#i think it's why i usually named all my ocs when i was a kid 'elizabeth' cos i loved that name
dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
i'm nearly 5k words into writing the story i'm writing for nanowrimo (yay i remembered how to write that lol!) and i still don't have any names for any of the characters lol...
0 notes
Is this the end? (part III)
Katya is new at SHIELD. When she messes up during her probation, she thinks Fury will send her away. To ease the pain, she distances herself from Nat.
• Natasha Romanoff x Fem!OC • Wordcount: 4.8k • Warnings: angst, mentions of self-harm and (sexual) abuse (both not detailed) •A/N: The final part!! Sorry it took me over a month to finish... Hope you enjoy! Masterlist
Do not repost my work as your own or translate my work!!
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"Another lap! Keep going! Keep going!"
Katya's head still spun from the psychological tests they drowned her in this morning, and now they had her doing a military physical test in the Maryland afternoon rain. She completed the obstacle course in record time—as expected—and was now running laps around a muddy track with her lungs burning in her chest.
"Come on! I've seen kids go faster than that!"
Katya clenched her teeth, refraining from yelling anything back to the stupid woman in the middle of the track, with her stupid stopwatch and her stupid clipboard. There were two intimidating looking SHIELD agents, one at the south gate and one at the north, with pistols strapped to their legs, that wouldn't appreciate an outburst like that. 
She knew for a fact that she was going twenty percent faster than the fastest human being. Twenty percent smarter, twenty percent stronger, twenty percent faster. At least, that's what she was told. Who knows how true that all was. 
There were more things she didn't know about herself than she did know. This morning's tests had proven that once again. 
Besides the puzzles, the riddles, the IQ tests, the personality test, and the lie detector loyalty test—the one SHIELD knew she could beat if she wanted to—there was the shrink, the therapist. Katya hated them. Always pretending to understand what she felt, the sympathetic look, the invasive questions; those people could never help her. She didn't want their help.
But answering their questions was a part of this weird test day that she didn't fully understand, but she felt she had to behave for.
So she acted like nothing the shrink said bothered her, talked around things, and tried to fight off the pit of despair in her stomach when he asked her the most basic questions.
"Where were you born?"
"I don't know."
"Do you have any siblings?"
"No idea."
"What are the names of your parents?"
"Couldn't tell you."
Lucky for her, Katya didn't have time to dwell on them like she usually would. She was ordered to put on sports clothes and shoved in the back of a SHIELD van right after the interview ended. And now she was here, trying very hard not to think about them again as all the laps she ran blurred into one.
Instead, she tried to figure out what this testing thing was all about. Because last night, she was still one-hundred percent convinced she would have to leave SHIELD. No doubts. Her bags were packed. She had made peace with it. 
But then they pulled her out of bed at 6 this morning. First to put her in a room with all these tests; figural reasoning, logic-based reasoning, situational judgement. And now to test her physical fitness. All stuff to determine how good of a spy she'd be. 
Katya mulled over that single question on the journey here, to this SHIELD training facility. 
Why would they be testing her if they were sending her off?
That question spun around and around in her head. It was there as she climbed the rope net, there as she crawled through the mud—inches below barbed wire, there as she dashed across a slim beam, and there as her feet splashed tirelessly in the puddles on the oval track. 
She still didn't have a solid answer. 
She didn't dare to think about the positive answer. 
Nothing in her life had ever turned out good. Her stay at SHIELD—it had felt finite from the start. Too good to be true. She was a tool, one that was meant to work and function. Worthless if it didn't. There was no way SHIELD was going to keep her if she didn't function. The organizations she was a part of before didn't. Why would SHIELD be different? Even here, there must be no space for leniency.
No, they were definitely going to throw her by the side of the road like trash. 
Or—and this possibility started to claw at Katya's heaving chest with terror—they were selling her again. Back to the Russians. Back to whatever party wanted to have her.
Katya hadn't noticed her rhythmic steps had started to falter until a loud voice called across the field.
"Come on! Don't stop! Keep going!"
But she was heaving now, panic slashing through her body when she couldn't catch her breath. She stumbled clumsily, her heart racing in her chest. The ground rushed towards her. 
They were making her go back to Russia.
"Hey! Petrova!"
She wasn't gonna let them. Another life of abuse, of torture. She couldn't do it. She wouldn't do it.
"Are you hearing me?!"
She'd die before going back there. If she was going to be handed off, she was going to make a run for it. Either she'd make it out alive, or they'd shoot her dead. A win either way. 
"Are you hearing me? I said: keep going!"
Katya abruptly shot up, her eyes spitting fire as she turned around with newfound energy. "Shut up!" She screamed, so loudly her aching lungs burned. "I'm trying! Can't you see I'm trying!" 
Her supervisor blinked a few times, her thumb frozen on the start/stop button of the old-fashioned stopwatch. She didn't look surprised as Katya glared at her. That must not be a good thing.
Immediately knowing she fucked up, Katya turned around again and ran off as fast as her numb legs could carry her. Through the mud, through the soppy grass, with no real destination in mind. There was no way out of this fenced complex, but she didn't stop until she collapsed against the wall of an electricity cabin, black spots dancing across her vision. 
Tears burned behind her eyes. Her breath came and went in short bursts as she tried to fight off an even intenser panic attack. 
Everything was officially over. Yelling at her supervisor definitely closed the book of a life at SHIELD for good. And it was all her own fault. Her fault for not being good enough, and that was a completely new thing for her. She'd always been the best.
Katya turned her face up to the sky, the cold raindrops refreshing on her burning skin. She used them to ground herself, counting them one by one to gain control of her panicked body.
Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine.
Strangely enough, she longed for Natasha. The woman had no clue of her panic attacks, but Katya suddenly felt a strong need to have her by her side, helping her through this one.
Thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two.
Her chest ached, but not because of her lungs this time. She would have to say goodbye to Natasha again soon. 
Thirty-three, thirty-four.
Her tears mixed with the rain. All her emotions surrounding the redhead were a confusing mess. Where her whole life and future felt unsure and scary, Natasha was the center of calmness. If Katya thought of her, she felt strong, safe, able to do anything.
Thirty-five, thirty-six.
Natasha brought up emotions within her that Katya hadn't felt in ten years. Genuine happiness, affection, purpose, but most of all, that incredibly dangerous four-letter word.
Thirty-seven, thirty-eight.
But there was also fear, and guilt, and anger, and grief. One minute, Katya was confident of what she felt and wanted. The next, she was sure everything was doomed and nobody ever loved her.
Thirty-nine, forty.
"Petrova!" A voice called from the distance. Katya turned her head away from the sky, squinting through the rain. "We're done for today! Let's go! We're leaving!"
Forty-one, forty-two.
This was the end. But her life at SHIELD was doomed to end the day it started, so what did anything still matter?
She didn't apologize for her outburst when she got into the car. The concept of a genuine apology was foreign to her. Nobody had ever said sorry to her. Not for touching her, not for beating her up, and not for starving her to death. So she never apologized either.
Rain, sweat, and mud dripped from her body onto the leather seats and the floor mats down below. Katya felt disgustingly gross, if that was even a thing. Her socks were wet, she stank, her skin felt gross, and her nails were black with mud. It only added to her emotional misery. 
She wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear. Her life had known very deep lows, but this must be one of the most painful moments of all. Right when everything was at the tips of her fingers, it fell out of reach. And that happened while she looked and felt like a drowned rat.
Shivering and shaking, Katya crawled out of the car an hour later, eager to take a shower. 
She decided not to wait any longer. After getting clean, she was going to pack her bags and leave. She had waited long enough. This had dragged out long enough. If they weren't going to make the decision, then she would, walking out of the best thing that ever happened to her.
"Fury wants to see you in this office."
That sentence should have instilled more fear into her than it did, but Katya felt physically nothing as she nodded once, turning to the lifts to freshen up before facing the most important man of the Western world.
"Right now."
She stopped and turned back to her supervisor, raising her eyebrows. Some dried mud cracked on her forehead. "Can't I shower first?"
"Now," the woman ordered, striding off with big steps.
Katya suppressed a scoff, sighing deeply as she dragged her feet to the elevators. What a way to get fired. She didn't blame the people that shuffled away from her in the elevator this time. In the reflection of the doors, she caught sight of herself and completely understood their disgust.
"What the hell happened to you?"
Those were not the first words Katya had expected to hear from her boss when she stepped into his office, but she hadn't missed the hint of amusement in his voice and in the glint of his eye. She couldn't blame him either.
Awkwardly, she pushed her damp hair behind her ears. "Maryland rain, sir," she answered stupidly, too paralyzed to come up with anything better.
Fury scoffed a laugh, rustling through the papers on his desk. "You better not drag any of that on my carpet."
"I'll try not to," Katya answered, standing even more still.
It appeared Fury had no rush, because he kept searching for something in the silence that settled into the room. She hoped he couldn't see her anxiety. Because despite her acceptance of the future, Katya's heart pounded in her chest with nerves. She hated it. There was only one emotion that could persist after all this: 
Her mouth opened before she could stop it.
"Before you send me away, sir, I would like to say something, if I can." 
Blankly, Fury looked up. He couldn't be thrilled about an interruption, but Katya took his sudden attention and silence as a yes. She cleared her throat and felt the corners of her mouth turn up.
"I just want to say thank you. I know it wasn't generosity that allowed me to stay. It wasn't pity either. I don't know what it was. But you gave me an opportunity to become better, to turn my life around… and that means more to me than you'll ever know."
Now, she was ready to leave. Thanking him was the last thing on her to-do list before she could peacefully go. He was, after all, the first man who had ever protected her.
"Who said anything about sending you away?" 
Katya blinked—once, twice—trying to grasp the meaning of his words. Somewhere in the back of her mind, the world started to spin.
Fury sighed, leaning back in his chair and folding his hands over his stomach. "I had Romanoff storm into my office on Monday. She's very… protective of you. Said I had no reason to doubt you. That you hadn't lied about anything. Was she wrong?"
"No, sir," Katya answered on autopilot. Her brain was numb, too confused trying to understand what the hell was going on. She was only half aware of what he was saying.
Fury calmly studied her. "I assume she told you that the mission was a test? A test of loyalty."
Katya nodded once. It had felt so unimportant when Natasha told her that. She failed her mission, test or not. End of story.
"See, I can never be certain of the choices someone makes until they are in a life or death situation," Fury continued. "When you joined our fine organization, you were locked up, literally chained to the floor with nowhere to go. It's easy to give up your loyalty that way."
His leather chair squeaked when he sat up straight, folding his hands together on his messy desk. His one eye pierced her skin until it stared straight into her soul. Katya had never felt more like a kid.
"So, I wanted to see if you'd do the same thing again. If choosing to join SHIELD was just a way to save your own ass, or that you really wanted a second chance."
A drop of rain water trickled down Katya's temple and cheek.
"The easy way out would have been to surrender to Hydra, convince them you joined us with the goal to spy on us and report back later. But you didn't. You fought for your freedom, for your return to us."
Part of Katya was hurt and furious that he put her through that. That he emotionally broke her by letting her believe that she messed up. But the bigger, rational part of her completely understood. Fury wasn't the director for nothing. He made smart choices—hard choices—in order to keep his organization safe. 
She wouldn't have trusted herself either if she was in his shoes. She had all the odds against her. Russian, a spy. She'd killed dozens of good guys, grown up brainwashed and indoctrinated. She'd been physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually abused her whole life, making her the most unstable, traumatized person on the planet.
The only reason she was standing here was because of Natasha. And because of that small, tiny spot in Fury's heart that was soft for lost, broken people like her.
Fury picked up the iPad in front of him, swiping and tapping on it until he started to read from it. "See, today, you gave me the best scores I've seen since Romanoff did the same military course. In dry weather." 
Surprised, Katya's lips parted. Her performance today didn't feel like anything special.
"You ran multiple track records forty minutes in. You're stronger than the strongest guy we have, you are more intelligent than most of the scientists we have down at the lab, with zero mistakes on the tests from this morning. Your aim is impeccable, and your situational judgement is excellent." Fury lowered the iPad, pointedly looking at her. "I would be extremely stupid to let a good spy like that walk out of my building."
Katya could hardly hear anything over the pounding in her ears. She was shaking so violently she feared she was spraying drops of water everywhere like a wet dog. "What are you saying?" She asked, suppressing the hope in her voice.
"That I'm taking a big leap—no a huge leap, by making you an official Agent of SHIELD, but I believe that you won't break my trust."
Katya squared her shoulders, ignoring the huge wave of relief that crashed into her. "I'll be the best, most loyal spy you've ever had."
Something flickered behind Fury's eyes. A smile? He reached for the drawer of his desk, pulling something out. "Somehow, I don't doubt that." 
With a flick of his wrist, he tossed something on the far side of his desk. Curious, Katya took a step closer, stretching out to see what it was.
Her own face stared back at her. 
Katariina Alina Petrova. Level 1.
"Welcome to SHIELD, Agent Petrova."
Katya pulled her knees tighter to her chest, closing her eyes and enjoying the hot water that cascaded down her body. It wasn't only cleansing her skin, but her heavy soul, slowly washing away all these months of insecurity and tension, revealing the person that she forgot existed underneath. It felt freeing, like a rebirth.
Another violent tremble shook her so badly that her teeth clattered. For this reason, she had to sit down to shower. It started once she realized she was safe, shedding her muddy clothes on the bathroom floor. First, she'd thrown up her lunch in the toilet and nearly fainted, and then the trembles started. It was just her body's way of getting rid of all the tension.
Katya didn't even mind it. She was too ecstatic to be bothered. Her sobs bounced off the tiled walls in relief, in disbelief, in happiness. She sobbed until her lungs hurt. It felt so good.
There was only one person on her mind who she desperately wanted to share the news with. The only reason she hadn't stormed over there immediately after getting her SHIELD ID was because of the way she looked and smelled. And because of the way Katya had been treating her these past few weeks… 
It took an hour for her body to calm down enough that it was safe to stand up. Katya got out of the shower on shaky legs, made herself look presentable, and then snuck to the kitchen. Her stomach felt queasy, her throat raw and dry. She chugged a whole bottle of water and stuffed a sandwich down before stealing something out of the special cabinet.
Even the hallways of SHIELD HQ felt different as she walked through them. She saw things she'd never seen before because she had been too anxious, too focused to see them. She'd never fully taken in all the details, because why would she do that if she wasn't sure that she could get to stay? Like a foster kid that didn't dare unpack their clothes until a few months later because they weren't sure if their foster parents would want to keep them.
Katya sat outside, by the river, on one of the only recreational benches that were placed there. HQ was built on such a small island that there wasn't much space around it. And all the space that was there, was used efficiently. Agents that wanted to go on a stroll in the fresh air had to cross the bridge. 
But Katya wasn't looking for exercise. She was looking for a quiet place to drink. Was that a smart idea on a sensitive stomach? No. Probably a very bad idea. But even though she felt on top of the world, the reality of her actions also came down on her in this sudden clarity of emotions. 
She'd treated Natasha like shit. Avoided her, yelled at her, ignored her. And the redhead had deserved none of those things. 
Katya's heart ached when she thought about it. She couldn't help how dark things got when she fell into a depression like that, but it didn't mean she shouldn't take responsibility for her actions. It wasn't an excuse to behave like she did. 
But it was so, so hard to talk about. Emotions, feelings, they weren't supposed to be spoken about. They were supposed to be hidden. She was supposed to be stronger than those raging feelings in her body. Look where it brought her if she gave in.
Katya shook her head strictly and took another sip of vodka. Those were toxic thoughts. Things they programmed her with. She was human, and humans had feelings, and feelings were meant to be felt. What she was about to do went against everything she was taught.
She was going to apologize to Natasha. 
By the time she managed to muster up the courage to knock on Natasha's apartment door, she'd finished half the bottle of vodka. It had done little to nothing to ease her nerves. Her hands still shook as she pushed her ID deeper into the back pocket of her jeans and fiddled with the cap of the vodka bottle.
Katya was prepared for anything. If Natasha wanted to slam the door in her face and yell mean things at her, then she deserved that. Honestly, she expected it. Anything slightly better than that would be too generous.
Her heart threatened to burst out of her throat when she heard shuffling on the other side of the wooden door. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe she should just send a text message. But before she could actually bail, the door swung open.
Natasha froze in place, her eyes widening. "Kat," she breathed in surprise. It must have come out different than she wanted to, because she shifted her weight around and added a more casual, ''Hey.''
She must have seen the difference in Katya's demeanor right away, right when she laid eyes on her. The dark war flag had been taken down for one of surrender. Usually, it was a shame to wave a white flag. But in this case, it was bravery.
"Hey," Katya answered with a trembling half smile, avoiding Natasha's gaze in a way that was meant to be nonchalant. Stupidly, she hadn't thought of what to say. Who the hell came up to give an apology and didn't rehearse what to say first? "I have something for you."
As disoriented as she was, Natasha took the bottle of vodka without thinking. When she held it up to study it, Katya realized what an incredibly stupid gift it was, and how she deserved a slap in the face for this terrible attempt at an apology. It's just as soon as she was in front of Natasha, all the words left her brain.
"Yeah, sorry, I drank half of it," Katya said sheepishly when she saw the odd look on Natasha's face. "I needed some courage to come talk to you.''
Her vulnerable confession came as a surprise to both of them. Natasha's expression visibly softened while Katya fought the urge to run away or make a joke to cover it up. She'd never felt this uncomfortable, but she rooted her boots into the floor and refused to give in to it.
Natasha turned the bottle over in her hand, reading the label on the back. "Where did you get this?" Katya was grateful she didn't comment on her confession.
"The kitchen."
The redhead's head snapped up. "You stole this?" Her eyes flickered left and right into the hallway, the blood draining from her face. She looked afraid. "Kat, one foot wrong and you're out—"
"Yeah, I wouldn't worry about that anymore." With a sly smile, Katya pulled her new SHIELD ID from her pocket and held it up. 
