#i saw he was carrying his sticks and hoped he was playing tonight but nope 😭
sethjarvy ¡ 2 years
no pulju tonight im sad
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cryobabyy ¡ 2 months
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Cooper Adams x Fem!Reader
He was peculiarly clean— too clean to be at a hardware store past midnight. No dirt on his jeans, or janitor's name patch, or construction vest. He smelt like most men— Irish spring, sandalwood, musk, bergamot, etc. In daylight hours, you wouldn't have thought anything about his tight and fawning smile, the gallon of industrial cleaning solution, and the seven yards of vinyl tarp he slides across the counter at the end of the month. He always smiles when he pays. You smile back despite your intuition advising against it. Something about the interaction feels cold. God, you sound like your fucking father.
You work the graveyard shift at a hardware store with extended hours to put you through pre-med. You meet a DILF who is definitely not The Butcher.
A pack of deer used to linger in your backyard, towards the thicket of rural Pennsylvania forest behind your childhood home. The biggest of them, a buck with massive velvety antlers and black glossy eyes, was the least afraid of you. You left a paper plate of goldfish and a pail of water out for him every afternoon, hoping that one day he’d trust you enough to eat from your palm. After weeks of looking after the wild animal, he began to inch closer and closer to you. You could make out the finer details; white eyelashes, wet snout, twitching ears. The last time you saw him was the day your father caught you with an outstretched palm full of crackers. The sound of your name cracking through the air like a whip was enough to send the startled animal back towards the brush.
“Do you have any idea how dangerous those things are?! What kind of diseases they carry?! Warts, ticks, plague, mad cow disease-”
“But they’re deer, Daddy. Not cows.”
“-And quit fuckin’ feedin’ it! You keep feedin’ it like that and he’ll come back and stick those antlers right through your chest once you stop givin’ him food. You’ll be sorry you ever gave that beast any attention! You understand?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl. Come play in the front yard where I can see you.”
It wasn’t long until he began to suspect that somewhere, behind the dense line of trees, the deer was watching the two of you, waiting to spear his mighty antlers through your thin chests.
In the span of a couple of months, the lush green trees had soured to a dull brown, thick summer air had turned thin, and you learned a lot more about Cooper Adams than necessary. His supply runs became more frequent, and with every purchase came a morsel of information about his homely little life that you never asked for. He works graveyard hours at the firehouse Monday through Saturday, his wife hates it, and he’s building her a gardening shed to get on her good side. Above all else, Cooper Adams was fucking bored- so bored that your one-minute interactions stretched into five and eventually ten. 
He played football in college. His favorite band is Smashing Pumpkins. He takes his coffee black. He divulged details freely and without hesitation. The itch in the back of your mind wondered how much of it was true. 
It didn’t matter though. Your skepticism shriveled up every time he came walking in a quarter past 1am; nonchalant, neighborly, and hot. His purchases stay consistent. Tarp, staples, cleaner, light bulbs, and sometimes nails. He sets it down on the counter with a smile. 
“You again?” He cocks his head playfully.
“In the flesh.”
“Anything exciting happening tonight?”
“Nope. You?”
“Depends on how exciting you think paperwork is. I’m only fighting fires five percent of the time. The other ninety-five percent is paperwork and cats stuck in trees.” Cooper puts his big hands flat on the counter and leans forward, his wedding band clinking against the wood. You meet his gaze, the crinkle of his crow’s feet reminding you of his age. 
Your father’s mental instability held you back in more ways than one. You put off school to take care of him in his last years, you didn’t get out much, let alone have time to date. Despite your inexperience, you couldn’t shake the feeling that Cooper Adams– a man with a wife, kids, and a mortgage– was lightly flirting with you. Even worse- you didn’t hate it. It was a relief to be spoken to like a friendly acquaintance and not like the girl who grew up in the hoarder house at the dead end of Bleaker Ave. The girl whose dad sealed up his CO2 detectors and cranked his gas stove because his sickness convinced him it was the only way to prevent the government from reading his mind. 
Cooper didn’t seem to be aware of the rot in you that others could sense. If he was, he didn’t care.
“Yeah, well I’m sure your kids still think you’re a saint. Your wife too.” You assure him. He pauses, holding you prisoner with eye contact. An earnest smile slowly creeps on his face.
“Thank you. That’s a very sweet thing to say.”
Your face felt hot all of a sudden. You take the opportunity to scan his items, but it doesn’t stop him from continuing the conversation.
“Pre-med, huh?” He nods to your textbook amongst the pile of your stuff on the back counter. “Smart girl. Don’t tell me– Pediatrics? Family medicine? Am I close?” 
3 months of acquaintanceship and you never once revealed anything overtly personal to Cooper. Your father ingrained rigid rules for interacting with strangers; No last names, no addresses, no phone numbers, and everyone has bad intentions until proven otherwise. He fishes his wallet out of his back pocket, flipping it open to hand you his card. You catch a glimpse of the picture of his kids, and before you can pay mind to your own paranoia, you’re answering him.
“Psychiatry, actually. I want to be a psychiatrist.”
“Shit. Wow. That’s…That’s awesome. I wouldn’t have guessed-”
You cut him off, the words coming up like vomit.
“My dad, uh, he struggled a lot. I took care of him until the end, so It kinda felt right, Y’know?”
Feeling relieved, nauseous, and stupid, you quickly run his card. The printer loudly spits out the receipt. You try to pin down what possessed you to overshare so willingly, but come to no conclusion. Maybe it was his face, soft eyes, and a masculine jaw. The disarming affectation of a competent father, someone trustworthy and inherently good. Or was he truly all those things? You slide his receipt and card towards him, eyes darting around awkwardly, desperate to avoid direct contact.
“Sorry. That might have been too much too soon.” Suddenly, warmth envelopes your fingers. You look down to see Cooper’s hand over yours, and then up to see a softened expression.
“I went through something similar with my mother. You don’t have to be sorry.” He says quietly, offering a reassuring nod. When he slides his receipt and card out from under your hand, you release a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “It takes a certain kind of person to choose to be a solution to a problem they’ve been victimized by. The world needs more people like you.”
A couple of months ago, you were sure Cooper’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. Now, thought you could see something lurking behind them– you weren’t sure what, but it made your pulse thrum uncomfortably against your neck. 
“But sure, I’m the saint for saving cats from trees and building my wife a shed so she doesn’t hate me. That checks out.” He chuckles, shaking his head incredulously. You stand there watching him throw his purchases back into the cart, blindsided by the sincerity of the fleeting moment.
“You stay safe, alright? Don’t talk to too many strangers.” He points to you with a half-serious look, snapping you out of your daze. 
“Same goes for you.”
He stops halfway out the automatic doors to mutter a curse under his breath, rummaging through his windbreaker pocket to retrieve something.
“Almost forgot, I got you a little something- Think Fast!” He tosses it to you, and you reflexively catch it.
You huff out a shocked laugh when you realize it’s a small container of mace.
“Cooper, you can’t be fucking serious.” You look up to see his satisfied smile.
“Afraid I am. Sorry, but it freaks me out that you’re still here by yourself so late when there’s a maniac on the loose out there. It’s the dad in me.” He shrugs.
You don't watch the news often, but the mention of a maniac rings a bell. You've heard whispers of scattered remains around campus and seen a headline or two.
“What are they calling him now?”
“The Butcher.”
You scoff, ignoring the fear pooling in your stomach.
“Oh, lovely. This will totally stop him from butchering me. Thanks.” 
He gives you a wink and a thumbs-up before disappearing into the parking lot. You stare at the small blue container of mace in your palm, realizing there's something written in permanent marker on the side. 
Cooper Adams
Just in case
Previous chapter
AN: Hi, hope youre enjoying my unnecessary character study fic. The next chapter will have explicit content and minor violence. Just a forewarning. If you see grammar, spelling, or syntax errors no you didn't. I proofread this with 4am eyes, will proofread again in the morning lol. Enjoy, freaks! <3
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zeroweeenies ¡ 4 years
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Desc: you and megumi play a “game” after your date plans get cancelled from the blizzard.
Character(s): Megumi x fem!reader
Word Count: 2k
an: whichever anon requested this I hope you see this ♡
94: “Maybe I should get you a collar so you don’t forget who you belong to”
98: “First one to make noise loses”
126: “Y-you’re not wearing anything under that are you?”
WARNINGS: 69-ing, reverse cowgirl, mirror fucking, anal mentioned, competitive reader, not proof read, aged up megumi, 18+ minors dni
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The snowstorm had ruined all of your plans.
You and your boyfriend had been planning this date for your two year anniversary for weeks now, so you were disappointed when you found that your car was snowed in on the sidewalk. The city buses and trains were out of service as well, and cab services refused to travel in the frigid weather.
You were on the brink of tears before you felt Fushiguro approach you from behind and wrap his arms around your waist.
“I’m sorry baby, we can order out if you want.” he speaks into the crook of your neck
You push back the tears that were welling in your eyes “I was really looking forward to this ‘Gumi, do you know how long we’ve been talking about this? Tonight was important.”
It was true. You managed to get a reservation at one of the most renowned restaurants in the city. It also didn’t help that you put on your most expensive attire, a silken black dress that stopped just above your knee with a back that sloped down to the top of your bum and the neckline resting at the top of your breasts.
You even made efforts to do your makeup and style your hair neatly.
“And it’s all ruined because of this stupid storm,” you kicked your foot at the wall and crossed your arms in true brat frashion.
Megumi took a deep breath before speaking again. “Well it doesn’t have to be completely ruined. How ‘bout we watch some tv?” he suggested “Order some food, hm? I know you’re hungry” he planted kisses to shoulder and neck whilst rubbing your hip tenderly.
“Tch, whatever.” you stated, walking off to wherever.
Poor Megumi. He just wanted to make his girlfriend happy despite the unfortunate circumstances they found themselves in, and here she was being a brat.
The dark haired boy rubbed the area between his eyes and loosened his tie before taking out his phone to call the pizza delivery service.
You were sitting in the living room watching tv, legs sprawled across the length of the couch with your head in Megumi’s lap when you heard the doorbell ring. “I’ll get it!” you sprung up from your position on the couch, sprinting to the door.
When you open the door, you’re met with the pizza delivery guy.
“Thanks.” you grab the box from his hands containing the food. “How much do I owe you?” you avert your gaze
The male in front of you scans his eyes up and down your body, taking in your appearance. His eyes land on your breasts before speaking again. “It’s on the house,” he smiles nervously. “You look stunning. Can I have your number?”
You can’t even finish your next sentence before you feel a looming presence behind you, gripping the side of your waist firmly.
“She does look beautiful doesn’t she?” Megumi kisses the side of your cheek possessively, causing your face to heat up. “Anyways thanks for the free pizza, man” he smiles as the driver protests before slamming the door.
You stroll back to the couch, scolding Megumi for being rude. “You didn’t have to close the door in his face.”
“Are you really defending him? He was clearly trying to hit on you.”
“Yeah, but he was sweet” you smile, taking a bite from your food before you feel a stiff grip around your neck.
“Oh yeah?” he turns your face to meet his glare. “Maybe I should get you a collar so you don’t forget who you belong to, bunny.”
You smile up at him “Don’t threaten me with a good time babe.” He releases your neck, turning his attention to the tv.
“You’re such a damn brat.” he chuckles to himself, finally taking a slice of pizza into his mouth.
“Mmm, but you love it” you reply cheekily, snuggling under his arm to get warm.
It felt like hours had passed, and you felt yourself growing bored. You complain to Megumi next to you, who was on the verge of sleep.
“How about we play a game?”
A game? You wondered what he had in mind.
“A sex game. It would be just like all the other times we’ve done it, with a few rules in place of course.”
You sat up to look at him “What are the rules?”
Megumi was interested now. He smirked before explaining the stipulations. “First one to make noise loses. Breathing is allowed, but if you breathe too loud you lose. Cursing is allowed as well.”
“And what do I get if I win?” you pique.
“What is it that you want?” You reflected over the question. There was a stuffie that you really wanted that you saw at the mall the other day, or you could make your boyfriend do something embarrassing. And there was always the option of making him do house chores for a certain period of time.
You think over it a while longer before the perfect idea pops into your head “If I win, I want to dom you.”
Megumi always fulfilled the dominant role in the bedroom, forcing you to always submit to him, bending you to his every will. As much as you enjoyed letting him take control, you sought to bring him to his knees.
Your eyes widen, surprised by his answer. “You’re sure?”
He nods his head “Yeah. I don’t mind playing subby for you. But I still haven’t said what I wanted yet.”
Your eyebrow ticked up. You knew it was almost too good to be true. Your heart raced in anticipation over what Megumi could possibly want as his prize.
“Anal. If I win, I get to fuck you in the ass.”
Your mouth gaped open at the request. It’s not like you were uncomfortable with his request. Hell, you and Megumi were always trying new things in the bedroom. The most he’s done was stick his tongue in your ass. But full on butt stuff was a whole new territory for you.
Megumi encouraged you to step out of your comfort zone, but he’d never pressure you into doing something you didn’t want to do. If there was something you didn’t like and you wanted him to stop he’d stop immediately, no questions asked.
“Okay,” you swallowed. “When does the game start?”
“Now” Megumi stated, attacking your lips hungrily. You were overwhelmed by the kiss, running out of breath as he pulled you into his lap.
You ran your fingers through his unusually styled hair, tugging lightly as he ground his hips up to meet your cunt. Megumi could feel your naked heat against his pants, causing him to let out a shaky breath.
“Y-you’re not wearing anything under that are you?” Megumi breaks the kiss, breath ragged as he stares down at where your bodies collide.
“Nope,” you state, popping the ‘p’ as you connect your lips with his jawline.
You were completely naked save the dress you were wearing in hopes that Megumi would fool around with you under the table at your date, but of course that plan was out of mind now.
Sucking bruises into Megumi’s neck, he trails his hand down to your already dripping slit to get you to moan, caressing your clit in small circles.
You nearly mewl at the sensation, almost forgetting the rules of the game. You knew what he was trying to do, but you weren’t going to let him win that easily.
“‘Gumi come on, I need it.” you rocked your hips against him, desperate for him to stop toying with you.
“Yeah? Tell me what you need, princess” he slows the motions on your clit tantalizingly, groping your breast with the straps of your dress falling off your shoulders.
“Fuck me, make me cum. Do something, anything, please.” In one swift motion, Megumi picks you up and carries you into the bedroom, practically throwing you onto the bed.
Situating himself on the bed, he pats his lap, a quiet gesture that you’re familiar with.
You bit your lip, turning your body until your pussy was angled right in front of his face.
You gripped his hard on through his pants that were already stained with precum, earning a whispered “fuck” from him.
You took his dick out, licking the tip before taking him all the way in your warm mouth.
Megumi threw his head back continuing to toy with your clit under your dress.
You were sucking him so good, taking his cock all the way to the back of your throat while vacuuming your cheeks. You bobbed your head up and down, gagging each time you felt his length touch your esophagus.
With Megumi’s strangled grunts and the way you were sucking him you were sure that you were going to win, until you felt his mouth on you.
Fushiguro’s cock slipped from your mouth as he sucked your clit into his mouth, swirling his tongue around his mouth. The way he ate you felt so good, your orgasm already coiling in your lower belly.
Megumi was a fighter and he was playing to win, but so were you. As good as it felt, you weren’t going to let him have this, especially when you were so close to winning.
His cock twitched in your mouth, signaling that he was close. You sucked him harder, faster, your hand fisting him in an effort to get him to cum quicker.
Knowing he wasn’t going to last much longer, Megumi pulled you off of him by your hair, a string of drool connecting your mouth to his cock.
He positioned himself behind you, rubbing his length up and down your glistening folds.
“Can’t have you ending the game early, now can I?”
“You’re a dirty fucking chea-” you managed to get out as he plunged into you, his fat head grazing your cervix.
Your eyes shut from the sudden penetration, your mouth open with saliva running down your chin as Megumi thrusts in and out of you roughly, the only sounds filling the room being silent curses and the lewd squelches of your sloppy cunt.
“Look at you, what a desperate little cockslut,” he pulls your head up to face the mirror that sits in front of your bed, your ruined makeup on display. “Look at how I fuck you, only I can fuck you like this,” you feel your eyes roll to the back of your head, Megumi pulling your hair harshly making your back arch at a painful angle.
“You gonna cum? Come on baby, cum for me so I can win. I’m dying to fuck this little ass”
You push him off of you causing him to fall back on his elbows. “Shut the fuck up.” You slide up and down him at the new angle, your ass bouncing beautifully as Megumi lets out a slew of curses from behind you.
Your victory felt so close as you felt his cock twitch inside you, milking him for all he was worth. Your win was snatched from you, feeling Megumi’s thumb press inside your asshole, causing you to let out a shriek.
“Checkmate,” Megumi sits up and begins to drill your cunt, your breasts bouncing as he ruthlessly fucks into your hole.
“Y-you cheated,” you sniffle, tears brimming your eyes as you realize your loss.
“Awww, don’t be a sore loser baby, you lost fair and square.” he drags his cock out of you before slamming back into you, every thrust making you cry out more than the last.
“Now cum for me like a good girl” he reaches forward to pinch your clit, making you cum instantly.
The moans you had been holding back the entire time spill out, the aftershocks of your orgasm crashing over you. Megumi pulls out, shooting his seed on your back. You sink into the mattress, sobbing over the realization of your defeat.
“Don’t cry pretty girl,” He smiled breathlessly.
“I haven’t even claimed my prize yet.”
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softholand ¡ 4 years
snowed in - t.h
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pairing: tom holland x reader
summary: you and tom are neighbors but you don’t get along very well, what happens when you’re forced to spend christmas with him?
warnings: some curses
words: 3.3k
a/n: this is my gift to @uglypastels as part of @peeterparkr​ ‘s secret santa 🤍 Z, i’m sorry this took so long but as you can see, i got a little carried away with the story lmao anyway, you’re actually one of my favorite writers so i’m kinda nervous to post this but i really hope you like it!! merry christmas ✨
You hated snow, that was a fact. But, since it was Christmas you were willing to face it, for the sake of your sister, that was hosting her first Christmas dinner at her and her husband’s new house.
Before you faced the snow though, you had to wash some of your clothes since your laundry basket was full. So, taking your dirty clothes, you made your way to the laundry room, which thankfully, was empty.
You were putting the detergent in when your phone rang and of course, it was your sister, already asking where you were. Just as you were about to answer, you heard the sound of the door opening, before your neighbor, the one you didn't like very much, entered the laundry room.
As always, you tried your best to ignore him and answered your still ringing phone. “Hello?” You said, already listening to the sound of chatting on the other end of the call. “Yes, I’m coming, I just had to do something first.” You told your sister, closing the machine and pressing start. “No, Maya! I’m not bringing anyone, you already know that!” That phrase caught the attention of your neighbor, which made you roll your eyes, both at him and your sister.
“Okay, I’ll see you later, bye!” You ended the call, stuffing your phone back into your purse, before taking your keys off. Then, just as you turned to leave, Tom’s body came crashing right into yours, knocking you off your feet.
“I’m so sorry!” He said, quickly helping you get up. “Fuck! You don’t look at where you’re walking?!” You hissed, and he immediately stopped his movements. “I said I’m sorry! And if there’s someone to blame here, it’s you!” He retaliated, making you widen your eyes.
“I’m sorry, what?!!! You came crashing into me like a fucking truck and I’m the one to blame?!” You practically yelled, you just couldn’t believe this boy. “As if! You turned so fast that it gave me no other option!” He scoffed, making you even angrier.
“Okay, it’s Christmas and I don't want to stress myself right now so can you please help me find my keys so I can go?!” Taking a deep breath, you asked your not so friendly neighbor. “To finally get you out of here? With pleasure!” He mocked and you had to restrain yourself from slapping him.
You two looked everywhere and when you were starting to lose hope, your neighbor, whose name you recalled being Tom said, “I found them but you’re not gonna like it where it is!” Rushing to his side you saw what he was talking about. He indeed found your keys but they were inside the floor drain, with metal bars locking it pretty safely.
“No, no, no! I need those keys!” You whined, getting on your knees to try and get them out of there but it was a failed attempt. “Can you help me, please?!” You yelled, outraged Tom wasn’t doing anything. “What do you want me to do? There’s no way we’re getting them out of there.” He exclaimed. “I don’t know, get a stick or something. I’m gonna try to fish them out.”
After a couple of minutes trying to look for something, Tom came back with a toilet plunger. “Seriously?!” You asked, to which he rolled his eyes. “Do you want my help or not?” He questioned, crossing his arms, making them look even bigger than they already are, which it’s completely not to the point here.
Your attempt to rescue your keys was not successful, since all you ended up doing was pushing them further into the drain until you couldn’t see them anymore. “Fuck! No, no, no!” You cried, desperately trying to take them out. “Just accept it, they’re gone!” Tom stated.
“How am I supposed to get to my sister’s house now? And my house keys were there too!” You groaned, which made him laugh. “Stop laughing! That’s not funny!” You finally gave up and got out of the ground, standing beside him. “I’m sorry but it is kinda funny!” He continued to laugh and you couldn’t help but slapped his arm. “It’s all your fault!” You scolded.
“Not this again, it was your fault too!” Tom retorted, making you even angrier. “Fuck! What am I supposed to do now? I have to get to my sister’s.” You paced around the small room, feeling your anxiety starting to build up in your chest. “Okay, I’ll call an Uber, stay at her place tonight, and tomorrow I can call someone to take care of this, right?” You asked, mostly to yourself.
“I guess…?” Tom answered, to which you rolled your eyes. “I wasn’t talking to you!” With long strides and without saying another word, you made your way out of the laundry room. “You’re not going to thank me for my help?” Tom smirked, making you stop. “Of course, how could I forget to thank the person who caused all of this in the first place?” You mocked. “Oh, c’mon!” Tom insisted. “Goodbye, thanks for nothing!” You jeered, completely dismissing him.
Once you were out of the room, you thought your problems were gone but once you got to open the door, it didn’t move. You tried again, and again and again and again. Nothing. Snorting, you tried one last time before giving up and kicking the metal thing with your boot covered feet.
“Yeah, about that…” You jumped at the sudden sound of Tom’s voice. “Fuck! What do you want now?” You questioned, losing your patience. “It seems like we’re snowed in, it’s all over the news, apparently there’s another snowstorm coming and the roads are all blocked.” He informed you while leaning on his door frame with his arms crossed.
“You’re kidding me, right?!” You exclaimed, feeling your heartbeat speed up. “Nope!” He shrugged, making you panic.”No, no, no! You’re playing with me, I don’t believe you!” You practically yelled. “Well, see it for yourself!” Tom offered, mentioning for you to come inside his house, where he had the tv on.
You hesitated, after all, you had never set foot in any of your neighbor's houses, but eventually accepted his offer and went into his house. And of course, just like he said, the snowstorm was all over the news with big headlines saying: “All the roads are blocked, for your safety, stay home!”
You groaned loudly, putting both of your hands on your head, and just when you thought the moment couldn’t get any worse, your phone started ringing again. “Fuck! She’s going to kill me!” You took a deep breath, before finally answering your sister’s call.
“Hey, Maya! No, I’m not! I’m stuck here, the door won’t open because of the snow! Yeah, I know! No, there’s no one working today, Maya! And the roads are too dangerous to drive. I’m sorry, I promise I’ll make it to lunch tomorrow. I’m sorry, I love you! Bye!”
Ending the call, you realized you were still in Tom’s apartment, while he looked at you like you were some type of alien. “Just so you know, you ruined my sister’s first Christmas dinner at her new house.” You informed him, to which he scoffed, plopping himself on the sofa.
“For the last time, it was your fault!” He said, taking the remote control, looking for something to watch. You felt extremely uncomfortable so you made your way to the door, wanting to get out of this asshole’s house. “Well, it’s been a pleasure but I think I’m gonna head home now. Again, thank you for ruining my Christmas.” You grumbled, opening the door when you heard him clear his throat.
“What now?” You snapped, raising your voice. “You sure you’re not forgetting anything?” He inquired, leaving you confused, but all it took was a couple of seconds for you to realize something. Your house keys. They were gone. “Fuck! No, no, no! There’s no way I’m gonna find a locksmith on Christmas eve. What am I supposed to do?” You groaned, feeling frustrated.
“You could always… stay here?” Tom offered, making you laugh. “Funny! There’s no way I’m spending Christmas with you!” You scoffed, crossing your arms. “Well then, good luck staying outside or with another one of our neighbors. Oh, right! There’s no one else here, it’s just us.” He smirked, making your blood boil.
Here goes your Christmas.
Sitting in complete silence in Tom's living room, with him watching a golf championship, while his house looked everything but Christmassy, you regret ever complaining about your sister’s Christmas party. “Do you want anything?” He asked from his side of the sofa. “No! Thanks!” You stated, crossing your arms.
“Oh, c’mon! We’re stuck here until God knows how long, don’t you think we should start to, at least, get to know each other? I’ll start, my name is Tom!” He said, to which you, once again, rolled your eyes. “Oh, I know your name!” You exclaimed, annoyed with his sudden enthusiasm.
“Look at that!” He smirked and you quickly realized how that must’ve sounded for him. “Yeah, the girls you bring home aren’t exactly discreet, and believe me when I say that these walls are very thin.” You declared, watching his smirk only grow in size. “What can I say? I know how to pleasure women.” Tom bragged, making you want to throw up. “Please, I don’t wanna hear it!”
“I was joking! What about you though, I still don’t know your name and we’ve been neighbors for what? Two years now?” He asked, completely forgetting the tv, now focusing solely on you. “I don’t know, something like that. And my name’s y/n!” You said. “Cute! And what do you do?” He questioned.
“I’m a personal chef!” You acknowledge, Tom instantly raising his eyebrows. “Fancy…” He teased, making you chuckle. “There’s nothing fancy about being in front of a stove twelve hours a day, serving people who sometimes don’t even know what a reduction is.” You added and Tom raised his eyebrows even higher. “You also have no idea what a reduction is, right?” He shook his head, to which you scoffed. “What about you?”
“I work as a personal trainer!” He exclaimed, clearly excited with his position. “That explains a lot!” You whispered to yourself, thinking about the size of his arms, shoulder, back… “What?!” Tom smirked, having listened to your words. “Nothing! I didn’t say anything!” You stated, to which he laughed.
After a couple of minutes of complete silence, Tom cleared his throat, before asking, “So… bringing no one to your sister’s Christmas dinner?” You rolled your eyes. “Don’t even tell me about it, she’s been bothering me about it since her wedding.” You blurted, suddenly realizing your mistake. “And I don’t know why I just told you this because you’re practically a stranger and this was very personal information.” You commented, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“It’s alright, don’t worry!” Tom assured, making you smile. “Well, it seems like I’m doing all the questions here, do you wanna ask something?” You didn’t even think about it for too long. “Why’s your house not decorated? I noted that your door is the only one without a garland.” You asked, dying to know the answer since you stepped foot in his house.
“Oh, it’s just… I live alone and my family is not here so, I don’t know, it doesn’t bother me.” He shrugged and you felt your heart sink hearing him said that. “Not even a tree? I mean, c’mon… everyone loves a Christmas tree!” You stated, to which he chuckled. “I actually have one, I just haven’t put it up,” Tom mumbled.
“What?! Can we do it?” You exclaimed. “Do it, like… right now?” He questioned, confused with your sudden burst of energy. “Yeah, if I’m going to spend Christmas here, I want to at least feel festive.” You stated, getting excited. “I mean, yeah, sure! Go for it!” Tom nodded, getting off the couch to pick up the tree.
When he came back with a giant box, you got up to help. “Can I take my coat and boots off? They’re very uncomfortable!” You asked and Tom nodded. Once you had everything off, you guys started to adjust the tree branches one by one, until it was perfect to start decorating.
