#i really don't have the funds for it right now but 👀
mountaincryptid · 2 years
i've been such an impulse buyer recently i really should stop
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yanverse · 6 months
Also I was looking through the google doc again and noticed the part about Adrian having facial piercings and tattoos for the first time (not sure if I just don't remember seeing it before, or if I really am that unobservant 😅) what/where were his tattoos/piercings 👀 does he still have them or have they closed up/been removed?
nyehe....HEH!! i like this question >:)
Tattoos less so, piercings he definitely had a lot more of. One of his tattoos he had done up was a big, full colour rose on his right hip/abdomen region with a bunch of vines wrapping around it, which he got mostly lasered off so it's only some faint lines now. That one was over 20 years ago so it's faded significantly anyways. The other is a tattoo of his and Sabrina's wedding date just under his left armpit, right above his ribs. That one's pretty small and faded too but he hasn't had the heart to cover it up at all, nor has he had the courage to get it redone. Aside from that he's got a cluster of small stick-and-poke tats his friends did in high school on his left ankle up his calf, which he got covered with some simple little mountains climbing up his leg that resemble the ones he grew up around.
As for piercings, he at one time had two eyebrow barbells, his septum, tongue, philtrum, and a bridge piercing that didn't last long and he ended up taking out a couple weeks after he got it done, so there's only really faint marks left behind. Of course he had his ears pierced too, one for his lobes and triple helixes in both ears. For the most part he got them all done professionally, buuuut he might have gotten his lobes done by Sabrina with a sewing needle and ice in their junior year, and wanted to get snakebites but had one of his friends mess it up when they tried piercing his lip so he gave up on it. Most of them have left only small scars after having so many years to heal over, but the scars on his eyebrow are most noticeable while the others take a closer look to see.
Adrian mostly took them out for professional reasons since he had trouble getting funding for projects and applying to research positions because of his looks, despite his accolades and early archeological accomplishments. But the other, more important reason is because of the accidents he's had while venturing out into the wilderness to work on dig sites and search for artefacts--most of the time he worked in extreme cold, and after getting stranded and lost a couple times decided against wearing the piercings anymore since he'd had enough trauma of them freezing painfully to his face, getting lost, or becoming infected.
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samsspambox · 2 months
oh god ok much much thoughts i hope you don't mind my extremely rambly series of asks. first off, marius
I imagine Marius villain as that he wants to completely remake pax to be free of austin & giann's influence, and if he can't, destroy the company instead. because what if austin & giann never truly got over carenina's death?
austin subconsciously holds marius to the Giann Standard:tm: and is generally more absent in his life, sometimes ignoring marius' achievements (like winning the art competition at his school) for giann's events.
giann despises marius for taking away his mother, and makes no secret of that. austin doesn't notice (austin never notices), and only the staff saves marius from the worst of the bullying. (he would have died when he was six, if someone didn't alert giann. and even then, the saving was for the sake of his reputation, not because he genuinely cared about marius surviving)
but that doesn't matter now. as much as austin disliked him, he has no reason to return to the job. and even if austin really does suspect that marius took care of his brother (because he did. the body would never be found), and every conversation they have are a careful dance around the accusation, he would never know.
after all, his name starts with m. m for marius. (m for monster. and what can they say when the truth comes out? what can they say to a monster of their own making?)
(why do i hurt marius like this when he's my fav?)
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sorry for the incredibly late response to this strawberry nonnie i'm nothing if not a corporate slave to the government
bUT!!! vincent as a young hacker intrigues me 👀 like,,, i guess you could put him in luke's place? secret agent vincent kim but you decided if he's corporate spying or not LMAO!!
you're so right mob boss vyn richter sounds so good and delicious esp if you think about all the influences he has and, if he plays into Dad Haspran's hands, he can gain so much capitol. like. a whole ass king in stellis funded by his dad and his dad can't say shit bc he's reaping the benefits of increased imports and having a relationship with his son.
i do like the idea of artem being pushed to be an anti hero of sorts in the law industry, i think i still prefer blackmailed artem into helping bc after a while he'd become what he fought so valiantly against, yk? it's poetic but i won't deny mockingjay has a really good ring to it.
luke as a vigilante i can totally get behind, especially if you combine him being a bit of a labrat and concocting his own poisons or like making torture devices!!!
no but marius reinventing pax is so good, not just for a villain au but in general??? he does it out of grief and strife and to kick out all the people who oppose him and i'm gnawing on this like a dog to a bone nonnie i like this one a lot it's so poetic and it can take so many meanings and it could mean that marius killed giann for the throne bc he's a king after all
also you 🤝 me
villans are also pretty neat
thank you for dropping by nonnie!!
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finnlongman · 1 year
What’s it like working in academia? I’m in undergrad right now and still trying to figure out… like… *gestures to the whole “life” thing* and I’ve really considered going into academia (maybe with a focus on medieval literature), but I’m not sure how to know if that’s really the path for me. I’ve tried to look into what academic spaces are like, but a lot of what I’ve seen is extremely vague and cynical. It feels like everyone is trying to convince me it’s a terrible choice for a career but without actually explaining what it entails in the first place.
I don't know how well I can answer this, because I don't technically work in academia – I'm about to start a PhD, which is funded and therefore kind of counts as a job, but I haven't started yet, and I haven't had an academic job before. Being an independent scholar is a great way to do research without other obligations, but unfortunately there's zero money in it, so I can't really recommend that 😅
I think one of the things that makes academia tough as a career is the lack of stable jobs, particularly in humanities (and particularly in medieval studies). There are a lot of short term, precarious contracts and a lot of people end up moving cities or even countries every year or every couple of years early in their careers, taking whatever jobs they can get. This is one of the reasons I don't think I would go into academia as a job myself; with my chronic illnesses, I need continuity of healthcare and I have moved too much in my adult life already, so I don't want to trap myself into that cycle.
In small fields particularly, it can seem like the only way to get a job is if somebody dies (or retires), and then everyone you know in that field will also be applying for the same job, so you're up against all your friends. That can be a bit of a weird vibe, I think! And when those early jobs are quite unstable and short-term and not very well paid, it can be difficult to feel like the years of study and the mountain of student debt are worthwhile, so people at this stage are often cynical and desperately warning others away from following in their footsteps.
But that doesn't mean there's no path to having a career in academia. And there are also lots of ways to do research, or teaching, without being an academic, so if that's what you want to do, I wouldn't automatically give up. Just be aware that many early career researchers are overworked, underpaid, and have moved house three times in two years and that's the cause of their dead-eyed looks...
That's probably the end of my knowledge of academic employment, since most of my friends are at the job-hunting stage or just starting postdocs and therefore I don't really know what happens after that because I haven't seen it first-hand.
I have however worked in universities, specifically in university libraries, so I have a bit of insight into how they work from the point of view of support staff. Mostly: bureaucracy. So much bureaucracy. I would say Cambridge is probably worse for this than many other places, because it is actually thirty one legally independent universities in a trenchcoat, but I get the impression all universities are fond of over complicated everything behind the scenes, and I think many people find that frustrating.
Universities are not fast paced institutions, behind the scenes: everything takes a long time to change, filtering through committees and focus groups and strategic plans and quarterly meetings. The older the university, I suspect, the slower it moves. If you like immediacy and responsiveness in an institution, academia may not be the way to go. If you like filling in a lot of forms about everything, on the other hand, well...
But I should also add, from my own experience: working in an academic library, while also not well paid, is a great way to maintain access to research materials and niche books if you want to take the independent scholar route 👀 And really gives you an insight into all the invisible labour behind every reading list, scanned document, or online resource that the academics themselves rely on for teaching.
Anyway, this was long and not very useful, but I think it's okay not to know where you're going with life yet. I took two years out after undergrad before I did an MA, having been determined that I was absolutely leaving academia for ever (lol), and then two years between MA and PhD, and I still don't know what I'll do after the PhD, but I'm not rushing it. Degrees are about transferrable skills as much as about specific knowledge, and there are lots of ways you can use them outside of academia or in adjacent paths, but crucially: you can come back. You don't have to do postgrad straight away if you're not sure whether you want to. Take a year! Take five years! Get a bunch of other jobs! Try things out!
And also, whatever plans you make, I advise you to build in some flexibility, because honestly, it feels like every other week some uni is cutting their small subjects or downsizing departments 🫤 I'm not saying it's getting harder to find academic jobs in medieval studies, but it's not getting easier at the moment, and it's worth being aware of that. If there were more jobs, and more stable jobs, I think you would encounter fewer cynics; it's the competitive instability that undermines people's joy in research and teaching.
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nicnacsnonsense · 1 year
📖 👀
Perhaps I can interest you in a Gravity Falls one, just to mix it up a bit?
Cheating a little here because I have written some of this one, but I don't know when I'll be back to it, and I do really want to share. It's sort of my Science Dad AU meets the A Better World bit from Journal 3.
(Anyone who doesn't know The Whole of Us/Science Dad AU, it a fic where Dipper & Mabel are Ford's kids from a one night stand that he didn't know about until he had a pair of five year olds dropped on his doorstep. Stan is called in to help Ford with taking care of them and Stan & Ford reconcile. Beyond that it roughtly follows the major story beats in the first part of Journal 3, with a lot of family fluff and trauma healing thrown in. And of course they get a happy ending of beating Bill before Ford falls in the portal.)