The rest of Natasha's scolding words died in her throat. Her mouth closed, and she slowly raised her free hand to take the ID. It was obvious that Katya had surprised her. So many different emotions crossed over her face but they were gone too quickly to nail down. She was too hard to read. Even for Katya right now.
"When did you get this?'' She asked distractedly, reading the words on the very plain, very boring ID. Katya's headshot wasn't even pretty. They took it right as she came out of the isolation cell, when she had barely seen the sun in weeks. 
''Two hours ago?'' She nervously chewed on her lip. She couldn't tell if Natasha was happy about it. What if she didn't want her to stay anymore after this week? Oh gosh, what then?
But then, right as Katya couldn't take it anymore, a smile broke through on Natasha's face. ''Well, shit.'' She gave a disbelieving chuckle, her green eyes sparkling proudly as she looked her childhood friend in the eye. ''Congrats. I knew you could do it.''
Katya felt tingly all over. The first person to believe in her wasn't herself, it was Natasha. For a long time, it was only Natasha. It made her want to hold her chin up a bit higher, and try a little bit harder. For her. 
''Thank you.'' She ignored the heat in her cheeks as she stuck the ID back in her pocket. Receiving compliments was an art she didn't master, so she covered it up with a joke. "A lot of people aren't going to be happy with this decision."
Natasha scoffed cockily, stepping aside to let Katya into her apartment. "Screw that. You belong with m—us now. I always knew, but now it's on paper too." She shrugged her shoulders after she closed the door, placing the vodka on a cabinet to the side. "Or on plastic, I guess."
Puzzle pieces fell into place. Peace settled over Katya like a warm blanket in the winter as she looked around Natasha's plain apartment. This was her home now. She was officially safe. She had friends who had her back. She belonged somewhere. She could breathe.
The emotions were so overwhelming. The urge to curl up into a ball on the floor and cry happily was so strong. Twenty-three years of living and she finally had a place in this world.
Natasha was already looking at her, but Katya felt the need to say her name, to make sure she was listening. That she knew something serious was coming. Uneasily, the blonde shuffled in her spot, staring at Natasha's stomach instead of looking into her eyes. She wouldn't be able to say what she wanted to say.
''I'm sorry.'' Her throat felt tight. The words were hard to get out. But Katya pushed them out and threw her heart at Natasha's feet. ''I really thought Fury was going to send me away. I tried to make it easier for myself by distancing myself from you, to try and make the heartbreak hurt less. It was stupid, and unfair, and I hurt you, and I'm really sorry for that."
She sucked in a shallow breath. That was the most open she'd been her whole life. But it felt good to get that off her chest.
"It was stupid," Natasha said. Shocked by her bluntness, Katya forgot her nerves and looked up. "Stupid to think I wouldn't follow you out that door if you left."
Katya quickly shook her head, refusing to acknowledge the weight of those words. "I would never want you to give all this up for me. It's the reason I didn't come to find you in the first place.''
''Looks like I don't have to give up anything now.'' Natasha looked so sure about her decision that Katya didn't even try to argue any more. She just observed the woman standing in front of her. The one she didn't deserve in every lifetime.
"I'm sorry, Talia. Again. I fell into old habits."
"Don't beat yourself up. You're already forgiven,'' Natasha said softly. She glanced at the floor, sliding her hands into her back pockets. ''I also want to say sorry, for the way I reacted when I found you in the shooting range.'' She shook her head, as if she disapproved of herself. ''That could've been done way better. I was just—you scared me.''
Katya mirrored her depressing mood, shame washing over her in waves. She was so far away from that state of mind right now, that it was hard to understand why she wanted to dig that knife into herself to begin with. ''That was the first time somebody was there to stop me,'' she muttered, immediately beating herself up over saying that when Natasha's face saddened further. 
''I'm sorry.''
Katya shook her head. ''I don't want you to feel like you have to keep me alive or something.''
''I don't feel like that,'' Natasha answered with conviction. ''But when you ever feel that urge again, will you come to me?''
''I can try.''
The redhead nodded once, then straightened up and took the vodka from the cabinet. ''Enough of the heavy stuff. We should celebrate. Have you been to the roof?'' She asked mysteriously, a smug sparkle in her bright eyes. And just like that, the conversation was over and they were all good again.
''No…?'' Katya answered warily.
Natasha smiled, swinging the door open. ''Let's go then, Agent Petrova.''
Katya chuckled as she passed through, watching Natasha take a big swig of the liquor as they walked down the hallway. ''You do realize you're going to be stuck with me forever now, right?''
''It's the only way I wanted it.''
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violet-butterflies · 1 year
❥︎ yandere! Theater Actor
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❥︎ Warnings ! ☞︎︎︎ Abuse of power, Mentions of murder, Slight mentions of workplace bullying ( male yandere! oc x gn reader )
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You first met yandere! Theater Actor when you first joined the theater troupe. yandere! Theater Actor was the most senior and respected actor in the troupe and everyone loved his charismatic and caring personality. He was also very creative and has natural gift of being a leader.
As a rookie, you felt eager to prove yourself but you can't help but feel overwhelmed when you went into your first script-reading session with all the other actors. You quickly felt overwhelmed and nervous with your abilities when you were now actually working as a member of a theater troupe that you looked up to despite only holding a small role in the whole production.
However, yandere! Theater Actor kept giving you compliments and a satisfied smile whenever you said your lines.
"Mmm. That's pretty good! I'm sure you'll do great" he would comment after you said your lines or in breaks.
It was no surprise to anyone that yandere! Theater Actor landed the main role in the production and was even an influential voice in the creative direction of the whole production. He was so cool! You can't help but look up at him as a role model and someone you aspired to be.
You didn't expect a thing when he kept voicing out constructive criticisms and compliments when the production began during the on-stage rehearsals. He was even asking for your opinion on what he could improve in the play! You only thought of it as yandere! Theater Actor looking out for the new kid so they'd adapt and fit in with the group.
"y/n That was so good! I can tell that you have been practicing! Keep it up and you'd be my favourite troupe member!"
"Hm... I think you could do better in scene 14. I mean you're already doing great but I think it wouldn't hurt if your tone was a bit more melodic when you call my role's name out..."
"Hey, y/n? Do you think this should be turquoise or violet? I can't decide and I think your opinions would really help."
'He was such a nice guy!' you thought. He really values everyone's opinion on the production!
Even as the days passed, you'd always find yourself within yandere! Theater Actor's presence. Not only that, you'd always get little treats from him in between breaks to having dinner with him after rehearsals. Even the crew began to tease you on how much you were doted on by yandere! Theater Actor. Most people thought it was cute except for the other person who was acting as the other lead and the romantic interest in the production. After all, yandere! Theater Actor was supposed to hang out with them more to build chemistry between the actors! Why is he hanging out with some random side role anyway?
It was clear that the other lead actor was jealous and did not like you but they'd never do anything too serious. What they'd usually do to you would be sending out cold and rude remarks or criticize your acting. However most of the time it would mostly consist of them ignoring your whole existence. It hurt your feelings in the beginning and you'd have your mood ruined for the whole day. Now, though, you learnt to just ignore it.
Someone else though, took notice and thought that it was about time that he took action into his own hands.
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It was the middle of the production when yandere! Theater Actor arrived late to work. It was the first time ever that the respected actor was late to any rehearsal so people really began worrying about him. However, after noticing that the other lead who played the romantic interest was late too, people began thinking that the two were late because they hooked up the night before. Not too surprising to anyone else but you really since apparently whenever a production happened, those two would always be each other's romantic interest. Maybe this time they fell in love with who they are as a person and not as someone else.
"Gosh sorry for being late! I had to deal with a huge inconvenience!" yandere! Theater Actor a whole two hours later. People began asking him about the whereabouts of the other lead who still has not shown up, expecting that the two would show up together. But to their dismay, yandere! Theater Actor only simply shrugged his shoulders before dismissing the whole situation.
"I'm sure they're ok. Maybe they went down with the common cold and are passed out at home!" yandere! Theater Actor assured before going right by your side and slinging his arm over your shoulder. The rest of the crew then began rehearsals feeling a little bit more assured.
For the rest of the rehearsal, yandere! Theater Actor insisted that you took the place of the missing lead and be the romantic interest instead; which you blatantly rejected before yandere! Theater Actor convinced the whole crew to encourage you to do it.
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You thought that you'd only be replacing the other leads place for that day until terrible news began to spread on the set.
The whole atmosphere was gloomy and sad when you showed up to rehearsal the next day. You were ready to go back to acting as a little old side character since it was way less pressure for you to handle and you had genuinely connected to your character.
"The other lead... They were brutally murdered," yandere! Theater Actor broke the news since no one dared to say anything. Your heart dropped alongside your mood. What the fuck even are the odds? You didn't like them but you didn't want them to die.
"I know this isn't the time to ask about this but... what's gonna happen to the production?" one of the crew members meekly asked. The mood seemed to drop even more. It was already mid-production and there had been too much money invested on the whole thing to cancel it. But with one of the crew that played a major role suddenly passing away like that, it would be difficult to find a replacement as soon as possible.
"Well... why don't y/n do it?" yandere! Theater Actor suggested. In an instant, all eyes were on him. Your eyes went wide as you tried to find every excuse to reject it. This is your first even production! You don't have the balls to take on such a big role yet!
Your pleas went on deaf ears though due to the sheer influence yandere! Theater Actor had over the whole crew. Everyone respected him too much. After all, if yandere! Theater Actor was the one suggesting the idea, it must be the best course of action, right? See, even the director agrees!
Eventually, you were forced to take on the role. But don't worry though, yandere! Theater Actor will make sure to give you extra rehearsal after the main one! It doesn't even have to be in the empty theater after everyone left if that scared you too much. He can always to extra practice with you at your own house or even at his!
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"Oh, Jericho... How I love you so," you said with as much love in your voice as a used script book was on your other hand. yandere! Theater Actor looked at you with so much love present in his eyes. One of his hands was holding yours as he stood right in front of you. His other hand was on your hips.
The two of you were on a dark stage after everyone had gone home for the day.
"Words can't even begin to express how much love is in my heart," yandere! Theater Actor lovingly sighed as he then puts his forehead on yours, "The world's seas can't even complete with the amount of love I feel for you. The world's most beautiful sunset can't even begin to compete on how beautiful this love is between us."
"Neither can I, Jericho..." You then quickly glanced at the script to see what happens next. Next was an intimate kiss that is shared between the two lovers. You honestly didn't really feel comfortable with doing this yet. You've never even had your first kiss before. yandere! Theater Actor noticed your hesitance instantly.
"What's wrong?" he asked in a weirdly intimate tone as he laced your fingers in between his.
"I... I don't know... Sorry for being so unprofessional," you apologized and was about to pull away to regain your composure. yandere! Theater Actor kept his grip on you though as the hand that was on your hips quickly moved to your cheek.
"Don't worry about it. Here, I'll help you," he assured before giving you the most intimate kiss known to man. You could feel the amount of passion behind it as you tried to keep up. You can't help but think to yourself about how cool yandere! Theater Actor is to be able to synchronize himself completely to the role he was playing.
yandere! Theater Actor, on the other hand, was on could nine. Breaking into his past lead role's house and brutally taking care of them was so worth it if he gets to make you play his romantic interest.
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A/N I might make a part 2 of this one idk. Anyways maybe I should start coming up with names... But I'm indecisive so here's a poll! I'll then refer to yandere! Theater Actor with that name when a part 2 comes out. (or when someone requests me to make something with him in it)
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asdfghjklmals · 1 year
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff, angst. WORD COUNT: 3.6k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc, established couple. adoptedkiddo! tsumiki.
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SYNOPSIS: tsumiki wants to study abroad for high school, but satoru gojo is against it. will satoru let tsumiki go? AUTHOR'S NOTE: ***manga spoilers*** because of what happened to tsumiki in the manga, i decided to write a more wholesome version of what i would think tsumiki would've wanted to do. she is going to make small appearances and still have her name mentioned in my future fics, but this is dedicated to her. and because i think satoru loved having her as his child 💚 REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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you sat down on the couch, “satoru, we need to talk.”
“i swear, babe, it wasn’t megumi’s fault.” he stared at you innocently with his hands raised.
“megumi?” you looked at him, brows furrowed and confused, “no, babe, we need to talk about tsumiki.”
satoru sighed in relief, glad he didn’t get himself in trouble. he didn’t want you to find out about megumi getting sent to the principal’s office for fighting at school today. that was another lecture for another day.
“what’s going on with my favorite child?” satoru joked, putting his arm around your shoulder.
you explained the situation to satoru, “now that tsumiki is graduating middle school, we had a grown adult talk about her future plans. she told me she wants to study abroad for high school. she wants to learn english so she can teach kids here in japan after she graduates.”
“absolutely not. she’s staying here.” satoru said without even thinking. no reasoning to support his decision.
“but babe, i think it’s a good idea. she’s 15 and starting high school next year. there are good study abroad programs out there. and it's great to live in country of the language you want to the learn.” you said, trying to justify tsumiki’s decision to satoru.
“no, (y/n).” he said sternly. since when did he ever directly call you by your first name instead of a petname? and since when did he want to play patriarch? you were usually the shot-caller in this household.
it was time for the back up plan if all else failed. kisses. you grabbed satoru’s hand and peppered it with your soft lips. “please? for me and tsumiki?”
he looked at you and took his hand away. you stared back at him in disbelief, “satoru gojo, what is your problem today?” even the government name didn’t make him flinch like it usually did.
he never acted like this, even when he disagreed with you, he was usually calm and rational. he would have data and reasons to back up his decisions, but not today.
“i just don’t think a 15 year old girl needs to go study abroad in another country without her guardians.” he said bitterly, “and that’s final.”
he removed his hand from your thigh and got up from the couch, leaving you alone in the living room as he made his way to the patio to join catoru in the sun. your jaw dropped. what was wrong with him today?
later that night: tsumiki's room
“(y/n), did you ask gojo-sensei if i can study abroad?” tsumiki asked curiously as you towel dried her long brown hair for her. she had spent the last week convincing you about letting her attend a private academy in california, and you were totally on board with it until satoru shot you down earlier today.
“i did… he wasn’t too happy to hear what i had to say though.” you frowned at her. she looked at you with sad eyes.
“what did he say?”
“he thinks that you’re too young to study abroad and that you should stay here in japan with us.”
“i’m not a baby, (y/n).” tsumiki said, “why can’t gojo-sensei see that i can take care of myself?”
you thought out loud, “maybe because you’re his little girl... his partner in crime. he doesn’t want to lose that. you know what a softie he is.”
“yeah, but it’s not like i'll be gone forever! i can come home for the semester breaks and i’ll always have my cell phone with me!”
“i know, sweetheart. coming from how i grew up, i think this would be a great experience for you.” you commented as you thought about how you wanted to attend jujutsu high instead of being homeschooled when you were tsumiki’s age. (read ‘love at first fight’ here)
tsumiki sighed in defeat, “can’t you give him a kiss or something? he never says no to you.”
“believe me, i tried.” you chuckled, “he pushed me away and said no.” you and tsumiki both knew satoru gojo's weaknesses.
“what?!” tsumiki gasped, “that man is so obsessed with you and he did what?!”
“i know, that’s the last time he’ll be getting any kisses from me.” you stated, sitting down on her bed.
“well, that’s just mean.” satoru interrupted your girls only conversation. his tall frame leaning against tsumiki's bedroom door, arms folded.
tsumiki smiled, “oh, hi gojo-sensei!”
“hi tsumiki.” satoru greeted her, sitting down on her bed next to you. tsumiki sat on the floor. “(y/n) says you have something you wanted to talk to me about.”
"oh... yes!" tsumiki nervously laughed, scratching the back of her head. "well, since i'm graduating middle school, i wanted to ask you and (y/n) if i can attend this boarding school in california. it's called e.f. academy."
"okay, if you're going to go this far away, you're going to have to convince me. so tell me more." satoru encouraged her.
"well..." tsumiki started to word vomit, "it's a private high school academy with small classes. they have a lot of extra curricular activities and travel opportunities. they'll prepare me for college. they have advisors that i can talk to if we need anything..."
"tsumiki, can't you do all of this here? why do you have to go so far away?" satoru asked. this was his way of being 'reasonable'. he was starting to ask questions so he could make the best decision.
tsumiki was smart and calculated, just as you and satoru raised her to be. she started her rebuttal, "you and (y/n) have always taught me and megumi that we are not going to grow if we don't step out of our comfort zone. you even told megumi to be greedier, so this is me being greedy."
satoru nodded his head, "okay. give me a week to think about it. don't bother (y/n) and don't ask her to give me kisses because that's unfair."
you smiled as you watched satoru and tsumiki talk. they were really a father-daughter duo, partners in crime, two peas in a pod. you missed the days where your 6 year old adopted daughter used to keep your 18 year old boyfriend in check.
"really? you'll really think about it?" tsumiki asked satoru with a hopeful gleam in her eye.
"yes. i promise." he answered.
tsumiki stuck out her pinky as satoru laughed. he intertwined his pinky with hers, both of them kissing their pinkies to seal the deal. (read 'pinky promises' here)
one week later: satoru's office
satoru knew that he only had one week to make a decision that would change his life and ultimately, tsumiki's life. megumi and you were all for tsumiki studying abroad, while he was the only one against it.
"she's the only one that doesn't have cursed energy. she can't see curses and she can't attend jujutsu high with us." megumi's comment ran through satoru's mind. it was true, being the only one who couldn't see curses or practice jujutsu in the family could feel alien. but tsumiki never expressed that she felt alone.
satoru sighed while he sat in his expensive office chair. he knew that he was going to have to give tsumiki an answer today. he still wanted to say no, but his heart knew the right decision was to say yes and let her be free to be her own person.
he heard a knock on his office door. the four signature knocks signaling it was you (or him). ten years later, that has never changed.
