#i miss your lies and i miss your imaginary presence
talbotgrimes · 1 year
0 notes
chibieggplant · 5 months
Beck and call
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Teasing Sanji. With fluff.
No warnings, really, just some kissing and a flustered Sanji.
Sanji stands in the warm glow of the kitchen; the tantalising aroma of tonight's dinner wafts through the air, mingling with the soft hum of the ship’s movements. With meticulous care, he tends to each dish, his culinary skills a testament to his passion for cooking. The rhythmic clinks of knives against cutting boards fill the air, accompanied by the gentle sizzling of ingredients in pans. Lost in his culinary trance, Sanji’s thoughts inevitably drift to you, the gimmer in his eyes revealing his lovestruck state. He can’t help but grin as he remembers your playful teasing, the way you effortlessly turn his world upside down with a sly comment or a coy smile.
Suddenly, the doors behind him glide open, and he turns around, a knife in hand, only to be struck by a moment of pure enchantment. Sanji’s heart skips a beat. There you are, a mischievous glint in your eye as you enter. His breath hitches, but he meets your gaze with a goofy smirk, knowing that behind your teasing lies a more profound connection that fills his heart with joy.
"Sanji~" you sing in a lilting, animated voice, your words carrying a melody as you skip into the kitchen. To him, your voice sounds like a sweet serenade that pulls at his heartstrings, making him forget the pots and pans swirling around him. "I missed you!" your playful grin lights up the room as you close the distance between you and him. Sanji's eyes brighten at the sight of you, the corners of his lips turning up in a fond smile. He tries to maintain his composure, but your cheerful entrance has already left him slightly flustered. With a glint in your eye, you add an extra skip to your step, teasingly swaying to an imaginary tune. As you walk closer, your lighthearted demeanour and teasing gaze intensify the flutter in Sanji’s chest, causing him to fumble with his utensil for a brief moment.
Sanji tries to compose himself. He really tries. He smiles brightly, his eyes going a tad bit glassy at your voice, his nose twitching. He manages to speak after taking a few breaths, his words shaky. "y-you missed me?" He's smiling, but it's clear you've caught him off guard. He's standing there, trying his best to make himself seem normal.
With a delicate chuckle, you saunter closer to Sanji, your footsteps echoing softly. "Oh, you don't even know the extent to which I did," you tease, your voice carrying a hint of mischief that causes Sanji’s heart to skip a beat. As you reach him, you casually hop up to sit on the counter next to him. Your presence is always a delightful distraction to him. “I always miss my favourite cook,” you add, your words like a sweet melody to his ears.
His mind went blank at your approach. You even teased him by sitting right next to him. You could have sat or stood anywhere, but no, you placed yourself right there, close to him, as you stared at him with your perfect smile. He was struggling to hold it together. He felt a surge of flustered excitement as you spoke, his hands involuntarily fidgeting with the knife he was carrying. His eyes darted from side to side, trying to regain composure amid your playful banter. "Favou-Favorite cook?" He was a mess, a puddle of pure love, sick emotion. Despite his inner turmoil, there was a softness in his expression, a silent confession of the love that bloomed in his heart every time you graced him with your presence.
With a mischievous smile dancing on your lips, you lean in slightly closer to Sanji, your eyes sparkling with amusement. “Oh, you caught me,” your tone lighthearted yet sincere. “You’re not just my favourite cook. You’re my favourite person,” you playfully admit, letting a hint of warmth seep into your voice.
He was so screwed. He was beyond screwed. His entire face flushed red. He's sweating bullets, and his breathing is short. The man is struggling. It's over. He was done for. A simple phrase was enough to reduce him to a trembling mess. He wasn't sure if you were being serious or simply playing around, but either way, it meant the entire world to him. The mere thought of him being someone's favourite anything made his cheeks burn. His heart was beating so fast that you could almost hear it. "...F-favourite..." He stammers out.
With a charming smile, you hold his gaze and speak light-heartedly. “Of course you are. Didn’t you know? Congratulations, you’re officially my favourite!” you declare with a playful flourish, your words carrying a hint of jest and adoration. Sanji’s eyes widen slightly at your proclamation, a mixture of surprise and delight evident in his expression. Pausing for a moment to let the words sink in, you lean in slightly closer, your voice taking on a more intimate tone that stirs a gentle warmth between you. “You know, being someone’s favourite comes with privileges,” you continue, your words laced with a playful promise. You give a subtle wink that adds to the playful allure of your statement. “Like getting extra attention and maybe even a few surprises.”
He's finished. He was doomed to fall at your feet like the simp he was as soon as you walked into the kitchen. He can see God as he's practically dying inside. A playful wink? A flirty comment about extra attention and surprises? He wasn't sure if this was real, but the possibility of getting extra attention from you and possibly more was already enough for him to want to faint. “W-what kind of surprises?” Sanji manages to stutter out, his voice betraying his attempt at hiding the storm of emotions inside him. His hands were shaking, and he wanted to fold and fold. He’s a man teetering on the edge of blissful surrender, caught in the enchanting web you’ve effortlessly woven around him. But by some miracle, he manages to stay grounded.
Seeing Sanji’s mixture of nervousness and excitement, you can’t help but smile warmly, your eyes shimmering with affection. Leaning back slightly on your hands, you maintain a playful demeanour, enjoying the delightful effect your teasing has on him. “Ah, the surprises? Now that would be telling,” you tourment with a playful spark in your eyes. “But I can assure you they’ll be worth the anticipation.” you can't help but notice Sanji’s hands twitching. “Don’t worry, I‘ll try not to overwhelm you…too much,” you flash a sweet smile, adding a touch of reassurance to your words.
He lets out a small whimper of desperation, a quiet plea for mercy, as he finds himself utterly captivated by you. The way you talk to him, your tone, your demeanour, it was simply unfair to him—it’s all too much and yet not enough at the same time. It’s a delicious torment that leaves him hanging on to your every word. His eyes have practically gone starry-eyed at your teasing. His heart flutters uncontrollably, and he feels like he’s standing on shaky ground, yet something within him keeps him upright, clinging to the edge of composure. “I’m already…overwhelmed…” he manages to squeak out, his voice barely above a whisper.
It’s evident that your playful teasing ultimately conquers Sanji, and although you enjoy the delightful effect you’ve had on Sanji, you can’t help but feel a twinge of sympathy for the flustered state you’ve caused him. “Well…” you begin with a grin. “Looks like my charm has left you in quite a state,” you remark, your chuckle soft and understanding. “But fear not, I come bearing a remedy for your overwhelmed heart,” you announce dramatically, reaching into your pocket and retrieving a small, beautifully wrapped box. “Consider this a little gift from me to you,” your eyes sparkle with excitement as you watch his reaction. As Sanji takes the gift, you add with a playful wink, “You know, a benefit for being my favourite.”
Sanji's composure continues to waver as he accepts the box from your outstretched hand. He was trying so, so damn hard to remain in control. It's a simple gesture, but to him, it feels like receiving the rarest treasure in all the world, a token of your thoughtfulness and affection that holds immeasurable value. "A-a gift from you?...for m-me?...y-y/n, you shouldn't have," he stammers out, his voice laced with genuine surprise and gratitude. His fingers tremble slightly as he holds the gift, his palms beginning to sweat in his nervousness.
You respond light-heartedly, enjoying the playful dance of emotions between you and Sanji. “Oh, but I wanted to,” you say with a chuckle, your words carrying a mischievous charm. “Consider it a ‘just because’ gift for my favourite.” You can't help but notice Sanji’s hands still shaking, and you offer reassurance in your own cheerful way. “Relax, it’s not a ticking time bomb or anything. Just a little something from me to you.” You gesture towards the gift with a warm smile. Your genuine intention is purely to bring a smile to Sanji’s face. “Go on, open it,” you encourage.
Sanji simply melted at your gesture, his heart swelling with gratitude and affection. It didn’t matter if the gift was a ticking time bomb; he would have accepted it happily because it came from you. You could tell just how much your thoughtfulness meant to him. You didn't have to get him a gift, but because you did, it meant the world to him. Sanji’s eyes shined with admiration and adoration as he gazed at you. With a final smile in your direction, he turned his attention back to the gift, his movements slow and deliberate as he carefully unwrapped the gift.
As Sanji looked inside the opened gift box, his breath hitched briefly as he processed what he was seeing. His eyes widened in surprise, and a slight blush coloured his cheeks as he lifted the item from the box. It was a bracelet, but not just any ordinary bracelet—it was custom-made, a thoughtful gift crafted with him in mind. He ran his fingers gently over the intricately designed Jolly Roger emblem, his own personal Jolly Roger, adorning the bracelet, his eyes reflecting awe and gratitude. He looked back at you and then back to the bracelet. Back and forth. He was speechless. If only he could describe just how grateful he was at this moment. He eventually found his voice once more. "Y/n this…you had this made…just for me?" He said in disbelief, his mind still struggling to process your act. “You thought of me… and got this gift with me in mind,” he murmured, almost to himself, as if trying to grasp the moment's reality. It felt too perfect, too good to be true, yet there it was—a tangible reminder of your genuine affection.
You can’t help but grin mischievously as you watch Sanji’s reaction to the custom-made bracelet. With a playful sparkle in your eyes, you lean in slightly as if about to reveal a secret. “Ah, but wait, there’s more,” you announce excitedly, drawing out the suspense with a playful flair. “Ta-da!” you exclaim witha delighted chuckle, extending your wrist to reveal a similar bracelet adorning it. Gesturing between your wrist and his bracelet, you add, “Now we have something that ties us together.” a playful declaration, but the sentiment behind it is genuine.
It was all just so much for him to handle at once. You got him a bracelet. A rare gift with his jolly Rogers emblem placed perfectly on it. An emblem only seen on him. And then, you reveal that you now have a matching bracelet. You were both twinning, and he was all for it. Unable to contain his overflowing emotions, Sanji gently took your hand, his touch soft and reverent. He gently traced his finger over your bracelet, a silent gesture of appreciation and connection. Words. He had to find words to describe how grateful he was to you. Sanji's voice trembled slightly as he spoke, his blush deepening with each passing moment. "A-a bracelet tying us...together," he managed, the words coming out in a soft, almost worshipful tone. His body remained a trembling mess, the warmth of your shared moment enveloping him in a comforting haze. He now held your wrist tightly as if afraid that letting go would break the moment's magic.
After a few beats of processing his new gift, Sanji decided to lighten the mood with a touch of humour. "I-Is this another of your flirtatious tactics?" he joked, a slight smirk playing on his lips despite his still-flustered state. He knew you well enough to recognise your playful nature, and he couldn't help but tease back in his own gentle way.
You roll your eyes playfully as you take Sanji's hand in your own, your touch gentle yet purposeful. There's a sparkle in your eyes as you speak, your tone flirtatious yet affectionate. "Well, I can't deny that I may have hoped that this would bring us closer together," you say with raised eyebrows. Bringing Sanji's hand closer, you slowly slide the bracelet onto his wrist. Your fingers linger for a moment intentionally, savouring the feel of his skin against your own. As the bracelet settles into place, you lean in closer, your voice dropping to a more intimate tone. "There we go," you murmur, your breath brushing against Sanji's skin, sending a shiver down his spine. "Now we're officially connected." Pulling back slightly, a smirk playing on your lips
Sanji's reaction was nothing short of adorable as you slid the bracelet onto his wrist. He let out a sound that resembled a contented purr, his eyes twinkling with delight at the intimate moment shared between you. Your proximity and the gentle touch of your breath against his skin sent a wave of warmth through him, a summer breeze that fluttered butterflies in his stomach. A sharp intake of breath escaped him as his blush deepened even further, the rosy hue spreading across his cheeks like wildfire. He struggled to form coherent words, his thoughts a jumble of emotions that left him feeling wonderfully overwhelmed. "I-I c-connected t-to you," he stammered, his words coming out in a mix of nervousness and gibberish. In that, he just wanted to be yours, to be connected to you in every way possible.
With a playful glint in your eyes, after you watch Sanji adorably fumble over the situation, you snap his attention back to the present moment. “So!” you exclaim, your voice brimming with enthusiasm as you sway excitedly while continuing to sit on the kitchen counter. “Now that you’ve had a little something from me, I just have to ask for something in return… just a little something,” you continue with a cheeky smile. It’s clear that the gift you gave Sanji wasn’t a bribe for anything in return. You did it because he deserved it, and you wanted to see him smile. However, you couldn’t resist the opportunity to tease him further and have a bit more fun.
Sanji's realisation hit him like a gentle wave, washing over him with a sense of understanding. At this moment, he recognised that he was indeed at your beck and call, willingly so. The depth of his affection and desire to please you became evident. With a mixture of anticipation and eagerness, Sanji's voice trailed off slightly as he tried to articulate his willingness to fulfill your request. "I-I…" he began, his words tinged with a hint of vulnerability as he struggled to find the right words to express his readiness. "Whatever it is, name it. Anything," he continued with an enthusiastic, almost pleading tone. His eyes met yours with unwavering determination, a silent promise in his stare that he was prepared to do whatever it took to bring a smile to your face. The sincerity in his voice echoed his genuine desire to please you, to make you happy in any way he could. He was ready to go above and beyond, fueled by the simple yet profound joy of seeing you happy.
"Anything, huh? Well, since you're offering anything," your tone remains light and playful. "How about a little kiss?" you suggest with a wink, your eyes gleaming as the suggestion hangs in the air. "Just a small token of appreciation, you know?" you add, your charm evident in your words.
There it was. The most beautiful request he could have ever heard from you. His eyes lit up with excitement and adoration, his heart racing like thunder in his chest. This was almost too easy. Every bone in his body wanted to throw himself at you and fulfil your request. The idea of denying your request didn’t even cross his mind; the word "no" wasn't even in his vocabulary when it came to you. "Just…one...?" He says, sounding almost like he was almost begging with his response. It was as if he wanted to be greedy, to show more than just one “small token of appreciation”.
"Are you trying to tempt me into more kisses, Sanji?" You flirt with a soft chuckle. "Just one kiss…” your grin still evident as you lean forward with playful eagerness. “…For now”, you add with a slightly lower tone.
"F-for now...?" he squeaked, the words barely escaping through his flustered nerves. His eyes searched yours, seeking confirmation and perhaps a hint of reassurance for his excited jitters. Sanji's excitement was palpable as he eagerly nodded in agreement, his nerves skyrocketing with anticipation. His heart thudded against his chest, a rapid rhythm echoing his readiness for the kiss. The prospect of just one kiss from you was enough to send his thoughts into a whirlwind. He had craved more kisses right from the start, but he was willing to make do with the "for now" you playfully suggested. His tongue almost betrayed him, trying to slip out of his mouth in anticipation. Leaning forward with an eager anticipation mirrored in his eyes, Sanji's gaze fixated on your soft, glossy lips. He ensured that the distance between you closed quickly, propelled by his excitement and the magnetic pull of the moment.
As you lean in to close the gap between your lips, you notice Sanji’s intense gaze fixed on your lips. You can’t resist teasing him further. “I can see you’re eyeing my lips there, Sanji,” you smirk. “And here I was just going to ask for a kiss on the cheek.”
"Y-You..." Your teasing only served to escalate his nerves even further. This was torture, but in the best way possible. He lets out a small whimper. He almost had to bite his tongue to stop himself from giving into his urges to press his lips against yours. How do you make it so easy for him to fall to the brink of madness? A kiss…on the…cheek? But his lips were so close to yours! Just one little push, and he'd get to taste them. That's all he wanted. That's all he needed. "I-I...I-I.." He fumbled a few more attempts to find a reasonable response. But there was none to be found.
"You're so adorable when you're flustered," you say softly, your voice filled with playful affection as you admire Sanji's charmingly flustered state. The fondness in your tone is evident as you express your amusement at his reactions. With a gentle but purposeful movement, your hands wrap around his waist, pulling him closer as you close the gap between you. The touch of your lips against Sanji's is soft yet electrifying, sending a wave of warmth through both of you. It's a moment filled with shared desire and affection, a culmination of the playful banter and unspoken longing between you and Sanji.
"Mmm..." He let out the softest of murmurs as your lips pressed against his own, melting the second he felt your lips grace his. Every nerve in his body was on fire as sparks seemingly went off in his head. A wave of pure ecstasy and thrill was over him as the kiss deepened. This was what he wanted. This is what he needed. Every part of him screamed to kiss you more. To grab you, to be greedy and claim you. Sanji couldn't resist the urge to pull you closer, his arms enveloping you in a passionate embrace. His fingers thread through your hair, pulling you deeper into the kiss as if trying to merge every inch of space between you. The hunger for more, for everything, is palpable in his touch and how his lips seek yours with a genuine need. As the kiss drew to a close, Sanji reluctantly pulled away, his breath shallow with desire. "M-more..." he manages to breathe, his voice filled with a thirst and a hint of desperation.
You can't help but chuckle softly at Sanji's genuine desire, finding his eagerness utterly endearing. "So eager”, you smirk. “Think of that as just a taste of what's to come," you say, mischievously hinting at the possibilities ahead. Leaning in once more, you give Sanji a gentle peck on the cheek, savouring the softness of his skin against your lips. "Consider this a promise of more," you whisper, your voice carrying a hint of seductive allure that sends shivers down his spine. And with that, you gracefully hop off the kitchen counter, leaving Sanji with a delightful mix of excitement and suspense for what's possibly to come.
As you leave, Sanji is left in a whirlwind of emotions, a delightful torment of anticipation and desire swirling within him. The tension and hunger you left him with were enough to send him into the brink of madness. The soft brushes of your lips on his cheek linger like a sweet torment, igniting a fire of longing in his heart. Every step you take away from him seems to amplify the longing he feels, yet the promise of more keeps his spirits soaring. Sanj’s heart races as he watches you depart; excitement and yearning fill his being. The promise you left him with lingers in his mind, a beacon of hope for the subsequent encounter. Every detail of your playful exchange replays in his mind like a cherished memory, fueling his imagination with thoughts of what's to come.
"Until next time…" he whispers to himself, the words carrying a sense of determination. Taking a deep breath, he composes himself, channelling the exhilarating energy into his tasks aboard the ship. The wait for your next meeting couldn't come soon enough, and every passing moment is filled with thoughts of you and only you.
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piningforstan · 1 month
Too Sweet
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Summary: Stan has lied and cheated and fought his whole life, and he’s not exactly sure when he had time to do whatever it took to deserve you.
Pairings: Stanley Pines x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: mention of an age gap, suggestive adult content but nothing graphic, fluff with some light angst
A/N: Inspired by Hozier’s song by the same name!! I seriously need an edit of Stan to it
Also, an age gap LI with Stan (like they’re in their 30s or 40s) just really does something to me. Stan mentions “women” once in the story but otherwise I wrote it with the intent of being GN.
A shift of the mattress roused him from his fitful sleep. Stan cracked open an eye. The flickering alarm clock told him that he’s only been asleep for a few hours, he vaguely remembered creeping into the bedroom sometime after three. Dreaming peacefully then, free of punishing nightmares, you now stood with your back to him, stretching your arms up over your head.
His gaze traveled appreciatively from your head to the slip of skin revealed by your t-shirt lifted ever so slightly. Pale morning light slanted into the room in thin bars thrown across your face. You hum to yourself as you pull on your bathrobe and shuffle into the bathroom, Stan watching you from heavy lidded eyes the entire time.
A groan climbed up his throat. He threw one arm over his face.
What was he doing?
He didn’t miss the time when he would wake up alone, head muddled by alcohol. He missed the time when he did not feel so goddamn guilty. Your presence reminded him constantly that you were too…good for him. He had lived a long, shitty life and it never bother him — his decisions, his lifestyle — when he was by himself. But now you were here.
Not only were you younger than him, you had never done a fucking bad thing in your life. You went to bed at a decent time and always woke up early to watch the sunrise, you faced everything with unflinching enthusiasm. You smiled and laughed and danced without inhibition or regret. And, worst of all, you looked at him and loved him in spite of his mistakes and wrongdoings.
When the bathroom door opened he quickly pretended to be asleep again, the knot in his stomach tightening as you stopped to press a kiss on his cheek on your way out.
By the time he actually woke up, he didn’t even want to acknowledge the time, Stan shuffled into the kitchen to find his family immersed in a heated debate. Mable stood on her chair with Waddles on the table, gesticulating wildly while you and Dipper argued with her.
Upon spotting Stan, Mable cried out, “Grunkle Stan! We need your help.”
Stan scratched his chin. “What is it, kid?”
“If Waddles was going to wear pants —”
“They would be like this, right?” You intervened before Mable could finish, drawing a line around the pig’s midsection then gesturing towards his back half. Dipper nodded, signaling his approval.
“No, no, no, no,” Mable said, “it would be this way. To cover all his wittle wegs.”
She indicated the imaginary pants around his entire body, covering the entirety of his lower half. Stan stared in disbelief as the debate lapsed into an argument once more.
“I need coffee,” he grunted.
Without even stopping, you pressed a steaming mug into his hand, then raised your eyebrows expectantly.
Stan sighed. “Why is the pig wearing pants? That lucky son of a gun has been naked since the day he was born.”
“Just hypothetically,” Dipper said.
Turns out, Stan’s opinion wasn’t actually needed. Rather, you and the twins set to speculating about the possibility of pig pants without including him. Eventually he just collapsed into one of the ancient chairs and sipped his coffee, willing his headache to go away. He noted affectionately how passionate you were about this topic of choice, always ready to leap into whatever strange scheme his family concocted.
After some time Mabel loudly exclaimed that she was going to knit pants for Waddles to “prove everyone wrong!” and the debate dispersed. Dipper stormed off muttering, leaving Stan alone with you.
You looked still deep in thought as you collected your own now cold coffee and sat back down. You poured in about half the container of sugary creamer.
“You should’ve been on my side,” you sniffed. Stan knew by the hint of a smile on your mouth — god, your mouth — that you were teasing.
“My policy is always no pants,” Stan said. “No doubt about it. No pants.”
You rolled your eyes. “Clearly.”
Stan shifted in his seat, grinning at you. He never bothered putting on pants in the morning, just his reliable ol’ boxers.
“Hey, you’re lucky I’ve got these on. Anyways, you weren’t complaining last night by —”
“FORD!” You quickly exclaimed.
Stan’s grin only grew more pronounced as his brother strode into the room. If Ford had heard the tail end of your conversation, he didn’t mention it. More often than not Sixer was so completely in his own world that he barely knew he had company.
Stan liked how your cheeks were still pink as you bid Ford good afternoon. Afternoon. Fuck.
Panic spiraled through him.
“I’ve got a tour to give —”
You waved your hand while sipping your coffee. “I rescheduled it for…” you consulted your phone, “thirty minutes from now. Better hurry, old man.”
“Thanks, kid. You really saved my bacon.”
“Again,” Ford muttered.
Stan shot him a glare but still hurried out of the kitchen to get changed. He glimpsed Mabel in the living room, crisscrossed on the carpet, measuring Waddles for his pants. The pig snorted pleadingly in Stan’s direction.
“Women,” Stan said, “always making guys like us put on pants.”
Stan would have to be his brother to count on his fingers how many times you anticipated something he needed. The coffee. The tour. A distraction for the tourist when the googly eye of one of the exhibits popped off. A redeeming interpretation of his reaction to Waddles’ pants after spitting out his beer. Then, to top it all off at the end of the day, encircling your arms around his middle and sagging into him. His heart surged with profound emotion.
“Ah, c’mere, kid,” he mumbled against your hair. You smelled like home.
Stan held you tight. Too many times he had let the good things in his life go, slip right through his grip. He was determined not to lose you too.
He fumbled to find the words he’s been meaning to tell you all day. “I, um…thank you. For today.”
For every day.
The words stuck in his throat.
“For what?” You blinked at him. The need to protect you, to preserve your happiness and well-being, seized him so strongly that it took him several moments to compose himself.
“Ya know.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Saving my ass. Yer, uh, too sweet for me. Ya know what I mean?”
How many more times would he say ya know? Did he know any other words?
Your face lights up anyways. “I love your ass. I will always save it. Don’t want anything happening to it.” You squeezed said ass playfully and he smirked in response. “But seriously, Stan, you don’t have to thank me. I love you. That’s what you do for someone you love.”
Stan bristled. No matter how long he had been with you, after several months of skittering around each other, he wouldn’t get used to those words leaving your mouth. His parents had never uttered them, nor his brother. Hell, he rarely said it, can only remember saying them to you.
If he ever said them to anyone else — any past lovers or ex-wives — it was in a placating nature, never like this. Never real.
“Anyway, you do lots of things for me too,” you tell him.
“Do I?”
You lay your head back on his chest. “I always fall asleep before you do and you always make sure to tuck me in and refill my water when you come in. You make me laugh and you make me feel safe.”
You kept listing examples but truthfully he had stopped listening. Stan realized he did do these things, things that he didn’t even think about doing, he just did.
“—maybe you’re just too sweet for me,” you finish, drawing him back.
“Ha!” Stan laughs. Hopefully it’s more convincing than it sounds to his own ears, self-deprecating instead of secretly pleased. “Better not let anyone else hear you say that or I’d have to give them a knuckle sandwich.”
You closed your mouth. Whatever you were going to say is swallowed by the sounds of Mabel’s excitement. Stan smiled at you as you grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the sound of Mabel’s demands — come here! come here! — and Waddles in his new pants.
He committed everything about you to memory as you stooped down to admire Waddle and commend Mabel for her hard work. Stan knew that you would fit in perfectly with his family. He never would’ve guessed that someday he couldn’t imagine his family without you in it, couldn’t even conjure a day without you there.
Maybe you were too sweet for him.
But he was sweet on you.
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sotvrna · 2 years
It’s the small things for her. A smile lasting a beat too long; a hand straying on her back; a supportive word said in earnest; eyes that always find a new something to appreciate; warm breath on her neck;
a kiss under gentle morning light.
Imogen pulls her lips away from Laudna's, a smile tugging the muscles of her face into a softer shape, unavoidable. “Mornin’,” she says, her voice still affected by sleep, and nuzzles into the crook of her neck to hide the stupid grin she can’t seem to get rid of.
“Good morning,” Laudna responds, impossibly soft, a smile in her words. She cradles her close under the covers, massaging her scalp in the exact way she likes.
Quiet, comfortable, filled only with their breaths. Laudna’s chest lies still beneath her ear, a silence that might’ve unnerved her with anyone else but has become a sign of safety instead; she remembers reading an old, weathered book, where a poet said ‘a lover’s heartbeat is a sign of an oncoming tempest’; if that’s true, then Laudna’s lack of one is a harbor to protect her from the storm.
“What are you thinking of?” Laudna asks, and kisses the top of her head.
“You,” she responds only after a slight hesitation.
“But I’m right here.”
Imogen pulls away to look at her; Laudna’s hair spilling over the pillow, crowning her head, her deep dark eyes always searching her, her naked chest tempting her attention. “You are,” she says, and kisses her again; it’s a soft, delicate thing, and still it sends electricity through her body, a novel feeling every time. “You really are.” She touches her face like she’s making sure, gently thumbing her cheekbones.
Laudna creases her eyebrows, though the smile remains. “What’s gotten into you?”
“I don’t know... I just missed you.”
“After last night?” Laudna asks, with a suggestion in her tone. “Did you go somewhere in your dreams?”
She frowns, her gaze unfocused. “Maybe... I don’t remember but— Feels like I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Well, we’re together, here,” Laudna says, and covers the hand on her cheek with her own, gently taking it to her mouth and pressing her lips to it. “Focus on that.”
And Imogen does, for a while. Touching her, sharing this secret peace with her, it’s grounding, and Laudna seems content with going back to sleep. But eventually she raises to her feet, pulled by an unrest deep within her.
Laudna protests by way of a whine, holding onto her hand. “Where are you going?” Her eyes plead.
“We have, so much to do,” Imogen responds, trying not to sound too severe.
Laudna pouts and sits up on the edge of the bed, taking her other hand and keeping her from finding her clothes. “No we don’t. Stay with me.”
Imogen rolls her eyes fondly. “Yes, we do.” She’s sure of that much. She just can’t seem to remember what, exactly.
Pulling on her hands, she gets Laudna to her feet, but she uses the momentum to get into Imogen’s space, encircling her neck with her arms and sharing the space of their breaths. “Hello.”
“You’re being very boring right now.”
“What do you want me to do?”
Laudna begins to slowly sway them to an imaginary rhythm. “Dance with me.”
Imogen laughs. “Without music?” But she allows herself to be led, falling in tandem with Laudna.
“You can’t hear it?” Laudna asks with a lopsided smile. “Pay attention.”
She narrows her eyes at the silence of the bedroom, only the occasional bird out the window and their shuffling feet breaking it. “I ain’t hearing anything.”
Laudna simply gestures at her own head with an index.