With a box of ornaments by your side, you started arranging them on the tree, while Tom disappeared in the kitchen, making you think he just didn’t want to help. But, once he came out of the room carrying two mugs of what you assumed was hot chocolate, you couldn’t help but smile.
“For me?” You teased, to which he chuckled. “Yeah, I mean, it looks like we’re going to be here for a while so I thought, we better have something to drink.” He resonated, watching you take a sip of the hot liquid. “It’s perfect, thanks, Tom!” You smiled and he reciprocated.
“You wanna watch something?” Tom asked after a couple of minutes of silence. “Well, since now we’re all in, a Christmas movie would be great!” You said. “Why was I sure you’ll say that?” He grunted, making you smile.
With Home Alone on the tv and mugs of hot chocolate in hands, you and Tom kept decorating the tree and it didn’t take much for it to start to look festive. Since the tree had the lights already in, all it took was Tom plugging the power on for it to lit up, showing all the ornaments you and him had put and making the house feel instantly more festive.
“It looks beautiful!” You beamed, while from the corner of your eye, you saw Tom looking at you. “Stop!” You protested, hearing him chuckle. “What?” He asked, feigning ignorance. “I can see you looking at me and not the tree.” You crossed your arms, finally taking a look at him. “Well, everyone looks at what they find the most beautiful, isn't that right?” He smirked and you swore you felt little butterflies on your stomach.
“You’re such a flirt!” You scoffed, deciding it was best to play it off rather than acknowledging what he said. “I told you I know how to pleasure women.” He blinked, to which you groaned, mimicking wanting to throw up.
“So… what now?” Tom asked, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “I don’t know, I’m kinda hungry though. What were you going to have for dinner?” You asked, and he instantly widened his eyes. “I… didn’t really think about that. I was probably going to order something.” He shrugged, making you roll your eyes.
“Well, that’s not possible anymore, so what do you have in mind?” You questioned, leaning beside him. “I mean… you’re the chef here…” Tom snickered, to which you scoffed. “You’re seriously going to make me work on Christmas?” He pouted and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Fine! What do you have in this house?” You sighed, making your way to the kitchen. “I think I have chicken, some potatoes, frozen peas, eggs, milk, and a couple of oranges,” Tom informed you while looking in the fridge. “Let me think… I can make mashed potatoes, sautéed peas, and roasted chicken with… orange sauce. What do you think?” You said, matter of factly.
“I think it’s way more than I could do in my entire life.” He exclaimed, making you laugh. “So… care to help?” You asked and he nodded, making his way to your side. “What can I do?”
You instructed Tom to peel, dice, and boil the potatoes, while you seasoned the chicken and put it in the oven. You two kept working side by side in the kitchen and the more time you spent together, the more you got comfortable around each other.
Tom put on some Christmas music, per your request, and even took your hand, making you dance to one of Mariah Carey’s songs until the smell of something burning hit your nostrils. Once everything was ready, you set the table, and you two finally seated down to eat the improvised Christmas dinner.
“So… what do you think?” Anxious, you asked Tom as soon as he put the fork in his mouth. “Don’t tell my mom I said that but this is the best meal I’ve ever had. Holy shit!” He exclaimed, making you smile. “C’mon, you’re exaggerating!” You tried to reason but he wasn’t having it. “I’m not! This is so good!”
“Well, thank you! I appreciated it! Cheers!” You raise your glass, which was currently filled with the wine Tom found in one of the cabinets. “Cheers!” He repeated, raising his glass.
Tom got a FaceTime call from his family In the middle of your dinner and after asking if he could take it, he answered the call. “Hi, baby! Merry Christmas!” You could hear a feminine voice saying. “Hi, mom, Merry Christmas!” Tom responded with a smile on his face.
“We’re just about to eat, what are you doing?” The same voice asked, to which he answered, “Oh, I’m eating… takeout.” Tom said, making you feign being offended by his words. “Oh honey, I wish you were here with us! We all miss you so much! Promise you’ll try to come next year, please?”
“Yes, mom! I promise!” Tom said, passing his fingers through his brown curly hair. “Okay, we’re gonna leave you now. We love you so much, Thomas! Merry Christmas!” The woman on the other side of the call said, making him blush. “I love you guys too! Merry Christmas, everyone! Bye!” Tom gave his phone a little wave, before ending the call.
“Sorry, she can be a little… persistent!” He apologized, to which you shrugged. “It’s alright, I don’t mind.” You assured him, taking a sip of wine. “But why didn’t you tell them about me?” You added, making him smirk.
“Trust me, if I told them I had a girl with me, they’d expect you to go home with me for the next Christmas,” Tom explained. “Is this an invitation?” You smirked, raising your eyebrows. “Only if you want to.” He winked, to which you rolled your eyes.
“You guys are not from here, right?” You asked. “What? The accent gave it away?” Tom inquired, making his british accent even stronger. “A little bit!” You answered and you both laughed. “We’re from England, I moved here about two years ago.” He told you. “Why? If you don’t mind me asking.” You said. “I had a pretty rough breakup back then and I don’t know, just wanted a new start.” He explained, seemingly saddened.
“I’m sorry!” You apologized but Tom was quick to dismiss. “It’s alright! What about you? Is your family from here?” He asked, to which you nodded. “Yeah, they’re all from here.” You answered, taking another sip.
After a couple of hours, you and Tom were finally finished with dinner and cleaning the kitchen. Now, you were both seated on the sofa, watching yet another Christmas movie. You had no idea how, but as time passed, you and Tom got closer and closer, until you were both cuddled up in the middle of the sofa, with both of your legs covered by a blanket.
You were close, your faces were almost touching and when you were about to close your eyes, Tom whispered, “Look up!” And you did, finding a mistletoe hanging loosely on top of you. “When did you do that?” You asked, failing to contain a smile. “I mean, since you’re all about Christmas traditions, I thought it was only fitting.” He smirked and you finally closed the gap between you two.
“You know, my Christmas wasn’t that bad after all.” You joked, to which he laughed, “Mine either!” He agreed, kissing you again. “Merry Christmas!” You smiled. “Merry Christmas!” Tom exclaimed, before going right back to your lips, where he stayed for the rest of the night.
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tagging some of my mutuals ✨ @stuckonspidey @definitely-not-black-cat @missnxthingg @bi-writes @screamholland @peeterparkr @duskholland @wazzupmrstark @tomhollandthing @lauras-collection @tommybaholland @mrs-hollandstan @allyz @hazinhoodies @hollandcreep @worldoftom @whatevsholland @geminiparkers
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marauders-venting ¡ 3 years
Our Last Summer (Part 1)
pairing: wolfstar (sirius x remus)
genre: fluff & angst
warnings: none
words: 2267
note: based on the song ‘Our Last Summer’ by ABBA
a/n: this isn’t the whole thing but I haven’t finished it yet and it’s getting really long anyway so I decided to just post it in parts (i know it says fluff & angst and there’s no angst here but be patient it will come)
I can still recall our last summer, I still see it all. Walks along the Seine laughing in the rain, our last summer, memories that remain… I can still recall our last summer, I still see it all. In the tourist jam round the Notre Dame our last summer walking hand in hand
Sirius woke up smiling. Remus’ arm was still draped over him. He turned around and kissed him on the nose.
“Hey,” he whispered. “Are you awake?”
“I am now,” Remus groans.
“No, don’t be,” Remus says, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “I like waking up next to you.” Sirius’ smile widened.
“I like waking up next to you too,” he said. He kisses Remus softly before turning to grab his wand off his bedside table and Summoning two cups of tea. He hands one to Remus and then opens the drawer of his bedside table and pulls out a large packet of dark chocolate.
“Happy anniversary,” Sirius says, giving Remus the chocolate.
“Best present ever,” Remus says, taking a bite; Sirius can’t tell if he’s being sarcastic or not.
“The day is just beginning,” he says, sipping his tea.
“Really? So what do you have planned?”
“You’ll just have to wait and see,” Sirius says mysteriously.
“No way,” Remus said, shaking his head. “There is no fucking way I’m getting on that death trap.”
“Yes you are,” Sirius said, taking his hand and pulling him closer to the motorcycle. “Come on, it’ll be fun.”
“No,” Remus said. “Why can’t we just Apparate? Or take a taxi?”
“What’s a taxi?” Sirius asked.
“I swear to god, I’ve already told you at least five times,” Remus says, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Well, it doesn’t matter because we’re riding my motorcycle,” Sirius said.
“Nope,” Remus said. “Not fucking happening.”
“Please,” Sirius pouted. “It’s not illegal, I have a license. And I promise I won’t fly. I’ll stay on the ground the whole time.” Remus still looked hesitant. “I even customised your helmet myself.” He pulled out a black helmet with ‘Moony’ written on the side in flaming block letters. It brought a little smile to Remus’ face.
“Ugh fine,” Remus said, rolling his eyes. “But this is a one-time thing.”
“Yeah, yeah, if you say so,” Sirius said. “Now come.” They climbed on the motorcycle and Remus wrapped his hands around Sirius’ waist. “Normally I would say hold on tight,” Sirius said, “but if you hold any tighter you might just squeeze me to death.”
“And if I don’t hold this tight I might just fall to my death,” Remus replied. “Now shut up and drive; I want to get this over with.”
And suddenly, they’re on the road and holy fuck Remus is terrified. He’s resting his head on Sirius’ shoulder watching the cars around them. He squints his eyes, trying to make everything appear blurry (hoping it’ll make this a little less terrifying) and yes, he’s afraid but he has to admit that the blur of lights from all the cars is actually quite beautiful. That is, until they climb on the highway and Sirius picks up the speed. Now it’s just terrifying. Remus closes his eyes and buries his head in the crook of Sirius’ neck. The smell of Sirius and the feel of his beating pulse calms Remus down a little. He knows Sirius wouldn’t suggest this if it was that dangerous; Sirius would never let anything bad happen to him.
Remus doesn’t open his eyes until he feels them slowing to a stop. When he does finally look around, he finds himself in the parking lot of what looks like a small park.
“Hey,” Sirius says, reaching a hand back and stroking Remus’ thigh. “Are you ok?”
“I’m alive, if that’s what you mean,” Remus says, letting go of Sirius so he can climb off the motorcycle. Sirius helps Remus down and takes his helmet.
“Come on, it wasn’t that bad, was it?”
“Yes, it was that fucking bad,” Remus says. “I’m never riding that thing again.”
“Hey, ‘that thing’ has a name, you know,” Sirius said, arms crossed.
“Right, sorry,” Remus said, rolling his eyes. “I’m never riding Elvendork again.”
“Wow, I can’t believe you actually remembered their name,” Sirius said, laughing.
“I can’t believe you actually named your motorcycle,” Remus said. “Now tell me what we’re doing here.”
“Come with me,” Sirius said, pulling him by the hand into the park.
“Where are we?” Remus asks, looking around.
“You’ll see,” Sirius said. He led Remus to the far end of the park where several bushes and trees made a hedge that seemed to show the end of the park. Sirius got on his hands and knees and pushed the plants out of his way as he crawled into the hedge.
“Are you serious right now?” Remus asked. As soon as the word was out of his mouth he regretted it.
“I’m always Sirius,” came the reply. “Now come on.” Remus sighed and crawled through the hedge. When he came out on the other side he saw Sirius sitting on the grass.
“What is this place?” Remus asked, looking around. If he was being honest, it looked like a little heaven. Everything was so green. The grass, the trees, the hedge they came through. It looked like something out of a painting. The colourful flowers from the trees littered the floor; Remus picked one up, walked over to Sirius and put it in his hair.
“I used to come here when I was a kid,” Sirius said, effectively surprising Remus. “I know hardly any of my stories start like that but when I was… 9, I think, my cousin Andromeda was 15. And one summer she came over to our house and she asked my parents if she could take me somewhere. I don’t know what lie she told them but whatever it was they bought it. She brought me here. She told me that a friend of hers at school had shown her this place. His dad was a park ranger and he used to come here all the time as a kid. It was just close enough to my house that we could walk here and we’d spend all day playing here. She even learnt how to use muggle money so she could buy us food.”
“The last time we did it was the year before I started Hogwarts. She was seventeen then. She showed me magic. It was incredible. She did all kinds of spells to make plants grow and stuff. It was awesome. I’d never seen magic so… raw before. It was beautiful. But then she ran away with Ted Tonks and got burnt off the tapestry so there was no way my parents would let me see her. But she wrote to me a few times to tell me to meet her here. That was how I met Ted for the first time. Turns out he was actually the one who showed Andie this place. And I met Nymphadora here as well. I used to come here alone sometimes too. I tried to bring Regulus with me once but he was scared we’d get caught. The only good memories from my childhood… they’re all from this place. I just wanted to show it to you. I mean, you took me to your childhood home but… I mean you’ve seen the Potters’ house a million times. But I guess I wasn’t really a child by the time I moved there. So I guess… I don’t know, I just wanted to share this with you.”
“Thank you,” Remus said, taking Sirius’ hand and pressing his lips to the back of his hand, “for bringing me here, I mean. This place is beautiful. Are you the only one who knows about it?”
“Oh, I doubt it,” Sirius said. “I mean, it’s not very visible but there’s no way that nobody else has ever found this place. But it was always empty whenever I came here. Which wasn’t that often I suppose.” Sirius flopped back onto the grass, dragging Remus with him. They lay on their backs looking at the sky, hands still clasped together.
“It looks like it’s going to rain,” Remus said. Sirius shrugged. It was true; the clouds had been dark all day and the smell of approaching downpour lingered in the air. But Sirius had been keeping his fingers crossed that the rain would wait until later tonight so that he could carry out his plans without any disruption.
“You hungry? We could go get some food if you want. There are muggle shops nearby. But you’ll have to handle the money cause I still have no clue how to do that.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, if Andromeda could learn I’m sure you can too,” Remus said, as they left their little garden of Eden. “Come on, I’ll teach you.” They walked down the street looking for a coffee shop or a food vendor nearby. They found a bakery selling sandwiches so they bought two, Remus bought tea, Sirius bought coffee, and they returned to the hidden corner of the park.
“Do you get how to use the money now?” Remus asked as they walked back.
“You’ve taught me a million times, Moony, it never sticks,” Sirius said. “You just have to resign yourself to the fact that your boyfriend is a dumb bitch, no matter how hot he is.”
“Oh don’t worry, I accepted your lack of intelligence and general common sense a long time ago, Pads,” Remus said, putting an arm around Sirius as they sat back down on the grass, pulling the sandwiches out of the paper bag and laying everything out on the floor in front of them.
“No, no, you’ve got it wrong,” Sirius said, shaking his head. “I am intelligent but I’m still a dumb bitch too.”
“You’re saying you’re an oxymoron?”
“Wait, I never say I was a moron—”
“No, not a moron, an oxymoron.”
“What does that mean?” Sirius asked.
“It’s like something that juxtaposes itself,” Remus said.
“Juxta-what now?” Sirius said. Remus rolled his eyes.
“You need to read more. It’s something that contradicts itself. Phrases like awfully nice or saying that someone was found missing.”
“Oh,” Sirius said. “So yeah, that’s what I’m saying. You’re so smart, Moony. You know so many big words.”
“Literally just pick up a book,” Remus said, laughing and kissing him softly. “I promise, it’ll do you wonders.”
“Why do I doubt that?”
“Because you’re an idiot.”
“Oh we’ve circled back to that now, have we?”
That was how they spent most of the day. Talking, laughing, joking, kissing, lying on the grass. It seemed like the day really was going to be perfect. Until it started raining. At first, the drops were light and they weren’t bothered by it, but soon the rain became heavy and loud and they were both getting soaked. Remus didn’t mind getting wet; he had bigger worries on his mind.
“We’re not riding a motorcycle in the rain, are we?” Remus asked, his concern leaking through his voice.
“We can wait for the rain to stop if you like,” Sirius said. “Hey, you know, it’s actually good that we came here on Elvendork because we can cut through the traffic on our way home.”
“What? No, no, no, no, no,” Remus said, shaking his head. “There’s no way that’s safe.”
“It’s perfectly safe, Moony, I’ve done it a million times,” Sirius insisted. “Just keep your eyes closed like you did before. It was cuter like that anyway.” Remus felt himself blush.
“I’m sorry,” Sirius said out of the blue. “I didn’t know it would rain.” He looked genuinely upset; Remus wasn’t sure why.
“Of course you didn’t know, Pads,” Remus laughed. “You can’t control the weather. Everything will be fine. We’ll just wait out the rain before riding home.”
“That’s not what I—” Sirius started, “never mind.”
“What is it?” Remus asked, covering Sirius’ hand with his own.
“I just… I wanted everything to be perfect today. I’m sorry I ruined our anniversary.”
“Ruin it? Sirius, what are you talking about? You didn’t ruin anything.”
“But… it’s raining,” Sirius said confused.
“Yes and? Rain is, like, the most romantic thing ever.”
“It is?”
“Once again,” Remus sighed, “I would like to reiterate how desperately you need to read a book.”
“Well, I’m sorry we can’t all be addicted to romance novels.”
“Oh shut up and kiss me.” Sirius laughs and lets his lips meet Remus’. They’re both drenched to the bone but neither one of them could care any less. Sirius’ hand brushes Remus’ cheek as he wraps his arms around Remus’ neck pulling him closer. Remus’ hands are on Sirius’ waist, and they slide down to his hips. Sirius’ shirt had ridden up a bit from lifting his hands to reach Remus’ neck and Remus’ fingertips brush Sirius’ bare skin — which is wet and slippery from the rain — making Sirius shiver and sigh. When they break apart, Sirius brings his lips to Remus’ ear.
“Besides,” he whispers, as Remus runs a hand through Sirius’ wet hair, “who needs romance novels when I’ve got the best romance story in the world.” Remus felt a flutter of pure happiness and smiled. He kissed Sirius’ jaw, right beneath his ear.
“Happy anniversary,” he whispered. Sirius sighed in response. They stand there in the rain, wrapped in each other’s arms, dancing slowly to the sound of the rain splashing and pattering on the leaves of the trees around them.
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rebelwrites ¡ 4 years
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First In Line
Jax Teller x Reader
Requested by @rocketqueen
Prompt: “I don’t think you realise just how many people want to date you...I mean you’ve got a queue longer than the one to get into Glastonbury” -
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Looking around your living room, a smile formed on your lips. Tonight was the weekly pizza and beer night. You only had a small house but somehow everyone managed to be comfortable, it was cozy.
You were sitting on the floor between Jax’s legs, this was your spot, always has been and always would be.
“Hit me” You smiled leaning your head back against Jax’s groin, looking up at him.
“I swear its like having a pet” He smirked as he held a piece of pizza in front of your mouth so you could take a bite before taking the slice off him.
“Thank you” You said, sticking your tongue out at him.
Everyone just wished you would hurry up and get together, seen as you both acted like a couple anyway.
“So I was thinking” Juice smiled “lets play a game, we each go around and say two truths and a lie and then the others have to guess which one is the lie”
“How old are you again?” You winked at him.
“For that you are going first” Juice laughed, making you groan.
“Fine” you huffed “right so I have never had a boyfriend because no one shows any interest in me”
As soon as you finished speaking you heard Jax choke on his beer. Leaning your head back you looked at him to make sure he was okay.
“Carry on” he nodded.
“I have always been too scared to learn how to ride and when I was about 8 years old I got stuck in the washer machine” You said resting your head on Jax’s knee feeling him playing with your hair.
“Definitely the boyfriend thing” Chibs nodded followed by everyone agreeing.
“Nope the lie was getting stuck in the washer machine” You said trying to read the room.
“Just so you know there are plenty of people interested in you darlin’” Jax said.
“Well where are they then” you sighed “because I sure as hell don’t see them”
“I don’t think you realise just how many people want to date you...I mean you’ve got a queue longer than the one to get into Glastonbury” Jax whispered running his hands through your hair.
The rest of the room fell silent thinking that Jax was going to confess but it never went any further.
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It was now 1am and everyone apart from you and Jax had fallen asleep where they were sitting.
You and Jax were sitting out on your front porch, a blanket wrapped around the two of you, smoking, drinking coffee and watching the stars, your head was resting on his shoulder and your whole body felt a peace, it always did around Jax. You didn’t have to pretend you were better people.
This was one of Jax’s favorite times, just you and him. In fact in his head he pretended that you were together.
One thing that you couldn’t stop thinking about was what he said earlier that night.
“Can I ask you something?” You whispered.
“Darlin’ you know you can ask me anything” Jax whispered kissing your head “what's going on it that pretty head of yours”
“Just what you said earlier” You said softly “about how I have a line as long as the Glastonbury queue of people that want to date me, were you being serious?”
Jax was slightly taken back by the question, he hated how you didn’t believe people were interested in you for more than just a one night stand.
“Look at me” Jax whispered, placing his fingers under your chin, moving your head so you were looking into his eyes. He smiled lovingly at you, his heart was melting at how beautiful you looked in the moonlight, there was something so raw about this moment.
“I was being serious” He whispered running his thumb across your cheek “and I know your next question is going to be how do you know, I know because I am first in fucking line darlin’, I always have been”
The words got caught in your throat at his revelation. It took you a couple of moments to process what he said.
“But why?” You mumbled “I am obviously nothing special”
“Hey, I never want to hear you say you aren’t special again okay” he whispered, linking his hand with yours, brushing his thumb over the top of your head. You would be lying if you said you didn’t feel sparks and butterflies right now.
“Okay” you nodded.
“I didn’t want to fall in love, or need someone. I really didn’t want anything especially with the life I live. But then you appeared and I started wanting everything, when I look at you, I see the one I love, the one I need, the one I am meant to be with”
Silent tears were falling down your cheeks, you couldn’t believe that the person you saw as your best friend had been in love with you for so long and you have no idea.
“And if you gave me a chance I would spend every single moment showing you how much I love you” He whispered, wiping the tears away with his thumb.
You didn’t know where the confidence came from, you felt a buzz and not just from the beer. Reaching up you place your hand on the side of Jax’s face, feeling his lean into your touch. You took a deep breath before closing the small gap that was between the two of you, your lips connecting with his. And in that moment everything felt right, nothing else mattered right now and it was like it was just you and Jax.
Your lips moved in sync, the passion and love being spoken in words that you didn’t know how to say. Pulling away you rested your forehead against his, a large smile gracing both of your faces.
“You don’t know how long I have been waiting for this moment Y/N” he whispered “so what do you say? Wanna give us a shot and be my girl?”
“Do you think I would have kissed you if I didn’t want to give us a shot” You giggled before letting a long yawn escape your lips.
“Come on lets get you to bed” He whispered kissing you softly.
You were now laid in bed, wrapped up in Jax’s arms, things still felt like a dream and you just hoped that come morning it wasn’t a dream.
“So are you really scared on learning how to ride?” Jax asked as you ran your fingers across his bare chest.
“Yeah” You whispered feeling slightly embarrassed.
“But you ride with me all the time” He said running his fingers down your arm.
“Yeah I know but I’m not in control of the bike” You said looking up at him.
“Do you want to learn to ride on your own?” He asked.
“Yeah I do” You nodded listening to his heartbeat.
“Well then tomorrow, you and me will go for a ride into the middle of nowhere, so its just us and I will teach you how to ride” He whispered, you could tell by the sound of his voice he was smiling.
“Jax I can’t” You mumbled.
“I won’t let anything happen to you darlin’, I will be right behind you until you feel you are confident enough to ride on your own” He whispered kissing your head “Now beautiful, get some sleep”
“Night Jax” You mumbled letting your eyes flutter close, letting the sound of his heartbeat be the lullaby you needed to drift to sleep.
Jax couldn't help it, he stayed awake a bit longer to watch the angel, his angel sleeping peacefully on his chest, he didn’t think this day would come, the day that he could finally call you his girl but here he was, on cloud nine and he only had Juice to thank for wanting to play a silly game.
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@chibsytelford @talicat713 @corebore123 @nothingeverdies @teapartydreams @mrspeacem1nusone @khyharah @itmejado @beth-winchester21 @rocketqueen @auroraariza @trulysuccubus @haynsey @witching-hour @destynelseclipsa @edonaspanca @abbiesthings @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @jadesamhart @lady-pswrld @ly--canthrope @hennessyauntie @gemini0410 @i-love-scott-mccall @est11 @mystic-shadows42 @sugary-x-sweet @starrynite7114 @skyofficialxx @terminallygenius @lauraashley93 @leaalfred @angelreyesgirl89 @sheeshgivemeabreak @marquelapage @meteora-fc @penny4yourthot @justahopelessssromantic @ilikechocolatemilkh @mayans-sauce @xbreezymeadowsx @ben-c-group-therapy @-im-fantastic- @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @milaxmariex @cubblycie @little-diable @hotdamnhunnam @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead
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karlajoyner ¡ 4 years
Omg Ik I write to a lot and your prob sick of but I just got this great idea for a Charlie/Owen fluff+smut. So your having dinner with the guy at your place and your end up talking about how you’ve never had a prom and then he puts on Can I Have This Dance from HSM3 and you dance around the room with him. When the song ends you kiss and he says something smooth about what people do AFTER prom and he treats you to unforgettable ***. I think this is a more Charlie thing to do, works for Owen too.
Can I Have This Dance? (Charlie Gillespie x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so I finished this one a while ago but I always like the have the request in front of it ready before I start working on the next! Also I really want to change the cover of my JATP Imagine Book on Wattpad but I've realized that my editing skills are now complete shit since I haven't edited something in so long. I just don't know what to do. And yeah I hope you enjoy this one!!
Requested by: @jjbassett (Tumblr)
Warnings: Smut (18+)
I quickly rushed around the kitchen attempting to keep the food from burning while still trying to finish getting ready for my date tonight with non other than Charlie Gillespie.
We started seeing each other a few months ago after Soyon, my fashion mentor introduced us.
She informed me that I'd be working with the cast on set everyday to do mainly touch up in their outfits, it was only a matter of time before Charlie and I sparked up a small romance on the side.
It started with the flirtatious comments while Soyon and I dressed him up as his character, Luke.
Then it quickly turned into the small appreciation notes he'd leave in his characters clothing for me to find later.
And now here I was 4 months later cooking dinner for him in my apartment in Vancouver who I fortunately shared with Tori Caro, one of the assistant choreographers.
She was one of the few people that knew about Charlie and I.
So this evening she was spending it with Savannah probably watching movies.
I frustratedly groaned hearing the door knock.
Immediately rushing to remove the apron from my body and throw on my pair of pumps laying by the door.
I ran my fingers through my hair one last time before opening the door to see the brunette standing there in a tuxedo with a bouquet of flowers at hand.
"Hello gorgeous" He smirked sticking his hand out.
"Hello Charlie" I replied taking the bouquet out of his hands.
"They're beautiful" I smiled moving aside so he could enter.
"Not more beautiful than you"
"Your so cheesy"
"Eh what can I say. You bring it out of me" He spoke making me giggle.
"So what are we having for dinner?" As if on cue the alarm went off....But not the one I was expecting.
I quickly dashed toward the kitchen where the noise was coming from.
"Oh crap" I muttered rushing towards the problem nearly tripping on my own two feet.
My eyes widened as black smoke arose from the oven.
Quickly opening the oven door to air it out with a nearby oven mitt.
"We we're gonna have lasagna. That went to shit" I sighed looking up to see Charlie already popping open some windows while I turned off the fire alarm.
"Awww baby" Charlie chuckled walking over to me immediately pulling me into a warm hug.
"I have Chinese on the way" He muttered pressing a kiss to my temple.
"Really? I've fucked up dinner that many times" I internally groaned.
"No, no"
"Don't lie to me Charles"
"Yes" He gave in.
Placing his hand under my chin, titling it upwards to look him in the eyes.
"But that doesn't mean we're gonna let tonight go to waste. How about you go change into some sweats, I go get some extra clothes from my car, and we can put on High School Musical?"
