#i should finish it and skedaddle on down
unexistz · 2 years
I slept in! On Monday! Tough
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mokulule · 4 months
Dead on MAYn Day 1 - still untitled.
Prompts used: Dinner interrupted by a rogue/gang fight, courting rituals.
This thing keeps growing so I figured I should just post the first part. It will be continued eventually it’s kinda going places I didn’t expect. I am also using the flickering prompt, but it doesn’t appear in this first part.
Danny dug into his burger with gusto. It was not Nasty Burger, but it was greasy and cheesy and juicy and definitely hit the spot after a whole day walking about Gotham taking in the supernatural sights.
Sam was entirely less impressed with the vegetarian option and had set it down with a grimace and was now just picking at her fries. Tucker had taken it as a personal win for the Meat Team™ and was lording it over her with his eyebrows - thankfully he was too busy eating to actually say anything, which Danny was very glad of. You could only hear the same arguments so many times. At least age and maturity had assured they didn’t end their friendship over it.
“So,” Sam said, “What’s next after this?”

Danny finished chewing his mouthful, before speaking. “I’m not sure, I figured just go back to the hotel for a bit, chill until nightfall? Gotham’s court won’t be in session until then.”
“Seconded. My feet hurt,” Tucker chimed in.

“Maybe if you didn’t spend all your day sitting in front of a screen all day-”

And they were at it again… Danny tuned them out with the practice of years of being on the sideline, humming in agreement when prompted. He loved his friends dearly, but arguing was a part of their love language that he didn’t feel like participating in.
He let his eyes wander around the small diner, and found himself frowning as a group of men hurried inside.
If Danny had been less used to his ghost sense warning him of trouble, maybe he would have reacted in time - or at all. As it was he found himself frozen in shock when he saw the guns - regular human guns, not ecto-guns, ecto-guns he knew how to react to.
It was strange to realize that nobody had ever pointed a normal gun at him before and someone was pointing a gun at him right now - of course it would be in Gotham he got that experience.
“Hey you, stand up slowly and get over here. Hands where I can see them.”
Danny’s brain suddenly caught up to the events.
A group of five armed men had entered the diner waving guns. Three kept their eyes on the door and windows as if they expected someone to follow them. One was moving behind the counter towards the back, maybe looking for the waitress who had skedaddled as soon as the armed men entered and the last one had his gun trained on Danny, who of all people in the diner he’d figured was the best option for a hostage.

Danny resisted the urge to laugh.
Slowly he did as bidden, raising his hands and standing up.
On the surface he wasn’t an unreasonable choice. He was short and lean, if he was completely honest he looked like a stiff wind could blow him over. Sam in contrast looked like trouble and Tucker had grown up annoyingly tall, and if Gotham police was like most places it was probably wiser to pick a white boy as hostage anyways. The rest of the people in the diner were two heavy set construction workers and a lady with arms broader than Danny’s thighs, like damn. 

So yeah, Danny was apparently the best choice. 

Regretfully, he left his dinner to cool on its plate as he took carefully measured steps towards the… what? Mobster? Gang person? 

A part of him was wondering how much a gunshot could hurt him. Would it hurt him? In human form probably, as long as he was tangible. Would it kill him the rest of the way? He wasn’t particularly keen to find out.
His eyes flickered to the other armed men when one of them hissed at the guy at the door. “Do you see him?”

Danny considered doing something for about three steps, but he wasn’t experienced enough with real guns and fighting humans that he thought he could risk it. He’d also prefer to fly under the radar while he was here. He was on vacation, not here to mess with anyone.
There was a familiar feeling in his throat, wanting to be let go. His head snapped towards the kitchen. What! That couldn’t be right?

The man grabbed him and put the gun to his head just as a crash sounded from the kitchen and the wisp of cold breath escaped his mouth. Everyone turned towards the noise. The man who held him tightened his hold and pushed the gun so hard against his head he had to tilt it. 

Something black came flying out the door and the jumpy gunmen shot at it, but with their attention on the object (a pan, it was just a pan) they didn’t notice the man who followed behind. He was fast, not much more than a red brown blur, shooting the furthest man in the arm so he dropped the gun and then coming in close, punching the first man and kicked the next in the belly. He moved so smoothly, effortlessly. 

Danny forgot to breathe. Because that there was the source of his ghost sense. Because that there was also a human.
Another halfa.

Here in Gotham of all places! 

His heart gave a hard thump in his chest and he gasped, remembered breathing was a thing he sorta needed as a human. He still couldn’t take his eyes off the other halfa. Now there was someone who knew how to fight. His core hummed pleasurably in his chest. The other halfa had taken care of those goons in less than ten seconds. The fourth one was probably dealt with in the kitchen. And the fifth-

Danny was abruptly reminded of how the fifth had a gun to his head, as he annoyingly poked him with that barrel and pulled him backwards towards the door.
“Not another step or he gets it!”
Danny grimaced. He finds another halfa and he’s a fucking hostage? Stellar first impression, right there! Someone please shoot him- or wait, considering the situation that was probably not the wisest turn of phrase. 

“How about you let the civilian go, and I won’t break your kneecaps.” The voice was menacing though clearly modulated and there was a delightful, almost cheerful undertone.
Now that he was standing still, Danny could better appreciate him. He was a big man, probably near a head taller than Danny and so much wider. Death had clearly not stopped him from putting on muscle. Normally Danny might have been jealous, but honestly he was too busy appreciating the other halfa. 

He was wearing a red helmet, faceless except for a pair of glaring eyes and he had a large bat symbol across his chest. This last bit should put Danny off. There were very good reasons Danny didn’t want to catch any attention here. He couldn’t think of them right now. But there were… reasons… yes… and thighs walking towards him-

“I swear I will shoot!”

Oh for fuck’s sake! There were too many people involved. Danny promptly stepped down on his captor’s instep, ducked and twisted out of his hold. 

Red Hood, because that was his name, Danny suddenly remembered, promptly shot the gun out of the man’s hold and took him down with a punch and a crunching kick to the right knee. 

Shit, Danny was jealous, not of the broken kneecap of course, but he also wanted to throw down. He could show the other halfa what he could do, make friends, or more? Would it be too forward to gift him one of his moon rocks?

It probably was too forward? This was the first halfa he met who wasn’t a fruit loop or related to him. At least he hoped he wasn’t a fruit loop.
“Are you alright?”
Danny shook himself out of his thoughts to find that he’d been approached.
Now that he was up close Danny could really appreciate how those arms looked strong enough to bend him in half and- Danny’s gaze stopped at his waist. Was he actually wearing a leather corset? It did great things for his-
“That was either brave or stupid.”
The words had Danny’s eyes snapping back up to the glaring helmet. Danny was frozen. How was he supposed to talk to him? His mind reeled. Do something! Anything!
“How’s this for stupid?” Danny blurted and promptly punched him in the gut with a good deal of ghostly strength. Red Hood bent over with a pained oof.
Fuck! Danny’s brain screamed at him in despair. He could not believe he’d done that! Glancing around he couldn’t find Sam or Tucker so he quickly ran out the diner. 

He was grabbing for his phone in his pocket while running, when he was pulled into an alley. He was so wound up he nearly threw another punch, but then he realized it was just Sam and Tucker.
He breathed a sigh of relief.
“Danny!” They spoke in eerie unison. Tucker snorted, but Sam continued, “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!”

Danny shook his head, realizing he must look a little dazed. He felt a little dazed. He didn’t even feel like taking the obvious bait.
“I punched Red Hood,” he admitted.
“What!” There they went again I unison, almost as if they practiced it.
“Do you think he’d like a moon rock?”
The looks they sent him then, they were indescribable. Absently he padded his shoulder to make sure he hadn’t grown a second head.
“Are you sick, Danny? Was there something in the food?” Sam put her hand on his forehead checking his temperature, even as she looked at Tucker, “What are the chances there’d be blood blossoms in a random burger?”

“Extremely unlikely, more likely something new, never seen Danny react like this.”
Danny grumpily pushed Sam’s hand away. “The food was fine. I’m fine.”

They gave him twin dubious looks.
“Look, let’s just go back to the hotel room. I just need a little rest and I’ll be fine.”