"gojo-sensei?" your saccharine voice called out for him as you opened his door.
he greeted you with a bright flashy smile, "i love it when you call me that."
you rolled your emerald green eyes at him as you made your way towards his desk, sitting against it. "did you make a decision yet?"
"i'm thinking about it." he mused.
"you know our baby girl is waiting for an answer. she's at cheer practice right now, so she should be home at 6 today." you commented.
"let me take one last walk and i promise i'll be home on time for dinner." satoru huffed. you leaned down to kiss him before heading back to your office. he grabbed your hand, stopping you.
"wait, can i get another kiss?" he requested with a shit-eating grin.
your radiant laugh filled his office. he peeked one of his shiny blue eyes out of his blindfold. you turned back around to grab his chin with your hand.
"see you at home." you whispered, kissing him again fervently.
satoru decided to take the long way home instead of teleporting. he wanted the last couple hours to himself to think.
why was he so against tsumiki studying abroad? he thought about the conversation he had with you last night.
"i think you have abandonment issues, satoru. that's why you won't let tsumiki leave japan." you realized as he pulled you closer to him in bed, your gentle hand resting against his bare chest.
"hmmm. you think so?" he mumbled, pulling your chin up for a sweet peck on the lips.
"i know so."
abandonment. the first person who came to satoru's mind was suguru geto, his bestfriend. the original partner in crime. a person who he loved and cared about til' this day.
"losing suguru really changed you, babe. and that's okay. you've become a better man because of it." you said softly.
"i guess you're right." satoru acknowledged. he sighed deeply and closed his eyes. he felt your delicate breathing against his skin as he fell asleep.
it was true, what you had said. satoru didn't want to be left behind again. even though he knew that tsumiki wasn't actually leaving him behind, he didn't like the fact that another person he loved and cared about wasn't going to always be present in his life.
he knew that if he kept her here, she would just grow up pushing him away or maybe even resenting him. and he couldn't have that. he knew what he had to do. he was going to let tsumiki go.
later that night: family dinner
"so... did you make a decision, gojo-sensei?" tsumiki interjected at dinner.
yours and megumi's green eyes met at the dinner table. the ball was in satoru's court now.
"i did, sweetheart." satoru said calmly. you and megumi extremely curious, tsumiki's heart beating quickly.
"you can go."
"really?!" tsumiki jumped out of her chair.
"really." satoru confirmed.
tsumiki cheered and squealed in delight. running to hug satoru. she ran to her room and grabbed her acceptance letter to show the white haired sorcerer.
"you already have an acceptance letter?" megumi questioned his sister.
"they have a 99% acceptance rate, so it doesn't matter. but i wanted to show gojo-sensei anyways." she beamed.
"i guess they just let anyone into that school." megumi muttered. you kicked him under the table as he shot a glare black at you.
"when is the first day?" satoru asked you and tsumiki.
you answered, "classes start in two weeks. i already bought our plane tickets and made sure our passports were good to go, tsumiki has her student visa ready as well."
"you already bought our plane tickets?" satoru questioned, chuckling, "and what were you going to do if i said no?"
"i knew you wouldn't have said no, babe. you can't say no to me or tsumiki to save your life." you grinned.
"she's right about that." megumi added. tsumiki nodding in agreement. she did get catoru because satoru said yes. (read 'the purrr-fect approach' here)
"i can definitely say no to (y/n)." satoru defended himself as his family ganged up on him.
you picked up your empty plate, and walked to satoru side, "can i get a kiss before i start the dishes?"
"sure, babe." he replied with no hesitation as he gave you a quick peck, unaware of your tricky mind games.
"see? you can't say no." you laughed as you picked up the rest of the empty dinner plates and utensils.
"what did i say about using kisses as a weapon?!" satoru complained. "that's so unfair!"
the dining room was filled with laughter from you, megumi, tsumiki, and satoru.
two weeks later: tsumiki fushiguro takes california
satoru was glued to tsumiki by the hip for the past two weeks. they went shopping together for all her academic needs, for new clothes, a laptop, and a new matching backpack and suitcase. they went to get their hair cut together, and even got their nails done together (satoru loved getting pedicures, you thought it was because of the foot massages). he wanted to spend as much time with tsumiki as possible before parting ways.
orientation for tsumiki's school was a two day event. during the first day, the families would be given a tour of the school and then everyone would attend a social hour to get to know the faculty and other students. the second day, the families would help their student move into their dorms and say their goodbyes until semester break in the late fall, early winter.
during the first day of orientation, tsumiki had already started to make friends. she was just like you. beautiful, nice, caring, friendly. people wanted to be around her and wanted to be her friend. you and satoru watched from the sidelines of the gymnasium as tsumiki mingled with her new classmates.
"are you still worried about her? she's already getting used to things here." you tried to comfort satoru as you watched your future high schooler.
"i was hoping she'd beg us to take her home." satoru frowned. you smacked his chest playfully with the back of your hand.
"mr. and mrs. gojo," a student aide approached the both of you, "can you sign these papers for tsumiki? these are the final documents for admissions."
"sure thing." satoru replied, grabbing the clipboard and pen from the student aide. you waited until they walked away to turn to satoru.
"mr. and mrs. gojo. what did you think about that?" you sneered.
satoru chuckled as he signed the document, "sounds like music to my ears."
"give me a 10 carat diamond ring first, babe." you grinned as satoru handed you the clipboard to sign the document too.
satoru gojo would give you the world if you asked for it.
"(y/n)! gojo-sensei!" tsumiki shouted from across the gymnasium to catch your attention. she waved while pointing at the two of you. she was showing her new friends who her cool and awesome parents were. you and satoru waved back at her, giving her both of your world-class smiles.
satoru used blue to hold up all of tsumiki's luggage as the three of you made your way to the dorm room that tsumiki would be staying in. you and satoru paid extra to make sure that she would get her own room. you sat down on the empty bed, tsumiki joining you.
"what do you think, sweetheart?"
"with a little extra decorating, i can make it look like my room at home." she said with a bright smile.
you and satoru helped put on the bed spread, duvet cover, and pillow cases while tsumiki unpacked her clothes and placed them into her small dresser.
you could feel satoru tensing up, his cursed energy spiking every now and then. he was dreading saying goodbye to tsumiki. whenever he would look at you, you would give him a soft smile and rub his back in reassurance.
"gojo-sensei, (y/n), look what megumi gave me for my dorm room." tsumiki's brown eyes twinkled as she showed you a pink sparkly picture frame.
the picture frame contents were of the four of you. it was a recent picture from tsumiki's 15th birthday. you had your arms around megumi while satoru had his arms around tsumiki. it was a rare occasion that megumi was smiling in a picture. tsumiki's signature bright smile lit up the picture. you could feel the love radiating from the frame.
"megumi says that this picture will be a reminder of home and that you all love me."
"he's right." you patted her head, brushing her brown hair. "are you sure you want to do this? it's not too late to change your mind. we can go back home if you want."
"no, i'm sure!" tsumiki said confidently.
you laughed, "you're breaking satoru's heart, baby girl." you hugged satoru, his arms were folded as he quietly laughed, shaking his head.
you and satoru spent your last couple of hours with tsumiki reminiscing about her younger days and what kind of child she was growing up.
"remember the day that satoru lost you and megumi at kanda matsuri? i was going to have a heart attack."
satoru shot you a glare, "in my defense, there are thousands of people at that festival. it's one of japan's big three festivals! they were like four feet tall at the time! i told you we needed to get them those child leashes."
"you were such a responsible girl, going to the lost and found." you ignored satoru and laughed, remembering that tsumiki went to the lost and found to have the festival employee announce 'satoru gojo, can you please come to the lost and found to pick up your children'.
"remember the one day gojo-sensei forgot your anniversary?" tsumiki peered at satoru, giggling.
"oh god... don't bring that up." satoru hid his face in his hands.
"what was that? our third year of dating?" you asked satoru, "and your cute 9 year old partner in crime saved you that day. she went to the flower shop down the street and bought lilies with your credit card."
"then how did you find out that i forgot if she saved me?" satoru interrupted you.
"because you always get me roses, even though my favorite flowers are lilies. not only is tsumiki responsible, she's extremely thoughtful." (read 'lilies and roses' here)
"remember when tsumiki brought me a homemade lunch for teachers day?" satoru smiled at the fond memory. tsumiki was only 8 years old when satoru got an official teaching position at jujutsu high.
"it was her idea too," you reminded satoru, "she asked me to help her bring your lunch to the school that day. our baby girl is so caring. what did we do to deserve such an amazing daughter?" you gushed at your 15 year old, hugging her tightly. tsumiki just smiled and laughed like she always did.
"i think i'm the lucky one too! what did me and megumi do to deserve such loving adoptive parents?!" she remarked.
"all you two had to do was look cute. that's why i picked you two up off the streets." satoru joked. (read 'learn to love' here)
you heard a knock on tsumiki's dorm door, tsumiki opening it. the resident assistant announced, "curfew is starting soon. parents are going to be saying goodbye to their students in the courtyard."
you felt satoru's cursed energy spike again. he wasn't ready for this moment, and honestly, neither were you. you weren't sure what was going to break your heart the most: letting tsumiki go or watching satoru leave a piece of his (still) healing heart behind.
you and satoru quietly followed behind tsumiki as she confidently led the way to the courtyard. it was like she belonged here at the academy the way she navigated through the halls. the courtyard was dimly lit, the california skyline in the background, clouds kissing the top of the city buildings.
you watched as satoru sneakily wiped his tears away from his cerulean blue eyes. he crouched down, softly smiling at tsumiki.
“you gonna be okay without your partner in crime?” he asked her.
as strong as tsumiki was, her brave face started to falter. her warm brown eyes brimmed with tears as she ran into satoru’s arms for one last hug before you and satoru had to leave the campus.
tsumiki babbled through her tears, “thanks for letting me come to school here… i promise i’ll study really hard... i love you and (y/n) so much. you two are the best mom and dad ever.”
satoru scoffed through his tears and continued to hold her. you put a reassuring hand on satoru’s shoulder, joining them for a group hug. tsumiki looked up at the both of you with flushed cheeks.
you kissed the top of her precious head, an action that she never grew out of (and you hoped she never would). you smiled back at her with tears in your eyes, “wherever you are, baby girl, satoru and i will always be one call away. we love you and we’re so proud of you, tsumiki.”
"no boyfriends, please." satoru added with a chuckle. he didn't think he could handle another heart attack.
"did you see how much tuition costs at tsumiki's boarding school?" you asked satoru as he sat down in his first class airline seat.
"no, i didn't even bother check the brochure they handed us at orientation." satoru stretched his long legs, "how much could a high school tuition cost? one or two thousand a year?"
you just laughed at his ridiculous comment. you were amused at how naive he was.
"what? why are you laughing?"
"try seventy, babe." you stared at him. satoru looked like he was going to have a brain aneurysm.
"seventy what? seventy dollars or seventy thousand?"
you annunciated each word clearly so he could understand you. "seventy. thousand. dollars. a. year."
satoru fake-clutched his chest, "we have to go back and withdraw her, immediately."
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euphorajeon · 2 years
yeah i know (you'll always stay) | jjk
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— pairing: boxer!jk x f. reader
— genre: fluff, smut | college!au, boxer!jk, childhood friend!jk, friends to lovers
— word count: 4.3k
— warnings: harsh words, tattooed and pierced jk, too much use of the pet name 'baby', kissing, making out, markings (hickeys), fondling, nipple play, heavy petting, dirty talk, mentions of oral sex, implied penetrative sex, gguk gets a bit mean in the middle :c (dw it's only in the heat of the moment), all this happens in a public gym though no one is inside other than jk and oc
— summary: a boxing lesson with your boyfriend takes an unexpected turn when he decides he's had enough of your blabbering mouth.
— author's note: the summary is highkey meh and it's not a social media au pls dont be fooled by the pic.. hehehe. also it's my first time writing explicit smut so pls be gentle with me asdkdjksjd with that said i hope you enjoy! :)
masterlist | boxer!gguk masterlist
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Jeon Jeongguk is annoying.
It’s the first time you’re back in the boxing gym he frequents after months vacating it, never setting foot inside the place in the time you were separated with your boyfriend. There have been many occasions where he encouraged you to come on your own and meet with his trainer — who is familiar with you too by now — but you never did. Something about feeling like you don’t belong there plays a big factor on why. The boxing gym is his setting, not yours.
Apparently Jeongguk thought your reasoning does not make any sense at all, taking your words too literally by saying the boxing gym is a public setting and anyone can train there as long as they pay for it. You had spent the whole drive to the gym bickering about this, both you and Jeongguk too stubborn to back down. When you reached the gym, he took the final words by pointing out that there are a few people inside the building, proving that it is a public setting. You had rolled your eyes as you took a seat in your usual corner, still ogling your boyfriend as he works out despite his being annoying earlier.
You think he’s done being annoying, but here he is doing exactly that by asking you to get off your seat and put on a pair of boxing gloves.
“You’re kidding, right?” You give him the stink eye as he gulps down water from his huge water bottle, chest still heaving from the exercise. You’re too busy staring at his post-workout state that you almost miss him shaking his head no at your question.
“But you just finished!” you blurt out.
He lifts an eyebrow (the one which used to be pierced, thank God it’s gone now), confused by the lack of relevance. “So?”
It’s irritating how he doesn’t see the connection and how he looks so unbothered about all of this. Even more so when he continues lifting his water bottle to his lips, now taking slow sips as he gives you a challenging stare, silently asking you to elaborate. You hate that you’re feeling a bit hot just from his stare alone.
Still, you try to maintain your annoyed expression, refusing to give in. “You’re done which means I’m gonna be doing this by myself which means I’m gonna embarrass myself in front of these people and I don’t want to do that,” you say in one breath. “So, no, I’m not going to put on the gloves, Jeongguk.”
“Who said you’re doing it alone?” Jeongguk smirks, reaching inside his duffel bag to pull out a set of clothes which he thrusts into your hands. “I’ll be your training partner. Go get changed.”
You open your mouth to voice out an objection, but he beats you before you can get anything out. “Go or I’ll do it for you right here.” The firm tone he uses means he’s serious, so you make your way towards the changing room with a huff. It’s not fair how easy he makes you do something, even when you try your hardest to refuse.
You come back from the changing room to an almost empty space, your boyfriend being the only other person in the room. He’s gotten rid of his boxing gloves, replacing them with the pads that are usually on his trainer’s hands. He’s also put on the protective head gear which hides most of his face, highlighting his big doe eyes behind it. But that’s not what you are focused on.
“Why the fuck are you sleeveless now?”
Your question gets answered with yet another smirk, this time with a shrug that’s too suspicious to not mean anything. “It’s hot, why else would I be sleeveless?” He then gestures to the boxing gloves, signalling for you to put them on. “Come on, I only booked an hour of private session. Can’t afford to waste any more time.”
You grab the boxing gloves in your hand, but before putting them on, you smack your boyfriend in the chest with it first. “You’re so annoying, you know that?” you hiss as he laughs, both of you knowing exactly why he chose to go sleeveless just now.
“You love it,” he says with a grin.
After that he starts protesting about the time again, urging you to put on the gloves so you can start already. It’s actually endearing how he booked a private session for you two so you don’t have to be self-conscious about your lack of skills in boxing in front of other people, but the way he keeps talking about it sours it a little bit. You know it’s because he doesn’t want to waste the money he has invested for the time, but still.
As it turns out, he was right to hurry you into starting, because you’re not good at any sports and so you learn really slow about it. You’ve lost count of how many times Jeongguk has to correct your posture and the way you punch, as well as taking your ill-powered jabs and missed hits. You’ve apologized probably a hundred times at this point.
“It’s fine,” he exhales, tired from holding his posture more rather than taking your hits, “at least now I can take this thing off, no way you’re gonna bonk my head when you can’t even hit the pads on my hands.” He’s talking about the head gear, which he takes off after he did so of the pads on his hands. “Go take five, babe. You still did great for a first-timer.”
You release a huge breath, not realizing that you’ve been holding it while you were exercising. You didn’t even do much yet you’re already sweating buckets, and it feels like no air is enough as you continue to inhale as much oxygen as you can into your lungs. It’s a wonder how Jeongguk can do this on an almost daily basis, with more power and accuracy than you just did. Your boyfriend might just be superhuman or something.
“How are you not — out of breath — like I am?” you pant, water bottle in hand. You can’t even take a sip because you’re breathing too hard. “Oh, wait. It’s probably — the sports bra you packed. Haven’t worn it since — high school.. yeah.. probably it.”
Jeongguk stares at your heaving chest as you continue struggle breathing, though you eventually manage to take a gulp of your water. His eyes don’t leave your figure even when you’ve stopped panting, making you raise an eyebrow in question. “What?”
He shrugs. “Maybe take it off if it’s making you hard to breathe?”
You scoff. “You’d love that, wouldn’t you.”
“I’ll take off my shirt in return.”
“HA! Nice try, Jeon.” You shake your head at him in disapproval. “Let’s continue so it can be over sooner.” You move to put the gloves back on but Jeongguk stops you, reaching for the gloves himself instead.
“Before we proceed, let me show you the correct technique first,” he says, walking over to the punching bag that you haven’t had the chance to use yet. He gives it a few jabs, jumps in place three times, then punches some more with increased speed. You don’t pay attention to his posture or punching techniques at all, instead choosing to stare at his flexing muscles that he chose to expose up to his shoulders today. You’re kind of grateful that the side that faces you is his tattoo-less arm, because if it had been his tattooed one, you’re not sure you can hold yourself from jumping him right then and there.
“Babe, come here and see how I punch so you can hit the pads correctly later,” he beckons you over, already getting into position to start punching again. You walk closer with your arms crossed in front of your chest, making sure to push it up a bit since Jeongguk made a comment about it earlier. He’s been distracting you with his arms for the past half hour, it’s only fair for you to try to do the same.