"You'd watch that for me"
"I'm watching it for me" He joked making me giggle.
"Fair enough" I spoke with a tight lip smile as he pulled me in for one last hug.
"I'll learn to cook one day, I promise" I mumbled into his chest.
"I know beautiful. I'll meet you on the couch in 10" He said pecking my lips one last time.
"Okay but could you imagine waking up to that everyday" I exasperatedly spoke pointing at Troy Bolton.
"It can't be better to waking up to this" Charlie grinned flexing his arms.
"Oh no. Nothings better than that. But you gotta admit that mans a god"
"I don't appreciate you talking about my competition like that"
"Zac Efron is your competition?"
"Well now he is"
"I wonder if Kenny still has his number after all these years" I teased the boy before taking another bite out of my egg roll.
Watching as Charlie playfully rolled his eyes.
"Doubt it"
"I guess it's best"
"It really is" Charlie agreed.
"You know I'm only joking" I said taking his hand from across the coffee table.
Pausing the tv to get a good look at his face.
"I know. I just can't help but think if he asked you out on a date while your with me you'd say yes"
"The only thing I would've said yes to that man is if he had asked me to prom 2 years ago. Long before I met you. Maybe I wouldn't have spent that night watching 17 again" I joked making him chuckle.
"You didn't go to prom?" He asked a frown forming on his face.
"Nope. I wasn't very social in high school so I saw no point in it"
"You never told me that"
"Well now you know I guess" I spoke taking a sip of my drink.
Watching as Charlie stood up from his spot in the ground.
"Where are you going? The movies not over. I promise I won't drool over Zac anymore" I swore gazing up at him.
"T-that's not my problem here" He stuttered taking his phone, beginning to click away.
My brows furrowed in confusion as my smart tv began to cast something from an unknown device.
My heart fluttering as a familiar song began to play.
"Seriously?" I questioned watching a grin form on his face.
"Seriously" He confirmed for me.
Making me throw my head back in laughter.
"Can I have this dance?" He asked sticking his hand out for me.
"Yes" I smiled as he helped me to my feet.
I sighed contently as Charlie he wrapped his arms around my waist. My own flying around his neck.
The two of us now swaying back and forth to the rhythm of the music playing in the background.
"I missed you" He whispered gazing into my eyes.
"You saw me yesterday. I helped you get dressed"
"Well then I think it's fair that I help you get undressed" He replied playing with the strap of my cami.
"Smooth" I mumbled placing a quick peck to his lips.
"But I don't see how that's fair. I mean it's my job to dress you and undress you" I bit my lip running my hand down his arm. Intertwining our fingers at the end.
"Well I just want to give you the full prom experience. And you know what happens after prom"
"Definitely not tacos" He smirked pulling me in for a passionate kiss.
He was quick to deepen it.
The Chinese takeout on the coffee table long forgotten as we got lost in each other presence.
I let out a huff as he pushed me backwards onto the couch. Our lips fighting for dominance.
He groaned straddling my body beneath him.
Quickly yanking his shirt off his body to expose his beautiful toned torso.
I quickly him back towards me.
Our lips colliding once more as his hands ran up my shirt.
"Take it off" I mumbled against his lips pulling away for a split second to rip off not only my top but the last piece of fabric separating our bare chest.
I let out a breath of relief as Charlie began to leave a trail of kisses down my neck until settling on a spot.
His body grinding into mine, only turning me on even more.
We heavily made out as I toyed with the waistband of his grey sweats and the boxers under them.
Earning a desperate moan from the brunette.
I swiftly pushed down the fabrics allowing his dick to spring free.
He let out a whine as I grabbed the base of his length pumping it a couple of times, watching him become puddy in my own hands.
"I won't last long if you keep doing that" He panted. My hand stopping it's motions right away.
I sat up right pushing off my own sweats and panties before Charlie pushed me back onto the couch connecting his lips with mine.
"Charlie please" I begged opening my legs widely allowing him to position himself at my entrance.
I gasped in surprise as he pushed himself into me without another word.
Instantly his hips began to rock back and forth into me.
My head fell back pleasure as he thrusted into me.
Using his hand to push my leg up for more leverage.
His name fell from my lips repeatedly as he hit my g-spot.
My fingers entangling themselves in his hair as he picked up his speed.
I moaned louder as he began to rub my clit. My orgasm nearing as I felt a familiar pit forming in my stomach.
"I'm gonna-"
"Me too" He cut me off.
My orgasm washed over me. Charlie's coming seconds after.
Moans escaped his lips as he spilled into me before slowly coming to a halt.
We laid there for a moment taking in everything that had just happened. Charlie laying stilled on top of me. My fingers coming up to comb themselves through his now messy hair.
"That was-"
"Amazing" He interrupted me.
"It really"
I grinned looking down at him to see his focus already on me. A huge smile plastered on his face.
"This was a big step in our relationship" He stated.
"I know"
"And I don't want to sound cliche" He continued. My eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
"Where are you going with this Charles?"
"I-I think I'm falling in love with you" My heart leaped as he sat up. Evidently pulling out of me as well.
"Me too" I whispered pulling him back to my lips once more.
Up Next: Jeremy Shada x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Reggie Peters x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Reggie Peters x Reader
Carrie Wilson x Reader
Sunset Curve x Reader
@lolychu @headheartbellarke @bookish0918 @kcd15 @ifilwtmfc @moviesbooksandfandoms @lovesanimals @lavender-writer @kaitieskidmore1 @morganayennefertyrell @iloveteenwolf @ghostofmgg @jammi13 @theravenclawlife
203 notes ¡ View notes
teamhappyme ¡ 4 years
pairing: sonny carisi x fem!reader
word count: 1.5k
warnings: none
a/n: happy valentine’s day my friends!!! here is a cute lil Carisi fic that made me feel a lil less blah today. i love and appreciate you all so so much!
“Liv, I’m gonna bring these witness statements to Carisi before I head out. You need me to drop off anything else?”
“Nope, just those statements for him. And thank you for dropping them off, y/n. I can get home and spend some of the day with Noah.” You saw her put the chocolate heart in her bag, along with the dog stuffed animal she picked up from a vendor earlier today. 
“He’s gonna love that dog.” You commented, and she looked up and smiled. 
“I hope so. And hopefully it will put off the argument for getting a real dog a little longer.”
You laughed, knowing how much every little kid wants a dog. But stuffed animals were always a good second. 
The two of you walked out of the precinct together, both surprised that you were getting out of here while the sun was still out. 
“Tell Noah I said Happy Valentine’s Day. I owe him and the Rollins girls an ice cream date.”
She smiled. “I will. Have a good night, y/n.” 
The walk to the courthouse was cold, and you passed by at least a dozen vendors with Valentine’s day themed food and goodies. You made it almost the whole walk without caving and buying something for yourself, but the cute little puppy on the styrofoam hot chocolate cup was calling your name. 
And of course you bought one for Carisi too.
You made your way through the maze that is the DA’s office, finally making your way into Carisi’s small office. But the ADA in question was nowhere to be found.
You placed the hot chocolate on his desk, smiling as you saw drawings from Jesse and Billie taped to the file cabinet, Jesse’s little ‘Uncle Sonny’ handwriting too cute to handle. He’d only been moved into the office for a few weeks, and it looked like he was finally settled in. You heard the horror stories of having to move out the copy machines, but it all seemed worth it.
He had his degrees hanging on the wall, along with a quote from the declaration of independence, because this man lived and breathed the law. 
You turned to walk back to the chairs, when a picture frame on his desk caught your eye. You’d seen the one of his beautiful goddaughter’s Billie and Jesse, and knew there were a few of the giant Carisi clan scattered around. 
But this one was in a clean black frame, and you had to do a double take to make sure your eyes weren’t playing tricks on you. 
It was you in the picture frame. 
Actually, it was you and Sonny in the frame, laughing uncontrollably with disco lights in the background. 
You recognized the venue immediately, it was the indoor roller rink from Noah’s fifth birthday party. You hadn’t gone roller skating since you were a kid, and you were extremely apprehensive to get back on the skates. But Sonny convinced you to try again, sticking to your side the entire time.
The picture in question was after you had slipped. You were preparing to meet the floor in a painful thud, instead you felt two arms wrap around you, keeping you close and still on two feet. It was Sonny. 
You didn’t know this picture even existed, otherwise you would’ve gotten your hands on it pretty quick. You couldn’t help the smile spread across your face knowing that Sonny wanted it on his desk, to see your laughing faces everyday.
“Hey.” Your eyes snapped up to the doorway, Sonny standing there, a bouquet of flowers in his hand. 
“Hey.” You stepped out from behind his desk, pulling the file he needed out of your backpack. “Um, I brought the witness statements for the Carson case. There’s quite a few here, so hopefully you can get some of them to testify.”
He took the file from your hands, placing it on his desk. “Thanks, I’m getting ready to prep with Hannah, so this will be helpful.”
“Good, that’s good.” You said while running a shaky hand through your hair. 
You know he must have seen you looking at the picture of the two of you, and now you didn’t know what to say. He was carrying a bouquet of beautiful flowers on Valentine’s day; clearly he had some plans tonight.
“Those flowers are beautiful, you have a lucky Valentine tonight?” You asked, attempting to break the awkward silence between you. 
He smiled, his turn now to run a hand through his quaffed hair. “They’re for you, actually.”
Your eyes widened, not expecting that to be his response. 
“Liv texted me, gave me a warning that you were headed over. I would’ve been here when you got here, but I know you don’t like roses, and it took me four different shops to find pink and white peonies. Thought I was gonna have to fight the guy next to me for ‘em, but he grabbed the tulips instead.” 
He extended the bouquet to you, and gently took the flowers into your own hands. You can’t believe he remembered your favorite flower. When did you even let that comment about roses slip out? 
“Sonny, you didn’t have to get me flowers.” You commented, but couldn’t resist sticking your nose in to smell the fresh flowers.
He smiled, glad that you liked the flowers, while shrugging off his overcoat. “I wanted to. You’re working on Valentine’s day, just wanted to do something special for you.”
“Well this is definitely more than special. No one’s ever bought me a bouquet of my favorite flowers before. Not even someone who has a picture of me on their desk.”
You saw his cheeks turn red before he dipped his head toward the floor. “I figured you saw that.”
You placed the flowers down next to your bag, joining him behind his desk. You grabbed the picture as he finally brought his head up to look at you, a smile still resting on your face. 
“I really like this picture. I’m just mad that you kept it to yourself, I would’ve loved to have a copy for my own desk.” 
“I think I could get you a copy. But you’ll have to thank Dodds for the photography skills.” Of course it was Mike Dodds that withheld the image from you. 
“I’ll be sure to send him a text.” You said and placed the image back on his desk. You just now noticed the files piling up on his desk, and spared a glance at your watch; it was only five oclock. He had a long night ahead of him. “Well, I won’t stand in the way of you and your important ADA work.”
“Y/n/n,” He grabbed your hand as you took a step away from him, and you turned to look back at him. “The files can wait ‘til tomorrow. Would you like to go to dinner with me tonight?”
You smiled. “Would I like to go to dinner with the only man who’s ever remembered my favorite flower?” He laughed as you gave his hand a squeeze. “I would love to, Sonny.”
You gathered your belongings, making sure there was enough room for you to carry the flowers in your hand. The two of you walked out of the courthouse together, the sun setting over one hogan place as you exited. 
You were halfway down the steps when he stopped, reaching into his pocket to grab his phone. He started rambling about how it would be impossible to find a restaurant on Valentine’s day, how he was an awful planner, and now you’d have to wait in the cold for hours. 
But all you could focus on was the way the sun was hitting him, covering him in an orange glow, his hair slightly fussed by the new york city breeze. He was beautiful, and you couldn’t let him stand there without letting him know.
He continued to ramble as you took a step toward him, complaining that you were going to end up eating hot dogs from a vendor.
“Dominick,” you said, and the sound of his real name leaving your lips got him to shut up. 
You reached up, running a hand through his fussed hair in an attempt to straighten it out. Once you were satisfied with the outcome, you rested a hand on his chest, as his free hand found your waist. He smiled before leaning down, your lips meeting his in an incredibly sweet first kiss. 
You pulled away after a few seconds, not wanting to cause a scene on the courthouse steps, and matched the smile that was still on his face.
“How do you feel about pizza for dinner?” He asked, his hand finding your own, linking your fingers together as you resumed walking down the steps. He gave your hand a squeeze, and you couldn’t help but look up and smile at him.
“Pizza and peonies, what more could a girl ask for?”
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jamie-leah ¡ 4 years
War of Wolves (16)
Season 1
Episode 16 - Finding Nemo Normal
Bucky x Reader 
Summary: You have been on the streets for the past two years, ever since your accident that left you with the ability to tell if someone is lying. You work as an informant for the white wolf and his mob but you had never met him…until you overhear a phone call that leads you to saving his life. Now he wants you to work for him. Its an offer you couldn’t refuse…right?
Word Count: 2974
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, NSFW, Sex, and fluff
A/N: I am terrible at updates and I should stop pretending to have a schedule. Just pray I keep up once a week. Hope you enjoy Lovelies :) 
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The next day Bucky didn’t want to leave you. He was in overprotective mode since the Isaac thing yesterday and you weren’t going to lie and say you didn’t like it. But you also knew he had things to do. 
So, after having breakfast in bed with him and getting halfway through a film you sit up from his chest, “I know you can’t afford to take a day off Buck”. 
He ignores you. But you carry on, “I love the fact that you’re so willing to sacrifice a busy day for me, but honestly Bucky, I’m feeling better since yesterday”. 
He looks at you then, processing your words and studying your face. He starts to shake his head, so you turn the TV off. He looks at you mock offended which makes you smile. 
You kiss your way up his chest until you reach his lips briefly, “I know you have work to do and I know your phone hasn’t stopped blowing up since breakfast. Go and do whatever you have to. I was thinking of training a little and maybe even baking…”. 
He gives you a cheeky smile, “hmm, well, I’ll go if you do me two favours”. 
You nod, “anything”. 
He smiles, “make me some of those cupcakes and let me take you out to dinner tonight”. 
You feel a massive smile spread across your face, “you have yourself a deal”.
The day went by quickly. You baked cupcakes to share with most of the house. That took most of the day and then you started getting ready for dinner with Bucky. Bucky said that he was going to take you somewhere fancy. 
You were nervous since you hadn’t gone to a restaurant in years and even then, you never went anywhere too fancy. But you were more excited than anything because no matter what, you were with Bucky. 
You were glad that you bought more dresses after realising that you might need to go to gatherings more often. You settled on a dark green dress, so dark that it looked black until it came to the light. 
You put your hair up and put light make-up on. You put your shoes on and made your way down the stairs. As you get to the end you can hear Bucky’s office door open and a few seconds later he appears, as handsome as ever.
He holds his arm out, “our chariot awaits milady”. 
You take his arm with a small laugh, “you’re such a dork”. 
He smiles down at you, “and you’re a beautiful woman with a beautiful laugh”. 
You blush as you look away and you can feel him chuckle softly. He guides you out the house and towards the car. He opens the passenger side for you and closes it after you. He then proceeds to open the driver’s side and hop in.
As he starts driving you look over to him, “so, how was your day? How did it go?”. 
He shakes his head, “nope. No work talk tonight. It’s just you and me and normal conversation”. 
You tilt your head with a smile, “I’m not sure if you noticed Buck, but we’re anything but normal”. 
He glances at you with a wicked grin and wide eyes, “I know, isn’t it great?”. 
He laughs as he looks back at the road and you join him in his good spirit, “actually yes, for the first time in my life its great not to be normal”. 
He places his hand on your thigh and squeezes it gently. The car ride is easy, comfortable and conversation is normal. You talk about Steve’s twins and their birthday coming up. You talk about Peggy and what she’s going to name the baby. 
After a conversation about present ideas, Bucky announces that you’ll be arriving at the restaurant soon. You smile as you lean back in the car and close your eyes for a few minutes. 
That’s when you hear Bucky clear his throat like he does when he’s going all serious, “can I ask you something?”. 
You open your eyes with a frown and a look of concern, “you can ask me anything, although your tone makes me nervous”. You laugh anxiously. 
He shakes his head like there’s nothing to worry about, “it’s just, with our conversation about Peggy and the kids, it just got me thinking. I wanted to know what your take on kids was?”. 
You frown not quite understanding what he meant. He glances at you and clarifies, “in terms of whether you want them or not?”. 
You swallow and think about it for a second, “do you want kids?”. 
He shakes his head with a small smirk, “I asked you first”. 
You laugh and think again before answering, “its funny because when I was homeless I gave up on the idea of having any type of normal life, kids included…but the more time I spend with you and the more time I spend with the twins the more I thought about it. So, to answer your question, yes, I would want kids, but I don’t feel ready to have them yet”. 
You watch his reaction closely. It takes a few seconds, but you slowly start to see him smile. You lean to get a better look at his face and say, “what? Why are you smiling?”. 
He doesn’t look at you, his eyes fixed on the road, “we’re at the restaurant”. 
You feel the car slowing down, but you don’t let it go, “no, that’s not why you’re smiling. What is it Buck?”. 
His smile grows slightly bigger as you keep pressing him. He parks the car and you ask again. When he switches the engine off, his body half turns to face you, “I’m just glad that we’re on the same page”. 
You look at him surprised, “I’m not gonna lie, I’m surprised that you want kids considering your profession”. 
He nods, “the original plan was to not have kids for that very reason. They’re a weakness and something else to be used against you. The original plan didn’t involve falling in love either. Then you came barging into my life demanding to see me and you saved my life. I tried to stay away from you, I tried not to feel anything, but you’re a stubborn woman”. You both chuckle until he gets serious again, “when we first started our relationship I said to myself that I wouldn’t have kids with you either. That that was the one plan I would stick to, but the moment I saw you with Sarah and Joseph I knew it was something I wanted, only with you. But I also agree that I’m not ready for kids just yet”. 
You nod as you look down at your hands blushing at his words for the second time already that evening. He lightens the mood with, “I’m not quite ready to share you just yet Doll”. 
You giggle as you look back up at him. You can see him relishing in being able to make you laugh as he smiles, crinkles forming around his eyes. 
After your little moment in the car, Bucky hops out and comes around to help you out the car. He offers his arm again and you take it. 
You could tell it was an expensive place just by being in the foyer, but when your waiter took you into the dining area you glance at Bucky in question of just how expensive.  
It was a cool looking room but with warm lighting. White and silver seemed to be the theme with hints of blue. There were round tables and square tables. The place seemed full and waiters and waitresses were rushing around. 
However, the most noticeable feature of the room was the floor to ceiling side of a wall. It was glass that was filled with water and amazing aquatic life. It was beautiful. 
Your awe only grew as the waiter gave you a square table right next to the glass. Bucky pulled your chair out and pushed it in before sitting down himself.
You were on either side of a corner of the table and you heard him tell the waiter what drinks you wanted, but you couldn’t focus on specifically what he ordered as you stared at the fish. 
You started to reach your hand out to touch the glass, but then stop yourself. You look back at Bucky, “I probably shouldn’t touch the glass, should I?”. 
Bucky frowns, “why not?”. 
You look at him like its obvious, “well, for starters no one else is doing it so I would look even more like I don’t belong. Plus, I bet its all expensive and I wouldn’t want to leave a mark or have anyone be mad or I don’t know”. 
He smiles, “you’re cute when you ramble”. 
You give him a serious look, but you couldn’t stop your smile, “I’m being serious Buck”. 
He holds his hand up in surrender, “okay. Well, the way I see it, fuck what everyone else thinks and our house costs more than this place so I think we’ll be fine if you break something”. He notices that you still don’t look convinced, “what is it?”. 
You look back at the fish and shrug, “that’s your money though Buck. I would feel awful if I broke something and you had to pay-“. 
He cuts you off firmly, but gently, “Y/N, listen to me, what’s mine is yours, always. Everything that I have is also yours. You need to stop thinking of things as just mine. The money that’s there is ours. The house is our home. The people that are there are our family, okay?”. 
You nod with a smile as he brings your hand up to his lips and kisses your knuckles. He lets your hand go, “now go play with the fish”. 
You shake your head, “you say that like I’m five”. 
“well, if the shoe fits…”, Bucky shrugs and then smirks at you. You slap his arm discretely and he chuckles, “okay, okay. I’m sorry, I guess you’re more like ten”. 
You kick him under the table and he laughs so hard that the table not far from you starts to give you looks, “that table is looking at us”. 
Bucky keeps laughing as he rubs his shin, “I don’t give a fuck”. 
Bucky soon calms down when the waiter comes with drinks and menus. When you open the menu you nearly have a heart attack. You look up at Bucky about to say something when he holds up his hand and talks to you, his eyes never leaving his menu, “I’m starting to get offended that you think I can’t afford things Doll”. 
You shake your head, “its not that I don’t think you can afford them-“. 
He cuts you off, “okay, great, so don’t worry about it Doll. Order whatever you want and just enjoy it”. He looks at you then seriously. You stare at him for a few seconds before nodding and looking back down at the menu. 
Once you place your orders, you and Bucky don’t stop talking. You’re true to his word as the conversations are normal and you find that you’re both laughing more than you ever had in your lives. 
The evening went by so quick you didn’t notice time had slipped through your fingers until you were sharing dessert with Bucky. That was when you remembered what Ray had told you in the shop the other day. 
You look over to Bucky, “you know I don’t know much about your past”. 
He looks up at you from his spoon, “I don’t really know much about yours either”. 
You smile, “you know more about mine than I do about yours. I’m sorry, I don’t want to force you to talk about it or anything its just I remember Ray telling me that you used to be homeless and it made me realise that I don’t know much about your past”. 
Bucky puts the spoon down and takes a sip of water, “you don’t have to apologise for asking, I knew you would eventually, just like I want to know things about you. I won’t tell you it all, but long story short is that me and Steve went into the military together. One day I lost my arm in active duty and got shipped home. Steve still had to serve as I recovered and once I did they sent me on my way. I couldn’t adjust to life as a citizen and as a disabled person, so I ended up on the streets”. 
You felt terrible for even asking about it now, “I’m sorry Buck, I didn’t mean-“. 
He grabs your hand, “don’t. It’s okay, you didn’t know and besides, it turned out alright didn’t it?”. He gives you a pointed look and you lean over to kiss his cheek. 
You both go back to dessert and lighter topics. As you finish the dessert Bucky looks at you and laughs. You scowl at him and he laughs harder until he licks his thumb and rubs at a stain in the corner of your mouth. 
You keep your eyes on him as you turn your head slightly and catch his thumb in your mouth. You lick the pad with your tongue before giving a little suck. You watch his eyes darken when you release his thumb and you thought he might start something there and then until the waiter came over. 
Before the waiter could even say anything, Bucky’s voice came out gruff, “just bring us the bill please”, his eyes never leaving yours. 
The waiter rushes off as you continue staring at each other. You give him a smirk as you let your foot wander up his leg. You couldn’t do much more as the waiter comes back with the bill. 
Bucky doesn’t let you see the total as he pulls out a wad of cash from inside his suit, also handing the waiter a very generous tip. Bucky just about acknowledges the waiters thank you before he was getting up and leading you out of the restaurant. 
You’re both giggling when you exit and make your way to the car. Bucky gives you a playful slap on your ass and you run in front of him so that he doesn’t do it again. When you get to the car Bucky twists you. 
He pushes your back up against the car as he kisses you deeply. As your tongues entwine you forget the cold night, his kiss starting a fire in your stomach and between your legs. 
You push him back before your knees become too weak and you open the rear door of the car. You push Bucky inside so that he’s sitting in the back normally. You give a quick glance around before hiking your dress up your thighs and climbing in on top of him. 
As soon as you straddle him and close the door his lips are on you again, travelling from your neck and up to your lips. You take a moment to thank the tinted windows as you moan into Bucky’s mouth. 
You grind down over Bucky’s already hard cock and his growl fills the car. He stops you after a few minutes, “stop teasing, I need to be inside you”. His words flip your stomach and pools at your pussy as you lift up slightly in order for Bucky to undo his trousers. 
When he unleashes his cock, it springs to attention and you waste no time in pulling your panties to one side and sliding down. You moan together, never taking your eyes off each other. You roll your hips slow and hard. 
Bucky manages to get your breasts free and he rolls one nipple between his metal fingers and takes the other between his lips. Your hands tangle in his hair as he sucks the nipple hard. He bites down gently and you both moan loudly as a bolt of pleasure causes your pussy to squeeze his cock. 
He kisses his way up from your breasts to your neck. He sucks softly before murmuring, “you’re so fucking beautiful Baby-Doll”. His metal hand slips between the two of your and you gasp when you feel his finger connect with your clit. 
He circles it as you roll your hips and you feel the pleasure start to build as you whisper, “James…I need more, give me more James”. 
He growls against your skin, more animal than human, as he applies more pressure to your clit. You lose rhythm as he brings you closer and closer to the edge of release. But before you can fall over the edge he stops with a smirk. 
You’re panting now, your legs starting to shake with the pleasure. Bucky takes charge now, lifting you up, your pussy barely on his cock as he starts to thrust up into you. 
He starts slow and increases until he’s thrusting up hard and fast. Moans and groans fall from your lips like drool as they mix with his own. You feel yourself on the edge again and as a result you squeeze Bucky’s cock harder. Its not long before you feel Bucky start to spurt hot cum into you, a violent thrust accompanied with each spurt. 
The feeling of him cumming in you tipped you over the edge of pleasure as you throw your head back. You lean into Bucky as you come down from your high. You rest your head on his shoulder as you both catch your breath. Bucky nuzzles your neck and places kisses over the hickey he gave you as he says, “I should take you out to dinner more often”. You laugh together in the backseat of the car. A perfect end to a perfect night.
WoW Taglist: @a-really-bi-girl @crazyblonde124 @summerwelsh @scuzmunkie @loving-life-my-way @pequenaguaxinim @paranoid-borderline-insane @lilsonbucky @somanyfandomsblog @broco8 @inquisitor-selvala @mad-red @k-n-e @rinkashirikitateku @duhh-danielly @boundtomyfate @kalesrebellion @booktease21 @whatinthyworld @flyingbabyunicornnamedangel @asapkyndall @yaszx @amoredashley @aveatquevale @putinovertime @melimelbean @valsworldofcreativity @lokilokilokilokilokilokilo-blog1 @vesper852
82 notes ¡ View notes
amanda-glassen ¡ 3 years
The Wonder Years: Part 8
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While getting ready for her first school dance, twelve-year-old Olivia starts a path toward discovering who she is truly meant to be. Parts 1-7 can be found under the the tag #alex and liv: the wonder years
Thank you @ghostwritingcabenson​ @imaginaryoperagloves​ @cabensons​ @oliviaswifey​ and my lovely anon for all of your really sweet comments and tags.
Cover courtesy of my tumblr wifey @ghostwritingcabenson​
Seeing the brightly colored frozen yogurt shop put Olivia at ease because it was the setting of some of her best childhood memories and now she was going to experience it with her girlfriend.
Olivia did as Jamie had done for her mom and opened the car door for Alex. That small act of chivalry earned a big smile and a ‘thank you’ from Alex, which made Olivia feel as if she had butterflies in her stomach. 
“Babe, why don’t you take Alex inside?” Jamie suggested. “I want to stay out here and talk to Ollie.” Uh oh.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Serena gestured for Alex to follow her. “We can get first pick of the toppings.”
“Yeah!” Alex said excitedly. “I want chocolate chips and chocolate brownie bites.”
“Is everything okay?” Olivia asked, worried that Jamie had a suspicion that she and Alex were hiding something.
“Everything is fine,” Jamie responded. “This is a good talk, I promise.” She pulled a twenty dollar bill out of her wallet and handed it to Olivia.