Jason gasped in pain to the sound of laughter in his comms. What the Hell was in that guy’s food that he could throw such a punch?
“What did he did the little guy do, Hood? Kick you in the jewels?” Dick managed to ask through laughter.
They didn’t have visuals, small mercies, but Oracle the traitor had let on to the former hostage’s scrappy stature in the run down of the situation.
“He did not.” Jason growled and turned off the comms, done listening to those idiots. Shit, fuck. Definitely a meta, that had been super strength. Keeping one hand over his pained abdomen he walked over to kick the goon who had decided to crawl for his gun in Red Hood’s apparent distraction.
“Don’t even think about it, I am not in the mood for it,” he growled and the goon whimpered.
When he finished securing the goons, of course the meta was long gone. Jason sighed in annoyance. Just his luck.
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joi-me-hoi-me-noi · 9 months
Featuring Sukuna and Itadori as brothers teehee
A/n: I got this wonderful idea from nessieart's artwork of sukuna and megumi... I love nessieart but I'm not tryna bother them by @ing them like a mad woman...anywho enjoy
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You were looking for Yuuji around the building, he told you he wanted to talk to you.
You round a corner and there's 2 of them
Itadori just laughs and introduces his older brother to you
"Uh..nice to meet you. I'm L/n Y/n."
You hold out your hand for him to shake when he walks over to you. He just stares at you, no emotion on his face. Did he not like you or something? All of a sudden, his hand shoots out of his pocket and plops down on your shoulder.
He keeps eye contact with you and then smirks.
You looked in shock and Yuuji couldn't even look at the scene in front of him.
"Bro, you're cringing up the place."
Sukuna had to skedaddle even if he didn't want to but being pushed by Yuuji just reluctantly helped him to leave.
You wanted an explanation after that whole cringe fest.
"Yuuji, I need an explanation. I never knew you had a brother." You place your hands on your hips, staring daggers into your friend.
"Okay Y/n, imma explain now."
He explains that his brother wasn't here, he was in Kyoto for some studies and came back just now. He pulls a picture out of his wallet of them smiling with the words 'happy graduation' above them.
You take the picture from his fingers and look closely at it.
"H-He went to school?"
Yuuji nods, smiling wide.
"He graduated?"
Yuuji nods but looks to the side like 'of course'.
"What do you mean impossible?"
The way you look at him tells him everything he needs to know.
"Nevermind but you should hang out with us while you can. He might leave again and he can probably answer your questions better than I can."
So with that, you began hanging out with both Yuuji and Sukuna
They had the cutest relationship to you, even though Ryomen would call his brother a brat sometimes which would cause a small quarrel.
During this time, you had a sleepover at their house.
When you awake in the morning, you overhear a conversation between the two siblings...
You press yourself against the wall near the kitchen and listen in on their conversation.
"Aniki [older brother], have you seen my-" Yuuji pauses and then makes a noise. "What are you doing?"
"Making lunch."
You peek around the corner, making sure you aren't seen by Yuuji or Ryo.
Yuuji quickly pads over to his brother's side and peeks over his shoulder.
"Careful. You almost burned down the kitchen last time you cooked."
He looks closely at the counter. "Why are there 3 boxes?"
You hear a small thump against the floor, signaling that Ryo pushed Yuuji back.
"I watched tutorials this time...one's for L/n."
Yuuji opens the bento boxes and lets out a snicker with his hand covering his mouth. The bentos are decorated so it looks like different animals.
"This is so corny but cute as hell. What are you, 5?"
"What's that supposed to be?" He points at one of the bentos.
"It's a F/a!" He slaps Yuuji's hand away from the bento.
Yuuji lets out another laugh and then a long 'aw' while approaching his brother.
"Who would've thought that my big scary brother has a crush~?"
"Fuck off brat!"
Ryomen has a big blush on his face, focusing on finishing up the bento boxes. You blush at the fact that he might have a crush on you. You decided that it's time to stop eavesdropping on their conversation.
You stand and make yourself let out a loud yawn to announce yourself to the both of them.
"I smelt food."
Yuuji is about to say something but Ryo elbows him to quiet him.
"This bento is for you L/n."
You take it from his hands with a smile.
"Thank you Ryo but remember, you don't have to call me L/n. Y/n is fine."
You open the bento box and smile at the animal he created for you.
"Is this a F/a?!" You smile while eating the food on the top of the bento.
He smiled and nods proudly...you sadly, really couldn't tell what it was, thank God for him telling Yuuji.
You and Yuuji were originally supposed to train with Gojo-sensei but now Ryomen is babysitting the both of y'all
Gojo is such a child...
"All you have to do is just help them train, physically."
"So, pretty much beat them up?"
He looks back at Yuuji with the most fiery expression, showing off his cursed technique.
"Yeah pretty much. Sorry kids, I got a date with destiny!" He kisses the side of his phone and leaves the field as quick as possible.
You and Yuuji's mouths become agape then you both turn toward Ryo. He laughs and removes his top layer to reveal...a tank top. You were really hoping he would be shirtless but whatever, it still works.
Yuuji takes his top layer off as well, revealing his red hoodie. You removed yours as well since everyone else was doing it.
"Well losers, let's fight."
You both end the training session breathing heavily on the floor, fistbumping Yuuji. Ryo pulls you both up onto your feet. He pushes Yuuji's jacket into his hands while he gently hands you yours.
"Come on brats, I'm hungry and y'all need to change quickly. We're done for the day."
You tag Yuuji and run back inside of the school before he can catch you. You two change quickly and walk back outside to his brother.
"Let's go, I'm paying for the ramen."
You guys walk through the streets, just conversating with each other. Then Itadori spoke up.
"If Aniki and I were drowning, who would you save?"
You don't think long about your answer, you smile and blurt it out.
"Well because of my cursed technique, I could save you both."
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godsfavoritebabe · 2 years
Big man on Campus
Jordan Baker, QB1, big man in high school, but not as much college. Luckily he has Shelby, a girl he met at freshman orientation, to make him feel like the big man on campus.
Minors skedaddle.
Original character Shelby
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Shelby…to Jordan she was one of the most beautiful girls he’d ever seen. She was about 5’5 with almond toned skin and perfect curves. Jordan first found himself attracted to her body, but talking to her made him even more intrigued by her.
“Jordan, we should be studying,” she tells him “I need you to pass. What would I do if I didn’t have u playing in this game this weekend?”
She pressed her hand against his scruffy cheek. The library was practically empty and Jordan was feeling handsy. His hands touched her chest, waist and lips as he stared at her.
“Shelby I know, I’m just tired,” he groans “And I have class early tomorrow,”
“Okay, fine. We’ll pick this up then,” she tells him, closing her psychology textbook.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then,” she tells him, shoving her stuff in her backpack. He reaches for her hand and she sighs.
“Come back to the beach house,” he suggests and she chuckles.
“Are we gonna study? Or fuck?” She asks and he smiles coyly.
“Come over and find out,” he suggests and she sighs,
“Jordan,” Shelby softly states as he pulls her into his bedroom.
“Yes?” He asks, then sits on the bed.
“How important is this game to you?” She asks, sitting behind him. Her hands caress his back and neck.
“It’s really important, but you know that,” he replies, and she hums.
“I just have trouble focusing and need a little help, that’s all,” he continues as she rubs circles on his shoulders and pressure points.
He moans lightly as she presses deeper into his left shoulder.
“Focusing requires determination, and you got that,” Shelby tells him, then he turns to face her.
“Help me focus, I’m determined,” he states in a serious tone.
“Jordan Baker, that was so corny,” she laughs and he places his hands on her hips. He lifts her shirt over his head and lays his eyes on her chest. She had a perfect handful of breast that he loved, grabbing, licking and sucking on.
“I ever tell you how amazing your boobs are?” He asks, looking up at her longingly.
“All the time,” she replies as his lips kiss her left breast over her bra. “I’m starting to believe it,”
His hands squeeze her ass before he pulls her jeans down. His eyes travel down to her bellybutton piercing and he smiles. He always knew girls with a bellybutton piercing was a keeper.
Shelby moans slightly at the way her body was feeling. He had now completely undressed her and thrown her on his bed, pulling her legs down to the end. He got on his knees and wrapped her legs around him. He casually toyed with her fingers and looked into her eyes.
“I’m so glad I met you,” he states and she smiles.
“Me too,” she replies and he pulls her hips close to his face. His lips kiss around her thighs and the tip of his tongue.
He licks her and she squirms. He chuckles coyly and continues his gentle touches and licks. He works his tongue around her clit and through her slit, creating an eruption of moans from her mouth. He wraps his mouth around her pussy and makes slurping noises.
Ooohs and Aahs come from her mouth as he attacks her clit with open mouth kisses and long licks.
Her back arches off the bed and her moans quicken. Knowing she was close to finishing, he opens her legs wider and moves his tongue faster.
“Ohhhhhh Jordan,” Shelby groans, feeling an eruption of pleasure through her body. She sits up and looks down at him.
“This could be a lucrative business for you,” she tells him and he shrugs.
“Lay back,” he instructs her and she obeys.
“Open those legs for me pretty girl,” he suggests and she nods. Her legs open for him and he pulls his pants and boxers off. He revels his thick, veiny dick. Her mouth waters just looking at it. It’s curve and mushroom tip had her screaming his name every time.
“Have I ever told you how good looking your dick is?” Shelby asks him as he grabs a condom from his drawer.
“Yes but I wouldn’t mind hearing it more,” he replies to her, lifting one of her legs.
“Well Jordan you’ve got a really nice dick,” she tells him and he lines himself up with her opening. His hands hold her thighs open as he pushes into her.
“Oh god,” he moans and pulls out. He pushes into her again, but halfway. He starts giving consistent strokes and she moans with him. He reaches for her breasts and keeps giving her the best strokes.
“God, you’re so big,” Shelby whines.
“Fuck Shelby you’re so warm and tight,” Jordan huffs, trying not to come so fast.
“You’re the man!” She yelps as he hits her g-spot.
“I’m the what?” He asks and she opens her eyes.
“You’re the man,” she repeats and his strokes get harder. His grunts increase and he feels himself slipping away.
“Let’s switch,” he says and she gets on all fours, arching her back the way he likes. He slaps her ass hard and grabs her hips.
The view of the juicy ass being thrown back on him, destroys his goal of lasting 15 minutes.
He releases a moan from his stomach and finishes in the condom.
“Oh,” she sighs, feeling his fingers rub her clit from their position. He guides his fingers along her slit and around her clit.
“Jordan,” she shrieks, feeling another orgasm overpower her.
“Shelby,” he groans, flipping her over. “You have the best body,”
“I know, that’s why you’re obsessed,” she replies joking then sits up.
He jumped off the bed to trash the condom.
Just then, downstairs they hear a shout from JJ.
“House party!!!!!!!!!” JJ yells and they both sigh loudly.
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After-party of All-night Gaming and Cuddling
Leviathan x MC
Pronouns: You | POV: Second
Tags: all-night gaming, cuddling, falling asleep together (platonically) on the floor, cute and fluff, expect a spew of dialogue about games, birthday celebration
A/N: This is my part for Levi's birthday collaboration! I paired with a wonderful artist (Twitter) who did such a cute piece (tumblr). Their piece is under the cut at the end of the story.
“What’re ya doin’ lettin’ him slip by you like that?”
“Don’t you dare blame me! I told you to go around the other way!”
“Hey, Satan! Quit tryin’ to run away, and get over here!”
“Not another step, Asmo. Stay away from me, Mammon! Get off, you idiot!”
You winced as you heard the loud ruckus in the kitchen from the dining room. The birthday party for Levi had dissolved into a mess of an afterparty. Beel was distracted finishing off all the leftovers, and Belphie had disappeared to take a nap. Mammon and Asmo had had their fill of too much Demonus. At some point during cleanup they had caught Satan in the kitchen and started harassing him.
“Hey, MC, do you want to go hang out in my room?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I mean, the party is pretty much over at this point, right?”
An abrupt shriek from Asmo cut you off before you could reply, causing you and Levi to snap your heads in the direction of the kitchen. Almost instinctively, you went to sort out the trouble before the situation got worse, but Levi stopped you, shaking his head as you turned your attention back to him.
“It’ll be instant game over for you if you go in there now,” he warned with an incredulous look, like he couldn’t believe you would be willing to walk into a scenario where Satan could be armed with kitchen knives that he would gladly be using as makeshift darts.
“S-Satan, just calm down for a minute, would ya?!”
“I told you to leave me alone.” An explosion of what sounded like cast iron and metal clanging onto the floor heavily startled you. Levi gave a grimacing look over your shoulder as shattering crashes followed shortly afterwards. “I’M GONNA KILL YOU BOTH!”
“Ahh! Mammon, this is all your fault!”
“Wha--! You were in on this just as much as I was, ya bastard!”
The only thing louder than the destruction was the twin screams of panic and terror as Satan wreaked havoc just a room away. A thought that popped into your head was that hopefully he would be mindful of your bedroom in his blind rage. A second thought was that you hoped he would avoid destroying the skillet you liked to use when you were on cooking duty.
“MC, listen. An impending doom is coming. I can feel it in my bones. So, before it happens, I think we should make our escape before Lucifer comes back.”
Lucifer had left the house unsupervised to see Diavolo and Barbatos off, but he would be returning soon. You knew it would be a bad idea to be in the vicinity when he discovered the state of the kitchen, in utter ruins in the short frame of time he was gone. While you did feel bad for Mammon and Asmo at the moment, you knew whatever punishment that Lucifer would pass judgment on to them would be far worse than what Satan was currently doing. In hindsight of similar events, you knew this was unavoidable and decided to wash your hands of the problem before you got dragged into it.
“We should probably skedaddle before we get caught in any crossfires.”
“Yeah, agreed. Let’s go!”
Leaving the cacophonous commotion downstairs, the retreat to his room was a smooth success. When you passed the door frame, Levi shut the door and locked it. A preventive measure to keep two certain idiots that would probably try to flee to wherever you would be to lessen the severity of Lucifer’s anger.
