebration,” you yelled over the music, smiling at both Heejin and Jinsoul.
“Damn right it is!” Johnny exclaimed. “With Winter break right around the corner? What’s a better way to get pumped up? This is just a preview of what’s to come.” You all laughed as he waved his hand, beginning to move. “Follow me.”
You all followed him into what appeared to be the kitchen area. Chips, dips, drinks and snacks were all set up in a nicely, organized fashion. Not to mention the multiple rows of shots that were pre-lined up for anyone to take. You looked at the guy standing next to the table, whom appeared to be in charge of re-filling new cups with a shot each time someone took one. 
Johnny saw you looking at the glasses, causing him to smirk. “Ladies,” he started. “Who wants to be the first to kick it off?”
Without even a doubt, you were quick to take a shot and down it, the hard liquor only hitting your throat for a split second, not making it too bad. “Damn, no lime?” you complained.
Johnny started to laugh hysterically, patting your back gently. “Woooww, I knew you had it in you, y/n. Don’t be shy, take another. All of you!”
The other girls smiled as they shrugged and did as told, Johnny picking one up as well. “Okay you guys. To Winter Break!” he said.
“To Winter Break!”
You all cheered then threw your head backs, drinking up every drop in the small glasses.
“That was gross!” Heejin exclaimed, wheezing.
“Aw, come on, it’s all apart of the fun,” Jinsoul remarked.
Johnny quickly pointed at her, agreeing. “See, that’s the spirit.” He giggled before dismissing myself. “Well, if you ladies don’t mind, I have a party to host. I will catch up with you all in a bit!” And just like that, he walked off to greet more people. 
Jinsoul turned to us as soon as Johnny left, her face dead straight. “Well, I’m going, too. I’ll be back.”
“Going where?” Heejin asked.
Jinsoul slightly rolled her eyes. “I didn’t come here to have fun, I came to figure something out.” The thought of whatever was going on in her mind looked like it was stressing her. Stressing her enough to make her pick up another shot glass and drink it. She smacked the glass back down on the counter and looked you all in the eyes sternly. “Like I said, I’ll be back.” She then turned on her heels and was quickly lost in the crowd.
“I wonder what that’s about,” you stated, worried about your friend. 
Kayla huffed, randomly rolling her eyes. “Whatever. I just wish there was some weed here, I’m not much of a drinker.”
This made Heejin’s eyes widen, as she looked around, hoping that no one else heard that. “Weed, Kayla? Are you out of your mind?”
Kayla looked at her absurdly, just as you noticed a guy sitting on the couch, watching you from afar. 
He was cute and you had noticed him from somewhere but you weren’t sure exactly where. School, duh, but you wanted to know his name. You knew you knew it, it just wasn’t coming to you at the moment. 
Suddenly, the boy blushed, noticing that you too were now staring. You didn’t know why, but you could barely pull yourself to take your eyes off of him now that he had your attention. 
“I think sometimes you forget I’m from America. It’s normal there, sweetie. Tell her, y/n.”
You shook your head, taking her side even though you were still distracted by the cute guy. “I mean, it’s true,” you said. “It is.” 
Kayla’s eyes widened, a smile growing on her face as she seemed to remember something. “Wait! Isn’t Minjun here? I could have sworn I seen it on his Snap.”
“Minjun?!” Heejin screeched. “What do you want from Minjun?”
Lee Minjun. A trainee from Starship that attends SOPA but on the low, somehow always has something illegal that he sells to students as a side hustle. You always worried for him in the back of your mind because you knew how crucial Korean laws were and that if he wanted to be an idol, his dreams would be over in an instant if he were to ever get caught. But would could you do about it? You hardly knew the guy aside from having mutual friends. He did what he had to do to pay his trainee debts and for that, you couldn’t judge.
“He’s my plug. Come on, I know he has some.”
Heejin looked beyond puzzled, almost kind of mad at this point. “HE’S YOUR WHAT? You do that shit? God, It’s like I don’t even know who you are...”
You and Kayla laughed at her ridiculesness. She was such a goody two shoes, it was actually quite cute. “You are so dramatic, darling. Let’s go, you’ll love it.” She started to pull Heejin before asking if you wanted to come, to which you denied. You, instead, wanted to go speak with the cute boy whom was still staring at you on the couch.
