#i need yasmin khan on my screen like right NOW or else i might be worried about her staying alive honestly
nightmanatee · 2 years
imagine taking everything from your canonically depressed character? there's no job nor career (it's arguable since she's been working in police but there was something to stick to). no family (since she's spent more than 4+ years without them (and god know how much more since we haven't seen her interacting with her family since... pre rotd?)), no friends (only a bunch of people who are twice her age and have their OWN lifes). no love (and the one she's had she wasn't even allowed to have a glimpse of), no even someone who could understand.
you take everything from her and even more from when she's started and then call it a good ending. oh and to give ultimate "was i not worth it?" question with no thanks for saving the day, no good ending not even a reason to move on. the message of not being worthy doctor's broken hearts.
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fenris-ranger · 3 years
No one is ever going to see this, but I thought I'd throw it out into the void anyhow:
There are literally TWO fics on AO3 right now tagged with both Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan and Podfic & Podficced works.
I don't want to say this is a blatant call to arms, but hey guys please?
so anyway, if anyone sees this? I just want you to know there's an audience if you're at all willing to try. I'm an fucking rutabaga at leaving actual feedback (but I'm trying to get better, literal New Years Resolution is to get back to my intentional habit of commenting instead of just Kudos-ing on everything I engage with), but swear to god I will have listened to it all and you have made my day better for having done it.
Gonna get vaguely personal but I used to be fairly hardcore Podfic fandom -- grew up with audiobooks and such, assume that's why. Between a) trying to fail out of medical school, b) knowing I will unconsciously assume some hideously mockable facsimile of their accents because that's what I'm hearing in my head c) (most importantly) the new stupid speech impediment tyvm jaw tumor surgery bullshit and the years-prolonged reconstruction because america thinks anything in your mouth is luxury bone
-- I just can't really contribute anymore.
Otherwise honestly I would do it in a heartbeat, but I know I can't make my mouth do what my brain is hearing when I read things, and that's just too much.
But Thasmin fandom, though I've just only in the past month and a half or so dipped my toe back in (also tyvm but this time medical school) seems to be so good with accommodations and such, like image descriptions (looking at you, @rosetylercoded). And I know there are screen-readers and the like but it's just not the same?
Idk, I got joy out of reading people stories, maybe The Youths do not and that's why it's the same group of us ~older folks~ hanging around #podfic fandom? Might.
I mean, sometimes, I literally just put on FayJay's podfics as like comfort white-noise. When you're on high-key autism mode and can't handle Real People but also need something, letting a voice read you a story that you've both read/heard -- I mean, people do it with music all the time, a stim fave [I've been doing it with Jodie's "Yellow" this past week; can't honestly wait for my 2022 recap when they say "hey you played "Yellow" 76938 times this year!"]
Idk like I said before, fucking Tumblr has deleted this literally three times so I probably had more poignant thoughts before but.
I really wish I could podfic some Thasmin shit because why the hell is it basically nonexistent
But I even more really wish someone else would do it because I'm dopamine seeking really really hard right now and trying to stay sane and that would help.
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myfandomrambles · 5 years
Message In A Bottle
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Doctor Who & Related Fandoms, Doctor Who, Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who: Virgin New Adventures - Various Authors
Relationships: The Doctor & Yasmin Khan, Thirteenth Doctor & Graham O'Brien, Thirteenth Doctor & Ryan Sinclair, Thirteenth Doctor & Yasmin Khan, Melanie Bush & Seventh Doctor
Characters: Yasmin Khan, Thirteenth Doctor, The Doctor (Doctor Who), The Doctor's TARDIS, Graham O'Brien, Ryan Sinclair, Melanie Bush
Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Family Feels, POV The Doctor (Doctor Who), Mentioned Past Companions (Doctor Who), Angst, Heavy Angst, Hypervodka (Doctor Who), Thirteenth Doctor Era, Everyone Needs A Hug, Past Character Death
(CW: Alcohol Use)
The Doctor gets a bottle with a message from a past friend. The trouble is with as much past as the doctor has, it can all be a bit much
The TARDIS was meandering in the Time Vortex. They had a rough few days of action so they were taking a day in The Vortex where almost nothing could really attack them. She might have told them nothing could hurt them they looked tired.
The Doctor did too, of course, The Doctor did need sleep. Honestly respected sleep, it was a good thing. But it was also a bad time for her, in general life had been going pretty good but when it got quiet, it all got very loud.