“Cool! Twenty bucks!” Olivia folded the money and put it in her pocket. “Thanks, Jamie. I was saving up to buy a-”
“It’s not for you, kid,” Jamie interrupted. “It’s for you to treat Alex.”
Olivia tried to hide her disappointment. “But my mom always pays for frozen yogurt.”
Jamie made a failed attempt at stifling her laughter. “Think about it, kid. What’ll score you more points, you paying for her frozen yogurt or your mom paying?”
“Me, I guess,” Olivia groaned. “There goes my new bat.”
Jamie shook her head and wrapped her arm around Olivia to guide her toward the entrance. “I have so much to teach you, Ollie.”
Alex and Serena were already choosing their toppings when Olivia and Jamie entered the frozen yogurt shop. Olivia noticed that her mom had gotten their usual and she was eager to get the same-chocolate flavored frozen yogurt with Oreo crumbles, gummy worms and Fruity Pebbles-a tradition in the Benson household that they had named Dirt and Worms. 
“Mom, I’ll pay for me and Alex,” Olivia told her once all four cups of frozen yogurt were on the counter and ready to be weighed.
Serena took her debit card out of a pink and white polka dot Kate Spade wallet. “It’s okay, baby, I’ll get it. Save your money for that bat you’ve been wanting.” Olivia noticed her mom and Jamie exchange glances and she hoped Jamie could read her mind because she no longer had the slightest idea what to do. “On second thought, it’s probably not cool for your mom to pay for you on your first date.”
“I got this,” Olivia tried to say as smoothly as she could while she pulled out her twenty dollar bill and placed it on the counter.
“And I’m getting yours,” Jamie told Serena. “You already paid for dinner. We’re supposed to be in an equal partnership here.” After Alex and Olivia’s cups of frozen yogurt were paid for, Jamie inserted her card to pay for hers and Serena’s. 
“I paid for us to eat at Hot Dog On A Stick, not some expensive restaurant,” Serena reminded her. “That’s all we had time for after Barnes & Noble and GameStop.”
Jamie picked up their frozen yogurt cups and carried them over to the table. Olivia figured she should do the same for Alex until she saw Alex already eating brownie bites from her frozen yogurt. Better not take that away from her. “I learned an important lesson today, Ser. If I value my life, I will never attempt to take one of your fries. Is it the same with frozen yogurt?”
Serena scrunched her nose. “Yours is vanilla with strawberries, blueberries, and bananas. No wonder you want to steal some of mine.”
Within seconds of sitting down at the table, Olivia’s phone started to vibrate. It was a text from Elliot confirming he'd be at their secret meeting, but Olivia didn't want to risk her mom seeing a message from her dad come through so she decided to put her phone in her pocket. 
"What's this big science project about?" Serena asked them. "I've never seen an assignment have that effect on Olivia."
Olivia was in the middle of chewing a gummy worm, so she was grateful when her quick thinking girlfriend decided to answer. "It's the end of the year project which is worth 25% of our grade. Mrs. Rodriguez is supposed to give us more details on Monday, but my brother had her class three years ago and he said she lets her students pick the topic. Sometimes that's harder because the possibilities are endless. She also doesn't like us to pick partners because someone could get their feelings hurt if they aren't picked, so she puts us in alphabetical order. If she does that, it's fine because I'll get to work with Olivia. Alphabetically there's no one in between us. We should start brainstorming, Olivia."
The last thing Olivia wanted was to think about a science project that wasn't due for another month, but her girlfriend’s enthusiasm was contagious and the project was the only thing keeping her mom from asking questions about what was actually on her mind.
Olivia felt her phone vibrate again, except this time it wasn’t a text from Elliot or any of her other friends. It was another message from her dad that read, “Hey Sport. Wanna get some pizza tomorrow?”
“Who’s that, baby?” her mom asked her. 
“Just Elliot,” Olivia said nonchalantly. “He’s asking if I’m still coming over tomorrow to watch the game. I have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”
Olivia was grateful that the bathroom was a single stall so nobody could follow her in there. She pulled out her phone from her back pocket immediately after locking the door behind her and started to respond to her dad. “Yeah can we go to Another One Bites the Crust? That’s my favorite. I can meet you there at 1.”
She waited two minutes before another response came through. “Daddy/daughter day tomorrow at 1. They have those rotating basketball hoops outside. Bring your A-game.”
When she returned to their table, a feeling of guilt hit her hard and suddenly. She occasionally hid things from her mom like when she didn’t tell her she had a girlfriend, but this was the first time she had actually lied to her. It was the worst she had ever felt in her entire life and she knew that lie was only the first of many that she’d tell her mom that weekend.
Serena asked Alex about her siblings and Olivia heard Alex talk about her older brother who was fifteen and nice to her and her younger brother who was almost nine and kind of annoying. Olivia loved to hear Alex talk about her home life and her friends and her favorite movies and TV shows, but that night her mind was on her dad and how much fun the two of them were going to have the next day eating pizza and playing basketball.
“Do you have any brothers and sisters?” Alex asked Serena.
With Serena distracted by Alex’s question, Jamie took it upon herself to attempt to steal a gummy worm, but her attempt was soon thwarted by Serena gently smacking her hand. “Hey! Nope. Hands off my worms. If you wanted gummy worms, you should have added some to your frozen yogurt.”
Olivia handed Jamie a couple of her own gummy worms. “Here, Jamie. You can have some of mine. I have a whole bunch.”
Jamie took the worms and held them up to show Serena. “Unlike you, your kid actually shares.”
“What can I say?” Serena smirked. “My kid is better than me. That means I’ve succeeded as a mom.” She held Jamie’s hand on top of the table before turning to Alex. “Sorry, Alex, before we were so rudely interrupted by my gummy worm thief, I was going to tell you that my brother Kyle is two years younger than me and my sister Lexie is one year younger than me. The three of us are really close, like best friends. Kyle and I live in the same building, but Lexie moved back to California after college. She lives in Santa Monica now.”
“Lexie Benson is your sister?” Alex asked, wide eyed and completely in disbelief. “Lexie Benson, the YouTuber? I’ve seen every single one of the videos on her YouTube channel! She does these really funny videos where viewers can request what era or theme they want and she does these in-character spoofs about-” Alex started to blush. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this. She’s your sister so you know all about her channel and her videos. Wait, I think I’ve even seen you in some of them!”
“Yeah, she’ll force me every time I go out to Santa Monica,” Serena smiled at her. “And don’t apologize for getting excited over something. I’ll tell Lexie about you next time I talk to her.”
“Babe, your phone,” Jamie told her as she looked down at Serena’s phone and noticed an incoming video call. 
“It’s my mom,” Serena groaned. “If I don’t answer, she’s going to keep calling.” She swiped across the screen to answer. “Hi, Mom. I’m out right now with Olivia, do you mind if I-”
“Where’s my grandbaby?” Mrs. Benson interrupted her. “I want to talk to her.”
Serena handed the phone to Olivia. “Hi, Grandma!” Olivia said excitedly. “Wanna see my girlfriend Alex? She’s having frozen yogurt with me. Me and her went on our first date tonight.”
“Hi, Mrs. Benson,” Alex said after scooting closer to Olivia. “Pleased to meet you.”
“You’re adorable!” Mrs. Benson responded. “And so well mannered. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Alex. So, tell me, how is my grandbaby on a date? Does she hold open the door and pull out your chair?”
“She’s a perfect gentleman and she’s so cute and sweet and she got me a rose and frozen yogurt tonight,” Alex beamed. “I like Olivia so much.”
Olivia felt butterflies in her stomach and she wanted nothing more than to kiss Alex if they were alone. “Doesn’t Alex look like a princess?” Olivia asked.
“She looks like Princess Grace,” Mrs. Benson told her granddaughter. “She could be a classic Hollywood starlet. And you look so handsome and grown up, my darling grandbaby.”
“Jamie cut my hair,” Olivia said excitedly.
“Jamie,” Mrs. Benson said in a teasing tone of voice, hoping Serena would hear. “Tall, dark, and handsome, herself, the one woman I would consider switching teams for.”
“Mom,” Serena groaned and Olivia couldn’t help but laugh when her mom put her head down on the table in embarrassment.
Olivia handed the phone over to Jamie. “Hi, Melanie. You’re looking beautiful as always. Where are you? I can see the sunset behind you. Are you on vacation?”
“Oh, no, I’m just on our rooftop,” Mrs. Benson said nonchalantly. “Didn’t my daughter tell you about the beach house in Malibu?”
Serena took the phone from Jamie. “I have to go now, Mom. Alex has to get home soon.”
“Not so fast,” Mrs. Benson told her. “Since you neglected to tell me when your spring break was, I looked it up on Columbia’s website and saw that it’s the week after next. I’m booking your flight to LAX. You can bring Jamie so I can finally meet her in person and my grandbaby can bring her little girlfriend and before you object and say you had something planned for my grandbaby, I will save you the effort and say nothing you can plan in that gloomy state you insist on living in is as much fun as the kids will have at the beach and at Disneyland.”
“Disneyland!” Alex said excitedly. “I’ll ask my mom if I can go as soon as I get home.”
Olivia’s dream of riding the teacups together and buying Alex a pair of sparkly Minnie Mouse ears could finally come true. “Please, Mom. Please can we go? I’ll do anything.”
“Don’t be the bad guy, Serena,” Mrs. Benson told her daughter. “I can hear how happy the kids are.”
“It’s 9:45 over here, Mom,” Serena said in a frustrated tone of voice. “I have to hang up now so we can take Alex home. Bye, Mom. I love you. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Serena set her phone on the table and then turned to face Jamie. “One thing I hate about smartphones is that you can’t angrily close them when you wanna hang up on someone. Nothing gave me more satisfaction as a teenager than hanging up on my mom with my pink bedazzled Motorola Razr phone whenever she nagged me about something like she is right now. She completely undermines my parenting every chance she gets. What if I had something planned for Ollie?”
“At least you knew how to use that phone because, apparently, you can’t use this one,” they heard Mrs. Benson say. “I’m still on the line, Serena. I’m booking your flight and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
Olivia looked across the table at her flustered mom and at Jamie who was trying to contain her laughter. The short interaction with her grandma had made all of her negative feelings go away. Tomorrow, she’d spend the afternoon with her dad and, as long as they could convince Mr. and Mrs. Cabot, she’d soon be at Disneyland with the love of her twelve-year-old life.
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my-brothers-corrupted ¡ 3 years
Book Four - Part 8
Red's made the decision to sneak away and take Dok and Blue to the closest hospital, but Dapper and Trick are too closely-watched to come with, and end up facing new dangers back at home.
Tws for illness, hospitalization, mild gore (infected wound), kidnapping, violence, and aggressive reaction to being triggered.
Part 8 - The Invasion
bupine asked: you're going to the hospital? without you know who's knowledge? is that... safe?
“Nope,” says Red.
He scoops Blue into his arms. His twin barely stirs.
“Come on, Dok-Dok, stop staring and get moving.”
“Isn’t coming with us. You know that. Go.”
Dok gets shakily to his feet and moves towards the stairs, scooping a camera to his chest for comfort and glancing back at Red. But Dok is trained to obey Red even in the old days - and now, it’s like some new surety has come over his oldest brother.
“Red, are you… are you sure, are you…?”
“Go, Dok. Quickly now.”
nikkilbook asked: Oh, good man, Jackie.
“Watch for me. He’s distracted by Dapper for now, but if he notices he’ll come get us.”
bupine asked: who are you taking, then?
This, at least, makes Red hesitate, sending a flash of pain through his face. He turns away from you and begins moving up the stairs.
“Just these three. This isn’t about escape, right now, not yet. But I think Dok and Blue could die if I don’t get them out of here. Today. If we have to come back, then we have to come back, but I can’t just stay here and wait for the morning that Blue doesn’t wake up.”
Red is nervous. You can see it in the thrumming of his heart, fierce enough to make the inside of his palm pulse in time. He rocks endlessly.
bupine asked: won't he kill you for this, red? is there anything we can do to help?
“I thought he might, maybe, but… I don’t know, he’s my…”
Red grits his teeth. He has to stop thinking of Anti as family as if that means anything. Anti was the one who told him it doesn’t - now it’s time for Jackie to start believing him.
“Would it be better to wait? Did he say he’d kill Dok soon? I don’t want to leave the others behind if you think they’re in trouble too. I don’t know. I’m just scared. Seems I always am. Maybe I just feel like I need to act on it.”
bupine asked: trick was given two days to take the necklaces off dok, red. otherwise anti will kill dok. he threatened your little brother. we saw the whole thing. dok's in a lot of danger.
Ro closes his eyes. He wants to be angry like when he squeezed Jack, but the anger’s gone to sleep, and now he’s just afraid - and determined, too.
“Okay,” he mumbles. “Thank you for telling me. I - let’s go before I change my mind. If we get caught, I hope it’s me he comes after instead of them.”
“And the monster in the woods?” whispers Blue.
Red blinks, smiling down at him. “I didn’t realize you were awake.”
“I’m dizzy even when I’m lying down…”
Red clutches him to his chest. “Don’t worry about the monster. I’ll… I’ll handle it. Okay? Just rest.”
After all, Red was there when Anti made the game. And the monster, he knows, only needs one of them.
bupine asked: red. what are you going to do?
“Well, let’s see whether or not they catch us first, and then we’ll worry about that. What, you think I know what I’m going to do? You think I got a brain somewhere in this skull? Please.”
He grins, but only for a moment.
“Come on, let’s go.”
nikkilbook asked: We’ll be your eyes and your audience, I promise you that.
“Some things don’t change,” answers Ro, checking that a camera is clipped to his sweatshirt. “Nothing much is steady in my life, but some things don’t change.”
He moves up the stairs like Blue’s weight doesn’t mean anything to him. He’ll be exhausted soon enough, but he won’t put him down.
“Hey,” comes a nervous little voice. “Is he doing better? You want enchiladas, Hoodie? Where’d Dok go?”
Red is paralyzed at the top of the stairs. Trick steps closer, checking over Blue, trying to keep his smile up, though Red can see that his little brother is just as close to breaking from the stress as he is.
“Uh,” says Red.
He is not a good liar.
bupine asked: i don't know if it's a good idea to give yourself up to dark, red. especially not if they'll give you back to anti after. it could be even worse if they won't. you can't really be ready to sacrifice yourself with those risks?
“I guess… better the devil you know,” admits Red reluctantly, glancing at the stairs.
“What?” asks Trick.
“Oh. Nothing. Um.”
“Trick,” says a small voice.
Trick turns to his twin. Dok stands behind him, his hands held in front of him, his eyes wide.
“Hey! You snapped out of it a little! There’s my guy.”
Trick wraps his brother in a hug, pressing their heads fondly together. “Wanna come get some dinner?”
“Can you go dish me some up?” asks Dok frailly. “And I’ll… I’ll be right there.”
“Okay.” Trick kisses his hair. “Sure thing. I’ll get you some more coffee too and we can just hang out all night.”
Dok touches his cheek as he pulls away. Ro recognizes the look in his eyes - like Dapper when he needs something. Puppy dog.
“Thanks for looking after me.”
“I always will,” swears Trick, turning back to smile at him as he goes. “You know I got your back. No matter what.”
He returns to the kitchen. Red looks at Dok.
Dok stares at the floor.
bupine asked: dok, are you alright?
“Let’s go if we’re going,” mutters Dok, stalking towards the front door.
Anonymous asked: Red, what's your plan, if you don't mind saying? What's happening next?
“Don’t know. Let’s get out to the main road and flag down a car. Somebody has to take us if they see how ill Blue is - or I’ll fuck them up if they try to hurt us and carry him as far as I need to. I’ve killed men for less. We’ll go quiet through the forest if we can. I know the path since we drove in here. That blue and red thing doesn’t have cameras like Anti does, so I don’t know how it would see us unless it got lucky. We’ll hide at the hospital until Anti comes to get us or we can come back to look after the others. Dap and Trick will be okay for a few days… I hope. I don’t think Anti will hurt them soon. But Blue needs a hospital. They will be able to do something to help, right, Dok?”
“Sh, keep your voice down,” pleads Dok, scared of being found by both Anti and Trick. “Yes, I hope. At least they might tell us what’s going on. I worry that Blue’s body and Anti’s body are both having the same problem - while Anti’s causes him strange symptoms and the blood he coughs up, I think it’s because, metaphysically, he’s housing a magic that isn’t his. Blue’s reacting in a human way - his body is used to having the magic present. Now that it isn’t, it’s causing him problems. Like his cells don’t know if this is him or not.”
Red shifts on his feet. “You make it sound like cancer or something.”
“More like an autoimmune disease, theoretically. Let’s just get him to a hospital.”
Anonymous asked: We'll watch over Dap and Trick, yeah. Are you gonna go now?
There’s a slight click as a door opens upstairs. All three of them go dead still, eyes wide.
“Yeah, we’re going now,” says Red, and he yanks open the door, and he’s gone.
Anonymous asked: dok, you okay?
“No,” says Dok.
He follows after his brothers. That torn white coat swishes behind him.
“But we’re working on it. I’m not standing still today.”
Anonymous asked: blue, how are you doing? are you present right now?
“I’m feeling much better than earlier. Still super dizzy. But Red doesn’t have to carry me.”
“Tell that to Red,” Red answers shortly, not letting him go. They sneak along the path down the road, the trees whispering on wind and flickering with dappled evening light.
Anonymous asked: red, you alright? and do you know how much farther it is?
“Oh, it is a ways,” says Red, drawing the word out. “A waysssss. Couple miles.”
“Ugh,” grumbles Dok, trailing after him. Red turns to smirk at him. Dok is in a t-shirt with holes and somebody’s football shorts. His shoes are old sneakers, worn down thin enough that the rocks and sticks cut at his feet.
“You’ve had worse, Deutsch.”
“You know that thing is going to catch us, right, Red?”
Red doesn’t answer. Dok shoves his hands in his pockets, kicking anxiously at stones. “At least the cameras said they have doctor.”
Anonymous asked: Well. Guess we're in a game of Truth or Dare now.
“A game of Truth or Dare?”
A low voice slides over the image of Red, Blue, and Dok making their way down the path.
“I’d love to play. I love games. And you and I - aren’t we always playing games? With mirrors, with smoke?”
“With bodies, with hearts?” offers Dark’s echo, a soft hiss behind their words. Their viscous colors drip down your screen and saturate the image in blue and red.
“Look,” they muse. “They stepped outside of the monster’s protection. Easy to get into cameras then, isn’t it, Gigi?”
The gleam of square glasses and a flash of bright blue.
“Seems a little trio of your pets have slipped away… leaving another two behind. How… enticing.”
“How delicious.”
“I gave you a chance to send one of them out to me. You didn’t listen. It’s just how you work, I suppose. You never listen to me until it’s too late, do you? But never mind… I’ll give you one more chance. Out of respect for the games we play over and over and over again…”
Dark appears on your screen, in a wash of black and white. Long black hair curls like ribbon down their spine. Their white and beautiful face is rotting.
“When we act tonight, where will we go, old friend? I’ll let you choose. Either way, I act… I am not standing still. Decide.”
Dark should attack the house and try to take Dapper or Trick.
Oct. 15 2020
9 notes
Dark should take the forest path and try to take Dok, Blue, or Red.
Oct. 15 2020
5 notes
nikkilbook asked: Have you ever actually said what it is you’re planning on doing with them if you take them? Because after Poker Night, I’m not inclined to plau games I don’t understand.
“The illusion of choice is the only thing that keeps you playing,” answers Dark in a sneer that shows a flash of white bone. “And even if we were playing a game you did understand… well, old friend. You were never very good at bluffing.”
Anonymous asked: Well if your mind is made up, I guess circumstances are the best they can be for something my like this. Good luck, keep your eyes open. And if you come across Dark again, I think your best chance might be Dok and whatever "immunity" (for lack of a better word) he has that prevented him from being manipulated. Stick together please!
“We are together, aren’t we, bud?” Ro turns back to look at his little brother.
“Hey,” says Dok. “What’s that you were calling me earlier?”
Ro blinks and flushes ruddy. “Oh. Schneep?”
“Schneep,” repeats Dok.
They trail down the forest path together. Butterflies and the cool of the creek. Dok plays with the ravens on his breast - his immunity from Dark’s manipulation.
“Yes,” he says. “We’re together. I’m with you.”
Anonymous asked: Dok, Ro, if Dark comes for you, do you think you could make some kind of deal with them to get Anti's blood to possibly give Blue his magic back like it said in that book? Just a thought.
Dok looks up, blinking.
“Mmh. Maybe? Do they love Anti? Are they mean? What do I have that they would want? It has to be enough for them to kill Anti. Or that’s what it sounded like in the story about the girl and the samurai.”
Red glances back at his brother, frowning. “Dark can’t kill Anti,” he says.
“How do you know?”
Ro purses his mouth. “Just trust me. I been talking to some people.”
Dok does trust him. Soon they will reach the road. Last chance to turn back.
Henrik is asleep on his shoulder.
Or Schneep. Schneep. He repeats the name in his head. Uses it as anchor to something he doesn’t remember. Anything to hold him down in the middle of this chaos.
He supposes it’s quiet enough in here for Schneep to sleep, so that’s something, but the buzzing of the lights is killing him, and all he can think about - all he can think about - is his twin alone as they take blood tests and ask him question after question about his symptoms and shove him into machines for tests. He can see his fragile little body now. A long sigh escapes him. He tries to sit still so Schneep can rest.
The radio is playing above him. At least that can help distract him, maybe, a little. He thinks this is Ariana Grande. He can’t tell. It’s one of those stations that just plays anything anyone has ever liked.
“Mh, mh, nein,” croaks Schneep, tugging at his sleeve in his sleep. “Mhhhh, hurts.”
Ro tries to ignore the glances from the old woman sitting four chairs away, biting down on his lip. Anything to distract him. Anything to distract him. Lately all his thoughts are miserable and upsetting, and he misses Max and the feeling of safety. He just wants them all to be okay.
The radio switches songs. Ro runs his hands over the soft belly of his sweatshirt. His blue sweatshirt. Max bought it for him. He loves this sweatshirt. Max should be here. He would be holding his hand right now and calling him Jackie. And Blue would be okay, and everything would be -
“Are you okay?” mumbles Schneep, rubbing at his eyes. Ro realizes his leg is bouncing so hard it shakes his whole body.
“Yeah,” he says quickly. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” says Schneep. “I’m just glad to wake up away from that house. Where Anti can’t kill me in my sleep.”
Ro looks over at him as Kelly Clarkson plays on the radio. His little brother’s body is stiff beneath his arm.
“Do you need to see a doctor too, Dok? Are you hurting?”
“I was going to ask you that. Anti beat you last night.”
“One bad cut is all. You’ve always taken care of my cuts. I’m okay.”
“Tough,” says Henrik softly, closing his eyes again.
Ro grins at him. “If I’m tough, you’re unbreakable. I don’t think I’m ready to know what Anti’s been doing to you in that room, Dok. I’m sorry I didn’t - ”
“Don’t,” Schneep interrupts him quietly. “Don’t… don’t apologize. We have to stop feeling like anything he does to us is under our control. We just have to keep trying to get away.”
It’s hard for Ro to concentrate on what he’s saying when the radio host is reading out local birthdays at the exact same time, but he tries.
“Tell you what,” says Henrik. “Why don’t you get your laptop out? You can code a little, right? Don’t need internet for that, so Anti can’t see, I think. You can just get lost in it like you do.”
“Too lost in it,” chuckles Ro. “It’ll be all I can think about. I love programming. But I need to be here for Blue if he needs - ”
The song on the radio changes.
Ro feels every muscle in his body go tight.
He feels his blood stiffen and his heart scream. He feels his fingernails dig into his palms. He feels his pulse pounding in his throat so hard it’s choking him.
“Red?” says Dok, touching his shoulder. “Hoodie?”
And then Red hears himself screaming.
“Turn this song off! Turn this song off! Turn this fucking song off! Stop it stop it stop it! Leave us alone leave us alone! Turn this fucking song off!”
The old woman gives a cry as he tears a chair across the room and screams aloud, stalking towards the receptionist, who grabs, wide-eyed, at the telephone next to her hand. “Red, Red!” cries Dok. “Stop it!”
“Stop stop stop!” screeches Ro, grabbing the edge of the desk. “Don’t play that! Don’t sing that! You can’t wear my brother’s body like that! You can’t hurt my little brothers! I don’t want to hurt him, I don’t want to go, I don’t want to be good, don’t play that song, turn it off turn it off turn it off!”
The receptionist manages to slam the right button on her computer at last and the loudspeakers go silent.
Red is holding a broken pen in his hand, the red ink leaking into his palms. He stands shuddering, staring straight ahead, tasting vomit in the back of his throat.
“Red, Red,” calls Dok, and it’s his little brother who’s shaking now, Dok’s whole chest trembling and heaving with the fear that when Red lashes out, he will lash out at him, just like he used to when he still let Anti direct his violence and his breakdowns. But he doesn’t want to be scared of him anymore. Ro knows because he feels Dok’s hand land on his shoulder and begin dragging him towards the door.
Red sobs with terror and confusion. He doesn’t know how that one song can inspire a reaction like that in him. It isn’t like his meltdowns. He knows the difference. There was no sensation build-up, no gradual overwhelming or sudden influx of stimuli. There was just a song change, and the song made him afraid.
“What’s wrong with me?” he screams, as Dok yanks him out towards the backalley of the hospital before security can come and start asking questions. “Why do I always feel like this? Why can’t I stop having nightmares? I’m scared of everything now. This isn’t who I am. This isn’t Jackie. Jackie wasn’t scared of anything. Everybody says he was a hero. I can’t be that person anymore. Just a coward.”
He sinks onto his knees, rocking himself like he always rocks himself to go to sleep, gripping uselessly at the knee of Dok’s pants. Dok sinks onto the ground beside him. Ro can feel him trembling.
Neither of them have any answers anymore.
In his head, Ro can still hear Anti singing that song in the stolen car on a road in Peru, laughing in Blue’s body while the rest of them broke into pieces around him.
“Take me home, country roads, to the place I belong! West Virginia, mountain mama! Hahaha, can you believe they’re playing this?”
He cries into his right hand and strikes cold concrete with the left, leaving red ink stains across the earth. He hurt Dapper that day. He abandoned Blue. He was torn away from his family while the jungle burned around him.
And he still wanted to go back to Anti.
“We have to go,” he sobs. “We have to go. Why have I defended him for so long? When did we let this become normal? When did I let him make me that cruel and that obedient? I was like a kicked dog for him. I hit the rest of you for him. How did I ever justify any of this?”
He hears Dok panting besides him. He doesn’t know if he’s crying or just scared. He’s sorry for lashing out. He’s so sick of being someone who causes them pain.
“Fuck, I love you,” he cries, digging his fingers into the filthy concrete, feeling the dirt build beneath the white crescents of his nails. “He threatened to kill you. He stole Blue’s magic. He beat Dapper til he passed out yesterday. I have to make this stop.”
“Oh, please,” begs Dok. “Yes. Red, protect me.”
Ro looks up at the sound of his voice breaking and sees Dok staring back at him, his eyes hot with tears and his face contorted. Dok lunges forward to press himself against his chest, shaking there between his arms.
For weeks now, it’s just been him and Blue, and he’s had to be the strong one. Anti’s hatred has come down on his head in steel and blood, and he has taken it, because the others needed him to and Dapper asked him not to stop fighting. He has taken it because he saw the fear in his eyes and knew that he was the one who had to do something about it, and Blue has been too ill to help him.
“I need you,” whispers Henrik. “Ro, I need you. Don’t make me fight on my own any longer. Protect me. Protect me.”
And this - this. Those words? That plea?
Ro can say what he wants about Jackie being dead, but I tell you now, reader -
Jackie breathes at the sound of those words.