They walked away, looking for Minjun as you grabbed a red solo cup full of a red punch alcohol mix before heading over to the couch. As you approached him, the guys demeanor didn’t change at all. He was very cool.
“It’s about time you came over,” he said to you, grinning.
You took a spot next to him, tilting your head. “Your eyes were burning holes through my head, had to come see what the fuss was, sir.”
His eyebrow arched as he stifled out a cackle. “I must say, I like the formalites.”
“I use them often with strangers,” you replied, swiftly taking a sip of your drink. The alcohol was strong but at that time, it didn’t bother you. Your goal was to at least get tipsy.
The boy next to you sucked in a breath. “Ooh,” he started. “‘Strangers’, that hurt.” He jokingly placed his hand on his chest as you laughed.
He was so attractive. From the clear skin, to the dimples, to the deep voice. You’d be foolish to not find this man hot. “Well, do we know each other?” you asked.
He softly shrugged. “I suppose not... But I’m Jaehyun.”
It finally hit you. All he needed was to say his name for you to finally recognize him. Your mouth partially dropped when you noticed who you were speaking to. The Jaehyun. He was legitimately almost everyone’s crush at school, for sure one of the names you heard someone speak about almost everyday. Now you were wondering why he was sitting on the couch all alone. The two times you recall seeing him around, he was always with a crowd of people. Maybe it was for no reason that he was alone, but still, it shocked you. This information made you take another sip as you started to feel a slight buzz.
“Wow,” was all you could say.
He smiled awkwardly, brushing his hand through his hair. “I, uhm...”
“Well.” You took one more sip, looking away quickly, trying to return to your cool self. “Well... I’m y/n. I’m somewhat new to this area, ha to this country, I should say--”
“I know,” he cut you off. “Everyone knows you. You know you’re popular right?”
You’ve always been popular. Not so much because you were, like, funny or anything but because you were pretty. You knew it, it was nothing to be ashamed of. In a way. However, you were not fully, fully aware that you were popular at your new school. But now that he said it, you realized that scenario would make a lot of sense. Most of your main friends were popular and with that Taehyung rumor getting spread... Yeah, you were dumb not to realize it sooner.
You coughed, thinking to change the subject. You did not want to face that fact right now. “S-s-so you’re like... Aren’t you Johnny’s bandmate?”
He laughed, recognizing that you were nervous. “Yeah, I am.” He looked at you closely, gracefully lifting his arm to gently push a strand of hair that was in your eye out the way, tucking it behind you ear. He then took a swig of the drink that was in his left hand as you couldn't help but to blush, also following up with another sip.
After talking to Jaehyun for a while, he decided to take you around the house, introducing you to some of his other friends. He was seriously the most chill and interesting guy you had yet to hang out with there. 
Also you guys were drinking. Like a lot. After an hour of shots and alcohol, there was no denying that you were both tipsy at this point. Most of you guys were but you were still managing to have fun.
You were sitting on Jaehyun’s lap as Mingyu, one of Jaehyun’s friends, spoke up as you were all sat in a circle on the corner floor, playing Uno, to declare a new game he wanted to play. “Guys listen up!” he shouted at the group. “It’s a bit of a cliche but why don’t we play Spin the Bottle?”
Everyone laughed, looking around at each other. You, for whatever reason, couldn’t stop laughing. Maybe it was the drinks, but you found everything to be more funny than it was those past two hours. 
“What?” Eunah, another SOPA student, grumbled. “What’s this moron talking about?” She shook her head, taking a smoke out of her vape pen.
“Hear me out,” Mingyu started, defending himself. 
You laughed even harder, almost falling out of Jaehyun’s lap. To your luck, he smoothly caught you, still looking at Mingyu. “Yah,” he said. “Why play that when I can just do this?” Turning to you, he placed his hand on the back of your hair and placed his lips on yours. For a moment, you stopped laughing, your eyes widening as the friends around you gasped. Some, even boosting it on and chanting out “KISS, KISS, KISS!” Once again, you started to laugh.
