#i think daves is more-so bpd AND npd
butchdykekondraki · 1 year
everyone in dsaf has npd btw i know this. they told me so. personally.
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bringcal · 2 years
wanna drop some headcannons?
UM.. OF COURSE.. been waiting for the day an anon asked me this. Just a warning I am mentally insane sorry if these hcs are too crazy for you.
Height headcanon from shortest to tallest: Jane, Rose, Dave, John/June, Dirk, Roxy, Jake, Jade.
Rose used to be taller than Dave, but then Dave had a growth spurt lol.
Jake English:
Jake has NPD ( made a whole post about this a long time ago, which I want to add onto one day because I have more to cover ) + Autism. He's also Nonbinary but hasn't realized it yet / Trying to repress it.
Jake is aromantic, I'm not sure if I see him as bi or gay yet.
Dave Strider:
Dave has DID because of his upbringing ( Again, made like 4 posts and 3 artworks about this ) + ADHD. Candy route won me over so I HC Dave as gay, though I also like aromantic hcs as well. He's cisgender to me sorry, his gay realization was just so cis to me. Also he has really crooked teeth and I wouldnt be surprised if he lost an adult tooth or at least chipped some because I also HC that he prolly would lose baby teeth during strifes.
ahem. He also has birdlike eyes. It's like more of a reason to not take off the shades because theyre kind of creepy. also I think if he hugged anyone hed wrap his wings aroudn them too ( his wings r huge )
Dirk Strider:
ADHD... I also been thinking BPD because my partner dies on that hill but I'm not sure yet. Also OCD. I sometimes hc as intersex AND trans, but a lot of times I just settle on Perisex + trans. He's just SUCH a trans guy I will shake him around like a drink.
I would also say HCs for bro strider but like all of them are heavy topics, sorry!
Also gender/sexuality/appearance hcs change a lot for me because I love a lot of diff headcanons.
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lesboylycan · 1 year
okay, let's do this...
[werebeastlybutchboy -> lesboylycan]
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uh. hi, hello. we are a multi-origins spontaneous-adaptive mediple polyfrag plural collective of 550+ who is collectively an it/its ze/hir transsexual auto/mspec pansybutch lesbian (to keep it concise, that is); this blog is mainly run by Wolf, a subsystem of sorts of six. you can find their names below in the tagging system, and more detail about them on our plurality-specific blog, @leptonyx-constellate. our selfship blog is @local-lovey-wolfboy, although not everything we post there is exclusively about selfshipping. note: we are bodily an adult, although we prefer not to state our actual age.
we are explicitly proship/profic; if you don't like that, leave. i don't want any trouble with anyone, and if you're an anti, i don't want to be around you. we are also pro-selfshipping, but you'd see that if you looked at our other blog for just about two seconds anyway.
when wei use we/us/our/ours/oursel[f/ves], wei're talking about the collective as a whole. when wei use wei/meus/myur/miurs/myursel[f/ves], wei're talking just about myurselves, Wolf. note that we are disordered via a CDD (but don't consider ourselves to be a system largely due to semantics that really only bug us when it comes to ourselves), but wei consider myurselves to be disordered (and a system) due to our/myur AVPD, which influenced both how wei split and how wei currently function.
we are considered a "clinical lycanthrope", although our insight comes and goes; we refer to ourselves as a wolf or wolfbeast, and we block reality checkers indiscriminately. we occasionally experience the delusion that we are an alien*. our nonhuman sideblog is @rotting-bones-will-sing.
do not reality check us. we are a wolf through and through (although we occasionally turn into other things), and not only would calling us human be wrong, it'll also make us hate your guts forever and will make our paranoia around getting "caught" worse. referring to us as a human or trying to tell us we aren't a wolf is the fastest way to make us block you. we are healthiest mentally when we are a wolfbeast.
* never refer to us being an alien as a delusion while we are in it. continue referring to us as a wolf or wolfbeast as you would normally; this only happens in times of severe mental, emotional, or physical distress and/or exertion. continuing to refer to us as a wolf will help us get back to baseline.
we're physically disabled and use both forearm crutches and a wheelchair. we also have ASPD, NPD, AVPD, and are schizophrenic + autistic, among other things. we have DID, but our plurality came before it and we are metaphysical in nature; we believe we were predisposed to developing (polyfrag) DID due to our schizophrenia and autism, among other things.
aspd/npd/bpd/hpd abuse isn't a real or distinct form of abuse, don't come within a 10 foot pole if you think it is, or else i am spraying you with a pressure washer.
asks are cool and good, we don't care who you are or anything so long as you're polite. this blog is mostly about reblogs along with stuff about queerness, our nonhumanity, and whatever else. we don't have an explicit DNI other than "if you dislike anything we say on this post or believe we're lying/in denial/can't be any of the things we say we are, leave" and the block button. if you want something a bit clearer for any reason, go to our selfship or plurality blogs.
