#i nearly fucking forgot i headcanon that she can use touch screens
kingsblaze · 2 years
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[has gotten a hold of Leon’s tablet and unlocks it with careful precision of the skin right beneath her claws]
[with a few taps, she puts on a cartoon for the Dreepies who gather around to watch the pretty colors and flashing sounds on the flat screen with interest]
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S3 Ep1
Haha, I'm in danger
Oooh, the menu screen already has an edgy feel to it wtf
I KNOW this is the season with the angst IDK if I'm ready tbh
Opening narration?
This is so ominous
White Gorilla?
Haha his name sounds like skunkape
Pfft, the boys like him even though he's a tool
There's a cathouse in their prison
The narrator has a very punchable face
Girl Stinky!
Oh? We can play as Max?
Wow, OK, so they just go straight into Max having powers
Wait, is Stinky dating Skunkape?
Not gonna lie, this tutorial is a bit tedious
Ew, he's nearly nakey
Aw, Sam hugged Max to teleport
Max is a little too excited to be a bazooka
"Say hello to my little buddy!"
Oh thank God the tutorial is over
This narrator is super fucking pretentious and I want him to shut up
Sam patting Max's head in the opening is cute 🥺
It kind of ruins the surprise factor to have shown us so many of the toys so early tbh
Wait, why can Sam see Max's visions
Skunkape is full of bs
Omg what does this narrator have with actually starting at the beginning 😒
The Commissioner just called to check in I guess
Sam just treats Max developing powers casually
"Toys... toys... we must prepare the toys!" "That's just a typical Friday night for you, Sam!" 👀
"We could just give ourselves tongue baths, like cat and flight attendants do." "Well, OK I guess."
Seriously, how does someone walk away from these games an not realize these two are love interests
I accidentally went into the spaceship early
Oh hey, moleman death.
Also the brain is dead and we need to revive him
Sam immediately pulling out his gun when Skunkape gets creepy with Max 🥰
"Does the general want a banana?"
Ok let's go back to the spaceship
Not sure if I like the future vision. I'm not the best at these puzzel type games but I'm worried it'll make it too easy.
Also what does skunkape want with the molemen?
C.O.P.S. are freeloaders now
They don't like Skunkape because he brought advanced technology to earth
Bluster Blaster went to Vegas with Bosco
The demons in the Desoto aren't so bad as long as we "don't turn on the ac."
"Why do we have jumper cables, neither of us know how to use them." "It's simple, Sam! The red cable clamps to the left nipple and the black cable--" "Neither of us know how to use them legally, Max."
Let's got to Stinky's!
Flint Paper us here!
Oooh, it looks different.
"Where do you keep all that change?" "In my sock, of course." "You're naked, where do you keep your sock?" "That's... none of your damn buisness."
"But your the only hairy, overweight, domineering control freak I need, Sam." "Gee thanks, Max. ...I think."
Let's talk to... Flint 😍
He just wants to focus on his spaghetti which, y'know, fair
Whoops, I made Sam try to sneak into the kitchen
Pfft ge immediately Blairs Max when he gets caught
Girl Stinky still refusing to call the boys by their names
Ok so the fry cook is missing and she's most likely lying about the power core
Of course we can't just take the demon broth
I missed Grandpa Stinky 👴
Wait, wouldn't Girl Stinky be his daughter, not his granddaughter?
Stinky knows about the space gorillas???
Time to go in the sewers!
Blah, Sybil and Abe are still together 😓
Let's visit Mama Bosco
Ooooh, Sam's scared of Mama Bosco's house
I just realized Sam and Max were the ones to cause her death (it was an accident but still)
Mama Bosco is trying
Sam & Max blipped out existence for a moment 😮
Max is refusing to go through the moleman tunnel
"I miss touching things." "Yeah, touching is my third favorite thing to do to things." *Sam and Mama give him weirded out looks* "In case anyone was curious, the second is licking."
Mama Bosco, honey, Skunkape is clearly evil
Mama basically confirming Max is going to explode. Is that where the angst comes in
Sam deliberately hitting the traffic cone made me laugh
Ok, I think I know what to do
Got the broth
Aw, Girl set herself and Gramps up for relationship councilsing.
Why the heck isn't Girl Stinky's cellphone number showing up!?
Omg I forgot to give Flint the helmet I'm so stupid that's why it didn't show up
Wait is Flint married to someone named Doris?
Flint though Stinky and Sam were in, ugh, "cahoots"
Oh, Doris is his allergy specialist
Ok, I got the battery
Yay, the brain is awake!
Oh, he almost rated us out to Skunkape by accident
Max has "the gift"
Max wants to pee on Skunkape
"I'm president of the United States, why didn't I hear about it?" "It's explained in books, sir." "Oh, right."
Max holding Superball's hand 😭
Oh, wait can we go in the mole room
It's a giant toaster?
Ew all the mole juice is on the floor
Sam immediately goes to hug Sam for the teleport
"Note to self, when traveling through Max's brain, keep your eyes shut!"
I tried traveling to Sybil, it didn't work 😢
Oh, Girl Stinky's cellphone!
Oh, Grandpa Stinky has the badge
He gave all that money to Skunkape???
He's in skunkape's army now... great
Poor Max can't reach Stinky to kill him
Oh wait, I think I know what to do.
Haha suck it Gramps
Aw, Skunkape doesn't appreciate him 😢
Let's go back to Mama Bosco
Oooh, Shiny pidgeon
"It's an engagement ring." "Sam, this is so sudden! I-I don't know what to say!" "Quiet, bonehead!"
Can... Can I use the ring on Max?
I can!
The fact that Sam seriously considers proposing to Max right there has me like 🥺💕
At least they're married in the cartoon 💍
I'm just going to play that cutscene again
The doorgorilla won't let us in let's teleport
Ok then! We got thrown out
Let's use the crimetron
Aw, they named the thingy bobber from the sewer Carol
Oooh Pizza
The pigeon actually ate the phone
"Pick up that phone, Max." "I'm not touching it!" "*sighs*"
Oh cool, I like pawn shops
Sam, honey the fact that you could pick up a manhole cover at all is impressive. Those things can weigh anywhere between 70-300 lbs.
New headcanon that Sam has super strength, he's just oblivious to it
Haha, and I thought the space ape was going to slip on the peel
Oh wait, I think I just figured out how to get rid of the space apes at Momma Boscos
Hahaha gorilla fall on other gorilla
Ew, naked mole man
Max looking adoringly at the toy store
Oh, so this is the part they get kidnapped
Ew, the narrator is back 😕
"You'd be surprised just how many fetishes there are that involve Sam and me."