Jackie breathes.
“Okay,” he whispers back. “Okay. I promise.”
“You promise, you promise, you promise,” chants Henrik, trembling against his ribs. “Don’t let him change your mind again like he always does. Don’t let him make you forgive him. Never again. Never, never, never.”
“Never,” repeats Jackie. “Never. Okay. When we go home… when we go back to that house to get the others and go, no more forgiving.”
“No more forgiving,” prays Henrik. “No more. Protect me.”
The air outside the hospital is warm and clear. The alley opens towards the light of the city around them. Wind stirs his hair, and yes, yes, yes - Jackie breathes.
“Don’t cry,” says Anti.
Trick stands shaking in the doorway of the house, clinging to the gun in his hand.
“Anti,” he chokes. “He was here one moment, and then he was just - they all were, they just - ”
“You didn’t see Dark?”
“No, not for a second. I don’t know how they got in the house.”
Anti stares out at the forest. His eyes are black to take in the dying light.
“Something’s wrong,” you hear him mumble.
“What, yeah, that my siblings just disappeared?” sobs Trick, sinking down on the porch, tears welling in his eyes at the thought of Dok taken away from him again, again, again.
“Not like Dark to take anything quietly,” Anti whispers to himself, stepping farther away from the home. “They would have made an entrance. They would have mocked me. That was always half the fun - the show we put on for each other. They would have thrown it in my face that they stole one of mine. And Red’s firewall is still standing - so how did Gigi shut down my cameras?”
The crickets in the forest are all that answers him. He steps back, uneasy.
“Don’t cry,” he repeats. “Dark wouldn’t hurt something that belongs to me.”
“Anti, can’t you go make them give them back?”
“Just calm down while I try to figure this out,” mutters Anti, pulling him back into the house. “Go hide upstairs with your brother.”
Trick shudders out a sigh, casting his eyes towards the forest one more time, like Dok will come racing back to him. Anti pushes his spine gently and he heads up the stairs, shaky and frightened.
“Where’d you go?” whispers Anti towards the forest, a hand faltering to rest over his heart. “Don’t do this to me again.”
When they’re here, when they’re close, or at least when he knows that they’re close - that’s when he knows nothing will hurt him.
He thought that Dark knew that too.
“Something’s not right,” he repeats to himself, backing into his house, and his pitch eyes flicker up to you.
“Keep watch,” he spits. “Since you let them slip away earlier. Something is wrong.”
Anonymous asked: trick, we're going to do our best to take care of you and your brothers, okay? we'll do our best to keep you all as safe as possible.
He glances over before racing to the big window upstairs and staring out at the woods. He bites his lip and turns back to you, shrugging, but he’s trying to keep it together and he’s scared that if he opens his mouth he’ll cry. He hates being a crybaby, but it seems like the longer his life goes on the more things upset him. Lately, he can’t even remember why half the time.
But at least you’ve got his back.
He flops down on the bed with a sigh and only then notices that the lump in the bed is actually his little brother tucked in on himself and covered entirely in blankets. This, at least, startles Trick out of his fear for a second. He plucks the covers away from Dapper’s face and grins quietly at him, but Dapper doesn’t respond even when the blankets come away.
“Hey,” whispers Trick, shaking his shoulder. “Hey, maybe you could go back and stop Dark from getting them?”
Dapper’s fingers rise to pluck at Trick’s hand for a second, but he doesn’t open his eyes, his face scrunching up as though in pain.
“Leave me alone,” signs his little brother, torn between irritation and exhaustion. “Lemme sleep, C.”
He burrows down deeper into his blankets. His eyes are shadowed in purple, his cheek stained in brown and yellow bruises.
“Hey, hold on, Dap, you don’t look so - whoa.”
“Lemme alone.”
“Dapper, you’re burning up.”
Anonymous asked: You really think we'd tell you anything is something happened? Sure, we'll keep watch on the last two you have but certainly not because you asked for it. Trick probably need someone to tell him it'll be okay... and I doubt you'd be of any help for him.
“Please,” growls Anti, eyes narrowing like a cat’s. “Jack made him a sycophant even worse than the rest because he needed someone to be his little substitute. His tortured protagonist. I can make him think anything I want to. I could light him on fire and tell him it was all going to be alright, and you know what? He would let himself fucking burn.”
Anonymous asked: hey, dap, jamie, you doing alright? you okay? we're worried about you.
“I just want to go to bed,” he says, and now his hands are whining, slow, languidly exhausted signs falling off his fingers. “Bed, bed, bed.”
“I need to check your fever.”
“No, no, no.”
“Look, I get you’re tired, but - ”
“I’m not tired, I’m just - just - just let me sleep! I’m sick of being awake and my side is killing me…”
Trick sits on the bed beside him and pulls his shirt up, finding his ribs colored a stunning variety of watercolor hues and deep black. “Shit, man. How’d this happen?”
“You don’t even remember what I say the day after,” complains Dapper, eyes flickering. Trick touches his face again and feels sweat at his hairline. “Your brain is all scattered and he washes away anything that hurts. You’re not my C.”
Trick rolls his eyes. Dok was always better at understanding him when he was in one of his weird moods. “It’s Trick, Dap. I’ll get you some water and a cold washcloth. You’ll be okay.”
He gets up and then flinches and pauses at the window.
“Thought I saw something moving,” he mumbles. “Hey, what’s the gameplan if someone does try to get in the house? Red’s… not here like he usually is.”
Bad things happen when Red is gone, that’s what Trick has discovered. Even before Blue was apart of their family, he remembers that Red was gone the day Dok got shot and the day that Dapper snapped.
Anti protects them when the chips are down, tearing their enemies apart with dog’s teeth and knife in hand, but Red is their family’s security. Trick’s fingers play with his handgun as he gets a cup of water for his little brother.
Anonymous asked: You're not helping your situation at all by bragging about how deep you've burrowed yourself in Trick's head. Why don't you go search for Dark instead? Maybe they'll be of actual help, or perhaps you'll end up bloodied and beaten in the forest
“Both options are far more fun than talking to the lot of you,” snips Anti, deciding to be petty tonight. “But I don’t want to give them an opportunity to send their little soldiers into the house. I guess I can transport back pretty fast as soon as I see something on the cameras, though…”
He tilts his head back and forth, thinking, and moves back into the lawn, looking out at the forest.
“Really, I hope they haven’t just scooped them up and run. I was really hoping Dark would make me stop feeling so - hmph.”
He seems to remember that he’s irritated with you and cuts himself off, flipping his knife as he steps towards the forest.
“Hey! That was lame if you just grabbed them, Pangur Dubh, I hope you know. No panache at all, you ancient bastard.”
Anonymous asked: Uhh, Trick, how confident are you in your ability to keep dapper safe? I feel like there's some high possibility something will happen tonight
Trick sits against the head of the bed, Dapper resting beside his thigh, a washcloth draped over his forehead and eyes. He clutches his gun on the other side of his hip, his free hand resting on his brother’s head, his clear blue eyes fixed on the doorway.
“I don’t know,” he mumbles. “But if anyone tries to come through that door who shouldn’t…”
He fingers the safety, letting out a slow breath through his teeth.
“They already took the others,” he whispers. “We can’t let them get us too. I hope they’re all okay. Blue’s not well and - ”
Was that creaking on the floor downstairs? His fingers tighten against Dapper’s hair, his heart picking up in his chest.
“Scared?” asks Dapper distantly, but for once Trick interprets the motion of his hands as earnest rather than teasing.
“No, bud, no, it’s okay.”
“Take you somewhere nice,” signs Dapper, pushing his washcloth aside to look up at him.
“Your eyes are all glazed. How are you feeling?”
“Take you back somewhere nice…”
“To a time when you were happy?”
“Don’t talk about time travel right now, dude. Look how sick you are. How’d you get a fever? You never leave the house.”
“My stitches are hot…”
Trick frowns, reaching for his wrist, last bandaged two days ago, but Dapper pulls it away to grab at his clock.
“Take you somewhere nice,” he repeats dreamily.
“Dapper, you don’t have to - Dap!”
There’s a flash of silver in his little brother’s eyes.
“Hey, don’t try anything right now, you - Dapper? Hey!”
Instead of time traveling, Trick sees Dapper’s face contort with pain and confusion a second time, and for a second not only are his eyes silver, but his hair is a vivid teal and his clothes change. Trick yelps in alarm - but a second later Dapper is back to how he was, only with fresh distress in his eyes.
“You’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay,” chants Trick, touching his shoulder. “Don’t try anything again, Carver, dammit. You scared me.”
“Can’t… can’t think straight…”
“Well, that’s why you can’t time skip or anything like that. Lie still, okay? Just lie still and we’ll be okay. Shit.”
Red and Blue gone. No Dok to watch his back. Dapper out of commission. Another long, calming breath fills his lungs, but his fingers tremble.
Anonymous asked: Trick, don't tell me you've already forgotten what Anti did to them... Dapper is bruised and beaten because of Anti. Because he was angry and violent and he wanted to hurt them. No other reason. Don't let him play with your head like he always brags about doing.
“Oh,” says Trick, stopping short. “Oh, yeah. He did go off, didn’t he? Can’t believe Dapper would crack a rib just from getting tossed around. I need to talk to Dok about that. Not normal.”
“You do think for yourself a little bit still,” signs Dapper wearily, though he looks pleased.
scunneredzombie asked: Anti left Dapper sitting in a filthy bathtub an entire night with open wounds. It's entirely possible he has a blood infection, Trick. That would explain his fever and the wound being “hot”
“Fuck, haven’t you been cleaning it?”
“I don’t know… chained up. Dok cleans me up when I’m hurt.”
“Fuck, fuck. Dapper, don’t you have, like, teeth marks in your wrist?”
Trick pulls Dapper’s wrist out of its bandaging. Dark’s bites ooze something sticky, the stitches torn into bits of thread. The heat of the wound is matched a moment later by a stinging, putrid smell.
Dapper fades dizzily against his pillows, panting a little.
Trick curses to himself yet again, pushing at his hair. “I’ll get antiseptic and floss.”
“Don’t! I don’t want you to go. I don’t want Dark to come take me away.”
“Anti said Dark can’t come into the house.”
“Dark has soldiers. Don’t go. There’s - ”
A noise on the stairs cuts them both off. That, Trick knows immediately, was no creaking of the house.
Downstairs, a hand wraps around one of the cameras and raises you up - and then crushes the camera in one motion, leaving one of your viewpoints black.
“If I can’t hack it,” comes a cool voice. “I’ll just deal with it the old-fashioned way.”
Dark’s soldiers are here.
And in the forest, in the trees -
“Good evening, little monster.”
“Dark,” whispers Anti, and a white smile cuts across his face. “Hi.”
Anonymous asked: Hey, Trick, we're here, okay? I know we've had our differences, but we don't want any of you hurt. We can keep an eye out from the cams. We've got your back.
Trick gets Dapper up first.
Slinging his little brother’s arm over his shoulder, he pulls him from the bed despite Dapper’s tongue clicking in miserable protest and leads him over to the walk-in closet, pulling open the door and setting him down in the corner, piling clothes up around him. Dapper looks up at him with exhausted, fevering eyes, rubbing at a reddened nose.
“Stay quiet,” whispers Trick. “I’ll guard.”
Dapper reaches for him, but Trick just presses a camera into his hands.
“It’s going to be okay. They said they’ll watch out for us. They’re watching the cameras. Nothing will sneak up on us. Just stay quiet.”
Dapper takes the camera. Trick closes the door behind him and creeps to the door of the room, standing against the wall, hidden from view, Dok’s handgun clutched between his fingers.
Anonymous asked: trick, dap, stay together, okay? we're gonna try to protect you, but i don't know how successful we'll be. try to stay calm though, okay? and hold on to each other if anything happens, it'll be grounding.
“Oh, shit, sorry,” laughs Trick in a frantic, whispered giggle. “I didn’t see you say to stay with him. But I’ll stay up here in this room. Not going anywhere.”
He lets out a low breath, closing his eyes for a second.
“Not letting anything happen to him.”
It’s an odd situation for Trick. It’s rare for him to be made the protector. He supposes he’s always been Dapper’s older brother, but it’s never really felt that way - or, at least, not for a long time.
“But I am,” he mumbles. “I am his big brother.”
He steadies himself beside the doorway.
Anonymous asked: dark? what are you doing?
Red eye, blue eye.
Their gaze flickers over to you.
“Don’t look at them,” laughs Anti. “Look at me.”
Anti moves in front of the camera view from the back of the house, and even from several feet away, you can see the way he bounces on his heels, hear the deep purr beneath his voice, feel the heat of his excitement.
“And what would I be looking at then?” asks Dark coolly, broad shoulders shifting as they move slightly forward.
“Guess,” says Anti.
“You smell like a human,” answers Dark.
“You cut me deep, Dubh.”
And Anti rushes forward like a wave on a river, and stands so close to Dark he can feel their breath on his beard - trimmed, now, neater than he usually has it. His hair falls into his eyes, making them look dark and beautiful, fiercely blue no matter how Dark’s shadows encompass him, his skin pale and unblemished. He looks at Dark’s mouth and he smiles, fangs growing from his mouth. Blood trickling from his throat.
Dark stares down at him, unflinching, face blank.
“You know what I am,” says Anti, glancing up into their eyes. “Tell me how you did it, then, Dark.”
“Who told you to call me that?”
“What?” Anti laughs, reaching out to touch Dark’s cheek. “Do you prefer ‘baby?’ Sugar? How’d you snatch up all three of the others without me even noticing?”
Dark looks down at him through black eyelashes, tugging once on their cuffs.
“It was easy,” they offer after a moment.
“Show-off,” teases Anti.
Anonymous asked: For lord's sake Trick... It wasn't "from getting tossed around". Anti kicked and beat him until he was just one giant bruise then left him sitting there with crushed, cracked ribs for an entire night, left him to get infected and even more hurt. You... aren't the man you used to be. You aren't the Trick who cared about his family more than anything. You just think whatever Anti tells you to now.
Trick’s face contorts, biting down on his mouth. “Well, what do you know about it?” he spits breathlessly, turning away. “What do you know about ‘the man I used to be,’ and the things he had to become to survive?”
nikkilbook asked: Heeeey Google, how’s it going. Quick point of order, just out of curiosity, what exactly is your objective here?
“Oh, they know it’s you,” pipes up a mocking, cheerful voice. “That’s cute.”
A low growl sounds from a dark shape moving through the living room, though their footsteps are soundless and measured.
“His primary objective - ”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Is to answer questions. Hey, Gigi, what’s a baby hedgehog called?”
A long silence.
Then, begrudgingly:
“A porcupette.”
“His second objective is to destroy humanity, as I understand it.”
“You included.”
“And his third objective - ”
“Is to prevent discord in the household.”
“Meaning that when Dark tells him to do something…”
Google turns to you.
Brown eyes flash red.
He picks up a plate from the dinner table and hurls it into the camera, shattering a mounted view in the corner. Shards of gleaming white porcelain rain down on raven black hair. He does not pause.
“… he does it.”
Google moves towards the stairs.
“But hey, don’t stress,” his companion tells you, drawing a white hood away from thick black hair drawn back in a ponytail. He flexes his broad hands and you make out the gleam of silver knuckles. “He’s not the one you should worry about.”
nikkilbook asked: And which one are you, friend? I’m flipping through my Rolodex of Markifaces, and if you’re who I think you are, shouldn’t you be gone? Two years gone, to be specific?
“Oh, shit!” he laughs. “Hey, we don’t talk about them! They never existed! That was their dying wish. Shhh. Nah, Annus is gone. Too bad, too.”
Anonymous asked: Silver shepherd????
Brown eyes turn to you, a fond smile on his dark mouth.
“Just call me Shep,” he says. “Good to know anybody still remembers.”
Anonymous asked: Aren’t you suppose to be a super hero? You know... a GOOD guy?
“I’m not supposed to be anything,” he replies, and the smile on his mouth is dark and bitter now, a cold shine in his deep eyes. “Except a fucking joke, maybe.”
Anonymous asked: What are you doing here, Shep? Aren't you supposed to be a hero or something? Or well... a joke of one at least
“Yeah,” he says, showing his teeth. “Real funny, aren’t I?”
A faint laugh falters out of him. His eyes glitter. He both hates and craves you.
“Now shut up. I got work to do. Dark asked for something, so I’ll get it. They can have whatever they want from me. They’re the only reason we all got any home at all. And if we sometimes slick our floors in blood and bury corpses in the woods, well - at least I’m telling my own story these days.”
Anonymous asked: Trick, be safe, you should probably hide with Dap. Dark's soldiers are in the house, they're also destroying the cameras.
“I… no, I won’t. I think if they find me, maybe they’ll think I’m the only one home. Or, um. I mean, I’ll stop them! They won’t take either of us. No, I’m going to guard him, I’m sorry…”
For months, it has been the purpose of his life: to wait at the door with a gun in his hand. He will not be moved.
Anonymous asked: Trick, Dok being tortured every night, Blue dying because Anti stole his magic, and Dapper and Rojo have been hurt horribly. Anti caused all of this. Anti caused this pain, all this suffering, everything you've had to survive, everything that warped and broke you. It was him. And now, even now when half of them are dying, you let him use you to play out fantasies of being in control of Jack. He brags about doing anything he wants to you. Make it stop. You're the only one who can.
He doesn’t remember who Jack is, but the thought of being used to fuel Anti’s fantasies about him gives him the creeps enough that you see him shudder, disturbed. He shakes his head like he can shake the truth off. “Just let me focus, dammit.”
Anonymous asked: the cairn that had to be built because of anti, trickshot. without him, there would have been no need for one. he did this to you. wiped your family from your mind. i'm... so sorry he took so much from you.
“Don’t say that,” spits Trick, a real vitriol consuming his features. “Don’t you dare - Anti has never - Anti doesn’t even know that I have those dreams, about having kids in my arms, Anti doesn’t have anything to do with them, they’re the one part of my life that doesn’t have anything to do with him, don’t - don’t even start that, no.”
Anonymous asked: anti's known you all your life, trick. he's the reason your brothers are hurting. it's legitimately all been him. there was a time when you were all happy and no one was dying or miserable or possessed or being tortured or hurt or panything, you were just brothers who were happy and loved each other. anti took your family. took your memories. manipulated and hurt you all. you're the last one of the brothers to see what he's done to you.
“Stop, stop,” begs Trick, putting his hands over his ears, that gun too close to his head. “That’s not true. You’re just liars! You’ve never liked him! You don’t understand… he’s the one who makes things stop hurting…”
Anonymous asked: Don't you remember in Singapore? Anti slapped you, screamed at Blue that he was happy he killed your partner, and you were "lucky he doesn't kill children" and bragged about them being so deep in hiding that you would never see them again. Anti did this. Anti took them from you.
Trick heaves with a dry sob, shaking his head. “No, no, that was a nightmare. It didn’t really happen.”
His cry draws Dapper’s attention and you see the closet door slip open, blue eyes peering out at him.
“G-go back in there,” gasps Trick. “I’m fine.”
Dapper steps over to him, a blanket around his shoulders, and slides down the wall to sit beside him, putting one hand over his gun and holding it gently against the floor.
Anonymous asked: I'll resign, you need to focus for now. But remember my words Trickshot, Chase. You are being used. He brags about you being malleable, and calls you just his pet. Remember my words, Anti does not love you.Your brothers, Dok, Ro, Blue, Dap. They are what matters. Your true family loves you for who you are, for the real you, the real person Anti has buried deep in there. Anti only loves you because you look like the creator he misses.
“They have more messages for you,” says Dapper.
“Later, okay?” gasps Trick, pulling at his hair, trying to steady himself. “Later, I… later. He loves… he… just let me concentrate.”
Dapper doesn’t say anything more, blinking slowly. He slumps wearily down against the wall. “Okay, Trick. Hey…”
“Well, whatever you decide about Anti, the rest of us are pretty damn fond of you.”
Trick gives an exasperated little wheeze of a laugh and touches Dapper’s cheek for a second. “Okay. Thanks. Just rest, little man, you’re starting to go grey.”
Anonymous asked: hey, trick? you have a really strong android and a red-level superhero coming up the stairs. the android, uh, will probably be angry and not very sympathetic? you might be able to reason with the superhero if you find a connection to him. if you have to fight, go for the android first, if you're gonna be diplomatic, focus on the hero. don't give either of them any information, okay?
He covers his mouth with his free hand and tries to steady his gun, but his hands are still shaking, his eyes wet with tears.
“Where?” he signs weakly, trying to peek out towards the stairwell without being seen. Dapper is lying back against the wall, eyes closed.
Anonymous asked: Trick, there's someone in the house. Stay with Dapper, the two of you are stronger together, okay? Don't let them separate you.
There’s someone in the house. There’s someone in the house.
Trick tries to breathe, his free hand resting on Dapper’s shoulder. Don’t let them separate you. His brother is unmoving beneath his palm.
A creak of the floorboards at the bottom of the stairs. Trick aims in the darkness, breathing through his teeth.
Google’s eyes heat the air with a glow of red, just for a moment. Trick can’t see his body at all, just that faint red light, and then it’s gone. His hairs stand up on his arms. There really is someone there. Right there, on the stairs. Silent, silent, but they’re there. Why don’t they breathe? Why don’t they make noise? Are they closer now or farther away? He wants to take a shot, but he wants to stay hidden too.
“Where is Anti?” he chokes.
Anonymous asked: Anti is outside dealing with Dark. Do you want us to try to get him to come back?
“I don’t know what’s going on,” whispers Trick, shadowed as the sun goes down, his eyes wide and his pupils swallowing his irises up. “I don’t know why he thinks this is a game or why he thinks that thing will help us somehow. I’m scared. It’s not a game. I want this to stop.”
And you see, in the darkness of the coming night, another shadow come to stand behind him.
And that shadow rears back -
And slurps very loudly on his martini.
Trick screams aloud. A second later, a gunshot rings out.
“How now!” Wilford protests, staggering back. Blood runs hot and dark from his stomach and Trick screams again. “That, young man, was VERY RUDE. This is my favorite shirt.”
“Anti!” screams Trick.
“Goddammit, Wil,” spits Shep. “What’s the point of sneaking around?”
“Oh, because you were being so quiet, trying to get the camera’s attention. Harumph.”
“Get away from us!” Trick shrieks, writhing. “Dapper, go.”
Dapper curls in on himself, shaking. He isn’t well enough to fight and his head is too fuzzy to be aware of anything but someone who looks like Dark and his brother crying out in fear.
nikkilbook asked: Anti’s busy flirting with Dark in the woods.
“Trick wants me.” Anti turns his attention back to the house, blinking. Dark grabs his wrist and draws him back to their chest.
“I thought you wanted me to look at you,” says Dark.
“Now you’re just playing,” says Anti, pleased. “I know your little boyfriend’s in the house.”
“Well, do you want to go stop him or do you want to talk to me, little monster? I already have three of your other boys.”
“Tell me how you did that! Red would have kicked just about anybody’s ass if they tried to come after him. Who took him? Wil?”
“You’re missing what’s obvious,” answers Dark, tilting their head at him. Anti purrs, eyes flashing as they meet the deep onyx of his gaze. “You should know why they’re not at home right now. I saw. These forests belong to me. But you weren’t watching.”
“You think you’re smarter than me, but you’re soft and you always have been,” grins Anti. “That’s why I’m the one who would have won if we ever got to finish that fight.”
Dark’s eyes flicker. They draw slightly back from Anti, looking at his face.
“What should I call you?” asks Dark.
It’s Anti’s turn to blink, but he recovers himself a second later and laughs, putting a hand on Dark’s shoulder. “You are playing. Good. You can call me a lot of things. I like little monster. When I was just an idea, my creator called me his monster. But I don’t belong to him anymore.”
He runs his hand down Dark’s arm, tilting his head coyly. There is a faint frown on Dark’s mouth.
nikkilbook asked: Shep, what are Dark’s orders? Why do you want the boys?
“Got him, Wil?”
“There’s two here. Hello! How are you today!”
“Get your fucking hands off me!”
“That’s not very nice,” grumbles Wil.
“Dark only needs one, they said.” Silver paces towards the room, grabbing the gun out of Trick’s hand and tossing it aside as Google stands over Dapper, who won’t even look up at him. “And I don’t care why they want him. I think they’re teaching a lesson to someone who tried to challenge them or something. But Dark’s fascinated with anything that’s even close to being a spirit like them, so I’m not surprised they’re interested in whatever the hell is going on here.”
“You and your creepy shadow monster can go eat dirt!”
Wilford is beginning to look truly affronted, his eyebrows shot up comically high. “What a squirmy, angry little squirrel of a man,” he mumbles.
Dapper lashes out without looking and manages to kick Google in the leg. Google doesn’t move. “Which one should we take?”
“We could just take both. Look, they’re little companions,” offers Wilford.
“I don’t care,” says Shep.
“This one is sick,” says Google. “I can feel its raised temperature from here.”
“Well spotted, Gigi. Then take the healthy one.” Wilford lifts Trick up by his shirt.
“Or we take the sick one so Ippy can see him and get him some medicine. His wrist is fucked up and he’s slathered in bruises,” says Shep.
“But the healthy one will be easier for Dark to talk with.”
“Let’s just take both,” says Google.
“That seems cruel.”
“What, we’re just going to lock them up for a while. Who cares? They’re just humans.”
“I’m getting a little bored of this conversation, gentleman,” rumbles Wilford.
“And that, with you, is a dangerous thing,” sighs Shep.
Anonymous asked: Anti... you know there's something off with Dark, right? You can't be that oblivious, without it being on purpose
“Well,” says Anti, with a laugh that comes off as just a little nervous. “We always mess around and stuff. This wouldn’t be the first time they’ve tried to lead me on.”
He shoves playfully at Dark’s shoulder, but Dark doesn’t reciprocate, just looks at him. Anti laughs again, a confused edge to it.
“You’re joking, of course. You know who I am.”
Dark stares evenly across at him, their eyes slightly narrowed. “Of course,” they say finally.
“Yeah,” says Anti, and there’s a real affection in the way his fingers rise to rest against Dark’s cheek. “Hey, uh. I missed you, Pangur Dubh.”
Dark’s expression breaks with shock. Anti draws his fingers away, startled.
“Dark?” he asks.
“What did you just call me?” hisses Dark, grabbing Anti’s wrists. He tries to back away, confused, but Dark just follows after him. “How did you know that name?”
“I - I called you that from the first time we started getting along,” gasps Anti, eyes wide. “Hey, that’s not funny. That’s… that name is just for you.”
But Dark just looks at him, shaking their head now, eyes astonished and wary. “You really are a powerful little mind manipulator,” they growl. “To be looking into things I only hear in dreams.”
“Not funny,” snaps Anti, more aggressive now. “That’s stupid, Dark, cut it the fuck out. You’re being an ass. Get off.”
Dark lets go of his wrists, backing away.
Anonymous asked: Cruel to them or cruel to Anti?
“I do not know who Anti is,” announces Wilford proudly.
“They mean the monster,” says Google. “And listen, this one’s howling for his master to save him.”
Wilford drops Trick and Google takes him by the hair, looking at his face. Trick tries to reach up and get his wrist in a hold, but Google’s hands are immovable no matter how much he tries to twist or scratch, all of Red’s and Anti’s fighting tips failing him against something that feels no pain. “We should take this one so its brain can have a break. The other one will just sleep through the next few days, I expect. Human sicknesses are annoying.”
nikkilbook asked: Hey there, Wilfstache. Welcome to the party. I asked Google this question, but he’s busy being a grumpus. Mind telling me what Dark asked y’all to do tonight? Bonus points for telling me “why.”