Nightmares, she actually had them for her whole life. Afraid of the dark, not to mention never being loved by her family and not being good enough for the Academy, the Time Vortex, the Cloisters and that was just on Gallifrey. Of course, life had not exactly stopped giving her nightmare fuel, Daleks, Cybermen, forced regeneration, human experiments, genocide, war, her friends dying, planets burning, universes collapsing. In other words, she never got a good night’s sleep.
So instead of sleeping, and inviting in the past, she was messing with the console. The TARDIS was making little noises at her, telling her thief her opinion on everything, as she always did.
The Doctor smiled at this, the TARDIS was her best friend. The one thing that had been with her for most of those nightmare-inducing events, always the place she wanted to run to and run with. Her friends were the best of her, every single one of them, but the TARDIS was her home.
The TARDIS stopped its friendly wheezing and a knock sounded on the door. The Doctor felt her eyebrows do the scrunch thing and she pulled up the view screen, it was a bottle, like just a glass bottle how did that work? Now she wanted to know,
“What we think? let it in?” Thirteen said rubbing her hands together.
She didn’t wait for her box to respond, this was weird, she loved weird.
Swirling space filled her view as she plucked the gas bottle in. Inside was an old disk, from a few consoles back, but TARDIS compatible. Not to mention turning it over she saw a wisp of paper reading “Doctor”. So, for her, exciting. Two bits of mail very close together must be getting popular.
The Doctor went to the console and was keenly aware she no longer had the hardware on her counsel, so this was an old message. Now she’d have to go digging.
Wandering the halls she looked for either an old desktop backup or a spare parts room, had plenty of those. Doing so she remembered something, or almost remembered something like it was on the tip of her tongue. The message was old so was being addressed to one of her older faces. But it was still making her head spin and old memories and thoughts come up.
‘Oh you really are thick’ her thoughts supplied, making her mutter “stupid Doctor” at herself and the voice of judgment that always sounded a step out from her.
‘Really can’t remember anything anymore, typical’ her mind supplied.
“Too much in my head.” The Doctor muttered again
“Doctor!” Ryan shouted
The Doctor jumped out of her skin and turned around, all three of her current companions were apparently following her, wondered for how long now.
“Oh hi,” The Doctor said smiling at her companions as best she could.
“What are we looking for?” Graham questioned.
“I have a bottle,” The Doctor said waving it around.
“I can see that,” Ryan said with a shrug.
“So I have to find one of my old console rooms, one with the round things in white.” The Doctor explained and kept walking.
“Doctor, did you happen to drink the contents of the bottle?” Yaz questioned stepping in front of her.
“I’m not drunk” The Doctor defended
“Right, well wandering in circles talking to yourself, being drunk is kind of the best explanation,” Graham replied leaning against the wall.
“I’m trying to find things, help me?.” The Doctor said, more to the TARDIS than anyone else. And of course, now that she had made a fool of herself the door opened.
“Found it,” The Doctor said proudly and spun showing off the console room, from before the eighth body at least.
“Wait this is like the front room yeah?” Yaz said walking to the console.
“Yes, and can be functional again if needed but right now we just need to be able to read an older file format.”
“So the main room is an updated version of this?” Ryan asked.
“Basically, though to be fair most of it is cosmetic, from her getting a feel for us, or just wanting to show off.” The Doctor explained pulling some wires around to get it to play to the view screen.
As she got it out of the bottle, she noted it was not a normal bottle. It could open up big enough to get it out. Cool, never seen this before.
“Message in a bottle” She explained handing the bottle to Yaz who placed it on the ground. The Doctor took the drive, and Graham interrupted.
“That’s like an old school game cartridge.” He laughed.
“Don’t diss it, this is Gallifreyan tech.” The Doctor said putting it and hitting play.
“What tech?”
But Graham got no answer, the screen was filled with an older red-headed woman in a bright pattern dress.
“Hello Doctor,” she said wiping tears from her eyes.
The Doctor stumbled back and the words, “Mel Bush”, tumbled from her lips.
“It’s been such a long time now, or not, guess member a really long time.” Mel laughed, “I really do miss you, even after the last time going a bit pear-shaped. I was angry, you played mind games with me. But I know the man I knew, and I know you’re still him. I hope you have someone with you, keeping you safe, keeping you together. And remember sweets aren’t a meal, not sure what the version of you now is like, I heard you face change again, a few times now I think.
