#i still remember you trex
genuinegirl · 10 months
Girlhood is being on the internet too young and playing therapist to a guy you've never met who is more than twice your age
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hypnos-m · 2 months
Day 7 of daily drawing
To be honest I feel kinda sad. I forgot the fact that Disability Pride Month is this month. I have tendency to forget everything and it's hard to remember when it's not as loud as lgbtq pride month but idk. I feel like I should remember this because I'm part of this community. But the funny thing is I am forgetting this because of my disability. Also also I don't want it to sound like I am angry at people and everything else. I just wanted to talk a little but still not telling everything. Also it's great that lgbtq and disability pride months are back to back because I have two months to celebrate ┌⁠(⁠・⁠。⁠・⁠)⁠┘⁠♪
Anyway I did my self a pfp and will probably change it if idraw something better.
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On the mini flag I am holding are colours representing me.(Can I say it like this?? Idk)
I didn't realize I did trex hands on this drawing.
Anyone curious about colours meaning:
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Also also I will be doing fanart of characters with disabilities from shows that I like. I will try talking about them a little but I don't feel suitable to do so. If you see my later post and I get something wrong I will correct it.
Have a nice day/vacation/night/week/month/year/life.
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unohanadaydreams · 8 months
You are a joy and a light on Tumblr and I just thought you should know that directly. It's so great to see you around! <33333 (DID YOU ENJOY TAMMY AND THE TREX)
Coming from a verified joy and light of tumblr yourself?? Thank you so much omg, it's very nice to be marinating in bleach blorbos again!!
The way there are SO many moments where you genuinely can't tell if the actors were struggling to remember their lines or were being forced to improv because they were only given the bones of a scene, especially toward the end completed the experience. It is truly amazing to watch. Byron and Tammy are just absolute weirdos and I love them. That one scene where they're a split second away from like hissing--CLAWS ALREADY BARED--to tell the guys in the hospital to piss off.....perfection.
The world famous Dr Wachenstein and Helga were fucking amazing. I went back for this screenshot because I am still obsessed with this scene. Helga just straight puffing smoke on Michael's brain and eyeing her beloved doctor as he just has the time of his life showing off the fun of brains.
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Also THE ENDING?????????????????? I was like 'oh so he's gonna die or they're magically gonna find a body for him'. But NO. They just went for it. They put that brain in a fucking fishbowl and rigged it to a video recorder so it could short circuit on booze while watching a strip show. Unbelievable. Incredible. Hope he never finds a body!
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Dinosaur Sue for WIP Wednesday
For a bunch of people: @kalira , @planeoftheeclectic, @h-i-raeth, @eriquin, and another user I will have to post to directly, because tumblr doesn't seem to admit they are real (@stonemaskedtaliesin).
So here's a big chewy hunk of dinosaur poo:
“She rode one for a little while. Then tyrannosaurs came along. Those assholes.” Arresh snapped his jaws hard.
            “How in Hecate’s tits?” Drakon swore and remembered his company.
            Olam raised an eyebrow. “Did you not think they worked for Anpu?”
            “They couldn’t. They don’t talk to people.”
            “They talk to Asortus plenty.” Alexos went flat on the roof of the transport. If he were on rocks he’d be damned near invisible.
            Olam nodded. “There are those who trade with Tyrannosaurs. It must be that this pod owes someone a great deal. Otherwise they would never agree to chase after a human and not eat them.”
            Drakon knew of Asortus. He was a wanted criminal, an outlaw to Thedion with a high price on his head. He was said to be a tyrannosaurus bataar, from another continent. Smaller than the local monsters, but a mage. Even the tyrannosaurs respected mages. “She’s a mage. They respect that, or so I’ve heard.”
            “They do.” Olam nodded to him. “What happened next, brother?”
            “The outlaws retreated and the trikes left. No fight, even. Then Fiona walked after the TRex and there was…some kind of fight. Fiona went into a tree, came out and the big female lay down and I think Fiona rode off on her.” Arresh finished, ducking his head down.
            Drakon shuddered. Why? Well, she probably couldn’t escape the TRex. They had her scent. No matter how long she walked in the Earth, she’d come up for rest and they would track her. Did she know that? She knew a lot about many things she shouldn’t.
            What if she had decided to go to Anpu? No, that couldn’t be. She’d given her life for him, gone to be a hostage so the damn high priest could save his life.
            “Fiona is not one to run from problems.” Olam squeezed his shoulder.
            Damn it. Either the bastard smelled things like a huali or he wasn’t keeping a straight face.
            “TRex are easier to track than a herd of mammoths.” Temur bonked the still flat Alexos with his snout. “Even this idiot could do it!”