“Dark doesn’t have to explain themselves,” guffaws Wilford, turning his attention to Dapper now that Google’s taken an interest in Trick. “Well, hello there, sir, and how are you on this fine evening? That is quite a mess you’ve made of your arm. I ought to have the doctor cut it off. Or do it myself!”
“You leave him alone,” cries Trick. Dapper manages to get to his feet and tries to slip past Wilford to get to his knife, but the intruder hooks powerful arms around his waist and holds him carefully in place.
“Now, now, my dear, we’re not here to hurt you. Anyway, you were asking why. Dark said that they found a monster in the woods and the monster says it owns a time traveler and will lend him to them if we play a little capture the flag with real people. And look!”
He heaves Dapper off the ground by the waist, forcing him to grab at Wilford’s shoulders for balance, trembling against his chest.
“I got the flag!”
Anonymous asked: Oh, great! The reality bender joined the party! Fun times. Hey Wilfy. Trick, may I advise either a tactical retreat or a more diplomatic approach than gun-shooty, seeing as you are both outnumbered and outmatched? Dark's keeping Anti distracted a little longer DESPITE OUR BEST EFFORTS, THE DUMB GLITCH.
Diplomatic approach? “You don’t have to do this,” pants Trick, trying to get a word in edgewise. “Please, just leave us alone. We’re not here to hurt anyone. Anti likes Dark. He’s not trying to actually cause problems. They’re just playing.”
Google stops, glancing over at Trick. “Dark knows that thing? Wil, is that true?”
“Don’t expect Wilford to know anything,” mutters Shep.
“I’m not sure,” says Wil. “They speak about him oddly.”
“What does that mean?”
“I don’t know. Saying they find him interesting, that they haven’t seen anything quite like him, that he looks like Mark’s little European friend. Things like that.”
“That’s who you look like,” gasps Shep. “Holy cow, little Jacksepticeye impersonators. Wow, that’s nuts. He doesn’t do his hair like this anymore, though, that’s why I didn’t notice.”
Google cocks his head at the others. “You’re both slow, even for humans. Their faces are all but identical. These creations are to Jack the same way we are to Mark.”
Shep’s eyebrows raise. He and Wil exchange glances.
“Who’s Mark?” asks Wil.
“Please just leave us alone,” says Trick. “We’re not trying to cause any harm. We’ve had a rough year, okay?”
Anonymous asked: Shepherd, please, sorry, I know you feel like you have to do whatever Dark says right now - please be decent as you can in how you're going about this? You can offer some good here. What does Dark have planned for the one you abduct? Is he going to hurt them? The sick one, Dapper, has a traumatic history with Dark, but it's cruel to leave one of them alone with the spirit Dark came to confront, Anti. Can you do anything? Can you talk to them? Please?
Shep lets out a long sigh, rolling his eyes deeply. The others wait for him to speak.
“Pack a bag,” he says. “Quick. You got two minutes.”
“No, no,” croaks Trick. “Please leave us with our brother.”
“Your brother appears to be a literal demon, for what it’s worth, but anyway I have orders. I’m taking one of you. Either pick or both of you start packing.”
Dapper is back on the floor, shuddering without responding to anything around him. He can’t leave him. He needs to get him his things first. Trick glances between him and Shep and then gets to his feet, hurrying to the closet to get a backpack for Dapper and start shoving his things in - his bear, some clothes, his knife - “No, not that, dumb-ass,” scowls Shep - okay, fine, but his Haldol, the antiseptic and stitches from earlier, his toothbrush, his drawing pad, some snacks he finds in a drawer stuffed full of food in the corner of the room, a stash he didn’t know Dapper kept. Some of it has rotted instead of being eaten, but he gets crackers and bananas and fills the bag.
Gigi laughs softly. Shep shoots him a glare, crossing his arms over his chest.
Anonymous asked: Didn't we warn you? Dapper told you that the timeline you knew doesn't exist anymore but you just brushed it off as meaningless ramblings of a man confused about his reality. Everything that you did was for nothing and now you're met face to face with one of the consequences of it
“That’s not true,” breathes Anti, staring at Dark, eyes wide. “This is crazy. We know each other. You’re messing with me. Don’t be an ass, Dark. It’s me.”
“Little monster,” says Dark, voice wavering a little.
“Pangur Dubh?” replies Anti. “Why are you doing this to me? We’ve been apart for months. I thought we were just playing. Where are my boys? Are they okay? Stop acting weird. Hey, look at me. Come on. Give me a kiss, you know me. I missed you. This is weird.”
Anonymous asked: Anti, Dark isn't playing. Do you remember what Dapper told you? It wasn't a delusion. When he snapped, he broke the timeline. None of them remember you. Jack doesn't, Dark doesn't, none of Mark's character remember you. This is more dangerous than I think you comprehend.
“Come on, don’t make me laugh!” barks out Anti. “Jack doesn’t? Now you’re talking crazy. Dark, stop being a - ”
Dark grabs him.
Gone is the image of a suave being in a dark suit. Dark towers over Anti, powerful and glaring, matching Anti’s fangs with their own. They shove Anti up against the nearest redwood and slam his wrists to the side, gripping him tight enough that red crescent moons appear in Anti’s arms.
Anti stares up at him, panting. His eyes move from confusion to distress to anger and back again.
And then the darkness is so thick you cannot see him.
“Tell me,” says a deep voice, rich as bitter chocolate and echoing across the trees. “What your name is?”
Anti feels fear fill him up.
“Fucker! Stop doing that!” he screeches, writhing. “You swore to me you’d never use your power on me! I don’t touch your head and you don’t touch my soul!”
“You already are in my head!” shouts Dark. “I can’t stop dreaming about you! Who are you, tell me! How did you know you would find me here? How did you know my name?”
“You don’t get to grab me without my permission - ”
“You think you can come into my forest and issue challenges - ”
“Do you know who I am or not?” shouts Anti.
The darkness lowers again, leaving them in cold twilight blue.
Dark stares at Anti. At his eyes. At his mouth. Their lips are twisted with disgust and desperation.
“Pangur Dubh,” says Anti, one more time. “My… my… Dark…”
Dark vanishes.
Anonymous asked: leave dapper be, please. he's the hurt one. leave him here.
“Do you want him to come or do you want him to stay?” asks Shep, gesturing at Dapper.
Trick crouches over his brother, taking his pulse. Dok taught him what to look for. He’s been his twin’s nurse for as long as he can remember.
And he knows Dapper could use help.
The question is whether Anti or these strangers will be better able to give it to him.
Anti loves him. Anti loves them both. Especially Dapper. Doesn’t he?
Anonymous asked: trick, love. he's been manipulating you all. it genuinely has been him. i'm sorry, trick. but we wouldn't tell you if it's not true.
“Fuck,” whispers Trick, with feeling. “I… I want to stay with him. Even if that means you take us both.”
“Fine,” says Shep. “Get on your feet. Let’s go.”
Anonymous asked: We're trying to bring Anti back, trick, we're working on it. All three of these people are dangerous but you and dapper can get out of this safely, I promise. Stay close to dapper, learn what you can, be ready to run when the opportunity rises. Okay?
He clutches Dapper against his chest as they move down the stairs.
“Ready to run, ready to run, ready to run,” he chants under his breath. “Okay, okay, okay.”
He doesn’t like how dark the house is now, how quiet. His siblings should be here. Anti should be here. He doesn’t want to go away. They finally found a place where they have warm beds and plenty of food and everything they need.
And yet the house feels empty and unprotective. He grips Dapper tighter, feeling his dangerous heat warm him.
Anonymous asked: Dark, I know you must be very confused. Anti has a time traveler, and he accidentally broke this timeline a bit. As far as Anti remembers, you're his lover, a very good old friend. He is used to playing games with you and being admired by you. He didn't know the timeline was broken. He was just playing games.
The message plays out to the quiet forest around him.
Anti is sitting where Dark dropped him, eyes wide, staring ahead.
A slight shake in his fingers.
As far as Anti remembers. His lover. Being admired by you. He didn’t know.
He didn’t know.
“This is still just a trick,” croaks Anti. “They are playing games with me. Dark knows me. Jack… Jack knows…”
But you see, in the lines of his face, something you have rarely seen there before: abject humiliation.
And a growing fear.
And then, yes, there - his anger, like the teeth of a tiger.
His anger.
Anonymous asked: Hey, Red, Blue, Dok, I don't know exactly when this'll get to you because the cameras are being slightly wonky, but don't come back to the house please, okay? To the best of my knowledge, your brothers are okay, but it'll be easier for us to coordinate everything if we don't have to worry about you three at the moment.
They’re distracted. The camera is sitting in the bag by the bed. Above you, you can hear Blue talking to someone about low-income housing and men’s shelters. It will be some time before they get any messages.
Anonymous asked: hey trick, love, just breathe. we'll tell you if we notice dark approaching, okay? we'll help you the best we can.
“They’re not approaching,” says Wilford cheerfully, running down the stairs as Trick’s eyes begin to get desperate, flashing over to you for help. “They’re here. Hey there, little ghost.”
True to their word and their nature, Dark has not entered the house without permission. They stand on the porch, head tilted, waiting for his soldiers to come out to them.
“Hi,” they answer quietly. Wilford grabs their hand and pulls them towards the forest, chattering about getting pizza when they get home.
“Hold on. Have you got them?”
“Yes, Darkness,” answers Gigi, his harsh tone disappearing. “Of course. Whatever you need.”
Shep rolls his eyes behind him, marching Trick forward.
“Which one’s the traveler?” asks Wil.
“This one,” says Dark. “I can tell.”
Dapper stops short before he reaches the doorway, chewing on his nails and squeezing his eyes shut. He curls in on himself like he’s going to throw up and turns away, refusing to go any farther. Trick wraps himself around his little brother and stares out at the figure of the Darkness.
Dark looks at Trick.
They tilt their head.
A moment later their form changes, going small and effeminate, long, straight black hair falling around their shoulders, red acrylic nails clicking on the ends of their fingers. “Come here, then,” they say in a clear, high-pitched voice, and Trick feels a wash of emotions swallow him whole - bizarre fondness, warmth, relief, calm. He relaxes, blinking. Shep gives him a small push and he straightens up and moves towards Dark, a little confused.
“No, no, no,” Dapper signs, his fear fighting with Dark’s power rising up in him. “No, no, no, no, Tricky, no. Afraid, afraid, afraid. Get Anti, now, now, now.”
“It’s okay,” says Trick, not sure why he says it. Logically, he knows he should be scared, should be panicked, should be nervous, at least, but it feels true. It isn’t like how Anti does things. That should scare him, but he feels pretty good. “Hey, it’s okay. Everything’s okay.”
Anonymous asked: Oh thank fuck, thank you Shepherd, you're our hero. Trick, you're doing great, okay? Good deescalation and good handling of a terrifying situation. You're doing your family proud. You're gonna be fine. We're keeping an eye on Anti and the rest of the family.
“Mmh,” hums Trick, holding a camcorder in his hands. “Okay, thank you. Yeah, I did good. We’re okay.”
Dapper leans over and pukes.
“I don’t feel good,” he admits, slumping against Trick’s chest.
Dark turns to Google. “Okay, Gigi, call Ippy and tell him to come back from the city and stay for the weekend. I want him here.”
“Yes, Dark.”
Anonymous asked: ANTI, Trick and Dap are being freaked out by Wilford, Google, and Silver Shepherd in your house, just in case you'd like to maybe Do Something About That
Anti stalks across the yard, his shadow cutting across the trees.
“Forget me,” he whispers, fire crackling in his hands. “Forget? Forget me? And take my boys from me? My pets?”
Why don’t they remember?
The pain of it nearly crushes him and he staggers, feeling his form shift and mutate with his discomfort distracting him. He’s so powerful these days, so consumed with fire and psionics, with glitching and flowers. But without Marvin’s body, his own form barely contains it. Blood seeps out of his mouth and his throat.
He didn’t mind that he and Dark only ever saw each other a couple times a year. That was how he liked it. He didn’t mind when they were away, or not much. But in the back of his head, even when he was bitter and angry, he felt that there was someone in the world who would be happy to see him if he ever wanted to not be alone.
For Dark to act this way - it can’t be true. They must just be mad at him. That seems to sting even worse. He doesn’t know why they decided they don’t like him all of a sudden, but he wants them to stop and go back to how things were. This isn’t right. How could they treat him like this? His hands burn, Marvin’s flames biting at his glitching fingers.
He wants Dapper and Trick. He wants them now. He wants to go to bed and feel them close to him and know that they know him. That they know him and they’re here, and they’re not going anywhere. They’re not. They’re not. They’re his.
nikkilbook asked: If you’re going to take one, take both. Please don’t leave one of them behind. This is a bad place.
“Come on, then, quickly now,” says Dark, turning away. “Wilford, if you would?”
Wilford turns back towards Dapper and Trick. “Who wants to go first?”
“Wait… this… this is a bad idea,” says Trick, his emotions confusing him. “I don’t want to go with you.”
Anonymous asked: Taking both might be good, the sick one, Dapper, has a blood infection, he really needs a doctor. Trick could be useful to do the talking. Please be gentle with them, if they get hurt I don't think Anti will be very happy about that, boys.
“Oh, gentle,” nods Wilford. “Okay, yes, you got it. I’m very good at being gentle.”
Shep shakes his head at you.
“Come on, then! It’ll be nice, I promise.”
He reaches for Trick.
Google’s hand snaps out and grabs his wrist.
“Excuse me,” pouts Wilford. “You stop that, you hunk of metal.”
Google’s face smiles. His eyes glow red.
“Here’s another idea,” suggests Anti from within the body of the android, baring his teeth and stalking forward, pushing Trick and Dapper behind him. “You get the fuck away from what’s mine before I start causing you pain that you will remember, you deranged bastard.”
Dark stares at Anti. For a moment, you think that what you are seeing in their eyes is a begrudging satisfaction.
“Well, then,” says Dark. “What was that you were saying about winning in a fight?”
Anonymous asked: Hey Trick and Dap? If these two start throwing hands it could get very nasty very fast, and anyone in the immediate vicinity is almost undoubtedly going to get caught in the cross fire, so please try and get a safe distance away as soon as possible?
Trick grabs Dapper and scrambles away from Anti and the others, but the sight of his handgun a few feet away stops him. He begins inching towards it, panting as quietly as he can. Wilford glances over at him and Trick’s stomach churns. What good will guns even do?
“Gigi has other bodies,” says Dark calmly, tilting their head at Shep. “Wreck him.”
They let courage fill Shep’s chest up like magma. You see the light in his black eyes go wild and reckless. Anti laughs once.
Wilford pulls out his gun. Shep pounces.
Anonymous asked: hey. dap. go with trick, okay? i promise we'll take care of you the best we can. go with trick. we'll watch over you.
“Faint,” warns Dapper dazedly, clinging to his brother.
“I got you, I got you,” whispers Trick doggedly, squeezing his hands as he creeps closer to his gun. “We’re sticking together, I’m here.”
Shep’s silver knuckles crash into Google’s face, battering the alloy of his cheek. Anti cackles, a bizarre sound from Google’s normally deep, stern voice, and grabs Shep’s wrist in an iron embrace, driving his knee up into his stomach and folding Dark’s soldier in half. Shep howls and Wilford glances between everyone, a little lost as to what’s going on.
“Wil,” calls Dark, even as their body vanishes back into shadow. “Don’t let Shep die.”
“Shep, Shep,” mumbles Wil, trying to place him, his gun traveling uncertainly between Shep, Google, and the brothers in the grass. “Oh, dear.”
Smoke consumes Shep and Anti as Dark descends on them, his power tearing at Anti’s chest. The monster screams in panic as fear clogs his chest, but Anti has known fear before, and he won’t let it stop him now. He throws himself forward and wraps an arm around Shep’s head, threatening to snap his neck in half, trembling hard enough that he might do it on accident. Dark’s power retreats, their body appearing again close to Anti and grabbing him by Google’s dark hair.
“Stop!” shrieks Trick, grabbing his handgun. “Let him go!”
Anonymous asked: hey, anti. anti, please let silver shepherd go. too the best of my knowledge, the others will come back, and they'll come back probably even more obedient since you're something they know, and dark isn't. can you at least not kill silver shepherd, please?
“What, you want your little weapon back?” snarls Anti, turning to Dark with Shep pressed against his body, the little joke pressed against his chest.
“He means nothing to me,” answers Dark.
“Apparently nobody does,” spits back Anti. “For that, I’m going to make you the one who suffers.”
He drops Shep and lunges at Dark, grabbing them before they can disappear and driving his fist into their stomach. Dark lets out a cry of real pain as weak, cracked bone shatters. Spine breaks through skin and cloth and sticks out of their back. It’s Wilford’s turn to scream in alarm. He buries a bullet in Google’s stomach and Anti hollers, oil dripping down his belly. He leaves Google’s body and transports behind Wilford, shoving a knife into his back. Wilford scowls and turns to him irritably, cocking his gun a second time, but Anti is already gone.
“G - Gigi?” stammers Shep, backing away from the body of his companion, sparking as it collapses onto the ground.
“They’ll kill everyone to hurt each other,” signs Dapper, grabbing Trick’s shirt. “It’s just chess to them, Trick. Make them stop. I… I don’t feel good.”
His face turns grey so fast Trick actually flinches in surprise. Dapper has to be sick once more, throwing up into the grass. Trick grabs his head and feels the moment where his brother loses consciousness there in the front of the house, bile dripping from his mouth.
“Stop, please,” chokes Trick. “This is terrible, s-stop!”
He gets to his feet, clutching his gun.
“Don’t worry, pet,” snarls Anti, stalking around Dark, his nails growing out like knives. “It’s just fun and games, isn’t that fucking right, Dark?”
“Just tell me your goddamn name!” shouts Dark. “Why are you haunting me?”
Anonymous asked: trick, dark manipulates emotions. keep yourself and dapper away from them, okay?
“You want to see me manipulate?” hisses Dark.
Anger fills Trick up. Terror fills Trick up. His hands tremble on the gun, but he feels himself point it in a gut reaction - directly at Anti.
“Trick,” snaps Anti. “You belong to me. You know what you need to do. Shoot them.”
Shoot them. Shoot them. You know what you need to do. Anti’s words seem to come from within his own head and he staggers, nearly falling onto his side in shock as his body goes to war with itself. His head and his heart shout commands at him, making him feel dizzy and afraid.
And in the middle of all of it, there is one feeling or thought or understanding that he recognizes completely as his own:
I really am just a puppet, aren’t I?
Anonymous asked: his name is anti, dark. antisepticeye. he's a little in love with you, or a version of you that he once knew, but you don't remember him and he's furious.
Redwood saplings as thick as a man’s arm burst from the ground and wrap around Dark, Wilford, and Shep. Wilford vanishes and reappears beside Trick, making him jump, as Shep trips onto the ground and begins tearing at the branches on his legs without much luck. Dark feels bones shattering and twisting all across their body. They pant as the branches eat them up, reaching for their throat, and struggle to transport away.
“I’m more powerful than last we met, Darkness,” bites Anti, stalking forward with blue fire in his eyes. “I think I could kill you, do you know that? I think I could do it.”
“Anti,” Dark mumbles, squeezing their eyes shut. “Why… no. This isn’t right. That isn’t even yours. That isn’t the way your soul looks.”
Anti stops. “What?”
“That magic… that isn’t even yours. You don’t look the way the monster in my dreams does.”
Anti’s mouth parts in alarm, his stolen magic dying down again, leaving him cold and beautiful as he was when he was still trying to impress Dark, his skin white and his eyes glowing.
“Anti,” repeats Dark under their breath, not sure what it means, not sure what or who or why they remember. “Anti.”
The vines on their neck have loosened. They transport back into the darkness, disappearing into shadow.
Anonymous asked: his name is anti. in another timeline, the one they're originally from, you two knew each other, and i'm pretty sure he loved you, as much as it's possible for him to love anyone. in that timeline, you were his old friend. i'm sorry that you don't know what's happening, dark, and i'm sure this must be confusing. also, only one other person has remembered them, someone who cared about them a lot, so that you're remembering anti's name for you means something, even if it's just a dream.
“You’re just fucking with me,” pants Anti. “And I hate it. You’re being such an ass, Dark, you - this is so fucking mean, cut it out.”
“You’re just some parasite,” spits Dark’s voice from the shadows. “You’re just - you’re the one who started all this. You should have just stayed away.”
“Guess that’s true,” Anti snarls back, shaking his head like he can get the thoughts out of it that are hurting him. “Come back here and let’s fight like proper monsters. You can’t treat me like this. I know you remember me. You can’t have forgotten.”
“Shep, get back to the house,” orders Dark.
“This is nuts,” pants Shep, even as he begins to back away.
Trick, freed of their influence, comes to stand beside Anti, his gun pointed at the shadows where Dark is hiding. He feels Anti’s hand wrap around his free wrist to steady him and immediately feels safer. They’re here. Together. They’ll face this thing together.
Wilford looks around.
Why are they here, again? Were they fetching someone? He watches Shep turn and race away into the woods. Looks like a tactical retreat. And his blackbird, well - his blackbird can hold their own, no doubt about that. Perhaps he’ll watch as they terrorize their enemies. It’s one of his favorite pastimes, after all!
There’s a faint wheeze beside him. He looks over and sees a small figure curled into the grass, clutching at their stomach, their arm bloodied and their face terribly pale.
“Oh, no, my darling,” he says to no one in particular. “Oh, dear, you don’t look well at all. If you’d like, I can take you to the doctor?”
Anonymous asked: trick, my dear. go with dark. trust me, trust us, when i say that it will be better to have dark take you and dapper than to stay here with anti. dapper's hurt, yeah? and he's scared. they have a doctor, and you can go with them to protect dapper. he can't protect himself at the moment.
“Traitorous little eyes,” Anti snarls, whirling on you. “No one is taking him - no! Wil, wait!”
As he turns to look at you, there is Wilford, transported behind him and picking Dapper up in his arms, blinking in surprise at Anti, who wraps an arm around Trick’s waist and stares at Wilford in alarm, his arm stretched out.
“Wait, no, not him,” pants Anti. “No, no. Wil, it’s me. Okay? Hey, you won, okay, Dark? You got Red and Blue and Dok. So you won. No need to take him too. We were just playing. Leave my boy with me. I didn’t know you were going to react that way. It was just a game. He’s not a part of it, not now. Leave Dapper with me. You already got the others.”
“You really don’t get it, do you?” snaps Dark. “I didn’t ‘get the others.’ They ran away from you, little monster.”
Anti turns back to his old enemy, his old friend, his mouth slightly parted. He feels Trick tense against his chest.
“That’s not true,” croaks Trick. “My brother wouldn’t have run away. Especially not… without me.”
“The cameras saw them too,” shrugs Dark, stepping out of the darkness. “Guess you don’t have as tight of a hold on your pets as you think you do.”
Anti can feel himself beginning to shake.
“Little traitors,” he spits, his eyes flickering between you and Dark and the forest path the others ran down some hours ago. “Little… all of you, disloyal, hateful little things… I’ll make you regret this, I’ll make you all… traitors, you…”
His arm is too tight around Trick’s waist. His fingers are biting into his stomach. Trick just clings to him in return, barely able to process it.
Did Dok really just… go?
Did Dok ask him to go get him dinner just to turn him away and leave without him?
And his big brothers, who were supposed to protect him - did they really leave him like this?
“Wil, go,” says Dark.
“No!” cries Anti.
But Wil is already gone, and with him, Dapper.
Anti turns to Dark, fire in his fingers and a scream on his throat -
Dark is gone too.
Anonymous asked: they didn't want to leave you, trick. but they knew you would never leave anti and blue is about to fucking die. they needed to get him away.
“Anti?” whispers Trick.
Anti stares at the ground. His hands are clutched into loose fists at his side. He looks like Dapper. He doesn’t move.
Trick puts a hand on his shoulder. The crickets are singing. The first stars are in the sky.
“Are you… are you going to go after him?”
Anti nods. But he doesn’t move.
“Anti,” Trick repeats.
When he still doesn’t answer, Trick closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He wraps an arm around his brother’s shoulder and leads him back into the house.
The high ceiling stares down at them, quieter than ever. The house seems to loom, dark and abandoned. Trick and Anti sit down on the stairs.
Trick pulls a camera into his lap and sighs, burying his face in his hands.
That’s… that’s fair, he supposes. Blue was really sick. And Anti threatened to kill Dok. And he himself, well… he was going to get those necklaces off his twin. He was. Even though he knew that wasn’t what Dok wanted. So he supposes… he betrayed him first.
So it’s… it’s fair. Yeah. It’s fair. Maybe if he had been a better twin, Dok would have stuck around. But he couldn’t even keep him safe.
So he went. Okay. That’s fair.
Tears drip down Trick’s cheeks.
He wasn’t trying to pick sides, he just… he just wants… he just wants…
Anti’s hand rests on his thigh. They sit together.
Anonymous asked: trick, they did not abandon you. they were escaping anti, but they didn't abandon you, okay? they would never do that. i promise. they love you too much to ever abandon you.
“Are they… are they coming back?” asks Trick in a whisper.
Anonymous asked: Trick they didn't just leave, they plan to come back to save you, to get you safe. Red saved Blue and Dok, he saved Dok from being killed by Anti, and he took them all to a hospital. Rojo did what he was supposed to, what he always does, and protected your brothers when they were in danger. They'll come back to you.
Trick looks up at you at last, a little reassured. They’ll come back for him. They just needed to go to the hospital. And… he knows he wasn’t trustworthy enough to go along. He knows that. They did what they had to. Probably Red was bossing Dok around as usual anyway, ha. Probably Dok wanted to stay with him. But he couldn’t keep him safe and they both know that.
But they’ll be back. Or… those three will, at least.
“What will happen to Dapper?” asks Trick. “Is he going to be okay?”
“I don’t know,” admits Anti. “I don’t - I don’t know who Dark is right now. And I don’t know who’s in that house. I haven’t kept up with Mark cause he’s an idiot. But he creates recklessly and sometimes those creations - well, Dark usually kills off the ones they don’t like, so I don’t know… was he sick?”
“Yeah, I don’t think he was feeling well.”
“Dark might get in his heart,” mutters Anti. “They manipulate power and emotions. I’m afraid of what they might do if he coaxes all that power out of him. My little brother.”
And Trick -
Well. He isn’t sure. But he thinks maybe Anti is crying too.
His brother’s head rests on his shoulder. They sit together. Trick takes his hand.
“They didn’t even look at me like they knew me,” whispers Anti. “I was a ghost to them.”
Anonymous asked: anti, i hate to say this, but i am sorry. i can see you really do love them, and it must hurt for them to seemingly hate you now.
“Oh, you fuck off, that’s disgusting,” spits Anti. “Love them, please, as if. Fuck them. I don’t love them and I never did. Tricked you, huh? As if, no way. No, it - it’s manipulation. That was it. I wanted their help, sure. And they’re pretty hot. But that’s it. I never cared about them. Or anyone, for that matter.”
It actually makes Trick smile a little. He snorts and shakes his head. He wants to tell him he’s full of it.
But he looks up and Anti’s face is shaking with anger and stress, his fists clenched together. Trick squeezes his palms, his heart sinking for him.
“You really liked them, huh?”
“This is stupid,” snarls Anti. “I fucking hate this plot point. And I’m going to make them pay!”
“I don’t know if that’s - ”
Anti smashes his hand into the wall, shattering plaster. Trick sinks down against him, biting his lip.
“Taking Dap from me,” hisses Anti, his eyes beginning to go wild again. “Pretending like they don’t even know me. They’re the one who always used to come on to me! Now they act like this? I’ll kill them! Fuck them!”
Trick squirms as Anti’s body becomes hot to the touch, but he won’t let go of his brother’s hand. Anti crumples against him, trembling.