The grapevine seemed to pick up after 2010, not sure why. Heard from a few people who knew an even older you. But that doesn’t matter. I promised you’d I do this, so I am. Because I hope you’re out there turning worlds better, saving lives, changing them. Hope you don’t let it keep making you harder, loosen up and have fun.
Even if the universe can be a cruel and mean place, don’t be a Valeyard or master right? You’re The Doctor." The girl bopped the lens with her finger,
"And be nice if someone’s there with you, for me okay? Make them want to stay.
Oh, I do love you Doctor, goodbye.”
The screen clicked off
Doctor you okay?” Yaz asked placing her hand on The Doctor arm, brown eyes warm with concern.
“Yeah, I think so, you know.” She shrugged.
“Who was that?” Yaz asked,”
“Melanie Bush, she travelled with me way back, thousands of years back.”
“Wow, always forget you’re so old,” Ryan commented, earning him a glare from Graham and Yaz.
“I am so old Ryan, so so old.” The Doctor agreed.
“She seemed very nice.” Yaz gave her a reassuring smile.
“She was, very nice. To me and most people.” The Doctor held in her hands, “I always mess up how do I always mess it up?” she said more to herself than the others.
“What happened Doc? ” Ryan asked, “You know if you want to share.”
“The last time we really saw each other, she told me she never wanted to travel in the TARDIS, because I’d lied to her about what was coming, why I wanted her to leave the first time on the Iceworld. And I got her roped into this mess with prisons, Eternals and creations of consciousness.”
“Oh well, not sure I understood every word of that. But you ended on a bad row, it seems she was okay in the end, forgave you.” Graham asked, “Isn’t the good though, closure and all.”
“She was good, spent a good portion of her life doing charity work. Saved her from some rough Sontarans, wanted revenge, don’t know why they went after aid workers but whatever didn’t have time to figure it out. Just wanted to see her.”
“She fought with you for that?” Yaz asked.
“No, I said the last time we really saw each other. That was when I was dying, wanted my ‘reward’ it was, I was in pain. Wanted to see everyone I’d loved before, I was vain, selfish didn’t want to go.”
“No one wants to die Doc, when I thought I was dying, all I wanted was people I loved,” Graham said.
“Wanting to see your friends isn’t selfish.” Ryan agreed.
“Thanks, guys, it’s just like a ghost talking to me,” The Doctor said walking towards the monitor, “Mistakes and good times. But I guess Mel was dependable, wanted to care about me, she’d keep her promises.”
“Yeah Doc, remember the good stuff.” Graham said, “The best right, keep it with you. What you told us.”
“Of course’ The Doctor turned to them with a smile, “Can you give me a minute though?”
“Sure Doc” Graham nodded.
Yaz came up to her and gave her a hug, The Doctor was a bit startled they hadn’t really become a hugging fam very much.
Yaz gave nodded and followed the boys out.
The Doctor turned to Mel and smiled, she took the cartridge putting it in the discarded bottle and took it in to her room for companion’s things, mausoleum, museum, or whatever it was. Passed the recently replaced Corsair message and walked to Umbrella’s friends. Noticed a place that had one of Mel’s bows and placed it in there. Under Peri, above Ace, she had a rather large drawer for her large life. Ace McShane, what had she made of her?
The Doctor looked up and down and broke. Being good, and kind, and laughing it had been her goal. But right now she didn’t care about being The Doctor she wanted to be old and sad and bitter. And guilty, ashamed, wounded. Just an old battered TIme Lady.
She walked from this room to her counsel room, she started banging on panels till one opened and River’s whisky was there, but she shut it. Not River, not now, and definitely not the Lethbridge Stewarts. That was so much guilt and sadness, to mention the last time people drank it she had been contemplating Time Lord equivalent of suicide. Not going that dark tonight thanks, stuff those thoughts way to the back.
So she wandered to a room that functioned as a liquor cabinet, Bowtie hadn’t liked the stuff, usually going for destroying property and/or putting himself in danger on bad days. But a bottle of hypervodka met her eyes and she smiled. She grabbed to bottles and went to the console room, it had so many ghosts they all blanked each other out, not personal to any of them.
She downed one whole bottle all alone, Time Lords had fast metabolisms and high tolerance. It was all the heart beating and thinking. No thinking, or at least not remembering, not working.
