#i really gotta read vanadis heart at some point too
gloochi · 1 year
Thinking about how G-Witch is ending soon, I think this is definitely the end of the current story, but I do think we're gonna get a sequel series, ala Zeta or SEED Destiny (though hopefully nowhere near as bad as SEED Destiny 😆). Suletta and Miorine's story is coming to a close, but there's a lot around them that's not getting resolved any time soon. The Earthian-Spacian conflict is ramping up, especially thanks to Prospera's actions, and that's largely been in the background outside the couple times our main cast has gotten caught up in it. Peil has managed to consistently karma Houdini themselves multiple times, and Elan prime's face remains disappointingly unpunched. The Space Assembly League is finally pushing more into frame right at the end of the series. The Dawn of Fold is very much still around, even if they lost Shaddiq and both their Gundams and the pilots. Stopping Prospera isn't going to resolve any of this, and I doubt the writers are gonna try and imply otherwise.
We've got plenty of plot threads left dangling around our main story, so I'd be surprised if we didn't get AT LEAST a movie, if not a full-on new series. Hell, G-Witch was so wildly successful that I feel like Sunrise would just be burning money to not follow up with more Ad Stella stuff.
I do think whatever sequel we get would be more akin to Zeta than SEED Destiny, in that it'll most likely have a largely new cast with a few returning characters rather than keeping the same cast. Like I said, their stories are wrapping up. Suletta almost certainly isn't getting Aerial back, and it would be a bad idea to keep piloting Calibarn all the time, so I think she and Miorine are gonna try to lead a more peaceful life, though they may get dragged back in towards the end. Some members of Earth House, probably especially Chuchu, are the ones I'd expect to be most likely to be important in the potential sequel. 5lan (El5n? How are we writing his name?) would probably be important too if Peil serves as a major threat.
Of course, all of this could be wildly off the mark, but I've got a good feeling, I'd say.
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twilightknight17 · 4 years
Forgetting to buy more SP patches before taking on the final boss was probably a mistake.
Forgetting to sell the items I can’t take into NG+ for cash that I can take into NG+ was probably a mistake.
Forgetting to get Arsene out of Lockdown so that I can record his awesome new stats for NG+ was probably a mistake.
In my defense, I was really excited. I wonder if the game will let me make a side trip while I’m out...buying flowers. Because that is what it has come to.
Buying flowers.
Shinya is a terrible brat and wasn’t in Akihabara at ALL until the day before the deadline. Thanks, Shinya. There goes my max confidants. Blugh. At least I got some other things done. Got the award for the maid cafe, so I don’t have to go back except once to open the Twins field trip. I still suck at batting even with third eye. But I am a champ at fishing, it only took me like five trips to the fishing pond to catch the Guardian! I could have done it in less if I’d figured out how to manage my bait properly sooner.
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Smile, Akira, we’re awesome! ...still not even halfway to enough fish points for the award, though. :/
I am also awesome at the crane game in Akihabara, and by that I mean I am persistent and have enough yen that it doesn’t matter how many tries it takes.
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Ryuji truly knows the way to my heart. <3 I missed two episodes of Featherman; one I forgot to check the TV, and the other I was laughing so hard at the title that I forgot to write it down. But I know where they are, so it’s something else for NG+. ^_^
So I romanced Sumire, and I’m...slightly off-put. Only slightly. Not because of her, but once again, because of the writing. Sumire is cute, but the game is singling her out as “special” again.
She is the only one who confesses to you, and you explicitly have the option to turn her down, rather than the implications of a confession that you can shoot down indirectly (Haru’s, Makoto’s, Futaba’s), or the absolute fucking galaxy-brain leap of logic that is Ann’s dialogue choices. X’D
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If you ignore that, though, they’re stupidly cute. Akira’s a little shit, as usual. Sumire asks you to “look at her”, based on her whole confidant thing of realizing that having someone you care about watching you makes you want to do better.
And so Akira looks.
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And looks closer.
