#i realllllyyyy dont like this chapter
savage-rhi · 2 years
Immortal Shield Chapter 34: Gods Bane I
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The week had come and gone too quickly for Ardyn. As powerful as he was, he couldn’t bend time to his will and stop it no matter how hard he wished. The early hour of dawn had arrived. Ardyn looked out the large window of the hotel room of the Via, blinking a few times. He needed a break finishing up the letter he had been preparing for Caelan. Memories of the past week and hesitations arouse inside himself.
After the night of the concert, they ventured to the other districts. Caelan got to show Ardyn where she used to live before Insomnia’s fall. It was a bittersweet situation for her. Ardyn recalled Caelan being on the verge of tears seeing that her old home had been converted from a glorious apartment complex for the guard, to another realm of small businesses. The Pax district and its small town aesthetic were long gone, now part of the larger metropolitan area. That was the final nail in the coffin when it came to determining if Caelan could continue to call the city her true home. As much as she loved Insomnia, and seemed to adore the changes, it was clear to Ardyn that she didn’t belong in this newer world. Caelan had told him as much when they departed.
"I'm sure it was beautiful," Ardyn remarked, resting a hand upon Caelan's shoulder. "I don't believe you'd lie about such things, if you're worried about my opinion."
"Is this how you felt seeing your home become a city after thousands of years?" Caelan furrowed her brows, looking down to her feet while she tried to compose herself. She didn't think it would be this hard to let go, yet here she was. Feeling like a sinking ship.
"Felt like what?" Ardyn tilted his head curiously.
"Like you're obsolete?"
Ardyn's glanced over Caelan while he contemplated her words. He hadn't thought of this in a long time. A deep sigh left him while he nodded.
"Yes," Ardyn murmured. "It was quite jarring initially, but you know how I got over it?"
"Hm?" Caelan raised her head, tilting a brow.
"By drinking wine and filling up on sweets."
Smiles and grins paved way to laughs that were shared between the both of them at Ardyn's comment. Not long after, Ardyn took hold of Caelan's hand, and guided them away from the area.
"Where are you taking me now?" Caelan laughed.
"We're getting orange cakes and wine. I wasn't joking! It's the best cure for melancholy."
"You're going to turn me into an obese alcoholic at this rate." Caelan scoffed.
"I'll still adore you regardless."
The corner of Ardyn’s lips formed into a smile while he remembered cheering Caelan up. After their bakery trip, they messed with a few crownsguard while snooping for more information regarding the king, and then took a trip to Insomnia's newly opened natural history museum. The visit had been a highlight for Ardyn, yet he also received a taste of what Caelan endured at Pax.
“Ardyn?” Caelan realized her partner wasn't near while venturing off to the fossil exhibit. She turned around and searched for him among the visitors. It didn’t take long before Caelan backtracked and found Ardyn staring at the paintings in the fine art section.
“I thought I lost you for a moment,” Caelan smiled while she approached him, catching her breath in the process. He didn’t acknowledge her. His gaze was too transfixed on the artwork before himself.
Caelan made a face, doing a double take between him and the art before she settled her eyes on the painting. The piece had been restored, and there were tell tale signs that someone tried destroying the art centuries ago. The image was of none other than the man standing beside her. One arm out, while the other remained on the head of someone who was infected with the scourge. A ring of light surrounded the top of Ardyn’s head. His white robes and long red hair flowed into the background, surrounded by crowds of adoring people, a black chocobo at his side. Caelan stepped closer so she could read the plaque underneath.
“The Founder King & Healer of Lucis. Circa unknown,” Caelan said aloud. She turned her head to check Ardyn before proceeding to read the rest. “Many artifacts related to Ardyn Lucis Caelum have been lost to time or destroyed. This painting was found in the deeper recesses of Angelgard during the formation of Angelus Vitae. The image has been carefully restored by over 100 talented artists within Insomnia, and paid for by King Noctis. Ardyn Lucis Caelum’s legacy is one of mixed truths. He was well known as the Accursed Adagium and a modern Chancellor of Niflheim before his status as Founder King was reinstated. While he has gravely impacted Eos, many modern Lucian bloodlines wouldn’t exist without Ardyn’s sacrifice by taking the starscourge unto himself over 2,000 years ago. It is with hope from King Noctis, that more artifacts will be unearthed to honor his ancestor.”