The second one disappeared as fast, maybe it would make her sleep, just at least sleep with nothing in her mind.
Not working, not enough. She thought and poured on more glass but her hand was caught causing her to flail out and saw it was Yaz’s hand.
“This bottle I did empty on my own.” She joked
Yaz did not seem to find her funny.
“What?” The Doctor asked.
No answer Yaz just stared at her with a look of judgment, with her other hand on her hip like a judgmental parent. Why was it Yaz’s business?
” I can drink my own vodka, in my TARDIS, by myself if I feel like it. I’m old enough to be your messiah, I can make my own decisions. So just go. Go away where you won’t get hurt.” The Doctor’s voice hit a tenor that made her age creep into the auditory world. Even if the power was dampened by the slight slur.
And Yaz looked hurt and very sad, she let The Doctor’s hand go her eyes growing wide.
“Doctor, what are talking about?” Yaz asked her hands hit the floor sitting next to The Doctor.
“What are you talking about?” The Doctor mirrored.
“You say your fine and next thing I know you’re trying to drink yourself to death.”
“I’m not as fragile as you, I can handle this.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“You could have talked to me, or Ryan, or Graham.”
“You don’t understand.”
“We don’t understand loss?” Ryan snapped from the dark.
“Yes!” The Doctor stood up, “Exactly. When were you one of two people standing in the ruins of the universe, watched hordes of people die in Dalek fire, had your friend turned into a cyberman, and another, and another. When did you walk a woman into the hands of a nutcase who took her ability to have children? Have you sat in a field of blood that you made, known people see you as a monster? Seen a child sacrifice himself for the world! When were your friends torn from you by your own people more than once? Did your children burn with all of your family? Don’t pretend you can ever understand” The Doctor’s tone went from angry, to despair, to just bitterness and scorn.
They all stared at her in that way she hated like she was something otherworldly, but not a magic hero. A vengeful creature.
“Doctor?” Graham said, ton and body neutral.
“Nope, Not The Doctor right now. Not sure who I am, but guess I’m just me. Huh, guess that’s why she’s been using that name.” Tears rolled down her face hot and Then The Doctor collapsed on the floor the world going dark.
She woke up with Yaz sitting next to her.
“How mad are they?” The Doctor said to the ceiling.
“You told them, losing their wife and mother didn’t count as a loss. Then kind of told us you’ve killed people. We’re all a bit miffed.” Yaz said sarcasm dripping.
“Yeah, that makes sense.”
“Doctor I know you were in pain, but you can’t lash out at us. We’re your friends, you said we were your family.”
“I know I did, you are my best friends. I mean that I do. I shouldn’t have said what I did, it was wrong.”
“If you talk to me before it got too big to handle maybe it would be better.”
“Right try that next time.”
“Not to mention you lied. You said that one bottle was nothing but you blacked out.”
“That wasn’t just the drinking, it was that I hadn’t slept in way too long.”
“It’s louder when I sleep?”
“What is?”
“The screaming.”
After resting on Yaz’s orders she found Ryan and Graham using a gaming machine and library book respectively.
“I’m sorry.” The Doctor said, “I’m so, so, sorry.”
“I know that loss can make you act like a jerk Doctor, but you’re the one who says to let it make you a better person,” Graham said.
“Yes, I don’t follow my own advice enough.”
“Like using weapons when you say we can’t?” Ryan asked.
“Rule one, The Doctor lies.” The Doctor muttered to herself.
“That's not a good rule, I prefer don’t wander off,” Ryan said, looking pointedly at the screen.
“It was what my Bowtie face always said, Well more so what River said about me. But I was unfair, and I’m sorry. I know losing your wife hurts Graham, all of mine are dead. One comparatively recently and I know it hurts.”
He nodded she turned to Ryan, “ My people don’t have mothers in exactly the same sense, and the people I call my grannies it’s wasn’t the same as yours. My family weren’t exactly my biggest fans either. I should never have pretended it didn’t matter. I'm so sorry”
He nodded.
“I didn’t lie when I told you I carry them with me. I didn’t say that sometimes it’s too much. And I’ve done things I'm not proud of, but I have to be better than that, I have to try my best to be The Doctor. And I can't let it hurt the people I care about when I fail.”
They both nodded.
“If you want me to take you home I can” She offers pointing her thumb behind her.
“No Doctor, we had one fight.” Ryan said, “that’s not the end of this.”
