#i think it was only necessary because it was the first time hearing about ena
yellowymellon · 5 months
Spoilers for 2.2
After hearing Sunday yapping Abt ena for so long I felt a bit bad and decided to take all of my shit talking back, yes Xipe did nothing wrong!! they looked so gentle when they gazed on TB so I thought "this isn't the face of evil!"
But srsly, is my peanut brain incapable of following (it is) or was the plot of 2.2 low-key disconnected from 2.1, it felt like there was a divergence somewhere and like there's smth wrong with the plot but I can't trace it... All I know is that it felt weighted down by "exposition dump" and repeated conversations that could've been handled better if they adjusted the pacing. I think Hoyo gatekept Sunday too long even tho he's a big part of the finale so they dedicated an entire patch to him. That bird scene should've definitely been in 2.1, not only will it be revisited when talking about his ideal signifying how great of an impact it was on him but also reminding him of a cherished moment with robin, grieving the fact he has to keep the promise alone now that she's dead. Instead we revisit that scene like 3 times. The ena info dump was a must (lore I live for it) and being in an earlier patch would be a big big foreshadowing. But the penacony past? I mean I think Sunday solidifying his point was cool and all but we kinda learned from Gallagher and I don't think it should've taken longer or been told twice. But eh wasn't an issue to me it just felt clunky maybe because Sunday was narrating everything. It's a good patch tho not saying it's bad
And since penacony ended and next will be the epilogue questions like why was the dream master opposed to Sunday searching for the killer if robin was a must for their plans, what's firefly's 3rd death, what was the consequence to robin not being the tuner of dominicus, why did Gallagher think it was a sane choice to invite the annihilation gang bruh, why did sparkle hand over those things and who does she work for (it was stated that she did maeven a favor not that she worked for her), and more I forgot won't all be answered cuz that's how Hoyo sometimes is
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cherriesradio · 4 years
How MHA comforts your kid after a nightmare.
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With Bakugo, Deku, and Todorki (Gn!reader)
Warnings: mentions of past abuse
Word Count: 1,863
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Info on kids: (take in I got the names off a random website so tell me if it’s offensive)
Bakugo - Daughter, Named Ena, 6 years old
Deku - Twins, Girl: Fumiko, 10 years old, Boy: Akio, 5 years old
Todoroki - Son, Kento, 7 years old
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He had been staying late for work, a habit he had been trying to stop for a while now. At least this time it was necessary because there was a big villain fight earlier that day, and he graciously offered to help with clean up.
Wanting to get the stress off your daughters shoulders, so decided to have a movie night.
Ena had taken a likening to Disney movies, some how. Though she did seem to most admire the villians more then the hero’s. Or the arrogant hero’s. Like father like daughter, I guess.
You pick Ena from school, on the way home she asks if what they showed on the news really happened, and “is daddy really hurt? I’m worried ‘bout daddy.”
You curse under your breath about why the fuck they would play the normal bloody and grim news infront of first graders. Sure, a lot of the kids parents are hero’s, but their parents should tell them that, not a TV.
You look at her at once at a spot light. Her sad face, her knees to her chest in the backseat. You place your hand on her knee.
“Don’t worry sweetheart. Daddy’s gonna be okay, he’s even helping clean up the mess later. So he’s gonna be home later than normal.”
Your happy when you see her get slightly less worried, knowing her dad is okay.
Once you get home you make her some ramen while she talks about her day at the counter.
You hand her the ramen, and offer taht after she does her homework and you check it, you could have a Disney movies marathon.
“What in the world is a movie marathon? Is it liek when those crazy people runnin’ for a while mile in like two minutes?”
You chuckle and roffles up her hair, kissing the top of her head. “It’s where you watch a bunch of movies in a row. We could do Disney.”
She instantly gains a spark in her eyes as soon as you say Disney, quickly squealing and running off to do her homework as quickly as she could.
Once she finished and you checked, her getting all the problems correct as normal, you get on the couch and start.
You go on for hours, at some points she sits down at the coffee table and plays with toys. Though she always ends up back cuddling into your chest, sitting in your lap, head turned to see the movie.
Around 10, she fell asleep. You thanked the lord that she didn’t have school the next day, also a little thankful she did stay up late, she would nap more the next day.
Quickly after you turned the movies off and fell asleep as well.
Bakugo sighed, annoyed that he had to stay till one in the morning to clean.
He was so ready to quickly eat left overs, kiss his little hothead of a daughters forehead, and then cuddle up to you as you slept. But NOPE, you just use to be all cUtE and cuddle with your daughter on the couch
How dare you be a good parent >:(
Though, Era seemed to be clingy tightly to your skin, surprising Bakugo on how you weren’t awaken by her uncut, sharp nails.
He moved to place his hand on her shoulder, his hot touch quickly waking her up with a loud “Daddy!”
You woke up very much startled by to daughter scream.
“Sweetheart what happened?” You say somehow quickly than Bakugo, turning quickly to her.
Era looked up at Bakugo, the slightest bit of relief going through her stressed mind.
“Daddy’s okay? R-right? He’s right there, he’s he’s gotta be okay?” Her eyes flickered from you and Bakugo.
You finally noticed that Bakugo was there, and was probably the one waking her up from her nightmare.
You stood up, hold Era on your hip. You hugged Bakugo, Era’s arms wrapped around both of you.
“What the hell happened?” He whispered, toward Era just barely couldn’t hear.
“She was worried about you, Love.”
Bakugo picked her out of your arms and put her legs around his waist.