Caelan’s voice trailed off. The heavy feeling in her chest was indescribable. She could only imagine what was going on through Ardyn’s head. Before Caelan could approach him, Ardyn already had moved close to her side. He slid his left hand down to meet her right, his calloused fingertips giving hers as a squeeze. She turned her head to the right, focusing on him while Ardyn continued to look over the painting.
“The royal artisans could never get my nose correct in these dreary portraits.” Ardyn smiled faintly. It grew more when he saw Caelan try in vain to suppress a laugh but failed.
“Of all the comments you could make, that was quite a surprise.”
“Were you expecting something much more…profound?”
Caelan nodded.
“I don’t know what to make of such dedications.” Ardyn said truthfully. He sighed while his eyes carded over the little details. Taking them in for a final time before he’d allow himself to proceed with the rest of the tour.
“I’m feeling rather existential.”
“Hey,” Caelan’s hand squeezed his. Her soft voice allured him out of his thoughts while Ardyn looked at her.
“You have every right to here. In this time, and with me.”
Her reassurance was enough to quell the darker thoughts Ardyn had about his life. He couldn’t help but reward Caelan with an embrace. His head resting against hers while he closed his eyes and allowed the calm to settle in his heart. She had become his anchor, and cherished it beyond all else.
“Come. Let’s see if I’m older than the fossils here.” Still taking her by the hand, Ardyn chuckled while Caelan laughed as they ran away from the painting and to the next exhibit.
As the memory left Ardyn in the present, he chuckled. His head shaking almost in disbelief that so much good had been graced to him. He swallowed, letting out a breath then finished off the last of his words and carefully folded the letter up. Traveling out of the living room area, Ardyn arrived in the bedroom. Caelan remained asleep. Her body consumed by the blankets. He could smell the wine they had been drinking from the night prior becoming stale in their glass cups near the foot of the bed on top of a small table. As Ardyn ventured close, he stood by Caelan’s side and stretched across the bed without putting his weight on her, resting the letter on top of his pillow. Letting out a sigh as he regained his composure, Ardyn bent down on his knees so he was eye level with Caelan’s sleeping form.
While Ardyn’s fingertips rummaged softly through her hair, eyes drinking in her features, his whole body screamed at him to remain. To not proceed with what he planned. Yet his heart won over logic. Ardyn was beyond afraid of losing her like he lost Aera. Knowing the Astrals and their conniving ways, Ardyn knew Caelan could easily be cast off as a sacrifice for the greater good. He wasn’t going to risk it. Even if it cost him everything and his place at her side in this life.
“Forgive me, Cahl.” Ardyn pleaded. He pressed a long kiss to her lips then murmured against her skin. “I love you, sweet girl.”
Before he could be tempted by her warmth and the soft noises that escaped her, Ardyn fled. As soon as he closed the door behind him to their room, Ardyn braced himself. He put his hat on, tilting the brim up. His resolve grew with each passing step. He was ready to facedown fate for a second time. No more running away.
The Insomnian Public Forum is now open on this day at 10:00am. If you have concerns that should be addressed to the king and his courts, please make your way through the primary hall and to the throne room of the citadel. His majesty King Noctis will be present, and will not be actively engaging with the public save for his officials and retainers. The Forum will be open until 12:00pm and not a minute longer. Thank you!
The speakers throughout the grand halls of the palace echoed with the booming voice of the announcer. Ardyn grimaced. Whoever was in charge of sound proof should’ve been fired on the spot as far as he was concerned. The quality wouldn’t have stood if this was taking place at Zegnatus Keep. A slight smirk was expressed on Ardyn’s face at the thought.