The plot of the fic was that a more canon-typical Ford shows up in the Science Dad universe in the same way that canon Ford does with the Better World excerpt in Journal 3. But really the plot was just an excuse to tour the future of the characters from the Science Dad AU, so here are the highlights.
The Institute of Oddology exists, though built around the Pines' house. It's still nearby in Gravity Falls, just not right on top of their home. Ford is the Director of the Institute, and Fiddleford -- who still has a happy relationship with his wife & son -- is the Head Researcher.
Dipper also works at the Institute, and he's acually the one who comes to fetch Ford after security takes him in. He used to be a researcher too, and he still keeps his hand in it, but his actual job title is Head of Public Outreach. He makes YouTube videos. Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained started as a little side project and ended up gaining so much traction that it's his full time job now. He's like the Bill Nye of Oddology. And the Institute funds him doing it, because it encourages interest in their still very new field.
Mabel lives in Portland and is the head of a non-profit that she founded to help combat child abuse and help victims of it. It's called "The Lucky Ones" because she refers to herself & Dipper as two of the lucky ones because they were saved by their dad. It's both a reminder that there are more kids out there that aren't so lucky, and a mission statement that they are going to save more kids and make more lucky ones. She is happily single and lives with her adopted daughter Pacifica (another one of the lucky ones) and their pet pig Waddles.
Ria still dies; I'm so sorry! But before she dies she makes Stan promise he will be there to look out for her son, keep his asshole biological father far away, and be a dad for her baby the way he was a dad for her. Soos still lives with his abuelita, but he calls Stan dad and has since he was four years old. (And he also still works for Stan of course).
Stan works at the Museum of Oddology (And Gift Shop!). This is technically a separate business from the Institute because they didn't want Ford to be Stan's boss, but it is partnered with and adjoined to the Institute. Stan and Ford also have a boat, and every other year or so they go out on a months long research expedition together, just the two of them. That's actually where they are when this fic takes place.
There's also a running joke in the story where any time someone sees Portal!Ford for the first time, they very first thing they say is "You're not Ford/my dad/my grandpa/etc." It's meant to show how close they all are that despite the two Fords nominally looking identical, everyone can immediately tell that this Ford is not their Ford. Except Stan. They do a video call to the boat and Stan immediately, without any forewarning or knowledge of the situation, smiles and says, "Hey look Ford, it's you." Because obviously Stan knows this is a different version of Ford than the one on the boat with him, but as far as Stan is concerned any version of Ford is still Ford and Ford will always be his brother.
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max-praise-archive · 5 months
Toto Wolff opens up on what life without Lewis Hamilton will be like 👀🏎️ | Aus GP 🏁 | Fox Motorsport (8:16 - 12:25)
Q: Do you think having Max in your car right now would add to performance?  No. He's extraordinary. But we would give him a car that's a handful, difficult to set up and drive. I'd rather make that step and be out there and say this is a car you could drive because it's going fast.  Q: Do you think that you're going to have a decision on that anytime soon? What is the timeframe around actually knowing who that person is going to be next to George?  We were taken aback by Lewis' decision so quickly, now I want to really take my time. We have a slot free. The only one in the top teams, unless Max decides he goes, then the slot is not gonna be free with us anymore. There are a few options that are really interesting for us. From the very young super talent, to some of the other ones who are very experienced, and that's not gonna happen in the next few weeks or a month or so. I want to continue to monitor the market.  Q: So when is it likely that you'll have a decision? Is it something that you do post season at the end of the year?  Towards the summer. Q: Will George's performance influence the decision that you make, ultimately on the teammate that he'll have?  No, he's a bank. He's having that seat. He has been part of our junior programme for a long time. The reason why is because he's great. It's about the second seat.  Q: But by that I mean, if George can perform this year you'll look for someone that is younger and less experienced to be second to him or perhaps if it doesn't go his way, do you need to offer experience?  Well, I don't know yet. It depends also what Max does. Then we have a young kid that is very promising. Don't want to put more extra pressure on him but it looks like he can be one of the great ones. But we also don't want to drown him jumping so quickly in an F1 car by 17. There's a few options that we could play with. Obviously there's Fernando, who's very exciting. And Carlos, very good. So there's a few ones. Q: You have a huge decision to make, don't you?  Yeah, but this time I'm going to play like the bride: difficult to get.  Q: Excellent. You had an opportunity to sign Max before he signed for Red Bull. How do you look back on that time now? Is he the one that got away? I mean, like I said, hindsight is a beautiful thing.  You know a lot about us. Yeah, I've seen him in Formula Three and he was very good. And I have a good relationship with his father. So we sat down in my home in Vienna and said what can we do? I wasn't able to give him a Formula One seat. I said let's do F2 together, it was GP2 back in the day. We fully fund it and then I'll guarantee a seat next year in the car. And they said well, we have an offer from Red Bull for an Alpha Tauri basically from now on. That was it. I knew that we wouldn't be able to compete with it. Half into the season, he replaced another driver in Red Bull and took the seat and here we go. He's a three time world champion.  Q: So there it's a little bit poetic between you two then if you were able to snatch Max, it would sort of come full circle considering what you've been through together.  Exactly. It's always the kind of relationship that needs to happen at a certain stage. But we don't know when.  Q: He's your number one pick?  Yes, I mean, you see what his performance levels are, but I wouldn't want to discount the other ones too. We have to look at ourselves and say what is it we can do with this car, and then it becomes much easier whoever drives the second car. It becomes much easier for George, because he has the potential of being a world champion. Much more the team's problem to solve than really looking for a silver bullet with an amazing driver.  Q: Well Toto I'm wishing all the best for the Australian Grand Prix. You're not promising anything but you've come from behind much further down the grid so anything is possible in Formula One. Thanks for joining us on Fox Sports and all the best for the rest of the year. Thank you very much.
March 25, 2024 youtube.com Archive link | Original link
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seriesofcountdowns · 1 year
When you say becoming a father??? Are you saying like SOON?! 👀
okay so
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I've been looking into Single Father Surrogacy.
Now, I am still trying to understand the whole process of what it will initial, and different types of surrogacies because I honestly didn't know of these two above on the image, and that could only be it, but I'm trying to figure out or understand it better. I feel as though educating myself first is the right decision before I do anything else. I don't know what I'll have to do in terms of supporting said person carrying my baby, but I'm willing to fund everything and do anything required of me to make it happen.
I'll most likely start the application and inquiring process next year, but I am aiming for when I'm thirty-two or latest , thirty-five years old to make the single father surrogacy a reality.
I know it sounds pathetic or weird, etc but I've come to accept and be at peace at least that I might not find someone out there? You know, to love and create wholesome, small but meaningful memories with, etc.
I was also super okay in being with someone who already had children through prior relationship(s), heck I would have loved their kids as my own or at least treat them with so much love, care, and hopefully become someone they would be able to trust, etc. I was totally okay with that and all I would have asked said partner is one child from both of us or if not, them to be okay with me becoming a sperm donor.
However, I'm not going to go on dating apps ever again (although I might try eHarmony just to give these next two years a shot) and no one here where I live interests me so I know that I will most likely end up being single forever. And that's okay. I really am okay with that. 😊😊😊 Sometimes life is that way.
However, I am super lucky and grateful about the fact that I do still have an opportunity in becoming a parent without a partner through surrogate.
I know I said, I was okay with having a partner that didn't want kids, and I am, but only if they would be okay with me becoming a sperm donor so if ever, it would be used and I'll know that there's a little half me out there (if I'm not allowed to be involved in their life). I feel ready to be a parent. I want that responsibility. I believe in my ability to be a great father and so this will be the "taboo" measure that I'm willing and will take to become a dad. 😊😊
Sorry about rambling, but I'm passionate about this AND I just wanted to share a little more context to your ask.
Yes, I do have plans on becoming a father soon 😊😊😊
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fvaleraye · 5 months
can I get some blorbo thoughts on Durge please 👀
da Durge... ofc...
now- we're going to give thoughts on Base Durge(tm), essentially the version of Durge we made first(bc we have many alternate versions. mostly different classes and differing backstories, as Emile is acutely aware asdflkjnasdf) we're also going to give background info. bc we don't talk abt Durge much here asflkjn
yes her name is actually Durge, we actually thought of it before we heard about durge as a shorthand for dark urge. we're not super creative.
she's a dragonborn- and basically looks near identical to "canon" durge but as a woman instead of a man(it's a great look okay)
she's a fighter- she was a military woman for a while, figuring that an outlet could help her Urge. it did not, and she was dishonorably discharged for killing a superior officer(discharged instead of killed or imprisoned bc they could never really prove it). she primarily wields a long sword in one hand an axe in the other.
she gets along with Gortash- though she kind of has a stray cat relationship with him. she brings him things, usually dead things, mostly to intimidate him. he usually returns the favor in his own ways. one of the many games they play. she respects him and he respects her.
post wom/knife-induced memory wipe, Durge has very mixed feelings about the Urges. she gives into them far too quickly, but there's still a bit of her that's like "damn. that's fucked. i'm fucked."
she does eventually come around, but not before doing a lot of murder
once she starts turning things around, she does genuinely have a disdain for Bhaal. she refuses to see herself as his favorite anymore, as his behavior doesn't really back that up. he's just kind of a dick who gives his special little girl favoritism as long as she does what he says, and stops if that stops being the case.
she has a one-sidedly rocky relationship with Jaheira, due to some... things, that happened at the Last Light Inn. Jaheira doesn't know and Durge refuses to tell her.
speaking of the Last Light- after the adrenaline of the moment wore down, she felt extremely guilty. and guilty about feeling guilty. and-
in the game, she dates Shadowheart, and Shadowheart is actually the reason she actually backed down from Bhaal. after all- seeing someone else renounce their shitty god of their own free will was inspiring. and topical for her
her 'canon' significant other is Elaine tho, at least in our brain. Elaine being one of Emile's ocs :>
the rest of the party is... mostly neutral on her? but they're all supportive of her after she forsakes Bhaal. she probably has the best relationships with Shadowheart and Wyll.
she does eat the Astral Tadpole("you... ate it?" "... was i not supposed to be doing that this entire time?"), bc... well, she knew it was a stupid decision. she wanted to make a stupid, self destructive decision of her own volition. besides, she got cool powers out of it, right?
after the entire fucking thing, she settles down. occasionally takes mercenary or adventurer work when she needs the funds, but otherwise just... she's tired, man.