            “Hey!” Alexos fluttered back to his claws and swiped at the much bigger raptor with his own teeth. “They are actually pretty clever. They keep to rocky ground when they can and wade in rivers.”
            “If we did not know their scent, we could have missed them.” Arresh admitted. “They stopped to kill a crippled triceratops bull, but did not fight over it. They must be a family pod.”
            “Then they washed again and went into a deep ravine. Never get this big cart down anywhere near it.” Alexos added.
            Drakon turned to one of the soldiers. “Got an ordnance map?”
            “Sure, Sarge.” She pulled out a big map. Flying mages with good memories could map better than any engineer.
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bihansthot · 1 year
I love the mixture of excitement and dread waking up to 74 notifications causes lol it’s a little of oh fuck what did I do and oh probably someone new found me. I’m probably going to take it easy on dumb posts today and maybe just focus on reblogging art, I’m not feeling very spicy today. I say that though and I’m only half way through my coffee so Sobek help us all I might become feral once I top off my caffeine reserves. I just worry I’ve been annoying lately what with all the Hallvard posts and shitposts, I’m just having a hard time focusing on writing because I’m really scared about this upcoming liver biopsy. It’s easier to think about dumb shit like OC things or what Bi-Han likes on pizza than it is to construct a story. They apparently do the liver biopsy the same as a heart biopsy so I’ve had this procedure literally hundreds of times but I haven’t had to do it in probably 15 years at least so it’s nerve wracking. I’m very good at tolerating pain but I’m very bad at waiting and don’t want to be at the hospital for three hours after the procedure. I just want to give a quick shout out to my discord besties too because even though they’re going through really awful and difficult things too they’ve been absolute angels letting me cry and scream and whine about all my medical woes lately and I love them dearly. If any of you lovelies want to gush about MK on discord just dm me and I’ll be happy to share my handle so we can talk about all the things. I do keep kind of odd hours though as dinosaurs are partially nocturnal and are often asleep between the hours of 3 am to 1pm est 🤣 anemic dinosaurs need a lot of sleep in order to post ridiculous nonsense. Also, dearest Taven anon, I AM watching a play through or Mortal Kombat Armageddon and I still do not understand the horny lol 😂 I’m only about halfway through and very much enjoyed the interaction with Rain and Noob. I don’t really remember much so it makes me think I didn’t get very far in Konquest mode? I spent most of that game with Kharacter Kreator mode because I got to make my beloved OC Ice 🥰 she’s been kind of unofficially retired now that I self ship though because she was of course with Bi-Han too. I think at some point they has three sons too? Sleet, Hail and Blizzard, 14 year old me was a creative genius 🤣 I suppose those could still be the code names for my sons with Bi-Han? Older Sol is maybe leaning towards Absolute Zero (since the Chinese for Sub-Zero actually translates to absolute zero), Boreal Dawn (since the twins both have dawn in their names), and Polar Vortex? I’m officially beyond rambling now so I will wrap this up and go finish my coffee. Hope you lovelies have a wonderful day and if you aren’t please imagine a pink trex aggressively roaring and tail slapping whatever is making it suck for you. 💙
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drjdorr · 3 months
Dream documenting time.
Firstly, dinosaur museum. No clue what it had to do with the other parts but there was a dinosaur museum that was in some capacity associated with jurassic world (not sure if fictional or not) and dream me HATED the changes they had made(looking back it doesn't seem that big a deal. Changes to a ride thing to include some predictable jump scares and the indominus rex. And in the big therapod exhibit, off to the side there was an indominus statue off to the side while the big deal central stage statues where still there including the requisite trex. Maybe there were more changes I just don't remember that made it a bigger deal🤷‍♀️).
Next, cars where called snails. I don't recall them looking particularly snail like but I thought that was a cute pointless bit of world building.
Next there was a heist going on the the team was gathering. Don't remember what we were heisting or who was on the team. Do remember vaguely what was calling the shots and the big thing I wanted to share about.
They were gods! Like not officially but when you can basically turn the world into indistinct yellow sparks and pull someone out of a "snail" from the top without aperantly damaging the vehicle (not a convertible) as you claim them as "yours" with magic/electric sparks coming out of your royal blue eyes(not blue irises to be clear, solid royal blue) and the only way to get to "safety" was to somehow get back to another thing like you's influence, you're a god.
Also the crew may have been themed off things? Like the requisite scuz ball noone like but is still respected by the crew character that showed up only shortly before my alarm was snail themed(animal not car). It might have been a late addition to the dream though as I was trying to figure out protag's theme when "what if one was snail themed" popped into my head thus spawned Mr. Snail who was supposed to do something (maybe get us a snail[car not animal]?)