“It’s so easy to slip back into chancellor duties,” Ardyn murmured to himself. He lowered his hat some while he drifted past officials and public folk. Without having to separate his magic between himself and Caelan, he was able to channel far more details to make his disguise fool proof to anyone that ventured too close to have a look upon his face. This also guaranteed it wouldn’t fade too soon unlike their little fiasco at the Vote Abandon concert.
While Ardyn followed the crowd like a wolf blending in with a herd of sheep, he took his time admiring the interior of the palace. Everything was more or less the same before he, the daemons, and his final battle with Noctis ransacked the place. The elevator lobby, reception, and primary halls hadn’t been touched. The directions to the audience chamber, press room, and crystal room were strikingly different nonetheless. When the crowd made a left versus a usual right, Ardyn furrowed his brows. Confusion ever present, but he decided to trust the group. He feared if he drifted away and didn’t appear he looked like he knew where he was going, someone would catch onto him.
Ardyn recalled his ten years of living at the citadel while he awaited the return of Noctis. He had spent so much time in these halls, getting acquainted with them for their final battle, that everything felt second nature navigating the grounds. It was also quite lonely. Save for daemons that would sneak their way in, there was not a soul to keep Ardyn company while he patiently waited for his death to arrive. He didn’t miss those years. It made his anxieties and impatience foreboding. So much so that if any living thing managed to get through the city and make it to him, Ardyn couldn’t be bothered with keeping them alive for long. He himself slept for four of those years in a dreamless dark, sitting on a throne that would never be his.
Several minutes later, the grand doors leading to the throne room opened up and Ardyn stepped through along with the several hundred citizens that wanted to express their opinions, woes, and tidings. The chattering grew, much to Ardyn’s irritation. In his opinion, having such discussions at this hour of the morning was counterproductive. Ardyn recalled he performed his duties as chancellor in the afternoons when he was well rested. For all the time he had observed Noctis lazily lounge with his friends prior to their final battle, Ardyn was surprised the boy developed a taste for the early life. He expected the late king Regis had something to do with that. The old man was quite a morning bird himself when he was alive.
The inside of the throne room was the same as his visions. Ardyn swallowed as he eyed certain details that he witnessed in his dreams. It was a final confirmation that his night terrors were not just byproducts of his personal problems, nor his primal instinct to fear the unknown. Everything was leading to this moment. Ardyn could feel it down to his very bones. The heaviness of his burdens were further amplified when he saw a few of Noctis’s retainers from afar. Ignis, and Gladio respectively. There was a brief temptation on Caelan’s behalf to approach Gladio and knock his skull in, but Ardyn knew under these circumstances, he couldn’t sate the desire.
Ardyn mingled with the common folk while he’d cast a glance from time to time their way, watching the boys talk to fellow crownsguard and planning his majesty’s entrance. His heartbeat started to quicken as a few minutes became ten, and ten became twenty.
What’s taking so long? Ardyn thought bitterly to himself. As much as he appreciated his time getting acquainted with the new layout of the throne room and its many exits, along with discussing troubling matters like chocobos venturing out into the city streets, everything was becoming a nuisance. Ardyn wanted to get this over with. His mind triggered from the ten years he dwelled here didn’t help when it came to patience. There was also a stirring Ardyn could feel leaking through. The scourge tapping his shoulder, letting him know it wanted to come out. The twisted feeling in his stomach was a huge indicator that he had not only a physical battle to brace himself for, but an inner one, and worst of all Ardyn didn’t have an anchor to keep him grounded.
Maybe leaving Caelan behind to do this alone was a bad idea.
He had to learn to live with the regret.
“Ladies and gentlemen, his majesty King Noctis awaits with greetings for the people of Insomnia!” An announcer close by to Ignis proclaimed.
“Please cease discussions as we pay respects to our current king. Forum proceedings will continue momentarily.”
Ardyn’s fists clenched. Sweat trickled down his forehead. He couldn’t recall a time in his life he had been so nervous before. His eyes slightly widened more as he zeroed in on the entryway where Noctis was to come forth. This was it. The beginning of the end.