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notthestarwar · 9 months
for the WIP game, can you tell me more about ‘Fox gets a job- quin/ Fox’ 👀👀
thank you for asking!
OK so i know i've talked about this on here before but i love this au so i'm gonna repeat myself a bit probably.
so its set post war, no order 66. The idea is that the war opened everyones eyes to cloning, in a very bad way. loads of half bit criminals are like. free labour? people we can raise to do whatever we want? why don't we give it a try. theres a background of a lot of shitty gangs going about trying out cloning in a way that would horrify the kaminoans really. this is not good science, this is comic book-esque backstreet cloning in order to take advantage of people.
they are largely not successful. the problem isnt that there are loads of gang owned clones around. the problem is that they keep trying even tho they dont know shit about cloning and so vulnerable ppl are getting kidnapped off the streets for gennetic material and in a baby farm type way to grow clones in. its bad.
enter fox. he's drifting after the war. he doesnt really know what too do with his life. he is looking for a job and he says he wants a job but everytime he gets an interview he's overly honest and tells them things like 'yeah i killed my last boss' (palpatine) and 'my greatest flaw? i'm too competent. it makes my bosses feel inferior' and so understandably nobody will give him a job
he doesnt actually need a job. quin is paying all his bills cause theyre in a weird not relationship and wont admit they care about eachother. fox is deadly embarrased about whatever quin funding him and spending all his days off in fox's apartment might signify and so it is a MASSIVE SECRET that must be kept from fox's brothers.
so fox at this point in his life, stumbles on to one of these cloning ops and ends up helping someone. and it becomes kind of addictive. he wont admit it but helping these people, who are being hurt by cloning, settles something in him. maybe it settles the thing in him that he wont admit is so hurt by the cards he and his brothers have been dealt, by what was done to them.
so fox sets up as a private investigator. but because he's a weirdo who runs from intimacy he kind of. doesnt tell anyone (he cant. this is important to him) but of course, his brothers find out anyway and they also find out that he's running the worst business ever because he's not taking money from his clients. because he doesnt feel right doing it.
now where this is building to (and this is the part that i kinda got stuck on) is he stumbles on to a BIG criminall gang cloning conspiracy. one where they are actually succeeding in cloning people. he ends up investigating this one with Boba! which pretty much happens cause at the start before he knows how big this is, he walks in to this lab, and who has also broken in to the lab and is investigating the same conspiracy? BOBA. and its just like. fox and boba stood on either side of this illegal lab like. spiderman meme pointing. looking out of the window of a car as they drive past each other. that vibe.
and the rest of the story is boba and fox on this unwilling team up. neither of them wanting to admit to feelings but having to kind of both admit. yeah. bad things happened to us and i dont like the idea of anyone else being out there with similar stuff happening to them. they also unwillingly get close. then theres the side plot of fox having to admit his feelings when it comes too quin and admit that theyre kinda living like theyre in a committed relationship without the words. and then the other thing thats going on in the background is cody and obi wan, who are living together, in a happy relationship apart from the fact that they never have an empty house becuase one of them is aways inviting some wayward sibling or other to stay with them. cody and obi wan respectively have no shortage of family so its just constant and both of them act like theyre annoyed each time the others do it, but really, its why they love each other and theyre both so big brother coded and yeah.
so i know i've alread shared some bits of this here and here (and possibly theres a third one floating around here as welll? cant find it)
so here are some other snippets from other parts of the au:
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and from a bit later on, a quin/fox bit
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later on, fox being uncharactaristially honest (it's easier when the person doesnt matter to him)
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and finally, fox's thoughts on the cloning problem
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and i've shared loads sorry so i'll stop now, but yeah. this is an idea i am very excited about and i am very frustrated that i havent been able to form a conspiracy that fits right for him and boba to investigate
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apcthetics · 7 months
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*˖ ⊹ ────────  lore dump.
this is just a little collection of explanations about where my characters currently are physically, emotionally, career-wise, etc. it's mainly for me to keep myself straight with my ideas and their development but uhhh also to make sense if i drop any of it in a post. that's all ! read or don't read at your discretion ! don't matter to me.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  alistair castillo.
i really don’t imagine his life changes much from day to day to be totally honest………. there is nothing new happening in his life he’s still just being a menace upon new york and giving people sick ass tattoos.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  brady ackerman.
he’s been wound up in a lot of different projects and probably running himself into overdraft; busy filming the next season of his show, and also alongside it trying to finish out a manuscript for the next book he’s supposed to be writing, all while flying all over the world in just a handful of weeks. hasn’t touched down in new york for more than a few days in the past 2 months but hey at least he’s successful right. right guys. right. haha. he's not tired at all. don't look at his dark circles for too long. 
*˖ ⊹ ────────  caleb williamson.
christmas is a pretty big time for his little side gig selling rare records online, so that picked up quite a bit even as his music lessons kind of trailed off as kids went off on winter holiday. it’s also just been rly quiet for him because obviously christmas didn’t go very well as family dinners never really go well at the willamson/michaelson house and then luvena has been either away or rotting in her room so there’s not really been much for him to do if levi and trinity arealso preoccupied (with each other? idk i dont god mod 👀. ) he did do a really successful new years eve show i think that he’s proud of but mainly it’s just been his little side hustle and now as lessons are picking back up.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  clementine bailey.
so clem is still in the process/paperwork of buying the diner, all the bank loans and everything like that but she is now effectively in charge of it which has definitely been ! a big deal ! her and loren moved into a new apartment and clem has yet to even unpack most of her boxes because she’s spending a lot of time at the diner going over all the financials and trying to teach herself how to handle the back end of a business instead of just the front half. it’s A Lot and she’s definitely Stressed and crying a lot and everyone has been getting 3am baked thumb print cookies, but don't even worry about her !
*˖ ⊹ ────────  damien clarke.
christmas is always the best but busiest time of year for retail so i imagine damien has been putting in a lot of extra effort to make sure that it’s special !! he did some big holiday toy drives alongside some local charities, but since the christmas rush has kind of fallen off and times are slower he’s now just trying to get through the pile of bookkeeping and administrative stuff that he needs to worry about. i have been playing with the idea of him running a very limited indie comic publishing thing out of the back office of his shop, having started with the one done by him & honey and now kind of expanding to artists who maybe don’t have the funds or ability to afford printing and stuff themselves but………… idk the logistics of that yet so it’s definitely just an idea in his head that’s in the early stages. he’s having fun with it. honestly he's having a great time.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  eli russo.
again i don’t think his daily life has much variation. working security at a show venue a few evenings a week and still coaching the Youth ™ w/ boxing a few days a week… sometimes he does do like 14 hour days which is a bit unfortunate and his schedule is all over the place which is bad for the brain that can barely remember what day it is on a good week but you know!!! his memory has been slightly improving thanks to all of the puzzles & all that stuff!!! so like good for him!!! go off king!! 
*˖ ⊹ ────────  elijah guiterrez.
again i just brought him here so i don’t really think things have been particularly outstanding in his life. just him and carmen doing their little school thing idk. he’s working as a TA in among all the other school stuff he’s doing i suppose.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  esther thomas.
lowkey i think she’s started dropping off from doing auditions all together… like she’s so bored of them, and getting anywhere in the snow and cold is rough, so while she hasn’t admitted it to anyone or even necessarily herself she’s just like. not been looking. kind of giving up on her dream but doesn’t want to admit that because then that means her parents were right. but like really she’s resigned herself to the bartending life. otherwise nothing new.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  grace bao.
she’s been stuck in this hellish domestic civil lawsuit at the moment that’s eating up practically all of her spare time because the judge and the defense are assholes and she has gotten competitive about it, alongside all of her Daughter Responsibilities for her parents and their millions of holiday and new years parties. grace does nothing but work, eat, be miserable at charity dinners, work some more, and maybe sleep right now. that’s her whole social life. 
*˖ ⊹ ────────  jackson ruíz.
construction is fairly seasonal work so while he’s still working he’s not as busy as he usually is, and also it’s winter and everything is depressing, so he’s definitely been deep into hermit “i haven’t seen you in a week” mode. especially with giselle kind of flying out to conferences and stuff there hasn’t been much reason for him to get out of his apartment. he’s in a Depression Era but hey ! it happens ! 
*˖ ⊹ ────────  kal sekh.
i think the news of eren’s diagnosis has had quite an effect on kal, especially having to keep it a secret from everyone and also because she doesn’t want as much support for it as he feels like he should be giving, so he’s slipping a little bit into old habits again and overworking himself into the ground so he doesn’t have to rly stop and think about what’s happening. double shifts and insomnia are back baby !!!!!!!!!