Oh, so Girl Stinky and Skunkape aren't dating
Skunkape sent her a dick pic?!?!?
Oh wow, he really turned it around on us, huh.
How did they not notice the bomb on Max's back until now
Sam smacked Max and now he's just.... hovering in the air
Well, that was easy to get out of
Mama Bosco saved us sort of
Queen 👑
Oh Momma, you crazy inventor
Oh, so we're turning their building into an alternate dimension
"You keep coming up with creepy disaster scenarios that always end with you eating me. It's getting annoying." "If you don't like it then stop looking so damned tasty."
Molemam cultists
The boys' first instinct upon seeing a creepy box is to pull a pandora
Max pointing and laughing as Skunkape gets sucked away is everything
Ew Narrator is back again
Skeleton Sam and Max????
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fluffyferalkacchan · 3 years
BNHA Headcanons #3: Kacchan is afraid of ghosts
Okay so pull Bakugou into a Battle Royal style situation, surrounded by villains? He'd just smirk while going Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight on their ass.
But ask him to watch a ghost movie, or go to a supposedly haunted place? He'd nope his way out faster than Hawks at full speed.
So whenever the Ashido or Kaminari invited him to a ghost stories night, he'd categorically refuse. On every friday night aka. "movie night" he'd ask whoever is inviting him (a member of the Bakusquad or Todoroki, absolutely NOT Deku though) what movies they were supposed to watch (thankfully after the First Movie Night Fiasco, Iida instated some rules which worked in Bakugou's favor) so he'd googled it and knew when it was safe to come.
Besides the ghost types of horror movie, he's actually fine with all the other ones, so no one picked up on the fact that he didn't like ghost movies yet. (He's definitely not asking Deku, because he knew that that nerd would notice the pattern).
Somewhere along the line though Kaminari and Todoroki ended up finding out about it. In totally different circumstances, though.
After coming back from his supplementary classes, Bakugou was dragged to movie and since he was tired he totally forgot to ask about the title. He totally should have though, because it became obvious ten minutes into the movie that this was going to be about ghosts. But at this point it was too late to extract himself from the situation.
Halfway through, Kaminari, who was sitting right next to him on the sofa, noticed that Bakugou had gone strangely stiff and that he was clutching very hard at his knees. One subtle peek at Bakugou tense face and wide-eyes was enough for Kaminari to understand. And he mentally went like "Oh shit."
So like three seconds later he went like "Eeeek!" and splashed the full content of his glasses on Bakugou's face. Predictably, everyone around them went like "?!!!!", while Bakugou was like "What the actual fuck, dunce face?!"
Kaminari made a super sheepish face and explained that he felt something touching his neck from behind so he got super jumpy. So he dragged Bakugou to the bathroom to try to help him clean up, all the while apologizing super loudly.
"Whoa you got strawberry milk in your hair! Hmm... how about you go wash your face, while I take care of your shirt, okay? Just take it off and hand it over, I'm really sorry, Bakugou!"
He was half-expecting the other teen to explode on his face and to bite his head off for telling him what to do, but Bakugou was oddly silent and just studying for a while. Then,
"You did that on purpose. What's your deal, dunce face?"
"Hmm.... I just sort of feel guilty 'cause I'm the one who dragged you there to watch the movie? And you must really be super tired 'cause you didn't even ask what we were going to watch and.....now that I think of it you probably ask for that specific reason so -"
"Quit the fucking rambling you sound like the nerd!! Get to the fucking point!"
"Right, so like, I think it's really not cool to force you to watch something if you don't like it? "
"The hell? I was fine!"
"Dude, it was written all over your face that you were sca-"
"... that you'd rather go kiss an octopus than be anywhere near that scary ghost lady. Unless you want to go back there?"
"Yeah that's what I thought. Now give me your shirt."
"Don't fucking expect me to thank you for throwing milk at my face!"
"Yeah no, no, don't. t'was my fault, anyway!"
(Though if sometimes afterwards Bakugou tutored Kaminari with way more implication than usual, it was because that dunce face was even more dumb that usual and absolutely not because he was feeling grateful or anything.)
"But like dude, it's actually kinda unexpected... like you seem the type to go full on "DIE, DIE, DIE" on anyone even on ghosts."
"... ghosts are not corporeal, dumbshit. And they're already fucking dead."
"Oh, right!"
Kaminari thought right there and then, that it actually made a whole lot of sense that Bakugou would be afraid of things that he was defenseless against and couldn't physically fought off.
Todoroki actually figured it out on his own by noticing which movies Bakugou tended to avoid and how he'd react when sometimes someone in the class would talk about that or that rumor. So one day he just came up to Bakugou and bluntly announced. "You are afraid of ghosts."
Bakugou of course blew up a gasket trying to deny it, but then Todoroki just went and showed him a picture of Sadako up close and reaching out like she was about to come out of the screen on his phone and Bakugou swatted at the phone so hard that it nearly fell down on the floor. "GET THAT THING OUTTA MY FACE!"
So yeah, the cat was out of the bag after that.
At some point, class 1A went to an amusement park and they decided to do the haunted maze.
Todoroki, whispering: Do you want to take my at hand?
Bakugou, hissing like a feral cat: Ask me that one more time and I'll fucking punch you in your asymmetrical face!
(Bakugou is fine with haunted attraction, because when he was a kid he once punched a fake ghost in the face and it actually went down, so hunted attraction are (relatively) safe).
The Origin Trio
Actually, I think that Bakugou is not the only one afraid of ghosts. This probably extends to any of the Origin Trio. Like all three of them are super badass and used to harsher and more dangerous situations than any other hero-in-training were at their age (and even than some actual pro heroes)...
But put them in a situation where they might be confronted to a ghost, like an old 'haunted' place? They'd react just like any scared teenagers would and I think it's hilarious.
Like at some point during their week-end internship with Endeavor, they went to an old inn in the middle of nowhere. And Endeavor had left them there alone for the night, while he went ahead to some place he wanted to scope beforehand.
While being served to eat, Midoriya asked the owner if she'd notice anything strange going around here recently. He actually just wanted to know if the suspect they were chasing had escaped there, but she ended up talking about how sometimes at night there would be that weird low scratching noose, like nails dragged on the wall and thumping in room where no one was supposed to be... and cue interjection from other resident of the inn about local tragic deaths and ghost rumors.