Caelan awoke around 10:30. She got up and stretched, rubbing her eyes and moved about the bedroom before making her way to the kitchen. Her throat and tongue were dry, having drank too much wine and not bothering to keep up with hydration. A slight groan escaped Caelan while she rubbed her forehead and made her way to the kitchen sink. She filled a glass of water up and drank generously. Luckily there were no signs of a hangover at present.
“Don’t need that again anytime soon,” Caelan muttered to herself, recalling the morning after at Lestallum. As much as she had an amazing time with Ardyn back then, Caelan could do without the throbbing pain of a hangover. Luckily last night, they were too caught up in their passions for one another to get drunk. They both agreed arriving at the forum intoxicated would be in poor taste and also jeopardize their mission. Caelan reminded herself they would depart around 11am, and arrive by 11:30. The king would be present around that time to mingle if he wished.
The silence in the hotel room stirred Caelan more awake as she thought of Ardyn. Her right hand felt across her left collarbone and shoulder. A slight wince fell past her mouth at the bites and various hickies he left. She smiled big.
“Ardyn!” Caelan called out playfully. Her mind was conjuring ways to get him back, and entice him. She ventured through the kitchen and to the large living room, her eyes casting glances everywhere from the couch, to the various chairs available at their disposal. There was no sign of him. He wasn’t in the bathroom either after she combed through the large space.
“Ardyn?” Caelan’s steps started to pick up in speed while she checked out a secondary room that was part of their amenities. Like before, no sign.
“Ardyn?” Grave concern was in her tone as Caelan raised her voice. Her heart began to pound deeply in her chest. There were times throughout the week where Ardyn would go off by his lonesome, usually to the top of the Via to enjoy the last of the night before the sun would rise upon Insomnia. It was either that or he’d venture to one of the restaurants nearby to pick them both up something to eat for later, but there was something terribly wrong about this situation. Caelan knew she had no evidence, but on an instinctual level, there was something amiss.
Caelan ran back to the room and started to change into her clothes. In between throwing on her pants, shirt, and gear, she checked her phone after plucking it from the charger on her side of the bed. There were no texts from him.
“Ardyn...” Caelan breathed out and swallowed. The bounce she made on the mattress involuntarily as she rose caused her to catch something from the corner of her eye. Caelan did a double take, before settling her gaze on Ardyn’s side of the bed. There was a folded note on top of his pillow. She was quick to snatch it up from the spot, unfolding it and her eyes scanned over its contents:
I didn’t wish to wake you while you slept so soundly.
I decided to see the king by myself, without you accompanying. I understand this is not what we agreed upon, and your wrath towards me is well justified. I’m going to ensure your freedom and safety for all days to come.
I will return to you within the night. No tricks. I swear it. I will follow through with what we planned, and we will leave the city together.
Lie low in our room until I come back. Don’t leave unless you are in danger, and don’t set foot outside of Insomnia unless I send word. My bank account is at your disposal. Treat yourself to any amenities at the Via. Consider it one of many acts of apology I will perform.
Trust me. I will return to you.
“Son of a bitch!” Caelan hissed between her gritted teeth. She didn’t waste time, sprinting off the bed and rushing to the door. Caelan ran so fast, that upon exiting the room she slammed her body into the left side of the hallway. Getting her bearings in a matter of seconds, Caelan panted while her legs took off once more.
There was a part of Caelan that was angry beyond recognition at the stunt Ardyn had pulled behind her back, yet she understood all too well why he made a huge decision on her behalf. He was scared. The constant reassurances throughout the letter were telling Ardyn was terrified, and gods forbid, he was uncertain he would make it out alive. Caelan couldn’t confirm for sure until she confronted Ardyn, but her gut told her as much.
Caelan's instincts to protect him ran amok in her mind while making her way through several floors, and eventually out of the Via. Ardyn was alone. He had no back up, and she needed to get to him. At least follow through with keeping the guards preoccupied while he dealt with Noctis.