Anyway that's all I can remember. I did think as I woke up that it could make an interesting game(of the table top role-playing verity) but I feel like I'm already missing critical parts to make it a good game
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callaofmageros · 3 months
Fanfic: Robert Muldoon/OC (Jurassic Park)
Man of Action ch. 2.
Notes: implied sex, teasing, references to physical and psychological effects of a prior pregnancy
Robert’s eyes blinked open as the first beams of sunlight peeked through the not quite fully closed blinds.
It was just as well. He tended to be an early riser and, according to Tessa, one of those maddeningly few humans who woke up ready to take on the world.
Robert Muldoon had been known to roll out of bed and go straight to cleaning the house on a day off.
Sans coffee.
Heresy, as far as Tessa was concerned.
Two decades later, Robert still couldn't wrap his mind around the mentality that Tessa, and others like her, had about coffee. That coffee was “the elixir of life” as Tessa called it and that “she wasn't worth a sh*t without it.”
He yawned, fighting the urge to stretch with Tessa’s slim, athletic frame still spooned up against his own strong body. It had been a struggle for Tessa to regain her figure after the birth of their daughter eighteen years ago, but with effort, and many hikes and trips to the gym, she had persevered. It had not been necessary for Robert's sake. He loved her for her, but he knew that it had been important to her that she be in good physical condition for her own career and health and he had done his best to be supportive. He remembered how envious she had been of women whose figures just snapped right back after childbirth and frustrated that it had taken her more time.
Today though, Tessa would likely be jet lagged so he didn't wish to wake her just yet. Besides, it would give him an opportunity to practice relaxing in bed for a while and easing into his day. It was a skill he hadn't yet mastered even after years of Tessa's encouragement.
Off in the distance the deep bellows and higher pitched trumpeting calls of the Brachiosaurus mingled with the more familiar chirps of local birds. As he listened, Robert almost believed he could drift off back to sleep.
Perhaps I should try just this once…, he thought as he snuggled closer to Tessa. With a happy smile like a kid in the candy store, Robert gave her a gentle squeeze and pressed his lips against her shoulder.
Another Brachiosaurus joined the chorus out in the park and its bellow was promptly answered by the angry roar of the Tyrannosaurus.
Stark silence fell over the island save for Tessa's sleepy chuckle.
“Somebody hasn't had their coffee yet,” she smirked.
Robert laughed quietly in Tessa's hair. The scent of strawberries and the woody Oriental perfume she usually wore filled his nose and he inhaled deeply.
Tessa rubbed her eyes before rolling over in place onto her back. Grinning, she reached up to caress Robert's face.
“I wish there was a way to make your five o’clock shadow permanent. I love it when it feels like sandpaper.”
Robert lifted his eyebrows incredulously.
“It grows so fast it practically is permanent,” he lamented, lowering his mouth to hers for a long, deep kiss.
Their eyes lingered on each other even as the kiss ended.
“I love you,” Robert murmured.
“I love you too,” Tessa responded equally as quietly.
“Even with my morning breath?”
Tessa laughed and swatted him gently on a well muscled arm. “It still reeks of Scotch, you git! I wonder if the TRex’s is worse?”
“I don't know. I try not to get that close to her.”
A wide, amused smile lit up Robert's face. As he brushed Tessa's hair back from her face, his gaze turned more thoughtful.
“We should call Roxanne today. See how she's settling in at university, I've been missing my little girl. I've been missing both of you.”
A smug grin rugged at Tessa's lips.
“Well, I've solved half of your dilemma. Your little girl though is grown now and off to university and will be dating and all that.”
A grimace twisted Robert's face at the mention of his daughter dating. “She is still daddy's little girl and no one will be dating her!”
Tessa roared with laughter, her blue eyes crinkling with mirth.
“Oh, Muldy, you're down here on Isla Nublar. She's up in England. How are you going to stop her? You can't just beam over there like they do in Star Trek!”
The game warden growled in displeasure.
“You do remember how old we were when she was born, right?” Tessa teased.
“We were too young and that's why I don't want any men near her until she finishes school,” Robert said as if his word was final and sat up causing Tessa's face to scrunch up in disappointment.
“You're not getting up already, are you? It's Saturday.”
“We may have to compromise. I can't just lay here doing nothing all day. However…,” he trailed off suggestively as he ran his hand slowly up and down Tessa's arm, causing her to shiver.
“You're gonna be a bear to deal with for the first few weeks aren't you?”
She carded her fingers through his thick, course chest hair.
With an impish grin, he rolled over on top of her.