Which of course caused Bakugou to turn two shades whiter. But aside from that they determined that it probably wasn't the villain they were looking for and put it out of their mind. Until they heard the exact same scratching the owner had been talking about in the middle of the night... coming from inside their closet.
Midoriya, looking uneasy as they are inching closer to the closet: M-maybe it's just wind...
Bakugou, looking just as uneasy, if not worse: Inside the fucking closet?!
Midoriya, mumbling, mumbling: well, depending on the structure of the inn, there might actually be some places susceptible to air leakage and because of the difference of pressure between the inside and the outside -
Bakugou: Oh for fuck's sake, shut up.
And of course the light chose that exact moment to malfunction. Then a loud banging noise came from the inside of the closet, causing all three of them to flinch and frantically using Todoroki's light and Bakugou's explosion as their source of light.
Midoriya, sweating bullet and voice shaking: I think it wants to come out. See? It's banging and scratching on the closet door as if it is stuck in there... maybe it is too weak to properly move the door yet? Or it has not realized that the door is a sliding -
Bakugou, swatting him on the head: Are you freaking dumb, don't give it ideas on how to escape, damn Deku!
Todoroki, who had kept his poker face until now actually started to feel scared as well: M-Midoriya, what if I burn the whole closet down, while it's in there?
Midoriya: No your fire probably wouldn't be able to affect it. Odds are you'd actually end up burning only the closet door... which would actually allow it to escape....
Todoroki: Oh.... I think I understand now why you're scared of ghost movies, Bakugou. Feeling this helpless is very unpleasant.
Midoriya: Wait, what?! Is that why you're avoiding movie night, Kacchan?
Bakugou: Can we fucking focus on the actual fucking threat trying to break through our closet door?!
Midoriya: But now that I think about it, it's really strange that the door managed to physically restrain it while it's supposed to be incorporeal. Was there some kind of seal on the door? Or is it actually linked to the way it died -
And then the "actual fucking threat trying to break through the closet door" mewled. Yes mewled. Because, turned out it was actually just a cat who had sneaked in at some point and got stuck in there.
(And when Endeavor came back some time later, they unanimously decided not to tell him about what happened.)
So yeah, while Bakugou is the type to be afraid of anything ghost related and avoid them as much as possible, Todoroki is fine with ghost stories and movies and so on, but he would be the type to be really scared when actually confronted to a "possible ghost encounter situation". Midoriya, while still scared shitless, is probably the one who would be the most level-headed in such situation, 'cause he's sort of used to be scared?
About ten years ago.
Kid Deku and Kid Kacchan were exploring some part of the forest and they saw an abandoned shack and Kacchan wanted to go look inside,
Deku: Kacchan, it looks like it's haunted. What if we meet a ghost? Aren't you scared?
Kacchan: I'm not scared! Even if there's a ghost, I'll just use explosion on it!
Deku: But ghost doesn't have bodies. I don't think you can touch or hurt it. But it can touch you.
Kacchan, going super still:...
Deku: So what if we see one, and it tries to hurt us because we went inside its house?
Kacchan, looking at Deku with wide eyes: ....
Deku: Or what if it follows us home and attack us when we're asleep? I don't wanna go in there, Kacchan. Let's go back?
Kacchan, close to tears: F-fine, but that's just 'cause you're scared! I'd totally go on my own!
Deku accidentally being the source of Kacchan's traumas and totally forgetting about it, since time immemorial.
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northsidemarleyrose · 5 years
I Got You || Hummelrose
WHO: Marley Rose and Aaron Hummel
WHERE: Aaron’s apartment
WHEN: Thursday May 2nd, 2019
NOTES: This was headcanoned out and then put together so it reads like a self para both both players had equal input.
TRIGGERS: None that I can spot.
Marley picked up the pizza and gummy worms first, having a feeling Aaron would most likely appreciate the onion rings being the hottest. When she pulled up to his place she quickly answered her last text to her sister and silenced her phone, not wanting to have to deal with it right now. She grabbed the food, her DVD, and went up to the door and knocked.
When Aaron answered he looked tired, but he was grinning widely so she didn’t say anything, happy to just see him at all. He grabbed the food and led her inside.
“Onion rings were my last stop,” Marley informed him, flashing him a grin as she kicked her shoes off and hung her jacket up.
“You know me so well, pretty girl,” Aaron replied as he placed the food down on the table. He grabbed a couple plates from the kitchen and nearly grabbed a bottle of wine before he remembered that he wanted Marley to think he was drinking far less than he actually was. He handed her a plate and dug into the pizza and onion rings quickly and efficiently.
Marley grabbed a slice and ate it slowly, mind still a little preoccupied with all she’d been told over the last couple of days. She glanced over at Aaron every now and then, enjoying his eagerness over something so simple, something easy. It’s comfortable, sitting there nibbling at her slice while he devoured his way through the pizza and the onion rings.
When they finished, Marley stood and handed Aaron the DVD with a smirk. “You’re just like him and you’ll see that now, babe,” she teased playfully. It wasn’t something she’d ever called him in person, only during their text conversations but she figured he wouldn’t mind.
“I have never been more attracted to someone calling me babe in my life,” Aaron blurted out unashamed, which only caused Marley to blush profusely as she turned around to make her way to the couch, smiling the entire time.
Aaron would follow after a second, quite proud that even in that moment, he still managed to have the upper hand. He put the movie in and turned it on before plopping himself beside her on the couch, making himself comfortable as she curled up right beside him, not noticing his giant fucking idiot grin.
Throughout the movie Marley sits up slightly, trying to wage Aaron’s reactions to whatever was on screen at the time, especially to Flynn, but only briefly before resuming being curled to his side. She also can’t help but sing along to all the songs, but she does so quietly so he can still actually hear the TV. That being said, Aaron decided to actually pay attention to her because, not that he’d likely admit it to anyone else, he thought it was the cutest thing in the world. During Marley would call the emotional peak of the movie, she couldn’t help but tear up when Flynn cuts Rapunzel’s hair, even if she’d seen it many times before and she prayed Aaron didn’t notice (but he did but he’s nice enough not to comment). Because of this, she actually forgot to see what Aaron thought. He was actually pretty lucky in this regard because he couldn’t help but getting a little emotional himself.
When the credits started to roll, Marley sat up, turned to face Aaron, legs under her, and just waited for his reaction. She raised an eyebrow at him expectantly.
“It was good. Flynn is definitely good Halloween costume material,” he said, purposely being vague. “You could even go as Rapunzel for Halloween if you wanted, pretty girl.”