“I’m gonna kill him myself if the king doesn't!” Caelan said to herself while she headed to the garage keep where Ardyn had the Scepter dropped off. The rage at being deceived hit her hard especially with how their relationship blossomed during the past few weeks. Caelan had a list of demands for Ardyn to work on regarding himself if they lived through this.
As Caelan saw the Scepter in her sights, she suddenly came to a halt. In front of her car were several crownsguard. Around fifteen give or take.
“Shit,” Caelan murmured aloud, and turned around to back track. More showed up. As soon as she made eye contact with one of the guard, they immediately went on the alert drawing out their weapons. Caelan on instinct summoned her blade, and took on a defensive pose.
“Wait!” A familiar voice drew from the crownsguard, and stepping forth to greet Caelan was none other than Prompto. Her eyes widened. A small gasp escaped Caelan’s throat before she held steady. There were mixed emotions in Prompto’s features from what was observed. Caelan couldn’t help but look over her shoulder to where the Scepter was at. Her eyes closed as she began to beat herself up mentally.
“The car gave me away, didn’t it?” She let out a huff, feeling like a fool for being so open the night of concert with both Prompto and Cindy. Then again, Cindy was the one that told Prompto about the Scepter. Caelan was surprised Prompto hadn’t confronted her nor Ardyn earlier in the week. Given the resources crownsguard had, he could’ve easily tracked her vehicle to the Via.
Prompto sighed, giving a nod before he took a few steps towards Caelan. He gestured for the men and women of the guard to stand down for the time being. To let him handle this.
“Cae, I need you to come with us.” Prompto urged.
“Am I being under arrest?”
“Yes, in a manner of speaking.”
“I'm going to politely decline,” Caelan began. Her eyes carded over each individual man and woman before her, calculating how best she could cut through them all to get to Ardyn. “I have someone waiting for me. I need to protect him.”
“That’s precisely what I need to talk with you about,” Prompto interjected before Caelan could get another word in. “You were with Ardyn that night at the concert.”
“Unless you have me in custody, I’m under no obligation to say shit.”
Prompto furrowed his brows, letting out a exasperated gasp as he growled. “Cae, I’m not approaching you as an enemy. I need to know what Ardyn is doing here for the safety of the king. Please, I want to help you!”
“So you can lock him away or kill him? No. I’m not buying what you’re selling. Let me pass, or get in my way and see what happens.” Caelan made eye contact with several of the guard, making it known she intended to kill if they stepped out of line.
“Has Ardyn experienced any visions?” Prompto raised his voice. “Has he had communion with the Astrals?”
Caelan shuddered at the sudden questions. She was nervous, keeping herself on high alert but also listened intently to Prompto.
“Yes,” Caelan responded. Her voice was cold as her convictions to do whatever was necessary to help Ardyn. “Several, in fact. Why?”
“Lady Lunafreya foresaw something bad happening today. Noctis--the king,” Prompto corrected himself among the guard. He mentally cursed for falling out of line with formalities but continued. “It's like he changed overnight. Cae, if Ardyn is seeking him out, they might kill each other. I need you to come with me to the palace, so we can protect the people we care for.”
“How do I know this isn’t a trick?” Caelan spat. She had one too many run ins with law enforcement to know when she was being set up, and didn’t like how Prompto was appealing to her protective nature.
“I don’t know your story, nor do I understand how the hell Ardyn is back, but when Cindy tells me someone is good, I believe her with all my heart.” Prompto swallowed. He could tell he wasn’t having much luck getting Caelan to trust him and was preparing himself for the worst; though it pained him so.
“I care about my friend, and I can tell you care an awful lot for Ardyn. Otherwise you wouldn’t be so defensive. Let’s call a truce. For the sake of our loved ones, let us help each other!”