Imogen opens her thoughts, lowering her walls and finding Laudna’s presence, steady and tranquil. She embraces her mind, always a homecoming, feeling it envelop her own like the softest silk. It’s then she hears it: a soft melody, constant, dancing between their shared connection and filling her ears. She rests her hands on Laudna’s waist and her head on her chest;
and they dance.
She’s unsure how much time passes but eventually she pulls back to gaze at her, overwhelmed by a wave of deep affection. “I love you.”
Laudna smiles adoringly at her, sending a new wave of emotion. “I love you too.” She leans in for a quick kiss, then sends her spinning, using her hand to guide her.
They fall back into the bed giggling, Imogen feeling a bit silly but filled so intensely with a warm sensation in her chest. Laudna embraces her and they fall into a comfortable silence.
It’s moments like these when she truly understands the depth of Laudna’s meaning to her. How much she’s intrinsic to her life, how she can’t even conceive of existence without her. It’s funny, even the most mundane, small moments become relic with the right person; treasured possessions she selfishly keeps close to her chest to remember later.
Laudna studies her hand with her finger, tracing the scarred tissue there, then where they have started to turn reddish—it jolts something in her memory, and she feels the need to leave again but Laudna’s voice brings her back to the now. “Do they hurt?” she asks, barely above a whisper.
Imogen fights the instinct to cover her hands, to hide away the marks; it would be a foolish attempt since they now cover a lot more than her arms, but more importantly, she doesn’t want to shy away from Laudna, even over this. “Not really. They’re just... sensitive.”
Laudna hums in contemplation, tracing the lightning up her arm, where it meets with the scars going up her neck and down her chest. “They’re beautiful,” she says, focused on them, like she’s studying a particularly interesting work of art.
“They’re—” A curse? A portent? A defilement? Maybe the burden of her powers, at best. But “—not.”
Laudna clicks her tongue once. “They’re a part of you, so yes, they are.”
“I didn’t want them though.”
“And does that make them alien to you?” Laudna asks, looking deeply at her now. “We have our scars, and our pains, and our strangeness, and some of it is forced on us, but all of it is what makes us whole.”
Imogen is wordless, and it hits her suddenly how much scars must mean to Laudna, more than anyone else; how she sees herself and her own body; how she needs, perhaps, to see that beauty in someone else.
“Yours make you beautiful; and strong,” Laudna continues her exploration of her skin, her fingers drawing a pattern of affection down her chest and where the scars have marred even her breasts now; it’s a soft, intimate touch, and it anchors her.
Imogen covers her hand over her chest with her own, stilling it and making Laudna look at her. “So do yours,” she says, and repositions so she can lean over her. She releases her and brings her hand up to Laudna’s ear, hesitantly tracing the line of their cut shape, where someone dared to force her into a role she never asked for.
Laudna is stunned silent. Internally, Imogen’s heart beats faster, and anxiety gnaws at her, worry that she may have gone too far; this has been a line she never crossed; a touch she never dared. But Laudna’s face softens, and she leans into the touch.
Taking it as permission, Imogen closes in, peppers kisses over her ear and the sensitive skin behind it, soft and caring, slow and reverent. Her hand travels down her collarbone and finds its way to her chest where, between Laudna’s breasts, lies another mark, another testament to her being punished undeservedly and ruthlessly in the name of another. She pulls away, her eyebrows forming a tense line. Her fingers feel the ridges of where Otohan’s blade pierced her and shattered her world.
Laudna must sense her darkening mood, because she touches her cheek softly and whispers “It’s just another scar.”
But it’s not. This one is on her; her weakness; her fault. Laudna may bear it on her skin, but it’s mirrored in Imogen’s heart. She lowers her head, looks to her to see if this is okay before she presses her lips to the edge of the marred skin. She kisses her way down its length like she could somehow fix it; like she could remove this burden and what it represents from her; a tiny voice reminds her it’s not her place, that it’s Laudna’s history as much as hers.
Laudna brushes the hair from her face, then coaxes her up to face her, before she buries her fingers in her hair and kisses her, intense and passionate, garnering a response from her body as it awakens to the stimuli.
Quickly they find a way to distract and lose themselves in each other.
She wakes up. It’s disorienting at first, and she’s confused until it settles on her and she remembers: Uthodurn, an inn, simple rooms, no morning sunlight to greet her underground. A dream. It was just a dream. Yet the feeling it leaves is so intense, so real, so tangible; more vivid than a memory.
Laudna. The separation hits her again, and her eyes sting as she cradles her mess of rough covers closer, as if it could stem the loneliness she feels. Her relationship with her has been at the center of her life for so long. When she first met her, she knew she would become integral to her. The moment she felt her melodic mind in the crowd; the moment they first talked and she didn’t feel alone anymore. The first time they slept in the same bed, camping under countryside stars on their early travels; the first time Laudna brought her a cup of water after a nightmare; the first time they opened up about their past and found kinship; the first time Laudna transformed and she was delighted (the look Laudna gave her when she realized Imogen wasn’t scared of her).
The first time Laudna was gone and Imogen’s world broke again (the first time she was brought back and her world mended, crooked and scarred).
The first time Imogen thought of her as more than a friend.
She only realizes she’s crying as an afterthought. The bed rustles with movement and Imogen has a moment of whiplash, so used to having Laudna near in these moments, as Fearne’s soft voice drifts over her strangled sobs.
“Are you okay?”
Imogen chuckles dryly, humorless. She decides on honesty. “I’m not. But it was just a dream.”
“Another nightmare?”
Imogen can’t see her in the darkened room; she can hear the pity in her voice, but also the genuine worry. It’s a confusing feeling. “No. Nightmares I can deal with.”
There’s a long beat of silence before Fearne speaks up, unusually careful with her words. “About Laudna?”
Imogen suppresses another sob. She simply nods in response.
“I miss her too,” Fearne says, rubbing her arm in a valiant attempt at being comforting. Another extended silence. Then Fearne says, in her more usual tone and Imogen is grateful. “Do you wanna cuddle?”
She hesitates, but responds in a small voice “I do.”
Fearne, perhaps sensing something Imogen can’t, doesn’t say a word, simply engulfs her with her warm presence, nuzzling into the back of her head and settling into a comfortable arrangement with a sigh. Imogen finds herself craving more touch and accepts greedily when Fearne takes her hand, holding it firmly.
“Thank you,” she says into the dark, and gets a sleepy hum in response.
also on AO3
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thevelria · 1 year
Electric love (Gojoxfem!reader) Chapter 3
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Pairing: Gojo x fem!reader
Summary:This is the 3rd chapter of an AU story, some parts might be canon, but mostly not. It's going to be a love story between you and Satoru with some spice. Warning will be at the beginning of the chapters. Please read them carefully and skip if any of the listed warnings might trigger you. Otherwise have fun!
Warnings:drinking alcohol, slight lemon (Gojo having a boner), nothing serious...yet lol
Chapter1 Chapter2
“What about you?” you softened the look on your face, because you felt you might overstepped the line. You didn’t want to look like a maniac. “Now that you know mine, I want to know your deepest, darkest one.”
Gojo cleared his throat, trying to get over the fact that you just said you hate him from the bottom of your heart. In this case confessing to you his deepest secret didn’t look like the best solution. Thoughts were rushing through his mind, doing everything to find something…something he could share with you and which would have sounded like a dark secret.
“Well…” he scratched the back of his neck “I hate being a teacher and going for all those useless, boring business trips they send me from time to time.” he lied with so much ease. Then stared at you, examining your expression whether you bought his story or not. 
“Oh…” you tried to push back your laugh “I didn’t know you were a teacher.”
“Yeah, I am. I teach in a high school.” he leaned back on the bench once again, resting his elbows on the back of it. 
“So those young guys are your students? Who you came to the shop with.”
“What do you teach?” 
Hearing all the questions Gojo imaginary facepalmed himself at least 100 times in a second. Why couldn’t he say something else. Anything else. Now he had to keep lying and he hated it a lot.
“I teach….uhm….PT and martial arts.” he finally spat out the words, which made you a bit suspicious, but you let it go anyway. 
“So, you are a fighter, huh?” you poked him on the side with your elbow.
“What? No! No, no I am not a fighter.” he kept bubbling.
“Tell me about the business trips!” you smiled at him. You were truly interested, not only faking it. “For fuck’s sake.” Gojo thought to himself.
“They are boring, like reeeeally boring. Endless meetings and things like that. I never know when I’m allowed to come home. Sometimes it lasts only a few days, sometimes weeks, just like the last time.” he pulled an awkward smile.
“So that’s why you didn’t show up nowadays?” you slammed your palm on your mouth. You weren’t intending to say it out loud, yet it somehow slipped.
“Did you miss me?” The cocky smirk on his face made you embarrassed. “Oh, you totally missed me.” he sighed with an arrogant expression.
“Duh…don’t think that high of yourself.” you waved, rolling your eyes.
“Ouch…” he put his palm on his heart, acting like he was near to death. 
The conversation went on and on for who knows how long, when suddenly his phone buzzed. Taking out the device from his pocket, opening the message changed his whole attitude. His face went from soft and sweet to strict and tense in a brief second. “It’s a special grade. We need you to take care of it…right now.” he read the text, frowning.
“Fucking hell…” he took a deep, irritated breath.
“Is everything okay?” you placed your palm on his arm gently. It was clearer than the sun that something was off.
“I…I need to go now. I’m really sorry.” he jumped up from the bench. “I’m gonna need to head to a business trip again, so yeah…” 
“Okay.” you faked a smile. Even if you didn’t admit it to yourself, you enjoyed his presence around you. And hearing the news made you realize he was going to disappear for who knows how long once again.
“I really did have fun with you. We should do this again, when I get back home. What do you think?” he bit his lower lip. Gojo felt the same as you, not wanting to leave. But it was his duty and deep down he knew that just well enough. 
“Sounds perfect!” you sounded more excited than you actually planned to do.
“I’m gonna text you.” he spun on his heels, about to leave. But before, he looked back at you above his massive shoulder “Stay safe, Y/N! If anything happens and you need help, please call Megumi or Yuta. I’ll send you their numbers.”
Satoru didn’t wait for your reply, he rushed forward and disappeared from your sight within seconds.
“How the heck could two high school kids help me with anything?” you frowned. 
Satoru rushed back to the school, looking for Yuta and Megumi. Finding them in the shared living room, playing video games.
“You are a fucking cheater, Yuta!” Megumi growled.
“It’s not my fault that you are lame at this game, Megumi.” Yuta bursted out in a loud laughter.
“One more!” Megumi commanded with a stern face “I’m gonna beat your ass this time.”
“Yeah, good luck with that.” Yuta kept laughing. 
Yuta was good at games, PC or console didn’t matter to him. Having a passion helped him to distract himself from the ugly reality he had to deal with. 
“Guys!” Gojo cleared his throat, interrupting the serious battle between the two. 
“Sensei!” Yuta turned to face him. Megumi took advantage of the opportunity right away, defeating his opponent with ease.
“Who’s the cheater now?” Yuta raised one of his eyebrows.
“Shut up.” Megumi waved. “Are you okay, sensei? You look troubled.”
“I’m gonna need your help with Y/N.”
“Huh?” Both of the boys frowned in confusion.
“I need to leave on a mission. I want you guys to keep an eye on her. Okay? If she gets into any kind of trouble, help her out! BUT you cannot say anything about being a sorcerer. Understood? Not even a slight mention. It’s important! Any more questions? No? Great!” he slammed his palms, frowning his fingers together, teleporting himself to his destination point.
Yuta and Megumi sat on the couch staring at each other in total confusion. 
“What the fuck?” Megumi broke the silence finally.
“Well, it seems our sensei is truly interested in that girl. But can you blame him? Did you see how beautiful she is?” Yuta raised his brows up and down a few times.
“Shut it, Romeo. He would rip off your head in a second if you’d try anything.” Megumi laughed “Plus, you’re just a school boy, she’s a grown up woman.”
“Age is just a number.” Yuta shrugged. 
“Oh, yeah…and jail is just a room, huh?” Megumi laughed out loud “Tomorrow we will visit her at her work, just in case.”
“What are you talking about? I’m 22.” he sounded offended.
“Yeah, and what do you think, how old is she?”
“I don’t care. I could be a better boyfriend than Gojo.”
“Yuta, for fuck’s sake.” Megumi laughed so hard, almost fell from the couch “Let’s pretend this conversation didn’t even happen. Okay? Maybe tomorrow I should go to check on her alone.”
“What? No! He asked both of us! Not only you!”
“But he didn’t know that you are not able to control your hormones.” 
“Fuck off, Megumi..seriously, just fuck off.” Yuta sighed irritated. He couldn’t help it, you looked so sweet and beautiful. Having a crush on you wasn’t his intention, it just happened somehow. 
You were getting ready to start your shift, fixing your apron. Placing your notebook and pen in your pocket and listening to Claire’s bubbling. 
“And then he asked me out. Can you believe it?” she sounded way too excited “I’ve been waiting for this moment for like eternity. But I’ll need your help.”
“Sorry, what?” you snapped your face to her.
“Well, actually he asked me if I wanted to go to a club on Saturday night. And I’ll need you to come with me.You know, just in case.”
“Ahh, Claire.” you sighed, trying to find the perfect excuse to cancel “I don’t know…I had other plans for the weekend.”
“Like what?” she raised one of her eyebrows “Watching anime? No, wait I know…reading manga, huh?” she chuckled. She knew you were a nerd and she loved it. Just like you loved her and her goofy, sometimes annoyingly energetic personality.
“Fine.” you shook your head.
“Thank you!” she jumped in your neck, hugging you tight. 
The ringing bell above the door warned you two that a guest arrived, so you both broke the hug. You walked to the pantry and she was fixing her uniform and pulling a sweet, welcoming smile. Stepping to the counter, about to serve the boys.
“Good morning. What can I get for you?”
“Morning.” Megumi smiled “Is Y/N here?”
“Oh” Claire looked surprised “Y/N!” she screamed your name “Come here!”
“What’s wrong?” you frowned, leaving the room and smiling, when you noticed the boys “Oh, Megumi, Yuta. Hey! Is everything okay?”
Claire pulled a suspicious smile and left you guys alone, getting busy with cleaning some tables.
“Uhm, yeah. We are just…” Megumi scratched the back of his neck, because actually he didn’t have any plan. They only agreed to come here, but didn’t talk about what to say. 
“I thought you shouldn’t come here without Satoru.” you teased him. 
“Y/N…” Yuta stepped forward “Do you have a boyfriend?”
“What?” your eyes popped wide.
“Yuta, for fuck’s sake.” Megumi poked him on the side with his elbow, shaking his head.
“Why? I’m just curious.” Yuta shrugged, smirking at you, which made you way more uncomfortable.
“Well, guys.” you cleared your throat “I’m more than happy to serve anything from the menu. But otherwise I’m busy. So what can I get for you?” 
“Look, Y/N. I’m sorry.” Megumi massaged his temple, because this didn’t go the way he planned it. “Sensei just ask us to check on you from time to time, if you need anything.”
“I have to tell you that Satoru acts quite weird sometimes. Like how could you help me with anything?” you laughed awkwardly. 
“We can be very helpful!” Yuta winked at you “Helping with groceries or protecting you from anything.”
“Protecting?” you frowned “Okay, that’s enough. I don’t know what this is all about, but I don’t have time for this. Do you guys want to order? If not, please leave and tell your sensei to stop this bullshit.”
Sitting at a table, waiting for their coffee Megumi looked super pissed.
“Yuta, you’re such a fucking idiot.” he hissed.
“Why? What did I do?”
“Seriously? He will kill both of us, if Y/N gets mad at him because of us, you moron.”
“Oh…” Yuta bit his lower lip, realizing the situation. 
Laying on the couch in your living room you still felt upset about what happened at work in the morning. Hesitating between either texting Gojo or not. Finally you grabbed your phone and started to type.
“Hey. Please tell your students to stop bothering me at work. I don’t need any help and especially any kind of protection. And do you think I lied when I said I don’t date? Making your student ask me if I have a boyfriend. It’s really unprofessional…”
Sending the text you dropped your phone angrily at the coffee table, turning on the TV and losing yourself in the anime you recently started to watch. Your phone buzzed a few minutes later.
“Princess, I’m so sorry about them. I’ll have a word with both of them. I believed you about dating. Which one asked you this?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“ I’m truly sorry about this incident. But believe me, if you get into trouble these two could help you out. I just wanted you to be safe.”
“You’re talking about nonsense, Satoru.”
You heard that your phone kept buzzing, but he made you upset and you didn’t care about him and what he wanted to say anymore. So you switched your phone to silent mode. The device’s screen kept popping everytime he sent a message. Then he started calling you, which made you even madder. 
“Fucking hell, Y/N. Pick up the goddamn phone.” Gojo hissed, dealing your number for like the 5th time. Not being able to reach you, he almost smashed his phone. Then calling Megumi’s number with a clenching jaw.
“What the fuck did you two do today?” Satoru yelled into the phone. Megumi had to hold it far from his ear. Yuta’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he heard his teacher's furious voice.
“It was just a misunderstanding.” Megumi tried to save themselves.
“Which one of you asked if she had someone?” Gojo’s cold, strict voice made the boys’ blood freeze. “I asked you a freaking question! Who was it?”
“Me, sensei…” Yuta sighed.
“Yuta, what the fuck?” Gojo asked, not expecting any kind of answer, though. 
“I’m sorry, I just…”
“Don’t even start, boy! Just leave her alone, it’s gonna be the best. But if she won’t speak with me anymore, because of you guys…you better hide somewhere.” he kept raging. 
“Is she mad at you?” Megumi asked carefully.
“What do you think? She thinks I ordered you to ask her those stupid questions.”
“Fuck…” Megumi clicked his tongue “Sensei, just let me handle this. I’ll talk to her and make it right. Okay?”
“Don’t you dare…” Satoru was about to give them one more lecture.
“Sorry, what? Sensei? I cannot hear you! Hallo? Hey?” Megumi acted it out easily, while hanging up the phone. “You idiot” Megumi slapped Yuta on the back of his neck “Do you see what you’ve done?”
“Ouch…” he rubbed his neck “I didn’t think that…”
“Yeah, because you are just like Gojo. You don’t think before you act…”
As the week went on and on you waited more and more for Saturday. It was weird, you didn’t even remember, when you had a night out at a club for the last time. Maybe before you’ve met Daniel. Claire asked you at least a hundred times just to make sure you were about to show up and not let her down. 
You decided to go big. Standing in front of your wardrobe, trying to pick a dress, which made you feel confident and hot. “Who knows. Maybe I’m gonna allow myself a hook up for the night.” you smirked, grabbing that 2 piece black dress. A quite short, tight, sparkling black skirt with a sparkling black crop top, which had long sleeves, but let your shoulders bare. Simple, but definitely eye catching. You curled your hair and put on some party make up, finally slipped into classic black heels to finish the outfit. 
Meeting Claire in front of the club was the deal. You didn’t have to wait only a few minutes, before noticing her getting out of a taxi. She looked hot, that's for sure. Tight, red dress  ending in mid thigh with a decent cleavage and puffy sleeves. A kinda messy bun and beautiful makeup made her look even more attractive.
“Girl” you smirked “You look fucking hot!”
“Just like you.” she winked at you, while hooking your elbow, guiding you inside. 
The night started and you let yourself relax and tried to have fun. Cocktail after cocktail slid down your throat, starting to feel tipsy, enjoying the party even more. 
Sadly you noticed you ran out of your drink once again, walking lazily to the bar for another one. 
“Hello, pretty lady. Let me pay for your drink!” you heard a raspy voice next to you. As you turned your face you spotted a quiet handsome blonde man. His jawline was rough, but hot. He looked attractive, there was no need to lie. 
“Hey.” you nodded slightly “Thank you, but I can buy my own drink.” you poked your inner cheek with your tongue.
“I’m sure. I just wanted to start a conversation.” he laughed nervously, fidgeting with his yellow, black spotted tie.
“Well, it seems you just did it anyway.” you raised your drink, before taking a sip.
“I’m Kento Nanami, nice to meet you.” he held his hand out for a shake.
“I’m Y/N L/N.” you accepted the offer.
“Where’s your partner?”
“I don’t have one.” you shrugged.
“What a pity.” he shook his head with a slight smirk “Want to dance?”
“Nanami! Where did you disappear?” you heard a familiar voice from behind.
“Gojo, fuck off!” he hissed, before Satoru stepped next to you. The second he noticed you his face tensed.
“Y/N?” Gojo tilted his head in surprise.
“Satoru?” you looked just as surprised “I thought you were on a business trip.”
“Well if someone would have picked up the phone…” he clicked his tongue “But Nanami, what are you doing with my girl?” 
“I’m not your girl!” you huffed in an instant.
“Okay…then with soon-to-be my girl.” Gojo chuckled.
“You are unbelievable!” you shook your head irritated.
“Uhm…” Kento cleared his throat “Have fun!” he vanished into the crowd in a second.
“Y/N” Gojo leaned closer “You look breathtakingly hot.”
“Oh, c’mon…” you rolled your eyes, taking a huge sip from your cocktail.
“So you didn’t miss me?” You kept silent, drinking the sweet liquid from your glass. “Not even a tiny bit?”
“Maybe a tiny bit.” you smiled finally. 
The cocky smirk on Gojo’s face told everything. “Please dance with me!” he grabbed your wrist. Finishing the last sip, you placed the now empty glass at the counter, following a way too excited Satoru to the dance floor. As the song “I’m good” from David Guetta feat Bebe Rexha popped you lost your control. This was the perfect song to release every stress, every doubt, every negativity from your body. 
As you moved your hips left and right to the rhythm you started to sing the lyrics directly to Satoru.
“I'm good, yeah, I'm feelin' alright
Baby, I'ma have the best fuckin' night of my life
And wherever it takes me, I'm down for the ride…”
He smirked at your action, licking his bottom lip, placing his huge palms on your hips, following your movements. The second you turned around and pressed your back against his chest, you felt his body clench. Moving your body the same way, rubbing your ass against his groin drove him crazy. His hands wandered up and down on the side of your body, just as you dropped one of your hands over his shoulder, grabbing the back of his neck. Then you felt something, something hard that poked your lower back and you were about to step forward, but he kept you still.
“Y/N” he growled “Please stay, give me a few seconds to collect myself” his chuckle contained pain and embarrassment.
“Alright.” you laughed “You have 10 seconds to cool yourself.” 
As you counted loud, he focused on his breathing, then finally let you go and you turned to face him. “I’m sorry. I can’t help myself, your body is way too mesmerizing.”
It felt like the next song popped up on purpose. “Middle of the night” by Elley Duhlé. Your eyes burnt in flames. The desire to kiss the man in front of you was harder and harder to push away. As you took a deep breath you stepped closer, hands around his neck.
“Girl, you drive me crazy.” Gojo growled, leaning in and kissing into your neck. The sudden feeling of his lips on your skin sent shivers down your spine. But you kept silent, slightly tilting your head to give him more access, which made him smile into his featherlight kisses. 
You grabbed his blindfold at the back of his head and forced him to raise his head up. The second you pressed your lips against his he let out a soft moan. A moan, which sounded way too erotic. Gojo rushed his long fingers into your hair, gently grabbing your head. You smiled into the kiss, when you noticed how eager his tongue was to meet yours. His lips felt soft, his tongue tasted like alcohol, but you didn’t mind it even for a second. Your hands wandered down and rested on his massive chest, before you broke the kiss. 
“I’m sorry.” you breathed heavily. 
“Don’t be. I’d have kissed you anyway.” he giggled. He leaned in once again, but before his lips reached yours someone roughly grabbed his shoulder.
“Gojo, we need to go! Right now!” Kento looked way too troubled.
“What the fuck, man?” Satoru took an irritated breath.
“It’s a special grade. Three of them…Let’s go!”
“What? Fuck!” he shook his head “Y/N” he turned back to you “I’m really sorry, but I need to go. But we can continue this, when I’m done. What do you say?”
“I say good night, Satoru.” you smiled disappointed, spinning on your heels, walking away. Gojo wanted to run after you, grabbing you and explaining everything. Making you sure that he was more than into you. But he couldn't. He had to leave…right away. 
You looked for Claire, making sure she was having fun with her date. So you called it a night, grabbed a taxi and headed home.
“What’s a special grade?” you thought to yourself in the taxi, frowning your brows. 
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cywscross · 3 years
I just got into king;s avatar, do you have any good fics to rec? anything with ye xiu in it would be awesome.
I can rec you some of my favs! A few have ships but most are gen or just the usual AllYe vibe.
A Documentary by Kisalot
Su Muqiu was always convinced that Lord Grim and the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella would one day become the best creation in Glory history. He wanted to document everything in preparation for that day they became a legend.
After retiring from Happy, Ye Xiu finishes it and posts it on Weibo.
For you, my old friend. With this, our dreams have been made complete.
The Story of the Mary Sue Character the Excellent Era Captain Made Up and Ships Himself With by Kisalot (Su Muqiu/Ye Xiu)
The story of regressor Su Muqiu missing his best friend who still hasn't appeared yet, recreating his One Autumn Leaf first server legend for him, and telling everyone stories about his star-crossed soulmate-bff of a past life.
And the story of how most everyone thinks Ye Xiu is his imaginary crush or chuunibyou delusion for many seasons until the man himself appears and causes chaos on Weibo and in the pro circle. And maybe makes everyone think that he's their dream come to life too.
Completely Self-Indulgent by SudeniShindeIru
As Ye Xiu is going through a hard time because of Excellent Era, he receives a call that Ye Qiu had gotten into a car accident and fell into a coma, leaving his two kids behind. Ye Xiu retires to return home and take care of Ye Qiu's illegitimate kids, and as he does so, he begins to heal and enjoy things he once never thought he could enjoy before as well as the things he once thought he had, but now was beginning to fall in love with all over again.
tldr: Ye family reconciliation and fluff, Ye Xiu being a dad, Ye Xiu going to All Stars and later rejoining the Pro League, and Pro player chats and shenanigans
It Starts with a Dream by Autumn_Rain
In a collaboration with Make-a-Wish Foundation, the Glory Professional Alliance hosts an event in Shanghai so that the children could meet their idols and heroes. It was a normal publicity stunt and charity event until it stopped being one. Trust Ye Xiu to always derail the Alliance's plans, but this time no one could blame him, or Han Wenqing, for that matter.
Who would expect them to be so good with kids?
Awaiting Your Reply by Autumn_Rain
From the start, Ye Xiu has never cared for reputation or fan opinions. But even if Ye Xiu disappears from the public eye, 'Ye Qiu' still continues to exist in the eyes of the fans, and no amount of evasion can change how powerful and damaging a public image can be.
When Su Mucheng realizes just how much tension lies simmering beneath Excellent Era's surface, she decides to fight a war before the first shot is even fired and sets out as Ye Xiu's unofficial PR manager to make him the nation's darling.
The end results are quite unexpected.
Brother is on the case by Silvera_M
No one is allowed to mess with his brother. No one. And Ye Qiu will make sure to punish any idiot who even attempts. (Ye Qiu finds out what is happening. He is not pleased. And people suffer.)
(Set during season 7)
in carnage i bloom (like a flower in the dawn) by paradisetrain
Excellent Era is counting on Ye Xiu’s lack of social media presence to make the Glory fans forget him. Ye Xiu had always avoided social media, and for a reason. But Mucheng has this wonderful idea - he can have socials and not expose his true identity at the same time.
Ye Xiu had never played Glory for the fans, but it sure is more fun with them.
The following contains the events of QZGS/TKA from the perspective of the official Ye Qiu Weibo. It’s cryptic. It’s confusing. It’s infuriating for pros and fans alike.
Honestly, did you expect anything less?
Baozi was a bouncer by Ourliazo
Ye Xiu keeps getting into trouble. Thankfully, Baozi was a bouncer for his last job.
Piercing Gold by ShootMeDead
Ye Xiu left behind in Excellent Era a piece of himself. As he walked in the streets, the hollow space within him burned with a frozen fire, colder than the weather, colder than dry ice.
Sun Xiang wondered, for just a moment, if Ye Qiu had broken the account card out of spite.
less drowning, more land by jenwryn (Wei Chen/Ye Xiu)
Wei Chen sometimes feels like he's parenting the team right alongside Ye Xiu: all of the work of being-married-with-kids, but none of the bedroom perks.
Or, the one where Team Happy holidays on a beach in northern Australia, and Wei Chen finally ends his dry streak.
At Home (With You) by TheDefenestrator (Wang Jiexi/Ye Xiu)
Soulmates spend their lives together, learning preferences and circumstances from shared snacks and tiny mementos, never farther from reach than an object passed across a table.
By the time they meet in person, they'll know exactly what it is their partner is looking for.
