#i really like the hc that bull had short hair because of him being ben hassrath
widgits · 2 years
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ex-inquisitor rolls up to your diplomatic meeting with her qunari boytoy wdyd ft. long haired the iron bull
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I love the ask you did with William and his s/o and Benny, would you be up for more of those? I really loved that request. Do you have anymore hcs on it?
Aww, I glad you like them! I don’t have them ready, stashed somewhere secret but I am more than happy to write some William + S/O feat. Benny because it’s one of my fav combos :D I didn’t do it in traditional hc style but more like snippets, like I did last time. I really love this format, it’s like getting a glimpse into a situation :)
William and You and Benny (basically), the second
“No, no, no - tell me again!” You laugh, leaning back against Will’s chest as he adjusts the blanket wrapped around you two - or rather himself, with you wrapped up in his arms. “I always thought he got that scar on his forehead when he was in a car accident.”
“No, that’s the one on his back.” Benny corrects you, poking the logs with a branch. They crack yet again and the wind carries a welcoming flash of warmth in your direction. You settle even more against Will’s chest, being content and kept warm with his heat radiating through your body from his the back and the fire doing it’s job from the front.
“No, he - You told me it was from the windshield!”
“Got a lot of scars.” Will sends you a half hearted shrug, an embarrassed smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Maybe I got them confused.”
“Bull-shit.” You turn back to Benny who grins to you over the fire, a satisfying look on his face from exposing his brother’s little secret like that as the flames reflect in his eyes. “I can’t believe you just ran into a glass door. Always thought that only happens in movies.”
Will grumbles something incoherent into your hair, his cheek pressed against the top of your head. His beard slightly scratches over your scalp but you don’t mind, you’re used to the feeling by now.
“No, it also happens in the Miller household.”
“I was eleven … ” Will tries to defend himself weakly.
“You were reading and didn’t watch where you were going. Always had your nose stuck in some book, you tiny little nerd.” Ben shoots back immediately. A pine cone goes flying to Ben’s direction and he dodges it easily. “Hey!”
“Who walks and reads at the same time?” You wonder but none of them seems to hear you.
“It was a letter, not a book!”
“A letter?” Both you and Benny exclaim at the same time, neither of you knowing that tiny little detail before.
You turn to give Will a surprised look. “What - like a love letter?”
The blush creeping up on Will’s neck is answer enough and now Ben’s howling with laughter. Will hurls another pine cone at him and this time it bounces off of Benny’s chest. “I was eleven!”
“Do you want me to get started on the garlic and the onions?”
“No, put do the meat first, please.“ You shuffle around the kitchen, grabbing a few small cucumbers from the bowl on the counter before returning to your place at the side with a chopping board. “It’s in the fridge, lower cabinet.”
“I know.” Ben chuckles and you forget how often he has been helping in the kitchen and cooking with you. Will, on the other side of the island is concentrated on shuffling a stack of cards, been that for the last 10 minutes now. Usually it would be him cooking and Benny watching but this evening the cards are, literally, turned.
“Is this your card?”
You barely glance up to shake your head, yet again. “Nope.”
Will heaves a frustrated sigh and begins to shuffle the cards yet again. He’s been trying to get either yours or Benny’s guess right and so far, he has gloriously failed.
“I think you need to go back to magic school, Will.”
“I think you need to shut your mouth and concentrate on the meat.” Will mumbles back at his brother before moving around the counter to hold out the flared out cards in Ben’s direction. “Pick a card.”
“I know.” Benny draws a card, holds it up in a dramatic fashion before stacking it back into the rest.
“Did you remember your card?”
“Yes, William.” You snort at Ben’s voice taking on a high pitch. “We’ve done this the whole night. Do you remember?”
“Let the man shuffle his cards in peace, Benjamin.”
You have exactly one minute of quiet in the kitchen, where Benny’s stirring the pan, you continue chopping and William is thoroughly mixing his deck of cards, leaning against the counter. It could’ve been nice, really, but then Will draws one card and holds it up for you and Benny to see. You’re suddenly more interested in the cucumbers.
“Is that your card?”
“Really?” William turns the card around in disbelief and now you have to look up too.
“Yes, that’s my card! King of hearts.” Ben’s voice is stern and honest but you’re not the only one that’s spotting the faint glimmer in his eyes. Will lowers the card in disappointment.
“Ben, is that your card?”
Now there’s a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “No.”
Sometimes you forget, though. You forget, this isn’t reality, this isn’t normal and before you know it Will’s drawer in your bedroom is empty again, his duffle bag and a backpack sitting on your bed. His hair is cropped short as he steps out of the bathroom, already dressed in his uniform and your heart clenches with the heavy heartache that comes with saying goodbye. It’s a last long hug at the door for both of the Miller boys and a kiss that you don’t want to end, fighting back tears as you watch Ben and Will getting in the car and you have to force yourself to lift your hand as a wave goodbye as they pull out the driveway.