“Oh, you’re done showing off, I see,” you say in mock surprise. “We all know you’re just trying to get me to stare at your muscles. Honestly I don’t know why you’re still doing that, it’s obvious that I always stare and it doesn’t really affect me like that anymore.”
Jeongguk breaks his boxing stance, standing to his full height. His eyes glance at your pushed up chest for a second, making him let out a half chuckle half scoff. Then he takes off the boxing gloves while making eye contact with you, which you hold firmly because two can play at this game. He throws the gloves to the ground harshly.
“Let’s see if it really ‘doesn’t affect you like that anymore’.”
His takes the hem of his shirt in his hands, pulling it off his body in one quick move. The piece of garment suffers the same fate as his boxing gloves: thrown carelessly to the ground. You don’t break eye contact with him even as he reaches for the gloves again, refusing to give him the satisfaction. He doesn’t back down either, putting the gloves back on without taking his eyes off yours. You almost lost it because holy shit how can someone put on boxing gloves without even looking at it??
When the gloves are secured properly on his hands, he says: “Now let me show you what showing off is.”
Jeongguk then goes back to the punching bag, taking a stance in front of it once again before he starts punching, hard. Now that his upper body is void of any clothings, your eyes roam freely across his body, from his bulging bicep to the taut muscles of his back. From his shoulderblades, you go down his back until you reach his tiny waist. It’s the one thing that will always fascinate you about Jeongguk, how his wide shoulders come down to a waist that slim it’s almost unreal. Oh, he would look so good in a crop top.
As he continues his rapid fire at the punching bag, you can’t help but wonder about his front side, so you make your way around until you’re on his right side. His tattooed side. His inked arm looks even better when it’s flexing like this, and the newly-added colors seem to be dancing following the rhythm of his punches. Aside from his tattoos, you can also see the front of his torso from this side, his sweaty heaving chest the next destination your eyes land on. Then they come down to his taut abs, the firm lines forming an eight-pack instead of a six-pack like most people have. The way his whole body is taut from the sheer power of his punches makes you feel things that you have to hold yourself from tackling him down to kiss him senseless.
Jeongguk delivers one last punch to the punching bag with a resounding smack, making you break focus from your activities tracing your boyfriend’s muscles with your eyes. Breathing heavily, he catches your eyes and seems to just notice your change in position. His stare is still piercing, and the sound that comes out of his mouth when he says his next words almost sounds like a growl.
“One last thing.”
You thought he’s going to jab the punching bag for one last time, but he lifts a leg instead, giving a very hard kick to the poor thing. The power of his kick sends the bag and the frame shifting, it tears your gaze away from the way his thigh muscles flex. You can feel yourself getting damp down there as he approaches you while taking off the gloves before he chucks them at you almost angrily.
“Your turn,” he spits out harshly, eyes burning into yours. His harsh tone triggers you to feel as angry as he sounds, prompting you to shout your response at him: “Fine!”
Feeling a burst of courage along with your anger, you take the hem of your t-shirt and pull it off your body exactly like your boyfriend did earlier. It leaves you in the sports bra you haven’t worn since high school which has been restricting your breathing a bit, but you must admit it makes your boobs look good. No wonder Jeongguk can’t take his eyes off you now, even more so when you bend down to retrieve the boxing gloves he threw at you.
“You’re so fucking annoying,” you say through gritted teeth as you pull on the left glove. “So fucking irritating,” you continue pulling on the right one. “And so fucking infuriating.” You finish putting on the gloves, ready to punch anything now.
Instead of the punching bag, you go for Jeongguk’s chest. He looks a bit shocked at that, but remains composed as you continue hitting his chest while talking. “I don’t know what you’re trying to prove here.” Another jab.
“I already said I always stare at you.” Punch.
“I already admitted how much I like your muscles.” A jab at his abs.
“How much I like your tattoos.” A shove at his tattooed shoulder.
“How much I love your body.” Another punch at his abs.
“What else, huh? Do you want me on my knees for you?” A shove at his chest with both of your hands.
“Okay, fuck, you’re hot! Smoking hot! So fucking hot I had to hold myself from kissing the fuck out of — mmph!”
Your sentence is cut off abruptly by Jeongguk’s hands gripping your jaw and him kissing you harshly like he wants to devour you whole. The way he presses his lips against yours is bruising, you’re sure your lips are gonna be swollen after this. You try to return his kisses with the same pace, but it’s proven a difficult task as he’s set an unforgiving pace to begin with.
When he bites into your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood, you cry out in pain as your hand comes up at his chest to push him away. Only then you both realize you’re still wearing the boxing gloves, making Jeongguk grunt unhappily.
“Fuck, take them off. Now,” he demands, lips going back after yours, not even giving you a chance to properly take the gloves off. You reach blindly for the strap, but are still unsuccessful even after almost a minute of trying. Jeongguk lets out a frustrated groan when he feels you slipping away from the kiss, pulling away from your lips to yank your gloved hands into his so he can take the damn gloves off already.
“Can’t even take them off without me,” he growls, his hands wrenching the gloves off your hands. “Do you need help taking your clothes off too? Huh?” He tugs you forward by the hips, lips connecting back with yours. This time he sucks on your bottom lip, a silent apology for the bite earlier. “You have no idea how hot you look in that bra, baby,” he whispers in between kisses and sucks. “So fucking sexy, I’d have you right here, right now.”
You can’t help but let out a moan at his words, feeling your legs shake. If there was a dampness in your underwear before, there’s definitely a wet patch on it now. It doesn’t help that Jeongguk starts kissing down your jaw to your neck, where his cold lip ring constrasts the warmth of his lips and mouth. He focuses on a spot where your shoulder meets your neck, and settles there with his tongue and teeth abusing your sensitive skin until it turns an angry shade of red.
While his mouth is busy up there, his hands find home on your waist, his fingers slipping under the waistband of your shorts to stroke the skin there. You’re so overwhelmed by all the sensory stimulations that you almost stumble when Jeongguk moves his legs forward. He notices that, so he puts his hands under your thighs to haul your body up before leaning your back against the wall so he can continue his assault on your neck peacefully.
One of his hands that was previously on your thigh moves to your ass, squeezing the round flesh and eliciting yet another moan out of you. You can feel his smirk against the skin of your neck, fully satisfied of your responses to his ministrations. Feeling that your neck is covered enough by various shades of red, he kisses his way to your shoulder as his hand that’s previously on your ass moves back up to slide your bra strap off the shoulder so he has plenty of room to work. You can feel yourself gush out more wetness down there.
“Baby, look at me,” he tells you, separating his lips from your skin for a moment. You try your hardest to open your eyes and look at him through your blurry vision. You could cry from how turned on you are right now. “Can you hold yourself up?” he asks.
You’re not sure, but you nod nonetheless. Holding your arms around his neck and crossing your legs around his waist, you steel yourself as he lets go of your thigh, letting the wall and his body alone supporting your weight. You thought it’s because he wants to hold your face with both hands when he kisses you again, but you thought wrong as you let out a whine of pleasure when his left hand comes in contact with your right breast. He holds it gently instead of squeezing like what he did to your ass, but what prompts the sound is the way his thumb rubs tight circles on your nipple through the fabric of your bra. He’s too attuned with your body that he knows your nipples are very sensitive when you’re turned on like this, even under layers of clothing.
“You like that, baby?” Jeongguk exhales, seemingly not faring any better himself. His thumb continues its movements on your chest while his mouth goes back to sucking bruises onto your shoulder. Too busy feeling both sensations, you fail to notice that his right hand has gone from your shoulder. It’s two seconds later that you almost slip off the wall as you let out a surprised whimper when two fingers of his suddenly press down on your soaked core.
“Fuck, you’re drenched,” Jeongguk says breathlessly, starting to rub slow circles on your clit. You’re sure by now your underwear is far beyond ruined from how much wetness is coming out of you right now. But Jeongguk is not Jeon Jeongguk if not a menace.
“This is gonna make it worse, sorry baby,” he warns seconds before crashing his lips back on yours, the pace weirdly slow and sensual instead of harsh and passionate like earlier. You think nothing of it, accepting his kisses as how he gives them. But then he licks at your bottom lip, and the gasp you let out is used as an opportunity to slide his tongue inside your mouth. When his tongue meets yours, your suspicion is confirmed.
The fucker has a tongue piercing.
He’s been licking around your skin with that damn piercing on and you are too far gone in pleasure to realize. He continues to lick his way into your mouth, each swipe of the metal against your tongue making more wetness flow out of you. At this point, it’s a waterfall down there and you’re sure he’s aware because his fingers haven’t stopped their movement since starting it, instead going faster with the help of the added lubrication.
“What the fuck, Jeongguk?!” you manage to whisper-shout in between kisses. There are so many things you have to say to him regarding the newest addition on his tongue, but he gives you no chance as he speeds up the movement of his fingers on your clit. He alternates the pressure between hard and light to tease you, all the while swallowing your moans of complaint right into his mouth.
You feel the coil in your belly tighten rapidly with the way Jeongguk’s fingers don’t let up the pace, and you hurriedly grab his wrist to pull his hand away from your center. He’s way stronger than you, though, so the hand stays where it is and his fingers continue their assault on the bundle of nerves.
“Stop — stop — ! I’m gonna — cum — !” Your grip on his wrist tightens. “Jeong — guk! Please, don’t wan’t — to come in my pants — !”
“Oh, what’s that? You want to come on my tongue instead?” Jeongguk breathes out, his finger giving one last flick on your abused clit. You shudder, imagining the ball of metal on his tongue coming in contact with the most sensitive part of your body. “Hmm, you’d like that wouldn’t you, test out my new piercing as you sit on my face like it’s your personal seat?”
You don’t have the energy to respond, too busy getting oxygen into your lungs. Your core is still throbbing painfully after being denied the release it so badly needed (you denied yourself, so you can’t really blame anyone else), and it clenches around nothing when Jeongguk decides his taunting hasn’t concluded yet.
“Or I can continue what I was doing with my fingers, rubbing you as I insert a finger or two, feeling you gush out even more of your juices for me.” He goes back to kissing your neck pink and purple, moving to your other shoulder that’s still clean of colors. This time, though, instead of only letting your bra strap fall from your shoulder, he coaxes your arm out of the loop so he can pull down the cup part and letting your breast fall free. He wastes no time in rolling your nipple between his fingers, occasionally giving it a pinch. You can only whimper as a response.
His mouth moves downward when he deems your shoulder colorful enough, and before you know it, he has your nipple in his mouth, flicking it with his tongue and sucking on it. Even with his mouth full, he’s still determined to keep your core nice and wet for him by spewing more filthy words from between his lips.
“Or would you rather be bent over the bathroom walls as I pound you from behind?” His question sounds like a promise to your ears. “I remember that one time we did it in your shower and you came so much I thought you were going to pass out.” The image conjured up in your brain of the memory is vivid, you can remember the numb feeling in your legs after you both finished. Jeongguk had to carry you out of the bathroom because your entire body had felt like mush.
Apparently, you’re not the only one with vivid memories of that day, because Jeongguk shudders in your arms before he drops his face into the crook of your neck. “Ah, shit, I’m so fucking hard right now.” He pauses for five seconds. Then, “shower with me?”
“Only if you promise to put that fucking tongue piercing to good use,” you snap through your teeth, still reeling because your boyfriend now has a tongue piercing. “And bend me over. Slam me against the walls. I don’t care, just fuck me good.”
“Oh, baby, I’ll give you the best fuck of your life.”
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Later, when you’re both done with your gym activities and back in your house, watching TV on your couch, Jeongguk makes a confession.
“It’s fake, you know. My tongue piercing.”
“What??” You stare at him with wide eyes, not believing him even the slightest bit. It felt real when it touched your tongue and your.. another sensitive area.
“No, not ‘fake’ like it doesn’t exist, but it’s not actually pierced to my tongue. It’s a clip-on,” he explains, sticking his tongue out before tugging at the metal, the piece of jewelry coming off his tongue without leaving any marks. You stare in awe at the ball now in Jeongguk’s hand.
“I looked up reviews online about tongue piercings, and actually still feel iffy about getting it pierced for real. Then I found this in one of the comments, and thought, why not try it, right?” He gives you a smile as he puts the clip-on piercing aside. “Besides, I know you’re not fully on board with this idea either, so I don’t want to do anything you don’t want me to do. But I see you liked it, huh? It felt good, right?”
“Well, yeah, I almost died,” you mumble, hiding your face in his shoulder. It’s crazy how different you both are compared to an hour ago when you were busy getting it on in the gym showers. You can feel your face getting hot at the memory of him bending your body over the cold walls as water streamed down from overhead. “Maybe keep it for after hours only?”
He laughs before kissing the top of your head softly. “I mean, it’s a great compromise,” he considers. “Besides, if I do get one, I wouldn’t be able to kiss you for, like, weeks. Who can go around without kissing for that long??”
It’s your turn to laugh as you cup his cheek, angling his head so you can slot your lips against his in a soft kiss. “Certainly not you, big baby.”
Jeongguk turns his body completely to face you, pulling you into his lap so he can continue pressing his lips against yours with soft sighs slipped in between. He sneaks his hands under your t-shirt and rubs circles onto your hipbones, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
“You wanna go again? I think I can go for a round two.”
“Hmm.. no, too tired.”
“I’ll put on the clip-on and let you sit on my face. You won’t even have to lift a finger.”
“Tomorrow, okay? I’m seriously really tired and could use a nap right now.”
“Alright, tomorrow.”
“Don’t pout, you baby, tomorrow I’ll ride your face and anything else you want me to do.”
“Mmh, kay, love you.”
“Love you too, now shush or I’ll throw the clip-on out.”
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— a/n: thanks for reading! any feedbacks here would be greatly appreciated :D
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sunshineandspencer · 4 months
Pick your own (Iridescent, Part 4)
Let me stress, this is not Maeve from the show, but my own Maeve just named the same to send Spencer into hell whenever he thinks about it.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!OC.
Summary: Their last coffee date before finally getting back to the office, he’s bored and wants to find out what she’s been working on. 
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: swearing, spencer is an ass™
Parts: Pt1, Pt2, Pt3, Pt5
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The probationary days are finally fucking over! He’s going back to work, for now, and is getting back into the office. Something he never thought he’d be this happy about. Although, the one person that seemed to be happier than him is Maeve.
He still hates calling her that in his head.
As they walked back down to her car, after getting the half decent coffee from her machine, with her holding both cups so that he can unlock the car, she had this annoying little jaunt to her walk. It’s irritating her, and she can already feel the scowl starting to break through.
“What’s gotten you so.. Chipper?”
She smiled at him, and even that didn’t seem as forced or sarcastic as usual. Even his perpetual irritation with her wasn’t going to dampen her mood today.
“We’re finally going back to work! Don’t get me wrong, it was nice to be attending lectures again, but I missed Garcia.. and the murderers.”
“You don’t miss murderers, Donnelly.” 
Scoffing, he unlocked the car and watched her stack the coffee cups together to open the door and get in. Quickly following after, into the driver seat, so that he wouldn’t have to hear her complaining about him taking too long.
But when he got into the car, she was pouting softly into her drink, clearly she really did miss her murderers. 
When starting the car, however, he finally realised. Not only was he going back to the BAU, but he’s going back with Maeve. This last month of having her as an assistant made him completely forget that she’s also his partner at work.
She’s going to overthrow every good thing about the place. It’s like when he found her uninvited at his front door - terrified of having her ruining everything inside.
For that reason, he downed his burning coffee - needing both the sting and the caffeine - and drove them silently to the office. He’s not sure she even notices his quiet, one because it’s normal at this point, and two, because she’s too busy humming along to the radio.
Getting into the building, immediately he hates it.
The guard greets her first and then him, someone asks her which button she needs pressing, her every waking second is going to be spent imposing on his home. His BAU.
As they got into the bullpen however, JJ spotted them first and walked over with a massive smile on his face, and he finally thought the day was going to get better. Until she hugged Maeve first and then him.
Leaving him mentally clocked out of their conversation as he feels himself having hugged Maeve through JJ, and he hates it.
Vaguely hearing her ask all about the month at college, and Maeve desperately wanting to catch up on all the cases she missed because of him. Then moving quickly on to ask about Will and the kids, and how everyone had been doing while they were gone.
There was a flash of blonde from the end of the corridor and Maeve grinned, bidding JJ a quick goodbye so that she could go find Garcia. Leaving him finally able to scowl at her back as she walked off, which JJ immediately caught onto, frowning up at him.
“Woah-- what’s up with you?”
He looked at her as if she was stupid, as if everyone around him were idiots for not seeing just how.. irritating Maeve is.
“She’s just.. annoying. Isn’t she irritating for everyone else?”
JJ blinked and he instantly knew he was in the minority on that opinion, even more so when they looked after Maeve and she was happily greeted by whichever agent walked past her.
“No? Maeve is actually really sweet. Why, did she do something?”
He didn’t answer, just stalking off to his desk, but it isn’t hard to connect the dots as to why he’s not overly fond of his new partner called Maeve.
It took a couple minutes before Maeve finally came to sit at her desk, and unfortunately, because they’re partners their desks are close to each other. Meaning he is, annoyingly, privy to all her conversations.
Unsurprisingly, she gets a decent amount of male attention, mostly from people that clearly don’t have a reason to being in the BAU bullpen besides wanting to come see her.
She either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care, treating every conversation the same.
By the time the fifth guy in only forty minutes had left, he was starting to lose his mind. He can’t concentrate with the train of people clearly just waiting for her desk to be free to talk to her, much less the fifth time he’s heard these generic male coworkers going “see you later Osmond!” before disappearing.
Finally turning to look at her, where she was trying to get her work done before the next distraction came along.
“What have those guys been calling you?”
Looking up, she was genuinely surprised that he was talking to her. Honestly, she had been expecting the silent treatment and pretending she didn't exist until they either caught a case or had to drive home together.
“Uhm..” Typing the last of her sentence, she turned, spinning her chair slowly until she was free to completely look at him. “Osmond, why?”