Caelan debated with herself. She once more did the math in her head regarding how many crownsguard she could fight. There were now over twenty five. The odds were in her favor if she could avoid getting shot. Yet given the severity of the situation that involved gods, kings, and prophecy, Caelan knew she would be doing both herself and Ardyn a disservice wasting her time on opponents that weren’t even a fraction as powerful as the foes they’d face. She needed to use her energy wisely, and now wasn’t the time for a bloodbath.
"Fine." Caelan sighed in defeat.
Prompto gave a command for the crownsguard to lower their weapons to which they complied, and that gesture was enough for Caelan to yield her sword. She relaxed her shoulders, then carefully walked to Prompto's side. Her hand still gripped the halt of her blade just in case.
Prompto gave Caelan a friendly smile and nod then gestured for her to follow him to his personal vehicle. Several of the crownsguard joined them both to play things safe until they arrived at the car nearby. Prompto cleared his throat and addressed them formally.
“Guard unit G20, report back to the citadel and be on alert if commander Amicita needs assistance. Units 230 and 235, follow behind my car for escort. Our guest will be riding with me.”
“Yes sir.”
“Cae, after you!” Prompto opened up the passenger side of his vehicle, and Caelan ducked into it and closed the door. She watched the blonde sprint over to the drivers side. As soon as he hopped in the vehicle, Prompto was quick to turn the engine on, back up, and hit the main highway going to the palace. His speed was almost 90 mph in a matter of seconds. Caelan braced herself in the passenger's seat, looking at him like he was mad.
“S-sorry! Still breaking her in!” Prompto chuckled, then adjusted his pace. He was now going a few miles above speed limit, while maintaining distance from other cars. As he finished moving from the right lane and into the left so he could move past traffic, Prompto let out a deep breath.
“I know this is sudden, but I need to ask you where Ardyn is.” Prompto furrowed his brows. His voice betrayed his nerves while Caelan turned her head to face him. She could see it. How his grip on the steering wheel tightened and the muscles in his neck flexed. She made a face.
“You’re terrified of him, aren’t you?”
“Y-yeah, kinda. It’s a long story.” Prompto admitted, then shook his head. “Anyway, we shouldn’t get side tracked. Do you know where he is currently?”
Caelan recalled Ardyn explaining to her that he had toyed with Prompto in the past. He didn’t indulge too much of what transpired between them, not comfortable discussing it for the time being, but knowing how Ardyn was before the Dark Decade, Caelan didn’t put it past the man to have downright tortured the poor soul sitting beside her. It didn’t stop Caelan from loving Ardyn nevertheless. They were both very flawed individuals that had hurt people to get ahead in this world.
“We were supposed to go to the public forum. I have no doubt he's there right now.” Caelan began, letting out a deep breath. She hoped against hope she wasn’t making a terrible mistake putting her faith in Cindy’s boyfriend as she continued. “I met Ardyn months ago at Galdin Quay. He hired me to escort him to Insomnia. Ardyn wanted to see the king, and find a solution to end his immortality.”
“Wait, so Ardyn has no clue why he’s back either?” Prompto was surprised, glancing over Caelan before focusing back on the road.
“We’re just as flabbergasted as you guys are. Same with the king and his ailments.” Caelan said bluntly, letting out a sigh.
“Why didn’t you guys come to us sooner?”
“It's a long story and we don’t have time for it.” Caelan huffed, waving Prompto off. “Look, I know Ardyn has blood on his hands and he did wrong by you and everyone. You have to trust me when I say he doesn’t wish to harm the king. Neither do I. Ardyn just wants answers and peace.”
“I really want to believe you,” Prompto began. His brows knitted into a concerned glare. “But I’m also weary. As a retainer, I have to be extra cautious. What’s he to you anyway? What Cindy said back at The Solstice, Ardyn being your fella, that ring any truth?”
Caelan hesitated, and decided to be honest. “I’m his partner and shield. We protect each other.”
"But, he left you behind...”
“He didn’t want to see me get hurt.” Caelan sighed. “Ardyn's an idiot like that.”
Prompto snorted, giving a smirk to Caelan at the admission. He chuckled as she rolled her eyes.