“Doc, you're stuck with us for a while yet. But I think we should talk more yes?”
The Doctor nodded and turned around. She couldn’t help going to Bill’s room, and Nardole's saying her silent goodbyes again. Turning off the ache and noise was hard, she would just have to hide it better again.
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nocteverbascio · 6 years
don’t sound like friends - thirteen/yaz
Pairing: Thirteen/Yasmin Khan Summary: Yaz likes the Doctor, but they’re just friends. Except her family keeps catching her at the wrong moments with the Doctor. A/N: part 3 i mean technically these are all standalone if you really want
ao3 link
Riding in the TARDIS is never easy. They’re rocked back and forth as it whirls and lurches through the fabrics of space and time.
“Will you ever be able to pilot this properly?” Graham yells over the console as he grips the warm metal.
“Watch yourself!” the Doctor yells in return. “She’s my copilot.” The TARDIS instantly sparks near the Doctor and she ducks quickly. “I am not!” The Doctor shouts at the pillar in offense before looking insulted. “I know, I’ve got it!” She sidesteps around the console precariously as the gravity briefly gives out grab onto a latch and pull. She cheers in delight as the TARDIS wheezes and groans.
In a moment, the topsy turvy sensation abates and they’re stabilized. Somehow, they feel it in their bones as they land, looking at each other with excitement.
“Luckily, some of the repairs won’t take long at all. So as you nip home to see your family and get your affairs in order, I’ll be here working.” There’s a flicker of the console light before the Doctor strokes the console briefly. “Need to fix some of the fuel lines.” The Doctor looks at them happily.
Yaz can’t help but share the same joy. When they’d first gone home, Yaz was worried that she’d never see the Doctor again. Now she stares at the Doctor’s bright smile feeling at home.
Then something unexpected happens.
Her phone buzzes. Nonstop.
“Sounds important,” Ryan points out.
Yaz shakes her head. “Dunno who’d be messaging so much. Might just be Sonya yelling at me to hurry about the bread.” She pulls her phone out of her pocket and sees 15 missed calls and 40 messages on her notifications. “What?”
“Everything alright?” Graham asks.
The Doctor goes to Yaz’s side to make sure she’s alright.
“Yeah,” Yaz says distractedly as she unlocks her phone. “Just a lot of messages from my family. Never really happens.”
“I mean 3 hours isn’t the longest you’ve spent away from your family is it?” the Doctor asks curiously.
“3 hours is nothing, Doc,” Ryan says as he flanks Yaz on the other side. “Yaz here goes on 12 hours shifts just to get away from her family.”
Yaz reads through all of her texts.
Sonya: Where’s the bread?
Sonya: Are you coming back?
Sonya: Seriously Yaz, stop being weird. Mum’s starting to wonder.
Mum: Yaz, are you alright? Where are you love?
Sonya: Mum’s going stir crazy, come home right now
They all say the same thing before Yaz realizes something.
“Doctor, it’s been three days!” Yaz exclaims in shock. “My family thinks I’m missing!” She quickly rushes out of the TARDIS to go back to her flat.
The Doctor immediately darts her attention to the screen, reading it quickly before her mouth opens up to a little O. “Three days indeed,” she scrunches her face. She glances at Ryan and Graham before saying, “Sorry!” She runs after Yaz quickly to hopefully be some help with her family.
Yaz makes it to her flat and jams her keys into the door before pushing it open. “Mum? Dad? Sonya?” she calls out quickly.
“Yaz?!” Najia yells out first, appearing in the doorway with a look of relief on her face. Before Yaz can even react Najia rushes towards her wrapping her in the biggest hug. “Are you alright? Where have you been? Are you hurt anywhere?” The questions come so quickly.
Yaz feels guilty as she pulls away from her mum, only ever seeing the onslaught of questions when she’s on the job from other parents. “Mum, I’m alright,” she calmly reassures. “You didn’t actually call the police did you?”
“I would have!” Najia responds as if it’s the most reasonable course of action she could’ve taken. “Had your father and sister not stopped me.” She looks back to where Hakim and Sonya have appeared.
Hakim looks just as relieved as Najia does as he pulls his daughter into an embrace. “Thank god you’re alright. I knew you were.” Yaz feels suffocated in her father’s arms but lets him hug her anyway, patting his back comfortingly.
“Of course, I’m alright. I just--”
“Where have you been?” Najia immediately continues her questions. “What have you been doing?”