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we-are-madd · 6 months
had a dream that was the beginning of a video game that sadly doesn't exist so i'm going to share it here so i don't forget about it and perhaps even write more later
so this is a little bit in the future but not too far so not too much has changed right. the character you play as is this kind of doomsday kind of guy who's paranoid about The Government and WW3 and stuff. so he builds a super secure secret bunker in his basement Just In Case(TM)
uh oh! dinosaurs! jurassic park type situation happens near the town and. well. Problems! also these dinos are multiplying Fast. like faster than an animal should be able to multiply.
so The Government(TM) is like hm we have to do something about these dinos. i know. spray gas over the town that dissolves organic matter down to the bone. no need to warn the residents.
so your guy sees helicopters start spraying shit over the town and runs over and starts knocking on doors (risking his life to do this btw. there's still Dinosaurs Everywhere) and is like hey uhhh the government is spraying something on us i have a bunker if you wanna not die. and everyones like dude you're overreacting it probably won't even affect humans just reptiles. so youre like ok have fun dying to Mystery Mist. go back to the bunker and hide for a few days until you're tired of eating nothing but canned soup (you did not plan that far ahead for The Apocalypse in terms of food). go outside with a gas mask and gloves and shit and. everything is dead. all the plants and stuff. cautiously make your way toward the town. see a dino skeleton. yay the dinos are dead. keep going. see a human skeleton. Oh Fuck(TM). knock on doors and break some down. Everyone Is Dead.
have the saddest possible I Told You So moment then open your phone. no signal. anywhere. well that's an issue. go home and contemplate life. but a little bit later your phone starts ringing and it won't even say the number it's calling from. immediately pick up (yay signs of life!) and a seemingly recorded message says "come to the center of the city". try to ask why but it just hangs up. well you have no better option. get in the car and Start Driving. note that your house is on the edge of the town so it's A Big Drive to the center of the city. as you're driving you see more and more wreckage. crashed cars with nothing but bones inside. massive dino skeletons still in the positions they died in (i remember vividly one moment where there's a t-rex skeleton fighting a giant spidery thing where the trex is on the ground and the spidery thing is on a bridge on the highway and it looked really cool okay. i know spiders don't have bones but shh). you have to kind of dodge crashed cars as you're trying to make your way through
and that's where the dream ended :(
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safethaw · 7 months
Trex Vs. Others: The Composite Deck Showdown.
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Alright, folks, it's confession time. How many of you have stood on your old creaky deck, beverage in hand, and dreamt of that perfect, pristine decking? Yep, hands up, me too! And if you've been snooping around the decking grapevine lately, there's one name that keeps popping up: Trex. But is this the real deal, or just another deck in the pack? Let's deep dive and find out more about composite decking material trex! The Trex Buzz: What's It All About? Okay, first things first: "composite decking material trex" is everywhere. And it isn’t just because it’s a fun word to say, though I do love a good tongue twister. No, it's got a lot more going for it. - Green Giants: Let's get real. We all want to make greener choices, right? Well, Trex decks are leading the parade, waving their eco-friendly flags. Made from recycled materials, it’s like giving Mother Nature a big ol' hug every time you step onto one. - Forever Young: Unlike me after a late night, Trex doesn't show its age. It’s resistant to sun-fading, doesn’t have a breakdown at the sight of a storm, and those colors? Composite decking trex still popping, year after year looks like a far better option. The Composite Crowd: What's Their Game? While Trex is strutting its stuff, other composite deck brands are tying up their shoelaces, ready to join the race. They have their strengths, sporting their own unique grains and a rainbow of color choices. But can they really stand toe-to-toe with our Trex titan? Salt, Chemicals, And...Deck Drama? Now, let’s chat about that winter beast: ice. We've all been there, facing an icy deck, and reaching for whatever we can to melt it away. Often, that 'whatever' is salt or some other chemical. But here’s the tea: these things can wreak havoc on your precious deck. Fear not, because we've got Safe Thaw riding to the rescue! Ditch those damaging chemicals and lean into this chloride and toxin-free ice melt. It’s like your deck’s personal bodyguard against the brutal winter, minus the sunglasses. And thanks to its innovative concoction – think crystalline amide core and a sprinkle of glycol – it's all about top-notch protection. Plus, no worrying about any sneaky short circuits or machinery meltdowns. Back To Battle: Trex Vs. The Gang Alright, time to compare notes. While many composite decking material trex boast eco-friendly creds and low maintenance, how do they fare when pitted against Trex? - Got Your Back: Trex decks come with a 25-year Fade and stain warranty. That's like promising to be there for a quarter of a century. Can the others say the same? - All About the Aesthetics: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but c'mon, Trex’s deep wood grain patterns and lush colors are kinda hard to resist. - Pricing Party: Okay, true, Trex might have you digging a bit deeper into your pockets. But sometimes, you’ve got to splurge a little for the finer things in life, right? Wrapping Up The Deck Debate So, where do we land in this decking dance-off? While every deck has its day (and strengths!), Trex might just have that extra sparkle. It's like choosing between a gourmet burger and a fast-food one – both will satisfy, but one’s a clear winner in the flavor department. Whatever you choose, remember to protect that deck from winter's mischiefs. Give it the Safe Thaw treatment. Here's to long-lasting, fabulous decks for all! Cheers! Read the full article
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quinloki · 7 months
Trex update, he had to move out early :(
Let's hope he doesn't have to go MIA too long
We’re rooting for you both - that he gets to come back asap. 😩 what a frustrating situation all around.