Marley shot him a very smug look. “So you liked it and you liked him,” she replied triumphantly.
“I did,” Aaron confirmed. “He was very charming. I think he deserved his own movie.”
Marley laughed, very pleased at her victory, being sure to take it all in in case she had to use it against him. “So you’re saying I’m right, right?” She asked, internally willing him to finally give in.
Aaron paused before agreeing. “Yes, I am more like Flynn than Hans, is that what you wanted to hear?” He teased her.
Marley smiled and leaned forward, kissing him softly. She couldn’t help it, ‘even if the world is confusing right now, this, right here, isn’t’ she thought. After a few seconds, she leaned back, red again, but that’s not all that surprising at this point. She looked up at him and shrugged. “I like winning,” she tried to justify, weakly.
“If I get kissed every time you win then I will let you win all of the time,” Aaron smirked.
“Noted.” And she kissed him again because that’s all she wanted to think about right then and Aaron was obviously more than happy to oblige.
This goes on for a little while before Marley pulled back, only slightly though. She stayed close, practically on his lap, forehead on his shoulder and she just took in the moment, trying to fight back all the emotions bubbling inside of her, trying to fight their way out, probably in the form of tears. Aaron doesn’t mind and held her quietly, running his hands through her hair gently.
After a while she shifted, turning slightly, but still in contact. “I’m too tired to move, so you’re stuck here now,” she joked, only half serious. She was really tired but she’d go when it’s time.
“Well you can pick one of two options then,” Aaron replied “You’re welcome to stay here, you shouldn’t be driving if you’re that tired. So you can either sleep in my room with me again or I can take the couch if you just need some space.”
“There’s no way I’m sleeping in your room without you,” Marley answered. “With my luck I’d wake up in the middle of the night and have no clue where I was,” she added before Aaron could throw in a smart comment. She was a little surprised at herself for coming up with something so convincing on the fly like that, but there was no way she was going to show it.
Aaron, shockingly enough didn’t entirely buy that, but he rolled with it anyway. “Okay, pretty girl,” he grinned, earning himself a small smile back from Marley. With that, Marley moved slightly so Aaron can turn the TV off and lead her down the hall to his bedroom. Being the obnoxious dork that he is, Aaron bowed and gestured at the bed. “What’s mine is yours, princess.”
Marley laughed before coming to the sudden realization that she didn’t really have anything to sleep in. “Do you have like a t-shirt or something…?” She asked quietly; this hadn’t exactly been on her radar tonight.
Aaron nodded, grabbing a t-shirt and tossing it over to her. She caught it and walked out, heading towards the bathroom. “I really wouldn't mind if you changed in here,” Aaron called after her.
Marley rolled her eyes, not that Aaron could see, her back was to him. She knew he wouldn’t mind, but she she did, at least for now. After a minute, she padded back into his bedroom, barefoot, in his stupid t-shirt.
In the time it took Marley to change, Aaron changed into a pair of pyjama pants and removed his shirt. When she came back he couldn’t help but grin. “Looks good on you, pretty girl,” he remarked.
Marley smiled and looked down, she really should have expected such a comment but it makes her blush nonetheless. “You’re not so bad yourself,” she said, walking over and sitting on the bed, not quite ready to lay down.
Aaron readily plopped onto the bed, but leaned up on his elbow so he could still see her face. “I had a great time tonight, princess. Really. Plus, you saved me from having to cook, which you know I totally can, I just didn’t want to, and I got to see you,” he went on, making sure she knew he had a good night.
“Tonight is exactly what I needed,” Marley nodded. “And you promise you actually liked it and you aren’t just telling me what I want to hear?” She asked, not sure why exactly it means so much to her.
“Yes,” Aaron assured. “I liked it, and you’re right, it is better than Frozen. I might even watch it again.”
Marley beamed before finally laying down and pulling the covers up around her. She laid there quietly for a moment, staring at the ceiling like it had the answer to life itself. Eventually she turned her head and faced Aaron. “Thank you. Really,” she said quietly, not much more than a whisper.
Aaron shrugged slightly. “I meant what I said. Anything for you. If I suddenly changed my mind of processing issues that you’d do the same for me.”
“Yeah, but this was me avoiding any kind of processing,” she tried, and failed, to joke.
"Still, you'd do the same for me. I'd do anything for you, works out fine. Sometimes you just need a night away from processing,” Aaron reasoned.
Unfortunately in her mind, she couldn’t argue with that logic. It was true, she would be there for him for whatever he needed at this point and she already proved, so him doing the same shouldn’t be as big of a deal as she was seemingly making it. She sighed and scooted a tiny bit closer to Aaron.
Aaron reached over and gently touched her arm, doing his best to let her know that he was there. Marley took this as an invitation, and slid right over to him, using his chest as a pillow now and wrapped an arm around his torso. Aaron wrapped his arm around her, rubbing her back.
Moments passed and Marley couldn’t help herself. “You’re being very sweet,” she grinned, already knowing he’d disagree.
"Whatever you want to think, princess. Just know I'm not sweet and this is completely selfish,” Aaron retorted with confidence.
"If this was entirely selfish, wouldn't you be trying to get laid?" Marley laughed, shaking her head.
"I'm very offended you think sex is the only thing I want from people.” Aaron exclaimed, feigning hurt. “Sometimes having cute girls wearing my shirts and sleeping in my bed is enough for me."
“I’m never living this t-shirt thing down, am I?” Marley asked, making a face, trying not to smile.
"Absolutely not, princess. You're wearing it, you look great, you should want to never live it down,” he smirked, knowing full well that the smirk was evident in his voice.
Marley looked up at Aaron, doing her best not to smile back at him and rolled her eyes.
Aaron grinned and kissed her forehead. “Night, pretty girl.”
Marley put her head back on his chest, blood rushing to her cheeks for probably the millionth time that night. “Good night, handsome.”
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psyched2b · 6 years
Dallas’s Birthday Month Celebration
Yes...another one!
Alright, so I am sure that some of you have noticed that I am finally posting those Drabble Challenges from my 200 Follower Celebration. Technically, I stopped receiving those requests a few weeks ago, HOWEVER, since it is my fur baby’s 3rd Birthday on November 17th and since I am at nearly 300 followers, it seemed fitting that I just keep the celebrations going. (Let’s be real, it’s a lot of fun doing those requests anyways!)