“Ahhh, I can already feel myself recharging! Birthday or not, a party is a party, and I’m not cut out for all those high levels of energy. I feel totally drained.”
“So, what did you want to do?”
Despite his complaint of fatigue, his tired demeanor immediately lit up with energy. It was something you noticed before, but his recovery time after entering his bedroom was astoundingly similar to how your phone charged from a low battery to an impressive mid-range percentage in several minutes with the DevilishlyTurbo charger you recently bought. The comparison tickled you enough to make you giggle under your breath.
“Now that you’re here, we can play Devil Kart 8 Deluxe! This is an enhanced version that has a ton of new tracks and overhauled mechanics and new content that will be released in waves. A few waves have already been released, and I played a bit of it myself and put a ton of hours into winning the tournaments to unlock tracks and characters for, uh… for us to use. I wanted to play with you after the party, so I put my all into making sure I got all the content that’s currently available. I think there are some stages and vehicles you would like.”
Levi plopped himself on the rug in front of his television. He gestured to the open space next to him, and you sat beside him. Sitting so close to him, listening to him explain the game and all the stuff he unlocked for you both to be able to enjoy, you noticed a difference in his excitement from during the party. It might have been a subtle thing or maybe not, but the way his eyes flashed and the broad smile he had while explaining in his long-winded fashion all the new things the game included or brought back and would get eventually and the animated, wild gestures he made that almost bumped into you a couple times, it all seemed less reserved and more natural. It made you positively giddy watching him be himself.
“Anyway, I already have it all hooked up to the T.V., so we can race together with these instead of the gamepads. I bought them specifically to match the racing element of the game!” Levi indicated to two steering wheel controllers. A tinge of a blush reddened his cheeks as he glanced from the gaming setup to you. “S-So… do you wanna play together until my birthday is over?”
“Uh, yeah, definitely!” You grabbed the controller closest to you and gave Levi a cocky look. “I’ve been practicing a lot since you practically demolished me last time we played a racing game, but this time you’re going to get your butt kicked!”
He looked stunned by your laydown of a challenge, but you could see his competitive spirit coming out in the smugness of his attitude as he picked up the other controller. “You say that practically every time we play a versus game. If you want a chance to beat someone, you should go challenge Belphie or Asmo. No one has a chance of surpassing me at video games!”
“Yeah, okay. No being a sore loser over it when I beat you, then. I know how you can get super salty when you get bested, especially after letting yourself get too overconfident.”
“Shut up lol! I don’t know what you’re even talking about!” Levi had a pinched line that kind of resembled the condescending smirk when he had mouthed off, but you could tell his few losses were a bit more than skin level insults to him. “If you think I’m going to pull any punches now, then---”
“When have you ever pulled punches during a game?! You always play to win no matter what!”
“OMG, hurry up and choose a character already!”
You had a few good moments during a couple races, like how you stole his first-place position by using the most agonizing offensive item the game had, the bat banana peel, at the last possible moment or how you would knock Levi off roads to drop his placement and slow him down. Some of his rages were so legitimate you could only stare wide-eyed with a stiff smirk that was pinned in place by genuine nervousness. After a triple dozen races, the majority mostly won by Levi, the fiery retorts, heat-of-the-moment insults, and mocking jeers settled into more friendly comments about the game itself and the updated graphics and the characters that were being brought over from other games under Funtendo’s licensing.
Hours slipped by, and you could feel your eyes getting heavier as you tried your best to fight against your tiredness. You wanted to stay up as long as you could with Levi. Yeah, it was definitely past midnight now, but you were having a lot of fun. Stopping now felt like prematurely ending the moment, but exhaustion was waiting for you each time you blinked, lingering in that split second of darkness to persuade you to keep your eyes closed and submit to it. It was getting harder and harder to open your eyes again. You knew you had to tap out before you actually passed out.
“Levi, I don’t think I can keep going. I’m about to fall asleep sitting up.”
“Aww... Okay. You have been crashing into the walls and stuff a lot, anyway.”
You began the motions to get up so you could return to your own room, but Levi stopped you when he grabbed your arm. “Wh-- Hey! Where are you going?!”
“To my room?”
“Y-You don’t have to leave just because we stopped playing! I still, um, want to spend time with you. I know it isn’t my birthday anymore, but… I mean, if you’re tired you can just watch me play a game, instead!”
Levi leaned forward to where his handheld Funtendo console was docked and pulled it out. You watched him as he sorted through the menus and confirmations, before he turned it around to show you the opening title of the game he was referring to.
“There is this other game that I’ve gotten into called Anima 3! It combines elements of standard role-playing and simulation games in a really interesting way. It kind of has hints of dating sim mechanics, but the dating function itself isn’t really important. That part of the game is more integral when you start entering the dungeon at nighttime. The relationships you build in your daily life affect the battle levels and stuff, because the more you strengthen them, the higher the level you get for different types of power. Oh, do you know about tarot cards? The game heavily bases itself around the Major Arcana cards. Anyway, the relationships you work to maintain relate to the certain creatures that you use in fights. So, keeping the balance of social links and your strength up is super important! You pretty much have free reign during the day except for scripted events. This game is so deep and intricately well done with the way it weaves the plot between characters and their personal developments and friendships. I’ve even teared up at a few scenes, like this one where one of the characters that finally came back to the dormitory where the group lives – oh, yeah, he was a part of the original members before he left, because – ah, that is totally a spoiler, sorry – so, he comes back, and he starts to find a place with the group again, but something terri-- AH! I almost completely ruined his story arc for you! Uh, so, yeah, I mean, this game is pretty amazing, and it even has a really good soundtrack that I’ve been listening to nonstop since I downloaded it.”
Levi rambled and gushed about the details of the game and its story while he loaded up the current save slot. You were a bit lost on some of the context he was giving, but he was enthusiastic about showing it to you, so you just let him talk.
Once the game was ready, he brought himself next to you. Unfortunately, the jellyfish mobile was casting their lights on the display of the console from your spot, so you leaned more into Levi, trying to lessen the obscuring glare. That resolved your issue for the most part, but now Levi had his arm pinned uncomfortably. He angled the game so you could see it better and so you could get off him, but honestly, it just seemed to be more awkward, because now he was trying to reposition himself without ruining your viewpoint.
“Okay, this isn’t working,” Levi said after ascending a few of the dungeon floors. “Can you move away a bit?”
Puzzled, you scooched yourself apart from Levi as he stretched his legs out, spreading them open enough for a decent amount of space in-between them. He gave you a flustered look as he patted the floor twice. “How about you, um, come sit here, and then I can… uh, I mean, it’ll just be easier on both of us this way, okay?”
Hiding an involuntary smile at his embarrassed thoughtfulness, you sat yourself in-between his legs and scooted into what felt like an acceptable spot. You could feel Levi against your back. He was stiff and hesitant to relax, but he was simultaneously invitingly warm. This was so much cozier compared to the twisted, leaning position. Levi brought his arms around you, locking you into an open embrace as he held his gaming console in front you. You could both share the screen now without compromising uncomfortable postures now.
Or so you thought, anyway. Levi was struggling with adjusting with the way he was trying to hold the game. His arms would slightly squeeze you and extend forward, but then he would widen his elbows out and bring the console in too close. He fiddled with a range of different forms before he dropped the console in defeat, sighing dramatically.
“You’re going to have to be a little bit closer for me to be able to do this right. Here...”
An arm snaked itself around your waist, and Levi dragged you backwards with a smooth ease until you were completely in his lap. He closed his legs around yours, drawing in a knee so that it framed your left hip. This was basically a hug in all senses of the word with how he was holding you. The space was tighter but not too imposing. It felt more authentic than the spacious attempt you had tried to do, and from the relaxed shift of weight behind you, you could tell Levi felt better about this new arrangement.
Settling into Levi, you could feel his chest steadily moving, lulling you into a relaxation. It was a rarity to be this intimately close with him, and being inside his personal space, you could pick up whiffs of his smell. His scent was a slightly sharp and pungent smell, almost medicinal, but with impressions of a sweet and warm undertone that balanced out the more distinct smell. A soothing resinous-like odor that vaguely reminded you of the seashore. The enticement of sleep was more inviting with his arms around you, nudging you on occasion when his arms twitched as he pressed buttons. The soft clicks from the control pad only added to the lullaby of senses. Barely focusing on the game screen, the colors were becoming blurs and smudges as Levi played on, unaware of your drifting consciousness.
He had such a habit of losing himself into the worlds of 2D media, but he came back to reality when he needed to stretch his aching arms. A little bit ashamed and sheepish about the fact he forgot about you, he tried to play it off with just how immersive the gameplay was, running off with the excuse that Anima 3 was just that phenomenal and so on.
“So, what do you think so far?”
He paused for a reply, but silence was the only thing that answered his question.
“Hey, are you ignoring me..?”
Your lack of a response diverted just enough of his concentration that Levi finally noticed something was off with you. He glanced down, and his attention for the game diminished almost completely when he realized that you were dead asleep in his lap. He felt his cheeks flare up instantly as his brain tried to process this turn of development.
“Hey..! Whoa whoa whoa! Are you actually seriously asleep right now?!”
Self-consciousness of the situation and shocked nerves rattled him, and his hands started shaking, vibrating the game. It almost slipped out of his grasp, and he barely caught it before it dropped on you. Levi froze motionless as he waited to see if the sudden movement was going to cause you to rouse from your slumber. You were gone from the world, though, thoroughly beyond anything minor waking you up.
“Hgnahhh…” When he released a breath that had been unconsciously caught it came out as a weird, whiney sighing noise that made his heated cheeks burn more. Levi scrunched his eyebrows in dismay and ignored the mocking thought of how you would have definitely laughed if you had heard it.
Saving the progress in the game and turning it off, Levi placed it out of the way. A sudden wave of tiredness made his body feel heavy, and the warmth you were giving off only added to the effect of drowsiness that he didn’t feel like fighting off. Bracing an arm around you as he lounged back on the rug, moving cautiously so he wouldn’t disturb you awake from his movements, it donned on him as he cuddled with you that he was essentially being used as a body pillow. The blush he was sporting was probably a sight to see as it went in for round three of displaying his awkwardness.
Hugging you more onto him, your head rising and falling with each breath that he took, Levi made peace with his hangups and the high chance one of his brothers might barge into his room in the later hours of the morning, but for right now, he was enjoying his time alone with you. It was still in the remnants of his birthday and having you with him was a perfect conclusion to a day that was focused on him by his brothers and the royalty of the Devildom. It wasn’t too long before Levi fell asleep himself, unaware and uncaring of the wails of despair coming from the kitchen from sources that had strung up to the ceiling.
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ansixilus · 4 months
A few hours later. The zombie slurped up the remaining bits of hare meat that were left in its bowl, carefully sipping the warm broth so as not to let fall any drop onto its chest or cheeks. It gulped down the chunks of sweet potato and carrot into its rotting stomach, feeling the warmth flood its throat and belly. Putting down the bowl, it sighed softly in relief, as if a simple bowl of soup contained the same as a full course meal.
By its side, the goblin also sighed while holding its own bowl and spoon. Watching his guest with half-lidded eyes and cheeks pink and soft, he wondered how such a mundane gesture could mean so much to him. Lowering his gaze to his remaining soup, he finally gripped his spoon and ate what was left of his own bowl.
When they both finished their supper, the goblin asked:
“If you don’t mind, you can stay here for the night. I could make us a bed or two, so you can have more space. What do you say?”
But before he could complete his sentence, the ghoul had already skedaddled to the first wooden chest it saw, lifting its lid and peeping in. Its face beamed when it finally found what it wanted. Grabbing all the blankets and pelts that it could get its hands on, it started to extend them out onto the floor, walking over them to smooth their wrinkles.
The goblin, meanwhile, stood up there, mouth agape. Not wanting to be seen as a numbskull, however, he snapped out of his trance and grabbed a nice plump pillow and started fluffing it up. Once it got big and soft enough, he dropped it onto the makeshift bed and slipped into the soft blankets, yawning.
Hearing a faint rustled by his side, he turned to his left and nearly jumped out.
Once again, the sneaky zombie has managed to crawl into the sheets and pelts and now was laying down on its side, staring back at him with droopy eyes.
“Oh my… are you that sleepy then? I should have noticed before so I could have made the bed…” said the goblin, red in the face and hot-minded.
Without an answer, the zombie simply snuggled down and fell asleep, its bony face staring at the ceiling.
The goblin, dizzy headed, stared back at it and laid down on the pelt mattress as well, before falling asleep too, his head filled with incoherent thoughts of the zombie.
Had he lived his whole life as a hermit, no one at his side to feel his thoughts and hold him against their own skin? How long had the desire to be touched been laying dormant until it blossomed open now? Was he so eager to be touched and listened to by another being, even when the choice his heart made was the rotting husk of a stranger? Would his guest correspond to his blooming chest? And even if the ghoul did, how could they ever quench their skin appetite? Would they be repulsed by the touch and taste of each other? Would they be? Would they be not?