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Dorks. XDDD
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They’re sweet. Not my favorite romance route; that still goes to Haru. I think in the end I still prefer Akira adding another member to his army of younger siblings. He’s gotta be better than Yu. XDDD
So I got Kasumi’s rank 10 and literally the next day was February 2nd, and I spent the afternoon getting her third-tier persona. So I didn’t even get to see...Vanadis? in battle. Vanadis matches a little too well to Arsene for my tastes, and Ella is pretty, but I’m not sure how I feel about it looking kind of bride-ish when Maruki’s running around in a wedding tux.
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Anyway...what do we do the night before the meeting that will decide everything?
We make curry and we pretend everything isn’t about to go to hell.
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So, Maruki. Let’s chat.
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Does no one die in your world? Or move away? What if someone’s dream is to move abroad, and someone else’s dream is for that person to stay with them forever? If what we saw in your Palace is any indication, both of them would be tortured into accepting new dreams where they wouldn’t hurt each other. Dreams that you deemed acceptable. And that’s why you’re wrong.
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So you’re giving up your happiness to make sure everyone else is happy? Why can’t you just use your powers to make her remember you, without the trauma? Are you not all-powerful?
Or are you running away from the person that reminds you how helpless you used to be? You’re not moving on, you’re dwelling, and using it as an excuse to be terrible. For all of your kindness, you know Akira is a threat. And benevolent or not, you’re being manipulative. You’re using Goro against him. You’re hoping that he makes the decision you didn’t, and chooses the person he cares about over the reality he wants.
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Every time he says something like this, I feel exactly the way he says he didn’t want me to. Newsflash, asshole, that’s exactly what it seems like. If we break your reality, you’re heavily implying he won’t be here afterwards. And you’re gambling that it will be too much pain for Akira to bear, because you know how important they are to each other.
Goro, meanwhile, is both perfectly determined and perfectly stupid.
“Don’t tell me you think dangling my life before us is going to have any impact on our decision.”
Goro. Honey. Do you really think he cares so little that he wouldn’t hesitate for just a moment?
Akira practically throws the calling card at Maruki before he leaves, which I think sums up his feelings pretty well.
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I appreciate that Morgana understands that this is something between them.
Goro doesn’t want to be controlled or manipulated ever again. Which... I get it. He’s never had a chance to have full control of his own life. But that doesn’t mean Akira isn’t going to be upset by the idea of him dying. Again.
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Two out of three dialogue options are basically “hang on one fucking second,  your life matters to me.”
“Don’t oversimplify this.”
“Oh, but it IS simple. Do you think I’d be happy with this? Being shown mercy now of all times? I don’t want to be pitied-- this isn’t something I’m debating with you! Your indecisiveness is essentially a betrayal of my wishes.”
It’s not pity, you stubborn, idiot boy. ...and I hate that you see it as a betrayal.
Maruki is...very confident. And very kind. And part of the reason he upsets me is because he isn’t wrong, in many cases. But he uses that to justify imposing his will on everyone.
And being kind doesn’t mean that you are free from sin. You can be kind and still be manipulative. And selfish. In the end, that’s what separates him and Akira. Akira, despite all of his hesitation, refuses to be selfish. Even when he has every right to be. He will not hurt someone else to prevent himself from being hurt.
He will not hurt Goro by refusing to fight Maruki, even if it will rip his own heart to pieces.
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Oh, I like you. At first glance, the silhouette was very similar to one of Mordred’s original pieces of concept art, though, and I was ready to Yell before I looked closer. XD
And so, at 11:30pm, having completely forgotten the several things I needed to have done before the meeting with Maruki, we head in to steal the Treasure.
This man needs to stop. How dare he know how much I love Cool Stairs?
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I find it very concerning that the core of Eden is a writhing mess of tentacles. The metaphorical worm in the apple? X’D We were so close to getting Nyarlathotep, but Azathoth is suitably intimidating. And I appreciate that he’s using the same concepts as the Thieves: his will to rebel against what he sees as an unfair reality, and removing his mask to summon his distorted persona. Thanks for validating all of my headcanon meta about Adachi and Palaces all in one go.