Quest Fulfilled by Invidia_Envy
In a meet and greet event, Ye Xiu is forced to hang around despite not joining the event at all. Whilst loitering around, Ye Xiu met a fanboy and made an unlikely friendship with the kid. Accident happened and the boy can't join the meet and greet, Ye Xiu decided to take his place.
The pros are all speechless, why is Ye Qiu lining up in Tyranny's booth?
Safeguard by Invidia_Envy (Han Wenqing/Ye Xiu)
Since he was young, Ye Xiu was always used to watch out when he crossed the road. His parents had nailed it to his head to always look left and right when crossing the road and always make sure to hold Ye Qiu’s hand while at it.
So it became a habit. Holding Ye Qiu's hand, holding Su Mucheng's hand. Until one day he held someone else's hand while being absentminded.
“Sorry, Old Han, I didn’t realize it was you.”
“No worries.”
telltale heart, beating like a drum by Synoshian (Ye Xiu/Yu Wenzhou)
Smiling eyes regarded him. “Don’t you think we’re moving too slow?”
“No,” Ye Xiu replied, “but you would know, I guess.”
World Champions by TheDefenestrator
At the end of season 4 of the Glory Pro Alliance, the government finally receives the information it has been waiting for: The other players have caught up.
In which Glory has been a government recruitment ploy for remote-piloted mecha operators all along.
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
Sinners. (Stalker!San x You)
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Warning(s): Semi Non-Con, sadism, masochism, fear kink, hair play, head shaving, complete submission, humiliation, degradation, anal, camera play, piercing, denial, chastity, Psycho!San, twisted and dark fucked up shit. Read at your own risk. You've been warned. This isn't for everyone. It is purely fiction and doesn't reflect any individual's behavior nor does it encourage it.
It was early in the morning and she was about to go to college in an hour. But instead of running around having breakfast, getting ready and making sure she had her assignments ready, Y/n was standing in front of her mirror, eyes closed as she touched her pussy and touched an electric razor to her head, imagining what it'd feel like if it was on and an imaginary 'Master' was forcefully shearing her. Like a sheep. "Ahh... Master… please..." The girl let a whimper fall from her lips, having no idea that the curtains of her room were open and someone could watch her through the window.
"Fuck…" The man standing outside, behind the PCO booth on the sidewalk outside Y/n's apartment complex whispered to himself, feeling his jeans tighten. Taking a picture of the girl before switching it to video mode, planning to send her the photo later. It had been a while now. Maybe a bit more than a while. He was ready and sure now, unable to wait anymore.
San had to have Y/n now.
He had to claim her rightfully his. Or, he felt like he'd lose his mind now. Just watching the pretty girl wasn't enough anymore. He wanted to touch her, feel her, tell her, that he knew… He knew that she wasn't as innocent as she made herself look in front of the people that knew her. That she was actually a hormonal little dirty girl. And whilst nobody knew that nasty side of her, he did. The thought made the man feel powerful. In control. Like he had a claim over Y/n.
There was no way in hell that she wasn't made for him.
Y/n got done with masturbating and packed up before going to college, having no idea that she had a stalker. The girl spent her usual regular day at college, having no idea of the storm that was coming.
San knew Y/n were in class and that’s exactly when he wanted to send her the photo he took. A sick smirk made its way on his face and he took his phone out, sending it with the caption, 'having fun there?' He knew where she sat, a lone desk by one of the windows in this classroom, the spot he was standing in providing him a clear view of her face. Yes. The man had all the information he could gather about her memorized by heart.
Y/n was drifting off when she suddenly felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, peeking at the Professor sneakily, the girl took it out and unlocked it only to choke on her breath before starting to cough, making some heads turn which caused her to put the device in her hand away to prevent it getting seized. Her blood ran cold and skin paled.
What the fuck just happened?!
San patiently waited for the female to exit her college, her being earlier than the usual time today, however. The man grinned deviously as he texted her again once she passed by him in a hurry, his taller figure getting up to follow her.
'Will you give that show again? Would you like someone to shave your hair off? That’s what gets you off right?' It shamelessly read, making her tremble.
Y/n started to rush towards her house as she didn't live too far away from her college, not having to use any vehicle because it was barely a 10 minute walk as she nervously glanced around. She was quite twisted herself. And so, a dark part of her mind thought... things, making her start to shudder as tears welled up in self hatred. She hated the soft pounds in her southern region, overpowering the thump of her heart ringing in her ears as she reached the building and rushed in.
'What's the rush for, Princess? Are you so eager to touch yourself again? Tsk. Are you horny? Knowing someone is watching you?' San was absolutely sick in the head. Chuckling at his own text, he bit his lip and hit send.
Y/n was shaking as she read the message. Yes. In her fantasies this was… thrilling, exciting, pussy throbbing and she'd like to play like this with her top but… a legit stalker? She wasn't THAT fucked. Or so the girl belived, at least. Rushing to the curtains after locking the front door, the girl drew them while trying to catch someone's glance outside but no luck.
San had mastered the art of hiding as he watched her. It wasn't like this was new or anything.
Y/n felt hopeless. She couldn't even call the cops! What would the girl show them as evidence?! She didn't want to tell or show them this! Her filthiest desire.
The 21 year old was having a mental breakdown! All her savings were in this college. She could not run away, didn't have any friends because Y/n was a foreigner and the people of this country were rather hostile to any outsiders. Couldn't go back home because she had run away from there, which was a hell in itself, when she had received her acceptance letter.
'Aww come on now!' Her phone pinged again, and then again. 'You can’t keep the fun all to yourself!'
The realisation felt like a bucket of ice cold water everytime she was reminded of it. The person had seen her masturbating and that to the fucking… razor! They knew her fantasies and at that the darkest ones! She couldn't even text them back asking him who it was! The girl was simply too embarrassed to! What if it were someone she knew in her college or around the apartment complex!
It was a dark day and it started raining. Y/n felt tears streaming down her face as her heart beat never slowed down, more terror filling her as everything outside got dark and thunder struck.
Maybe she should call the cops... No one else would help a foreigner… She just knew it. Nobody liked college students especially that lived alone because they were 'reckless' and often lied to get a good laugh out of the elders with their friends. So no one really opened their door for a student they didn't know personally.
But what would she tell the cops?! They ask for evidence!
Meanwhile, San stood on the spot he had found. Even if it was literally the end of the world, he'd still be there. Always. She was his and he had to have her all to himself. There was no other way. The man wasn't exactly sure how he'd do it but he’ll find a way.
Y/n called the cops at last when she started suspecting someone's presence outside her apartment. Or window… she wasn't sure anymore. And the loud thunder outside didn't help her situation. Dialing the police the scared girl told them she was afraid someone was stalking her and needed an officer for security right now. i Telling them about the texts and deciding to leave the nasty parts out, she sighed in somewhat relief when they informed that they will send an officer on the way. The student grabbed a water from the fridge and sat on the couch, taking huge gulps while trying to calm down.
It only took some minutes before there was a knock on the door. A nervous Y/n looked through the peep hole to only cry out in relief when she saw the uniform through it. "Oh! Thank God, officer! Thank you so much! You're here!" She  was overjoyed. "Thank you! I- I am so scared!" A weak sob left her. "Please come in!"
The officer looked around the house, nodding. "I need you to calm down, miss. Tell me everything. We are here with you." His tone was professional. His name plate read 'Park Seonghwa'.
"I- I have a stalker! I don't know how!" Y/n quickly locked the door after he stepped in. "Not many people like me because I am a foreigner! I don't know if it's someone from college troubling me o- on purpose or what... B- But they've been sending me some really p- personal stuff..." She looked up at him innocently, scared.
The dark haired man hummed and nodded. "Do you maybe know the number? Have you noticed any suspicious activity around you before? Is there someone who has a motive to do this?"
"N- No... I got the first text today... I- I am really scared... I've got no one here... W- What do I do?" She told him all of it, hoping that the culprit he caught as soon as possible so she could go back to her life where she was a nobody. No one knew her and she was just another face among many others..
"Alright. We’ll keep a close eye on you. Within this period, try not to hang out too much, yeah? It is best to come directly home after college. And call us on this number if you suspect anything." He wrote a number on a paper and handed it to the shaky girl.
"Oh... Alright officer... thank you..." She saved the number gladly. And since he was supposed to stay with her to ensure the girl's safety, they sat down and Y/n awkwardly turned the TV on. Oh she never had a guy in her apartment before.
After getting used to the feeling of safety, Y/n got up after a while, finally having calmed down as she felt hungry. Cooking some dinner for two people, she went and handed the officer one of the two plates. "You've been here since evening... Please eat." She politely smiled, softly blushing from the embarrassment. The girl was too soft, continuously thanking him like it wasn't his job.
"You're a true hero..." She giggled and sat on the other couch, totally not thinking about how handsome he was. Before a sigh left her as she was reminded of the situation. "Officer... What will happen to my stalker when you catch him...?" He knew her darkest secrets. "I am really afraid... They mentioned some... things... very private... things..." The girl finally confessed.
“Mind telling me those things, miss? It will help us with his punishment. The more detail, the better” he placed his plate down, grabbing his pen and notepad.
"O- Officer... I uh..." Y/n gulped. "I- I can't..." She felt ashamed
“Why not? We should know so we can sentence him longer in the court. This is not okay. And you’re a foreigner. So it may also come under bullying.” His tone was soft and assuring as he looked at her, concerned.
It took the student a bit of persuasion before she spoke, hanging her head low and fingers fidgeting in her lap. "I... I was being naughty with myself... A- And they took p- pictures from my window... A- And taunted me about my... p- preferences, s- sir..." She put her own plate on the table now.
The man only hummed, nodding in an understanding manner. “That’s such a disgusting thing for him to do…” Before the man continued. “You shouldn’t do those nasty things while your windows are open either, Miss… You never know who will be watching.”
Y/n was blushing hard as her cheeks felt extremely hot. "I am sorry, s- sir... I won't do it again..." She couldn’t help but reply obediently. Her sub side sometimes got the best of her.
Besides… The officer was so handsome... It wasn’t helping her situation here.
A few hours later when it was bedtime and Y/n went to sleep in her room after taking care of her assignments and on the work she missed at school today, the officer got comfy on the couch. He was going to be here until tomorrow morning. Unless something happened. The girl was so tired she fell asleep easily, feeling protected and warm despite the terrible weather outside.
It was really late at night when Y/n woke up to a phone call.. "Hello?" It was the police, informing her that the officer that had been sent to her house had a bad ‘accident’ on the way and whether she still needed an officer.
The girl’s eyebrows at first in confusion before it sunk in and her blood ran cold as the phone fell from her shaking hands. At the same time she felt someone next to her. On the fucking bed. Pure terror filled her and she slowly turned to look at the relaxed figure dressed in the uniform. A shaky cry left her as she started trembling, literally mortified.
“Tsk... The stupid cops ruined the fun.” His voice was nowhere near that gentle and warm comforting voice now. Instead a low and deep hiss filled with nothing but mock.
San's eyebrows were frowned when he saw the cop car pulling up. "Oh no... you did not, Princess." The male smirked and shook his head slowly as he noted that it was only one officer. Moving through the shadows, he pulled out his blade from the pocket of his pants, expertly swirling it around in his hand and toying with it like he usually did. "Now, let’s see why do you need the officer, babygirl" his voice was barley a whisper as he made his way over to the car.
San was always so slick with his movements, catching the non-existent sounds of his figure were barely audible to the human ear. Before the officer could even realise there was someone around, the male had banged his head against one of the entrance walls of the low rent cheap apartment building, dragging him into the darkness with him before stealing his clothes and then dumping his body in the river along his car.
It didn't even take him long. He was fast, accurate in his calculations and confident in his abilities. "Now, to my Princess' rescue" chuckling to himself as he climbed the stairs, pinning the nameplate reading 'Park Seonghwa' on his breast pocket before ringing the bell to her apartment.
"The real fun is only starting" San sang as he pinned her down on the bed, holding her wrists tight above her head. "You have no idea how many nights I've watched you touch that bitchy cunt of yours." His hard bulge rubbed against her thigh.
An astonished Y/n was trembling, warm piss suddenly starting to leak out of her in pure terror as her heart threatened to burst out of the skin of her chest. Oh no! Is that what she thought this was?! It took her brain a few moments to understand it as the realisation sunk in like a ton of bricks. "Y- You... You're... You..." She could only whisper, eyes widened to the shape of saucers as an evil grin made its way on his features.
As San felt the bed getting warm, he started laughing at the girl condescendingly. "Look at you! Pissing yourself like a baby! How pathetic and disgusting! Did you really think anyone would help you, tsk?" He loved how she was shaking, the glow of her skin caused by the little droplets of sweat, her heartbeat that he could literally feel and the terror in her eyes.
Y/n started crying, the piss not stopping as it pooled inside her thighs. "Y- You're... You're the... stalker…" She whispered, still in disbelief as to how he managed that. "H- How did... How did you..." Oh God. Oh no.
The storm outside was so loud that screaming for help would just be in vain. It was so late no one would even be up...
"Baby, just like you said… I’m the stalker… I know everything about you…" His tone was sensual as he started kissing up the soft skin of her neck, moaning from how soft and delicate it felt. "Fuck! Your skin is even softer than i- it looks…" San felt himself twitch.
The girl was trembling as she slowly put it all together, staring at the ceiling as a feeling of despair and hopelessness filled her. "Y- You were p- pretending a- all this time! You're not the officer!" Adrenaline filled her as she kneed his cock, swiftly turning on her stomach and crawling off the bed before rushing out of the room. Nobody could hear the commotion. It was too loud outside.
"FUCK! YOU BITCH!" San yelled before laughing loudly. He loved this. Finally something enjoyable in his once lone and bland life. Holding his crotch, the male after her to catch the girl before she got away, catching her easily. "Where do you think you’re going?!" A smack landed on her face as punishment for what she did.
"LET ME GO! LET ME GO! Y- YOU CREEPY BASTARD!" Oh she would be getting a lot of beating for this! "H- HOW DARE YOU STALK ME A- AND THEN ENTER MY HOUSE! ILL R- REPORT YOU!" As she reached out to my table to hit him with something, her hand so conveniently ended up grabbing the razor and swung it back, going to hit him with it on the head.
San laughed tauntingly and caught her arm before she could hit him and shook his head, sighing. "Now now, isn’t this the razor you were holding when you played with that tiny little cunt of yours?" The shiny object dangled in his hand.
"P- PLEASE!" She remembered the text he'd sent her. "PLEASE! I- I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT DON'T DO THIS! PLEASE! I BEG YOU!" Y/n had no idea what to say.
"Aww sweetie…" His words were soft. Almost. "Keep your begs for the time when I'll be pounding that dirty little pussy of yours." San held her hands above her head. "You like to be owned, huh? You like to serve your Master and show everyone how much of an obedient little whore you are?"
Y/n was crying harder now, afraid because she didn't know what was going to happen. "N- No! Please no! It's not true! P- Please just let me go! I- I don't want to!" Oh but she had a being kidnapped and raped fantasy. She loved the thought of someone dangerous, like San, terrifying her and fucking her, making her into his cockwhore. And he knew it. She wanted it all. The girl loved the fear and force. But all of it actually happening was something she'd never thought of. "Please! Let me go!" How could it? A whole fantasy becoming true?
"Oh please, my little slut! Let’s not fool ourselves here. I know you love the thrill of this, I know you LOVE getting used like a worthless little toy and I will give you what you want. You can try to resist me all you want but you’ll never get away from me. You're mine. I'll always catch you. You're mine and belong with me." Her eyes were on the razor as she kept thinking about the text he'd sent.
Y/n tried to reach out of his iron strong hold and snatch the razor from him. "Nu-uh…" San sang out as he held the object above him. "What if I shaved your head while I’m destroying that slutty pussy, huh? Would you like that you little whore?"
"No! NO! NO PLEASE!" Oh… But she felt wetness trickling down her leg. Oh no.
"My my!" The man chuckled darkly. "What’s this?" He swiped a finger up her bare thigh. "God, you’re such a pathetic whore, trying to fool yourself by saying no but I know you’re enjoying this. How stupid and dumb. Stupid slut!" His free hand smacked her face before grabbing her hands again.
"N- No! No! Please stop! This i- isn't what it looks like!" Before she somehow broke free again, this time biting his hand before she managed to reach the door, trying to unlock it but her hands were sweaty and cold, fingers literally frozen as she struggled to open the locks, cursing when they kept slipping against the metal.
San pushed Y/n up against the door with the most force he could come up with and pounced himself on her, letting his hard cock feel up her ass. "Don’t fight it anymore." And with that, he pulled her pj shorts down and turned her around before spreading her legs and pushed her up against the door, unclothing his cock and aligning his tip against her vagina before forcefully thrusting into her without warning before moaning loudly, throwing his head back. "God! Such a tight little nasty cunt!" San moaned and kissed along her neck, feeling like he'd go crazy from how delicate and nice her skin tasted.
The girl moaned loudly in pain, a warm stream of blood trickling down the man's monster cock. "O- Oh my God!" A sick part of her wondered if he would also shave her head and face... "I- IT BURNS!" A scream tumbled out of her lips.
"Oh… You were a virgin? Such a nasty little thing. Everyone thinks you’re an innocent little girl but in reality, you’re just a needy little bitch! Needy for cock! All the time!" He picked her up and carried the girl back to her room while still keeping his cock in her before plugging the razor in. "Come here!"
Oh yes. Oh no! Oh… She was having a battle with herself. Did she want this or did she not want this?! "PLEASE... S- SIR..."  Please yes or please no...? She didn't even know what was happening anymore. This was fucking crazy. Her stalker who had done God knows what to the cop and had entered her house after watching her for who knew how long. The stalker that had a private photo of her and she didn't even know how many other materials. And now was on top of her like this...
"Please what, babydoll?" San pulled her in and kissed the soft trembling lips roughly, loving how good she tasted and felt.
Y/n cried against his lips, the man's huge cock still in her wet and tight walls. "I- I am scared! P- People will laugh!" Was that the only thing she cared about?
"So you want me to, but scared people will laugh?" San smirked while pushing his hips back and forth, moaning with each thrust. "Let them laugh, that will turn you on even more because you love getting humiliated. I know you too well, baby.”
Y/n had faced such rejection and hostility her whole life from different people she had trusted with her safety from time to time… this was driving her crazy. Her messy emotions got the best of her at the end of it. Her breaths were heavy. "Y- You're right... You know me so well..." She started speaking his language. "Y- You want me? O- Or you'll leave me too?" This was wrong; sick.
“No. I am staying by your side and you’re staying by me. I’ve wanted you for so long... you have no idea.” He groaned at how good she felt, biting back the whimpers threatening to fall out of his lips from the pleasure. “You have no idea just how many nights I have jerked off thinking it was your tiny little pussy, hugging my cock as you moaned and begged me for more, slut.”
The girl blushed, feeling like she was dreaming. This felt perfect… at least to her troubled mind. "You're crazy... You're scary... You made me piss myself out of pure…” She whispered slowly, a small smile making its way on her lips. “...P- Please own me... P- Please shave me... my head and face... make me look like a dumb slut... s- sir... Your dumb slut..." Her shaky hand turned the razor on for him, pussy suddenly clenching around him as she finally acknowledged the pleasure it was receiving, a soft moan escaping her.
“Mmm... that’s my good slut” San hummed and praised, taking the now on machine and placing it against her hairline before running it down the top of her head, both of them moaning, Y/n from the feeling and San from the sight of the sight of now small bristles between her locks as his hips pushed in and out even faster.
The man now shaved off another strip from the spot besides the previously shaved one, humming as he remembered something and took the machine to her eyebrows first and pressed it against the skin, feeling himself hit her g-spot as her eyes rolled to the top of her head, mouth falling open as the male erased the hair above her eyes.
"Yes, s- sir! Please make me your good slut! I- I love you! I'll never leave you! Please never leave me, Master!" She started crying out of joy, kissing his hands as her unstable emotions made her feel absolute joy. He had accepted her as she truly was. In her darkest form. “Please write funny things o- on my skinhead when you’re done. I am a dumb whore!” To her, there wasn’t a man more great than him.
“Fuck yes… That you are.” San grunted as he started to shear the rest of her long locks like one would to a sheep. “You are my dumb little slut who will do nothing but serve her Master from now on!” His free hand landed a smack on her head which was showing up more and more, nothing but thin stubble covering the skin.
"Yes I will, Master! Please! Please treat me like trash!" Y/n clenched around him, near to cumming. “Trash that was born to take your cock! You're so good to me! I wish you'd snuck in my house this morning and raped me right there! I wish you'd have shaved my head and forced me to go to college like that! It would have been a pleasure to be humiliated like that and by you!” She was literally crying out of pleasure
“Oh..” The man chuckled while panting. “I will force you to go like this baby, don’t worry.” He promised as he snapped his hips even faster, feeling himself getting close from the sight and all her filthy confessions. “And I will wake you up by fucking you every morning, making you a mess and sending you off to college like that.” It was done, the only hair on the girl’s head slight messy stubble that he’d remove with a hand razor later to reveal the skin underneath.
"Yes, please! Please always only force me and rape me! Please keep me bald! Keep me at your feet! Please feed me your piss and cum! I want to be your hand and footrest! I want to be an object for you to fuck! A bitch for you to breed! Your little animal! I JUST WANT TO BE YOURS! I WANT TO BE THE DIRT UNDER YOUR FEET!" She was sobbing as she started cumming hard, her tiny body spasming in pleasure while holding one of San's hands because it was her first time cumming from sex.
Y/n wrapped her arms around him from the intensity of it and kissed him while he played with her tits, pinching her nipples painfully as he kissed the girl back and let her ride out her high before pulling out. “On your knees!” San kept pumped himself until he came all over the girl’s pretty face and mouth. “That’s my good little cumdumpster.”
She smiled and started to kiss his cock and hands in respect, then his balls. Y/n really had truly submitted. "You're perfect, Master! Where have you been all my life?!" A pout made its way on her lips as she whined, hugging his leg and kissing it, not daring to go further up out of fear.
San was satisfied with her behavior. “I’m here now baby… And I am never leaving.” He kissed the younger one and slapped her ass lightly after helping her get up. “Lets get cleaned, doll.”
"Master, I wanna drink your piss." She shamelessly told him, not standing up, taking his cum off her face with her hand and greedily sucking at it. "A- And I wanna kiss your feet!" She was way too eager for this.
The man chuckled at her request. “You want to drink my piss? Then open up, my whore.” San held his cock over her mouth before putting pressure on his bladder, whimpering before the hot stream hit her lips.
Y/n was obediently on her knees drinking all of it after cringing at the taste a little, moaning happily. It was her first time drinking anyone's piss. She was in heaven. She finally had an owner! The girl made sure not one drop went to waste. "Thank you so much, Master! It is amazing!" The younger one stopped drinking and let his piss wet her face before starting to kiss his feet, fully in her subspace.
“You’re such an obedient little girl.” San praised, not being able to hold back the smile as he watched her, never having imagined her willingly being like this for him in such a short time period. But then again, he wasn’t surprised. “Good girl.” He cooed patting her head.
Y/n desperately kissed his hand and grabbed it, starting to cry. "M- Master... everyone leaves me... P- Please don't leave me... I- I'll die!" She almost promised him, nothing short of a maniac. Maybe she was even more twisted than San, in a way
“I’ll never leave you, you’re mine and everyone will know that.” Cupping her cheeks, he passionately kissed her, already making plans in his head about how he will modify all of her features as his perfect little pet.
The girl giggled, sucking at his lips greedily. "Master! Your piss was on my face!" She tried to get it off. "Give it back! Ish mine!" Huffing, she lapped at his piss like a needy little bitch.
San chuckled from her antics and swiped his fingers on the pretty face before holding them up against her lips. “Open up…” He let her suck on the piss covering his fingers. “Fuck... you’re so perfect for me.”
Holding his arm like a child, Y/n started sucking on his fingers greedily, smiling. "Thank you, Master!" Before she made his fingers hit the back of her throat, making herself gag and loving it all. "Mashter Mashter! Whatsh your name?" The girl questioned while deep throating his fingers.
“It’s San, baby.” The man replied with a smile, watching her choke on his fingers, her warm drool trickling down his long fingers.
"Shan! Ish sho pretty! I am Y/n!" Letting go of his hand, she hugged him which was returned with a chuckle.
“I know, babygirl.”
"M- Mashter... I- I dunno why b- but... I- I shaw a video too a- and I want you to s- shove my shaved hair u- up my assh and i- in my mouth... a- and take picturesh... Hehe I am sho naughty!" His eyebrows raised as she hid in his chest, a smirk forming on his lips.
San patted her messily shaved head. “Yes. You are, baby. You’re fucking naughty but okay. Daddy is here to help his little girl with all her little disgusting whore fantasies.”
"Y- You wanna?" Before she chirped again. "Mashter I want to be owned like an object a-nd like an animal! I wanna be like a p- piggy! A- And I want you to b- beat me and whip me e- everywhere a- and I wanna be bruished! A- And I want to be raped all the time!" She was too fucking sick and twisted but now that she wasn’t afraid of being judged, she was letting all that was locked deep down out.
“If that’s what you want, then I’ll treat you like one, baby.” San said before chuckling to himself, still in disbelief of just how fucked up she really was.
"A- And I want you to fuck my bummie and not let me cum for monthsh! I wanna be forshed to wear chashtity! I want you to make me cry and beg but you don't give in and only torture me more!" She told him. "Pleashe alwaysh shlap me and my head!"
“Fuck... you’re so naughty baby… I love it.” San almost moaned from the sight before getting a chunk of her shaved hair and shoved it in her mouth before getting his phone and taking pics of her all stuffed and messily bald like that.
The twisted girl smiled in the pictures and eagerly nodded, turning her fat ass in front of him now. "Please put hair in assh too!" She struggled to speak, smiling and posing for all of the pictures.
San actually wanted to take a video of him shoving hair up her ass and so that was what he simply did, laughing. “Look at this disgusting little dumb cock whore! So slutty and needy! Loving to be humiliated and looked like a dumb fucktoy by her owner!” He spat on her.
"Yesh I am! Yesh I am!" Y/n spoke with difficulty, showing her stuffed face and head too, arching her back, imagining herself a beauty goddess of her own kind. "My lobely mashter shaved me! And ish gonna treat me like hish trash and look! I habe hair up my assh! And in my fashe! I've got no eyebrowsh!"
“My good little slave… All mine… So submissive” San praised, kicking her ass in the camera and chuckling at her squeak, watching her clench the hair up when her pucker winked. “You’re really loving this, aren’t you?” Lifting her face, he spat on her forehead.
"I ammmm~" she whined, face red before starting to try to rub her cunt against the floor.
“Look at her trying to desperately rub her slutty cunts on the floor…” He filmed it all. Fuck. He loved seeing Y/n all dirty and submissive for him.
Drool was dripping down her chin and boobs. "Yesh Mashter! O- Onwy fow yoooouuu~" a needy whimper left her.
“Mmm... yes, only for me” San spoke and slapped her hard which the girl loved, getting even more wet and kissing his hands. "I- I... cum pleashe..." She whimpered again, loving the control she was in.
“No... get up.” San warned sternly. “You’re not allowed to cum, you’re never allowed to cum.”
"B- But... M- Mashter..." The girl pouted and whined, having forgotten that she was the one that told him that she wanted him to never let her cum and torture her like that.
“Are you talking back to your Master?” Raising an eyebrow, he gripped her chin before slapping her, making sure it was all being recorded so he could fuck her to it later.
Her pussy tingled. “N- No! No Mashtew owwiieee…” The hair in her ass and mouth tickled humiliatingly.
"That’s what I thought" San husked and threw the phone on the bed before pushing her on the carpet again. "Tell me when you’re close."
"M- Mashtewwww" Y/n started crying like a little baby, shaking and dropping the hair from her mouth because it was getting hard to breathe.
"Did I say you could drop the hair?!" The man growled darkly before pushing the hair back in. "Breathe through your nose, dumb slut!"
The girl let out a cry, trembling and sobbing as she nodded. He was rough. It was making her cry. But she also loved it and felt wet. "Yesh!" She loved being at Master's mercy.
"Good girl." He said pushing her down on the carpet more. "Rub yourself nice and hard slut." Y/n started rubbing herself as he ordered, feeling the carpet burn against her pussy but she couldn't help but love it, biting her bottom lip through her stuffed mouth. Oh… She loved it so much. The girl wanted it to bleed almost… Reaching out to hold his hand, the girl spoke. "You're sho perfect... I wish I'd m- met you when I wash l- little..."