The house without Will seems empty, the bed too big without his body dipping the side of the mattress in his direction slightly. Days become weeks, weeks become months and though it’s not the first time Will’s gone again, you have to keep reminding yourself almost daily he’ll be coming back, he’s fine, he’ll be coming back.
When the phone rings you’re excited, almost dropping a bowl you’re drying off as you rush to pick up the call. The “Hello?” you breath out gets almost caught in your throat from how fast you spit it out and it’s a wonder the other person on the line understands you at all.
“Y/N?” It’s not Will - it’s Ben. The excitement that rushed through your body seconds ago turns to ice. “Hello? Y/N, are you there?”
It takes too many hours for you to get to the foreign country Will and Ben flew out to weeks ago, too many hours trapped on a plane, only being able to repeat Ben’s few words in your head. “He’s been wounded, shot – Y/N, it’s bad, it’s really bad.” His hollow voice still echoes through your skull as you land and hail a cab. It takes too long to go to the hospital. “It’s really really bad.” You walk through cold and sterile hallways, the only familiarity being the burning scent of anti bacteria scrub. “They say you should come.” The hallway spits you into an more open waiting area and suddenly there’s Ben. A dry sob escapes your lips before you know it.
You’re met with red eyes, hallow cheeks. Ben’s head snaps up so fast at the sound of your voice, eyes wild with fear and terror you almost flinch back but his expression immediately softens as he sees you, clutching your bag to your chest and crying - crying, crying, crying. You’ve held the tears back the whole time, didn’t cry when you got the call, didn’t cry on the plane but seeing Ben just as you unraveled  is the last straw. Suddenly there’s an arm around you and you sob into Ben’s chest, body shaking and fighting for a breath that won’t make it to your lungs.
“Oh my God, Y/N –” 
You choke and cling to him, desperate to feel some sort of comfort but Ben’s arms fails it’s magic. Instead Ben falter’s as well, gripping you just as tightly and it feels like you stay like that for forever, standing in the middle of the waiting room, heart beating hard against your ribcage, praying for the same man that fights for his life just a couple of doors down.
“I can’t look! Oh no, nonono. I can’t watch it!”
“Yes, you can!” Benny next to you doesn’t sound convinced either as you scoot further back from the screen as if bringing some distance between you and the TV might change any plot that’s already unwrapping before you. The blanket’s being drawn higher and higher in an desperate attempt to cover your eyes, yet you’re still too curious to wait and see what happens next.
“Ben, if she dies I’m gonna vomit.”
“No ones gonna vomit.” Will grumbles and you feel the vibrations rattle through his chest where you’re currently curling your face into. Though his voice is steady and he sports an unmoved mask with his eyes glued to the television you can tell his arm isn’t quite as relaxed around you as usually and there’s a certain lack of his finger trailing up and down your skin. “If anyone of you vomits I’ll throw you out myself.”
You shoot him an amused look.
“Yes, even you, my Love.”
The episode of Throne’s continues to play in front of you, all of your focus shifting back to the screen but it’s not for long until banter ensures again. You’re used to it by now, all of you squished on your tiny couch, both of Ben and you barely holding back on the comments because your hearts just clench every episode and you need to voice your emotions before either of you collapse of a heart attack. Will, on the other hand sits through each episode with a tense focus, body flexed as if he’s the one fighting for his life and at times holding you so tightly, you need to wiggle in his arms a bit before he relaxes them enough for you to take a deep breath as another plot twist is revealed.
A dreamy look glosses over Ben’s feature as Sansa appears on screen again and you can’t keep the grin to yourself as you nudge him teasingly with your foot. “Benny-Boy … ”
“I’d die for her.” It’s a short, ernest statement. Ben’s voice is dead serious, his expression so sincere you have to laugh into your blanket. “No, really. I’d kill Ramsay and then steal a horse and we’d live happily ever after.”
“You’d die of pneumonia in the first week.” Will muses as he shifts behind you slightly.
“I would not!” There’s a sheepish grin spreading on Ben’s face and he starts to wiggle his eyebrows. “I’d keep her warm and cozy just fine.”
“She’d hop off your horse the second you’re in the clear and then probably friend zone you forever.” You throw in your own plot. “And then die of pneumonia.”
There’s another foot being kicked in your direction but you pull up your legs just in time to dodge it and it’s Will who feels the pain, sending his brother a warning glare. “Try that again and I’ll throw your ass out like the Hound.”
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