He made a face, looking between her and the guy still slowly walking down the corridor. Seemingly catching him in the act as he glanced back, clearly wanting to see if Maeve was watching him, only finding Spencer glaring.
Snapping his head back to Maeve was a grimace on his face, as if he felt truly sorry for them.
“That’s.. the fifth time you’ve been called that. I know other departments are stupid, but how did they get from Maeve to Osmond?”
Honestly, whenever she hears him say her name, it’s like she gets whiplash. Like he smacked her in the face with her own name. She just isn’t used to it - considering he’s called her assistant for the past month.
“Oh, well, when I joined people kept fucking up Donnelly, not that I know how, and so I was just called Donny.” Alright, he could see that connection, but it doesn’t explain- “Penelope then caught on and she loved it. But a week later she called me Osmond and it just stuck. Everyone calls me that now.”
She doesn’t hate the nickname, but she certainly doesn’t like it either. By the grimace still on Spencer’s face, he likes it about as much as she does. So she just shrugged and leant back in her chair, unsure what else he was waiting for her to say.
“But.. why?”
Maeve gave him a deadpan look, and he still continued to frown at her, impatiently waiting for an answer. She honestly couldn’t believe that wasn’t enough for him to understand.
“As in.. Donny Osmond?”
“No, I don’t know who that is.”
Snorting out a laugh, she turned to face her desk again, going back to typing up the rest of her report. Shaking her head good naturedly at him.
“You need to get out more.”
Feeling Spencer scowling at her is absolutely a skill, knowing damn well whenever he’s pissed at her enough for it to show on his face is impressive. At the very least, the conversation seems to be over now, with him staying quiet.
Until he huffs softly, irritated, and turns to his own desk.
“Well I’m not calling you that, it’s stupid.”
“I know. Feel free to make your own nickname, I’m afraid the receptionist is already called ‘bitch’, so you’ll have to pick another. Sorry~”
Throwing an apologetic pout over her shoulder, making him scowl at her all over again, before both of them finally got back to work.
Evidently, she became too engrossed in her casework, not hearing Penelope call out about a briefing. She didn’t even realise that everyone had gotten up and started to make their way to the round table. Not until Spencer dropped the file into her lap.
“Get a move on Ave, or we’ll start without you.”
As he walks off, she gives herself a few moments to react to the new name. Ave. She’s not been called that before.. and she definitely likes it a hell of a lot more than Osmond. But no more than a few seconds.
Getting up and following after him, making sure to school her expression in a room full of profilers.
Dammit, just because he called her a nickname she actually likes doesn’t mean it changes how she feels about him. Or how he feels about her. They know it's a hatred, or a high dislike at most. It’s been a month, and it isn’t going to change any time soon.
Whatever, he’ll probably forget about it soon, it’ll all go back to normal.
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Want more?! Good!
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iamleesi · 5 months
Pairing: Avenger! Bucky Barnes x OC! Avenger Reader
Summary: You have some kind of nightmare and Bucky wakes you up but he’s still a prick and you have a fight.
Warnings: Flashback, mention of experiments, hydra facility, creepy stuff and I probably forgot something so forgive me. -> 18+ !!
Other: English isn’t my fist language so I apologize for eventual mistakes.
-> Masterlist
-> Part three ; Part five
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-> Nonie (04)
A little you was sitting in the corner of your room. The place you called home was clean and sterile, empty of any unnecessary comforts - not that you knew what the word truly meant. The only source of light was coming from the single light bulb hung from the ceiling, and your bed - big enough to at least fit you - was pushed against a wall, it’s thin mattress covered in white sheets.
The walls were bare; you were not given anything normal kids your age had to at least make it seem more than just a prison. It was naked of any type of decoration, no pictures or paintings… just plain grey. And you loved it.
One day, your usual routine was changed. Up until then you had been alone, the only people you talked to were the scientists and Mrs White who came in to see how you were doing and tell you all about the process they were making thanks to you. But that day, you remember the sound of that huge, scratched iron door open and an Hydra agent escorting a girl into the room.
Not a word was exchanged before you and the new person were left alone. To be honest, you were curious but also confused - why did they brought her in all of a sudden? Was she another special girl? Were you not good enough anymore? You didn’t like that idea.
You watched as she went to sit on the other corner of the room, her head low, and you spent the whole day listening to her sobbing. Why was she crying, you did not know. How could she cry when she was in the safest place on earth?
Ungrateful. And she was evidently older than you, maybe sixteen or even seventeen - she should have understood her worth already at that age.
In the days that followed, you learned absolutely nothing about her. She never spoke and she spent most of her time confined to her side of the room - she wasn’t even given a mattress, and she did nothing to let you know if perhaps she was tired of sleeping on the floor. All you heard were her hums at night, melodies you didn’t know.
But for some reason, you liked having her there.
Eventually, days turned into weeks and your curiosity towards her only grew and it almost became an obsession - you wanted to get her to talk but never succeeded. Each day, like a clockwork, the girl was escorted out of the room by Hydra agents and each day, when she would return, her demeanor grew more unsettling.
“And so today Mrs White gave me a candy. She said I deserved it after I found where those criminals were hiding.” You said, hopping onto your bed as you stared at her - she was finally given one too, and now she did nothing rather than lay on it as days passed by. “Did she ever give you a candy? The one that looks like a bear - have you ever seen a bear?”
At your questions, all you could hear was nothing except her breathing. There wasn’t even a window in there. “Oh, yeah. You don’t talk. Mrs White says that when people ignore you, they are being extremely dis- dispec - I don’t remember the word she used. But it’s not nice!”
Nothing. She didn’t even blink, sometimes you had to walk over there to check if she was still breathing. “Whatever.” You sighed. “I’ll bring you a candy next time I’m done with a successful mission. Maybe you’ll talk to me. Or I can steal one - maybe I could. I don’t know. What do you think? Do you want a candy?”
“Alright. Then I’ll bring you one.” You smiled at her. “But you need to tell me your name, I can’t keep referring to you as the ‘new girl’, it’s been… I don’t know. But surely more than a day!”
The girl stayed silent. Her eyes fixated on the ceiling.
“Mrs White says my blood is fundamental for whatever they’re working on, you know? We’re here to save the world.” You continued. “She said there are some people who don’t want that, like Natasha Romanoff. The prodigy of the Red Room, have you ever met her? She came here a few years ago and taught me how to shoot properly. And now, turns out that she’s been corrupted.” You sighed “You’re a great listener, at least.” You turned around, giving your back to her. Maybe she just didn’t like you.
Still, no response. Not even a hum of acknowledgement.
Your frustration mounted with each passing day, your attempts to communicate with her were always ignored and you were met with nothing but silence.
“Is there something wrong, kid?” One of Hydra’s agents, Ezra you had learnt, asked you one day as he was escorting you back to your room after another evening of restless training. You had to be at your best, they said, all the time.
“No.” You sighed, as your body felt like burning - that day they had gone heavy on you, but you managed well. You were the only survivor, as per usual. “When can I go outside? I want to help on the field.”
“Soon enough, kid. We have a problem in stars and stripes to take care of. Mrs White believes you can do it.”
You felt a sense of pride in you at his words. That man, they called him Captain America, was a heavy problem for the world. He was the one who kept ruining any attempt to make the world a better place, always stepping in to cause chaos. He needed to be eliminated and you wished it would be you to do so, after all you had the skills to do it.
“Then I won’t disappoint her.”
Once you got back to your room with the biggest grin ever, you saw Nonie - as you nicknamed her - sitting on her bed with her back on the wall, staring straight ahead of her. You sat right in her line of view, which was on your mattress, crossing your legs one over the other. “Guess what?”
Blank stare.
“I’ll kill Mr Captain America one of these days. I know I’m not as skilled as Winter is, but I can do it. I know I can.” You started to ramble convinced that she wouldn’t pay attention to you since she never did, but soon enough, too focused on your own words, you felt a hand on your tight.
A cold, almost imperceptible touch. She had walked towards you, kneeling down in the end as her legs were too weak to hold her light weight for longer than a few steps.
You stared into her soulless eyes for a moment, before she shook her head.
“No? What - what do you mean no?” You looked at her dumbfounded. “You don’t want me to kill him? Nonie, I h-”
But before you could continue, she crawled back to her bed in the same position she was in. You stayed silent too, for a moment. For a long, tense moment.
“So you can understand what I’m saying! You can hear me!” You realized, getting up. “Why won’t you talk to me?”
Nonie made a movement with her pale hand to tell you to get closer to her - which you did without second thinking. Those few steps felt like happening in slow motion and once you were right in front of her, she raised that same hand to her mouth; her fingers grazing the edge of her lips.
You frowned, but you didn’t have the time to utter a word that she stuck out her tongue - or what was left of it.
“For fuck’s sake - Emma!” Your eyes snapped open at Bucky’s voice, your heart racing in your chest as you sat up in bed, your forehead almost colliding against his.
You couldn’t help but dream about her, giving what you and Dean had saw just hours prior. She always came back into your memories one way or another, whether it was with a nightmare or just with a simple thought during the day - she was always there, in the back of your mind. And no matter how much years had passed since then, Nonie wasn’t going to go away anytime soon.
Before you could gather your thoughts, Bucky spoke again with a sharp tone. “What the fuck is wrong with you? I’ve been trying to wake you up the whole night.”
You blinked in confusion, caught off guard by his harsh tone and the fact that he was sitting so close to you. “I’m sorry.” Your voice was barely above a whisper. “I had a nightmare.”
Bucky’s expression unexpectedly softened, though you could still sense some irritation. You knew he had trouble sleeping too, and waking up in the middle of the night due to someone else’s problems wasn’t really ideal. “Nightmare, huh? Great, now we’re both awake.”
You closed your eyes and took a breath for a moment as you tried to find the right words to say. You never meant to disturb him but you could not control how your mind worked - and Wanda wasn’t even there to help you. Sometimes you gave her permission to get inside your head and erase the bad memories for one night so you could properly rest, but she wasn’t with you and so you had to do it alone. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Bucky let out a heavy sigh, his demeanor softening ever so slightly. “Look, I’m sorry for snapping at you.” He admitted gruffly. He better than anyone could understand how you mist be feeling, and he could have approached it better. “It’s been a long day and I guess I’m just on edge.”
You huffed. “Believe me, I know.”
Bucky exhaled as he was still sitting on your bed, the situation becoming awkward. He got up, but didn’t leave quite yet. You saw some uncertainty in his eyes before he spoke again.
“Food always helps me with nightmares.” He cleared his throat, his tone softer than before. But not much, he was still Bucky Barnes after all. “Come downstairs with me. Dean left some pizza in the fridge before leaving.”
You noticed you were hungry now that he mentioned food. Once you and Dean got home after the investigation, still unsure of what you saw - or, rather, still hoping your mind had played an awful joke on you, you went straight in your room. You had left the task to explain things to Sam and Bucky to Dean.
“One thing I learned about Dean is that he becomes a mad man if someone touches his food.” You let out a small chuckle, getting up the bed.
“He left it for you.” Bucky admitted.
“Oh.” That was surprising. “I was going to eat it anyway but I will feel less guilty knowing it was already mine.”
Together you made your way downstairs to the kitchen, the silence was oddly comfortable for once. You sat down while Bucky took the pizza box from the fridge and tossed it your way. Action you thanked with a smile.
He rummaged through the cabinets searching for something to eat himself. He sat on the chair beside yours with a box of homemade biscuits - wait, homemade biscuits?
“The old lady that lives on the other side of the street brought these over today, when you and Dean were at the Miller’s house.” He explained after reading your expression. “We’re invited at her niece’s birthday party this weekend, by the way. I said yes.”
You being invited to a party full of strangers wasn’t really on the list of the things you liked to do since you were as social as a rock but what you wanted went into the toilet the second you became an Avenger. Like that time you and Pietro were sent on a mission on a yacht - you were scared as hell of the sea after a certain God of Mischief made you watch Titanic changing the finale with your face instead of Rose’s. But that was another story.
“Great.” You sighed.
“So, the investigation. How did it go? You came home quite traumatized.” He raised a brow, and you didn’t miss the judgement in his tone.
You stiffened for a second, your mind went inevitably back there just as soon as you were starting to think about something else. “I wasn’t traumatized. I just… if you had seen that, you would have understood.”
Bucky scoffed. “What? Seeing the breakdown of an hysterical old lady after she lost her daughter doesn’t seem so terrible compared to what we’re used to, come on now.”
You frowned. That was the last of your concerns, you weren’t a therapist or something but a breakdown was certainly not that woman’s biggest problem. “Dean didn’t- he didn’t tell you everything?”
It was Bucky’s time to frown. “He told us what happened. You two arrived there, the woman was obviously grieving her missing daughter and she had a break down after asking one too many questions which led to her kicking you out.” He reassumed everything Dean had said. “Isn’t that all?”
You gulped. Dean kept his mouth shut about that, and you wondered why. Bucky knew what Hydra was capable of, but that? That was something beyond imaginable. Still, before talking to Bucky about it you wanted to know why Dean kept it a secret and why he didn’t seem to freak out as any other normal person would - beside you.
“No, that’s all.” You said after a moment, sounding as sincere as possible. “It’s just… her daughter’s probably dead and… and seeing her reaction wasn’t easy.”
“Mh.” He nodded, seeming to believe you. “Rich coming from you.” He said after, turning back into himself - for a second there you almost forgot how infuriating he was.
“Excuse me?”
“Rich coming from you.” He repeated casually. “Didn’t you use to kidnap people yourself for Hydra? Or maybe… bring back the ones lucky enough to break free from their control?
You stayed momentarily silent. “No.” You answered. “I never kidnapped anyone or brought back anyo- what the fuck is your problem, man?”
“I have absolutely zero problems, but I wonder if you even have the right to feel bad when you used to do the same to innocent people - willingly.” His tone was as light as if he was talking about a damn football game.
“You killed dozens of people too.”
“I was brainwashed, and I feel guilty enough. You were not.” He fired back. “And you never apologized.”
“I was a fucking child, Barnes.” You reminded him, clenching your jaw. “I thought I was doing the right thing by complying, just like you were!”
“I know that, Dayne, I’m not an idiot. But you’ve been indoctrinated with their ideas all your life, which is exactly why I wonder how the fuck it is that you’re on our side now.” He said, leaning back on the chair. “I’m not attacking you, just curious.”
“It’s been ten years, it took me a long time to see things the right way.” You said, really stopping the urge to flip the table and walk out dramatically. “And it looks like an attack to me.”
“It’s not.” He remarked. “You know, Rumlow was a SHIELD agent while being loyal to Hydra. If he did it, I won’t get off the table the fact that you could be doing the same.”
“I never joined Hydra willingly, I was born there!” You shot back to that lunatic asshole. “Rumlow joined those people because he believed in their ideas, to me their ideas were the only thing I’ve ever known! Excuse me if I didn’t know a difference between the good and the bad when I was told that killing people was the only way humanity could survive!”
He sighed at that. Maybe he had been too harsh?
“You’ve been brainwashed in a way, and I in another. If you think I’m some kind of monster for what I did or I cannot be trusted, then we may not be so different.” You spat while pulling yourself up from the chair with force, the legs scrapping against the floor. “And if you wake me up again I’ll stick that metal arm up your ass.”
With that, you left him in the kitchen alone. Fuck him and fuck whatever his problem was.
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kunshokunsho · 11 months
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ninjago OC !
been seeing a lot of dad! jay so i wanted to share my take on it :) lore is under the cut !!
TW abuse ! ALSO i am no means a writer and i’m definitely illiterate and this is my first time ever writing my ocs lore down (usually i keep it in my brain) so i hope it’s easy to understand 🥲 anywho
Ino is from the kingdom of wildness and is an oni. in oni cultural the runt of the litter is used to do all their dirty work, Ino being the weakest and youngest of his ‘family’ is abused, and treated like a slave.
when jay finds him he is malnourished and neglected, his hair is long and tangled, he has bruises and cuts on his face and old unclean bandages wrapped around his body. The oni have no use for ino, despite him doing all the chores around his house so jay buys him off of them.
it basically goes like this lol
jay- how much for the kid.
oni - ?????? bruh idk like 3 bucks
jay- k. *takes ino and leaves*
after the merge,Jay had taken refuge on a small inhabited island with a few other people from ninjago, they create a village, and are living quite nicely despite them living in a new world. Jay takes Ino to his home and get him cleaned up, but not a single time had ino said a word to jay, did they speak the same language? had he been so scared that he wouldn’t say anything? well it was both. Ino is in-fact, scared and can only speak the old tongue of the oni. Never in his life had he meet a human before, well besides that one fiery girl with red hair, who’s dragon attempted to eat him. but he didn’t count her, she was…. interesting. He did not speak their human language and he looked so different from him so why did the man in blue take him in? but that didn’t matter anymore, Jay had washed him up, gave him fresh clothing, cut his overgrown hair and nails as well as give him a name, a home, and most importantly, a family.
time skip a few years (it can vary depending on how long you think the merge timeskip was)
as time goes by jay teaches ino how to fight and how to maintain his oni powers, along the line he learns spinjitzu. a few years later when jay is corrupted by the kingdom of madness, he loses his memories and joins the administration, unknowingly jay passes his elemental power down to ino as way of saying goodbye.
and that’s kinda what i have lolz, somewhere along the line sora and arin see him doing spinjitzu and are like WOAHHH join our ninja team!!! but he doesn’t cause he’s awkward and wants to keep the jay situation a secret.
some facts! ~~
- ino is quite smart and it did not take him long to learn the ninjago language
- Despite being oni he mostly stays in his human form for fear of being judge
- i draw him with horns, but he canonically doesn’t have them unless his emotions get the best of him and struggles to keep his human appearance
- when he was younger jay had told him many stories about lloyd and wu as his way of saying “well not all oni are bad”, he even mentions mystake but leaves the part of him being drugged by her(season 8)
- jay had given him the name Ino, he saw somewhere that it meant storm and was like COOL but he wasnt aware that it also meant bad
- when ino talks about jay he refers to him as his father or dad, but never actually calls him that (jay has no problem referring to ino as his son)
- before the merge, when ino was younger, he used to play with wildfyre and even prank the lava-tides together, but their friendship didn’t last very long due to the onis and dragons hating eachother ( heatwave wouldn’t let wildfyre play)
- ino meets arin sora and wildfyre in a random village, they get to know each other but later that night the village is attacked by a strange monster. ino loses control of himself when he sees his new friends get hurt and loses control of his oni self.