"I wish that too baby, fuck... I’d fuck you every night while your parents were peacefully sleeping in the next room…"
"Y- You'd fuck me when I wash a little baby?" This was fucking revolting and twisted. They were both utterly sick. Y/n kept moaning loudly and getting wetter, rubbing harder and harder. "Y- Your fat cock i- in my toothlessh mouth... AHHH... I wouldn't need miwk... You'd have fed me your Mashtew milk fwom youw cock..."
"Fuck yes!" He growled as he felt himself getting hard. "Yes baby… I'd feed you my cum every day. You'd have grown up getting your nutrients from it, eh?"
"Daddy... Daddy... You'd be my Daddy? But inshtead of miwk you'd feed me youw cum evewyday? Ish the besht miwk!" She was very close and her eyes fluttered shut when he started playing with her tits and pinched her nipples before pulling at them. "Then I'd say I grew up drinking Mashtew's cock miwk! Hehehe!" The girl was too far gone.
"God, yes! You’re such a filthy and sick whore!" San knew she were close so he pulled her up. "No cumming!" It made the girl whine loudly and she fell on her face.
"Mashtewwwwww!" Before she curled in his feet, calming down a little when he didn't give in and ripped her pussy away from the carpet. "M- Mashtew... p- pleashe may I wemove haiw now...?" It was getting stuck to her mouth.
"Yes. You may, my little cum rag." The male wanted to use her mouth and feed her his cum so he allowed.
Y/n dropped it and quickly cleaned her tongue and inside of the cheeks with her tiny hands. "Bleg... hehe~" she curled in his waist, rubbing her tiny head against his chest.
"Good girl~" he patted her head before pushing her back in position. "Now use that mouth good baby…" San pushed his cock down her narrow throat, loving how tight and warm she was, making her gag from the rush of it in an instant.
The girl gagged but enjoyed it, loving it all. She quickly started sucking his cock, grazing her teeth against it and swirling her tongue. Y/n had watched all that porn for a reason. Kissing his balls, she sucked on them, whimpering from how his private hair tickled her nose.
"Fuck! look at you! Sucking on master’s cock like a starved bitch!" He slapped her again, feeling his shape against the skin of her cheeks. "You love it, don’t you?!"
"Yesh! Yesh! Yesh!" She hollowed her cheeks and bobbed her head up and down his shaft, sucking and whining as San rubbed the top of his foot against her pussy, smacking her bald head before pushing his cock all the way down her throat, tightly clasping the back of her head.
The man groaned loudly as he twitched in the soft walls of her throat, washing her throat with his hot semen before cleaning her up and finally shaving her head fully until there was nothing but glossy skin left before they went to bed.
"I have shchool tomorrow... Mashter do you go to shchool?" Y/n yawned as she snuggled into San's built chest, whimpering and smiling whenever the realisation of who he was hit her.
She loved being owned.
"No I don't. I will be right here when you come back, my pretty slut." San said while kissing her softly like he hadn't unleashed his sadistic likes on her.
"Why don't you go to school?" She suddenly pouted. "Then how will Mashter have a career?! You'll be poow! I dun wan poow Mashtew!" Y/n huffed brattily. She didn't really care about that, only wanting to see his response because she loved to piss off her top.
"You don’t really have a choice, sweetheart." The male gritted out. "You’re stuck with me forever. If I am living on the streets, you’re living with me."
She opened her mouth to brat but the bell rang. Rushing to the door, Y/n opened it to reveal a police officer. "Oh... hi..." The officer smiled a bit at her and asked the girl if she still needed an officer and why she had hung up when they called. "O- Oh no officer... I was just being paranoid... It wasn't anyone..." Y/n's cheeks blushed because she could see the officer was staring at her shiny bald head and eyebrows. Feeling herself getting wet as humiliation made her blush, Y/n found herself wondering what it'd feel like if he smacked her on her head. The girl's nipples got hard.
But oh... she couldn't cum!
"Okay then, be careful, Miss." He tipped her hat, nodding a little before walking off.
Y/n felt so wet. "Have a good night, officer!" A giggle left her as the man disappeared, starting to rub herself against the door up and down, running her hand against her head.
"Now, what was that?!" San deeply spoke, pushing the girl against the door, making her head hit against it embarrassingly. "Did you forget who alone can make you wet?!" The male yelled before slapping her. "You sick little exhibition loving whore! Not even you can do what you like to yourself! You're all mine! Only I can do whatever I please to your whore body!"
"Yes... You... You sir!" Y/n closed her eyes and held her hands above her head, lowering it for him to slap. "Please hit my head... Ugh... fuck me up... I want my head to be bruised... Ugh fuck! I am so wet... Please beat me!"
"What a disgusting little trash!" The man laughed, slapping her head this time. "You love people making fun of you, huh?"
"Yes I do! Yes I do!" She whined. "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make fun of me! Humiliate me! Hit me and bruise me! Make fun of me! Humiliate and degrade me! I want my whole college to laugh at me!" A loud cry left her.
"Let’s get you bruised up, then." San decided and started slapping the girl's tiny head and face until it was all red and sore. Y/n was crying by the time he was done, literally sobbing as she just fell on her knees and knocked out of exhaustion, her owner carrying her to the bed and then laying next to her knocked out form.
"Good night, my love." The male kissed her soft and red cheek before falling asleep too, holding her fragile body close to his, his slumber calm and satisfying today after so long.
Y/n stirred as she felt her pussy being invaded the next morning, making her stir as she felt lips upon her own and fingers pinching her nipples as her other boob was being groaped, her pussy expanding and sucking in a huge cock. San's huge cock. "M- Master~!" She whispered out when her eyes flew open and she was met with San's face. "W- What… s- so early?!"
"I promised you I'd wake you by fucking you every morning, didn't I, my slut?" He grinned and attacked her lips, eliciting an excited gigglish moan out of her as he started to fuck her fast and rough, pushing his balls in all the way.
“Y- Yes! Yes! F- Fuck!” Her eyes rolled to the back of her head from the realisation that he had been fucking her in her sleep before she woke up, feeling him twitch inside her. “M- Master! I- I… c- cum…” Y/n tried to speak, her back arching from the pleasure of him biting on her nipples before smacking her bald head softly.
“Little breeding whores don’t get to cum, baby. They just take cock and let Master use them like the cum rags that they are.” San’s cock slammed in and out of her pussy, his hand gripping her neck for support when she clenched around him. “Fuck! So tight!”
Tears welled up in her eyes as her face got red from how rough his thrusts were, how much her clit was burning for stimulation, how much her ovaries hurt to cum. “Look at this hairless little whore! Unable to even breathe without my permission let alone cum!” He spat in her mouth before turning her around and pushing up her ass, chuckling when she whined out.
“Sorry, slut. Little whores don’t get what they want around here and only please Master as they are supposed to.” Grabbing a sharpie, San started writing on her head whilst choking her with one hand, pounding her harder and harder up her ass. “Hurry up and please your Master well so we can go to an important place before you go to school.”
‘I am a bald little nasty slut. Please hit my head. I love it.’ Was written on the back of her head as the man laughed, deciding to not tell her what he’d done just yet, waiting for her to find out later when the people on campus would be warming that cueball up.
Y/n was whimpering as San waved at her and she shakily walked inside her college with a bald head, wearing nothing inside her skirt as she sneakily pushed the slipping ass plug back inside her cum filled ass. Lowering her bald head now that she was outside and people were staring at her new look, the girl gulped and felt herself squeezing her legs when some girl giggled at her.
Fuck… She couldn’t help but bite her lip, loving the humiliation as her cheeks felt hot.
Master had gotten her pussy, septum and nipples pierced before walking her to college. He was going to buy a special leash for that that was going to be passed through all her piercings to ensure she was in his control at all times.
Her train of thoughts was broken when a smack landed on her head by a guy passing by before he chuckled at her shocked expression. Before the girl could question him, she received a text by San. A picture message. Of what was written on the back of her head.
Widening her eyes, Y/n gasped and her hand automatically grazed against her head. No wonder the piercing lady had lightly smacked it before Master and she had laughed at the girl. “N- No… you didn’t…” She whispered in shock before one of her ‘friends’ smacked her head, making it jerk forwards.
“Cute look, Y/n.” Before she walked off to class, the people passing by gave her looks and talked about her.
Fuck… She squeezed her thighs in utter humiliation as the wind blew, making her desperately try to keep her skirt down as wetness trickled down her thigh. The girl wasn’t allowed to touch herself and not cumming was one of the rules now upon Master’s order and her foolish confession. She had a whole day to last before getting home and begging him to let her earn it.
Her ass stuffed, body owned, everyone silently chuckling at her humiliating look and getting smacks to the head like that wasn’t going to help.
“Oh, Master…” She whined to herself in despair. “What have you done?”
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secretlittl3whore · 3 years
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Not a Nightmare
Summary: You’re reminiscing over the last year when you hear Bucky having a dream in the other room, but it’s not the kind of dream you were expecting.
Pairing: Reader x Bucky Barnes
Warnings: smut! Unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your Willy). A little angsty first. Swear words. 18+ y’all please!
Enjoy my sweet nymphs. As always, you can request ;)
His nightmares kept him up most nights. It had been that way since i had connected with him in South America. He wasn’t the Winter Soldier anymore, he really didn’t even know who he was, except what he could glean from the Captain America exhibit and from what I could share of what Steve had told me. Part of me wondered if I made the right decision to follow him instead of returning to America, but when he recognized me and in the two weeks I was down there, attempted multiple interactions with me, I couldn’t deny him when he asked me to stay. I wish I understood why he asked.
Now here we are in Bucharest. Times are calmer for him, but the nightmares...they’re worse than anything I expected. Sometimes, he will awake screaming at night. Others he’s trying to fight some imaginary enemy and doesn’t wake till he’s forced. On occasion, I have been the victim of a night terror. His vibranium arm crushing my throat or him slamming me into the floor. Bucky always felt like shit afterwards, no matter what I said. At one point he tried to kick me out of his apartment and his life, saying he was too dangerous for me. I sat outside the door for six hours, listening to him cry. When I finally had knocked, he practically ripped the door of the hinges to grab me back in. He dropped to his knees that day, his arms wrapped around me as he buried his tear covered face against my stomach. It broke me to see him in such a vulnerable position. I remember running my hands through his hair for what seemed like forever until his grip around me loosened and his arms fell limply to his sides.
“Why did you stay? After, after all I’ve done?” His voice broke, as more tears slid down his face. My own eyes welled with tears as I kneeled in front of him. Slowly and gently, I took him in my arms, pulling him against me. Bucky tensed for a minute, but then slowly wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. I went back to running my fingers in his hair, contemplating my response.
“Because I want to be here for you. In every way possible.” A silent sob racked his body and I felt more of his weight on me as he crumpled. Bucky laid his head in my lap and brought his flesh hand to rest on my hip. He kept his vibranium on the floor, away, fear radiating from the way he curled it away from me. “Give me your hand Bucky.” He raised his head off my lap with wide open eyes.
“But...” he started to protest, but i shushed him, placing my finger on his lips.
“I’m here for you in every way.” I emphasized the last two words with a small smile. I wasn’t afraid of him and I certainly wasn’t afraid of his arm. “That means,” I reached for his hand and took the cool metal fingers within mine, “you don’t have To worry about keeping yourself from me.” Reluctantly he allowed me to bring his arm up to my lips. I knew he couldn’t feel it, but I kissed his had, listening to the soft whirs and enjoying the feel of the cool metal against my lips. Bucky continued to cry for a while more, my sleep shorts practically soaked and my legs so numb that I was probably going to have to crawl to bed. But he never let go, never moved his head, and never tried to remove his arm from my grasp.
Since that day, he has been exceedingly touchy with me. It was clear he was touch starved, I would be too, if all i ever knew was a harsh hand. I started to notice it when I had just returned from the market with groceries one day. I swore he had been asleep on his makeshift bed and I was trying to be as quiet as I could, but then felt a presence and a hand on the small of my back. I threw him a small smile over my shoulder before returning to my task. He stayed there for the entire time I put the groceries away, leaning against the fridge door and absentmindedly rubbing the exposed skin of my back. It was the hardest fucking lesson to learn, but I finally had enough willpower to not jump when he placed his cold fingers against my skin. I honestly loved the feeling of his metal pads dragging softly against the small of my back, but gosh dang were they freezing! Even despite the fact that he wore gloves almost all the time.
Nonetheless, i started to notice it more and more after this. Him standing close to me, having his hand on me at any point (or simply just brushing it against me), sitting near me, and my favorite, him laying his head on my lap when I’m sitting in the couch.
Had I fallen in love with the super soldier? I cannot deny it.
A whimper from the living room ripped me from my head. I sat up in the bathtub, trying to see if the sound was just in my head. Another whimper told me it wasn’t. I wrapped myself in a robe and padded softly into the living room where Bucky slept.
He wasn’t thrashing around, but his face was contorted in an expression I couldn’t read. Suddenly, a small moan left his lips and I just about swooned. What was this man dreaming about? At that moment, his blanket fell to the side and I averted my eyes respectfully, but definitely didn’t miss the tent that had formed in his sweat pants. I turned to walk away but then he moaned again, this time saying a name...my name.
I felt hot, not just in my face, but also in between my legs. He was dreaming about me? I almost didn’t believe it, but the man said my name yet again. Fine, if he says it again...
“Y/n...” Bucky moaned, a little louder this time. Damn it. Mustering all my confidence, I walked over to the sleeping man. It was a risk, and I knew it, but I’ll be damned if I lied to myself and said I didn’t want this man. Kneeling beside his bed, I gently brushed some of the hair out of his face. The super soldier startled awake and grabbed my hand harshly, breathing raspy. “y/n...what?” Voice sleepy.
“You were dreaming.” I said simply. He sat up quickly and pulled the blanket over himself, averting his eyes from my gaze. “Bucky,” he still refused to look at me. “Do you want me?” Bucky immediately snapped his eyes to mine, a clear and potent blush on his face. I heard him swallow hard before replying in the most quiet of voice,
“Yes.” Inwardly I celebrated as loudly as I could, but I kept cool on the surface. I surged forward and captured his lips. He responded immediately, moving his lips against mine. Without breaking the kiss, I straddled his lap wrapping my arms around his neck. Tentatively, he brought both hands to my hips. I licked his bottom lip and invaded his mouth when he opened. He moaned into my mouth as my tongue danced with his. When I pulled back, our breaths were short. His blue eyes glistened with tears,
“Are you sure you want me?” If it had been any other moment, I probably would’ve just cried and held him in my arms, but there was such a confidence within myself that I decided against such a meek answer. Instead, I pulled at the tie of my robe. Bucky almost instantly grabbed my hands, his eyes wide. “What are you doing?”
“Showing you just how much I want you.” As he relaxed his hands, I pulled the robe off. The cold air within the apartment perked my nipples. Bucky’s eyes traveled my body, but he didn’t move. Slowly, I led his hands to my chest. His metal hand played a dangerous game of temperature play with my breasts and a moan escaped from me. My cunt ached and I knew that I was wet from anticipation.
That moan must’ve given him some sort of confidence because he started to knead the fleshy mounds. He then dipped his head low and took a nipple into his mouth.
“Buck,” I moaned. His tongue laved over the nipple and I felt his teeth pull gently. I was a raspy, moaning mess by the time he switched over to the other nipple. Need friction. Taking his flesh hand from my breast, I guided it down to my aching cunt. Bucky stopped his lavishes on my nipple as he stared at me.
“I’m...” Bucky averted his gaze, “I’m out of practice.” Before he could get into his head and start comparing himself to his 1940s version, I kissed him deeply.
“So am I, we’ll learn together.” Bucky inhaled deeply and dropped his head to my shoulder. A finger touched my sensitive nub and I jerked. He started circling that area with his thumb as his other fingers explored, gathering wetness. A finger entered me and I gasped at the feeling. Another entered. Moving in and out, curling, and gently stretching me. I was a moaning mess at his musings. A white flash smashed my vision as he hit a certain spot within me and I moaned loudly. Bucky started kissing and licking my shoulders and neck, marking the skin as he paid attention to this spot within me. My moans spurned him on as he quickened his pace, still making sure to play with my clit.
“Buck...Bucky.” His name a mantra on my lips as I grasped his hair, my head falling backwards. His metal arm reached around my back, holding me in place. My orgasm was building, toes curling, that warmth within my belly. His fingers pumped and curled, edging me to the end. In a another flash of white It surged through me and I came on his fingers.
He looked surprised and proud of himself as he brought his soaked fingers to his lips. I almost came again as I watched him lick each one clean. His pupils blew out and he pulled my face to his, smashing his lips against mine. Tongue surged past my open lips, bringing the taste of me. Bucky lifted me off his lap and gently turned us around, laying me on his bed, but never breaking the kiss. He worked his pants off.
I pulled back from the kiss, my lungs screaming for air. He leaned upwards and I finally caught the full show. His dick was massive, too swollen and red. The veins popping. And fine curly hair at the base. He was Definitely bigger than I have ever had. I gingerly reached out and wrapped my fingers around him. Shit, he was thick, I could hardly touch my middle finger to my thumb. I looked up at him. His eyes were closed, mouth opened just a bit, and his hands were in his hair.
“Buck?” I brought his attention to me and he released his hands from his hair. “What’s wrong?” He had tears in his eyes again.
“I don’t want to be something you regret y/n.” He cried. I reached upwards and guided him down to my lips. His tears dropping onto my cheeks.
“Never. I’ll never regret you. I love you.” I whispered into his ears. Bucky froze. Oh shit, did I go to far?
“Say it again.” He spoke finally, still frozen in place, his ear next to my lips. I swallowed hard before repeating,
“I love you.” Bucky reached down between us, pumped himself twice, before lining himself up at my entrance. He pushed forward gently. Even with just the tip inside, I could already feel the stretching. He entered more, going slow. Bucky and I moaned loudly as he became fully sheathed inside. I grasped at his shirt, feeling full. There was a dull pain within my cunt and I breathed through it, the pain finally turning to pleasure. Almost as he could sense it, Bucky started to move. The rhythm was slow at first, him enjoying and getting reacquainted to the feeling.
My entire being felt jolted with every roll of his hips. His pubic bone was hitting my clit so perfectly that even at this slow pace, I was sure that he would throw me over the edge again. Bucky leaned closer to me, making sure to keep his weight on his forearms, and buried his head within my neck again. Wrapping my legs around his waist, i fisted my hand within his hair. He groaned and snapped his hips hard against me. The sound that left my mouth was pornographic, and he definitely liked it. Bucky started snapping his hips into me at a bruising pace, drawing moan after moan. I was incoherent, arching my back into him. He suddenly grabbed my hand from his back and thrusted it against the bed, holding it at the wrist. His metal hand hoisted my hips higher, and at the angle he was going, he was smashing into that special spot. I came in an instant, screaming loudly.
He didn’t let up his pace. Pulling out almost entirely before slamming back in. Both hands were now at my hips, gripping hard. There would be bruises in the morning. Groans and moans were rushing past his lips as he powered through, his stamina definitely a byproduct of the super soldier serum. Another orgasm built within me and he leaned over my ear,
“Fuck y/n, I can feel you clenching. Can you give me another doll?” I threw my head back as he bit into my neck.
“Bucky!” I cried as the orgasm came. Bucky slowed his pace, pressing open mouth kisses to my skin. He then began to work a mark into my neck. My body was on fire and really sensitive. I moaned loudly, fisting my hands into his shirt. For a moment I wondered why it was still on, but I figured that although he may be confident to be within me, he may not yet be confident to show me himself fully, and that was okay, we could work towards that. Once he was proud of the mark, he placed a loving peck to it before moving towards my face. Not an inch was left unkissed. He leaned his forehead against mine, blue orbs staring into mine.
“Ready?” He asked. I nodded slowly, kissing him gently. Bucky picked up his speed and this time, it was more brutal than before. Pubic bone smashing against the sensitive bundle of nerves, wet legs and balls slapping against skin making the most perverted of sounds. Bucky’s hands gripped mine. I arched into him again, writhing, unable to control myself at the amount of pleasure within. My moans were incoherent, his name slipping from my lips. Suddenly his hips stuttered and he slammed into me, wrapping his arms tightly around me and crushing me against his chest. His release came with my name on his lips, a string of soft repetition. For a while he held me, his cock warm within me. And then he pulled out, laying beside me. Sweaty bodies, heaving chests, and the smell of sex was an intoxicating combination. I felt drained, but happy.
Curling against him, I wrapped my leg around his hip, just to feel him against my cunt. Bucky reached down and pulled the blanket over us. As I felt sleep take over, Bucky pressed a kiss to my forehead.
“I love you too Y/N.”
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
The One The Bard Once Loved
NEW Vibe check (appropriate song to cry to while reading)
"The bard, the sprite, the archer. The trio of young dreamers that wish to witness the blue skies past the raging winds that lock their freedom. But those are more than mere dreams, for it requires the sacrifice of those you love, to grace the courage to fight a God. And Barbatos, poor Barbatos, sacrificed more than he wanted."
Pairings -> Venti x Fem!Reader x Bard (Gale)
Word Count -> 4,337
Theme -> Angst, Backstory, Long Fic
Series -> #Bonafide specials (100 followers event)
Warnings -> Spoilers to Venti's story, character death
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"Oh little sprite, from whence beyond
Does thou reminiscent of a vagabond?
Curious to which it whisks upon
Trapped now in desolate, forlorn"
Venti the wind sprite had always been curious, the single whisk of air that always goes the opposite way, hanging behind from his fellow currents to be distracted by a curious thing. So it was no surprise to anyone that he had gone lost once more in their rounds swaying but when he'd not return, long ago has his current passed the nation of Mond. Yet there was no way he can fly by his family of winds, for he finds himself trapped within the walls of a grazing storm that cages the stone walls of the city, of winds that he could not control nor agitate.
No matter how hard he tries the wind does not part, and so little Venti was stuck inside brooding skies and angry blasts. No mere sprite can go against the mighty strength of an archon.
So he resigns to his fate and wanders in this new place. Of a city wide and barren, why dare the Decarabian hide such dwelling? And even with the raging howls of the walls of wind, Venti couldn't help but wonder the silence it traps within.
A tiny ball of white in an expanse of gray. The thought scares the little sprite enough to make him scurry for the smallest bit of sound he can decipher. The loneliness creeps into his core—
And his little body bumps into that of a soft material. "Oh! Goodness, one should not run off without looking like that-" the figure turns and finds itself face to face with a floating blob, deep blue eyes wide and mouth hangs with wonder. Venti recognizes this creature in one of his endeavors as the wind, a human being, the true wanderers of Teyvat. Yet what is one doing trapped? "Such a peculiar being! What could you be?"
Yet it is not frightened by Venti's rarity, well, given he is not the most frightening wonder in this continent this was no surprise.
The sprite did not mind being found out. No, no, quite the opposite honestly, as he flies closer to the young boy and hides in his upturned hood. Nuzzling against the junction in his neck as he expresses gratitude in the company and presence of another in this desolate world.
The young boy chuckles and it reminds him of a song. "Perhaps you do not understand what I spoke?" The sprite shakes its head and the ticklish spot is tickled again. "Or do you not know how to speak?" A nod. And another giggle.
Without another word, the human slips back into the alleys of winding yet thin roads before making his way inside what looks to be a cathedral of tall composition. Glass windows of the same length tinted in kaleidoscopic patterns of color. There is a light in them you would usually bask in during the 'outside world', but in here it replicates that of an oasies in the deserts of Sumeru.
Underneath the artificial haze it beams a seeming spotlight at a figure clad in a dark ebony cloak. Venti felt the vibrations of an elated gasp as the human rushed over with a smile and frantic waving.
"My fair muse, how you've brighten my day, bestowing your presence tonight!"
The cloak tenses before immediately relaxing, the 'muse' he speaks of turns with its loose hood falling as it bundled around the shoulders, and Venti the sprite couldn't help but gasp too at the sight!
Fair is lacking, no words can describe the essence of bloom and beauty at the beholder as you stood there almost sparkling, hair catching the twinkle of light. Your plum lips caught itself smiling yet your eyes twinkled double the amusement at the sight of the human before you, "Gale." You murmured with an undertone of annoyance as you trudged over, flicking the boy's forehead so suddenly he'd voiced his hurt loudly. "Where have you been?! You've never been late to our daily rendezvous, you had me worried-!"
"Oh, such a cutie when you worry!" The young boy, Gale, cupped your cheeks in the middle of your spiel as he softly pats it with his fingers. Venti had never seen such creature change colors as fast as you, not even a chameleon, or an octopus in hiding. "I've simply found a new companion while I was out and about!"
As if a spotlight was caught unto him this time, your blown eyes wandered to the sprite floating by your company's neck. And oddly he'd found the attention appreciated.
"Who is this? An elf?"
"Venti!" There was a distant jingle of imaginary bells in his squeak of a voice.
"It/You can talk?!"
(Y/N) Lawrence.
Gale the Bard.
Venti the El- Wind Sprite.
Gale was a bard that resides in the cathedral of Mondstadt, homeless and without blood and kin, the nuns had took him in and lead their choir in turn for their hospitality.
You, on the other hand, lived with a clan of hunters that once ruled the mountains and forests. But with the emergence of the inescapable walls of wind, your family had been on the forefront of the protection of the citizens.
There were a lot of struggles in communication between you two and the lil sprite. He only knows his name and how to copy words (not so fluently) so questions had to be foregone, teaching the little one took priority. And Gale being the weaver of words took it upon himself to teach him frequently as you had your duties and family to go to.
Venti would sometimes disappear for a majority of the time and you'd figured he finally found a way to pass through the winds without shredding himself among the blades of current. And then he'd pop back in to listen to the merry tunes Gale had come up with, both of them waiting for your return.
"Ah Venti, is she not a beauty? The youngest daughter of Lawrence, as divine as that of incense. Oh tell me those dotted eyes could see it too!" The little sprite eagerly nods as he follows the bard's stride across the aisles in the holy cathedral, once again barren of other souls except for them. Whenever his human friend finds time to muse, it would be most about the maiden he fancies, the muse of most of his songs. Venti had been captured by his delicate tunes and savory lines to the point that he too had been overly enticed by your grace when your presence shines.
Your strength, your smile, your laugh, your hair. Your gait, your poise, your eyes, your glare. You had caught their stares dozens of times in silence before and it was always up to you to put them back to present time.
Venti simply basked in your warming aura and indulges himself outwardly, often you'd find him dozing off on the crown of your head. And often times you'd find a little pout on Gale at such a sight that you had no choice but to tease. In those moments, the wind sprite knew he had come out triumphant.
The cathedral doors open as quickly as they had closed, your windswept and frantic form appearing from the storm outside. The two boys in your life immediately lit up on your appearance but you'd know most of it was directed at the numerous scrolls and books you currently cradle in your shivering arms.
You offered them a grin, one of victory, and you'd all cheered at your success.
Soon, your merry trio made its way to the second floor of the cathedral in front of a faraway hallway that looks over the vast floor of the first yet still had the glow from the looming illuminated glass windows. Beholden in front of you are illustrations of a world beyond, filled with colors and shine, a world you had only imagined from stories now pictured perfectly.
Venti would hover over the illustrations at random intervals and giddily point at some of those he recognized, squeaking incoherent noises yet reflecting happiness and familiarity. While you fancied with indulging the sprite in his incomprehensible stories, Gale sat beside you with adoring yet distant eyes upon the images laid before him. Looking through them, and projecting himself in such a world. The books of the outside world you'd stolen from your clan's sacred libraries will be the start of a spark of desire to be free. And with it the start of a new era.
"The true sky, and songs that cageless soar...
Were they not wishes worth fighting for?"
Long had you gone and abandoned your stolen goods for them to admire more, at least until the day your clan finally realized the missing materials in the vast expanse of the bookshelves they own. There was more to marvel at yet you feared if you linger longer, your sister would look for you and find your little crime all too soon.
Venti quietly watches the familiar illustration of a beach littered with creatures of the sea on its glittering sand before he'd lift his tiny head up, witnessing the intense stare his bard friend had on the scroll where lies an overgrown tree and a stone structure. The sprite noted he had not seen this one.
"How marvelous it would be, to celebrate the most joyous moments under this tree," Gale mumbled in a quiet lilt of longing in his voice, "Imagine (Y/N) and I, with you by my side, as I finally pluck the courage to get down on one knee." Venti bumbled in slight jealousy, buzzing in front of the bard that could only cast a laugh. "Oh hush, dear friend, is it not appropriate to take an arrow to the knee for an archer such as she?"
Yet even with his desire to be by your side, the little sprite knew that he would be there to support his friend for the happiness you two deserved. In a land where you are free. Still, Venti hopes his cuteness would be enough to prolong you just a little bit more.
Drunk in passion and dreams, the next day the bard was scheming. And when you'd come to his cathedral of a home, he finally poured out his plans to you with a Venti quipping with cheers on the side.