So there will be a NEW Drabble Masterlist (when I get some requests that is!) Something that will be different this time is that I will have tags for my completed drabbles. If you are on my EVERYTHING tag list and DON’T want to be included in the drabbles, shoot me an ask or a message. Otherwise, if you want to be added to the drabbles or just my tag list in general, fill out this form.  ALSO, I added 12 Christmas AU prompts that you can either request by itself or with any of the dialogue prompts BECAUSE IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME.
Questions, comments or concerns? Send them my way!
1. Please be following me!
2. Send in your request VIA ASK!
3. You can send in as many as you want but SEND IN SEPARATE ASKS. (Please use the appropriate emoji ex. ✏️  🎼 💚 ❓⭐️)
4. This celebration will end November 30, 2018
Things To Do:
1. ✏️Drabble Challenge: Below the cut are 84 prompts. Send me up to three numbers with your Marvel character pairing and get a drabble in return!✏️ (Read Completed)
2. 🎼Musical Names: Send your name/username and get a song playlist for every letter.🎼
3. 💚Character Ships: Send in a brief description of yourself and I will pair you with a Marvel character! 💚
4. ❓Get to Know: Ask me any question! Or tell me something about yourself! I’d love to get to know you!❓
5. *NEW*⭐️ Headcanons: Send in your request for a headcanon with one (1) specific Marvel character and I’ll give you my thoughts/expand ⭐️
1. That’s starting to get real annoying. 2. You can’t just sit there all day. 3. You’re seriously like a man-child. 4. You can’t banish me! This is my bed too! 5. She’s hiding behind the sofa. 6. You’re Satan. 7. Do you really need all that candy? 8. How is my wife more badass than me? 9. Stop being so cute. 10. Welcome back. Now fucking help me. 11. I could really use a hug right about now. 12. Tell me you need me. 13. Welp, that’s tragic. 14. I would kill you for a cup of coffee. 15. What is this ‘sleep’ you speak of? 16. Sorry isn’t going to help when I’m kicking your ass! 17.  I’d rather die than do that. 18. Can you shut up for five minutes? Please? 19. The floor is lava. 20. Where’s my food? 21. Get out of my way before I murder you. 22. You’re breaking my heart, babe. 23. I think you forgot who wears the pants in this relationship. 24. It’s just rain, you aren’t going to melt! 25. I don’t know why I married you. 26. What do you think a cupholder is for? 27. This is where you impress me, right? 28. I bet you can’t go 24 hours without swearing. 29. I’m not weird, you’re just basic. 30. Just sleep with one eye open, that’s all I’m saying. 31. You’re never this quiet, what’s wrong? 32. …or we could make out… 33. K. 34. I think you need stitches. 35. This is your fault by the way. 36. I have fans. More fans that you. 37. I paid for half and you ate three-quarters. 38. If you die, I’m going to kill you. 39. Stop looking at me like that, weirdo. 40. Sorry, I’m protective over the things I love. 41. You’re an idiot. I married an idiot. 42. I lied. I never liked it. 43. Are you trying to flirt? Because you’re just embarrassing yourself. 44. You don’t hate me. Quit lying to yourself. 45. Doesn’t make a difference to me. 46. I try my best. 47. You look pretty good for your age. 48. Delete it. Now. 49. No, you’re MY bitch. 50. Do you ever stop smiling? 51. You’re the one who left it hanging around! 52. You’re sick, not dying. 53. The weather’s too bad and I refuse to let you drive in it. 54. I love you the most-est. 55. Sausage or bacon? And no, not my sausage. 56. Did you just…put ketchup on your eggs? 57. You didn’t do the dishes, therefore I’m not doing you. 58. I don’t love you anymore. 59. “Did you just hiss at me?” - “Are you judging me?” 60. “You’re lying, you’re blushing.” - “Shut up, no I’m not!” 61. “I want my best friend back.” - “Kevin is over there.” 62. “What do you have?” - “Pizza rolls and Cup O’ Noodles…that’s about it. Popcorn?” 63. “Open this.” - “Can you say please?” 64. “Babe, I’m sorry.” - “Suck my ass.” 65. “It’s not mine, I swear.” - “How is it not fucking yours!” 66. “Boo?” - “You’re my boo.” 67. “I hate you.” - “No, you don’t.” 68. “It’s not fair that you’re hot and funny.” - “Look who’s talking…just kidding, your jokes suck.” 69. “You’re a blanket hog!” - “Leave me alone and stop being so selfish.” 70. “You can’t make me.” - “What are you? Five?” 71. “Well, this is awkward.” - “Don’t touch me.” 72. “…then I picked up your coffee by mistake.” - “All I want is an apology.” 73. “I’m your lock screen?!” - “You weren’t supposed to see that.” 74. “Your voice is sexy.” - “Your ass is sexy.” 75. “Come inside, I’m sorry.” - “Not until you apologize.” - “I just said I’m freaking sorry.” 76. “Take a chance.” - “Umm…let me think…no.” 77. “Move!” - “Why would I move if I’m so comfy where I am?” 78. “What time is it there?” - “We’re in the same time-zone.” 79. “This bath is too damn hot.” - “This is why we can’t do cute things. You complain too much.” 80. “I’m gonna shower.” - “Pft, don’t I get an invite?” 81. “Fuck you.” - “If you want, go ahead.” 82. “Sorry I’m late, I had some things to do.” - “By ‘things’, she means me.” 83. “You’ve been replaced.” - “Alright, we’ll see how you feel when you need me to kill a spider in the shower.” 84. “Sorry.” - “Good choice.”
*Prompts were gathered from multiple different posts @prompt-bank
85. For goodness gracious, IT’S 3 AM PLEASE STOP CAROLING 86. You threw a snowball and it hit me/my window and I was going to be mad but you’re really cute. Do you want to come in for hot chocolate? 87. This is the fourth time you’ve come to ask for sugar this week. How many cookies are you making? 88. We’re at an ugly Christmas sweater party and that thing is horrendous where did you even find that 89. You don’t realize I can see over the fence to watch you make snow angels like you’re five years old 90. You would literally make the best neighborhood Santa 91. Are you the one putting mistletoe absolutely everywhere in this apartment building, or do you just happen to be in the right place at the right time every single time I walk under it 92. I just heard a ten-pound turkey hit the ground and also very strong words. Do you need help? 93. I work at the Christmas tree lot and you just had to pick the heaviest tree there didn’t you au
 94. You were putting up Christmas lights and you just fell off the roof omg do you need me to drive you to the hospital 95. I invited you to Christmas dinner as my boyfriend/girlfriend so that my family would stop pestering me about being single, but we can keep this up until New Year’s, right? 96. I’m going to eat this whole pie by myself and you’re not going to say anything about it
Collected solely from @say-hey-kid
*Prompts were gathered from multiple different posts @prompt-bank
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highgaarden · 8 years
fic  |  12:51
or: Bonnie, Caroline, and a superheroes origin story in five parts.