Drowning it his own water glass, the goblin didn’t notice that, in its sleep, the zombie had rolled over and pressed itself onto his chest, with its ear matching the spot where his heart beat. Listening attentively to his beating pulse, clear sign of its host being still alive and breathing, the ghoul fell again still, enveloping the trunk of its unaware companion with its arms.
It was.
Part 12, version one.
There's only so much I can blame Tumblr for. Much of the weight is upon me for not having checked sooner. I took so long to post this that you were driven to create it anew. There's a certain wonder in the alternate version existing, but I cannot help feeling that I've gravely let you down... pardon the pun.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
The Fall of Fair City - Chapter 1
Dr. Two Brains yawned as he sat through another dull meeting for the Evil Villains Association or EVA, at the hotel outside of town. It wasn't that he found every villain meeting dull. Most of the time these meetings were helpful such as keeping villain crimes organized with schedules so two or more villains won't end up robbing the same place at the same time. It was also nice to know when an annual BBQ or Beach Day for villains is coming up, just to have a time to relax from the stressful work of planning, stealing, and fighting the local hero. What Dr. Two Brains found annoying and tedious were how the meetings were delivered sometimes, some villains got to the point which he was grateful for, but others seemed to droll on and on. Just wrap it up already, People can hold attention for a twenty minute time limit then its snooze city. Dr. Two Brains gave a quiet huff as Lady Redundant Woman was finishing up. He didn't mind this villain, he actually admired her as a person and her skills as a villain. It was just irritating for the mad scientist when she had to repeat certain words thrice in different ways, all with the same meaning. Two Brains knew well the different ways to use words thank you very much. He has an alien daughter with off the grid vocabulary skills. "And finally, winding up, and in conclusion." Lady Redundant Woman, the EVA's president, spoke aloud, "after you rob a valuable place like the jewelry store or the pawn shop, even if you get caught by Wordgirl, leave the place a bit better than you found it. Other villains who rob those areas have complained about broken glass and lack of values to steal when they try to rob the place as well." The EVA members just grumbled but nodded in confirmation. A few side glanced at Chuck who was looking sheepish. LRW nodded, pleased with the response. "One final thing." She announced, halting the villains from being dismissed. "In about a month and a half from now is our annual villain's anniversary potluck. Attendance is not required, needed, nor necessary but all villains should want to attend for good food and sharing exciting stories about your crimes. This event is a celebration for every villain's first time appearance and crime in Fair City as well as their first face off with Wordgirl." All of the villains cheered, excited for the anniversary, well all except for one mad scientist. Dr. Two Brains looked down at his feet while LRW and the other villains began discussing plans for the event. The anniversary of him becoming a villain was one of the best, but also worse moments of his life, for both him and Becky. On one hand, it was sort of a liberating experience. He could finally create what he wanted, do what he want. At the same time, his identity and mind became shot and warped. He was forced into this life by a careless mistake, succumbed to pleasing the obsession of a crazed mouse brain. It wasn't fair sometimes that all these villains had a choice on this path, while he had to begin rolling with the punches. He had lost friends and loved ones. Two Brains felt extremely lucky to remember his own child and her monkey as well as the close family members who still talked to him. He was also grateful for tenure and that villainy didn't affect it. The mouse man sighed in self anger. He hated how weak he was to Squeaky's will. He was proud to see how much his daughter could resist the mouse the last time they were brain swapped. 'Look at me, I couldn't do something an 11 year old girl could.' Dr. Two Brains berated himself in thought. He enjoyed villainy now, he just wish he could take control of it more to his liking. Two Brains looked back up at LRW when she silenced the elated villains. "You are may go now, leave, skedaddle." She finally said, shooing the others away and back to their daily lives. All the villains got up. Some stayed behind to talk to some fellow cohorts or waiting for a ride. Others began to leave for home. @melodythebunny @drtwobrainsstuff
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gummybugg · 1 year
Uh oh! Your OCs and I decided to share a pizza and we're down to the last slice 😱 Who is eating it without remorse? Who is forcing it onto my plate before I can say no, its okay you can have it! Who is sitting there pretending not to notice its the final slice to avoid being the one to make the decision about who gets to eat it? Who feigns at being full so they don't get caught being generous? And who is the rat that steals it while the rest of us are busy having a generosity war?
⚔️Battle of the Last Pizza Slice!🍕
Thanks so much for the ask! I had so much fun and decided to do this with my characters from my wip Crater City :')
(Now, I want you to close your eyes and picture yourself in one of those children's arcade/pizza restaurants. Yep, that one. Musty carpet from the 90, scent of coins and sweat hanging in the air. Yeah, you know the one.)
"Wow, is that a plane or a geometrically sound bird?" Blair asks. You turn to look out the window at the invisible plane before he swoops in for the kill. You roll your eyes, but you're glad it wasn't another prank. At least this time, Blair hadn't gotten one of the employees to wear the rat suit and jump-scare you.
"No, no, you can take it," Darcy twists his face in disgust at the combination of cheese, meats, and microplastics on the large pizza pan in front of you. "Old-world food makes me feel bloated." He shoves the slice of pizza onto your plate before you get to object. You don't feel very hungry anymore.
You watch Elijah twirl his curly brown hair that sits in a clump on his head as he stares longingly at the arcade section of the restaurant. Either he's signaling you for arcade money, or he's letting you take the last slice of pizza... You're not sure if he's more interested in the food or arcade.
"Oh, I can't possibly eat anymore," Frasier takes a sip of his unsweetened Earl grey. You're not sure what pizza place sells Earl grey, but you try not to let it faze you. As he catches your glance, he gives a gentle smile that seems to light the rest of the dimly lit restaurant. "You can have the last piece," he says as he pushes the plate towards you.
"No, you can take it," you refute. "You paid for the order, after all."
"No, I insist."
"You're the only person here who hasn't robbed me of my pizza, made me lose my appetite, or begged me for arcade tokens. I think you should have the last slice."
"Well, I can't argue with that," Frasier chuckles before realizing the pizza has disappeared right before your very eyes. He raises a brow. Clearly, he hasn't planned for this to happen.
There is a muffled chewing sound coming from beneath the cheap plastic table. You both duck under the table to see Melony hunched over like a mouse, enjoying her late afternoon breakfast. Her lab coat pools around her, pressed against the greasy floor. You shudder at the unsanitary conditions.
"Let's face it, you two were gonna be fighting over that slice for hours!" She protests.
"True, but what are you doing out of your lab, you little mouse?" Fraiser picks gum from under the table out of her black bubble braids.
"I've been working for 18 hours, don't you think I deserve a little break?" Melony finishes the pizza without complaint. She stands up, brushes off her coat, and thanks you both for the midday snack. "Well, it's been real, but I gotta skedaddle. Gotta convention to go to," her pink eyes sparkle.
"That's right, I should be heading off, as well." Frasier sighs at the impending doom of his lunch break ending. He turns to you, his smile resurfacing, "But it's been a nice lunch date. We should meet again soon."
He rises from the creaky plastic booth held together by a few loose bolts and some bubble gum. "Blair, Elijah, Darcy!" He calls from across the empty restaurant, "You guys better wrap up that air hockey tournament. We're leaving."
Three disgruntled moans come from the arcade. Frasier sighs and slaps fifty on the table for the tip. No, make it sixty.
You can't help but stare at the strange rag tag group of people as they make their way out of the pizza joint whining about shrinkflation in the pizza industry, the alarming amount of microplastics found in old-world food, and how arcade games just aren't made like they used to be. You're not sure where that Melony lady went, but you're convinced this entire interaction was a fever dream. Four pizzas in a day? Absolutely absurd!
🚗 Crater City Taglist (ask to be added/removed): @writeouswriter @lyra-brie @digitalsatyr23
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beantothemax · 1 year
Journey for the Dawn 4 Braincell au
First things first, Oboro will immediately leave the party once everyone’s final chapters and crossed paths are finished. I still need to plan the sillies of Oboro, Rai Mei, Ritsu, and, after Temenos’ chapter 4 with Stormhail definitely being all dandy and fine with 0 deaths, Crick’s Crossed Paths but the part 2 of the crossed paths would motivate Oboro to leave for what he calls “A short amount of time”
Motivation probably has something to do with the Moonshade Order. Resignations aren’t allowed and you destroyed the Darkblood Blade. Got to skedaddle and figure out how to fix that problem.
Until you reach Crackridge in the Final Chapter you will not have Oboro be present in your party. Stuff equipped on him will return to you and he will automatically equip that stuff when he joins the party again
There will be extra Travel Banter from everyone regarding his leave and often you have Hikari, Rai Mei, and Ritsu trying to figure out what to write to him/what to collect for him during their journey.
Anyways, onto the story. Everything starts out the same-ish. They’re all getting ready for camping. Ritsu is struggling with Agnea and Partitio in starting the fire, Rai Mei went hunting with Throné and Ochette, and Crick was with Temenos and Hikari and for those several minutes they were out Hikari was asking Crick and Temenos how to devote yourself to your partner, not knowing that Crick and Temenos are going to have a 2 year Slow Burn.
Things are going as normal. Rai Mei is thinking about what to do moving forward considering Ku’s political climate and her own Clan before Castti probably tells her that she can think of that *after* dinner. Ritsu asks several the gang what to write in the letter to Oboro and Crick is replying that Ritsu can write about the Godsblade and Temenos getting closer in their relationship. You can see Ritsu just immediately shoot that down in his head and try to figure out when they’ll get together
Things go as normal. They all go to sleep with the difference being Rai Mei, Ritsu, and Crick not having the shared dream as they were not the God’s chosen. They fight against the Dark Creatures and off they go through their journey to restore the Dawn.
NPCs will express panic at the endless dark as they should. We have to make this realistic. People are coming together to support each other and will remark on how this is terrifying and how they saw some monsters closing in. This is a story about how community and friendship and love can truly be worth living for. We got to show it.
The gang will receive a letter from Oboro when they enter the next town. Unless it’s Crackridge. You will instead be treated to the story scene in Crackridge if you immediately go there without other towns.
You are then treated to a cutscene where the party reads three letters and it’s clear that they’re all delayed in being delivered. You have the obvious one with Oboro telling Ritsu he fucked up but you also have the one where Temenos is told that a flame was put out. When it is eternal night already. So obviously the letters was given before things went down. Third letter only gives you vague locations. Several characters will remark that all of them look like they were written in a rush and Ritsu will insist on going to Crackridge first as that is likely where Oboro may be. You don’t have to of course but like. At the same time you’re getting a party member back.
The moment you arrive at Crackridge, Ochette will remark on how the town feels more hostile than usual to which Temenos agrees with. You will then be greeted by several Moonshade Order members ready to attack you because. I think the Moonshade Order would go and attack others for wanting to have the Dawn back. Fight isn’t anything too big but you will have to get through two waves of this.
Third wave almost comes around before one Therion and Alfyn come in and take that one down as a team. Alfyn thanks them for coming in at a nick of time as they were already busy driving them off after they got a bit bold in attacking a person he’s treating and their brother. Immediately you have Hikari ask if the brother’s name is Oboro and we have them both be understandably wary.
(Alfyn: Sorry but how do we know that you aren’t here to hurt them as well?
Hikari: I- I understand your wariness but please. You have to understand, he’s our-
Therion: Friends can change at a drop of a hat. We need more proof than just your word.
Ritsu, showing several letters: Will this be enough?
Therion: …Hm. Well then. You must be the group that he’s traveling with.
Ritsu: Yep. Can you take us to him now?
Therion: …Hey Alfyn. If you include that guy you would have 12 in all. Heh. 12 people. 12 gods.
Ritsu: I’m sorry?
Alfyn: I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. Sorry for the hostility friends. This town hasn’t been kind to us you see.
Hikari: No need for apologies. We would have likely done the same.)
Reunion between Oboro and the rest of the gang and you can just hear the relief he has. Crackridge sucked for him and it shows. It is cut short though by his insistence on all of them going into the Kal Ruins to figure out what do with the Flame.
Oboro will refuse to go with the Travelers to the Fellsun Ruins which. Absolutely fair.
Kal Ruins exploration and collecting journal pages galore. They relit the Flame and are treated to the lovely mirror flashback of how Ori stabs herself to quench the flames and how Oboro desperately tried to stop Ori from doing that and trying to slow the bleeding as much as possible.
Journal Entires would also change here. Ori would note how her brother has been staying at Ku for a really long time despite the original plan being him leaving around the time Hikari turns 19. Then we get to the later entries and we have her express surprise about how her brother is traveling with the Travelers and how he looks…happier somehow.
We then have several entries express some concern over her brother in the more dangerous segments of the Traveler’s journeys. Biggest example being the Timberain Incident where Ori is just confused on why her brother is putting in so much effort in helping the Travelers despite it meaning the plans will be ruined.
Then comes the entry regarding Peace over Ku and we just have Ori receiving the news that her brother defected from the cult and she goes straight into denial in her entries. Saying that can’t be possible and that they were a team and how he wouldn’t just do this without telling her.