The Mondstadtian had predicted your hesitance, even your disapproval on the notion, and were ready to chip in to persuade you once more— yet you gave in. Immediately. The same fire burned in your eyes at the thought of being unshackled and caged from the world begging to be explored. Your sentiments together with the bard fueled the desire between you three, and through the brainpower of a trio of young minds, you had drawn your plans.
Gale aided by Venti would try and coerce with the Ragnvindr clan's leader, and you would work on convincing your eldest sister Amos for the help needed to coerce the whole Lawrence bloodline into the battle. You knew there was an undeniable hatred within her against Decarabian and you wanted her to fuel that fire once and for all, for one great cause.
And soon enough, the strings of fate had come into play, and the one who shall record this momentous history has taken its seat by the balcony of war. Only the last piece of the puzzle is left in this grandoise play—
"Gale, Venti, are you sure this is the right direction to the hideout? We're taking a route longer than usual, surely you're not making last minute pranks..."
Your bow smacks at your back as you made your way inside the dark closet. It was two cycles before the fated ambush would come and in your nerves you had not realized how amiss things had been for the others. You were more than ready even if your fingers were to tremble everytime it holds your bow and arrow, predictions of the war that shall come floats within the expanse of your mind.
In your limited vision, your bard friend and sprite shared a look that did not pass by you. The tension had only caused you to gulp in your nervousness, were you found out? Did the participants of the revolt suddenly back down? "There has been a change of plans, but worry not for history still pans. My Muse, it is best you stay to assure you will not be caught in the storm's disarray-"
A hand flew across the bard's pristine white skin and his dark ocean hues could not help but widen. Is he... telling you to not participate in the war?! What kind of— a sob left through your gritted teeth despite your best efforts, and you're not sure who was more broken between your friends upon the sight. "How could you, even think- Gale, you carry no arms but a lyre! And Venti still has no means to go against the Archon that controls the winds! What kind of absurd idea is this?!" In the middle of your rage, your friends had already wrapped you in their sentimental hug, expressing their own misery with free-flowing tears." I'm supposed to protect you... t-the three of us were supposed to lead the path of freedom..."
"You've always protected us, (Y/N). Now would be the best time... to return the favor," and as your friend stepped back to give a parting smile, your whole world suddenly engulfed in black as the door shut with a slam and a final lock.
"Gale! Venti! No, please no! Let me out! Don't do this, PLEASE!"
"Please hear us out, our dear (Y/N)," Gale leaned his forehead against the thick door that separates you two, shedding the last bit of tears he could muster before the end of an era. The desperation in your every bang against it, breaks apart a hole in his own heart, "For your own good, and your own future."
When Gale described love to the little Venti, the latter was certain that he felt the same way for you. Yet the human ever so jokingly laughed at how he was still too young to fully understand the implications of such words. But he desired just as much to protect you, to be by your side, and to see your smile. But the human was right for he did not truly understand the reasons WHY he felt like so...
So he asked instead, dear friend Gale of Tales, why have you come to cherish this human in devotion? And quite so the other was happy to indulge!
"It starts with young Mondstadt when the walls were young and the people still knew the tales and what they sang. I was a poor little bard with a broken lyre, when living alone was nothing but dire.
Without a home, without a bed, I was ready to starve to death. But an angel clad in white suddenly lead me to bright light. My muse had brought to me a cathedral, yes the one we are in now! And since then I've lived a proper choir life, always wondering how...
just how things would be without (Y/N), my angel? Continuing to live in the dark alleys, would I have been able? Even now I have yet to repay her act of kindness. But one day, for sure... " Perhaps, this act the young boy now follows, was the payment he had been waiting for.
How long you had stayed there, you had no clue but by the sounds of war cries and clashing steel had told you enough. You'd been there for too long.
Blessed with some luck that a crowbar had found its way in this janitor closet in a cathedral no less, you had immediately set out to join the battle: beyond the holy doors flames had lit up from the torches the revolt has carried, many bodies lay by the stone grounds of the city, some moving and struggling while some... you spare them not a second thought as you rushed past the stone pillars to where the heat of the war should be. If the battle plan had gone as it should then—
A hand gripped your arm with such force it had you cry out before you even registered you were being slammed to the floor. A shadow of a knight that serves the God of Storm looms over you with a glare blazing past his helmet. "You're one of them, I recognize that face! You're not winning today-" yet another blade suddenly pierced through his chest, and your shirt had been splattered when it was pulled. The now lifeless body falls past you and another replaces him.
"Sir Ragnvindr!" The knight shared the same shock and relief you wore before it steeled, immediately pulling you up and away from the on-going exchanges of blows. "Everyone- how's the war looking?"
"Men had fallen from the green-tipped arrows, but we are making progress," the redhead gestured to the tower where the greatest enemy lies, taking note of the cracks and crumbling structure, a sign of his coming doom. A very good sign. "Amos took it upon herself to climb the tower-"
"What?! That's beyond the plan, she- she could get herself killed!" You brought your own bow from your back at the mention of your sister archer, bringing the strings back with an arrow at the ready, your intention clear. The redhead had shown a glint of worry but his gaze had been resolved once again at the hope of freedom, and he leaves you to your chase as he fends off the guards that dare go after you.
You expertly evaded blows and parried kicks with your bow and arrow, yet no sign of the heads of the resistance had caught your sight. The longer you climbed, the more you feared for the worst. By 2/3 of the tower you had scaled you managed to poke your head out to see the scale of war. Of red and orange floated below as the razor winds felt more violent than it had been ever since you had been born within its impenetrable walls, even from this distance high up you could still hear the clash, the warmongers held up in the central square where all battles now takes place.
And within that chaos you managed to single out a lump of black and a dot of floating white. Miraculously, your scream had reached their faraway ears and looked up, just in time to see your aerial shots of support.
"(Y/N)?! What is she-!" His words had been cut with an arrow wheezed past his head to bring down a foe that had sneaked behind him. Right, battle. Many of the immediate threats had been neutralized and the resistance had found the upper ground thanks to the archer's barrage. "How-how is she up there!"
Another body had fallen next to him with a cut on its back, a certain knight rushing past him to hit another. "Watch your back, bard! Now's not the time to monologue, she's going to backup Amos."
You were too far to hear the horrified gasp and the fearful expression your two faithful friends adorned. But the ground you were on began to shake, and you know you had to go on. "Venti! Gale! Focus, I'll be there with you two soon!" You screamed at the top of your lungs in hopes that it will reach them before continuing your ascent to the most treacherous area you had to be in—
You barelled towards the woman with silver hair with a pace you've never seen and a strength you'd never thought you carried, exchanging the shot you felt lodge into your left side as you sent one right through the guard's neck. You fell on your bottom and clutched the wounded area, but kept it there, if not to make sure the blood does not pour if you were to take it out.
"Sister!" The familiar voice cradled you as gently as she could with a fear-stricken face. But you assured her that it had not hit anything major, the way her worry didn't dissipate seem to hide a kind of anguish she couldn't name. "We must get you to safety, the clerics- the clerics could-"
"I'm fine, I'm fine," you grunted as you pried yourself out of her grasp to prove your point, still able to keep your stance. You see Amos struggle from fatigue yet about to bite back, "We're so close, sister, any moment we linger is another body on the list of deaths." Painfully she'd bitten on her own tongue, finally relenting as you ascended the last few steps.
Normal arrows are nothing but toothpicks against the mighty God of Storms, the Anemo Archon, who easily flicked your futile attempts to graze him. And yet Decarabian was losing power just from fighting off not only your barrages but those even from below. His walls were thinning and his heart crumbles, from the thought of his once devoted followers turning back on him.
With one last strength the Lawrences gathered every piece of energy and power they could into their shot, and Decarabian looked at them with tired eyes and a raised hand. "Finally, I shall hold his gaze." The voice next to you spoke before your charged shot, swirling with beaming light flew past the sharp gale of wind and pierced through the God's core. Your ears had picked up on a violent crack before you were hit by the razor breeze upon the dying breath of the archon, sending you and Amos off the crumbling tower to free fall to your deaths.
In the edge of your peripherals the bleak gray walls of storms dissolved into rays of natural light, giving way to a hue of blue you had never seen before. As the wind wheezed past your ears, you smiled at the face of death—
When a jingle of little bells suddenly slowed your descension, and you were softly met with the hard floor on your back. With tired eyes you'd found yourself next to the pioneers of freedom, conscious and unconscious. You had felt Venti nudge your hand to those of another's limp ones, soft palms yet calloused fingers, you intertwined your hands with that of the bard's.
"We did it, we finally... did it..." A pulling force drains the consciousness from your mind and body in laboured breaths, and despite your protests to keep staring at the beautiful sight of the true sky, your eyelids were pulled shut by an unknown exhaustion.
Past their closed state, a flash of light was the last thing you had thought. Bruised and beaten, your warm hand did not register how the ones you clung to... did not squeeze back.
The next time (e/c) orbs flew open their eyes the world felt that of a lucid dream, with silk of the cleanest white donned their body, and the softest breeze of a sweet flower you had not smelt passes by you. Teal orbs looked down at you with a gentleness you've felt from the artificial light from the cathedral. Speaking of- your eyes unfocused shifted its gaze to the light blue skies.
"You're... awake." Your bard friend breathed out in disbelief and another emotion your brain can't quite place. The cotton of clouds float above in painted beauty, and you had pried your sight away from it almost painfully just to spare your companion a look.
"It's..." your throat grated and ached at the attempt, coming out so weak and breathless, "It's very beautiful... out here, free... Have- have you gone to explore?" Your face twisted in numbing pain from talking, and the bard started to quiver yet stood strong with a smile.
"I had, it's - it's just like how we imagined, even better than we've taken for granted," wet spots adorned your cheeks in short successions, you couldn't help but smile. "I only wish you were there to see it first hand, the flowers, the sunsets, the land-"
"Yet I fell asleep," you laughed in mirth yet there was no sound that escaped. The grip around you tightens as you loll your head to the side; there lays a new city kissed by the huge orb of light in the blue veil of a sky, lush green grass of health you've never seen before shone with a moistness on it, and around its glory lays a beauty of a moat that mirrors the one above. Beautiful, you whispered under your long-awaited breathe.
"The people of Mond had done their best to rebuild, for the promise of freedom they had not wilt," a hand on your cheek, flawless, urged your gaze once more to lay upon the bard. "We've devised a festival to celebrate named Ludi Harpastum. Tell me... my muse, will you accompany me in this new custom?"
A new breeze had lulled you in your ears once again to sleep, and a flash of fear had passed over your companion's features before it dissipated when you opened your eyes once more. A festival, you haven't heard that in years, "I would love to. But maybe... tomorrow..."
"Mhm, I feel tired... the sun invites me to sleep, will you wait for me tomorrow?"
"Good." Your eyes were covered by darkness again as you felt a pressure against your forehead. "It's... a date..." And your tired heart finally found peace, after battling for 15 days restlessly, desperately.
Venti picked you up from where you laid on his lap, setting you down on the grass bed besides the giant roots of the Windrise tree. Nearest your left, a stone plate carved with words you never dare see lies next to you. And for the first time in fifteen days, a God cries again.
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¹The green-tipped arrows were coated with poison.
²Reader's bow is designed after the Raven's Bow.
³Gale is not the bard's official name but was used to avoid too many confusion.
⁴This had a different, more painful and hatred alternate ending where you hated Venti for taking Gale's form, but I changed it so I could rest my own heart.
*in honor of your contribution to Mondstadt's freedom, the maiden who throws the Harpastum is made for your grace.
@boxofteenageideas @creation-magician @your-local-venti-simp @indigodreamtime47
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tarithenurse · 3 years
In the eyes
Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Uchiha Itachi x fem!reader Content: Feels. Angst. Loss. Love. Reference to killing (war and murder). Captivity. Sorrow. Hope. Anger. You name it, it’s there. A/N: I just want to say in my defence that this story isn’t my fault. Blame @maladaptive-ninja-returns​...it’s her birthday present (yes, I’m late)!
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In the eyes
The steam is long gone together with your interest in the drink when you drain the cup of tea as the black-haired man gets up to leave. The cape hides what he’s missing – if only it was his leg instead – that way you wouldn’t have to keep the distance to the bare minimum, constantly risking him discovering that you’re following him. It doesn’t help to complain, though: he’s alive and mobile...and you have to watch your every move.
Volunteering for the assignment has probably been one of the more masochistic choices you’ve made, but you just couldn’t let the last Uchiha go yet.
For years, watching the kid grow older had kept a wound alive that no one knew about. It festered, saturating you with a sickening, rotten, sadness that never washed off but wasn’t detected by your peers. You should have let it heal. Should have moved on. But there had always been something keeping you from accepting what everyone else had decided must be true.
You weren’t the only one dealing with grief, of course. The life of a Leaf ninja was to say goodbye too soon and then to live with the numbing ache, renewed each time memories stirred.
Before the fourth war, the newfangled gossip of the dead returning was treated as ghost stories by most people until the climax of it all, when too many stood face to face with loved ones. Lost ones. And you were too weak to prevent the hope from being rekindled, so once peace was a reality and all the shinobis prepared to celebrate in the chaotic haze of the aftermath, you made a decision.
That is why, three seconds after the door closes behind Uchiha Sasuke, you get up...
...and sit right down again to avoid pressing against the sharp blade of the person suddenly appearing beside you.
The newcomer’s face is hidden partially under the wide-rimmed hat and the rest behind a dark and tattered cloak. Glancing down, a hand with purple-painted nails slips the kunai into the darkness of the cloak, leaving you with the knowledge that it’s there.
There’s no doubt in your mind that this is a shinobi. Where did you come from? Admittedly, there are others frequenting the little tea house because it’s a popular stop at a major crossroads...even if it mainly services those without national affiliations. None of the rest of the clientele reacts to the scene unfolding discreetly and you have no wish to catch their attention before you know what and who you’re dealing with.
“What do you want?”
It takes a second before you realize the question isn’t asked by you. Another one to recover from the smooth dusk that is the stranger’s voice. A voice with a hint of familiarity in the timbre which you decide must be your mind playing games.
“Nothing. I’m no enemy of yours,” you try to placate them, silently counting the seconds worth of head start separating you from Sasuke, “and I hold nothing of value...you should let me go.”
The tickle of a laugh surprises you. “If I’d wanted your possessions, they’d already be mine. I want answers, Konoha-girl.”
The headband you carry is hidden under your clothes, well out of sight from any prying eyes. Finally giving up on stalking your initial target, you turn your undivided attention to the person who has seated them-self before you.
The little skin you can see is pale, and a few black strands have escaped the slack ponytail and fallen in front of the face where only chin and jawline is visible. As if knowing your annoyance, the head is tipped slightly, allowing you to glimpse soft, gently smiling lips. Kissable. The thought jars you.
“I recommend you give up that wish.” No one should be able to hear the nervousness in your voice...but the stranger smirks. “My business is my own.”
“Not when it involves him,” they says, inclining the hat towards the door where Uchiha left.
You’re out to get him? You almost feel sorry for this fool who clearly doesn’t have a clue about the one-armed ninja’s identity.
“Don’t be mistaken,” the person smiles as if reading your thoughts, “I know who he is and what he’s capable of, after all...he’s my brother.”
Calmly meeting your gaze, the eyes meeting you flash red.
“Don’t look an Uchiha in the eyes”. It was the warning that was whispered into your ears as soon as you were big enough to run errands on your own. Naturally, you had to do it, and what met you was not as demonic as the warning stories had made you think – rather, they were kind, and wiser than the smooth face hinted at – although you never looked another Uchiha in the eyes just to be on the safe side.
It was impossible to discern the colour. Some days, they seemed leaden as if the rain clouds were gathered inside the boy too. A few times, in the morning when he watched where his fists struck the wood, the sparks from the cozy fire of the evening before still lingered in the warmest of black. What you loved the most, though, was when the gaze was locked onto infinity and they were soft like liquid.
Everything is different: the stuffy tea room with its noisy patrons has been replaced by somewhere deserted that seems to be carved out of grey stone.
How did I get here? Careful to move as little as possible, you take in the new surroundings only to find the place empty and with only one way in and out. A dull cold has already seeped into your feet as you stand there, lost as your bearings have nothing to latch on to – the only light is a torch in a wall sconce to your left.
Feet. They are bare, and a quick pat-down reveals that all of your weapons, your belt, and your headband have been stripped from you too. The sensation is uncanny, akin to nakedness. The logic behind it is obvious as it reduces the chances of a successful escape even if you were to make it out and establish a route.
On the other hand: you’re unharmed and unbound.
Turning, you have no doubt that the wooden door is locked but of course you go over to try, heart frozen near your throat when you push against it with your shoulder. Surprisingly, it does open and the screaming hinges sets the tiniest hairs on your body on end.
“Not wasting any time, Konoha-girl.”
You recognize the voice and the decorated nails on the hand that appears to pull open the door completely, and not just from the rest stop but from years of aching recollections that have been warped by watching Sasuke grow up with this man’s shadow lingering over his life. Over your life.
No. There’s no way. He died. Now your heart jackhammers a frenzied rhythm.
It’s a fool’s hope that powers the jab towards his neck. An idiot’s dream urging you to sprint past him. At least I tried, a bitter thought comments the moment both attempts are thwarted as a rib-crushing kick sends your tumbling backwards and you land sprawled in the middle of the room.
The ceiling is still spinning, it seems, when you sense the man’s presence loom over you. The fingers are cool (and surprisingly gentle) as the curl around the back of your skull, fingers digging into your hair to grant a tight grip to pull you closer by. Very close. A hand’s length separates the tips of your noses and you want to be oblivious to the way his mouth curves softly.
“You’re not leaving,” he whispers, “until I say so.”
Feeling and strength are beginning to return to your arms, including a sharp ache in your chest that grows with every shallow breath which you try to ignore. Should have restrained me, fool...and the thought dies there as everything shifts and the ground swallows your limbs.
“N-no...how...? No!”
He watches your struggles lazily before releasing his grip and sitting down next to you on the hard floor. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
But you did. Wait...no! You haven’t...it wasn’t you...it can’t have been...
“You lie about your identity,” you scoff, regretting the outburst immediately as pain stabs coldly into your side, “so excuse me for not trusting you on this either.” There is a little smile there on his lips, full of sadness and regret that makes your insides cringe momentarily until you have the breath to explain to him (or yourself) why it can’t be true: “Uchiha Itachi has been killed!”
“Yes...and then I was brought back.” He’s impossibly calm as though he’s simply discussing the weather. “Twice.”
Double reanimated? As if! The war had been a horror to live through and would have been without people facing their deceased comrades and family members on the battlefield. However, once destroyed or sealed, none of the animated dead had walked again and all of them had been dealt with properly in the end.
Looking at the ninja, none of the signs of reanimation are prominent. On the other hand...even if they had been, you might not even notice it now that you meet the man’s gaze and the liquid infinity there.
“I could show you...but I’m afraid your mind can’t take the strain in your current state,” the so-called Itachi explains.
Mind, your aching heart still reels from fear of being broken once more, this is all in my mind.
Zoning out everything else, you focus on the flow of chakra within. Calming it, soothing it, until abruptly forcing the flow to revert. It feels as if your very soul drops for a second but the moment it returns to its place, the world is no longer made up of lies and imaginary sensations...and you’re still lying on the ground in a room made of stone, your ribs feeling as if they’re speared by frost. The only improvement is that at least your limbs are free.
And Itachi? Yes, you have to call him that because deep within you can’t deny it any longer.
The official reports hadn’t been released by the time you left Konoha and you’re not high enough up in the ranks as a shinobi to get the juicy information unless it’s necessary for a mission – and since your missions tend to be B or simpler A rank...well, I guess my current mission’s a bust but this is an important discovery!
A silky chuckle refocuses your attention. “Very good...I suppose I must strengthen my genjutsu against you.”
He’s so close, you could touch him. Shifting to lean against the wall, he rests his arms casually on the knees and begins to pick at the chapping nail polish.
“No need to,” you bite back a groan as you roll over to sit up, “I take it that’s how you got me here?” Pretty eyes are watching your every move as he nods in agreement. “Hm. It’ll probably be useless to ask where we are, so...why? Why show yourself now?”
Sitting cross legged, you find the pain lessens if you pull your clothes and arms tightly around your torso, restricting the depth of your breathing. Broken or bent ribs? Not that it really matters. First of all, he would be able to beat you in a fight anyways; secondly, even if you got out of here you wouldn’t know where “here” is; and third (but not least), you don’t really want to run from him.
Rather than answer, Itachi stands up and holds out his left hand for you. Puzzled, you take it. Soft fingers curl around yours and he pulls you to your feet, studying your movements and the twisting facial expressions.
He doesn’t let go.
Not when he guides you out the door and into a hallway shaped of the same kind of stone as the room was made of. Carved from.
Not when he slows down at the sound of the squeaky breathing the pace forces from you.
There doesn’t seem to be many rooms along the winding path. Here and there a door bars the way or you catch a glimpse of a dead-end that looks as though the excavation was abandoned or even disrupted by cave-ins.
You do your best to memorize the path, but frankly, your mind is getting fuzzy from pain and exhaustion. You have no sense of time, just hunger and tiredness weighing you down to indicate the loss of many hours.
“Just a bit longer, [Y/N],” Itachi soothes.
When did I tell him my name? You want to ask or at least protest, but it would be a choice between talking or getting to wherever he’s leading you...and you doubt he’ll let you pause.
A few dozen steps later and a short flight of stairs up, he ushers you through a door into a room that looks like a mix between a kitchen and work station. A fire is the only light and heat source (the smoke venting up through a chimney too narrow to be an escape route), casting a warm glow over the solid wooden table and chairs. Everything else is hewn from whatever mountain you’re inside.
“Sit,” your captor finally releases the grip and points at a chair near the fire and you obediently do as you’re told.
There are shelves and niches almost hidden in the dancing shadows at first holding with boxes, bundles, and various utensils. He knows where everything is, grabbing a few items before returning and laying it out in the light. Bandages. His movements are fluid and elegant, just like you remembered.
He motions towards your upper body, then turns to tend to the fire. “Strip.”
“That’s really not -”
“Some of your ribs are broken. Restraining them will minimize the pain.”
He’s right. Of course he is.
With clipped movements, you pull off the layers until you hesitate at the poor excuse of a bra. Despite the now roaring fire, the cold from the stone still seeps into your body and raises waves of goosebumps and tightens your nipples. It would be easier to apply the bandages correctly without the last bit of clothing in the way, but right now it feels like the only shield left at your disposal as Itachi turns back to you.
“We’ll work around that,” the man offers softly.
He works quietly at first. Hands winding the linen bandages around you adeptly, pausing each time the ministration intensifies the pain and causes the discomfort to escape as stubborn hisses. The purple nail polish is mesmerizing – simultaneously a contrast to the horrific stories of a killer and perfectly fitting the pretty, nearly feminine, traits you see. Especially the eyes. Sure, they’re filled with a bottomless sadness that you don’t feel comfortable acknowledging, but they’re beautiful. Haunting.
“You’re staring,” he hums without looking up.
Shit. “No. I just -...let’s say you’re who you claim to be,” you try to recover, “why’re you back?”
“To be his watcher.”
“Says who?”
This time, he stops and looks you dead in the eyes. “Otsutsuki Hagoromo, the Sage of Six Paths.” There are very few proper comebacks to that, so your captor continues without giving you a chance to think of something, “Otsutsuki told me about the bonds of families and that it can transcend blood. He knows hatred can cause – and has caused – too much harm...but something rekindled his hope that it can be overcome.“
I don’t have an eye on Uchiha constantly, but... “Does Sasuke know?” Returning to his work, Itachi avoids your gaze. “He doesn’t...”
“He’s finally found peace and is on the right path...I can’t risk undoing it.”
Bullshit! “Or you’re a coward who doesn’t have the guts to fa-” the rest is cut off as soft fingers tighten around your throat.
Blood-red eyes pierce your mind, numbing you for an eternity or a millisecond.
They were a means to reach the goal but their words still hurt as you followed meekly in their footsteps. Snobbery. Disdain. Considering how proud your two team members clearly felt, they had very little to show for their reputation as Uchihas and frankly, it was your skills rather than theirs that ensured successful missions and still, you never once looked them in their face. Instead, you kept an eye out for two other of the clan.
Where one was, so would the other be. Thick as thieves, the boys had found a companionship that complemented their differences in the same manner as the sun and the moon. But as opposed to your teammates who swooned at the brightness of the sun, you were drawn to the night and the calmness it brought whenever that boy was near – each time he met your eyes, time became meaningless.
The two of you sit in silence as the steam from the soup caresses your face. Your mind is blank, slowly starting to pick up on the absence of stone walls – wood has replaced the cold surfaces, making it almost unbearably warm with the bandages underneath your layers of clothes – and a plethora of questions begin to press against your conscious only to be held back as most of your thoughts get derailed whenever you look at the man before you.
Without the hat and cloak to conceal him, it’s impossible to ignore all the details you’ve nurtured in your memory for ages, such as the slight pull of his lips as he thinks or the elegance of his movements now that he gets up and refills his bowl from the pot hanging over the fire.
“Why are you following Sasuke?”
You should be diplomatic. “I could ask you the same.” You’re not.
“I already told you,” Itachi shrugs.
“Well I...I don’t believe you.”
But you do. There’s no denying anymore that this man is who he claims to be and so, why would he lie about his purpose? The sad smile. The quiet mannerisms. The idea that Itachi would somehow transcend death to watch over his little brother? That’s a mysterious intricacy that fits with your memories of him from before that night.
“You do...but something else is bothering you.” It’s a statement, not a question. “Am I not what you expected?”
No, you’re not. However, he’s what you remember with a layer of sorrow added on top. He doesn’t get to be sad. The little spark of anger is what you need. You nurse it, feed it until it flares up hot and bright and consumes your regrets and self-pity.
“Expected? I don’t know what I expected from someone like you!” Your voice is rising, shaking with years of frustration. “Clan killer. Murderer. I never told anyone but I was in love with an Uchiha! That night, I’d gone to bed, finally sure that I was gonna tell him but when I woke up...” Something inside you had broken that day and it still hurts now. “They told me how you’d left Sasuke alive...but the boy I loved was gone and no one knew I was mourning. Each time I saw him -” you can’t hold back a strangled sound and you realize, you’re crying -”I saw the ghost of...” The bowl of floating vegetables looks blurry until you blink angrily. “Ugh! But what does a teenager know of love, right? They’ll grow up. Get over it. Except I knew you were out there still and that you had all the answers. Why? The Itachi I remember wasn’t a mindless monster! I was told a story, but it doesn’t make any sense. If all the monster wanted was power then why spare Sasuke? Why did everyone else have to die?”
The inhalations are shallow and rapid, making you dizzy as you cling to the table and the spoon. It burns in your lungs and cheeks.
“I am sorry for the pain, I’ve caused you.”
Your gaze snaps to his face and you know he’s speaking the truth but it doesn’t matter right now.
“Sorry? Sorry?! You don’t get to be sorry! I missed y-...the boy, I loved was gone and it took ages before I could let go and stop mourning, finally accepting the truth had died with you and now...now you’re here? And it’s all back and I don’t understand! How could you?” Itachi doesn’t flinch as you launch the bowl towards him – he doesn’t have to because your aim is off and it clatters to the floor in a shower of shards and wasted food after hitting the wall behind him. “How? The boy I loved was not a monster! He wouldn’t do what they s-”
The echoes of your wheezing shouts ring through the room after the abrupt stop. Holding your breath, you wait for the ground to swallow you whole or for the man at the other end of the table to react and the fear is colder than the burning in your chest.
“Things aren’t always what they seem,” Itachi eventually whispers, “they were just people who had been wronged and misguided until their arrogance made them blind.”
What? That’s not exactly what you had expected. Without explaining further, your captor gets up, handing you his bowl of food before beginning to clean the mess you’ve made.
“Don’t...I’ll get tha-” you begin.
He only has to look at you.
The dew had soaked your toes, cooling and soothing them after each kick that you landed on the wood stump. Pine. The new splinters refreshed the scent as they fell to the ground and you knew that birds would rummage through them in the hope of finding a morning snack once the training grounds were free of people again – they were already gathering at the edge of the clearing except for where Itachi stood.
The realization made you stop mid-kick, gaze locked with his and heart fluttering in your chest. How long had he stood there?
“They’re wrong.” You could barely believe he was talking to you. “Your teammates...don’t listen to what they say.”
Before you could ask what he meant, Itachi was gone and maybe it had all been your imagination running free.
Sitting up abruptly, it takes a few seconds for your eyes to get used to the low light of the dying embers. Where am I?
Salt and drying seaweed is heavy in the air, somehow worming its way into what appears to be yet another room of stone. No...it’s a cave. You’re sitting on a bedroll splayed out onto the sand filling the place and you have no memory of arriving.