Anonymous asked: Well Anti, now you know how your brothers feel. Now you know how it feels to love someone who can't love you back :)
“Please,” snaps Anti. “They’re the one who’s always been desperate to have me. If they want to act like a bitch, that’s their fucking problem. And I’m powerful, now… more than a match for them. They’ll regret this, I fucking swear it. I’m sure they already do. Didn’t know what they were tangling with. I was already a match for them before I had Marvin’s power. I’ll tear down everything they do love and they can watch it all burn.”
“Anti,” protests Trick weakly. “Just… let’s just breathe.”
Anonymous asked: yeahhh, that's bullshit. you're in love with them and you're too scared to admit it, but that's a conversation for another day. the question now is; what are you going to do?
Anti gets to his feet, his teeth gritted in his mouth, tearing at his hair. “You’re all fucking dense if you think I care about them!”
“Anti,” says Trick. “We have to focus on Dapper.”
Anti stalks around the room for long minutes, muttering to himself, glitching into different appearances, snarling.
“You have to calm down,” whispers Trick.
“I can’t!” screams Anti. “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t! I’ve never been able to and it’s his fault because he didn’t make me that way! I can’t calm down!”
“That’s not true!” cries Trick. “I don’t believe that for a second! You can’t keep telling yourself that you’re not capable of goddamn controlling yourself, Anti, it’s why our family keeps falling apart over and over again!”
Anti stops short, turning to stare at him, mouth open.
“Anti,” pleads Trick. “I’ve seen you calm down before. Come here. Just hold onto me and we’ll take deep breaths.”
Anonymous asked: Breathe Anti. Just breathe for a bit, ignore the fire and the rush in your brain. Just sit with Trick for a bit. You always get control eventually, right? So surely things will go back to normal soon. Like you said, they're no match for you, right?
“It hurts,” spits Anti, pulling on his hair. “It - it’s like it burns me.”
Trick gets to his feet, grabbing onto Anti’s shoulder.
“Look, man,” he says. “I feel it too. But right now, just… come sit with me.”
“Turn cameras off,” orders Anti irritably, hiding his face in his hands.
Trick chuckles weakly and sets you down a few feet away, out of view, though in truth there are enough mounted cameras around the house that you can still see them, little figures at the bottom of that grand staircase in the darkness.
Anonymous asked: anti, i will tell you this. jack and dark no longer remember you. the timelines were switched up, and they don't know you exist anymore. dark doesn't hate you. they just don't know you. and that's why jack hasn't come for the boys as well. none of them know you anymore.
And Dark - Dark is one thing.
But Jack?
No, no. Anti can’t even begin to think about that right now. Later, maybe. But right now -
Jack, Jack.
He’s only shaking harder. His whole body burns like there’s energy beneath it he can’t get out. He trembles. He pants. Bites down hard on his lip and feels his spine curl with the pain of it. He wants to cut his throat open again and make it count this time.
“Anti,” pleads Trick, very small. “Anti, I…”
Anti shoves himself into his shoulder and grips onto him. Tight, tight. Anti grips on to the one person he has left, and shudders his way through his panic in Trick’s steady arms.
“I lied,” whispers Anti, so soft you know you aren’t meant to hear it.
“About what, Anti?”
“There are people I care about,” Anti answers, curling his fingers through the hair on the back of Trick’s hair. “There are.”
They are cast in blue by the early night.
Anonymous asked: i don't know, but i think they will. i think they'll come back for you. but trick? when they get here, i think you're gonna have to choose between them and anti. i'm sorry, but i don't see it going any other way.
Trick stares at his brother, his arms wrapped around him.
The light of the moon looks down on him through the skylight.
He doesn’t know what to do.
He doesn’t know who he is anymore. He doesn’t know where this is going or what happens next.
He doesn’t know who he would choose if he had to.
Anonymous asked: i think anti's trying to tell you he loves you, trick.
He thinks you might be right.
He doesn’t know a lot of things right now, it’s true. But there are some things he does know.
He knows that Red and Anti made a deal for their family back in Peru. Made a decision for their family: This is the last time we play this game.
The decision he makes - the decisions all of them make - will be final. The choices they make will be final.
“I love you too, Anti,” he says, glancing up at the faraway glow of the moon, and his brother cards his fingers through his hair and holds him.
Miles away, his twin sits at the window in a hospital room and stares out at the same moon, chewing on his nails and thinking about him.
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calumance ¡ 4 years
Omg #70 “you should break up with him/her/them” with best friend!cal!!!!
70. “You should break up with him/her/them”
I could’ve made this so much longer than I did. Hope you like it!! 🥰🥰
           This wasn’t the first time you found yourself driving to Calum’s house in absolute hysterics. You’ve done it so many times before every time you felt like your heart had gotten ran over. He was always the first one to be able to put all the pieces back together. The most unfortunate part was this wasn’t the first time running to Calum because of one particular guy. You’ve been dating this guy on and off for years now, about half as long as you’ve known Calum. This is probably the fifth or sixth time you stormed out of your shared home in hysterics because of him.
           When Calum opened to door and saw the mascara running down your cheeks, he sighed and opened his arms. You stepped into his embrace and he wrapped one arm around your shoulders and the other around your head. He didn’t say a word even though you knew he had plenty running through his mind. He pulled you into his house and shut the door with his foot before leading you into the living room where the movie he was watching was paused on the TV.
           Calum walked away after you sat on the couch and walked into his kitchen. When he returned he came back with a small thing of ice cream and a spoon, knowing it’s what you always wanted when you were sad. You laughed as you took them from him and he plopped himself next to you. “What are you watching?” You asked while popping the top off the ice cream.
           “The Greatest Showman.” He said while smiling at you.
           You looked at him and smiled, “It’s about time you watched it, I’ve been telling you how good it is for how long?” You stabbed your spoon into the ice cream as you leaned back, pressing you back to Calum’s chest.
           “I know, I know. It had just started when you knocked on my door. Do you want to watch it, or do you want to tell me what happened?” He wrapped an arm around your stomach and he placed his chin on your shoulder.
           You fought with the frozen treat for a seconds before finally getting a bit on your spoon. “Nope,” you said while sticking the spoon in your mouth, “Want to watch the movie.” Calum laughed and pressed play on the remote. The movie started and you placed another bit of ice cream in your mouth. The warmth of Calum’s body against your made you relax and the feeling of pure pain wash away. The reason why you came here every time your heart broke was because he always made you feel so warm.
           By the end of the movie, you had placed the half empty pint on the table and curled into Calum’s lap. His eyes glued to the TV while his finger raked through your hair. Your phone dinged causing both you and Calum to jump. You reached forward and grabbed your phone, a message from him appearing on your phone. As you read it, you could feel Calum glancing at your phone. After you read it, the fire igniting in your stomach again, you tossed the phone and cuddled back into Calum’s lap. “You should break up with him.” Calum said as his finger pulled through your hair.
           “I know.” You mumbled, your eyes closing at the feeling of his fingers on your scalp. “Can I stay here tonight?”
           “Yeah, you can stay here tonight.” He ran his fingers down your cheek as you slowly drifted off to sleep.
           When you woke up in the morning, you were more than surprised to find yourself in Calum’s bed. You sat up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes and looked around the room. There was a thud from down the hall and you threw the comforter off of you. As you made your way to the front of Calum’s house you pulled your eyebrows together in utter confusion. There were boxes piled around the room and taking one look, it seemed the boxes were full of your things. “What in the absolute fuck is going on?” You asked as Calum came out from behind a stack of boxes.
           “I’m tired of that mother fucker ripping your heart of your chest every six months. He always tells you he’s going to change, and then he does for a while, and then goes back to the same shit that keeps you running away from him.” He walked passed you and you turned towards him still absolutely confused as to what was happening. “I went to your house, he wasn’t home. So, I called the guys and we packed up your things and brought them here. You can stay here as long as you want, I just am so tired of seeing you get heart broken.” He said while reaching his hand forward and gently caressing your cheek.
           Your eyes filled with tears as his fingers ran down your cheek. “Thank you.” You choked out through the sob forming in your chest. Your heart racing as you started thinking about how maybe you should’ve been here this entire time.
           Calum nodded and walked into the kitchen. You looked back at your things, and then followed Calum into the kitchen. “What sounds good for breakfast? I woke up rather early and haven’t eaten anything.”
           “Did you sleep in your bed last night with me?” You asked while leaned back against the counter. Your fingers nervously played with a loose string on the bottom of your shirt.
           “No, I carried you to my bed and then I slept on the couch.” He opened the fridge and started shuffling through the items in the fridge. You nodded and he shut the fridge in frustration. “Want to go to that café you like? I don’t have shit to cook.”
           You nodded and he smiled at you as he walked passed you and grabbed his car keys. Before walking towards him, you looked around and smiled. Maybe living here was going to be the best thing for you.
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idkhyuck ¡ 4 years
24 Days of  Christmas with NCT
IDK IF IM EVER NOT IN MY CHENLE FEELS THESE DAYS. So this is a little self indulgent 
Chenle and Y/N cook a meal at his place for the first time and decorate his place for christmas. 
warnings// like one swear, playful arguing. 
I rang the doorbell my nerves distracting my from the pain of carrying all the groceries over on the bus. the door opened a second later to Chenle’s smiling face, his cheeks were rosy like he was running around him flinching slightly as there was the sound of something falling in the closet beside the door. i pretended not to hear it as i walked in.
“hi.” he said smiling shyly at me
“hey.” i said “i hope i got everything.” I said holding the bag up.
“OH!” he said grabbing it from me “Thanks!” He said running off into the kitchen. “i’ve already started some of the stuff.” he said distantly
“Some? how much are we eating?” i asked him i said shedding my coat and shoes onto the bench just before the kitchen.
“just enough for us. Jisung wants leftovers though.” He said sheepishly
“is he joining us, we could use the help decorating the tree?” i asked. We were going to put Christmas decorations up tonight as well.
“no, i told him i’d bring them to practice tomorrow.” he said stirring at the pot on the stove. I sat down to catch my breath, the wind was picking up the whole way here, it was really getting cold these days, i was certain we'd wake up to snow any day now. I took in the sight before me, Lele in his huge oversized sweatshirt, and joggers, his socks mismatched in his slippers. a dish towel hung over his shoulder. His hair standing up in different places in the back but you can tell he tried to tame it. I smiled at him he turned and caught me
“What?” he said
“you are the absolute cutest.” i said walking over to him. I wrapped my arms around him sticking my cold hands up under the front his sweatshirt. he squealed
“You’re hands will warm up if you start chopping” he said holding a bag of veggies to the opening of his sweatshirt. I kissed the back of his neck and grabbed them from him. He turned in my grip and wrapped his arms around me. placing soft kisses on the top of my head. i slowly looked up and he met my lips with a smile, a few small kisses. i sighed then pulled away
“i’d better get to work.” I said “Where’s the knifes?” i asked him as he quickly returned to his pot adding things slowly
“over there.” he said pointing his chopsticks to the drawer by the fridge. I opened it to see it was completely unorganized i couldn’t help the small smile that formed. I found a knife that would work for all my veggies and went over to the cutting board beside the stove. He was opening the meat and adding it to the soup base he has made. I got to work chopping hearing him singing softly beside me. It wasn’t long before i had quite a few piles of vegetables to add to our stew. I turned to show Chenle proudly but he wasn’t beside me i could hear him giggle behind me “is my baby done?” He asked in a teasing tone knowing i was trying to be cute. i nodded keeping the act up. he came over and looked over the piles praising them. Placing a kiss on my hand “Poor baby hand must be tired.” He said teasing. I shoved him. all nerves i had of being over at chenle’s house for the first time gone. His kitchen was small and cosy. He had fruit sitting in various spots on the counter, take out menus sitting in a pile on top of the fridge that had three magnets one held a picture of him and his mom and dad and brother. A picture of his nephew and a polaroid of us. His table and chairs were simple and so him it made me smile thinking of all the work he put into his place. I went and sat down as he put something in the oven. I watched as he added the final things to the stew. He came over and sat across from me "will you still be able to put up the tree? he teased
“You gonna give me a tour first?” i asked knowing we had some time. He smiled at me and nodded.
“this is the kitchen.” he said smiling “i didn’t decorate much.” he said quietly “But i like it.” He got up and grabbed my hand he led me into the living room. “This is my living room, I have my TV and Games all set up here. he said pointing to his entertainment console. My couch.” He said “which we can enjoy after we eat.” He said “it’s soft, i made sure of it.” he winked. "the tree can go here." he said as we walked by the window,  he led me down his hall “The bathroom.” he said “boring, i just added towels and i didn’t even buy them, my mom did.” he laughed “This is the bedroom.” he said he opened the door and his piano was in the corner by the window he had sheets of music spread across the top. His double bed was half made, his bag for practice each day sitting on the floor by the piano. He had a TV mounted on the wall and a chair in the corner with a pile of hoodies and jackets on it. His bedside stand had a few bottles of water and a remote and a Bluetooth speaker and a pile of AirPods. he didn’t have much but it was so him it wasn’t even funny. He was a simple kid. "we decorating the piano?" i asked "maybe." he said "i'm worried i didn't buy enough." He said  walking towards his closet, he pulled a huge box out "tree." then went back for two bags "everything else. OH AND LIGHTS!" he said running back down his hall, i heard a crash and him swearing then a door slamming. i walked out to see him standing by the closet in the door way. "i have like 5 boxes. is that enough?" he asked "should be." i said walking into the kitchen "don't worry." i said stirring his soup "this smells amazing." i said sniffing at all the things we had cooking,  i could hear him dragging the box down the hall, tiny grunts and thuds coming down the hall getting louder as he neared the kitchen "need some help?" "nope." he said "i'm good." struggle in his voice evident. his dramatic ass flopping on a kitchen chair a few seconds later. "why did you drag it all the way there in the first place?" i asked him "i wanted to surprise you." he said smiling sweetly at me.
"i'm so full i could puke." he said a burp escaping him "Let's go watch something before we decorate." i said standing up and placing the dishes in the sink. "i'll do these before i leave." i said knowing he hates doing dishes we walked into the living room and sunk into his couch, i sat on the end he sat right beside me and took my legs onto his lap. He skimmed through his TV asking me what i wanted to watch we decided on watching the grinch. he was having fun doing a grinch voice he leaned over so he was laying me while hugging my legs, i played with his hair. we enjoyed the moment of laziness together.
"IT GOES HERE!" i yelled at him from the other side of the three "NO WAY, ITS FROM THIS SIDE." He yelled back "Give it to me!" i said "let me try it!" he whined "fine." i said sighing he tried to fit it in for at least 5 minutes before coming around to my side admitting his defeat i tried to hide my smirk as he handed it to me before grumbling off to get another section. It took us an hour and a half to fully set up the tree and have all the lights plugged into the right places, maybe it'd be less if we didn't argue half the time but it was finished. i was placing a ball on the tree when he tackled me over to his couch, He placed a few kisses on my cheeks and lips leaning over my softly "WHAT?" i asked him pretending to be annoyed at this point "you're too cute when your bossy." he said kissing my jawline and getting closer and closer to my neck i started leaning back to let him but he left a raspberry on my cheek then he giggled and started tickling me. i screamed in laughter as he held me down and went to town tickling my sides. i ultimately shoved him off and he landed with a thud beside me "yah!" he yelled but ended up laughing as he pulled a squished box of lights from underneath him i got up and pulled him up and pulled him in for a hug. "they're still good." he said giggling as he pulled the lights out of the box behind me. we spent the rest of the night decorating his living room there were lights all around. He stood back and admired the work we had done. i saw we had a few pieces of garland left, and a box a lights "piano?" i asked him "fine." he said and i ran down the hall with the decorations he sat on the bench as i sat on his bed ripping open the packaging. I wound the lights around the garland and tested the lights. He was softly playing all the Christmas songs he knew as i got to work lightly taping it to his piano and winding them around his candles. "see this will be so much better now." i said sitting beside him placing a kiss on his cheek as he transitioned from jingle bells to another song. the rest of our night was spent at his piano, with wine and candles lit in the glow of the lights.
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angelic-holland ¡ 5 years
Unexpected // th x fem!reader
Based on this ask:  Can you do an imagine where Tom and the reader are best friends and Tom always teases her but never does anything but o w night when they are on vacation and they go to the club and do some sexy dancing and they have to share a bed after that and they end up having sex
Summary: ^^ basically that, Tom can be famous in this, he doesn’t have to be, up to you, the reader. 
warnings: nsfw, lowkey soft cute smut
word count: 4.1k (yes I get carried away but the bed sharing trope and friends to lovers trope is killing me) 
“Tom, stop oh my god,” you giggle as he tickles you, you’re practically in tears trying to roll out from underneath him, he’s got you pinned down on the floor, his knees on either side of your waist.
“What? You don’t like this?” He says, his fingers running up and down your sides tickling you.
“No I just, need to- need to get packed! We leave for Scotland tonight and I legit haven’t packed.”
He sighs in defeat, getting off from you and helping you up.
“Why are we driving eight hours at 4pm again?”
“Because I’m crazy and want to spend more time there dumbass.”
“Hey, you’re the one doing the driving so whatever,” Tom says, following you into your room and flopping down on your bed.
“Yeah that’s me,” you laugh pulling out your suitcase.
“You know, there’s this really cool club in Edinburgh we should check out if you’re up for it, when we get there.”
“Yeah, lemme get something sexy to wear,” you say, opening up your closet.
“You know what you should wear?”
“That plain black T-shirt that is like five years old and just that?” You joke, grabbing your favorite tight black dress.
You hear Tom suck in a breath, and you don’t turn. Logically you knew he was joking, over exaggerating his breathing to get you riled up. He knew how to push your buttons. You’ve been friends since you were kids.
“This is pretty similar,” you say turning to him and holding the dress up against you.
“It’s perfect darlin’,” he says, eyeing you up and down, making you blush.
You were almost positive he knew how you felt about him, that you’ve a stupid crush on him. That’s why he teased you all the time, because he thought it was as dumb as you thought it was. Falling for your best friend? Lame move.
You packed the rest of your clothes, leaving for dress out, while Tom sat on your bed and watched you move around the room.
“Why don’t we leave now?”
“Yeah, you’re packed, I’m packed, we can get there a little early, have more time at the club.”
“Sure,” you say, wondering if he only wanted more time at the club to find a pretty girl to hook up with, “I’m just gonna change into the dress so I’ll be ready when we get there.”
“Perfect,” Tom says, grabbing your suitcase, “I’ll bring our bags to your car.”
He left you be and you quickly stripped your T-shirt and sweatpants, tossing off your underwear and opting for black lace panties that matched your dress. You chose not to wear a bra, the dress making your tits look great anyways. You pulled the dress on, your hand reaching behind you and struggling to pull up the zipper. You groaned in frustration and didn’t realize Tom was back until he coughed. You blushed and turned towards him, leaning against the doorway watching you.
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Just long enough to see your T-Rex arms struggle to zip up that dress, come here.”
“I do not have t-Rex arms,” you huff, stretching them even more to tug at the zipper.
“You’re gonna pull a muscle and then we can’t even drive there,” Tom says making his way over to you.
You sigh and close your eyes, turning so your back is to him. You take a deep breath as you feel the cool of the zipper move up your back as he closes it for you, his hand resting on the top of your back before you cough, moving past him and out of the room.
“All ready?” You ask, grabbing your purse with your phone and wallet and everything else you could possibly need.
“Let’s blow this popsicle stand,” he says, shutting the lights off in your apartment before following you out the door.
You were about halfway to Edinburgh when some asshole cuts you off trying to enter the highway and you’re heart almost jumps out of your chest before Tom calms you down, his warm hand on your exposed lower thigh, rubbing soothing circles into your skin.
“Fucking asshole,” you mutter, calming your breathing. Your face is red, either from being angry or Tom’s hand on your thigh, you’re not quite sure yet.
You look over at him, he’s got a concentrated, interesting look on his face. You’re not quite sure what it is but he’s looking out the window so you quickly look back towards the front, ignoring the hand that was still on your thigh.
You made it to Edinburgh by 9:45, only a little traffic on the way and Tom helps you find parking for the club, his hand finally leaving your thigh.
You park and Tom pays the entrance fee for the two of you, starting a tab for the pair of you.
“You gonna come dance or you gonna sit there and drink another beer?” You ask, sitting down at the bar next to Tom.
“Nah, don’t feel like dancing.”
“Tom you literally said we had to go to this club and now you don’t wanna dance?”
“I’ll, I’ll dance later okay?”
You shrug, taking a sip of your dirty Shirley that Tom watched before slipping off the stool and making your way back onto the dance floor.
You danced by yourself, swaying your hips to the music. You sort of hoped that a guy would find you, ask you to dance with him, maybe you could forget about Tom. Throughout the years you found different guys, dated some, hooked up with some to forget about Tom,
You saw a cute guy making his way through the crowd to you, blond messy hair, green eyes.
“Hi,” he says, smiling down at you.
“Hey,” you grin back at him, your hips continuing to sway.
“Name’s Harry,” He says, holding his hand out to shake yours.
You smirk, taking his hand and placing it on your hip, “I’m Y/N, care to dance?”
He nods, placing his other hand on your hip as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“You’re not from around here huh?” He asks, his lips ghosting over your ear as you press your body against his, moving to the music.
“Nope, London,” you say back, giggling as his hands move down to your lower back, hesitating, you know where he wants his hands to go, you press your hips into his own, grinding against him as his hands fall to hold your ass.
“Looked so good from across the club, just had to get to know ya,” he whispers and you could feel his hard on.
“You’re not too bad yourself,” you laugh. He wasn’t a bad choice. He showed interest in you. He didn’t touch your ass until you made the first move. You’d be okay with a little distraction right now. Your mind was far away from Tom as it possibly could be in this moment.
Tom watched as you danced, trying to gain the courage to go and dance with you, until he saw a guy, taller than him, more muscular than him make his way to you. He felt a little self-conscious, crossing his arms in front of him. He watched as you giggled, tucking your hair behind your ear and dancing with him, grinding on him. His eyes darkened and he was bombarded with several emotions at once. Anger, at himself because he didn’t make the first move even though he’s wanted too for so fucking long. Sadness that you looked like you were enjoying yourself while he’s brooding. And jealousy, because he’s got his hands all over you, grinding against you to the music, whispering into your ear when that’s what Tom wants to do. He feels like a fucking idiot. He doesn’t realize he’s doing it but suddenly he’s standing up and pushing his way through the crowd, tapping on your shoulder.
You feel someone tap your shoulder and you jump in Harry’s arms. You pull away from him and turn around.
“Oh hey Tom,” you smile, wondering what was up with him.
“Think I’m ready for that dance now.” His face is stoic, you can’t tell what the fuck he’s thinking although you’re typically pretty good at reading him.
“Oh, okay,” you sigh, turning to Harry.
“What? Who’s this?” He asks, crossing his arms and looking back and forth between you and Tom.
“Friend, it was uh, nice to meet you,” you laugh, rubbing your neck, feeling a little awkward that Tom interrupted this moment.
“Uh, fucking alright,” Harry scoffs, stalking away.
“What’s his deal?” Tom asks as he pulls you close to him, leaving an honorable distance between the two of you, his hands very lightly touching your waist.
“Uhh, we were being filthy and you interrupted us, think he thought he was gonna get some, you idiot,” you roll your eyes and put your hands on Tom’s shoulders.
“Were you gonna let him get some?”
“I don’t fucking know, none of your business if I did,” you say, sticking your tongue out at your overprotective friend.
“You’re right,” Tom says, “why do I feel like a 14 year old at a school dance right now?”
“Because we’re dancing like we’re at a school dance right now, dumbass.”
“You know you should stop calling me stupid.”
“Whatcha gonna do about it?” You ask, a twinkle in your eyes, daring him to respond.
He rolls his eyes at you, pulling you closer to him, so your chest is flush with his.
“Much better,” he smiles, starting to move his body to the music, forcing you to play along.
Your hips and lower bodies never touched, your tits were pressed against his chest though and you were sort of worried he’d feel your nipples through your dress. Wasn’t much you could do about it and if he didn’t like it, you figured he stop dancing with you.
As you were going through this mini crisis Tom’s eyes never left your face, watching every thought move your brain and show on your face.
“You know, we should get back to the hotel, check in, don’t wanna make the poor hotel staff stay up all night to check us in.”
“They’ll be doing that anyway, it’s their job,” Tom says.
“Yeah but, I just drove like eight hours and I’m fucking exhausted.”
“You weren’t exhausted before when you were grinding all over that guy,” Tom huffs.
“Yeah and? All the dancing tired me out. You would feel the same if you were the one driving the eight hours and you decided to start dancing right away instead of wasting an hour being fucking grumpy.”
“I’m not grumpy,” Tom frowns, his hands letting go of your hips.
“Sure,” you shake your head, letting go of his shoulders, “let’s just get outta here come on.”
“Wait, you’re telling me you overbooked and you’ve only got a room with one bed in it?” You ask, tired, a little tipsy, and starting to get angry.
“Yes, again, we’re so sorry, we can cover this week’s booking price for you and get you into a room with two beds once one becomes available, but for now we only have a room with one queen bed.”
“This is, I just wanna sleep, is there a couch or something in the room?”
“There’s a small couch, it’s not a pull out but you could probably fit on it,” the woman says, you knew it wasn’t her fault and you couldn’t be mad at her about it.
“Okay, that’s great thank you so much,” you say, grabbing the room key, waiting for Tom to come inside with your bags.
He meets you shortly and notices your pissed off expression, “What’s wrong darling?” He asks as you grab your suitcase from him and press the up button for the elevator a little too hard.
“Nothing, they overbooked and we’ve gotta room with one bed and a couch.”
“What? How do you overbook? Isn’t it all on the computer now?”
You shrug, too tired to try to understand what went wrong as you both step into the elevator.
You ride in silence to your floor, opening the door to your hotel room and sighing. It was a lot smaller than expected, the queen bed shoved into the corner by the bathroom, a small couch quite literally 4 foot long sitting underneath the window.
“Well, could be worse,” Tom says, setting his suitcase down.
“Don’t wanna know your idea of worse,” you mumble, grabbing your pjs from your suitcase.
“Y/N?” Tom asks, getting his own clothes.
“I’ll sleep on the couch you can have the bed.”
“Don’t be stupid you won’t fit on the couch, your legs will be completely off,” you shrug, trying to tug down your zipper.
“If the couch isn’t comfortable you can sleep on the bed, not like we haven’t shared a bed before, Here lemme help,” Tom says, you shiver as his hand rests against your own, moving it away from your back to allow himself room to tug your zipper down. You shudder as the cold zipper runs down your back, feeling his hand against your bare skin until the zipper is right above your panties.
“Thanks Tom,” you say, all but running to the bathroom. You look at yourself in the mirror, hair a little messy, face bright red, the blush spreading down your neck and onto your chest. You shake your head, stripping off your dress before throwing on the oversized T-shirt on. Of course you had shared a bed, literally ages ago when you were like 10 and you slept over his house and he didn’t want you sleeping on the floor so you two would sleep in his bed. Of course, when Nicki turned the lights off on you two, you would pretend to be asleep on the floor before crawling into his large (for two kids) bed and falling asleep there.
One morning when you were both 14 or so, Nicki had come to see what type of pancakes you wanted and walked into the sight of the two of you sound asleep on Tom’s bed, you had normally fell asleep with your head on his chest, his arm around your shoulder. It was comforting, to feel his heartbeat underneath you, his arm a warm presence. She flipped out of course, calling your mom, screaming her lungs off at Tom, saying how you were both too young. You tried to explain to her and your mom that nothing happened you just slept there because it was more comfortable, they didn’t believe a word you said until a few months later, after you two weren’t allowed to have sleepovers anymore.
You shook your head, pulling on your sleep shorts before making your way back to the room.