*˖ ⊹ ────────  kas peters.
just came out of a period where he had a few different mural commissions going on all at the same time and he was much busier than he’s usually used to so now he is simply basking in the fact that he doesn’t have to worry about funds broke-ass artist bitch but also that he doesn’t have anything to do. just kind of vibing. fucking around with his art in his room. fucking around w/ gabriella’s emotions. you know how it is. no cares in the world for this guy.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  minji kyung.
around new years she had the opening of her studio !! so she’s been very busy, not really making art but she’s been spending a lot of her time at the gallery/studio. this is a really big change from her because she’s kind of lacked purpose or a project for a really long time that i imagine she’s just really happy and really excited ??? but also probably very daunted because she feels like she doesn’t belong or doesn’t have the skills to do it properly yano. 
*˖ ⊹ ────────  reid baker.
he took a little vacation time off since his work is also pretty seasonal to go back and visit his parents on the farm, but mostly his life has been no different except he’s been shovelling snow off the central park steps instead of just being a glorified gardener. honestly he’s pretty chill he doesn’t have the braincells to be anything except chill.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  sebastián dominguez-herrera.
this bad boy went on tour !!! first it was america, and following that he did a few shows in europe & south america. he’s also been working on his next album in between, but he’s at a bit of a stand still with that one because he isn’t feeling ~ inspired ~ and he’s kind of groggy and thinks he’s sick all the time because all the travelling + the winter that he’s not really used to. drama queen never experienced seasonal depression before and hes getting a little taste of it.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  wren noor.
i think wren is starting to actually reconsider the kinds of things she wants to do with her life and the degree she already has now… i think maybe she’s looking into online courses at other universities where she might be able to finish her masters but also is considering a career change totally… she’s been spending way more time on the roof with her telescope and getting excited about that stuff again as she heals, but definitely is still cautious,,, anyway she's been doing her research.
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papirouge · 6 months
Make no mistake Candace will embrace zionism again if Palestine falls and Palestinians are forgotten. She is by nature simply a contrarian - she will ALWAYS take the other side regardless of what that side is. If Tate suddenly becomes mainstream and accepted, she will inevitably speak out against him. If feminism goes underground, she will be a feminist. Her grift is to be loud and go against the popular for views and attention. Her husband from what I’ve seen is pretty submissive (very funny how ALL of the married “trad” girls I know of that pander to the right and claim they only love aggressive masculine and traditionally dominant men never marry them, they always find the quiet submissive men that are house husbands that don’t really work) so nothing he will say will matter to her either. Her running back or trying to run back to black spaces is because she doesn’t want to be attacked now for being a black woman now that she’s vulnerable. Yet she still wants to bring white peoples feelings in those spaces too so she can stay on racist white people’s good graces because that’s her nature - to always to be the opposite. Black spaces are for black feelings, she knows this yet she will do the opposite anyway. All for attention. Just a pathetic person
She reminds me of an old friend I had. My friends and I started a gaming group for just ourselves, just black girls gaming and having fun without any worries. It was so much fun except when my ex friend tried to invite and get her white male friend involved. We told her no, this space was for black women only. She called us racist and sexist while her white friend just moved on He never cared about joining since he wasn’t even a gamer, it was all her idea. We had to block her and move on too 💀
Wait a minute- are you talking about the black gamer girl discord group drama ? Are you aware this drama came over tiktok?? 👀 Why am i only half surprised that a fellow black girl shoved this white dude there though ? 💀 Not that white men trying to invade black (female) space is unprecedented, but as I always said, Black women are EXTREMELY male identified (probably more than any other race) so I'm not shocked this black woman did the most for her White male friend.. TRAGIC.
It's so confusing to see her talk about her husband and how she chose him because he was her match intellectually speaking when he doesn't strike as such 💀 He's definitely not stupid, but I feel like there's a major dissonance between how she "sells" him, and reality. Their dynamic is very loopsided : he only talks about her, while she's -very publicly- taking all the attention. Sorry but there's nothing less submissive or traditional in this marriage dynamic. Even the way her own camp talks about her doesn't reflect any idea of feminity - they talk about her like an attack dog. A smart, eloquent one, but still a dog. When Shapiro and his Daily Wire clique turned against then dumped her, nobody felt sorry for her. Even those who defended her knew she was the Strong Black Woman™️ and would ultimately get back on her feet. Candace herself is so energyetically masculine she didn't remotely think about leveraging her femininity to grasp some sympathy (emotions) by saying how she felt betrayed or left out. Nope. Like a soldier, she got back on her feet and started campaigning to fund her next venture.... If anything, Candace is the posterchild of feminism. Nothing about her screams traditional or feminine.
And it makes sense bc Candace is so bigger than life that she would hardly be able to find someone to match her level - especially among conservative men who absolutely don't come off as the intellectual type.... To reach that goal, she would've had more chance with Asian men since she said before her boyfriend all her earlier boyfriends were Asians (Korean and Japanese) lol
And yeah, that's exactly it : she's a contrarian. That's why her opinions have no consistency whatsoever. Like, you can't blame feminism and try to reinforce traditional gender roles onto society......while defending a lover boy/pimp/porn producer/fornicator aka Andrew Tate.
That's why contrarian are so politically stupid btw. They're often lumped with the right, but rightoids at least have a set of value tenants that won't change depending on whether they're popular or not. But contrarians? They'll hate things to the point of cognitive dissonance. We witnessed it A LOT these last few years. For example, tpeople who were against the c0vid shot and (rightfully) called out the msm propaganda and lies to push it, often used the fact of being against the "popular opinion" (=getting the vaccine) as a proof they were right. Well it was pretty shocking to see a lot of them turned out to be big supporters of Israel/Zionism, and sided with the very same msm they bitched against non stop a few years before. Their primitive contrarian mindset made them believe that because they were against Palestine (= the popular opinion) they were right once again..... And they have the same pattern with Musk, Trump, Take and every problematic/controversial figure they think unabashedly supporting means they're doing right against the MatRix - or whatever it is.
And this issue isn't only with right leaning people : it was extremely disappointing and disgraceful to see people support the TikTok ban in some wack intellectual superiority move, and (indirectly) campaign for the same US government they were shitting on FOR MONTHS over what it's been doing in Palestine. Mind you, they are the same crowd saying shit like "yOu aRe nOt iMmuNe tO prOpagAndA uwu" when anyone with a IQ higher than room temperature would grasp that this ban was a way to CONTROL TikTok which is the least biased media platform when it comes to social commentary or news coverage (especially with what's going on Palestine right now). But nooooo, those idiots refuse to look at the bigger picture and want it shut down because of a handful of dumb tradwives and pro ana mentally ill girls. PLEASE.
I've said it and I'll say it again : nothing you see on TikTok is unique to TikTok or happens because of TikTok. I'm a millennial, I'm old enough to remember that social contagion/reproduction the most destructive trends always happened since the drawn of the internet. In 2002 it was on message board, forum, etc...in 2024 it happens on social media - not only TikTok. If anything, those big SNS corporation centralizing the lot of internet communication help having a better outlook on social trends. Instead of having to patrol gazillions of obscure group chat with no mail adresssed required to post shit, the special services only have to lurk on social media 🤷🏾‍♀️
Oh and one last thing: 99% of the shit ppl complain about TikTok I never see it on my dash. TikTok algorithm is INSANE and manages to spoon fed you what you like 9 times out of 10. So there's 2 possibilities : either 1) they're the problem and should stop entertaining content that harms their peace 2) they're lying and just rehash the stuff other people say without checking by themselves if that content is *that* pervasive on that app.
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jokeringcutio · 1 year
Quick update:
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I haven't had time to write new tales, but will try to write and upload the drabble for the anon who donated me money :) This is my first to-do thing. (I had wanted to have the tale up this week but what came out.-. I wasn't content with it, so I'm redoing it).
I shut down my Ko-Fi page because of my lack of time to write atm. If you like my work and want to fund me, a new option will arrive soon. I am working on that, but that as well has been delayed a little. I think many of you will appreciate the effort I am putting in once you see the result.
The Multi-chapter fics: I'd planned to update them in time but didn't manage to. I'll post it here when new chapters have been uploaded. This should happen soon. They are already written but I want to cast an eye over them and to do that, I need both the time and to be clear-minded enough to do so. But don't worry, they will be uploaded soon.
I have been receiving new prompts. My ask is currently closed because of too little time to properly write. This doesn't mean I will ignore all the prompts that came tumbling in. But writing currently hasn't my priority, as I try to balance family life with work and the projects I am working on.
Work, Social life, Family. I admit, I have been distracted by my personal Grabber irl who properly managed to grab me. 👀 (If you read this, love, you know I mean you). But heading towards the holidays and being on my own with my kids all day, I am just too tired to properly write in the evenings and don't really get around to it. I'll let you all know when I am back in full writing mode again.
TLDR; Delays: but expect new chapters, a new drabble, and a new way to help me out financially (which I really need and which is why these projects hold my priority right now).
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Hey vanity I remember you saying something about if you wrote twilight again you'd make the Romanians and the Volturi darker. Any headcanons on that?
Please Vanity I need my fix. I'd remember you said you'll fund it because you don't do rehab.
Hey I'll pay if I have to... just name the price
(This is a joke btw. Don't feel pressured. I loved that last fic you posted)
When I tell you this had me hysterically laughing 😂😂😂...