The dark form on the other side of the fire pit makes no move as you slip a hand underneath your shirt to confirm what you already know: the bandages are gone and there’s only a muted tenderness as you prod at the ribs. How long has it been?
“You’re safe,” Itachi’s gentle voice assures, and you feel your pulse slow despite the ominous situation, “go back to sleep.”
Yes. Sleep...hang on! Shaking your head, you fight the urge to succumb to the fuzziness that weighs your thoughts. “Why’re you doing this?” you mumble.
It doesn’t make sense why the man wouldn’t simply get the answers he want and then dispose of you or at the very least leave you locked up somewhere while he keeps following Sasuke from the shadows. Instead, your captor has put an effort into keeping you comfortable. Feeding you.
“I remember you.” His eyes reflect the red coals as they burn into your soul all over again. “Memories don’t do your justice, though.”
There is no world beyond the walls of the garden but a red sheet of sky dotted with storm clouds. The sliding doors have been pushed aside, opening the hallway to the view, and you know the wood beneath your bare feet should be silky from decades of use. You can’t feel it. There are no scents either, no breeze to toy with the soft fabric of your yukata, nor insects clicking from the rhododendron.
“This isn’t real.”
“No,” Itachi confirms from behind you, “but here I can create what you need. Who you need.”
Turning at last, there’s no reason to shy away from meeting his gaze even if it matches the fake sky. He looks real – as opposed to the familiarity of the home of your childhood that surrounds the two of you – and the ghost of a smile kindly tries to hide the sadness.
“...need. For what?”
The black strands falling into his face are strangely dull in the nightmarish light. “Closure.”
“That’s not possible.”
Wanting to leave, to run away and avoid what Itachi intends, you find yourself rooted in place by an invisible force. Even turning your face away is impossible and you pray that he doesn’t understand the well of emotions he must be able to see in your eyes.
“This is a chance for you to say goodbye to the one I killed. The one you...love,” he pauses to scrutinize your expression and you try to remain neutral, “because you do. You still love him.”
“You have no right...” swallowing hard, you fight to keep the words back, “no right t-to claim to know what I need!” Finally, you manage to close your eyes but they snap open again at the touch of his fingertips on your forehead. “This isn’t something you get to fix like -”
The world has shifted again and you’re back in the ocean side cave. You can feel how uneven the sand is under your knees and shins even with the bedroll to soften the press and some some the grains have found their way in between your toes...but none of that matters because Itachi is still right before you, his fingers gently resting on your brow.
A pop-and-crackle from the fire pit is the only sound other than your shallow breathing. You know, he knows. Eyes widened in nigh-comedic understanding, it’s as if he sees you for the first time.
“I’m sorry, [Y/N].”
You barely manage to whisper, “for what?”
His fingertips send shivers along your spine as they trace a path, allowing him to cradle the back of your neck in his palm.
“Everything” Itachi’s lips brush your cheek, “for breaking your heart in so many ways and for making you think your love was unrequited.”
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Serendipity - Part IV. (Harry Styles)
a/n: can’t believe only one part left of this story! i personally love their journey and a lot more is to come, we have an emotional last part ahead of us, so brace yourself! as always, feedback is very much appreciated!!
pairing: Harry x OC (Annalise Lloyd)
word count: 9.4k
SERIES MASTERPOST  ⚫️ my masterlist  ⚫️  come and talk to me about Serendipity!  
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Serendipity (n.) Finding something good without looking for it.
Sometimes Harry finds himself way too caught up with everything around him. Work tends to pile up, meetings after meetings, urging deadlines and the demand to stay relevant in the industry. These past weeks he has tried his best to make London the epitome of his life and so far he has been successful in his attempt, dodging two trips away from his home, though he had to make a short visit to New York still.
Now, even though he is in London, he feels like he is far from home. He hasn’t been able to see Lis in three days, their schedules just didn’t line up well and he would never ask her to mess up her usual routine with Benji, but he has been missing her dearly. He has been missing them both. Harry found himself growing a liking to being around not just Lis, but her little boy as well. He loves playing around with him, joining the mother-son duo on their little outings on Sundays, or just simply stay in with them, watching whatever movie has caught Benji’s eyes recently. He has been spending all his free time with them, but this week has been too hectic and now Harry feels like it’s coming down crashing on him at once.
It’s past eight pm now and he just finished with a tiring meeting. He has had many creative differences with the team he is supposed to work together with for a photoshoot and it took all his energy and patience out of him to stay calm and respectful when they just wouldn’t let go of the things he clearly didn’t want to include. It didn’t matter what he or his manager was saying, the team seemed to be keen on putting their ideas through no matter what.
“We’ll come to terms, alright?” Jeff pats his shoulder as they walk out of the building. Harry nods, though he doesn’t feel comfortable in the project like he is supposed to.
“Yeah, sure.”
“Rest some. I pushed a little further your interview tomorrow. You have to be there at eleven.”
“Thanks,” he nods at the man and they say their goodbyes before parting ways and heading to their own cars.
Once he is seated behind the wheel, he takes a moment to himself, breathing deep to get his head sorted out, but he just knows this ache in his chest will grow if he doesn’t do something to ease it. Pulling his phone out of his pocket he closes his eyes as he starts a call to Lis.
“Hey! I was just thinking about you.” Her sweet voice immediately eases the tension in his muscles and he feels himself deflate at her words.
“Yes, Benji showed me his painting he made today and it has this nice guitar on it, I’m sure you’d like it,” she chuckles softly and he hears her shuffling around, she must be cleaning up the kitchen, at least that’s what she usually does around this time once they are finished with dinner.
“I bet it looks awesome,” he mumbles.
“Everything alright? You sound a little… distant,” she says, worry lacing through her words.
“I’m just… tired. Very tired. Just wanted to hear your voice. I miss you.”
“I miss you too,” she coos. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“It’s just work stuff. It’s been a hard week,” he admits, but doesn’t go into detail, not wanting to load out on her. She has enough on her plate without having to listen to his ranting.
“Are you at home?”
“No, I just got done at a meeting. It was shitty, some people just suck,” he sighs in frustration.
“Want to come over?” she asks softly, the question surprises him. It’s a weekday and they didn’t agree on meeting beforehand. “Go home, get the stuff you need and spend the night here, if you want.”
“You sure about it? I don’t want to bother and what about Benji?” Lis chuckles on the other end of the call.
“Benji would jump up the wall if he hears you are coming over. He has been missing you too, Harry. In fact, I think if you come over you won’t be able to get rid of him for a while.”
Harry chuckles lowly, the thought of having to play with Benji whatever imaginary game he just made up warms his chest. He doesn’t mind it, not even a bit.
“I can be there in like forty.”
“That’s perfect. We are starting Finding Nemo just now. Hurry so you can see the end. Spoiler, they find Nemo,” she laughs making him smile as well.
“Alright, see you in a bit.”
 Annalise ends the call, smiling to herself. She still hasn’t gotten used to the feeling Harry brings to her. All the affection and appreciation he has been showing made her swoon and she has no doubt now that she made the right choice when she let him enter her life. She could tell he wasn’t in the best of moods and though he didn’t admit it, he couldn’t fool her entirely. She wanted to be there for him, comfort him just like he does every time she is feeling overwhelmed with life. Harry hasn’t failed to brighten her days whenever it was starting to feel a little too much all together and now she has the chance to do the same for him.
“Popcorn! Popcorn!” Benji chants as he runs into the kitchen, already in his pajamas, holding one of his dinosaurs in his hand.
“Alright, I’m making it now,” she chuckles grabbing a pack and tossing it into the microwave. “Harry will come over in a bit, is that alright?” she asks him and watches his eyes brighten up immediately.
“When is he arriving? Can I show him my painting?” he enthuses right away, making Lis chuckle.
“Of course, already told him about it. He’ll be over soon. Let’s start the movie, he’ll join when he arrives.”
The two of them settle on the couch once the popcorn is ready, she puts on the movie and tries her best to focus on the screen, but she keeps glancing out the window, checking if he has arrived. When she sees his headlights pull up in front of her house, she leaves the comfort of the couch and goes to meet him outside. Luckily, Benji is too invested in the movie to care about the absence of his mother just yet.
When she sees him emerge from the car, she can tell he isn’t his usual joyful self. His shoulders are hunched forward and she can tell he hasn’t had a good night’s sleep in a while from the circles under his eyes. Looking up his gaze meets hers and he breaks a soft smile at the sight of her in her comfy home clothes.
“Hey,” she greets him warmly and walking up she kisses him sweetly, running her fingers through his hair. He hums against her lips, hands finding her waist lazily.
“Hi. You sure I’m not bothering?” he asks as he grabs his bag for the night from the back of the car.
“Absolutely,” she smiles and taking his hand she pulls him inside from the crispy evening air.
Benji’s head snaps up hearing the front door shut and he immediately leaps out of his seat, launching at the man that just arrived.
“Harry! Come see my painting!” he begs immediately, smacking against him, wrapping his short arms around his waist. Harry chuckles lightly, rubbing his back gently.
“Alright, bud. Show me!”
The three of them move over to the kitchen so Harry can check out the painting on the fridge. Harry listens to everything he has to say, giving him his full attention and Annalise can’t ignore how her heart flutters in her chest at the sight of them. Harry squats down so he is on the level of the little boy who is standing between his legs, talking enthusiastically about the kind of paint his teacher let him use at school. He doesn’t seem to be just acting to be interested, it’s all genuine and that alone almost makes her cry.
Once the show and tell is done, Benji drags him into the living room so they can continue the movie.
“Slow down, Benji. Let me bring my stuff up to the bedroom,” Harry chuckles, but the boy has a strong grip on his hand.
“I’ll do it, just go watch the movie,” Lis offers smiling. Harry presses a kiss to her temple, mumbling a thank you as she takes the bag from him before he is taken by her son.
Bringing it into her bedroom she sets it beside the bed and gets him a clean towel, placing it to the edge of the bed in case he needs it. Once the lights are all turned off she heads back down to the living room, only to find a scene that immediately makes her swoon.
The movie is playing again and has both guys’ eyes fixed on the screen. Harry is sitting comfortable on the couch, slid down a little, Benji cuddled to his side, his little fingers playing with the buttons of his shirt. His head is laid on Harry’s chest while his long, tattooed arm is wrapped around the little boy’s frame. Just as she walked down the stairs Benji mumbled a question about sharks and Harry softly answered, earning a nod from the boy in his arm.
Lis finds herself grabbing her phone from the kitchen island, quietly sneaking up on them, taking a picture of the two from the side. She is more than sure it’s going to end up as her lockscreen sooner or later.
Harry lifts his head and turns towards her when she walks in, making her presence known this time. A soft smile tugs on his pink lips and Annalise can’t push down her wide smile even if she tried. Sitting beside the boys, she leans closer and presses a kiss to Harry’s lips before placing one on top of Benji’s head. This is her silent thank you to Harry for being such an amazing man and he can feel the seriousness behind this small gesture as well.
When Lis is all settled, Benji moves around until his head is still on Harry’s chest but his legs are across his mother’s lap. Harry and Lis exchange one last loving look over the head of the little boy before they both turn their attention back at the movie playing on the screen.
Benji is half asleep by the end of the movie. Harry offers to carry him up to bed, which Lis appreciates a lot. She hasn’t been able to carry him around that much since he has been growing like crazy. Once the boy is all settled in his bed the two of them head into her bedroom. First he takes a quick shower and then it’s her turn. When she returns to the room Harry is lying in bed already, reading something on his phone but he quickly puts it aside when she appears. She quickly gets under the covers and moves close to Harry, resting her head on his shoulder as he circles his arm around her frame.
“I’m sorry you had a shitty day,” she mumbles after a while, his fingers gently caressing her upper arm.
“It definitely got better at the end.” After a short silence, she is the one to speak up again.
“I like having you around like this.”
“Like what?”
Lifting her head she rests her chin on his chest so she can look him in the eyes.
“Domestically,” she answers and his heart starts thudding against his chest so wildly even she notices it.
“I love it too,” he tells her truthfully.
As he stares down at her in the dim lighting of the bedside lamp on her nightstand, he can feel three short words weighing down on him, burning to be said out loud, but he is not sure if it’s the right moment to let them slip. However, as the moments pass by and she is still looking up at him, he simply can’t make himself remain silent.
“And… I love you.”
She seems stunned upon hearing his words, lips parted as her eyes keep fixated on his green ones. Pushing herself up into a sitting position she lets the faintest smile tug on her lips, tasting the words that just rolled down his tongue. Cupping his face she leans down and kisses him blissfully, her cheeks blushing from the joy that spread in her body at his confession.
“I love you too,” she whispers against his lips and he breathes out shakily, a hand flying to the back of her head to pull her into another kiss.
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“See? It wasn’t tha’ hard, right?” Harry smiles down at Benji who nods his head, admiring his math homework Harry just helped him finish.
“Thanks. I think I like math now,” the boy nods to himself, making both Harry and Lis chuckle.
“Your opinion about math seems to be changing quite often, Benji,” Lis teases him, but he just shrugs his shoulders. “Go pack your bag for tomorrow.”
Benji climbs off the stool, grabs his notebook and pencils before jolting upstairs. Annalise walks around the kitchen island until Harry can reach out and pull her closer to him, placing a chaste kiss to her lips.
“I wanted to ask you something,” she shyly blinks up at him.
“Go ahead,” he nods. Her hands wander to his stomach, curling the fabric of his shirt around her fingers before letting it go. Harry has been spending at least two nights at Annalise’s, he has his own drawer in her dresser, a toothbrush in the bathroom and even a mug only he uses when he drinks his morning coffee. Following the night he spent here after his shitty day, it slowly became a usual, they both found themselves craving to be with each other and Benji didn’t seem to mind having him over either. Now it’s stretching towards the end of May and they have fallen into a routine of some sort, that seems to be working well for all three of them.
“When school is going to be over I’ll be taking Benji to my parents’ and he’ll stay there for the first two weeks of summer vacation. I’m staying for a weekend as well before I leave him there and I was wondering if… you’d like to come, maybe.”
“You want me to meet your parents?” Harry asks, stunned at the sudden invitation, but it surely warms his heart, knowing that she is ready to take this next step.
“I mean, if you don’t think it’s too soon or something. We’ve been dating for only what, like two months?”
“Something like that,” he nods licking his lips.
“Don’t feel pressured, it’s just that I told my mum about you and she really wants to meet you. But I understand if you want to push it back a little.”
“You told your mum about me?”
“Of course,” she smiles shyly. “She is dying to meet this new, charming boyfriend of mine.” Her smile turns into a smirk that’s surely contagious. Harry mirrors her expression before pecking her lips softly.
“I would love to meet your parents, Lis.”
Her eyes light up and he knows he would do anything to see her happy. Meeting her parents feels a tad bit scary but he is also excited, knowing that she trusts him and counts on him on such level is comforting.
“Great. Then get ready to be questioned by my mum, she can be a pester sometimes, but I have no doubt you’ll pass,” she chuckles before kissing him fully.
“So Benji will be away for two weeks?” he asks, seemingly deep in his thoughts.
“Yeah.” Harry licks his lips, eyebrows furrowed and Lis can tell the gears are turning wildly in his head. “What’s on your mind?”
“It’s just an idea. You can say no if you don’t feel like you’re comfortable with it, but… I was thinking that you could stay at mine for those two weeks. Would be nice to come home to each other, start our days together and all. But it’s just an idea, you can absolutely tell me if yo—“
“I would love that,” she cuts him off smiling, her hands coming up to cup his cheeks. “I think it would be great.”
“Mhm,” she nods smirking, her thoughts already wandering off to how convenient it’s going to be to be around each other all the time when they are not working. No interruptions, no third parties, just the two of them in the comfort of Harry’s home. She would be crazy to say no to that.
“Great,” he smiles, eyes shining bright. “I’ll make you a copy of my keys then.”
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Suzan and George Lloyd live in the outer skirt of Manchester, a place that almost feels like home for Harry as well. The cozy looking town house appears to be old, but it’s clear that it is well kept, thanks to all the hours the couple puts into it.
“Grams! Gramps!” Benji cheers in excitement once Harry parks down on the driveway. The red front door opens and a short, curvy woman appears, her chestnut hair in a short ponytail, a green apron covering her front.
“She is big on kisses,” Lis warns Harry before they all get out of the car.
Benji runs up to his grandmother happily, giving her a tight hug as the woman coos at him lovingly. Lis grabs Benji’s bag while Harry carries hers and his, walking up to the front door where Suzan is already waiting for them with open arms.
“Lisie! Come here!” she cheers, her laugh chiming sweetly as she wraps her arms around her daughter, kissing her cheek several times.
“Hi mum. How are you?”
“Fantastic now that I have my favorite grandson with me!” she cheekily answers winking at Benji, though they all know he is the only grandson she has.
“Mum, this is Harry, my boyfriend. Harry, this is my mother,” Lis introduces them to each other. Harry drops the bags to the ground with a wide grin on his face that brings out his dimples well. Suzan immediately falls in love with them.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Lloyd,” he politely greets her, though she waves in dismissal.
“Oh, call me Suzan. Come here, Dear!”
They share a warm hug and just as Lis warned him, he feels Suzan kissing both his cheeks welcomingly.
“You surely are more handsome than in the photos!” she exclaims, making Harry chuckle.
“Apologies, she is a big Google user,” Lis huffs, but Suzan ignores the comment, tugging her family inside.
George appears from the kitchen, chewing on something as Benji jumps into his arms.
“Gramps, we will go fishing, right?” he asks in excitement.
“Of course, Benji. Next weekend?”
“Lisie!” George cheers and envelopes his daughter in a hug after he has put Benji down. “You look stunning.”
“Thank you, Dad,” she smiled. “This is Harry. Harry, this is my dad.”
“Nice to meet your, Sir,” Harry smiles at him as they shake hands and luckily, George returns his smile with a gentle pat on his shoulder.
“Call me George. Nice to meet you too.”
Soon enough Lis goes upstairs to help Benji get settled in the room that used to be hers but now mostly used by the boy when he is staying over, leaving Harry alone with Suzan and George. Suzan has brought some tea and biscuits into the living room and she joins the two men as George is already asking him about what he really does for a living.
“Lisie said you are some kind of celebrity?” George explains, looking a little puzzled at the information though.
“Kind of,” Harry nods. “I’m a singer and song writer.”
“George, I showed you his song the other day!” Suzan chimes in, sitting in the armchair.
“Which one? You show me so many things a day, I can’t remember all of them!”
“The one with the video about the fish!”
“Fish?” George grimaces, trying to find his memory of what his wife showed him, but then it pops in and his expression smoothes out. “Oh! That one! That’s a nice song!”
“Of course it is!” Suzan exclaims. Harry finds the conversation rather endearing. It’s always so relieving to meet people who are not so caught up in the world of fame, having trouble to even remember his full name. Though Suzan has done her homework digging online, it’s still clear that she hasn’t heard much about him beforehand and Harry prefers it this way, not having to worry about and secondhand judgment from the media.
Suzan turns to Harry and her eyes give it away that she is about to have a few serious words with him.
“Harry, I’m so glad you could make it this weekend. Lis talked so fondly about you on the phone.”
“Wouldn’t have missed it for anything.”
“It seems like Benji likes you a lot too.”
“He is an amazing little boy.” Suzan lets out a long breath and he knows this is where the real talk begins.
“I can tell your intentions are the best with her, but please be extra careful with them. She has had enough trouble with Austin, she doesn’t need another heartbreak, yeah?”
“I completely understand your concerns and I can assure you, I’m always doing everything in their favor.”
“That I know, Harry,” she smiles. “But sometimes things just get harder and people tend to forget you have to fight for what you thought was already fully yours.”
Harry holds his gaze on hers as he savors the meaning behind her rather wise words. He knows it was no thread, but a reminder that they won’t be always this happy.
“Will try my best,” he nods, meaning every single word.
It’s a silent agreement between the two of them that Harry will hope to keep forever. Benji comes running down the stairs, Lis following behind him as they join the three of them in the living room. Benji sits on Suzan’s lap, rambling about his last fieldtrip he had with his class as Lis sits beside Harry on the sofa. She places a hand to his knee, squeezing it softly and his palm covers her hand instantly.
“You alright?” she quietly asks him.
“Yeah,” he smiles and leaning closer he pecks her lips shortly before they both turn towards Benji and Suzan.
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Monday morning, when Annalise’s alarm goes off on her phone, she can’t tell where she really is for a moment, it is until she hears Harry groan behind her, an arm lazily thrown over her stomach. They arrived back from Manchester the previous night and after a quick trip to Annalise’s house, they both moved over to Harry’s place where they are set to spend the next two weeks, something they both have been looking forward to.
Harry places a soft kiss to her shoulder before rolling to his back, blinking the sleep away from his tired eyes. Though they both knew they would have to wake up early in the morning, it didn’t keep them away from using their alone time for their satisfaction.
“Mm, I know you love your job, but right now I wish you would just quit it,” Harry mumbles, eyes still closed as he is trying to gain strength to get up. Lis chuckles softly, cuddling to his side.
“You know… I forgot I don’t need to get Benji ready now so we are about half an hour early,” she inquires, hoping Harry would get the real meaning behind her words, however he is too tired to do much thinking about what she truly meant.
“Great, 30 more minutes of sleep,” he exhales.
“Or…” Lis pushes herself up and swings a leg over Harry, getting on top of him and the position surely makes his eyes pop open. “We could use our time wisely,” she suggests with a coy smile.
“Rise and shine, baby,” he sings, his hands grabbing onto her hips as he turns them over, getting on top of her while she laughs at how quickly she could get the sleep out of his eyes.
After they have successfully used their extra time wisely, Harry convinces her to let him drive her to work.
“Then you’ll have to pick me up too.”
“Well of course. We could go grocery shopping together on our way home. Want to cook you something nice,” he smirks at her, finishing up his morning coffee.
“Sounds good,” she nods, accepting his offer at last.
The two of them get ready to leave and though it’s still a bit strange to spend their morning together at such a peaceful and private manner, they can’t deny how much they love being alone. Harry loved having her around, see her brushing her hair while he was getting dressed, move around each other in the kitchen while making breakfast. His home has never felt better than at that very morning with Annalise there with him.
“I’ll be here at four,” he smiles at her once they arrive to Golden Sunshine. Leaning over the shifting gear she pulls him in for a quick goodbye kiss.
“Don’t be late,” she smirks playfully before getting out of the car and heading inside. She turns back before entering the building, seeing that Harry is still watching her. She smiles and waves at him before walking inside.
Eloise and Bart are right there as always, the old lady’s eyes immediately lighting up when she sees Lis arrive.
“Darling! You look stunning!” she gasps looking at her.
“Thank you. You look nice as well. Is that a new cardigan?”
“Well, yes! My granddaughter bought it for me!”
“Looks amazing.”
“Thank you. Now tell me, what is it that got you all bright this morning? I don’t tend to see people this happy on Monday mornings.”
Lis stops in her way, her eyes wandering over to the front door. Harry is gone, but the thought of him still lingers in her mind, making her smile with every bit of it.
“It’s love, Eloise,” she answers shortly before making her way into the changing room.
Before starting her shift she drops by her boss’ office to sign her attendance sheet for last month. As she puts her hair in a low ponytail she walks into the room that’s used as a waiting area in front of Mark, her boss’ office. Immediately, she is greeted by Grace, the assistant there.
“Good morning, Annalise!” she nods in her way smiling. “Good thing you dropped by, Mark wants to talk to you.”
“Am I in trouble?” she asks right away, but Grace shakes her head.
“Don’t think so.”
Just as it’s said, Mark rushes through the door with a pile of papers in his hands, his colorful tie a little crooked, but he looks just as nice as every day.
“Oh! Lis, so happy you are here so I don’t have to hunt you down,” he jokes. “Come into my office, will you?”
Lis follows the man inside and sits in one of the plush armchairs in front of his desk. He stacks the papers on the side of the desk before taking his seat behind it.
“Benji gone already?” he asks nicely. Mark knows Benji very well, the boy loves him and Lis is thankful Mark is so understanding about her role as a mother first and foremost.
“Yes, dropped him off this weekend.”
“Great,” he nods, a hint of worry in his eyes.
“Mark, what is it you wanted to talk about? You are starting to worry me.”
“I wouldn’t want that, but I need to tell you about something. You know the new assistant I hired for the weekends, right?”
“Yes, I met Violet the other week,” she nods, cautiously waiting for him to finally make sense.
“She is still learning her ways around and I swear she didn’t mean to bring trouble upon you,” he explains, clearly worried about the situation on hand that Lis is dying to finally unfold.
“Mark, just tell me what it is about!” she begs.
“We got a call this weekend from a man. He was asking around about you. Wanted to know if you are working here. Violet didn’t think anything of it and told him that you in fact work here. She said he started asking when your shifts are and how often you are in, that’s when she found it suspicious and told him she can’t provide any more information. She didn’t find out his intentions, but she indeed got his name.”
Though it hasn’t been said out, Lis has a strong guess who it must have been and the eerie gut feeling inside her stomach is more painful than ever.
“Who was it?” she asks, voice barely more than just a whisper.
“He said his name was Austin.”
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“Thank you so much, Mr. Styles,” the woman behind the cash register smiles as she hands Harry his receipt along with the two hard paper bags, the well-known name GUCCI printed over them neatly.
“Thank you,” he smiles in his way, sliding his wallet into his back pocket before grabbing the bags and heading out of the store he just spent an hour trying on outfits. He is always highly welcomed in any of their stores and judging from the amount of money he usually leaves after a spree, it won’t be any different anytime soon.
“Gucci should change its name to Styles, man,” Mitch jokes as the two men approach the exit.
“That would be cool, right?” Harry smirks.
There are three photographers already waiting for them near his car and the moment they set their feet outside the questions start, flashes are ticking every second, all of them trying to get a good shot of him. He doesn’t blame them, he hasn’t served anything mentionable lately, he was barely even seen out in public since he has started going out with Lis and he was kind of getting used to the quiet and peace, however he hasn’t forgotten what his life is really like.
Ignoring all questions thrown in his way, the two men simply get into the car and drive away, luckily, they don’t get followed. It only happened a handful of times to Harry, but he definitely didn’t like it.
“Can you drop me off at Sarah’s?” Mitch asks after checking his phone.
“Sure. Everything alright?”
“Yeah, she just asked if I could help her put together her new coffee table.”
“Didn’t she buy one just last month?”
“She did, but… it wasn’t too durable,” Mitch mumbles under his breath, making Harry gasp at his comment.
“Oh shit!” he laughs. “I’m not sure if I wanted to know this detail, but anyway, congrats man,” he teases him, Mitch only smirking shyly.
“Don’t pretend like you haven’t ruined anything ever while having sex.”
“Never said that,” he smirks smugly.
“I’m not gonna ask what you and Lis broke, I have too much respect for her,” Mitch laughs and Harry pays him a playful smirk. To be honest, they haven’t broken anything, but his headboard was creaking quite vigorously this morning for sure. He knows it’s just a matter of time and chances that they destroy something at either his or her place.
“How is living together working out so far?” Mitch asks, changing the topic.
“It’s been not even a whole day,” Harry chuckles. “But I love it so far. For the first time in so long, I finally feel like everything is just heading right.”
“That’s amazing. I’m happy for you,” Mitch smiles genuinely at him. “You really should bring her around sometime, we are all dying to meet her. Sarah wouldn’t shut up about it,” he adds chuckling.
“I know, she’s been hinting it to me as well,” Harry smirks. “Will try to make it happen. Maybe this weekend? It’s a little easier without having to worry about Benji. Not that he is a burden, of course.”
After dropping Mitch off Harry heads to Golden Sunshine, since it’s nearing five. This week, Lis agreed to work a usual shift so she’ll have the whole weekend off. He arrives a little earlier so he starts to write a quick list what they would need to pick up at Tesco on their way home. Just a few minutes after five, the door opens and Lis walks out, a wary look on her beautiful face as she roams around stepping outside, her eyes landing on the car and the man inside waiting for her.
“Hey,” Harry beams, kissing her quickly when she gets in the car.
“Hi,” she greets him, a little out of breath, looking a tad bit on the edge.
“Everything alright?” he asks, starting the car and leaving.
“Yeah, I just… had a tiring day,” she breathes out, flashing a weak smile at him.
Walking around Tesco they quite forget about themselves, holding hands and simply acting like any other couples as they fill up the cart with everything they need at home. They both notice that people recognize him and she can’t ignore the stares they are getting, but it’s not like they can do anything about it. Earlier, they’ve had a talk about this side of Harry’s career, if they would want to keep out of public or simply not care about it at all. They uniformly agreed to choose the latter. Harry wouldn’t talk about her and they would just simply pretend not to care about the curious eyes and talks. Sooner or later, it will all die down and it’s not like they could hide forever.