Bonnie+Caroline; Klaus/Caroline, Bonnie/Damon | wc. 7373 | ch. 2/5
read on: AO3 / ff.net
this fic is an ode of my love for @ishenwulf and @icebluecyanide, and solid proof that headcanons do not just remain screams between us. half of this fic belongs to them, simply because their existence amaze me so much i just had to stuff the evidence of it into this story.
i hope you all enjoy.
Part Two
Call It Fate, Call It Karma
 Removed from the mayhem and massacre of New Orleans, there wasn’t much for Klaus to do in New York. He tried his hand in being protector of the night, but after Caroline realised he’d been tailing her for some time, she was quite angry with him.
She realised he’d been tailing her when she heard his admiring cheers after kicking a newly-turned vampire in the jaw.
“Couldn’t have done it better myself, sweetheart!” Klaus applauded, pocketing his binoculars.
“How long have you been following me?” she demanded. She craned her neck to look up at him.
From his perch on the rooftop, he said, “A few hours.”
Caroline stared at him, unimpressed.
“Four nights now,” he admitted.
Caroline waited, still.
“Two weeks,” he sighed, figuring it best to be truthful. He crossed his fingers behind his back.
Caroline, without a word, left.
He noticed she was more careful with the way she walked now because he hardly heard her at all. His apologies had been met with silence. He resolved to amend his mistake and reduced his stalking to just twice a week, until it became increasingly harder to track her down.
Klaus visited the apartment four times the following week and managed to miss Caroline every single time. Damon, elbow deep in a tub of Bonnie’s Phish Food, was disgusted to find Klaus in his sanctum sanctorum, poking a finger into the tall stack of books Bonnie had fake-borrowed from the library.
The books fell with a clatter, or would have, had Klaus not put his super speed to good use to pick them up before they hit the floor.
“Bored much?”
“I was locked up for nearly a decade. It doesn’t take much to amuse me.” Klaus had moved on to Caroline’s collection of small cacti lining the windowsill. They used to be grouped in the middle of the kitchen island, but Damon had moved them there to prove a point. When Bonnie easily stepped over them to venture out into the night, Damon figured he might have underestimated the peril of the prickly plants.
“If you like it here so much, why don’t you just move in?” Damon asked with a mouth full of ice-cream. He followed that mouthful with several hasty gulps of JD. “That was rhetorical. Get the hell off my couch.”
Klaus peered owlishly at him. “Are you worry-drinking?”
“No,” Damon said, dumping the now-empty bottle for a new one.
Klaus went ahead on his prowl around the room, studying things, touching things. He had a particular way of observing an object, meaning: if it wasn’t Caroline’s, it was discarded into a pile in a corner of the room.
All of the things in that pile belonged to Damon.
“What are you doing?” Damon screeched, scandalized.
“Making room for me, of course,” Klaus said.
“Of course?” Damon pitched his bottle at Klaus’s head, but forgot that Klaus was more than a thousand years old and knew how to duck. The bottle bounced – miraculously – against the mantelpiece and then landed squarely in the middle of the pile.
Klaus looked satisfied. “Good, that’s the living room sorted. Now which one’s your room?”
 Word of Bonnie and Caroline’s plight for the seemingly-impossible had taken Dumbo by storm. Sometimes, in the middle of Bonnie levitating a drunk werewolf by the ankles, a fan would come and ask for a picture.
“Where’d you learn how to do that?” Kieran from the grocery store asked in awe.
“YouTube,” Bonnie answered. She turned her palms upwards and the werewolf crumpled against the alley wall.
“Dude, does he have fur—”
“Hi, Kieran,” Caroline appeared out of nowhere as she greeted him warmly. She made sure to deepen her voice. It sounded a bit like a growl now, and probably diminished the warmth. Kieran looked like he was going to piss his pants from excitement.
“How do you know my name?” he asked, mouth agape. “Should we exchange numbers now? I’m good at texting. Holy shit, your eyes – holy fuck, are you a va—?”
“You short-change me every week. Also? If you’re trying to clean up the environment, why even offer plastic bags at the counter?” Caroline narrowed her eyes, wondering if that counted as criminal activity.
Bonnie inclined her head. It was only a small shake, but Caroline sighed and understood.
“Anyway. You saw nothing. You were probably on the way home to go marathon Homestuck and jerk off to how many people you scam daily with the price of your so-called free range eggs. I checked your supplier, buddy.  All caged! Caged by fiends—”
“Caroline,” Bonnie said in her let’s-get-a-move-on voice.
Caroline finished compelling him and sent him on his merry way. “How’s Fluffy doing?”
“He’ll live,” Bonnie said. She inspected a nick in her arm that Fluffy had managed to scrape with his one sharp canine. His other had fallen off when Bonnie punched his face with a wall. “What’s next on the list?”
After carefully pocketing Fluffy’s freshly inked contract, Caroline pulled out her phone. Her shadowed eyes appeared darker in the light the screen provided in the alleyway. “Gotta check out that warehouse in Midtown. Klaus said it’ll be hot tonight.”
“Klaus,” Bonnie repeated. Her tone implied she didn’t like the idea, but she didn’t despise it either, which Caroline chose to view with optimism. “Is this going to be a thing now?”
“No,” Caroline said too quickly. She straightened her spine and managed to look dignified even as she said, “I just agreed, very unenthusiastically might I add, that he could be our intel. Since he does know the seedy underbelly of this stinkhole city.”
“He probably gave birth to the seedy underbelly of this stinkhole city,” Bonnie muttered. “Anyway, that’s like, what – forty minute walk? Forget it, I’ll Uber there.”
“Jeez, Bonnie.” Caroline rolled her eyes. “Not like you haven’t done this before. Hop on.”
A breeze and thirty-five blocks later they arrive at their destination, Bonnie’s cape whipping behind her as she lopes gracefully to her feet. Caroline grudgingly admired it, despite hating how impractical it was.
But then again, it made Bonnie look incredibly cool, especially when she did that thing where she lifted herself into the air.
“I see you hating,” Bonnie notes, “and I raise you your mask and how it does almost nothing to hide your identity.”