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uh. yeah. that's about it methinks--oh wait tags (below cut)
minors, block #horny posting. that is the tag for sexually explicit posts. come back when you're eighteen. the #nsft tag contains all #horny posting tag content, but it also contains stuff like mild sex jokes for the folks who are entirely sex repulsed.
#it's me - stuff by Wolf (could be from Oakley, Matty, Dave, Twitch, Inti, or Junie)
#[name].txt - stuff by headmates who aren't part of Wolf; eg., Snail.exe, Mimic.exe, Carmen.exe, Owl.exe, etc
#nonhuman things - formerly #werecreature things; anything about being nonhuman. includes posts/reblogs about or related to therianthropy, 'kinnity, CL, and being an alien.
#plurality - anything about plurality
#queering shit up - stuff about us being queer (trans, butch, bi male lesbian, etc) or about queerness/queer identity in general
#the neuro diverges - anything about or related to [our] neurodivergency (aside from plurality as that has its own tag), including (but not limited to): autism, schizophrenia, ASPD, NPD, AvPD, etc; not exclusive of physical disability (see: VSS and migraine being neurological disorders while also physically disabling; see: neurodivergence - the possession of a brain that deviates from standard)
#leopard seals - leopard seals #other seals - other seals (including sea lions, fur seals, eared seals, etc)
#avpd posting - posts about our AVPD
#the body bad - anything about our physical disabilities; not exclusive of neurodivergency (see: VSS and migraine being neurological disorders while also physically disabling; see: neurodivergence - the possession of a brain that deviates from standard)
#asks - asks
#hate mail - anon hate #ambiguous mail - we are exceedingly bad at tone, so this is for the asks that we can't tell if they're anon hate or not #ask games - ask games #anonymous - anon asks #[insert blog url] - non-anon asks
#fandom stuff - fandom stuff, mostly Wobbledogs, Dimension20, + a smattering of Hermitcraft/MCYT and a little bit of meus talking about our old fandom (which wei will not name). sometimes other things will be mentioned on occasion (SFTH, The Amazing Devil, etc)
#tw [thing] - trigger warn tag. note: wei won't be tagging myur posts about being an alien or a wolf as unreality. don't ask. (however, wei will tag [other] unreality things as unreality if wei ever post/reblog them, but wei most likely won't--wei myurselves have the tag blocked)
#rebloop - reblogged posts
#self rebloop - reblogs of myur own posts
#moots - original posts and asks from our mutuals!
#nsft - nsfw posts, ranging from mild to ghost pepper spicy (although it's very VERY rarely that one lol. usually mild/implied). sometimes nsfw comes down to "funny sex joke" for the folks who are entirely sex repulsed.
#horny posting - nsfw posts that are explicitly horny and sexual. minors, block this tag, or at the very least by the GODS do not interact with any of these posts. wait until you're 18, they'll still be there. all horny posts are nsfw, not all nsfw posts are horny.
#house work - blog maintenance (announcements, updates, etc)
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shhisp · 1 year
i like how manic u and your gf make jake, do you have any other mental illness theories to feed my brain
:O thank you!!!!! It makes so much sense doesn't it. He's insane!!!!!!!!!
As far as hills I'm willing to die on I personally read self-hating man with NPD Dirk as a more or less textual fact, as well as Jake being accidentally written with quiet BPD as, like, just a thing that Is. This goes for their splinters and any AU versions I have for them as well, though I also tend to write Dirk with (obviously) ASPD traits because he has them and it is glorious. Comorbidity for the win!
Also they are both autistic, Jake probably has some undiagnosed attention disorder as well. I cannot imagine anybody in hs actually being professionally diagnosed, which is funny. I'm not sure if all of them are set in stone for me but some other characters that are giving borderline for better or for worse would be John (for better), Eridan (for worse), Aranea (not very textual at all I just like a blabbermouth girl with BPD), Lynera (see Aranea), Nepeta (cute), Kankri (good lord), and I also think it would be fucking hilarious if Jude started developing signs of it from the apple of borderline autism falling straight down onto his head. If I'm feeling spicy I'll give all of the Harlenglishcrockerberts a flavor of borderline insanity though.
My girlfriend can just retweet her takes if she feels like it on her special mental illnesses but ASPD Sollux is very important to me (and Cronus. And Dammek. And Lanque. And Dave. Tyzias. Equius? And a lot of others that I don't think about often enough.) Less textual and more "I like this :3"
I like a lot of things :3 but yes these are what I like THE MOST! And likewise I don't care for takes that are like, batshit opposite to them, but Homestuck is just like that and I cannot be arsed to argue about something that matters this little. Like what you like and project what you project ^_^
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