But after all, this is the first time they are caught, undeniably together with their hands intertwined and though they try to stay low, people notice them. Pictures of the two of them slowly but surely make their way around the internet and the first headlines appear about Harry’s new romance.
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Saturday has finally brought the first time Lis is meeting Harry’s band. The lot is heading out for a simple dinner, but his friends can’t wait to finally meet the woman who has Harry on his knees since day one.
It’s been a tiring, but wholesome week for the pair, spending so much time together, they’ve been quite enjoying the comfort of being alone.
However, the wariness Harry has noticed on Lis earlier the week didn’t seem to fade. He asked her several times if everything was fine, but she assured it was all good and he told himself she must just be feeling a little lost without Benji around. He knows, because he has found himself feeling the same. He has gotten so used to him being around it was starting to feel weird not hearing his curious questions every time they were watching a movie.
Following a lazy day at home they get ready for dinner and head out to meet the band. Lis has been paying extra attention to her looks since their pictures got out from their grocery shopping trip. When Harry told her she didn’t have to worry about looking so spotless all the time she simply answered: “Can’t have them talk about you dating an uggo, right?”
To which Harry replied: “That can never be the case when it comes to you.”
It surely warmed her heart to know he finds her pretty regardless of what she is wearing, but she still feels the need to look presentable, especially when Harry is always dressed so nicely.
Tonight, she is wearing wide-legged checkered pants and a sleeveless turtleneck tucked in it, paired with silver hoop earrings. Emerging from the bedroom Harry takes her in smiling.
“You look so serious yet fun at the same time,” he hums, eyes still roaming her body.
“Is that good?” she chuckles lightly.
“Definitely,” he nods. “Ready to leave?”
On the way to the restaurant, Harry notices how she’s been checking her phone more frequently than usually and it’s been like this for a few days now. When he asked she said she was just texting with her mum, getting updates about Benji and he didn’t have any reason not to believe her.
“There she is!” Sarah cheers as soon as the pair walks into the place. Jumping from her seat she rushes over and pulls Lis into a tight hug, making her chuckle. “I’m so happy we can finally meet you! I’m Sarah,” she grins widely, giving her two kisses on the cheeks.
“Hi, Nice to meet you. I’m Annalise, but I guess you already know that,” she jokes with an airy laugh.
“There was no other way with this dude always talking about you,” Sarah chuckles giving a look to Harry, who just shrugs his shoulders, not even trying to mask his affection towards Lis. “Come on, only Charlotte is missing, but she is always running late.”
Arriving to their table Lis is greeted by the rest of the band and everyone warmly introduces themselves to her, Charlotte arriving just when Harry and Lis take their seats at the table. Though Harry had no doubts Lis would get along well with his friends, it’s still relieving to see her get settled so easily with the band. He can sense her restraint at the beginning, but soon enough she is talking and telling stories as if she knew them all for years.
“How do you make summer vacation work with Benji? Harry said he is spending time with his grandparents now,” Sarah questions over the main course and Lis seems a little taken aback, which Sarah immediately recognizes. “Oh, I’m sorry, should I not ask about him?”
“No, it’s alright. I just… I guess I didn’t think Harry shared much about him.” Her eyes wander over to the man in question who is deep in conversation with Mitch, didn’t even hear what Sarah asked.
“Oh please, he wouldn’t stop telling us about him every time we are at the studio,” she chuckles.
“Yeah. He really likes the boy.” Lis just packs it all up in her head, labeling  it as another reason why she loves Harry so much.
“Well, he is going to go out to camp for a week, but other than that, he usually comes to work with me.”
“That’s so amazing!”
The evening carries on and Harry can’t not notice how Lis keeps glancing down at her phone every five minutes. One time, when she reaches for the phone his hand grabs hers, stopping her from grabbing the device.
“You sure everything is alright? You keep looking at your phone.” He tries to find a hint, anything in her eyes that gives away why she is acting different, but she cautiously keeping her gaze diverted from his.
“I’m good, don’t worry,” she answers, but when her phone lights up, an incoming call from her mom, she immediately snatches it from the table and excusing herself she walks out to the street to answer the call.
Harry clenches his jaw, looking after her, knowing well something is not right, but he doesn’t know why she wouldn’t tell him what it is about. He tries to stay still, to let her get it sorted out as she wishes, but he just can’t.
“I’ll be right back,” he mumbles to the group before going after Lis.
Walking out he stops at the entrance, looking both ways before she spots her at the corner of the building, her back facing him as she holds the phone to her ear, leaning against the brick wall. He has a fleeting thought about not eavesdropping on a conversation that wasn’t meant for his ears, but his curiosity and worry brings him forward.
“But you didn’t tell him right?” her voice is heard when he is a few steps away from her. “Maybe I should bring him home earlier… But mum, what if he just turns up there? He knows you live there, I can’t have him just waltz in… No, I get it, but there’s little you can do when he is there… I really don’t know… He hasn’t, but it’s a matter of time, I think. He already knows I work there and God knows why he was asking around about me.”
Harry soon realizes what the conversation must be about and he is definitely not impressed by several reasons. Standing there with his jaw clenched, he waits for her to end the call and realize his presence. When she finally says her goodbye, pushing herself away from the brick wall, Harry watches her turn around and jump at the sight of him.
“Harry, you—“
“What’s going on?” he cuts her off right away, eyes burning down on her.
“I, uhh—Can we… Can we have this conversation at home?” she pleads quietly.
“Just tell me what it’s about, because I thought I was seeing things when I noticed that you’ve been acting weird, but I was clearly right. There is something and I want to know what it is.” “Harry, I really don’t want to ruin the evening with it now.”
“Nonsense, because there’s no way I can just act like everything is fine until we get home.”
Exhaling shakily, Lis realizes she can’t push it back any further, she has to come clear.
“Last weekend, when we were away, Austin called Golden Sunshine, he was asking about me and the girl who works on the weekend accidentally told him that it’s in fact my workplace. He wanted to know stuff about me, but didn’t get much. Then today my mum noticed a car waiting across the street for about an hour. Someone was sitting in it or that’s how she saw. Mum thinks it was him.”
Harry feels his rage build up with each passing moment for two reasons: one being that Annalise wanted to keep it away from him that her ex is suddenly looking for her. Second is that Austin has the nerve to pop up out of nowhere after abandoning his family and creep the Hell out of Lis and basically everyone in her family probably.
“And why didn’t you tell me this? You think I wouldn’t want to know if your ex is suddenly looking for you? That’s pretty major, Lis,” he snaps, having a hard time to contain himself as much as he would like to.
“I didn’t want to worry you, hoped the call was nothing, but the whole car thing is now stressing me out. I would have told you, I just…” exhaling sharply she runs her fingers through her hair. “I don’t know, I guess it feels weird to talk about him with you.”
“It’s not like you are sharing with me your sex life with him, this is stuff that I want to know about, this concerns your and Benji’s safety as well and I feel like I have a saying in those things.” “I know, I’m sorry. It was stupid of me to not tell. Please don’t be mad at me,” she begs, desperate to somehow make it right though she knows she messed up.
She can tell Harry is fuming, his piercing green eyes are filled with the mixture of worry, rage and anger for many reasons, all of them valid in her opinion. She wishes she could go back in time and tell him about it in a different way, but there’s nothing to do now.
“Harry, please say something,” she breathes out, wanting nothing else than to finally hear what he is thinking about. However, he is not letting her in that easily now.
“Let’s get back inside. We’ll talk when we are alone.”
Though Lis wants to protest, she knows it’s what should happen. Nodding shortly the two of them head back inside and push everything down until the end of dinner. It’s hard to focus on their group once they return, they both feel far away from the dinner table.
The evening drags longer than they would have liked, or that’s just how they feel. They try their best to mask their feelings, not wanting to bring their friends into this upsetting situation. However, when they are sitting in the car on their way home, they both notice that they could cut the tension for sure. Lis is chewing on her bottom lip nervously, afraid of what’s been going on in Harry’s head and cursing herself out at the same time for not telling him the first moment.
“I can stay at home tonight if you don’t want me over,” she finds herself saying, voice quiet and reserved. Harry glances in her direction for a split second.
“Is that what you want? You want to go home?”
“No. I just figured you might want some… space.”
“Well, I don’t. So unless you want to go home yourself, I want you at mine.”
It’s relieving, though still not enough to ease her anxiety that’s been clawing on her chest all evening. But at least he still wants her around.
The silence is painful for the both of them and it’s something that hasn’t happened between them since they’ve met. Lis keeps glancing in his way, trying to figure out what he must be thinking about, but it seems like Harry keeps his emotions so much at bay, nothing gives away where his thoughts are lying. She is forced to wait until they can finally talk.
Walking inside Lis feels out of place, for the first time ever since she has started seeing Harry. She watches him drop off his belongings in the bedroom before returning to the living room, a hard look on his handsome face. It seems like he is trying hard to find the right words to start this conversation. Hands on his hips he stands in front of her, eyes fixed on the floor before they finally meet her desperate ones.
“Okay, first of all, is Benji alright? Do you want us to go and bring him home?” he asks with a tired sigh.
“I-I think he is fine for now. Mum says she is keeping a close eye on him.”
“Alright. Just let me know if you change your mind and want him here.”
“Thank you,” she nods shortly and through the bitterness of the situation, she is thankful he still takes the time to think about her boy.
“Okay and now let’s talk about why you kept it from me that Austin has been looking for you. Any specific reason, something I did? Did I make you feel like you couldn’t talk to me about it?”
“No! Not at all!” she shakes her head right away. Taking his hand softly she pulls him down to the couch so they sit turned towards each other, her knee brushing against his thigh. Though his hand is a deadweight in her hold, as if he doesn’t want her to hold it, she still doesn’t let go of it. “Harry, I know I can tell you anything and I always do that. I just felt like you’ve had enough to worry about and didn’t want to add to it. I always…” Her voice dies down as she is now fighting with her tears. She’s been putting away these thoughts ever since their first lunch date, when she realized she can’t let go of him and he won’t either.
Harry notices her struggle and pulls his hand out of her hold, bringing it up to her face to cup her cheek. His thumb runs across her soft skin, his eyes falling down at her trembling lips.
“I always feel like a burden to you. I’m not easy to be with because I’m not living the usual life people my age have. It would be hard for a normal guy, but you are not one! I just don’t want to hold you back in any way, but there are things that I can’t change. When I found out that Austin was asking about me I thought this is something I can handle on my own and don’t have to worry you with it.”
“Lis…” he breathes out, starting to finally put together her train of thoughts and though he is still mad, now he is more heartbroken that she is still feeling like she has to be so considerate about him in some cases. “You are not a burden, never was and I can assure you that you’ll never be. I chose to be with you, and not just part of you, all of it. The good, the bad, all of it. I don’t want you to feel like you can’t count on me always, because you can. I want to be there for you no matter what it’s about.”
“I know!” she breathes out shakily, the tears already building up in her eyes. “But I can’t help thinking that one day… you won’t feel the same. Like you’ll be fed up with all the baggage that I come with!”
“What baggage, baby? Your fucker ex? That’s not your fault.”
“Him and… Benji?” she adds.
“Benji is not a baggage, Lis. I love him, would easily do anything for him, he is not a burden in any way. I’m so happy I got to meet him because of you and I’m happy that you are letting me have a part in his life. I already told you, but I’ll never stop telling you that I look up at you so much for everything you do for yourself and for Benji.”
Now she is crying. Hard. The way his eyes filled with nothing but love when he is talking about Benji, it’s all she ever wished for in a man and he is so much more than that. To think that she didn’t even want to let him into her life is a sickening thought, how she didn’t trust him enough to see what an amazing man he is.
Moving forward she climbs to his lap and he circles his welcoming arms around her, holding her close to his chest as she starts sobbing, completely touched by his words.
“I’m sorry I’m so emotional,” she mumbles between sobs. “I just… It’s still so hard for me to understand why…”
She doesn’t finish the sentence, but he knows exactly what she was thinking about: It’s still so hard for her to understand why he is with her. And it’s heartbreaking to know it’s how she feels, but it also makes him determined to change her way of seeing him for once and for all.
“It’s alright. I just want you to talk to me, okay? I want to know everything that’s important to you, good or bad, doesn’t matter.”
She just nods, holding onto him for dear life. They stay like that for what feels like hours, her crying slowly dies down and he patiently waits for her to breathe normally again, continuously pressing soft kisses to her forehead and the top of her head. When she finally lifts her head up, a small smile plays on her lips and though her eyes are red and puffy from the crying, he still thinks she is the most beautiful man he has ever seen.
“Feeling better?” he murmurs softly and she nods again. “Okay. So what do you want to do about Austin?”
“I haven’t figured it out,” she huffs tiredly. “I don’t even know for sure if it was really him in the car my mum saw and other than the call to my work place, nothing else happened.”
“Is there any reason why you should be afraid of him? Like, has he ever…” Harry doesn’t even get himself to say the word, just thinking about it rages him.
“No,” she shakes her head. “But I haven’t seen him in ages, God knows what he is like now.”
“If you want to move here with Benji, if that would make you feel safer, I’m perfectly okay with that. I have plenty of space for the both of you.”
“You’d let us come here just like that?” she asks, stunned at how easily he is talking about such a major step.
“Of course,” he nods confidently. A soft smile tugs on her lips as she kisses him gently, as a way of saying thank you.
“I think we are fine for now,” she then replies. “But thank you.”
A short silence sets in, both of them are deep in their thoughts, processing everything that happened tonight and there’s one more question stuck on Harry’s mind that he needs to ask.
“So… what happens if he reaches out? If he wants to meet you and Benji?”
Lis sighs heavily, the thought has been haunting her as well all week and she hasn’t come up with a solid answer to this just yet.
“It depends on what he really wants. It’s not like I want him back in my life, but if he wants to see Benji… I don’t think I can tell him no. Legally, he is allowed to see him. It’s a whole different story that I don’t want him to though.”
Her answer was valid and reasonable, though it still brought some uneasiness to Harry. Just thinking about Austin meeting Benji makes him want to scream. The man left his family so easily, like they meant absolutely nothing to him and he is the reason why Lis had to build up her whole life alone. Not that Harry would have liked it better if he was still in the picture, but in his beliefs, a man who abandons his family is simply not a man. Even if he didn’t want to be with Lis anymore, he should have made sure to support her in raising Benji and not just disappear into thin air.
However Harry knows he doesn’t have a say in it and that what Lis said is relevant. The man might have walked out of their lives, but legally he still has the right to see Benji, nothing is stopping him.
Harry keeps his doubts and fears to himself, he needs to be the person Lis can rely on now, whatever is about to happen. It’s all secondary what he thinks or feels right now.
 The two of them stay on the couch for another hour, just talking and sharing and they both feel like it was what they needed. Their relationship was going smooth, but they had to realize they still have a lot to work on and tonight was a step forward. They then have a hot shower together and this time they don’t get carried away, it’s all about the gentle touches, the hot water washing away their worries for a short time, keeping it just an intimate but not sexual moment.
Lying in bed Harry pulls her close, her head lies on his chest as she is drawing little patterns on his chest, her fingers delicately following the lines of his tattoos. Her thoughts are wandering, jumping from one thought to the other until something makes her come to a halt, a soft, ironic chuckle escaping her lips.
“Wha’s so funny?” Harry asks quietly.
Lifting her head, she rests her chin on his chest, her arms spread out over his ribs. It’s not even that funny, more ironic seeing the timeline of their relationship.
“I just think it’s pretty hilarious how I was the one to warn you several times not to make me regret my decisions about you and then I end up being the one thinking that you regretted getting together with me.”
She laughs some more, a smile tugging on Harry’s lips as well, seeing that it’s indeed a little funny, if he thinks about it.
“Oh how the tables have turned,” he grins, kissing her forehead.
“But on a serious note,” she starts, clearing her throat. “Do you have any regrets?”
“None,” he answers right away without hesitation.
“Not even one tiny bit?”
“Absolutely none,” he confirms and pulls his arms tighter around her. She smiles widely, pushing herself up a bit so her lips can meet his.
“Hope it stays this way.”
let me know if you’d like to be added or taken off!
@stylesfics-xx​ @dontworrysunflower​ @mariamuses​ @bookwormandtea​ @swtxel​ @ericadrumgoole1​
156 notes · View notes
defectiveconantoy · 3 years
Memories (ShinRan)
Fandom: Detective Conan
Pairing: ShinRan
Rating: T
Genres: Angst, Comfort
Words: 1,535
Author’s Notes: Remember my old WIP? I changed the title and finished drafting it right before @shinranweek was announced. 😅 The story is angst-ish mixed with confort. Enjoy!
“What a gloomy day!” Ran stares at the living room window with a frown on her face before returning to the couch. Shinichi, on the other hand, is fine with staying at home. He calmly stares at the television screen and says, “I wouldn’t worry. There’s always tomorrow. We can go to the park again, like we did yesterday. And remember, I’m not going anywhere. I’m here to stay. We have time.” That reassured Ran.
The Kudo mansion is quiet this Saturday afternoon, except for the rain lightly tapping on the windows and the sound of soup boiling in the background. Its smell of broth and fresh green onions linger around the living room and near the couch where she and Shinichi were located. Ran constantly switches her attention between the living room and kitchen while Shinichi sits and absentmindedly watches television.
Ran is spending the weekend over at Shinichi’s house. His parents are away for the week, and her father, Kogoro, left town for a case. During her visits, Ran’s favorite activity is to cook warm, homemade meals for an eager and hungry Shinichi, a tradition that first started during his Conan days. Today’s dish is miso soup, the perfect fix for the rainy weather. Good thing the meal sounds good because mothing good is on television right now. Bored, Shinichi daydreams, drifting to flashbacks of the past year’s chaos.
Calling it all chaos is an understatement. Might as well call it having your body and spirit stretched, compressed, stomped on, and slapped around. Being Conan was not easy. It was like one’s soul was screaming but nothing came out because its lips were sealed shut. He wished to tell Ran everything, to run free and stop living a double life and pretending he was not really Kudo Shinichi. The dangerous situation was an imaginary brick wall between him and Ran. He looked forward to finally breaking it and no longer seeing her hurting and waiting.
The Black Organization’s attack on him was a flash of lightning that ruined years of work achieved during his lifetime. Never will he forget the humiliation endured from being knocked down, bloodied, pulled by the hair, and forced to swallow that wretched pill. The poison’s few minutes of piercing, bone melting pain were followed by missed opportunities. Being Conan was a unique experience, but he can’t deny how his new life caused him to temporarily sacrifice his old one. To this day, he struggles to adjust but still manages to move on, in spite of slipping the occasional ah le le and Ran-neechan.
He next thinks about the moment he received the permanent APTX 4869 antidote. Days after receiving the pill, he recalls lying on a couch near Haibara Ai, who observed and documented his reaction to the drug. “Good news, Kudo-kun! Looks like the antidote is working as expected. Your vitals look fine. No heart problems or side effects. Everything looks great. Come back to visit me one week from now.” “Tch! You’d see me anyway. I live right next door,” Shinichi joked back.
At first, he was scared the drug was a fluke and would turn him back into Conan. Luckily, it ended well because he experienced the heart pounding and drastic bone growth without the shrinking afterwards. The worst after-effect was becoming Haibara’s test subject for a few days before her trying the antidote on herself. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make. After all, the first step in facing the Organization and gaining power over them was becoming himself again.
Back to reality. Shinichi shifts his attention back to the television screen and sighs. “Commercials are currently on. Still nothing good! How stupid!” The rain briefly stopped, but the clouds remain present. The house is a bit dark during these daytime hours. Ran is now in the kitchen stirring the soup.
Ran. Shinichi now blushes after he remembers telling her the truth a few weeks ago. He returned to the Mouri residence to pick up Conan’s (or his) belongings. They spoke alone in her bedroom, with her doing most of the talking. And boy, did he feel guilty! The memories hurt. He feels embarassed now while deep in his thoughts as he did then. He lied to her about his identity and used that front to stay at her home, take a bath with her, and unintentionally tune in on secrets she would never tell him as Shinichi.
Their conversation was actually quite a relief. Ran was more upset by him frequently running away to solve cases than over his massive lie. Shinichi felt grateful for her not breaking up with him, though their argument was settled under one condition: she keeps a very close eye on him. At least he finally gets to spend more time with her as himself this time.
He also owes Ran his life after the Black Organization’s defeat. Shinichi initially refused to get her involved. She instead was persistent and unwilling to listen. Never will she make the mistake of letting him run into danger alone again. His fast reflexes and her karate skills helped them escape a deadly kidnapping.
All this thinking makes Shinichi dose off and take a nap. In his sleep, he envisions Ran and himself strapped together, roped by their arms and waists and their backs turned away from one another. Ran lets out a soft cry, “Shinichi. I don’t want to die.” “Don’t say that,” he whispers. “Look, I have a plan. What we will do is —ah!” Gin appears out of nowhere, interrupting his speech before point a gun to his chest and forcing the poison on him again. He shoots and runs away before Shinichi could fight for Ran and himself. His vision is now blurred, and Ran is nowhere to be felt. He whimpers, and right when he becomes concerned about his body shrinking again, he wakes up sweating and screaming.
“Shinichi!” Concerned, Ran immediately darts towards the living room and sits on the edge of the couch. Shinichi’s eyes widened. He jitters, pants, and looks around in all directions before throwing himself at Ran with a tight embrace. She silently smiles and begins stroking his back. “Shhh! There! It’s okay. It’s okay,” Ran whispers before kissing his hair. He moves up and rests his face against her left shoulder. She eventually presses his back as a cue to change positions. “Hmm...please don’t leave,” Shinichi whispers. Ran responds, “Of course not! I just want to adjust myself.” “Oh!”
They settle down. Shinichi turns the TV off and begins talking: “Ran, I just had a nightmare about us. The Black Organization kidnapped us. Gin shot me and left me for dead once more. I couldn’t hear you, and I swore I was going to turn into Conan again. My first encounter with the Organization left me scared for my life. Scared for you too. Scared they would hurt you. I’m sorry again for everything. If I could take back this past year, I would. I betrayed you. I’d stop myself from leaving you behind back in Tropical Land. Back when I was Conan-kun, I wished you knew everything, but it would hurt you. I was also told not to tell you. Agasa-hakase and Haibara —”
“Yeah, her,” Shinichi continued. She even aimed a gun at me at the hospital after you donated blood to treat my gunshot wound. Or so I thought. It was a fake gun concealing a small bouquet of flowers. She scared me into not telling you about the Organization or Conan-kun’s true identity. I don’t blame her. That girl was really scared. She would panic any time she sensed their presence. Honestly, I was scared too, only better at hiding it. I didn’t want you to ever see me suffering and turning into Conan or get suspicious, discover everything on your own, and get yourself into deep trouble. Sorry again for getting you into this mess.”
“Don’t apologize,” Ran started. “I trust you. I knew you were hurting but couldn’t tell me for some some reason. I waited for the day you’d return and tell me everything face-to-face. When you first left, I’d sometimes think you were out fooling around with other women. But that’s not you. You were pretty close to me before that incident. You, the Deduction Freak, always talking to me about Holmes or the case of the day. Still, you changed since leaving. I sensed it though our phone calls and in Conan-kun.”
He remarked, “Conan was a new experience. I think it provided opportunities. I met the Shonen Tantei-dan, Hattori, Haibara, Akai-san, and so on. I also gained the courage to confess my feelings to you. Anyway, it’s nice to be back. I missed you.”
“I missed you too. I’m glad you’re back. Well, the miso soup is almost ready. Want to help me prepare the table?”
Shinichi replies with a grin, “Sure, Ran-neechan!”
“Here we go again! You can’t get away with your Conan-kun act this time.”
“Haha! I kid, I kid,” Shinichi joked. He smiled in Ran’s direction. “Let’s do this. I’m hungry!”
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 4 years
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An imaginary spring was attached to the heel of your boots, adding to your speed as you sprinted across the marble flooring that led to the main lobby of the resort. The guests who caught a glimpse of your blurred form blew out laughter, questioning whether you were merely an enthusiastic athlete or a madwoman. However, their commentaries did not pierce through the veil of determination that equipped you with a second layer of skin. Nothing could hurt you now, nothing but –
The younger girl was stood a few meters away, conversing casually with the four men towering over her. The scene may have appeared ordinary to the average person, however, in your eyes it was a classic arrangement of predator and prey. When the screak that ripped through the air reached where Kumi was situated, panic brough the smile on her lips to collapse into a strained expression of horror. What triggered your overprotective instincts was her extensive history of heartbreak. But the issue was never that she lacked the strength to walk away, her problem lied in the fact she trusted people far too easily.
Without a second thought, you increased your speed, fully intending on tackling the black-haired male who was closest to her. The flirtatious smirk plastered against his visage spoke volumes. Oh, how you would wipe that damn smirk off his face. Unfortunately, once you were close enough to launch your attack, an arm was snuck around your middle, guiding you a safe distance away from the group.
“Hi there. Please don’t run in the hallways. It’s dangerous, and we wouldn’t want you to get hurt, now would we?” Accompanying the teasing remarks was a hearty chuckle, demonstrating the stranger’s amusement with the situation.
The sarcasm dripping from his mouth along with his hold upon you stole your attention briefly from your mission. Halting your movements, a curious tilt was added to your head.
“Dangerous? You’re the one holding me? So maybe you should rethink your next steps, stranger danger.” Artificial humour curved your lips as you poked at his exposed arm that remained pressed against your stomach.  
“Stranger danger? Oh, is that your way of asking for my name, Miss Flash?” Another round of chortles was exhaled by the male, prompting your skin to dance at the hot air tickling your neck.
“I’ll need your name if I’m going to file a report on you later.” A small huff was added to your declaration, and you were about to administer another sneering remark when Kumi stepped forward, requesting you to stop.
“Please don’t fight. These are the guys I was talking about. They’re not bad, y/n.” In order to successfully calm your fighting urges, the younger girl prepared a puppy dog expression, expanding her eyelids while jutting her bottom lip.
The ultimate move from Toma Kumi – the y/n killer.
“I think I was able to piece that much together. What I don’t understand is why Stranger Danger is touching me.” Allowing your chin to collide with your chest in defeat, a few curses were mumbled under your breath.  
“I can answer that one. I’m only touching you because you were about to attack my friend.” As you sulked, an inquisitive expression curved his brows. You were quite a lively one, from your photos alone he would have not guessed that.
“Should I attack you instead?” Instantly you shot your head up, interest sparkling in your y/e/c irises. The threat did not elicit the reaction you were seeking, as you were met with a sincere beam, one that blessed his face in a heavenly glow.
“I would be delighted if you did.”  
Bokuto whistled upon hearing his friend’s words, while Kuroo observed the duo with caution. There was one thought on the pair’s mind, though they were unable to pinpoint what it was.
“Wow, it’s like there are two Oikawa’s instead of one now.” Akaashi mused out loud, accidentally leading the group’s focus onto him. When your eyes secured on his, he blinked slowly, wondering if he should too be prepared for some form of violence.  
“Keep going, cute face. Don’t be shy, drop his first name too.” An encouraging wave was issued in his direction, though the former setter was unsure whether to supply you the information.
“Tooru. Oikawa Tooru, at your service.” The brunette introduced himself in a coquettish whisper, aiming to provoke another explosive reaction. Yet, his dreams were crushed when your brother emerged from behind him, eyelids hooded in partial interest.
“So, this is where the party is at. What did we miss?” The question was directed at Kumi who was currently hiding behind her palm in distress. Rintarou then shoved his hands into his pockets, scanning the three men that remained beside his friend. “So, which one of you are the fuck boy she’s falling for?”
Kumi squealed out, releasing her face only to shake the younger Suna violently. While the youngest of the group were engaged in a verbal disagreement, Sakusa hovered close to you, his presence serving as a threat.
“Y/n, what did I tell you about contacting germs?” The question was conveyed with a grimace, and he did not bother to conceal his disgust. Oikawa surveyed the male, unphased by his threatening aura, or his bitter comments. If anything, he found it entertaining.
“Oh, Kiyo-kiyo. I don’t think he’s got that many germs. He smells like vanilla and toasted sugar.” Despite the underlying compliment in your response, you shot Oikawa a side glance. What did he know? Maybe you hated vanilla and toasted sugar! Of course you didn’t, but he didn’t need to know that.
Unsatisfied with your endeavour to appease him, Sakusa rolled his eyes. Germs could be masked with cologne – how foolish could you be. “Come here.” He noticed how Oikawa’s hold on you had faltered, and with a gentle tug, he was able to bring you into his arms and away from the unfamiliar man. Homura who caught visual of this exchange, clapped her hands together, forcing the group to acknowledge her presence. When every pair of eyes settled on her, a dim smile ghosted upon her mouth.