“I like them to be able to hear me talk,” Caroline shot back. “When we start going after actual creatures of the night instead of undead jock types, maybe I’ll take more care—”
“Shh.” Bonnie pressed a finger to her lips. She stood stock-still, chanting something under her breath. A minute later a light wind blew strands of her hair away from her forehead. “I sense at least twelve.”
“Now there’s a party,” Caroline said and snapped out her extendable baton. She didn’t need it, but appreciated the aesthetics.
 Damon returned from grocery duties laden with things they did not usually buy. He knows this because he would edit the grocery list heavily whenever Caroline left it on the counter for Bonnie to find. Today, Bonnie followed him to the corner market because he refused to show her where he’d hidden the list.
“Why do we need kale?” He pulled a face.
“It’s amazing how you still think you’re included in this pronoun,” Bonnie said. She walked right past the pork rinds and into the grains aisle, where she reached for the quinoa. “I spend my nights jumping up buildings. It’s called maintenance, Damon.”
“Qui-NO­­-a,” Damon tossed the pack back on the shelf. “Am I just going to starve, then?”
“There’s Mike’s Pizza right around the corner,” Bonnie replied, unfazed. She grabbed the quinoa again. “Why don’t you just go home?”
Uncharacteristic silence is all that comes from Damon’s mouth, which opens and closes and opens again. His eye twitches, his mouth pulls into something other than his token smirk, for once. “It’s getting… harder.”
Bonnie bites her lip. She’d been avoiding the conversation, clearly. “I see.”
“Seeing you is a nice reprieve,” he offered.
“Got it.” Bonnie sized up the contents of the trolley, then put the quinoa back on the shelf. Damon perks up. “Wanna get a pie to-go? It’s been a while since scrabble night.”
“Are- are you sure?”
“The crime can wait.” She shrugged. “I just got a manicure anyway – not really feeling like punching much tonight.”
“Don’t you usually just—?” Damon waved his arms around, fingers jerking. “Levitate ‘em? Make brain matter leak out of their ears?”
“You tell me,” Bonnie snickered. “Aren’t you supposed to be the first ever foremost best quality expert on my alter ego life?”
Damon gasped. “So you do read WatchOutVillainz.com!”
 Caroline’s room was a hive of secrecy. The only person who was ever allowed in there was Bonnie, who usually came in through the adjoining bathroom. Whenever Bonnie did so, they let the shower run and talked in whispers, just because they knew it would grate at Damon.
There was something tugging at the corner of her mind as she swept down the street and climbed up her fire exit and into the window of her room.
The night before last, when she and Bonnie had ambushed those twelve vampires in the middle of their midnight snack, three of them had managed to skedaddle their way out of there. She had beat the others to an inch of their undead lives, Bonnie keeping them in place by simmering the blood in their necks, and only one name had come up.
Her bedroom did not really reflect her work ethic. When she decorated, she had placed comfort, coziness and warmth above efficiency, with quilted throw pillows and Moroccan rugs and a leather ottoman inherited from her late grandparents.
Her walk-in closet told a different story.
Pushing aside winter wear, she found what she’d been looking for: a safe. Inside the safe was a file cabinet, meticulously organized. It took a while to find the file, because she wasn’t sure whether it had been filed under R, E or V.
In the end, it was in the ‘MISC.’ section. She pinched the file firmly between her fingers and out slid all her surveilled information on Raul the Eurovision Vampire.
She had caught him in a shady bar, after he’d eaten the entire room because he’d lost in the Man! I Feel Like A Woman!: A Tribute to Shania Twain karaoke competition. He’d eaten them because in addition to not applauding him after he finished his rendition of You’re Still The One, they also didn’t believe he was the same Raul who had won the annual international TV song competition back in 1959, simply because if he truly had, he’d be dead by now.
Mostly it was the applause thing.
Raul the Eurovision Vampire had on a long cape that trailed across the blood-smeared floor. He liked wearing high-heeled stiletto boots that gave the appearance of him hovering in mid-air, and brought them up in conversation any chance he got. He ditched those boots when he discovered Caroline was not above clawing up a drainpipe to chase after him.
She skimmed through his contract and found his number; a few seconds later she had her phone out.
Raul answered on the fourth ring. “I’m not home,” he hissed, and hung up.
Caroline tried again.
“You are nothing but persistent!” Raul announced despairingly. “Is it not enough that you’ve banished me from the only home I’ve ever known; denied me the simple splendour of finally belonging?”
“Weren’t you born in Romania or something?”
There was a sound akin to a hurricane as Raul breathed into the phone. “Those are fighting words, square and true! I will vomit on your possessions, insolent mushrump!”
“Uh – yeah. I need you to do something for me.”
“A favour, she seeks!” He’s still exclaiming. It’s giving her a complex.
Caroline quickly explained the situation. “…and now I’m pretty sure you’re my one way in.”
“You want me to help you capture my friends?”
“Just draw them out. And are you sure they were your friends?” Her lips twitched. “They gave you up so easy.”
Raul scoffed, but that was all.
Caroline put her offer on the proverbial table. “I’ll let you come back to New York every third weekend.”
“What makes you think I’d ever return?” Raul sniffed. “That vile city was a coxcomb that never wanted me. Never was there a city that made me wish more for the eternal wiles of death.”
Honestly, she thought the same about this phone call. With an eyeroll she said, “I’ll give you back your boots.”
There was a long, ugly pause. It was so long and so ugly that Caroline thought he had put down the phone.
At long last he announced, with vigour, “Seduction certainly becomes you, Lady Distraction.”
“Actually, my name is—”
“Alas, I have a party to plan!”
“Wait, party?”
“Good bye!” Raul exclaimed. The line did not go dead immediately: there was the sound of a fumble and then the background chatter of Raul watching a tutorial on how to cook moussaka, before an incredulous Caroline ended the call for him.
 As luck would have it, Caroline met Klaus at the party. Or rather: Klaus’s hand was conveniently in the way when she was reaching for a cheese stick.
When she looked up, he was looking at her with astonishment.
“Can it, Mikaelson,” she said immediately.
Klaus frowned. “But I haven’t said anything.”
“You’re going tell me how ravishing I look. I’m going to ignore the comment and focus, instead, on why you’re suddenly and miraculously standing by the cheese platter of the first party I’ve been to in three years. Sure, it’s actually a stage for my vamp round-up later, but—I mean, come on. You’ve got to cool it on the stalking.”
“For one, I was going to tell you how arresting you looked,” Klaus corrected. He actually sounded offended. “And despite the evidence of the contrary, I’m not stalking you. I was invited.”
He pulled out an invitation from his pocket, raising his eyebrows in challenge.