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sucrerosses · 6 months
Soo...Pumpkin Introduction!
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Pumpkin elf is a young girl that works at her own tailor shop, the only one in the Little kingdom, so there is no one that doesn't know who she is, her work is pretty good but she more know by how grumpy she can be.
She's pretty condescending towards people, has a slight problem considering herself better than others her age, very stubborn and not very sociable, but when she's not too grumpy, she can be more calm than usual, altought she become more grumpy when she moved to the Little Kingdom, in her view everyone is annoying
She has a pygmy mouse as a pet Called button, and a older sibling in the works, which is the one that takes care of her
Her relationship with all the rest of the kids is just her scaring them all in her mind is funny she's just a little hater,,, basically this ft Strawberry and Barnaby
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She's 14 years old
All the clothes she has are made by herself
Pumpkin isn't her real name, but lets people call her like that (is not like she cares)
Wise old elf biggest hater, and has enough characther to scary him off
Other elves thinks she's scary, mostly the kids, adults tries to be nicer to herm even when it doesn't work, no matter what day is it, but she has gain a lot of respect from them too
She likes cute fashion like lollita, being the reason why she uses lots of ribbons and lets her hair be that long, in secret she has some dresses of that type
Has a american accent, but her place of origin is unknown
THATS ALL...coughs hard this is my baby, im REALLY open to oc interaction please please I need it, really big post I go a little excited,,
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pleasantspark · 10 days
My Experience with Harassment Regarding Hazbin Hotel's "HuskerDust" Fan Base.
Alright, let's start by saying.
People can ship whatever the fuck they want, it doesn't matter if it's canon or not, if you're up in arms about a fictional cat and a spider named after a drug, then touch grass.
It all started in a unnamed server, I was in the fandom before the series officially aired on Amazon. I had a love for Alastor, (hence the creation of Pandora Magne Charlie's Little Sister, and their 3 kids, before switching to Lucifer's Twin Sister and Alastor) then I moved on to Husk and Mammon.
Then began my love for Husk, where I created an Angel OC that was married to Adam before being banished to Hell for being a pacifist.
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I even gave them a fankid, (although fankids is more appropriate but the known one is Dusk.)
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The reception was pretty good, with some good comments on Left Behind but some Discord Users kept screeching about HUSKERDUST and the importance of staying true to the ship, with some even calling me Homophobic?
This is an irritation of mine that people seem to always do, when regarding sexualitys in the BiPan spec, they always erase the sexuality and (usually for males) make the character gay while deluding themself into thinking they are GAY when they aren't.
I am sick and tired of idiots doing this, and the fact these people are willing to issue death threats while also calling you a "bigot" and even go as far as to encourage others to harass you.
Despicable, no one should have to be told their ship's invalid because the creator of the show cannot write a less than toxic environment while also writing shit characters and shit dynamics between characters that you got while scrolling at 2AM on a Monday on TVTropes.
The result of your bad writing and attitude is the main reason why the Hazbin Hotel Fandom fucking failed, your fans are following what YOU ARE DOING VIZIEPOP, I don't care if you're rich and fucking famous, you're proving that you let money get to your head, and you ONLY see your fans that blindly worship your every move as "good to be around."
You probably dropped the old cast members because they said something to you that you didn't like.
I am sick and tired of dealing with this fandom's bs and continuing to support dickheads and pieces of shit while also writing shit thats literally similar to ViziePop.
Hazbin ain't no "gamechanger" to Adult Animation, because it might as well go into the garbage with shows in the same sphere.
I'm jjuuuuust tired of this, atleast with PartyCoffin and Welcome Home Coffin had BASICALLY tried their best at maintaining a fandom that grew big, but now, now it's completely empty and vacant mainly due to (imo the Fanbase.)
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lakesparkles · 4 months
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If you follow me for long enough, you probably know how much I like making (usually furry) OCs based on characters I like. It's Gideon's time >:3 He's now part of the universe most of my characters are too.
(more information about him below)
Hm, before starting talking about him, I should say that birds aren't very common in their town, Sunflowerfield. I mean, they are, but they prefer to spend their lives flying or in their tree houses (which they also built schools, stores and everything else they need), not getting along with land animals. With all of this, meet Spot. He and his sister - a swan named Amora - were adopted by a portuguese water dog family that were very glad that their kids are animals who would also appreciate all the lakes and rivers the town had to offer! Spot was raised as a dog, but soon realized other animals were very curious about him. It was not common to see someone like him! He grew up to REALLY enjoy the attention. He could swim, he could fly, he could walk: of course everybody would be amazed. So much that they even ignore his awful personality and he's so full of himself. He's now 25 and still is lucky with women. They all want to know everything about him, being happy to be with someone like Spot. They may think he's a duck… Or assume he and his sister are the same species… But he doesn't care that much. He doesn't even understand why others look at him with expressions of pity when he brags about how he's being treated by his partners.
This dog with him in the first image is Rusty, his best friend (with benefits). She's the only person capable of teasing him, and believe me that she does it a lot. They're both students at the same university and they'll make sure you know they're the best ones there. (Rusty will have her own post soon so I won't talk much about her character now)
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volpe-kitsune-red · 5 months
Reader who hides basically everything about themselves from everyone so Lynx has fallen for a carefully crafted facade, shenanigans ensue
I might have to think a bit harder for this one, hmm. Realistically Lynx would have noticed it during the early years of your friendship since I don't think 7 and 8-year-old kids are great master manipulators but for the sake of the ask let's say you guys have met a bit later in life when you have already meticulously crafted your personality.
Your lovely facade
Lynx Andromeda (Yandere oc) x reader
Her darling has hidden her real self from the world, from her, a thick veil of lies covering a mystery...can true love seep through the fabric?
CW. general yandere behavior, manipulation, gaslighting, angst.
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She's never met the real you, in all those years spent together she only ever saw the mask you swore would never fall.
You were so perfect, too perfect perhaps. Her love must be the reason, she thought, she was so enamored she couldn't find a single defect in you...only small, odd cracks that sometimes shined through your persona. She was so happy when you would laugh in that one specific way, it felt so genuine and it always lasted a bit too long, it made her question if all those other times were even real, was it truly you?
She had her suspicions, yet she could never pinpoint exactly what you were hiding. Maybe you were just that charismatic and lovable. Never clumsy, never making mistakes, never stuttering...were you even human? A vampire? No, she would have felt it, and not even they could compare to your impeccability.
Then one day it happened. Something big must have been going on in your life, it stressed you out so much you just couldn't fake it as good anymore; the cracks became like foggy windows to her, and all it took was a closer peek for the house's foundation to crumble. No one else noticed but she, it was an eye-opener. How could she have been so blind? It was all an act, of course it was.
The person she loved was nothing but a mask, a carefully crafted facade meant to deceive...and be an intriguing challenge for her. Of course, she was hurt initially, how could you not trust her with the real you after all that time? I mean, she's been doing the same, hiding her true nature as a vampire and her incredibly manipulative plan to make you hers, but that was different, she had her reasons. She's not a hypocrite, not at all, why would anyone think that?
Either way, it was too late now, the recipient of her love might have been fiction but it's your destiny to be hers, so it'll just seep through until it reaches and finds its fated destination. 'You' wasn't real, but you still stuck with her through thick and thin even when she couldn't explain what was transpiring in her life, your friendship was real. She wants to love the underneath as much as the surface. It's as if a predatory instinct has arisen in her, a desire to tear every layer of defense you have at your disposal. She'll slowly chip away at your mask until your true self is naked and exposed to her, every weakness, every vulnerable spot, every embarrassing secret, she'll know it all. Even if you beg to be left alone, to just let you keep pretending, she'll relish in the fact that she's finally seeing your true colors, even if those colors are salty tears streaming down your face.
"Oh my dear, if you didn't want to be found, then you shouldn't have been hiding. It's in my instinct to chase and bite into those that escape."
If you are the total opposite of what you've shown yourself as, she won't care. She's worked hard and after the deep and meticulous analysis of your character and past, she'll feel even more compelled to own you. When someone makes a discovery, it's usually named after them, right? So it's only her right that you accept to marry her and take hers.
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I loved this request, it made me think a bit more about Lynx's personality. It's been fun! Thank you for the request, hope you like it!
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heart4reigns · 1 year
QUIET, jey uso.
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warnings: curse words, inaccurate events, pet names
tags: 200 special, ocs to fit the plot, slight roman x you, cliche, just fluff, quite longer than my usual works!!
summary: fake dating with your crush, isn’t that a dream?
“YOU gotta be kidding me.” you blurted out. “i am not, (y/n).” you pinched your nose bridge out of frustration. “i think this is the perfect momentum for you to pull out this gimmick.” your manager, luke, replied. “oh my god, i am scared...” “your fans really want you to be in a tag-team ever since you left sami and kevin.” he added. “okay, they want me to be in a tag-team. but out of people? jey uso?” you sighed. “i mean that whole wrestlemania moment last month? people ‘shipped’ you.” luke winked at you.
you got flashbacks from last month’s match where he was practically flirting with you non-stop, despite losing his belts to your old faction members. “this on-screen romance looks good for you too, (y/n).” you were having the time of your life in the office, that was right before your manager came in after his meeting with creatives. “tag-team, fine. but on-camera fake dating? i’m not gonna take it, i'm not good with new people.” you said to him. “you can’t. you have to take it.” you shook your head. “(y/n), i know you're not good with people, but this is gonna be one hell of a push since he's on a rise.” you couldn’t help but to sigh at his sentence. "please? it'll be great for you."
that was probably the worst decision you have ever made in your entire life. see, it was all a nightmare to you because you liked him. "i am gonna have the best time in my life." he entered the room with a smirk, followed by his brothers. "god." you muttered. it was the first reading day and you were ready to give up. "what's good, (y/n)?" he sat right next to you, holding his script. "when i first got this deal, i immediately said yes. in case you want to know how much i like you." jey winked at you.
your face reddened. "u- uh, okay?" "don't worry baby, don't be scared." he joked. you didn't say anything, only nodding at his sentence. you were shy and you really didn’t like being in the same room with him. "uce, i think you're scaring the poor little girl. here, switch seats with me." jey shook his head at solo's sentence. "nah, this is called building chemistry. you're okay with it, right?" once again, you only nodded at his sentence. can it get any worse than this? you thought.
so there you were, standing in the hallways with him. "i hope you go full out, (y/n)." he said, flipping the script. "i know you're quiet and all that, but i also know you're great on camera." he chuckled. "d- don't worry about that." you stuttered. "yo!" kevin walked into the scene, carrying his script. "hi." you greeted him with a hug. "i was supposed to be your boyfriend, why are you hugging him?" "because she's like a sister to me! don't get jealous."
you saw the duo as your older brothers, they were the ones who brought you into your wrestling. you met amazing people along the way and jey uso was one of them. of course, you were a big fan of him, he was talented and pretty. when you first met him, you were starstruck. everyone knew that you looked up to him, that was why he started teasing you for it.
"good luck baby!" he yelled, going to the locker room to change. you face-palmed at his sentence. "funny guy we got there." kevin added. you groaned as you ruffled your hair in distress. "i can't believe creatives want me to 'date' him." kevin chuckled. "you two make a great couple tho. younger you would be ecstatic to know that you're working with him." "shut up, i'm struggling."
the cameras started rolling and you put up this rebellious persona you had. "we are here backstage with the troublemaker, (y/n) before her fight with kevin owens... fighting the other half of your own childhood friend, how do you feel?" you smirked at the interviewer. "me? i'm feeling good. i'll crush him like usual." the interviewer nodded. "this on going feud with kevin owens... after he betrayed you and with him intervening to the bloodline too, does that mean you're on the bloodline's side?" you mentally prepared yourself when you heard footsteps coming from behind you. "of course she is, hi baby!" jey slung his arm on your shoulders. you tensed up a bit at his touch, but quickly adjusted your position.
he was having the time of his life.
"hi baby, we were just talking about you." you smiled at him. "oooh, always thinking about me?" he flirted back. "always." the interviewer shook his head. "anyways, sorry, i don't have time for this interview, you're wasting my time. i have some other business to do, catch ya later!" you hopped on to jey's back, escaping the cameras. once you were out of the reach of the cameras, you immediately jumped off. "finally." you breathed out. "aw, why'd you hop off? i was gonna carry you to the ring as well." you stared at him, wanting to say something–but nothing came out of your mouth.
it was finally time for your match and you weren't nervous at all. you already built up a chemistry with kevin and sami, you had nothing to worry about. all you had to worry about was the man standing right next to you, with a grin plastered on his face. you song started playing and he held your hand, sticking to the script. "let's do this, (y/n)!" jey smiled.
"the troublemaker (y/n), hand in hand accompanied with... jey uso? what is this?" the commentator said. you jumped on to one of the turnbuckles, holding up your fist. the crowd went wild and you jumped into jey's arms, acting all affectionate. "this is new... we all know that the bloodline has a feud with sami zayn and kevin owens. i think we all know (y/n)'s position in this feud."
the match played out perfectly. right when the referee was going to count, jey dragged him out of the ring, earning gasps from the crowd. you blew a kiss at him, acting out the role. jey returned the gesture, encouraging you to pin kevin. the referee went back inside the ring, counting down the match. "and here is your winner... the troublemaker, (y/n)." jey lifted you up on his shoulders, showing you off to the crowd. "THAT'S MY GIRL!" he yelled. although you knew it was all for show, you couldn't help but to blush. "HELL YEAH!" you shouted, being in character.
"that was quite the stunner you did." you were back in the locker room with him. it was empty, everyone clocked out of work. "thanks." you muttered, taking off your tape. "i've been paying attention at your recent matches, i think that you've improved a lot." he complimented. "thank you." you gave him a small smile. "i think it's quite funny that creatives pulled you into this rowdy gimmick when you're shy and all that." jey chuckled. "yeah..." you sighed.
jey shook his head. "i love it, it shows that you're an amazing performer." your face was entirely red at this point. "i've always wanted to work with you, (y/n). glad that you're here!" he patted your back, causing you to jump a bit. "especially with this fake dating shit, it'll be so fun for us." for you, not for me, you thought. "okay, that's enough flirting with my sister, let's go back." sami suddenly came inside the room. "i wasn't flirting with her!" jey defended himself. "sure mr. 'can't keep my hands off her'." sami rolled his eyes.
“dude, saw your appearance with (y/n) earlier.” jimmy was in his twin’s hotel room, bothering him. “yeah, she did good.” jey said, not looking up from his phone. “you sure you were paying attention at the match? not her?" jimmy teased. "come on man, we all know that you like her." he added. "yeah but not like like her, it's just something stupid." the older twin rolled his eyes. "dawg," he paused for a second. "are you seriously lying to me?"
jey thought it was only a one time thing. he remembered it clearly when you first stepped inside the building. you were only fresh out of nxt, you had a bright future. he heard about you from his younger brother, who was in the roster with you back in his nxt days. solo said that you were one of the nicest people he had ever met and he also 'spilled' some tea about you looking up to the younger uso as your role model. from that day on, he made sure that he was always around you–just to tease and get to know you better.
"big uce has been asking about her too." jey furrowed his brows. "you're fucking with me?" jimmy immediately shook his head. "bro... people might call me a lot of things, but a liar ain't one." of course jey knew that a lot of people were interested in you, but he didn't think that his cousin would be one of them. "imma beat your ass if you're lying." jimmy groaned in despair as he pulled out his phone, showing him texts from roman. he was asking for your number, but knowing that his twin liked you first, jimmy lied and said he didn't have your number. "i love you for real, dawg." "if you get cockblocked by him, i'm laughing my ass off. now is your chance to get her."
you whistled your way into the gym. you took pride in your time managing skills, you were always early. today was practice day and you were officially going to be put in the ring with the bloodline. this 'romance' of yours made fans begged you to finally join the bloodline. luke told you that you were going to proof your worthiness by beating solo in a singles match. "good morning to you, sweetheart!" that voice made you jump a bit.
"good morning." you looked up and saw jey towering over you. "hope you don't mind sharing the gym with me and the others, i won't bother you two, though!" it was reading and gym day for the bloodline. you mentally face-palmed yourself as you walked inside the ring. solo was already standing there, waiting for you to warm up. "how's it going, (y/n)?" he asked. "all good, all good. you wanna start now?" you cracked your knuckles. "well, go for it."
on the other side of the room, jey was watching you and solo beat each other's asses. he was also waiting for his twin to help him with his rep. "we’re here, where’s (y/n)?" jey turned around and saw roman tailing his older brother. "oh, yeah. she's right there with solo. don't break their streak though, they've been on a roll since an hour ago." jey said, secretly not wanting his cousin to interact with you. jimmy gave a 'be serious' kind of look at his twin. jey just shrugged his shoulders in response.
"damn, she's really getting under his skin." jimmy commented, watching you from afar. "i swear her chemistry with solo, kevin, and sami are unbeatable." jey recalled your own skills. "yeah but i heard she doesn't have that kind of chemistry with anyone else." roman added. "GO BABYGIRL!" jey was hyping you up, only for you to lose focus and solo took that chance to pin you. you tapped onto the mat, causing him to laugh.