“So, these are your new friends, Kumi. Would you care to introduce us now that Sakusa has y/n under his custody?”
“Oh yes!” Freeing the fabric of Rintarou’s shirt, the youngest of the group stepped back, joy brightening her features. “Let’s do that.”
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Fun facts:
⇻ When Oikawa saw y/n’s photos he almost dropped Kumi’s phone, his excuse was that he had a “mini heart attack.” 
⇻ After the group finished introductions, y/n gave Kumi her “blessing” to date Bokuto, much to Kuroo’s dismay. 
⇻ Homura is the only one out of the group who will not waste energy on physically fighting. But one time Rintarou annoyed her so much that she smacked him with a wooden spoon.  
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Can you keep a secret - Miss Flash
Masterlist - Previous - Next
A/N: Okay ya’ll I wrote this while still sick sO if it’s not great pls excuse thank you 
Taglist:  @haikyuufairy @newfriendjen @chocolaterumble @lvoejimin @moonlightaangel @gyozaaaaa @byun-nies @thevillagehiddenintheinternet @graykageyama @bloody-bella @amberalisa @yourstarvic @swoonhui @rajablast @chaichai-the-weeb @dreamstormings @namyari @elianetsantana @chibishae34 @momoinot  @volleybloop @melonmayhere @cuddlesslut @haikyuusimp91 @pastaforhandsidk @prcttylittlcthing @halparkebitch @lilacshouko @kac-chowsballs @helloalex80 @4fterh0urs @aquariarose @sempiternal-amour @stfucanunot @athenarosaline @idiot-juice-enthusiast @nerdynstoned @yamayoomi @memes-and-money  @its-the-aerieljeane @coconut-dreamz​ @tsumume 
If I crossed your name it’s because I can’t tag you :( 
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killherfreakout · 4 years
half of who i am isn’t all my fault
a series about hands and where they touch.
part two: your hand under my chin
[a/n: bipolar disorder, mixed state of mania and depression.]
* * *
The world is ending.
At least, to a twenty-something artist in Paris named Eliott Demaury, it feels like it is. And he can’t decide if he wants to sit there and watch or throw caution to the wind and go down with it.
It’s another quiet weeknight in the city, late enough that the partygoers are on their way home but early enough that people aren’t up for work. So the world is continuing as normal, and yet, it feels like Eliott is on the edge of it and about to fall off. 
And there’s no one to blame but himself; no one to blame but his chemically imbalanced and traitorous brain, on the brink of consuming every last semblance of control he has left, in the middle of a sleepless night. Eliott knows this feeling too well, and no matter who much he tries to fight it, his attempts are futile. 
Eliott finds himself sitting on the edge of their bed, and he watches as Lucas’ parted lips huff out soft breaths in his sleep. He looks ethereal, like some kind of angel sent to watch over Eliott when he wants to give up on himself, always there when he doesn’t know he needs him. Lucas is some kind of perfect dream, in between real and imaginary, as he lays there like he has no idea the sight he makes.
Lucas said once, after Eliott made him try his special omelettes, I’m glad you have one flaw, otherwise you’re just too perfect to be real. And Eliott knows the way people look at him, like he’s an entity only good for his beauty — although, if he has anything to say about it, he would argue he’s the furthest from that — and not a person with real human emotion underneath it all. The thought makes a cruel, humorless laugh bubble up inside his throat.
And he doesn’t want to be the asshole who’s ungrateful for his conventionally attractive features, but every time it comes up, it just— it feels like it’s the universe’s twisted way of overcompensating for the ugliness that hides beneath the shiny surface. It makes this shame and guilt swirl inside of him, and there’s this voice mocking him, saying, if only they knew. If only they knew how flawed this body is, how close it is to breaking. 
His boyfriend’s peaceful state somehow magnifies Eliott’s awakeness, and his body feels heavy but his mind and heart feel like they’re going fast enough to run a marathon. Like he has all this energy he needs to burn but he’s stuck inside the small apartment as the world ends inside it, and seems to keep going outside of it.
Inevitably he finds his cigarettes on the ledge of the living room window, and goes through one before he even realizes he’s smoking it; he goes to light another but gets annoyed at the busted lighter, deciding to raid the fridge for something to wash down the nicotine.
A gust of wind outside reminds him of the outside world, his body somehow not big enough for everything he feels inside, like he belongs out there. But he can feel himself coming down, feeling like he fits inside his body again the more he breathes, and he tries with all his might to stay afloat before he crashes.
Eliott lays on the cold floor of their bedroom, his head against the wall under the window and legs bent at the knee with his feet against the foot of the bed. It’s not quite comfortable but the position allows him to see some of the sky over the tops of the buildings outside, including a few stars that shine through the darkness.
He lays there for a while, just looking at the tiny shining stars and melting into the cold floor, trying to focus on the sound of Lucas’ tiny breaths from the bed.
There’s a star that peeks through a small cloud as it passes by, and Eliott can’t tell which one it is or which constellation it belongs to, but he knows that it’s one that moves around the North Star, like all the others do. Then a thought comes to him: he’s like one of those stars. He’s always changing and going in circles, sometimes hidden behind clouds in his mind, not visible to anyone. The thought could be dreamy and romantic, comparing himself to the stars, but with the current state he’s in it feels like a curse. Like the pole his life revolves around is his bipolar disorder, where he has no choice but to let it decide his course.
It makes him feel so small and so alone, always at war with his mind and with himself. The stars seem so far away, and he’s just left lying on the cold floor in his own apocalypse that no one can see.
His eyes wander across the ceiling, unfocused and frenzied as these thoughts keep swirling around his head, hands clenching at his sides.
There’s shuffling on the other side of the room where Lucas tosses in the bed, groaning before calling, “Baby?”
Eliott registers the sounds but can’t break his focus from the ceiling of his mind and the room.
“Eli, where are you?”
Lucas calls his name a few more times, the sound getting further and further away as the younger one searches the other rooms of the apartment. Eliott wants to scream for help, wants to tell Lucas, I’m here, I’m here, but he can’t. 
Somehow, though, he seems to beckon him back.
There’s footsteps and then a source of light, and Lucas almost trips over Eliott’s legs where he still rests on the floor by their bed. Lucas sighs when he realizes he’s found him, sleepy features illuminated by the blue light of his phone. His eyes are squinty from the light and his hair is a perfect mess all over his head, a few strands falling down to his eyes. He still looks like an angel - and here he is, to save Eliott from himself like he knew he would.
“There you are,” Lucas kneels on the floor by Eliott’s side. Eliott finally focuses on his voice and his presence, his angel. “Come back to bed, baby.”
Eliott doesn’t move, can’t move. Lead has settled into his bones trapping him to the floor, and every nerve screams to get up, to go back to bed with Lucas, but there he lies, paralyzed.
“Oh, Eliott,” Lucas’ smile disappears, thumbing away the tears that Eliott didn’t even know were flowing. His voice is soft and loving just like he is. “What’s going on?”
His eyes close to the words, no doubt causing more wetness from his eyes. The thumb wipes it away again, so gently, it’s like magic.
Subconsciously Eliott registers Lucas’ concern and the way he asked, noticing how he asked what’s going on? instead of what’s wrong? — because something doesn’t necessarily have to be wrong to make Eliott feel like this, because what Eliott feels right now is something that happens sometimes. They’ve had plenty of experience with this exact moment, when Eliott is close to losing himself and Lucas makes sure to keep him from going too far. 
“Lucas…” His voice is weak, his throat closing and breath stuck somewhere that can’t get out. Eliott can feel the touch again, this time firmer, more real. Lucas leans down to be closer to him, and keeps up that brushing on his face, but it’s overwhelming all of a sudden, and there’s no simple answer to his question and—
Eliott finds some strength, or just a fighting response, to turn over and away from the touch and warmth of Lucas. He misses it as soon as it’s gone but stays in his new position with his back turned to the other boy. Lucas doesn’t reach out again, just leaves him be. Eliott is glad his boyfriend is respecting his space but can’t help the guilt setting in that he pushed him away. Eliott lays there quietly, though his mind is anything but. He doesn’t know if Lucas is still there when he finally finds his voice again.
“I was doing so well, I thought I might have finally had some control over this. But it just came out of nowhere and—”
Sudden panic washes over him, because it never really comes out of nowhere, and if it does, there are signs he can recognize so he’s at least a bit prepared.
Eliott thinks of the fact that he hasn’t slept more than a few hours in the past three days, and how tired he doesn’t feel until right at this moment. But he was so focused on his art projects and so excited with how they were coming together, the time seemed to fly by. That happens sometimes, just getting swept up in inspiration and letting it take him away - without triggering an episode. Because he prides himself in his passion and creativity, and how he uses art to sort through his feelings and express his truest self. The thought of his recent works being the product of his mania rather than his own intention makes him so angry and upset that he was born with a brain that always ends up letting him down. 
But now in hindsight he doesn’t know what to think, or what exactly triggered these feelings, or how he got here, or what will come next. Eliott had been diligent with taking his meds and going to his weekly sessions, but now that he thinks about it, he can’t remember if he took them yesterday and—
Eliott lays with his back on the floor again. “I should have seen this coming. I knew I was doing too well that something was going to happen, and it’s always the same shit.” He tilts his head back to look at the stars again, and imagines himself as one of them. “No matter how hard I try, it's like nothing I do is ever up to me. And I have to deal with myself for the rest of my life.”
It’s silent again and Eliott has a moment of terror that he’s completely alone, like he’s the last person on Earth and shouting into an endless, dark void.
“Hey,” the sound is like a beam of light breaking through the dark void, like another lost soul is greeting him, saying, I’m here, I’m here.
Lucas hasn’t left from his place next to him; he’s laying on his side facing Eliott on the hard floor. Eliott doesn’t look at him, though; he doesn’t want to see him look at how much of a mess he is. He knows Lucas doesn’t pity him, and he’s so glad for that, but the way Lucas has so much love and care in his eyes makes Eliott only feel more undeserving of it. So he stays on his back and glances from the ceiling to the endless sky.
“Hey,” Lucas says again, in a soft whisper, but firm this time. “Eli, can you look at me?”
Eliott doesn’t want to be like the stars and revolve around his bipolar. Maybe he can find a new way to navigate, by following a new star, a new pole that is a fixed point in his life. Like the one in front of him now, made of stardust and blue eyes and love.
He swallows thickly, his breath finding a way out as he catches sight of Lucas. Eliott was right, there’s so much love in his beautiful, still sleepy eyes. Even though Eliott is turned on his side to face him, he tucks his head down to his chest. 
Lucas comes a little closer, and slowly reaches a hand out to Eliott as not to scare him. He runs his hand over the fabric of Eliott’s chest where his heart beats fast underneath, and gently uses it to lift his chin so that Lucas can see him.
Eliott lets him, lets Lucas position his face to open up to him, lets himself be seen. But he’s stubborn when he gets like this, so he still looks down and away from Lucas who still has Eliott’s chin in his hand.
“Breathe,” Lucas says calmly, looking into his eyes. Eliott keeps their gaze this time; Lucas’ is more direct and practical now, communicating more than his voice. Eliott lets out an excuse for a breath, more like a quiet sob, and then Lucas says again, “Breathe, in and out.” 
Lucas watches as Eliott tries again, but it’s still impossible. He wants to look away again but the hand under his chin won’t let him, the fingers there softly tracing the frown on his face as if to smooth it away. 
“Listen to mine and try to breathe with me.” 
It’s then that Eliott decides that Lucas is his North Star, even if just for tonight. His mania and his depression and his anxiety and his sleepless nights will always be there, but right here and right now, he uses every last ounce of control he has to listen as Lucas’ chest rises and fills with air and slowly deflates. 
Eliott tunes into the sound of every breath, and soon he somehow finds that he’s breathing in time with them. 
“There you go, keep breathing,” Lucas reassures, his hand moving from Eliott’s chin to his shoulder and slowly down his arm to where his hands lay in front of him on the floor. 
After some time, Eliott’s heart rate is slow again, and he’s exhausted. He’s about to fall, into real sleep for the first time in days, and Lucas is right there with him.
Lucas’ voice sounds like it’s on the other side of that void, far away but extremely close at the same time. “I’m sorry you feel like that, and I wish I could say the right thing to make you feel better, but all I can say is that you’re right, it sucks. I mean, I’ll never know exactly how you feel, but I’m acknowledging that it must feel awful. But I do know that you’re so much stronger than you think, and I know that you are so much more than your weakest moments, and that I’m right here with you through anything.” 
Eliott’s eyes are heavy and his mind is starting to drift, but the words make him hold on just a little bit longer. He flutters his eyes open to see Lucas staring back at him, the smallest sleepy smile on his lips. Eliott does his best to return it, even if it’s a lazy slant of his mouth. 
“I'm sure it must feel really lonely sometimes, but I’ll keep reminding you that you’re not alone.” Lucas’ hand is tickling down his forearm, and he intertwines their fingers to bring them to his lips, leaving feather-light kisses across his knuckles. “And I can’t wait to deal with you for the rest of my life.”
My angel. It’s the last thing Eliott thinks before he surrenders to sleep, his hand still in Lucas’ where they lay on the hardwood floor.
When Eliott wakes it’s to the sun shining at a low angle into the room, and he tosses in the bed to shy away from it, bumping into a hard body on his side. Lucas is sitting against the headboard smiling down at him, greeting him with a good afternoon, my love.
After a few long moments of waking up, still coming to and vaguely remembering his state the previous night, Eliott swallows though his throat is dry and regards his boyfriend looking all awake and beautiful.
“Did you carry me to bed?” Eliott asks half in awe and half in confusion. He’s done the same for Lucas countless times, but he doesn’t think his boyfriend ever has.
Lucas scoffs but he has the widest, most beautiful smile on his face. The kind that is contagious even when Eliott is not feeling up to smiling.
He gets him to drink some water and take his meds, and Eliott is too tired to fight it. 
“Remember when I said you were stronger than you think? Well, so am I.” Lucas smirks with a quick raise of his brows, and Eliott goes to bury his face into Lucas’ neck and shoulder, his absolute favorite place in the universe.
“I love you,” is all Eliott has the energy to say, before he rolls over and goes to sleep a few hours more. Lucas laughs that soft and adorable laugh of his, and joins him under the covers. My love, my light, my angel, my star.
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lettrespromises · 4 years
╰┄───➤   LettresPromises informs you : you have one notification. ❜
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╰──➤ Kuroo Tetsurou and you share a correspondence, would you like to read it? ❜
❝Can you keep a secret? Secret Letters, a inter-high program which delivers anonymous love letters to designated people, has recently gained quite the popular status until becoming the number one reference for confessions. But is it really possible to remain objective when you see that the person you set your eyes on wishes to send a letter to someone who isn’t you?❞
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And there you were, standing amongst the deafening silence and the agonizing solitude which had already infected the air. Stating that your body housed an uncontrollable amount of tension was an euphemism, truthfully, you were still wondering how you hadn’t succumbed to the pain created by your subconscious.
A bag of snack and diverse kinds of drinks were at your feet, and upon glancing at them, they seemed like they were the beholders of all the secrets in the world, all the hushed secrets you wished you once knew. They seemed worthy of holding your attention, or rather, you were unworthy of giving your attention to anything else but an animated object.
You hadn’t dared to touch your phone or even throw a glance at it ever since Kuroo replied to you, it was a short answer, you were convinced that it was quite acerbic, too. You feared that touching your phone would actually make your skin burn and redden due to the imaginary heat radiating off your phone, what caused the heat? Probably fear, you assumed.
You were so lost in the torments of your thoughts and pseudo hypothesis that you hadn’t heard the crashing footsteps belonging to the Scheming Captain, Kuroo Tetsurou, you only noticed his presence once the light emanating from the Sun died under his height, once the gleam in your orbs created by the rays of sunshine died at the same time.
Kuroo had already crossed his forelimbs to his chest whilst his facial structure gave you no clue whatsoever as to what he was thinking about, and for the first time in your life, you felt like his opponent, you felt like the prey of the Scheming Captain.
“I came earli-”
“You didn’t come this morning. Why?” He cut you off, his orbs bore into yours to anticipate whether or not you would choose to lie to his face.
“I didn’t wake up on time, and I totally forgot about morning practice. Kuroo, I’m so, so sorry, I swear it’s the last time this happens.” You stated in your defense, looking at him with pleading eyes through your lashes.
“It’s funny, you also said it was going to be the last time the time before, you know, where you also happened to be late. So, tell me, don’t you think it’s funny too?” Kuroo half-asked through a rhetorical question, acerbity dripping like a toxic nectar from his words as his facial expression remained unchanged.
“Kuroo, I promise you that this is the last time. It’s my fault, and I already apologized for it. Just-... What do you expect from me? I’ll make up to you and the team.” You pleaded in return as you played with your fingers to exude your stress (a detail he didn’t miss), the words leaving your lips like a plea trying to reach to his chained heart.
“I know you apologized and all, but I’m just wondering if you’re also going to apologize for feeding me this bullshit?” Kuroo continued, and you cursed yourself for even thinking that lying to the epitome of a human lie detector was worth the risk.
An angel passed. The movements of your fingers became more an more frenetic, as if they were trying to follow the frenzied rhythm of the fear coursing through your entire body. Another detail he didn’t miss. You kept on trying to exude the anguish consuming you, so you quit looking at him, thinking that laying your glance elsewhere could ease your nerves if Kuroo’s face wasn’t in your vision field anymore. You opened your mouth and robotically closed it as soon you noticed no sound was coming out of it, and your cheeks adopted a shameful rosy tone under the embarrassment of not being able to express yourself properly. Kuroo never missed each detail about you, truthfully, he made a mental note and mental associations of your gestures and linked them to your emotions.
You were looking elsewhere, your fingers were becoming martyrs, you couldn’t find anything to say— he concluded without any difficulty that you were tortured by your very own emotions. He couldn’t help but frown at the sight of your trembling form before his eyes, not because you couldn’t reply to him, but rather because he knew it was his fault. He knew that the toxins dripping down his words had poisoned you.
“It’s okay, Y/N, you don’t have to—” “The reason why I’ve been acting weird these past couple of days was because I was scared of losing you.” You cut him off this time, such acerbic poetry, “Ever since we talked about this Secret Letters thing, I felt like you were disappointed in me and even stopped trusting me” You continued, wiping away the pearls of salt gathering at the corner of your eyes,  “I know I shouldn’t have lied, I know I messed up so bad but I couldn’t find myself to sleep at night when all I could think about was whether or not you had decided to give up on me because you didn’t trust me anymore.” You eventually concluded, an unwanted sob punctuated the end of your sentence. Kuroo felt trapped at the bottom of a pit without any way to crawl back to the surface and admire the light radiating off your angelic self, and surely, he told himself he deserved to stay at the bottom of this pit. A sentiment of guilt was eating him alive and settled in his stomach where a huge knot had already been taking form and grew wider and wider until knocking the air out of his lungs. It was his fault.
Reflex kicked, his arms encircled your trembling frame and he caged you against his chest whilst the frenetic rhythm of his heart against your eardrums testified of the awakening of his biggest fear— losing you. He held onto you as if you were bound to fade away at any given moment, as if his fear had the power to make you disappear. But your hearts beat in unison, and although you were both consumed by guilt and fear, you both needed each other.
“Y/N, will you look at me? Could you do that for me, please?” This time, the pleas came from him, but you obliged and laid your orbs on him, he couldn’t help but turn his lips into a faded smile at the sight of your face. “Just remember one thing, you will never, and I mean never, lose me. Whether you want it or not, I’ll always be in your life, I’ll always be there, yeah? I’m sorry, too, for everything. I shouldn’t have told you these horrible things and even less tell you what you should do and not do. You don’t have to accept my apolog-” “You’re forgiven, Kuroo.” You replied in a whisper, a sentence which sounded so weak in comparison to its importance. You let out a sigh you didn’t even know you were holding whilst Kuroo’s thumbs brushed away the last remaining tears cascading down your face, you were going to be okay. You stayed in each other’s embrace for a short while, and gave in to your hearts’ desires... Until Yamamoto came around, his eyes widened at the sight before him— how could Kuroo Tetsurou have the audacity, the nerve, the insolence to hold his precious manager in his arms? His mouth was set agape in anticipation for his future yelling session but Kuroo had already caught that and set you free from his embrace.
“I’ll go calm Yamamoto down for a few seconds, oh, and don’t worry about the bags, I’ll cary them inside. You can go change before practice starts, yeah?” He offered a smile as soon as the last words died on in his lips, a smile you reciprocated as a silent form of agreement. And as Kuroo left you to apply the dear rules of performative language and soothe the nerves of Yamamoto, you pulled out your phone from your back pocket and finally replied to a certain text now that you had no reason to back down from doing so.
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➤𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 : @amoroushero, @washione, @volexis, @lelebells, @boosyboo9206, @mkkhaikyuu, @bokutosuwus, @cleopatera, @kukkeii
bonus :
wanna know what song kuroo was listening to? check it out here and listen well to the lyrics, they might have a correlation with this chapter and the chapters to come.
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
Can I please request a yandere shinso trying to make his darling notice him again? like, he became kinda popular ever since he got into the hero course everyone praised him, and everyone said hello and hi to him in the hallways, 'you're gonna become a great Hero shinsou!' and he became kinda bratty and slightly arrogant there, but then reader didn't like that anymore so she just avoided him ever since and he was like what the fuck y/n? why aren't you answering me or my texts anymore?! y/n: who u
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✂ Pairing: Yandere! Shinsou Hitoshi x General Ed Student! Reader
✂ Word Count: 1,4k+
✂ Trigger Warnings: Manipulation, possessiveness
If you like my writing, please support me on ko-fi!
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“You’ve changed, you’re not the angel I once knew. No need to tell me that that we’re through. It’s all over now.” - You’ve Changed [Ella Fitzgerald]
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You knew that underneath the cold shoulder you’d been giving to Shinsō lately, lied profound disappointment and dejection over his change of attitude. Your heart would wrench whenever you listened to his arrogant response towards the constant praises and support that surrounded him daily, and tears would prick your eyes whenever he attempted to strike a conversation with you.
Were you overreacting? You didn’t know. All you knew was that he’d stomped on your feelings, on your delicate trust, with his behavior.
And all of this happened without his knowledge.
Not that you’d bothered to tell him, though. It was hard to bring yourself to look at him in the eye and feign a smile. It was hard to avoid him when he always lingered in front of your classroom, waiting for an opportunity that you’d never give. It was hard to ignore his messages when he practically bombarded your phone every day.
Today wasn’t an exception, either.
[06.18 pm] Shinsō: What the fuck, [Name]?! Why do you keep ignoring my texts? First, in school and now this. Heck, you even took a roundabout route just to avoid me yesterday! What have I done to you?!
You frowned. How did he know that you took a longer path to your home yesterday? Was he… was he stalking you? No, that was impossible. He must’ve seen you somehow, despite your painstaking efforts to elude him. Then again, if he did spotted you, why didn’t he approach you? Although you wanted to diminish any possibility of confrontation, it’d be strange if he didn’t try to at least grab the chance.
Was he simply biding his time?
[06.23 pm] You: Who the hell are you? Stop spamming my phone.
The reply came quickly as if he’d been waiting for yours, or relieved that you finally answered his desperate questions.
[06.23 pm] Shinsō: Very funny. Your first reply and you already made a joke.
[06.24 pm] You: I’m not joking, tho. You really should stop spamming me. I don’t know you anymore.
[06.25 pm] Shinsō: Oh? So you move on from me now, huh? Got a new friend or something? A boyfriend, maybe? Is that why you’re so cold towards me lately?
[06.26 pm] You: The hell are you talking about? I don’t have a boyfriend.
[06.27 pm] Shinsō: He can be from another school for all I know. Or maybe it’s Agoyamato. You do seem close with each other, after all.
[06.27 pm] You: Stop it.
[06.28 pm] Shinsō: Why? Are you scared because it’s the truth? Tell me, how long have you been dating him, huh? Since I transferred to the Hero course? Or is it longer than that?
Scowling, you refrained from breaking your phone out of sheer exasperation. This guy thought he could ruin your evening and interrogated you as if he was a disapproving parent or boyfriend. He really had changed for the worst, and you didn’t know whether you should be enraged or calmly confronted him about it. You weren’t sure if you had the courage and patience to do the latter, though. And yet, on the other hand, a sentimental part of you yearned for that forgotten connection and wished to solve things instead. You knew you were being childish with this whole silent treatment stuff, and why the result was counterproductive then your expectations.
If only there was a way for you to sever the ties without hurting you both. But the world hadn’t been kind to you, had it? First, his accession and now, his baseless suspicions over your imaginary relationship with a classmate.
When your mother said that high school time was ‘eye-opening’, you didn’t expect it to be like this. You thought you’d deal with the arbitrary romance or schoolwork, not handling conflict with your ex-friend.
[06.30 pm] You: We are not dating.
[06.30 pm] Shinsō: Oh, lying now, are we?
You groaned loudly. Why was he being so goddamn difficult?! What did you have to do to convince him that you weren’t and would never date Agoyamato? What did you have to say to knock some sense into that thick skull of his?
No, wait. Why did his opinion matter, anyway? It wasn’t your job to justify things to him, and it wasn’t his job to meddle with your affairs too.
Sighing, you gently massaged your throbbing temples and proceeded to end the conversation. Hopefully, once and for all.
[06.33 pm] You: You know what? I don’t care. I don’t care if you think I’m lying or not, because I already told you the truth. I’m tired and I want to sleep. Goodbye.
[06.34 pm] Shinsō: No, this conversation isn’t over yet. Not until I say so.
[06.37 pm] Shinsō: [Name]?
[06.40 pm] Shinsō: So you’re back to ignoring me again, huh? Very mature, [Name], very mature.
[07.00 pm] Shinsō: Look. I’m sorry, okay? I’m just… scared that you found another friend already. I know it sounds silly because you’ll never ditch me like that. But the truth is… I miss you. I miss you so much, [Name], you have no idea. So, please, text me back. You don’t have to speak to me at school, but please don’t ignore me here too. I’m lonely without you. If I could, I would’ve brought you to the Hero course too.
[07.05 pm] Shinsō: [Name]?
[07.10 pm] Shinsō: [Name], answer me NOW. I know you don’t sleep around this hour, so stop this childish game. It’s not funny.
[07.15 pm] Shinsō: Oh, fine! Do you want to keep ignoring me? Go ahead, but I hope you know that there’ll be consequences.
[07.15 pm] Shinsō: I will make you notice me again.
Frowning, you immediately shut off your phone and rolled to the other side of the bed. You ignored your mother’s call for dinner and squeezed your eyes shut, trying to dispel the last message from your mind. You refused to acknowledge the dread that crept to your chest or his tone of finality.
Nope, it was just your mind overanalyzing a simple and harmless text. There was nothing to be feared about tomorrow. Besides, what could he do to you that wouldn’t garner attention from the students anyway? That’s right, none. Because he was officially the student of Hero course, therefore, his movements would be more examined than other faculties.
He was the face of the school now, so there was nothing for you to be worried about.
That was what you tried to reassure yourself. Then again, the world hadn’t been kind to you ever since your abrupt separation with Shinsō.
It was as though you were doomed to be the bad end of the stick while he got the pleasant one.
“Wah, [Name], I didn’t know you’ve been dating Shinsō-kun!”
“Yeah, why didn’t you tell us? I thought we were friends, [Name]-chan!”
“Who confessed first? Him or you?”
“Are your feelings genuine or are you just dating him because he’s in the Hero course?”
“Man, I know this is late. But congratulation, [Last Name]-san! You’ve got yourself a keeper, you know?”
You clutched the doorframe, trying not to topple from the enthusiastic classmates that crowded you the moment your foot crossed the threshold of General Department class. What was this nonsense they were spouting on? You were dating Shinsō? Didn’t they know, or at least notice, that you no longer hung out with him and actively avoided his presence? You might not go around babbling about your problems to everyone, but you’d thought they could sense the tension that grew when Shinsō tried to confront you in front of the class a few weeks ago.
“W-what are you talking about? We’re not dating, I swear.”
“Oh, really?” A girl sneered and shoved her phone to your face. “Explain this, then.”
Bygone photos of you and Shinsō laughing and eating together burned your eyes more than the bright contrast. Your visage froze in a state of bewilderment and sullenness as she swiped the pictures rapidly and locked the device, barely giving you a chance to process with her challenging yet irritated stare. Overwhelmed with the silent questions that begged for your affirmation – not that they needed it, though, they just wanted to know if you’d be honest or deny it again – you took a step back and glanced over your shoulder.
Sensing your incidental look, Shinsō smirked and waved mockingly from his spot against the windows outside your classroom.
“Hello, girlfriend.” he mouthed.
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