Headcanons, I don't really have- mostly just thoughts of what I could differently and revamp some characters.
So I tend to wonder myself. Like a part of me thinks, they're less approachable. A.K.A Demetri and Felix- I'm looking at you buds.
I also wonder if some -like the Romanians- have any kind of compromising bone in their body? Like realistically, women have had to spend years fighting for their right to be heard and taken seriously. We still have people out there who would take that away and they aren't centuries-old vampires. So would a very old vampire male who has always gotten the first and last word be willing to give up that kind of power? I see this as one of the Volturi or Romanian covens thinking "Oh you want to do this? Tough shit. It's my way and that's that." Covens like the Cullens that interact more with humans have changed with the times but I wonder to what extent older and isolated covens would still be stuck in rigid ways and how that would go with humans who are of this time?
Beyond a revamping of sorts for Demetri and Felix- I tend to think about the level of violence. The Volturi have definitely gotten their hands dirty over the years and the Romanians literally enjoy torture.
Although all of this could be utter bullshit because I've recognised from writing for different fandoms that I have written for twilight frightened of what people take of my writing and what people will accuse me of rather than just let the story write itself without fear of judgement of those few who take it too seriously. Whereas say for Batman, it has been a case of expect shitty actions from shitty people. I think we all know the Volturi and the Romans especially are a collective of shitty people so anticipate shitty behaviour that's driven by outdated philosophies.
But I'd definitely say Caius, Demetri and Felix needed to be amped up a notch.
The flirty or goofy Felix should be reserved for those he is friends with or more at a certain time or place.
Demetri should be almost silent, as he has been in the books and movies. This might be mistaken as being shy but is really a predator ready to strike at any given moment. When he's interested romantically, that's when he becomes the irresistible dude he knows he is😂😭
For Caius, I'd like to put him more to use. Whilst he is undermined and overruled by Aro constantly throughout the movies. I'd like to display this as a rarity rather than a constant crutch. The two are sadistic lil' shits who bond over this.😂
For Marcus, I think I'd like to have him more of darker side too. Like beyond Chelsea there's a reason why he's still there. He isn't always this zombie who saves the day per say because he likes a good love story- all of that.
I dunno, these are just things that pop into mind. I think their brutal reputation could be kicked up a notch in my writing but worry about the consequences of that since this blog is only for fun and only intended to have fun. Not to mention I think I'd like to have the other Volturi guards more known in my writing.
I'm curious! Let me know what you guys think!❤️
what did I say I'd fund now!? What did I get myself into this time?😭😂
My price...
Could do with more Volturi and Romanian content? Anyone willing to annoy SMeyer into giving me that Volturi book or Romanian coven stuff? Not sure if I trust it but beggars can't be choosers!👀
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puddlescove · 8 months
how dire  and life threatening me😭 but this is my short story. Why I came tumblr to ask for help.
I am a young indigenous latin mother. It is very sad to have to ask for help in this way, but my salary is not enough. I owe 2 months rent and food is running out. After months of suffering because of renal cancer my husband passed away. after a long battle from radiotheraphy he left us alone i have 1 little son left on me. please help me raise$1500, I don't really have enough fund right now to cover my rent and food.
If you feel able to help me please donate some money or give away your share.
Uuuuh sorry, but I don't have any money...👀💧
0 notes
starlightxsvt · 2 years
Lilac Lace | k.mg (M)
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genre ➳ roomates au, fluff, pwp, humour, roomates to lovers.
pairing ➳ roomate!Mingyu x female!reader
warnings ➳ profanities, too much domesticity even tho they ain't dating, lots of awkward convos? yn is horny af, pinning, kissing, an underwear thief 👀, male masturbation, yn spies on him 😳, size kinkkk, dom!Gyu, panty sniffing, fingering, dirty talk, female oral, massive dicc mingyu, titty sucking, marking, unprotected sex(don't do this irl), virgin sex(surprise?), multiple orgasms, creampie, aftercare.
word count ➳ 6.8k
synopsis ➳ without much options left on your hands, you become Mingyu's roommate. things take a wild turn after a few weeks.
A/N: This was supposed to come out on the 6th but we all know the news regarding wonwoo(may his mom rip) so it was only right to postpone it. A late happy birthday to dear Mingyu. Ik the banner is shitty so let's just ignore it. As always, let me know your thoughts and I'll retire to my penthouse in hell <3.
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"I mean it's the opportunity of a lifetime man. Why are you hesitating?" Seokmin groans in frustration from beside as you sit and stare at the cafeteria table as if burning holes into it will bring you answers.
"I know it is!" You cry. "I just— I don't know...I've never lived with a guy before. What if he's messy? What if he doesn't clean up after himself? What if he stinks?"
Jeonghan sighs exhaustedly from opposite you, rubbing his hand frustratedly over his face. "Everyone on this campus knows how clean and neat Mingyu keeps his house! Is that really your concern?"
No, it actually isn't.
The concern is that you have a teeny tiny crush on Kim Mingyu. And you're not sure if rooming with him will help this fleeting feeling. But it's also true that you've never been roommates with a guy before. You've lived by yourself ever since you got into college no matter how much your parents forbade you. It was until last week that your landlord abruptly announced that he was going to sell the whole building, giving you two weeks to pack your things and move out.
It doesn't help that it's the middle of the senior year and all the dorms are completely booked. It will take months to get an empty room if you are lucky. And the prices of one-bedroom apartments, even studio apartments near your campus are astonishingly high and way out of the budget for a college student with limited funds like you. So when Jeonghan announces that Mingyu has a spare room in his apartment and doesn't mind a roommate, in fact, is looking for one, the idea definitely tempts you. But your feelings make you think twice.
What if he's noisy? What if he brings a different girl over each night? It is no news how the whole campus crushes on Mingyu's extremely blessed visuals, height, body, mannerisms— the list will go on. Everybody, including you, agrees that they've never seen a person as perfect as him. Which makes it all harder to share a house with him.
But you don't have the luxury to ponder over it because you have about five days until your stupid landlord kicks you out. The best option you have now is to stay with Mingyu until you've found another solution.
"You know you're lucky." Seungkwan pouts, sipping on his iced americano. "Mingyu's house is one hell of a place, trust me. And you get to stay there paying half the rent. I'm jealous of you. I lived there so you can take my word. I can't believe that beanpole kicked me out just because I left tangerine peels on the coffee table once." He mutters under his breath, making Jeonghan roll his eyes. "That was because you didn't pay rent, idiot."
The younger man glares at him, pinching his arm as Jeonghan groans in pain, making you roll your eyes at their antics.
"You know what," you sigh, finally arriving at a conclusion. "I'll take the offer."
Sharing a house with Mingyu proves to be an extreme sport. The sport being 'try not to fall for the husband material of a man he is.'
Like, the man is the epitome of perfect. It has been a little less than a month since you've moved in and the way Mingyu has been treating you is definitely not good for your heart. You thought they didn't make guys like this anymore but here he is, respectful, polite, neat and handsome as fuck.
The day you moved in, you had arrived to see his apartment clean and pristine, not a speck of dust anywhere as you marveled at how beautiful the place was. It was sleek, modern and spacious; something very few college students got, especially with the amount of money you agreed to pay. He later told you the landlord is a close friend of his family so he offered this place to them at a minimum price.
Mingyu had settled in the master bedroom so you took the second spare bedroom without hesitation. Though your room is a bit smaller than his, it's still spacious, having enough room to fit all your stuff that you brought in two pieces of luggage.
Mingyu had some ground rules established and you were more than happy to follow them. Clean after yourself, do not enter each other's room without permission, if you're having people over let your roommate know beforehand. These are no issues; you are actually glad because you hold the same mindset and it sets boundaries.
The issue, however, is the way Mingyu walks around the house half naked. You were first blessed (tortured) with the sight one morning, on a weekend, when you had just woke up and stumbled into the kitchen looking like a little gremlin to make yourself a coffee. As you downed a glass of water, he appeared from his room, only clad in a pair of grey sweatpants that hung dangerously low on his hips. The sight of Mingyu's perfectly sculpted, taut chest and biceps made you choke on the water as he rushed closer to you, asking what was wrong with a worried look on his face. You literally ran from him, seeking refuge in your room where you stayed locked up all day to recover from the harrowing memory.
Another issue is how kind and helpful he is, diving the chores evenly, cooking every night, helping you with your papers whenever you were stuck, helping you reach the top shelves when you were looking for something.
It was no news how tall he was but whenever he'd appear next to you, you would feel like a microorganism, his immensely bulky form towering over you. He didn't hesitate to tease you, making harmless jokes about how tiny you are which sent your heart racing and face burning.
Maybe the only imperfect thing about him was his clumsiness but honestly, you find it endearing. It makes you adore him even more; how he completely forgets how giant he is and bumps into things, how he often drops utensils while cooking and then picks them up with a sheepish smile. It all makes your heart race.
Your roommate, Kim Mingyu, his simple existence makes your heart race.
Like right now, as you watch him stir fry the shrimp for the fried rice he's making, wearing a sleeveless tee that shows off his ungodly thick biceps. You are supposed to be studying, your laptop and notes sprawled out on the coffee table but your eyes keep wandering over to him, how his biceps bulge whenever he grips the pan as he hums a tune, too lost in his own head to notice your stare. Swallowing, you reach for your water bottle beside you for the nth time, trying to quench the thirst that water will not satisfy. You wonder how it'd feel to be wrapped around those humongous arms and you desperately wish he'd just pick you up and throw y—
"You're not hungry yet are you?" He suddenly questions, making your eyes widen as you snap out of your thoughts and quickly avert your eyes like he can read the scandalous thoughts going through your mind. "Um- n-no. No, I'm not."