My mom likes to say that “this too will pass”, and I often remind myself that bad times are just moment in time.
It doesn’t make it suck less, but sometimes we need to remember that things always change. Even the sucky times don’t stick around forever.
Even if it gets worse before it gets better, better always happens.
Still, I am so sorry. I wish I had the power to make it go by faster.
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aria0fgold · 7 months
Wait my dream just sink in, I woke up feeling confused and now that I processed everything, I really just dreamt bout being stuck in a loop within a moment and dying several times. On my birthday. Well, that's a good sign.
Like, my dream started out with me, my sis, and some random lil boy I don't know but somehow in that dream he's supposed to be my lil brother. My sis was driving the motorcycle from... behind us somehow? Like, normally the driver is in the front but in my dream, the kid was in the front, then me, and my sis was at the back. We still managed anyway so that's good.
One of the paths we took, basically a shortcut was a lil too small and bumpy for the motorcycle and also the people around us warned us that it's deadly for kids to take so they took the lil boy to take the longer path to our house while my sis and I took that shortcut on foot. That path had dead fish on the ground, but the fishes don't even look real anyway, they look like a plastic toy. And when we got out, two dinosaurs emerged from it. One very tiny trex. and a big bronchiosaurus. They're harmless though.
Like, I was standing off to the side and my sis wanted to get back in the path to look for a gift for me but the big dino wasn't wanna let her pass in a playful way like a dog. The tiny dino was like a cat too. And while look at em from the distance I remembered that I found a small heart-shaped stone on the wall on that path. I took it out and was observing it, then I held it up to the moon and it suddenly shattered. When it did though, some strange power entered my heart and my consciousness was brought to another world that had lasers shooting at me with various speeds, locked doors that I gotta unlock by doing a puzzle, and a dragon roaming around that'd chase and kill me.
And the thing here, everytime I die, my heart would beat VERY LOUDLY once, and then I'm back from the very beginning. So it's like a signal that I died and restarted. Bad thing is that it Hurts. So not only do I die a terrible death either by lasers or a dragon, I'd still end up getting hurt by my own heart. And I just kept dying over and over and over, until I finally got to the end only to be greeted by a guy (which I felt like was one of my blorbos but can't tell cuz he was in the shadows) in a square room but had a short hallway in the middle of one of the sides and that hallway had a tv with Shinchi's (from dcmk) silhouette on it.
But before I could observe the room longer, the guy turned the lights off which made the entire place pitch black, even the tv too, I couldn't see anything. And the guy pinned me down, covered my mouth and said: I won't plunge the knife into your neck until you took a deep breath 10 times. See, aren't I nice?
And I'm like: "Damn... So to get outta the loop I gotta be killed by this guy in the end?" So, I just nodded. But the thing here... Whenever I took a deep breath, my heart gonna do that thing again and beat very loudly. So it hurts each time, my blorbo in the dark aint nice at all (as if the fact that he gonna kill me wasn't proof enough). Then by the 3rd time I did it, I remembered the tv and also how I kept seeing it nearly every area I been to in that godforsaken place. And I was like: Maybe that's important?
I don't remember how I managed to distract the guy, but I did, and I rushed to where I remembered the tv to be before everything got dark and when I reached it, Shinichi grabbed my hand and pulled me into the tv which was also how I finally got out of the loop. Like, in that place it felt like I've been there forever, but in reality, not even a minute had passed. And then I felt a power in my heart. And for some reason? a small explanation entered my brain which is like, if I had let the guy killed me, the power I'd get would be different and a lot risky (like there'd be some sorta debuff if I used it) But if I escaped him then the power I'd get would be better and a lot "pure" in a way (like that power has no debuff and is just overall better).