“Listen, Babes. I’m never gonna be hurt to bad in a fight. Daddy’s to strong for that!” He smirked, quickly followed with a big grin when Era giggled.
“Daddy’s too great to get hurt!” She cheered, the past tear marks now seeming meaningless to her.
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You were tired as normal after the large effort of getting the twins to bed. You knew you wanted to see Deku today, and also knew that he would get home late as normal.
At least he had lots of time in the day for you and your kids.
You drank some coffee, it was merely nine o’clock and Izuku wouldn’t be home till at least one in the morning.
You layed on the couch, putting on a queit movie as to not wake the kids.
“I’m home!” Izuku called, earlier than he told you.
“Izuku? I thought you said you would be home at one? It’s only 12.” You said while walking up to him.
“I wanted to surprise you, Lovely. I may have been held back, I thought I would come home before the kids even fell asleep.” He said, putting his arms around your waist and kissing your nose.
“Your an idiot.” You snickered at his plan.
“I’m your idiot.” He laughed, raising his hand from your waist. “And your stuck with me.” He said, pointing to the ring on his finger.
You laugh at your silly husband, who somehow still had that wholesome attitude after all the trama and hurt he insured over the years of being a hero.
You both go to bed, cuddle up to each other, kissing the others warm and welcoming touch.
When I the middle of the night you hear soft but quick knocks coming from the door.
“Izuku, could… could you get it?” You ask, him already on his way to the door.
He gently opened the door, to a tired looking Fumiko and a crying Aiko. Funiko’s hand was lightly on his back, holding his trembling body in place.
“Dad, dad I had I really and nightmare. C-can I sleep with you tonight?” Aiko muttered under his breath.
Izuku looked up towards Fumiko, trying to aka what had happened.
“He woke up a few minutes ago. He had a dream, I think you died or something. I tried to comfort him but he just wanted you and p/n.” (P/n: parental name (mom, dad, etc)
“Thanks, Fumiko. Go back to bed, I’ll let Akio sleep with us tonight.” He whispered, kissing his daughters forehead before she went back to their room across the hall.
He yawned and walked back to the bed, Akio on his hip. He gently shook you back awake.
“Lovely? Akio had a nightmare.” He told you, as you turned to face him. You had a sympathetic look on your face, looking into your child’s terrifyed eyes.
You nodded and reached your arms out to hold Akio in your arms. He plopped onto you, his face just far enough to be heard while talking.
“Dad and you are gonna be safe, right? Right, p/n?” He looked up at you. You nodded and wiped away his tears.
Izuku layed back down and run his hands through Akio’s hair, something that had always comforted you during the UA days, and even now.
Akio feel asleep with in minutes, and you kept him to your chest to make sure he wouldn’t get nightmares. Not with you and Izuku protecting him.
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Todorki (warning; ANGST)
He was glad, he could finally get home early for once. He decided not to tell you, similar to Izuku, wanting to surprise you and Kento.
“Dears! I’m home early!” He smiled as he walked into the classic Chinese (?) home, ready for you and Kento to jump in and hug him.
But, instead of being welcomed home with a loving bear hug, he was welcomed with two terrified glares, and and a unmatching one that was filled with heat.
“Shouto, your home early.” You said, wanting to interrupt the silence.
“Dear, why in the world is this bastard here?” He said with a growl.
“I didn’t know you had a son, Shouto.” Endeavor said. His scar seemed to have healed slightly over the years, though it was clearly visible still.
“What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were gonna stay out of my life from now on.” Shouto said, still having to look up at the tall man.
“I’m just visiting. You don’t have to hold a grudge.” Endeavor shrugged and turned back to you and Kento on the couch.
“Kento, right?” He titled his head, lowering his arms.
He picked Kento up.
The man who you had been told abused his children, beat his wife, killed mercilessly, took away the love of your life’s childhood, picked up your child.
Anger immediately pumped into your veins, you quickly tearing a terrified Kento from the old mans arms.
“Get away from my son!”
“You know, I never did think you were good for Shouto.”
You better believe Shouto took care of the rest.
You crattled Kento in your arms, not wanting to let go even long after he fell asleep. You had to keep yourself from holding onto him to hard, knowing that if you held on as hard as you wanted, you would crush the poor kid.
Shouto sighed and walked back in, walking into the bedroom where you held Kento.
“Dear.” He said in the doorway. His voice was soft and familar.
“Yes, love?” You said, peaking up at him.
He walked and sat down next to you, kissing your shoulder. You almost feel the pain oozing out of him. (God I hate “ooze” so much-)
“I’m sorry, Dear. I’ll…” He sighed and put his head in his hands. “I don’t even know. He refuses to retire and the government is a total suck up for him.”
You exhale and Lena on his shoulder.
“We are never letting that happen again.” You scoff in to his sleeve.
“Yes, of course. He’s never gonna come back here, into our home.” He safely added.
“Not that. Of course I’m still never gonna let him in again. I’m never letting that bitch hold my baby ever again.” You said. He gently smiled down at you, admittedly a little glad you had such a hatred of his father.
You grunted as Kento held on tighter to your waist where he had his arms wrapped around, his face wrinkled liek he just ate something sour.
This being familar, him sharing regular nightmares like his father, you softly woke him up.
“Dear? Dear wake up, the scary man is gone. He’s never coming back.” You said as Shouto softly shook his arm, and you shakes his slightly.
“Mh… p/n, Dad… I’m scared. He came back in my head.” He whimpered, tapping his forehead.
He leaned down and pressed his face on his stomach, peaking up with sad eyes at Kendo’s face.
“I know. We all are. But that’s never gonna happen again. We’ll make sure of it.”
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