He smiles, "Good. I'm planning on making some stir fried tofu. Your favorite."
"Thanks, Mingyu." You offer him a kind smile, trying not to stare at his arms or broad shoulders as he busies himself again.
That night, long after you have gone to bed, you toss and turn, trying hard to sleep which never comes. Your body is tired but your mind isn't, probably because you are still thinking about how much you want to be dicked down by Mingyu.
When you realize you won't be able to sleep this way, you get out of bed and pad towards the dining room to get yourself a cool glass of water. You don't bother turning on the light as there is sufficient light coming not only from the outside but also from the small led bulb above the kitchen counter.
As you gulp down the cool liquid, a tiny sliver of light catches your attention and you realize it's coming from Mingyu's bedroom. It's nearly one am but Mingyu has a habit of staying up late and finishing his work, so it doesn't come across as a surprise. However, as you set the glass down and start heading back to your room, a noise alerts you, making you stop in your tracks.
You remain still, holding your breath and focusing on the sound which doesn't return for a while. Just when you're about to decide you heard wrong, it floats through again and you hear it clearly this time.
A moan. A deep, throaty moan.
Your eyes widen as you realize what that must mean. A civil, well-mannered person would ignore it and give him his privacy but you're none of that so you start tiptoeing towards Mingyu's room. All types of thoughts race through your mind. Did he bring a girl home? But he didn't mention anything and neither did he go outside. This leaves one possibility: he's pleasuring himself.
As you stand right by his door, your ears on alert, the sounds become much clearer and you rub your thighs subconsciously. The little gap between the door and the doorframe is not enough to see what's inside so you take a deep breath and decide: fuck it.
Without much thinking, your shaky hands move, praying he doesn't notice as you push the door ever so slightly as it creates barely a one-inch gap. Small but enough for you to peek in. Which you do.
Mingyu lies in his bed, his back resting against a bunch of pillows as half lays there. But that is not the cause of your concern. The issue is how he's half naked, his pajamas bunched around his knees as his cock stands up proudly. Eyes closed tightly in bliss, his hand fists around the flesh of this length, up and down repeatedly as soft grunts slip from his lips.
Your throat dries up.
But you have yet to see, you realize, as your eyes shift over to his other hand in which lies a small piece of clothing. With your life in your hands, you move even closer to the door and squint, holding your breath. When he shifts and opens his fist, you realize what the material is.
It's your underwear.
Your. Underwear.
It's your favorite lilac purple underwear with lace seams. The one that went missing a couple of days ago. You thought you had somehow misplaced it but looks like you are wrong because your roommate has it.
But that's not the concern.
Mingyu is jerking off to your fucking underwear.
What the actual fuck?
And there's more in store for you as Mingyu's hands move to bring your panty towards his face and absolutely mortified, you watch with bated breath as he holds it over his nose and takes a deep inhale.
Your legs nearly give up.
Like a shameless, horny bitch you stay rooted to your spot and watch as Mingyu's moans increase in pitch, his hands moving faster on his cock, eyes tightly shut and your panties on his face. The erotic sight has your pussy leaking.
It is the epitome of filth and sin. Nothing can company to how vulgar yet erotic this feels. Half of you just want to barge in and jump on top of him, make him help you with the ache between your legs while the other half wants to run to the north pole, never wanting to face this man again.
A particular deep groan jolts you out of your head as you watch your roommate reach his climax, his deep moans echoing in your ears as his body slightly arches off the bed, thick spurts of cum flying out of his large cock.
And then silence.
Mingyu lays on his bed, a hand over his head as he catches his breath while you do so on the other side of the door. It's like you've run a marathon. Beads of sweat shine on your forehead as your heart rings loudly in your ears, your underwear sticking uncomfortably to your core.
You need to leave now if you don't want to get caught snooping.
The little sensible part of your brain hisses at you, making your feet move as you carefully, shakily, tiptoe back into your room, your throat now dryer than it originally was.
For the next few days, you avoid Mingyu like plague. You know how crazy you look, how obvious it is but you can't help how your mind displays the sight of his naked body whenever you see his face and how your pussy starts throbbing. At first, Mingyu brushed it off but now he looks at you with concern and you feel extremely bad.
But what do you say to him?
Hey, I snooped on you like a creep as you jerked off and also, do you mind returning my favorite panties?
"_____?" Mingyu snaps his fingers in front of your as you blink and look at him, realizing he's been calling you for a while. "You okay?"
"Uhm- yep!" You manage the fakest smile. Mingyu's face falls, "Stop lying. You've been so weird the past few days. Did I do something wrong?"
Oh god.
"No! No, not at all," you immediately clarify, feeling guilty. "I just—" you stare helplessly at his face. "I just have a lot on my mind right now." You whisper making him sigh.
He says nothing for a while and you expect him to scold you or something but he just says. "Okay. How about a movie tonight? It'll help you get your mind off of the things you're so worried about."
The expectant and puppy-eyed look he gives you breaks your heart and you know you'd rather die than say no to that face. So you let out a defeated sigh and grit your teeth. "Okay."
"Great!" He grins excitedly. "I'll make some pasta! You can choose the movie!"
It's nine pm when you two sit down with your food and start the movie. It's a studio Ghibli movie, one you've watched many times but you don't mind watching a few times more. You two sit on the couch, maintaining a certain distance from each other, watching the TV screen in silence as you stuff your face full of the pasta. Like always, Mingyu's cooking is exceptional and you devour the food within the first ten minutes. All this thinking and worrying had you starving the entire day. As you refill your plate Mingyu gives you a happy smile seeing you enjoy his cooking.
Ten more minutes later your belly is full and your plate is clean like Mingyu's and you two sip the red wine in silence. You haven't been able to pay much attention to the movie, instead, feeling hyperaware of his proximity and how you can smell a faint whiff of his musky scent.
It does things to you.
Very very bad things.
Shifting in your seat, you try to push those thoughts away but they come back in stronger, bigger waves, making you want to bang your head against the wall in frustration. There's no way you can live like this. You'll go crazy or die from a heart attack.
Huffing, you chew on your lower lip and try to concentrate on the movie playing, your eyebrows unknowingly shaping into a frown which Mingyu seems to notice.
"You okay?" He asks making you blink a few times. "Do you feel sick or something?" He questions, genuinely concerned. You sigh, rubbing your temples and murmuring a 'no' which doesn't do much to convince Mingyu as you can feel his stare burning into your skin.
An awkward, tensed silence settles as the volume from the TV fades into the background due to the stillness in the air while you try to avoid Mingyu's gaze and focus hard on the floor. But you can only do that for so long before growing restless. So, without much thinking, you throw caution in the air and meet his eyes.
"Have you...by any chance seen my underwear? It's lilac in color. I can't seem to find it." Half of you feel unequivocally mortified at how bluntly you asked the question while the other half patiently waits for his answer, eyeing his reaction carefully.
And it is something that you expected. A tiny hint of red appears in his ears as he watches you with wide eyes, stuttering, "I- um, n-no I haven't. I- I'll keep an eye out though."
Disappointed, you only nod, "Okay."
"Is that what has been bothering you all day?" He asks tentatively.
"What? No!" Now it's your turn to feel embarrassed. "I just- I just suddenly remembered it..."
"I see." He watches you cautiously for a few beats before setting his eyes back on the TV screen. Out of the corner of your eye, you take a look at him and you realize he is thinking hard. Unlike before, there's a little frown on his face, his focus not on the movie but somewhere deep in his thoughts.
You desperately wish he'd make a move, say something, do something. It doesn't make sense for him to jerk off to your underwear unless he feels a special way about you? Or...is this a bad, perverted habit of his? Does he steal any woman's underwear and jerk off to it?
"Mingyu?" You call for him, the thoughts racing in your head finally exhausting you and paired with the little liquid courage in your blood you ask. "Can be honest with me?"
You don't miss the look of panic that flashes across his face. "Sure."
"Do you... do you like me?" It's embarrassing to say it out loud, so much that you want to cringe into yourself and disappear forever. Maybe he actually doesn't like you and you are getting ahead of yourself. Now that you've laid out all your cards, dread swims through your every vein but there is no going back.
"W-what?" He half chokes.
"Do you like me?" You repeat, voice softer this time, your eyes pleading with him silently to say yes, to assure you that you haven't made a fool out of yourself. Except he doesn't say anything but gapes at you like you've grown another head on your shoulder. Disappointment starts to settle in your bones but you decide you won't go down like a coward.
"Because...I like you. I like you...a lot Mingyu." You whisper, eyes straying from him in shyness.
There. You've done it.
You should probably start looking for a new place to live.
"____..." He breathes your name softly, his voice a little shocked as if he didn't just expect you to say that. Hell, you didn't expect to say that.
"____," he starts again, clearing his throat as you mentally prepare yourself for a rejection. You have half a heart to interrupt him and run but you decide to hear him out before doing something more stupid. "I- I like you too. I really like you."
You blink. Once. Twice. Thrice. Waiting for him to say it's a prank, waiting for you to wake up from this dream because there is no way—
"W-what?" You choke.
Mingyu turns shy under your gaze. "I-...yeah. I like you...too."
"Why- why didn't you tell me!" Your voice is incredulous.