These two have not processed their emotions healthily in so long.
(Rai Mei: …In a way I can go and relate to her.
Rai Mei: When my brother told me that he was tasked to kill Hikari and his mother I- I felt angry. I felt angry at the fact that he was going to take a friend away from me and didn’t tell me this beforehand. It faded over time but that didn’t changed the fact that he hid it from me.
Partitio: I hear ya.
Partitio: I couldn’t believe it when I found out that Mr Roque was the reason why Orerush was in a poor state. I knew him for so long and I just- Couldn’t understand why he would do that.
Partitio: It still hurts but at least I know he’s trying to be better.
Rai Mei: Well, at least one of us had time to mend relationships.
Partitio: Rai Mei…
Rai Mei: I made my peace with it. I only hope that I may assist in mending the relationship between Oboro and Ori.
Partitio: Here’s hoping.)
Big “Oh dear” moment for everyone. Anyways, they rekindle the flames and make their way back to Crackridge immediately.
We get a cutscene with all of them walking back into the house and telling Oboro that they rekindled the flames and uh…saw what happened through a mirror and got context from the journal entries Ori had.
Sure. Okay.
Eventually after explanation we have Oboro ask Alfyn and Therion if they can watch over Ori on their own. He’ll pay them extra of course but he needs to first clean up the mess he left behind.
At this point Oboro is officially added to the party, but not before a scene where he quietly knocks on Ori’s door.
(Oboro: Ori, I know you’re mad at me and that’s understandable. I know you don’t believe what I’m doing is right but at the same time I think deep down you still want to live. That wound was near-fatal and any deeper and you would have died. I don’t know if you did that on purpose or accident but you’re here now.
Oboro: …I’m going to fix this. I’m going to bring back the Dawn to at least…try to live another day. I want to at least try and- I want to see my friends be happy.
Oboro: It’s fine if you hate me. I understand that. I just want to tell you this before I go.
Oboro: I’ll see you soon. I um…I love you. I should say that more. I love you Ori.)
Back to the Journey. We go through the flames like clockwork and fight against the horrors.
It’s shown that the citizens are all banding together to help each other and in certain towns you get some optional cutscenes where the Travelers interact with the NPCs there. Cropdale, Orerush, Wellsgrove, Ku. You know. The story important towns with lots of notable NPCs. Some Adventure Banter will be added in those places.
Most of the flames go on as the same with
the Flamechurch and Tranquil Grotto being different.
Tranquil Grotto was originally supposed to be where Oboro killed someone with the Darkblood Blade but obviously that plan went poof as the Darkblood Blade was destroyed by the joint effort of Oboro and Temenos.
Arcanette loathes that happened and had to come down to the desert and kill someone herself. Was easy to manipulate the losing side of the Civil War to come with her for unlimited power. Honestly, mortals are so easy to manipulate.
Hikari, Oboro, Rai Mei, and Ritsu don’t know how to feel about Ageha dying. On one hand, good riddance. On the other hand that is a *painful* way to die and that should not have been bestowed on him.
Anyways Agnea and Hikari lit up the flame and the Travel Banter is different as this seemed to only have Hikari work harder for peace. Agnea reminds him to not forget to look after himself and that he has his friends to lean on.
Flamechurch is different as there is no Arcanette. Only the Church Flame out out and a sinking feeling on who Arcanette may actually be. Temenos beats himself up about it and then-
(Crick: Temenos, we couldn’t have known.
Temenos: Oh little lamb but I should. I should have known that the answer was right in front of my eyes.
Crick: And I should have known when heretics were at the Church as a Godsblade.
Crick: Neither of us could have known, and I wish you would stop blaming yourself for things you couldn’t control,
Temenos: My my little Lamb. When did you get so wise?
Crick: …I became wise the moment I put my faith in you Temenos.)
They light up the Flamechurch Flame and oh hey look! Vidania! That’s- Hah that’s concerning.
A few hours of preparing and sailing later and they land there. Ritsu, Oboro, and Rai Mei have different dialogue regarding it.
(Oboro: …To think I was so ready to make this my final resting place.)
(Ritsu: Taking back the dawn…whether my name will be sang or not, I will fight this battle with all my might.)
(Rai Mei: It’s time. Let us move forward, together.)
They get up on the top and see Arcanette up there and she doesn’t even bother with her facade. She gets to the point and says things about her plans and how force never brought anyone anything. To truly have people submit to them, they have to control their hearts and minds. Very unsettling stuff.
She probably also says something about how the Hound has brought friends and how he even brought the Eagle with clipped wings despite all it has killed and wounded. No one appreciates this.
The whole time you just have Hikari, Ritsu, and Rai Mei just slowly get in front of Oboro as the conversation goes on. Definitely see Rai Mei almost letting out Lightning Magic on Arcanette the moment she tries to get close.
Honestly the only reason I am not writing her getting incredibly close to Temenos instead is because Crick would likely stab her if she does. All the Travelers would stab her, what am I saying. They all would stab her.
Anyways! Wow! That’s disturbing! Arcanette fight here we go!
The difference here is that Oboro strictly told everyone that if someone dies on top of Vidania, there is a big chance that will be accepted as a sacrifice and Vide will be summoned again. The goal is to subdue, not kill.
Arcanette knows this so she goes all out and it’s fun. All of this is fun.
Eventually we have her subdued and downed. The plan is for 4 people take Arcanette to the boat and have her just stay there under heavy watch with some hard sleeping drugs in her just for good measure. The rest will figure out how to get the Dawn back again.
Except that doesn’t go to plan. It never goes to plan.
In a last ditch effort she lets out a burst of dark magic around everyone, gets a knife and aims at Oboro and-
(Oboro: …?
Arcanette: Ah. Of course.
Hikari, having just slashed her back fatally: No longer…No longer will I see my family die to people like you.
Arcanette: The King…of Ku. The little Fox in the den of Wolves. Of course you were to do me in.
Hikari: Speak no longer.
Arcanette: Hm. A little birdie told me you almost succumbed to the Darkness in your Heart. What a shame that you conquered it. At the very least…we now know that you do not need a curse to do heinous actions. For… it is already… in you.
Hikari: …
Arcanette: Hahahahaha…The Snake, Hound, and Fox. All of you…All of you destined to bring upon the Darkness.
Throné: …Destined?
Arcanette: Hahahahaha…For it to all…brought you together…
Arcanette: Dying here…means Vide will return…
Arcanette: He is coming…
Arcanette: “Soon…night shall fall.”)
That was disturbing. Oh shit right Vide. Vide got summoned again. He’s very much here and very much ready to cause darkness.
(Oboro: Hikari this looks like a bad time but I need you to listen to me. This was not your fault. I would have done the same and several people would have done that as well. You did not cause this.
Hikari: …I know it isn’t my fault. I was ready to kill her if needed to be.
Hikari: Now though, the final battle is at hand. Stand strong my friends.)
Time to tango with god! Everyone is pissed and everyone is willing to fight for the dawn. This is very much just the Vide fight but with more stages and more travelers. And when I mean more stages I mean when a third of his health is depleted he switches out the next travelers and so fourth until it reaches down to the last third.
Second phase rolls around and can 12 people kill god? The answer is yes. Yes they can. They can kill god and take back the Dawn.
Fun fact: Ritsu, Rai Mei, and Oboro all have unique voice lines when fighting against Vide just like what the Travelers have in the Original Game. Bonus Crick for fun.
(Oboro, initial turn: So this is the final obstacle…
Oboro, fully boosted: There is still so much I need to see!)
(Ritsu, initial turn: God or not, I will strike you down!
Ritsu, fully boosted: Even the gods will one day fall!)
(Rai Mei, initial turn: I refuse to back down against anyone, including you!
Rai Mei, fully boosted: My spear will not fall against you!)
(Crick, initial turn: My faith, on the gods and my friends, will guide me through this Darkness!)
Crick, fully boosted: As a Godsblade, I will defeat you!)
They beaten up Vide and restored the Dawn. It’s back.
Like to think we get a nice cutscene where we see the Dawn go on the various towns and NPCs visibly celebrating at the notion of it.
Anyways, before they separate like the Epilogue does it, we will have them go on a cross country trip to check on all the towns because there has to be some lasting damages and still some things to do.
That’s it for that chapter. I am not doing Epilogue because I will cry.
KIWI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are not. Words to describe how I feel about the 4 braincells au. just. !!!!!!!!
The gang’s earned a nice dinner. Let them all huddle around the campfire and tell stories and just be at peace for once.
Rai Mei, Crick and Ritsu not having having dreams of the flames because they aren’t chosen… that’s a nice detail
The stuff about the npc’s actually being worried!!!!! And how towns are working together thought this!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!! Npc dialogue being moistly unchanged for JftD (I think) was one of the kinda disappointing parts of it
ALSO!!!!!!!! The three letters you read once you get in crackridge!!!!!! Those were the ones oboro was writing in that inbox fic you made!!!!!!! aaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
ALFYN AND THERION ARE ALSO HERE WOOOOOOOOOOOOO if my boys are included that makes it 1000% better
Ori’s journal entries…. her confusion as to why Kazan’s actually happy now… and immediately going into denial once she finds out he’s defected from the moon shade order…. And rai mei’s banter with partitio after that………. my heart
OBORO’S TALK WITH ORI BEFORE HE LEAVES. ‘I love you. I should say that more. I love you Ori.’ KIWI DO YOU WANT ME TO CRY
Arcanette’s speech at Vidania… her calling boor the ‘eagle with clipped wings’… creepy. And you’re right all twelve of the travelers would immediately stab arcanette given the chance.
A god is dead!!! Woo!!!! Good riddance. And kiwi I absolutely do not blame you for not doing the epilogue. I would also cry if you did that.
kiwi i hope you know you’re such a talented writer and I love every singe au you make, and this ask was no different! it is not ok how deeply engrained this au is in my brain
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parknights · 2 years
Parknight imagines, miscellany 15: tools of the trade
"Nice of you to let McGee head home early," Knight remarks while sifting through the box at her desk. She shoots Parker a small smile.
He shrugs and pauses penning his report. "It's the least. He and Delilah went through a lot with the case. I figure they deserved an extra moment to focus on what's important."
"And speaking of important," Torres interrupts from across the room. "Parker, the case is over and Clarkson skedaddled with the spy. But I gotta know his beauty secrets. You promised me Clarkson's contact info." He raises his eyebrows because of course this is Serious Business™.
Parker glances at Knight to share his dry expression and to suppress the urge to roll his eyes, and she grins in return. Nevertheless, the team leader grabs a sticky note, scribbles down poor Clarkson's number, and holds it out for Torres' eagerly awaiting hands. When Torres hustles from the bullpen, Parker gripes at his back, "What happened to finishing your paperwork first, Torres?"
"There's not really much left to do," Knight assures him. She goes to Torres' desk to check things. "And, hey, he's half done. If our reports and the final evidence log are it, then we're good, Parker."
He frowns, but it's hard to argue with her reasoning and chipper attitude. Though he quirks an eyebrow when Knight returns to the evidence box and plucks free one item, still in its bag, twirling it around between her fingers. "Speaking of evidence—I'm still impressed by your frisbee takedown of our suspect, Knight."
She laughs and spins the frisbee vertically, catching it with her other hand behind her back. "I feel a little bad for that kid who let me use it, since it became evidence, but the twenty I gave him should buy him a decent replacement." Knight shrugs. "A frisbee's not even the oddest thing I've got good aim with."
Now that has his attention. He taps his pen against the scruff of his chin. "Well, I've seen you with all sorts of firearms and wield a pipe as a staff." Parker narrows his eyes with a smirk. "Baseball or softball?"
"Either. Same goes for the rest of your standard sports balls, thanks to what things my siblings and cousins played growing up. For the record, if we ever encounter someone on the ice, I can smack a mean hockey puck in their direction, too."
Parker snickers and shakes his head.
"You laugh, but, if it's the right size, it can be a projectile and it can get the job done." Knight stops toying with their evidence and rests one hand on her cocked hip. "You really going to sit there and act as though you haven't got any weird 'weapons' in your arsenal of crazy stories?"
He purses his lips while giving it some thought. Then: "…wooden spoons."
Knight furrows her brow. "Utensils?"
"The instrument, actually."
"Since when are spoons instruments?!" Incredulous though she may be, she laughs.
"You'd be surprised what comes out of the folk music scene."
Knight shakes her head and gently throws the frisbee back in the evidence box; it, of course, makes its target. She smiles at Parker, though. "Well, that one I'll have to see to believe."
Once more, Parker raises an eyebrow. "I…could show you the trick with the spoons if you want to divulge the secrets to your frisbee aim."
She doesn't give it a second's thought, but her eyes crinkle and Knight's smile looks more playful this time, matching his smirk. "Then it's a date."
-follow for more imagines & Parknight content-
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bleedingichorhearts · 6 months
I need to be rutted into submission by an unbonded wild astartes out back of a Denny's
𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐲
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: Denny’s? Okay, guess both of ya’ll got horny I mean, hungry. Yes.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets.
𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊: If you are under the age of 18. Shoo! Go away! Skedaddle! Why you reading this in the first place? Be 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 for/of yourself.
TW // SMUT/NSFW, Filth, Language, Dubcon?
|°ᴛᴀɢ ʟɪꜱᴛ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ°| |°ɪᴄʜᴏʀ’ꜱ ᴀᴏ3°| |°𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥°|
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He watches as this female human eats at the food placed in front of her through the window. Her hands picking up the metal utensil to the side of her to eat her nightly meal.
A meal that he could have provided. A meal that he could have hunted down and cooked himself instead of that younger, inferior male.
He observes how the younger male comes back to give her a little piece of paper. Her tongue swiping across her teeth before she licked her lips. A charming smile forming on her face as the younger male manages to make her laugh. His gauntlet twitching at such a bold display in front of him.