So yeah, I think that's a good sign both sarcastically and truthfully. Like, getting stuck in a loop and dying several times aint a good sign, but getting a power at the end was a good sign.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 212
Soul Survivor/Deep Breath
“Soul Survivor”
Plot Description: facing mounting problems in hell, Crowley seeks out an unlikely ally in Castiel, while Sam’s determined efforts to cure Dean hit a snag
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: No one died
Oooo, can you not cure Dean the same way you did Crowley??
Ok but what DO you care, Sam?? I’ll never (til Dean’s no longer a demon) stop ranting about how much you ran your mouth about how little you cared about him, how you would have let him die if he had been doing the Trials…it’s no wonder he’s like this now
I hope Hannah’s not falling in love with Castiel. And not in an “only destiel is correct” or hating on ships that would pass as heterosexual way. He just…he needs a friend. He needs someone he can lean on right now instead of being the one others lean on
Jensen directed this one??
Why’s this guy look like the dude Dean killed last episode?? Omg is he??
Jensen is mesmerizing in his taunting and anger
Omgggggg Crowley. You MISS HIM. YOU MISS DEAN. This is the funniest show in the world, but they want me to believe they’re serious
RIP to the demon who wanted to be Crowley’s rebound
Oh thank god Sam called at that moment. It LOOKED like Hannah might have wanted to kiss Cas…
Sam, bestie, you had me til you said “we don’t get to quit in this family.” Remember that time you hit a dog and went on a romantic side plot instead of looking for Dean AT ALL?
I’m in so much pain right now. This conversation is SO TODOBROS “your very existence sucked the life out of my life”?! “This isn’t my brother talking” “you never had a brother. Just an excuse for not manning up”?! “This family is all we’ve ever had” “well then we’ve got nothin”?! “You’d say that to dad?” “Dad?! Oh there’s a prize. The man who brainwashed us into fighting his losing battle”?! “Is this you manning up?” “This is me yanking your lame ass out of the fire”?!?!?! I am SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crowley’s hell problems don’t seem so bad compared to literally everyone else’s
That is quite possibly the kindest way he could turn her down, but I don’t like seeing Hannah hurt
Nooooo not the angel who got away from them last time
(There are possibly too many plot lines going on in each of these episodes)
Nooooo not the picture of Mary and baby Dean, of the boys and Bobby, of just the boys together 😭
Uhhhhh, where did Dean go???
Huh…why…is Crowley stealing grace (likely for Castiel but WHY FOR CASTIEL?! Not ungrateful, just confused)??
Wtf Dean? The meat cleaver wasn’t enough? You wanted to go with the blunt object of a hammer??
Why DOES Crowley want Cas’s help?? Ok but aside from that ONE GUY Dean killed and ONE demon burning himself to not live in your hell anymore, what problems do you ACTUALLY have?? Or is this a nip it in the bud situation? Which would be smart
(Ok but like…Jensen’s a good director. This is an absolutely gorgeous episode. And obviously the credit doesn’t go solely to the director but SOME of it does)
No but like this cat and mouse game in the bunker is SO GOOD
I don’t trust that he’s fully cured. I want it to be true but it can’t be that easy. Especially since he still has the Mark of Cain…
It makes me so sad that Cas has had his problem VERY TEMPORARILY fixed but…is still focusing on Dean’s problems.
Not Dean looking a the same pictures Sam wassssss
This is too nice of a moment between them to not be ruined in the last like twenty seconds…ok turns out it WAS just a nice moment of peace between Cas and Dean
Ohhhhhhh our first glimpse of Rowena!!! Crowley’s mother has entered the chat!!
“Deep Breath”
Plot Description: The Doctor and Clara arrive in Victorian London and find a dinosaur rampant in the Thames
This trex would have looked so much worse i the RTD era a and I think I would have liked it more. But Vastra and Jenny fighting over the dino’s gender is kind of funny considering Vastra was THERE
Ohhhhhh Twelve is still cooking a bit. Yeah…we needed to let him cook a bit more before he got chased and swallowed by a dinosaur.
Oh…they redecorated the opening credits. I don’t like it
Omg…I love this part. He’s so mad at the concept of a bedroom. I think about that at least twice a year despite not seeing this in almost a decade. “You’ve got a whole room just for not being awake in?! What’s the point? You’re just missing the room!”
(I’m a little mad I’m not going to finish this before midnight. But I didn’t know this episode was more than an hour long)
Oh…some cyborg guy is…doin some shit
This is a weird conversation…and I don’t know that I agree with how Clara’s being treated. Not all companions go through the Doctor regenerating. It’s a WEIRD EXPERIENCE TO GO THROUGH.