Caroline put her cheese stick back on the platter. “You know Raul the Eurovision Vampire. Seriously.”
“You mean Rah-OOL?” Elijah asked.
Caroline could have kicked herself for even being surprised at how suddenly he appeared. They probably spent the better half of a century perfecting the art of making an entrance.
“He’s changed over the years, his vowels not so pronounced.” Elijah had a slight kink between his eyebrows, as if it wasn’t even worth frowning over, but he was anyway. “If you listen closely, you can tell he used to have an Indo-European accent; it’s quite distinct. I detected clear derivations from the original Proto-Indo-European, but it’s unmistakable. A fool he has been making of the people in this room, but not us.”
Klaus nodded quite seriously, sipping his gin.
“It is difficult to find likeminded company these days; people these days hardly have time to consider the nuances of language shifts and devolving case systems,” Elijah was saying with a solemn shake of his head.
“That is so interesting.” Caroline strained to smile and ended up baring her teeth instead. She turned back to Klaus. “How do you know Raul?”
(“Rah-OOL,” Elijah interjected.)
At that moment, Raoul got up on a makeshift stage in the center of the room and started belting out a welcome song he’d penned just two hours before the party (as he’d reminded each one of them as they walked in earlier).
He was back in his cape, boots, and white face paint. Everyone was understandably distracted.
“He’s a mate of Kol’s.” Klaus said absently, and then returned his gaze to her. “Kol turned him some time around the 14th century. He used to sing for Marie Antoinette,” Klaus added, like it was supposed to impress her.
Raoul placed a hand to his chest and screeched.
“Man, what a bummer I wasn’t alive then,” Caroline said dryly.
 Klaus insisted on walking her home after she had ‘created a scene’ by making three grown-ass vampires cry in the middle of Raoul’s fourteen-minute percussion solo.
Caroline’s only response was to rustle their freshly-signed contracts against his jaw.
When they swung open the front door, Bonnie and Damon tumbled, both quite shirtless, from the couch to the floor.
Caroline backed away until her head hit the door. “I didn’t know scrabble was euphemism for sex!”
Damon chose that moment to stand, all the better to deliver his comeback, but Caroline gave a shriek that rivalled Raoul’s, and Klaus quickly ushered her out.
 The sun set in a brilliant burn of orange and red. Caroline and Klaus were sitting on a bench, his coat around her shoulders.
“Why doesn’t Damon have a room?” Klaus asked, once he’d placated her with ice-cream. Copious amounts of it.
Caroline shuddered at the memory of seeing his erect nipples. And then the shudder turned to rage, and she stabbed her spoon into her double chocolate. “Because he doesn’t live with us.”
“But he’s there all the time.”
“So are you,” she pointed out.
Klaus has the grace to look abashed. “Only because my situation at home isn’t… the most ideal.” He gave her a sidelong glance. “But I am leaving tomorrow. It’s time, I think.”
Caroline looked up. She hadn’t expected to hear that, not so soon. He’d been here for maybe a month, skulking around, loudly expressing admiration. He noticed her lack of enthusiasm for Damon’s pancakes whenever she got back from a fight and nudged mugs of blood from questionable origins, but it was always hot and pulled flavours deep and rich from her tongue. Sometimes he’d intentionally give her the wrong addresses to vampire cult gatherings just so he could be there ten minutes earlier to “observe her progress”. Once, after a werewolf had scraped her arm with his teeth, Klaus had readily shown her his wrist.
The look he’d given her that night had sent her to bed with uncertain, dark, thoughts—and a want, too, that made it difficult to sleep.
She stood up, took Klaus’s untouched ice-cream and dumped it in the trash along with hers.
He didn’t object then, nor did he object when she retook her seat next to him, turned her face upwards and closed the space between them with a kiss. Klaus made a sound of surprise, and deepened the kiss.
He didn’t object when she tugged him off the bench onto their feet, nor did he object when she all but dragged him out of the park with great difficulty, because he still insisted on kissing her while she do it. They could have hailed a cab, but it turned out making out in alleyways could be great fun, especially when Klaus put his mouth to her neck and palmed her breasts through her thin cotton shirt.
“Do you mind if we make a detour?” Klaus asked hoarsely when she’d slammed him to the crumbling alley wall and had looked deviously close to getting down on her knees.
“Detour?” she worried at his belt with playful fingers. “Where do you have in mind?”
“My place in the Upper East Side,” he said with a half-grin, because his eyes are closed to the ministrations of her hand through the front of his jeans, which soon stopped when she spluttered.
“You have a place—” she cursed and flashed to her feet, shoving his shoulders. “You sly asshole.”
“Honestly, love – if you can see yourself how you look in the comfort of your own home—” Klaus tried to beseech her, but she snorted and stalked off.
Klaus appeared in front of her and stopped her in her tracks. “You were slipping on your mask one night and I saw how fearless it made you look – how sharp and cunning and ready to strike fear into hearts. You exuded this understated sensuality. I was in love with it.”
Caroline looked at him curiously. “Was?”
“Am,” Klaus amended.
“Good. I’ll have sex with you with that in mind.” She cleared her throat and stared ahead. “Take me there.”
Klaus smiled. He smiled all through hailing a cab, and the smile only just faltered when she was standing in the foyer of his townhouse, looking around with her mouth agape.
“Wait until you see my bedroom,” Klaus tried for a joke, but it died when Caroline started undressing.
Sleeping with Caroline was not like the green call of the forest all those years ago. It was like slipping into sleep, a tumble of instinct and touch, a lull that kept on lulling. He pushed into her with a groan. Her neck was wet with her blood; it had spilled from his mouth when she’d wrapped her thighs around him and squeezed. She cursed and damned him when he thrusted deeper, and then she kissed him with the same mouth.
Ten years shackled behind a wall had left him starving for touch, and she met his need with an urgency – but also with a practiced care, a tenderness she didn’t realise she had kept in her breast all this while. Caroline could be soft when she wanted, and she wanted to be soft now, with him. When she came, she came with his name on her tongue in a long, keening sigh.
Before he left, Klaus woke her up. They shared a kiss in the shower—nothing more.
He was about to duck into his car when he paused, struggled with something internally, and then turned back to her. The kiss he left on her knuckles lingered, and he gave her a long look weighed down by layers of things she didn’t know how to interpret just yet. She just looked back. Whatever he found in her eyes, he seemed content.
And then he said good bye, and was gone.
Caroline didn’t know it yet, but it would be four years until she would see him again.
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