It wasn’t even a second in before the male sat himself in her booth. The two of them conversing to one another. The male occasionally stealing food for her plate.
Doesn’t that boy know that she needed that food to store up and replenish her energy after mating? That he gave her that food and not the other way around?
Oh, this male was a fool. He was in no shape or form to take care of this little female if he needed to take her food. Any male should know not to take a females food without asking or never at all. Even he knows this basic ritual. He’s been tracking her down after all.
She was in her prime week. Her fertile scent catching his senses, driving his mind crazy each time he tried to resist it. It was like something he needed to have. That he needed to breed.
His hearts race when the two suddenly get up from the booth together and make their way to the back of the restaurant. The male getting a little touchy with the little female. His hand sliding between the pieces of her clothing as they went out the back exit door.
Suddenly he grew aggravated at this little female for accepting such an untalented, useless human. He didn’t even let her finish all of her food! Pathetic! She didn’t accept him, it was a lie! A fling!
Quickly pushing forward towards the back of the restaurant. He could hear the sloppy kissing this male gave the little female. Their hands eager to rid of their clothing and he can’t have that.
This little female was his to mark. This little female was his to f*ck. What makes this useless male think he could commit such acts against his little female?
Entering the back alleyway, his form casted a shadow into it. The moonlight shining against the back of his armor. The sounds of a sloppy make-out and light groans greeting his ears. His gauntlet twitching.
Getting closer. He suddenly snarled, scaring the feeble male off his little female. A scream coming out of him as his heart beated rapidly in his chest. His hands quickly fumbling to make himself more presentable.
“I-Is he yours?” The pathetic male asked, looking between him and his little female. Yes, and she is mine.
“No, he is not.” His female responded, glaring up at him. His c*ck twitching beneath his cod-piece. Is that a challenge?
Oh, how he wished to slam this guy against the wall until he was a pile of mush stained on the brick. He was lucky he couldn’t kill him…yet.
He growled lowly at the male as he attempted to reach for his little female, irritating him greatly.
“Yep, yep, I’m leaving.” The male said, putting up his hands in surrender. Backing up and making his way out of the alleyway.
“Really?!“ His little female scoffed up at him, wiping that weak male saliva off her neck. “I don’t know you!”
“And I don’t want to know you!” She rejected, a low growl leaving his throat. His c*ck pressing against his armor. His hearts clenching in his chest.
She can’t reject him! She was his as he was hers! Can’t she feel how he feels? Can’t she feel that? Sense that? Her c*nt called to him for a reason, she needed to be bred!
He turns to look down at his little female who walked away a few paces in front of him. Perhaps, he needed to show her? Show her that’s what she called out to him for?
He shoots forward and grabs his little female by the throat. A choked yelp leaving her as he places her down flat on the hood of the black SUV that was parked just behind the dumpsters. His leg pushing apart her thighs as her fruitful scent came to him much stronger.
He watches as his little female struggles beneath his gauntlet. Clawing up at his armor, glaring up at him with hatred in her eyes. His own saliva pooling in his mouth.
She curses and spits at him as it lands on his cheek and he couldn’t help but laugh lowly at her. His tongue coated in his saliva coming out to lick at it. Watching how her eyes widened in surprise.
He comes forward as soon as she was about the scream. His tongue shoving down her sweet throat, silencing her. His hips coming forth and grinding between her legs.
He can feel her falter for just a moment. A near victory for him, but her hands pressed up against his armored torso. Complaining groans vibrating through her throat as he didn’t leave her wet cavern untouched.
Ripping off her pants, she gasped underneath him. Giving him more room to shove his tongue down her throat, make her choke on it before he reeled back. His gauntlet fumbling for his cod-piece.
“Y-You son of a b*tch.” She coughed, her chest heaving as she made haste for his gauntlet on her throat again. Still un-submissive to him.
Freeing his c*ck, he pulled this string out of her hole and threw the thing to the side, her scent coming to him more strongly than before, a groan leaving his lips. Perhaps he should have done this the moment he saw her?
Taking a hold of his c*ck, he teased her bloody folds with the tip of his d*ck, his pre-c*m mixing with her blood, coating the lips.
His little female, to focused on being angry at him and cursing him out to notice. He slid himself right in, feeling how she immediately tensed up tightly around him.
“You— F*ck!” She cried out.
He purred, nearly blacking out of her tight c*nt sucking him in. His hips moving in a slow circular motion. Touching all the right spots inside of his little female as he could feel her visibly weakening beneath his gauntlet.
Thrusting upwards once. The whole car moves backwards before coming forward, settling her c*nt back onto his d*ck. A groan coming from both parties.
Thrusting again, he put himself at a slow rhythmic pace with the car. Watching with half lidded eyes as his little female became undone underneath him. Mewls spewing from her lips as she finally let go of his gauntlet. Submitting to him.
Pleased, he loosened his hold on her throat a little more while he leaned down to lick at her shoulder. His tongue slithering across her collarbone. Replacing that weaker males mark on her.
“More!” His little female demanded, crying out when he hit a weak spot inside of her.
He rumbled, releasing his hold on her throat and dragged it down her body and to her thighs. Then hooked both his gauntlet underneath her knees and folded her in half on the car and pushed deeper, faster. In hopes that damn male could listen to her cry out as he f*cked her.
Leaning his head back down. He opened his mouth to put his mark onto her neck. His eyes briefly looking at the forming bruise he made on her neck when he held her by the throat.
A couple more thrusts and he was burying himself to the hilt. Throwing his head back as he groaned out. Feeling how her walls milked him for all that he worth. His d*ck twitching, releasing his thick load.
Huffing, he felt his little female shake underneath him, then slowly go limp. Her tiny body too tired to stay up with his physique.
Oh, but he has so much more to give! He didn’t follow her around for nothing!
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little-corritrice · 1 year
Light of My Life - Chapter 24
Synopsis - y/n was your ordinary young women, who happened to be the daughter of Christian Horner. She is there every race, and every day, See how she gets along with everyone, including a special someone.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As I rounded the corner, I ran into someone, making me fall. "Ow." I said as I got up, dusting myself off. "Oh, sorry y/n." The engineer said, struggling with a stack of boxes in his hand. "No, I wasn't looking. Let me help." I said, grabbing half of the boxes. "Where you taking these?" I asked. "The hospitality rooms. These are shirts, and other stuff that needs to be signed." He said, walking beside me. I groaned loudly as I saw Alyssa at the entrance still. She smiled at me, waving her hand. I thought it was going to fall off at how much she was waving. "Hi y/n!" She said, grabbing onto my arm again. "Get off." I warned her, but she only held tighter. "Get off me!" I seethed, shoving her off. She dramatically fell to the floor, making me groan as she started fake crying. "y/n pushed me." She cried as she saw the cameras. "Alyssa, get up and stop acting like a spoiled rat. Your only embarrassing yourself." I said as I walked off with him again. 
As I finished placing the boxes, I smiled at the engineer, before bidding goodbye and walking off. I saw Alyssa start speed walking towards me, and tried to hurry but I bumped into someone. "Ow. I'm so sorry." I said, but realized it was only Alex. "Hey, beautiful." Alex said, kissing my lips. I smiled, but it was wiped off my face as I heard her annoying ass voice right next to us. "Hi. My name is Alyssa. I'm one of y/n's closest friends." She lied straight through her teeth. She swirled her hand through her hair, and tried wrapping her arms around her breast to make them look bigger. "Ew." I shuddered under my breath. Alex snickered, giving my forehead a kiss. "Politely, stop telling lies to me, and leave my girlfriend alone." He said, pulling us into the garage. I turned back, smirking at her throwing a fit. Before we rounded the corner, I flipped her off while sticking my tongue out at her. She screamed before running off, most likely to her daddy.
Alex shook his head laughing. I sat on the counter, watching as he read over some data. "Who was that?" He asked, making me groan. "Alyssa. She's such a slut, and actually had sex with one of my boyfriends in front of me. All I say is to stay away from her." I said, messing with his hair. "She looked so fake." He said, acting like he was gossiping. I laughed, smacking his arm lightly. He laughed along, before we got back into the work mode. I helped him fix his car, until I was told Christian wanted to see me. I laughed, already knowing what it's going to be about. "So, she's back. One year, and she still looks plastic, more than Raquelle." He said as I shut the door. I sat on the chair, laughing at his comment. "I'm just worried what she will do, especially with Alex. She will do anything to take us apart now." I rolled my eyes, already imagining what she will try. "Then, don't let it. If he's stupid enough to go for plastic, making he should become a recycling bin." Christian joked, make me die of laughter. "That was a good one." I said.
After talking with Christian, and making some more Barbie jokes, I went back down. I didn't need to be in the garage, so I grabbed a juice box, and went walking with Alex beside me. We were just talking when I heard someone yell my name. We looked around, and saw Lando, along with Alyssa. She was clinging to him, him with his hands in the air. I went over, tearing her off. "Don't touch me." She screamed, pushing me. "Don't push me plastic bitch." I said, about to lose my shit on her. "I was just talking to Lando, but of course you have to interrupt." She rolled her eyes, playing with her hair again. "Obviously he is not interested in trash, so skedaddle rat." I said, standing in front of the boys, drinking my juice box. She smirked, grabbing my juice box and dropping it. "Oops. See you later boys." She said as she stepped on it, and walked away.
I took a deep breath, turning around. "Someone should take out the trash before I do." I said, walking back to the garage. Alex followed, stroking my hand with his thumb. "I'm sure someone will. Don't worry about her too much." He said, pulling us in his drivers room. "How about you give your attention to me?" He asked, kissing me softly. I chuckled, playing with his hair. "I guess I could give you some attention." I teased, making him whine. "y/n." He dragged, making me laugh. "I'm kidding. But just promise me something." I asked, staring at his eyes. He hummed, hugging my waist while I played with his hair. "You won't do anything to ruin this. To ruin us." I said, tugging his hair a little. "I promise." He said, leaning in after. I smiled, enjoying it.
0 notes
kookieswan · 2 years
Red Light (Snippet) - Ruby Reds
Nightmare!Hoseok x Psychologist!Reader
Word Count: 800+
Genre: Horror AU, Monster AU, Psychological horror, Fluffy…?
Warnings: Very light sexual talk. It should be noted that this story will contain themes of horror/psychological horror and also explore obsessive behaviors and codependency. Many characters are morally gray. Please be warned!
Summary: Hoseok never thought that pudding would be magical, and yet…
Notes: Another cute little something featuring more of our favorite Nightmares! A direct sequel to ‘Pudding’ although it takes place almost at the exact same times
This is a snippet from the Red Light series. Find the Masterlist here ♥️
“To what do we owe the pleasure Jeon?” Hoseok cracks an eye open as Jungkook comes tumbling through the large door, two bowls balanced in his hand just barely. He kicks the door shut behind him quickly, walking toward Hoseok’s cell with a loud sigh. The winged man watches him lazily, slowly standing from his bed as Jungkook approaches the cell.
“It’s been requested that I bring you your food from now on by Dr. _____. Apparently you’ll be served every other day instead of whenever they fucking decide to. It’s fine with me, I get to see- um… Never mind.” Namjoon finally shuffles around in his cell, signaling that he’s actually alive. The older Nightmare decided to ignore Jungkook’s crush and glances over as the other man moves toward his own cells opening, patiently waiting for his food. Namjoon remains quiet, eyes staring off blankly into space.
“… I see. What is it today? Dog food?” It was kind of his dear doctor to try and change things up for them, but still… She’s constantly putting her safety on the line and Hoseok doesn’t like it. Not one fucking bit. Jungkook shakes his head with a grin, setting the smaller bowl down finally.
“Far from it. It’s pudding, plain chocolate. Kind of an odd fucking choice if you ask me but.” The guard shrugs, pushing the food through the small opening in Hoseok’s cell. There’s a quick flash of red from the corner of his eye, but he ignores it; probably a fluke.
Hoseok grabs his bowl and makes his way back to his bed as Jungkook takes the other noticeably larger one to Namjoon, casually pushing it through the opening before the nightmare practically tears it from his hands. He shovels a spoonful into his mouth quickly, all while Hoseok and a Jungkook watch him with raised brows. The unhinged sound that leaves him not a moment later has Jungkook backing up with his hands raised.
“I could kiss you right now Jungkook. Tongue and all.” The guards eyes widen comically, going as round as saucers. Hoseok thinks he could compare them to Bambi’s if he wanted to, and he prays Yoongi doesn’t find out. The older man slowly spoons a little of the food into his own mouth, appreciating the rich flavor of the dessert. It’s so good that he swears it can’t be box made…
“And that’s my cue to fucking skedaddle. Goodbye.” Hoseok snorts with his mouth full as the guard practically sprints out of the room, barely remembering to lock the main door as he departs. Namjoon actually skips back to his bed, facing toward Hoseok as he plops down in a heap and continues to practically inhale his food.
“It’s so good, fuck…” Hoseok watches in thinly veiled shock as Namjoons eyes steadily shift from the usual deep brown and glow a bright red, something he hasn’t seen in a long while. The younger Nightmare tilts his head back and moans loudly, the sound slightly gurgled by the thick pudding. The winged Nightmare can’t decided if he’s missed this version of Namjoon or not, but he’s leaning slightly toward no.
“Your Doctor; I, we, owe her. If anyone tries anything, I’ll try my best to keep her out of harms way. I did tell her I’m a good boy after all, I’ll do anything for this pudding.” After finishing his bite, he regards Hoseok with such intensity, it’s almost an uneasy feeling. The winged man nods, agreeing that all the Nightmares owe her at least a small amount. She’s really trying to make things better, even if it makes her a huge target. His precious silly doctor.