Sir if you don’t get off that roof—why is the dinosaur ON FIRE???
Strax has a hard time letting go of his Sontaran customs…we do not melt people in acid
“Lots of young men doing sport. Is that sport? Could be sport” this is what is allegedly in Clara’s subconscious: yaoi
The way Clara AND the Doctor are both concerned with his new face. I know it’ll be significant but I wanna know why NOW
“These are attack eyebrows!” Omg his rant about his eyebrows and then having a Scottish accent 🥰
This poor man the Doctor just happened to run into…he’s so scared
Ruh roh…who brought them together for lunch??
I’ve missed a contentious doctor-companion relationship. Though the closest we truly got was Donna and Ten, but THIS. They both think the other is an egomaniac. They’re so mean and snarky to each other
Why are these people just like mechanical dolls?? No wonder the Doctor called them all pudding brained at the beginning of the episode
It’s not that I don’t like Capaldi as the Doctor but this episode is…it’s not it. It didn’t have to be over an hour long…
TO WHAT END?! To get home?? Why is the captain android of this ship trying to turn itself into a real boy?!
Ah, so that’s why it’s called Deep Breath? Because Clara has to hold her breath to pretend to be a robot for an unconscionably long time?
Omg omg omg THEN WHO SET THEM UP FOR LUNCH IF NOT THESE ANDROID PEOPLE?! Was it Vastra?? Seems like it
I like Twelve. I don’t like this episode. The “Doctor comes in contact with an ancient being comparable to themself shortly after regenerating” was so much better with Eleven (if Ten had one, i can’t recall it)
Why does Twelve keep leaving Clara?! It’s so rude
I like this TARDIS redecoration better than the last one, but Ten’s and Eleven’s with the Ponds were both better. I like the warm lighting and this does have a little of that, but it’s also…weirdly dark
He’s over 2000 years old now?!
Wait…could it be Missy?? Who gave Clara the Doctor’s number back when and who set them up for lunch?
I wish she didn’t need Eleven’s support to stay by Twelve’s side to help him.
I know this garden. YEAH!! Missy!!
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paralien · 1 year
what dreams can you remember?
well, 1st of all I had the exact same reoccurring dream from my first conscious moment until I turned 6! I'd wake up floating in space with a key on a chain around my neck. I'd grab it to have a look at it, at how old it looked. how it looked bigger than any key I knew of, and as I'd think of this, a man would appear in front if me. He'd always be short, old, dressed in a finely pressed suit and he'd smile at me and ask for the key and every single night I'd give him the key. He'd then cruelly laugh at me and call me a fool and say, "look at what you've done! so gullible and now you've given me the key to the world without a second thought. You've doomed us all and it's all your fault."
and then I'd startle awake. shortly after I started elementary school I stopped having that dream and only had mundane ones not worth thinking about, until shortly after I turned 18. For the first time in 12 years I had the same dream again. I woke up in space, curled up in the fetal position. I slowly unfurled myself and looked around, looked down. Same key hung around my neck, though, having grown it looked smaller now but it had the same chain, same color, same shape, and as I held it in my hand the same old man appeared before me. Somehow, he was still short but didn't feel much shorter than he was when I was a kid. Somehow, I guess, proportionally short to myself.
He grinned up at me and asked for the key, and for the first time in 12 years I said no. I held it close to my chest and said that he wouldn't fool me anymore, that I KNEW he'd call me foolish and I wasn't falling for it anymore. It was my key, and i had it for reasons I didn't understand, but I wasn't giving it away again. I expected him to be mad, but instead he smiled up at me with kindness and said he was proud. I'd grown so much he said, filled out my skin some more and I knew now to keep the things I held dear close to my heart.
And then I woke up. haven't had the dream again since then so in some way I guess it's been resolved? Hm.
Other than that I just have lots of weird dreams like making out in bathroom and running out bc there's a trex shaking the ground in the distance and its headed straight for my bakery and I need to stop it before it gets there because I couldn't afford anything other than the baseline insurance and if that stupid dinosaur crushes my business then it's gone forever! and then i fight it. Or uh idk. the glitched museum of naked nuns that was all kinds of weird. I have lotsa weird dreams 💭
tnx for the ask!
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jrueships · 3 years
I miss USAB (any USAB team tbh). The moment KD told Keldon to get his ass over there is stamped to my head.
UGHHH yeAH!!!! They're all so GOOD!! The little shenanigans they get up to!!!! WAH I miss it!!! There were SOO many epic keldon moments!!! Keldon famous era fr fr !!!
