#i miss legacy of rosemond hill ):
nova-rogue · 4 years
i want to play a good horse game so bad
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arctic-whisper · 3 years
Reviewing Old Horse Games: Conclusion (for now)
Man, I miss Adeline. So now, I’m going to put these in a numbered list with rankings and a verdict, so to speak, because that’s what you do on the internet.
Lucinda Green’s Equestrian Challenge (2006) ~ Graphics: 9/10 | Gameplay: 8/10 | Replayability: 5/10 | Horse customization: 9/10 | Would I recommend: Absolutely / 10
Legacy of Rosemond Hill (2000) ~ Graphics: 4/10 | Gameplay: 6/10 | Replayability: 5/10 | Horse Customization: 2/10 | Would I recommend: Yes, if you can look past the graphics / 10
Barbie Mystery Ride (2003)~ Graphics: 7/10 | Gameplay: 6/10 | Replayability: 7.5/10 | Horse customization: 7/10 | Would I recommend: If you’ve got a few hours to kill / 10
3 Day Eventing (I can’t find a release date)~ Graphics: 5/10 | Gameplay: 4/10 | Replayability: 3/10 | Horse customization: 0/10 Would I recommend: Only if you have the nostalgia or you see the charm / 10
Barbie Riding Club (1998) ~ Graphics 6/10 | Gameplay: 4/10 | Replayability | 4/10 | Horse customization: 4/10 | Would I recommend: Great for its target age / 10
Equestriad (2001) ~ Graphics: 2/10 | Gameplay: 3/10 | Replayability: Doesn’t really apply | Horse customization: 4/10 Would I recommend: Just play Lucinda Green’s / 10
Riding Star (1999)~ Graphics: 2/10 | Gameplay | 3/10 | Replayability: Hard to say | Horse customization: 0/10 | Would I recommend: Hell no / 10
Royal Horse Show (2003)~ Graphics: 5/10 | Gameplay: 2/10 | Replayability: 1/10 | Horse customization: 4/10 | Would I recommend: Literally only for toddlers who just learned how to use a mouse / 10
Detailed notes under the cut.
Lucinda Green’s was the closest that came to feeling like actually riding. Although the gameplay itself can be a bit repetitive, it’s still a good feeling gameplay. Horse animations are the best out here and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were motion captured. You can see that the most in the dressage.
Rosemond Hill is an unpolished potato but it’s definitely the best out of those around the time it was published. Biggest gripe is the invisible walls on the cross country course and the clipping that’s so bad you have to restart. Also, every time I wanted to save, I had to restart the game because it wouldn’t screenshot the save file properly, but I won’t hold that against it.
Barbie Mystery Ride is a fun afternoon. Cutscenes are skippable, puzzles are easy, and they’re fast. Biggest aspect of the replayability for me was making new saves to see what kind of winner’s circle prizes I’d get. If you’re not into that part, it’s still a good one-shot.
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