Hoseok sighs and concentrates for a moment, eye cast toward the ceiling. He listens closely, although it’s a little hard since Namjoon can’t seem to quiet down. He’s happy, at least he seems to be, so Hoseok doesn’t mention it. He doesn’t ruin this moment for him, not until he gets the answer he was looking for.
“Seokjin seems to think so too from what I can tell.” This makes Namjoon pause, the spoon halfway up to his mouth. He blinks at Hoseok with his ruby red eyes, an innocence there that correlates to the rest of his face when he starts to pout. The pudding plops back into the bowl with a thud, Namjoon slowly touching his reddening cheeks.
“My Jinnie… I miss him. Wanna see him again, wanna feel him…” Namjoon sighs dreamily, falling back against the wall next to his bed. He looks completely lovestruck, eyes now sparkling like something closer to a pink gemstone, the air in the room feeling slightly warmer. In extension, Hoseok can feel himself calming, a relaxation he’s missed terribly taking over his being. Hoseok decides then and there he likes this version of Namjoon much more.
“He’ll be with you soon Joon. Don’t you worry.”
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venomous--fics · 3 years
Anon asked: maybe a continuation of the peter b parker kid thing where they finally confront the mom and get the readers things back 😩💞💞
a/n: ask and thou shall receive! this spent so long in the drafts bc i felt so insecure about it tbh, so any feedback is appreciated! I love seeing messages about what you guys think! really keeps me motivated! also, requests are open
Warnings: mentions of past abuse
Peter was sitting at the kitchen table, constantly looking at the clock. It was almost 5pm, you were supposed to be home an hour and a half ago. Yes, he keeps track of everyone's schedules, yes he knows the exact second you should be walking through the door. He's already texted you, but maybe you had detention. Nah, you were a good student, he highly doubted you'd have to stay after school.
His phone finally rang, and he was way too quick answering it.
"You okay?"
"I need some help."
"What is it?" he was already out the door.
You sighed, knowing he was probably going to give you an earful later.
"Well, it's a really long story, right.. But my mom showed up after school-"
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I think. Anyways, we got into it on the way home, which is no- Not normal." you adjusted how you were sitting, "And since she was dragging me back to the house, I figured I'd just get my crap and come home, right? Makes sense, saves us the tri-"
"She took you without permission?"
"Technically she is my m-...Parent. I guess, y'know, legally she can do whatever- But..Okay." you began to feel bubbles of anxiety and pain and even resentment form deep in your core, "She locked me out." You rubbed your neck.
"Are you," he paused, looking around at all the faces passing by him, "Still there?"
"Yeah. Unfortunately. I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry for? Don't apologize, you didn't do anything."
"I keep causing problems for everyone."
"Not for me. Or Mj."
It was quiet on your end.
"You still there?"
"I'll be there in like ten minutes."
"You probably shouldn't."
"Nah, nah." He said, having a sudden wave of anger rush over him, "Let me take care of this."
And true to his word, Peter was there in ten minutes. You hopped up from your spot on the porch as he made his way up to the door and knocked on it as hard as he could. He gave you a reassuring pat on the back.
The door swung open, and your mother seemed awfully surprised and confused to see some random man just standing there. Peter held no emotion has he looked her dead in the eye, "Can we come in."
She opened the door wider so that way you two could step in.
"Go get your stuff." is all Peter said to you.
Wasting no time, and not wanting to be in the middle of a potential argument between the two, you skedaddled to your room. It almost felt like too much to be in there. It looked so empty and barren compared to your room at Peter and Mjs place. Seems really dull. Lifeless, almost. Dust covered every surface, which meant that nobody had ever even bothered to see if you were even still in there.
You heard their voices from the living room, but they seemed so distant, seeing as all you could focus on was every shitty thing that woman put you through.
You remember the day that you got bit. It made you deathly ill, and you just thought you were dying from some sort of allergic reaction to the spider bite. You tried to get her to take you to any doctor or anywhere that could help because all you could seem to see were stars.
Everything then was so loud. Everything was so bright. It was all too much, and you were certain that the reaper was waiting for you. What did she say?
"Suck it up and stop pretending. Everything has to be so dramatic with you."
Or that time you forgot a single item on the shopping list. You got this whole speech about how stupid you had to have been. To forget one item. It was the world's most useless item.
Everything else seemed to play all over again, all at once. Like a waterfall. It should've made you sad. It should've made you cry, or scream.
You recounted all the times you wanted to fight back, or just run away. Leave everything behind and just run until your legs gave out. But you never did. You always found some reason to linger.
The conversation was growing louder where Peter was.
"You aren't going to do this to them ever again. Sign the papers."
You nearly dropped your last belonging on the floor as you scrambled to your door. Papers? He wasn't serious. Well, obviously he was. He just said it.
"Fine. It's not like the-"
"Zip it. Sign the papers."
"Who are you anyways? The law? If so, whatever they've told you is a b-"
"Listen, lady. I didn't ask for any attitude. I told you to sign the papers." he seemed to huff in annoyance, "That doesn't require talking."
"I'm a good mother."
"And I'm the king of France."
"Really. I gave them a good home. I have fed them and kept them warm-"
"Really? You think you did all that? Or are you convincing yourself that you did all that?"
"I am-"
"Can I be honest with you?"
"I've never said this about anyone, ever. I don't like speaking to or about anyone like this.. Ever, but, you? I think you're a piece of shit."
"Excuse me?"
"Oh, look. You finished signing the papers. I'll take those. Thank you."
Realizing that it was your time to go, you stuffed your blanket into your duffel bag and rushed out the door and down the hall. Peter looked at you, expecting to see at least three bags. But he only saw the one.
"Where's the rest of your stuff."
"Uhm," you shuffled around, pretending as thought you dropped some, "This...This is all my stuff."
"That can't be ri-" He laughed a little, and noting the expression on his face, you saw that he was NOT happy. "That? That single duffle bag is all you have? That's it?"
"Yes..." you took a step back, "This is all.."
"I can't believe it." he said, "You're joking! One bag worth of stuff?"
He turned his attention back to your mother, who, for the first time in your life, actually looked like she got caught red handed, "You're pathetic. Absolutely pathetic."
"But they're so u-"
"No! No, you don't get to talk anymore. You've done enough."
You awkwardly shuffled behind him, in the event that you two had to make a mad dash out the door. That and you needed to not be seen as you tried to hide your almost evil grin.
"The hell is wrong with you? You have this amazing kid, and THAT'S all you've ever gotten for them? And you sit there and call yourself a mother? Absolutely, without a doubt, bullshit. I'd be ashamed of myself to call myself a father if that's all I've provided for my kid. Don't even get me started on you as a person, we made that clear."
It almost felt cursed to hear him swear, seeing as he made it a point to tell you to not swear. Every time you did, you have to give a quarter to the swear jar. Mj was always on your side, though. She'd say a swear that was much worse and have to pay a dollar. Each word had a value.
"Maybe we should just go." you suggested, tugging on the sleeve of his arm, "She's not worth it anymore."
"She was never worth it, it seems."
You finally made eye contact with her, and the look in her eye. It's like she understood, but was choosing to not do anything about the situation. She could look sorry all she wanted, but you knew she wasn't.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. You know that right."
"That means nothing to me."
"I can change."
"If you can change now, that means you could've changed then. You just chose not to."
"But I'm your mother, you should realize how I feel. You should want-"
"You're not my mom. You stopped being my mom the first time you-" You turned towards the door and started walking towards it, "Whatever. You mean nothing to me."
You practically kicked open teh door just to leave, and Peter was right behind you, shouting about how he'd make sure to egg her house everyday, just to piss her off.
"Do you really think I'm amazing?" you asked, the walk home feeling rather quiet.
"I think you're more than that. Just can't put it into words."
"Did you really mean it...That we could egg her house?"
"You want to? There's a store right on the way home."
"How about tomorrow."
"I'll have to clear up my busy schedule. See if I can work in a drive by egging. Well, swing by egging."
"You promise?"
"You kidding? I haven't egged anyone's house since college."
You had so much more you wanted to get off you chest, but you opted to just talk about it at home, with everyone present. You wanted to talk about how you felt about everything, and the papers. Whatever those were. But you were, for the moment, busy laughing about Peter's story about how he used to Egg this one reporters house. Someone named Jonah.
You wonder if Jonah ever put two and two together.
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bokettochild · 3 years
Legendary Cousins
So... I promised @peachy-scars that I would write them this a while back when they posted this, and after consulting y’all (I think it was @attllhak and several anons who helped the most) I finally had enough to just go ham and write this beautiful piece of garbage.
Hope you like it, Peaches!
 They had landed in a new Hyrule, and Legend’s instant reaction was to blink and stare about with a conflicted expression on his face while the others had stared in confusion at their surroundings.
 “Why’s this look so weird?” Wind demanded eloquently as he pulled himself out from beneath a giggling Hyrule, who always laughed nervously when they landed in a new Hyrule and seemed particularly giddy today.
 “Wind, manners.” Time chided softly, pulling himself back up and working with Wild to pull his protégé back up, Twilight looking around dizzily as he leaned on his mentor for balance. “You don’t know whose home this might be.”
 “I do.” Legend hissed softly, hooded eyes staring towards a nearby path while a slight smile touched his lips. “New Hero everyone.”
 Glances were exchanged before shooting to the vet in confusion. “How...”
 “You knew there were more heroes?” Warriors sputtered, staring at the vet in surprise while the hero in question pulled himself to his feet and shook out his limbs, knuckles crackling painfully and making the others wince.
 “Time travel mixed with world hopping and the occasional visit to other countries.” Legend answered in a low voice, stretching towards the sky and standing on the tips of his toes (eyes turned away as the vet’s already short tunic rode higher). “I’ve met plenty of other heroes. Five- maybe six? Not sure.” He shrugged, arms falling back to his sides as he moved further into the forest. “Come along, if we want to check up on things we’d best get headed to the castle. Monsters out here are brutal, even if they are bloody crazy.”
 Glances were exchanged again, Wind’s wide eyes growing wider as he mouthed the words ‘six other heroes’ to his brothers.
 “Who met Legend before all this went down?” The captain hissed, pulling Four up onto his back. “Because it sure as heck wasn’t me.”
 No one answered, and they didn’t have much of a chance to as the Vet’s voice broke through the forest, a harsh hiss for them to hurry. “You stay there all day the ‘blins’ll eat you!”
 Eight heroes pulled themselves along, following after as Legend trailed silently through the forest.
 Each stumble or loud noise earned a glare from the vet, and if it didn’t come from them, it made him freeze, steps stopping immediately as his ears would prick towards the sound. More than once, Twilight or Sky had to muffle a laugh in their respective wraps as the image of a bunny starting to alert entered their minds.
 Maybe it’s the laughter. Maybe it’s just their dang Hero of Courage luck, or maybe it’s just because Hylia thinks it funny, but even with all Legend’s glaring and stopping and sneaking, they are attacked just as they reach the edge of the forest.
 The monsters are... horrifying. Nothing most of them have ever even seen, and the only thing they can do as they fight is to take the vet’s advice. “Aim for the eyes! And if you can’t reach them, the ankles!” The vet shouts as he kicks into a spin attack. The other heroes follow suit, ripping into the beasts as Wild pulls back from the group, setting off volleys of arrows as best he can do by himself, and successfully blinding a few of the monsters.
 They’re thick into the song of battle when an unknown voice rings out. “Good golly! Hang on there, sirs!”
 It’s hard to see past the swarms of monsters (seriously, they’ve never been this thick!) but blonde hair and a swinging sword assure them that whomever it is, is likely the hero Legend had told them about. Enemies fall as bombs explode and various weapons pierce through hearts and heads.  
 Once the dust has cleared, they take careful stock of their injuries and weapons (Wild’s shattered another sword and Four is sighing wearily) before turning their attention to their unexpected help.
 Legend and the other hero stand over a dead bokoblin, shaking hands in a friendly manner while the one chatters to the other, the vet smiling thinly but genuinely as he listens.
 “Vet, who’s this?”
 “Ah! You have friends!” A bright smile is turned their way as the swordsman releases Legend’s hand. “Greetings! I’m Link.”
 “The Hero of Koridai.” Legend adds on, rolling his eyes.
 “Aw, come on, Other-Link!” The newcomer grins, jabbing Legend playfully in the side and effectively stealing his breath. “I’m just Link is all.”
 “That’s all of their names too.” Legend wheezes, glaring up at the other.
 The chain of heroes takes in the newcomer, who, much to the captain’s dismay, seems to share Legend’s opinion of pants, as well as a preference for pegasus boots. Bright brown eyes stare back at them, a dopey grin on the hero’s face, but beneath the welcoming grin there's a glint of something sharp and dangerous that has Warriors shuffling back warily.
 “What adventure is this? Finish meeting up with your lovely cousins?”
 The vet huffs a breath, clearing his throat as he straightens up again. “Thereabouts, this’ll be adventure seven.”
 “Ooh, seven. Ouch.” Bright brown turn towards the vet with a sympathetic wince. “Sorry about that.”
 “You had your own quests.” Legend dismisses, as if his words don’t confuse the others. “How’s Zelly by the way? We haven’t heard from her.”
 Link, for lack of a better current name, smiles cheerily. “Half a minute yet there.” Turning to the others he offers yet another impossibly wide smile, it’s very nearly uncomfortable to look at, and Legend is the only one who seems unaffected by doing so (he has seen far, far worse from this world). “We should skedaddle over to the castle.” A halting motion is made towards the castle just in front of them as the newest hero laughs nervously. “As long as you’re there, you won’t be attacked.”