"really? over my brother? we've been going through it for an hour." solo nudged your shoulders, before offering you a hand. "shut up." you grumbled, taking his hand. the other three walked inside the ring, all sweaty and ready to go. "you finished yet? jey and i need to use it." you nodded in response, taking a sip of your water. jimmy went inside the ring first, leaving jey right next to you. "good job, you were amazing baby."
you really didn't get it. the cameras weren't around and yet he was still acting like he was your boyfriend. "t- thanks." you stuttered, earning a grin from him. "now root for me, imma beat his ass!" he yelled excitedly. you sat down, outside the ring–looking around for solo to no avail. "he's getting his cable." roman saw your confused expression. "oh, okay." you replied, minding your own business.
roman tied his hair and fixed his attire before going inside the ring. you sighed in relief when he stood up. you couldn't help but to feel intimidated by him. of course, he was the face of the company–you didn't want to mess with him. "you okay being on your own?" he asked out of the blue. "u- uh, yeah?" you tilted your head in confusion. "i can stay back and sit with you if you want-" "ay, leave my girl alone!" jey yelled all the sudden, gaining your attention.
"what?" you deserved an award for being the 'most confused person on earth' right now. "yeah, leave her alone. come fight us!" jimmy saw his brother trying to pull you away from roman's devious flirting and immediately backed his brother up. you were a flustered mess when they all looked at you. "come on, roman!" "yeah, yeah."
you were sitting down with all of them, running through the script. "so wait," jimmy scratched his head. "(y/n) has this rebellious act right? and i don't like her because i think she'll betray us like sami did." you nodded at his sentence. "but then she wins and then what?" he asked. "she's gonna side with me for a while and then she'll comply to roman, i think that's the point of this rebellious act." jey answered his brother's question. "that's too bad, i wanna have a friendly type of relationship on stage with (y/n)." roman added. "too bad, get your own girl, uce." jey slung his arm on your shoulders. "sorry, muscle memory." jey joked, looking at your flustered face.
everyone left when you were called by your choreographer. the gym was practically empty as it was already 11 pm. "you still here?" jey's voice made you look up. "oh yeah, i'm waiting for my uber." you muttered, flashing him your phone screen. "shit," he paused for a second. "ride with me. come on, it's late." you shook your head, clearly not wanting to be left alone with him. "i- it's okay!" you blurted out.
"like i told him, i don't want no damn stranger to be paired up with me." jey was driving you back to your house, telling the story about him being set up with you. "i mean, i wouldn't say that we're close. but you're definitely close to my lil bro, so we good." he chuckled. you only nodded in response, trying to sway of the awkward air. "and i know you're shy and all, luke told me about it. if you don't want to do anything, just tell me, alright? don't want to make you uncomfortable."
his sentence made you melt. "thank you for understanding." you offered him a small smile. "goddamn, don't smile at me like that, you're gonna make me fall in love with you or something." jey joked. to say the least, the ride wasn't as awkward as you imagined it to be. it was quiet–a comfortable kind of quiet. jey knew that you weren't really a talker, so he made sure that you were comfortable with him in order for your chemistry to work. "i'll see you at work tomorrow?" you nodded. "see you, pretty girl!"
the match day came and you weren't nervous. you had been in the ring with solo multiple times, so this wasn't new to you. the backstage crew told you that creative's moved your locker room to the bloodline's locker room. right now, you were wrapping your fingers with your tape–with your signature color, red. in front of you was solo, doing the same with his representative color, white. "don't kill me today." you said to him. "i won't kill you, you just got here." he replied with a smile.
"plus if i actually killed you, some mullet boy is gonna beat my ass." speak of the devil, you thought. you heard the door being opened and jey walked in, clearly not in his wrestling attire. "big day for you guys." he dropped his bag inside the locker, taking a seat next to you. "yeah, you better put some trust on me." solo rolled his eyes. "nah, i'm here for here, you can take jimmy." "you're choosing her over me?" jimmy took offence in his twin's words. "i've been with you for my entire life, give me a break."
you drank your water, patiently waiting for your cue to start. solo was already in the ring, jimmy on his side. jimmy was portrayed to be the one who didn't want you in the bloodline, unless you could prove your skills. "(y/n), up in 3... 2... 1..." jey looked at you and winked. "let's go, baby." he took your hand–you grew accustomed to his hands being intertwined in yours. it was definitely a progress that you didn't fluster every time he does something to or with you.
muscle memory knocked your senses. you put on your persona as you walked down the ramp. "the troublemaker (y/n), hand in hand accompanied with jey uso, once again. his brothers are already inside the ring. we could say that jey's the only one who trusts (y/n)." the commentator said, narrating the story. you jumped on to one of the turnbuckles, doing your signature pose, before jumping into jey's arms.
solo circled you and you were ready to do your finishing move. jey and jimmy were having a trash-talk moment as the script played out. solo pulled your shoulders, trying to hit a samoan spike. you superkicked him, causing him to fall on his back. you quickly ran to the turnbuckles, getting on top of it. "and a moonsault from (y/n)!" the commentator yelled. "will she finally prove that she's worthy being in the bloodline?" you were out of breath as you pinned solo in the middle of the ring. "and here is your winner, the newest member of the bloodline, the troublemaker, (y/n)!" jey slid inside the ring, picking you up on his shoulders. "you did it!" his smile dropped when roman's music started playing.
everyone immediately stood up, acknowledging the tribal chief. you really had to hold back a laugh, it was all acting but people were really getting into it. roman made his way to the ring, with paul on his side, obviously. "miami." he spoke to the mic. "acknowledge me." you were still on top of jey's shoulder, hesitating to put a finger up to commemorate the tribal chief and his glory. "put her down." roman instructed.
"i was celebrating with my boyfriend, you're here to ruin it?" you barked into the microphone, still sticking to your character. "you're a part of the bloodline and you're not gonna listen to anyone except me." you were having a stare off with roman, until jey broke it off. "leave her alone, she'll comply." jey defended you. "she needs to, now she's a part of our family. we all know who is the head of the table. me. not you." roman replied.
"i acknowledge you, my tribal chief." you gritted your teeth. "good. now put this on, throw all your old gear away." roman put his hand out and paul pulled something out of his suit. it was a bloodline t-shirt. the fans went wild as they saw you putting it on. "better stay in line and make us all proud." roman said once again. "i will, but i'll do it for one man only. my boyfriend, jey uso." you smirked. "(y/n) might be the newest member of the bloodline, but she is still the rebellious girl we all know. the tension between her and reigns is undeniable interesting for us to see."
jey was watching you the entire time. he couldn't help but to feel attracted to you. the way you were still standing with your guard up (he knew it was an act, but he was mesmerised by it). you had this charm when you were on stage that made people kept their attention on you. off stage? you still had that charm. every time you walked by, people turned their heads–you caught everyone's attention, especially jey uso's. at that exact moment, he knew he had to do something for you to only pay attention the the main event, him.
the walk backstage wasn't quiet. people clapped as soon as they saw you. you were acting your ass off and you thought you deserved to be appreciated. but with your shy nature, you were really flustered to have all the attention on you. before jey could say anything to you, you were pulled by your old faction members. "congrats, (y/n)! that was amazing!" kevin and sami were backstage, waiting for you to come back. “thanks, i miss being in the ring with you guys.” you hugged them, clearly happy to see them again.
“i just hope jey treats you right.” sami nudged you with his elbow. “shut up, it’s an act.” “well by the looks of it, it’s not an act for him.” sami said, looking at your ‘boyfriend’ who was walking to the three of you. “why does everyone want to steal my girl? can’t i just have 5 minutes of peace with her?” he laughed. “your girl is still our little sister.” kevin rolled his eyes. “aight, aight. don’t keep her for too long though!”
back in the locker room, the bloodline was waiting for you. you hesitated a bit to enter the room as they all had a serious expression plastered on their faces. “d- did i do something wrong?” you stuttered. “yes.” roman answered, looking directly into your eyes. “tell her, uce.” jimmy said to jey. “well…” jey walked right next to you. your heart was beating faster than before, you were anxious to know what was happening.
“you did amazing, baby!” jey broke out of his facade and practically lifted you up in his arms. you sighed in relief. “congratulations, (y/n)! you’re a part of the family now!” roman smiled at you. jimmy and solo joined the group hug and you were overwhelmed. maybe this dating idea will really help you overcome your fear of meeting new people, you thought. “thank you, it’s all because of you i was able to do my best.” jey’s eyes widened as he heard you laughing. there was a strange feeling in his chest that he couldn’t brush off–it was something familiar, like the first time he saw you.
you saw the tweets talking about your match with solo. ‘i think (y/n) and jey are cute together, i'd love to see them in a tag-team match’ you read one of them, causing you to giggle and kick your feet. jey uso got you feeling like a silly little student who had a crush on one of the bad boys in your class. truthfully, you kind of hated yourself for being shy and not playing his games–but you were always like this since you were a kid. dare to say, if you really wanted to be with him–you’d have to do something, but nothing came in mind, you just had to wait for yourself to be brave enough to front it out with him.
keeping the kayfabe alive was one important detail of the industry. there had been some times where it was exhausting, but you loved your job and you had to do whatever the company told you to. today, you were called in to shoot a couple of content with other wrestlers, the company wanted to boost their tiktok account. your popularity skyrocketed and creatives wanted to use this spotlight for engagement.
“long time no see, (y/n).” your eyes widened in panic as you recognize the voice. it was sebastian from marketing. you didn’t really have a good relationship with him, he was your merch manager once. all he did was flirt with you and he didn’t take you seriously, due to your shyness, claiming he could do a better job as a wrestler than you. luke was nowhere near you, he was talking to the camera crew. “yeah.” you said, not looking away from your screen.
he sat right next to you, not knowing that you shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. “so you with the young uso dude now?” you panicked and quickly nodded. “kayfabe at its finest. don’t lie to me, i know you’re still single as shit with your shy persona.” he rolled his eyes, moving closer to you. “come on, let’s hang out soon, i miss you.” you couldn’t wait to go home and escape from this man.
jey yawned as he practically dragged his body inside the building. he was called in for a last minute content shooting without his brother because jimmy was spending the day off by sleeping in. he whistled his way through the hallways and spotted a familiar face. it was you, clearly uncomfortable with the man right next to you. jey furrowed his brows and clearly walked faster to you. “baby,” he greeted you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “sorry i was late, got caught in traffic.” you quickly played along with his game.
“it’s okay baby, i was just waiting for you.” you were relieved to see him. “you wanna get to the talent room?” you immediately nodded. sebastian was annoyed at the sight of you and jey being all lovey-dovey. without wanting to make himself a fool, sebastian walked away from the scene. once again, you sighed in relief. “thank you.” you muttered. “saw you were uncomfortable, no one messes with my girl like that.”
days passed by and you grew comfortable with his presence. jey’s teasing died down as your quietness rubbed off on him. now, rather than teasing you non-stop, he preferred to put himself in a position where he made sure that you were comfortable around him. jey would often ask you if you were alright doing a bit with him or if you wanted to change it to your liking. you took a notice of his shift of character. that made you fall harder than before.
from his perspective, he really wanted you to see him as a person who would take you seriously. jey uso had one mission left. he already made you comfortable, he made you laugh, there was only one thing to do. confess.
friday came by and you were going to cut a promo together with jey. today was just a normal day at work. you were early, like usual. you stepped out of the car and immediately went to the locker room, finding it to be… empty? no one was there, but you saw a pair of red shoes near your locker. “was waiting for you to arrive.” jey said, his voice coming from behind you. “the locker room feels empty without solo, jimmy, and roman.” he blurted out. “yeah, it’s just us for today, huh?” the man nodded at your sentence.
it was like clockwork–jey helped you with your tape and you helped him with his tape. the chemistry was built and you didn’t regret working with him. he really helped you get out of your shell and you were thankful for that. he was also thankful for this gimmick as it brought the two of you closer. maybe quiet is nice sometimes, you thought. the quietness died down when you heard the crew telling you to stand by. you looked at jey and offered him a smile. “ready for today?” he nodded. no snarky comments, no flirting, just a nod. it was weird coming from him–although you knew he toned down the flirty attitude.
"(y/n)," jey paused for a second. "i like you a lot, you know that?" he continued. "jey, the cameras aren't here. you don't have to act-" "no, i really like you." he finally confessed. "i don't know, i mean i was interested in you at first... and being in this gimmick with you? made me realize that you're an amazing person. i really can't help myself." he chuckled. you blush at his words, not knowing what to respond. "you don't have to say anything, just hear me out." jey continued.
“i know we’re supposed to be ‘dating’ only on screen but… i like you for real.” he said, holding your hand. you didn’t know what to say. “and like, i tease you a lot. saying you’re my girl and all that, but i do really want you to be my girl.” he saw you being unresponsive and quickly backtracked his own words. “i get it if you don’t like me too, i just feel like i needed to get this out of my chest.” he muttered.
the room felt stuffy for you. you were overwhelmed by his actions and you really didn’t know what to say. jey took it as a no and stood up. “i think your answers are clear, i’ll go then…” he smiled, walking towards the door. “jey, wait.” you ran up to him, pulling his arm. “this is so stupid to say,” you began talking. “but… i can’t believe i’m saying this at my grown age.”
“i like you too.” his ears instantly perked up. “i don’t show it but, i like you too.” you placed your forehead on his back, hiding your flustered face. jey swore he had never been this happy before as he turned around, facing you. his grin grew wider when he saw your face. “come on, we need to go on stage first, be the rebel and the main event,” jey hugged you. “when we get back, we can just be (y/n) and jey.” he kissed your forehead.
just (y/n) and jey, you thought. “that sounds nice.”
a/n: 2 weeks… didn’t post any of my writings for 2 weeks… that’s a long time (for me). i hope y’all enjoyed this because i really like writing jey soooo here’s to 200 (it’s 211 now baby!), thank you for your support <3!! i promise i’ll write more!
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
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INFERNO | Halloween event
“Through me you go into a city of weeping; through me you go into eternal pain; through me you go amongst the lost people.” ― Dante Alighieri, La Divina Commedia, L’Inferno
SUMMARY: Hell seems so far away from us, but be careful, the most monstrous creatures lurk closer than you might think. And on Halloween, when anything is fair, they are not afraid to show themselves for what they are. The gates of the underworld are open, the damned souls are free.
PAIRINGS: various nct members x fem!oc/reader (as usual no name, no descriptions, written in third person)
GENRE: smut, halloween themed, monsters, (light) angst
WARNINGS: smut, monsterfucking, light dubcon (mostly because of the power imbalance that comes from monster x human relationship, minor corruption in some, or aphrodisiac fluids usage, but the mc is more than willing in all of them), some angst, blasphemy, slight yandere behaviours
A/N: the stories are NOT related to each other. Read each fic warning before proceeding and if you don’t like it just skip it. It’s fiction, monsters don’t exist, and these stories don’t represent nct in any way. I should be regular with the release dates, following the ones written here, but keep in mind that I’m also writing my thesis and not all of these are completed/started so they might be slightly delayed. If you want to be added to the taglist, comment under this post so I have all your usernames in one place. Enjoy!!
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PAIRING: werewolf!johnny x werewolf!yangyang x werewolf!jeno x werewolf!jaehyun x werewolf!kun x fem!human!oc/reader
SUMMARY: ‘don’t go in the woods, past the first two rows of trees.’ It’s a simple rule, planted in every kid’s mind in the village since they are born. Nobody knows why, but nobody dares to question why. But pride leads to do dangerous things and what’s supposed to be a silly bet to prove something, gets you lost a bit too far into the scary forest. And those who seem to be polite strangers turn out to be something they’re not.
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PAIRING: seraphim!taeyong x succubus!oc/reader
SUMMARY: after consuming many human souls, there’s one thing you want to do. Corrupt an angel. But not any angel, God’s favorite angel.
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PAIRING: ghost!jeno x fem!human!oc/reader
SUMMARY: you find out what’s the weird sensation that’s been torturing you for years, but just when you think things start to make sense, he confuses you even more. Are you really who he thinks you are?
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PAIRING: vampire!jaehyun x fem!human!oc/reader
SUMMARY: an abandoned castle, one quick walk upstairs and then you were going back to your friend. But the castle is not abandoned at all, and after many lonely years, somebody’s happy to finally have some company.
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PAIRING: tentacle monster!haechan x fem!human!oc/reader
SUMMARY: all your life you heard stories about the monster that lives in the lake, but they never scared you. You were looking for him, hoping fate was going to lead you to him to prove yourself you’re not crazy for believing in his existence. And when it happens, he seems to be afraid of you.
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PAIRING: priest!kun x fem!human!oc/reader
SUMMARY: you get close to your town church again in the hope of finding your faith again, but the new priest seems to lead you closer to perdition than salvation. And when you get closer to him, you start to wonder if he really is who he seems to be.
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PAIRING: pick the members here
SUMMARY: on Halloween, nothing is as it seems. You end up in a room with six guys thinking they have amazing costumes only to be struck by reality when it’s too late; those are not costumes at all. But remember, on October 31, nothing is as it seems.
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hockeyboysimagines · 23 days
Happy Birthday
Warnings-angst, fluff
At the rink/Brothers teammate/hurt-comfort/Love at first sight/Autumn birthday.
PSA I do not write for Ross Colton, but I did this for my bestie on her birthday! I can’t say enough good things about her. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend this year! I hope you have a great birthday🤍 Of you guys haven’t read her stuff you’ve been living under a rock. I hope this is everything you wanted!
Also, birthday girl got to pick the OC’s name🤍
Love you @cellythefloshie
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“Make a wish!”
Ross grinned as he watched Gemma lean forward pushing her long hair back away from the candles and blew out a breath extinguishing the flames as everyone cheered around her. She caught his eyes and grinned as smoke furled from the burnt wicks of the candles and dissipated in the air.
God she gorgeous he thought in his head. He could never say that out loud to anyone.
And that meant ANYONE.