Yaz pulls away from her father and cringes at the interrogation. “Mum, it’s fine. I just went out with some mates.” She fishes for a better answer. “Lost track of time.”
“For three whole days?! Three whole days. No text, no call, nothing! You expect me to believe that you just lost track of time?”
Sonya narrows her eyes at Yaz. “You’ve got new clothes.”
Yaz looks at Sonya suddenly and looks down at her outfit. She had to change a few times on their adventures. And considering her leather jacket got shredded to bits by a pterodactyl, she needed a new coat. “So?” she retorts at her sister.
There’s a knowing smile on her sister’s face that makes Yaz nervous. “You were with the Doctor weren’t you?” Sonya practically sings.
“The Doctor!” her mother all but shrieks. Yaz winces because she’s been avoiding this conversation for the longest time. Honestly, she was hoping her mother would drop it after not seeing the Doctor for awhile. “Where is she? Where’s this Doctor?”
“Did someone call for me?”
Everyone turns to look at the doorway and the Doctor stands there with sheepish smile on her face.
“Hallo, Yaz’s mum!” she greets with an awkward wave.
Yaz wishes the ground would swallow her whole.
Najia immediately goes to the Doctor and does the most unexpected thing Yaz could think of: grabbing onto the Doctor’s ear and wrenching it.
“Ow, ow, ow, ow!” the Doctor yells in pain as she bends towards Najia, trying to pry herself away.
“Now, you tell me Doctor, who are you and where have you been taking my daughter?” Najia sounds terrifyingly threatening as she does this.
Yaz rushes to her mum’s side quickly and grabs her wrist. “Oh my god! Mum, let her go!”
Najia has a firm grip on the Doctor’s ear that Yaz and Sonya know all too well when they’ve misbehaved. It’s quite embarrassing for Yaz that her mother would even do this.
“Not until I get an explanation,” Najia insists.
The Doctor whimpers in pain. “Sorry, Yaz’s mum, but I think it’d be more helpful if I wasn’t in this position.” Najia glares at the Doctor, who immediately concedes. “Right, so. I’m the Doctor. I’m a traveler and your daughter and I have been spending some time together.”
“You said you weren’t seeing each other.”
“They are.” Both Sonya and Hakim say simultaneously. Everyone looks at them immediately.
“Are we?” the Doctor exclaims in utter confusion.
Yaz feels her whole face flush and she chokes. “We--no! We’re friends!”
“Why’d you both say that then?” Najia asks. She looks at the Doctor suspiciously.
Sonya speaks first. “The Doctor drops her off after their dates.” Yaz glares at her sister threateningly. “What? It’s true! It happens a lot. You have this stupid happy look on your face and you always come back with different clothes.”
“Better different clothes than no clothes,” Hakim shakes his head.
“Dad!” Yaz yells in embarrassment.
“What? I walked in, you didn’t have a shirt on, the Doctor was very close to you! What was I supposed to think? You didn’t even explain the whole story.”
“Yaz!” Najia lets out in aghast, turning to her immediately and the Doctor winces in pain following.
“Perfectly good explanation for that, I promise,” the Doctor offers.
Najia completely ignores her and plows forward. “No clothes? In our home? Have you any decency? You haven’t even brought her over to meet us properly.”
“This is why I don’t!” Yaz argues.
“Hah! So you are seeing each other,” Sonya chimes in.
“No!” Yaz insists for the umpteenth time, burning with embarrassment. “Please mum let her go. This is so embarrassing.”
“Letting go would be nice Yaz’s mum,” the Doctor says strained. “I’d love to explain to you what’s going on.”
Najia lets go of the Doctor. “A thorough explanation. Don’t you lie to me because I will know.” She moves to the living room, waving for her husband and Sonya to follow.
The Doctor looks to Yaz with a spot of fear on her face. “I’ve been a boyfriend before, but never a girlfriend. Should be fine. I could be a good girlfriend for you, right Yaz?” The Doctor doesn't wait for a response and obediently follows Yaz’s mum when she looks over at them.
“How is this happening?” Yaz mutters to herself in frustration as the Doctor takes a seat on the couch opposite to where her family is sitting. She smiles at Yaz hopefully, rubbing her knees as she patiently waits for Yaz.
Yaz can’t even be mad. The Doctor is certainly something else for willing to put up with her family. Then she realizes something.
Did the Doctor say girlfriend?
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