 And for lack of anything else to do, they agree, following after as Legend and the new Link chat in the front, Legend with an amount of patience that has never in their memory presented itself and the new Link with an almost irritating amount of pep and cheer. “Zelly’s doing great, and we’re hoping to visit all of you soon too! Or, we were, but the monsters started getting real bad an’ Zel figured we’d better stay behind to make sure they didn’t cause too much trouble.”
 “How bad?” The vet’s brows quirk with concern and Warriors nearly stumbles at the gentle expression on Legend’s face.
 “Just a bit stronger.” The new Link shrugs, but smiles brightly up at Legend. “It’s not as bad as last time though, so don’t worry your pink head about it.”
 And Legend... Legend actually laughs, reaching up to tug the cap of the other Link as they cross into the shadow of Hyrule Castle’s walls.  
 “What the-” Warriors is cut off with a blaring ‘Beep!’ from Wind, who looks up at him cheekily when the captain looks down at him.
 “Censoring.” Wind chirrups.
 ”Soooo...” Twilight drawls, a smile pulling at his features as he looks between the duo, the heroes all relaxing as they enter the castle gates. “How do you two know each other?”
 “We’re cousins!” Link chirrups happily, shooting another smile over his shoulder that’s just a bit too wide and a bit too sharp.”
 “Third Cousins or...” Legend waves his hand vaguely. “Somethin’. Their father is my second cousin or some sort of thing, it’s unclear honestly, all we know is that Zelda is my cousin somewhere down the line and with those two dating-” The other Link flushes at the statement, face as dopey as Sky’s gets. “He’s bound to be thrown in there somewhere too.”
 “Wait!” Four looks from one of the cousins to the other (there is a bit of resemblance, uncannily enough, even though Link smiles far more than Legend). “Whose time is this?”
 The two share a look, nodding firmly before turning to the others and speaking together. “Both.”
 “Two heroes? In one time?” Time cocks a brow.
 Legend throws his hands up. “You can talk to Hylia about that!”
 “Oh!” Link’s grin widens further as he bounces in place. “And how is Aunt Hylia? Golly, I haven’t seen her in ages!”
 “Aunt Hylia...” Sky blinks slowly.
 The vet huffs. “Fine. She’s letting Fable back into the fighting ring this weekend, figured since the Master didn’t mess things up that it’d be okay to let Hylians head back out there. Hide the evidence if they send me an invite, yeah?”
 “Will do!” Comes the chipper reply, but the other heroes aren’t done.
 “Wait, wait, wait, how many heroes are there in this time?” Warriors looks from one to the other with panic building in his gaze.
 Link frowns in what seems an over-the-top expression of thought. “Do the colors count?”  
 Four chokes.
 Legend flushes. “They count.” His voice is strained and nearly wheezing as swirling hazel stares a hole in his head.
 “And then there’s the Hytopian wannabe, who might very well actually be one.” Link continues. “And the two of us. Does Great-Grandfather Raven count?”
 “Not in this time, he just traveled here briefly when Nayru became corrupted.” Legend drawls with a head tilt, as if talking about meeting your ancestors and de-corrupting a goddess was normal for this world, and with the way Link just nods along, they are all beginning to worry that that is the norm here.
 “Right, so five heroes.” Link nods slowly. “And then we have great-gramps Raven, and whoever- wait.” The new Link’s eyes fly wide open as he motions to Time. “Isn’t that Great-Gramps?”
 Legend and Time both splutter as the vet hurries to correct the other hero. “No! He’s...” Legend looks from the startled Time to his cousin. “That’s the Hero of Time.” He whispers gravely, and Link’s eyes blow even wider as he looks to Time, who winces. They’ve all heard of what happened to the Hero of Time in this world.
 “Oh!” Link breathes, before another smile stretches over his face. “Great-Great-Gramma Lon’s husband!”
 Legend just facepalms while Time stands with his mouth flapping and fingers twitching, the old man now trying to calculate exactly how many children are now officially his while Warriors proceeded to have all the color drain out of his face.
 “How are there two heroes of Courage here!!!!” The Captain hisses, and Link and Legend both look at each other. “And for the love of Hylia! Stop looking at each other all the time, what, can you read minds?!?!”
 And both stare at the captain with the deadest of dead expressions, which actually makes Link all the more unnerving and Legend all the more intimidating. “Yes.”
 It takes a while, but once they meet Zelda, she takes the time to explain.
 “Our fathers are cousins.” She says, smiling at the heroes as they all sit and have lunch in the courtyard, motioning to Legend as she speaks. The vet is currently pulling his hat back off of his face after having it tugged down in vengeance for earlier. “Once both had married into the royal family, there was contention in the kingdom so Auntie Hylia sent Mapa and Papa out here to take care of this part of the kingdom while she handled things in central Hyrule.
 “Most folks call Papa a king because they forget that it’s one country, but what with the high borders and all, it may as well be its own country.” She shrugs as she pops another piece of food in her mouth. “And there aren’t two Courage Wielders, technically. I mean, there are, but Link isn’t one of them.” She smiles in a sly sort of way, too wide, too knowing, too creepy for many of the heroes to be comfortable. “He just happens to care a lot and does what he can.”
 “Oh yeah,” Hyrule nods knowingly, chewing slowly on his own meal. “My brother is like that too.”
 The others, even Legend and Link, turn to Hyrule in shock. “Your what???”
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lemonpeter · 3 years
🧡Day 3: S*x Work🧡
Harry has my brain right now I’m sorry lol I’m trying to think about Tony instead. I hope y’all enjoy 🧡
Warnings: Tony/Peter main focus, established Harry/Peter relationship, starker nff, s*x worker!Peter, Peter is over 18
Tony knew what was going on as soon as he saw the young man.
It wasn’t unusual for a host of an event to show up with someone hired. It looked good to have something pretty on your arm, and a hire was an easy fix when there wasn’t a partner in their life.
Although it did shock him to see a man on the arm of one Harry Osborn.
It was practically Harry’s coronation, a prince taking the throne of CEO. And Tony expected that he’d continue to be sucking up to his father. Doing everything just as he expected.
The looks of disdain that Norman kept throwing the two young men told Tony that he had been mistaken.
Who knew.
No matter what, the man was gorgeous. And was really good at his job.
He laughed at just the right moments, he mingled with every stuck up guest surrounding them, he gave the younger Osborn looks that could have fooled anyone into believing that they were actually in love.
Anyone but Tony, of course. He knew how it all worked.
After a while he lost track of the couple. He did some mingling of his own with business partners and former clients until the few drinks he had told him that it was time to find a restroom.
The venue was unfamiliar, so he found himself wandering down the hall and looking for signs that would lead him in the right direction.
Eventually he found a door that seemed right and he opened it before slamming it shut again. “Sorry!”
The image of that gorgeous arm candy on his knees was burned into his memory, though.
“Fuck.” He heard Harry mumble through the door. “Get up, someone’s already looking for us, Pete.”
A heavy sigh. “We’ve barely done anything. We can keep going for a minute-“
Tony was frozen, listening to them.
The door opened a moment later and he came face to face with a very flushed Osborn.
“Oh, fuck. Of course it was you.”
“I was just looking for a bathroom,” Tony blurted out. “Not looking for you.”
Harry didn’t look convinced. “Please just- don’t tell anyone. Although I know you have no reason to do me any favors.”
“Tell anyone what? Kid, I’m pretty sure that’s his job. No one cares.”
The other man stepped out, still straightening himself out. “Contrary to popular opinion, I’m not here as an escort.”
“So you’re not-“ Tony didn’t buy it. Although maybe he was just hoping for his own sake.
Knowing that the angel in front of him was out of reach just might have broken his heart. He was that attracted to him. But he just couldn’t help it.
“I am. I mean, not an escort per se...” The young man crossed his arms. “But this isn’t a job.”
Harry groaned, covering his face. “I’m pretty sure this is making it worse, Pete.”
The other man - Pete? - just looked up at Tony, cocking his head to the side. “But it doesn’t matter. Harry, we’re out tonight, we’re out. Who cares what he says to anyone?”
Tony was stuck on the previous thing. “So you are a- well, whatever you want to call it?”
“Yes. I can give you my information if you want. And I don’t need a title, just call me Peter.”
He did want. He definitely did want that. But he was still confused. “If this isn’t a job then, what-“
“We’re together.”
That definitely wasn’t what he was expecting. He might have even staggered back a bit with how surprised he was. But maybe that was just his flair for the dramatic. It really was pretty shocking, though.
“O….Kay.” He’d ask later. For now, he was sticking with the information he had. And he had to find out how to get time with gorgeous Peter.
“How much for an hour?” Tony asked.
Peter didn’t miss a beat. “A grand.” At an annoyed sound from Harry he laughed. “But I’m not available for the next few hours.”
“I’ll pay ten if you’ll be with me right now.”
The couple exchanged a look. “Half an hour,” Harry countered.
“Sure, whatever you say.” Tony grinned. “Get back out to your party. Promise I’ll return him to you in one piece.”
Peter snorted, setting a timer on his phone. “Your thirty minutes starts now. What do you have in mind?”
Harry watched them warily. He kissed Peter’s cheek, sighing. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too. It’ll be fast, don’t worry.”
Tony scoffed. “Was that an attack on my stamina? Because-“
“Thirty minutes isn’t long, Stark. That’s it.” Peter grinned. “So defensive.”
“You’re wasting my time, Osborn. Skedaddle.” Tony waved his hands.
Peter snorted, pulling him into the same room that they’d come out of.
Tony grinned at him. “Feisty. I like it.”
“Okay. Seriously, what do you want? Because we really don’t have that much time.” Peter was already reaching for Tony’s belt.
“First? I’m actually going to go find a bathroom. What I was trying to do before all this.” He felt a little bad about interrupting them, but figured that they could pick up where they left off later. And the thought that he once again pissed off an Osborn made him smile.
“K. Should I just wait here?” Peter moved his hands and leaned against the wall.
“Why would you follow me? Yes, stay here. Just a minute.” Tony opened the door again before pausing. “I still...don’t know where it is.”
“Maybe I should follow you.” Peter laughed under his breath. “You were, like, two doors off. To the left.”
“Thanks. Don’t go anywhere.”
Tony left and was back within a couple minutes, but he knew that he had very little time to waste. Half an hour wasn’t much at all.
Although he would definitely be getting Peter’s contact information for another time.
He was back in the small room where he left Peter, raising an eyebrow when he saw the younger man with his tie loose and shirt unbuttoned. “Eager?”
“Figured I wouldn’t just stand here while I waited. What, is this not what you wanted?” Peter teasingly moved his hands over his chest.
And how did he keep getting more and more perfect? The unbuttoned shirt revealed hard abs and a v that nearly made Tony drool. There needed to be statues of that body. He was halfway to thinking through the costs of such a thing when Peter’s laugh snapped him out of it.
“Down, boy.”
Tony snorted, a little surprised. “I’m not paying you to tell me to stop ogling. Remember, I’m way overpaying you for this.”
“It’s my personal time. I get to decide what’s overpaying.” Peter stepped forward, his fingers starting to unbutton Tony’s shirt. “Now. You have like…twenty three minutes left.”
“Half of what’s gone was because your boyfriend wouldn’t leave.”
“Mmm. You could have taken advantage of your time anyways. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s seen me with a client.”
Why was that so appealing to think about?
“Right. Well, first I actually want to talk. Is that okay?” Tony didn’t stop him from slowly unbuttoning his shirt anyway.
Peter nodded, confused. Everyone wanted to jump right into the good stuff, especially with such a short time. Although he never usually did less than two hours.
Maybe he was just curious as to what Tony had in mind.
“Alright. So you said you and Osborn are a thing, how long has that been going on?” He really had so many questions about that alone.
“Officially? Today’s our first time being out together. But we’re been a couple for a little over a year now. But we’ve known each other our whole lives. Grew up together and all that.” Peter made his way down Tony’s shirt as he talked, until it was hanging open.
“Huh. That’s interesting, I always assumed he was straight. Scandals with girls, yknow.” Tony slid his jacket and now-open shirt off.
The younger man nodded, hands on Tony’s hips. “Yeah, everyone assumed. But he hid it for a reason. His dad is pissed. And we knew he would be. So he just…tried to look one way. Threw everyone off.”
“Did a good job. I’ve never seen you before,” Tony commented. “I would have remembered.”
“That’s because I’m not associated with the company in any way. And the media isn’t interested in a random kid from Queens.” Peter shrugged, undoing Tony’s belt.
“Interesting.” The older man helped. “Well, I think that’s most of my questions. Can I touch you?”
Peter nodded, laughing a little. “You can. And happy to answer.” It was more than he would have answered with anyone else. He wasn’t really sure why he was so open with Stark. “What are you thinking you want me to do?”
“I wouldn’t be mad if you wanted to get on your knees for me, honey.” Another thing popped into his head as he watched him get down. “So he’s okay with this? Being in a relationship while being in sex work?”
The younger man nodded, pulling Tony’s pants down his hips and thighs. “Yeah. I think sometimes he gets a little jealous but we work it out. We talk. I assure him that he’s the only one I actually love.”
Tony licked his bottom lip, nodding. “That makes sense. Alright, now I’m done. I don’t want to talk about him any more, I just want to think about you, gorgeous. Is that okay?”
“Perfectly okay.” Peter got his boxers down and let the man’s cock rest against his cheek. “Let’s really get started….”
They went over the half hour.
Not by much, only a couple minutes, but still. Tony noticed. And he mentioned it. But Peter only waved him off and finished getting him off.
They straightened themselves out when they were done and Tony pulled his phone out.
“I should have done this first, but do you have some kind of account I need to send the money to? Or-“
Peter shook his head quickly, taking his phone and adding himself as a contact. “Just think of this as a…test run. I’d feel bad charging you all that for one bj.”
Tony blinked, taking his phone back when it was pressed into his hands. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. Now go away, I’ll come in in a minute. We don’t need to look like we’re coming in together.” Peter pulled his own phone out and winced when he saw how swollen his lips were.
“Okay. Thank you.”
The young man shot him a small smile. “No problem.”
Tony made his way back to the ballroom, still trying to make sense of everything that happened.
He made eye contact with Harry as he came in and gave him a small nod. He didn’t know what else to do, his mind still fogged by everything.
He’d definitely be calling Peter soon.
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