Ross had known Gemma Evans since he was a kid. Her brother, Jared was a longtime friend and teammate and growing up she’d always just been Jared’s little sister who’s room was down the hall. Until she turned 17. Ross had been away in Connecticut that November and for the first time had missed her birthday. He’d sent her a text and even a card and then had spoken with her sporadically during the rest of the season. When he’d come home, he’d been stunned to find that wasn’t Jared’s baby sister anymore. Like it was the first time he had seen her, he fell hard right there in her parent’s kitchen.
And that’s when his problems started.
Not only was it illogical for him to have feelings for one of his oldest friends younger sister, who he’d known since she was 3, but it also felt wrong. Like he was that weird older brothers friend creeping on his younger sister, the kind they always made fun of, but he couldn’t help it. She filled his brain day in and day out. No matter where he played, no matter who he dated, none of that mattered. She lived in every void in his brain. Over the course of the next few years he fluctuated between spending every chance he could near her and distancing himself. During the season it was easy to curb contact with her, but that didn’t mean he didn’t think about her. He could chalk up his absences and lack of contact to games and practice and whatever else he usually got up to during the season. But then he’d come home in the summers and she’d be there. Tan skin, long hair, bright white smile, and he couldn’t stay away from her. How Jared hadn’t noticed yet was beyond him but he was glad. That would be one awkward conversation to have.
And now he was here, watching her blow out the candles on her 25th birthday cake. By a stroke of luck, the Avs were in town to play the devils the following evening and even though her birthday wasn’t till next weekend, they’d made accommodations so Ross could be there for it this year. He hadn’t been around for a birthday in some time and it was nice to see his friends and some family. But as he’d glanced around the party he’d noticed someone was missing.
Dan, Gemma’s boyfriend, was nowhere to be found. He was alright, Ross didn’t want to hang out with the guy on the weekends or anything but he was okay. He’d never gotten any inclination that was unhappy or not being taken care of so he’d been friendly and cordial every time he’d been around him. It had sucked to see her with someone else, but as long as she seemed happy, Ross really couldn’t complain. He wasn’t making a move anytime soon, and realistically he knew she wouldn’t stay single forever. As long as he was nice to her that would be all that mattered. Jared however did not feel the same. He’d made an off handed comment once not long after Ross first met him that he didn’t like him, and never elaborated on why. Ross had always assumed it was just “overprotective big brother” but something nagged at him every time Dan came up in conversation. He’d asked Jared again the following summer and he just shrugged and said something felt off about him from the beginning and he still felt that way. He said Dan went out of his way to show what a good boyfriend was, and it all felt fake to him. Ross had been thinking about it since then and though he felt like it was partially bias, he agreed. Every time he’d been around Dan was always hugging her, kissing her, bragging about things he did or vacations they went on together. He was over compensating and it all felt like it was for show, and for a bit of time he even wondered if it was for his benefit. Jared might have been blind towards the affection Ross showed for Gemma, but maybe Dan wasnt. Maybe Jared had chalked it up to “brotherly sisterly we’ve known eachother our whole lives affection”, but Dan saw him as a threat. Which was silly because Ross had always treated Gemma with respect and was never flirtatious when people were around. But he couldn’t change the way he looked at her. That would give his true feelings away every single time. He wondered now idly if that had anything to do with his absence. If Ross could make it while the season was in full swing, Dan had no excuse.
She by now, had made her way around the table with a large smile and hurried over to him.
“Happy Birthday!” He said as she wrapped her arms around his midsection and squeezed him.
“Thank you. Im so glad you could be here.” She had her head resting on his chest eyes closed. Her hands were gripping the material of the back of his shirt tightly. He wondered if she could feel how fast his heart was beating.
“I wouldn’t miss this one. Halfway to 50.”
She pinched his side and he jumped with a small laugh and shook his head “Kidding of course. Glad I could be here.”
“Me too. How long are you in town for?”
“Till tomorrow after the game. Then we play in Philly the next night.”
She nodded and glanced around “Let’s do something after this. If you want that is.”
“Sure.” He said, a little too fast, and then cleared his throat “What-uh like what?”
She glanced up in thought “I’ll let you think of something.”
He swallowed thickly, knowing full well what he’d like to do but he was sure that idea was off the table, so instead he said “Let’s go skate.”
She smiled and nodded “Deal.”
When Gemma was 5 and Ross was 7 he and Jared had taken her skating with them one day and instead of her sitting on the sidelines complaining about the cold, they stuffed her feet in skates and taught her how. She wasn’t very good, and by now was probably even worse than before, but he would help her through the whole thing if it meant he got to be that close to her and potentially hold her hand.
She was called away then by her friends but she paused and turned back to him “It really is so good to see you.”
He watched as she walked away with a little sigh.
“Dude.” Jared slapped him on the shoulder startling him and handed him a beer “Thanks for coming. It’s good to see you.”
They chatted for a few moments before he approached the subject because he was about to explode with curiosity “Hey uhm-where’s Dan?”
The smile slipped from Jared’s face slowly like rain drops running down glass. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure Gemma wasn’t close enough to hear him before he turned back to Ross.
“They broke up last month. It was pretty bad.”
Ross fought the smile that was trying desperately to spread across his face and pretended to look shocked “What? Why? I thought things were good with them.”
Jared pursed his lips “Me too but apparently not. You know I never liked him, but he obviously wasn’t going anywhere so I got along with him for her sake. She was supposed to move in with him in December. She had her stuff packed and everything and then he just broke up with her one day, blocked her number and that was it. She was crushed.”
“Really? What an asshole. I had no clue.”
“Tell me about it. I didn’t say anything cuz I felt like it wasn’t my business to tell, but he's lucky I haven’t seen him yet because when I do. Game on.” Jared made a pounding motion with his right fist on his left hand.
Ross chuckled and nodded “I’m sure he’s making himself scarce knowing your around looking for him.”
“You ain’t kidding. I haven’t seen him not one time. No idea where he’s at.”
“Out catching VD probably.” Ross said off handedly eyes moving back to Gemma who was talking with his mom.
Jared laughed and gave Ross a nudge “Probably. She’s been really down, so I figured seeing you would cheer her up. Glad you were able to make it this year.”
“Seeing me?”
Jared rolled his eyes “Yes you. Come on my sister loves you. Always has, and I think-“
“Jared get over here!” The turned to find Jared and Gemma’s dad, Rob waving his son over.
“Hang on-“
“Wait I-“ but he was already gone leaving Ross wondering what he was going to say.
I think….you like her.
I think….you should date here
I think….you guys would have cute kids.
Woah hang on he said to himself furrowing his eyebrows calm down. No need to get carried away, even if it was totally true.
He hadn’t even spoken his feelings out loud yet, and he was already planning their first date in his head now that he knew he had no competition. Not that he saw Dan as competition just 2 minutes ago because he had accepted the fact that he and Gemma could never be anything. But now it was fair game. He could feel his chest puffing up and his spirit start to soar as he held his head a little higher. By the time her gathering started to die down, she appeared in front of him with her skates and an extra pair for him.
“Ready?” She asked with a smile. She was bundled in a black coat, long hair hanging down the back. The walk was only 15 minutes, but he walked as slow as possible knowing that this may be the last time he saw her during the season. He had to make his move now, because by summer she could be with someone else.
“So what do you think?” She asked speaking out into the night and little puff of fog coming from her mouth as she spoke. It jarred him from his internal monologue and he turned to her.
“About what?” He knew what she was asking but he played dumb.
“Ross.” She said with a small smile “I know Jared told you.” her smile started to slip a little and Ross felt a sinking feeling. He hated seeing her so sad. Dan had better count his days.
He sighed and nodded “ Yeah he did. Im sorry, I didn’t know or I would have reached out.”
She shrugged “It’s okay Ross. No one knew. And besides it’s not like it’s your job to know every aspect of my life anymore.”
“No but I mean if I had know I could have helped or something, and no I don’t need to know but I want to know.”
She smiled and looked at her feet “Oh yeah? Helped how exactly? I can’t cry on your shoulder from here in New Jersey.”
“Hey.” He said holding a hand out “I give great advice…by phone.”
She rolled her eyes and bumped him with her elbow “I didn’t tell anyone cuz I was embarrassed.”
He frowned “Why should you be embarrassed. The guy sounds like an asshole. I never liked him.”
“That’s what Jared said. It was tough I’m not gonna lie. I’m okay now but I wasn’t for a while. I wish I at least had an explanation for why he did it though.” She said quietly.
Ross nodded and kicked a rock out of the way as he walked “You know that him doing that was just a shitty thing right. Like that wasn’t your fault.”
“I guess. I dont think it was him though I think it was me.”
“What?” Ross asked eyebrows furrowing “Why would you say that?”
“I don’t know. If it wasn’t me then why would he just suddenly decide he didn’t love me anymore.”
Ross felt something stab him in the heart and for a second she was back to being Jared’s little sister when he saw the sadness on her face. He hated that. In an hour a guy who he’d always though was decent was now at the very top of his hit list. If Dan played hockey, Ross would have grabbed him by the sweater and pounded him knowing he’d only get a 5 minute timeout. Unfortunately if he did that off skates, the penalty would be worse.
“Hey.” Ross reached a hand out and stopped her from walking “Don’t think for one second that had anything to do with you. That’s his problem. You are beautiful and smart, and the best girl I know and if he can’t see that then you don’t need him in your life.”
Surprise registered across her face as she spoke “You think I’m beautiful?”
“Uh.” He ran his teeth across his bottom lip and then smiled nervously “Yeah. I mean of course. Everyone does.” He continued walking not looking back to make sure she was behind him. He wanted to kick himself in his own ass for being so damn stupid, especially since he wasn’t smooth enough to play that off in a clever way that wouldn’t make him look like a complete loser.
He heard her behind him and breathed a sigh of relief when the outdoor rink came into view, saving him from exposing himself anymore than he already had.
The air was brisk as they silently laced their skates, and made their way to the ice. Ross stepped on and took off, taking a full lap to calm himself down before he slowed down to match her pace. She was moving along fairly quickly and he looked her up and down with a smile, impressed.
“Have you been practicing?”
She turned and shrugged “A little. Years of you making fun of me inspired me.”
“I never made fun-“
“Liar!” She said jabbing him in the chest with her finger knocking herself off balance a little. She started to tip forward and he caught her by the elbows, her hands coming up to grip his jacket. She looked up, eyes moving up his face slowly. He glanced down at her mouth, then back up to her eyes before he let go of her arms and took a step back. Despite the cold, he’d broken out in a sweat under his shirt, and his face felt like it was on fire, a deep blush then was creeping from his neck to his face hidden beneath the collar of his sweatshirt.
He cleared his throat “Well you’ve gotten much better.”
She didn’t say anything just smiled and they skated in comfortable silence until he felt her hand brush his as she reached out to hold it. He froze a second, before he gripped her fingers back and glanced at her.
She was smiling “So how long have you thought I was beautiful.” She asked side eyeing him.
He chuckled and rolled his eyes, thankful that the dark was hiding the redness in his face that hadn’t gone away yet “I don’t know. A while.” he tried to play it off like it was no big thing but Gemma knew him better than that.
“A while…Really?”
He nodded “Really.”
She looked deep in thought before she spoke again “But like how long? Why didn’t you say anything before. Why are you saying it now?”
“Like in terms of years? A long time. And I don’t know really. Just didn’t feel like keeping it to myself anymore. It’s been in there long enough.” He pointed to his head and made eye contact with her for the first time. She was staring straight through his soul, looking at him like she never had before.
She twitched her mouth back a forth as she fought a smile and looked back down at her skates, a redness pooling in her cheeks “Do you think it was me that made him want to leave? I mean is there something wrong with me?”
“No.” He said without a moment’s hesitation “I think he didn’t appreciate you like he should have. Anyone who treats you that way doesn’t deserve you. And even then I’m not sure anyone deserves you.”
She looked up slowly “What do you mean.”
“I just think that.” He paused trying to find the words without being too obvious “That your too good for most guys out there.”
She turned her head to the side and gave a short small smile before it faded again “Well I appreciate that but you don’t have to keep complimenting me to make me feel better.”
“I-what?” He frowned and peered down at her.
“I mean it’s okay really. I love that your being so supportive but I’ll be fine-“
“Wait wait wait hold on.” He waved his hand to silence her “I’m not just saying that to make you feel better Gemma, I mean that.”
She looked unsure and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear “Really?”
He nodded and let out a breath, steam filling the air “Of course it’s true. I’ve-I’ve always felt that way.”
“Then why have you never said anything?”
“Because I was your older brothers best friend. I didn’t want to be that guy. We used to beat up those guys. But I’ve always thought that about you. And then Dan came around and I figured that was my last opportunity out the window so I backed off. I just-“
But his rambling was cut off by her taking a giant step forward and smacking her lips against his hard before she jumped back and covered her mouth.
He put a hand up to his lip and then glanced up at her “Ow.”
“Sorry I- oh god sorry.” She was shaking her head mortified, hands over her mouth. She looked so damn cute standing there in front of him eyes wide, cheeks and nose red with a look of anticipation. She was trying to gauge whether he was annoyed or grossed out when he was neither.
He looked at his hand, then her and shrugged and taking a small glide forward “Don’t apologize.” He said softly.
She tucked a strand of hair nervously behind her ear, completely embarrassed that she’d nearly broke all his teeth by trying to kiss him “I just have only kissed one boy before so I have no idea what I’m doing, did I hurt you? Are you bleeding-“
He was smiling and chuckled “I’m fine.” He reached a hand out and gripped the front of her jacket, pulling her closer slowly “Are you okay?”
“I’m-I’m okay. Wait what are you-?” She was looking at him confused as she came to a stop in front of him.
“You said you kissed one boy before, and that’s the problem. He obviously didn’t know anything about kissing.” He reached a hand up to push her hair hair off her cheek and rested his hand there across her jaw and neck, pulling her face closer to his, thumb stroking across her cold cheek as he leaned down, and pushed his lips sweetly against her own, eyes closing. They rested there a minute before he moved them, and Gemma felt her world flip sideways. Kissing Ross wasn’t like kissing Dan. His hands knotted in her hair that was stuck in the collar of her jacket and he pulled her flush against him as he pulled away and came in at a different angle, tongue sweeping across her lower lip slowly. Goosebumps bloomed across her skin as they stood there kissing under the moon.
When he pulled away she let her eyes flutter open to find him staring at her. He smiled slowly and let out a breath.
“That’s how you should be kissed, always.”
She tried to speak but the words never came as she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing her face closer to his, brushing his with her own.
“Happy Birthday Gemma.” He whispered.
And then he kissed her again.
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stitchpunk1 · 8 months
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Yeah Ive been wanting to do this for a bit but been super fucking lazy. Got some other fandom ones too I wanna talk about but what with Hazbins first season ending wanna talk about mine with a few tweaks I've done plus one I forgot to add in the last one. I will put this one under spoilers sense the eps just came out and now I have to change shit around till season two for a few of them.
First I have Lucy(used to be Mara and cliche name I know but i like it). She is Charlie and Vaggies kid and named after her grandpa(who spoilers her fucking ROTTEN). Kinda got a design in my head for her that goes with a lamb/goat theme because she is half demon and half angel. Shes got charlies blond hair but more in Vaggies short style and its slightly curly. Shes also got the little hooves, sheep ears and eyes are that horizontal goat type. Like before she is still an absolute artist and loves doing bigger art installations around hell. She ends up dating Husks daughter Heather when they get older.
Second we have Isabella who is by blood Angel and Alastors daughter but her other dad is Husk and sister is Heather. Still got the same design for her that shes a bit more centaur deer like. Shes got the ears(and tail because I'm not giving that headcanon up) of Alastor but with Angels color scheme and fur and kinda a mix of spider claws/hooves(trying to picture her like head/hair in my mind has been a BITCH trying to not just think of it as a carbon copy of Angel). Recently she has become absolutely fucking unhinged as a child in discussions with Musekicker. She is 100% a cannibal and loves to take bites out of people out of pure curiosity of how they taste(leading to many many child leashes that she usually manages to chew her way out of). I like to think that she becomes popular on the hell version of tiktok with cottagecore vibes with a mix of her cannibalism. Dunno why but I like to think that if Alastor sheds his antlers she collects them and makes them into headbands she wears(also uses them to stab people).When older she ends up dating Moxxie and Millies daughter Mable.
Heather is just Huskys by blood and a one night stand but after becoming a couple with Angle and Alastor they become her parents too and Isabella her sister. Every time I think of her design all I can picture is something like Sawyer from Cats Dont Dance. Shes mostly white with a bit of her dads dark grey. Her face all around is just a pure resting bitch face even if she isnt mad or in a bad mood("its literally just my face" is something she has to say a lot). Her biggest secret is how much she LOVES to sing especially musicals and wants to be a stage performer but she thinks she could never make it. She does start to try out in school or any local theater productions thanks to Lucys encouragement. I like to think that after quitting Mammon that even Fizz sometimes does shows for fun and he kinda mentors her after seeing her talent.
Two more to go! Vea is Val and Voxs little accident that they just decide to keep around. She looks mostly like a moth demon but more bluish and sometimes has a little bit of electricity that goes between her antenna. Shes pretty powerful as she can sometimes match Voxs powers if he say fucks around and locks electronics or tv channels. She ends up not exactly running away from home but just kind of wandering away as her parents pay her little to no mind. She ends up at the hotel and kinda taken in by everyone after they learn her story. She ends up becoming the hotels electrician and is fucking terrified of Niffty.
Lastly is one I forgot on my last post who I am not sure what to do with her after the last episode. Her name is Pia and she is Pen and Arackniss kid. Body type she looks mostly like Niss with a little snake tail but she can go full naga like with extra arms/legs when she wants. She has a hood/hair like Pen and is insanely venomous(took me like ten tries to fucking spell that right) do to being half snake/spider. If Pen is in heaven whenever these kids are around she is raised by Niss who stays around the hotel more to take care of her/keep her from his father(who you know is a fucking prick). When he isnt around Angel takes care of his niece. Shes mostly quiet and keeps to herself but she loves weapons of all kinds, being an absolutely crack shot with most firearms.
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