I can’t do this. What the fuck are you wearing?
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At least Azathoth is cool.
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Somehow I managed to bring exactly the right team to get consistent four-person baton passes for the whole first round. That one was about half an hour.
...the second round was an hour and fifteen minutes because holy shit this thing was a tank and had entirely too many arms and really needed to stop healing.
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The torch is very pretty, at least.
And then before we can completely book it out of there, he steals the torch back and literally forces his second awakening so he can keep going. And at that point...what is he even hoping to accomplish? What is he going to do? Are you really willing to kill us to maintain this illusion?
The answer is apparently yes because it was a surprisingly poetic battle as each teammate in turn got a chance to fling themselves in the way and stop it from crushing Joker to death with it’s big giant hand.
And THEN he goes even further and validates some canon meta and me all at once by fusing with his own persona in a continuing last-ditch effort to... I really think he’s trying to kill us. I think he’s that far gone. Or at least his persona is. Because after the fusion, it’s specifically called “Adam Kadmon”, not Maruki. The persona is in control. It’s canon that if you try to summon something stronger than you, it can overtake and possess you. I know Maruki seemed to willingly give up control, but it’s also possible that forcing his second awakening like that left him with a persona that was entirely too strong for him.
(Nevermind that him being that strong in the first place is kind of ridiculous. That’s a discussion for after the final credits. I’m just hyped that someone fusing with their persona was a thing that actually happened!)
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He’s so big. Where’s Satanael so I can fuse with him and we can have a megazord fight in Collapsing Ideal Tokyo? XD
The kids up the Holy Shit Quotient by a mile by catching the giant fist all together so that Joker can deal the final blow.
And what a final blow it is.
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I really like this, because I don’t know if it was deliberate, but I read it as a callback to Daybreakers. Which came out before the game, iirc, so the first real piece of content. It’s just on a bigger, grander scale.
Everything comes full-circle in the end.
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I really like the Mona helicopter. XD I just wish it was a little bigger, because poor Goro squished into the bottom. And poor Akira not managing to make it into the helicopter.
And this asshole WILL NOT STAY DOWN.
What is the point of punching it out on top of the collapsing Palace? Are you trying to kill us both? Do you just want to keep going until neither of us can stand? Dude.
And of course Akira won’t let him die. I think the upsetting thing about this, though, is really that you don’t get the chance to say a proper goodbye to Goro. Or anyone, really, but mostly Goro. The Palace crumbles, Akira wakes up in jail, the Thieves wake up the next morning after fighting all night, and Goro is...gone.
At least the Thieves seem properly sad this time. Even if it’s only for one scene.
Lavenza calls it “ironic” that “your wish for other’s happiness prevailed over your own.” I just call it unfair. Once again, hasn’t he done enough? At least he was only technically in jail for nine days from his perspective, but that must have been a whiplash of an adjustment.
Out of jail, Sojiro acknowledges he was Terrible at the beginning of the year, it’s 2:30am, time to do Valentines and then go to bed before the final walkaround.
And then Valentines passes. I spent it with Sumire. They’re cute.
And then it was February 15th and all the rest of the girls gave me chocolate?? It was just a constant ambush of being given chocolate all day?
And then it was March 3rd, and the Thieves are all splitting up and moving away? Are we sure this isn’t Scramble’s timeline? I get it, narratively, they’re taking the opportunities to move forward that Maruki’s reality would have denied them, but it still hurts.
And then it was March 13th and I still can’t save and now it’s 3am and apparently we get to play out White Day and Sojiro is giving me advice for the perfect date because captain idiot here forgot to plan anything and what heckin’ restaurant is getting this flustered that just mentioning Sojiro’s name is enough to get a table when they’re fully booked and---
Now it’s the 14th and I have to go buy flowers for my dinner date and I have finally been given control and saved and I am free.
Now next time I play I have to see if I can go sell my leftover items, because I’ve got a couple-hundred-thousand yen worth, and also rescue Arsene from prison. X’D
More thoughts on Maruki and everything after I see the ending, most likely.
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