"Because I didn't know that you liked me too!" He defends. "I didn't want to confess and then make it uncomfortably for you to stay here. I...I don't know. I just thought you didn't like me back."
"I'm literally crazy about you, you know..." You whisper bashfully. "I have had a crush on you since the junior year...like every other girl."
Mingyu snorts. "Well, I've had a crush on you since you moved in. God, you're just so... adorable. I saw you dancing in the kitchen in those skimpy shorts you wear one morning while making pancakes and...I just fell for you."
"Oh my god." You hide your face in your hands in embarrassment making Mingyu laugh. "You saw that!" You whine, embarrassed.
"Yes. I did." He shuffles closer to you to pry your hands off your face and offers you a sweet smile, one that displays his canines. Your heart starts racing and you have this desperate urge to feel his lips against yours and just thinking about it makes your toes curl. So you whisper, eyes focused on his lips. "Will you kiss me, Mingyu?"
He looks surprised for a second before he grins cockily, "With pleasure," and then captures your lips in a kiss. They melt against his soft flesh perfectly as he takes his sweet time, kissing you softly, passionately while his other hand cups your jawline to tilt your head.
Soft sighs of pleasure release from your lips as your hands bunch the fabric of his t-shirt in a tight grip. Mingyu pulls back for a second, locking his eyes with yours and the desire blazing in them has you embarrassingly wet. Desperate to feel him again you dive back in for another kiss, this one stronger and needier as you chase his tongue in desperate motions. His tongue wraps around yours, waltzing together and the sheer messiness of the act, the subtle taste of wine on his lips, the string of saliva connecting from your tongue to his, all have you desperately rutting on the couch. This is your wildest dream and it is coming true.
"Mingyu..." You pant. "I n-need you."
He smirks. "You do baby? Where?" He softly trails his lips on your cheek before they hover over your ear. "Where does my pretty roommate need me?" He whispers, his hot breath tickling your ear, making you whine softly. "I-inside me."
He hums, satisfied, grabbing a little flesh of your neck between his teeth and sucking. "Then let's take this to the bedroom shall we?" He doesn't wait for your reply, instead latches his arms underneath the back of your thighs and lifts you, his feet quickly moving towards his bedroom where he drops you on the bed rather unceremoniously, hastily starting to take off his tee.
Biting your lip, you watch him with dilated pupils and bated breath as his sculpted figure comes into view. He's extremely large and bulky, in all the right places which does not come to you as a surprise because you know how much of a gym rat he is. But seeing his protruding, firm muscles without any barrier for the first time has your throat dry, pussy wet and size kink shooting up the roof.
You really want him to throw you around like a fucking ball.
Mingyu watches you watching him hungrily and with a cocky smirk, he lets you enjoy the view for a while before he reaches for your shirt. "Let's take this off, hmm?" You can only nod as you help him with the act and as soon as your top half is bare, his lips lock with yours once more, his hands traveling towards your breasts to cup them in his palm gently. Your body arches, moving towards his touch as he hums in satisfaction, massaging your soft flesh and kneading them in his large hands. When he's had enough of your lips, his mouth ventures downwards, following the column of your neck and then your collarbone before stopping on your tits. He latches his mouth around a nipple and sucks hard, not breaking eye contact with you as you let out a high pitched moan.
Seeing your response, he sucks harder before softly nipping around the sensitive bud and then moving onto your other breast, doing the same. Your hands tangle in his hair as you hold him against you, hooded eyes watching him devour you like you're his last meal.
When he's done marking your chest, he pulls back to watch your heated face; your hair a mess, temples coated with a sheen of perspiration, struggling to catch your breath before his hands work on removing your leggings. He tugs them off at once and the grin displaying on his face lets you know just how excited he is to see you clothed just in your panties. He inches his face towards your thigh where he presses soft slow kisses before tugging the flesh between his teeth. His lips move from the top of your thighs to your inner thighs where he increases the intensity of his ministrations before finally stopping on your clothed core. Taking a quick peek at your face and holding your gaze he traces his lips over the fabric of your underwear as arousal seeps from your core. His hands skim over your legs, his fingertips leaving tinglings in their wake before they reach to tug your panties.
"Wait- uhm!" You suddenly stop him, a thought occurring to you, voice shaky for no particular reason. Mingyu's brows furrow in concern as he retracts his hands but you quickly reach for them and whisper. "Uhm...just be gentle. This is...my first time."
His eyes widen like saucers making you cringe. Did you ruin the mood? Is he going to laugh at you? Unable to withstand his stare you hide your face in your hands, murmuring. "Don't look at me like that." Your voice is meek.
He clears his throat. "No! Uhm- I'm just surprised." He murmurs. "I mean, you're so hot and I thought...I don't know..." His voice fades as you take a peek at him through your fingers and you can see a blush coating his face. How can a man be so adorable and hot at the same time?
"You think I'm hot?" You can't help but tease.
"You're realizing that now?" He rolls his eyes. "Of course you're hot." He says it like it's the most obvious thing ever. There's a small moment of silence as you fidget, waiting for him to say or do something as you feel something unsaid hanging in the air. "Well..." He scratches the back of his head. "If it makes you feel any better, this is my first time too."
Your jaw hits the floor.
No way.
There is no way Kim Mingyu—
"You're kidding."
"Wish I was."
His solemn and somewhat embarrassed look tells you he's fully serious and let out a small, unceremonious noise of shock.
"I can't believe you haven't stuck your dick in something yet." You murmur, voice laced with disbelief as you gape at him. He flinches at your words. "That's one way to put it. I just— I don't know. It just didn't happen. I was this close though one time. Like, my pants were literally off and so was this girl's but just as we were about to start her brother barged in—"
"Oh." You interrupt, not really interested in hearing his failed attempt at having sex.
"Yeah, you get the point." He mumbles, cheeks tinted pink. "Can we...return to what we were doing?"
"Y-yeah. Sure." You chuckle breathily, the tingling sensation returning on your skin. Mingyu smiles as he shuffles closer to you and presses a soft, reassuring kiss on your lips. "Just relax. I'll take care of you." You nod mindlessly as you hum and chase his lips, his addictive taste leaving you craving for more. So once again your lips tangle in a messy kiss and your hand hovers over the waistband of his shorts. Bravely, you tug at them and it captures Mingyu's attention as he retracts his lips from yours and gives you a lazy smile. "Impatient, aren't we?"
"Please." You only beg.
He chuckles softly, a look of adoration on his face as he gives your cheek a peck that makes your heart dance happily. "All in good time, my love. Let's get you prepared first."
You swallow, watching him take off your panties which now have a damp spot in them and toss it behind him. His eyes stay glued to your core and you're about to close your legs out of embarrassment when he grabs your thighs and pulls them apart. "Be a good girl." His eyes shine dangerously, his gravelly voice going straight to your pussy and you have half a heart to just jump on his dick.
Keeping his eyes locked on yours, he pops a couple of his digits into his mouth, making a show of licking them which makes you lick your dry lips. Once his fingers are covered in his spit he moves them towards your pussy, gently stroking your lips, eyes never leaving yours, looking out for any signs of discomfort. "Tell me if it hurts." He murmurs softly rubbing your entrance before inserting one finger inside and immediately you fall back on the bed, a low groan leaving you.
"Good?" He asks.
"Mhmm. S-so good." You sigh, bunching his sheets in your hands. Humming, Mingyu inserts a second finger before starting to move the two digits in tandem, curling them inside you and stretching your walls slowly. You continue to moan loudly, the feel of his fingers inside your velvety walls driving you mad. His name slips from your lips in lustful pants as he continues scissoring his fingers inside you, sometimes locking his eyes with you, giving you a look that tells you he wants to eat you alive.
Once you adjust to two fingers inside you, he pushes in a third, increasing his pace so much that you feel dizzy and taste your orgasm. "M-mingyu...make me come... please."
"I will." He promises before attaching his lips to your clit. "Fuck!" You scream as his lips come in contact with your swollen bud, legs thrashing around him. He flicks his tongue around your clit while working his fingers inside you and when he decides to pull the sensitive flesh of your clit between his teeth, your orgasm crashes you. Toes curling, you let out a wail as you feel the pleasure coarse through your veins, only intensified by his relentless sucking on your clit.
When you can't take anymore, you half-heartedly try to pry him off of you. "Mingyu... I can't." He only hums, giving your clit one long suck before pulling back and sitting on his knees, a proud smile on his face, lips coated with your arousal.
He pushes his fingers inside your mouth, making you taste yourself and feel his fingers deep inside your wet cavern. You moan around his digits, the dark look in his eyes setting sparks throughout your body. Once his fingers are clean he pulls you upwards, meeting your lips in a messy kiss. He devours your face, your teeth and tongue clashing and you moan as you taste yourself on his tongue. His boner pokes into your lower belly, distracting you as you pull back from the kiss to take a look at him.
There's a tent on his boxers and you can see the clear outline of his thick length which sends shivers down your spine. Instinctively, your hands reach for his member, softly rubbing the sensitive flesh as he lets out a hiss of pleasure.
"Can I fuck you raw?" His blunt, abrupt question leaves you flustered.
"I was hoping you'd do that."
"Fuck, really?" He groans, closing his eyes for a second. "You're perfect, you know. And don't worry, I'm clean."