Tom had changed into a pair of sweatpants, no shirt, that’s how he always slept, tonight was no different. He was already sitting on the bed, it did look nice, and there was no mom to walk in on the two of you if you shared it. You shook your head, the events from tonight still too fresh and too weird for you to share a bed.
You make your way to the couch, sitting down on it and grimacing at how hard it was. You tuck your legs up and try to lay down, even with how short you are you’re still squished on the very small bed. You turn and close your eyes, trying to concentrate on falling asleep but you physically can’t. You turn around, trying to find a better position to sleep in, to no avail.
“Y/N, don’t be stubborn, come here,” Tom says and you reluctantly agree, dragging your feet from the sofa to the bed.
He’s turned the lights off as you climb into the bed, which felt so much better underneath you. You crawled under the covers, resting your head on the pillow and facing away from Tom, listening to him get situated and comfortable.
You felt the rise and fall of his chest, his breath starting to steady, it sounded like he was falling asleep so you shut your eyes and hoped to do the same.
“Sorry I ruined your night,” you hear him mumble and you frown, rolling over to face him.
“What the fuck do ya mean?”
He was visibly upset, not in the way most people look when they’re upset, a slight frown trying to force a smile or watery eyes. Tom’s face, when he was upset, was a little different. His eyebrows furrowed, forehead crinkled, it honestly looked like he was concentrating and to anyone else that’s what they would’ve thought but you knew better.
“For interrupting you, with that guy.”
Screw it. You were gonna tell him, tell him how you feel, how you’ve felt for so long. Either he would feel the same way, which you were weary and doubtful of, or you would die of embarrassment and he could get the bed to himself for the rest of the week. You stared at him, your hand moving to rest on his cheek.
“Kiss me.”
Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Nevermind oh god I’m a fucking idiot,” you groan, pulling your hand away.
You look down, knowing you’re blushing, feeling your eyes start to water. You fucked up.
Before you can comprehend what’s happening he’s pushing you down, straddling your hips and kissing you, hard.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” he says after several soft kisses.
“You have?” You ask, feeling yourself get wet as his hips rest against yours.
“Fuck, darling, Y/N, literally since we were kids I’ve had the biggest fucking crush on you.”
“No, you’re, are you serious?”
“Yes? I just kissed you didn’t I?”
“Oh my god we’re both idiots then.”
“I’ve had a crush on you too dumbass.”
“Then uh, what are we waiting for?” He smirks, he kisses you again, hands running up and down your sides under your shirt, much like when he was tickling you earlier that day, but these touches were different. They were soft, full of something you couldn’t quite put your name on but you loved. You moaned into the kiss as his hands grazed the sides of your tits.
“Is this okay?” He asks, hands hesitant.
“Please,” you say against his lips, pushing back against him so he sat up, tugging your shirt off.
You blush, despite having wanted this, having fantasized about this for ages you couldn’t believe it was happening.
“Hey, you’re beautiful,” he says, hands roaming up your chest, taking a breast into each hand and teasing your nipples with his fingers.
“Fuck Tom,” you groan, pulling him back down to kiss you.
He teases and tugs at your nipples while you kiss, tongues rolling against each other like they were made for this. He pulls away from your kiss and you whine until he starts kissing and sucking down your neck, leaving small marks that you’ll admire for days to come.
You’re definitely soaked through your sleep shorts by now and you want him to rip them off of you and go to town but you also wanted him to take his time. Your hips rolled against his and he groaned against your neck, hand moving from your breast to play with the hem of your shorts.
“Can these come off darling?”
“Please Tommy,” you whimper and he groans, using both hands to tug the shorts and panties off your legs, tossing them to the side.
You normally only called him Tommy when you were making fun of him or trying to get him riled up. The way you said it now though, so different from any other time had Tom twitching in his sweats.
“Can I, really wanna, may I eat you out?”
The way he asks you, hesitant, eyes staring into your fucking soul, how could you say no?
You nod eagerly, and you move until you’re sitting up against the headboard so you can watch. He kisses down your stomach, skipping over where you wanted him the most and kissing up and down your thighs, working on the outer, middle, then inner portions before he finally was situated right over your dripping pussy, staring between it and you. He licked his lips and you swore you could’ve come right there. His hands spread your thighs a little farther apart, breathing over your pussy, sending shivers down your spine.
“Please Tom,” you whine, hands grabbing at the sheets.
“Please what? What do you want me to do darling?”
“Please, oh god please eat me out, need your tongue Tommy,” you whine as his tongue licks from your hole to your clit, lapping at your wetness before sucking on your clit. He brings one finger to tease your entrance, staring at you as he does so before pushing it inside of you.
“Oh fuck, please Tom oh my god,” you cry out as he finds your g-spot pretty fast with his finger, quickly adding a second finger and hitting it again. You’ve fantasized about his fingers, much longer and a little thicker than your own.
He continues eagerly sucking and licking at your clit as he fucks you with his fingers, you feel the knot deep in your stomach start to twist and you know you’re about to come.
“Oh fuck, Tom, gonna, fuck gonna come please,” you whine as he adds another finger, nailing your g-spot with every stroke.
“Come for me darling,” he says against your clit before wrapping his lips around it again.
You clench around his fingers as you come, crying out his name, holding onto the sheets for dear life, hoping the rooms next to you can’t hear you.
He licks you through your orgasm, pulling his fingers out and licking them clean as you recover. He moves back up your body, kissing and sucking marks into your skin as he makes his way to your lips. You kiss him, hands wrapping around his neck, hips moving to find his own.
“You wanna, uhh, can I fuck you?” He asks, one hand playing with his sweatpants.
“Yeah, fuck me please, oh my god,” you groan as he pulls his sweatpants down, moving off of you.
“Where you going?”
“Grabbing a condom baby,” he says, opening his wallet. He rolls the condom onto his cock while you watch, trying not to fucking drool, you’ve imagined what his cock looks like but seeing it in person was better than you could ever dream.
He climbs back on top of the bed, kissing you softly as his hand positions his cock at your entrance. He wanted to tease you, make you beg for his cock, beg to come, but he has been waiting for this moment, waiting to fuck you for so fucking long he couldn’t wait. He slid in slowly, giving you time to adjust, one hand holding himself up, the other cupping your cheek, thumb stroking your face as you kissed. It wasn’t what you expected, for him to be so soft, so sweet, dare you say loving, but you didn’t mind it. You loved it really.
He slowly thrusts into you, kissing all over your face, you giggled a little but his thrusts quickened and turned your giggles into moans.
“Tom,” you moaned as he picked up the pace.
“Y/N, feel so good wrapped around me. You gonna come for me again baby?”
“Fuck, feel so, feel so good, fucking me so well, just need, oh fuck,” you groan as his hand moves from your face down your chest, pinching your nipples before moving down between your bodies, thumb rubbing quick circles against your clit.
“I gotcha, come on darling, come for me,” he says, mouth sucking and kissing down your neck.
“Tommy,” you whine as he makes you come again, his thumb rubbing your clit with less and less pressure as you clench around him, letting out little whimpers of his name.
The way you looked, head thrown back, whining his name, the way you were so fucking wet and dripping down your thighs had Tom twitching, his hand moving to cup your face, kissing you as he came.
He slowly pulled out of you, your hands running up and down his arms as he pulled away from your lips, rolling to the side of you.
“So, you’ve been wanting to do that for a long time?” He asks, you both had showered, settled back down in bed, your head on his chest, his arm around your shoulder, like you used to.
“Oh shut up you’ve wanted to too.”
“And why didn’t we do this sooner?”
“Because I’m stubborn and you’re stupid.”
“Ah that’s right that’s right,” he says, kissing your head.
“I guess we uh, don’t need that other room with two beds then eh?”
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Drunk Punch Love: Chapter 4
Pairing: FemShep and Garrus Vakarian (Shakarian)
Rating: PG-13 (with some tossed F-bombs)
Summary: Their awkward, badass journey through saving the galaxy and accidentally falling in love
Chapter 4: Drunken Heroes
After all her damned talk of avoiding booze forever, here she was, taking her whole crew to get wasted at a bar.
To give herself credit, this was 100% about letting her friends blow off steam before they headed to Virmire, not about her. She didn't even have any plans to drink, just play babysitter and have some fun with them. After all they'd done for the mission, they deserved some shore leave.
Anya almost wished she could be as hyped as Ash was. The soldier kept talking about how she was itching for a good Citadel blue cocktail mixed with classic Russian Vodka. Kept on saying she'd call it "The Shepard".
She stuck back, watching Ash drag Tali, Ash, Joker, Liara, Kaidan, and Garrus to the bartender. The only one left was her favorite cranky Krogan, an old man among youths. But he already knew that without her pointing that out. He chuckled low next to her, "You look like a mother Varren with her pups."
"What, do I look like I'm gonna eat them?"
Wrex grumbled with distaste, but Anya felt pretty satisfied, annoying him. "Varren are dedicated to their young. And so are you, Mother Shepard."
Anya nearly gagged at the thought. Her, a mom? Hardly. She was just a pathetic lonely soldier who had friends for the first time in a long time. A hard mission does that to people; it bonds them. "I'd prefer you never call me that again."
"No promises."
"What do you even do at a bar?"
While Wrex barely reacted, she knew his was peering at her with confusion. "I drink, just like everyone else."
"I can't picture it."
"Well if you need a picture, I'll be over there, drinking ryncol. I'll tell the waitress you're buying." Wrex patted her back and walked off without any confirmation.
Under her breath, Anya grumbled, "I mean, I am buying, but you could've asked..." She just shook her head and accepted the inordinate amount of credits she was about to lose on that tab. But at least, when she turned to look back at the bar, her entire crew seemed to be enjoying themselves. Ash was being the leader of the pack. Liara was sticking closing, admiring the entertainment, and Tali looked like she was roped into being her wingman.
Garrus, of course, was the one in some sort of arm wrestle with Kaidan while Joker egged them on. Who knew what the hell that was about.
Shepard just nabbed a glass of water and joined Liara in watching Ash try to flirt with guys and/or flirt with them for Tali, who seemed far less interested. She noticed T'Soni stiffened up a little the second she sat down, but she tried to ignore it. "Everyone looks like they're having a good time, huh?"
"Absolutely. I've never seen Gunnery Chief Willaims so loud. Not outside of a firefight, at least."
Though she didn't mean to, every time she sat down next to her crew, she turned full Commander mode. And Liara's somber mood was a prime target. "I know you said you were doing better, but how are you really holding up?"
Staring down at her glass, Liara kept on looking at the liquid in it like it would say something profound to her. Anya remembered that look; probably a little too well. "Worse than I expected. Benezia and I weren't close for a long time. I knew losing her would be hard but not like... this. I feel like a fundamental part of me is now being washed away a little more every day and there's nothing I can do to stop it."
Anya normally wasn't one for opening up deep, old wounds, but she couldn't just let Liara sit there, haunted and alone, on their last night of peace before the storm. She was very deliberate in putting her palm gently on Liara's shoulder and not her hand. "After Akuze, I used to have a drinking problem. Or lack of drinking problem. I'd used to come here, buy the drink my squad used to always get, and stared down into it until the bar was empty and I was kicked out. It was like I was trying to find meaning to fill that empty space in me. But nothing really fills it. You just find other things that give you meaning and eventually they motivate you more than the emptiness does."
Before Shepard could react, Liara put her own hand on hers and was giving her this sweet smile. "Thank you, Shepard."
Anya pulled her hand away and scooted an inch or two back, trying to diffuse any cute moment Liara might've thought they were having. "I'm here to help anytime. That's what friends do."
After she said that, Anya didn't want to look up and cringe at the disappointment painted on Liara's face. It already fucked her up inside. But when she did finally look up, she felt a lot more weird feelings than she meant to.
Sure, there was Liara's conflicted face, but past her ear Anya could see the boy band of Joker, Garrus, and Kaidan sitting around a table and laughing. Well, they were, but then a female turian walked up and looked at Garrus like he was a snack.
Not that she fully disagreed but that wasn't the damn point.
While she didn't mean to go comatose, and she was pretty sure Liara might've said something, she felt like everything blacked out except him. And he was doing that awkward smiling thing, and she could tell he was flustered, and she could tell the turian was hitting on him. And where the bro in her was happy for him, that fucked up part of her that woke itself up on a Noveria bar had its eyes wide open and was screaming.
Before she could make any expressions that made her make a fool of herself, and so she didn't have to look at it anymore, Anya went to staring down into the glass of water in front of her.
"By the goddess, how did I not notice?"
Shepard shook her head and gave Liara her best clueless look. Oh boy, how she didn't want her to be noticing what she thought she might have noticed. ANya asked, "Notice what?"
Even though there was this sadness in her eyes, there was also clarity. Liara said it so plainly that it hurt, "You have feelings for Garrus."
Anya covered Liara's mouth with her hand and closed her eyes, like if she wished it hard enough she'd wake up and this nightmare would be over and no one would know her dumb, dirty little secret. "No, nope, I don't. You saw nothing."
"And your cheeks are even getting red. I never-"
Giving up, because clearly her cover-up skills were piss poor, Shepard just held her hands and tried not to look too desperate. It was embarrassing enough. "Please don't talk about it. He doesn't feel the same way and it doesn't matter. You're all my friends and we're on a mission and that's what we need to focus on."
Liara frowned, but didn't seem too keen to pry. "I won't make you talk more, mostly because I feel embarrassed for chasing after you now, but if you need to talk, I'm here."
If Anya was in peak Commander mode, she'd stay shut up, let it end at that, but after so much time keeping it to herself and feeling so frustrated, and now seeing him get looked at like that by some attractive turian... Well, maybe she'd be better off not keeping it inside. "He's my best friend, Liara. It complicates everything."
"Clearly people think that complication is worth it. And here I was, hoping it was me."
"I'm sorry, Liara."
"It matters more to me that you stay my friend."
Of all the stupid things tonight, that made her smile. Even under all the "getting caught looking at Garrus" embarrassment. "That's what matters to me, too. And not just with you, with him."
"I can understand that."
Anya winced and kept her eyes down, not wanting to look at Garrus, knowing he probably was flirting back. He had every right and... And, well, it wasn't like he owed her anything. They said it didn't happen, she was just a squishy human, and they'd just stay friends, right? "So, I'd just prefer we talk about other things to distact me from saying anything dumb about Garrus Vakarian-"
"Somebody saying my name?"
Startled, Anya jumped in her chair and almost fell off. Liara started giggling like the funniest shit just happened, but hearing him pop up behind he was so unfair. More unfair was the fact she noticed his hand was holding her chair straight. Anya just sunk down into it, real low, and tried to hope that Saren would take her down with him. At least it was an honorable death.
Lucky for Shepard, Liara winked at her and saved her ass. "We were wondering who won the arm wrestling, you or Lieutenant Alenko. The Commander was betting on you, even though I said Kaidan would win."
"You wound me, Liara."
Trying to act casual, Anya raised an eyebrow. "So who won, then?"
Garrus scratched the back of his neck and admitted, "Okay, fine, Alenko won. But only because he's a dirty cheat and used biotics."
She didn't know what it was about his wounded pride, but it helped unwind all the knots she'd put herself in. Anya patted his shoulder, saying, "Don't worry, you're still my number one turian."
"He's not a turian and I'm your only turian. That statement means nothing, but sure, thanks, Shep."
Watching him scowl at her, like nothing was weird or wrong, it made her laugh in a way that vibrated throughout her entire body. But maybe she also didn't want to admit how much it warmed her up, knowing he turned the flirting turian down and came over here to her.
After she got out her nerves and laughed like that, the rest of the night was a fun blur. The crew started sharing embarrassing stories of first kisses and first posts, and they all danced and Tali made fun of her for being terrible. Garrus was the only one who gave her a wink during that, because he knew her actual skills. Not like she was going to tondue at a club, though. And then later they even got Wrex to join in on an argument on who had the wildest battle scars. No surprise, the Krogan won. But Joker's surgery scars almost gave him a run for his money.
That night, she was the one helping carry Ash back to the Normandy while everyone else was walking or stumbling in front of them. Everyone enjoyed themselves, but Ash was definitely the one that hit the booze the hardest.
But Anya didn't mind too much. She saw how Ash made everyone smile and brought them together. The spitfire would be a great leader someday, once she got more experience under her belt.
Leaning into her shoulder, the Gunnery Chief started to mumble. "We're going to save the galaxy, Shep. I'll get to be a hero. The Williams name is gonna go down in history for great reasons this time."
Anya held onto Ash's side, tight, and said, "You're going to be a great hero, Ash. Probably a better one than me. You don't have the baggage weighing you down."
When Ash laughed, it bubbled through her body and almost shoved them too close to the railing. Garrus gave her a look, like asking if she wanted help, but Anya shook her head. She and captain realism didn't need to burst Ash's hopefulness here. It was honestly kind of nice to hear someone talk about the future like this. Ash wasn't thinking about dying; just about the good she'd do.
How could Anya not admire that?
"I'm gonna have a tough time beating you, Shep, but I'll do my best."
"You better. Second human Spectre, Ashely Williams, Sounds good, right?"
Ash was still so wobbly. Anya wasn't quite sure she'd remember any of this in the morning. That only made it so much easier to compliment her. "Don't get crazy, Commander." She rolled her eyes in a very exaggerated way, but then hiccuped so hard some of her hair fell out of her bun. "But yeah, it kinda does sound good."
"Well, let's get back on the Normandy and make you a hero, Ash." When she finished carrying Ash onto the ship, she kept on seeing the drunk cadet she used to be, laughing with her friends anytime they got shore leave, all swapping stories on how they'd become heroes. None of them would've ever guessed Anya'd get it because they all died. She'd gained honor in an awful, horrible way. But she hoped Ash could become someone great by her side, instead.
That was one of the few things she'd enjoy seeing, at the end of all this.
Author's Note:
Thanks so much for reading, and double thanks to my lovely patrons:
Danyell Jones
Amy Connolly
If you'd like to support my work, please go check out my patreon: patreon.com/gracejordan
I also write original stories and am trying to build a community of fandom lovers on writing sites, in Discord, and (in the future) on Twitch :) any help is appreciated
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marvel--queen ¡ 5 years
Lucky People || Jason Todd || Song Fic
Fandom: DC Comics
Word Count:  2,136 (including lyrics)
Warnings: nudity, sexual mentions, theres like one or two swear words but thats it
Description: It’s Jason’s birthday and you give him his Rated PG present before the Rated R present. Plus you get a little surprise of your own
Song: Lucky People by Waterparks
A/N: (V/N) means vigilante name. Sorry it took so long but happy birthday to my baby bird Jason Todd!! Also recommend listening to the band Waterparks in general because theyre the fucking best
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You close the door, thanking Dick for helping you throw Jason’s surprise party. All of Jason’s family came by to celebrate his birthday and even though Jason almost shot Tim at the start from startling him, it was a success. Dick was the last to leave, worrying about cleaning up the party but you told him you could take care of it. The minute the door closes, Jason’s arms are around you, nuzzling his nose into your neck. 
“Is there a reason why I didn’t get a birthday present from you at the party?” His voice was low. 
“Well.. yes,” You blushed lightly, “But not what you’re thinking about.” You turn around in his arms to look at his pouty face, "Not yet at least.”
You lead Jason to the couch and give him a nervous look. “Just, uh, give me a minute.” 
Jason looked confused as you hooked up your computer to the TV. You found what you were looking for and clicked on it. It was then where you returned to the couch and placed yourself on Jason’s lap. He wrapped his arms around you and snuggled into your neck. 
Grabbing the remote, you looked at Jason, “Happy birthday, Baby.” And pressed play.
The video starts with you in front of a camera with your guitar. “Hey Jay, right now you’re at the store grabbing me something and going on basically a wild goose hunt since Gotham doesn’t sell what I asked. But I’ll apologize later when you get back home.” You wink at the camera. “But when you see this it’ll be your birthday! So happy birthday Baby! I wrote this a while back but decided to hold off releasing it until after your birthday. Throughout this year, I’ve been randomly filming moments we had, I’m surprised you never asked but you went along with it and now you’ll finally know why.” 
You adjusted your guitar on your lap and spoke, “This one’s for you, I love you."
"Light us up until we pop I wanna burn bright 'til we're not Let's keep each other safe from the world.”
The recording stayed on you strumming and singing until the next line comes.
"I'll be your optimistic black hole Full of love I can't control Let's keep each other safe from the world From the world”
It changed to the two of you in bed laughing as Jason buried his face into your neck and blowing. You squirm away from him with a bright smile on your face before pulling his face towards yours for a kiss.
"Happy birthday, Merry Christmas To the one I call my Mr I'm leaving you love notes in the kitchen, say it all”
The video cuts to you making him pancakes in the morning before you leave for work. It zooms in on the note you placed next to the plate, reading ‘Good Morning my love, I’ll be at work by the time you wake up. Just wanted to let you know that I love you and that we’re having dinner at the manor tonight. Deal with it babe, XO (Y/N)’ 
"I know you said to mind my business But Cupid sent me on a mission It's got me sitting, wishing, waiting for your call Let's be lucky people, you and me”
You hobbled vicariously to the couch, hoping to not spill the wine you were carrying. Getting comfortable and making sure your leg is properly elevated, you open your current book and start reading. The video cuts to a later time, as seen by the darkness in the window next to you and your book soon was read through. Throughout the video, your face gets more worried and you check your phone more frequently than the start of the video. It’s the first time in a while where you weren’t out there with Jason patrolling Gotham but since you got in a bit of a scuffle last week with some of Joker’s goons, you were out of commission with a broken leg. The video cuts one last time to you almost asleep on the couch. Jason crawls through the window and takes off his mask. You jump at the sound but your startled eyes light up at the sight of your boyfriend and you open your arms wide at the boy. Jason gives you a tired smile and strips off his jacket and utilities before joining you on the couch. Careful of your leg, he laid with his head on your chest and your arms circle around him. One hand moves up to play with his hair and you see a dopey smile form on Jasons’ tired face as he falls asleep laying on you.
"My hourglass is in your hands You've got my time, you are my plans Let's keep each other safe from the world”
Your leg is fully healed and you’re on the roof of your apartment in your (V/N) outfit with Jason next to you in his Red Hood outfit. His mask is off, allowing his face to be seen with only a domino mask covering his identity. The sun is about to set behind you as you laugh swinging his arms with yours. You pull him closer to your body and started to dance. He gives you a look before giving in to your antics. The two of you are goofily dancing before it turns to Jason just holding you and swaying with the sun almost gone behind you both, casting a silhouette. You break from his grasp, giving him a sweet kiss and flipping backward off of the building. Jason is laughing to himself as he grabs his mask, placing it on and following you on patrol.
"You've got me writing sappy songs I used to laugh at on my own Let's keep each other safe from the world Because I know it's hard to let yourself be fine But I'll carry around our worried flurried minds But I'll let go if you do too"
You giggle as the bubbles from your bath tickles your skin. Your cat looks curiously at the bubbles from the rim of the bathtub and swats at some. You hear the front door open and close and Jason calls out to you. 
“In the bath!” You yell in response and you hear heavy footsteps. By the time Jason appears in the bathroom door, he’s already shirtless.
“Mind if I join?” You respond by moving forward in the bath creating space behind you for Jason. Doing this made some bathwater spill over the rim and your cat yowled in surprise before running off.
“Crazy cat,” You mutter to yourself as Jason climbs into the tub behind you.
“He may be crazy but you love him,” Jason tugs you into his lab once he settled.
“Seems as if I have a type.” You smile back at him as his face shifts into betrayal.
“You take that back!” 
“Nope,” You grab some bubbles and try and place it on his face, creating a beard. You giggle at how goofy he looks until he goes and nuzzles his face into your neck, tickling you. Screaming, you squirm in his hold as he starts blowing raspberries onto your neck. Once Jason stopped and you calmed down, you sink deeper into the bathwater and Jason places a kiss on your head. You tilt your head up slightly to look at your lover and he leans down to kiss you. It’s messy but it’s perfect at the moment. Jason tapped your nose lightly when the two of you pulled away from the kiss.
"Happy birthday, Merry Christmas To the one I call my Mr I'm leaving you love notes in the kitchen, say it all I know you said to mind my business But Cupid sent me on a mission It's got me sitting, wishing, waiting for your call Let's be lucky people, you and me"
You open the door to your new home and let your cat free from his kennel. He runs around the living room for a bit before losing interest and grooming himself instead. You laugh at your cats' reaction to the new house and jump when arms wrap around your waist. You turn your head to look at Jason and smile, kissing his lips sweetly. 
"My common sense is powerless And I'm convinced that you Caught me lucky, it's just the half of it The better half of me that I couldn't quit"
Jason is snuggled into your back, leaving kisses on your shoulder as you try and film. His hair tickling your neck as you giggle, trying to release yourself from his grip. Once he releases you, you flip him over so you're straddling his waist and the camera is poised on him. He pouts at you behind the camera and he looks sinfully adorable with messy hair from you pulling it earlier and dark bruises marking his chest from your kisses. You lean down into the frame and kiss his cheek. During then he catches you off guard and flips you over, taking the camera from your hand. You reach out to grab the camera but he dodges it and the shoulder of Jason’s shirt you're wearing falls exposing your shoulder. You scrunch your nose at him and make a goofy face at the camera, sticking your tongue out. It ends with you mouthing "I love you” to Jason before you covered the lens with your hand.
“ 'Cause now I'm flying across the country More than monthly for you You've got me more than clumsy But you're my yellow lovely"
For a month in the summer, you went home to visit your family. Sadly Jason couldn’t come with, he had duties in Gotham as Red Hood. During that month, you two must have facetimed at least once a day and you missed him so much, especially Larry, your cat. You couldn’t bring Larry along since your brother is allergic and the majority of your facetimes, much to Jason’s dismay, was you talking to Larry. Now the month was over and you were finally coming home. Immediately getting off the plane, you saw Jason. Looking like he just rolled out of bed, in one of your oversized yellow jumpers, he never looked better. Your smile grew and you dropped your luggage, running to the love of your life. He didn’t notice you until you were in the air jumping onto him. Luckily, Jason is used to this and he caught you with only a few stumbles. You litter his face with kisses and held on to him for dear life. 
“I missed you, I missed you, I missed you,” You repeat between each kiss before pulling away and looking straight into his eyes. “I missed you, Jay-bird.” 
“Sure seemed like you missed the cat more than me,” Jason muttered before squeezing your ass and kissing you hard. You smiled into the kiss and laughed at his comment. You may have missed your cat but you missed Jason even more.
"Happy birthday, Merry Christmas To the one I call my Mr I'm leaving you love notes in the kitchen and say it all I know you said to mind my business But Cupid sent me on a mission It's got me sitting, wishing, waiting for your call"
The video closes with you and your guitar and a kiss blown at the camera. 
“Soooo,” You drawl out peaking nervously at Jason. He had tears in his eyes and gaped at you. “Aw you big baby,” You cup his face and kissed his nose.
Jason looked at you with love in his eyes before trying to respond, “I- oh god. That was beautiful, (Y/N).” 
You blush and hide in his chest, “Was it really?”
“Yeah, it was. Just, uh, hold on for a second.” He picks you up from his lap and races towards your shared room. After a minute of fidgeting your thumbs, he returns and kneels in front of you. “This is not how I planned this going but after watching that there is no one else I’d ever want to marry. (Y/N) (L/N), I am so in love with you, will you marry me?” He opens the velvet box he had hidden behind his back to reveal a beautiful ring.
“Oh my god, holy shit,” You gasp, covering your mouth. “Yes, a thousand times yes, Jay.” He slides the ring onto your left ring finger and picks you up from the couch, kissing you. You break the kiss to look him in the eyes, “Now, for your other gift.” Somehow, still in his arms, you removed your shirt to reveal his favorite deep red lacy bra you own and he groaned loudly.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” Jason smirks before carrying you to your bed.
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