But soon after, Jaehyun deepened the kiss, gripping onto your hair even tighter, making you abruptly gain a fluttering feeling in the pit of your stomach. You started to kiss him back, more seriously this time. When people around you guys that weren’t even playing the game with your group started to pull out their phones to record, Jaehyun stopped and turned to his friends. “Please excuse us,” he said to them, standing and taking your hand in his. You didn’t even have to think twice about what was about to happen, you just knew you wanted to do whatever he was thinking so you quickly stood up as he lead you guys upstairs, leaving everyone downstairs shook and curious.
The second you guys found an empty hall, Jaehyun took you by your waist, pushing you against a wall to resume kissing again for a few seconds before deciding to take it to a bedroom instead, opening the nearest door.
Unfortunately though, it seemed another couple had beat you guys to the punch already. When you both saw this, you two quickly apologized to the pair although they seemed too busy making out to notice. Jaehyun looked at you and you both started to giggle at the scenario taking place. 
You guys moved on to find another room to get back to what you were doing when out of the blue, you were stopped by a fuming Jinsoul brushing past you. Now you were utterly confused. 
“You lying piece of shit!” she screeched, storming over to the bed. This one definitely caught the pairs attention this time and it was only then that you realized the man on the bed. 
It was Jacob. Fucking Jacob.
Jinsoul proceeded to cussing him out and she was not holding back. You couldn’t blame her. And you were still at an intermediate level with Korean so her temper mixed with her fast talking meant you could barely understand anything. But with the few words you were able to recognize, it didn’t take a genius to figure out that she was mad. Big mad. 
“Whoa,” Jaehyun spoke up, his jaw hanging, yours as well. You may have been drunk and clinging onto the closest wall to support yourself from falling but you was a hundred percent aware of how serious the situation was. 
“Baby, please,” Jacob begged, trying to put his shirt back on.
“Don’t ‘baby’ me, asshole! This is the shit you do when I trust you for five seconds?”
The girl that he was totally about to dick down rapidly put her clothes back on and ran past Jinsoul, exiting the room. “Yeah, you better leave, you slut!” She turned back to Jacob and marched over to him, raising her hand and then suddenly slapped in him in the face. 
He held the red mark she freshly created as she yelled at him even more. “ ‘I have practice,’ ‘I can't make it, babe,’ ‘I don’t feel good,’ ‘I’m sick’. Well, you know what? I’m sick too, sick of your lying ass! You really thought I wasn’t going to find out? You’re not very good at covering your traces--just F.Y.I.”
The yelling on top of the pounding  music and you drinking was beginning to be a bit too much. You almost fell, your grip on the wall becoming weaker and weaker. Jaehyun saw this and caught you as Jinsoul continued to scream at Jacob in the background. 
“Hey, you okay?” Jaehyun asked you.
You nodded your head slowly. “Yeah, I just--” Almost tumbling again, you couldn’t get the words out of your mouth, your eyelids getting heavier by the second. He lifted you up even more, trying to keep you from hurting yourself. 
“Maybe you should sit down,” he suggested. 
“N-no, no, I’m fine,” you uttered, trying to convince him and yourself that you were stable. 
With the rest of the energy you had left in your body, you looked to your left, spotting your friend rushing over to you. You thought maybe it was your mind playing games on you because no way he was here right now.
“Jimin? What the hell?” you whispered to yourself. Didn’t he say he had a fan sign event to be at this weekend so he’d be out of town?
“I’ve been looking for you. Are you alright?”
“I think she’s, uh... had too much to drink,” Jaehyun told him.
Jimin turned, looking at Jaehyun irritably. “What, and you let her get like this?”
“Are you serious?” Jaehyun barked back. “We were all drinking, Einstein, it’s a goddamn party! Nobody here is sober.”
You rolled your eyes, feeling tired. “Guys, I’m fine stop arguing.”
“You’re not fine, you’re a mess,” Jimin yelled at you. “We’re leaving.”
“Really, I am fine, I am!”
Except you weren’t. Because before you knew it, your eyes completely closed as you fell to the ground, immediately drifting off into a slumber. 
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A/N: Whew hey guys I’m sorry I took so long again lol life caught up with me! But alas! All of this drama!! See how this follows up next chapter <3
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