"Me too," you whisper, stealing another kiss from him. "Now t-take this off please." You whisper. He only smiles sinisterly, pushing you back onto the bed. As you get comfortable against the pillows he shuffles and pries the clothing from his hips, never breaking eye contact with you. You try, really try to hold his gaze but you can't, your eyes shifting over to the monster between his legs and you suck in a sharp breath. "F-fuck. It's huge." You blurt out.
The smuggest look settles on his face as he watches you, a predatory glint in his eyes. "I'll make sure it fits, love." He promises and you swallow in anticipation and nervousness. Crawling over to you in slow yet confident movements, he traps you underneath him with his thick arms— literally the size of your face, planting them on both sides of your head as his large, solid chest hovers over yours, his face mere inches away from yours, not quite touching but close enough to feel his breath and you are now more aroused than ever. His sheer size and how he manages to make you feel small and helpless have you mewling. "M-mingyu hurry, n-need you." Your arms snake around his lower back, pulling him close, his dick brushing on your stomach.
"And here I thought you wanted me to be gentle." He teases with a smile, leaning down to kiss your jawline before moving back and sitting on the balls of his feet as he spits on his fingers and brings them to lube his cock. Throat parched, you watch him like an eager kid, waiting for her candy.
He teases you as he fists his length and brings it closer to your core, tapping on your sensitive clit but not giving you what you need. Whining, your hips move forward to him, trying to chase his length. "Mingyu!"
He grins amusedly, before finally lining up his length with your pussy and whispers. "Let me know if it hurts, hmm?"
You nod eagerly, sinking your fingers into his broad back, preparing yourself for the stretch. Giving you a reassuring look, Mingyu pushes in and it's heaven and hell and the same time as the pain of being stretched flickers through your body before you feel the pleasure.
"Fuck!" You scream and he's just a few inches in. The feeling is overwhelming, pleasurably so, that you don't know what to do with it. "Fuck fuck fuck-" you keep chanting as Mingyu breathes harshly above you. "You okay?"
"Y-yes. Keep going. S-slow."
And so he does, pushing himself in, inch by inch and every time you think he's fully inside he keeps on pushing. Finally, he stops and you can almost feel him inside your belly, your velvety walls stretched to their limits in the most pleasurable ways.
"So fucking tight." Mingyu hisses as if he's in pain. Your arms wrap themselves tighter around him, pulling him closer as you needily attach your lips to his. He kisses you softly, careful not to move inside you, one of his hands coming up to play with your breast as a distraction. You chase his tongue with yours, the feeling of his length inside you bringing you a different kind of high that leaves you needier for him.
"You're so wet and tight I could just come right now." The man on top of you breathes, his eyes clouded with lust and need. A weak chuckle leaves your lips and you bury your face in the crook of his neck, sighing. "You can move now, I think."
Grunting, Mingyu shifts inside you, pulling back fully before thrusting inside you slowly, letting you feel every inch of him. You whine and moan as he builds up his pace, slowly at first until his thrusts hit the most sensitive part inside you in precise movements. His hips snap into you harder as your toes curl and the bed shakes, soft whines of need falling from your mouth.
"God- M-mingyu! You're so...big." You pant, glazed eyes watching him with need. He grunts. "Oh yeah? And you're so fucking small. Makes you want to fuck you till you break, little girl."
Your pussy clenches deliciously at that. "Please do."
Mingyu scoffs, amused and aroused at the same time as he continues his ruthless pounding, his mouth coming down to your neck to paint the flesh with love bites. "Didn't know you had a size kink, love. You're so nasty I love it." He whispers near your ear making you shiver.
You want to say me neither but the way he's drilling his cock into you gives you a hard time forming a cohesive reply. Instead, your fingernails dig deeper into his back and your cries of need keep rising. "You're gonna come aren't you? Can feel you tightening around me." Mingyu pants, his stormy eyes watching you with intent.
"P-please." You whisper mindlessly. He hums, picking up his pace to the point you feel like the bed is gonna break along with your pussy as his lips hover over your breasts. He drags the plump flesh on your soft mounds, kissing them gently before wrapping his lips around your nipple and toying with it using his tongue. You moan in pleasure, the repeated flicks of his warm, wet tongue on your sensitive bud making you clench around him, a new wave of arousal seeping from your core. It only increases as he softly bites your nipple while one of his large hands moves over to your other breast, groping it and pinching the nipple between his fingers.
"Mingyu!" You cry. "Gonna cum!"
"Do it. Come around my cock. Wanna see you make a mess." He grunts, latching his mouth on the nipple that was being tortured by his hands and moving it towards your clit. His fingers rub over your swollen nub in circular motions and you feel it. White hot pleasure thrums in your veins as the coil wound tightly in your belly snaps, making your body shake as you teeter over the edge.
Mingyu feels your tight walls spasm around him and he groans. "Fuck, fuck. You're so tight I'm gonna come." His fingers don't stop playing with your clit even through your orgasm, instead brings you closer to another one as you feel it develop in your lower belly.
"Gonna c-come again," your voice is barely above a whisper, tears pricking your eyes at the overwhelming amount of pleasure your body is experiencing. Mingyu only hums and softly commands. "Do it. Come with me."
And you do. Your body almost arches off the bed as your mouth hangs open in a silent scream, your body experiencing another toe-curling orgasm. Mingyu comes with you, his warm seed filling you up as you ride your high, only prolonging it further. His eyes are screwed shut as he empties himself inside you and the erotic sight of him lost in pleasure makes you clench around him again even though you are extremely sensitive.
His body slumps, his weight and warmth blanketing you as you both catch your breath, his face buried in your neck. After a few seconds, he seems to realize he's crushing you with his weight so he pulls out and sags beside you, wasting no time pulling you close. You wince as you feel him drip down your pussy but you're okay with it, for now, the warmth and comfort of his arms making you forget about everything else.
You simply lie next to him, hearing him breathe, feeling his chest rise and fall, his fingers dancing softly on your hipbone. When you almost doze off, he speaks, his voice gruff.
"How was it? You okay?" He supports his weight on his elbow and peeks a worried look at you. A lazy smile etches onto your face. "It was great. I'm really sore but it's worth it."
He chuckles quietly, bringing his lips onto your neck and pressing soft kisses that make you sigh in pleasure. "Mingyu?" You call for him softly, making him look at you. "Did you mean it? When you said you have a crush on me. This isn't a one-time thing right?"
He looks a little offended. "Of course I meant it. And this definitely isn't a one-time thing. I don't think I can ever live without fucking you now."
You flinch at his crude language but laugh nevertheless. "I could say the same."
"Good." He murmurs distractedly, his attention on nuzzling your neck. He seems to have an obsession with that part of your body. "Because there are so many places I want to fuck you against. On top of the list is against a wall." Your pussy seems to be wide awake and alert at his words as you chide. "Mingyu!"
You feel him smile as he presses a kiss on your forehead and then lies back next to you. "After you've recovered of course."
Humming happily, you wrap your arms around him, your face squishing against his chest. "I really like you, Gyu." You whisper.
"I really like you too, love, in case you hadn't figured it out yet." There's a hint of teasing in his voice but it's harmless and you grin like a lovestruck fool. There's a moment of silence after your confession until you remember something.
"Mingyu?" You peek up at his face. "Hmm?" His eyes meet yours.
"I think you have something to tell me."
"What?" He blinks, confused. An evil smile crawls onto your face as you speak nonchalantly. "The other day...I saw you jerking off with my panties, you know."
A look of sheer horror flashes across his eyes before his face turns red. Like he's been zapped with electricity, he flies away from you and to the other end of his bed, hiding his face in his hands. "Oh my fucking God! I swear I can explain!"
Clutching your belly, you only laugh at his reaction.
You have got the explanation you wanted.
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
awhile ago in ur post abt ur fav kpop dancers u talked abt how taemin is unique bc of his really clear and grand overall vision and concept and execution (if i'm misquoting u i'm sorry!) and it got me thinking abt how the "next Taemin" isn't abt that person being a good dancer but rather someone who will have a similarly grand, unique, and clear conceptual vision and theme and execution. which brings me to my question: i feel like woodz is capable of reaching that level and i was wondering what you think?
tl;dr woodz is the next taemin in terms of unique concept and scale of execution, yes or no 👀?
hi hello!! nope you're not misquoting; even if that's not verbatim what i said, that's exactly what i meant!
i have sort of talked around this idea of 'being the next (x)' with this post about rain and kai and also sort of this post about kai and taeyang, and i feel like i talked about it in relation to key 'filling the taemin void' somewhere but i don't remember where, but yes i 100% agree that there isn't going to be a 'next taemin' but there will be someone who can embody that same grandiosity of spirit and concept. it just depends on who's got the guts and the backing (creatively and financially) to step up. especially since i don't think sm is planning on debuting a soloist from nct in the same way they did with the shinee boys.
woodz is probably the most interesting and versatile next generation male solo artist active right now; he's already shown that he can handle a variety of musical genres and aesthetics, he has great instincts and a unique voice and he's got just enough of that indie sound to make him stand out from the main trends. the only thing he's suffering from is a lack of funds and a really good creative director. whoever he's been working with has been doing good, but i think to really reach that taemin-esque level he needs someone to come in with a complex and more experimental visual concept with really solid vertical integration with mv, album theme, and also all the promotional stages. both feel like and waiting were really close and although i put them both in my top releases of 2021 i think they're that touch too 'normal' to really grab attention in the way that they need to to really propel him. personally i'd love to see what he could take on with a bigger budget, but also i know that the indie energy is a big part of his charm, so it'd be a delicate line to walk. i know he could do it though.
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