“Tell me about Lady Lunafreya’s vision,” Caelan changed the subject, wanting to confront the more pressing matters at hand. “What prompted you to come looking for me now versus earlier in the week? You could’ve easily confronted us.”
“Hold your horses!” Prompto exclaimed. He was surprised at how rapidly Caelan made her statements. There had been so much that occurred last night and this morning that he was still processing it all. Prompto breathed out.
“Luna said something about daemon and god becoming one, a step under the rising sun. She had us retainers try to convince Noctis to forgo attending the forum last night because of it. He wouldn’t listen, said something about feeling compelled to 'hear the call'. Luna tried this morning to stop Noctis, but he hurt her. It was--hard to watch. The queen is expecting, so everyone has been on edge.”
To say Caelan was shocked by the kings behavior was an understatement. There was also surprise that lingered on her face when she heard the news that the queen was pregnant. It was definitely something that the news stations hadn't picked up on. Caelan couldn’t help but wonder if Noctis and Lunafreya were saving the announcement for a later time.  She decided not to ask Prompto to explain further details regarding Luna. Her mind was too busy trying to rip apart the ‘daemon and god becoming one’ riddle.
“Ardyn heard such weird sayings like Luna,” Caelan began. She looked ahead, watching as city buildings and people passed them by. “Youngblood king walks tall. Shards of crystal, the dragon calls. Heavy heart, young blood falls.”
“Do you know what it means?” Prompto asked curiously.
“Not a damn clue,” Caelan sighed. She recalled the time Ardyn and she had spent at Vesperpool. How he asked Caelan to share her opinions on the matter regarding his visions. “I mentioned to Ardyn it might have something to do with Bahamut.”
“The dragon god of the six?”
“The very same.”
“How did you reach that conclusion?”
Caelan shrugged. “Of all the Astrals, Ardyn hates him the most. Bahamut is the reason he became the Adagium in the first place, and set him off the deep end.”
There were a thousand questions that exploded in Prompto’s mind upon hearing that. He had heard from Noctis the true story of how Ardyn fell, slain by his brother Somnus and was usurped. Bahamut was mentioned wanting to wipe Eos clean, but he couldn't recall anything about Ardyn and the dragon god. Prompto withheld asking anything further of Caelan regarding Ardyn’s visions, and his past, focusing on the present moment and trying not to let his insecurities take hold of the wheel and steer him off course.
“To answer your other question,” Prompto cleared his throat. “I did go looking for you and Ardyn after the concert. I knew you were staying at the Via.”
“Then why did you choose not to engage us?”
“I--I don’t know.” Prompto admitted. He knitted his brows. “I had to make certain that really was Ardyn I saw. Being a retainer to the king, I can’t leave room for errors. I mean if I barged in with the crownsguard on a random civilian and her client, with no reason other than speculation she was harboring someone important, that would ruin my reputation and the kings too for picking an idiot to act on his behalf.”
Prompto chuckled to ease the tension in the car. He paused for a moment, glancing Caelan’s way. The concern and worry in her eyes seemed to grow with each passing second.
“To confirm my suspicions, I saw you guys leave the Via the day after the concert, before Ardyn did that shadowy thing to disguise you both near the garages. You both looked happy.”
“So, you didn’t want to ruin a tender moment is what I'm hearing?”
“Maybe. Did Cindy ever tell you I’m a hopeless romantic?” Prompto grinned.
Caelan couldn’t help but laugh, shaking her head in disbelief. Despite second guessing putting her full confidence in Prompto, she had to admit he was a decent guy. Caelan made a mental note to herself that should anything dire happen at the palace, Prompto needed to be protected just as much as Ardyn. She wouldn’t forgive herself if anything happened to Cindy’s beau. Not when he was someone that had a good head on his shoulders.
Prompto continued to speed through the streets of Insomnia. Both he and Caelan began to discuss how to best approach the dangerous situation awaiting not just them, but the entire city. Whatever was fated to happen, they both felt compelled to try and be a step ahead.
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