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I miss them!!!!!! Jrue our milf maiden saving the day THANK YOU SHORT KING!!! JaVale getting a medal before he died from a dunk 💙💙 draymond ugly ass.. kd being a leader!!! Dame finally being able to pop champagne! Khris middleton's blossoming boyfriendism with jrue on the account of their awkwardness 😭 tatum <333 ! ALSO i really like how this photo captured keldon's ✨ essence ✨ . Watching everyone else bite their medals and learning he should do the same!! Overall it was REALLY fun and a GREAT learning experience! Keldon and his 500 dads!!! SOME MORE PICS OF OLYMPICS KELDON... (he's on injury so I get to talk about him all I want!!!!)
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Keldon swag <3 love this 4 him!!! Not really at the Olympics but STILL. gold medalist keldon !
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FAV!!!!! this video was fantastic. Keldons little 'that's my ball !!! <:-O !!!' And then his cut off screamlaugh 😭 cruelty to the keldon!!!! And twitter captioning this as 'when mom and dad fight' 🤔hmmm. Some food 4 thot... BUT ANYWAYS and when keldon gives kd his ball and kd is like 'this a GIRLS ball' keldon nervously steps closer to bam :((( like a little brother would to his big bro after his big bros friends start getting heated. Asshole big bro bam with heart of gold my beloved <3 hashtag my rodrick
FINALLY.. my pièce de résistance
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Kd grandma voice: get your ass over here!!!
Keldon: star wars sounds*
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Dame: wow... im adopting you.
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asb-fan · 6 years
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❤💜💜11th may 2018💜💜❤
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divinerivals · 3 years
Chaolena for the domestic ships
Ah yes yes! I never get to talk about them! As much as I love Rowaelin I will always have a soft spot for these two.
who reaches out to new neighbors: Oh Celaena. 100% she takes Chaol by the hand and drags him with her. He's silent most of the time offering a few tight smiles and nods. "Sorry he's just a man of few words."
who remembers to buy healthy food: Chaol
who remembers to buy junk food: Celaena
who fixes the oven when it breaks: lmaooo Chaol. He looks over the stove and the oven reading the instruction booklet, watching video tutorials on YouTube to figure it out. Celaena suggests a repairman and he says no he's fine he's got this. Another hour passes. Celaena calls someone who shows up asking what the issue is and Chaol shoots an annoyed but grateful glance her way before explaining. When he stands by her he goes, "I almost had it." She pats his shoulder, "Sure you did."
who waters the plants/feeds their pet(s): omg lol they have zero plants. They tried and the plants always died. But Fleetfoot is fed by Celaena. Chaol has a soft spot for the pup and sneaks treats to which Celaena scolds Chaol because it's not fair he fuses over her obnoxious sweet tooth and yet caters to Fleetfoots food begging eyes.
who wakes up earlier: Chaol who rouses Celaena awake and they go for a morning run. If they don't run together their day feels off.
who makes the bed: Chaol
who makes the coffee: Celaena when she doesn't take long showers in the morning otherwise Chaol.
who burns breakfast: Celaena
how do they let each other know they’re leaving the house: for the most part Celaena is still eating so he kisses her cheeks, says he loves her. She says it back in the middle of eating. Then shouts, "Tell Dorian hey and see if he's coming to over later."
how do they greet each other when one of them gets home: Celaena greets him with a smile, wraps her arms around him. He hold her close until she wrinkles her nose. "What?" "You smell like sweat." He rolls his eyes. "People sweat when they're at the gym".
who brings home little gifts like flowers/chocolates more often: Chaol. He goes to bookstores on his break and sometimes specialty candy stores (even though he frowns at the junk food from grocery stores. ) bakeries are for when he fucks up bad.
who picks the movie for movie night: Celaena prepicks the movie. Chaol's usually okay with it. When it's something he really doesn't want they go running. First one to make it down the block and back wins. Chaol's never lost.
their favorite kind of movie to watch: Chaol: epic fantasies like lotr. Omg he's a huge lotr fan. War/military films. Films set in a medieval era. A Marvel guy. Celaena: equally enjoys the epic fantasies, loves comedy movies (Chaol laughs at them), blockbusters and spy films. A marvel gal. She enjoys jurassic park and 100% has an inflatable trex costume.
who first suggests a pillow fort: Celaena
who builds the pillow fort: Celaena who makes Chaol help, "If you love me you'll help." She pouts and he shakes his head and stands.
who tries to distract the other during the movie: Celaena
who falls asleep first: Celaena and Chaol smirks to himself knowing the sugar crash, he fully warned her about, knocked her out.
who is big spoon/little spoon: Chaol thinks he's the big spoon..he is infact not.
Domestic ship asks
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